This document discusses the illusory nature of identifying with the body and mind, and encourages observing them as external objects to realize one's true nature as formless awareness or consciousness. It states that by stepping back from identification with thoughts and physical sensations, one can access a vast, peaceful, and blissful dimension of being that is the essence of who we are. Realizing this frees one from suffering and the illusion of being limited to the body and mind.
This document discusses the illusory nature of identifying with the body and mind, and encourages observing them as external objects to realize one's true nature as formless awareness or consciousness. It states that by stepping back from identification with thoughts and physical sensations, one can access a vast, peaceful, and blissful dimension of being that is the essence of who we are. Realizing this frees one from suffering and the illusion of being limited to the body and mind.
This document discusses the illusory nature of identifying with the body and mind, and encourages observing them as external objects to realize one's true nature as formless awareness or consciousness. It states that by stepping back from identification with thoughts and physical sensations, one can access a vast, peaceful, and blissful dimension of being that is the essence of who we are. Realizing this frees one from suffering and the illusion of being limited to the body and mind.
This document discusses the illusory nature of identifying with the body and mind, and encourages observing them as external objects to realize one's true nature as formless awareness or consciousness. It states that by stepping back from identification with thoughts and physical sensations, one can access a vast, peaceful, and blissful dimension of being that is the essence of who we are. Realizing this frees one from suffering and the illusion of being limited to the body and mind.
deeper than this superficial body mind. This dimension is the very essence of who you are, the real 'I'. We may call it Presence, Awareness, Being, and the unconditioned Consciousness.
Finding that dimension frees
you from the suffering of the body mind complex . If you can recognize the thoughts that go through your mind and just observe them with equinimity, if you can witness your own thought streams as they flow in and look at them as an external husk of something deeper, then that dimension is already emerging in you as the awareness in which thoughts streams hover above — the timeless inner space of Being. The illusion of body mind being you has an enormous momentum that easily drags you along with it. You consider it to be true. Every body or mind event matters so much to you that you react with full emotion to it. It draws your attention in completely. Either you want it to stop or prevent it from occuring or you want it to continue or bring it to reality. Each soul has its unique body mind complex . The question of Why this and not that is irrelevant. It does not matter what type of chains bind a man. What matters is to become free and freedom itself. The body mind complex is predetermined by the huge, immense, enormous web of cause and effect dating back to the beginning of time and space. The realm of consciousness is much vaster than thought can grasp. Step out of the illusion of body mind complex and see clearly that this is not who you are. Who are you? Are you the body? If this is true, then are you less you if you lost your finger? Hand? Leg? Hair? You will still be you until you lose life. Thus, you are Existence, Being. By being an observer of the body mind complex, you become aligned with the greater consciousness. You should awaken out of your unconscious illusion of body mind complex being you.
When Awareness is maximal,
it is infinite, bliss, being. When it becomes minimal, it is only aware of what the body mind presents. Knowing yourself as the awareness behind the body mind complex is the beginning of freedom. Your only free choice is to become free of the illusion of body mind. The only free choice a man has in this reality is to dive deep to his Being. You have a decision point every moment of time, to be carried away by the illusion of body mind or to keep still by observing with equinimity the body mind as an external object. By choosing to keep still and observe, you will notice an intelligence far greater than the mind. Feel the emotional attachment you have to the illusion of body mind complex and become aware of the compulsion to get carried away by it. Be there as the witness. You don’t have to do anything. With witnessing the body mind complex as an object awareness comes and with it transformation and freedom.
Learn to observe these thought
streams coming to your mind, the emotions that your body sense, the physical sensations. You begin to realize how much vaster and deeper you are than your body and mind. Your sense of Being becomes obscured by your illusion of the body mind being you. And so you forget your rootedness in Being, your divine reality, and lose yourself in the body mind. Confusion, anger, depression, anxiety, fear and conflict arise, because the body mind complex can not bring lasting joy and happiness, only suffering, forming a thick black veil over the inner Being. Take a step back from the body mind complex and rest in the Bliss of Being. You find peace by realizing who you are at the deepest level. Do not look for peace in body and mind, the ever- changing phenomenon. Things lose their heaviness, their seriousness. A playfulness comes into your life. You recognize this body mind complex as a cosmic dance, the dance of form in an endless web of cause and effect. No more and no less. When you know who you truly are, there is an abiding alive sense of peace. You could call it joy because that's what joy is, vibrantly alive peace. It is the joy of knowing yourself as the very life essence before body mind complex takes on forms. That is the joy of being, of being who you truly are. When you know yourself as that beyond the body mind complex it is a state of complete clarity of perception. When you perceive your body and mind as an object, you can then sense what it is that is perceiving, you become one with the Perceiver. The illusion of body mind complex being the subject leads to desires and aversions and thus fears, attractions and repulsions. Desire is the want to add something to yourself in order to feel yourself more fully. All fear is the fear of losing something, and thereby become diminished and be less. These two movements obscure the fact that nothing cannot be given or taken away from your true Self. Being in its fullness is already within you, now. When you learn to observe the body mind complex as an object, you will feel a sense of spaciousness within you that is deeply peaceful. Follow this path until you fully merge with the One. THE END