Customer Preference Online Shopping
Customer Preference Online Shopping
Customer Preference Online Shopping
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1 author:
Dr R.Sridevi
KPR College of Arts Science and Research
All content following this page was uploaded by Dr R.Sridevi on 07 June 2023.
DR.R.SRIDEVI Assistant Professor, Department of BCOM.PA, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and
Science, Coimbatore
SUJI.M UG Final Year Student, Department of BCOM.PA, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and
Science, Coimbatore.
In today’s era of development not only the nations in the world and by-way-of their group have
come closer to one another but also most of the branch have undertaken great changes. This study will
help the business people to make decision concerning their product upgrade. The study will help the
Meesho app to know about the view of Meesho among the consumer. Their preference has determined by
the flexibility in using different learning application. The opinion is the teenagers and women’s are
strongly prefer the app. In this we are going about the new selling app called meesho app .This study is
based on the responses of 115 respondents depending upon the customer satisfaction of meesho app.
KEYWORDS: Customer satisfaction, Purchase behavior, Online marketing.
Now a days of globalization not only the nations in the world and thereby their communities
have come closer to one another but also most of the sector have undergone significant changes. With
the significant growth of internet usage, internet marketing is found to expand its horizons. In this we
aware going to learn about the new selling app called Meesho app. This study will help the business
people to make decision regarding their product improvement. The study will help the Meesho app to
know about the view of Meesho among the consumer. Their preference has determined by the
flexibility in using different learning application. It was founded by IIT Delhi graduates Vidit Aatrey
and Sanjeev Barnwal in December 2015. ... It provides an online platform for small businesses to sell
Kim and Park,(2005) presented an article as “A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards
Online Shopping” states that online shoppers, are required to have computer skills in order to use the
internet for shopping.
PushpakSinghal and Dr.Supriyopatra (2018) in their study on “A Study on Consumer
Awareness on Meesho App among Women in Coimbatore City” The objectives of the study is to
understand consumer and preferences towards various products available in online. This research proved
very interesting and un-surfaced certain interesting behavior pattern among the people of Coimbatore.
Hirschman and Holbrook (1982) reveals that, “Motivation of consumers to engage in online
shopping” In online shopping there are more options to choose the products, the convince is the biggest
advantage of online shopping.
To identify the awareness of the consumer about meesho app.
To study the customer satisfaction level.
Digital selling app has collect a lot of importance and knowledge in the present marketing
condition. But every application are not known to everybody, and the awareness about the new
application are known to be very rare. This is one of the major problems for the business people who
are introducing the new application through online marketing that makes competition among them
This is based on the Responses of 115 Respondent of study of customer’s Satisfaction towards
meesho app. The date was collected during December, 2021 and January, 2022. It makes use of google
forms application used to collect responses. Convenient sample method is adopted to conduct the survey.
Percentage analysis tool is used for the study.
From the above table it is inferred that Majority of respondents are in the age group of less than 20
years 50.4%. 67.8% of respondents are female. 81% of respondents are unmarried. 81.7% of
respondents are UG. 49.5% of respondents are earn below 10,000. 81.7% of respondents are students.
• The products are with affordable price in meesho app.
• So far I have been using this app approximately 6 to 8 months and I enjoy this app by purchasing
my necessities.
In this study we came to know that the awareness about the meesho app is high among the
people. Meesho app service is provided for all kind of people. All fantastic service was provided by
meesho app. This app will help the facility providers to know their customer expectations. Meesho
service will become safer and security mode of transport the product.
1. Nivethitha.t & k.vanaja entitled as “A study on consumer awareness on meesho app
Among women in Coimbatore city” retrieved from EPRA international journal of
Multidisciplinary research (IJMR) - peer reviewed journal. Volume: 6| issue: 11 |
November 2020 || journal DOI: 10. 36713| EPRA 2013 || SJIF impact factor: 7032 || ISI
Value: 1.188
2. Shanbhog, M., Singh, m., & Mishra, s. (2016). Study on Customer’s attitude towards online
firms based on their Service Reputation.
4. PushpakSinghal and Dr. SupriyoPatra (2018) says that the various factors that affect the online
shopping behavior of the consumers by using Buyer black box model.
6. Park,C.and Y. Kim, “Identifying Key Factors Affecting Consumer Purchase Behavior in an
Online Shopping Context,” International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 1:16-29,
7. NandhiniBalasubramanian and Isswarya (2017) based on their it is an attempt to analyze
customer satisfaction level of Meesho.