The Alien Question (An Expanded Perspective)
The Alien Question (An Expanded Perspective)
The Alien Question (An Expanded Perspective)
Addressed to
The Arlington Institute
The British UFO Research Association
The Brookings Institution
The Center For The Study Of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee
The Fund For UFO Research
J. Allen Hynek Center For UFO Studies
The Human Potential Foundation
Institut des Hautes Etudes de Defense Nationale
The International Association For New Science
The McClendon Study Group
The Mutual UFO Network
The National Institute For Discovery Science
The National UFO Reporting Center
Operation Right To Know
Paradigm Research
Program for Extraordinary Experience Research
Stargate International
Skywatch International
Neil Freer
Author: Breaking the Godspell
God Games: What Do You Do Forever?
For the most part, UFO researchers try to deal with the micro, they are
event oriented. That is important, but someone also needs to be looking
broadly, excluding nothing.
C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D Human Potential Foundation
The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure
uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities,
that makes it seem inconceivable that other ways are viable, that removes
the sense that there is an outside.
Allan Bloom 1 / 18
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look to the three classic criteria bases, theology, philosophy and science
which are themselves brought into question by it: Is it possible to arrive at
a new world view which corrects, completes and subsumes all our previous
worldviews? Explains all our previous explanations? The answer is,
unequivocally, Y es. But Kuhn, who examined the nature of scientific
revolutions is painfully correct. W e almost have to wait for the older
generation to die off rather than see an orderly and rational transition to a
new paradigm. Those with vested, academic teaching or scientific
reputations or religious, political or economic interests are not going to
acquiesce easily or at all. W e operate far behind the evolutionary leading
edge in this regard because of this inertia.
The Status Quo Of The HH (Human History) Sitchin Paradigm Of Our Own
Half-Alien Species History
The Sumerian scholar, Zecharia Sitchin, published his first work in 1976.
From his knowledge of Sumerian, the Semitic and other ancient languages
and his research and study of the archaeological and Biblical data acquired
over the last one hundred and fifty years he put forth his thesis that the
transcultural gods known to all the ancient cultures were not mythological
but real flesh and blood humanoid aliens, very much like humans, who had
come here from the tenth planet in our solar system, Planet X in the popular
press, called Nibiru by the Sumerians. They subsequently genetically
engineered our species, originally as slave animals to work in their gold
mines, by crossing their genes with those of Homo Erectus.
The Historical Background Necessary For An Understanding of Sitchin’s
An introductory note: Consider a typical reaction to this analysis: what is
said here by this author has been presented as carefully and reasonably as
possible. However, by the very fact of it being an analysis of our history
and, almost incidentally, religion, it will often first be perceived as the
breaking of a taboo, perhaps a suspect attack, perhaps atheistic, or
somehow less than “American” in its spirit, perhaps even “against God” --
even though the evidence brought is no different in kind than that brought
against the UFOA conspiracy and, perhaps, is even more robust. The
godspell is the deepest dye in the fabric of our culture.
There was literally no such thing as the discipline known as Archaeology
in W estern culture until the 1800’s. The Roman Church controlled and
determined the view of the past. Bishop Usher’s view, that the entire
planet and life on it as described in Genesis came into existence through
the auspices of a cosmic creator in 4004 B.C., was doctrine and one could be
branded a heretic for disavowing it. Not until paleontological findings forced
that view to be reevaluated and Schliemann, a wealthy German merchant,
refusing to admit that the ancient cities and peoples were legend, dug up
Troy, was a window into the past opened and the mythic view questioned.
Scientific Archaeology as we know it came into existence only when
academics reluctantly had to acknowledge the past being dug up and
collected by amateurs in the Middle East. Archaeologists came to be
mistrusted and hated by the religious institutions who feared revelations
that would contradict their teachings and the history of the Old Testament.
The Demise Of The Mythological Explanation Of The Gods
(It is trivial that quaint local myths concerning many subjects exist all
over the world among both more and less primitive peoples. W e consider
here only the latter day interpretation of the trans-cultural “gods” involved
in human history as mythic, unreal. W e note also that the ancient
civilizations did not call the Anunnaki “god” . They referred to them as
masters, lords, in the sense of rulers.)
Those still holding the mythological interpretation are in an unenviable
position. They find themselves having to hold that the same citizens of the
first civilizations who, they claim, invented -- or hallucinated -- the gods
through their primitive imaginings and naive proto-scientific projections of
personality on the great forces of nature were the same primitives who
somehow could build the stupendous Giza pyramid; somehow quarry, cut
and move into place the one thousand ton stones of the Baalbek “temple”
(rocket platform) which even our modern technology cannot begin to lift;
somehow know the great precessional cycle of the heavens, the existence
of all ten of the planets of our solar system and how our solar system was
formed (Enuma Elish document).
To escape this awkward dilemma, some fall back on the explanation 3 / 18
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that there “must” have been an even earlier civilization, lost now in the
mists of time, the identity of which we cannot know which “must” have been
destroyed or declined --- but which somehow left just enough technology
and knowledge laying around to jump start the early civilizations we know.
But they must hold this interpretation against the clear declaration of the
Sumerian and all other ancient peoples that the gods were real flesh and
blood, present to them, who gave them civilization.
The physical locations of the ancient legends as mythic has been
gradually disproven beginning with the work of Schliemann (a German
merchant who refused to believe that f the legendary ancient cities were
mythic and risked his money to go to the middle east with ancient maps and
dug up, Troy thereby breaking open the seal of myth) and completed with
the re-discovery of all the ancient cities and centers on all continents.
The events involving the “gods” of ancient times and the technology
attributed to them, considered as myth and naive legend, has been
gradually disproven, beginning with the discovery of documents from the
most ancient cities and reinforced with the discovery of the great library of
Ashurbanipal at Nineveh and the gradual accumulation of some two million
pieces of artifact and document confirming those events in great detail. The
discovery of ooparts, high tech tools, toys, artifacts, and technology along
with documentation of advanced scientific knowledge ostensibly out of place
in time along with astronomical knowledge of the entire solar system
beyond our current level has reinforced the negation of the mythic
The interpretation of the “gods”, the Anunnaki themselves, as mythic,
unreal beings (academic mythologists) and Jungian archetypes (Joseph
Campbell) and the relegation of them to schizophrenic hallucination ( Julian
Jaynes ) has been gradually disproven beginning with the acknowledgment
of the reality of the events attributed to them; the discounting of the
arguments for their unreality due to the seeming fantastic deeds attributed
to them by the development of our technology (rockets, lasers, radio
communication, genetic engineering, atomic and particle beam weapons)
that duplicate those feats. This interpretation has been implemented further
by the pioneering exploration and questions posed by von Daniken and then
completed by the comprehensive and brilliant demonstrations of Sitchin and
Sir Laurence Gardner, the English historian and genealogist. The mythic
interpretation has been supported by religions because to recognize the
Anunnaki as real would be to open the door to a radical reinterpretation of
the entire phenomenon of religion and put into question the real identity of
the very deity at center of their belief system. Gardner has brought to light,
however, the fact that there exists a robust, highly documented history
carrying all the way back to the Anunnaki, possessed by the heterodox
tradition of Christianity. This tradition is the one branded heretical and
murderously persecuted by the Roman Church before and during the
Inquisition. There was no Dark Ages for this tradition, only for those whom
the Church wanted to keep in the dark about the real nature of human
Now that we have begun by walking on the moon and exploring the
solar system and have probes going starward, the possibility of an alien
civilization coming here is taken for granted and one coming here from
inside our solar system trivial, rather than unreal myth. “Mythinformation”,
after two hundred years of failure, although still hiding behind tenure in the
university, is a dead issue.
The Essence Of The Sitchin Paradigm
W orking from the same archaeological discoveries, artifacts, and
recovered records as archaeologists and linguists have for two hundred
years, Sitchin propounds – proves, in the opinion of this author --that the
Anunnaki (Sumerian: “those who came down from the heavens”), an
advanced civilization from the tenth planet in our solar system, splashed
down in the Persian gulf area around 432,000 years ago, colonized the
planet, with the purpose of obtaining large quantities of gold. Some 250,000
years ago the recovered documents tell us their lower echelon miners
rebelled against the conditions in the mines and the Annunaki directorate
decided to create a creature to take their place. Enki, their chief scientist
and Ninhursag their chief medical officer, after getting no satisfactory
results splicing animal and homo-erectus genes, merged their Anunnaki
genes with that of Homo-Erectus and produced us, homo sapiens, a
genetically bicameral species, for their purposes as slaves. Because we were
a hybrid we could not procreate. The demand for us as workers became
greater and we were genetically manipulated to reproduce. 4 / 18
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The attitudes we have exhibited, the ways in which we have acted and
the way in which we have let ourselves be manipulated by the controlling
powers with regard to UFO/Alien presence and our own species history and
the postures we continue to exhibit clearly are the direct offshoot of our
ancient subservient godspell background and history.
Integration Of The Two Parts Of The Alien Paradigm Can Move Us To A New
Plateau Of Species Existence
It is the conviction of this author that, unless and until we restore our true
history, attain a generic, consensual definition and understanding of what a
human being is and step out of species adolescence thereby, we shall not
resolve the current UFO/alien questions fully because we will not have the
species maturity and planetary unity to be able to interact gracefully with a
strange species, knowing easily what is acceptable and unacceptable for
both of us. This is simply another facet of the reasoning by those who felt
desperately compelled, militarily and diplomatically, to deal with the
incoming alien greys elected to keep the matter as secret as possible
Restoration of our true half-alien history, however, will free us to attain the
unassailable species integrity to enable us to demand and present
credentials, determine intent, agenda, and negotiate confidently so that we
are accepted into stellar society with full dignity. It will enable us to have
the individual and species self-confidence and perspective that will prevent
us from being manipulated, intimidated or conquered by whomever is here or
shows up here in the future. Only this kind of integration will allow us to
gain explanations and understanding of many details of both the HH and
UFOA scenarios.
Practical Advantages Derived From the Integration of the UFOA and HH
The elucidation of the Anunnaki alien presence in the past explains the
presence of ooparts, the puzzles concerning “sudden” civilizations, our non-
standard evolutionary progress and our unique gene code, and resolves the
Creationist-Evolutionary conflict. The understanding of our bicameral racial
heritages, homo-erectus and Anunnaki and our genetic creation for
pragmatic Anunnaki purposes may explain why we have four thousand plus
genetic diseases due to imperfections in the genetic synthesis while other
species on this planet have few or none.
A more precise and complete overview of our past enables us to
differentiate between myth, mythic beings and aliens of whatever type have
manifest or come here in the past and present and will aid us in
differentiating and dealing with aliens in the future. That we are literally
half-alien genetically throws the entire question of the alien reality into a
far different perspective.
Some Possible Scenarios Opened Up By The Recognition Of The Annunaki
There are several possible reasonable scenarios presented by the expansion
of the alien paradigm. They are simply listed here, without weighted
evaluation, for the consideration of the reader.
A preliminary note: Not long ago, one could be in very serious trouble with
religious authorities by expressing belief that there could be other races
from other places -- much less other dimensions (Giordano Bruno, a monk
who claimed that was burnt at the stake by the Church only a few years
before the founding of Harvard University). The notion of dimensions beyond
our comfortable three is relatively novel and still partially speculative;
physicists still holding for various actual counts. It is understandable,
therefore, that a sort of aura of mystery and awe, sometimes almost
transcendentally religious, is projected on “dimensionality”. The added
precision of differentiation afforded by this expansion of perspective
removes the mystical halo from the concept of “interdimensional” applied
to some aliens. It may well be true, quite probably is true, that some
aliens and their technologies and, therefore, their relative consciousness,
involve modalities which use or operate in dimensions other than the three
which we are accustomed to perceive. Physics, human or alien, however, is
still physics – whether of this sub-universe or another. It will be easier to
deal with whatever physics manifests or is discovered as the subliminal
mystical elements are dismissed from out thinking and the knee-jerk – or,
perhaps, knee-bending – subservient godspell reflex is eliminated.
If Nibiru, the Anunnaki home planet and tenth in our solar system still
exists in orbit in our solar system (not having been involved in some 11 / 18
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The Author
NEIL FREER is a researcher, writer, lecturer, philosopher and poet living in
Santa Fe, NM. Neil and his wife, Ursula, have lived in the Eldorado area
since 1994. Neil holds a BA in English and did his graduate work in
Philosophy and Psychology at the New School for Social Research. He has
taught college courses in Philosophy and History of Religion, gives private
and public seminars and lectures and has done over one hundred forty radio
and TV interviews. Neil is the author of Breaking the Godspell, a book which
explores the ramifications of the archaeological, astronomical and genetic
proof for our being a genetically engineered species and presents the
ramifications of this new paradigm of human nature that resolves the
Creationist-Evolutionary conflict.
In his second book, God-Games: W hat Do Y ou Do Forever? he explores the
ways in which we will live when, individually and collectively, we attain the
unassailable integrity afforded by the restoration of our true genetic history.
He outlines the species maturity of the new planetary civilization and
describes the “god games” of immortality, four dimensional consciousness,
life after the Law Of Everything, alien contact, that the new human will
Neil’s work appears as part of the symposium, Of Heaven and Earth (Book
Tree, 1996) which includes the paper he presented as invited guest speaker
at the Zecharia Sitchin Day special event at the International Association
For New Science conference in 1996. An essay “In The Middle of W hose Ship
Are Y ou Standing?” is included in David Pursglove’s Zen And The Art Of
Close Encounters. Neil’s most recent public presentation was at the Sedona
Millennium Conference. A one hour interview with Jeffery Mishlove on
Thinking Allowed was aired nationwide on PBS TV September 13th, 1999.
Neil Freer
28 Avenida Las Nubes
Santa Fe, NM 87505-2116
This paper is copyrighted by Neil Freer, but it may, by the author’s permission, be freely
downloaded, translated, printed, copied, quoted, distributed in any appropriate media providing
only that it not be altered in any way in text or intent and the author is properly credited.
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