Introduction To Law
Introduction To Law
Introduction To Law
General Sense
General Sense
Source: Merriam-Webster
The Law
promulgated by the competent authority for the common good of a people or nation, which constitutes an
obligatory rule of conduct for all its members
A rule of conduct, just , obligatory, promulgated by the competent authority for the common
good of a people or nation, which constitutes an obligatory rule of conduct for all its members
competent authority for the common good of a people or nation, which constitutes an obligatory rule of conduct
for all its members
A rule of conduct, just, obligatory,
by the competent
authority for the common good of a people or nation, which
for the
A rule of conduct, just, obligatory, promulgated by the competent authority
common good of a
people or nation obligatory rule of conduct for all its members
, which constitutes an
A rule of conduct, just, obligatory, promulgated by the competent authority for the common good of a people or
which constitutes
an obligatory rule
of conduct for all its members
A rule of conduct, just, obligatory, promulgated by the competent authority for the common good of a people or
It is obligatory
The Law
As to Purpose:
Substantive Law
Adjective or Procedural Law
Substantive Law
A law that creates, defines, and regulates
rights, or which regulates the rights and
duties which give rise to a cause of action
As to Scope:
Political Law
Branch of public law which deals with the organization
and operation of the governmental organs of the State
and define the relations of the state with the
inhabitants of its territory
Political Law
Political law embraces constitutional law, law of public
corporations, administrative law including the law on
public officers and elections
The Law
Labor Law
Legislation specifying responsibilities and rights in
employment, particularly the responsibilities of the
employer and the rights of the employee
The Law
Labor Law
Azucena defines social legislation as those laws that
provide particular kinds of protection or benefits to
society or segments thereof in furtherance of social
justice. In that sense, labor laws are necessarily social
The Law
Civil Law
Mass of precepts that determine and regulate the
relations of assistance, authority, and obedience among
members of a family, and those which exist among
members of a society for the protection of private
interests, family relations, and property rights.
Criminal Law
A branch of municipal law which defines crimes, treats
of their nature and provides for their punishment
The Law
Criminal Law
Act No. 3815: Revised Penal Code of the Philippines
Special Penal Laws
The Law
Taxation Law
The body of laws concerning the collection of the share
of individual and organizational income by a
government under the authority of the law
The Law
It is enforced contribution. Its payment is not
voluntary nature, and the imposition is not dependent
upon the will of the person taxed. It is generally
payable in cash.
The Law
Taxation Law
National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 as Amended
by Republic Act No. 10963
The Law
Commercial Law
Also known as mercantile law or trade law, is the body
of law that applies to the rights, relations, and conduct
of persons and business engaged in commerce,
merchandising, trade, and sales.
The Law
Commercial Law
Revised Corporation Code
Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines
Insurance Code of the Philippines
Banking Laws
Transportation Laws
The Law
Remedial Law
Law which provides the procedure or remedy for
enforcement of rights and obligations through the
courts of justice
The Law
Remedial Law
Rules of Court
Issuances of the Supreme Court
The Sources of Laws in the Philippines
Introduction to Law on Tourism and Hospitality
The Law
Philippine Sources
1. The Constitution
2. Statutes and Legislative
3. Administrative or Executive Orders,
regulations, and rulings
4. Judicial Decisions
5. Treaties and Conventions
6. Customary Law
7. Other sources
The Tourism Law
Introduction to Law on Tourism and Hospitality
The Tourism Law
The custom or practice of traveling for
pleasure, as well as the promotion by the
establishment of countries to attract
Tourism Law
A body of rules or principles of action
which deals with the regulation, authority,
relations, and obedience among members of
a society involved in tourist travel and
Tourism Law
It includes persons travelling from place to
place for pleasure (Tourist) and business
establishments or person engaged in the
occupation of providing various services for
Tourism Law
It applies to various sectors such as
hospitality, travel trade, attractions,
meetings, incentives, conventions, events
(MICE), academe, labor, and the public
Penal Laws
Act No. 3815: Revised Penal Code of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 7877
Republic Act No. 11313
Republic Act No. 9147
Republic Act No. 11479
The Philippine Law
Tourism and Taxation Law
Taxation Laws
National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 as Amended
by Republic Act No. 10963
The Philippine Law
Tourism and Commercial Law
Commercial Laws
Republic Act No. 9593: Tourism Act of 2009
Republic Act No. 11232: Revised Corporation Code of
the Philippines
Republic Act No. 10611: Food Safety Act of 2013
Transportation Law
The Philippine Law
Tourism and Remedial Law
Remedial Law
Rules of Court
Issuances of the Supreme Court
The Philippine Constitution
Introduction to Law on Tourism and Hospitality
The Philippine Constitution
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of
Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane
society and establish a Government that shall embody
our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good,
conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to
ourselves and our posterity the blessings of
independence and democracy under the rule of law and
a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and
peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
The Philippine Constitution
We, the sovereign Filipino people,
imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and
establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the
common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our
posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a
regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate
this Constitution.
The Philippine Constitution
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of
Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and
establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the
common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our
posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a
regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate
this Constitution.
The Philippine Constitution
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God,
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in
order to build a just and humane society and establish a Government that
shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good,
conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our
under the
posterity the blessings of independence and democracy
We, the sovereign Filipino people,
imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and
establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the
common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our
posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a
do ordain
regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace,
The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein,
The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all
consisting of its
other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction,
The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all
other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial, and
The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all
other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial, and
aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas.
The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all
other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial, and
aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas.
regardless of
The waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago,
The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy,
adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as part of
the law of the land and adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice,
freedom, cooperation, and amity with all nations.
The Philippine Constitution
The State shall pursue an independent foreign policy. In its relations
with other states the paramount consideration shall be national
sovereignty, territorial integrity, national interest, and the right to
The Philippine Constitution
The State shall promote a just and dynamic social order that will
ensure the prosperity and independence of the nation and free the
people from poverty through policies that provide adequate social
services, promote full employment, a rising standard of living, and an
improved quality of life for all.
The Philippine Constitution
The State shall promote social justice in all phases of national
The Philippine Constitution
The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a
balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and
harmony of nature.
The Philippine Constitution
The State shall give priority to education, science and technology, arts,
culture, and sports to foster patriotism and nationalism, accelerate
social progress, and promote total human liberation and development.
The Philippine Constitution
The State recognizes and promotes the rights of indigenous cultural
communities within the framework of national unity and development.
The Philippine Constitution
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of
the laws.
The Philippine Constitution
(1) The privacy of communication and correspondence shall be
inviolable except upon lawful order of the court, or when public safety
or order requires otherwise as prescribed by law.
No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression,
or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and
petition the government for redress of grievances.
The Philippine Constitution
The liberty of abode and of changing the same within the limits
prescribed by law shall not be impaired except upon lawful order of the
court. Neither shall the right to travel be impaired except in the
interest of national security, public safety, or public health, as may be
provided by law.
The Philippine Constitution
The right of the people, including those employed in the public and
private sectors, to form unions, associations, or societies for purposes
not contrary to law shall not be abridged.
The Philippine Constitution
No law impairing the obligation of contracts shall be passed.
The Philippine Constitution
The Congress shall, upon recommendation of the economic and planning
agency, when the national interest dictates, reserve to citizens of the
Philippines or to corporations or associations at least sixty per centum of
whose capital is owned by such citizens, or such higher percentage as
Congress may prescribe, certain areas of investments. The Congress shall
enact measures that will encourage the formation and operation of
enterprises whose capital is wholly owned by Filipinos.
The Philippine Constitution
In the grant of rights, privileges, and concessions covering the national
economy and patrimony, the State shall give preference to qualified
The State shall regulate and exercise authority over foreign investments
within its national jurisdiction and in accordance with its national goals
and priorities.
The Philippine Constitution
The sustained development of a reservoir of national talents consisting of
Filipino scientists, entrepreneurs, professionals, managers, high-level
technical manpower and skilled workers and craftsmen in all fields shall
be promoted by the State. The State shall encourage appropriate
technology and regulate its transfer for the national benefit.
The State shall foster the preservation, enrichment, and dynamic
evolution of a Filipino national culture based on the principle of unity
in diversity in a climate of free artistic and intellectual expression.
The Philippine Constitution
Arts and letters shall enjoy the patronage of the State. The State shall
conserve, promote, and popularize the nation’s historical and cultural
heritage and resources, as well as artistic creations.
The Philippine Constitution
All the country’s artistic and historic wealth constitutes the cultural
treasure of the nation and shall be under the protection of the State
which may regulate its disposition.
The Philippine Constitution
The State shall recognize, respect, and protect the rights of indigenous
cultural communities to preserve and develop their cultures, traditions,
and institutions. It shall consider these rights in the formulation of
national plans and policies.
The Philippine Constitution
(1) The State shall ensure equal access to cultural opportunities through
the educational system, public or private cultural entities, scholarships,
grants and other incentives, and community cultural centers, and other
public venues.
(2) The State shall encourage and support researches and studies on the
arts and culture.
Thank you!
Introduction to Law on Tourism and