Design-10 Mark (Answer From Chatgpt)
Design-10 Mark (Answer From Chatgpt)
Design-10 Mark (Answer From Chatgpt)
9. What is TSP problem? Solve the following TSP problem using branch and bound
method. .... 17
9. Write note on (a)
Problem reduction............................................. 18
11. (a) Write merge sort algorithm. (b) Apply Merge sort algorithm to sort the list
23, 42, 8, 56, 78, 33,21 in
order. ............................................................................
........................... 19
12. Describe the procedure used in solving job sequencing with deadlines problem. .
13. (a) Write DFS Algorithm. (b) Apply DFS algorithm on following graph from node
Show intermediate
steps .............................................................................
.................................... 22
15. Write note on (a)
1. Explain in detail merge sort Illustrate the algorithm with a numeric example.
Provide complete analysis of the same.
Merge Sort is a divide-and-conquer sorting algorithm that divides a list into
smaller sub-lists, sorts
those sub-lists, and then merges them to produce a sorted list. It is known for its
stability and
guaranteed O(n log n) time complexity, making it an efficient choice for large
datasets. Let's go
through the algorithm in detail, illustrate it with a numeric example, and provide
a complete analysis.
Merge Sort Algorithm:
1. Divide: The unsorted list is divided into two halves, ideally of equal size.
This process
continues recursively until each sub-list has only one element.
2. Conquer: The individual sub-lists are sorted. This is typically done by
recursively applying the
merge sort algorithm to each of the sub-lists.
3. Combine (Merge): The sorted sub-lists are merged to produce a new sorted list.
During this
merging process, elements from the sub-lists are compared, and they are merged in
ascending order.
Numeric Example:
Let's use a numeric example to illustrate merge sort with the unsorted list: [38,
27, 43, 3, 9, 82, 10].
Step 1 (Divide):
We repeatedly divide the list into two halves until each sublist contains only one
Step 2 (Conquer):
Now, we sort each of these sublists. The recursive sorting process is not shown
explicitly, but it
involves further dividing and sorting these sublists until they contain only one
element. We'll denote
the sorted sublists with "S."
Step 3 (Combine - Merge):
We merge the sorted sublists to create a new sorted list, which involves comparing
elements from
two sublists and arranging them in ascending order:
The final sorted list is [3, 9, 10, 27, 38, 43, 82].
Complete Analysis:
Time Complexity: Merge sort has a time complexity of O(n log n) in the worst,
average, and
best cases. This makes it efficient for sorting large datasets.
2. What is the solution generated by function Job Sequencing algorithm when n=6
(P1...p6) = (3,
5, 20,18, 1, 6) and (d1...d6) = (1, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1).
The Job Sequencing Problem is a combinatorial optimization problem where you are
given a set of
jobs with associated profits and deadlines, and the goal is to find the sequence of
jobs to maximize
the total profit, subject to the constraint that each job must be completed within
its deadline.
In your case, you have:
The algorithm for solving this problem is typically a greedy approach where you
sort the jobs in
decreasing order of profit and then consider each job to determine if it can be
added to the sequence
without violating the deadline constraints.
Here's the solution for your specific case:
The final sequence of jobs that maximizes profit without violating any deadlines is
(P6, P5, P1, P2),
with a total profit of 53.
3. Compare BFS and DES algorithm with an example graph and derive their time
It seems there may be a typo in your question. I assume you meant to compare "BFS"
Search) and "DFS" (Depth-First Search) algorithms, not "DES." Let's compare BFS and
DFS with an
example graph and derive their time complexities.
Breadth-First Search (BFS):
BFS is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures. It
explores all the vertices
at the current level before moving to the next level. It's typically implemented
using a queue data
Here's an example graph:
BFS explores vertices level by level and is often used to find the shortest path in
graphs. It has a time complexity of O(V + E).
DFS explores as far as possible along a branch before backtracking and is often
used to detect
cycles in a graph or to explore paths deeply. It also has a time complexity of O(V
+ E).
The choice between BFS and DFS depends on the specific problem you are trying to
solve and the
characteristics of the graph.
4. Write the backtracking algorithm for the sum of subsets problem using the state
space tree Corresponding to m = 35, w = (20, 18,15, 12, 10, 7, 5).
Apply Merge sort algorithm to sort the list 45, 23, 42,
12. Describe the procedure used in solving job sequencing with deadlines problem.
The Job Sequencing with Deadlines (JSD) problem is a classic optimization problem
in combinatorial
optimization. In this problem, there are a set of jobs, each with a deadline and a
profit, and the goal is
to find the sequence of jobs to maximize the total profit, while respecting the job
deadlines. The
procedures for solving the JSD problem can be summarized as follows:
Procedure for Solving the Job Sequencing with Deadlines Problem:
1. Input the Problem: Gather information about the jobs, including their names (job
associated profits, and deadlines. Each job should be characterized by a unique
identifier, a
profit value, and a deadline.
2. Sort the Jobs by Profit: Sort the jobs in descending order of their profits.
This step ensures
that you consider the most profitable jobs first during the sequencing process.
3. Create a Schedule and Initialize it: Initialize an empty schedule to store the
final sequence of
jobs. Also, create a Boolean array to keep track of whether a deadline slot is
4. Iterate Through the Sorted Jobs:
• For each job in the sorted list:
• Check the job's deadline and find the latest available slot in the schedule that
is earlier than or equal to the job's deadline. This slot should be empty (i.e.,
not occupied by any other job).
• If you find a suitable slot, place the job in that slot in the schedule, mark the
slot as occupied in the Boolean array, and add the job's profit to the total
5. Output the Result:
• After processing all the jobs, the schedule should contain a sequence of jobs
maximizes the total profit without violating any deadlines.
• Output the schedule, which represents the optimal job sequencing.
Key Considerations:
If there are more jobs than available slots for a given deadline, you may need to
decisions about which jobs to exclude or adjust their sequence to meet the
This approach works when the number of slots is equal to the maximum deadline among
jobs. If the number of available slots is less than the maximum deadline, you may
need to use
a modified approach that considers penalties for exceeding deadlines or select a
subset of
In cases where all jobs have the same deadline, you can choose any suitable
sequencing that
maximizes profit. However, when deadlines vary, you must be careful to avoid
individual job deadlines.
suitable example
Dijkstra's Algorithm is a widely used graph search algorithm that solves the
single-source shortest
path problem for a graph with non-negative edge weights. The algorithm finds the
shortest path from
a given source vertex to all other vertices in the graph. It works well for graphs
with weighted,
directed or undirected edges, and it does not work with graphs containing negative
edge weights or
Here's an explanation of Dijkstra's algorithm using a suitable example:
Example Graph:
Let's consider a simple directed graph with six vertices and their associated edge
weights, starting
from a source vertex S:
15. Write note on (a)
Efficiency: Divide and Conquer can lead to efficient algorithms, especially for
problems with a
natural recursive structure, where dividing the problem significantly reduces its
17. State and explain tree vertex splitting problem using greedy technique.
Continue this process of selecting vertices, placing them in either set A or B, and
minimizing the increase in cost until the desired number of vertices k is reached
each set.
4. Optimization:
• The greedy approach may not always produce the optimal solution, but it aims to
produce a locally optimal result at each step.
• The choice of the initial vertex can influence the outcome, and different
points may lead to different solutions.
5. Output:
• The output of the algorithm is the two disjoint sets A and B, with the number of
vertices in each set as close as possible to k, and the total weight of the edges
connecting A and B minimized.
Consider the following tree:
20. Draw a comparison tree for three-element insertion sort or selection sort and
Find the number of key comparisons in the worst case.
Let's start by drawing a comparison tree for the three-element insertion sort or
selection sort. We'll
consider the worst-case scenario for both algorithms, which will help us understand
the structure of
the comparison tree and determine the number of key comparisons.
Three-Element Insertion Sort:
Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm that works well for small input sizes.
In the worst case, it
involves comparing each element with all previous elements. For a three-element
insertion sort, the
comparison tree might look like this: