Mechanic Diesel-Volume II of II-TT
Mechanic Diesel-Volume II of II-TT
Mechanic Diesel-Volume II of II-TT
Volume II of II
SECTOR: Automotive
Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Sector : Automotive
Duration : 1 - Year
Printed by
National Instructional Media Institute
Chennai - 600032
The Government of India has set an ambitious target of imparting skills to 30 crores people, one out of every
four Indians, by 2020 to help them secure jobs as part of the National Skills Development Policy. Industrial
Training Institutes (ITIs) play a vital role in this process especially in terms of providing skilled manpower.
Keeping this in mind, and for providing the current industry relevant skill training to Trainees, ITI syllabus
has been recently updated with the help of Mentor Councils comprising various stakeholders viz. Industries,
Entrepreneurs, Academicians and representatives from ITIs.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai, has now come up with instructional material to
suit the revised curriculum for Mechanic Diesel - Trade Theory - Volume II of II - NSQF Level - 4 in
Automotive Sector under annual Pattern. The NSQF Level - 4 will help the trainees to get an international
equivalency standard where their skill proficiency and competency will be duly recognized across the globe
and this will also increase the scope of recognition of prior learning. NSQF Level - 4 trainees will also get
the opportunities to promote life long learning and skill development. I have no doubt that with NSQF Level
- 4 the trainers and trainees of ITIs, and all stakeholders will derive maximum benefits from these Instructional
Media Packages IMPs and that NIMI's effort will go a long way in improving the quality of Vocational training
in the country.
The Executive Director & Staff of NIMI and members of Media Development Committee deserve appreciation
for their contribution in bringing out this publication.
Jai Hind
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) was established in 1986 at Chennai by then Directorate
General of Employment and Training (D.G.E & T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, (now under Directorate
General of Training, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship) Government of India, with technical
assistance from the Govt. of Federal Republic of Germany. The prime objective of this Institute is to develop
and provide instructional materials for various trades as per the prescribed syllabus NSQF (Level - 4) under
the Craftsman and Apprenticeship Training Schemes.
The instructional materials are created keeping in mind, the main objective of Vocational Training under
NCVT/NAC in India, which is to help an individual to master skills to do a job. The instructional materials are
generated in the form of Instructional Media Packages (IMPs). An IMP consists of Theory book, Practical
book, Test and Assignment book, Instructor Guide, Audio Visual Aid (Wall charts and Transparencies) and
other support materials.
The trade practical book consists of series of exercises to be completed by the trainees in the workshop.
These exercises are designed to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered. The trade
theory book provides related theoretical knowledge required to enable the trainee to do a job. The test and
assignments will enable the instructor to give assignments for the evaluation of the performance of a trainee.
The wall charts and video clips are unique, as they not only help the instructor to effectively present a topic
but also help him to assess the trainee's understanding. The instructor guide enables the instructor to plan
his schedule of instruction, plan the raw material requirements, day to day lessons and demonstrations.
IMPs also deals with the complex skills required to be developed for effective team work. Necessary care
has also been taken to include important skill areas of allied trades as prescribed in the syllabus.
The availability of a complete Instructional Media Package in an institute helps both the trainer and
management to impart effective training.
The IMPs are the outcome of collective efforts of the staff members of NIMI and the members of the Media
Development Committees specially drawn from Public and Private sector industries, various training institutes
under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Government and Private ITIs.
NIMI would like to take this opportunity to convey sincere thanks to the Directors of Employment & Training
of various State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private sectors,
Officers of DGT and DGT field institutes, proof readers, individual media developers and coordinators, but for
whose active support NIMI would not have been able to bring out this materials.
Chennai - 600 032 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks for the co-operation and contribution
extended by the following Media Developers and their sponsoring organisation to bring out this IMP (Trade Theory)
for the trade of Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) under the Automotive Sector for ITIs.
NIMI records its appreciation of the Data Entry, CAD, DTP Operators for their excellent and devoted services in
the process of development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI also acknowledges with thanks, the invaluable efforts rendered by all other staff who have contributed for the
development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI is grateful to all others who have directly or indirectly helped in developing this IMP.
The manual of trade theory consists of theoretical information for the course of the Mechanic Diesel Trade. The
contents are sequenced according to the practical exercise contained in the manual on Trade practical.
Attempt has been made to relate the theortical aspects with the skill covered in each exercise to the extent
possible. This co-relation is maintained to help the trainees to develop the perceptional capabilities for
performing the skills.
The Trade theory has to be taught and learnt along with the corresponding exercise contained in the manual
on trade practical. The indicating about the corresponding practical exercise are given in every sheet of this
It will be preferable to teach/learn the trade theory connected to each exercise atleast one class before
performing the related skills in the shop floor. The trade theory is to be treated as an integrated part of each
The material is not the purpose of self learning and should be considered as supplementary to class room
The trade practical manual is intented to be used in workshop . It consists of a series of practical exercises
to be completed by the trainees during the course of the Mechanic Diesel trade supplemented and supported
by instructions/ informations to assist in performing the exercises. These exercises are designed to ensure
that all the skills in compliance with NSQF LEVEL - 4
The manual is divided into Nine modules. The distribution of time for the practical in the Nine modules are given
The skill training in the shop floor is planned through a series of practical exercises centred around some
practical project. However, there are few instances where the individual exercise does not form a part of project.
While developing the practical manual a sincere effort was made to prepare each exercise which will be easy
to understand and carry out even by below average trainee. However the development team accept that there
is a scope for further improvement. NIMI, looks forward to the suggestions from the experienced training faculty
for improving the manual.
Lesson No. Title of the Lesson Page No.
Lesson No. Title of the Lesson Page No.
Volume II of II Duration: 06 Months
Overhaul & 66. Perform Overhauling of cylinder head Diesel Engine Components:
29 - 30
service Diesel assembly, Use of service manual - Description and Constructional feature
Engine, its for clearance and other of Cylinder head, Importance of Cylinder
parts and check parameters,(10 hrs) head design,
functionality. 67. Perform practice on removing rocker - Type of Diesel combustion chambers,
arm assembly manifolds. (07 hrs) - Effect on size of Intake & exhaust
68. Perform practice on removing the passages, Head gaskets.
valves and its parts from the - Importance of Turbulence
cylinder head, cleaning. (07 hrs) Valves & Valve Actuating Mechanism -
69. Inspection of cylinder head and - Description and Function of Engine
manifold surfaces for warping, Valves, different types, materials,
cracks and flatness. Checking valve - Type of valve operating mechanism,
seats & valve guide – Replacing the Importance of Valve seats, Valve seats
valve if necessary. (07 hrs) inserts in cylinder heads,
70.Check leaks of valve seats for - importance of Valve rotation, Valve stem
leakage – Dismantle rocker shaft oil seals, size of Intake valves, Valve
assembly -clean & check rocker trains, Valve- timing diagram, concept
shaft-and levers, for wear and of Variable valve timing.
cracks and reassemble. (07 hrs) - Description of Camshafts & drives ,
71. Check valve springs, tappets, push - Description of Overhead camshaft
rods, tappet screws and valve stem (SOHC and DOHC), importance of Cam
cap. Reassembling valve parts in lobes, Timing belts & chains, Timing
sequence, refit cylinder head and belts & tensioners.
manifold & rocker arm assembly,
adjustable valve clearances,
starting engine after adjustments.
(12 hrs)
72. Perform Overhauling piston and - Description & functions of different
31 -do- connecting rod assembly. Use of service types of pistons, piston rings and
manual for clearance and other piston pins and materials.
parameters (05 hrs) - Used recommended clearances for
73. Perform Practice on removing oil sump the rings and its necessity precautions
and oil pump – clean the sump. while fitting rings, common troubles
74. Perform removing the big end bearing, and remedy.
connecting rod with the piston. (05 hrs) - Compression ratio.
75. Perform removing the piston rings; - Description & function of connecting
Dismantle the piston and connecting rod, - importance of big- end split
rod. Check the side clearance of piston obliquely
rings in the piston groove & lands for - Materials used for connecting rods big
wear. Check piston skirt and crown for end & main bearings. Shells piston
damage and scuffing, clean oil holes. pins and locking methods of piston
(05 hrs) pins.
76. Measure -the piston ring close gap in
the cylinder, clearance between the
piston and the liner, clearance between
crank pin and the connecting rod big end
bearing. (05 hrs)
77. Check connecting rod for bend and twist.
Assemble the piston and connecting rod
assembly. (05 hrs)
83. Inspect flywheel and mounting flanges, - Description and function of the fly
33 -do- spigot and bearing.(05 hrs) wheel and vibration damper.
84. Check vibration damper for defect. (02 hrs) - Crank case & oil pump, gears timing
85. Perform removing cam shaft from engine mark, Chain sprockets, chain
block, Check for bend & twist of tensioner etc.
camshaft. Inspection of cam lobe, - Function of clutch & coupling units
camshaft journals and bearings and attached to flywheel.
measure cam lobe lift. (07 hrs)
86. Fixing bearing inserts in cylinder block &
cap check nip and spread clearance &
oil holes & locating lugs fix crank shaft
on block-torque bolts - check end play
remove shaft - check seating, repeat
similarly for connecting rod and Check
seating and refit. (11 hrs)
87. Perform cleaning and checking of cylinder - Description of Cylinder block,
34 -do- blocks. (04 hrs) - Cylinder block construction,
88. Surface for any crack, flatness measure - Different type of Cylinder sleeves (liner).
cylinder bore for taper & ovality, clean oil
gallery passage and oil pipe line. (05 hrs)
89. Perform bore - descale water passages
and examine. (05 hrs)
90. Removing cylinder liners from scrap
cylinder block. (04 hrs)
91. Perform practice in measuring and
refitting new liners as per maker’s
recommendations precautions while
fitting new liners. (07 hrs)
92. Perform reassembling all parts of - Engine assembly procedure with aid
35 -do-
engine in correct sequence and of special tools and gauges used for
torque all bolts and nuts as per engine assembling.
workshop manual of the engine. (12 - Introduction to Gas Turbine, Comparison
hrs) of single and two stage turbine engine,
93. Perform testing cylinder - Different between gas turbine and Diesel
compression, Check idle speed. (08 Engine.
94. Perform removing & replacing a cam
belt, and adjusting an engine drive
belt, replacing an engine drive belt.
(05 hrs)
Trace, Test 95. Perform practice on checking &top up Need for Cooling systems
& Repair coolant, draining & refilling coolant, - Heat transfer method, Boiling point &
Cooling checking / replacing a coolant hose. (10 pressure,
a n d hrs) 96. Perform test cooling system - Centrifugal force,
Lubrication pressure. (05 hrs) - Vehicle coolant properties and
System of 97. Execute on removing & replacing recommended change of interval,
engine. radiator/ thermostat check the radiator - Different type of cooling systems,
pressure cap. (10 hrs) Basiccoolingsystem components
98. Test of thermostat. (5 hrs) - Radiator, Coolant hoses, -
99. Perform cleaning & reverse flushing. (10 - Water pump,
hrs) - Cooling system thermostat, Cooling
100.Perform overhauling water pump and fans,
refitting. (10 hrs) - Temperature indicators,
101.Perform checking engine oil, draining - Radiator pressure cap, Recovery system,
engine oil, replacing oil filter, & refilling Thermoswitch.
engine oil (10 hrs) Need for lubrication system,
102. Execute overhauling of oil pump, oil - Functions of oil, Viscosity and its grade
coolers, air cleaners and air filters and as per SAE ,
adjust oil pressure relief valves, repairs - Oil additives, Synthetic oils, The
to oil flow pipe lines and unions if lubrication system, Splash system,
necessary. (15 hrs) - Pressure system
- Corrosion/noise reduction in the
lubrication system.
- Lubrication system components
- Description and function of Sump, Oil
collection pan, Oil tank, Pickup tube,
- different type of Oil pump & Oil filters
Oil pressure relief valve, Spurt holes &
galleries, Oil indicators, Oil cooler.
Trace & 103. Execute dismantling air compressor Intake & exhaust systems–
39 Test Intake and exhauster and cleaning all parts - - Description of Diesel induction &
a n d measuring wear in the cylinder, Exhaust systems. Description &
Exhaust reassembling all parts and fitting them function of air compressor, exhauster,
system of in the engine. (6 hrs) Supercharger, Intercoolers, turbo
engine. 104. Execute dismantling & assembling of charger, variable turbo charger
turbocharger, check for axial clearance mechanism.
as per service manual. (05 hrs)
105.Examine exhaust system for rubber Intake system components-
mounting for damage, deterioration and - Description and function of Air
out of position; for leakage, loose cleaners, Different type air
connection, dent and damage; (05 hrs) cleaner, Description of Intake
106. Perform practice on exhaust manifold manifolds and material,
removal and installation, practice on Exhaustsystem components-
Catalytic converter removal and - Description and function of
installation. (05 hrs) Exhaust manifold, Exhaustpipe,
107.Check Exhaust system for rubber Extractors, Mufflers-Reactive,
mounting for damage, deterioration and absorptive, Combination of
out of position; for leakage, loose Catalyticconverters, Flexible
connection, dent and damage. (04 hrs) connections, Ceramic coatings,
- Electronic mufflers.
40-42 Service Diesel 108.Perform work on removing &cleaning fuel Fuel Feed System in IC
Fuel System tanks, checking leaks in the fuel lines. Engine(Petrol & Diesel)
and check (10 hrs) - Gravity feed system, Forced
p r o p e r 109. Perform soldering & repairing pipe lines feed system, main parts, Fuel
functionality. and Unions, brazing nipples to high Pumps- Mechanical & Electrical
pressure line studying the fuel feed Feed Pumps.
system in diesel engines, draining of - Knowledge about function, working
water separators. (10 hrs) & types of Carburettor.
110.Execute overhauling of Feed Pumps Diesel Fuel Systems
(Mechanical & Electrical). (10 hrs) - Description and function of Diesel
111.Perform bleeding of air from the fuel lines, fuel injection, fuel characteristics,
servicing primary & secondary filters. (10 concept of Quiet diesel
hrs) technology &Clean diesel
112. Execute removing a fuel injection pump technology.
from an engine-refit the pump to the Diesel fuel system components
engine re- set timing - fill lubricating-oil - Description and function of
start and adjust slow speed of the Diesel tanks & lines, Diesel fuel
engine. (15 hrs) filters, water separator, Lift pump,
113.Execute overhauling of injectors and Plunger pump, Priming pump,
testing of injector. (10 hrs) - Inline injection pump, Distributor-
114. General maintenance of Fuel Injection type injection pump, Diesel
Pumps (FIP). (10 hrs) injectors, Glow plugs, Cummins
& Detroit Diesel injection.
Electronic Diesel control-
- Electronic Diesel control
systems, Common Rail Diesel
Injection (CRDI) system,
hydraulically actuated
electronically controlled unit
injector (HEUI) diesel injection
system. Sensors, actuators and
ECU (Electronic Control Unit)
used in Diesel Engines.
43 Plan & overhaul 115. Execute Start engine adjust idling speed Marine & Stationary Engine:-
the stationary and damping device in pneumatic governor Types,
engine and and venture control unit checking. (06 hrs) - double acting engines, opposed
Governor and 116. Verify performance of engine with off load piston engines, starting systems,
c h e c k adjusting timings. Start engine- adjusting cooling systems, lubricating
functionality. idle speed of the engine fitted with systems, supplying fuel oil,
mechanical governor checking- high hydraulic coupling,
speed operation of the engine. (07 hrs) - Reduction gear drive,
117.Check performance for missing cylinder electromagnetic coupling,
by isolating defective injectors and test- - Electrical drive, generators and
dismantle and replace defective parts and motors, supercharging.
reassemble and refit back to the engine.
(12 hrs)
44 21.. Monitor 118. Monitor emissions procedures Emission Control:- Vehicle emissions
emission of by use of Engine gas analyser - Standards- Euro and Bharat II, III, IV, V
vehicle and or Diesel smoke meter. (10 hrs) Sources of emission, Combustion,
e x e c u t e 119.Checking & cleaning a Positive Combustion chamber design. Types of
different crank case ventilation (PCV) emissions:
operation to valve. Obtaining & interpreting - Characteristics and Effect of Hydrocarbons,
obtain optimum scan tool data. Inspection of Hydrocarbons in exhaust gases, Oxides
pollution as per EVAP canister purges system of nitrogen, Particulates, Carbon
e m i s s i o n by use of scan Tool. (10 hrs) monoxide, Carbon dioxide, Sulphur
norms. 120. EGR /SCR Valve Remove and content in fuels Description of Evaporation
installation for inspection. (05 emission control, Catalytic conversion,
hrs) Closed loop, Crankcase emission control,
- Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve,
controlling air-fuel ratios, Charcoal storage
devices, Diesel particulate filter (DPF).
Selective Catalytic, Reduction (SCR),
45 C a r r y o u t 121. Perform removing alternator from Basic Knowledge about DC Generator & AC
overhauling of vehicle dismantling, cleaning Generator.
Alternator and checking for defects, assembling - Constructional details of Alternator
Starter Motor and testing for motoring action of - Description of charging circuit operation
alternator & fitting to vehicles. (15 of alternators, regulator unit, ignition
hrs) warning lamp- troubles and remedy in
122. Practice on removing starter motor charging system.
Vehicle and overhauling the starter - Description of starter motor circuit,
motor, testing of starter motor (10 - Constructional details of starter motor
hrs) solenoid switches, common troubles and
remedy in starter circuit.
52 Examination
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.1.62
Mechanic Diesel - Diesel Engine Over View
Steam engine
2 Internal combustion engine
5 Fuels used in when engine is not running. Soild or liquid fuels used to form steam.
6 No loss of fuel when engine is not running. Fuel has to burn even when the engine is not
running for small halts.
7 Could be started or stopped at will. Cannot be started unless steam is prepared
which takes much time.
8 Temperature produced inside the cylinder Works at comparatively low temperature.
is too high.
9 Cooling arrangement necessary. No cooling of the cylinders required. Rather
it is steam jacketed.
10 Single acting. Mostly double acting.
11 Exhaust gas temperature as high as 300°C. The temperature of exhaust steam is quite low.
12 Thermal efficiency of diesel engine up to 40%. Thermal efficiency up to 24% as that of petrol engine.
Radial engines
V engines
In this type, the cylinders are arranged in V shape at an
angle, of usually 60°. This engine is more economical and
compact. For multi-cylinder engines, the length of the
crankshaft is much shorter than that of the in- line engine.
In this type, the engine height is also lower than it is in the
in-line engine.
Opposed engines In this type, the cylinders are arranged radially. This type
of engine is shorter, lighter and more rigid. Since it is rigid,
In this type the cylinders are arranged horizontally opposite a higher engine speed is possible and a higher combustion
to each other. This provides better mechanical balance. pressure can be obtained. This leads to high fuel efficiency.
This type of engine can run smoothly even at a much higher The radial type engines are used mostly in aeroplanes.
speed. It also gives higher output. The length of the engine
2 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level-5) - R.T. for Exercise 2.1.62
Types of engine as per number of cylinders Types of valve arrangements
• Single cylinder engines • `I' head engine
An engine which has only one cylinder is called a single • `F' head engine
cylinder engine. Since it is a single cylinder engine it
• `L' head engine
cannot develop more power. It is normally used only in two
wheelers like scooters and motor cycles. • `H' head engine
• Multi cylinder engines • `T' head engine
These engines have more than one cylinder. Two-cylinder Application of engine
engines are usually used in tractors. Three or four cylinder • Constant speed engine
engines are used in cars, jeeps and other vehicles. In
heavy vehicles six-cylinder engines are used. A greater • Variable speed engine
number of cylinders gives smoother engine operation. Cooling system
Types of fuel used • Air cooled engine
• Petrol • Diesel • Water cooled engine
Strokes of engine
• Four-stroke engine
• Two-stroke engine
• Rotary engine
Two stroke diesel engine: Second stroke: Piston at TDC (Fig 2) scavenging port
and outlet valve closed. The fuel is directly injected into
To produce power in a two stroke engine the following
the cylinder with the help of a fuel injection pump and an
operation take place in the sequence given.
injector fitted in the cylinder head. The fuel gets vaporised
First stroke: Piston at BDC the scavenging port and outlet into an ignitable fuel air mixture by the hot air. After
valve open (Fig 1). A root blower sucks in pure air and attaining the ignition temperature the mixture gets
presses it through the scavenging port into the cylinder. automatically ignited and burns. The heat increases the
The tangential layout of the scavenging port brings the air pressure in the combustion chamber. The gases get
into a turbulent motion. The cylinder is completely flushed expanded and push the piston towards the bottom dead
out in the direct current and filled with fresh air. The exhaust centre.
gases flow out towards the outlet valve.
Four-stroke engine
To produce power in a four-stroke engine the following
operations take place in the sequence given.
Suction stroke
As the piston moves up from BDC to TDC the scavenging
The piston moves from TDC to BDC (Fig 3). A vacuum is
port and outlet valve closed. The piston compresses the
created inside the cylinder. The inlet valve opens while the
fresh air to the compression chamber. The air temperature
exhaust valve remains closed. The charge air enters into
increases intensively.
the cylinder.
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.1.62 3
Compression stroke (Fig 4)
The inlet and exhaust valves are closed, The piston moves
from BDC to TDC. The charge air is compressed in the
cylinder & air pressure and temperature is increased.
Power stroke
At the end of the compression stroke diesel fuel is injected
into the hot compressed air in the combusion chamber;
result burning of diesel with an explosion the gas expand
and pressure develops inside the cylinder. The piston
moves from TDC to BDC (Fig 5). Both the valves remain
closed. Power is supplied to the fly wheel.
Exhaust stroke
The inlet valve remains in closed position. The exhaust
valve opens, the piston moves from BDC to TDC (Fig 6) due
to the energy stored in the flywheel. The burnt gases inside
the cylinder go out through the exhaust valves.
The cycle of suction, compression, power and exhaust are
repeated. In this type of engines one power stroke is
obtained in two revolutions of the crankshaft.
Two-Stroke spark ignition engine Further downward movement of the piston opens the
transfer port and allows the partially compressed mixture,
To produce power in two stroke engine the following received during the previous stroke, to reach the combustion
operations take place in the sequence given below. chamber from the crankcase.
First stroke (Suction and compression)
As the piston moves up from BDC,(Fig 1) it closes the inlet
port (1), the exhaust port (3) and the transfer port (2).
Exhaust stroke
The inlet valve remains in the closed position. The exhaust
valve opens, the piston moves from BDC to TDC (Fig 7) due
to the energy stored in the flywheel. The burnt gases inside
the cylinder go out through the exhaust valves. At the end
of the stroke the exhaust valve closes.
The cycle of suction, compression power and exhaust are
repeated. In this type of engines one power stroke is
Compression stroke obtained in two revolutions of the crankshaft.
The inlet valve closes. The exhaust valve remains closed.
The piston moves from BDC to TDC (Fig 5). The charge air-
fuel mixture is compressed. The pressure and temperature
6 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.1.63
Comparison between four-stroke engine and two-stroke engine
- Four operations (suction, compression, power and - The four operations take place in two strokes of the
exhaust) take place in the four strokes of the piston. piston.
- It gives one power stroke in two revolutions of the - The power stroke takes place in every two strokes i.e.
crankshaft. As such three strokes are idle strokes. one power stroke for one revolution of the crankshaft.
- The engine has more parts such as valves and its - Engine require less space.
operating mechanism.
- More thermal efficiency. - The engine has no valves and valve - operating
SI engine CI engine
During the suction stroke air fuel mixture is During the suction stroke air alone is sucked in to the
sucked in to the engine cylinder cylinder
Compression ratio is low. (Max. 10:1) Compression ratio is high. (Max. 24:1)
Compression pressure is low. (90 to 150 PSI) Compression pressure is high. (400 to 550 PSI)
Fuel is ignited by electric spark. Fuel is ignited due to the heat of the highly compressed
air. Combustion takes place at constant pressure.
A carburettor is used to atomize, vaporize and meter Fuel injection pumps and atomizers are used to inject
the correct amount of fuel according to the requirement. metered quantities of fuel at high pressure according to
the requirement.
Less vibration, and hence, smooth running. More vibration, and hence, rough running and more noisy.
• Because the heat and pressure of combustion is It is the ratio of work output to the fuel energy burnt in the
applied to one specific point on the piston as it exits the engine. This relationship is expressed in percentage.
precombustion chamber or swirl chamber, such engines Brake horsepower (BHP)
are less suited to high specific power outputs (such as
It is the power output of an engine, available at the flywheel,
turbocharging or tuning) than direct injection diesels.
The increased temperature and pressure on one part of
the piston crown causes uneven expansion which can
lead to cracking, distortion or other damage due to
improper use; use of " starting fluid" (ether) is not where N is r.p.m of the crankshaft, and T is the torque
recommended in glow plug, indirect injection systems, produced.
because explosive knock can occur, causing engine
damage. Indicated horsepower (IHP)
Basic technical terms used in relation to engines It is the power developed in the engine cylinder.
Main 11 mm 13 mm
Auxillary ––
Total thickness of spring with bottom plate:
Rear 1755 mm 1755 mm
132 mm 233 mm
Odometer case you should either; let off the gas a bit and drive a
little slower; or let off the gas a bit and drive much
An odometer (Fig 1) is an instrument that indicate distance
travelled by a vehicle, such as motor cycle and motor
vehicle automobile. The device may be electronic, 4 Stability control indicator : This indicates that the
mechanical, or a combination of both. It is also called as stability control has been turned off. There's not much
trip meter in case of short trips of every ride. The distance reason to turn it off on the road, and some cars can be
mentioned in the odometer generally in kms. dangerous in the wet without it. A blinking light indicates
that the stability control system is actively preventing
loss of control. If this happens, pay attention and stop
trying to drive like an idiot.
5 Centre differential lock (or 4Hi/Lo): This indicates
that the center differential on or car with part-time four-
wheel drive has been engaged. We can't stress this
enough; Part time all-wheel drive is not meant for on-
road use, and running it on dry tarmac can cause
"binding" and other problems. We've heard sob stories
from dealerships where customers had to pay for costly
Speedometer repairs because the later didn't realize this.
A speedometer or a speed meter is a gauge that measures 6 Proximity sensor indicator : Some cars have
and displays the instantaneous speed of a vehicle. The proximity sensors all around instead of just the rear
unit in which the display shown is in Km/hr. There are bumper. This helps you park your big, cumbersome
both analog and digital meters are available now a days. vehicle in tight parking spots. It also makes for
incessant buzzing as motorcyclists and pedestrians
Engine RPM meter filter around you in traffic. Recognizing whether it's on
or off can help prevent a nasty scrape.
An engine rpm meter (Fig 2) is used to display the engine
rotation in revolution per minute. 7 Econ indicator : This can mean different things on
different cars. Some cars use it to tell you that economy
mode is engaged, which means that the accelerator
and the transmission are in their most relaxed mode.
On some cars with cylinder deactivation, this tells you
that the system is turned on (typically when you're
cruising or coasting), and half your cylinders are not
burning gas at the moment. On other cars, this lights
up when you are driving in an "economical" manner,
and it can be used as a training tool for good, efficient
driving. Other cars use color-changing dash lights for
the same purpose. They're educational, helpful and
rather cool.
8 Electric power steering indicator : This indicates a
1 Bulb indicator : This shows you that you have a dead
fault in the EPS system. It could mean temporary
bulb. Not all cars have this, but it's a helpful warning.
overheating of the assist motor or a major fault in the
2 Cruise control indicator : This indicator is used to system. Electric steering motors are usually compact,
display the accelerator opening level to maintain the and violent sawing at the wheel can sometimes overtax
set speed. This reminds you that cruise control is on. them. This can happen when you're doing a 30-point
turn in a tight garage, or when you're banging comes
3 Traction control indicator : This tells you the traction
on a tight autocross. Best let things cool down and
control is off. A blinking traction-control light indicates
see if the problem goes away; otherwise, it's time for a
that the system is preventing wheel spin. In which
9 Glow plug indicator : Lacking spark plugs, diesels Don't wait for the light to go off; check your fluid every
rely on pressure and heat to burn their fuel. As there's morning before you go out, because sometimes the
little heat in the combustion champer when you first warning light comes on too late. Some newer cars
start it in the morning, glow plugs heat up the fuel also have a brake pad warning light that goes off if the
coming out of the injectors to give the engine a better pads need to be replaced.
chance of starting. The light should turn on briefly after
4 ABS indicator : Some cars have a separate ABS
you switch the ignition to the 'on' position. Once it's
light that signals a problem with the ABS system. If
off, the plugs are hot enough to start the car. A flashing
this goes off, that means that the Antilock Braking
light may indicate busted plugs, but some cars use
System has malfunctioned and the brakes may lock
the glow plug light as a catch-all indicator for problems
up under hard braking. Bring the car in for servicing
ranging from bad injectors to exhaust gas recirculation
valve issues. Get it checked as soon as possible.
5 Temperature warning : Some older cars with
10 Check engine light : It can signal any number of
temperature gauges merely have a red light, but many
issues or faults with the sensors and electronic
modern cars have this symbol. This indicates that
equipment on the engine, some of which are serious,
your engine is overheating or is about to overheat. Best
some of which are not. The most common cause is a
to pull over immediately to cool down, to avoid
busted exhaust oxygen sensor, which is bad for
potentially expensive engine repair bills.
emissions but won't prevent your car from running.
Other common causes include ignition coil and spark 6 Oil level/Pressure warning : There's no genie in this
plug problems on gasoline cars, or an issue with any lamp. Just the magic slippery stuff that keeps your
of the dozen-odd sensors that keep your engine happy. engine lubricated. This typically signals your oil level
Even if you think it's nothing serious, don't ignore it. is low by about two liters. No lasting damage should
Have your car subjected to a diagnostic scan as soon occur if you top off the oil the moment you see this
as possible. warning. But if you ignore it, your engine could end up
looking like a frying pen that's been left on the burner
for a few hours. Not a pretty sight and a new engine is
much more expensive than a new frying pan.
7 Electrical system warning : This one looks like a
battery, which means battery problems. It could also
mean alternator problems, so simply buying a new
battery may not be enough. Thankfully, many shops
can test the alternator's charging capacity when you
go in for a battery replacement.
8 Transmission warning light : This comes in many
1 Seatbelt indicator : This indicates that the driver is different forms, and can indicate a malfunction with the
not wearing the seatbelt. On newer vehicles, weight transmission itself, the gearshift or transmission fluid
sensors in the seat tell the car if someone is sitting overheating. You most often see this on trucks when
there, and warnings will appear for passengers, too. If you're hauling heavy loads, or in high performance cars
the driver or passengers remain unbelted, a warning with automatic transmission if you drive them a little
chime will sound. Don't ignore it. Studies show that too hard. Needless to say, pulling over to let the
seatbelt use reduces the chance of injury in a crash transmission cool down is a good idea.
by 50%. Worse yet, being hit by an air bag with out 9 Tire pressure monitoring system : This indicates
your seat belt on can be fatal. either an issue with the TPMS itself or low pressure in
2 Airbag indictor : This signals a malfunction with the one of your tires. Check immediately, Low pressure
airbags or air bag sensor. This means that they may carry increased risk of blowout on the highway due to
not go off in a crash. tire overheating.Not to mention the danger of
hydroplaning in the rain, as wider tires slide over the
3 Brake indicator : This signals indicate several things water more easily than narrower ones.
(Fig 3) such as
10 High beam indicator : While not a warning light per
a Vehicle parking brake is engaged, so disengage it; se, this bright icon represents a big danger to other
b The parking brake sensor is out of alignment, so motorists, and is one of the most ignored indicators in
have it fixed properly. the Philippines. Leaving your high beams on will blind
other motorists and can lead to nasty accidents.
c The brake fluid level is low Remember to turn them off when there's oncoming traffic
d The hydraulic pressure between the two braking or when driving behind another car.
circuits are mismatched. The last two are potentially You don't need to see the road 2km ahead when you
dangerous, and could mean a possible fluid leak, can simply follow the other guy ahead of you.
as well as reduced or even completely absent
braking performance.
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.1.64 15
You don't need to be a "car whisperer" to know something's tree. But knowing what these lights denote can mean the
wrong when your dashboard lights up like a Christmas difference between a quick fix and a long walk home.
The gauges indicate to the driver the working of the Gauge unit (Dash unit) (Fig 2)
particular system to which they are connected. These
gauges are located on the dashboard of the vehicle. It is fitted on the panel board.
Some of the electrically operated gauges are the following. Two terminals (8) & (9) are connected to the tank unit's
terminal (4) and ignition switch (10) respectively.
• Fuel gauge (Balancing coil type)
It consists of two coils (11) & (12) and a pointer (13) with
• Temperature gauge (Balancing coil type) the magnet (14) attached to it.
• Oil pressure gauge (Balancing coil type)
Fuel gauge
It is used to know the quantity of fuel available in the fuel
Tank unit
It consists of a tank unit and the indicator unit (Fig 1). The
two units are connected in series by a single wire to the
battery through the Ignition switch. When the ignition
switch is turned on, current passes through both the units.
When the ignition switch (10) (Fig 1) is on, current from the
battery flows to the coils and a magnetic field is
produced.(Fig 2) When the tank (7) is full, the float (1)
raises above and moves the sliding contact (5) to the high
resistance position on the resistance coil (3). The current
flowing through the coil (12) also flows through the coil (11).
The magnetism of the coil (12) becomes weaker. The
magnetism of the coil (11) thus becomes stronger and pulls
the armature (14) and the pointer (13) to the full side of the
dial. When the fuel level (6) comes down the float in the
tank falls down and resistance also becomes less, thereby
strengthening the magnetic field around coil (12) and
forcing the armature and pointer towards the empty side of
the dial.
Temperature gauge
The tank unit is fitted on the fuel tank and the indicator unit It is used to know the temperature of water in the cooling
on the dashboard. The tank unit consists of a hinged arm system of engine at all times. It cautions the driver against
with a float fitted at one end and a sliding contact at the overheating of the engine.
other end and also a variable resistance. The sliding
contact moves along the resistance. The float arm moves • It consists of an engine unit (1) immersed in the engine
up and down as the level of fuel in the tank changes. The coolant in the cylinder head or cylinder block in the form
movement of the float arm changes the electrical resistance of a pellet. (Fig 3)
in the circuit.
In this system hydraulic fluid under pressures passes This is used to start the heavy duty earth moving engines.
through hydraulic starter motor (1) to rotate the engine Starting of the gasoline engine is done either by hand
flywheel. A hand pump (2) or an engine driven pump (3) is cranking or by an electric motor. The gasoline engine then
provided to create and develop pressure of fluid. This fluid cranks the heavy engine.
under pressure accumulates in the accumulator (4). After Generally diesel engines are stopped by cutting the fuel
pressing the starting lever, control valve (5) allows the supply after reducing the engine speed to the minimum
hydraulic fluid under pressure to pass through the hydraulic level.
starter motor. (Fig 2)
Remove the engine from the vehicle • Support the engine at the front with wooden blocks.
• Park the vehicle on a level surface. • Remove the engine’s mounting brackets and bolts and
• Choke all the four wheels with wooden blocks.
• Attach the engine lifting bracket to the engine hoist
• Unscrew the bonnet mountings and remove it along with
(1).Fig 1
the grill.
• Disconnect the battery connections and take out the
• Drain the radiator.
• Drain the engine oil.
• Remove the air cleaner.
• Remove the lower and upper hoses of the radiator.
• Remove the radiator mounting bolts/bracket bolts and
remove the radiator without damaging the radiator core.
• Disconnect the wire connections of the starting motor,
generator/alternator and heater plugs, oil pressure unit
and other electrical connections to the dashboard • Lift the engine slightly.
instruments. • Pull the engine forward until it comes out from the
• Remove the oil pipe to oil pressure gauge conenctions gearbox side.
(if provided). • Lift the engine. Avoid oscillations and jerks. Ensure that
• Remove the exhaust pipe from the exhaust manifold. the engine hoist does not shift/oscillate while removing
(The pipe hole to be covered by a cardboard to prevent it from the vehicle and does not hit the body of the
foreign material getting into it.) vehicle or any accessories.
• Disconnect the fuel supply pipes at the feed pump, filter • Place it on a suitable workbench/engine stand. If placed
connectuons, fuel return lines to the tank. on the floor, provide sufficient support below the front
and rear brackets so that the engine does notmrest on
• Disconnect the oil pressure and air pressure gauge the oil sump.
• Disconnect the temperature gauge connections.
• Disconnect the accelerator connections.
• Remove the accelerator control shaft.
• Disconnect the engine stop connections.
• Remove the air compressor and its connections.
• Remove the clutch and gear linkages.
• Disconnect the propeller shaft at the gearbox end and
support it at a convenient point on the chassis.
• Support the engine at the rear by wooden blocks.
• Disconnect gearbox mounting bolts and remove the
gearbox with flywheel housing.
• Remove the dip stick.
• Fit a suitable engine lifting bracket.
• Align the left hook of the crane with engine lifting
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.2.66
Mechanic Diesel - Diesel Engine Components
turbulence chamber with the cylinder by an orifice. The
auxiliary chamber houses almost full charge at the end
of compression and is nearly spherical in shape. The
pistion forces air charge into the turbulence chamber
and setup a rapid rotary motion. As the piston rises up,
the velocity of air increases through the throat of orifice
and reaches at the peak somewaht befre T.D.C. Near
T.D.C. the injector nozzle injects fuel into the turbulent
air currents which results in good mixing during
energy cell is that fuel is blown into the energy cell where
it burns using air in the cell. In air cell system, thte cell
simply stores and given up an air charge. The combusion
in the energy cell creates a high pressure and grater
turbulence and leaves no idle air in the cell.
The energy cell system consists of two rounded spaces
cast in the cylinder head. The intake and exhaust valves
open into the main combustion chamber. The horizontal
the nozzle sprays fuel across the main chamber in the
direction of energy cell mouth. While the fuel charge is
Pressure increases and the fuel droplets are forced passing across the centre of main chamber, nearabout half
through the small holes into the main cylinder, resulting the fuel mixes with hot air and burns at once. The remaining
in a very good mix of the fuel and air. The bulk of the fuel enters the energy cell and starts to burn there. At this
combustion actually takes place in the main cylinder. point, the cell pressure rises rapidly, tending the combustion
This type of combustion chamber has multi-fuel products to flow back into the main combustion chamber
capability because the temperature of the prechamber at a high velocity. As a result of this, a sharp swirling
vaporizes the fuel before the main combustion event movement of fuel and air is set up in each lobe of main
occurs. chamber, promoting final mixing of fuel and air and ensuring
complete combustion. The two restricted openings of
d Air cells: Combustion chamber an air cell is a space
energy cell control the time and rate of expulsion of blast
provided in the cylinder head or pistion crwon in which
from energy cell into main combustion chamber.
a large part of air is trapped during compression. In air
cell systems, the injector nozzle sprays fuel direct into The energy-cell combustion systems fulfil the requirements
the main chamber where combstion takes place. of high speed engines and give high power output without
high excessive pressures in the main combustion chamber.
Inlet valve is larger then exhaust valve more quantity of air/ materials must be chosen carefully to resist these fluids
fuel mixture the reason behind is to increase of an engine and maintain an effective seal. Engine head gasket coolant
and is exeting for that reason the nlet valve face size than holes also meter the coolant flow to ensure proper circulation.
exhaust valve. Because they want to fill in the combustion
Head gaskets must resist the forces that tend to scuff
chamber the volumetric efficiency pressure behind the inlet
gasket surfaces and inhibit proper sealing. One factor is
valve in desinged to larger.
engine vibration and head shifting and flexing that result
The main reason for the size difference is to avoid preignition from combustion pressures.
and knocking.
Another factor is the differing expansion rates of bi-metal
Cylinder head gaskets (Fig 1): Is the most critical seal (aluminum head and cast iron block) engines. Aluminium
in an engine between the cylinder head and the engine expands about twice as much as cast iron . The uneven
block deck. expansion rates create a shearing action that the head
gasket must accommodate.
The head gasket must seal the combustion pressures up
to 1,000 psi (689.5 kPa) in gasoline engines and 2,700 psi Head gaskets also must resist crushing from cylinder
(1,862 kPa) in turbocharged diesel engines. In addition, the claiming forces that may be unevenly distrubuted across
head gasket must withstand combustion temperatures the head. These claiming forces run as high 200,000 lbs
that are in excess of 2,000°F (1,100°C). (90,800 kg).
The head gasket also must seal coolant and hot, thin oil The following materials are used in cylinder head gasket
flowing under pressure between the block and head.
1 Copper - asbestos gasket
modern coolant formulas and oil detergents and additives
tend to cling to surfaces and soak into gaskets. Gaskets 2 Steel - asbestos - copper gasket
3 Steel - asbestos gasket
4 Single steel ridged gasket
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.2.68 to 2.2.70
Mechanic Diesel - Diesel Engine Components
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
describe the function of the engine
state the constructional features of valves
list out the different types of valves and their material.
Functions of valves Poppet-valves
• To open and close the inlet and exhaust passages of As the name indicates these valves pop on their seat.
the cylinder. Three types of poppet-valves are in use.
• To dissipate heat, through its seat to the cylinder head. • Standard valve
Construction of a valve • Tulip valve
The head (1) of the valve is ground with a margin (2) to • Flat top valve
provide strength. (Fig 1)
Rotary valve
In this type a hollow shaft runs in the housing which is
attached to the cylinder head. This hollow shaft has two
ports cut in it, and it aligns the opening in the cylinder head
with the inlet manifold, and at the time of the exhaust stroke
its opening aligns with the exhaust manifold. (Fig 2 &
Fig 3)
Requirements for valve operation Side valve mechanism (Fig 1): In the side value
1 Valve must seat tightly and properly on its seat. mechanism both the inlet and exhaust valves are fitted in
the cylinder block.
2 Valve must be properly timed.
3 Valve must be operate without log. Overhead valve mechanism (Fig 2): In this mechanism,
the valves are located in the cylinder head. Push-rods and
4 Valve tappet clearance must be correct. rocker arms are used in addition to the side valve mechanism.
5 Valve steam and guide clearance must be correct.
Valve operating mechanisms:
When the cam shaft rotates, the cam lobe (1) lifts the
Two types of valve operating mechanisms are used in tappet (2) upward. When the tappet (2) moves up, it pushes
engines. They are as follows. the push-rod (3) and one end of the rocker arm upwards.
The other end of the rocker arm’s (4) tip, moves downward
- Slide valve mechanism and the valve (5) opens against the spring’s (6) tension.
- Overhead valve mechanism When the cam lobe (1) reaches the maximum height, the
valve opens fully. Further rotation of the cam shaft causes
In overhead valve mechanism, the position of camshaft is the tappet (2) to move down and the valve is closed by the
considered as the types of valve mechanism i.e., tension of the spring (6).
1 Single overhead camshaft mechanism Tappet clearance is provided in between the valve (5) tip and
the rocket arm’s (4) tip. This clearance can be adjusted by
2 Double overhead camshaft mechanism the adjusting screw (7) and the lock-nut (8).
24 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.68 & 2.2.70
Importance of valve seats inserts in cylinder head
Causes the engine suck oil down the guides and into the
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.68 & 2.2.70 27
State the size of intake valve (Fig 5) Overlap period
At the end of the exhaust stroke and the beginning of the
suction stroke, both the valves remain open for certain
degrees. This period during which both the valves remain
open is called the valve overlap.
Graphical representation of valve timing (Fig 6)
The valve timing is represented by a diagram drawn on the
face of the flywheel in defrees of the crankshaft rotation.
In order to get adequate air flow into the cylinders, inlet valve
need enough opening with bigger diameter of valve because
over come air flow restriction, reduce the intake air heat,
allow excess air for complete the combustion to increase
the volumetric efficiency and scavanging effect. For exhaust,
because you have the pistion during out the exhaust using
higher positive pressure so don’t need quite as big of valves.
Valve timing
Each manufacturer specifies the timings of the opening .
and closing of the valves as per the design of the engine to
give the maximum output under all loads and speeds.
The opening and closing of the valves in an IC engine in
relation to the movement of the piston and flywheel is called
valve timing.Fig 6 Valve timing (Jeep)
The opening and closing of the valves exactly at TDC & • Inlet valve open 9 degrees before T.D.C.
BDC do not improve the volumetic efficiency of an engine. • Inlet valve closes 50 degrees after B.D.C.
Burnt gases also are not driven out fully.
• Exhaust valve opens 47 degrees before B.D.C.
Practically, the valves are arranged to open early and close
late to fill the cylinder fully and to allow all burnt gases to • Exhaust valve closes 12 degrees after T.D.C.
escape from the cylinder. • Over lap period 21 degrees
Inlet valve Valve timing varies from one make of engine to another
Lead valves are exposed to various chemical, mechanical and
thermal stresses during operation. They must maintain
Inlet valves are made to open certain degrees earlier than their basic shape and dimensions throughout the expected
T.D.C. This enables aur/air fuel mixture to fill the cylinder life of the engine. In addition. the integrity of the sealing
to its capacity. It also helps in scavenging burnt gases by surface of the valve and mating valve seat is critical to
using the momentum of intake air/air fuel mixture. durability and performance. Engineers determine the valve
Lag material, shape, specifications, and surface coatings to
match the specifica engine familu, expected operating
Inlet valves are made to close certain degrees after B.D.C. environment, and projected length of service. Valves
to increase the volumetric efficiency by allowing more commonly used in small engines are classified as one-
charge. piece, projecton-tip welded, or two-piece-stem welded-
Exhaust valve stem valves.
Lead Variable valve timing (VVT) (Fig 7)
Exhaust valves are made to open certain degrees earlier Variable-valve (VVT) technology, became standard in engine
than B.D.C. design, variable valve timing becomes the next step to
enhance engine output, no matter power or torque.
As yoi know, valves activate the breathing of engine. The
Exhaust valves are made to close certain degrees after timing of breathing, that is, the timing of air intake and
T.D.C. to develop a suction effect by the outgoing gases. exhaust, is controlled by the shape and phase angle of
It also helps in the scavenging of the exhaust gases by cams. To optimse the breathing, engine requires different
using the intake charge’s momentum.
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.68 & 2.2.70
valve timing at different speed. When the valve increases,
the duration of in take and exhaust stroke decreases so
that fresh air becomes not fast enough to enter the
combustion chamber, while the exhaust becomes not fast
enough to leave the combustion chamber. Therefore, the
best solution is to open the inlet valves earlier and close the
exhaust valves later. In other words, the overlapping
between intake period and exhaust period should be
With variable valve timing, power and torque can be
optimised across a wide rpm band. The most noticeable
results are:
• The engine rpm higher, thus raises peak power. For
example, Nissan’s 2-litre neo VVT engine output 25%
more peak power than its non-VVT version
• Low -speed torque increases, thus imporves drivability.
For example, Flat barchetta’s 1.8 VVT engine provides
90% peak trorque between 2,000 and 6,000 rpm.
Moreover, all these benfits come without any drawback.
Variable lift
In some designs, valve lift can also be varied according to
engine speed. At high speed higher lift quickness air intake
and exhaust, thus further optimise the breathing. However, cam-changing system remains to be the most
Ofcourse, at lower speed such lift will generate counter powerful VVT, since no other system can vary the Lift of
effects like deteriorating the mixing process of fuel and air, valve as it does.
thus decease outpur even leads to misfire. Therefore the lift
should be variable according to engine speed. Example - Honda’s 3-stage VTEC
Honda pioneered road car-used VVT in the late 80s by Cam-phasing VVT is varies the valve timing by shifting the
launching its famous VTEC sysem (Valve timing electronic phase angle of camshafts. For example, at high speed, the
control). inlet camshaft will be rotated in advance by 30° so to enable
earlier intake. This movement is controlled by engine
It has 2 sets of cams having different shapes to enable mangement system according to need, and actuated by
different timing and lift. One set operates during normal hydraulic valve gears.
speed, say, below 4,500 rpm. Another substitutes at
higher speed.
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.68 & 2.2.70 29
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.2.71
Mechanic Diesel - Diesel Engine Components
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
state the function of the camshaft
state the constructional features and material of the camshaft.
The camshaft gets the drive from the crankshaft and rotates Chain drive
at half the crankshaft speed, since each valve opens once
in every two revolutions of the crankshaft. There are three The timing gear sprockets (Fig 1) are driven by a chain (1).
types of camshaft drive mechanisms. Hence this drive is called a sprocket drive. The direction of
rotation of the crankshaft and camshaft is the same. It is
• Gear drive used when the distance between the crankshaft and the
• Chain drive (Fig 1) camshaft is more. No idler gear is used in the chain drive.
Skirt is the lowest portion of the piston. It works as a guide
to the piston in the bore and enables the piston to move in
a straight line. The skirt has the least clearance with the
liner. The piston to liner clearance is measured at the skirt.
Ring section
It is the portion between the top of the piston and the last
ring groove. It has more clearance with the cylinder than
with the skirt. There are two types of piston ring grooves.
(Fig 6)
Slipper pistons
This type of pistons are used in modern engines to increase
the area of contact at thrust faces. It is lighter in weight
compared to the solid skirt piston. (Fig 10)
Piston rings
• Compression ring
• Oil control ring
Compression rings
These rings effectively seal the compression pressure and
the leakage of the combustion gases. These are fitted in
the top grooves. They also transfer heat from the piston to
the cylinder walls. These rings vary in their cross-section.
The following types of compression rings are used.
Rectangular rings
These rings are very popular and easy to manufacture at
a lower cost. The face of the rings (1) remains in full contact
with the wall of the liner (2). (Fig 18)
Taper-faced rings
The face of the ring (1) is tapered (Fig 19). The lower edge
of the ring is in touch with the liner (2). These rings are good
for controlling oil consumption by scraping all the oil from
the liner (2). These rings cannot effectively control blow-by.
Barrel-faced rings
In this type, the corners of the rings (1) are rounded off to
give a barrel shape. These rings are used only for top Keystone ring
grooves to prevent blow-by. (Fig 20)
This types of rings (1) does not allow carbon to settle in the
ring groove. It is generally used in heavy vehicles. (Fig 22)
36 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.72 & 2.2.76
allow the scraped oil to reach the oil sump through the
piston holes.
Types of oil scraper rings
One piece (Solid rings)
These rings are easy to install. They have greater force
against the cylinder wall and reduce oil consumption.
Duraflex rings (Three pieces)
These rings (Fig 26) are used specially for re-ringing jobs,
where the cylinder has worn out excessively. One set of
rings consists of rails, a crimped spring and expander. The
rail (1) is of a circular shape. It is made of high quality,
polished spring steel. The number of rails vary in accordance
with the width of the groove. It wipes oil from the liner. The
crimped spring (2) keeps the rail space apart and seals the
Joints of compression rings top and bottom of the groove. It ensures the ring tightens
Step joint in the groove irrespective of wear. The expander (3) exerts
the correct amount of pressure against the rail and provides
It is considered to be one of the best to prevent blow-by. It a sealing effect on the cylinder wall. The main advantage of
is difficult to manufacture, and to set a correct gap while this type of ring is that it provides enough pressure
fitting. These types of joints are not used much in irrespective of cylinder wear in all conditions.
automobiles. (Fig 23)
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.72 & 2.2.76 37
Materials rings are also used in cast iron cylinders. Chromium plated
rings are only used in the top groove.
Piston rings are made of high grade cast iron, centrifugally
cast and ground. This provides good elasticity, and These rings have less friction, less wear and longer life.
minimises vibration. In some cases steel- chromium plated
Piston ring
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
state the recommended clearances for rings
state the piston rings fitting precautions
state the causes and remedies of pistion rings
state the compression ratio.
Piston clearance
Piston rings have gap so that they may be installed into the
piston grooves and removed when worn out by expanding
them. The gap ensures radial pressure against the cylinder
wall thus having effective seal to prevent leakage of heavy
combustion pressure. This gap must be checked because
if it is too great due to cylinder bore wear, the radial
1 Remove the ridge in the linner. 11 Ensure the piston rings and gap should not be inline.
38 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.72 & 2.2.76
Causes and remedy for piston clearance The compression ratio 7 : 1 is illustrated in (Fig 4) Early
automobile engines had low compression ratios 3:1 to 4:1.
1 Wear in the piston ring grooves causes the rings to rise
They are known as low compression engines. The fuel
and fall during movement of piston and its pumping
available at that time could not be subjected to greater
action resulting in high oil consumption.
pressure without detonation. The modern gasoline engines
2 Exercise gas blow by, loss of compression will also have compression ratios 7:1 to 10:1. Diesel engines have
take place if gap is too much (cylinder wall and piston much higher compression ratios from 11:1 to 22:1.
3 During service the piston ring may have lost some of its
elastic properties due it which radial pressure will be
reduced on the cylinder wall. This can be checked by
pressing together worn and a new ring and observing
whether the gap of the worn ring closes more than the
new ring.
Compression ratio
It is the ratio of the volume of the charge in the cylinder
above the piston at bottom dead centre and the volume of
the charge when the piston is at top dead centre. Since the
volume above the piston at bottom dead centre is the
displacement of the cylinder plus the clearance volume;
and the volume above the piston at top dead centre is the
clearance volume, the compression ratio can be stated as: The compression ratio of an engine will be increased by any
condition that will decrease the size of the clearance
Clearance volume + Displacement volume volume such as the accumulation of carbon deposits. High
Clearance volume compression ratio results in decreased operating efficiency
and grater power output for a given engine.
For example, if clearance volume is 90 cm3 and displacement
The pressure of the mixture at maximum compression is
volume is 540 cm3, the compression ratio will be,
determined by the compression ratio. Some other factors
are also considered like engine speed, temperature, degree
r − 90 + 540 = = 7 :1 of vapurisation of the fuel and leakage past the piston rings.
90 90
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.72 & 2.2.76
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.2.77
Mechanic Diesel - Diesel Engine Components
Connecting rod A large bearing area is provided to take the load, heat and
wear. The split halves are usually fitted with babbitt
bearings (6) or bearing lining steel-backed copper lead. In
It is fitted in between the piston and crankshaft. It converts the upper end of the connecting rod a bronze bush (7) is
the reciprocating motion of the piston to the rotary motion fixed. The small end of the connecting rod is connected to
in the crankshaft. It must be light and strong enough to the piston (8) by means of a piston pin (3).
withstand stress and twisting forces.
In some engines a hole (9) is drilled in the connecting rods
Construction from the big end to the small end. It allows oil to flow from
the big end to the small end bush.
The connecting rod (1) (Fig 1) is made of high grade alloy
steel. It is drop-forged to ‘I’ shape. In some engines Control split at an angle (Oblique cutting) ( Fig 2)
aluminium alloy connecting rods are also used. The upper
end of the connecting rod has a hole (2) for the piston pin
(3). The lower end of the connecting rod (1) is split, so that
the connecting rod can be installed on the crankshaft. The
top and bottom halves (5) of the lower end of the connecting
rod are bolted together on the big end journal of the
crankshaft, by bolt and nut (4).
Locking methods of Piston pin
Objective : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
list out the various types of piston pins locking method and material of the position pin.
The piston pin or gudgeon pin connects the piston with the
connecting rod. It should be strong enough to transmit
power and withstand pressure of combustion. Piston pins
are made hollow to reduce inertia load due to the recipro-
cating motion.
Types of piston pins
Fully floating piston pin
In this type (Fig 1) there are two circlips (1) on either side
of the piston pin (2). The pin (2) is free to rotate both in the
piston (3) and the connecting rod.Circlips (1) are fitted into
the grooves provided in the piston boss. This type of pins
is used in engines which carry heavy loads. The gun metal
or bronze bush is used between the small end of the
connecting rod and the piston pin. Small two-stroke
engines may have a needle bearing cage instead of a bush.
Semi-floating piston pin
The pin (1) is fastened to the connecting rod (2) with a
clamp (3), screw (4) and nut. In this the piston boss forms
the bearing. (Fig 2)
Thrust bearings
This type of bearing (Fig 5) takes care of thrust loads. The
bearing shells on the crankshaft, which has thrust faces (1)
on it, takes the end thrust of the crankshaft when it is in
operation. The thrust faces have oil notches (2) to hold
lubricating oil. In some cases separate thrust washers
made up of bearing material are also used to take the end
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
state the need of bearings
list out the different types of bearings used in vehicle
list out the uses of the different types of bearings
explain the function and application of different types of bearings.
Bearings are used to support the rotating components and • Needle roller bearing
to reduce friction between the static and rolling components.
• Taper roller bearing
The following types of bearings are used in automobiles.
Bush bearings are made of copper-lead, tin-aluminium, tin-
• Shell bearing copper and used in the small end of the connecting rod,
• Bush bearing camshaft, oil pump drive shaft etc.
• Ball bearing Ball bearings (A) (Fig 1) reduce friction between rotating
parts to a minimum, and can take radial as well as axial
• Roller bearing load.
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.78 - 2.2.82 43
Details of engine bearings
Engine bearings
Ball bearings consist of an inner race (2), outer race (3) and
balls (4). These bearings are used in the gearbox. These are also called "Shell bearings or sliding function
bearings or precision insert bearings. These are largely
Roller bearings (B) also consist of an inner race (5), outer used for free rotation of crankshaft, connecting rods and
race (6) and rollers (7). (Fig 2) These bearings can take camshaft. They provide low frictional areas for these shafts
heavy radial load but no axial load and are used in the final to rotate smoothly under different speeds and loads.
drive, flywheel, water pump etc.
Shell bearings
In this lesson, some more useful points are discussed on
the shell bearings. They are stated as below:
• Qualities of engine bearings
• Bearing materials
• Bearing spread and crush
• Bearing failures and remedies
• Connecting rod and camshaft bearings
• Load on precision insert bearings
• Advantages of using insert bearings.
Qualities of engine bearings
Needle roller bearings (C) (Fig 3) are similar to roller The bearing should have
bearings except that the ratio between the length of the
needle roller (8) and the diameter of the roller is much more • Excellent fatigue strength
than that of a roller bearing. • Good conformability
• Fine embeddability
• Superior surface action
• High temperature strength
• Adequate corrosion resistance
• Quick thermal conductivity
Fatigue strength
The capacity of the bearing to withstand high loading and
impact loads, without being crushed for a reasonable
period of life is known as fatigue strength.
Taper roller bearings (D) (Fig 4) have taper rollers (9) The capacity of the bearing to adjust to the conditions of
instead of plain rollers. In automobiles, these bearings are crankcase distortion and crankshaft warpage and conform
generally used in pairs and these can take axial and radial to the journal at all times is termed as conformability.
loads. These bearings are used in the differential assembly,
wheel hubs etc.
44 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.78 - 2.2.82
Embeddability aluminium bearings are used. The sticking bearings
material can be easily removed from the journals. Due to
The bearing should be able to absorb dirt and metal
poor embeddability, improved hardening of the journals is
particles and keep them below their working surface to
avoid abrasive wear on the journals. This aspect is called
embeddability. Silver lead bearings
Surface action These alloys have the greatest load carrying capacity, but,
prohibitively expensive. Limited to aeronautical purposes
The bearing should have enough self lubricating properties
where this factor is of great importance. Embeddability is
to withstand metal to metal contact between journals and
poor with these alloys.
bearings. This property is termed as surface action.
Bearing spread and crush
Temperature strength
Bearing spread
Bearings are subjected to higher temperature condition
during operation and as the temperature raises, they The bearing should have full contact with its parent bore
become softer. The bearing should not become too soft and for this purpose bearing spread and crush are provided.
and loose its load carrying strength, at operating Both main bearing and con-rod inserts have the outer dia.
temperature. at parting forces slightly larger than the housing bore dia.
This will be about .005" to .020" in the case of main
Thermal conductivity bearings and .020" for con-rod bearings in excess of the
The bearing should quickly conduct the heat through the bore dia. This is known as bearing spread and this helps
shell and parent bore to the block and keep its temperature to hold the inserts in place during assembly.
low. Bearing materials are selected in such a way to suit
Bearing crush
each engine design requirements in these areas.
The parting faces when assembled stand proud of the
Bearing materials used parent bore half. When bearing caps are tightened, a radial
Different varieties of materials now in use are : pressure is exerted at the parting faces and forces the
inserts tightly into the housing bore to ensure complete
• Tin base babbitt contact. This is about .004" to .008" for main and big end
• Lead base babbitt bearings. This is checked by torquing the both ends to
recommendations, then loosening one end and inserting
• Cadmium nickel or silver alloy feeler gauge between cap face and crankcase face.
• Copper lead alloy (with tin overlay) Camshaft bushings
• Aluminium alloy Precision bearings are used for camshaft in many engines.
• Silver lead But they are not split but pressed into the block as a full
bush and held thereby means of a press fit. These
Tin base babbitt bushings are designed for radial loads only. But, end thrust
Low fatigue strength but has good conformability, is being taken by a special thrust plate bolted to block.
embeddability, surface action and corrosive resistance. Small end of connecting rod
This is popularly used on heat engines.
The small end of connecting rod is fitted with a phosphor
Lead base babbitt bronze bush and the small end is joined to the piston by a
Improved fatigue strength compare to tin base babbitt and means of a piston pin passing through this bush.
similar to them in other respect. This is popularly used in Load on the precision insert bearings
petrol engines.
• The precision insert bearing used as a main bearing in
Cadmium nickel or silver alloy an engine take up radial and the thrust loads applied to
Fatigue strength is further improved but not very good in the crankshaft.
conformability, embeddability and surface action popularly • The connecting rod bearings are normally constructed
used in high speed high pressure engines. for radial loads only. The thrust will be taken up by the
Copper lead alloy crank cheeks which are machined surfaces to match
the machined side faces of big end of the connecting
Superior fatigue strength even at higher temperature. rod.
These are improved by overlay tin coating or tin base micro
babbitt surface and popularly used in high speed diesel Advantages of using precision insert bearings
engines. • Variety of bearing materials may be used.
Aluminium alloy • Desired structure can be obtained
Aluminium alloy excels with respect to fatigue strength, • Controlled babbitt thickness is possible
load carrying capacity, corrosion resistance and freedom
from scoring tendencies. In case of seizures, only bearing • Easier and quicker replacements can be done.
get affected and journals are saved from scoring when • Improved load carrying characteristics is possible.
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.78 - 2.2.82 45
Application of Bearing Failure & Its Causes and Care & Maintenance
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
state the application of bearing
state the causes for bearing failure
state the care and maintenance of the bearing.
Bearing failures
Fatigue failure
This is identified by small sections of bearing material
detaching from the steel back and this spreads to the entire
bearing. Excessive loading, detonation, inadequate
lubrication, high temperature build up are the major causes
for this problem.
Foreign matter on bearing surface
Dirt, dust, metal particles left before assembly, due to
improper cleaning, dirty oil, due to inadequate maintenance
result in suspended hard particles staying the lub. system.
These find a way into the bearings under pressure with lub.
oil and when they are too big to pass through the bearing
clearances, they get embedded into the bearings, displacing
the bearing material. continued condition of such nature,
lead to the bearing surface getting full of such particles
which work on the journals as an abrasive and score them.
This will accelerate bearing and journal wear. Hygienic
conditions in the system and also during assembly is
therefore very important.
Improperly seated bearing
A pivot or foot step bearing supports the vertical shaft as its This is possible due to existence of foreign matter or dirt
end. (Fig 7) between bearing back and seating at parent bore, filed
parting faces or bearing caps or shims below the bearing
shells or between parting faces when not needed. This will
46 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.78 - 2.2.82
affect full contact with parent bore, oil clearance and load Types of bearings damages
distribution, thermal conductivity etc. and the problems
following them. Localised wear or peeling of bearing - Abrasive damage
material or seizure may be the result. - Erosion damage
Dirt between bearing and the seat is due to improper - Fatigue damage
cleaning before assembly, Bearing crush may be lost by
- Corrosion damage
filing parting faces and even the bearings may start working
loose in the parent bore. This may lead to bearing rotation - wiping damage
and complete seizure very quickly.
- Cracks, scoring, overheating
Filed bearing caps result in out of round parent bores. This
Types of bearing damages and causes
is ignorantly attempted to reduce oil clearance. This may
lead to excessive crush and insufficient oil clearance and Damages Causes
landing up in a total bearing failure.
Edge wear - Less clearance
Con.rod mis-alignment
Score and scraches - Bad workmanship
Bend and twisted con.rods wear the bearing unevenly. (situational wear)
This affects bearing clearances also.
Overheating & surface - Insufficient lubrication
Shifted bearing caps Cavitation of erosin - Inferior quality of
This can be caused by material
• Improper doweling or by damaged dowel holes. Corrosion - water mix with lubricant
• Using too bigger socket spanner for the cap screws. Cracks in galvaine layer - Overheat and overload
P.T.F.E. bearings Pitting and fretting - Metal particals in
Polytetrafluoro ethylent (PTFE) is extremely insert plastic
material with an unusually low dry co-efficient of friction its Factors affecting bearing clearance
use is limited by its thermal properties. This bearing
particularly suitable for applications where corrosive liquids - Desired operating temperature extremely critical
would attach conventional bearing materials. - Engine speed
Care and maintenance of bearing - Oil flow rate
- Identify correct size of bearing for selected application. - Oil flim thickness
- Clean the dirt, dust, rust and metal particules on the - Working viscosity of lubricant
bearing before use.
- Load carrying capacity
- Setting proper bearing clearance and proper seating in
its place - Operating temperature of engine
48 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.78 - 2.2.82
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.2.83 & 2.2.84
Mechanic Diesel - Diesel Engine Components
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the function of flywheel
• state the construction of flywheel.
Function of Flywheel flywheel (2) rotates to crank the engine. When an automatic
transmission is used th etorque converter assembly acts
The flywheel stores energy during the power stroke and
as the flywheel. The flywheel also serves as a mounting
supplies it to the crankshaft during the idling stroke i.e.
and frictional surface for the clutch assembly. The size of
suction, compression and exhaust. In many engines the
the flywheel depends upon the number of cylinders and
flywheel also serves as a mounting surface for the clutch.
general construction of the engine.
Timing marks of the flywheel
The flywheel (Fig 1) is attached to the rear end of the
An engine is provided with timing marks (Fig 2) on a
crankshaft (1) by means of bolts (4). A large ring gear (3)
rotating member and a stationary pointer. The timing mark
is attached to the flywheel. While starting, teh engine starter
(1) in punched ont he circumference of the flywheel / crank
motor ‘s gear engages with the ring gear (3), and the
pulley. A pointer (2) is fixed on the flywheel housing (3) /
timing cover. Timing is adjusted when the pointer (2)
coincides with the flywheel mark (1) and at this tims
distrubutor contact should just start at open.
Vibration damper
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the function of vibration damper
• Functions of a vibration damper
Vibration dampers are fixed the front end of the crankshaft. crankshaft to a constant speed. This tends to take on the
The main function of a vibration damper is to reduce twist and untwist action and torsional vibrations of the
torsional vibrations and stress. It helps in reducing the crankshaft.
flywheel weight and increases the crank-shaft life. Clutch and rubber bush dampers
Types and Construction In this type (Fig 2), in between the damper (1) and the
There are mainly two types of vibration dampers in use. pulley (2), two friction facings (3) are provided. A spring (4)
and a plate (5) are fixed to control the friction between the
Rubber floating type damper (1) and the pulley (2).
The damper (Fig 1) is made into two parts, a small
inertiaring or damper flywheel (1) and the pulley (2). They
are bonded to each other by a rubber insert (3).
As the crankshaft speeds up or slows down, the damper
flywheel has a dragging effect. This effect slightly flexes
the rubber insert (3) which tends to hold the pulley and
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.83 & 2.2.84
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.2.85
Mechanic Diesel - Diesel Engine Components
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.2.86
Mechanic Diesel - Diesel Engine Components
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
state the need for a clutch
• list out different types of clutch
• state the function of the clutch
• state the construction of fluid coupling
Need for a clutch
along with flywheel and power is transmitted to the drive
Depending upon the different loads are requiring change of shaft. When the clutch pedal is pressed, the release
speed to match the rated power available in the engine. bearing (11) pushes the thrust plate (12) through the
Vehicle speed can be changed by shifting gears. linkages.
While shifting gears, the speed of the sliding sleeve and the
respective gear on the main shaft should be synchronised
to avoid gear collision noise. This is achieved by
disconnecting the transmission of power from the engine
flywheel to the gear box shaft with the help of the clutch.
Thus, clutch is used to connect and disconnect transmission
of power from the engine flywheel to the gear box drive
Function of the clutch
– The clutch should connect the power from the engine to
transmission smoothly gradually without affecting the
other components.
– It should damp vibrations and shocks during operation. The thrust plate pushes the clutch finger (13), the clutch
finger swivels and moves the pressure plate away from the
– It should not slip under high torque transmission. flywheel. When the springs are compressed, the pressure
Torque transmission by clutch depends upon the: plate does not exert pressure on the clutch plate and in turn
the clutch plate does not transmit power from the flywheel
– contact area of the clutch plate. to the drive shaft.
– co-efficient of friction of lining material. The clutch plate (Fig 2) consists of a torque plate (14) and
– spring pressure. clutch lining (15) made of frictional material fixed on the
torque plate by reverts (16). Damper spring (17) are fixed in
– number of clutch plate used.
the torque plate to dampen shocks and vibrations during
Different type of clutches clutch operation.
They are
– Single plate clutch
– Multi - plate clutch
– Dual clutch
– Dry and wet clutches
– Cone clutch
– Dog clutch
– Diaphragm spring type clutch
– Fluid coupling
Single plate clutch (Fig 1): A clutch consists of driven (1) Multi-plate clutch (Fig 3)
and driving shafts (2). A clutch cover (3) is mounted on the
To transmit more torque, more contact area is necessary.
flywheel (4) by a set of screws (5). A pressure plate (6)
Instead of using a larger diameter clutch plate, two or three
presses the clutch plate (7) against the flywheel by the
small clutch discs are used to increase in frictional area.
pressure of springs (8). The clutch plate hub (9) is splined
The pressure plates (2) and clutch plates (1) are alterna-
(10) on the gear box drive shaft. The clutch plate rotates
tively arranged on the clutch shaft (3) and compressed by
a number of pressure springs (4). This type works in the cone (2) on the clutch shaft (1) engage with the female cone
same way as a single plate clutch does. (3) on the flywheel (5) due to the force of the spring. When
the clutch pedal is pressed the male cone slides on the
splines of the clutch shaft against the spring force. It gives
more frictional area and is simple in construction. It is
practically absolute and the same principle/device is used
in the synchroniser unit in a synchro-mesh gear box.
Cylinder Block
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• describe the function of the cylinder block
• state the constructional features of the clinder block
• state the function of crankcase
• state the function of the cylinder liner
• list out the various types of cylinder liners
• list the material of cylinder liners.
bearing is fixed on the web which is cast with the cylinder
Cylinder block: It forms the base of the engine. Two types
block, the other half bearing is fixed in the bearing cap. The
of cylinder blocks are used in vehicles.
bearing cap is fastened with the web by nuts and studs.
Cylinder block construction This portion where the crankshaft is fixed is known as the
Single piece casting: In this the type cylinder block and crankcase. In the cylinder block passages are provided for
crankcase are cast as one piece. It gives better rigidity the camshaft and camshaft bearing, push rods, tappets
and it is easy to cast, which reduces the cost of etc.
manufacturing. (Fig 1) Crankcase
Two-piece casting (Fig 2): In this type the cylinder block Crankcase is attached to the bottom space of the cylinder
and crankcase are cast separately. The crankcase is block. It act as base of the engine and supports the
bolted to the cylinder block. It reduces the problem of lifting crankshaft oil pan and also provides the arms for supporting
the cylinder block from crankcase, during repairing or the engien of the frame. The oil pan and the lower part of the
overhauling. This type of casting is used in heavy generating cylinder block together are called the crank case.
Crank case material
The cylinder block is made of cast iron or aluminium alloy.
Inside the cylinder block, water jacket passages for the The cylinder block and upper half of the crankcase usually
coolant and lubricating oil are provided. The cylinder head made of a ferrous alloy or semi steel to provide a stronger
along with the valve assembly is fitted on the top of the and harder casting. The use of stringer and together
cylinder block by nuts and bolts. The oil sump is bolted to materials permits timer casting walls, thus saving weight
the cylinder block /crankcase from the bottom. The and improving of cooling effect and good thermal condictivity.
crankshaft is supported on split type bearings. The half
Liners: A liner is a thin cast iron circular shell which is Wet type
centrifugally cast. It contains chromium for hardness. It
In a wet type liner (1) , the liners are in direct contact with
protects the cylinder block from rapid wear and damage
the cooling water. (Fig 4)
due to combustion.The life of the cylinder block is increased
by using a liner, since the block does not bear combustion
pressure and temperature directly.
Dry type
In the dry type liner (1) the cooling water (2) of the engine
does not come in direct contact with the liner. These liners
have an interference fit with a cylinder block (3). In the dry
type liner a special process is required to insert them into
the bores, and to remove them from the bore. (Fig 3)
Wet type liners are loose in the cylinder block (2) and these
are supported between a recess in the block and the
cylinder head. Gaskets or sealing ‘O’ rings (3) are used in
liner grooves to seal against gas, oil and water leakage.
Removal and fitment of these liners is easier than it is in
the case of dry type liner.
Materials used for liners are nitrided steel, nitrided cast
iron, chromium-coated alloy steel. Liners are harder than
the cylinder blocks.
56 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.87 - 2.2.91
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.2.92 - 2.2.94
Mechanic Diesel - Diesel Engine Components
Gas Turbine
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• describe gas turbines
• state stages of turbine
• compare the gas turbine and diesel engine.
1 Gas compressor do not use the same air again.
2 Turbine on the same shaft Gas turbines are used to power aircraft, trains, ships,
electrical generator, pumps, gas compressors, and military
3 Combustion chamber
war tanks.
Some attachments used to increase efficiency, and also
Stages in turbine
to convert power into mechaincal or electrical form.
The two primary parts of turbine stage are the stator nozzle
The basic operation of the gas turbine is a Brayton cycle.
and the trubine rotor blades. The stage consists of a ring
Fresh atmospheric air flows through the compressor that
of fixed blades followed by the rotor blade ring. Most of the
brings it to higher pressure. Energy is than added by
spraying fuel into the air and igniting it. So the combusion
generates a high-temperature and pressure. This high-
temperature high-pressure gas enters a turbine, where it
expands. THis producing a shaft work output in the
The turbine shaft work is used to drive the compressor. The
energy that can also be (not used for shaft work comes out
in the exhaust gases) produce thrust which is used to push
aircraft. The purpose of the gas turbine determines the
design so that the mose diesirable split of energy between
the thrust and the shaft work is achieved. Separate cooling
system not required as gas turbines are open systems that
58 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.2.92 - 2.2.94
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.3.95 - 2.3.102
Mechanic Diesel - Cooling & Lubricating System
Thermo-siphon system
In this system no pump is used for water circulation. Water
circulation is obtained due to the difference in the densities
of hot and cold water. Water absorbs the heat and rises
up in the block (1) and goes to the radiator’s (2) top side.
Water is cooled in the radiator (2). It again goes to the
water jackets in the engine. To maintain a continuous flow
of water the level of water is maintained at certain minimum
level. If the water level falls down the circulation will
Water cooling discontinue. This system is simple but the rate of cooling
is very slow.
Two types of water cooling systems are used.
Pump circulation system (Forced feed system)
• Thermo-siphon system (Fig 2)
In this system water is circulated by a pump (3). The pump
• Forced circulation system (Fig 3)
is driven by a belt (5) which is connected with the crankshaft
pulley. The circulation depends upon the engine speed.
More water is circulated at higher engine speed. It is fitted in between the water outlet of the cylinder head
(1) and the inlet (2) of the radiator in the water cooling
The water absorbs heat from the engine and flows to the
system. When the engine is cold, the thermostat (4) is
radiator’s (2) top tank. Water from the top tank of the
closed. It does not permit water to enter the radiator.
radiator (2) flows down to the bottom tank. The fan (4)
Water recirculates in the engine through the bypass hole
draws the air through the radiator’s fins and cools the hot
(2) and the engine reaches the operating temperature
water. Cold water from the bottom tank is again pumped
quickly. Once the engine has reached the operating
to the engine and the cycle is repeated.
temperature the thermostat (4) opens. It closes the
Water pump bypass hole (2) and now permits water to enter the radiator
tank (3). Thermostats are rated to open at different
temperatures. Two types of thermostats are used.
• Bellows type (Fig 6)
• Wax type (Fig 7)
Bellows type
The centrifugal type water pump (Fig 4) is used in engines. It has a flexible metal bag closed at both ends. The metal
It is mounted on the front side of the cylinder block or head. bag is partially filled with ethyl which has a low boiling
The water pump is driven by the crankshaft pulley through temperature.
the fan belt. The impeller (1) is mounted on one end of the
water pump shaft (2). The shaft (2) is fitted in the pump When the engine is cold the valve (1) closes its outlet
housing with bearings. A water seal is provided in the pump passage and does not allow water to reach the radiator top
to prevent leakage of water and to prevent water entering tank from the engine, but is circulated through the bypass
into the bearings. When the impeller rotates it draws water port to the engine.
from the lower tank of radiator, and pumps water to the When the water reaches the working temperature, ethyl in
engine block, by centrifugal force under pressure. The fan the closed bellow (2) expands and opens the valve (1). Now
is mounted on the water pump pulley. the water reaches the radiator top tank from the engine. In
the valve’s opened position the bypass passage is closed.
60 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.3.95 - 2.3.102
As the water reaches the operating temperature the wax
pellet expands and forces the valve (2) to open against the
spring tension. Now the water reaches the radiator top
tank, from the engine. At this position the bypass port is
closed by the valve.
Tubular core
The purpose of a radiator in the cooling system is to cool
hot water coming out of engine.
It has a large cooling surface area to allow enough of air to
pass through it. Water circulated through it is cooled by the
passing air.
62 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.3.95 - 2.3.102
mechanical type temperature indicator consistes of a Coolant properties
sealed bulb that fits in the cylinder head water jacket and
A efficient cooling system removes 30 to 35% of the heat
connected by a fine tube to temperature pressure gauge on
generated in the combustion chamber.
the dash board.
- Coolant should be remove heat at a fast rate, when the
The electric type water temperature sending unit is fitted in
engine is hot.
the cylinder head water jacket and it is conected through
electric wire from ignition switch to temperature use - Coolant should be remove heat at a slow rate when the
sending units cold terminal through panel indicator bulb, engine is started until the engines reaches at its normal
another wire is conected from temperature sending units operating temperature.
hot terminal to temperature warning lamp. When the - Coolant should not remove too much heat from the
engine temperature reaches normal, the green light circuit engine. Too much removal of the heat decreases
is completed by the engine unit and the dial indicates green thermal efficiency of the engine.
light. When the engine is over heated the engine unit
completes red light circuit and the dial indicates the red - It should circulate freely in the coding system.
light. - It should be prevent frequency and rust formations.
In latest vehicle engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensors - It should be reasonbly cheap.
are using.
- It should not waste by voporization.
Thermo switch
- It should not deposit any foreign mater in the water
This divice is prevents the engine from over heating by jackets/radiator.
activating radiator cooling fan, measuring the coolant
temperature and controlling the level gaugesand warning Change of engine coolat interval
lights on the engine control unit. This device have upto four 1 Coolant should be replace as per specified by the
terminals and be installed on the radiator, the cooling manufacture.
system tubes or thermostate, so that the coolant flows
across the sensing element (bimetal disc or thermistor). 2 Coolant should be replace during major repair in an
engine or radiator.
Function of thermo switch
3 Coolant should be replace at dilute (oil mix with water).
Theremo switch operates independent from any current
supply, temperature detection is effected by means of a by Anti- Freeze mixtures
metal disk switch on temperature. When this fixed switch 1 Wood alcohol
on temperature is reached this bimetal disk well snap over,
closing a contact the circuit system and there by closing 2 Denatured alcohol
the electric of device to be started. After cooling down and 3 Gycerine
reaching the cut off temperature. The bimetal disk will auto
mechanically return into its original position and open the 4 Ethylene glycol
contact. The electric circuit is opened again. 5 Propylene glycol
6 Mixture of alcohol and glycerine
Engine Lubricating System
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• list out the different types of engine lubricating systems
• explain the function of each system
• draw the oil circulation path in an engine block
• state the function of the pressure relief valve
• state the types of the pressure relief valve
• list out the different types of crankcase ventilation
• explain the positive crankcase ventilation.
Types of lubricating system Petrol-oil lubricating system (Fig 1)
The following types of lubricating systems are used in In this system the lubricating oil is mixed with the petrol(2).
engines. The ratio of petrol and oil is 20:1. When fuel goes in the
1 Petrol-oil lubrication crankcase chamber (1) and crankshaft bearings, the oil
mist sticks to the moving parts and gives the lubricating
2 Dry sump lubrication effect. This system is mostly used in two-stroke engines.
3 Splash lubrication Dry sump lubricating system (Fig 2)
4 Pressurized lubrication In this system the lubricating oil is delivered from a sepa-
5 Combined lubrication rate tank (1) to the components by an oil pump (2). The oil
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.3.95 - 2.3.102 63
lubricates the moving parts and flows back to the oil sump cylinder head and lubricates the rocker bushes. When the
(3). A scavenging pump (4) is provided to pump oil from the crankshaft rotates the oil splashes from the connecting rod
sump to the tank. bearings and lubricates the piston rings and liner. In some
engines an oil hole is drilled from the connecting rod big end
to the small end to lubricate the gudgeon pin bush.
A relief valve is provided in the path between the oil pump
and the filter. The relief valve limits the maximum pressure
of the oil in the system. An oil pressure gauge or indicating
lamp is provided to indicate the oil pressure.
After lubricating the various parts of the engine, the oil
reaches the oil sump.Combined lubricating system
64 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.3.95 - 2.3.102
the remaining parts are lubricated by pressure lubricating
Oil filter
Full flow oil filter system (Fig 5)
In this system all the oil passes through the filter before
The oil is sucked into the pump in the side where the volume reaching the main oil gallery. One bypass valve is provided
between the rotor teeth increases and is pumped out on the in the filter which allows oil to reach the main oil gallery
side where the volume decreases. directlu if the filter is choked.
Vane pump (Fig 3)
In the vane tyoe pump the rotor (1) runs eccentrically in the
pump housing (5). Spring- loaded vanes (2) slide against
the pump housing walls. Suction us created by the vanes
(2) when the rotor (1) rotates. Oil is sucked through the inlet
duct (3) and discharged through the discharge duct (4).
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.3.95 - 2.3.102 67
The inner wall of the oil cooler is in contact with cooling
water. The engine oil which is made to circulate through the
passages provided in the oil cooler, transfers its heat to the
cooling water circulating in engine block (4), and the inner
wall of oil cooler. This maintains the temperature of the
Oil cooler purpose (Fig 8)
The purpose of an oil cooler us to cool the lubricating oil in
heavy duty engines where the oil temperature become
quite high the oil must be kept cold in the lubricating
An oil cooler is just like a simple heat exhanger. The oil may
be cooled in it either by cold
water from the radiator. At the time of starting when the
water is hotter that the oil, the oil is heated to provide
complete circulation in the system. At higher temperatures,
when the oil becomes hotter than water, the water cools the
Filter element
Filter elements are made of felt, cotton waste, cloth and
paper. Oil filters are replaced after certain kilometres of
running of the engine as specified by the manufacturer.
Oil coolers (Fig 7)
OIl cooler consists of two halves (1). Passages (2) are
provided in between the cooler’s halves for oil circulation.
A ball valve (3) is provided to maintain the required oil
pressure. THis is made of cast iron. The purpose of the oil A water type oil cooler, simply consists of tubes in which
cooler is to tansfer the heat from engine oil to cooling water oil circulates. The water circulates outside the tubes in the
and cool the engine oil. casing of the cooler. The heat of the oil is carries away by
the circulating water.
Spurt holes and maingallory
The engine parts are lubircated under pressure feed. The oil
pump takes the oil through oil strainer and delivers it at
pressure of 2.4 kg/cm2 to maingallory. Further the
pressurised oil goes through different size of spurt holes to
main bearing camshaft bearing cranks pin, rocker arm and
valves, main gallory is act as hub for oil distribution to
engine moveable working parts.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the need of lubricating an engine
• list out the properties of lubricating oils
Functions of a lubricant It also helps to:
The main function of a lubricant is to minimise the friction - absorb heat from the moving parts due to friction.
between two moving surfaces which are in contact with
- Minimise wear and tear of the components.
each other.
- Provide a cushioning effect between the moving parts.
68 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.3.95 - 2.3.102
- Clean the parts by carrying away metal chips with it. Oil additives
- Protect parts from corrosion. Any mineral oil by it self does not posses all the properties.
The oil companies add a number of additives into the oil
- Prevent blow-by of gases by provinding an oil film
during the manufacturing process.
between the rings and the liner/bore.
Main oil additives:-
Properties of a lubricant
- Pour point depressents
- It should have viscosity to suit the operating condions.
- Oxidation inhibitors
- The viscosity should remain the same in both hot and
cold conditions. - Corrosion and rust inhibitors
- Its boiling temperature should be high. - Foaming resistance
- It should be corrosion-resistant. - Detergents disperssents
- It should not develop foam. - Extreme pressure resistance
- It should withstand critical operating pressure. Synthetic oil
Viscosity • Synthetic oils are made from substances other than
crude oil
It is most important properties of lubricating oils for it
determines their ability to flow. An oil with excessively high • They can be made from vegetable oils
viscosity is very thick, and it is difficult for penetrate the
clearance between the rubbing engine parts, while an oil
with too low viscosity flows easily and does not stay in the 1 Polyalkylene glycols and their derived
clearances. So that the engine oil should be used as 2 Silicon which are manufactured from coal and sand
particular engine specifications and the seanson (plain
area or high attitude area). Application
a This oil can provide longer service life, less friction and
improved fuel economy than convention oil.
b It, costs is more than regular SAE graded oils.
When expected atmospheric temperature are- Single viscosity graded oil Multi viscosity graded oil
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.3.95 - 2.3.102 69
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.4.103 & 2.4.104
Mechanic Diesel - Intake and Exhaust System
A supercharger is a device which increase the pressure of
the airfuel mixture from the carbutettor before it enters the
engine. It is connected between the carburettor and the
cylinder in the way of intake manifold. It is usually driven by
the engine through suitable gears and shafts. There are
three general types of superchargers:
1 Centrifugal type
2 Vane type
3 Roots air-blower type
on decreasing in volume and increasing in pressure as in
Centrifugal type supercharger (Fig 1)
reaches the outlet.
It consists of an impleller which rotates at a very high
The roots supercharger is simpler in construction and
speed, about 10,000 r.p.m. The air-fuel mixture enters the
requries least mainteneace. It has comparatively long life.
impeller at the centre and after passing through the impeller
It works well even at lower speed ranges. Centrifugal type
and diffuser vanes goes out of the casing to the engine
supercharger has poor working charateristics at lower
cylinder. Due to the high spped of the impeller, the mixure
speeds. Vane type supercharger has the problem of wear
is forced into the cylinder at a high pressure.
of vane tips.
Turbo charger passes compressed hot air into inter cooler
and it heats up expands air the pressure increase from a
turbocharger is the result of heating the air before it goes
into the engine. In order to incrase the power of the engine
and get more air molecules into the cyliner.
Intercooler ( Fig 4)
The intercooler (Fig 4) is an additional component that
looks like a radiator, except that air passes through the
72 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.4.103 & 2.4.104
Variable Geometry Turbochargers (VGT) the turbo will choke the engine at high speeds, leading to
high exhaust manifold pressures, high pumping losses and
Variable geometry turbochargers (VGTs) (Fig 3) are a
ultimately lower power output. By altering the geometry of
family of turbochargers, usually designed to allow the
the turbine housing as the engine accelerates, the turbo's
effective aspect ratio of the turbo to be altered as conditions
aspect ratio can be maintained at its optimum. Because
change. This is done because optimum aspect ratio at low
of this, VGTs have a minimal amount of lag, have a low
engine speeds is very different from that at high engine
boost threshold, and are very efficient at higher engine
speeds. If the aspect ratio is too large, the turbo will fall to
create boost at low speeds; if the aspect ratio is too small,
The atmospheric air enters the air cleaner through the side In this type of air cleaner, a specially treated paper element
passage (1) and strikes on the surface of the oil (2). Heavy is used to filter the intake air.
dust particles are absorbed by the oil. The partially filtered Function
air, along with oil particles, moves upward through the filter
element (3). Fine particles and oil particles are collected The atmospheric air enters the air cleaner (Fig 3) through
by the filtering element (3). Cleaned air then passes the air entrance (1) and passes through the paper element
through the passage to the inlet manifold. (2). The filtered clean air goes to the intake manifold
entrance (3).
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.4.103 & 2.4.104 73
Intake manifold
The intake manifold is connected with air cleaner and
cylinder head intake port of the cyliner head. It is allow the
fresh air to flow from air cleaner to cylinder through inlet
valve. The intake manifold is made of a cast iron or
74 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.4.103 & 2.4.104
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.4.105 - 2.4.107
Mechanic Diesel - Intake and Exhaust System
Manifolds and silencer operated butterfly valve (2) fitted in exhaust manifold. (Fig
2) When the engine is cold, the valve is closed and hot
The inlet manifold is used to supply the air-through from the
gases are directed around the inlet manifold. When the
carburettor to the intake ports in the cylinder head. The
engine attains operating temperature the valve opens and
inlet manifold is generally made of aluminium cast iron.
the exhaust gases are directly sent to the muffler.
The exhaust manifold (A) (Fig 1) is used to collect the
Exhaust pipes
exhaust gases from the different cylinders and send them
to the silencer. The exhaust manifold is generally made of The exhaust pipe takes the burnt gases from the manifold
cast iron. The exhaust manifold may include a heat control to the muffler. The pipes are steel tubes, suitably shaped
valve (Fig 2) or a heat riser which has a thermostatically and routed below the chassis to lead the gases away from
the vehicle at the rear and to direct the gases down and
under the vehicle. It is kept in place by flanges or clamps
at either end. In some vehicles, a flexible mounting to the
body or chassis is used.
The muffler (C) (Fig 1) is normally located under the body
of the vehicle and attached to the body or chassis with
flexible mountings. In some trucks in which exhaust gases
are directed upward, the muffler is mounted at the rear end
of the cab and surrounded with a guard to prevent accidental
touching. The muffler reduces the engine exhaust noise.
It is a large cylindrical shaped container, fitted with passages
and chambers that absorb and dampen the noise of the
exhaust gases. Often a small or pre-muffler (D) is fitted in
the exhaust system between the manifold and the main
Types of mufflers
i Reverse flow muffler (Fig 3)
In this type, small pipes (1) (Fig 3) are placed in the housing
(3) of the muffler. Exhaust gases flow in a zigzag way, thus
reducing the sound, by travelling through a longer length.
Skill Information
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• describe the back pressure
• describe the back pressure muffler
• describe the electronic muffler.
Back pressure Sensors and microphones pick up the pattern of the
Any restriction to exhaust flow in the exhaust system pressure waves an engine emits from its exhaust pipe
creates back-pressure. Some back-pressure can be (Figure 1 & 2). This data is analyzed by a computer. A
beneficial, excessive back-pressure reduces volumetric mirror-image pattern of pulses is instantly produced and
efficiency and reduces engine efficiency. sent to speakers mounted near the exhaust outlet.
Opposite waves are created that cancel out the noise.
Variable flow exhaust/Back pressure muffler
Noise is removed without creating back pressure in the
A movable valve fitted within the exhaust system is used muffler. Electronic mufflers can be designed to emit certain
to change the amount of exhaust back-pressure. At higher sounds or no sound at all.
engine speeds when exhaust noise levels are
unacceptable, the valve is closed, thus reducing the bore
of the exhaust. This enables greater back-pressure and
noise reduction is the result. The valve can be operated
• Pneumatics - exhaust gas pressure
• Electronics - a computer
When a variable flow exhaust is added to the baffle and
chamber system, quieter noise emissions are the result.
This is because the system can partially respond to
changes in engine speed and load.
Electronic mufflers
Electronic mufflers are designed to produce anti noise
without restricting exhaust flow. This computer-controlled
system uses a microphone to detect the sound waves
produced within the exhaust system. As the exhaust gas
leaves the tail pipe, computer driven loudspeakers are
operated to generate the correct amount of anti-noise.
The result is virtually silent exhaust without generating
additional and unwanted back-pressure across all engine
operating conditions. This increases fuel economy and
reduces exhaust emissions.
76 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.4.105 - 2.4.107
Extractor manifolds Noise absorbtion components
The extractor exhaust manifold system for an internal Reactive / abosorption silencers in single package unit
combustion engine, which improves its efficiency by using
Flexible connection
precise geometry to reflect the pressure waves form the
exhaust valve at a particular time in the cyle. The exhaust pipe takes the burning gases from the exhaust
manifold. The silencer pipes are fitted under the chassis
Advatagees of extractor manifold
body to lead the exhaust gases away from the manifold.
- Separating the gas flow from the individual cylinders. The silencer pipes are mounting with flexible connection to
the chassis or body of the vehicle. The flexible connections
- Avoid the inter cylinder gas interference
are prevent the damages by heavy jerks or rough up and
- Maintaining an optimum gas velocity by chosen tube down movement of the vehicles.
Ceramic coatings
- Allowing the individual cylinders to assist one anoter
Ceramic coating is capable of with standing of high
where the individual exhausts merge.
temperature and it has very good chemical and corrosion
This type of exhaust system can be used with or without resistance and possess excellent thermal barrier
a muffler and so can be used on both race and road characteristics, providing a dramatic reduction in radiated
vehicles. heat. It is self-cleaning properties last for upto 5 years.
Absorption mufflers in exhaust system Ceramic coatings contain the gaseous heat with in exhaust
This type of mufflers are almost indispenable element of pipes. The causes the gasses to heat up and expand as a
modern exhaust systems. The absorption material is just result exhaust flow is boosted.
modern exhaust systems. The absorption material is just Catalytic converter: The catalytic converter looks like a
as important as a calculation method for designing the muffler. It is located in the exhaust system a head of the
mufflers in order to ensure that they are optimally used. muffler. Inside convertor are pellets or a honeycomb made
of platinum or palladium The platinum or palladium are used
as a catalyst (a catalyst is a substance used to speed up
Automotive exhaust noise can be attenuated is several a chemical process). Catalyst is chermically oxidized or
ways. A distinction is generally made between active and converted to carbon dioxide and water. This coverter works
passive attenuation. The modern engine exhaust system to clean the (exhaust) unburnt hydrocarbons before they fly
consist of more than one abosorption muffler to reduce the out the tail pipe.
noise and pollution. The absorption mufflers are disspate
the sound energy through the use of porous materials.
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level-5) - R.T. for Exercise 2.4.105 - 2.4.107 77
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.5.108
Mechanic Diesel - Diesel Fuel System
carburettor (2) by its own gravity. This system is used in
motor cycles, scooters and stationary engines. This is a
simple and less expensive system.
Components of the fuel feed system
The fuel pipe between feed pump to pump is called pressure
pipes (6)
Fuel Feed Pump and Filter
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• list out the different types of the fuel feed pump (petrol engine)
• state the function of a mechanical type fuel feed pump
• state the function of an electrical type fuel feed pump
• state the function of fuel filters.
The function of the fuel feed pump is to pump the fuel
from the tank to the carburettor.
There are two types of fuel feed pumps.
• Mechanical
• Electrical
Mechanical type feed pump
A mechanical pump is mounted on the engine and is
operated by a camshaft. This pump consists of an air
chamber divided in the centre by a flexible diaphragm.
Operation of feed pump (Fig.1)
The rocker arm (1) is actuated by the camshaft (2) and
moves to and fro. This makes the diaphragm (3) to move
up and down along with the spindle (4) and the spring
(5). During the downward motion of the diaphragm, a
partial vacuum is created and the inlet valve (6) opens,
allowing the fuel to be sucked into the top chamber (7).
When the diaphragm moves upward, the inlet valve (6)
closes and the fuel is forced through the outlet valve (8)
into the pipe line to the carburettor float chamber. The
pressure developed is 0.18 kg/cm2 to 0.3 kg/cm2.
Idling action (Fig.2 &3)
Carburettor Systems
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the principle of carburettor
• list out the different types of carburettors
• state the various circuits in the carburettor
• state the function of various circuits in a solex carburettor.
An air bleed (4) is provided on the jet tube (2) which
Principle of carburation (Fig.1) helps in breaking the fuel particles into very fine particles.
The carburettor is a device for atomising and vapourising This is known as atomising. The fuel and air mixture is
fuel and mixing it with air in varying proportions to suit the then sucked into the cylinder.
changing operating conditions such as varying engine This process of breaking up fuel and mixing it with air is
speed, load and operating temperature of the motor vehicle called carburation.
Types of carburettors
During the suction stroke air is drawn through the air
cleaner and it passes through the air horn (1). A discharge Carburettors are divided into two types.
tube (2) is connected between the air horn (1) and the fuel • Constant choke
bowl (3). When the air passes through the air horn (1) it
creates a vacuum at the tip of the discharge tube (2), and • Constant vacuum
sucks fuel from the fuel bowl (3).
80 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level-5) - R.T. for Exercise 2.5.106 - 2.5.108
Down draft (Fig.3)
This type of carburettor is fitted on the inlet manifold.
The air enters through the chamber (1), moves downwards
and passes through the venturi (2). It sucks fuel from the
float chamber (4) through the nozzle (3). The fuel/air
mixture is sucked into the cylinder during the suction
• Down draft
• Horizontal draft.
Horizontal/natural draft (Fig.4)
As per venturi arrangement
In this type the carburettor is fitted in line with the manifold.
• Single venturi
Due to suction, air flows from the chamber (1) to the
• Double venturi chamber (5) through the venturi (2), and sucks fuel from
the float chamber (4) through the nozzle (3). This air/fuel
• Triple venturi
mixture is then sucked into the cylinder.
• Multi-venturi
Up draft Carburettor (Fig.2)
This type of carburettor is fitted under the inlet manifold.
The air enters through the pipe (1). Air is drawn upwards
through the venturi (2) due to the suction stroke. Because
of the venturi, high velocity and high vacuum is created.
Venturi arrangements
Different types of venturies and more than one venturi are
also provided in a carburettor. Each type is designed to
provide decreased pressure, to draw fuel from the discharge
jet and to create a vacuum to help vapourisation. Multiple
It has three positions.
• Starter lever fully home - no action.
• Starter lever half pulled out - warm up.
condition, the mixture becomes too weak and the engine
does not pick up speed. This condition is avoided by
Diesel Fuel
Objective: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the concept of quiet diesel technology
• state the fuel requirement
• explain fuel specification and characteristics of fuel.
Fuel Tank Baffles are provided in the fuel tank to minimize the
The Fuel tank is provided for storing diesel required for slushing of fuel due to movement inside the tank.
running the engine. It is constructed of either pressed Fuel gauge sensing unit is provided to know the level of fuel
sheet metal with welded seams and special coating to available in tank. It consists of a float resting on the surface
prevent corrosion or fiber glass reinforced plastic materials. of the diesel in the tank. The float with the help of the
It may be round or rectangular in shape. It is mounted electrical sensing system indicates the level of the fuel
above the engine assembly. available in the tank, on the dash board fuel-gauge.
Parts of the fuel tank Filter is provided at the lower end of the suction pipe. It
filters heavy foreign particles.
Filler neck and cap
At the bottom of the fuel tank a drain plug is provided to
Baffle collect sediments and drain it out of the tank.
Fuel gauge sensing unit (Float) Fuel pipe
Filter Fuel pipe between the fuel tank and the feed pump is called
Sediment bowl and drain plug suction pipe, the pipes between F.I.P. and the injectors are
called high pressure pipes. An over flow pipe is provided on
Filler neck is provided for pumping diesel into the fuel tank. fuel filter bowl and injectors to supply excess fuel back to
A cap is provided for closing the tank tightly. A vent hole fuel tank.
is provided either in filler neck or in cap to maintain
atmospheric pressure in the tank above the fuel.
Fuel Filter
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the need of a fuel filter
• explain the types of fuel filter systems
• explain the need for bleeding the fuel system
• state the function of water separator.
Need of fuel filter
Effective filtering of fuel, oil is most important for long used in between feed pump and fuel pump. The single filter
trouble free functioning of the engine. Diesel fuel while in this system is capable of separating dirt from fuel. It
transporting and handling has chances of getting should be replaced periodically as per the recommendations
contaminated by water, dirt, bacteria and wax crystals. of the manufacturers.
Dirt is the worst enemy of the fuel injection equipment. Dirt In a two stage filter system, primary filter (1) (Fig 1) is used
contamination can be the result of careless filling of the fuel for filtering large solid contaminants and most of the water
tank. When fuel tank is not filled, moist air condenses in the fuel is also removed by this filter. The secondary filter
inside the metal wall of the fuel tank resulting in water (2) is made of a paper element. This filter controls the size
contamination of the fuel. of the particles allowed to pass into the fuel injectors. It
For these reasons a very efficient filtering system is also separates any water that might have passed through
required to remove these impurities. the primary filter. An overflow valve assembly (3) is used
to send back excess fuel to fuel tank. A bleeding screw (4)
Types of fuel filter system is provided to bleed the air from fuel system.
There are two types of fuel filtering system. Fuel filter element
Single filter system A paper element is most suitable because important
Two stage filter system properties which determine filter quality such as pore size
and pore distribution can be effectively maintained. Generally
In a single filtering system one single filter assembly is paper filter elements are used at the secondary stage
filtration process.
Diesel fuel water separator
A fuel water separtor is device that works to ensure clean
fuel is delivered to the engine.
The fuel water separtor is a small filtering device used to
remove water from the diesel fuel before it reaches to the
sensitive parts of the engine. Water and contaminants have
a great impact on the service life and perfomance of diesel
Besides being abrasive to engine components and cylinder
walls, water and combination displaces diesel fuels
lubricative coating on precision injector components,
causing tolerance erosion, surface fitting, fuel loss and
poor performance.
The first stage of the fuel water separator uses a plated
paper element to change water particles into large enough
droplets that will fall by gravity to a water sump at bottom
of the filter. The second stage is made of silicone treated
nylon that acts as a safety device to prevent small particles
of water that avoid the first stage from passing into the
engine. To remove the water from the fuel water separator,
open the valve to drain the water from filter if the water
separator fails, water in the fuel can wear away lubricants
Coil type paper filter inserts are wound around a tube and on the diesel fuel injectors, so that fuel water separator is
neighbouring layers are glued together at the top and important part of fuel system.
bottom. This forms a pocket with the openings at the top.
Components of Fuel water separator filter (FWSF)
In the star type paper filter inserts, the fuel flows radially
from outside to inside. The paper folds are sealed at the top Fuel water separater filter provide a better way to filter fuel
and bottom by end covers. and it have twist fuel filter water separting system.
Cloth type filter inserts are used for primary stage filtration. - Filter
In this the fuel flows radially from outside to inside. The - Water collection bowl
cloth is wound over a perforated tube whose ends are
sealed at the top and bottom by end covers. - Water drain valve with WIF sensor or threaded part
Function Construction
A feed pump is usually mounted on the F.I.P. and is driven The fuel feed pump consists of a barrel, a plunger, a plunger
by the camshaft of F.I.P. It sucks fuel from fuel tank and return spring, spindle, roller tappet, suction and delivery
supplies it to fuel filters. valves, hand primer and pre-filter.
88 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.5.110 & 113
Working As soon as the cam or eccentric has passed its maximum
stroke, plunger, pressure spindle and roller tappet move
The feed pump plunger (1) (Fig 1 & Fig 2) is driven by the
“upward” due to the pressure exercised by the plunger
cam (2) provided on the F.I.P. camshaft (3). When the
spring. A portion of the fuel present in the pressure
plunger moves “downwards” by means of roller tappet (4)
chamber is thereby delivered to the fuel injection pump
and pressure spindle (5) a portion of the fuel present in the
through filter. However, fuel is sucked simultaneously from
suction chamber (6) is delivered through the pressure valve
the fuel tank to the suction chamber through the primary
(7) to the pressure chamber (8) and the plunger spring (9)
filter provided in the feed pump and suction valve (10).
compressed in an intermediate stroke. Towards the end of
this stroke the spring loaded pressure valve closes again. When the pressure in the feed pipe exceeds a specified,
pressure the plunger spring lifts the plunger only partially.
The quantity of fuel delivered per stroke in this is
comparatively smaller. When the fuel pipe line is full and
the F.I.P. does not need further fuel the feed pump should
be put out of action. Due to the excess fuel in the fuel outlet
line the pressure in the pressure chamber, holds the
plunger in the top position putting the feed pump out of
action. During this period only spindle works. The moment
the pressure falls down the spring forces the plunger down
and the pumping action is resumed. This action during
which fuel is not supplied by feed pump is known as idling
of feed pump.
Hand priming device
The hand priming device is screwed into the feed pump
above the suction valve. When the engine is at rest, with
the aid of the hand priming device fuel can be pumped from
the fuel tank through the filter to the F.I.P. In order to
operate the primer the knurled knob is screwed out until the
plunger can be pulled upwards causing the suction valve to
open for fuel to flow into the suction chamber.
When the plunger is pressed down the suction valve closes
while the pressure valve opens and fuel flows through the
feed pipe and the filter to the F.I.P. After the use it is
essential to screw the knob again in its original position.
Preliminary strainer
The preliminary strainer is usually attached to the feed
pump. The function of the preliminary strainer is to prevent
the coarser impurities at a very early stage. It consists of
a housing with a nylon/wire gauge insert or a wire mesh
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.5.110 & 113 89
Distributor or rotary type pump.
The inline pump has a plunger and barrel assembly for each
cylinder of the engine. The assemblies are grouped together
in one housing that resembles cylinders of an engine block.
Distributor or rotary type of fuel injection pump has a single
pumping element, which supplies fuel to all the cylinders.
Distribution to the individual injector is effected by a rotor
having a single inlet and delivery, in turn to the appropriate
number of outlets. This is done with the help of rotor.
Cylindrical plungers and drilled holes in the bore.
Working of a F.I.P.
When the plunger (1) (Fig 1) is at its bottom position fuel
enters through the barrel’s (2) inlet port from the feed pump,
fills the space above the plunger in the barrel and excess
fuel flows out through the spill port. In a primed system,
the barrel(2), all the pipes and the entire system is filled The governor controls all engine speeds upto a maximum,
with the fuel. As the plunger rises up due to cam operation, according to pedal pressed by driver. Different positions of
certain amount of fuel is pushed out of the barrel through the the plunger and the fuel flow is given in the figure.
ports. As soon as the ports are closed by the plunger, the
flow of fuel is stopped and the fuel above the plunger in the Constructional features of distributor type F.I.P.
barrel is trapped and is pressurized. The pressure increases It has a single pumping element which supplies fuel to all
to as high as 400 to 700 bar (kgf/cm2) . cylinders. The distribution to the individual injector is
effected by a rotor having a single inlet and delivery equal
to the number of cylinders. This ensures in built and
uniform delivery to all injectors.
The pumping element consists of two plain opposed
cylindrical plungers in a diametrical hole in the rotor head,
an extension of which forms the distributor. An axial hole
(1) (Fig 3) drilled in this extension connects the pumping
chamber with a racked hole which registers in turn with
racked delivery ports (2) due for each cylinder of the engine.
This pressure lifts the fuel delivery valve (3) and the fuel
enters the fuel line (6) which is connected to the injector.
As the pipe is already full of fuel the extra fuel which is
being pumped causes a rise in the pressure throughout
the line and lifts the injector valve. This permits the fuel to
be sprayed into the combustion chamber in a fine mist
form. It continues until the lower edge of the helical groove
in the plunger uncovers the port in the barrel. As soon as Need for calibration
the port is uncovered, the fuel by passes downwards
through the vertical slot and flows to the port. This causes In a multi cylinder engine it is necessary that equal and
a drop in pressure and delivery valve closes under its specified quantity of fuel is supplied to each cylinder by fuel
springs (4) pressure. With the consequent drop in the fuel injection pump at specified time. The measurement of fuel
line the injector valve also closes and cuts off the fuel delivered by each plunger with the control rod in a fixed
injection. position and its comparison is called calibration of F.I.P.
The adjustment for varying the fuel delivery can be done by
The plunger stroke is always constant. But by rotation of altering the position of the control sleeve of each plunger.
the plunger in the barrel, it is possible to deliver the fuel It is achieved by caliberating the F.I.P. on a test bench by
earlier or later in the stroke and control the quantity of fuel a correct chart as recommended by the manufacturer.
sprayed. (As shown in Fig 2) The rotation of the plunger
is obtained by operating the control rack (5), which is in Phasing is the process of testing the pump for the accuracy
turn connected to the governor. of their supplying fuel at correct intervals.
90 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.5.110 & 113
Cooling and liubrication speed for which it is designed.
The single-plunger injection pump can be mounted in any Following Types of Governors are used
position. In operation, its interior is completely filled with
Diesel fuel under slight pressure in order to prevent intrusion
of air and dust; and also to prevent rust formation caused Pneumatic
by condensation. Excess fuel is recirculated within the Servo
pump to provide adequate cooling and lubrication.
Types of fuel injection system
Mechanical Governor
There are two types of fuel injection system for diesel
engines. Mechanical governors have speed measuring mechanism
and fuel controlling mechanism actuated by mechanical
Air blast injection. arrangement. Two fly weights (Fig 4) (1) are mounted to
Mechanical injection. the governor’s drive gear or directly fastened to the camshaft.
The centrifugal force of the fly weights actuates the fuel
Air blast injection
control mechanism.
In the air blast injection system, a high pressure air blast
drives the fuel at a very high velocity into the cylinder where
it is mixed with the compressed air in the cylinder and
Mechanical injection
In mechanical fuel injection system, fuel is forced in from
a mechanical fuel injection pump through injectors. These
are of two types -
Low pressure fuel supply system.
Metering injection system.
All fuel supply systems use the same components,
although the components vary in size and location within Pneumatic Governor
the system. In this type of governors the fuel control rack ( 1) (Fig 5) is
Low pressure fuel supply system actuated by joint effort of the atmospheric pressure,
governor spring and alow pressure chamber (2) connected
The low pressure fuel supply system consists of one or through a tube to the auxiliary ventury.
more fuel tanks, a feed pump, fuel filters, hand priming
pump, overflow valve and a return orifice.
Metering injection system
It consists primarily of injection pump and injector and
categorized as below, depending on the metering system.
(i) Pump controlled system
This is operated with a high pressure plunger and metering
(ii) Unit injectors system
This system is similar to the pump controlled system
except that the high pressure pumping and metering
mechanism are an integral part of the fuel injector. Servo Governor
(iii) Common rail system In servo type of Governors the fuel controlling mechanism
is actuated by hydraulic action. This of governor reduces
This type of system uses a high pressure fuel pump that is the effort required to move the fuel control device since a
connected to a common fuel rail. Each cylinder’s fuel small force is necessary to move governor control
injector is connected to the common fuel rail. mechanism.
Governors Hydraulic Governor
The governor is a device for holding any speed steady In this type of governors the speed sensing is solely
between idling and maximum speed. The fuel injection through hydraulics and fuel metering is through a
pump operates in conjunction with a governor, which is combination of hydraulics and mechanical arrangements.
required to control the injected quantity of fuel so that the
engine neither stalls when idling nor exceeds the maximum
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.5.110 & 113 91
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• explain function of injectors
• list out different types of injectors
• explain special features of various types of nozzles
• explain specification of nozzle and nozzle holder.
• explain cummins & detroit diesel injection
• state the function of glow plug.
Fuel Injectors Fig 1
In operation, fuel from the injection pump enters pressure
The function of the fuel injector is to deliver finely atomized chamber (gallery) (15) in the nozzle body through supply
fuel under high pressure to the combustion chamber for the passage (9) and a high-pressure pipe. When the fuel
engine. All component parts of the injector are carried in pressure in the pressure chamber becomes so high that
nozzle holder(10.) The main part of the injector is the the force acting on the pressure taper of the needle valve
nozzle comprising nozzle body (12) and nozzle valve from below exceeds the set spring force on the stem, the
(11)The nozzle body and needle valvel are fabricated from needle valve lifts off its seat and comes to rest with its upper
alloy steel. They are thoroughly machined and have high shoulder against the face of the nozzle holder. Fuel is then
surface harness necessary for operation in condition of forced out of the nozzle spray holes into the combustion
high temperatures and elevated pressures. The bore in the chamber in a spray pattern which depends on the type of
nozzle body and the nozzle needle valve are lapped to a nozzle used.
close tolerance and are a matched set, so that neither the
nozzle body nor the needle valve may be replaced After the injection of fuel has been ended, the fuel delivery
individually. The needle valve is pressed against a conical from the injection pump ceases, the pressure in pressure
seat in the nozzle body by spring (4) acting through the chamber 15 of the nozzle drops instantly, and the pressure
intermediary of stem 8. The spring pressure, hense injection spring snaps the needle valve onto its seat, preventing
pressure, is adjusted by adjusting screw (2). The adjusting unpressurized fuel from leaving the nozzle. The fuel injector
screw is screwed in the bottom of the injector spring cap is installed in a brass injector tube, or sleeve, which is fitted
nut which in turn is screwed in the nozzle holder. Lock nut in a hole in the cylinder head, and is held in place by a
(3) is used to prevent the adjusting screw from unscrewing special clamp.
spontaneously. The screw is covered by nozzle holder cap Injectors are provided to atomise the fuel into engine
nut (1) provided with a threaded hole to connect the leak- cylinder. This is done to achieve complete combustion.
off pipe through which the leak-off fuel (used to lubricate the
Types of nozzles are used in engine.
nozzle valve) filling the pressure spring and adjusting screw
area is returned to the fuel tank or the secondary fuel filter. Single hole type (Fig 2)
In this type, one hole is drilled centrally or in an angle
through its body which is closed by nozzle valve.
92 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level- 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.5.110 & 113
Pintaux nozzle (Fig 7)
This is the further development of pintle type nozzle, having
an auxillary spray hole to assist easy starting under cold
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.5.110 & 113 93
up additionally and gets burnt up eventually, resulting in
the replacement of the glow plug.
• The glow plug switch should not be operated for more
than three seconds.
• The glow coil is having low electrical resistance and
hence it will be very hot when connected to the circuit.
Do not touch it, when it is hot.
Detroit diesel cummins diesel
Detroit diesel cummins diesel well known for favouring unit
injectors, in which the high-pressure pump is contained
within the injector itself. This leads to the development of
the modern unit injector.
Cummins PT (pressure-time) is a form of unit injection
where the fuel injectors are on a common rail feed by a low-
pressure pump and the injectors are actuated by a third
lobe on the camshaft. The pressure determines how much
fuel the injectors get and the cam determines the time.
Design of the unit injector eliminates the need for high-
pressure fuel pipes, and with that their associated failures,
as well as allowing for much higher injection pressure to
occur. The unit injector system allows accurate injection
particles, which happen to be very near the hot air, will be timing, and amount control as in the common rail system.
ignited directly, thus initiating combustion. After
combustion begins, the burning air-fuel mixture comes out The unit injector fitted into the engine cylinder head, where
of the pre-combustion chamber and enters into the main the fuel supplied via integral ducts machined directly into
chamber. There it gets mixed up with the combustion the cylinder head. Each injector has its own pumping
chamber air and thus combustion is completed. element, and in the case of electronic control, a fuel
solenoid valve as well. The fuel system is divided into the
Precautions low pressure <5 bar fuel supply system, and the high-
• After the engine is started the glow plug is to be cut off pressure injection system <2000 bar.
from the circuit. Otherwise the glow coil will be heated
94 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.5.110 & 113
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.5.114
Mechanic Diesel - Diesel Fuel System
EDC system
Electronic diesel control (Fig 1 to 2) is a diesel engine fuel
injection control system for the precise metering and
delivery of fuel into the combustion chamber of modern
diesel engines used in trucks and cars.
The electronic control, the system which provides greater
abillity for precise measuring, data processing environment
flexibility and analysis to ensure efficient diesel engine
• It receives the information from sensor, analyze/
calculate it and sends the instructions to the actuators.
• It converts information from analog to digital.
• It consists of microprocessors to process the information ELECTRONIC DIESEL CONTROL DEVICE
from sensor to ECM and ECM to actuators.
Main control systems in diesel engine
• Number of microprocessors are depends upon the
number of sensors and actuators. • It controls the fuel for idling.
• It also consists of memory to store the data. • It controls the fuel for high speed.
• Speed is in the form of 8 Bit, 16 Bit, 32 Bit, 64 Bit etc., • It controls the fuel according to the speed and load
to pass the information from sensor to ECM, ECM to conditions.
actuator and also in networking system. • It controls the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve.
• Individual programmes have to be made for each sensor
and actuator.
Fig 2
Working Example of control units EDC/ECM in a vehicle
It gets the input from the different sensors named are as 1 Engine management
2 Automatic transmission
1 Throttle position TP (intake air quantity)
3 Power steering
2 Cam position CMP (for valve timing)
4 SRS (Air Bag) supplemental restraint system
3 Crank positon CKP ( for RPM and firing order)
5 ABS (Antilock braking system)
4 Engine coolant temperature ECT (Cylinder temperature)
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) EGR valve allows the
5 Inlet air temperature IAT (temperature of inlet air) exhaust gases into the inlet manifold, to burn the unburn
gases to reduce the emission.
6 Manifold absolute pressure MAP (inlet air pressure)
The opening angle of the valve is controlled by the EDC,
7 Oxygen O2 (percentage of oxygen in exhaust gas)
depending upon the amount - (%) of oxygen passing
After recieving the above inputs, it analyzes/calculates the through exhaust gases.
amount of fuel is required for the cylinder, accordingly it
EDC gets the percentage of oxygen from the oxyten
supplies the voltage to the injector solenoid. The solenoid
will open the injector to supply the fuel into the combustion
chamber. The minimum injector opening period is 1/10th Sensor
It senses the information in the form of physical or chemical
Minimum 3 important sensors (TP, CKP & CMP) inputs are variables and sends that information to the ECM in the form
required at the time of starting, if any one of the sensor fails, of voltage i.e. between 0-6 volts or 0-12 volts.
engine does not start.
Ex: Throttle valve opening position (angle) information
Rest of the sensors (IAT, ECT, MAP, and O2) fails; engine sends to the ECM in the form of voltage.
will start but the performance of the engine will affect.
It analyzes or calculates the information which have come
• In a vehicle minimum one EDC/ECM is from the sensors and gives the instruction to the actuators.
Ex: It supplies the current to the solenoid to open the
• More than one EDC/ECM are used depends injector opening duration depends on Inputs
on number of controls.
Based on instructions from the ECM, it does the mechanical
Ex: Injector open duration depends on ECM instruction.
Cutch position
Electronic control system performance of the engine to compensate air fuel mixture
ratio when -decelerating, to improve drivability while en-
The electronic control system consist of various sensors gine is warmed up. lAC valve operates according to duty
which detect the state of engine and driving conditions, signal sent from ECM. ECM detects the engine condition
ECM which controls various devices according to the sig- by using the signals from various signals and switches
nals from the sensors and Various controlled devices. and controls the bypass airflow by changing lAC valve
opening. When the vehicle is at a stop, the throttle valve is
The control systems are as follows at the idle position and the engine is running, the engine
speed is kept at a specified idle speed.
- Fuel injection control system
- Idle speed control system Fuel pump control system
- Fuel pump control system, ECM controls ON/OFF operation of the fuel pump by turn-
ing it ON, the fuel pump relay under any of the conditions.
- Radiator fan control system,
For two seconds after ignition switch ON. While cranking
Idle speed control system engine (while engine start signal is inputted to ECM). While
crankshaft position sensor or camshaft - position sensor
This system controls the bypass airflow by means of ECM
signal is inputted to ECM.
& lAC valve for the following purposes. To keep the engine
idle speed as specified at all times. The engine idle speed
can vary due to load applied to engine, to improve starting
Construction and working of CRDI system (Fig 1 & 2) lator rail pressure sensor and fuel pressure regulator sup-
plies the excess amount of fuel to the fuel tank (< 1 bar
The common rail consists of fuel tank, electrical fuel pump
pressure) Common rail pressure sensor will give the infor-
(low pressure) is placed inside the fuel tank, It develops
mation to ECM /EDC the existing pressure in the com-
pressure upto 6 bar and supplies to the high pressure fuel
mon rail. Then common rail will control the RPM of the
pump (CRDI) through fuel filter and water separator. The
fuel pump. Common rail will distribute the fuel to all the
high pressure fuel pump develops pressure 200 to 2000
cylinder with equal pressure, then all cylinders will de-
bar and supplies to the common rail and common rail to
velop uniform power, which will reduce vibration and noise
fuel injectors. The injectors are inject fuel into the com-
of the engine.
bustion chamber. Fuel injector are operator by ECM through
solenoid valve. Common rail consists of fuel pressure regu-
Diesel Direct injection system (Fig 1)
100 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.5.114
Certain sensors generate the voltage when subjected to Hot film air mass meter (Fig 11)
change is physical phenomenon such as pressure, position
This sensor is used to measure the air flow in engine
etc. They are mainly classified as follows.
management system. It consist of measuring tube &
1 Piezo electric sensor (Fig 8) sensor electronic with sensor element. The sensor element
consist of heating resistors, two thermister R1 & R2, &
2 Magnetic induction sensor (Fig 9)
intake air temperature sensor.
Certain crystal such as quartz when subjected to a
pressure generate potential difference on its surfacce. The
phenomenon is reversible.
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.5.114 101
1 Control circuit: Control the operation which are
activated by control unit or switch. It required very less
power to activate. (Fig 17)
2 Power circuit: Connected to the load. Main current
flows through this circuit. (Fig 17)
1 Injectors
2 Power windows
3 Wiper motos
4 Relays etc
Number of actuators depends upon the devices to be
14 Relay (Fig 16) Working principles of acturators
102 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.5.114
Stepper motor (Fig 20)
Stepper motors provide a means for precise positioning
and speed control without the use of feedback sensors.
The basic operation of a stepper motor allows the shaft to
move a precise number of degrees each time a pulse of
electricity is sent to the motor. Since the shaft of the motor
moves only the number of degrees that it was designed for
when each pulse is delivered, you can control the pulses
that are sent and control the positioning and speed. The
rotor of the motor produces torque from the interaction
between the magnetic field in the stator and rotor. The
strength of the magnetic fields is proportional to the amount
of current send to the stator and the number of turns in the
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.5.114 103
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.6.115 - 2.6.117
Mechanic Diesel - Marine & Stationary Engine
Marine Engine
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• explain double acting engine
• explain opposed piston engine
• state the starting system
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.6.115- 2.6.117 105
One disadvantage is how fast the air supply is depleted sticking. Air leaks and air restrictions are the only other
when the starter is engaged. Most starting tanks will empty concern with air starter systems. The motors will last a
within 20 seconds. If the air tank does deplete before the long time, and if they are found to be worn out, repair kits
engine starts, this means charging the tank with an external can be installed to renew the starter assembly.
air source from a shop air line, other machine, or service
Hydraulic starting system (Fig 7)
Another nonelectric starting system is one that uses
An air starter will generate high cranking speed and torque
hydraulic fluid to rotate a hydraulic starter motor. The motor
so that under normal conditions the engine should start
will then rotate a drive gear in the same manner as typical
before the starter air tank runs out.
electric starters. Hydraulic start systems have an
There are two main types of air starter motors. One is a accumulator that keep hydraulic fluid stored under pressure
vane type that uses sliding vanes in a rotor to convert air until needed. A control valve is actuated to send pressurized
flow into mechanical movement. The other type is called fluid to the motor to get the motor turning. The motor is a
turbine, and its rotation is created by air flow pushing on
the blades of one or more turbine wheels.
If you look back to the chart comparing air, hydraulic, and fixed displacement axial piston unit, and its shaft drives
electrical starting systems, the main differences are the the pinion gear directly. See Figure for a hydraulic starting
energy supply, type of motor, air lines, and system control. system. The control valve could be floor mounted, cable
operated, or controlled electrically through an LCD screen
The machine will most likely have an air compressor to touch pad called a human–machine interface (HMI).
provide air for other pneumatic systems and to keep the
starter air tank charged up. Once the engine starts, it is The accumulator for this system has a pre-charge of 1500
then up to the machine’s air compressor to recharge the psi of nitrogen, and when the oil is pumped into it, the
starting tank and the machine’s other supply tanks. The pressure builds to 3000 psi.
air starting tank will be charged to between 110 and 150 This system will have a backup hand pump that could be
psi. used to charge the accumulator.
To send air to the starter, a relay valve will be controlled If the system doesn’t operate, then just like an electric or
by an electric solenoid valve that is activated by the key air system, perform a good visual inspection. Then check
switch or there could be a floor-mounted air relay valve to the accumulator pre-charge pressure and the oil pressure
send air to the main relay valve. See Figure to see the after the accumulator has been charged. If these pressures
arrangement of components for an air starting system. are good, then look for restrictions or leaks past the
When the solenoid valve is energized, it will send air to accumulator toward the control valve. Make sure that the
the relay valve that will open to allow tank air into the valve is moving as it should, and if there is still a problem,
starter motor. There are two main types of starter motors: you may have to install pressure gauges throughout the
vane and turbine. The motors create shaft rotation that system to see if there is oil pressure getting past the control
usually has its speed reduced and torque increased valve.
through a gear reduction. The torque is then sent out
through a drive pinion to engage with the flywheel. Vane- As with any fluid power system, cleanliness is crucial so
type motors will need lubrication and will usually have check for fluid contamination. For information on
diesel fuel drawn into the motor inlet during starter accumulator service and repair.
engagement. Air motor starting system for auxilliary engines on
It is important to have clean dry air entering air starters ships
and their control circuit. Problems with moist air are
magnified in the winter with relay valves freezing and
106 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.6.115 - 2.6.117
Auxiliary Engine Automation System
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• Describe the function of auxiliary engine automation system
• Describe the function of auxiliary engine stop system
• Describe the function of marine engine cooling system
• Describe the function of lubricating oil system
The sensors and indicators are installed on engine properly Purpose of Fuel Rack Limiter
and connected to the power system panel for control and
monitoring. The engine responds to the control signals via During starting period, the turbocharger is out of normal
pneumatic and electronic mechanism of the engine. operation and therefore diesel engine is always in the
incomplete combustion due to lack of air, which results in
The electrical power of DC24V and compressed air of about heavy smoke. The fuel rack limiter (9) is used to avoid
30 bar should be supplied consistently during engine excessive fuel injected into cylinder during starting period
operation. The compressed air supplied from the air to avoid heavy smoke. During starting period, the engine
reservoir is lowered to a proper pressure through reducing automation system activate starting solenoid valve to
valve around staring air motor, which is used for starting supply compressed air to push the fuel rack limiter (9)
and stopping the engine. piston. A fuel rack limiter valve (8) supplies air to a
The basic functions of the engine automation system are pneumatic cylinder or fuel rack limiter (9). The limiting
as follows; position is set to about 50% load normally. The limiting
position can be adjusted by guide when loosening locking
• Engine Starting System. screw.
• Engine Stop System. On-off valve (3) is for stopping the engine when engine
• Engine Speed control System. shut down is necessary or over speed trip is activated.
This valve provides air to each stop cylinder (6), connected
• Engine Safety system to each fuel pumps and pulls the rack to cut off fuel to the
Auxiliary Engine Starting System (Fig 1) engine.
In air motor starting system, the engine is started by a Auxiliary Engine Stop System (Fig 2)
starting air motor which is operated by compressed air. The engine is stopped when pressing 'STOP' button or
Figure below shows the compressed air system for starting, 'EMERGENCY STOP' button on control panel intentionally,
stopping and fuel limiting for auxiliary engines on ships. or by 'AUTO STOP' signal. Engine automation system
generate 'AUTO STOP' signal when abnormal condition of
the engine is detected.
However, the engine is stopped fundamentally when the
fuel injection into the combustion chamber is stopped.
This means that the rack of each fuel injection pump is
moved to stop position by stop signal. Every fuel rack is
connected to common control shaft mechanically and also
connected to common compressed air line pneumatically.
Therefore, there are two ways of moving fuel racks to stop
position (Zero index) as shown in figure below.
112 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.6.115 - 2.6.117
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.7.118 - 119
Mechanic Diesel - Emission Control System
Sources of Emission
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state sources of emission
• state different type of emission.
The power to move a motor vehicle comes from burning 1 The fuel tank
fuel in an engine. Emissions from vehicles are the by-
2 The crankcase
products of this combustion process. Emissions from a
motor vehicle generally come from four sources 3 The exhaust system
Evaporative Emissions
Fig 1
The fuel tank and carburetor allow fuel to evaporate and
escape to the atmosphere. These are called evaporative
Exhaust Emissions
The crankcase and exhaust system (Fig 1) emit pollutants
directly from the engine into the atmosphere. They are
caused when hydrocarbons, lead compounds, and oxygen
and nitrogen from the air, are burned in the combustion
In a compression-ignition engine, emissions originate from
the engine, and escape to the atmosphere from the
exhaust, and the crankcase breather.
Emission requirements for light road vehicles have existed for the public, as there is lesser amount of disease causing
in the European emission standards (EU) since the early particulate matter and pollution in the air.
1970s, while the first requirements for heavy vehicles came
Exposure to air pollution can lead to respiratory and
in at the end of the 1980s. Today, vehicle emissions are
cardiovascular diseases, which caused 620,000 early
controlled under two basic frameworks: the "Euro
deaths in 2010, and the health cost of air pollution in India
standards" and the regulation on carbon dioxide emissions.
has been assessed at 3 per cent of its GDP.
Currently, emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), total
European emission standards define the acceptable limits
hydrocarbon (THC), non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC),
for exhaust emissions of new vehicles sold in EU member
carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM) are
regulated for most vehicle types, including cars, lorries,
trains, tractors. Emission standards for passenger cars and light
commercial vehicles are summarised in the following
While the norms help in bringing down pollution levels, it
invariably results in increased vehicle cost due to the
improved technology & higher fuel prices. However, this European emission standards for passenger cars
increase in private cost is offset by savings in health costs (Category M*), g/km.
Tier Date CO THC NMHC NOx HC+NOx PM P***
Euro 1† July 1992 2.72 (3.16) - - - 0.97 (1.13) 0.14 (0.18) -
Euro 2 January 1996 1.0 - - - 0.7 0.08 -
Euro 3 January 2000 0.64 - - 0.50 0.56 0.05 -
Euro 4 January 2005 0.50 - - 0.25 0.30 0.025 -
Euro 5 September 2009 0.50 - - 0.180 0.230 0.005 -
Euro 6 September 2014 0.50 - - 0.080 0.170 0.005 -
Petrol (Gasoline)
Euro 1† July 1992 2.72 (3.16) - - - 0.97 (1.13) - -
Euro 2 January 1996 2.2 - - - 0.5 - -
Euro 3 January 2000 2.3 0.20 - 0.15 - - -
Euro 4 January 2005 1.0 0.10 - 0.08 - - -
Euro 5 September 2009 1.0 0.10 0.068 0.060 - 0.005** -
Euro 6(future) September 2014 1.0 0.10 0.068 0.060 - 0.005** -
* Before Euro 5, passenger vehicles > 2500 kg were type the Values in brackets are conformity of production (COP)
approved as light commercial vehicles N1-I limits
** Applies only to vehicles with direct injection engines Emission standards for light commercial vehicles
*** A number standard is to be defined as soon as possible European emission standards for light commercial vehicles
and at the latest upon entry into force of Euro 6 ≤ 1305 kg (Category N1-I), g/km.
Emission standards for light commercial vehicles
European emission standards for light commerical vehicles< 1305 kg (category N1 - I), g/km
Euro 1 October 1994 2.72 - - - 0.97 0.14 -
Euro 2 January 1998 1.0 - - - 0.7 0.08 -
Euro 3 January 2000 0.64 - - 0.50 0.56 0.05 -
Euro 4 January 2005 0.50 - - 0.25 0.30 0.025 -
Euro 5 September 2009 0.500 - - 0.180 0.230 0.005 -
Euro 6 September 2014 0.500 - - 0.080 0.170 0.005 -
Petrol (Gasoline)
Euro 1 October 1994 2.72 - - - 0.97 - -
Euro 2 January 1998 2.2 - - - 0.5 - -
Euro 3 January 2000 2.3 0.20 - 0.15 - - -
Euro 4 January 2005 1.0 0.10 - 0.08 - - -
Euro 5 September 2009 1.000 0.100 0.068 0.060 - 0.005* -
Euro 6 September 2014 1.000 0.100 0.068 0.060 - 0.005* -
* Applies only to vehicles with direct injection engines
European emission standards for light commercial vehicles 1305 kg - 1760 kg (Category N1-II), g/km
Euro 1 October 1994 5.17 - - - 1.4 0.19 -
Euro 2 January 1998 1.25 - - - 1.0 0.12 -
Euro 3 January 2001 0.80 - - 0.65 0.72 0.07 -
Euro 4 January 2006 0.63 - - 0.33 0.39 0.04 -
Euro 5 September 2010 0.630 - - 0.235 0.295 0.005 -
Euro 6 September 2015 0.630 - - 0.105 0.195 0.005 -
Petrol (Gasoline)
Euro 1 October 1994 5.17 - - - 1.4 - -
Euro 2 January 1998 4.0 - - - 0.6 - -
Euro 3 January 2001 4.17 0.25 - 0.18 - - -
Euro 4 January 2006 1.81 0.13 - 0.10 - - -
Euro 5 September 2010 1.810 0.130 0.090 0.075 - 0.005* -
Euro 6 September 2015 1.810 0.130 0.090 0.075 - 0.005* -
EEV is "Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle". been rolled out since then. All new vehicles manufactured
Bharat stage emission standards are emission standards after the implementation of the norms have to be compliant
instituted by the Government of India to regulate the output with the regulations. Since October 2010, Bharat stage III
of air pollutants from internal combustion engine norms have been enforced across the country. In 13 major
equipment, including motor vehicles. The standards and cities, Bharat stage IV emission norms have been in place
the timeline for implementation are set by the Central since April 2010.
Pollution Control Board under the Ministry of Environment The phasing out of 2 stroke engine for two wheelers, the
& Forests. stoppage of production of Maruti 800 & introduction of
The standards, based on European regulations were first electronic controls have been due to the regulations related
introduced in 2000. Progressively stringent norms have to vehicular emissions.
In order to comply with the BSIV norms, 2 and 3 wheeler Trucks and buses
manufacturers will have to fit an evaporative emission con-
Emission standards for new heavy-duty diesel engines-
trol unit, which should lower the amount of fuel that is
applicable to vehicles of GVW > 3,500 kg-are listed in
evaporated when the motorcycle is parked.
Table 3.
Table 3: Emission Standards for Diesel Truck and Bus Engines, g/kWh
Year Reference Test CO HC NOx PM
1992 - ECE R49 17.3-32.6 2.7-3.7 - -
1996 - ECE R49 11.20 2.40 14.4 -
2000 Euro I ECE R49 4.5 1.1 8.0 0.36*
2005† Euro II ECE R49 4.0 1.1 7.0 0.15
2010† Euro III ESC 2.1 0.66 5.0 0.10
ETC 5.45 0.78 5.0 0.16
2010‡ Euro IV ESC 1.5 0.46 3.5 0.02
ETC 4.0 0.55 3.5 0.03
Emission standards for light-duty diesel vehicles (GVW ? EU light-duty vehicle emission standards for details on
3,500 kg) are summarised in Table 4. Ranges of emission the Euro 1 and later standards. The lowest limit in each
limits refer to different classes (by reference mass) of light range applies to passenger cars (GVW ? 2,500 kg; up to
commercial vehicles; compare the 6 seats).
The test cycle has been the ECE + EUDC for low power Engines for use in light-duty vehicles can be also
vehicles ( with maximum speed limited to 90 km/h). emission tested using an engine dynamometer. The
Before 2000,emissions were measured over an indian test respective emission standards are listed in table 5.
116 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.7.118 - 119
Table 5: Emission Standards for Light-Duty Diesel Engines, g/kWh
Year Reference CO HC NOx PM
1992 - 14.0 3.5 18.0 -
1996 - 11.20 2.40 14.4 -
2000 Euro I 4.5 1.1 8.0 0.36*
2005† Euro II 4.0 1.1 7.0 0.15
Gasoline vehicles must also meet an evaporative (SHED) Emission standards for 3- and 2-wheel gasoline vehicles
limit of 2 g/test (effective 2000). are listed in the following tables.
3- and 2-wheel vehicles
Combustion Chamber Design
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the importance of combustion Chamber design
• state the purpose of air swirl combustion chamber design in CI Engine.
The level of emissions can be controlled by suitable Most important function of CI engine combustion chamber
modification in the Combustion chamber design that is to provide proper mixing of fuel and air in short possible
increase gas flow rate, and promote vaporization, distribute time. For this purpose an organized air movement called
the fuel more evenly in the combustion chamber. air swirl is to be produced to produce high relative velocity
between the fuel droplets and air. (Fig 1).
The basic requirements of a good combustion chamber
are to provide: Fig 1
High power output
High thermal efficiency and low specific fuel consumption
Smooth engine operation
Combustion Process
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• State combustion process
• define Perfect Combustion
• define typical Real-World Engine Combustion Process.
Most vehicle fuels (gasoline, diesel, natural gas, ethanol, FUEL (hydrocarbons) + AIR (oxygen and
etc.) are mixtures of hydrocarbons, compounds that contain nitrogen) = UNBURNED or PARTIALLY BURNED
hydrogen and carbon atoms. HYDROCARBONS (VOCs) + NITROGEN OXIDES
In a "perfect" engine, oxygen in the air would convert all of DIOXIDE (CO2) + Water (H2O)
the hydrogen in fuel to water and all of the carbon in the
fuel to carbon dioxide (carbon mixed with oxygen). Nitrogen "Perfect" Combustion process is achieved by Ideal
in the air would remain unaffected. compression pressure is reached within the cylinder,
condition of spark plug and timing accurate, Temperatures
In reality, the combustion process is not "perfect," and at correct value for engine, fuel, air, amount of fuel correct
automotive engines emit several types of pollutants: according to engines requirement, Precise valve timing,
That the engine receives the correct amount of air,
a. "Perfect" Combustion Process: Electronically managed fuel injection systems use
sensors and catalytic converters to control the combustion
FUEL (hydrocarbons) + AIR (oxygen and process and the air-fuel ratio supplied to the engine at all
nitrogen) = CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) + Water times
(H2O) + Nitrogen
118 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.7.118 - 119
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.7.120
Mechanic Diesel - Emission Control System
• Hydrocarbons are a major source of motor vehicle But this property also means it evaporates easily into
emissions. the atmosphere at ordinary temperatures and
• Gasoline, diesel, LP and natural gas are all hydro
carbon compounds. • When a vehicle is being refueled, hydrocarbon vapors
can escape from the filler neck into the atmosphere.
• Hydrocarbon emissions react with other compounds
in the atmosphere to produce photo-chemical smog. • When the vehicle is left in the sun, its temperature
increases, and fuel evaporates from the tank
• Gasoline needs to evaporate easily to burn properly in
an internal combustion engine.
In a 4-stroke gasoline engine, during valve overlap at top Misfiring of the ignition can result in unburned fuel leaving
dead centre (TDC), some intake charge is drawn out of the cylinder when the exhaust port opens.
the combustion chamber into the exhaust port. Raw fuel,
a mixture of hydrocarbons and air, is released into the If an excessively rich air-fuel mixture is used, there is too
atmosphere. much fuel for the quantity of air. Combustion will be
incomplete, and any unburned fuel will leave the cylinder
When combustion occurs in the cylinder, the walls, piston through the exhaust port.
and piston rings are slightly cooler than points closer to
the burning mixture. Some of the air and fuel molecules If an excessively lean mixture is used, then combustion
come in contact with these cooler parts, and they cool takes longer, and the flame may extinguish before it is
down, until their temperature becomes too low for complete. When the exhaust port opens, unburned
combustion to occur. They are left unburned, and when hydrocarbons will be exhausted from the cylinder.
the exhaust port opens, they leave the cylinder.
Source of Pollutants
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the characteristics of Oxides of nitrogen
• state the characteristics of Particulates
• state the characteristics of Carbon monoxide
• state the characteristics of Carbon dioxide (co2):
• state the characteristics of Sulfur content in fuels.
Oxides of nitrogen
Air contains almost 78% Nitrogen (Fig 1). Under the high Particulates
temperatures and pressure of combustion, this nitrogen Particulates from modern engines are usually carbon-
combines with oxygen to produce oxides of nitrogen. Almost based. Older vehicles may produce lead-based
all internal combustion engine exhaust gases contains particulates. This is caused by lead compounds used in
these chemicals. the fuel to raise its octane rating.
If a lean mixture is used, formation of hydrocarbons and In spark ignition engines, particulates are caused by
carbon monoxide is reduced, but for oxides of nitrogen, it incomplete combustion of rich air-fuel mixtures.
is increased. This is due to the high temperature, and the
increase in available oxygen. In compression-ignition engines, they are caused by a
lack of turbulence and lack of oxygen. Burning of lubicating
Compression-ignition engines can produce high levels of oil inside combustarchamber leaves particilates in CI
oxides of nitrogen. engine.
120 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.7.120
Catalytic converters in gasoline-engined vehicles convert
carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is also produced by diesel and
LPG-fuelled vehicles.
Carbon dioxide does not directly impair human health, but
it is considered a "greenhouse gas". In other words, as it
accumulates in the atmosphere, it is believed to trap the
earth's heat and contribute to the potential for climate
Sulfur content in fuels
Gasoline and diesel fuels contain sulfur as part of their
chemical composition.
Sulfuric acid is produced when sulfur combines with water
vapor formed during the combustion process, and some
of this corrosive compound is emitted into the atmosphere
through the exhaust.
Carbon monoxide
High sulfur levels in fuel, when combined with water vapor,
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, can also cause corrosive wear on valve guides and cylinder
flammable, and highly toxic gas. liners, which can lead to premature engine failure. The
Carbon monoxide is a product of incomplete combustion use of proper lubricants and correct oil drain intervals helps
and occurs when carbon in the fuel is partially oxidized combat this effect and reduces the degree of corrosive
rather than fully oxidized to carbon dioxide. damage.
Carbon monoxide reduces the flow of oxygen in the Although regulations have reduced the permissible levels
bloodstream and is particularly dangerous to persons with of sulfur in fuel, there are some side effects from using low
heart disease. sulfur diesel fuel.
Carbon dioxide (co2): The refining process used to reduce the sulfur level can
reduce the natural lubricating properties of the diesel fuel,
Carbon dioxide is produced, with water, when complete
which is essential for the lubrication and operation of fuel
combustion of air and fuel occurs.
system components such as fuel pumps and injectors.
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.7.120 121
In the case when the intake mainfold becomes
pressurized, such as during boost on turbocharged
engines or during backfire, the plunger’s seat is forced
against the valve case preventing air from entering the
Crankcase depression regulator valve (CDRV) for diesel
A crankcase depression regulator valve (CDRV) is used to
regulate the flow of crankcase gases back into the engine.
This valve is designed to limit vacuum in the crankcase .
The gases are drawn from the valve cover through the CDRV
and into the intake mainfold.
Fresh air enters (Fig 3) the engine through the combination
filter, check valve, and oil fill cap. This air mixes with blow-
If too many vapors and gases get into the intake mainfold, by gases and enters the opposite valve cover. These gases
it may upset the air-fuel ratio. The PVC valve helps to pass through a filter on the valve cover and are drawn into
control the amount of vapors and gases going back into the connected tubing.
the intake mainfold.
Intake mainfold vacuum acts against a spring loaded
As shown in the diagram (Fig 2), the PCV valve consists diaphregm to control the flow of crankcase gases. Higher
of a tapered plunger and two springs, and limits the air vacuum levels pull the diaphragm close to the top of the
flow based on intake mainfold vacuum. outlet tube. This reduces the amount of gases being drawn
from the crankcase and decreases vaccum in tne
crankcase. As intake vacuum decreases, the spring
pushes the diaphragam away from the top of the outlet
tube allowing more gases into the mainfold. The diesel
crankcase ventilation system should be cleaned and
inspected every 15,000 miles (24,000 km) or at 12 month
122 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.7.120
spring forces the diapharagm and valve downward closing
the exhaust passage.
124 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.7.120
Some liquid-vapor separators use a slightly different
Fig 3
approach to keeping liquid fuel out of the canister vent
line. A float and needle assembly is mounted inside the
separator. If liquid enters the unit, the float rises and seats
the needle valve to close the tank vent. (Fig 2)
EVAP Canister - This is a small round or rectangular plastic
or steel container mounted somewhere in the vehicle. It is
usually hidden from view and may be located in a corner
of the engine compartment or inside a rear quarter panel.
(Fig 3)
The canister is filled with about a kg of activated charcoal.
The charcoal acts like a sponge and absorbs and stores
fuel vapors. The vapors are stored in the canister until the
engine is started, is warm and is being driven. The PCM
then opens the canister purge valve, which allows intake
vacuum to drain off the fuel vapors into the engine. The
charcoal canister is connected to the fuel tank via the
tank vent line.
Catalytic Converter
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the purpose of Catalytic converter
• explain the conversion principle of Catalytic converter
• describe the EVAP system components.
Passenger cars and light trucks have been equipped with a rough finish such that it allows the maximum contacts
catalytic converters. A Catalytic converter is located are available to the exhaust gasses.
(Fig 1) within the exhaust system and converts to convert
harmful emissions as HC, CO, NOx, produced by an Fig 2
internal combustion engine, to less-harmful elements: H2O
(Water), CO2(Carbon Dioxide), and N2 (Nitrogen)
Block Diagram of three-way catalytic converters (TWC)
Modern vehicles are fitted with three-way catalytic
converters (TWC). The term 'three-way' is in relation to the
three regulated emissions the converter is designed to
Fig 1
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.7.120 125
The electronic control unit, or ECU, monitors the air-fuel
ratio by using an exhaust gas oxygen, or EGO, sensor, Fig 3
also known as a lambda sensor. This sensor tells the
engine computer how much oxygen is in the exhaust and
uses this information via the ECU to control the fuel injection
The ECU can increase or decrease the amount of oxygen
in the exhaust by adjusting the air-to-fuel ratio. The system
ensures that the engine runs at close to the stoichiometric
point in normal driving conditions. It also ensures that there
is always sufficient oxygen in the exhaust system to allow
the oxidization catalyst to deal with unburned
hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide.
Selective Catalytic Reduction(SCR)
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the purpose of selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
• state the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system components
• describe the working priniciple of selective catalytic reduction (SCR).
Purpose of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) Working principle of SCR system
selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is the process by which SCR works by injecting diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), into the
oxides of nitrogen (Nox) contained in diesel exhaust are hot exhaust stack. DEF works in conjunction with the hot
reduced to nitrogen (N2) and water (H2O) exhaust gases and catalyst to break NOx into two
components of our normal atmosphere wair vapor and
selective catalytic reduction
Selective : targets NOx in diesel exhaust
Catalytic : reduires a catalyst
The NOx reduction process starts with an efficient CRD
Reduction : NOx is reduced to nitrogen (N2) (Fig 1) engine design CRD engine design that burns clean ultra
low sulfur diesel (ULSD) and produces inherently lower
exhaust emissions- exhaust that is already much cleaner
due to leaner and more complete combustion.
Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) tank and pump:
Under the direction of the vehicle’s onboard computer, Def
is delivered in precisely metered spary patterns into the
exhaust stream just ahead of the SCR converter.
DEF is a urea based solution,
Composition - 67.5% de-ionized water - 32.5% urea
Urea- Under heat, decomposes to ammonia (NH3) and
carbon dioxide(CO2)
Ammonia (NH3) reacts with NOx in the presence of a
DEF is required for the selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
SCR requires diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) - a urea based system to function
SCR catalytic converter :
SCR reduces NOX emissions up to 93%
This is where the conversion happens. Exhaust gases and
Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system components an atomized mist of DEF enter the converter simultaneously.
• Diesel exhaust Fluid (DEF) Together with the catalyst inside the converter, the mixture
undergoes a chemical that produces nitrogen gas and
• DEF injector water vapor.
• Mixing tube Control device:
• SCR catalyst Exhaust gases are moniored via a sensor as they leave the
SCR catalyst. Feedback is supplied to the main computer
to alter the DEF flow if NOx levels fluctuate beyond
acceptable parameters.
126 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.7.120
Objective: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the different between exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) Vs selective catalytic reduction (SCR).
For 2010, the environmental protection agengy (EPA) Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is an exhaust after
requires that diesel truck emmissions contain a 97 precent treatment system that injects a small amount of a chemical
reduction in their sulfer content. Engine manufacurers have called diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) into the exhaust. DEF is
come up with two advanced pollution control technology mixed with exhaust in the presence of a catalyst turning
options for cars, trucks, and buses which include: NOx (oxides of nitrogen - a harmful pollutant that
contributes to smog and acid rain ) into harmless nitrogen
Exhaust gas reciculation (EGR) is an other way to reduce
and water vapor.
NOx formation. In an EGR system, engine exhaust is
recycled back through the engine to dilute the oxygen. Majority of the engine manufacturers have added SCR to
Almost all engine manufacturers use a form of EGR, as it their exhaust systems such as; volovo,mack,daimler,and
takes both EGR and SCR to achieve near-zero NOx hino to name a few.
While stand alone EGR systems help to reduce NOx,
there are some disadvantages:
Reduces overall engine efficiency More power
Large cooling system Fuel efficiency
Exhaust back pressure Larger service intervals
Additional engine components Reliability and durability
Recirulates 30% exhaust Uses diesel exhaust fluid
Back pressure sensor SCR chamber never requires service
No additional fluid
Increased maintenance cost
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.7.120 127
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.8.121
Mechanic Diesel - Charging and Starting System
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
explain the purpose of an alternator
describe the circuit of the alternator
list out the different parts of the alternator
explain the functions of the various parts of an alternator
explain the working of an alternator.
The alternator’s (1) output terminal (3) is connected to the This consists of a steel shaft which carries the driving
'A' terminal (2) of the voltage regulator. The alternators (1) pulley and cooling fan, a cylindrical iron core, and two
field terminal (5) is connected to the ‘F’ terminal of the insulated slip rings. A large number of turns of insulated
voltage regulator (4). The ‘B’ terminal of the regulator is wire are wound over the core to form the field winding.
connected to the battery (8) via the ammeter (9). The
battery’s (8) connection is also connected to the ‘A’
terminal (2) of the regulator (4) via the ignition switch (11)
and indicator lamp (10). The terminal I (6) of the voltage
regulator (4) is connected to the Ignition terminal (SW).
Description of parts of an alternator
Drive end frame (Fig 3)
The drive end frame supports a pre-lubricated sealed
bearing in which the drive end of rotor shaft rotates.
The rotor and its shaft is mounted and encased between
drive end frame and slip ring end frame.
Each end of the winding is connected to its own slip ring
and spring-loaded brush. The winding is enclosed by two
iron pole pieces with eight interlocking fingers which
become alternate north and south poles when direct
current is passed through the winding via the brushes.
Stator assembly (Fig 5)
It is a stationary part which is held between two end covers.
(Figs 1 & 5)
This consists of a laminated, cylindrical, iron core which is
slotted to permit the fitting of three sets of insulated
windings. In the lighter units these windings are star
connected and in the heavier units delta connected. The A transistor regulator consists primarily of resistors,
number of coils depends on the number of poles. capacitors (condensers), diodes and transistors. It is a
The ‘N’ pole and ‘S’ pole of the magnet pass each stator complete static unit which controls the alternator voltage.
winding and due to interruption of the magnetic flux the It is durable and efficient. It safely allows a high field-current
current is generated in the stator windings. flow, and it has a longer service life than the vibrating
contact regulator. An equally important feature is the ease
with which it can be tested, adjusted and serviced.
Alternator DC Generator/Dynamo
130 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.8.121
7 In the alternator the voltage is only to be regulated. In the generator both voltage and current are to be
regulated to a certain value.
8 Alternator can run up to a very high speeds (say Generator r.p.m. is limited to 9000.
20,000 r.p.m.).
9 Less maintenance due to use of slip ring and Frequent maintenance due to use of commutator
brushes. and carbon bushes.
10 The alternator charges the battery at low engine The generator does not charge the battery at low
speeds (Idling r.p.m.). idle speeds.
11 It has high output weight ratio. It has low output-weight ratio.
12 The alternator is simple and robust in construction, The generator is not very robust.
looks compact.
13 Due to transformation of mechanical energy to In the generator transfer losses are very minimum
electrical energy, the alternator works with 50% and its efficiency of working is very high.
efficiency only.
14 The alternator uses diode rectifiers to rectify AC The generator uses commutator and brushes to do
into DC for charging the battery. the rectification of AC to DC.
Precautions to be followed while handling alternators • Do not operate the alternator unless it is connected to
a load.
• Ensure all connections are tight and clean.
• Disconnect the battery, alternator and regulator before
• Ensure that there is no open circuit in the charging
carrying out any arc welding on the vehicle.
• The alternator should not be mounted near the exhaust
• Observe correct polarity when refitting battery in the
manifold without suitable heat protection.
vehicle. Reversed battery connections may damage
the rectifier and the vehicle wiring. • Do not attempt to polarise the alternator.
• Do not short or ground any of the terminals of the • The field circuit must never be grounded on this system
alternator or regulator. between the alternator and the regulator.
• Do not allow water to seep into the alternator. • Maintain belt tension.
1 No charge when engine is running. Blown fuse wire in regulator. Locate cause and rectify and
then replace fuse.
Drive belt loose. Adjust belt tension.
Broken drive belts. Replace.
Worn out or sticky brush. Rectify. Replace.
Open field circuit. Rectify.
Open charging circuit. Rectify.
Open circuit in stator winding. Rectify.
Open rectifier circuit. Rectify.
Defective diodes. Replace.
2 Over charging Defective gauge Replace.
3 Low output Worn or dirty slip rings. Replace.
Loose connections. Tighten.
4 Alternator noise End bearing worn out Replace
Rokor touch with stator Rectify
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.8.121 131
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.8.122
Mechanic Diesel - Starting and Charging
Starting Motor
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
explain starting circuit
explain the construction of a starter motor
explain the functions of a starter motor
explain the functions of a starter drive unit
explain the need of a solenoid switch
explain the construction of a solenoid switch
explain the functions of the solenoid switch.
The starting system is used to start the engine. When the Starter motor
starter switch is pressed/ turned, current flows to the
The engine crankshaft must be rotated at a speed of a
starter motor from the battery and the starter motor’s shaft
minimum 100 r.p.m. to start the engine. This action is
rotates. A drive pinion is connected to the starter motor
called engine cranking. As it is hard to rotate the engine at
shaft. The drive pinion turns the engine flywheel till the
that speed by hand or with a lever, a starter motor is used
engine starts.
to crank the engine.
Description of a starting circuit
Location of the starter motor
The -ve terminal of the battery (1) (Fig 1) is connected to
The starter motor is fixed in the rear side of the engine,
earth. The +ve terminal of the battery (1) is connected to
when the starter is switched on the starter motor’s pinion
the solenoid switch’s (3) battery terminal. From there a
engages with the flywheel ring gear and rotates the
wire is connected to the starter switch’s (2) input terminal.
From the input terminal of the starter switch (2), a wire is
connected to the solenoid winding’s (7) input terminal. The Principle
other end of the winding is connected to earth. From the
When a current is passed through an armature coil which
starter terminal of the solenoid switch a connection is given
is placed between two stationary magnets an e.m.f. is
to the starter motor’s (4) input terminal. In a starter motor
induced and the armature coil starts rotating.
an internal connection is given to connect the field windings
as well as the armature through the brushes and the other Construction
end is connected to earth. Three kinds of DC starter motors are used.
• Series (Fig 2)
• Shunt
• Compound
In automobiles the series wound type is generally used. In
this the field and armature coils are connected in series.
This enables the motor to produce a high starting torque.
The armature windings (1) are fixed in slots and their ends
are soldered to the commutator segments (2). The pole
shoes (3), two or four in number, are screwed to the yoke
(4) and they have field windings (5). These windings help
to produce the magnetic field. The insulation pieces are
placed between the pole shoes (3) and metal
yoke (4). Copper segments are provided with mica
insulation in between the commutator brushes (6).
These brushes (6) slide in the brush holders and are kept
When the key switch is turned, a small amount of current in contact with the commutator with the help of small
flows from the battery (1) to the starter solenoid (3). This springs (8). The brushes (6) are given a curvature at the
current energies the solenoid windings and the plunger (6) bottom to have more contact with the commutator (2). The
moves to connect the battery’s and starter motor’s armature is supported either on bushes or coil.
terminal in the solenoid switch (3).
The commutator end is covered by a bracket called
Current now flows directly to the motor (4). When the commutator end bracket (9). At the drive end, it is covered
switch is released the current flow stops and the return by the drive end bracket (10). Both the brackets are
spring (5) pulls the plunger (6) back, disconnecting the connected by through bolts (11). At the drive end in the
starter motor from the battery. armature shaft, a drive mechanism (12) is fitted.
• Bendix drive
• Over-running clutch drive
• Axial or sliding armature type and non-coaxial type
Bendix drive
This is a most commonly used mechanism. It consists of
a pinion (1) (Fig 4) which is mounted on a hollow sleeve.
The pinion (1) has internal screw threads and is loose fitted
on the sleeve (2). The armature shaft (3) is supported by
bearings at both the ends. A bendix drive spring (4) is
provided to limit the turning of the sleeve on the armature
shaft. An anti-drift spring (5) is provided to prevent the
pinion from striking the flywheel (6).
When the motor is switched on, the drive head rotates with
the armature shaft (3). This motion is transmitted to the
sleeve. The pinion (1) rotates along with the sleeve and
travels forward to come in mesh with the flywheel ring gear
(6). Now the engine’s crankshaft rotates and the engine is
started. When the engine speed increases the pinion (1)
Operation of starter motor is thrown back to its original position due to inertia.
Current from the battery is supplied to the armature’s (1)
(Fig 3) coil by two or four stationary brushes (6). These
brushes (6) are in contact with the commutator’s (2)
segments. The same current is also supplied to the field
coils (5). Both the field coil (5) and the armature’s (1)
magnetic field attract and refuse each other and cause the
armature to rotate. Each coil of armature (1) is connected
to one pair of copper segments of the commutator (2). The
brushes come in contact with each coil of the armature (1)
by turn, and in the process the armature’s speed increases
Once the engine starts running under its own power it
attains a speed up to 4000 r.p.m. (depending upon the
design). Since the flywheel ring to starter pinion ratio is
very high, the starter pinion will rotate at a much higher
speed than the engine. This speed will damage the starting
motor by throwing the windings out of the armature slots
and also the commutator segments due to centrifugal
force. In order to prevent this it is necessary to disengage
the starter pinion from the flywheel ring gear once the
engine has started. To achieve this three types of drive
mechanisms are used.
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.8.122 133
When the starter switch is operated, the solenoid coil is
energised. This completes the circuit of the shunt winding
and also of an axillary series field winding. The armature
is pulled due to the magnetic field and the pinion (3)
engages with the flywheel ring gear (2). A clutch is provided
between the armature (1) and pinion (1). When the starter
switch is released, the armature returns to its original
position by the return spring. Since the pinion (1) is still in
mesh with the flywheel (2).
It rotates at very high speed but the clutch prevents the
rotation of the armature at the pinion’s speed and prevents
damage to the armature. The pinion is held in mesh until
the starter switch is released by the auxiliary shunt
winding. When the engine starts, the current falls down
and the magnetic field is reduced. Now the pinion is pulled
back to its position by the spring.
The pinion gear (3) is fastened to a collar (9) which is fitted Need of solenoid switch
inside the clutch shell. Four tapered notches (4) cut in the
The solenoid switch is a strong electromagnetic switch. It
shell contain steel rollers (5). These are held in the small
is used to operate the over-running clutch drive pinion to
ends of the notches by spring (7) and plunger assemblies
engage with the flywheel ring gear. It also acts as a relay
so that the rollers contact the collar.
to close the contacts between the battery and the starting
The pinion (3) is forced to rotate with the armature shaft and motor.
cranks the engine. When the engine starts its attempts to
Construction of solenoid switch (Fig 9)
drive the armature shaft (8) cause the rollers (5) to rotate
out of the small ends of the notches. This will release the In a solenoid there are two windings, a pull-in winding (1)
collar (3) from the shaft. This allows the pinion (3) to rotate and a hold-in winding (2). The pull-in winding (1) is wound
at high speed without driving the armature. with thick wires (series winding) and the hold-in winding (2)
is of thin wires (shunt winding). The pull-in winding (1) is
connected to the starter switch (3) in the solenoid.
134 Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.8.122
The hold in winding (2) is connected across the switch
terminal and ground.The two windings are wound around a
hollow core (4). An iron plunger (5) is placed inside the core
The other end of the plunger moves a shift lever (7) to
engage the pinion (8) with the flywheel ring gear (9).
Function of solenoid switch (Fig 10)
When the starter switch (3) is turned, current flows from the
battery to the solenoid windings (1) and (2). This energises
the windings which pull the plunger (5). The plunger (5)
operates the shift lever (7) to engage the pinion (8) on the
flywheel ring gear (9). Then it closes the circuit between
the battery (10) and the starting motor.
Troubles Remedies
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.8.122 135
Automobile Related Theory for Exercise 2.9.123
Mechanic Diesel - Trouble Shooting
Clogged exhaust ports Clean Clogged /dirty air filter Replace or clean
Leakage of combustion Retighten or replace
Reptured cylinder head Replace
gases from cyliner head gasket
Worn piston rings Replace worn Valve inproper seating Repair
piston and rings
Valve clearance improper adjust as prescribed
Broken valve timing Replace adjustment
Injector defective Overhand the injector
Poor valve seating Repair Inter cooler defective Repair or Replace
Valve seat pitted Replace Wrong injection timing Set proper timing
Main fuse is blown off Replace Defective fuel pump Overhaul / replace
Loose battery terminal Clean and retighten Loose or broken fan belt Adjust or replace
connection Not enough coolant Clean / topup coolant
Run down battery Recharge Lack of lubrication Top up engine oil
Erratically working thermostat Replace
Radiator core tubes clogged Repair or Replace
Engine overheating Contd..... Low oil pressure
Leaky radiator core tube Repair Low oil viscosity Replace oil
blocked silencer Clean Oil strainer blocked Clean
Closed radiator shutter Open Wornout oil pump gear Replace gears
Closed radiator fins Straighten the fins Strainer pipe mounting loose Tighten
Clogged oil filter Replace Defective oil pressure gauge Replace
Poor perfomance of oil pump Repair or replace Defective pressure relief valve Replace
Crank/camshaft bearing Replace bearing
Causes Remedies
High oil pressure
Leaky cylinder head gasket Replace
Improper valve seating Repair Causes Remedies
Broken valve spring Replace High oil viscosity Replace oil and use
Worn piston ring/bore Replace or rebore correct viscosity
Weak compression Adjust valve clearance Oil passages blocking Clean the oil
Clogged fuel filter Replace High oil level in the sump Maintain the correct
oil level
Clogged air cleaner Replace
Wrong injection timing Set properly
Wrong tappet clearace Adjust correct Engine noise
Causes Remedies
Defective injector Repair or Replace
Wornout gudgeon pins Replace
Wornout piston and rings Replace
High oil consumption
Piston ring broken Replace
Causes Remedies Vehicle over load Avoid over loading
External oil leakage Rectify the leakage Tighten wheel bearing Adjust
Clutch slipping Adjust or Replace
High oil level Remove excess oil
Big end bearing wornout Replace
Vave oil seal damaged Replace oil seal
Automobile: Mechanic Diesel (NSQF Level - 4) - R.T. for Exercise 2.9.123 137