Reading Scavenger Hunt
Reading Scavenger Hunt
Reading Scavenger Hunt
Your homework reading project for Term 3 will be a scavenger hunt. A scavenger hunt is
where you need to find all the items on a list. You will present your findings as a series of
book responses. There are 6 types of books you need to find and read. For each book you
will respond with a different activity of your choosing. ONE of your responses must be a
book review. Your Reading Scavenger Hunt is due on Tuesday, Week 10.
These are the 6 scavenger items:
The first book in a series.
A funny book.
A book about a famous person
A book by a female author
A mystery or thriller.
An award winning book
You must read 6 different books. Even if a book covers 2 of
the items, you must choose which item you will use that book for and choose a different
book for the other item. You must complete one activity for each book (One MUST be a
book review). All activities that need a written response, need to be at least half a page.
Book Report
Number of pages
Main characters
Who you would recommend the book for/ who would enjoy it?
What you have learnt or how this book has helped you become a
better reader.
For each book you will respond with a different activity of your choosing.
ONE of your responses must be a book review. (see previous page).
1. POSTCARD: Write to a friend, the author, or to a character about this book. Or
you can write as if you were the character or author and write to yourself.
2. MOVIEMAKER: Create a book trailer on your ipad or laptop to advertise the
book turned into a movie
3. BILLBOARD: As in the movies, take what seems the most compelling image(s) and create an ad that
could be displayed on a billboard, train station, bus stop etc
4. TIMELINE: Create a timeline that includes the main events of the story in order
5. DEAR DIARY: Keep a diary as if you were a character in the story. Write down events that happen
during the story and reflect on how they affected the character and why.
6. TIME MACHINE: Write a scene or story in which the character/s travel out of the book into today.
7. P.S: After you read the story, write an epilogue in which you explain – using whatever tense and
tone the author does – what happened to the character(s) next.
8. SING ME A SONG: Write a song/ballad about the story, a character, or an event in the book.
9. VENN DIAGRAM: Use a Venn diagram to help you organize your thinking about a text as you read
it. Put differences between two books or characters on opposite sides and similarities in the middle.
10. P.O.V.: Rewrite a part of your story from a different character’s point of view.
11. QUIZMASTER: Create your own test about the text. You will need to provide the answers. You
must have a minimum of 20 questions.
12. CHARACTER WEB: Draw a picture of all of the characters in your story. Link the characters that
know each other with arrows.
13. DIAGRAM— If you read an information text, draw a detailed diagram of something you read about.
Label and explain all of the parts in detail.
14. ILLUSTRATION —Draw a picture of a scene from your book. Write a short summary about this
scene underneath.
15. BIRD’S EYE VIEW—Draw a map and label all of the settings that are found in the text. Use clues
from the text and your imagination.
16. DIORAMA— Create a diorama scene showcasing your favourite part/scene of the book
17. STOP MOTION—Create a stop motion animation on one of your favourite scenes from the book
18. CAN’T STOP ME NOW—Make your own idea for a response for the book—the possibilities are
The first book in a series The first book in a series