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Received: 22 August 2018 | Revised: 2 October 2019 | Accepted: 3 October 2019

DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5802


Combined effects of global climate change and nutrient

enrichment on the physiology of three temperate maerl species

Zujaila Nohemy Qui-Minet1 | Jérôme Coudret1 | Dominique Davoult1 |

2 1
Jacques Grall | Miguel Mendez-Sandin | Thierry Cariou | Sophie Martin1

Sorbonne Universités, CNRS, UMR 7144
Adaptation et Diversité en Milieu Marin, Abstract
Station Biologique de Roscoff, Roscoff, Made up of calcareous coralline algae, maerl beds play a major role as ecosystem
2 engineers in coastal areas throughout the world. They undergo strong anthropogenic
Université de Bretagne Occidentale, IUEM,
Plouzané, France pressures, which may threaten their survival. The aim of this study was to gain in-
Sorbonne Universités, CNRS, FR2424, sight into the future of maerl beds in the context of global and local changes. We
Station Biologique de Roscoff, Roscoff,
examined the effects of rising temperatures (+3°C) and ocean acidification (−0.3 pH
units) according to temperature and pH projections (i.e., the RCP 8.5 scenario), and
Zujaila Nohemy Qui-Minet, CNRS, UMR
nutrient (N and P) availability on three temperate maerl species (Lithothamnion cor-
7144 Adaptation et Diversité en Milieu allioides, Phymatolithon calcareum, and Lithophyllum incrustans) in the laboratory in
Marin, Station Biologique de Roscoff, Place
Georges Teissier, 29680 Roscoff, France.
winter and summer conditions. Physiological rates of primary production, respiration,
Email: and calcification were measured on all three species in each treatment and season.

Funding information
The physiological response of maerl to global climate change was species-specific
Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, and influenced by seawater nutrient concentrations. Future temperature–pH sce-
Grant/Award Number: 391572; French
National Research Agency, Grant/Award
nario enhanced maximal gross primary production rates in P. calcareum in winter and
Number: ANR-10-BTBR-04 in L. corallioides in both seasons. Nevertheless, both species suffered an impairment
of light harvesting and photoprotective mechanisms in winter. Calcification rates at
ambient light intensity were negatively affected by the future temperature–pH sce-
nario in winter, with net dissolution observed in the dark in L. corallioides and P. cal-
careum under low nutrient concentrations. Nutrient enrichment avoided dissolution
under future scenarios in winter and had a positive effect on L. incrustans calcification
rate in the dark in summer. In winter conditions, maximal calcification rates were en-
hanced by the future temperature–pH scenario on the three species, but P. calcareum
suffered inhibition at high irradiances. In summer conditions, the maximal calcifica-
tion rate dropped in L. corallioides under the future global climate change scenario,
with a potential negative impact on CaCO3 budget for maerl beds in the Bay of Brest
where this species is dominant. Our results highlight how local changes in nutrient
availability or irradiance levels impact the response of maerl species to global climate
change and thus point out how it is important to consider other abiotic parameters
in order to develop management policies capable to increase the resilience of maerl
beds under the future global climate change scenario.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2019 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Ecology and Evolution. 2019;9:13787–13807. | 13787

13788 | QUI MINET et al.


calcification, maerl, nitrate, ocean acidification, ocean warming, phosphate, photosynthesis,


1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N Owing that productivity is limited by nutrient availability, mod-

erate nutrient enrichment can benefit algae by reducing nutrient
The coastal system is under severe threat and is considered as one limitation and allowing them to cope with the metabolic cost of
of the most vulnerable environments due to the strong influence of adapting to global climate change (Celis-Plá et al., 2015; Hofmann,
global and local anthropogenic pressures. Global climate change is Heiden, Bischof, & Teichberg, 2014). However, nutrient enrich-
expected to affect abundance, diversity, and productivity of marine ment can threaten maerl survival and favor the development of
populations (Barange & Harris, 2003), thus becoming a major driver fleshy epiphytic macroalgae (Grall & Hall-Spencer, 2003; Steller,
of the future state of marine ecosystems (Duarte et al., 2013). Riosmena-Rodrίguez, Foster, & Roberts, 2003). Research focusing
Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations have risen from on the effect of nutrient enrichment under current conditions of pH
278 parts per million (ppm) at the start of the Industrial Revolution and temperature in coralline algae has reported that increased ni-
to the current level of 410 ppm. Approximately, one-third of CO2 trate concentrations do not affect photosynthesis and calcification
emissions are absorbed by the ocean and affect its chemistry and (Belliveau & Paul, 2002; Bjork, Mohammed, Bjorklund, & Semesi,
physics (Gattuso et al., 2015), causing a global average increase in 1995). However, phosphates have been described as “crystal poi-
temperature of 0.8°C and a decline in pH of 0.1 units of the sur- son” since they have shown to act as an inhibitor of calcification
face oceans since the industrial revolution, phenomena known as and growth of coralline algae (Bjork et al., 1995; Kinsey & Davies,
ocean warming and ocean acidification (OA), respectively (Gattuso 1979; Simkiss, 1964). Studies specifically addressing the interaction
et al., 2015). Marine coastal ecosystems are also influenced by of global climate change with nutrient enrichment on the physiology
other, more local anthropogenic pressures, which are growing of coralline algae are scarce, and none have explored the response
due to various human activities in coastal areas. Considering this, of maerl species.
coastal eutrophication is attributed to the enrichment of nutrients Maerl beds in the Bay of Brest (Brittany, France) are highly pro-
such as phosphates and nitrates resulting from agricultural run- ductive benthic systems (Martin, Clavier, Chavaud, & Thouzeau,
off or wastewater discharged into the sea via rivers (Diaz-Pulido 2007) subject to seasonal variations in physicochemical param-
& McCook, 2008; Duarte et al., 2013; Russel & Connell, 2009; eters (Salt et al., 2015, Qui-Minet et al., 2018). In the present
Salisbury, Green, Hunt, & Campbell, 2008; Strong, Kroeker, Teneva, study, we selected three maerl species co-occurring in the Bay
Mease, & Kelly, 2014). of Brest: Lithothamnion corallioides (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) P.
Global climate change is expected to alter dominance relation- Crouan & H. Crouan, Phymatolithon calcareum (Pallas) W.H. Adey
ships among primary producers, in particular between calcifying & D.L. McKibbin ex Woelkering & L.M. Irvine, and Lithophyllum
and noncalcifying macroalgal species (Brodie et al., 2014; Celis-Plá incrustans Philippi. These species are relevant because of the
et al., 2015; Falkenberg, Connell, & Russel, 2013). However, these ecological role they play in the northeastern Atlantic. They are
changes will depend on local factors such as nutrient availability the main maerl species found in France, and L. corallioides and
(Celis-Plá et al., 2015; Fabry, Seibel, Feely, & Orr, 2008). Red cal- P. calcareum are also the main species forming maerl beds in
careous coralline macroalgae are among the most sensitive organ- Europe. Although all three species were collected at the same
isms to OA (Martin & Hall-Spencer, 2017) because they precipitate location and acclimated to the same conditions, their geographi-
high-magnesium calcite, which is the most soluble form of biogenic cal distribution is not the same, with the northern limits of P. cal-
calcium carbonate (CaCO3) (Morse, Andersson, & Mackenzie, 2006). careum being found all the way to southern Norway, whereas
Among them, free-living nongeniculate red coralline algae, called rh- the northern distribution of L. corallioides and L. incrustans stops
odoliths or maerl, are distributed in coastal ecosystems throughout in Ireland. Further, L. incrustans observes a more southern dis-
the world (Foster, 2001) and experience different levels of pH and tribution (Hernández-Kantún et al., 2016), being present in the
temperature changes depending on their location (Qui-Minet et al., Caribbean (BIOMAERL, 1998; Hernández-Kantún et al., 2015;
2018). Previous studies on maerl and other red coralline algae have McCoy & Kamenos, 2015) and found in rock pool habitats subject
given insights into their individual responses to OA and warming, to high variability in physicochemical parameters and exposed
which are useful for a better understanding of how species physiol- to high temperatures and low pH values at low tide (Egilsdottir,
ogy responds to these factors alone or in combination. Although the Noisette, Noël, Olafsson, & Martin, 2013; Legrand et al., 2018;
responses of coralline algae are species-specific (Martin, Charnoz, Williamson et al., 2014). This species is rarely found below 8 m
& Gattuso, 2013; Noisette, Egilsdottir, Davoult, & Martin, 2013; depth (Ford, Hardy, & Edyvean, 1983), whereas L. corallioides
Vazquez-Elizondo & Enriquez, 2016), most studies have revealed ad- and P. calcareum are found in shallow environments, but also at
verse effects of the combination of ocean acidification and warming depths up to 20 and 30 m, respectively (Birkett, Maggs, & Dring,
on coralline algal physiology (Martin & Hall-Spencer, 2017). 1998). In Brittany, L. corallioides and P. calcareum are the most
QUI MINET et al. | 13789

abundant species, whereas L. incrustans is present at lower abun- 04°19′57″W), located in the southern basin of the Bay of Brest
dances (Grall & Hall-Spencer, 2003). In the Bay of Brest, maerl (Brittany, France), where it covers a surface of 1.4 km2 (Qui-Minet
beds are mainly formed by L. corallioides (Grall, 2002; Qui-Minet et al., 2018). The three here studied species are present in different
et al., 2018). In this bay, one maerl bed (Roz) presents all the abundances, being L. corallioides the most abundant and the only one
three maerl species L. corallioides, P. calcareum, and L. incrustans distributed along the Bay of Brest.
together (Figure 1). Temperature and pH in the Bay of Brest average 10°C and 8.04
The purpose of this study was to test (a) the individual and in the winter, and 18°C and 8.00 in the summer, respectively. Local
combined effects of global climate change (ocean warming and nutrient conditions are strongly variable according to the season
acidification) and local nutrient loading on various species of as reported by Le Pape and Menesguen (1997), and Qui-Minet et
maerl and (b) if different species coming from the same location al. (2018); nitrate concentrations are significantly higher in winter
respond similarly due to convergent adaptation. We considered (±30 μmol/L) relative to summer (<1 μmol/L) while phosphate con-
present temperature–pH conditions and future temperature–pH centrations remain below 1 μmol/L during both summer and winter
conditions projected for 2,100 according to the representative seasons. Incident irradiance in the Bay of Brest varies with tides. In
concentration pathway RCP 8.5 global change scenario (Gattuso the collection site, it can vary from <1 to 320 μmol photons m−2 s−1

et al., 2015) as well as enrichment in nitrate (NO 3 ) and phos- in winter and from 1 to 645 μmol photons m−2 s−1 in the summer
phate (PO 4 ), the main nutrients originating from human activ- (Qui-Minet et al., 2018). The Roz bed is located at 0.7 m depth (chart
ities affecting the Bay of Brest (Le Pape & Menesguen, 1997). datum), with maximal water depth amplitudes of 8 m (Daniel, 1995).
To consider the potential seasonal variability of the response of Physicochemical parameters also vary on a daily basis, in the
maerl to OA and warming (Martin, Cohu, Vignot, Zimmerman, summer in the Roz bed, temperature and pH can observe a mean
& Gattuso, 2013; Martin & Gattuso, 2009), we carried out our variation of 0.7°C and 0.08 pH units, respectively (Qui-Minet et
study under winter and summer conditions. We hypothesized al., 2018).
that (a) the future scenario of ocean warming and acidification
will negatively affect calcification in the three maerl species; (b)
nutrient enrichment will exacerbate the impact of global climate 2.2 | Biological material
change on the three species; and (c) although the three maerl
species coexist in the same location and hence are adapted to Living specimens of the three species were collected with a 0.1 m2
the same environmental conditions, species-specific responses Van Veen grab in January 2016 (winter experiment) and in June
occur due to divergent ecological traits such as morphology and 2016 (summer experiment). The algae were brought to the lab-
pigment concentrations. oratory in a box filled with seawater (seawater temperature did
not differ much from air temperature). After cleaning, thalli were
randomly distributed into the aquaria of the experimental sys-
2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS tem and kept under in situ conditions of temperature and pH. In
each aquarium, there were two sets of 5–7 g dry weight (DW) of
2.1 | Collection site L. corallioides, 5–7 g (DW) of P. calcareum, and 7–9 g (DW) of L. in-
crustans attached with a nylon wire and labeled with small plastic
The three maerl species, L. corallioides, P. calcareum, and L. incrus- numbers and additional unlabeled thalli (approximately 10 g per
tans (Figure 1), were collected in the Roz maerl bed (48°19′58″N, species).

F I G U R E 1 Specimens of (a) Lithothamnion corallioides, (b) Phymatolithon calcareum, and (c) Lithophyllum incrustans collected in the Roz
maerl bed in the Bay of Brest (Brittany, France) (photos Coralie Delaunay). Scale bars = 1 cm
13790 | QUI MINET et al.

F I G U R E 2 Schematic diagram of the

experimental laboratory setup with two
scenarios: present pH and temperature
and future (RPC 8.5) projected pH and
temperature by 2,100. All aquaria were
maintained at constant temperature in
a thermostated bath. Each aquarium
contained 2 sets of maerl thalli for each

2.3 | Experimental conditions and setup header tank to prevent any contamination event and tank effect.
Nutrients were distributed continuously from a peristaltic pump to
Two experiments were conducted for both winter (January–April increase the concentrations of PO 43− and NO3− of 1 and 40 μmol/L,
2016) and summer (June–September 2016) conditions. For each sea- respectively, the mean values measured in the Bay of Brest (Qui-
son, two scenarios of temperature and pH were chosen: a present Minet et al., 2018). Concentrations of silicic acid (Si(OH) 4−) were not
scenario and a future scenario. Each temperature–pH test scenario controlled under either scenario and ranged from 1.1 to 2.8 μmol/L
was crossed with nutrient availability conditions, resulting in four in winter and from 1.67 to 2.65 μmol/L in summer. Temperature in-
different treatments: (a) present scenario-low nutrients concentra- side the aquaria was adjusted with two cooling elements, one that
tions (Pr-LN); (b) present scenario-high nutrients concentrations (Pr- controlled the temperature inside the 100 L header tank and another
HN); (c) future scenario-low nutrients concentrations (Fu-LN); and one that maintained the desired temperature inside the thermo-
(d) future scenario-high nutrients concentrations (Fu-HN; Figure 2). stated water bath. pH was monitored and controlled by an off-line
For the tested present temperature–pH conditions, tempera- feedback system (IKS Aquastar) that regulated the addition of CO2
ture and pH were determined from mean values measured in situ in the 100 L header tanks Ambient light was kept at 30 μmol pho-
in winter and summer (temperature: 10 and 18°C, respectively; pH tons m−2 s−1 with a light/dark photoperiod of 10/14 hr in winter and
on the total scale (pHT ): 8.04 and 8.00, respectively) (Qui-Minet et 14/10 hr in summer.
al., 2018). Acclimation to the experimental system under controlled
conditions lasted 3 weeks. For the tested projected future tempera-
ture–pH conditions, values were selected according to the future 2.4 | Monitoring of the seawater parameters
RCP 8.5 scenario (+2.7°C and −0.33 pH units; Gattuso et al., 2015).
Temperature and pH were progressively increased and decreased Temperature and pH were measured on a daily basis; total alkalinity
by ~0.4°C and ~0.05 pH units, respectively, every 2 days during (TA ) was measured every week, and nutrients were measured every
2 weeks. An experimental thermostated system was set up for both 2 weeks. The pH values of the system were adjusted based on daily
temperature–pH scenarios (present and future). Each experimen- measurements of pHT and temperature in the 12 aquaria using a
tal system consisted of a thermostated bath containing six aquaria pH meter (HQ40D, Hach Lange, Ltd portable LDO™) calibrated
(10 L), three with nutrient enrichment and three without nutrient with Tris/HCl and 2-aminopyridine/HCl buffers (Dickson, Sabine, &
enrichment (12 aquaria in total; Figure 2). Aquaria were supplied at a Christian, 2007). Samples for nutrient assays and TA analyses were
rate of 9 L/hr from a 100 L header tank continuously supplied with collected from filtered water using 0.22 μm Sterivex cartridges
filtered seawater pumped in front of the Roscoff Marine Biological (Millipore). Samples for NO3−, PO 4 3−, and Si(OH) 4 analyses were
Station (Station Biologique de Roscoff). Due to constraining space con- frozen at −20°C until analysis, and ammonium (NH4+) samples were
ditions, only one header tank was used per scenario. However, this stored in 100 ml borosilicate glass bottles. Samples were treated
was an open-flow system with filtered seawater (5 µm) and water with mercuric chloride (0.02% v/v; Dickson, Afghan, & Anderson,
renewal rate (~54 L/hr) with high cleaning frequency (weekly) in the 2003) and stored in a dark, cool place. Analysis of NO3−, PO 4 3−, and
QUI MINET et al. | 13791

Si(OH) 4 concentrations were done by spectrophotometry using a corrected from controls and calculated as Equations (1), (2), and (3),
Technicon autoanalyzer according to Aminot and Kérouel (2007). respectively:
NH4+ concentrations were determined using the Solorzano (1969)
ΔO2 × V
method. TA was measured by 0.01 N HCl potentiometric titration NPP (or R) = (1)
Δt × DW
on an automatic titrator (Titroline alpha, Schott Si Analytics) cali-
brated on the National Bureau of Standards scale and by using the
GPP = NPP + R (2)
Gran method of nonlinear least-squares fit applied to pH variations
from 3.5 to 3.0 mEq/L (Dickson et al., 2007). The TA measurements
were corrected using standards provided by A.G. Dickson (Batch G=− (3)
2 × Δt × DW
111) and had a reproducibility of ±4 μmol/kg. Dissolved inorganic
carbon (DIC), pCO2, calcite (Ω Ca), and aragonite (Ω Ar) were calcu-
lated from triplicates values of temperature, pHT, salinity, pres- The ammonium flux was calculated according to the following
sure, silicate, and phosphate concentrations, by using the software equation:
CO2Sys, Excel Macro version 2.1 (originally designed by Lewis &
Wallace, 1998). Calculations were based on a set of constants K1
ΔNH4 × v
NH4 = (4)
and K2 from Mehrbach, Culberson, Hawley, & Pytkowicz (1973) re- Δt × DW
fitted by Dickson & Millero (1987).
where ΔO2 and ΔTA are respectively the differences between initial
and final O2 concentrations (μmol O2 L−1) and TA (μEq/L), V is the vol-
2.5 | Metabolic rate measurements ume of the chamber (L), Δt is the incubation time (hr), and DW is the
dry weight of the algae (g).
Metabolic measurements were performed after 3 months of culture In the absence of inhibition of the net primary production and
in each treatment. Net primary production (NPP) and net calcifi- calcification by high irradiances, NPP and G versus irradiance (E,
cation rates in light (GL) were measured at an ambient irradiance of μmol photons m−2 s−1) curve parameters were obtained according to
30 μmol photons m−2 s−1. Respiration (R) and net calcification rates in Platt, Gallegos, and Harrison (1980):
the dark (GD) were measured in dark at the beginning or at the end
( )
of the day. Net primary production (NPP) and net calcification (G)
NPP = GPPmax × 1 − e Ek − R (5)
versus irradiance (E) curves were defined for the three maerl spe- ( )
cies only in the nonenriched nutrient condition (Pr-LN and Fu-LN) in G = Gmax × 1 − e Ek − GD (6)
winter (under irradiances of 0, 30, 50, 100, 200, and 400 μmol pho-
tons m−2 s−1) and in summer (under irradiances of 0, 30, 70, 150, 320, In the presence of inhibition of the net primary production and
and 600 μmol m−2 s−1) conditions. NPP and G versus E curves in the calcification by high irradiances, NPP-E and G-E curves were estab-
nutrient-enriched conditions (Pr-HN and Fu-HN) were only performed lished by fitting Eilers and Peeters (1988) equation:
for L. corallioides in summer. Incubations were done in 185 ml acrylic
respirometry chambers (Engineering & Design Plastics Ltd). Chambers NPP = −R (7)
I2 × a + I × b + c
contained a plastic grid above a stir bar (100 rpm) which ensured water
homogeneity. Control incubations without algae were carried out to
correct fluxes from biological activity in seawater. Incubations lasted G= − GD (8)
I2 × a + I × b + c
between 1 and 2.5 hr to maintain oxygen saturation above 80%, and
pH changes lower than 0.1 pH units during incubation. NPP and R were
estimated by measuring oxygen concentrations at the beginning and at in Equations (5) and (7), R is the dark respiration rate; in Equations (6)
the end of incubation with a noninvasive optical fiber system (FIBOX 3, and (8), GD is the calcification rate in the dark. GPPmax and Gmax are the
PreSens). Reactive oxygen spots of the chambers were calibrated be- maximum rates of gross primary production and calcification (μmol O2
fore the incubations with 0% and 100% oxygen buffers. Calcification or CaCO3 g DW hr−1), respectively, and Ek (μmol photons m−2 s−1) is the
rates were estimated using the alkalinity anomaly technique (Smith & saturating irradiance.
Key, 1975), which is a good estimator for short-term incubations. It is In the presence of inhibition of the net primary production and
based on a decrease of two moles total alkalinity (TA) by two equiva- calcification by high irradiances GPPmax, Gmax, and Ek were calculated
lents per molecule of CaCO3 precipitated (Wolf-Gladrow, Zeebe, Klaas, from the parameters a, b, and c in Equations (7) and (8) as:
Kortzinger, & Dickson, 2007). Seawater was sampled at the beginning
and at the end of incubation, and analyses were performed as previ- GPPmax or Gmax = √ (9)
b + 2 ac
ously described.
Net primary production (NPP), dark respiration (R), gross primary Ek =

production (GPP), and light and dark calcification (G) rates were b + 2 ac (10)
13792 | QUI MINET et al.

2.6 | Dry weight and CaCO3 content in algae

Note: Temperature and pHT were monitored every day in each aquarium (n = 90). Total alkalinity (TA) was measured each week (n = 20). Nutrients (PO 4 , NO3 and NH4 ) were measured twice per month
NH4+ (μmol/L)
After incubations, DW was measured on lyophilized maerl sam-



TA B L E 1 Mean values of temperature and carbonate system parameters and nutrient concentrations in each treatment (present (Pr) and future (Fu) scenarios with low (LN) or high

ples. The relative CaCO3 content (%) was calculated from the
ash weight after burning at 550°C (5 hr) and the DW of samples
(g CaCO3 g−1 DW maerl).
NO3− (μmol/L)







2.7 | Chlorophyll a content

Maerl samples for chlorophyll a analyses were stored at −80°C
prior to lyophilization. Afterward, they were ground in plastic tubes

PO 43− (μmol/L)

with 0.5 cm stainless steel beads (Brammer) using a Tissue Lyser

II (QIAGEN). Extraction was done according to Arar and Collins







0.9–1.7 (1997), that is, 5 ml of 90% acetone were added to 0.05 g of maerl
powder. Samples were kept in glass tubes for 12 hr in dark and
(n = 7). Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), pCO2, and Ω Ar were calculated from temperature, pHT, TA , and salinity (35) using the CO2SYS software. 4°C. Afterward, incubation tubes were centrifuged at 3,000 g for
10 min, and the supernatant was then transferred to a new tube;
2.14 ± 0.04

1.16 ± 0.04
1.14 ± 0.04

1.45 ± 0.04
2.53 ± 0.08
2.10 ± 0.03

1.39 ± 0.03
2.64 ± 0.02

fluorescence was then measured using a calibrated Turner 10-AU

Ω Ar

2.8 | Statistics
pCO2 (μatm)

1,187 ± 20
1,182 ± 36
965 ± 10

450 ± 10
464 ± 10
418 ± 4
420 ± 8
965 ± 9

Statistical analyses were performed using the open source soft-

ware R version 3.5.1 (R Core Team, 2017). The chlorophyll a and
CaCO3 contents, and the metabolic rates were averaged for the two
sets of thalli of each maerl species per aquarium, and the individual
DIC (μmol/kg SW)

aquaria were thus considered as replicates (n = 3). Because of the

small number of replicates per treatment, the normality of data was
2,318 ± 22

2,126 ± 20
2,323 ± 12
2,213 ± 15

2,310 ± 16
2,141 ± 11
2,298 ± 14
2,209 ± 9

not verified for any of the analyses. This prevented us from using
parametric analyses such as ANOVA or PERMANOVA and led us to
use nonparametric analyses. Moreover, the use of rank-based tests
has been recommended for small samples (Legendre & Legendre,
TA (μmol/kg SW)

1998) and is often as powerful as parametric tests (Scherrer, 2007).

However, we are aware that such an approach increases the num-
2,414 ± 12
2,399 ± 15
2,402 ± 18

2,372 ± 16

2,375 ± 10
2,395 ± 24

2,351 ± 9

2,424 ± 7

ber of comparisons, and as such, there is a risk of a type I error, that

is, incorrect rejection of the null hypothesis.
A two-way nonparametric ANOVA (the Scheirer-Ray-Hare (SRH)
test) was then performed to test the effects of the temperature–pH
8.04 ± 0.01
8.04 ± 0.01
7.71 ± 0.01
7.71 ± 0.01

8.00 ± 0.01
8.00 ± 0.01
7.67 ± 0.01
7.67 ± 0.01

scenarios, nutrient availability, and their interaction on chlorophyll a

and CaCO3 content, and primary production, respiration, and calci-

fication rates under ambient irradiance and in the dark. NPP-E and
G-E curve parameter fits were tested by the Fisher test using the
following R script: p-value = 1 − pf (F, r, n), where F is the Fisher test, r
nutrients (HN)) in both seasons

12.7 ± 0.2
12.7 ± 0.2

20.7 ± 0.2
20.7 ± 0.2
10.0 ± 0.1
10.0 ± 0.1

18.0 ± 0.1
18.0 ± 0.1

is the number of estimated parameters, and n is the number of points

Abbreviation: SW, seawater.
T (°C)

used to adjust the curve.

In both seasons, a nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis (KW) test was
used to test differences in NPP-E and G-E curve parameters between
present and future scenarios (Pr-LN and Fu-LN). For summer condi-



tions, a two-way nonparametric ANOVA (SRH test) was done to test





the effects of the temperature–pH scenarios, nutrient availability, and

their interaction on L. corallioides P-E and G-E curve parameters.
QUI MINET et al. | 13793

F I G U R E 3 Box plots of the chlorophyll a content in Lithothamnion corallioides, Phymatolithon calcareum, and Lithophyllum incrustans in
winter (a, b, c) and in summer (d, e, f) (n = 3) in the present (Pr) and future (Fu) scenarios with low (LN) or high nutrients (HN). Boxes extend
from the 25th to the 75th percentiles of all the data for each treatment; the central horizontal line represents the median, and bars extend to
the 95% confidence limits

3 | R E S U LT S (Table 2 and Figure 4a,c). R rates in P. calcareum were negatively af-

fected by nutrient enrichment (Table 2 and Figure 4b). GPP rates
3.1 | Physicochemical parameters did not vary significantly across treatments or species (Table 2 and
Figure 5c). GL rates did not differ significantly between treatments
Salinity remained stable in both seasons at 35.0 ± 0.2. Mean values in L. corallioides, although they were more than two-fold lower under
of seawater temperature, pHT, TA , DIC, pCO2, and Ω Ar and mean nu- Fu-LN relative to the other treatments (Table 2 and Figure 6a). P. cal-
trient concentrations for the four treatments and both seasons are careum showed net dissolution under Fu-LN, but the test did not
given in Table 1. reveal any significant differences (Table 2 and Figure 6b). In L. in-
crustans, GL rates were significantly affected by the temperature–pH
scenario with net dissolution observed under Fu-LN.
3.2 | Impact of the future temperature–pH Lithothamnion corallioides and P. calcareum winter GD rates
scenario and nutrient enrichment in winter conditions were negatively affected by the future temperature–pH scenario
under ambient irradiance (Table 2), and net dissolution was observed under Fu-LN (Figure 7a,b).
Lithophyllum incrustans GD rates did not differ significantly between
Chl a content was significantly and positively affected by nutrient treatments (Table 2), although dissolution was observed under
enrichment in the three maerl species (Appendix S1 & Figure 3a–c). Fu-LN (Figure 7c).
CaCO3 content was not significantly affected by any treatment in none GL:GPP ratio did not vary significantly between treatments in
of the species (Appendix S1). Mean values were 85.3 ± 0.0% in L. coral- L. corallioides (0.23 ± 0.11) and P. calcareum (0.09 ± 0.19) (Table 2).
lioides, 85.7 ± 0.0% in P. calcareum, and 83.8 ± 0.0% in L. incrustans. In L. incrustans, it ranged from −0.03 ± 0.10 (Fu-LN) to 0.33 ± 0.00
R rates in L. corallioides and L. incrustans were not significantly (Pr-HN) and was negatively affected by the future temperature–pH
affected by the temperature–pH scenario or nutrient conditions scenario (Table 2).
TA B L E 2 Summary of the results of two-way nonparametric (Scheirer–Ray–Hare) tests testing the effects of temperature and pH scenarios, nutrient enrichment and their interaction on

Lithothamnion corallioides, Phymatolithon calcareum, Lithophyllum incrustans gross primary production (GPP), respiration (R), light (GL) and dark calcification (GD) rates, and GL:GPP ratio in winter

and summer conditions (n = 3)

Gross primary production (GPP) Respiration (R) Calcification in the light (GL) Calcification in the dark (GD)
(μmol O2 g−1 DW hr−1) (μmol O2 g−1 DW hr−1) (μmol CaCO3 g−1 DW hr−1) (μmol CaCO3 g−1 DW hr−1) GL:GPP ratio

df F p-value F p-value F p-value F p-value F p-value

Lithothamnion corallioides/WINTER
Scenario 1 0.02 .873 0.92 .337 2.56 .109 8.31 .004** 0.92 .337
Nutrients 1 0.41 .522 1.64 .200 2.56 .109 0.92 .337 2.08 .149
Interaction 1 0.92 .337 2.08 .149 1.26 .262 0.23 .631 2.56 .109
Phymatolithon calcareum/WINTER
Scenario 1 3.10 .078 0.92 .337 2.08 .149 5.77 .016* 2.56 .109
Nutrients 1 0.00 1.000 5.02 .025* 3.10 .078 0.23 .631 2.08 .149
Interaction 1 2.56 .109 3.00 .631 1.26 .262 2.08 .149 1.64 .200
Lithophyllum incrustans/WINTER
Scenario 1 1.26 .262 0.92 .337 6.56 .010* 0.03 .873 6.56 .010*
Nutrients 1 3.69 .055 2.08 .149 1.26 .262 2.56 .109 1.64 .200
Interaction 1 1.64 .200 3.69 .055 0.41 .522 2.56 .109 0.23 .631
Lithothamnion corallioides/SUMMER
Scenario 1 0.92 .337 3.69 .055 1.26 .262 2.08 .149 1.64 .200
Nutrients 1 0.41 .522 1.26 .262 3.69 .055 0.03 .873 3.69 .055
Interaction 1 4.33 .037* 1.64 .200 1.64 .200 3.10 .078 0.64 .423
Phymatolithon calcareum/SUMMER
Scenario 1 1.26 .262 5.77 .016* 1.26 .262 6.56 .010* 0.03 .873
Nutrients 1 4.33 .037* 2.08 .149 0.23 .631 0.00 1.000 0.23 .631
Interaction 1 0.03 .872 0.23 .631 7.41 .006** 3.10 .078 7.41 .006**
Lithophyllum incrustans/SUMMER
Scenario 1 4.33 .037* 2.08 .149 3.69 .055 0.02 .873 6.56 .010*
Nutrient 1 0.64 .423 0.23 .631 0.64 .423 6.56 .010* 0.03 .873
Interaction 1 0.64 .423 5.77 .016* 0.10 .749 0.10 .749 0.00 1.000
Lithothamnion corallioides
Season 1 4.81 .028* 4.08 .043* 12.81 <.001*** 0.96 .326 8.67 .003**
Phymatolithon calcareum
Season 1 14.52 <.001*** 3.85 .050 0.16 .686 0.01 .908 4.81 .028*
Lithophyllum incrustans
Season 1 2.43 .119 16.80 <.001*** 17.28 <.001*** 12.40 .001** 0.48 .488
QUI MINET et al.

Note: Comparisons among seasons were done using a one-way nonparametric (Kruskal–Wallis) test. Analyses significant at the α = .025 level are indicated by asterisks.
Values in bold refer to parameters that are significantly different.
QUI MINET et al. | 13795

F I G U R E 4 Box plots presenting respiration rates of Lithothamnion corallioides, Phymatolithon calcareum, and Lithophyllum incrustans in
the winter (a, b, c) and in the summer (d, e, f) (n = 3) in the present (Pr) and future (Fu) scenarios with low (LN) or high nutrients (HN). Boxes
extend from the 25th to the 75th percentiles of all the data for each treatment; the central horizontal line represents the median, and bars
extend to the 95% confidence limits

3.3 | Impact of the future temperature–pH with the future temperature–pH scenario in L. incrustans (Table 2
scenario and nutrient enrichment in summer & Figure 5f). None of the species observed dissolution in the light
conditions under ambient irradiance in the summer. Lithothamnion corallioides GL was not significantly
affected by any of the treatments, although the GL rate was 39%
Lithothamnion corallioides and P. calcareum Chl a content was af- lower under Fu-LN than under Fu-HN (Table 2 & Figure 6d). In P. cal-
fected neither by the temperature–pH scenario nor by nutrient con- careum, GL was affected by the interaction between the tempera-
ditions (Figure 3d,e) but, in L. incrustans, Chl a was positively affected ture–pH scenarios and nutrient availability (Table 2 & Figure 6e):
by the future temperature–pH scenario (Appendix S1 & Figure 3f). when nutrients were added, it increased under the present scenario
CaCO3 content ranged from 84.6 (Fu-LN) to 86.4% (Pr-LN) in L. coral- and decreased under the future scenario. In L. incrustans, GL rates
lioides with significant lower values under the future temperature– were affected neither by the temperature–pH scenario nor by nu-
pH scenarios. In P. calcareum, it ranged from 85.0% (Pr-LN) to 86.5% trient enrichment (Table 2 & Figure 6f). Calcification was observed
(Fu-LN) and was affected by the interaction between scenario and in the dark in L. corallioides under all treatments, and no effect was
nutrients. It was not significantly affected by any treatment in L. in- observed (Table 2 & Figure 7d). As in winter conditions, P. calcareum
crustans and averaged 84.4 ± 0.0%. GD rates were negatively affected by the temperature–pH scenario
Lithothamnion corallioides R rates were not affected by any treat- (Table 2) with net dissolution observed under Fu-HN (Figure 7e).
ment; in P. calcareum, R was negatively affected by the temperature– Lithophyllum incrustans GD was significantly affected by nutrient
pH scenario. In L. incrustans, R rates were significantly affected by availability (Table 2): It was higher under HN conditions than LN con-
the interaction between the temperature–pH scenario and nutrient ditions (Figure 7f).
availability (Table 2 & Figure 4d–f). GPP of L. corallioides was also The L. corallioides GL:GPP ratio did not differ significantly between
affected by the interaction between the temperature–pH scenario treatments and was on average of 0.35 ± 0.06. The P. calcareum sum-
and nutrient availability (Table 2 & Figure 5d). GPP rates increased mer GL:GPP ratio ranged from 0.13 ± 0.02 (Fu-HN) to 0.23 ± 0.05
with nutrient enrichment in P. calcareum (Table 2 & Figure 5e) and (Fu-LN) and was significantly affected by the interaction between
13796 | QUI MINET et al.

F I G U R E 5 Box plots presenting gross primary production rates of Lithothamnion corallioides, Phymatolithon calcareum, and Lithophyllum
incrustans in the winter (a, b, c) and in the summer (d, e, f) (n = 3) in the present (Pr) and future (Fu) scenarios with low (LN) or high nutrients
(HN). Boxes extend from the 25th to the 75th percentiles of all the data for each treatment; the central horizontal line represents the
median, and bars extend to the 95% confidence limits

the temperature–pH scenario and nutrient availability (Table 2). In 3.5 | Impact of the future temperature–pH scenario
L. incrustans, the summer GL:GPP ratio was significantly lower under on the relationship between net primary production/
the future temperature–pH scenario (mean value of 0.22 ± 0.04) calcification and irradiance in summer conditions
than under present scenarios (mean value of 0.34 ± 0.06).
The curves of the relationship between NPP or G and E are shown
in Figures 10 and 11 (R 2 > 0.90). Only L. corallioides GPPmax in-
3.4 | Impact of the future temperature–pH scenario creased significantly under the future scenario (Tables 3 and 4).
on the relationship between net primary production/ Photosynthetic irradiance of saturation (Ek) did not vary signifi-
calcification and irradiance in winter conditions cantly among treatments in any of the species (Figure 10 & Table 4).
Lithothamnion corallioides Gmax dropped significantly (of 37%) under
The curves of the relationship between winter net primary pro- the future scenario, but did not vary significantly between tempera-
duction (NPP) or calcification (G) and irradiance (E) are shown on ture–pH scenarios in the other species (Figure 11; Tables 3 and 4).
Figures 8 and 9 (R 2 > 0.90). GPPmax increased significantly in the Calcification irradiance of saturation (Ek) did not vary among treat-
future temperature–pH scenario in L. corallioides and P. calcareum. ments in any of the species (Figure 11; Tables 3 and 4).
Both species showed photoinhibition at this season at irradiances
above 200 μmol photons m−2 s−1 (Figure 8). Photosynthetic irradi-
ance of saturation (Ek) was enhanced under the future scenario in 3.6 | NH4+ consumption
L. corallioides (Figure 8 & Table 3). In the three maerl species, Gmax
was enhanced under the future scenario (Figure 9, Tables 3 and NH4+ consumption did not vary significantly between species
4). In P. calcareum, inhibition was observed at irradiances above and treatments whatever the season (ANOVA, p > .05), but win-
200 μmol photons/m2 hr−1 (Figure 10). Calcification Ek was only af- ter consumption was significantly affected by irradiance (ANOVA,
fected in L. corallioides, where it was higher under the future scenario F = 96.06, p < .001). The highest value was observed at 400 μmol pho-
(Figure 9; Tables 3 and 4). tons m−2 s−1 (0.06 ± 0.02 μmol NH4+ g−1 DW hr−1) and the lowest at
QUI MINET et al. | 13797

F I G U R E 6 Box plots presenting net calcification rates in the light (GL) of Lithothamnion corallioides, Phymatolithon calcareum, and
Lithophyllum incrustans in the winter (a, b, c) and in the summer (d, e, f) (n = 3) in the present (Pr) and future (Fu) scenarios with low (LN)
or high nutrients (HN). Boxes extend from the 25th to the 75th percentiles of all the data for each treatment; the central horizontal line
represents the median, and bars extend to the 95% confidence limits

30 μmol photons m−2 s−1 (0.006 ± 0.01 μmol NH4+ g−1 DW s−1). The range of temperatures experienced in natural habitats could be det-
NH4+ summer consumption did not vary with irradiance (ANOVA, rimental for coralline algae; moreover, as it could be aggravated by
p > .05), but was higher (0.07 ± 0.02 μmol g−1 DW s−1) than in winter decreased pH (Martin & Gattuso, 2009). In addition, illumination
(ANOVA, p < .001). factors such as length of photoperiod and intensity affect the physi-
ology of coralline algae (Martin, Castets, & Clavier, 2006; Martin,
Charnoz, et al., 2013; Martin et al., 2007; Martin, Cohu, et al., 2013).
4 | D I S CU S S I O N The length of the photoperiod directly influences diel patterns of
respiration and net photosynthesis and their coupling to calcification.
4.1 | Effect of projected global climate change on In the light, the photosynthetic fixation of CO2 causes an increase
physiological parameters in the pH within the intracellular spaces and at the boundary layer
of diffusion that induces CaCO3 precipitation (Cornwall, Hepburn,
The response of the three studied maerl species to future pH and Pilditch, & Hurd, 2013; De Beer & Larkum, 2001). Conversely, in the
temperature scenarios varied with the season. This is in agreement dark, the respiration process generates CO2, resulting in a decrease
with previous studies on coralline algae reporting that the effects of of pH within the intracellular spaces and the boundary layer of diffu-
ocean warming and acidification are modified by seasonal variation sion (Cornwall et al., 2013; Hurd, Harrison, Bischof, & Lobban, 2014)
in species responses and environmental conditions (Martin, Cohu, et and thus hindering calcification.
al., 2013; Martin & Hall-Spencer, 2017). In temperate ecosystems, In future climate change scenarios, the three maerl species may
maerl beds face strong seasonal variability of physicochemical pa- thus be particularly sensitive during the winter period when pho-
rameters (Qui-Minet et al., 2018) including variations in temperature toperiod is short. Indeed, under this scenario, calcification rates in
and irradiance (length of photoperiod and intensity). Rising sea tem- winter significantly decreased in L. incrustans, while dissolution was
perature can be beneficial in winter for coralline algae, allowing an in- observed in P. calcareum under ambient irradiance (30 μmol pho-
crease in their photosynthetic and calcification rates (Martin, Cohu, tons m−2 s−1). By contrast, the lack of effect of the future scenario in
et al., 2013). However, increased temperature in summer above the summer under ambient irradiance suggests a positive effect of long
13798 | QUI MINET et al.

F I G U R E 7 Boxes presenting net calcification in the dark (GD) of Lithothamnion corallioides, Phymatolithon calcareum, and Lithophyllum
incrustans in the winter (a, b, c) and in the summer (d, e, f) (n = 3) in the present (Pr) and future (Fu) scenarios with low (LN) or high nutrients
(HN). Boxes extend from the 25th to the 75th percentiles of all the data for each treatment; the central horizontal line represents the
median, and bars extend to the 95% confidence limits

photoperiods and the ability of the three species to cope with lower under high irradiances, while no photoinhibition was observed for
values of pH under elevated temperatures. L. incrustans. The maerl species L. corallioides and P. calcareum pos-
Light intensity has an important role in the response of coral- sess zeaxanthin as a photoprotective pigment, whereas L. incrustans
line algae to climate change. For example, in winter, maximum rates possess lutein as a photoprotective pigment and has a significantly
of gross primary production under high irradiances were enhanced higher concentration of pigments relative to the other species (Qui-
under the future scenario in L. corallioides and P. calcareum, while the Minet et al., 2018). Therefore, although the three studied maerl spe-
rates of gross primary production under ambient irradiance were cies can be found at the same location in our study site, they have
unaffected. This may reflect the absence of dissolved inorganic car- different geographical distribution, reflecting different ecological af-
bon (DIC) limitation under ambient irradiance in comparison with finities. Indeed, the response to the future climate change scenario of
higher irradiances. It is thus of particular importance to determine maerl is here dependent on the species. Species-specific responses
photosynthetic rates as a function of irradiance since light avail- to global climate change under different irradiances may result from
ability can affect the ability of algae to use DIC. For example, DIC differences in morphology and taxonomical groups, that may be
limitation can be influenced by irradiance as carbon concentrating translated in differences in light reflectance, type, and concentration
mechanisms are energy dependent (Raven, Giordano, Beardall, & of photoprotective pigments (Burdett et al., 2014; Vazquez-Elizondo
Maberly,2012). & Enriquez, 2016).
Mechanisms that control light harvesting and photoprotection In this work, we studied how the combination of ocean acidifi-
depend on light intensity while they may be controlled by tempera- cation and warming impacted the photosynthetic and calcification
ture and pH variations (Croce & Van Amerongen, 2014). Therefore, response of maerl species to different irradiances. Maximum rates
due to seasonal changes in irradiance, the outcome of light intensity of gross primary production and calcification rates are known to
interaction with global climate change will directly depend on the increase with increasing temperature up to a thermal optimum and
season. Lithothamnion corallioides and P. calcareum presented a cer- then decline steeply with further increase in temperature (Chalker
tain degree of inhibition of net primary production and net calcification & Taylor, 1975; Eilers & Peeters, 1988; Hurd et al., 2014; Marshall
QUI MINET et al. | 13799

F I G U R E 8 Relationship between net primary production rates and irradiance in Lithothamnion corallioides, Phymatolithon calcareum, and
Lithophyllum incrustans under unenriched (LN) conditions in the present temperature–pH scenario (Pr-LN, a, b, c, respectively) and in the
future temperature–pH scenario (Fu-LN, d, e, f, respectively) in winter conditions

& Clode, 2002). Those parameters were not enhanced by the fu- this study, photosynthesis and calcification were not impacted
ture summer scenario in the here studied maerl species, L coralli- negatively by none of the scenarios at low irradiances in the
oides. Therefore, we assume that P. calcareum and L. incrustans summer.
photosynthetic and calcification rates may decline with further rise Species-specific consequences of ocean warming and acidifi-
in temperature. Furthermore, the significant decrease in the max- cation are also noticed for the respiration of the maerl species.
imum rate of calcification under high irradiances in L. corallioides, The respiration rates of L. corallioides and L. incrustans were not af-
and its significant lower CaCO3 content at this season under the fected by the future pH and temperature scenario either in winter
future summer scenario suggests a significant decrease of CaCO3 or in summer, while those of P. calcareum decreased significantly
precipitation at low tide at this season, when irradiances are under the future summer scenario. Compared to the two other
>300 μmol photons m−2 s−1. maerl species, P. calcareum has a higher affinity for lower tem-
Knowledge of the environmental conditions at the location peratures (Adey & McKibbin, 1970) and may be more sensitive to
where the species were collected is essential to understand increased temperature in summer. The lack of effect of decreased
how they may be impacted by global climate change. Likewise, pH and increased temperatures on respiration rates in L. corallioi-
the maerl bed (Roz bed located in the Bay of Brest), where the des and L. incrustans may point to an adaptation to the near future
three maerl species were collected has a shallow depth (chart conditions of ocean acidification and warming due to the substan-
datum 0.7 m) and faces a high variability of light intensity result- tial seasonal and diel pH and temperature variability experienced
ing from cloud cover, turbidity, and tide variation. According to in their natural environment in the Roz maerl bed (Qui-Minet et
our results, the three maerl species will be more vulnerable to al., 2018) although this was not the case for P. calcareum, living in
dissolution and/or their calcification rates will decrease in the the same place.
near future during the winter season due to low light intensities Considering our experimental system, a tank effect due to po-
−2 −1
(30 μmol photons m s ). Although, in the summer, the photo- tential contamination within a header tank (spread of a disease or
period and light intensity may increase; summer epiphyte algal pollution) cannot be completely discarded and would have biased the
species show high coverage of the Roz maerl bed, which severely results due to the interdependence of replicates. Nevertheless, due
decreases the light intensity that maerl receives. However, in to the high seawater renewal rate and frequency of cleaning of the
13800 | QUI MINET et al.

F I G U R E 9 Relationship between net calcification rates and irradiance in Lithothamnion corallioides under unenriched (LN) conditions in
the present temperature–pH scenario (Pr-LN, a, b, c, respectively) and in the future temperature–pH scenario (Fu-LN, d, e, f, respectively) in
winter conditions

TA B L E 3 Summary of the results of one-way nonparametric (Kruskal–Wallis) tests on the effects of temperature–pH scenarios under
the unenriched nutrient conditions in Lithothamnion corallioides, Phymatolithon calcareum, Lithophyllum incrustans on the parameters of the
relationships between primary production (NPP) or calcification (G) and irradiance (E) in winter and summer conditions (n = 3)

Primary production Calcification

GPPmax Ek GPPmax Ek

Species df F p F p F p F p

Lithothamnion corallioides/WINTER 1 3.86 .049* 3.86 .049* 3.86 .049* 0.43 .513
Phymatolithon calcareum/WINTER 1 3.97 .046* 0.44 .507 3.86 .049* 0.05 .827
Lithophyllum incrustans/WINTER 1 0.05 .827 2.33 .127 3.86 .049* 0.43 .513
Lithothamnion corallioides/SUMMER 1 3.86 .049* 1.19 .275 3.86 .049* 3.86 .049*
Phymatolithon calcareum/SUMMER 1 0.43 .513 2.33 .127 0.05 .827 2.33 .127
Lithophyllum incrustans/SUMMER 1 2.33 .126 3.23 .072 0.43 .513 2.33 .127
Lithothamnion corallioides/SEASON 1 6.56 .010* 0.64 .423 0.92 .337 1.26 .262
Phymatolithon calcareum/SEASON 1 5.79 .016* 8.34 .004** 0.00 1.000 1.26 .262
Lithophyllum incrustans/SEASON 1 8.31 .004** 3.12 .077 3.10 .078 2.56 .109

Note: Comparison of the season effect on the parameters of the NPP-E and G-E curves was done using a nonparametric test (Kruskal–Wallis) (n = 3).
GPPmax, the maximal gross primary production (μmol O2 g−1 DW hr−1), Ek, the irradiance of saturation (μmol photons m−2 s−1), Gmax, the maximal gross
calcification (μmol CaCO3 g−1 DW hr−1). Analyses significant at the α = .025 level are indicated by asterisks.
Values in bold refer to parameters that are significantly different.

header tanks, such a risk of contamination was limited. Furthermore, seasonal tendency (Martin et al., 2006) and species-specific re-
our results are in agreement with what has been observed in situ at sponses (Z. N. Qui-Minet, D. Davoult, J. Grall, C. Delaunay, C. Six, T.
the Bay of Brest, in terms of the primary production and calcification Cariou, S. Martin, unpublished).
QUI MINET et al. | 13801

TA B L E 4 Mean parameters of the relationship between net rates of coralline algae (Bjork et al., 1995; Kinsey & Davies, 1979;
primary production (NPP) or calcification (G) rates and irradiance Simkiss, 1964), even at the concentrations reported in the present
under the present temperature–pH scenario (Pr-LN) and future
study (1 μmol/L; Bjork et al., 1995).
scenario (Fu-LN) under winter and summer conditions (n = 3)
Physical factors (e.g., light intensity, photoperiod, and tempera-
Net primary ture) influence nutrient uptake kinetics in macroalgae (Fogg, 1953;
production Calcification
Harrison & Hurd, 2001; Hofmann, Straub, & Bischof, 2013; Hurd
(μmol O2 g−1 DW hr−1) (μmol CaCO3 g−1 DW hr−1)
et al., 2014; Magnusson, Larsson, & Axelsson, 1996; Ravaglioli et
Species GPPmax Ek G max Ek al., 2017). A strong correlation between seawater N concentra-
Lithothamnion corallioides/WINTER tion, algal N content, and algal pigment content has been observed
Pr-LN 3.5 ± 0.2 37 ± 11 0.64 ± 0.14 87 ± 40 for temperate macroalgae (Gevaert et al., 2001; Davison, Jordan,

Fu-LN 5.2 ± 0.7 99 ± 13 1.62 ± 0.16 77 ± 8 Fegley, & Grobe, 2007; Chow, 2012; Bordeyne, Migné, & Davoult,
2016), including the maerl species studied here (Qui-Minet et al.,
Phymatolithon calcareum/WINTER
2018). The increase in Chl a content under nutrient-enriched con-
Pr-LN 3.3 ± 0.4 34 ± 14 0.43 ± 0.15 104 ± 35
ditions in winter suggests that the uptake of N was not saturated
Fu-LN 4.6 ± 0.0 47 ± 0 0.87 ± 0.16 133 ± 45
under the treatment without enrichment (Hurd et al., 2014). Thus,
Lithophyllum incrustans/WINTER
high nutrient concentrations in winter might have a positive im-
Pr-LN 4.0 ± 0.9 56 ± 16 1.05 ± 0.25 125 ± 90
pact on temperate coralline algae physiology. Conversely, the lack
Fu-LN 4.5 ± 1.8 99 ± 47 1.78 ± 0.41 91 ± 17 of a nutrient loading effect on the summer chlorophyll a content
Pr-LN 5.7 ± 0.2 76 ± 14 1.6 ± 0.0 95 ± 27 of the three maerl species may indicate that, during this season,
Lithothamnion corallioides/SUMMER maerl have higher nutrient requirements and therefore would not
Pr-HN 7.7 ± 0.4 75 ± 12 1.3 ± 0.2 97 ± 70 store N.
Fu-LN 7.2 ± 1.0 105 ± 34 1.0 ± 0.1 46 ± 5
Fu-HN 7.1 ± 0.4 79 ± 6 1.2 ± 0.2 55 ± 10
Phymatolithon calcareum/SUMMER 4.3 | Interaction between global climate change and
Pr-LN 5.6 ± 1.0 99 ± 20 0.65 ± 0.03 129 ± 63
local change on physiological parameters
Fu-LN 5.6 ± 0.2 81 ± 15 0.65 ± 0.13 71 ± 31
Environmental variations of natural and anthropogenic origin, includ-
Lithophyllum incrustans/SUMMER
ing nutrient availability, may increase coralline algae resilience or exac-
Pr-LN 8.0 ± 0.2 120 ± 9 2.27 ± 1.30 122 ± 23
erbate their response to global climate change (Williamson et al., 2014).
Fu-LN 7.6 ± 0.4 93 ± 16 2.28 ± 0.07 161 ± 23
According to some authors, the response of calcified organisms to the
Note: GPPmax,the maximal gross primary production rates future conditions of temperature and pH will directly depend on nu-
(μmol O2 g−1 DW hr−1), Ek, the irradiance of saturation (μmol trient availability (Celis-Plá et al., 2015; Langdon & Atkinson, 2005).
photon m−2 s−1), Gmax, the maximal gross calcification rates
Nevertheless, its impact has not been previously studied in maerl/rho-
(μmol CaCO3 g−1 DW hr−1).
dolith species. Several authors reported a negative effect of phosphate
on the calcification rates of coralline algae (Bjork et al., 1995; Kinsey
4.2 | Effect of nutrient enrichment on & Davies, 1979; Simkiss, 1964). However, higher phosphate concen-
physiological parameters trations (1 μmol/L) did not decrease the calcification rates in any of
the species under projected future temperature–pH conditions (winter
Coastal ecosystems are impacted by local changes, nutrient enrich- and summer) at ambient irradiance and at dark.
ment being one of the most relevant (Aufdenkampe et al., 2011). Although nonsignificant, the mean calcification rates of L. coral-
Species-specific responses were observed. Lithothamnion coral- lioides under a projected future winter scenario under ambient irra-
lioides was not impacted by nutrient availability under any treatment diance were about 50% higher under nutrient-enriched conditions
and season. The significant decrease of P. calcareum respiration relative to unenriched conditions. Moreover, net calcification remains
resulting from nutrient enrichment under winter season may be a positive (precipitation > dissolution) for the three maerl species under
way to minimize carbon dioxide losses and promote calcification, nutrient-enriched conditions (under ambient irradiance and in dark);
although the former process was not significantly affected at this whereas, net dissolution is observed in both light and dark conditions
season. Interestingly, in the summer an increase of nutrient avail- under unenriched conditions. In summer, none of the species showed
ability impacted positively the rates of calcification in the dark in net dissolution independently of nutrient availability.
L. incrustans and gross primary production under ambient light ir- These results are consistent with previous observations on cal-
radiance in P. calcareum. cifying organisms suggesting that energy supply helps them to cope
The absence of negative effects of nutrient enrichment on calci- with higher pCO2 (Schoepf et al., 2013; Tanaka et al., 2013; Ramajo et
fication contradicts previous studies that have described phosphate al., 2016). Nevertheless, the ratio between the rates of GL and gross
as a crystal poison due to its negative impact on the calcification primary production for P. calcareum decreased significantly under the
13802 | QUI MINET et al.

F I G U R E 1 0 Relationship between net primary production rates and irradiance in Lithothamnion corallioides under unenriched (LN) and
enriched conditions (HN), Phymatolithon calcareum and Lithophyllum incrustans under unenriched conditions in the present temperature–pH
scenario (Pr, a, b, c, d, respectively) and in the future temperature–pH scenario (Fu, e, f, g, h, respectively) in summer conditions

F I G U R E 1 1 Relationship between net calcification rates and irradiance in Lithothamnion corallioides under unenriched (LN) and enriched
conditions (HN), Phymatolithon calcareum, and Lithophyllum incrustans under unenriched (LN) conditions in the present temperature–pH
scenario (Pr, a, b, c, d, respectively) and in the future temperature–pH scenario (Fu, e, f, g, h, respectively) in summer conditions
QUI MINET et al. | 13803

future pH/temperature scenario and nutrient-enriched conditions. future (Brodie et al., 2014). For instance, although species can
Nutrient availability can modify the enzymatic activity of algae and adapt to the same environment, they are sensitive to specific
therefore the energetic balance and the response of photosynthesis thresholds of environmental parameters. Our study suggests
and calcification processes to elevated CO2 and increased tempera- that ocean acidification and warming would render some species
ture (Hofmann et al., 2013; Williamson, Perkins, Voller, Yallop, & more vulnerable to stressful conditions of irradiance than others.
Brodie, 2017). However, to our knowledge, there is no information In this context, P. calcareum when living at shallow depths (thus,
regarding the energy allocation of maerl in an ocean acidification and subject to higher light intensities) may be severely affected by
warming context. global climate change relative to shallow adapted species such
Since pigments are N-containing components (Hurd et al., 2014), L. incrustans. P. calcareum is also the species with the lowest cal-
maerl specimens observing inhibition of winter gross primary pro- cification rates and the only one to endure dissolution in the dark
duction and net calcification under high irradiances were probably under the future summer scenario, which may threaten its growth
under deficient conditions of nitrogen. rates and survival in shallow depths and lower latitudes.
The relationship between primary production/calcification and
irradiance under different nutrient concentrations was studied only Given these results, we expect that temperate maerl species will
in L. corallioides in summer, and we did not observe any interactive benefit from moderate nutrient enrichment in the winter season,
effect between scenario and nutrients on the maximal rates of gross avoiding dissolution under ambient low irradiance levels. Being L. cor-
primary production and calcification (GPPmax and Gmax). The nonre- allioides the most abundant species in the Bay of Brest, the significant
sponsiveness to these conditions may suggest the nonlimitation of decrease of its calcification rates in the summer will have a negative
nutrients for this species, likely due to the capacity of macroalgae impact on the CaCO3 budget in this location. Furthermore, previ-
to stock N during previous seasons and to their low energetic re- ous studies have shown a positive impact of ocean acidification on
quirements (Hurd et al., 2014). Further studies should consider the the development of fleshy epiphytic macroalgae (Johnson, Price, &
response and potential interaction between global climate change Smith, 2014). Many of the species developing on North Atlantic maerl
and nutrient loading on the light harvesting and calcification mech- beds are consider as opportunists (Bunker, Brodie, Maggs, & Bunker,
anisms of coralline algae, in order to give a deeper insight into their 2017) and may also benefit from the increase of temperature and
capacity to adapt to future scenarios. These results suggest that de- nutrient availability with negative consequences for maerl survival.
spite any possible artifact introduced by the experimental system, In this context, fleshy epiphytic macroalgae compete with maerl for
nutrient enrichment can modify the response of the algae under a light, carbon, and nutrients (Steneck, 1986). They can also modify the
given scenario. seawater chemistry within the diffusive boundary layer and increase
the diel pH fluctuations under future global change scenarios (Short,
Pedersen, & Kendrick, 2015). However, epiphytic abundance is also
affected by other abiotic and biotic parameters such as hydrodynam-
5 | CO N C LU S I O N ics (Hily, Potin, & Flocíh, 1992), the antifouling ability of coralline algae
(Figueiredo, Norton, & Kain, 1997) and grazing by the benthic fauna
The magnitude of the ongoing global climate change effects on tem- (Guillou, Grall, & Connan, 2002). Furthermore, coastal ecosystems are
perate maerl species located in coastal systems will depend on how highly heterogeneous, and maerl beds located in these ecosystems
their fitness responds to it in interaction with seasonal variations of are subject to different sources of local change which affect their
temperature, photoperiod, light intensity, and nutrient availability, resilience and capacity to adapt to future scenarios of global change
among other physicochemical parameters. It will also depend on the (Horta et al., 2016). Due to their slow growth rates (Potin, Floc'h,
interaction with other stressors or sources of local changes, such Augris, & Cabioch, 1990), activities such as dredging may reduce their
as freshwater inputs, hydrodynamics, pollution, and among others abundance at a higher rate than global climate change (Grall & Hall-
(Horta et al., 2016; Qui-Minet et al., 2018). Spencer, 2003; Hall-spencer, Grall, Moore, & Atkinson, 2003).
Although care must be taken in the interpretation of the results We are aware that the small number of replicates resulting from
due to potential pitfalls related to experimental design, our results a constraining experimental design prevented us from carrying out
suggest: a more powerful single multifactorial analysis. This weakness is a
consequence of the process of testing and answering a complex but
• An antagonistic interaction between global climate change and realistic problem, the combined action of climate change and local
nutrient enrichment with nutrient loading ameliorating some of eutrophication in a multifactorial experimental design. Therefore,
the negative effects of global climate change. the scope of our study was limited, and our results should be con-
• The ability of ocean acidification and warming to impair light har- sidered carefully. Despite interdependence of replicates per sce-
vesting and photoprotective mechanisms of maerl algae, while nario, this paper contains useful information to increase our ability
this may depend on the interaction with other abiotic factors. to predict the future effects of ocean acidification.
• Species-specific responses to global climate change suggest that Such experiment could have been improved by increasing the
dominance and species distribution may deeply change in the number of header tanks to avoid pseudo-replication as recommended
13804 | QUI MINET et al.

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