NCM 103 Course Content
NCM 103 Course Content
NCM 103 Course Content
IV. Schedule :
IX. Course Description : This course provides the students with the overview of
nursing as a science, an art and a profession. It deals with the concept of man as a holistic
being comprised of bio-psycho-socio and spiritual dimensions. It includes a discussion on
the different roles of a nurse emphasizing health promotion, maintenance of health as
well as prevention of illness utilizing the nursing process. It includes the basic nursing
skills needed in the care of individual clients.
X. General Objectives : At the end of the course and given actual or simulated
situations/conditions, the students will be able to:
1. Utilize the nursing process in the holistic care of client for the promotion and
maintenance of health
2. Ensure a well-organized recording and reporting system.
3. Observe bioethical principles and the core values ( love of God, caring, love country
and of people)
4. Relate effectively with clients, members of the health team and others in work
situations related to nursing and health; and
5. Observe bioethical concepts/ principles and core values and nursing standards in the
care of clients.
XI. Specific Objectives : At the end of the course, the students are expected :
1. Assess with the client his/her health status and risk factors affecting health
2. Identify actual wellness/ at risk nursing diagnosis
3. Plan with the client appropriate interventions for the promotion and maintenance of
4. Implement with the client appropriate interventions for promotion and maintenance of
5. Evaluate with client outcomes of a health status
XII. Course Outline:
Intermediate Competencies
By participating in a structured preliminary activity, the students will be:
1. Acquainted with each other
2. Oriented to the course
1. Distribution of Syllabus.
Unit I. Nursing as a Profession
A. Profession
1. Definition
2. Criteria
B. Nursing
1. Definition
2. Characteristics
3. Focus: Human Responses
4. Personal and professional qualities of a nurse
C. History of Nursing
1. In the world
2. In the Philippines (include the history of own nursing school)
E. Growth of Professionalism
1. Profession
a. Specialized education
b. Body of knowledge
c. Ethics
d. Autonomy
2. Carpers four patterns of knowing
a. Nursing science
b. Nursing ethics
c. Nursing esthetics
d. Personal knowledge
H. Communication Skills
1. Effective communication
2. Purposes of therapeutic communication
3. Components of communication
4. Criteria for effective verbal communication
5. Guidelines for active and effective listening
6. Guidelines for use of touch
7. Developmental consideration in communication
8. Communication with people who are:
a. Physically challenged
b. Cognitively challenged
c. Aggressive
9. General Guidelines for trans-cultural therapeutic communication.
I. Nursing Process
1. Assessment
2. Nursing Diagnosis ( as a content and a process)
3. Planning (long term, short term, priority setting,
formulation of objectives)
4. Intervention (collaborative, independent nursing Interventions)
5. Evaluation (formative, summative)
Documentation of plan of care/ reporting
K. Levels of Care
1. Health promotion
2. Disease prevention
3. Health maintenance
4. Curative
5. Rehabilitative
L. Meeting needs related to death and dying/ grief and grieving
1. Concept of death and dying/ grief and grieving
2. Care of the terminally ill patients and their families
3. Post mortem care
M. Psychosocial and Spiritual concerns
Definition of Arts
1. Why is nursing an art?
2. Concepts related to the art of nursing
3. Self-awareness/ concept (Who am I)
4. Self enhancement ( How do I become a better person?)
5. Caring: An integral Component of nursing
6. Nursing- Client relationship
7. Therapeutic communication
8. Focus of nursing
RLE No. of RLE Hours
Intermediate Competencies
1. Demonstrate the different procedures efficiently and effectively
while observing the underlying principles
Terminal Competencies
Develop knowledge, skills and attitude on prevention
of transfer of microorganisms.
1. Healthy lifestyle 12
o Definition
o Principles
o Handwashing
o Gloving
o Gowning
o Mask and Cap
Terminal Competencies
Realize that in health and illness, good posture and
efficient body movements are essential, therapeutically
and aesthetically.
2. Mobility and exercise 12
o Body Mechanics
o Range of Motion Exercises
o Positioning
o Transferring and lifting
o Assisting in ambulation
Terminal Competencies
Obtain cardinal signs as baseline data in assessing
clients’ health status.
3. Vital Signs 18
o Temperature
o Pulse
o Respiration
o Blood Pressure
Terminal Competencies
Promote and maintain hygiene to prevent disease
or illness and enhance clients’ feeling of comfort,
well being, safety and self confidence.
4. Hygiene, Rest and Comfort Measures 18
o Oral care
o Care of the eye, ear, nose
o Bed Shampoo
o Bath (Different types)
o Care of the hands and feet
o Care of the perineum
o Massage
o Bed Making
o Healthy home environment
o Hot and cold applications
Terminal Competencies
Identify and apply different measures to promote
adequate respiratory function.
5. Oxygenation 6
o Oxygen Therapy
o Suctioning
Terminal Competencies
Practice different measures to promote and maintain
fluid and electrolyte balance.
Assist in administer medication and intravenous
therapy applying the underlying principles.
6. Fluid and electrolyte balance 21
o Intake and Output
o Intravenous Therapy
o Administering Medication
Terminal Competencies
Assist client in meeting his nutritional needs to
promote health and prevent occurrence of illness.
7. Nutrition 6
o Nasogastric Tube Feeding
Terminal Competencies
Undertake activities that will assist understanding
some aspects of client care specifically in the
promotion of bowel and bladder elimination.
8. Elimination 6
o Catheterization
o Urine Specimen Collection
o Enema, Suppository / Rectal Tube Insertion
Terminal Competencies
Provide safe, effective care in environment in any
health care setting, to protect clients, family / significant
others and other health care personnel.
9. Safety, security and privacy 3
The following are the methods of teaching that will be employed during the entire
1. Lecture 1. Discussion
2. Discussion 2. Demonstration
3. Film Showing 3. Film Showing
4. Group Dynamics Discussion 4. Exercise
5. Exercise
6. Role-Playing
The following are the requirements to be accomplished during the entire course:
1. Assignments 1. Assignments
2. Quizzes 2. Quizzes
3. Long examinations 3. Long examinations
4. Classroom Activities 4. Return Demonstrations