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BPP Coursework Cover Sheet

Programme MSc Management

Module name Personal Effectiveness

Schedule Term

Student Reference Number (SRN)

Report/Assignment Title

Date of Submission

Declaration of Original Work:

I hereby declare that I have read and understood BPP’s regulations on plagiarism and that
this is my original work, researched, undertaken, completed and submitted in accordance
with the requirements of BPP School of Business and Technology.

The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography and appendices, is ___ words.

Student Reference Number:

Executive summary
The current personal effectiveness report is focused on analysing key competencies of a global
business leader. Referring to CEO Genome Project, significant characteristics of a leader are
identified that include having conviction, reliable delivery, proactive adaptability, and engaging
for impact. Apart from that, my personal learning style has also been evaluated by utilising the
VARK model, along with completing Honey and Mumford’s learning styles test. Apart from
that, the comparison of two online platforms for improving my personal effectiveness has been
drawn by considering online platforms such as LinkedIn Learning and Udemy. This indicates
that Udemy is preferable for improving my personal effectiveness.

Table of Contents


Task 1 – Case Study Review...........................................................................................................4

Task 2 – Evaluation of Learning Style............................................................................................6

Task 3 – Analysis of Online Platforms............................................................................................8


Reference list.................................................................................................................................11

Appendix: Honey and Mumford’s learning styles questionnaire..................................................13

Personal effectiveness simply means getting the best out of oneself, in order to succeed in life.
Personal effectiveness refers to an approach that involves the utilisation of motivation, skills, and
energy to develop and reach towards interpersonal goals that constantly strive and influence a
better professional and personal sense (Shimshock and Le, 2022). Moreover, personal
effectiveness is highly efficient and essential in an individual's life because it offers a positive
well-being and fulfilling life that keeps an individual productive while making progress
throughout life. There are several personal effectiveness skills such as determination, confidence,
understanding strengths and limitations, stress management, optimism, problem-solving, time
management, and several others (Ain et al. 2021). This can significantly enhance the relationship
between an individual and their purpose in life with better management of themselves.
In this relation, the following report will focus on analysing a business leader's personal effective
skills along with my own learning styles comparing and contrasting them with strategies for self-
improvement. The following assessment is divided into tasks 1, 2, and 3, where task 1 refers to
the case study review, task 2 refers to the evaluation of learning style, and task 3 specifically
considers the development of personal effectiveness and analysis of the online platform. All of
these tasks are significantly referred to as having an appropriate aspect of personal effectiveness
and self-improvement that can build strong future possibilities.
Task 1 – Case Study Review
With reference to the CEO genome project case study, different skills and behaviours can be
highlighted from the perspective of effective global leaders. By critically evaluating the
characteristics of successful CEO candidates, different skills are identified that are considered
critical to high performance. These skills include decision-making with speed and conviction,
proactive adaptability, reliable delivery and engaging for impact. In order to describe personal
effectiveness of different business leaders with appropriate skills and behaviour, Covey's 7 habits
of highly effective people framework can be taken into consideration. The theoretical
understanding highlights 7 different habits that indicate the effectiveness of a leader in terms of
influencing and collaborating with others and ensuring continuous improvement by renewing
their capabilities (Covey, 2021). These habits include being proactive, thinking for win-win,
putting first things first, beginning with the end in mind, synergising, seeking first to understand
and then to be understood, sharpening the saw and others.

As per the case study context, successful leaders are usually observed to consider effective
decisions quickly with conviction despite having a shortage of information. The consequences of
making a decision in a slow manner have been compared with the consideration of wrong
decisions where being indecisive was seen to be most costly. According to the Covey's 7 habits
framework, this attribute can be compared with the habit of being proactive. This habit reflects to
focus and act on the aspects that can be controlled and influenced (Neag et al. 2020). Speedy and
convicted decision-making aspects can also be helpful to ensure success within a business
depending on effective leadership attributes. With reference to this concern, the habit of
beginning with the end in mind can also be interrelated with this leadership skill. This habit
reflects to ensure clear measures of success with a profound plan in order to achieve the success
(Sroithong and Tantasanee, 2019). Hence, decision-making concerns with speed and conviction
is recognised as an influential parameter to justify the effectiveness of a leader with the
determination of his critical foresite as well as judgemental ability.
Another skill can be highlighted through this case study, which reflects how to engage for
impact. The most successful business leaders are usually noticed to focus on ensuring distinctive
employees and stakeholder engagement as an integral part of obtaining business success. The
need to balance the stakeholder interest can also play a significant role in terms of driving
extended motivation levels within the workplace. This attribute can be related with the habit of
synergising according to Covey's framework. This habit highlights to develop innovative
solutions based on which the differences can be leveraged and all key stakeholders can be
satisfied (Hughes, 2021). Apart from that, the case study also highlighted the prospects of
conflict management along with emotional intelligence as crucial factors to understand and
manage individual emotions. Due to this reason, the habit of sharpening the saw can also be
compared in this regard that looks forward to enhance motivation as well as work life balance in
the workplace by making time for renewing activities.
Considering Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, being proactive is one of the most
significant habits among leaders. For leaders, proactive adaptability is beneficial as it assists
them to have ready access to various ways of thinking that enable them to shift one aspect from
another considering the need of any specific situation (Covey, 2021). Even this characteristic of
organisational leaders allows them to experiment with several things in order to make changes
within an organisational setup to cope with any critical situation. For example, the emergence of

the coronavirus crisis affected global businesses and the situation has changed from the pre-
pandemic era in managing human resources and other business aspects. During this situation,
proactive adaptability is the main characteristic that allowed organisational leaders to make
changes such as remote working or working from home, which is observed in the case of Tesla
and several others (Wadhwani, 2022).
Reliability in a leader is highly efficient because it significantly allows increasing authenticity,
measures, and consistency of action in a leader (Dwivedi et al. 2020). According to the case
study, CEOs who constantly have a reliable delivery are proven to be 15x more likely to succeed
and favoured by the stakeholders. Moreover, among the other four characteristics, 94% of
participants are performing excellently in this area, as it can significantly increase the trust level
among employees due to the consistency of behaviour. Referring to Covey’s 7 habits, the habit
of “think win-win”, which refers to a collaborative approach to building a high-trust relationship,
is one of the aspects that leaders specifically focus on who are having high reliability. With the
support of efficient reliable delivery, the leader can significantly improve the effectiveness in
terms of analytical thinking, complex problem-solving, embracing change, and motivating for a
better approach to directing people (Karakose et al. 2021).
Task 2 – Evaluation of Learning Style
Main learning style and explain its strengths and limitations
In order to evaluate my own learning style and explain its strengths and limitations the VARK
model is chosen to be analysed. The framework suggests four main types of learning styles that
are “Visual learning”, “Aural”, “Reading”, and “Kinaesthetic”. The model indicates that visual
learning style means learners can acquire knowledge by seeing pictures, charts, graphs,
diagrams, illustrations, videos, and others (Narius et al. 2020). Considering this idea, I can easily
state that I always prefer a visual learning style. This is because I found it easy to learn by
watching videos and seeing pictures and graphs while learning something.
Apart from that, the completion of Honey and Mumford’s learning styles test has also helped me
to get a proper idea regarding my learning style. In this learning style questionnaire, Theorist
means that learners prefer understanding theories behind different actions and they always
strived to know the concepts and facts properly while learning (MINT Human Resource, 2023).
In this particular element, I got 15, which ensures my preference regarding understanding
theories while learning about any action (Refer to appendix). Visual learning helps me to

understand different theories and frameworks by seeing diagrams or models, which further help
me to evaluate and understand different aspects. For example, by seeing the diagram of Engel
Kollat Blackwell's model of consumer behavior, I learned about consumers' purchasing
behaviour. Hence, the main strength of visual learning style is its ability to assist individuals to
gain proper and detailed knowledge by visualising things. However, the most significant
drawback of visual learning is learners can easily be distracted by other things rather than
focusing on a particular aspect (Kamal et al. 2021). Hence, sometimes, in class, I have been
distracted by things that are happening outside the window or colourful things, in my school
Evaluation of learning style in relation to the challenges of learning online and remote
One of the most beneficial advantages of the visual learning style is to store information and
better comprehension, which assists individuals while learning online and in a remote working
setup (Kamal et al. 2021). In comparison to learning offline, it is more critical while learning
online, along with the preference for a visual learning style. This is because while considering
visual learning in an online and remote working setup individuals can feel a lack of motivation
and isolation, which was observed during the Covid-19 pandemic (Kaushik and Guleria, 2020).
Trying to learn something, by preferring visual learning style while remote working includes
challenges such as issues regarding technological equipment and lack of motivation.
In Honey and Mumford’s learning styles test, in the element called activist, I got only 6 (MINT
Human Resource, 2023) (Refer to appendix). A low score in an element like an activist in the
test indicates a lack of activeness of individuals while tackling different situations. Considering
this, I may face challenges to learn properly while learning online or in a remote working setup,
as I may not be able to actively communicate with others to clear my doubts. However, it is an
advantage of being a visual learner that I use to learn from watching videos, which would be
beneficial while learning online or in a remote working setup. Even in the new normal situation
after the pandemic, there are workplaces that prefer remote work (Kaushik and Guleria, 2020).
Considering this, I would be focused on enhancing my concentration while preferring visual
learning, which would help me in my personal development in even my professional life if I
consider remote working.

Task 3 – Analysis of Online Platforms
Soon after Covid-19, the online platform has been considered to be one of the efficient ways
through which learning has become much more feasible and effective (Muthuprasad et al. 2021).
Through the support of technology, online learning platforms have extensively increased in the
marketplace, which has the possibility of offering information and knowledge about every
different aspect. I remember I have heard so many times from my friends that they are taking
online courses over the last 2 years, which have allowed them to learn several different skills and
knowledge from different backgrounds. In this connection, the two most considered online
platforms are LinkedIn Learning and Udemy.
LinkedIn Learning was formally known as before it was acquired by LinkedIn
(Village2nation, 2021). This online platform offers classes in three categories such as creative,
business, and technology. It provides courses that are taught by industry experts and is therefore
particularly popular for photography, graphic design, and basic coding (Village2nation, 2021).
LinkedIn Learning is used for the training and development of employees by many organisations
including the United Nations. The platform provides a one-month trial version, after which
prices begin at $29.99 per month (Village2nation, 2021). This online learning platform has
several benefits, such as it has flexibility, it is easily digestible, and several different choices to
cover with cutting-edge digital skills (Kefford, 2021).
On the other hand, Udemy is among the most well-known names in e-learning today and it is a
pioneer in the field of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course). On its platform, Udemy appears
to offer over 180,000 courses, the majority of which are free and simple to access
(Village2nation, 2021). Individuals who want to acquire new abilities can benefit greatly from
this platform. Furthermore, Udemy is a one-stop store for all web-based learning needs with
courses in marketing, web development, finance and accounting, photography and video, and
drawing (Village2nation, 2021). It also provides self-improvement and lifestyle classes, which
teach social skills that, are not always taught in a classroom setting. Udemy also provides
services to various organisations such as training employees and upskilling the staff further. The
prices range from cheap and expensive, such as less than $20 to $100 and above depending on
the type of course (Village2nation, 2021). Referring to both the online learning platform, it can
be stated that both Udemy and LinkedIn learning has the possibility to improve my personal

effectiveness and skills because they offer various range of courses that can significantly
improve my way of considering the external world.
However, referring to my learning style of visual learning, I feel that Udemy would be the
appropriate online learning platform that can significantly enhance my development with a better
approach. There is a wide selection of courses and certificates at completion, which can
significantly allow me to gain knowledge as well as have a bunch of certificates that can possibly
enhance my positioning in an organisation effectively. Udemy offers numerous courses such as
web development, graphic designing, and self-improvement through an online medium, which
can be significant for my visual learning. It is already understood that visual learners are the ones
who consider greater learning from a visual context. Thus, appropriate learning through visual
perspective and gaining several different ideas and knowledge from different backgrounds has
the possibility to improve my development and personal effectiveness. Apart from this, the
possibility of gaining social skills from Udemy is one of the most advantageous perspectives,
which I feel is highly required to exist in an individual. Thus, it can be justified that Udemy is a
significant online platform for my personal development while acquiring knowledge visually.
Considering the case study review, leaders should always be capable of making decisions,
reliable delivery and having conviction, proactive adaptability, reliable delivery and engaging for
impact. Apart from that, organisational leaders always take the responsibility of collaborating as
well as influencing others in order to ensure continuous improvement, which indicates
characteristics such as effective communication skills and appropriate behaviour is needed
among leaders. Reliability is considered one of the most influential traits of leaders that
significantly assist them to increase the maintenance of authenticity and take actions in
accordance with that in order to create a win-win situation.
Based on the critical evaluation of my personal learning style, it is identified that I am a visual
learner. Visual learning helps me to gain a detailed understanding of different things by seeing
visual graphs, charts, and videos. However, I can witness issues due to destructions that can
happen in visual learning and my lack of activist nature, as I identified from the Honey and
Mumford’s learning styles test. An online learning process or learning in a remote working setup
can influence issues like a lack of motivation and feel isolated. However, as a visual learner, I
can learn from an online setup, by watching videos. Apart from that, the preference for Udemy

platforms has a great role in my overall learning process and personal development. This is
because through this platform I am being able to learn several things, which is also supporting
my visual learning preference.

Reference list

Ain, N.U., Munir, M. and Suneel, I., (2021). Role of emotional intelligence and grit in life
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Covey, S.R., (2021). The 7 habits of highly effective people. pdf.

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Hughes, K., (2021). You do not need new socks: The respectable origins of highly effective
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Kamal, I., Karim, M.K.A., Awang Kechik, M.M., Ni, X. and Razak, H.R.A., (2021). Evaluation
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Karakose, T., Polat, H. and Papadakis, S., (2021). Examining teachers’ perspectives on school
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Kaushik, M. and Guleria, N., (2020). The impact of pandemic COVID-19 in workplace.
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Neag, P.N., Gaureanu, A. and Draghici, A., (2020). Characterizing Safety Leadership Based on
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Shimshock, C.J. and Le, B.M., (2022). Having the will, finding the ways, and wishes for the
future: A model of relational hope and well‐being. Social and Personality Psychology Compass,
16(8), p.e12697.

Sroithong, N. and Tantasanee, S., (2019). Exploring employee effectiveness using “The 7 habits
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Village2nation, (2021). The 6 best Online learning platforms to help you improve your skills
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Wadhwani, S., (2022). Elon Musk Blasts Remote Work Culture, Orders Tesla Workers Back to
the Gigafactories. [Online]. Available at:
[Accessed 16 January 2023]

Appendix: Honey and Mumford’s learning styles questionnaire

(Source: MINT Human Resource, 2023)


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