Paper Monetaria
Paper Monetaria
Paper Monetaria
he world's central bankers and their staffs meet regularly, in venues from
Basle to Washington, to share ideas and discuss common problems. Per-
haps these frequent meetings help explain why changes in the tactics and
strategy of monetary policymaking—such as the adoption of money growth targets
in the 1970s, the intensification of efforts to reduce inflation in the 1980s, and the
recent push for increased institutional independence for central banks—tend to
occur in many countries more or less simultaneously. Whatever their source, major
changes in the theory and practice of central banking are of great importance, for
both individual countries and the international economy. In this article, we discuss
a new strategy for monetary policy known as ''inflation targeting," which has
sparked much interest and debate among central bankers and monetary economists
in recent years. This approach is characterized, as the name suggests, by the an-
nouncement of official target ranges for the inflation rate at one or more horizons,
and by explicit acknowledgment that low and stable inflation is the overriding goal
of monetary policy. Other important features of inflation targeting include in-
creased communication with the public about the plans and objectives of the mon-
etary policymakers, and, in many cases, increased accountability of the central bank
for attaining those objectives.
• Ben S. Bernanke is Class of 1926 Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Princeton
University, Princeton, New Jersey, and Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic
Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Frederic S. Mishkin is Executive Vice President and
Director of Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York, New York, and
Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
He is on leave from his position as the A. Barton Hepburn Professor of Economics and Finance,
Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, New York, New York.
98 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Although every country that has adopted inflation targeting has customized
the approach in various ways, certain empirical generalizations about this strategy
can be made.
The hallmark of inflation targeting is the announcement by the government,
the central bank, or some combination of the two that in the future the central
bank will strive to hold inflation at or near some numerically specified level. As can
be seen in Table 1, inflation targets are more often than not specified as ranges—
Detailed analyses of experiences with inflation targeting can be found in Goodhart and Vinals (1994),
Leiderman and Svensson (1995), Haldane (1995) and McCallum (1996), among others.
King (1996) adopts a similar view.
Ben S. Bernanke and Frederic S. Mishkin 99
Table 1
Operational Aspects of Inflation Targets
for example, 1–3 percent—rather than single numbers, and they are typically es-
tablished for multiple horizons ranging from one to four years. However, there are
exceptions to both observations; indeed, Germany, with the longest experience with
inflation-focused monetary policy, specifies its implicit inflation target as a point
and only for a one-year horizon. Initial announcements of inflation targeting gen-
erally allow for a gradual transition from the current level of inflation to a desired
steady-state level, usually the level deemed consistent with price stability. "Price
stability" never in practice means literally zero inflation, however, but usually some-
thing closer to a 2 percent annual rate of price change, for reasons we discuss later.
There is a lively debate over whether targeting should be of the inflation rate
per se or of the price level. Of course, a targeted price level need not remain
constant indefinitely, but could be allowed to drift upward in a predetermined way
over time (Goodhart and Vinals, 1994; Svensson, 1996). The relative disadvantage
of targeting the inflation rate is that unanticipated shocks to the price level may be
100 Journal of Economic Perspectives
treated as bygones and never offset; as a result, forecasts of the price level at long
horizons might have a large variance under inflation targeting, which presumably
impedes private-sector planning.3 On the other hand, strict price-level targeting
requires that overshoots or undershoots of the target be fully made up, which re-
duces the variance of long-run forecasts of prices but could impart significantly
more volatility into monetary policy in the short run.4 In practice, central banks
tend to compensate partially for target misses, particularly at shorter horizons.
Associated with the announcement of inflation targets there is usually some
statement to the effect that control of inflation is the "primary" or "overriding"
goal of monetary policy and that the central bank will be held accountable for
meeting the inflation targets. For example, Section 8 of the Reserve Bank of New
Zealand Act of 1989 assigns the central bank the statutory responsibility "to for-
mulate and implement monetary policy directed to the economic objective of
achieving and maintaining stability in the general level of prices," with no mention
of competing goals. Section 9 of the act requires the Minister of Finance and the
Governor of the Reserve Bank to negotiate and make public a Policy Targets Agree-
ment (PTA), setting out specific inflation targets. In other countries, such as Swit-
zerland, Canada and the United Kingdom, the inflation goal is embodied in public
statements by the central bank rather than mandated by law.
The rationale for treating inflation as the primary goal of monetary policy is
clearly strongest when medium- to long-term horizons are considered, as most econ-
omists agree that monetary policy can affect real quantities, such as output and
employment, only in the short run. Of course, some economists of new classical or
monetarist persuasions might claim that inflation should be the sole concern of
monetary policy in the short run as well, arguing that using monetary policy for
short-run stabilization of the real economy is undesirable, infeasible, or both. How-
ever, in practice no central bank has of yet completely forsworn the use of monetary
policy for short-run stabilization, and so the phraseology "primary" or "overriding"
must be taken to refer to the longer term.
The degree to which the central bank is held formally accountable for inflation
outcomes varies considerably. The New Zealand law links the tenure of the governor
of the Reserve Bank to the achieving of the inflation targets, and thus comes closest
to providing an explicit "incentive contract," as proposed by Persson and Tabellini
(1993) and Walsh (1995).5 In other countries, no explicit sanctions on the central
bank for missing the target are given; presumably, however, missing the target badly
would impose implicit institutional or personal costs in terms of lost reputation or
prestige. It is rather early in many of the inflation-targeting experiments to judge
Technically, ensuring only that the inflation rate is stationary may leave a unit root in the price level,
so that the forecast variance of the price level grows without bound. This problem is analogous to the
issue of "base drift" in the literature on money-growth targeting.
However, Svensson (1996) gives examples in which price-level targeting actually reduces the volatility
of output.
Svensson (1997b) relates inflation targeting to the contracting approach.
Inflation Targeting: A New Framework for Monetary Policy? 101
the extent to which the prospective penalties for missing announced targets will
constrain central bank behavior.
Despite the language referring to inflation control as the primary objective of
monetary policy, as we have said, inflation-targeting central banks always make room
for short-run stabilization objectives, particularly with respect to output and
exchange rates.6 This accommodation of short-run stabilization goals is accom-
plished through several means. First, the price index on which the official inflation
targets are based is often denned to exclude or down-weight the effects of "supply
shocks;" for example, the officially targeted price index may exclude some com-
bination of food and energy prices, indirect tax changes, terms-of-trade shocks, and
the direct effects of interest rate changes on the index (for example, through im-
puted rental costs). Second, as already noted, inflation targets are typically specified
as a range; the use of ranges generally reflect not only uncertainty about the link
between policy levers and inflation outcomes but is also intended to allow the cen-
tral bank some flexibility in the short run. Third, short-term inflation targets can
and have been adjusted to accommodate supply shocks or other exogenous changes
in the inflation rate outside the central bank's control. A model here is the Deutsche
Bundesbank's practice of stating its short-term (one-year) inflation projection as
the level of "unavoidable inflation." In the aftermath of the 1979 oil shock, for
example, the Bundesbank announced the "unavoidable" inflation rate to be
4 percent, then moved its target gradually down to 2 percent over a six-year period.
In other cases, the central bank or government makes explicit an "escape clause,"
which permits the inflation target to be suspended or modified in the face of certain
adverse economic developments.
In making inflation, a goal variable, the focus of monetary policy, the inflation-
targeting strategy in most cases significantly reduces the role of formal intermediate
targets, such as the exchange rate or money growth. To the extent that intermediate
targets are used, it is emphasized that the inflation goal takes precedence in case
of conflict. Unconditional commitment to an intermediate target is of course in-
consistent with inflation targeting (except in the unusual case that the intermediate
target effectively summarizes all current information about inflation at the forecast
horizon). The fact that in most countries the relation between intermediate targets,
such as money growth, and the central bank's goal variables has proven to be rel-
atively unreliable—the so-called "velocity instability" problem—is a major moti-
vation for dropping formal intermediate targets and instead attempting to target
the goal variable directly.
On the other hand, since targeting inflation directly requires that the central
bank form forecasts of the likely path of prices, close attention is typically paid to
a variety of indicators that have shown predictive power for inflation in the past.
For example, as an aid to inflation forecasting, monetary policymakers in Canada
Another short-run objective that is almost always retained by inflation-targeting central banks is the
maintenance of financial stability. For example, see Mishkin (forthcoming).
102 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Users of the monetary conditions index would probably argue that treating the MCI simply as a fore-
casting variable is oversimple; they tend to view the MCI more specifically as a measure of how overall
monetary conditions are affecting aggregate demand and thus as a potential guide to policy actions. See
Freedman (1994) for further discussion.
Debelle and Fischer (1994) make the useful distinction between goal independence and instrument
independence for the central bank. Goal independence implies the unilateral ability of the central bank
to set its inflation targets and other goals, while instrument independence means that, although goals
may be set by the government or by the government in consultation with the central bank, the central
bank is solely responsible for choosing the instrument settings (for example, the level of short-term
interest rates) necessary to achieve those goals. Instrument independence would seem to be the form
of independence that maximizes central bank accountability and minimizes opportunistic political in-
terference, while still leaving the ultimate goals of policy to be determined by democratic processes.
Ben S. Bernanke and Frederic S. Mishkin 103
apply to countries adopting this approach within the last eight years or so; as noted
in the introduction, these include Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand,
Sweden, Australia, Finland, Spain and Israel. Germany and Switzerland, which have
conducted inflation-focused monetary policies since the mid-1970s, are better
viewed as "hybrid" cases, which meet some but not all of the above criteria. These
two countries differ from the " p u r e " inflation targeters primarily in their greater
focus on money growth as an intermediate target, and indeed, the Bundesbank has
emphasized the superiority (in their view) of money targeting as a means of insuring
monetary discipline and transparency (for example, Deutsche Bundesbank, 1995,
pp. 67–8). In fact, many observers (including ourselves) would argue that the dis-
tinction between inflation and money targeting is overstated and that monetary
policies in both countries are driven in the medium and long term primarily by
inflation goals. For example, the Bundesbank's money growth targets are derived,
using the quantity equation, to be consistent with an annual inflation target, given
projections of the growth of potential output and of possible changes in the velocity
of money. This inflation target, in turn, has been brought down steadily over time
and has remained at 2 percent—the level deemed consistent by the Bundesbank
with price stability—since 1986. Further, the Bundesbank has shown itself quite
willing to miss its money targets when pursuing these targets threatens to conflict
with the control of inflation (von Hagen, 1995; Bernanke and Mihov, 1997).
All in all, the philosophy guiding German and Swiss monetary policies seems
relatively consistent with the one motivating the self-declared inflation targeters.
The main practical difference between the two sets of countries is that the Germans
and Swiss believe that the velocity of money has been relatively more stable in their
countries, and so they view money-growth targeting as a useful tool for implement-
ing their inflation objectives. It is also true that Germany and Switzerland have been
less explicit in stating their inflation targets; neither central bank publishes a reg-
ular inflation report per se. But this distinction seems relatively unimportant; infla-
tion developments receive prominent attention in the regular publications of both
banks. Moreover, there may be less need for public declarations given the long-
standing commitment of the Bundesbank and Swiss National Bank—and the pop-
ular support for that commitment—to price stability. The examples of Germany
and Switzerland are important because, unlike the other countries mentioned,
these two countries have been following their monetary policy strategies fairly con-
sistently for more than two decades, rather than for only a few years; thus, their
experiences may provide researchers attempting to assess the value of inflation-
focused monetary policy with useful information.
"nominal anchor" for monetary policy, a way of reassuring the public that mone-
tary policy would remain disciplined. The demise of a fixed-exchange-rate regime
similarly motivated the adoption of a money-focused approach by Germany in the
mid-1970s. Some countries, such as Canada, came to inflation targeting after un-
successful attempts to use a money-targeting approach. For example, in the case of
Canada, by 1980 inflation was as high as it was in 1975 (10 percent per year) despite
adherence to monetary targets that led to lower money growth rates (Howitt, 1993).
In other cases, countries that by tight monetary policies had succeeded in reducing
their core rate of inflation adopted inflation targeting as an institutional means of
locking in their inflation gains.
Developments in macroeconomic theory also played some role in the growing
popularity of the inflation targeting approach. These familiar developments in-
cluded reduced confidence in activist, countercyclical monetary policy; the wide-
spread acceptance of the view that there is no long-run tradeoff between output
(or unemployment) and inflation, so that monetary policy affects only prices in the
long run; theoretical arguments for the value of precommitment and credibility in
monetary policy (Kydland and Prescott, 1977; Calvo, 1978; Barro and Gordon,
1983); and an increasing acceptance of the proposition that low inflation promotes
long-run economic growth and efficiency.
Unfortunately, the interpretation of inflation targeting in terms of some long-
standing debates in monetary economics has also been the source of confusion.
For many years the principal debate about the best approach for monetary policy
was framed as an opposition between two polar strategies, termed "rules" and
"discretion." Advocates of rules—such as the fixed rule for money growth pro-
posed by Milton Friedman, or a gold standard—argued that "tying the hands" of
policymakers will prevent the monetary authorities from implementing counter-
productive attempts at short-run stabilization and will thus eliminate the inflation-
ary bias inherent in discretionary monetary policy. Supporters of discretionary
policymaking—under which the central bank is left free to "do the right thing" as
economic conditions evolve—stress the inability of ironclad rules to deal with un-
foreseen shocks or changes in the structure of the economy.
For various reasons, including the rhetoric of some of its proponents, inflation
targeting is sometimes interpreted as falling on the "rule" side of this traditional
dichotomy (for example, Friedman and Kuttner, 1996). We view this characteriza-
tion of inflation targeting as a mistake; indeed, we would go farther and say that
the traditional dichotomy of monetary policy strategies into rules and discretion is
itself misleading. In particular, some useful policy strategies are "rule-like," in that
by their forward-looking nature they constrain central banks from systematically
engaging in policies with undesirable long-run consequences; but which also allow
some discretion for dealing with unforeseen or unusual circumstances. These hy-
brid or intermediate approaches may be said to subject the central bank to "con-
strained discretion." We argue below that inflation targeting should be viewed in
this way, rather than as a rigid policy rule.
If inflation targeting is interpreted as a rule in the classic Friedman sense, then
Inflation Targeting: A New Framework for Monetary Policy? 105
targets, central bankers have in practice left themselves considerable scope to re-
spond to current unemployment conditions, exchange rates and other short-run
The 1989 reform of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, for example, is often
held up as an example of the rule-making impulse. It is important to note that New
Zealand is the most extreme of all the inflation-targeting countries in its use of
formal institutional constraints on policy. Even so, the New Zealand law does pro-
vide the central bank some discretion and flexibility; for example, the target infla-
tion series excludes movements in commodity prices; the target may be readjusted
if necessary in the judgment of the bank in response to supply or terms-of-trade
shocks; the inflation target is specified as a 3 percentage point range rather than
as a single number; and there is an explicit escape clause that permits amending
the target in the face of unexpected developments. In practice, inflation targeting
in New Zealand has been implemented even more flexibly. Inflation was brought
down to its current low level only gradually; and when inflation moved briefly above
the target range in 1996, the Parliament did not seriously consider its option of
replacing the governor of the central bank.
If inflation targeting is not a rule in the way this term is usually understood,
then what is it, and what good is it? We believe that it is most fruitful to think of
inflation targeting not as a rule, but as a framework for monetary policy within
which "constrained discretion" can be exercised. This framework has the potential
to serve two important functions: improving communication between policymakers
and the public, and providing increased discipline and accountability for monetary
In terms of communication, the announcement of inflation targets clarifies
the central bank's intentions for the markets and for the general public, reducing
uncertainty about the future course of inflation. (Of course, this assumes that the
announcements are believable and believed; more on this later.) Arguably, many
of the costs of inflation arise from its uncertainty or variability more than from its
level. Uncertain inflation complicates long-term saving and investment decisions,
exacerbates relative price volatility, and increases the riskiness of nominal financial
and wage contracts. Uncertainty about central bank intentions may also induce
volatility in financial markets—a common phenomenon in the United States, where
stock market analysts parse every sentence uttered by the Fed chairman in search
of hidden meanings. Inflation targets offer transparency of policy; they make ex-
plicit the central bank's policy intentions in a way that should improve private-sector
planning, enhance the possibility of public debate about the direction of monetary
policy, and increase central bank accountability. Transparency has been claimed as
a positive feature of other policy strategies, such as money-growth targeting, but we
doubt that concepts like the growth rates of particular money aggregates are nearly
so understandable to the general public as is the predicted rate of change of con-
sumer prices.
To see the practical advantage of policy transparency, consider the familiar
scenario in which an upcoming election or a slow economic recovery induces the
Ben S. Bernanke and Frederic S. Mishkin 107
McCallum (1997) argues that the central bank can simply choose not to behave myopically, and the
public's expectations will come to reflect this more farsighted behavior. He also points out, however,
that to the extent time inconsistency is a problem, it will affect the government as well as the central
bank; we agree, as we discuss below.
Inflation Targeting: A New Framework for Monetary Policy? 109
sies remain around inflation targeting, even when interpreted in the way that we
prefer. Let us consider a few of these.
Studies that attempt to overcome these problems include Lebow, Roberts and Stockton (1992) and
Barro (1995).
110 Journal of Economic Perspectives
be. It seems clear that an inflation target of zero or near zero is not desirable,
for several reasons. First, much recent research suggests that official CPI infla-
tion rates tend to overstate the true rate of inflation, due to various problems
such as substitution bias in the fixed-weight index and failure to account ade-
quately for quality change. Studies for the United States have estimated this
overstatement of inflation to be in the range of 0.5 to 2.0 percentage points per
year.11 Thus, as a practical matter, even if the central bank chooses to pursue a
zero rate of true inflation, the target for the measured inflation rate should be
greater than zero.
Putting aside measurement issues, there are other risks of setting the inflation
target too low. In a much discussed recent article, Akerlof, Dickens and Perry (1996)
point out that if nominal wages are rigid downward (a possibility that they argue is
consistent with the evidence), then reductions in real wages can occur only through
inflation in the general price level. Very low inflation therefore effectively reduces
real-wage flexibility and hence may worsen the allocative efficiency of the labor
market; indeed, the authors perform simulations suggesting that inflation rates near
zero would permanendy increase the natural rate of unemployment. 12 Another
danger of setting the inflation target too low is that there is a greater chance that
the economy will be tipped into deflation, with the true price level actually falling—
as may have happened during the recent recession in Japan. As pointed out in the
literature on financial crises, persistent deflation—particularly if unanticipated—
can create serious problems for the financial system, interfering with its normal
functioning and precipitating an economic contraction (Bernanke and James,
1991; Mishkin, 1991).
These risks suggest that the inflation target, even when corrected for mea-
surement error, should be set above zero, as has been the practice of all inflation-
targeting countries to date. Indeed, a potentially important advantage of infla-
tion targeting is that it provides not only a ceiling for the inflation rate, but also
a floor. Inflation targeting thus acts to attenuate the effects of negative, as well
as positive, shocks to aggregate demand. An interesting historical example is
that of Sweden in the 1930s, which adopted a "norm of price stabilization" after
leaving the gold standard in 1931. As a result, Sweden did not undergo the
devastating deflation experienced by other countries during the Great Depres-
sion (Jonung, 1979).
This bias was the subject of an official report to the Senate Finance Committee, the so-called Boskin
report (Boskin et al., 1996). See also Moulton (1996) and Shapiro and Wilcox (1997).
The force of this argument should not be overstated. First, the inflation rates which Akerlof, Dickens
and Perry (1996) argue would significantly affect the natural rate of unemployment are really quite low,
for example, measured rates (as opposed to "true" rates) of inflation of 2 percent per annum or less.
Second, their simulation studies do not take into account forces that may work in the opposite direction:
for example, Groshen and Schweitzer (1996) point out that high and variable inflation rates may increase
the "noise" in relative wages, reducing the efficiency of the process by which workers are allocated across
industries and occupations; thus higher inflation can represent sand as well as grease in the wheels of
the labor market.
Ben S. Bernanke and Frederic S. Mishkin 111
In characterizing the forecast of inflation as the intermediate target, Svensson (1997a) is careful to
define "forecast" to mean the forecast derived internally by the central bank using its structural model
of the economy. An intriguing alternative would be to try to "target" private-sector forecasts of inflation,
that is, set short-run policy instruments so that private-sector forecasts of inflation equal the announced
112 Journal of Economic Perspectives
When the credibility of the central bank is at issue, the problem of whether to
target inflation directly or to rely on an intermediate target becomes more complex.
By Svensson's argument, use of the intermediate target must increase the variance
of the goal variable, which is a cost of the intermediate targeting approach; the
benefit, however, is that by hitting its announced target for the intermediate vari-
able, the central bank can demonstrate the seriousness of its intentions to the public
more quickly and reliably (Cukierman, 1995; Laubach, 1996). If credibility building
is an important objective of the central bank, and if there exists an intermediate
target variable—such as a monetary aggregate—that is well controlled by the cen-
tral bank, observed and understood by the public and the financial markets, and
strongly and reliably related to the ultimate goal variable, then targeting the inter-
mediate variable may be the preferred strategy. All of these are big "ifs," particu-
larly the last one. However, this analysis may help to explain the continued use of
money-growth targets by Germany and Switzerland, where financial institutions and
hence velocity have evolved rather slowly, while countries such as the United King-
dom, with a history of unstable velocity, have opted for targeting inflation directly.
target. Unfortunately, as shown by Woodford (1994) and Bernanke and Woodford (1996), such a policy
is usually not consistent with the existence of a unique rational expectations equilibrium. However,
Bernanke and Woodford also show that, while targeting private-sector forecasts is not a good idea, private-
sector forecasts can typically be combined with the central bank's own information to improve the
efficiency of its operating procedure. Further, private-sector forecasts that the public observes to be close
to the central bank's official targets may help to provide some validation of the bank's internal procedures
for forecasting and controlling inflation.
Hall and Mankiw (1994) point out, however, that the equal weighting of real output growth and
inflation implied by a nominal GDP targeting is not necessarily the optimal one; in general, the relative
weight put on the two goal variables should reflect social preferences.
Inflation Targeting: A New Framework for Monetary Policy? 113
be in place to provide guidance when the next difficult decisions about monetary
policy have to be made.
It is too early to offer a final judgment on whether inflation targeting will prove
to be a fad or a trend. However, our preliminary assessment is that this approach—
when construed as a framework for making monetary policy, rather than as a rigid
rule—has a number of advantages, including more transparent and coherent pol-
icymaking, increased accountability, and greater attention to long-run considera-
tions in day-to-day policy debates and decisions.
• We thank Alan Blinder, Brad De Long, Mervyn King, Don Kohn, Alan Krueger, Ben-
nett McCallum, Michael Peytrignet, Adam Posen, Georg Rich, Julio Rotemberg, Lars
Svensson and Timothy Taylorfor their helpful comments. Any opinions expressed are those
of the authors and not those of Princeton University, Columbia University, the National
Bureau of Economic Research, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or the Federal Reserve
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