Fallout Factions Welcome To Nuka-World Quickstart 013124
Fallout Factions Welcome To Nuka-World Quickstart 013124
Fallout Factions Welcome To Nuka-World Quickstart 013124
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This document is designed to provide a gameplay demo for This demo will let you set up a basic scenario, and walk you
Fallout: Factions – Nuka-World, the action-packed two-player through a round of play. The aim isn’t to teach you all of the
tabletop miniatures game from Modiphius Entertainment. rules in detail, but rather to show you the basics and give you a
feel for the game, so you can start reading the rulebook armed
In the game, you and your opponent each command a number with a little context!
of detailed plastic miniatures, representing your crew of
hardened Wasteland warriors. You and your opponent will fight You can play through the demo with a friend, or you can take
over a three-dimensional battlefield, making tactical decisions the reins of both crews and switch back and forth each turn.
and relying on dice rolls to determine the outcome of your
attacks. Each time you play, you tell the next chapter of your
crew’s story, charting their journey from wide-eyed nobodies to
Nuka-Town royalty!
Once you’ve played the demo and read the rulebook, you’ll be
in a much better position to decide how you want your own
crews to be armed, and assemble your models accordingly.
The other player will take The Wolfpack, who aren’t so subtle.
They’re part of the Pack, a brutal and animalistic Raider
Faction that feels right at home in Nuka-World’s Safari
Adventure park. Husker, the crew’s Alpha, believes in a
potent mix of beastly cunning and raw aggression, and this
is reflected in the fighters that have gathered to his cause.
Once you’ve gathered the miniatures and Rosters for both crews, You will need a tape
you can start setting up to play. measure or ruler that’s
marked in inches ("). There’s
The first step is to define your Battlefield. This is the area one included in the starter
within which the game will take place. It’s normally a rectangle box, or you can pick one
measuring 24" (inches) by 36", but this demo only needs an area up from a hardware or
around 18" by 18". Mark the corners in some way so each player stationery store.
knows where the boundaries of the Battlefield are.
START IN TIP: Take Cover
When you’re setting up your models, try not to leave them out
18" in the open! It’s good to position them at the edges of buildings,
behind low walls or ruined vehicles, and in other positions
where they can duck into cover when the bullets start flying!
THE Finally, the Diamondbacks player takes the
PACK Initiative Token (shown to the right) and
THIS AREA places it in front of them. This shows that
they will be the first to take their Turn.
Once they’re done, the Wolfpack player does the same, but at the
opposite corner.
Weary Token
The first time a model takes Fatigue, a Fatigue
Token (shown to the right) is placed next to its
Base, with the Weary side showing. The next Eddie is armed with a Handmade Rifle, a rapid-firing weapon
time the model takes Fatigue, the Token is that’s good at keeping the enemies’ heads down. Let’s move him
flipped to its Exhausted side. An Exhausted into position, then open fire!
model can’t make any more Actions this Round.
Token First up, Eddie’s going to make a Get Moving Action. This is
the Action you’ll probably use more than any other, as it lets you
move your models around the Battlefield.
Tip: Action Economy When a model makes a Get Moving Action, you can move it up
to 8" in any direction. There are a few to bear in mind:
In other words, each model can make up to two Actions per
Round – but they don’t have to make both Actions at the same ★ The model can’t move within 1" of an Enemy model, unless it
time. As you’ll find out, there are other things that can cause a ends the move so that their Bases are touching.
model to take Fatigue, so it’s not always that straightforward… ★ In the full game, you can climb onto and over Terrain. For
now, just move around it.
★ You can break your move down into multiple shorter moves,
as long as the model doesn’t move more than 8" in total.
Whenever you play Fallout: Factions, each player has an Go ahead and move Eddie. Try to put him in a position so that
Objective – something they are trying to achieve. In this demo, he’s not near any Wolfpack models, but you can draw a clear line
both crews have the same simple Objective: hold the Objective from his head to any part of at least one of them. (If this isn’t
Token in the middle of the Battlefield. possible, there’s a chance you’ve got too much Terrain on your
Battlefield – remove a couple of pieces, then start again.)
At the end of each Round, each crew scores one point for each of
its models that is within 1" of the Objective Token (measure from After you’ve finished moving Eddie, his first Action is over.
the closest point of each model’s Base.) Use a pencil to keep track Remember, making an Action gives a model Fatigue, so place a
of the points each crew scores on its Roster. Weary Token next to his Base (as shown at the top of the next page).
After three Rounds, the game ends and the crew with the most If you want, you could end your Turn there, and let the
points is the winner! Wolfpack take a Turn with one of their models… but Eddie’s not
Exhausted yet. Let’s make another Action!
ACTION 2: OPEN FIRE carrying. Go ahead and take your pick. To keep things running
Each model’s row on the Crew Roster shows information about smoothly, don’t choose Husker; we’re saving him for the next
the weapon(s) it is carrying. In this demo, a model can make an step of the demo.
Open Fire Action as long as one of its weapons is a Pistol or
Rifle, as shown in the Type column. In the example shown here, Eddie can see Moon, Echo and Kiki,
even though he can’t see all of Moon or Echo. Any one of those
Sure enough, Eddie has a Rifle, so he’s free to open fire! (We can three could be chosen as a Target.
also see that it has a Range of 18", but we’ll worry more about
that later.) Viggo, on the other hand, is hugging some cover. Eddie can see a
corner of his Base, and the end of his Sledgehammer, but no part
Step One: Pick a Target of his actual body – which means he can’t be chosen as a Target.
Get down low and take a look from Eddie’s perspective – imagine
you’re looking (CLASS)his eyes.SWhich
NAME P Wolfpack
E C modelsI canA heLsee? ♥ WEAPON TYPE TEST TRAITS
You can pick a model to be your Target as long as Eddie can Handmade rifle Rifle (18”) 4P Fast
5 its Base
see any part of it, not counting 5 5or any
6 weapons
6 5 it’s 3 3
(Alpha) baseball Bat Melee 3S Wind up
4 4 4 3 4 4Viggo2 1 Sawn-off Shotgun Rifle (18”) 4P CQB, Storm (2)
(Scavver) PSYCHO
KiKi Echo
10mm Pistol
WASTER Pistol (10”) 4A CQB,
4 3 4 4 3 5 2 1
Moon (Psycho) baseball bat Melee 3S wind up
4 3 4 4 3 5 2 1 Sledgehammer Melee 4S Wind Up
3 3 3 4 3 3 1 1 Pistol revolver Pistol (12”) 4A AIm (+1), CQB
In the example shown here, Eddie can see Moon, Echo and Viggo, on the other hand, is hugging some cover. Eddie can see a
Kiki, even though he can’t see all of Moon or Echo. Any one of corner of his Base, and the end of his Sledgehammer, but no part
those three could be chosen as a Target. of his actual body – which means he can’t be chosen as a Target.
So, with that in mind, let’s resolve this Action, depending on how
many Hits you rolled. Read down this list, and resolve whichever
Finally, when you make an Attack Roll, you may be able to add one applies:
some Bonus Dice. These are additional standard dice that are
added beyond the standard size of the Dice Pool. ★ If you scored no Hits, Eddie fudged his shot. Maybe the sun
got in his eyes, maybe his Target ducked into cover at the last
If the Target you chose is Wide Open – that is, Eddie can see second, or maybe he’s just having a bad day.
every part of the model, not counting its Base or any weapons it’s
carrying – add a single Bonus Die. If not, your Pool stays at two ★ If you scored at least as many Hits as the Target
Luck Dice and two standard dice. model’s Endurance, they suffer an Injury, and they’re
Incapacitated. Pick the Target model up and remove it from
the board – it will play no further part in this battle. (If you’d
been shooting at Husker, there would have been another step,
but we’ll worry about that later.)
Okay, here we go. Pick up all of the dice in the Pool, and roll them! ★ If you scored fewer Hits than the Target
model’s Endurance, they take one Harm
Step Three: Count your Hits instead. To show this, take a 1 Harm Token
Because the Test Statistic was 4P, we’re going to compare the (shown to the right) and place it next to the
dice to Eddie’s Perception (P). (If it was 4A, we’d be comparing model’s Base. This will add a Bonus Die to
it to his Agility.) Looking at his entry on the Roster, we can see any subsequent attacks that target this model.
that he has a Perception of 4.
Whatever the outcome of the attack was, this Action is now over.
Go through the dice you rolled, one by one. Each die that scored Flip Eddie’s Weary Token to its Exhausted side, showing that
higher than 4 (so a 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10) is a Dud. Remove it from he can’t make any more Actions this Round.
the Pool. Each die that’s left is a Hit.
As Eddie’s all done, your Turn is over. It’s time for the Wolfpack
As an example, the image to the right Hit to retaliate
shows how the roll could go.
For each Luck Die that scored a Hit, take another standard die
and roll it. Set any Duds aside, and add any Hits to the Pool.
One Luck Die scored a Hit, so the player
rolls one more standard die. It scores a 2,
so they add it to the Pool, for a total of 3
can’t have an Exhausted Token, and they need to be within the Target. If neither of these are possible, you can end the Turn and
Active Model’s Control Area. come back to him later for another Action.
To measureNAME (CLASS)ControlSArea,
Husker’s P look E up C I A L
(C) on your Roster. You’ll see that it’s 6, meaning you can give
Movement Orders to any of your other models that are within Handmade rifle Rifle (18”) 4P Fast
5 5 5 6 6 5 3 3
6" of him before he moves. (As before, measure the distance baseball Bat Melee 3S Wind up
between the models’ Bases, to and from the closest points.)
♥ NAME (CLASS) S P4 E4 C4 I3 A4 L4 ♥2 1 If WEAPON
Sawn-off an Open Fire
makeShotgun TYPEAction, TEST
Rifle (18”)follow 4P TRAITS
the steps
CQB,from Eddie’s
Storm (2)
(Scavver) turn. Husker has a higher Luck value, so you’ll roll three Luck
Husker Handmade rifle
Dice and Rifle
one standard die(18”)
(or two, if4Pthe Target Fast
is Wide Open).
5 5 5 6 6 5 3 3
KiKi (Alpha)
baseball his
Bat Perception is Melee
Pistol 5, not 4, so(10”)
Pistol only
3S dice4Athat score
Wind a 6 or
4 3 4 4 3 5 2 1 higher will be removed as Duds.
(Psycho) baseball bat Melee 3S wind up
Each model that receives 4 Movement
4 4 3Orders 4 can 4 move
2 up1 to Sawn-off make a BrawlRifle
If youShotgun Action,
(18”)follow4Pthese steps instead:
CQB, Storm (2)
Viggo (Scavver)
8", as though they were making a Get Moving Action of their
4 3 4 4 3 5 2 1 Step
own. Then, each one takes Fatigue, so mark each one with a
One: Pick a Target
Melee 4S Wind Up
KiKi Token.
Weary 10mmJust like an Open Fire
Pistol (10”) a Brawl
Pistol 4A ActionCQB, needs a Target
4 3 4 4 3 5 2 1 model. In this case, it has to be an Enemy model that’s Engaged
Echo (Psycho) baseball bat Melee 3S wind up
Engagement 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 1 with
Pistol Husker, so this will
revolver really
choices.AIm (+1), CQB
Husker is pretty scary in a fight! If possible, use this Action
to get him Engaged with one of the Diamondbacks’ models. A Step Two: Roll the Dice Pool
4 3 4 4 3 5 2 1 Sledgehammer Melee
model is Engaged with another model when the edges of their Once again, it’s time for an Attack Test.
4S Wind Up
Bases are touching. (Remember, this is the only time you can
move a model within 1" of an Enemy.) Looking at the Test column on the Wolfpack Roster, we can see
3 3 3 4 3 3 1 1 Pistolthat Husker’s Baseball
revolver has “3S”,
Pistol Dice
4Aso the AIm Pool
(+1), CQBis made up
A model that’s Engaged can’t make Open Fire Actions, so
(Waster) of three dice – all of them Luck Dice, as Husker has a Luck (L)
this is a great way to tie up some of the Diamondbacks who of 3. Any dice that score higher than Husker’s Strength (S) are
are carrying Ranged weapons. Also, it’s good to Engage an Duds.
Enemy with more than one model at a time, as you’ll see in
the next Action.
Don’t roll yet, though. First, a couple of Bonus Dice are going to
extend the Pool.
Now that you’ve gathered your Pool, go ahead and roll it. JOE & THE DIAMONDBACKS
over – flip his Weary Token to its Exhausted side. This ends
your Turn. Back to the Diamondbacks!
If a weapon has the Fast Trait, a model can make two Open Fire
or Brawl Actions with it in the same Turn.
At any point, a player can decide to Pass instead of taking their Turn. UNENGAGED
The model targets a visible Enemy
They might have run out of things to do, or it may suit their strategy MODELS Open Fire
with a Ranged Attack.
to pass early. Once a player has Passed, they will not take any more
Turns in the Round; instead, the other crew takes any number of
The model takes a moment to
remaining Turns, one after the other, and then the Round ends. Patch Up
4 3 4 4 3 5 2 1 Sledgehammer Melee 4S Wind Up
3 3 3 4 3 3 1 1 Pipe revolver Pistol (12”) 4A AIm (+1), CQB
Viggo Echo
3 4 4 4 5 3 2 1 Handmade Rifle Rifle (18”) 4P Fast
Tina Marksman’s
3 4 4 4 5 3 2 1 Rifle (30”) 2p AIm (+3)
(Scavver) Handmade Rifle
Slick Rick
3 3 3 4 3 3 1 1 Handmade Rifle Rifle (18”) 4P Fast
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