Oblicon Jurado
Oblicon Jurado
Oblicon Jurado
New provision.
4 Sanchez Roman 53.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 21.
Art. 1423, Civil Code.
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of the obligation.
The form in which the obligation is manifested is sometimes
added as a fifth requisite. As a general rule, however, it cannot be
considered as essential. Obligations arising from law, quasi-con-
tracts, acts or omissions punished by law, and quasi-delicts do not
require any form whatsoever, yet there can be no question regard-
3 Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 2394-2395.
Art. 1144, Civil Code.
Agoncillo vs. Javier, 38 Phil. 424; Villaroel vs. Estrada, 71 Phil. 40.
Art. 1423, Civil Code.
Giorgi, Teoria de las Obligaciones, Vol. 1, p. 13; 3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 20.
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Art. 748, Civil Code.
Art. 1874, Civil Code.
Art. 1956, Civil Code.
Art. 2134, Civil Code.
Art. 749, Civil Code.
Arts. 1771, 1773, Civil Code.
Art. 2140, Civil Code.
Sec. 22, Act No. 1147; Art. 1581, Civil Code.
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Arts. 1158-1162, Civil Code.
Arts. 1163-1168, Civil Code.
Arts. 1163-1166, Civil Code.
Arts. 1167-1168, Civil Code.
Arts. 1169-1191, Civil Code.
Arts. 1207, 1223, Civil Code.
Arts. 1166, 1226, et seq., Civil Code.
8 Sanchez Roman 20-40.
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2. As to parties:
(a) is
one party Unilateral andbilateral,
bound, and bilateralwhere
— unilateral, where
both parties are only
tually or reciprocally bound.
(b) Individual and collective — individual, where there
is only one obligor, and collective, where there are several ob-
ligors. The latter may be joint, when each obligor is liable only
for his proportionate share of the obligation, or solidary, when
each obligor may be held liable for the entire obligation.
3. As to object:
(a) Determinate and generic — determinate, when the
object is specific; generic, when the object is designated by its
class or genus.
(b) Simple and multiple — simple, when there is only
one undertaking; multiple, when there are several undertak-
ings. Multiple obligations may be conjunctive, when all of the
undertakings are demandable at the same time, or distribu-
tive, when only one undertaking out of several is demandable.
Distributive obligations, on the other hand, may be alterna-
tive, when the obligor is allowed to choose one out of several
obligations which may be due and demandable, or facultative,
when the obligor is allowed to substitute another obligation for
one which is due and demandable.
(c) Positive and negative — positive, when the obligor
is obliged to give or do something; negative, when the obligor
must refrain from giving or doing something.
(d) Real and personal — real, when the obligation con-
sists in giving something; personal, when the obligation con-
sists in doing or not doing something.
(e) Possible and impossible — possible, when the ob-
ligation is capable of fulfillment in nature as well as in law;
impossible, when the obligation is not capable of ful fillment
either in nature or in law.
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Leung Ben vs. O’Brien, 38 Phil. 182.
Art. 1090, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1158, Civil Code.
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itself is the source of the obligation; however, when the law merely
recognizes or acknowledges the existence of an obligation generated
by an act which may constitute a contract, quasi-contract, criminal
offense or quasi-delict and its only purpose is to regulate such
obligation, then the act itself is the source of the obligation and not
the law.32 Thus, if A loses a certain amount to B in a game of chance,
according to Art. 2014 of the Civil Code, the former may recover his
loss from the latter, with legal interest from the time he paid the
amount lost. It is evident that in this particular case the source of
the obligation of B to refund to A the amount which he had won from
the latter is not a contract, quasi-contract, criminal offense or quasi-
delict, but the law itself.33 The same can also be said with regard to
the obligation of the spouses to support each other,34 the obligations
of employers under the Labor Code,35 the obligations of the owners of
the dominant and servient estates in legal easements,36 and others
scattered in the Civil Code and in special laws.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 48.
Leung Ben vs. O’Brien, 38 Phil. 182.
Art. 291, Civil Code; Pelayo vs. Lauron, 12 Phil. 453.
Bautista vs. Borromeo, 35 SCRA 119.
Arts. 634, 687, Civil Code.
Art. 1091, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1305, Civil Code.
Art. 1315, Civil Code.
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Art. 1316, Civil Code.
Art. 1306, Civil Code.
Art. 1305, et seq., Civil Code.
New provision.
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Art. 2142, Civil Code.
Art. 2144, Civil Code.
Art. 2154, Civil Code.
Art. 2144, Civil Code.
Arts. 2144-2152, Civil Code.
Art. 2154, Civil Code.
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Art. 1092, Spanish Civil Code, in amended form.
Art. 100, Revised Penal Code. This rule, however, is subject to the rules stated
in Arts. 101, 102 and 103, Revised Penal Code.
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rendered in aa criminal
is no bar to civil action absolving the defendant from civil liability
(5) Suspension by reason of prejudicial question. — A petition
for suspension of the criminal action based upon the pendency of
a prejudicial question in a civil action may be filed in the office of
the fiscal (prosecutor) or the court conducting the preliminary
investigation. When the criminal action has been filed in court for
trial, the petition to suspend shall be filed in the same criminal
action at any time before the prosecution rests.
Section 7 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure 2000
provides for the elements of a prejudicial question. They are: (a) the
previously instituted civil action which involves an issue similar or
intimately related to the issue raised in the subsequent criminal
action, and (b) the resolution of such issue determines whether or
not the criminal action may proceed.
Section 7 limits a prejudicial question to a “previously insti-
tuted civil action’’ in order to minimize possible abuses by the sub-
sequent filing of a civil action as an after thought for the purpose of
suspending the criminal action. (Justice Oscar M. Herrera, Treatise
on Criminal Procedure, February 2001)
At a glance, therefore, the following are the salient changes
brought about by the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure 2000,
as more specifically discussed hereunder by Justice Herrera in his
Treatise on Criminal Procedure:
a. The rule changes the 1985 rule as amended in 1988.
Under the 1985 Rule, the action for recovery of civil liability
arising from crime including the civil liability under Articles
32, 33, 34 and 2176 of the Civil Code of the Philippines arising
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Art. 29, Civil Code.
Sec. 3(c), Rule 111, New Rules of Court.
Sec. 3(b), Rule 111, New Rules of Court.
Arts. 31, 177, Civil Code.
Arts. 32, 33, 34, Civil Code.
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With regard to the first, it must be noted that where the civil
action is based on an obligation not arising from the act or omission
complained of as a criminal offense or felony, such action may
proceed independently of the criminal action and regardless of the
result of the latter.60 It is evident that in such case the basis of the
civil action may be an obligation arising from the law, contract,
quasi-contract, or quasi-delict. Thus, a postmaster, who has been
charged criminally for malversation of government funds under
his custody, may still be made a defendant in a civil case for the
recovery of the funds, not on the ground of malversation, but on
the ground that under Sec. 633 of the Revised Administrative Code,
he can be held accountable therefor.61 The basis of the civil action
in such case is not the obligation arising from the criminal offense
of malversation, but the obligation arising from the law. Similarly,
if a passenger in a certain bus institutes a civil action to recover
damages from the operator of the bus line for injuries sustained in
an accident, such action is separate and distinct from the criminal
prosecution of the driver for criminal negligence and may, therefore,
be continued regardless of the result of the latter. Consequently,
he can still
criminal recover
action, damages
because it is even
clear ifthat
the the
driver is acquitted
action in the
in such case is
based on culpa contractual and not on the act or omission of the
driver complained of as felony.62 The same principle is also applicable
if the offense charged constitutes what is known as culpa aquiliana
or quasi-delict under the Civil Code.63 In such case, the injured party
can always institute a civil action to recover damages independently
of the criminal action and regardless of the result of the latter. This
is so even granting that the accused is acquitted in the criminal
action either on the ground of reasonable doubt or on the ground
that he did not commit the offense charged. The reason for this is
that the basis of the civil action is no longer the criminal liability of
the defendant, but a quasi-delict or tort.64
Art. 31, Civil Code.
Tolentino vs. Carlos, 39 Off. Gaz., No. 6, p. 121.
San Pedro Bus Line vs. Navarro, 94 Phil. 840; Bernaldes vs. Bohol Land Trans.
Co., 7 SCRA 276.
Art. 2176, et seq., Civil Code.
Art. 2177, Civil Code; Barredo vs. Garcia and Almario, 73 Phil. 607; Dyogi vs.
Yatco, 100 Phil. 1095; Calo vs. Peggy, 103 Phil. 1112; Stanvac vs. Tan, 107 Phil. 109.
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the Philippines,
distinct from thean independent
criminal action,civil
may action entirelybyseparate
be brought and
the injured
party during the pendency of the criminal case, provided that the
right is reserved as required in the preceding section.’’ The insertion
in the foregoing provision of the phrase provided the right is reserved
as required in the preceding section, resulted in a debate among
academicians which lasted for more than twenty years.
Finally, interpreting the above provision, the Supreme Court,
in Garcia vs. Florido,71 declared:
Art. 32, Civil Code.
Art. 33, Civil Code.
Art. 34, Civil Code.
Arts. 32, 33, 34, Civil Code.
52 SCRA 420. This case was also cited and quoted in Mendoza vs. Arrieta, 91
SCRA 113.
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57 SCRA 106.
77 SCRA 98.
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Actions of Reservation Requirement For Independent
Accordingly, Section 2 of the New Rules of Court was likewise
amended to read as:
of the criminal
evidence. In noaction and shall may
case, however, require
theonly a preponderance
offended of
party recover
damages twice for the same act or omission charged in the
criminal action.’’ (Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure 2000).
91 SCRA 113.
Art. 1093, Spanish Civil Code, in amended form.
In Spanish law, “cuasi-delitos’’ is sometimes known as “culpa aquiliana’’ or
“culpa extra-contractual.’’
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(1) with
mother, Therespect
father to
and, in case
damages of hisbydeath
caused or incapacity,
the minor the
children who
live in their company;
(2) Guardians, with respect to damages caused by the minors
or incapacitated persons who are under their authority and who live
in their company;
(3) The owners and managers of an establishment or
enterprise, with respect to damages caused by their employees in
Report of the Code Commission, p. 161.
See Elcano and Elcano vs. Hill and Hill, 77 SCRA 98.
Art. 2176, Civil Code.
Art. 2180, Civil Code.
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while the latter include all acts in which any kind of fault or
negligence intervenes. 83
Taylor vs. Manila Electric Co., 16 Phil. 8.
Barredo vs. Garcia and Almario, 73 Phil. 607.
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the wordis‘tort’
system much from Anglo-American
broader law. But ‘tort’ under
than the Spanish-Philippine that
of obligations arising from non-contractual negligence. ‘Tort’ in
Anglo-American jurisprudence includes not only negligence, but
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66 SCRA 485.
77 SCRA 98.
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has alreadycommenced by said in
been extinguished injured party
with Sec. 3(c), Rule 111 of the Rules of Court. And even if plaintiff’s
cause of action against defendant is not ex-delicto, the end result
would be the same, it being clear from the judgment in the criminal
case that defendant’s acquittal was not based upon reasonable
Thus, the problem is still very much with us. The debate rages
91 SCRA 113.
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of a familydamages
to prevent in the selection
sufferedand supervision
by the of Pedro
respondents. Fontanilla
In other words,
the Court of Appeals insists on applying in this case Article
1903 of the Civil Code. Article 1903 of the Civil Code is found in
Chapter 11, Title 16, Book IV of the Civil Code. This fact makes
said article inapplicable to a civil liability arising from a crime
as in the case at bar simply because Chapter II of Title 16 of
Book lV of the Civil Code, in precise words of Article 1903 of the
Civil Code itself, is applicable only to “those (obligations) arising
from wrongful or negligent acts or omissions not punishable by
law.’ ’’
The gist of the decision of the Court of Appeals is expressed
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“It will thus be seen that while the terms of Article.1902
of the Civil Code seem to be broad enough to cover the driver’s
negligence in the instant case, nevertheless Article 1093 limits
cuasi-delitos to acts or omissions “not punishable by law.’’ But
inasmuch as Article 365 of the Revised Penal Code punishes
not only reckless but even simple imprudence or negligence,
the fault or negligence under Article 1902 of the Civil Code has
apparently been crowded out. It is this overlapping that makes
the “confusion worse confounded.’’ However, a closer study
shows that such a concurrence of scope in regard to negligent
acts does not destroy the distinction between the civil liability
arising from a crime and the responsibility for cuasi-delitos
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exhaust hisliability effective,
(the latter’s) and that
property is, would
first, to sue be
driver and
to compelling the plaintiff to follow a devious and cumbersome
method of obtaining relief. True, there is such a remedy un-
der our laws, but there is also a more expeditious way, which
is based on the primary and direct responsibility of the defen-
dant under Article. 1903 of the Civil Code. Our view of the law
is more likely to facilitate remedy for civil wrongs, because the
procedure indicated by the defendant is wasteful and productive
of delay, it being a matter of common knowledge that profes-
do not drivers
have sufof taxis and similar public conveyances usually
ficient means with which to pay damages. Why,
then, should the plaintiff be required in all cases to go through
this roundabout, unnecessary, and probably useless procedure?
In construing the laws, courts have endeavored to shorten and
facilitate the pathways of right and justice.
“At this juncture, it should be said that the primary
and direct responsibility of employers and their presumed
negligence are principles calculated to protect society. Workmen
and employees should be carefully chosen and supervised in
order to avoid injury to the public. It is the masters or employers
who principally reap the profits resulting from the services of
these servants and employees. It is but right that they should
guarantee the latter’s careful conduct for the personal and
patrimonial safety of others. As Theilhard has said, “they
should reproach themselves, at least, some for their weakness,
others for their poor selection and all for their negligence.” And
according to Manresa, “It is much more equitable and just that
such responsibility should fall upon the principal or director
who could have chosen a careful and prudent employee, and not
upon the injured person who could not exercise such selection
and who used such employee because of his con fidence in the
principal or director.” (Vol. 12, p. 622, 2nd Ed.) Many jurists also
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a reading
Code and of
thex Civil
x x Garcia — that the
Code therein concurrence
referred of the Penal
to contemplate only
acts of negligence and not intentional voluntary acts — deeper
reflection would reveal that the thrust of the pronouncements
therein is not so limited, but that in fact it actually extends to
fault or culpa. This can be seen in the reference made therein to
the Sentence of the Supreme Court of Spain of February 14, 1919,
supra, which involved a case of fraud or estafa, not a negligent
act. Indeed, Article 1093 of the Civil Code of Spain, in force here
at the time of Garcia, provided textually that obligations which
which is conserved
of the Spanish Civiland made
Code.’’ enduring
And in Articles
so, because Justice1902 to 1910
Bocobo was
Chairman of the Code Commission that drafted the original
text of the new Civil Code, it is to be noted that the said Code,
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which was enacted after the Garcia doctrine, no longer uses the
term, “not punishable by law,’’ thereby making it clear that the
concept of culpa aquiliana includes acts which are criminal in
character or in violation of the penal law, whether voluntary or
negligent. Thus, the corresponding provision to said Article 1093
in the new code, which is Article 1162, simply says, “Obligations
derived from quasi-delicts shall be governed by the provisions
of Chapter 2, Title XVII of this Book (on quasi-delicts), and by
special laws.’’ More precisely, a new provision, Article 2177 of
the new code provides:
under thecivil
from the preceding article
liability is entirely
arising separate and
from negligence distinct
under the
Penal Code. But the plaintiff cannot recover damages
twice for the same act or omission of the defendant.’’
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congruent with the spirit of law, equity and justice, and more
in harmony with modern progress,’’ to borrow the felicitous
relevant language in Rakes vs. Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Co., 7
Phil. 359, to hold, as We do hold, that Article 2176, where it refers
to “fault or negligence,’’ covers not only acts “not punishable by
law’’ but also acts criminal in character, whether intentional
and voluntary or negligent. Consequently, a separate civil action
lies against the offender in a criminal act, whether or not he is
criminally prosecuted and found guilty or acquitted, provided
that the offended party is not allowed, if he is actually charged
also criminally, to recover damages on both scores, and would
be entitled in such eventuality only to the bigger award of the
two, assuming the awards made in the two cases vary. In other
words, the extinction of civil liability referred to in Par. (e) of
Section 3, Rule III, refers exclusively to civil liability founded on
Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code, whereas the civil liability
for the same act considered as a quasi-delict only and not as a
crime is not extinguished even by a declaration in the criminal
case that the criminal act charged has not happened or has not
been committed, by the accused. Brie fly stated, We here hold, in
reiteration of Garcia, that culpa aquiliana includes voluntary
and negligent acts which may be punishable by law.
It results, therefore, that the acquittal of Reginald Hill in
the criminal case has not extinguished his liability for quasi-
delict, hence that acquittal is not a bar to the instant action
against him.
Coming now to the second issue about the effect of
Reginald’s emancipation by marriage on the possible civil
liability of Atty. Hill, his father, it is also Our considered opinion
that the conclusion of appellees that Atty. Hill is already free
from responsibility cannot be upheld.
While it is true that parental authority is terminated upon
emancipation of the child (Article 327, Civil Code), and under
Article 397, emancipation takes place “by the marriage of the
minor (child),” it is, however, also clear that pursuant to Article
399, emancipation by marriage of the minor is not really full
or absolute. Thus “Emancipation by marriage or by voluntary
concession shall terminate parental authority over the child’s
person. It shall enable the minor to administer his property as
though he were of age, but he cannot borrow money or alienate
or encumber real property without the consent of his father or
mother, or guardian. He can sue and be sued in court only with
the assistance of his father, mother or guardian.’’
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The involving
occurred records show that a three-way
a Mercedes vehicular
Benz owned accident
and driven by
Edgardo Mendoza, a private jeep owned and driven by Rodolfo
Salazar and a sand-and-gravel truck owned by Felipino Timbol
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must consist
he is the of, of
owner namely: (1) plaintiff’s
a Mercedes Benz; and primary right, i.e.,delict
(2) defendants’ that
or wrongful act or omission which violated plaintiff’s primary
right, i.e., the negligence or lack of skill either of jeep-owner
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the result offrom criminal
the latter. negligence
Hence, and regardless
‘the proviso in Section of
of Rule 111 with reference to x x x Articles 32, 33 and
34 of the Civil Code is contrary to the letter and spirit
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there was no need for petitioner to have reserved his right to file
a separate civil action as his action for civil liability was deemed
impliedly instituted in Criminal Case No. SM-228.
“Neither would an independent civil action lie. Noteworthy
is the basis of the acquittal of jeep-owner-driver Salazar in the
criminal case, expounded by the Trial Court in this wise:
doubt,that Salazar’s acquittal
consequently, was not
a civil action based upon
for damages canreasonable
no longer
be instituted. This is explicitly provided for in Article 29 of the
Civil Code quoted hereunder:
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only to the civil liability arising from the offense charged. The
employer may no longer be held civilly liable for quasi-delict in
the criminal action as ruled in Maniago (infra.); San Ildefonso
Lines (infra.) and the pro hac vice decision in Rafael Reyes
Trucking Corporation (infra.), and all other similar cases, since
quasi delict is not deemed instituted with the criminal. If at
all, the only civil liability of the employer in the criminal action
would be his subsidiary liability under the Revised Penal Code.
The rule has also done away with third-party complaints and
counterclaims in criminal actions. These claims must have to be
ventilated in a separate civil action.’’
The Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure 2000 “is similar
to the original rule in Rule 107 of the Rules of Court.’’
rightcannot in anya way
to institute be deemed
separate as a waiver
civil action onthe
against herrespondent
part of the
company based on its contractual liability, or on culpa aquiliana
under Articles 1902 to 1910 to of the Civil Code. The two actions
are separate and distinct and should not be confused one with
the other.’’ (Parker vs. Panlilio, 91 Phil. 1 [1952])
the employer’s
criminal action liability on quasiofdelict
in the absence as instituted
a reservation. Thewith the
rule virtually adopted the ruling in Elcano vs. Hill, 77 SCRA
98 (1977), where it was expressly held that the extinction of the
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civil liability referred to in par. (c), Sec. 2 of Rule 111, refers ex-
clusively to civil liability arising from crime; whereas, the civil
liability for the same act considered as a quasi-delict only and
not as a crime is not extinguished even by a declaration in the
criminal case that the criminal act charged has not happened or
has not been committed by the accused. Both actions may pro-
ceed separately; the only limitation is the prohibition to recover
damages twice based on the same act or omission.’’
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Art. 1094, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1095, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1096, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1097, par. 1, Civil Code.
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Art. 1460, par. 1, Civil Code.
Soriano vs. De Leon, 48 Off. Gaz. 2245; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 102.
Art. 1244, Civil Code.
Art. 1246, Civil Code.
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the condition in which they were upon the perfection of the contract.
According to Manresa, the principle declared in Art. 1164 is merely
an extension of that declared in Art. 1537 considering the fact that
an obligation arising from a contract of sale is the prototype of all
contractual obligations.9 Generalizing the provision of the latter
article, we can, therefore, say that the obligor or debtor is bound to
deliver the thing which is the object of the obligation as well as the
fruits thereof from the moment the contract is perfected. In other
words, with respect to the thing itself, the obligation to deliver arises
from the time of perfection of the contract; with respect to the fruits,
the obligation to deliver also arises from the time of the perfection
of the contract. It must be noted, however, that these rules are not
absolute in character. In case there is a contrary stipulation of the
parties with respect to the time when the thing or fruits shall be
delivered, such stipulation shall govern. Hence, if the obligation
is subject to a suspensive condition, the obligation to deliver the
thing as well as the fruits shall arise only from the moment of the
fulfillment of the condition, and if it is subject to a suspensive term
or period, the obligation to deliver arises only upon the expiration of
the designated term or period.
If the creditor has a right to the thing as well as to the fruits
thereof from the time the obligation to deliver it arises, what is the
nature of such right? Before answering this question, we must first
know the meaning of personal and real right. According to an eminent
Spanish commentator, a personal right is “a right pertaining to a
person to demand from another, as a de finite passive subject, the
fulfillment of a prestation to give, to do or not to do.’’ It is a jus ad
rem, a right enforceable only against a definite person or group of
persons, such
of as
of of
a obligation
creditor toafter
demand from the debtor
the delivery object the the perfection of the
contract. A real right, on the other hand, is a “right pertaining to a
person over a specific thing, without a passive subject individually
determined against whom such right may be personally enforced.’’10
It is a jus in re, a right enforceable against the whole world, such
as the right of ownership, possession, usufruct or easement. It is
clear from these definitions that before delivery, the creditor, in
obligations to give, has merely a personal right against the debtor
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 97-98.
3 Sanchez 6-8.
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— a right to ask for delivery of the thing and the fruits thereof. Once
the thing and the fruits are delivered, then he acquires a real right
over them, a right which is enforceable against the whole world.
This explains why according to Art. 1164 of the Code, although the
creditor acquires a right to the fruits of the thing from the time the
obligation to deliver it arises, he does not acquire any real right over
it until the same has been delivered to him. Thus, if A and B enter
into a written agreement whereby the former promises to deliver a
parcel of land to the latter for a price of P100,000, the obligations
to deliver the land on the part of the former and the purchase price
of P100,000 on the part of the latter arise only from the moment of
the perfection of the contract. As far as B is concerned, although
he is entitled to all of the fruits of the land from the moment of the
perfection of the contract, at most, he has only a personal right to
compel A to deliver the land and such fruits in case he, himself, is
also ready to comply with what is incumbent upon him. 11 In other
words, he does not acquire a real right or right of ownership over the
land and over the fruits thereof, until the same have been delivered
to him. That is why, according to Art. 1477 of the Civil Code, the
ownership of the thing sold shall be transferred to the vendee only
upon the actual or constructive delivery thereof.
Idem; Rights of creditor in determinate obligations. — If
the obligation to give is determinate, the rights of the creditor are as
(1) To compel specific performance. This right is expressly
recognized by the first paragraph of Art. 1165 of the Code which
states that the creditor may compel the debtor to make the delivery.
It is complemented by the first paragraph of Art. 1244 which states
that the debtor of a thing cannot compel the creditor to receive a
different one, although the latter may be of the same value as, or more
valuable than that which is due. Consequently, if the debtor does not
comply with his obligation at the time when the obligation to deliver
arises or if he insists on delivering a different one, the remedy of
the creditor is to file an action against the debtor to compel specific
performance. In such case, the debtor cannot even plead pecuniary
impossibility of performance. It is an undisputed principle of equity
Cruzado vs. Bustos and Escaler, 34 Phil. 17; see also Fidelity and Deposit Co.
vs. Wilson, 8 Phil. 51; Garchitorena vs. Almeda, CA, 48 Off. Gaz. 3432; Lundberg vs.
Gancayco, CA, 50 Off. Gaz. 172.
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Gutierrez Repide vs. Afzelius, 39 Phil. 190.
Arts. 1165, par. 1, and 1170, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 103.
Art. 1246, Civil Code.
Art. 1165, par. 2, Civil Code.
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for damages.ofAlthough
applicability Art. 1170Art. 1165 is silentorwith
to indeterminate respect
generic to the
the scope of the article is broad enough to apply even to such class of
Idem; Obligations of debtor in determinate obligations.
— If the obligation to give is determinate, the obligations of the
debtor are as follows:
(1) To perform the obligation specifically. In obligations to
give a to
deliver determinate thing,
the obligee or the aobligor
creditor thing ororobject
debtor binds
which himself to
is particularly
designated or physically segregated from all others of the same class.
Hence, he cannot comply with his obligation by delivering a thing
which is different from that which is designated although belonging
to the same class or genus. This is so even though the thing delivered
may be of superior quality.18 Thus, if he binds himself to deliver to
the creditor a certain 80 Toyota Corona specifically described in the
contract, he must deliver the speci fied car and no other.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 104.
Art. 1244, Civil Code.
2 De Diego 65.
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Art. 1163, Civil Code; see Bishop of Jaro vs. De la Peña, 26 Phil. 144.
Art. 440, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 109-110.
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he hadinterest,
be responsible for that
any fortuitous
this rule isevent
delivery. It is evident applicable
only to obligations to give a determinate thing. This is so because
only a determinate thing can be destroyed by a fortuitous event. An
indeterminate or generic thing, on the other hand, can never perish.
It is also evident that the two cases mentioned in the provision are
exceptions expressly specified by law to the rule that there can be
no liability in case of fortuitous events. In both cases, when the
determinate thing which is the object of the obligation is lost or
Capistrano, Civil Code, 1950 Ed., Vol. 3, p. 2.
Art. 1174, Civil Code.
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Soriano vs. De Leon, 48 Off. Gaz. 2245.
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Art. 1098, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1167, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1170, Civil Code.
Woodhouse vs. Halili, 93 Phil. 526, quoting 19 Scaevola 428, 431-432.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 116-117.
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Art. 1167, par. 1, Civil Code.
Art. 1167, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1170, Civil Code.
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Art. 1099, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 121-122.
Ibid., p. 123.
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liable who in any manner
for damages. 44 contravene the tenor thereof, are
Art. 1100, Spanish Civil Code, in amended form.
Art. 1101, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1102, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1103, Spanish Civil Code.
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Art. 1104, Spanish Civil Code, in amended form.
Art. 1170, Civil Code.
Art. 1174, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 125.
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Art. 1169, par. 1, Civil Code.
Compania General de Tabacos vs. Araza, 7 Phil. 55; Veloso vs. Fontanosa, 13
Phil. 79; Bayala vs. Silang Traffic Co., 73 Phil. 557; Adiarte vs. Court of Appeals, 49
Off. Gaz. 1421.
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Art. 1169, No. 1, Civil Code.
Bayala vs. Silang Traffic Co., 73 Phil. 557; Adiarte vs. Court of Appeals, 49 Off.
Gaz., 1421; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 127.
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promised to contribute but also for interest and damages from the
time he should have complied with his obligation.
(2) When from the nature and the circumstances of the
obligation it appears that the designation of the time when the
thing is to be delivered or the service is to be rendered was a
controlling motive for the establishment of the contract.55 The basis
of this exception is the fact that the designation of the time is of
such fundamental importance in the fulfillment of the obligation
that it would be logical to assume that the intention of the parties
was to make fulfillment of the obligation upon the arrival of such
designated time an essential part of the contract. In other words, the
time element for the fulfillment of the obligation is of the essence of
the contract. Therefore, it must be established that the designation
of the time when the obligation shall be fulfilled was a controlling
motive for the execution of the contract. This can be inferred from
the nature and circumstances of the obligation.56 Thus, where in
the contract of sale entered into between plaintiff and defendant
there is a stipulation that the machinery which is the object of the
sale was already on the way from the United States to Manila, but
it is established that it was actually shipped several days after
the execution of the contract and, as a consequence, plaintiff was
unable to deliver it within a reasonably short time to the defendant,
it was held that the plaintiff has already incurred in delay since,
undoubtedly, the representation that such machinery was already
on the way was one of the determining elements of the contract.
Consequently, the subsequent refusal of the defendant to accept the
delivery is justified.57
Art. 1169, par. 2, No. 2, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 127-128.
Soler vs. Chesley, 43 Phil. 529. To the same effect: Hanlon vs. Hausserman and
Beam, 40 Phil. 795.
Art. 1169, par. 2, No. 3, Civil Code.
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In such case, A will incur in delay without the need of any demand
from B.
Idem; Default in negative obligations. — The obligor can
not possibly incur in delay in negative obligations (not to do). Ac-
cording to Manresa, these obligations have a peculiarity of their own
which the law does not show but which is evident from their spe-
cial nature. Fulfillment and violation are possible, but not default or
mora. This peculiarity is what differentiates this class of obligations
from positive obligations (to give and to do).59
Idem; Default in reciprocal obligations. — Reciprocal obli-
gations are those which are created or established at the same time,
out of the same cause, and which result in mutual relationships of
creditor and debtor between the parties. These obligations are con-
ditional in the sense that fulfillment of an obligation by one party
depends upon the fulfillment of the obligation by the other. Thus, in
a contract of sale of an automobile for P54,000, the vendor is obliged
to deliver the automobile to the vendee, while the vendee is obliged
to pay the price of P54,000 to the vendor. It is clear that the vendor
will not deliver the automobile to the vendee unless the latter will
pay the price, while the vendee will not pay the price to the vendor
unless the latter will deliver the automobile. Hence, in reciprocal ob-
ligations, the general rule is that fulfillment by both parties should
be simultaneous or at the same time. There are, however, cases in
which different dates for performance or fulfillment of the recipro-
cal obligations may be fixed by the parties, in which case, the rule
stated in the first paragraph in Art. 1169 shall apply.60
The rule then is that in reciprocal obligations, one party incurs
in delay
he from
moment the other party
not ful
fills his obligation,
while himself not comply or is ready to comply in a
proper manner with what is incumbent upon him. If neither party
complies or is ready to comply with what is incumbent upon him,
the default of one compensates for the default of the other. In such
case, there can be no legal delay. These rules may be illlustrated
by the following example: A sold his automobile to B for P30,000.
They agreed that delivery and payment shall be made on the 15th
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 127.
Ibid., pp. 133-134.
Art. 1169, par. 3, Civil Code.
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For illustrative cases — see Martinez vs. Cavives, 25 Phil. 581; Causing vs.
Bencer, 37 Phil. 417.
Art. 1170, Civil Code.
Art. 1165, par. 3, Civil Code.
Art. 2209, Civil Code, see Reforma vs. Tomol, 139 SCRA 260, with regard to the
meaning of legal interest.
Art. 2212, Civil Code.
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insurance company which will entitle the latter to ask for annulment
of the contract.71
Idem; Effect of fraud. — If there is a breach or non-fulfill-
ment of the obligation by reason of fraud or dolo on the part of the
obligor or debtor, he can be held liable for damages. As a ground
for damages, malice or dishonesty is implied. It cannot cover cas-
es of mistake and errors of judgment made in good faith. Fraud or
dolo is synonymous to bad faith. (O’leary Macondray & Co., 45 Phil.
812 [1924].) The liability is expressly recognized by the provisions
of Arts. 1170 and 1171 of the Code. It is also a rule that the liabil-
whatcannot be waived
is prohibited is or renounced.
the waiver or It must be noted,
renunciation however,
which is madethat
advance or in anticipation of the fraud, and not that which is made
after the fraud has already been committed. In other words, under
Art. 1171, what is prohibited is the renunciation of the action for a
fraud which has not yet been committed.72
Thus, waiver for future fraud is contrary to law and public
policy. As such, said waiver is void. But waiver for a past fraud is
valid since such waiver can be deemed an act of generosity. Further,
what is renounced is the effect of fraud, more particularly the right
of the party to indemnity.
What is the extent of damages which the obligee or creditor can
recover from the obligor or debtor in case of breach or nonfulfillment
of the obligation by reason of fraud or dolo? According to the law on
damages in the Civil Code, it shall comprehend all damages which
may be reasonably attributed to the breach or nonful fillment of the
obligation, regardless of whether such consequences are natural or
unnatural, probable or improbable, foreseeable or unforeseeable.
In addition to such damages, the obligee or creditor can also recover
moral and exemplary damages. Moral damages may be recovered
in addition to other damages. (Far East Bank & Trust Co. vs. Court
of Appeals, 59 SCAD 253, 241 SCRA 671 [1995].)
Voluntary Breach Through Negligence or Culpa. — The
third kind of voluntary breach of an obligation regulated by the Civil
Eguaras vs. Great Eastern Life Ass. Co., 33 Phil. 263.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 176.
Art. 2201, par. 2, Civil Code.
Arts. 2220 and 2232, Civil Code.
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Art. 1173, Civil Code.
Picart vs. Smith, 37 Phil. 809.
U.S. vs. Juanillo, 23 Phil. 212.
Picart vs. Smith, 37 Phil. 809.
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1173 of theisCivil
both cases Code applies.
characterized Theomission
by the negligence of the
of that defendant
diligence in
is required by the nature of the obligation and corresponds with the
circumstances of the persons, of the time and of the place. The simi-
larity, however, ends there. They are different with respect to an-
tecedents and consequences. They may be distinguished from each
other as follows:
(1) As regards the character of the negligence of the defendant:
In culpa contractual, the negligence of the defendant is merely an
incident in the performance of an obligation; in culpa aquiliana it is
substantive and independent.
(2) As regards the relationship of the parties: In the first
there is always a pre-existing contractual relation; in the second
there may or may not be a pre-existing contractual relation.
(3) As regards the source of the obligation: In the first the
source of the obligation of the defendant to pay damages to the
plaintiff is the breach or nonful fillment of the contract; in the second
the source is the defendant’s negligent act or omission itself.
(4) As regards the proof required for recovery: In the first proof
of the existence of the contract and of its breach or nonfulfillment
is sufficient prima facie to warrant a recovery; in the second the
negligence of the defendant must be proved.
(5) As regards the availability of due diligence as a defense:
In the first proof of diligence in the selection and supervision of
employees is not available as a defense; in the second it is.
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carrythere is alwayssafely
the passenger an implied duty of
to his place of destination.
a common carrier to
although not available as a defense, such proof of due diligence
may serve to mitigate the employer’s liability.
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determine Test of negligence.
existence — in
of negligence The test by which
a particular we can
case may be
stated as follows: Did the defendant in doing the alleged negligent
act use the reasonable care and caution which an ordinarily prudent
person would have used in the same situation? If not, then he is
guilty of negligence. The law here in effect adopts the standard
supposed to be supplied by the imaginary conduct of the discreet
pater familias of the Roman Law.82
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 180.
Art. 1173, par. 1, Civil Code.
Picart vs. Smith, 37 Phil. 809; Cangco vs. Manila Railroad Co., 38 Phil. 768.
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“As which
fact from the case now before
a conclusion canusbepresents
drawn toitself, the only
the effect that
the plaintiff was guilty of contributory negligence is that he
stepped off the car without being able to discern clearly the
condition of the platform and while the train was yet slowly
moving. In considering the situation thus presented, it should
not be overlooked that plaintiff was ignorant of the fact of the
obstruction which was caused by the sacks of watermelons
piled on the platform. The place was dark, or dimly lighted.
Furthermore, the plaintiff was possessed of the vigor and agility
while manhood,
the train and
was it was
yet by no means
moving as the so risky
same actfor him to
would get
been in an aged or feeble person. In determining the question of
contributory negligence in performing such act — that is to say,
whether the passenger acted prudently or recklessly — the age,
sex and physical condition of the passenger are circumstances
necessarily affecting the safety of the passenger, and should
be considered. Women, it has been observed, as a general rule,
are less capable than men of alighting with safety under such
conditions, as the nature of their wearing apparel obstructs
the free movement of the limbs. Again, it may be noted that
the place was perfectly familiar to the plaintiff as it was his
daily custom to get on and off the train at this station. There
could, therefore, be no uncertainty in his mind with regard
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Art. 1170, Civil Code; Baer, Senior & Co. vs. Compania Maritima, 6 Phil. 215;
Guzman vs. Behn, Meyer & Co., 9 Phil. 112.
San Pedro Bus Lines vs. Navarro, 94 Phil. 846; see Art. 31, Civil Code.
Art. 1733, Civil Code; see also Arts. 1745, 1749, 1750, Civil Code.
42 Phil. 205. This excerpts from Heacock vs. Macondray is now modified by the
provisions of Arts. 1749 to 1750 of the New Civil Code.
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negligence causative
negligence must be affiofrmatively
his injury or loss. The
established by facts constitutive
competent of
not merely by presumptions and conclusions without basis in fact.
Private respondents, in establishing the culpability of petitioner,
merely relied on the aforementioned report submitted by a team
which made an ocular inspection of petitioner’s school building after
the typhoon. As the term imparts, an ocular inspection is one that
is conducted by means of actual sight or viewing. What is visual to
the eye though, is not always reflective of the real cause behind.
For instance, one who hears a gunshot and then sees a wounded
person, cannot always definitely conclude that a third person shot
the victim. It could have been self-inflicted or caused accidentally by
a stray bullet. The relationship of cause and effect must be clearly
Idem; id. — Regulatory power of the courts. — Under Art.
1172, liability arising from negligence in the performance of every
kind of obligation may be regulated by the courts. Consequently,
the court may increase or decrease the liability of the party at fault
depending upon the circumstances of each case. Thus, the court
may take into consideration the good or bad faith of the obligor
(defendant) or the conduct of the obligee (plaintiff) when the damage
was incurred.
Idem; id.; id. — Effect of good faith. — If the debtor or
obligor has acted in good faith, he shall be liable only for natural
and probable consequences of the breach of the obligation and which
the parties have foreseen or could have reasonably foreseen at the
time the obligation was constituted.
Art. 2201, par. 1, Civil Code; De Guia vs. Manila Electric Co., 40 Phil. 706.
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there was
effect is to contributory negligence
reduce or mitigate of the obligee
the damages which or
hecreditor, the
can recover
from the obligor or debtor as a result of the breach of the obligation.
This doctrine has always been consistently upheld by the Supreme
Court.90 Attention, however, must be called to the fact that if the
negligent act or omission of the obligee concurred with the negligent
act or omission of the obligor in causing the injury complained of,
in other words, if the negligent act or omission of the obligee was
a proximate cause of the event which led to the damage or injury
importance toof,determine
he cannotwhether
recover. the
It is, therefore,
negligence of of
thethe utmost
obligee or
creditor was a proximate cause of the accident or event which led to
the injury or merely contributory to his own injury. The test is given
in the following case:
Art. 2201, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1171, Civil Code.
Rakes vs. Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Co., 7 Phil. 359; Cangco vs. Manila Rail-
road Co., 36 Phil. 766; Borromeo vs. Manila Railroad Co., 44 Phil. 165; Del Prado vs.
Manila Electric Co., 52 Phil. 900.
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broke, the car canted, the rails slid off and caught the plaintiff,
breaking his leg, which was afterwards amputated at about the
knee. The cause of the sagging of the track is admitted to be the
dislodging of the crosspiece under the stringer by the water of
the bay raised by a recent typhoon. The superintendent of the
company attributed it to the giving way of the block laid in the
sand. No effort was made to repair the injury at the time of the
occurrence. According to the plaintiff’s witnesses, a depression
of the track was apparent to the eye, and a fellow workman of
the plaintiff swears that the day before the accident he called the
attention of the foreman to it and asked him to have it repaired.
It is also admitted that there was a prohibition imposed by the
defendant company against walking by the side of the car and
that the plaintiff was walking by the side of the car when the
rails slid off. The question now is — what effect is to be given to
such act of contributory negligence?
Held: “Difficulty seems to be apprehended in deciding
which acts of the injured party shall be considered immediate
causes of the accident. The test is simple. Distinction must be
made between the accident and the injury, between the event
itself, without which there could have been no accident, and
those acts of the victim not entering into it, but contributing
to his own proper hurt. For instance, the cause of the accident
under review was the displacement of the crosspiece or the
failure to replace it. This produced the event giving occasion for
damages that is the sinking of the track and the sliding of the
iron rails. To this event, the act of the plaintiff in walking by
the side of the car did not contribute although it was an element
of the damage which came to himself. Had the crosspiece been
out of place wholly or partly through his act or omission of duty,
that would have been one of the determining causes of the
Whereorheaccident, for to
contributes which he wouldoccurrence,
the principal have been as
one of its
determining factors, he cannot recover. Where, in conjunction
with the occurrence, he contributes only to his own injury, he
may recover the amount that the defendant responsible for the
event should pay for such injury, less a sum deemed a suitable
equivalent for his own imprudence.
“Accepting, though with some hesitation, the judgment
of the trial court, fixing the damage incurred by the plaintiff
at 5,000 pesos, the equivalent of 2,500 dollars, United States
money, we deduct therefrom 2,500 pesos, the amount fairly
attributed to his negligence, and direct judgment to be entered
in favor of the plaintiff for the resulting sum of 2,500 pesos, with
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costs to both instances and ten days thereafter let the case be
remanded to the court below for proper action.”
Art. 2215, Civil Code.
Arrieta vs. National Rice and Corn Corp., 10 SCRA 79.
Art. 106, Spanish Civil Code, in amended form.
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clear from this definition that the presence of either the element
of unforeseability or inevitability would be suf ficient to classify
the event as fortuitous in character. Hence, even if the event was
not inevitable if it could not have been foreseen, or even if it could
have been foreseen if it was inevitable, it would be considered as a
fortuitous event. It is evident, therefore, that the definition is broad
enough to comprehend “acts of God” or those which are absolutely
independent of human intervention, such as rains, typhoons, floods,
cyclones, earthquakes or any other similar calamity brought about
by natural forces. It is also broad enough to include force majeure
or events which arise from legitimate or illegitimate acts of persons
other than the obligor, such as commotions, riots, wars, robbery, and
similar acts.
The antecedent of fortuitous event or caso fortuito is found
in the Partidas which defines it as “an event which takes place by
accident and could not have been foreseen.’’ Escriche elaborates it as
“an unexpected event or act of God which could neither be foreseen
nor resisted.’’ Civilist Arturo M. Tolentino adds that “[f]ortuitous
events may be produced by two general causes: (1) by nature, such as
earthquakes, storms,
of man, such as floods, epidemics, fires, etc. and (2) by the act
an armed invasion, attack by bandits, governmental
prohibitions, robbery, etc.’’ (Southeastern College, Inc. vs. Court of
Appeals, July 10, 1998, 292 SCRA 422.)
Classification. — Fortuitous events may be classified into
fortuitous event proper (act of God) and force majeure (fuerza mayor)
depending upon whether there is human intervention or not. The
first refers to an event which is absolutely independent of human
intervention, while the second refers to an event which arises from
legitimate or illegitimate acts of persons other than the obligor. 94
The distinction, however, is merely technical. Essentially, there is
no substantial difference between the two; both refer to an event or
cause which is independent of the will of the obligor.95
As to foreseeability, fortuitous events may also be classified into
ordinary and extraordinary fortuitous event. The first refers to an
event which usually happens or which could have been reasonably
foreseen, while the second refers to an event which does not usually
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 205.
University of Santo Tomas vs. Descals, 38 Phil. 267.
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happen and which could not have been reasonably foreseen, such as
fire, war, pestilence, unusual flood, locust, earthquake, and others of
a similar nature.96
Effect upon Obligation. — If the obligor is unable to comply
with his obligation by reason of a fortuitous event, the general rule is
that he is exempted from any liability whatsoever.97 In other words,
his obligation is extinguished.98
Thus, where the obligor is unable to surrender his revolver to
the government upon demand because it was lost during a storm, 99
or to return some photographic negatives that were entrusted to him
by the obligee because of a fire of accidental origin which destroyed
his place of business,100 or to deliver certain animals which he had
contracted to give to the obligee at a specified date because they dies
of natural causes or were killed during an epidemic before he could
deliver them to such obligee,101 it was held that since the breach of
the obligation is due to a fortuitous event, it is thereby extinguished;
consequently, he cannot be held liable for damages.
The application of this rule is even more evident in motor ve-
hicle accidents. Thus, where it was established that the defendant’s
bus was bumped by another bus which caused the driver to swerve it
to the left so as to prevent it from falling into a canal and as a result
it struck a tree, which led the bus to skid and capsize, it was held
that since the injury can be attributed or imputed only to an inevi-
table accident and not the misconduct or negligence of the operator
or of the driver, there can be no possible recovery of damages.102 But
where the accident is due to a defect of an equipment or of an appli-
ance purchased from a manufacturer, it is clear that such a defect
cannot be considered a fortuitous event within the meaning of the
law. This doctrine is very well illustrated in the case of Necesito vs.
Paras.103 In this case, it was proved that the bus, where one of the
Art. 1680, Civil Code.
Art. 1174, Civil Code.
See Arts. 1262, 1266, Civil Code.
Government vs. Bingham, 13 Phil. 185 but see Government vs. Amechazurra,
10 Phil. 637.
Brown vs. Robert, 40 Phil. 990; Lizares vs. Hernaez, 40 Phil. 981.
Palacio vs. Sudario, 7 Phil. 275; Crame vs. Gonzaga, 10 Phil. 646.
Ampang vs. Guinco Trans. Co., 92 Phil. 1085.
104 Phil. 75.
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plaintiffs and his mother were riding as passengers, was on its regu-
lar run when all of a sudden the steering knuckle broke, as a result
of which the driver lost control of the wheel, causing the bus to fall
into a ditch. The aforesaid plaintiff was injured, while his mother
was killed. Subsequently, an action to recover damages was brought
directly against the operator of the bus. Defendant now claims that
the cause of the accident is a fortuitous event. Refusing to accept
this defense, the Supreme Court declared:
“In the case at bar, the record is to the effect that the only
test applied to the steering knuckle in question was a purely
visual inspection every 30 days, to see if any crack developed.
It nowhere appears that either the manufacturer or the carrier
at anytime tested the steering knuckle to ascertain whether its
strength was up to standard, or that it had no hidden flaws that
would impair that strength. This periodical visual inspection
of the steering knuckle as practised by the carrier’s agents
did not measure up to the required legal standard of ‘utmost
diligence of very cautious persons’ . . . ‘as far as human care and
foresight can provide.’ Therefore the knuckle’s failure can not
be considered a fortuitous event that would exempt the carrier
from responsibility. (Lasam vs. Smith, 46 Phil. 657; Son vs.
Cebu Autobus Co., L-6155, April 30, 1954.)”
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the record,inittoto
affirming agreed with the trial
the judgment court,
appealed rendered its decision
As noted at the outset, petitioner is not entitled to
acquittal. His plea for the reversal of the decision reached by
respondent Court is not impressed with merit. At the most, as
was likewise previously mentioned, the fine imposed could be
1. Counsel for petitioner vigorously contends that
respondent Court of Appeals ought not to have applied the
pronouncement in La Mallorca and Pampanga Bus Co. vs.
De Jesus on the ground that it was obiter dictum. That is not
the case at all. A little more time and attention in the study of
the above decision could have resulted in its correct appraisal.
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The cases follow: People vs. Hatton, CA-GR No. 8310-R, Feb. 11, 1953; Peo-
ple vs. Oligan, CA-G.R. No. 05583-CR, Aug. 17, 1967; People vs. Palapal, CA-G.R.
No. 18480-Cr., June 27, 1958; People vs. Bandonil, CA-G.R. No. 25513-R, May 25,
1959; People vs. Aralar, CA-GR No. 01451-Cr., November 29, 1963; and People vs.
Buenaventura, CA-G.R. No. 00626-Cr., April 30, 1964.
L-31589, July 31, 1970, 34 SCRA 98.
Ibid., 107. The opinion of Justice Laurel in People vs. Vera, 65 Phil. 56 (1937)
was cited.
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Ibid., Justice J.B.L. Reyes spoke thus in Albert vs. Court of First Instance of
Manila (Br. VI), L-26364, May 29, 1968, 23 SCRA 948, 961.
45 Phil. 657.
Ibid., 661-662.
94 Phil. 892 (1954).
104 Phil. 75 (1958).
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First Instance.
The petitioner raises the following alleged errors
committed by the Court of First Instance of Cebu on appeal —
“a. The Honorable Court below committed grave
abuse of discretion in failing to take cognizance of the fact
that defendants and/or their employee failed to exercise
‘utmost and/or extraordinary diligence’ required of common
carriers contemplated under Art. 1755 of the Civil Code of the
“b. The Honorable Court below committed grave abuse
of discretion by deciding the case contrary to the doctrine laid
down by the Honorable Supreme Court in the case of Necesito,
et al. vs. Paras, et al.’’
We find the petition impressed with merit.
The City Court and the Court of First Instance of Cebu
found that the right rear tire of the passenger jeepney in which
the petitioner was riding blewout causing the vehicle to fall on its
side. The petitioner questions the conclusion of the respondent
court drawn from this finding of fact.
The Court of First Instance of Cebu erred when it absolved
the carrier from any liability upon a finding that the tire blowout
is a fortuitous event. The Court of First Instance of Cebu ruled
“After reviewing the records of the case, this Court
finds that the accident in question was due to a fortuitous
event. A tire blowout, such as what happened in the case
at bar,
from is an inevitable
liability, accident
there being that
absence of aexempts
showingthe carrier
that there
was misconduct or negligence on the part of the operator
in the operation and maintenance of the vehicle involved.
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The fact that the right rear tire exploded, despite being
brand new, constitutes a clear case of caso fortuito which
can be a proper basis for exonerating the defendants from
liability. x x x’’
The Court of First Instance relied on the ruling of the
Court of Appeals in Rodriguez vs. Red Line Transportation
Co., CA-G.R. No. 8136, December 29, 1954, where the Court of
Appeals ruled that:
Red LinetheTransportation
rulings of the Court of Appeals
Co., CA-G.R. No.in8136,
Rodriguez vs.
29, 1954, and People vs. Palapad, CA-G.R. No. 18480,
June 27, 1958. These rulings, however, not only are not
binding on this Court but were based on considerations
quite different from those obtained in the case at bar. The
appellate court there made no findings of any specific acts
of negligence on the part of the defendants and con fined
itself to the question of whether or not a tire blowout by
itself alone and without a showing as to the causative
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While it may be true that the tire that blewout was still
good because the grooves of the tire were still visible, this fact
alone does not make the explosion of the tire a fortuitous event.
No evidence was presented to show that the accident was due to
adverse road conditions or that precautions were taken by the
jeepney driver to compensate for any conditions liable to cause
accidents. The sudden blowing out, therefore, could have been
caused by too much air pressure injected into the tire coupled
by the fact that the jeepney was overloaded and speeding at the
time of the accident.
In Lasam vs. Smith (45 Phil. 657), we laid down the
following essential characteristics of caso fortuito:
xxx xxx xxx
x x x ‘In a legal sense and, consequently, also in
relation to contracts, a caso fortuito presents the following
essential characteristics: (1) The cause of the unforeseen
and unexpected occurrence, or of the failure of the debtor
to comply with his obligation, must be independent of the
human will; (2) It must be impossible to foresee the event
which constitutes the caso fortuito, or if it can be foreseen,
it must be impossible to avoid; (3) The occurrence must be
such as to render it impossible for the debtor to fulfill his
obligation in a normal manner; and (4) The obligor (debtor)
must be free from any participation in the aggravation
of the injury resulting to the creditor.’ (5 Encyclopedia
Juridica Española, 309.)’’
In the case at bar, the cause of the unforeseen and
unexpected occurrence was not independent of the human will.
The accident was caused either through the negligence of the
driver or because of mechanical defects in the tire. Common
carriers should teach their drivers not to overload their vehicles,
not to exceed safe and legal speed limits, and to know the
correct measures to take when a tire blows out thus insuring
the safety of passengers at all times. Relative to the contingency
of mechanical defects, we held in Necesito, et al. vs. Paras, et al.
(102 Phil. 75), that:
“x x x The preponderance of authority is in favor of
the doctrine that a passenger is entitled to recover damages
from a carrier for an injury resulting from a defect in an
appears thatpurchased
the defectfrom a manufacturer,
would whenever
have been discovered it
by the
carrier if it had exercised the degree of care which under
the circumstances was incumbent upon it, with regard to
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See supra.
Reyes vs. Caltex, 47 Off. Gaz. 1193; Philippine Long Distance Co. vs. Jeturian,
97 Phil. 781.
Soriano vs. De Leon, 48 Off. Gaz. 2245.
Yu Tek Co. vs. Gonzales, 29 Phil. 384; Lacson vs. Diaz, 47 Off. Gaz. 337.
Bunje Corp. vs. Elena Camenforte & Co., 48 Off. Gaz. 3377.
5 Encyclopedia Juridica Española, 309 cited in Lasam vs. Smith, 45 Phil. 990.
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32 Phil. 152.
34 Phil. 597.
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Co., 43 Mo., 421, Wagner, J ., said: ‘The act of God which excuses
the carrier must not only be the proximate cause of the loss; the
better opinion is that it must be the sole cause. And where the
carrier mingles with it as an active and cooperative cause, he is
still responsible.’ (Ames vs. Stevens, 1 Stra., 128.)”
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Lasam vs. Smith, 45 Phil. 657, 661 (1924); Austria vs. Court of Appeals, 39
SCRA 527 (1971).
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In the language of the law, the event must have been impossible
to foresee, or if it could be foreseen, must have been impossible
to avoid.124 There must be an entire exclusion of human agency
from the cause of injury or loss.125
Turning to this case, before they sailed from the port of
Manila, the officers and crew were aware of typhoon “Klaring’’
that was reported building up at 260 kms. east of Surigao. In
fact, they had lashed all the cargo in the hold before sailing in
anticipation of strong winds and rough waters.126 They proceeded
on their way, as did other vessels that day. Upon reaching
Romblon, they received the weather report that the typhoon
was 154 kms. east southeast of Tacloban and was moving west
northwest.127 Since they were still not within the radius of
the typhoon and the weather was clear, they deliberated and
decided to proceed with the course. At Jintotolo Island, the
typhoon was already reported to be reaching the mainland of
Samar.128 They still decided to proceed noting that the weather
was still “good’’ although, according to the Chief Forecaster of
the Weather Bureau, they were already within the typhoon
zone.129 At Tanguingui Island, about 2:00 A.M. of May 16, 1966,
the typhoon was in an area quite close to Catbalogan, placing
Tanguingui also within the typhoon zone. Despite knowledge of
that fact, they again decided to proceed relying on the forecast
that the typhoon would weaken upon crossing the mainland
of Samar.130 After about half an hour of navigation towards
Chocolate Island, there was a sudden fall of the barometer
accompanied by heavy downpour, big waves, and zero visibility.
The Captain of the vessel decided to reverse course and face the
waves in the open sea but because the visibility did not improve
they were in total darkness and, as a consequence, the vessel
ran aground a reef and sank on May 16, 1966 around 12:45 P.M.
near Malapascua island somewhere north of the island of Cebu.
Under the circumstances, while, indeed, the typhoon was
an inevitable occurrence, yet, having been kept posted on the
course of the typhoon by weather bulletins at intervals of six
hours, the captain and crew were well aware of the risk they
Art. 1174, Civil Code; Lasam vs. Smith, 45 Phil. 657 (1924).
Tolentino, Commentaries on the Civil Code, Vol. V, p. 252.
T.s.n, August 8, 1967, p. 22.
Domestic Bulletin No. 16 of the Weather Bureau.
Domestic Bulletin, No. 17.
T.s.n., December 15, 1967, p. 21.
Domestic Bulletin, No. 18.
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Arts. 1755, 1756, Civil Code.
Art. 1733, Ibid.
Art. 1756, Ibid.
“Art. 587. The ship agent shall also be civilly liable for the indemnities in fa-
vor of third persons which may arise from the conduct of the captain in the vigilance
over the goods which the vessel carried; but he may exempt himself therefrom by
abandoning the vessel with all her equipments and the freight he may have earned
during the voyage.’’
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that there was no negligence or fault on its part and that the
proximate cause of the accident was a fortuitous event. Decide
the case.
Answer — As far as the negligence of the defendant
corporation is concerned, it is clear that the doctrine of res ipsa
loquitur is applicable. It is undeniable that the unusual event
that the barge, exclusively controlled by defendant, rammed the
bridge supports raises a presumption of negligence on the part
of defendant or its employees manning the barge or the tugs
that towed it. In the ordinary course of events, such a thing does
not happen if proper care is used.
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Taxi damaged
driven bywhen it wasThe
petitioner. bumped
latterfrom behind
admits thatby a
accident was caused by the faulty brakes of the taxicab but he
contends that the sudden malfunctioning of the brakes at that
particular moment before the accident was something which
even the due diligence of a good father of a family could not
have prevented. Consequently, the cause of the accident is a
fortuitous event. He then invokes a long line of decisions of the
CA in order to support his theory.
Speaking through Justice [now deceased Chief Justice]
Fernando, the SC declared that the primary reason why the
petition was given due course was to clarify the state of the
law and thus hopefully avoid any further lurking doubt on the
Speaking of the decisions of the CA cited by petitioner in
support of his theory, the SC reminded the petitioner of what
Justice J.B.L. Reyes once said that “the SC, by tradition and in
our system of judicial administration, has the last word on what
the law is; it is the final arbiter of any justiciable controversy.
There is only one SC from whose decisions all other courts
should take their bearings.’’
Speaking of the merits of the theory of petitioner, the SC
finally held that the doctrine enunciated in La Mallorca vs. De
Jesus [17 SCRA 23], Lasam vs. Smith [45 Phil. 657], Son vs.
Cebu Autobus Co. [94 Phil. 892], and Necesito vs. Paras [104
Phil. 75] controls. Defective brakes, tire blowouts and others of
a similar nature cannot be classified as fortuitous events per se
within the meaning of the law.
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New Provision.
Tolentino vs. Gonzales, 50 Phil. 558.
See comments under Art. 1413, infra.
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in any effectivity.
latter’s way amend Thethe Usury Law
legislation but issimply
of usury wholly suspended
the creaturethe
legislation. A CB Circular cannot repeal a law. Only a law can repeal
another law. Thus, retroactive application of a CB Circular cannot,
and should not, be presumed. (Development Bank of the Philippines
vs. Perez, G.R. No. 148541, Nov. 11, 2004.)
Art. 1110, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1253, Civil Code; Hill vs. Veloso, 31 Phil. 160; Vda. de Ongsiaco vs. Cabat-
uando, 105 Phil. 1262.
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Art. 1111, Spanish Civil Code.
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Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 173-174; 2 De Diego 35.
2 De Diego, 35-36; 3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 175-176.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 174; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 272.
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er, subject to one very important exception. Rights which are purely
personal in the sense that they are inherent in the person of the
debtor, such as rights arising from purely personal or family rela-
tions or those which are public or honorary in character, cannot be
included within the scope of this remedy.148
Idem; Accion pauliana. — Another method by which the
debtor may defeat the right of the creditor is by means of a positive act
whereby the latter is defrauded or prejudiced. This may be illustrated
by alienations or conveyances of property made by the debtor to
third persons in fraud of creditors. According to Art. 1177, such acts
can be instance
at the impugned ofor attacked
the directly
creditors by means
who are of a rescissory
prejudiced. 149 action
This action is
sometimes known as accion pauliana in Spanish law. As in the case
of accion subrogatoria, it is based on the principle that the property
of the debtor, whether present or future, stands as a guaranty for
the payment of the obligation or credit. Accion pauliana, therefore,
refers to the right available to the creditor by virtue of which he can
secure the rescission of any act of the debtor which is in fraud and
to the prejudice of his rights as a creditor. By its very nature, it is
subsidiary in character.
in the absence of any other In other
legal words,
remedy it can only
to obtain be availed
reparation of
for the
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 267.
This rescissory action is regulated by Arts. 1380-1389, Civil Code.
Art. 1383, Civil Code.
2 Diego, 37-38.
Art. 1112, Spanish Civil Code.
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Arts. 1178, 1311, Civil Code.
Estate of Hernandez vs. Luzon Surety Co., 100 Phil. 388.
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Art. 1180. When the debtor binds himself to pay when his
means permit him to do so, the obligation shall be deemed
to be one with a period, subject to the provisions of Article
Art. 1113, Spanish Civil Code.
New provision.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 104.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk 1, pp. 305-306.
Floriano vs. Delgado, 11 Phil. 154; for other cases — see People’s Bank vs.
Odom, 64 Phil. 128; Galar vs. Isasi; Aberri vs. Galar, CA, 47 Off. Gaz. 6241.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk 1, p. 309.
Ibid., pp. 309-310.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 323-324.
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condition that the City shall transform it into a public park within
a period of one year from the time of the perfection of the donation,
the condition which is imposed is resolutory in character. If the City
fails to transform the land into a public park within the stipulated
period, the rights which it acquired over the land as a result of the
donation are resolved or extinguished altogether. The same is true
in case a person sells a parcel of land with right of repurchase. Once
the sale with pacto de retro is perfected, the vendee a retro becomes
the owner of the property. However, his right is not absolute in
character because it may be extinguished or lost if the vendor a
retro exercises his right of repurchase within the legal or stipulated
period of redemption.
Idem; Effects. — It is, therefore, clear from what had been
stated that if an obligation is subject to a suspensive condition, the
acquisition of rights shall depend upon the happening or fulfillment
of the fact or event which constitutes the condition.13 In other words,
the obligation shall become effective only upon the fulfillment of
the condition. Consequently, what is acquired by the obligee or
creditor upon the constitution of the obligation is only a mere hope
or expectancy.
protected by theUnlike
law.14 other hopes or expectancies, however, it is
On the other hand, if the obligation is subject to a resolutory
condition, it becomes demandable immediately after its establishment
or constitution. This is evident from the provision of the second
paragraph of Art. 1179. Consequently, unlike an obligation with a
suspensive condition, rights arising out of the obligation are acquired
immediately and vested in the obligee or creditor.15 However, this
is without prejudice to the happening or fulfillment of the event
which constitutes the condition. In other words, although rights are
immediately vested in the obligee or creditor upon the constitution of
the obligation, such rights are always subject to the threat or danger
of extinction. Thus, in the case of a sale with pacto de retro, the
vendee a retro becomes the owner of the property which is sold once
it is delivered to him. This right of ownership, however, is subject
Art. 1181, Civil Code; for illustrative cases, see Wise & Co. vs. Kelly, 37 Phil.
696; Santiago vs. Millar, 68 Phil. 39; Phil. Nat. Bank vs. Phil. Trust Co., 68 Phil. 48;
Panganiban vs. Batangas Trans. Co., CA, 46 Off. Gaz. 3167.
Art. 1188, Civil Code; Phil. Long Distance Co. vs. Jeturian, 97 Phil. 981.
Art. 1181, Civil Code.
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Art. 1601, et seq., Civil Code.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 311.
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must be made
fulfillment between
depends the effects
exclusively uponof the
a potestative
will of the condition whose
creditor and the
effects of one whose fulfillment depends exclusively upon the will of
the debtor. In the first the condition as well as the obligation is valid,
while in the second not only the condition, but even the obligation
itself, is void.
Although the law is silent with regard to potestative conditions
whose fulfillment depends exclusively upon the will of the creditor,
it is undeniable that it cannot have the effect of nullifying the
For a similar case, see Prieto vs. Quezon City, 99 Phil. 1059.
Art. 1115, Spanish Civil Code.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 327.
Art. 1182, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 324.
Trillana vs. Quezon Colleges, 93 Phil. 383.
Art. 1190, Civil Code.
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end ofhimself
to deliver
1980, to
the creditor
that a hecertain
December, provided is in the mood to bydo the
the obligation is void; in this case it is evident that the obligation
depends for its perfection upon the ful fillment of a condition which is
potestative. If the debtor, however, binds himself to pay a previous
indebtedness of P2,000 to the creditor by the end of December, 1980,
provided that he is in the mood to do so, although the condition is
void on the ground that its ful fillment depends exclusively upon the
will of the debtor, the obligation itself is not void since it refers to a
pre-existing indebtedness.
43 Phil. 873.
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In Hermosa vs. Longara (93 Phil. 971), a much more recent case, the Supreme
Court declared that the above ruling was merely an assumption and the same was
not the actual ruling of the case.
Art. 1182, Civil Code.
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Jacinto vs. Chua Leng, CA, 45 Off. Gaz. 2919.
Hermosa vs. Longara, 93 Phil. 971.
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because its fulfillment depends not only upon the will of the
debtor but also upon the concurrence of other factors, such as
the acceptability of the price and other conditions of the sale,
as well as the presence of a buyer, ready, able and willing to
purchase the property.
Problem — Suppose that in the above problem, the debtor
promised to pay his obligation if a house belonging to him is
sold, will that make a difference in your answer?
Answer — It will not make a difference in my answer.
The condition is still mixed because its ful fillment depends not
only upon the will of the debtor but also upon the concurrence
of other factors, such as the acceptability of the price and other
conditions of the sale, as well as the presence of a buyer, ready,
able and willing to purchase the property.
True, apparently, in Osmeña vs. Rama (14 Phil. 99), the
Supreme Court declared that the above condition is potestative
with respect to the debtor, but a closer perusal of the case
will show that the declaration or statement was merely an
assumption and the same was not the actual ruling. (Hermosa
vs. Longara.)
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pre-existing obligation.
pay a previous Thus,asifsoon
indebtedness the as
debtor binds himself
he decides to
to sell his
house, although the condition is void because of its potestative
character, the obligation itself is not affected since it refers to
a pre-existing indebtedness. (Trillana vs. Quezon Colleges, 93
Phil. 383.)
gation the obligation
is divisible, which
that part depends upon is
thereof which them. If the obli-
not affected by
the impossible or unlawful condition shall be valid.
The condition not to do an impossible thing shall be
considered as not having been agreed upon.31
Art. 1116, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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pay to B P10,000
the obligation is aifnullity
the latter can contract
because the inhabitants
the condition of Mars,
is impossible. If C
promises to give to D a parcel of land if the latter secures a divorce
from his wife, the obligation is also a nullity because the condition is
contrary to law, good customs and public policy. If E binds himself to
deliver to F an automobile if the latter will go with him around the
world on a trial honeymoon, the obligation is certainly void because
the condition is contrary to good customs. If the obligation, however,
is a pre-existing obligation, and therefore, does not depend upon the
Luneta Motor Co. vs. Abad, 67 Phil. 23; Reyes vs. Gonzales, CA, 45 Off. Gaz.
831; Theater’s Supply Corp. vs. Malolos, CA, 48 Off. Gaz. 1803; Santos vs. Sec. of
Agriculture, 48 Off. Gaz. 3367.
Art. 1183, Civil Code.
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Art. 1185, Civil Code.
Art. 1119, Civil Code.
Phil. Long Distance Co. vs. Jeturian, 97 Phil. 981.
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Taylor vs. Uy Tieng, 43 Phil. 760.
Art. 1120, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1121, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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admitting that they have, they are not entitled to such bene fits
until after the conditions are fulfilled; and (3) that war losses
had extinguished the Company’s obligation to proceed with the
pension plan. If you are the judge, how will you decide the case?
Answer — The facts of the above problem are exactly the
same as those in the case of PLDT Co. vs. Jeturian, et al., 97
Phil. 981, where the Supreme Court decided in favor of the
plaintiffs. For purposes of clarity, let us take up the defenses
advanced by the defendant company separately.
(1) The 1st defense is untenable. While it is true that
when an obligation is subject to a suspensive condition, what
is acquired by the creditor is only a mere hope or expectancy,
nevertheless, it is a hope or expectancy that is protected by the
law. According to Art. 1188 of the NCC, the creditor may, before
the fulfillment of the condition, bring the appropriate actions for
the preservation of his right.
(2) The second defense is untenable. According to Art.
1186 of the NCC, the condition shall be deemed fulfilled when
the obligor voluntarily prevents its fulfillment. The act of the
Board of Directors
the pension of the Phil.
plan certainly fallsLong Distance
within Co. in
the sphere or abrogating
purview of
this rule.
(3) The third defense is also untenable. This is so
because the defense of fortuitous event is available only if the
obligation is determinate and not if the obligation is generic.
Here, the obligation is clearly generic since it involves the
payment of money.
From the foregoing, it is clear that the case should be
decided in favor of the plaintiffs.
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delivery. pledge
it have any which can only
application be perfected
to those contracts by
which the obligation arising therefor can only be realized within
successive periods or intervals, such as lease, hire of service, life
annuity, and similar contracts.50
The application of the principle of retroactivity must, howev-
er, be tempered by principles of justice and practicability. The law,
therefore, has provided for certain limitations which must be com-
plied with in the application of the principle.
Idem; id. — In obligations to give. — When the obligation
imposes reciprocal prestations upon the parties, the fruits and
interests during the pendency of the condition shall be deemed
to have been mutually compensated. Thus, if A had obligated
himself to sell a certain parcel of land to B for P100,000 subject to a
condition of a suspensive character, and such condition was fulfilled
two years after the perfection of the contract, a literal application of
the principle of retroactivity would have the effect of compelling A
Art. 1187, Civil Code, pp. 334-335.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 33.
7 Planiol and Ripert 353-354.
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in its technical,
that not
the vulgar,
thing issense.
Thus, according to the Code, it is
understood lost: (1) when it perishes; or (2) when it
goes out of commerce; or (3) when it disappears in such a way that
its existence is unknown or it cannot be recovered. 55 It is evident
from an examination of the first and second rules stated in Art.
1189 that the effect of the loss or destruction of the thing which
constitutes the object of the obligation shall depend upon whether
the loss or destruction occurred without the fault of the debtor or
through his fault. If the thing is lost without any fault of the debtor,
Art. 1122, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1189, No. 2, Civil Code.
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Art. 579, Civil Code.
Art. 546, Civil Code.
Art. 579, Civil Code.
Art. 580, Civil Code.
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Art. 1123, Spanish Civil Code.
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Ibid., pp. 345-346.
Ibid., p. 346.
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this type
virtue of obligation
of which is reciprocity
one obligation arising from
is a correlative of identity of cause
the other. Thus, by
a contract of sale, the obligation of the vendee to pay the price is a
correlative of the obligation of the vendor to deliver the thing sold;
in a contract of lease, the obligation of the lessee to pay the rental
or price of the lease is a correlative of the obligation of the lessor to
permit the use by the lessee of the thing leased. Although reciprocal
obligations are bilateral in character, they must not be confused
with those obligations in which the parties are mutually, but not
reciprocally obligated, as when a person is the debtor of another by
Art. 1124, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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has the it
vested, effect of extinguishing
is resolutory rights which are already acquired or
in character.
Idem; Necessity of judicial action. — The right to rescind
or resolve the obligation is a right which belongs to the injured party
alone.67 However, it is essential that it must be invoked judicially. 68
This is evident from the provision of the third paragraph of Art.
1191 which states that the court shall decree the rescission, unless
there be a just cause authorizing the fixing of a period.69 Therefore,
the mere failure of a party to comply with what is incumbent upon
him does not ipso jure produce the rescission or resolution of the
obligation. In other words, the party entitled to rescind must invoke
judicial aid by filing the proper action for rescission. Consequently,
in a contract of sale, the fact that the vendee failed to pay the
purchase price of the thing sold does not mean that the vendor can
just take possession of the thing which had already been delivered
to the vendee. He must invoke judicial aid by filing an action for
rescission or resolution of the contract if he so elects. 70 As stated by
the Supreme Court, it is the judgment of the court and not the mere
will of the vendor which produces the rescission of the sale.71
It must be noted, however, that where the contract itself
contains a resolutory provision by virtue of which the obligation
maybe cancelled or extinguished by the injured party in case of
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk 1, pp. 348-349.
Mateos vs. Lopez, 6 Phil. 206; Bosque vs. Yu Chipeco, 14 Phil. 95.
Guevara vs. Pascual, 12 Phil. 311; Escueta vs. Pando, 76 Phil. 256; Republic of
the Phil. vs. Hospital San Juan de Dios and Burt, 47 Off. Gaz. 1833.
Escueta vs. Pando, 76 Phil. 256.
Ocejo, Perez & Co. vs. International Banking Corp., 37 Phil. 631.
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Hanlon vs. Hausermann and Beam, 40 Phil. 796; De la Rama Steamship Co.
vs. Tan, 99 Phil. 1034.
De la Rama Steamship Co. vs. Tan, 99 Phil. 1034.
See also Froilan vs. Pan Oriental Shipping Co., 12 SCRA 276.
Sancho vs. Lizarraga, 55 Phil. 601.
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Code), while the second is governed by the Maceda Law (Rep. Act
No. 6552).
Idem; Nature of Breach. — What must be the nature of
the breach which will entitle the injured party to file an action
for the rescission of the obligation? This question was answered
by the Supreme Court in the case of Song Fo & Co. vs. Hawaiian-
Philippine Co.76 The facts of this case are as follows: Plaintiff and
defendant had entered into a contract whereby the latter bound
itself to deliver to the former 300,000 gallons of molasses within a
certain period, payment to be made upon presentation of accounts
at the end
accounts forofmolasses
each month. It appears
delivered thattoathe
was sent request for in
plaintiff payment of
1923. Instead of paying at the end of said month, plaintiff defaulted
and paid only on February 20, 1923. Thereupon, defendant gave
notice to the plaintiff rescinding the contract for failure to pay at the
stipulated date. Subsequently, the plaintiff commenced this action
to recover damages from the defendant for breach of contract. The
question, therefore, which must be resolved is whether the defendant
company had the right to rescind the contract or not. The Supreme
Court held:
“The terms of payment fixed by the parties are controlling.
The time of payment stipulated in the contract should be treated
as of the essence of the contract. Theoretically, agreeable to
certain conditions which could easily be imagined, the Hawaiian-
Philippine Co. would have the right to rescind the contract
because of the breach of Song Fo & Co. But actually, there is
here present no outstanding fact which would legally sanction
the rescission of the contract by the Hawaiian-Philippine Co.
“The general rule is that rescission will not be permitted
for a slight or casual breach of the contract, but only for such
breaches as are substantial and fundamental as to defeat
the object of the parties in making the agreement. A delay in
payment for a small quantity of molasses for some twenty days
is not such a violation of an essential condition of the contract as
warrants rescission for nonperformance. Not only this, but the
Hawaiian-Philippine Co. waived this condition when it arose
by accepting payment of the overdue accounts and continuing
47 Phil. 821. See also Villanueva vs. Yulo, G.R. No. L-12985, Dec. 29, 1959;
Universal Food Corp. vs. Court of Appeals, 33 SCRA 1.
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with the rights and obligations of lessors and lessees. In the first
paragraph of Article 1555 (now Art. 1657), it is declared to be
the duty of the lessee to pay the price of the lease in the manner
agreed upon. In Article 1556 (now Art. 1659), the failure of the
lessee to comply with this obligation is declared to be a found for
the rescission of the contract and the recovery of damages, or
the latter only, leaving the contract in force. It will thus be seen
that the lessor is permitted to elect between the two remedies
of (1) rescission, or resolution, with damages and (2) speci fic
performance, with damages.’’78
Rios vs. Jacinto, et al., 49 Phil. 1.
Art. 1191, par. 2, Civil Code.
4 Tolentino, Civil Code, 1956 Ed., p. 172.
Mindanao Prospecting Ass. Inc. vs. Golden Gate Mining Co., CA, 48 Off. Gaz.
Art. 1191, par. 2, Civil Code.
Rios vs. Jacinto, et al., 49 Phil. 7.
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the price agreed upon for the resolution or rescission of the contract
has the effect of destroying the obligation to pay the price. Similarly,
in case of the rescission of a contract of lease, the lessor is entitled
to be restored to the possession of the leased premises but he cannot
have both the possession of the leased premises and the rent which
the other party had contracted to pay. The termination of the lease
has the effect of destroying the obligation to pay rent for the future.84
Idem; Judicial discretion to decree rescission. — Accord-
ing to the third paragraph of Art. 1191, the court shall decree the
rescission claimed, unless there is a just cause authorizing the fix-
ing of a party
injured period.
in It is clear from
reciprocal this provision
obligations that
to rescind the right
in case of the
of failure of
the other to comply with what is incumbent upon him is not absolute
in character. This is so because the court is given the discretionary
power to fix a period within which the obligor in default may be
permitted to comply with what is incumbent upon him.85 It must be
noted, however, that this rule cannot be applied to reciprocal obliga-
tions arising from a contract of lease. This is so because such obliga-
tions are governed by the provisions of Art. 1659 of the Code and not
by those
ment of Art.
of Art. 1191,
1191, andand although
there Art. 1659
is, however, is practically
a difference, forawhereas
under Art. 1191 courts have the discretionary power to refuse the
rescission of contracts if in their judgment the circumstances of the
case warrant the fixing of a term within which the obligor or debtor
may fulfill his obligation, under Art. 1659 there is no such discre-
tionary power granted to courts.86
Idem; Effect of rescission. — When an obligation has been
rescinded or resolved, it is the duty of the court to require the parties
to surrender whatever they may have received from the other; in
other words, the parties must be placed as far as practicable in
their original situation.87 This should, however, be understood to
be without prejudice to the liability of the party who was unable
to comply with what was incumbent upon him for damages.
Thus, where a contract of sale of a certain lot was rescinded by
Ocejo, Perez & Co. vs. International Banking Corp., 37 Phil. 361; Kapisanan
Banahaw vs. Dejarme, 55 Phil. 338; Puerto vs. Go Ye Pin, 47 Off. Gaz. 264.
Mina and Bacalla vs. Rodriguez, CA, 40 Off. Gaz. 65.
Po Pauco vs. Singuenza, 49 Phil. 404.
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the vendor because of the failure of the vendee to pay for several
monthly installments, it was held that since the contract contains
no provision authorizing the vendor, in the event of the failure of
the vendee to continue in the payment of the stipulated monthly
installments, to retain the amounts already paid to him, the parties
should be restored as far as practicable to their original situation
which can be approximated only by ordering the return of the things
which are the object of the contract with their fruits and of the price
with its interests computed from the date of the institution of the
action.88 The rescission, however, may be partial in character.89
Idem; id. — Effect upon third persons. — According to
the fourth paragraph of Art. 1191, the decree of rescission shall be
understood to be without prejudice to the rights of third persons who
have acquired the thing in accordance with Arts. 1385 and 1388 and
the Mortgage Law. Consequently, the rescission of a contract can
no longer be demanded when he who demands it is no longer in a
position to return whatever he may be obliged to restore; neither can
it be demanded when the thing which is the object of the contract is
already legally in the possession of a third person who did not act in
bad faith.90 In such case, the only remedy of the injured party is to
proceed against the party responsible for the transfer or conveyance
for damages.91 However, if the third person had acquired the thing
in bad faith, the injured party can still go after the property. If for
any cause the thing can no longer be recovered, the only remedy of
the injured party is to proceed against the third person who had
acted in bad faith for damages.92
Magdalena Estate, Inc. vs. Myrick, 71 Phil. 344.
Tan Guat vs. Pamintuan, CA, 37 Off. Gaz. 2494.
Art. 1385, Civil Code.
Art. 1388, Civil Code.
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be paid
such on a Acertain
a date, date and
can rescind that in case
the contract. of failure
Suppose that to pay on
B fails to
pay on the date stipulated in the contract, is Article 1191 of the
NCC applicable? Why?
Answer — Art. 1191 is not applicable. Where the contract
itself contains a resolutory provision by virtue of which the
obligation may be cancelled or extinguished in case of breach,
judicial permission to rescind the contract is no longer necessary.
(Hanlon vs. Hausermann, 40 Phil. 796; De la Rama Steamship
Co. vs. Tan, 99 Phil. 1034.) The use of the word “implied” in the
article supports this conclusion. The right to rescind is “implied”
only if not expressly granted; no right can be said to be implied
if expressly recognized. Consequently, in the instant case, Art.
1191 is not applicable. The rule that is applicable is found in
Art. 1592 under the law on sales.
Problem — L leased a house to J. The contract stipulates
that in case of non-payment of the rent, L can eject L without
court action. J defaulted for two months. As a result, L ejected
him. Can J claim damages because the renunciation of his day
in court as stipulated in the contract is void? (1977)
Answer — J cannot claim damages because the renuncia-
tion of his day in court as stipulated in the contract is void. True,
under the NCC, in reciprocal obligations there is always a tacit
resolutory condition that if one party is unable to comply with
what is incumbent upon him, the injured party has the power
to rescind the obligation. (Art. 1191.) This is reiterated in the
law on lease. (Art. 1659.) True also, it is a well-settled rule that
the injured party must invoke judicial aid. But then, this rule
can be applied only to a case where the obligation is silent with
respect to the power to rescind. The right to rescind is implied
only if not expressly granted; no right can be said to be implied
if expressly recognized. This is also well-settled. In the instant
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but terminate with
upon a resolutory
arrival period
of the day take effect at once,
A day certain is understood to be that which must
necessarily come, although it may not be known when.
If the uncertainty consists in whether the day will come
or not, the obligation is conditional, and it shall be regulated
by the rules of the preceding section.95
New provision.
Report of the Code Commission, p. 130.
Art. 1125, Spanish Civil Code, in amended form.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 370.
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Art. 1193, par. 3, Civil Code.
Art. 1193, par. 4, Civil Code.
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the date of the termination of the war may be uncertain yet there
is no question that the termination of the war must necessarily
come.102 However, if the obligor or debtor binds himself to perform
his obligation as soon as he has obtained a loan of P400,000 from a
certain bank, it is clear that the granting of such loan is not definite.
Consequently, it cannot be considered a day certain, for it may or it
may not happen, the obligation is conditional.103
Effects of Term or Period. — If the term or period is sus-
pensive, the fulfillment or performance of the obligation is demand-
able only upon the arrival of the day certain or the expiration of the
term. What
tion of the is or
right therefore suspended
the effectivity byobligation
of the the term is not
but the acquisi-
merely its de-
mandability. In other words, the obligation itself becomes effective
upon its constitution or establishment, but once the term or period
expires it becomes demandable. However, if the term or period is
resolutory, the fulfillment or performance of the obligation is de-
mandable at once, but it is extinguished or terminated upon the ar-
rival of the day certain or the expiration of the term. 105
Nepomuceno vs. Narciso, 84 Phil. 542.
Berg vs. Magdalena Estate, 92 Phil. 110; see also Smith, Bell & Co. vs. Sotelo
Matti, 44 Phil. 874.
Art. 1193, par. 1, Civil Code.
Art. 1193, par. 2, Civil Code.
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Victoria Planters vs. Victorias Milling Co., 97 Phil. 318.
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It is obvious that the above article (Art. 1195) can only apply
to obligations
applied to give.orItdelivery
the payment is also obvious that
must have before
been madethebyrule
the can be
either because he was unaware of the period or he believed that the
obligation had become due and demandable. Consequently, if the
payment or delivery was made voluntarily or with knowledge of the
period or of the fact that the obligation has not yet become due and
demandable, there can be no right of recovery whatsoever.
Report of the Code Commission, pp. 130-131.
Art. 1227, Spanish Civil Code.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 381; Sarmiento vs. Javellana, 38 Phil. 880.
Nicolas vs. Matias, 89 Phil. 126; De Leon vs. Syjuco, 90 Phil. 311; Osorio vs.
Salutillo, 48 Off. Gaz. 103; Garcia vs. De los Santos, 49 Off. Gaz. 4830; Ochoa vs.
Lopez, CA, 50 Off. Gaz. 5890.
90 Phil. 311.
Ponce de Leon vs. Syjuco, 90 Phil. 311.
Nicolas vs. Matias, 89 Phil. 126.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 381-382.
Sia vs. Court of Appeals, 48 Off. Gaz. 5259.
Garcia vs. De los Santos, 49 Off. Gaz. 4830.
Art. 1128, Spanish Civil Code, in amended form.
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Art. 1197, Civil Code.
Art. 1180, Civil Code.
Art. 1197, par. 1, Civil Code.
Barretto vs. City of Manila, 7 Phil. 416.
Concepcion vs. People of the Phil. 74 Phil. 163.
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Barretto vs. Santa Marina, 26 Phil. 440.
People’s Bank vs. Odom, 64 Phil. 126.
8 Manresa 158, quoted in Patente vs. Omega, 49 Off. Gaz. 4846.
Art. 1197, par. 2, Civil Code.
Levy Hermanos vs. Paterno, 18 Phil. 353.
Seone vs. Franco, 24 Phil. 309.
Gonzales vs. Jose, 66 Phil. 369.
Patente vs. Omega, 49 Off. Gaz. 4846.
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depend exclusively upon the will of the lessee.133 And where there is
an agreement between the employer and the union representatives
representing its employees and laborer regarding the payment
of salary differentials which had remained unpaid because of the
exhaustion of the funds appropriated for the purpose, the obligation
to pay said salary differentials may be considered as one with a
term whose duration has been left to the will of the debtor, so that
pursuant to Art. 1197 of the Code, the remedy of the employees
and laborers is to ask the courts to fix the duration of the term, it
being admitted that in a going concern the availability of funds for
a particular purpose is a matter that does not necessarily depend
upon the cash position of134the company but rather upon the judgment
of its board of directors.
Eleizegui vs. Manila Lawn Tennis Club, 2 Phil. 309.
Tiglao vs. Manila Railroad Co., Off. Gaz. 179.
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period within
notes do not fiwhich
x this to pay his
period, debts.
it is As court
for the the promissory
to fix the
same. (Eleizegui vs. Manila Lawn Tennis Club, 2 Phil.
309; Barretto vs. City of Manila, 7 Phil. 416; Floriano vs.
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From what has been stated, it is quite clear that the effect of a
potestative term or period is very different from that of a potestative
condition. The latter cannot be left to the will of the debtor because
it affects the very existence of the obligation itself, since what is
delegated to the debtor is the power to determine whether or not
the obligation shall be fulfilled; the former, on the other hand, can
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be left to the will of the debtor because its in fluence does not go as
far as to determine the existence of the obligation, since what is
delegated to the debtor is merely the power to determine when the
obligation shall be fulfilled, but in order to prevent the obligation
contracted from becoming ineffective by nonfulfillment the courts
must fix the duration of the term or period.135
This article also applies to a lease agreement, where a contract
of lease clearly exists. Thus, the SC in the case of Millare vs.
Hernando (151 SCRA 484), it held that the first paragraph of Article
1197 is clearly inapplicable, since the Contract of Lease did in fact
fix an original period of five years, which had expired. It is also clear
from paragraph 13 of the Contract of Lease that the parties reserved
to themselves the faculty of agreeing upon the period of the renewal
contract. The second paragraph of Article 1197 is equally clearly
inapplicable since the duration of the renewal period was not left to
the will of the lessee alone, but rather to the will of both the lessor
and the lessee. Most importantly, Article 1197 applies only where a
contract of lease clearly exists. Here, the contract was not renewed
at all, there was in fact no contract at all the period of which could
have been fixed.
Idem; Nature of action. — The only action that can be
maintained under Art. 1197 is an action to ask the court to fix the
duration of the term or period. It is only after the duration has
been fixed by a proper court that any other action involving the
fulfillment or performance of the obligation can be maintained. 136
Thus, an action brought purely for the collection of a debt which falls
within the purview of the article is obviously improper, because the
fulfillment of the obligation itself cannot be demanded until after
the court has fixed the period for its compliance and such period has
expired.137 Consequently, so long as such period has not yet been
fixed by the court, legally, there can be no possibility of any breach of
contract or of failure to perform the obligation, and if it so happens
that this point was never raised before the trial court, the creditor
cannot be allowed to raise it for the first time on appeal.138
8 Manresa 158, quoted in Patente vs. Omega, 49 Off. Gaz. 4846.
Eleizegui vs. Manila Lawn Tennis Club, 2 Phil. 309; Seone vs. Franco, 24 Phil.
309; Gonzales vs. Jose, 66 Phil. 369.
Ungson vs. Lopez, CA, 50 Off. Gaz. 4297, citing Gonzales vs. Jose, 66 Phil. 369,
and Concepcion vs. People of the Phil., 74 Phil. 62.
Pages vs. Basilan Lumber Co., 104 Phil. 882.
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Schenker vs. Gemperle, 5 SCRA 1042.
Gonzales vs. Jose, 66 Phil. 369.
Art. 1197, par. 3, Civil Code.
Barretto vs. City of Manila, 11 Phil. 624.
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Art. 1198. The debtor shall lose every right to make use
of the period:
(1) When after the obligation has been contracted, he
becomes insolvent, unless he give a guaranty or security for
the debt;
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The fourth and fifth cases are new provisions. Whether the
debtor violates any undertaking, in consideration of which the credi-
tor agreed to the period, or he attempts to abscond, the rule that he
shall lose his right to the benefits of the period is proper.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 393; 3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 75-76.
Art. 1206, Civil Code.
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by maturity of agreed
paying the the note, the debtor
amount or by can complythe
delivering with the obli-
house and
lot. Under the general rule stated in Art. 1200, he alone has the
right to make the choice. Once he has made it, and such choice is
duly communicated to the creditor, the obligation becomes simple.
There are, however, two exceptions to the general rule. They
are: first, when the right of choice has been expressly granted to
the creditor;153 and second, when it has been expressly granted to
a third person. Although the Code does not expressly recognize the
second,there is no reason why it should not be allowed, since it is not
contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy.
Idem; Limitations upon right of choice. — The limitations
to the right of choice are given in the second paragraph of Art. 1200.
According to this provision, the debtor cannot choose those prestations
or undertakings which are impossible, unlawful or which could not
Art. 1131, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1132, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1200, Civil Code.
Agoncillo and Marino vs. Javier, 38 Phil. 244.
Art. 1200, par. 1, Civil Code.
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have been the object of the obligation. “Prestations which could not
have been the object of the obligation” refer to those undertakings
which are not included among those from which the obligor may
select, or to those which are not yet due and demandable at the
time the selection is made, or to those which, by reason of accident
or some other cause, have acquired a new character distinct or
different from that contemplated by the parties when the obligation
was constituted.154 It must be noted that what is contemplated by
the provision of the second paragraph of Art. 1200 is a case in which
the right to choose or select is not lost or extinguished altogether,
because there are still other objects or prestations from which the
debtor can choose or select.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 398.
Art. 1133, Spanish Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 399.
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impugn the election made by the debtor and only after said notice
shall the election take legal effect when consented to by the creditor,
or if impugned by the latter, when declared proper by a competent
court.’’157 It is, however, submitted that this doctrine is not sound.
Consent or concurrence of the creditor to the choice or selection
made by the debtor is not necessary before the choice or selection
can produce effect. To hold otherwise would destroy the very nature
of the right to select and the alternative character of the obligation
for that matter. Thus, according to Dean Capistrano: “The law does
not require the creditor’s concurrence to the choice; if it did, it would
have destroyed the very nature of alternative obligations, which
empowers the debtor to perform completely one of them.’’158
Idem; Effect upon obligation. — Once the choice is made
by the debtor (or by the creditor or by a third person as the case
may be), the obligation ceases to be alternative from the moment
the selection has been communicated to the other party. From
that moment, both debtor and creditor are bound by the selection.
In other words, the debtor can only comply with his obligation
by performing the prestation which has been selected, while the
election can
madedemand compliance
is binding on the in accordance
person there it,
who makes with.
will not therefore be permitted to renounce his choice and take an
alternative which was at first opened to him.”159
Art. 1202. The debtor shall lose the right of choice when
among the prestations whereby he is alternatively bound,
only one is practicable.160
Ong Guan Can vs. Century Insurance Co., 46 Phil. 592.
3 Capistrano, Civil Code, 1950 Ed., p. 131. To the same effect — 4 Tolentino
Civil Code, 1956 Ed., p. 196.
Reyes vs. Martinez, 55 Phil. 492.
Art. 1134, Spanish Civil Code.
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second paragraph of Art. 1200. Under the first, there is only one
prestation which can be performed; under the second, there are still
two or more which can be performed. Under the first, the obligation
is converted into a simple one because the debtor loses his right of
election; under the second, the obligation is still alternative because
the debtor can still exercise his right of election.
things which
have been areor
lost, alternatively the object
the compliance of theof obligation
the obligation
become impossible.
The indemnity shall be fixed taking as a basis the value
of the last thing which disappeared, or that of the service
which last became impossible.
Damages other than the value of the last thing or service
may also be awarded.162
New provision.
Art. 1135, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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not to dosame rules
in case shall
one, somebeor
applied to obligations
all of the prestationstoshould
do or
become impossible.163
Art. 1136, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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that which remains; and if all of the things are lost or all of the
prestations cannot be performed by reason of a fortuitous event, the
debtor is released from the obligation.
But if the loss or impossibility is due to the fault of the debtor,
then the provisions of Art. 1204 are applicable. Consequently, if all
of the things are lost or all of the prestations cannot be performed
due to the fault of the debtor, the creditor shall have a right to
indemnity for damages. Such indemnity shall be fixed taking as a
basis the value of the last thing to be lost or that of the service which
last became impossible. However, if one, or more, but not all, of the
things are lost or one or some, but not all, of the prestations cannot
be performed due to the fault of the debtor, the creditor cannot hold
the debtor liable for damages. This is so because the debtor can still
comply with his obligation.
Idem; If right of choice belongs to creditor. — If the right
of choice belongs to the creditor and the loss or impossibility is due to
a fortuitous event, then the provisions of Arts. 1174, 1262 and 1266,
which are reiterated in No. 1 of the second paragraph of Art. 1205,
are applicable. The debtor cannot be held liable. Consequently, what
had been stated in the preceding section can also be applied here.
But if the loss or impossibility is due to the fault of the debtor,
then the provisions of Nos. 2 and 3 of the second paragraph of Art.
1205 are applicable. Consequently, if all of the things are lost or all
of the prestations cannot be performed due to the fault of the debtor,
the creditor may claim the price or value of any one of them with
indemnity for damages. However, if one or some, but not all, of the
things are lost, or one or some, but not all, of the prestations cannot
be performed due to the fault of the debtor, the creditor may claim
any of those subsisting without any liability on the part of the debtor
for damages or the price or value of that, which through the fault of
the former, was lost or could not be performed, with indemnity, for
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render him liable. But once the substitution has been made,
the obligor is liable for the loss of the substitute on account
of his delay, negligence or fraud. 164
Nature of Facultative Obligations. — According to the
above article, a facultative obligation is defined as an obligation
wherein only one object or prestation has been agreed upon by the
parties to the obligation, but which may be complied with by the
delivery of another object or the performance of another prestation
in substitution. It is evident that the characteristic feature of this
type of obligation is that only one object or prestation is due, but if
the obligor
he can stillfails to deliver
comply such
with his object orby
obligation todelivering
perform such prestation,
another object
or performing another prestation in substitution. Thus, where the
debtor executed a promissory note promising to pay his indebtedness
to the creditor at a speci fied date and in case of failure to do so, he
shall execute a deed of mortgage over a certain property belonging
to him in favor of the creditor, it was held that the obligation is
facultative.165 Consequently, the provisions of Art. 1206 of the Civil
Code may be applied.
New provision.
Quizana vs. Redugerio, 50 Off. Gaz. 2444.
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Art. 1206, par. 2, Civil Code.
3 Capistrano, Civil Code, 1950, Ed., p. 135.
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Once the substitution has been made, however, the debtor shall
be liable for the loss or deterioration of the substitute on account of
his delay, negligence or fraud.168 This rule is logical because once
the substitution is made, the obligation is converted into a simple
one with the substituted thing or prestation as the object of the
creditors or of two
the obligation mayorbe
more debtors
either joint in(obligación
one and the same obligation,
mancomunada) or
solidary (obligación solidaria). A joint obligation may be defined as
an obligation where there is a concurrence of several creditors, or
of several debtors, or of several creditors and debtors, by virtue of
which each of the creditors has a right to demand, and each of the
debtors is bound to render, compliance with his proportionate part of
the prestation which constitutes the object of the obligation. In other
words, each of the creditors is entitled to demand the payment of only
the paymentpart of the
of only credit, while each
a proportionate of the
part of the debt.
debtors is liable
A solidary
obligation, on the other hand, may be defined as an obligation where
there is a concurrence of several creditors, or of several debtors, or
of several creditors and several debtors, by virtue of which each of
the creditors has a right to demand, and each of the debtors is bound
to render, entire compliance with the prestation which constitutes
the object of the obligation. In other words, each of the creditors is
entitled to demand the payment of the entire credit, while each of
Art. 1206, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1207, Civil Code; 3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 65-66.
38 Phil. 707.
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in Spanish
question law dateswith
is expressed from an earlyand
simplicity period; and in
precision the rule in
a passage
transcribed into the Novisima Recopilación follows:
“If two persons bind themselves by contract, simply and
not otherwise, to do or accomplish something, it is thereby to be
understood that each is bound for one-half, unless it is specified
in the contract that each is bound in solidum, or it is agreed
among themselves that they shall be bound in some other
manner, and this notwithstanding any customary law to the
contrary. x x x’ (Law X, Title I, Book X, Novisima Recopilación,
copied from law promulgated at Madrid in 1488 by Henry IV).
“The foregoing exposition of the conflict between the
juridical conception of liability incident to the multiple
obligation, as embodied respectively in the common law system
and the Spanish Civil Code, prepares us for a few words of
comment upon the problem of translating the terms which
we have been considering from English into Spanish or from
Spanish to English.
“The Spanish expression to be chosen as the equivalent
of the English word “joint” or “jointly’’ must, of course, depend
upon the idea to be conveyed; and it must be remembered
that the matter to be translated may be an enunciation either
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Art. 1137, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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casesIdem; Exceptions.
or instances — There obligations
where collective are, however,
arethree exceptional
solidary and not
joint. They are: first, when the obligation expressly states that there
is solidarity; second, when the law requires solidarity; and third,
when the nature of the obligation requires solidarity.175 In all of
these cases, each creditor is entitled to demand for the payment
of the entire credit, while each debtor can be compelled to pay for
the entire debt. Thus, if A, B, and C are solidarily bound to pay an
indebtedness of P9,000 to X, Y, and Z, anyone of the creditors can
Pimentel vs. Gutierrez, 14 Phil. 49; White vs. Enriquez, 15 Phil. 113; Agoncillo
vs. Javier, 38 Phil. 424; Ramos vs. Gibbon, 67 Phil. 371; Inciong, Jr. vs. Court of Ap-
peals, June 26, 1996, 257 SCRA 580.
Art. 1297, Civil Code.
Art. 1208, Civil Code.
Art. 1207, Civil Code.
Art. 1216, Civil Code.
Gonzales vs. La Previsora Filipina, 74 Phil. 165.
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ever, necessary that the agreement shall employ precisely the word
“solidary” in order that the obligation will be so; it is enough that
the agreement will say, for example, that each one of them can be
obligated for the aggregate value of the obligation. 178 Thus, where
the debtors agreed to pay the obligation “jointly and severally,” 179
or “individually and collectively”180 everyone of them can be held re-
sponsible for the payment of the entire obligation. Another example
is where the promissory note expressly states that the three signato-
ries therein are “jointly and severally liable.’’ Any one, some or all of
them may be proceeded against for the entire obligation. The choice
is left tocollection.
enforce the solidary creditor
(Inciong, Jr. to
vs.determine against June
Court of Appeals, whom26,he1996,
257 SCRA 580.)
Examples of the second exception are those provided for in
Arts. 927, 1824, 1911, 1915, 2146, 2157, and 2194 of the Civil Code.
Another example would be that provided for in Art. 110 of the Revised
Penal Code regarding the liability of principals, accomplices, and
accessories of a felony.
Ysmael & Co. vs. Salinas and Delgado, 73 Phil. 601.
Parot vs. Gemora, 7 Phil. 24.
Oriental Commercial Co. vs. La Fuente, CA, 38 Off. Gaz. 947.
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Worcester vs. Ocampo, 22 Phil. 42. To the same effect: Verzosa vs. Lim, 45
Phil. 416; Torebillas vs. Soques, CA, 46 Off. Gaz. 5618; Padilla vs. Hipomia, CA, G.R.
No. 4272-R, Feb. 17, 1951.
Art. 1138, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1207, Civil Code.
Art. 1208, Civil Code.
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but X (e)
a letter that
to A the obligation
demanding forwas about of
payment to the
debt, will this have the effect of interrupting the running of the
period of prescription? Why?
Answer — (a) The creditors cannot proceed against A alone
for the payment of the entire obligation. Since the promissory
note is silent with respect to the right of the creditors as well as
the liability of the debtors, the obligation is, therefore, presumed
Moller’s Ltd. vs. Sarile, 97 Phil. 985.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 425.
Agoncillo vs. Javier, 38 Phil. 424.
8 Manresa 182, cited in Agoncillo vs. Javier, 38 Phil. 424.
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Art. 1209, Civil Code.
Art. 1224, Civil Code.
Art. 1209, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 446-467.
4 Tolentino, Civil Code, 1956, pp. 213-214, citing De Buen and others.
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New provision.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 469.
Art. 1140, Spanish Code.
4 Sanchez Roman 50; Giorgi, Teoria de las Obligaciones, Vol. 1, p. 89.
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Giorgi, Teoria de las Obligaciones, Vol. 1, pp. 90, 115.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 431-432.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 73.
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by the creditor
obligation to one
without theofknowledge
the solidary
of the
thepayment of the
other solidary
debtors would not have the effect of releasing the latter from their
obligation,207 but in suretyship such an extension granted to the
principal debtor would release the surety from the obligation.208
While a guarantor may bind himself solidarily with the principal
debtor, the liability of a guarantor is different from that of a solidary
debtor. Thus, Tolentino explains guarantor is different from that of
a solidary debtor. Thus, Tolentino explains: “A guarantor who binds
himself in solidum with the principal debtor under the provisions
of the second paragraph does not become a solidary co-debtor to
all intents and purposes. There is a difference between a solidary
co-debtor and a fiador in solidum (surety). The latter, outside of
the liability he assumes to pay the debt before the property of the
principal debtor has been exhausted, retains all the other rights,
actions and benefits which pertain to him by reason of the fiansa;
while a solidary co-debtor has no other rights than those bestowed
Inchausti & Co. vs. Yulo, 34 Phil. 978.
Villa vs. Garcia Bosque, 49 Phil. 126; Stevenson vs. Climaco, CA 36 Off. Gaz.
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solidarity destroyed
or by different if the
periods. debtors in
A creditor aresuch
bound by different
cases, conditions
can still commence
an action against anyone of the debtors for compliance with the
entire obligation minus the portion or share which corresponds to
the debtor affected by the condition or period.210 Thus, if A, B, and C
borrowed P60,000 from X binding themselves jointly and severally
to pay the entire obligation, but in the promissory note executed
by them there is a stipulation that in the case of A, the obligation
shall become due and demandable on June 15, 1972; in the case of
B, it shall
case of C, become
it shall due and demandable
become on June 15,
due and demandable on1974;
June and
15, in the
and subsequently, immediately, after June 15, 1972, X brought an
action for collection of the entire obligation against A alone because
of the latter’s failure to pay despite repeated demands, will the
action prosper? Undoubtedly, the obligation here is solidary. This is
clear from the provision of Art. 1211 of the Civil Code. However, in
solidary obligations of this type, the right of the creditor is limited
to the recovery of the share owed by the debtor whose obligation has
already matured
to leaving
in debtors his right
suspensewhose to recover the not
corresponding the other obligations have yet
matured. This restriction does not destroy the solidary character
of the obligation, because, ultimately, he can still compel one and
the same debtor, if that is his wish, to pay the entire obligation.
Therefore, in the instant case, X can collect only P20,000 from A,
which is the latter’s share in the obligation. He shall have to wait for
June 15, 1974, when B’s obligation shall have matured, and for June
15, 1976, when C’s obligation shall have also matured. On June 15,
4 Sanchez Roman 50.
Inchausti & Co. vs. Yulo, 34 Phil. 978.
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was to mature
defense on June
of Francisco, 30, 1912.
Manuel This exception
and Carmen or that
Yulo ‘as to personal
of the debt for which they were responsible’ can be set up by
Gregorio Yulo as a partial defense to the action. The part of
the debt for which these three are responsible is three-sixths
of P225,000, or P112,500, so that Gregorio Yulo may claim
that, even acknowledging that the debt for which he is liable
is P225,000, nevertheless not all of it can now be demanded of
him, for that of it which pertains to his co-debtors is not yet due,
a state of affairs which not only prevents any action against the
but also who were
against granted
the the termdebtors
other solidary which who
has not yetordered
being matured,
pay could not now sue for a contribution, and for this reason the
action will be only as to P112,500.
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condition orto
question as extension
whether of
may beon, he decides
recovered the
or only
that part unconditionally owing or which has already matured,
saying ‘Without failing to proceed with juridical rigor, but
without failing into extravagances or monstrosities, we believe
that the solution of the difficulty is perfectly possible. How? By
limiting the right of the creditor to the recovery of the amount
owed by the debtor bound unconditionally or as to whom the
obligation has matured, and leaving in suspense the right to
demand the payment of the remainder until the expiration
of the term or the fulfillment of the condition. But what then
is the effect of solidarity? How can this restriction of right be
reconciled with the duty imposed upon each one of the debtors to
answer for the whole obligation? Simply this, by recognizing in
the creditor the power, upon the performance of the condition or
the expiration of the term, of claiming from any one or all of the
debtors that part of the obligation affected by those conditions.
(Scaevola, Civil Code, 19, 800 and 801)
“It has been said also by the trial judge in his decision that
if a judgment be entered against Gregorio Yulo for the whole
debt of P253,445.42 he cannot recover from Francisco, Manuel
and Carmen Yulo that part of the amount which is owed by
them because they are obliged to pay only P225,000 and this
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of mutualcreditor shall be valid
representation whichand binding
exists because
among of the principle
the creditors; howev-
er, as far as the solidary creditors are concerned, the creditor who
performed the act shall incur the obligation of indemnifying the oth-
ers for damages.215 There is, therefore, no incompatibility between
the rule regarding prejudicial acts stated in Art. 1212 and the rule
regarding novation, compensation, confusion or remission stated in
Art. 1215. The first refers to the effect of prejudicial acts upon the
relationship of the creditors among themselves; the second refers
to thethe
effect upon
or the
It isdifferent
relationship of the creditors
with debtor debtors. clear that the Code sanctions the ef-
ficacy of prejudicial acts such as novation, compensation, confusion
or remission as far as the debtor or debtors are concerned, but not
as far as the other solidary creditors are concerned.216 Consequently,
according to Art. 1215, the novation, compensation, confusion or re-
Art. 1141, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1212, Civil Code.
rts. 1214, 1216, Civil Code.
Art. 1215, par. 2, Civil Code.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 72.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 432-433.
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there can of
be the precept stated
no invasion in Art. 1213,
of the personal or conbecause in such case
fidential relationship
existing among the solidary creditors. However, if the assignment
is made to a third person, there would be a clear violation of the
precept, in which case the other solidary creditors, as well as the
debtor or debtors, are not bound to recognize the validity or the
efficacy of the assignment. This is, of course, without prejudice to
the liability of the creditor-assignor to the other solidary creditors
for damages which may have been incurred by them as a result of
Art. 1214. The debtor may pay any one of the solidary
creditors; but if any demand, judicial or extrajudicial, has
been made by one of them, payment should be made to him.218
Effect of Demand by a Creditor. — Any solidary creditor
may demand the payment or performance of the obligation from one,
some or all of the debtors. This is, of course, a logical consequence
New provision.
Art. 1142, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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of the rule stated in Art. 1212 that each creditor may do what is
beneficial to the others. Such a demand may be either judicial or
extrajudicial. In such case, payment shall be made only to the
creditor who made the demand and to no other. However, in the
absence of any judicial or extrajudicial demand, payment may be
made by the debtor to anyone of the solidary creditors.219
In case of mixed solidarity, a judicial or extrajudicial demand
would prohibit the debtor upon whom the demand is made from
making a payment to any creditor other than to the one who made
the demand. This prohibition, however, does not extend to the other
debtors upon whom no demand has been made and so each of such
debtors can still validly tender payment to a creditor other than to
the creditor who made the demand.220
Art. 1214, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 437.
Art. 1143, Spanish Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 751.
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Ibid., pp. 444-445.
Art. 1222, Civil Code; Inchausti & Co. vs. Yulo, 34 Phil. 978.
Art. 2079, Civil Code; Asiatic Petroleum Co. vs. Hizon, 45 Phil. 532; National
Bank vs. Veraguth, 50 Phil. 253.
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or compensation
resolved shall
by applying berules
the applied. In suchincase,
established this the
Codequestion is
application of payment. This is, of course, without prejudice to the
right of the other creditors who have not caused the confusion or
compensation to be reimbursed to the extent that their rights are
diminished or affected. If the confusion or compensation is total, the
obligation is extinguished altogether and what is left is the ensuing
liability for reimbursement within each group, the creditor causing
the confusion or compensation being obliged to reimburse the other
obligation and theobliged
being debtorstobene fited by the extinguishment of the
reimburse the debtor who made the
confusion or compensation possible.
Effect of Remission. — Remission is an act of pure liberality
by virtue of which the creditor, without having received any
compensation or equivalent, renounces his right to enforce the
obligation, thereby extinguishing the same either in its entirety or
in the part or aspect thereof to which the remission refers. 230 The
remission or condonation referred to in Art. 1215 may be total or
partial, effected by one, some, but not all, of the solidary creditors
in favor of one, some or all of the debtors. Whether total or partial,
the obligation is extinguished in its entirety or in that part or aspect
thereof to which the remission refers, giving rise to a liability on
the part of the creditor or creditors responsible for the remission to
reimburse the others for the share in the obligation corresponding to
Villa vs. Garcia Bosque, 49 Phil. 126.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 713.
4 Sanchez Roman 421.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 443-444.
Ibid., p. 673.
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released from
co-debtors. the creditoriforone
Consequently, creditors, but he
of the latter is still bound
subsequently to the
pays his
balance of the obligation which is not condoned and he proceeds
against the others for reimbursement of their respective shares in
the obligation, but one of them is insolvent, the debtor for whose
benefit the remission had been effected, shall still have to share in
the portion which corresponds to the insolvent.
(3) If the remission is for the benefit of one of the debtors and
it covers only a part of his share in the obligation, his character as a
solidary debtor is not affected; it continues both with respect to the
creditor or creditors and with respect to the other debtors.
Whether the remission covers the entire share of a solidary
debtor in the obligation or only a part thereof, if the creditor or
creditors proceed against any one of the other solidary debtors for
the payment of the entire obligation, such debtor can always avail
himself of the defense of partial remission.233
Ibid., pp. 440-443.
Art. 1222, Civil Code; Inchausti & Co. vs. Yulo, 34 Phil. 978.
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extinguished, although
his part to render there arises
an account a consequentUnder
to his co-creditors. obligation on
the law,
he can be held liable to the others for the share in the obligation
corresponding to them.236
Art. 1219, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 442-443.
Art. 1215, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1444, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1216, Civil Code.
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in against the principal.
the absence of statutePerforce, in accordance
or agreement with
otherwise, the rule
a surety is
primarily liable, and with the rule that his proper remedy is to pay
the debt and pursue the principal for reimbursement, the surety
cannot at law, unless permitted by statute and in the absence of
any agreement limiting the application of the security, require the
creditor or obligee, before proceeding against the surety, to resort to
and exhaust his remedies against the principal, particularly where
both principal and surety and equally bound. (Palmares vs. Court of
La Yebana vs. Valenzuela, 67 Phil. 482.
Phil. Nat. Bank vs. Confesor, CA, 37 Off. Gaz. 3295.
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obligee’s action or suit filed before the court, which is not then acting
as a probate court.
As provided in the case of Stronghold Insurance Company
Inc vs. Republic-Asahi Glass Corporation, whatever monetary
liabilities or obligations the deceased Jose Santos (the proprietor
of JDS Construction which executed a performance bond jointly
and severally with petitioner-surety) had under his contracts
with respondent Republic-Asahi were not intransmissible by their
nature, by stipulation or by provision of law. Hence,death did not
result in the extinguishment of those obligations or liabilities, which
merely passed on to the estate of Santos. Death is not a defense that
he or his estate can set up to wipe out the obligations under the
performance bond. Consequently, the petitioner as surety cannot use
his death to escape its monetary obligation under its performance
bond. As a surety, petitioner is solidarily liable with Santos in
accordance with Art. 2017, in relation to Art. 1216 of the New Civil
Code. The surety’s obligation is not an original and direct one for the
performance of his own act, but merely accessory or collateral to the
obligation contracted by the principal. Nevertheless, although the
contract of a surety is in essence secondary only to a valid principal
obligation, his liability to the creditor or promisee of the principal is
said to be direct, primary and absolute; In other words, he is directly
and equally bound with the principal.
The death of the principal debtor will not work to convert,
decrease or nullify the substantive right of the solidary creditor.
Despite the death of the principal debtor, respondent may still
sue petitioner alone, in accordance with the solidary nature of the
latter’s liabilityrespondent
jurisprudence, under the performance bond. Under
may sue, separately the law and
or together, the
principal debtor and the petitioner , in view of the solidary nature
of their liability (Stronghold Insurance Company Inc. vs. Republic-
Asahi Glass Corporation, supra).
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Art. 1145, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
New provision.
Art. 1217, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1218, Civil Code.
Art. 1217, par. 2, Civil Code.
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had executrix
the effect was permitted
of changing thetocause
substitute theentirely,
of action originalsince
original action was founded upon a debt supposedly owing to the
bank from the seven defendants, whereas after the instant debt
was paid, the only right of action vested in the executrix was the
right to obtain contribution. It must be remembered, however,
that if the original action had proceeded to its end against all of
the defendants, the court, in giving judgment, would have taken
account of the obligation of each to contribute his proportionate
share to the payment of the judgment, and what has been finally
done, as the case shaped itself here, is to give effect to the same
Wilson vs. Berkenkotter, 49 Off. Gaz. 1410.
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Art. 1146, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
New provision.
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Art. 1147, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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of that B was and
the contract onlythat
a minor at was
such fact the known
time oftothe
and (2) that X had granted an extension of two years to C within
which to pay.
(1) Can A avail himself of these defenses?
(2) Granting that A can avail himself of these defenses,
what would be the effect upon his liability, assuming that he can
establish both defenses by competent evidence? Reasons.
Answer — (a) A can avail himself of these defenses. Under
Art. 1222 of the Civil Code, there are three kinds of defenses
which are available to a solidary debtor if the creditor proceeds
against him alone for payment of the entire obligation. They
are: first, defenses derived from the nature of the obligation;
second, defenses personal to him or pertaining to his share; and
third, defenses personal to the others, but only as regards that
part of the debt for which the latter are responsible. It is evident
that both defenses interposed by A fall within the purview of the
Braganza vs. Villa Abrille, 105 Phil. 456.
Inchausti & Co. vs. Yulo, 34 Phil. 978; Narvaez vs. De Leon, CA, 47 Off. Gaz.
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3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 92.
Art. 1225, Civil Code.
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into parts, its essence is not changed or its value is not decreased
disproportionately, because each of the parts into which it is divided
are homogenous and analogous to each other as well as to the thing
itself. Hence, it is an essential condition, in order that a thing shall
be considered divisible, that it must be possible to reconstruct the
thing itself into its condition prior to the division by uniting the dif-
ferent parts into which it had been divided. There are three kinds of
division. They are quantitative, qualitative and ideal or intellectual.
The division is quantitative when the thing can be materially di-
vided into parts and such parts are homogenous to each other, such
as when the parts are actually separated from each other as in the
case of movables, or when the limits of the parts are fixed by metes
and bounds as in the case of immovables. The division is qualita-
tive when the thing can be materially divided, but the parts are not
exactly homogenous, such as in the partition of an inheritance. The
division is ideal or intellectual when the thing can only be separated
into ideal or undivided parts, not material parts, as in the case of
4 Sanchez Roman 93-94.
Art. 1149, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1150, Spanish Civil Code.
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if it same time
is joint anddivisible, the provision
at the same of Art. 1208
time indivisible, is applicable;
the provisions and
of Arts.
1209 and 1224 are applicable.
Idem; Breach of joint indivisible obligations. — In
joint indivisible obligations, such as the delivery of a horse or an
automobile, the obligation can be enforced only by proceeding against
all of the debtors.264 If anyone of the debtors should fail or refuse
to comply with the obligation, it is converted into one of indemnity
for damages.265 However, the debtors who may have been ready to
comply with what is incumbent upon them shall not contribute to
the indemnity beyond the corresponding portion of the price of the
thing or of the value of the service in which the obligation consists.
The debtor who failed or refused to comply with his obligation shall
bear the burden of paying all of the damages suffered by the creditor
or creditors as a result of the nonfulfillment of the obligation. If the
other debtors also suffered damages as a result of the transformation
of the obligation into one of indemnity, they may also recover such
damages from the debtor who was at fault.266
Art. 1248, Civil Code.
Ibid., 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 363-365.
See Art. 1209, Civil Code.
Art. 1224, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 469; 3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 92.
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at has beentimes
several held is
that an obligation
divisible. to is
This rule give
to do several things
in character,
because by express provision of the Code “even though the object
may be physically divisible, the obligation is considered indivisible
if it is so provided by the law or it is so intended by the parties.” 271
With respect to the second exception, the intention of the parties
that the obligation is indivisible in character may be either express
or implied. In the latter case, it may be inferred or presumed
either: (1) from the fact that, although the object of the obligation
can be separated
complement of theinto parts,
other yetoreach
parts; part constitutes
(2) from a necessary
the very purpose of the
obligation itself which requires the delivery of all the parts.
Idem; In obligations to do. — In obligations to do, if the
obligation is to perform some prestation or service which by its very
nature is not susceptible of partial performance, it shall be deemed
indivisible.273 This rule is absolute in character. If the obligation
is to perform some prestation or service which by its very nature
is susceptible of partial performance, the general rule is that it is
divisible. Certain qualifications, however, must be made.
In the first place, in order to determine whether an obligation
to do is divisible or indivisible, the object or purpose of the obliga-
tion must always be considered. This is evident from the provision
of the second paragraph of Art. 1225. According to this provision —
the obligation shall be considered divisible when it has for its object:
(1) the execution of a certain number of days of work; or (2) the
Art. 1225, par. 1, Civil Code.
Art. 1225, par. 3, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 472-473.
Art. 1225, par. 1, Civil Code.
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susceptible of partial
presumed intention of performance.
the parties to However, if itthat
the contract is the
the express or
is indivisible, all of the apartment buildings must be constructed in
order that the obligation can be considered as performed.
Idem; In obligations not to do. — With respect to obligations
not to do, whether it is divisible or indivisible shall depend upon the
character of the prestation in each particular case.275 Therefore, the
determination of the character of the obligation will depend upon
the sound discretion of the court.
Art. 1225, par. 3, Civil Code.
Art. 1225, par. 4, Civil Code.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 97; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 477-478.
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payableisinthe exception.
several Thus, ifagree
installments the parties to a contract
that should of sale
the vendee fail
to pay the amount corresponding to each installment in due time,
the vendor may rescind the contract and at the same time keep the
amount already paid, it is clear that such an agreement has for its
purpose not only to insure the performance of the obligation, but
also to measure beforehand the damages which would result from
noncompliance. At any rate the penal clause does away with the
duty to prove the existence and measure of the damages caused by
the breach.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 480-481.
Manila Racing Club vs. Manila Jockey Club, 69 Phil. 55. For other cases il-
lustrating the general rule — see Palacios vs. Mun. of Cavite, 12 Phil. 140; Navarro
vs. Mallari, 45 Phil. 242; Araneta vs. Paterno, 49 Off. Gaz. 45.
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the obligation.
contrary, second, They
when are: first, when
the obligor there
is sued for is a stipulation
refusal to
to pay the
agreed penalty; and third, when the obligor is guilty of fraud. In
all of these cases, it is evident that the purpose of the penalty is to
punish the obligor. Consequently, the obligee can recover from him
not only the penalty, but also the damages or interests resulting
from the breach of the principal obligation.282
Art. 1226, par. 1, Civil Code.
Bachrach Motor Co. vs. Espiritu, 52 Phil. 346; Government vs. Lim, 61 Phil.
737; Luneta Motor Co. vs. Moral 73 Phil. 80; Cabarroguis vs. Vicente, 107 Phil. 340;
De Venecia vs. del Rosario, 18 SCRA 792.
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Yu Tek & Co. vs. Gonzales, 29 Phil. 384; Ibarra vs. Aveyro, 37 Phil. 273;
Bachrach vs. Golingco, 39 Phil. 138; Manila Racing Club vs. Manila Jockey Club, 69
Phil. 55.
Reyes vs. Formoso, CA, 46 Off. Gaz. 5621.
Art. 1153, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1227, Civil Code.
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only toofthe
Actual Damages.
general — The
rule stated above
in Art. provision
1226 and not is to
exceptions. Consequently, if the penalty is fixed by the contracting
parties for the purpose of compensating or substituting the indem-
nity for damages and the payment of interests, proof of actual dam-
ages suffered by the obligee or creditor is not necessary in order that
the penalty may be demanded. Hence, in this sense, the penalty is
exactly identical with what is known as “liquidated damages’’ under
Art. 2226 of the Civil Code. However, if there is stipulation to the
contrary, or if the
or obligor
or debtor is suedisfor refusal to paythen
agreed penalty, if the obligor or debtor guilty of fraud,
the obligee or creditor can demand not only the satisfaction of the
agreed penalty, but even damages. In such case, in order to be able
to recover such damages in addition to the penalty, he must prove
the amount of damages which he had actually suffered.
Art. 1226, 2nd sentence, Civil Code.
New provision.
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To the same effect: Palacios vs. Mun. of Cavite, 12 Phil. 140; Manila Racing
Club vs. Manila Jockey Club, 69 Phil. 55. See Arts. 2226, et seq., for “liquidated dam-
Art. 1154, Spanish Civil Code, in amended form.
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Manila Trading Co. vs. Tamarao Plantation Co., 47 Phil. 513; Tan Tua Sia vs.
Yu Biao, 56 Phil. 707; Turner vs. Casabar, 65 Phil. 490.
Bachrach vs. Golingco, 39 Phil. 138.
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Art. 1230. The nullity of the penal clause does not carry
with it that of the principal obligation.
Art. 1155, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1230, Civil Code.
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1236 of in
Newcase is whether
Civil Code is the provision
applicable or of what
not. Theis Supreme
now Art.
Court held:
“Del Rosario was not a debtor. He was under no obligation
to repurchase the land from Martin. He had a right to do so but
whether he exercised this right or not depended upon his own
volition. Article 1158 (now Art. 1236) is not for these reasons
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There are, however, two exceptions to the rule that the creditor is
not bound to accept payment or performance by a third person. They
(1) When it is made by a third person who has an interest in
the fulfillment of the obligation,19 such as a joint debtor, guarantor
or surety. Thus, where payment is made by a joint debtor in excess
of what he should pay for the benefit of his co-debtor, such payment
cannot be considered as a payment unduly made under Art. 2154
of the Civil Code, but as one made by a person interested in the
fulfillment of the obligation in accordance with the provision of Art.
Art. 1236, par. 1, Civil Code.
Monte de Piedad vs. Rodrigo, 63 Phil. 312.
Art. 1236, par. 1, Civil Code.
Art. 1236, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1302, No. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1236, par. 2, Civil Code.
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Art. 1237, Civil Code.
Arts. 1302, No. 2, 1303, 1304, Civil Code.
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Art. 1236, par. 1, Civil Code.
Arts. 1302, No. 2, 1303, Civil Code.
Art. 1236, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1237, Civil Code.
Art. 2154, Civil Code.
Art. 1238, Civil Code.
Arts. 734, 745, Civil Code.
Art. 1238, Civil Code.
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to pay the
because heobligation
is aware and thepayor’s
of the creditorincapacity,
refuses to accept the payment
the obligation still
subsists. Such creditor cannot be compelled to accept the payment;
as a result, consignation of the thing due is not possible.
made,To Whom
as a generalPayment
rule, to (1)Must Be Made.
the person —favor
in whose Payment shall be
the obligation
has been constituted, or (2) his successor in interest, or (3) any
person authorized to receive it. Under the old Code, the second was
not included in the enumeration; in spite of the omission, however,
the first, according to Manresa, includes not only the person who
was the creditor at the time of the constitution of the obligation, but
also the person who is the creditor at the time of payment. This is
Art. 1160, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1239, Civil Code.
Art. 1162, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk 1, p. 536; Tuazon and San Pedro vs. Zamora & Sons,
2 Phil. 305.
Haw Pia vs. China Banking Corp., 80 Phil. 604.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 537.
80 Phil. 604.
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his childrenofby
knowledge a prior
the marriage,
assignment, paidand
thesubsequently, the debtor,
debt to the decedent’s with
wife, it was held that such payment is void on the ground that it was
made to a person not authorized to receive the payment.50 The same
conclusion can also be applied to the act of the vendee in depositing
the balance of the purchase price at the Philippine National Bank in
To the same effect: Everett Steamship Corp. vs. Bank of P.I., 47 Off. Gaz. 165;
Hodges vs. Gay, 48 Off. Gaz. 136; Winship vs. Phil. Trust Co., 90 Phil. 744; Bay Boul-
evard vs. Sycip, 92 Phil. 508.
Keleer Electric Co. vs. Rodriguez, 44 Phil. 19.
Ormachea vs. Triliana, 13 Phil. 194.
Crisol vs. Claveron, CA, 3 Off. Gaz. 3734.
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the name of the vendor when he could not locate the latter because
of the conditions then existing in January, 1945, when the payment
became due.51 Although the payment is not valid because it is not
made to a person authorized to receive it in accordance with the
provision of Art. 1240 of the Code, nevertheless it is clear that the
vendee had acted in good faith; he cannot, therefore, be said to
have incurred in delay; consequently, the vendor cannot ask for the
rescission of the contract.52
Idem; id. — Exceptions. — There are, however, two excep-
tions to the rule that payment made to a person other than those
enumerated in Art.
to a third person, 1240 isthat
provided not it
valid. They are: fito
has redounded rst, payment
the made
benefit of the
creditor, and second, payment made to the possessor of the credit,
(3) If by the creditor’s conduct, the debtor has been led
to believe that the third person had authority to receive the
Payment to Incapacitated Persons. — According to the
above article, if payment is made to a person who is incapacitated
Art. 1241, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1242, Civil Code.
Art. 1163, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 540.
Art. 1241, par. 2, Civil Code.
Panganiban vs. Cuevas, 7 Phil. 477.
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It must be noted that the rule stated in the article under
discussion is another exception to the general rule stated in Art.
1240 and that it is applicable only to obligations to give.
Art. 1164, Spanish Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 545-546.
Art. 1165, Spanish Civil Code.
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Sec. 8, Rule 57, New Rules of Court.
Art. 1166, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
New provision.
Art. 1167, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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Art. 1245, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 610.
Ibid., pp. 610-611.
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count expenses required
of the debtor. Withby the payment
regard shall
to judicial be for
costs, thethe ac-
of Court shall govern.71
Expenses of Payment. — To the rules specified in the above
article we must add the supplementary rule stated in the fourth
paragraph of Art. 1251 that if the debtor changes his domicile in
bad faith or after he has incurred in delay, the additional expenses
shall be borne by him.
Ibid., pp. 552-553.
Art. 1168, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1169, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Arts. 1244, 1245, 1246, 1249, Civil Code.
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thegeneral rule.expressly
obligation There are three exceptions.
stipulates Theysecond,
the contrary; are: first, when
when the
different prestations which constitute the objects of the obligation
are subject to different terms and conditions; and third, when the
obligation is in part liquidated and in part unliquidated. 77
Arts. 1233, 1234, 1235, Civil Code.
Art. 1248, Civil Code.
Arts. 1207, et seq., Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 563-564.
Art. 1170, Spanish Civil Code.
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which the payment shall be made, the payment shall still be made
in legal tender of the Philippines.
Thus, the Supreme Court in the case of Zagala vs. Jimenez, it
held that “a judgment awarding an amount in U.S. dollar may be
paid with its equivalent amount in local currency in the conversion
rate prevailing at the time of payment. If the parties cannot agree
on the same, the trial court should determine such conversion rate.
Needless to say, the judgment debtor may simply satisfy said award
by paying in full the amount in U.S. dollars. Therefore, when the
petitioners, in this case, filed their motion to fix the peso value
of the judgment
granted in the
to them by dollars, they
present only intended
jurisprudence — to exercise
that a court
the trial right
shall determine or fix the conversion rate prevailing at the time of
Idem; Effect of Rep. Act Nos. 529 and 4100. — However, in
order to assure the stability of the Philippine currency the Congress
passed a law entitled “An Act To Assure the Uniform Value of
Philippine Coins and Currency” (Rep. Act No. 529) which took effect
on June 16, 1949. Under this Act, the rule in the Civil Code that
payment of debts in money shall be made in the currency stipulated
was completely abrogated. Thus, Sec. 1 of this Act provides:
See Eastboard Navigation Co. vs. Ysmael Co., 102 Phil. 1; Arrieta vs. Nat. Rice
and Corn Corp., 10 SCRA 79.
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until the purchase price has been paid by “B,” the end result
will still be the same. Since, evidently, the purpose is to secure
performance by the buyer of his obligation to pay the purchase
price, by express mandate of the law, the fortuitous loss of the
car shall be assumed by “B.’’
(Note: The above answer is based on Art. 1504 of the Civil
Question No. 2 — May seller “S’’ demand payment in U.S.
dollar? Why? (1981 Bar Problem)
Answer — The seller “S’’ cannot demand payment in U.S.
be madeAccording to the
in currency law,than
other an agreement that
Philippine payment
currency is shall
because it is contrary to public policy. That does not mean,
however, that “S” cannot demand payment from “B.” He can
demand payment, but not in American dollars. Otherwise,
there would be unjust enrichment at the expense of another.
Payment, therefore, should be made in Philippine currency.
(Note: The above answer is based on R.A. No. 529 and on
Ponce vs. Court of Appeals, 90 SCRA 533.)
Sec. 54, Rep. Act No. 265; Sec. 1, Rep. Act No. 529.
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and set the auction sale thereof on January 15, 1975. However,
prior to January 15, 1975, petitioner deposited with the Clerk of
Court, Court of First Instance, Zamboanga City, in his capacity
as Ex-Officio Sheriff of Zamboanga City, the sum of P63,130.00
for the payment of the judgment obligation, consisting of the
1. P50,000.00 in Cashier’s Check No. S-314361 dated
January 3, 1975 of the Equitable Banking Corporation; and
2. P13,130.00 in cash.
In a letter dated January 14, 1975, to the Ex-Officio
Sheriff, private respondent through counsel, refused to accept
the check as well as the cash deposit. In the same letter, private
respondent requested the scheduled auction sale on January
15, 1975 to proceed if the petitioner cannot produce the cash.
However, the scheduled auction sale at 10:00 a.m. on January
15, 1975 was postponed to 3:00 o‘clock p.m. of the same day
due to further attempts to settle the case. Again, the scheduled
auction sale that afternoon did not push through because of a
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“Art. 1248.
that effect, Unless cannot
the creditor there isbe
express stipulation to
partially to
receive the presentations in which the obligation consists.
Neither may the debtor be required to make partial
However, when the debt is in part liquidated and
in part unliquidated, the creditor may demand and the
debtor may effect the payment of the former without
waiting for the liquidation of the latter.”
It is by
deposited to be
petitioner in
in this
the connection
amount of that the check
P50,000.00 is
not an ordinary check but a Cashier’s Check of the Equitable
Banking Corporation, a bank of good standing and reputation.
As testified to by the Ex-Officio Sheriff with whom it has been
deposited, it is a certified crossed check. It is a well-known
and accepted practice in the business sector that a Cashier’s
Check is deemed as cash. Moreover, since the said check had
been certified by the drawee bank by the certification, the funds
represented by the check are transferred from the credit of the
maker to that
purposes, of thebecomes
the latter payee or
theholder, andoffor
depositor thealldrawee
with rights and duties of one in such situation. Where a check
is certified by the bank on which it is drawn, the certi fication
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The temporary restraining order issued is hereby made
Costs against the private respondent.
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credit of the Provincial Treasurer, it was held that the effect of these
facts, in contemplation of law, was the same as if the aforementioned
amount had been deposited in cash with the Clerk of Court, for said
sum thereby became available to him in cash. 95
(2) When it had been impaired through the fault of the
creditor. This is applicable only to a paper or document executed
by a third person and delivered by the debtor to the creditor. 96
Thus, where a bill of exchange was delivered to the plaintiff by
the defendant, and subsequently, upon maturity it was dishonored
by the drawee because the signature thereto was a forgery, the
negligence of the plaintiff in not protesting the nonpayment resulted
in the impairment of the value of the bill of exchange because of the
loss of the right to proceed against other parties who might be held
liable; consequently, the defendant can no longer be held liable. 97
Golez vs. Camara, 101 Phil. 363.
Compania General vs. Molina, 5 Phil. 142.
Quiros vs. Tan Guinlay, 5 Phil. 675.
New provision.
3 Capistrano, Civil Code, 1950 Ed., p. 189; Report of the Code Commission,
pp. 132-133.
Art. 1250, Civil Code.
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1941 1944
December P1.00 January P4.00
1942 P1.00 February 5.00
1943 March 6.00
January 1.05 April 9.00
February 1.10 May 12.00
March 1.15 June 15.00
April 1.20 July 20.00
May 1.25 August 25.00
June 1.30 September 30.00
July 1.40 October 40.00
August 1.50 November 60.00
September 1.60 December 90.00
October 1.70 1945
November 1.80 January 120.00
December 2.50 February None
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(Sec. 91-A, Insurance Law.) Here, the policy matured upon the
death of the insured in 1944, and the obligation of the insurer
to pay arose as of that date. The sixty-day period fixed by law
within which to pay is merely procedural in nature. It is the
happening of the suspensive condition of death that matures
a life insurance policy and not the filing of the proof of death.
Since the insured died during the Japanese occupation, the
proceeds of his policy should, therefore, be adjusted accordingly,
for ‘the rule is already settled that where the debtor could have
paid his obligation at any time during the Japanese occupation,
payment after liberation must be adjusted in accordance with
the Ballantyne Schedule.’ ’’
In any
domicile other
of the case, the place of payment shall be the
If the debtor changes his domicile in bad faith or after
he has incurred in delay, the additional expenses shall be
borne by him.
These provisions are without prejudice to venue under
the Rules of Court.106
Art. 1171, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1251, Civil Code.
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Art. 1172, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Under the Civil Code, there are actually four special forms of payment. They
are: (1) application of payment (Arts. 1252-1254); (2) dation in payment (Art. 1245);
(3) payment by cession (Art. 1255); and (4) tender of payment and consignation (Arts.
1256-1261). Strictly speaking, however, application of payment, by its very nature, is
not a special form of payment.
8 Manresa, 6th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 598.
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the solidary debtor who paid may have obligations other than the
solidary obligation in favor of the creditor to whom payment is made.
Neither does the requirement that there must be only one creditor
militate against extending the rules on application of payment to a
case in which a person is indebted at the same time in separate and
demandable sums to a partnership and to the managing partner of
the partnership. As a matter of fact, Art. 1792 provides:
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 598-599.
Art. 1252, par. 1, Civil Code.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 599-600.
Art. 1252, par. 2, Civil Code.
Garcia vs. Enriguez, 71 Phil. 423.
Bachrach vs. Golingco, 39 Phil. 912; Powell vs. Phil. National Bank, 54 Phil.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 600.
Art. 1173, Spanish Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 601.
Baltazar vs. Lingayen Gulf Elec. Power Co.; Rose vs. Lingayen Elec. Power
Co., Baltazar vs. Acena, 14 SCRA 522; Magdalena Estate, Inc. vs. Rodriguez, 18
SCRA 967.
Art. 1174, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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one of the debts has been demanded or if different places for payment
have been designated in the contract and payment has been made in
one of those places, it is evident that an application can be deduced
or inferred, in which case, the article is not applicable. 124
Idem; When debts are not of same burden. — When the
debts due are not of the same burden, the rule is that the debt
which is most onerous to the debtor shall be deemed to have been
satisfied.125 From judicial decisions and works of commentators, the
following rules may, therefore, be stated:
(1) Where there are various debts which are due and they
were incurred at different dates, the oldest are more onerous to the
debtor than the more recent ones.126
(2) Where one debt bears interest and the other does not,
even if the latter was incurred at an earlier date, the first is more
onerous to the debtor.127 As between two debts which bear interest,
the debt with a higher rate of interest is more onerous to the debtor.
(3) Where one debt is secured and the other is not, the first is
more onerous to the debtor.128 However, “where in a bond the debtor
and surety have bound themselves solidarily, but limiting the
liability of the surety to a lesser amount than that due the principal
debtor, any such payment as the latter may have made on account
of such obligation must be applied first to the unsecured portion of
the debt, for, as regards the principal debtor, the obligation is more
onerous as to the amount not secured.’’ 129
(4) Where the debtor is bound as principal in one obligation
and as guarantor or surety in another, the former is more onerous to
(5) When the debtor is bound as a solidary debtor in one
obligation and as the sole debtor in another, the former is more
onerous to him.
3 Capistrano, Civil Code, 1950 Ed., p. 193.
Art. 1254, par. 1, Civil Code.
Philippine National Bank vs. Veraguth, 50 Phil. 353.
Menzi & Co. vs. Quing Chuan, 69 Phil. 46.
Sanz vs. Lavin, 6 Phil. 299; Traders Insurance & Surety Co. vs. Dy Eng Giok,
104 Phil. 806.
Hongkong & Shanghai Bank vs. Aldanese, 48 Phil. 390.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 602-604; 4 Tolentino, Civil Code, 1956 Ed., pp.
Art. 1254; par. 2, Civil Code.
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similar result
Insolvency Law.may
135 be obtained by proceeding in accordance with the
Art. 1175, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 606.
Ibid., pp. 605-606.
Act No. 1956, as amended.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 611-612; 3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 257.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 255.
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Art. 1176, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1177, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1178, Spanish Civil Code.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 252.
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the principal act which will produce the effects of payment of the
obligation.142 Thus, according to the Supreme Court:
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 620.
Phil. National Bank vs. Relativo, 92 Phil. 203.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 620.
Ibid., pp. 628-630.
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(5) That after the consignation had been made, the persons
interested in the fulfillment of the obligation had been notified
Idem; First requisite. — Before consignation can produce
the effect of payment, it is essential that there must be a debt which
is due.151 Thus, where the plaintiff and defendant entered into a
contract whereby the latter was given the right to cancel the contract
upon payment of a certain sum, and subsequently, the latter tried
to avail himself of such right by making a formal tender of the
amount, it was held that it was not necessary for him to deposit the
amount with the
Consequently, theClerk of Court,
tender made bysince
thethere is no debt
defendant which
in good is due.
faith was
sufficient to cancel the contract.152
Art. 1258, par. 2, Civil Code.
Ponce de Leon vs. Syjuco, 90 Phil. 311.
Asturias Sugar Central vs. Pure Cane Molasses Co., 60 Phil. 255.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 620-621.
Phil. National Bank vs. Relativo, 92 Phil. 203.
Sy vs. Eufemio, 104 Phil. 1056.
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the tender
should be, ofunconditional.
the check for Consequently,
payment of theits
debt was not, as in
consignation it
court does not render it legal, valid and effective. Whether
the appellee under the terms of the compromise agreement is
bound to file such motion, and whether the waiver of whatever
action the parties might have against each other is lawful and
enforceable, are questions to be determined in the case for legal
separation and for that reason they cannot be taken up in this
appeal because the trial court has not passed upon them.”
For application of these exceptions — see Panganiban vs. Cuevas, 7 Phil. 477;
Banahaw vs. Dejarme, 55 Phil. 338; Salvante vs. Ubi Cruz, 88 Phil. 236.
Art. 1256, par. 2, Civil Code.
Phil. Nat. Bank vs. Relativo, 92 Phil. 203.
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form. Good faith of the debtor should in simple justice excuse him
from paying interest after the offer was rejected. 161
Idem; Third requisite. — It is also essential in order that the
consignation shall be effective that previous notice thereof had been
given to the persons interested in the fulfillment of the obligation.162
This requirement is separate and distinct from tender of payment
which precedes it. Tender of payment is a friendly and private act
manifested only to the creditor which by itself does not suggest
consignation which follows in case of unjust refusal of the creditor to
accept the payment; previous notice, on the other hand, is a formal
act manifested
interested in thenotfulonly to the creditor, but also to other persons
fillment of the obligation directly announcing
the consignation which will be made as a result of the unjust refusal
of the creditor to accept the payment. Although separate and distinct
from each other, the procedure, as far as the debtor is concerned,
can be simplified by combining the two in a single act, which would
include principally the tender of payment and subsidiarily the
notice of consignation, unless the creditor accepts the payment.163
Even in this case it is necessary that notice shall be made to the
other parties
a surety interested
or guarantor or in the fulfico-debtor.
a solidary llment of the obligation, such as
Araneta vs. Tuason de Paterno, 49 Off. Gaz. 45. But see Llamas vs. Abaya, 60
Phil. 502.
Art. 1256, par. 1, Civil Code; Bellis vs. Imperial, 52 Phil. 530.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 627-628.
Art. 1258, par. 1, Civil Code.
Art. 1258, par. 2, Civil Code.
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G.R. No. L-10927, Oct. 30, 1958.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 253-254; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 635-636.
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3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 252; see Arts. 538, 2005, et seq., Civil Code.
Art. 1179, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1180, Spanish Civil Code.
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Art. 1181, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1260, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1261, Civil Code.
Art. 1260, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1261, Civil Code.
Art. 1189, No. 2, Civil Code.
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4 Sanchez Roman 442.
Ibid. For extended discussion — see 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 650-652.
Art. 1182, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
For illustrative cases — see Crame vs. Gonzaga, 10 Phil. 646; Insular Govern-
ment vs. Bingham, 13 Phil. 558; Bishop of Jaro vs. De la Peña, 26 Phil. 144; Lizares
vs. Hernaez, 40 Phil. 98; Obejera vs. Iga Sy, CA, 43 Off. Gaz. 121; Cruz vs. Valero, 89
Phil. 260; Bachrach Motor Co. vs. Lee Tay and Lee Chay, 90 Phil. 540; Ramcar vs.
Dizon, CA, 51 Off. Gaz. 3507.
See Lawyers Coop. Pub. Co. vs. Tabora, 13 SCRA 762; Rep. of the Phil. vs.
Grijaldo, 15 SCRA 681.
Art. 1170, Civil Code.
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the rule is that such debtor can still be held liable for indemnity for
Idem; Effect of fortuitous event. — The rule declared in
the first paragraph of Art. 1262 must always be read in relation
to the rule declared in Art. 1174 regarding the effect of the failure
of the debtor to comply with his obligation through a fortuitous
event. If the thing which constitutes the object of the obligation is
lost or destroyed through a fortuitous event, the debtor cannot be
held responsible.185 In other words, the obligation is extinguished.186
Thus, where some of the goods deposited in the defendant’s
forces duringwere
the looted and the
war, there rest
would bewas taken
no legal by of
way the Japanese
holding the
defendant responsible, because it is evident that the loss was due to
a fortuitous event.187 Similarly, where the launch or casco which the
defendant was supposed to deliver to the plaintiff was lost due to a
defect of the casco which could not have been foreseen, he cannot
be held liable.188 But where the defendant purchased a truck from
the plaintiff before the outbreak of the last war, payable in monthly
installments, and was commandeered by the USAFFE during the
war, the defendant’s obligation is not extinguished, because in the
first place, the truck became the property of the defendant when
it was delivered to him, and consequently, he must bear the loss;
in the second place, he could have filed a war damage claim with
the United States government and he would have been paid. His
negligent omission cannot, therefore, be imputed to the plaintiff who
was no longer the owner of the vehicle. 189
Idem; id. — Exceptions. — There are, however, certain
exceptions to the rule that the debtor cannot be held liable if the
thing which constitutes the object of the obligation is lost or destroyed
through a fortuitous event. They are:
(1) When by law, the debtor is liable even for fortuitous
Arts. 1170, 1165, par. 3, Civil Code.
Art. 1174, Civil Code.
Art. 1262, Civil Code.
Cruz vs. Valero, 89 Phil. 260.
Ramcar vs. Dizon, CA, 51 Off. Gaz. 3507.
Bachrach Motor Co. vs. Lee Tay and Lee Chay, 90 Phil. 540.
Arts. 1174, 1262, par. 2, Civil Code.
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Art. 1262, par. 1, Civil Code.
Ibid. See Tan Chiong Sian vs. Inchauti & Co., 22 Phil. 152; Limpangco vs.
Yangco Steamship Co., 34 Phil. 597.
Arts. 1262, par. 1, 1165, par. 3, Civil Code.
Art. 1165, par. 3, Civil Code.
Art. 1268, Civil Code.
Art. 1263, Civil Code.
New provision.
Art 1263; see discussion under Arts. 1163, et seq., Civil Code.
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Art. 1246, Civil Code.
Reyes vs. Caltex, 47 Off. Gaz 1193; Phil. Long Distance Co. vs. Jeturian, 97
Phil. 781.
Soriano vs. De Leon, 48 Off. Gaz. 2245.
Yu Tek Co. vs. Gonzalez, 29 Phil. 384; Lacson vs. Diaz, 47 Off. Gaz. 337.
Bunje Corp. vs. Elena Camenforte & Co., 48 Off. Gaz. 3377.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 653.
New provision.
Art. 1183, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 661.
Ibid., pp. 661-663.
House vs. De la Costa, 63 Phil. 74.
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Tabora vs. Lazatin, G.R. No. L-5245, May 29, 1953. To the same effect: Thea-
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 664.
New provision.
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Report of the Code Commission, p. 133. It seems that the doctrine enunciated
by the Supreme Court in the cases of Labayen vs. Talisay-Silay Milling Co., 52 Phil.
440, and Castro vs. Longa, 89 Phil. 581 (supra), can be justified by an application of
the principle now enunciated in this article.
Art. 1185, Spanish Civil Code.
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Furthermore, the rule is applicable not only to the persons who are
principally liable, but also to those who are subsidiarily liable. In all
of these cases, if the thing is lost, the debtor shall not be exempted
from the payment of the price of the thing, whatever may be the
cause for the loss. The only case where he is relieved of the severity
of the precept is when he had offered the thing to the obligee and the
latter had refused to accept it without justification.219
The offer referred to in this article should not be confused with
consignation inasmuch as the latter refers only to the payment of
the obligation, while the former refers to the extinguishment of the
offer is butthrough
a step toloss
the by a fortuitous
payment; in thisevent. Initconsignation,
article, the
is essential that
the creditor should refuse to accept the thing without justi fication
in order that the debtor may be released from liability in case of loss
through a fortuitous event.220
When the offer is made by the debtor and the creditor refuses to
accept it without justification, he may choose either of two courses:
(1) he may make a consignation of the thing and thereby completely
relieve himself of further liability, or (2) he may keep the thing in
his possession, in which case, the obligation shall still subsist but
with this difference — that if the thing is lost through a fortuitous
event, Arts. 1262 and 1265, and not Art. 1268, shall govern. It must,
of course, be noted that this Article (1268) can have no application
to those cases where an offer is not possible, since such offer by the
debtor is an essential requisite.221
the losswhich
of thethe
thing, the may
have allthird
the rights of
action debtor against the persons
by reason of the loss.222
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 666-668.
Art. 1186, Spanish Civil Code.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 670-672.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 673.
4 Sanchez Roman 422.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 675-676.
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See Arts. 734, 745, 746, Civil Code.
See Arts. 935, 936, 937, Civil Code.
Art. 1270, par. 1, Civil Code.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 265.
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Ibid., pp. 265-266.
Dalupan vs. Harden, 90 Phil. 417.
Arts. 734, 745, 746, Civil Code.
Arts. 748, 749, Civil Code.
Arts. 750, 751, 752, Civil Code.
Arts. 760-773, Civil Code.
Art. 1270, par. 2, Civil Code.
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or in aitseparate
unless public the
is done during document,
lifetime but it donor.’’
of the shall not take effect
If the property,
immovable obligationthe
to give whichofisArt.
provision expressly condoned
749 shall apply. involves
In obligations to do or not to do, the form of the express
remission must be in accordance with the less solemn formalities
established in Art. 748 with, of course, the necessary quali fication
regarding delivery.242
It must also be noted that the fact that the obligation which is
condoned appears in a public document does not necessarily mean
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As a matter of fact because of the provision of the last sentence of Art.
1270, we believe that the only possible cases implied would be those contemplated in
Arts. 1271, 1272 and 1274 of the Civil Code.
Art. 1188, Spanish Civil Code.
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Art. 1189, Spanish Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 684.
Veloso vs. Masa, 10 Phil. 279; Lopez vs. Tambunting, 33 Phil. 236.
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3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 268. Under Sec. 5(h) and (k), Rule 131 of the New Rules
of Court, the rule is that if the private document evidencing the credit is in the pos-
session of the debtor, there arises a disputable presumption to the effect that the debt
has already been paid.
Art. 1190, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1191, Spanish Civil Code, in amended form.
Art. 1208, Civil Code.
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See Art. 2110, Civil Code.
Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 697. Sanchez Roman, however, maintains that it
is conclusive (Vol. 4, p. 462).
Art. 1273, Civil Code.
Art. 1192, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1192, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
4 Sanchez Roman 461.
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Art. 1278, Civil Code.
Art. 1276, Civil Code.
Testate Estate of Mota vs. Serra, 40 Phil. 464.
For illustrative cases of partial confusion or merger — see Sochayseng vs.
Trujillo, 31 Phil. 153; Yek Ton Lin Fire & Marine Insurance Co. vs. Yusingco, 46
Phil. 473.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 269.
Art. 1193, Spanish Civil Code.
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3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 269.
Art. 2176, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 707.
Art. 1194, Spanish Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 709-710.
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Section 5. — Compensation
Ibid., pp. 700-701.
Art. 1195, Spanish Civil Code.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 270.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 713.
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Ibid., pp. 713-714.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 271.
2 Giorgi, Teoria de las Obligaciones, pp. 24-25.
Bocobo, Outlines of the Law on Obligations, p. 34.
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present. all of the
Giorgi requisites
includes underforthis
compensation may not
class the so-called then be
compensation which is effected by a party who is entitled to oppose
the compensation because he would be prejudiced thereby. This
occurs, for instance, when the obligation of one is with a term, while
that of the other is pure, and the former renounces the benefit of the
term, consequently making the compensation possible.284
“A counterclaim is any claim for money or other relief which a defending party
may have against an opposing party. A counterclaim need not diminish or defeat the
recovery sought by the opposing party, but many claim relief exceeding in amount
or different in kind from that sought by the opposing party’s claim.’’ (Sec. 6, Rule 6,
New Rules of Court) “A counter-claim not set up shall be barred if it arises out of or is
necessarily connected with the transaction or occurrence that is the subject matter of
the opposing party’s claim.’’ (Sec. 6, Rule 6, New Rules of Court) “A counter-claim not
set up shall be barred if it arises out of or is necessarily connected with the transac-
tion or occurrence that is the subject matter of the opposing party’s claim and does
not require for its adjudication the presence of third parties of whom the court can not
acquire jurisdiction.’’ (Sec. 4, Rule 9, New Rules of Court)
Art. 1179, No. 1, Civil Code; Sec. 6, Rule 6, New Rules of Court.
Art. 1179, No. 4, Civil Code; Yap Unki vs. Chua Japco, 14 Phil. 602.
Yap Unki vs. Chua Japco, 14 Phil. 602.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 272-273; Art. 1282, Civil Code.
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Art. 1283, Civil Code.
Art. 1281, Civil Code.
Art. 1196, Spanish Civil Code.
Arts. 1278, 1279, No. 1, Civil Code.
Art. 1279, No. 2, Civil Code.
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Art. 1279, No. 3, Civil Code.
Art. 1279, No. 4, Civil Code.
Art. 1279, No. 5, Civil Code.
Arts. 1287, 1288, Civil Code; 3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 274-275.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 717-718.
Escano vs. Heirs of Escano, 28 Phil. 73.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 718.
Art. 1280, Civil Code.
De la Peña vs. Hidalgo, 20 Phil. 323.
Brimo vs. Goldemberg, 69 Phil. 502.
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against the government and such claim has already been recognized
by the enactment of a corresponding law appropriating funds for
that purpose. Under the circumstances, since both the claim of the
intestate against the government and the claim of the government
for taxes against the estate of said intestate have already become
overdue and demandable as well as fully liquidated, compensation
has already taken place by operation of law in accordance with the
provisions of Arts. 1279 and 1290 of the Civil Code, and both debts
are therefore extinguished to the extent that the amount of one is
covered by the amount of the other.301
The question
Supreme is:held:
Court can there be a compensation in this case? The
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one of the debts or both of them are still unliquidated, there can be
no compensation. If both are partially liquidated compensation may
take place with respect to the parts which are liquidated, but not
with respect to those which are unliquidated, applying by analogy
the rule stated in Art. 1248, since compensation is merely a sort of
simplified payment.305
Thus, the Supreme Court, in the case of Silahis Mktg. Corp. vs.
IAC (180 SCRA 217), held that compensation is not proper where
the claim of the person asserting the set-off against the other is not
clear nor liquidated: compensation cannot extend to unliquidated,
disputed claim existing from breach of contract.
Reading No. 4 of Art. 1279 with No. 3, it is evident that in order
that the debts to be compensated may be considered demandable,
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 723.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 275; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 724-725.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 725.
Ibid., pp. 725-726.
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it is necessary that such debts must be due and, at the same time,
Idem; As to claims of third persons. — The fifth requisite is
that there must be no retention or controversy, commenced by third
persons and communicated in due time to the debtor, over either of
the debts. Retention consists in the application of the credit of one
of the parties to the satisfaction of the claims of a third person. It is
evident that in such a case there can be no compensation. However,
if there is an excess or balance remaining after the application
of the credit, compensation will still take place, but only to the
extent that the credit is not affected by the retention. Controversy
refers to a case in which a third person claims to be the creditor.
In other words, the party interested in the compensation and the
third person each claims that he is the real creditor. The effect of
such case is a provisional suspension of the compensation. If the
credit is adjudicated to the former, compensation takes place; if it is
adjudicated to the latter, compensation cannot take place. 307
Art. 1280.
ing article, Notwithstanding
the guarantor may the
set provisions of the preced-
up compensation as re-
gards what the creditor may owe the principal debtor.308
Right of Guarantor To Set Up Compensation. — The
above article constitutes an exception to the rule stated in Art. 1279,
No. 1, in relation to Art. 1278. Under Arts. 1278 and 1279, No. 1, the
principal debtor can only set up compensation against the creditor
for what the latter owes him. He cannot set up what such creditor
owes the guarantor because then that would violate the rule that
the parties must be principally bound. The guarantor, on the other
hand, in case the payment of the debt is demanded from him, may
set up compensation, not only for what such creditor owes him, but
also for what such creditor owes the principal debtor. This rule is
based on the fact that the bond of the guarantor cannot be resorted
to so long as the debtor can pay although it may be in the abbrevi-
ated form of compensation and also on the fact that if the principal
Luengco vs. Herrero, 17 Phil. 29; Compania General de Tobacos vs. French
and Unson, 39 Phil. 34.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 720-722.
Art. 1197, Spanish Civil Code.
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has a claim
it off for damages
by proving against
his right thedamages
to said other, the former
and may set
the amount
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 719-720.
New provision.
New provision.
New provision.
Yap Unki vs. Cha Japco, 14 Phil. 602.
Sec. 6, Rule 6, New Rules of Court.
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rights made bythe
up against a creditor
assigneein favor
the of a third person,
compensation which
would pertain to him against the assignor, unless the assign-
or was notified by the debtor at the time he gave his consent,
that he reserved his right to the compensation.
If the creditor communicated the cession to him but
the debtor did not consent thereto, the latter may set up the
compensation of debts previous to the cession, but not of
subsequent ones.
If the assignment is made without the knowledge of the
debtor, he may set up the compensation of all credits prior
to the same and also later ones until he had knowledge of the
Effect of Assignment of Rights. — If a creditor assigns his
credit to a third person, what is the effect of such assignment upon
the debtor’s right to set up the defense of compensation in case the
New provision.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 725.
Art. 1198, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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Art. 1285, par. 1, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 736.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 738.
Art. 1199, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1200, Spanish Civil Code.
New provision.
Art. 1287, Civil Code.
Art. 1288, Civil Code.
4 Tolentino, Civil Code 1956. Ed., p. 349.
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Gullas vs. Phil. Nat. Bank, 62 Phil. 519.
Arts. 1287, 301, Civil Code.
Art. 1201, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1202, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1290, Civil Code; Acuna vs. Dievas, 12 Phil. 250.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 747.
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Section 6. — Novation
Art. 1290, Civil Code. Legal compensation operates even against the will of the
interested parties even without their consent. Since this compensation takes place
ipso jure, its effects arise on the very day on which all its requisites concur. When
used as a defense, it retroacts to the date when its requisites are ful filled. (BPI vs.
CA, et al., 255 SCRA 571.)
See 4 Tolentino, Civil Code, 1956 Ed., p. 351.
Art. 1203, Spanish Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 751.
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3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 284.
Art. 1291, No. 1, Civil Code.
Art. 1291, Nos. 2 and 3, Civil Code.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 284.
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Ibid., p. 285.
Art. 1292, Civil Code.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 285.
, pp. 289-920.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 772.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 289.
Ibid., p. 290.
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Ibid., p. 291.
Ramos vs. Gibbon, 67 Phil. 371; Padilla vs. Levy Hermanos, Inc., 69 Phil. 681;
Asiatic Petroleum Co. vs. Sim Poo, CA, 49 Off. Gaz. 44.
Ramos vs. Gibbon, 67 Phil. 371.
Asiatic Petroleum Co. vs. Sim Poo, CA, 40 Off. Gaz. 44; Yellow Ball Freight
Lines, Inc. vs. Western Export Co., CA, G.R. No. 10422-R, Sept. 3, 1954.
Padilla vs. Levy Hermanos, Inc., 69 Phil. 681.
Tiu Siuco vs. Habana, 45 Phil. 707.
Zapanta vs. De Rotaeche, 21 Phil. 154.
Bank of the P.I. vs. Herridge, 47 Phil. 57.
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newnovation is theisextinguishment
one.368 What the form of thisofextinguishment?
the previous obligation
The Code bydoes
not provide for any specific form. However, under Art. 1292, it may
be either express or implied. It is express when there is a declaration
in unequivocal terms that the old obligation is extinguished by the
new which substitutes it; it is tacit or implied when the old and
the new obligations are incompatible on every point. 369 Novation
as one of the modes of extinguishing an obligation, requires the
concurrrence of the following: (1) there is a previous valid obligation;
(2) the parties concerned agree to a new contract; (3) the old contract
is extinguished; and (4) there is a valid new contract. (Cruz vs. Court
of Appeals, July 27, 1998, 293 SCRA 239.)
The rule is settled that novation by presumption has never
been favored. To be sustained it must be established that the old
and new contracts are incompatible in all points, or that the will
to novate appears by express agreement of the parties or in acts
of similar import;370 in other words, the animus novandi or the
intent to substitute
established before wea new
can obligation for the
say that there is aold one must
novation be clearly
resulting in
the extinguishment of the old obligation and in the creation of a
new one.371 Novation is never presumed, and the animus novandi,
Art. 1204, Spanish Civil Code.
Tiu Siuco vs. Habana, 45 Phil. 707.
Art. 1292, Civil Code.
Dungo vs. Lopena, 116 Phil. 1305; Magdalena Estate, Inc. vs. Rodriguez, 18
SCRA 967.
Martinez vs. Cavives, 25 Phil. 581; Tiu Siuco vs. Habana, 45 Phil. 707; Young
vs. Villa, 49 Off. Gaz. 1818; Joe’s Radio & Electrical Supply vs. Alto Electronics Corp.,
104 Phil. 333.
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In People’s Bank and Trust Co. vs. Syvel’s, Inc. (164 SCRA
247), Syvel’s had a loan with People’s Bank and Trust Co. in the
amount of P900,000.00 secured by a chattel mortgage. Syvel’s
failed to pay the loan and People’s Bank and Trust Co. foreclosed
the chattel mortgage. Syvel’s opposed the foreclosure of the chattel
mortgage on the ground that the obligation secured by the chattel
mortgage sought to be foreclosed was novated by the subsequent
execution of a real estate mortgage as additional collateral to the
obligation secured by said chattel mortgage. The Supreme Court
held: “Novation takes place when the object or principal condition of
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In the case of Sps. Francisco and Ruby Reyes vs. BPI Family
Savings Bank, Inc., et al., G.R. Nos. 149840-41, March 31, 2006,
Petitioner spouses executed a Real Estate Mortgage on their
property in favor of respondent BPI FSB to secure a P15,000,000 loan
of Transbuilders Resources & Development Corporation. When the
latter failed to pay within the stipulated period of one year, the loan
was restructured providing that the loan shall be paid in quarterly
installments at interest of 18% per annum. Petitioners averred that
they were not informed about the restructuring of the loan. Hence,
they wrote BPI FSB requesting cancellation of their mortgage and
the return of their title. They claimed that the new loan novated the
loan agreement and that because the novation was without their
consent, they were allegedly released from their obligation under
the mortgage.BPI FSB refused to cancel the mortgage and instituted
extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings against the petitioners. The
latter filed the instant petition.
at 18%of per
the annum.
loan from one was
There yearabsolutely
to 20 quarterly installments
no intention by the
parties to supersede or abrogate the old loan contract secured
by the REM executed by the petitioners in favor of BPI FSB. In
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Phil. Nat. Bank vs. Granada, CA, 51 Off. Gaz. 62.
Borja vs. Mariano, 66 Phil. 93.
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Tiu Siuco vs. Habana, 45 Phil. 707; Ramos vs. Gibbon, 67 Phil. 371; Padilla vs.
Levy Hermanos, Inc., 69 Phil. 681; Pablo vs. Sapungan, 71 Phil. 145; Asiatic Petrole-
um Co. vs. Sim Poo, CA, 40 Off. Gaz. 44; Yellow Ball, Inc. vs. Western Export Co., CA-
G.R. No. 10422-R, Sept. 3, 1954; Magdalena Estate, Inc. vs. Rodriguez, 18 SCRA 967.
Zapanta vs. De Rotaeche, 21 Phil. 154.
Bank of the P.I. vs. Herridge, 47 Phil. 57.
Ynchausti & Co. vs. Yulo, 34 Phil. 978; Pascual vs. Lacsamana, 100 Phil. 381;
La Tondeña, Inc. vs. Alto Surety & Ins. Co., 101 Phil. 879.
Magdalena Estate, Inc. vs. Rodriguez, 18 SCRA 967.
Dungo vs. Lopena, 116 Phil. 1305; Magdalena Estate, Inc. vs. Rodriguez, 18
SCRA 967.
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The defense
convincing of implied
proof of complete novation requires
incompatibility betweenclear
the and
obligations. The law requires no specific form for an effective
novation by implication. The test is whether the two obligations
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Macondray & Co. vs. Ruiz, 66 Phil. 562. To the same effect: Paterson vs. Aza-
da, 8 Phil. 432; Fua vs. Yap, 74 Phil. 287.
Borja vs. Mariano, 66 Phil. 393.
Phil. Nat. Bank vs. Mallari, 104 Phil. 437.
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the case of Cruz
the Court vs. Court
ruled Appeals (July 27,
of Memorandum
that the 1998, 293
of Agreement
falls short of producing a novation because it does not express a
clear intent to dissolve the old obligation as a consideration for the
emergence of the new one. Likewise, petitioner failed to show that
the two contracts were materially and substantially incompatible
with each other.
Further, in the case of Quinto vs. People (April 14, 1999, 305
SCRA 708), the Court stated that “the extinguishment of the old
obligation by the new one is a necessary element of novation which
may be effected either expressly or impliedly. The term “expressly’’
means that the contracting parties incontrovertibly disclose that
their object in executing the new contract is to extinguish the
old one. Upon the other hand, no speci fic form is required for an
Pascual vs. Lacsamana, 100 Phil. 381.
Ynchausti & Co. vs. Yulo, 34 Phil. 978; La Tondeña, Inc. vs. Alto Surety & Ins.
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consent of the
or against the old
of the and (2) substitution without the knowledge
old debtor.
If the substitution of debtors is effected with the consent of the
creditor at the instance of the old debtor with the concurrence of the
new debtor, it is called delegación. In other words, delegación refers
to the substitution of debtors effected when the original debtor
offers and the creditor accepts a third person who consents to the
substitution.391 Consequently, the following requisites must concur:
first, the initiative for the substitution must emanate from the old
debtor; second, consent of the new debtor; and third, acceptance by
the creditor.
Manresa explains the concepts of expromisión and delegación
as follows:
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 777; 3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 292.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 777.
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where thedeclaring
payment, debtor points out somebody
that there else in
is no novation to either
answer for The
case. the
same sound criterion is impliedly accepted by our code.’’ 392
The case of Quinto vs. People, (April 14, 1999, 305 SCRA 709)
explain the concepts of expromisión and delegación as follows:
There are two forms of novation by substituting the person
of the debtor, depending on whose initiative it comes from, to
wit: expromisión and delegación. In the former, the initiative for
the change does not come from the debtor and may even be made
without his knowledge. Since a third person would substitute for the
original debtor and assume the obligation, his consent and that of
the creditor would be required. In the latter, the debtor offers, and
the creditor accepts, a third person who consents to the substitution
and assumes the obligation, thereby releasing the original debtor
from the obligation; here, the intervention and the consent of all
parties thereto would perforce be necessary. In either of these two
modes of substitution, the consent of the creditor, such as can be
seen, is an indispensable requirement.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 777-778, quoted in Testate Estate of Mota vs.
Serra, 47 Phil. 464.
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Art. 1293, Civil Code.
Rio Grande Oil Co. vs. CA, 39 Off. Gaz. 986; Santissimo Rosario de Molo vs.
Gemperle, CA, 39 Off. Gaz. 1410.
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The law does not prescribe when such consent may be given;
neither does it require any specific form. Consequently, it may be
given simultaneously with the substitution or even afterwards.
And since consent may as well be expressed by deeds as by words,
it may be express or implied.395 Thus, where a stockholder in a
certain corporation sold his shares of stock to another subject to the
condition that his indebtedness to the corporation shall be assumed
by the latter and the corporation was duly noti fied regarding the sale
including all of the terms and conditions thereof, the act of the Board
of Directors of the corporation in electing the vendee as president of
the corporation as well as member of the Board of Directors as a
substitute of the vendor clearly constitutes an implied acceptance
of the substitution of debtors. There is, therefore, a novation by the
substitution of debtors, which is perfectly valid and lawful placing
the new debtor under obligation to pay the debt which he has
assumed.396 It must be observed, however, that the mere act of the
creditor in accepting payments by a third party for the bene fit of a
debtor whose accounts the third party has assumed, without further
facts, does not constitute an implied acceptance of the substitution of
the debtor.
property to aThus,
third where
personthe mortgagor
subject to thetransferred the mortgaged
condition that the latter
shall assume the payment of the obligation, the mere fact that the
creditor accepted payments from the transferee does not relieve the
mortgagor from his obligation to pay the unpaid balance of the debt,
since the substitution of debtors was made without the consent of the
creditor — a requirement which is indispensable in order to effect
a novation of the obligation.398 In such case, it is evident that Arts.
1236 and 1237 of the Civil Code, and not Art. 1293, shall govern.
Idem; Effect of payment by new debtor. — With regard to
the relation between the original debtor and the new debtor, since
donation cannot be presumed in such case, justice demands that the
original debtor shall reimburse to the new debtor whatever bene fits
Asia Banking Corp. vs. Elser, 54 Phil. 994; Elmac, Inc. vs. Gustilo, CA, 37 Off.
Gaz. 189; Rio Grande Oil Co. vs. Coleman, CA, 39 Off. Gaz. 986.
Asia Banking Corp. vs. Elser, 54 Phil. 994.
Pacific Commercial Co. vs. Sotto, 34 Phil. 237; McCullough vs. Veloso, 46 Phil.
1; Gov’t. of the Philippine Islands vs. Bautista, CA, 37 Off. Gaz. 1880; Rio Grande Oil
Co. vs. Coleman, CA, 39 Off. Gaz. 986.
McCullough vs. Veloso, 46 Phil. 1.
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Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 778-779.
Art. 1236, Civil Code.
Arts. 1300, 1302, 1303, Civil Code.
Art. 1237, Civil Code.
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Art. 1236, Civil Code.
Arts. 1300, 1302, 1303, Civil Code.
Art. 1236, Civil Code.
Arts. 1300, 1302, 1303, Civil Code.
New provision.
Art. 1206, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 779.
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Ibid., pp. 779-780.
Ibid., p. 780.
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Art. 1207, Spanish Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 792.
Ibid., p. 793.
New provision.
Art. 1208, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
New Provision; Tiu Siuco vs. Habana, 45 Phil. 707.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 289.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 796-797.
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Art. 1297, Civil Code.
Art. 1390, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 798. These so-called exceptions found in Art.
1298 of the Code are not really exceptions because they refer to voidable contracts
(Art. 1390), while the general rule refers to void contracts (Art. 1409).
New provision.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 289, quoted in Gov’t. of the Phil. vs. Bautista, CA, 37 Off.
Gaz. 1880.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 797-798.
Ibid., p. 798.
Art. 1209, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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Art. 1300, Civil Code.
New provision.
Art. 1300, Civil Code.
See Art. 1624, et seq., Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 890.
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Art. 1210, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1300, Civil Code.
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tire indebtedness
latter, of D
it is clear that B without the
shall then beknowledge
subrogatedand consent
in all of the
of the rights
of A, not only against the debtor, but even against third persons. D,
however, can still avail himself as against B of all defenses available
to him against A, such as compensation, payments already made, or
even any vice or defect of the former obligation.439
With respect to the second exception, it is evident that the
provisions of Arts. 1236 and 1237 are applicable. Consequently,
when a person, not interested in the obligation, pays such obligation
with the express or tacit approval of the debtor, he is entitled not
only to demand reimbursement for what he has paid, but also to be
subrogated in all of the rights of the creditor.440 However, if he pays
without the knowledge or against the will of the debtor, although he
is entitled to demand reimbursement to the extent that the latter
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 804-805.
437Ibid., pp. 805-806.
Arts. 1236, 1302, No. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1236, Civil Code.
Art. 1237, Civil Code.
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Effect of of
Total Subrogation. — It must be remembered
that the effects the other forms of novation are governed by the
provisions of Art. 1296. The effects of novation by subrogating a
third person in the rights of the creditor, on the other hand, are
governed by the provisions of Arts. 1303 and 1304.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 806-807.
Wilson vs. Berkenkotter, 49 Off. Gaz. 1401; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 807.
Art. 1212, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1213, Spanish Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, pp. 814-815. For illustrative case, see Somes vs.
Molina, 15 Phil. 133.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 1, p. 815.
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Effect is
subrogation ofgiven
Partial Subrogation.
in Art. 1304. Thus, if—P,The effect
a third of partial
person, pays
two-thirds of the indebtedness of D to C, such payment shall result in
the partial subrogation of P in the rights of the creditor, C. C’s rights
with respect to the remainder are not affected by the subrogation. In
other words, both rights shall co-exist. In case of a con flict between
the two, however, the right of C shall be preferred.
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Art. 1254, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 298-300.
4 Sanchez Roman 146.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 268-270.
Ibid., p. 277.
Ibid., pp. 277-278.
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3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 322-324.
Ibid., p. 324.
Arts. 1547, 1548, Civil Code.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 324.
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as Art.
they1306. The contracting
may deem convenient,parties may
provided establish
they are notsuch agreements
contrary to law,
morals, good customs, public order, or public policy. As a matter of
fact, this principle is guaranteed by Sec. 1, Art. 3 of the Philippine
Constitution itself.
The principle of relativity of contracts is expressly declared in
the first paragraph of Art. 1311. Contracts take effect only between
Tolentino, 1956 Ed., Civil Code, pp. 376-378; but see No. 2 of Art. 1491, Civil
See Arts. 1159, 1308, 1315, 1356, Civil Code.
See Art. 1308, Civil Code.
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ABS-CBN Broadcasting
January Corporation
21, 1999.) 15 vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 399.
Ibid., pp. 279-280.
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(a) an
acquires Commutative or those
equivalent of whereand
prestation each of the
such parties
is pecuniarily appreciable and already determined from the
moment of the celebration of the contract. Example — lease.
(b) Aleatory — or those where each of the parties has to
his account the acquisition of an equivalent of his prestation,
but such equivalent, although pecuniarily appreciable, is
not yet determined at the moment of the celebration of the
contract, since it depends upon the happening of an uncertain
event, thus charging the parties with the risk of loss or gain.
Example — insurance.
(9) According to their names or norms regulating them:
(a) Nominate — or those which have their own
individuality and are regulated by special provisions of law.
Examples — sale, lease.
(b) Innominate — or those which lack individuality and
right of condition
the contracting
as theyparties
to establish any stipulation,
term or may deem convenient. As a matter clause,
of fact,
this right is one of those guaranteed in the Constitution. Hence,
4 Sanchez Roman 381-387; 3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 310-314.
Art. 1255, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. IV, Sec. 11, Constitution of the Philippines.
Gabriel vs. Monte de Piedad, 71 Phil. 497. To the same effect: Ferrazzini vs.
Gsell, 34 Phil. 697; People vs. Pomar, 46 Phil. 440.
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Ferrazzini vs. Gsell, 34 Phil. 697; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 12, p. 288; 20 Scae-
vola 505.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 287-288.
Molina vs. De la Riva, 6 Phil. 12.
Puig vs. Sellner, 45 Phil. 286; Reyes vs. Nebrija, G.R. No. L-8720, March 21,
1956. To the same effect: Warner, Barnes & Co. vs. Jaucian, 13 Phil. 4; Aguilar vs.
Rubiato, 40 Phil. 570; Pamintuan vs. Tiglao, 53 Phil. 1; Hodges vs. Regalado, 69 Phil.
588. There are other pacts, besides pactum commissorium which are prohibited by
law, such as pactum leonina under Art. 1799 of the Civil Code and pactum de non
alienado under Art. 2130 of the same Code.
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Rosel argue that contracts have the force of law between the con-
tracting parties and must be complied with in good faith, there are,
however, certain exceptions to the rule, specifically Article 1306 of
the Civil Code, which provides: “Article 1306. The contracting par-
ties may establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions
as they may deem convenient, provided they are not contrary to law,
morals, good customs, public order, or public policy.’’ A scrutiny of
the stipulation of the parties reveals a subtle intention of the credi-
tor to acquire the property given as security for the loan. This is em-
braced in the concept of pactum commissorium where the elements
are as follows: (1) there should be a property mortgaged by way of
security for the payment of the principal obligation, and (2) there
should be a stipulation for automatic appropriation by the creditor
of the thing mortgaged in case of non-payment of the principal ob-
ligation within the stipulated period.’’ Said concept of pactum com-
missorium is proscribed by law.
Idem; id. — Second limitation. — The second limitation is the
most difficult to ascertain, because in subjecting obligations to moral
precepts we must be careful not to erase the distinction between the
moral and
referred tothe
arejuridical order. It is
those principles evident,
which are however, that theand
incontrovertible morals
universally admitted and which have received social and practical
recognition.24 Thus, where the parties stipulated in their contract
that the defendant shall be obliged to render services to the plaintiff
as a domestic servant without any remuneration whatsoever
because of a certain loan obtained by the former from the latter, it is
evident that such agreement is void on the ground that it is contrary
to morals, unless it be admitted that slavery may be established in
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 288.
De los Reyes vs. Alojado, 16 Phil. 499.
Ibarra vs. Aveyro, 37 Phil. 273.
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and order, of
be implied the the
from country or of
report of any particular
the Code community.
Commission whichThis can
that “public order x x x is not as broad as public policy, as the latter
may refer not only to public safety but also to considerations which
are moved by the common good.”29 Under the Spanish Civil Code,
however, public order was considered synonymous with public
Idem; id. — Fifth limitation. — The fifth limitation to the
right of the contracting parties to establish such stipulations, clauses,
terms and conditions as they may deem convenient is public policy.
The expression “public policy” is quite elastic, and consequently, is
difficult to define. American and English courts, however, define it
as a principle of law which holds that no person can lawfully do that
which has a tendency to be injurious to the public or against the
public good. It is the principle under which freedom of contract is
restricted by law for the public good.31 According to Justice Laurel:
Report of the Code Commission, p. 134.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 288.
Report of the Code Commission, p. 134.
Ferrazzini vs. Gsell, 34 Phil. 697; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 288; 20 Scaevola
Ferrazzini vs. Gsell, 34 Phil. 697.
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Thus, where the owner of stolen goods and the person respon-
sible for the theft entered into an agreement by which the former
agreed to stifle the criminal prosecution of the latter for a pecuni-
ary consideration, it is clear that such an agreement is manifestly
contrary to public policy and the due administration of justice; con-
sequently, it is void.33 The same can also be said with regard to an
agreement where a carrier is exempted from any liability for loss or
damage caused by its own negligence,34 or where an employee, after
the termination of his employment, shall neither engage or interest
himself in any business enterprise similar to or in competition with
that operated by the employer, nor enter into the employment of
any enterprise in the Philippines, except by obtaining the written
permission of such employer,35 or where an applicant for dollar al-
locations shall pay ten or fifteen or twenty per cent of the amount
to be approved by the Central Bank as fee for the services of the
“influence peddler” or “ten percenter” in securing the approval of the
foreign exchange application.36
It must be observed that in stipulations exempting a common
carrier from liability, three kinds of stipulations are ordinarily made
in a bill of lading. The first is one exempting the carrier from any and
Gabriel vs. Mateo, 71 Phil. 497.
Arroyo vs. Berwin, 36 Phil. 386; Velez vs. Ramas, 40 Phil. 787; Monterey vs.
Gomez, 104 Phil. 1059.
Heacock vs. Macondray & Co., 42 Phil. 205. See Arts. 1745, et seq., Civil Code.
Ferrazzini vs. Gsell, 34 Phil. 697.
Tee vs. Tacloban Electric and Ice Plant Co., 105 Phil. 168.
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all liability for loss or damage occasioned by its own negligence; the
second is one providing for an unquali fied limitation of such liability
to an agreed valuation; and the third is one limiting the liability
of the carrier to an agreed valuation unless the shipper declares a
higher value and pays a higher rate of freight. According to Art. 1745
of the Civil Code, the first is contrary to public policy, and therefore,
void. As a rule, the second is also contrary to public policy, and
therefore, also void.37 However, according to Art. 1750 of the Civil
Code, if it can be shown to be reasonable under the circumstances,
and had been fairly and freely agreed upon, then it is perfectly valid
and binding. The third, on the other hand, is perfectly valid and
binding according to Art. 1749 of the Civil Code.
With regard to contracts which tend to restrain business trade,
the rule is now well established that a contract in restraint of trade
is valid provided that there is a limitation upon either time or place.
A contract, however, which restrains a man from entering into a
business or trade without either a limitation as to time or place is
invalid. The public welfare, of course, must always be considered.
Hence, in addition to the requirement that there must be a limitation
as to time or place, it is also required that the restraint must be
reasonably necessary for the protection of the contracting parties.38
any single
of the package
packages of the cargo,
constituting unlessare
the cargo thecorrectly
value and contents
declared in
the bill of lading at the time of shipment. Four cases of silk, each
of which is valued at P2,500, were, however, lost. This action
was commenced to recover their value from the defendant.
The defendant contends that his liability shall extend only to
the amount agreed upon in the bill of lading. The question,
therefore, is whether or not the agreement is valid and binding
upon the plaintiff.
Heacock vs. Macondray & Co., 42 Phil. 205; Ysmael & Co. vs. Barretto, 51 Phil.
90. See Arts. 1745 to 1754, Civil Code.
Del Castillo vs. Richmond, 45 Phil. 679. To the same effect: Ollendorf vs. Ab-
rahamson, 88 Phil. 585.
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limit its the weight of modern
for injury authority,
or loss of a carrier
goods shipped, cannot
where such
injury or loss was caused by its own negligence. The rule rests
on consideration of public policy, as the contract of the carrier is
to carry and deliver the goods, and a contract that undertakes to
relieve the carrier from any liability for loss or damage accruing
or arising from its own negligence would in legal effect nullify
the contract.’’
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question in question
whether has violated
a contract any public
is against public policy. But the
policy depends
upon its purpose and tendency, and not upon the fact that no
harm results from it. In other words, all agreements the purpose
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(b) effect
ties the Theand
general rule is
authority of that a compromise
res judicata, has upon
with respect the mat-
to the par-
ter definitely stated therein, or which by implication from its terms
should be deemed to have been included therein. This holds true
even if the agreement has not been judicially approved.
(c) Applying existing jurisprudence, the compromise agree-
ment as a consensual contract became binding between the parties
upon its execution and not upon its court approval. From the time
a compromise is validly entered into, it becomes the source of the
rights and obligations of the parties thereto. The purpose of the com-
promise is precisely to replace and terminate controverted claims.
However, in the case of National Commercial Bank of Saudi
Arabia vs. Court of Appeals, supra, the Court held that to have the
force of res judicata, however, the compromise agreement must be
approved by final order of the court. To be valid, the compromise
agreement must be based on real claims and actually agreed upon
in good faith. In the case at bar, each of the parties have manifested
New provision.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 297-298; 3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 313-314.
For a more recent case stating the same doctrine — see Dizon vs. Gaborro, 83
SCRA 688.
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Art. 1256, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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New provision.
New provision.
Arts. 1309, 1310, Civil Code. See also Arts. 1182, 1720, and 1798, Civil Code,
for similar provisions.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 304.
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“We see no reason to doubt that a promise of this character
creates a legal obligation binding upon the promisor, although
in its actual results it may not infrequently prove to be illusory.
Such a promise is not, in our opinion, nugatory under Article
1115 (now Art. 1182) of the Civil Code, as embodying a condition
dependent exclusively upon the will of the obligor. Nor can it be
held invalid under Article 1256 (now Art. 1308) of the same Code,
Taylor vs. Uy Tieng Piao, 43 Phil. 873; Melencio vs. Dy Liao Lay, 55 Phil. 99;
Phil. Banking Corp. vs. Lui She, 21 SCRA 52.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 304. See Phil. Banking Corp. vs. Lui She, 21
SCRA 52.
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is entitled
what is duetotoperform as a
him. Such ancondition
act mustprecedent to the
be considered exacting of
and unlawful involving per se a breach of the implied terms of
the contract. The article can have no application to an external
contingency which, like that involved in this case, is lawfully
within the control of the obligor.’’
obligations arising
by their nature, or from the contract
by stipulation or are not transmissible
by provision of law.
The heir is not liable beyond the value of the property he
received from the decedent.
If a contract should contain some stipulation in favor
of a third person, he may demand its fulfillment provided
he communicated his acceptance to the obligor before its
revocation. A mere incidental benefit or interest of a person
is not sufficient. The contracting parties must have clearly
and deliberately conferred a favor upon a third person.51
Art. 1257, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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contracts canittake
heirs. Thus, effectheld
has been onlythat
between the parties,
even though their assigns
the contract and
may have
been executed ostensibly in the name of another person or entity,
it shall produce effect only insofar as the real contracting party
is concerned, provided, of course, that such fact was known to the
other party.53 It has also been held that an assignment or transfer
by a contracting party has the effect of subrogating the assignee to
all of the rights and obligations of the assignor.54 To a certain extent
the same rule is also applicable to a transmission of property, rights
and obligations
in the through
case of Mojica either testate
vs. Fernandez, 55 or Supreme
the intestate Court
succession. Thus,
the following doctrine:
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 399; see also Salonga vs. Warner, Barnes & Co., 88 Phil.
Tuazon & San Pedro vs. Zamora, 2 Phil. 305; Blossom & Co. vs. Manila Gas
Corp., 48 Phil. 848.
De la Riva vs. Escobar, 51 Phil. 243.
9 Phil. 403.
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To the same effect: De Guzman vs. Salak, 91 Phil. 265; Galasinao vs. Austria,
97 Phil. 82.
Sec. 5, Rule 86, New Rules of Court.
Suiliong & Co. vs. Chio-Taysan, 12 Phil. 13; Limjoco vs. Intestate Estate of
Pedro Fragante, 80 Phil. 776. See also Pavia vs. De la Rosa, 8 Phil. 70; Ledesma vs.
McLaughlin, 66 Phil. 547; Tranez vs. Vail, CA, 37 Off. Gaz. 1253.
Limjoco vs. Intestate Estate of Pedro Fragante, 80 Phil. 776.
Mojica vs. Fernandez, 9 Phil. 403; De Guzman vs. Salak, 91 Phil. 265.
Art. 1311, par. 1, Civil Code.
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the rule is not applicable if the rights and obligations arising from
the contract are not transmissible:
(1) By their nature, as when the special or personal qualifi-
cation of the obligor constitutes one of the principal motives for the
establishment of the contract;62 or
(2) By stipulation of the parties, as when the contract ex-
pressly provides that the obligor shall perform an act by himself and
not through another; or
(3) By provision of law, as in the case of those arising from a
Art. 1726, Civil Code. For illustrative case, see Javier Security Special Watch-
man Agency vs. Shell-Craft & Button Corp., 117 Phil. 218.
Arts. 1830, No. 5, 1919, No. 3, Civil Code.
Wolfson vs. Estate of Martinez vs. Ramos, 28 Phil. 589; Ayson vs. Court of Ap-
peals, 97 Phil. 965.
Wolfson vs. Estate of Martinez, 20 Phil. 340.
Ibañez vs. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, 22 Phil. 572.
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provided he Manresa
revocation. communicated his acceptance
says that to the
this exception obligor before
corresponds its
always to the juridical conception of a gift or donation, it being
necessary in such case to apply the rules relating to donations in
so far as the form of acceptance is concerned. This is true where
the stipulation is for the sole benefit of the third person. But where,
for instance, a transfer of property is coupled with the purchaser’s
promise to pay a debt owing from the seller to a third person, it can
scarcely be said that the stipulation is in favor of a third person.72
Art. 1311, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1312, Civil Code.
Art. 1313, Civil Code.
Art. 1314, Civil Code.
Kauffman vs. Phil. National Bank, 42 Phil. 182; Bank of the P.I. vs. Concep-
cion, 53 Phil. 806.
Uy Tam vs. Leonard, 30 Phil. 471.
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In theProblem A andisBa entered intowherein
stipulation a contract
a house and lot to X. Upon the signing of the contract, X entered
into the possession of the property. Ten years later, after
the death of both A and B, their heirs revoked the beneficial
stipulation. Subsequently, they brought an action against X for
the recovery of the property. Will the action prosper?
Answer — The action will not prosper. The stipulation in
the instant case is a stipulation pour autrui. All of the requisites
Art. 1311, par. 2, Civil Code.
Young vs. CA, G.R. No. 79518, Jan. 13, 1989.
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Uy Tam vs. Leonard, 30 Phil. 471. To the same effect: Kauffman vs. Phil. Nat.
Bank, 42 Phil. 182; Bank of the P.I. vs. Concepcion, 53 Phil. 806; Mendoza vs. Phil.
Air Lines, 90 Phil. 836.
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New provision.
3 Sanchez Roman 6-8.
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Art. 1312, Civil Code.
Art. 2125, Civil Code.
Art. 1676, Civil Code.
New provision.
Art. 1313, Civil Code.
New provision.
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thethe third
third personiswithout
requisite legal“malice,
concerned, justi cation or excuse.
in some As far as
form, is generally
implied from the act of interference with contractual relations, and
is declared to be an essential ingredient in such cases. The lack of
scientifically accurate terminology, however, has militated against
clearness upon this point, both in conception and discussion. Thus,
the word ‘malice’ which, in its technical legal sense, is the intentional
doing of a harmful act without legal justification or excuse, is
sometimes used in the sense of ill-will, or even as denoting a desire
to harm irrespective
however, which makes of the
onepresence orprocuring
liable for absence ofaill-will.
breachThe malice,
of contract
is malice in its legal sense, and whether a wrongdoer’s motive in
interfering is to benefit himself or to gratify his spite by working
mischief to another is immaterial; malice in the sense of ill-will or
spite is not essential.”87 Thus, if a party enters into a contract to go
for another upon a journey to a remote and unhealthful climate, and
a third person, with a bona fide purpose of benefiting the one who is
under contract to go, dissuades him from the step, no action will lie.
“the ifindirect
the advice is notofdisinterested and the persuasion is used for
purpose benefiting the defendant at the expense of
the plaintiff,” the intermeddler is liable if his advice is taken and the
contract broken.88
30 Am. Jur., Sec. 19, pp. 71-72.
Ibid., Secs. 21-23, pp. 73-75.
Ibid., Sec. 23, pp. 75-76.
Daywalt vs. Agustinos Recoletos, 39 Phil. 587.
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Movie Productions
her freedom was in
to contract, onrestraint
the otherofhand,
and a be
Well-established is the rule that in order to determine whether
or not an agreement of this nature constitutes an undue restraint
of trade, and therefore, is contrary to public policy, two tests are
always applied. They are first, is there a limitation as to time
or place? And second, is the prohibition or restraint reasonably
necessary for the protection of the contracting parties? If the
answer to both of these questions is in the af firmative, then
the prohibition or restraint is not contrary to public policy. It
is crystal clear that the agreement between “O’’ and “P” Movie
Productions passes both tests.
(Note: The first paragraph of the above answer is based
on Art. 1314 of the Civil Code and on Daywalt vs. Agustinos
Recoletos, 39 Phil. 587. The second paragraph, on the other
hand, is based on Art. 1306 of the Civil Code and on several
cases, the most notable of which is Del Castillo vs. Richmond,
46 Phil. 697.)
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Art. 1258, Spanish Civil Code.
New provision.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 321.
Art. 1315, Civil Code.
Art. 1316, Civil Code. The four traditional real contracts, in the Roman jus
civile are commodatum, mutuum, depositum and pledge.
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company. That was on June 15, 1980. On June 20, 1980, the deed of
chattel mortgage was signed by both parties. On June 25, 1980, the
deed was recorded in the Chattel Mortgage Register. When was the
contract perfected? Reading Art. 1319 of the Civil Code in relation
to Art. 1315, it is clear that the contract was perfected only on June
25, 1980. It was only then that there was a complete manifestation
of the meeting of the offer and the acceptance upon the thing and the
cause which are to constitute the contract.
without being
law a right authorized
to represent by the latter, or unless he has by
A contract entered into in the name of another by one
who has no authority or legal representation, or who has
acted beyond his powers, shall be unenforceable, unless it
is ratified, expressly or impliedly, by the person in whose
behalf it has been executed, before it is revoked by the other
contracting party.94
in Art. inCode
1317 of the Nameis of Another.
a logical — The
corollary to principle enunciated
the principles of the
obligatory force and the relativity of contracts. It is also the basis of
the contract of agency (Arts. 1868-1932).
Under this article, no person may enter into a contract in the
name of another unless he has been duly authorized by the latter, or
unless he has by law a right to represent him. If a person, therefore,
enters into a contract with another in the name of another person,
although he has no authority or legal representation, or even if he
has such authority or representation, if he has acted beyond the
scope of his powers, the contract is unenforceable. 95 What is meant
by an unenforceable contract? According to the Code Commission:
Art. 1317, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
See Arts. 1403, et seq., Civil Code.
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voidable of Extrajudicial
an annullable Partition
contract and Sale
under Article 1390is of
not a
New Civil Code. Article 1390 renders a contract voidable if one
of the parties is incapable of giving consent to the contract or if
the contracting party’s consent is vitiated by mistake, violence,
intimidation, undue influence or fraud. In this case, however,
the appellee minors are not even parties to the contract involved.
Their names were merely dragged into the contract by their
mother who claimed a right to represent them, purportedly in
accordance with Article 320 of the New Civil Code.
Report of the Code Commission, p. 139.
Art. 1317, Civil Code; see also Art. 1910, Civil Code.
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General Provisions
Art. 1261, Spanish Civil Code.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 322-324; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 350-351.
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Section 1. — Consent
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, 351.
Art. 1262, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 326-327; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 365; 4 Sanchez
Roman 191.
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theissued upon the application, if the application is accepted by
“It is of course a primary rule that a contract of insurance,
like other contracts, must be assented to by both parties
either in person or by their agents. So long as an application
for insurance has not been either accepted or rejected, it is
merely an offer or proposal to make a contract. The contract, to
be binding from the date of the application, must have been a
completed contract, one that leaves nothing to be done, nothing
to be passed upon, or determined, before it shall take effect.
There can be no contract of insurance unless the minds of the
parties have met in agreement. Our view is, that a contract of
insurance was not here consummated by the parties.”
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3 Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 2399.
Rosenstock vs. Burke, 46 Phil. 217.
Meads vs. Lasedeco, 52 Off. Gaz. 208.
Art. 1319, par. 1, Civil Code.
Ibid. See Beaumont vs. Prieto, 41 Phil. 670; Zayco vs. Serra, 44 Phil. 326; Ba-
tangan vs. Cojuangco, 78 Phil. 481. See also Logan vs. Philippine Acetylene Co., 33
Phil. 782; Datoc vs. Mendoza, CA, 47 Off. Gaz. 2427.
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mere Contracts
meeting ofthat are consensual
the minds. Once therein is
nature are perfected
concurrence betweenupon
offer and the acceptance upon the subject matter, consideration
and terms of payment a contract is produced. The offer must be
certain. To convert the offer into a contract, the acceptance must
be absolute and must not qualify the terms of the offer; it must be
plain, unequivocal, unconditional and without variance of any sort
from the proposal. A qualified acceptance, or one that involves a new
proposal, constitutes a counter-offer and is a rejection of the original
what Consequently,
is proposed in when something
the offer, is desired which
such acceptance is notissuf
not exactly
ficient to
generate consent because any modification or variation from the
terms of the offer annuls the offer.’’ (ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp.
vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 128690, January 21, 1999.)
Idem; id. — Acceptance of complex offers. — To a certain
extent the rules regarding acceptance are modified in case of
complex offers. Thus, if the offeror proposes to lease one part and to
sell another part, acceptance of one by the offeree would ordinarily
result in a perfected contract, unless, of course, the offeror should
have made one offer dependent upon the other. However, the
prospective contracts which are comprised in a single offer may be
so interrelated in such a way that the acceptance of one would not
at all result in a perfected contract. Thus, in an offer involving a
prospective contract of loan and the mortgage which will secure it,
acceptance by the future debtor of the proposed loan alone would not
give rise to a perfected contract.16
Beaumont vs. Prieto, 41 Phil. 670, 249 U.S. 554.
Zayco vs. Serra, 44 Phil. 326.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 372-373.
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comes tothe
is perfected from the
the acceptance
knowledge of the offeror. is the theory which is
followed by the Spanish Civil Code.
Evidently, we have retained the cognition theory as embodied
in the Spanish Civil Code. According to the second paragraph of Art.
1319 of the new Code, acceptance made by letter or telegram does
not bind the offeror except from the time it came to his knowledge.
The contract, in such a case, is presumed to have been entered
into in the place where the offer was made. According to the Code
3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 385-386; 2 De Diego 102-103.
Art. 54, Code of Commerce.
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purely commercial
Commerce, such ascontracts which and
joint accounts are still governed
maritime by the Code
contracts. of
we can very well say that the rule found in the second paragraph of
Art. 1319 of the Civil Code is the general rule, while that found in
Art. 54 of the Code of Commerce is the exception.
The cognition theory, as embodied in the second paragraph of
Art. 1319 of the Code, is very well illustrated in the case of Enriquez
vs. Sun Life Assurance Co.22 The facts of this case are as follows: The
records show that on September 24, 1917, Joaquin Herrer applied
to the defendant company through its local of fice in Manila for a life
annuity. He paid the sum of P6,000 and was issued a provisional
receipt. The application was immediately forwarded to the head
office of the company in Montreal, Canada. On November 26, 1917,
the head office gave notice of acceptance by cable to Manila. Whether
notice of this acceptance was sent to Herrer by the Manila of fice is
a disputed question. On December 4, 1917, the policy was issued
Report of the Code Commission, p. 135.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 385; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 373.
Art. 1322, Civil Code.
41 Phil. 269.
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In theory is the
this case, alsoplaintiff’s
illustrated in ofthe
offer case of Francisco
compromise vs.
with respect
to the settlement of an obligation which had already matured was
accepted by the Government Service Insurance System by means of
a telegram signed by the Board Secretary. For a year, the System
receipted payments made pursuant to the compromise agreement.
Is there a perfected contract in this case inspite of the fact that the
General Manager of the System denied that he authorized the Board
Secretary to send the telegram? According to the Supreme Court
117 Phil. 586.
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be implied
the the
that he
to ishis
bound by it
except it comes confirmed
to a certain extent by the new provision enunciated in Art. 1324.
This principle is illustrated in the case of Laudico vs. Arias.26 The
facts of this case are as follows: On February 6, 1919, defendant
wrote a letter to the plaintiff, giving him an option to lease a certain
building to a third person, and transmitting to him for that purpose
a tentative contract in writing containing the conditions upon which
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 387.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 373.
43 Phil. 270.
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when the as notice
he had of
yet acceptance
received notice
the acceptance.
by Mr.
Arias, it no longer had any effect, as the offer was not then in
existence, the same having already been withdrawn. There was
no meeting of the minds through offer and acceptance, which is
the essence of the contract. While there was an offer, there was
no acceptance, and when the latter was made and could have
binding effect, the offer was then lacking. Though both the offer
and the acceptance existed, they did not meet to give birth to a
consent. of concurrence
(Laudico of offer
vs. Arias and acceptance,
Rodriguez, there canMarch
G.R. No.16530, be no
31, 1922). Without the consent, there is no perfected contract
for the construction of the house of Chito. (Salonga vs. Farrales,
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G.R. No. L-47088, July 10, 1981). Article 1318 of the Civil Code
provides that there can be no contract unless the following
requisites concur : (1) consent of the parties; (2) object certain
which is the subject matter of the contract; and (3) cause of the
Gigi will not be liable to pay Chito any damages for
withdrawing the offer before the lapse of the period granted.
In this case, no consideration was given by Chito for the option
given. Thus, there is no perfected contract of option for lack of
cause of obligation. Gigi cannot be held to have breached the
contract. Thus, he cannot be held liable for damages (Suggested
Answers to the 2005 Bar Examination Questions, Philippine
Association of Law Schools).
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 373.
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such case there is still no meeting of the minds, since the revocation
has cancelled or nullified the acceptance which thereby ceased to
have any legal effect.28 We believe that this opinion is more logical.
After all, as far as the law is concerned, there is only one decisive
moment to consider and that is the moment when the offeror has
knowledge of the acceptance made by the offeree. At any time before
that moment, the offeror is not bound by his offer; neither should
the offeree be bound by his acceptance. Otherwise, it would then
be possible to say that there are two moments when a consensual
contract is perfected — first, when the offeree transmits his
acceptance to the offeror, and
of the acceptance. Legally, this is not, when the offeror has knowledge
4 Tolentino, Civil Code, 1956 Ed., p. 418.
New provision.
2 Phil. 682.
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New provision.
New provision.
New provision.
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Southwestern Sugar and Molasses Co. vs. Atlantic Gulf & Paci fic Co., 51 Off.
Gaz. 3447; Navarro vs. Sugar Producers, Inc., 1 SCRA 1180.
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New provision.
New provision.
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where the minors who entered into the contract have already passed
Art. 1390, No. 1, Civil Code.
Art. 1403, No. 3, Civil Code.
For legal effect of contracts entered into by unemancipated minors, see Gan
Tingco vs. Pabanguit, 35 Phil. 31; Ibañez vs. Rodriguez, 47 Phil. 554; Velayo vs. Al-
cantara, 47 Off. Gaz.
Mercado and Mercado vs. Espiritu, 37 Phil. 215; Sia Suan vs. Alcantara, 47
Off. Gaz. 4561.
Art. 1489, Civil Code.
Arts. 1425, 1426, 1427, Civil Code.
Arts. 120, 128, Civil Code.
Act No. 3424, as amended, Insurance Law.
37 Phil. 215.
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ing that he was under age, at the time he entered into the contract, for the breach of
which this action is brought is untenable, because under the principle of estoppel the
liability resulting from the misrepresentation has its juridical source in the capacity
of the person making the misrepresentation to bind himself. If the person making the
misrepresentation cannot bind himself by a contract, he cannot also be bound by any
misrepresentation he may have made in connection therewith.’’
Braganza vs. Villa Abrille, 106 Phil. 456.
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of legal age, when in fact they were not, they will not later on
be permitted to excuse themselves from the fulfillment of the
obligation contracted by them, or to have it annulled.’ (Mercado,
et al. vs. Espiritu, 37 Phil. 15.) However, the Mercado case is dif-
ferent because the document signed therein by the minors spe-
cifically stated that they were of age, here, the promissory note
contained no such statement. In other words, in the Mercado
case, the minors were guilty of active misrepresentation; where-
as in this case, the minors are guilty of passive or constructive
misrepresentation. From the minor’s failure to disclose their mi-
nority, it does not follow, as a legal proposition, that they will
not be permitted there after to assert it. According to Corpus
Juris Secundum (43, p. 206), ‘mere silence when making a con-
tract as to his age does not constitute a fraud which can be made
the basis of an action for deceit. In order to hold the infant li-
able, the fraud must be actual and not constructive.’ Therefore,
the minors in the case at bar cannot be legally bound by their
signatures in the promissory note.
“They cannot, however, be absolved entirely from mon-
etary responsibility. Under the Civil Code, even if their written
contract is voidable because of non-age, they shall make resti-
tution to the extent that they may have pro fited by the money
they received. (Art. 1304, now Art. 1399, Civil Code.) There is
testimony that the funds were used for their support during the
Japanese occupation. Such being the case, it is but fair to hold
that they had profited to the extent of the value of such money,
which value has been established in the Ballantyne Schedule. In
October, 1944, P40 Japanese military notes were equivalent to
P1.00 of current Philippine money. Hence, they shall pay jointly
P1,666.67, plus 6% interest beginning March 7, 1949, when the
complaint was filed.”
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Standard Oil Co. vs. Arenas, 19 Phil. 363.
Standard Oil Co. vs. Arenas, 19 Phil. 363; Dumaguin vs. Reynolds, 48 Off. Gaz.
Standard Oil Co. vs. Arenas, 19 Phil. 363.
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Art. 34, Revised Penal Code.
Rules 92-93, New Rules of Court.
Art. 39, par. 2, Civil Code.
With regard to contracts involving paraphernal property, see Art. 140, and
with regard to those involving conjugal property, see Art. 172, Civil Code.
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family rejoicing.’’
“Art. 1490. The husband and the wife cannot sell property
to each other, except:
“(1) When a separation of property was agreed upon in
the marriage settlements; or
“(2) When there has been a judicial separation of
property under Article 191.’’
“Art. 1491. The following persons cannot acquire by
purchase, even at a public or judicial auction, either in person
or through the mediation of another:
“(1) The guardian, the property of the person or persons
who may be under his guardianship;
“(2) Agents, the property whose administration or sale
Act No. 2798 has extended the application of this rule to the non-Christians of
Mountain Province and Nueva Vizcaya.
Rep. Act No. 3872. See Porkan vs. Yatco, 70 Phil. 161; Porkan vs. Navarro, 73
Phil. 698; Madale vs. Raya, 49 Off. Gaz. 536; Miguel vs. Catalino, 26 SCRA 234; Heirs
of Lacamen vs. Heirs of Laruan, 65 SCRA 605.
Act No. 1956.
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Vices of Consent. — Art. 1330 enumerates the different vices
which may vitiate consent. In addition to the five stated in this
article, we can also include simulation of contracts.73
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 525.
Art. 1265, Spanish Civil Code.
Arts. 1345-1346, Civil Code. See also 3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 330; 8 Manresa, 5th
Ed., Bk. 2, p. 393.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 330.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 392-393.
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moved onequantity
as to the or both parties to enter
of the thing into in
(error thequantitate),
contract; and (d) mistake
provided that
the extent or dimension of the thing was one of the principal reasons
of one or both of the parties for entering into the contract.81
In order that a contract is rendered voidable because of mistake
regarding the quantity of the thing which constitutes the object
thereof, it is necessary that such mistake should refer not only to
the material out of which the thing is made, but also to the nature
which distinguishes it, generically or specifically, from all others,
such as when a person purchases a thing made of silver believing
that it is made of gold. Consequently, if the mistake refers only to
accidental or secondary qualities (error in qualitate), the contract is
not rendered voidable.82
In case of mistake regarding the quantity of the thing (error
in quantitate), it is important that this class of mistake should be
distinguished from a mistake of account or calculation. In the first,
there is a real mistake as to the extent of the object of the contract;
in the
second, there is only an As
apparent mistake, in a mere
mathematical computation. a consequence, the fimistake
rst, the
contract is voidable; in the second, it is not. Thus, if the parties enter
into a contract with respect to a parcel of land which they believe
has an area of 100 hectares, when in reality it has an area of only
50 hectares, there is mistake as to the quantity of the thing; the
contract in this case is voidable. If, on the other hand, they enter
into a contract in which it is agreed that a parcel of land consisting
3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 331-335; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 397-405.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 331-332.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 332-333; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 397-398.
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of 10 hectares shall be sold for P1,000 per hectare, and they thought
that the total price is only P5,000, there is a mistake of account; the
mistake in this case can only be corrected.83
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 403-404. For cases illustrating mistakes account,
see Pastor vs. Nicasio, 6 Phil. 152; Aldecoa & Co. vs. Warner, Barnes & Co., 16 Phil.
23; Gutierrez Hermanos vs. Oria Hermanos,30 Phil. 491; Oquinena & Co. vs. Muer-
tegui, 32 Phil. 261.
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3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 334-335; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 402.
New provision.
Report of the Code Commission, p. 136, cited in Ayola vs. Valderama Lumber
Co., CA, 49 Off. Gaz. 980.
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read and write, signed with a cross a document which she thought
was merely a promise to pay certain expenses which defendant had
advanced to her in a certain law suit, but which turned out to be
an absolute deed of sale of two parcels of land and a carabao, said
document is voidable, for had she truly understood the contents
thereof, she would neither have accepted nor authenticated it by
her mark.87 Similarly, where the plaintiffs, both of whom are blind,
affixed their thumbmarks to a deed which they thought was a deed
of mortgage, but which turned out to be a deed of sale of certain
properties in favor of the defendant who is a son-in-law of one of
them, although the deed is a public document and the notary public
testified as to their due execution, since courts are given a wide
latitude in weighing the facts or circumstances in a given case and
since there exists a fiduciary relationship between the parties to the
contract, it was held that such contract is voidable.88 The same is also
true where the plaintiff had testified that he had signed a voucher
without knowing or understanding its contents. Since under Art.
1332, the burden of proving that the plaintiff had understood the
contents of the document was shifted to the defendant and he had
failed to do so, the presumption of mistake still stands unrebutted
and controlling.89
Article 1332 was intended for the protection of a party to a
contract who is at a disadvantage due to his illiteracy, ignorance,
mental weakness or other handicap. This article contemplates a
situation wherein a contract has been entered into, but the consent
of one of the parties is vitiated by mistake or fraud committed by
the other contracting party. This is apparent from the ordering of
the provisions under Book IV, Title II, Chapter 2, Section 1 of the
Dumasug vs. Modelo, 34 Phil. 252.
Trasporte vs. Beltran, CA, 51 Off. Gaz. 1434.
Ayola vs. Valderama Lumber Co., CA, 49 Off. Gaz. 980.
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New provision.
New provision.
The mistake referred to in this article seems to be the equivalent of what
Castan terms a mistake as to the nature of the contract (error in negocio) giving as
an example a contract in which one of the parties believes that he is selling the thing,
while the other thinks that he is merely leasing it. (3 Castan, 7th Ed., 335.)
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Report of the Code Commission, p. 136.
Art. 1267, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1268, Spanish Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 408.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 336.
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Ibid., pp. 337-338.
This rule, which is taken from Manresa (Vol. 8, Bk. 2, 5th Ed., p. 411), is enun-
ciated in the cases of Alarcon vs. Kasilag, CA, 40 Off. Gaz. 11th S, p. 203; De Asis vs.
Buenviaje, CA, 45 Off. Gaz. 317; Mirano vs. Mossessgeld Santiago, CA, 45 Off. Gaz.
343; Derequito vs. Dolutan, CA, 45 Off. Gaz. 1351; Valdeabella vs. Marquez, CA, 48
Off. Gaz. 719.
Rodriguez vs. De Leon, CA, 47 Off. Gaz. 6296.
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From what
must not had been
be confused stated,
with consent
consent given given through
reluctantly and intimidation
even against
good sense and judgment. There must be a distinction to be made
between a case where a person gives his consent reluctantly and
even against his good sense and judgment and where he, in reality,
gives no consent at all as where he executes a contract against his
will under a pressure which he cannot resist. It is clear that one acts
as voluntarily and independently in the eyes of the law when he acts
reluctantly and with hesitation as when he acts spontaneously and
acts whollyLegally speaking,
against hesense
his better acts voluntarily andas
and judgment freely
whenwhen he
he acts
in conformity with them. Between the two acts there is no difference
in law.103
The test in order to determine whether consent given “under
pressure” is intimidation within the meaning of the law or not is
given by Justice Moreland in the following words:
Valdeabella vs. Marquez, CA, 48 Off. Gaz. 719. To the same effect: Mirano vs.
Mossessgeld Santiago, CA, 45 Off. Gaz. 343; Phil. Trust Co. vs. Araneta, 46 Off. Gaz.
4254; Laraga vs. Bañez, 47 Off. Gaz. 696; Fernandez vs. Brownell, 51 Off. Gaz. 713.
Vales vs. Villa, 35 Phil. 769; Reyes vs. Zaballero, G.R. No. L-3561, May 23,
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or more avenues
property of escape.
to his enemy or go toHe
In lose
the payment of an additional sum as a means of escape is not
necessarily a payment for duress. The act was preceded by an
exercise of judgment. This much was plain to him; he had either
to let the matter stand as it was with the loss already sustained
or go to the courts to be relieved. His judgment, operating upon
this condition, told him to pay the additional sum rather than
to suffer the inconvenience and expense of an action in court.
A payment made under such conditions is not voidable. It
voluntary act of
Not only a sane
this; it is aand mature man
compromise performed
of the upon
original wrong
and a ratification of the relation which the wrongful act was
intended to establish between the parties.
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Vales vs. Villa, 35 Phil. 769. To a certain extent the doctrine of absolute judi-
cial objectivity as applied to contractual relations has been humanized by the provi-
sion of Art. 24 of the New Civil Code.
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of the business
if prosecuted of Aldecoa
therefor, & Co. be
he would and that, in their
convicted. judgment,
In other words,
under the advice of her counsel, the situation was so presented
to her that it was evident that in signing the agreement, she
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 418; Rodriguez vs. De Leon, CA, 47 Off. Gaz.
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New provision.
57 Am. Jur., Sec. 350, p. 258.
Martinez vs. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, 15 Phil. 252.
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1170 must not be
and 1171 of confused
the Code.with
116 the fraud
Fraud which
or dolo is mentioned
under in Arts.
the Civil Code, as
distinguished from fraud or dolo under the Revised Penal Code, may,
therefore, be classified as either fraud in the perfection of a contract
(Art. 1338) or fraud in the performance of an obligation (Art. 1170).
The first is the fraud which is employed by a party to the contract in
securing the consent of the other party, while the second is the fraud
which is employed by the obligor in the performance of a pre-existing
obligation. Fraud or dolo which is present or employed at the time
of the birth or perfection of a contract, on the other hand, may be
subdivided into dolo causante and dolo incidente. Dolo causante or
causal fraud refers to those deceptions or misrepresentations of a
serious character employed by one party and without which the
other party would not have entered into the contract. This is the
fraud which is defined in Art. 1338. Dolo incidente or incidental
Coso vs. Fernandez Deza, 42 Phil. 595.
Art. 1337, Civil Code.
Art. 1269, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1338, Civil Code.
See distinctions under Art. 1171, Civil Code.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 240-241; Hill vs. Veloso, 31 Phil. 160; Wood-
house vs. Halili, 49 Off. Gaz. 3374.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 423; Eguaras vs. Great Eastern Life Ass. Co., 33
Phil. 263.
Ramos vs. Valencia, 47 Off. Gaz. 1978.
Eguaras vs. Great Eastern Life Ass. Co., 33 Phil. 263.
To the same effect: Musngi vs. West Coast Ins. Co., 61 Phil. 864.
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New provision.
Art. 1339, Civil Code.
Strong vs. Gutierrez Repide, 213 U.S. 419; 41 Phil. 947.
Tuazon vs. Marquez, 45 Phil. 481. To the same effect: Escudero vs. Flores, 51
Off. Gaz. 3444.
New provision.
Art. 1340, Civil Code.
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Azarraga vs. Gay, 52 Phil. 599. To the same effect: Songco vs. Sellner, 37 Phil.
254; Puato vs. Mendoza, 64 Phil. 457.
New provision.
Art. 1341, Civil Code.
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New provision.
Art. 1342, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 427; Hill vs. Veloso, 31 Phil. 160.
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promissory note and the mortgage covering the loan, she also
signed several documents. One of these documents signed by
her was promissory note of V for a loan of P3,000.00 also secured
by a mortgage on her house and lot. Several years later, she
received advice from the sheriff that her property shall be sold
at public auction to satisfy the two obligations. Immediately she
filed suit for annulment of her participation as co-maker in the
obligation contracted by V as well as of the mortgage in relation
to said obligation of V on the ground of fraud and mistake. Upon
filing of the complaint, she deposited P3,383.00 in court as
payment of her personal obligation including interests.
(a) Can be held liable for the obligation of V? Why?
(b) Was there a valid and effective consignation consid-
ering that there was no previous tender of payment made by C
to the Bank? Why?
Answer — (a) C cannot be held liable for the obligation
of V. It is crystal clear that C’s participation in V’s obligation
both as co-maker and as mortgagor is voidable not on the
ground of fraud because the Bank was not a participant in the
fraud committed by V, but on the ground of mistake. There was
committed bymistake
them on
as the part of both of
a consequence C and the Bank
the fraud mutually
employed by
V. (See Rural Bank of Caloocan City vs. CA, 104 SCRA 151.)
(b) Despite the fact that there was no previous tender
of payment made directly to the Bank, nevertheless, the
consignation was valid and effective. The deposit was attached
to the record of the case and the Bank had not made any claim
thereto. Therefore, C was right in thinking that it was useless
and futile for her to make a previous offer and tender of payment
directly to the Bank. Under the foregoing circumstances, the
consignation was valid, if not under the strict provisions of the
law, under the more liberal consideration of equity. (Ibid.)
New provision.
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Art. 1270, Spanish Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 426.
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“We now
tion. Does come to
it amount the
to a legalthat
fraud aspect of the
would false
vitiate representa-
the contract?
It must be noted that fraud is manifested in illimitable number
of degrees or gradations, from the innocent praises of a sales-
man about the excellence of his wares to those malicious machi-
nations and representations that the law punishes as a crime. In
consequence, Article 1270 (now Art. 1344) of the Civil Code dis-
tinguishes two kinds of (civil) fraud or dolo — the causal fraud
which may be a ground for the annulment of a contract, and the
incidental deceit, which only renders the party who employs it
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dicative of the fact that the defendant was led to the belief that
plaintiff had the exclusive franchise, but that the same was to
be secured for or transferred to the partnership. The plaintiff
no longer had the exclusive franchise, or the option thereto, at
the time the contract was perfected. But while he had already
lost his option thereto (when the contract was entered into), the
principal obligation that he assumed or undertook was to secure
said franchise for the partnership, as the bottler and distributor
for the Mission Dry Corporation. We declare, therefore, that if
he was guilty of a false representation, this was not the causal
consideration, or the principal inducement, that led defendant
to enter into the partnership agreement. But, on the other hand,
this supposed ownership of an exclusive franchise was actual-
ly the consideration or price plaintiff gave in exchange for the
share of 30% granted him in the net pro fits of the partnership
business. Defendant agreed to give plaintiff 30% share in the
net profits because he was transferring his exclusive franchise
to the partnership.
“We conclude from the above that while the representation
that plaintiff had the exclusive franchise did not vitiate
defendant’s consent to the contract, it was used by plaintiff to
get from
words, bydefendant
pretendinga share of had
that he 30%the
of the net pro
exclusive fits; in other
franchise and
promising to transfer it to defendant, he obtained the consent
of the latter to give him (plaintiff) a big slice in the net pro fits.
This is the dolo incidente defined in Article 1270 (now Art. 1344)
of the Civil Code, because it was used to get the other party’s
consent to a big share in the pro fits, an incidental matter in the
“The last question for us to decide is that of damages, dam-
ages that plaintiff is entitled to receive because of defendant’s
refusal to form the partnership, and damages that defendant is
also entitled to collect because of the falsity of plaintiff’s repre-
sentation. Under Article 1106 (now Art. 2200) of the Civil Code,
the measure of damages is the actual loss suffered and the prof-
its reasonably expected to be received embraced in the terms
daño emergente and lucro cesante. Plaintiff is entitled under the
terms of the agreement to 30% of the net pro fits of the business.
Against this amount of damages, we must set off the damage
defendant suffered by plaintiff’s misrepresentation that he had
the exclusive franchise, by which misrepresentation he obtained
a very high percentage of share in the profits.’’
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New provision.
Art. 1270, Spanish Civil Code.
Rodriguez vs. Rodriguez, 28 SCRA 229; Carrantes vs. Court of Appeals, 76
SCRA 514.
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that: vs. Perez, G.R. No. 14854, Nov. 11, 2004, the Court
dominant bargaining
taking it or leaving it,party and is deprived
completely reduced of
to the
the opportunity
alternative to
bargain on equal footing. Nevertheless, contracts of adhesion are
not invalid per se; they are not entirely prohibited. The one who
adheres to the contract is in reality free to reject it entirely; if he
adheres, he gives his consent
In the case of Sps. Francisco and Ruby Reyes vs. BPI Family
Savings Bank, Inc., et al., G. R. Nos. 149840-41, March 31,2006,
where the petitioner spouses undertook to secure the P15M loan of
Transbuilders Resources & Development Corporation to BPI-FSB
“and other credit accomodations of whatever nature obtained by the
Borrower/Mortgagor” under the Real Estate Mortgage they executed
in favor of BPI-FSB, the SC held that while the stipulation proved
to be onerous to the petitioners, neither the law nor the courts will
extricate a party from an unwise or undesirable contract entered
into with all the required formalities and with full awareness of its
consequences. Petitioners voluntarily executed the REM on their
property in favor of BPI-FSB to secure the loan. They cannot now be
allowed to repudiate their obligation to the bank after Transbuilder’s
default . While petitioner’s liability was written in fine print and in
a contract written by BPI-FSB, it has been the consistent holding
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of the Court that contracts of adhesion are not invalid per se. On
numerous occasions, the Supreme Court has upheld the binding
effects of such contracts.
Art. 1347. All things which are not outside the commerce
of men, including future things, may be the object of a
contract. All rights which are not intransmissible may also
be the object of contracts.
No contract may be entered into upon future inheritance
except authorized by law.
All services which are not contrary to law, morals, good
customs, public order or public policy may likewise be the
object of a contract.142
Art. 1348. Impossible things or services cannot be the
object of contracts.143
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 430-431.
Adopted from the definition given by Castan (Vol. 3, 7th Ed., p. 243).
Art. 1271, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1272, Spanish Civil Code.
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Art. 1273, Spanish Civil Code.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 342-343; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 431-432.
Art. 1347, par. 1, Civil Code.
Art. 1348, par. 3, Civil Code.
Art. 1349, Civil Code.
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two conditions must concur. In the first place, the thing, right or
service should be susceptible of appropriation; and in the second
place, it should be transmissible from one person to another.152 Those
things, rights or services which do not possess these conditions or
characteristics are outside the commerce of men, and therefore,
cannot be the object of contracts. These include: (1) those things
which are such by their very nature, such as common things like
the air or the sea, sacred things, res nullius, and property belonging
to the public domain; (2) those which are made such by special
prohibitions established by law, such as poisonous substances,
drugs, arms, explosives, and contrabands; and (3) those rights
which are intransmissible because either they are purely personal
in character, such as those arising from the relationship of husband
and wife, like jus consortium, or from the relationship of paternity
and filiation, like patria potestas, or they are honorary or political
in character, such as the right to hold a public of fice and the right of
Thus, in this jurisdiction, it has been held that communal
things, such as public plazas, sidewalks, streets, rivers, fountains
and other
are by things
their very for public
nature use cannot
outside be sold orofleased
the commerce because they
Idem; Existence of object. — The most evident and
fundamental requisite in order that a thing, right or service may
be the object af a contract is that it should be in existence at the
moment of the celebration of the contract, or at least, it can exist
subsequently or in the future. Hence, according to the first sentence
of Art. 1347, even future things may be the object of contracts.
6 Sanchez Roman 1281.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 441-443.
Mun. of Cavite vs. Rojas, 30 Phil. 602; Muyot vs. de la Fuente, CA, 48 Off.
Gaz. 4866.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 432.
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this is morethereby.
occasioned probable, that fraud
Besides, the and
to make may bewould
a will committed or
then be
subordinated to the right to enter into a contract.159
By reason of the rule that no contract may be entered into with
respect to future inheritance, it has been held that an agreement for
the partition of the estate of a living person, made between those
who, in case of death, would inherit the estate is null and void. 160 It
has also been held that where the vendor undertook to convey to the
vendee his participation in the property left by his deceased father,
the part of the property belonging to his mother, who is still living,
cannot at all be affected by the conveyance, since his interest in the
property of his mother at the time of the execution of the deed of sale
was a future inheritance and could not be the subject matter of a
valid contract, pursuant to the second paragraph of Art. 1347.161 But
See also Arts. 1461 and 1462, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 433. See Art. 1461, Civil Code.
This rule is complemented by Arts. 905 and 2035, No. 6, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 437.
Arroyo vs. Gerona, 58 Phil. 226. To the same effect: Tinsay vs. Yusay, 47 Phil.
639; Tordilla vs. Tordilla, 60 Phil. 162; Reyes vs. Reyes, CA, 45 Off. Gaz. 1836.
Rivero vs. Serrano, 48 Off. Gaz. 642.
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after the death of the decedent, anyone of the co-heirs may enter into
a contract with respect to the inheritance even before partition has
been effected. This is so because of the principle announced in Art.
777 of the Code that the rights to the succession are transmitted at
the moment of the death of the decedent. 162
The following case, however, provides an interesting study
of the applicability or inapplicability of the rule enunciated in the
second paragraph of Art. 1347:
Osorio vs. Osorio, 41 Phil. 53; Ibarle vs. Po, 49 Off. Gaz. 1836.
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Art. 1409, Nos. 3 and 5, Civil Code.
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the object
of the of “When
Code: the contract, since anyway
the obligation consistsaccording to Art. of
in the delivery 1246
indeterminate or generic thing, whose quality and circumstances
have not been stated, the creditor cannot demand a thing of superior
quality. Neither can the debtor deliver a thing of inferior quality.
The purpose of the obligation and other circumstances shall be taken
into consideration.”165 Hence, if A and B enter into an agreement by
virtue of which the former binds himself to deliver “ten horses” to the
latter, the contract is perfectly valid since the law merely requires
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 433-434.
For a detailed discussion of Art. 1349, see Manresa, Vol. 8, Bk. 2, 5th Ed.,
pp. 444-448.
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Liebenow vs. Phil. Vegetable Co., 39 Phil. 63.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 445-446.
Art. 1274, Spanish Civil Code.
New provision.
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be no questionand
remuneratory about the difference
gratuitous between
contracts, the twothat,
it is evident in cases of
in the
first, the cause is the service or bene fit which is remunerated,
while the object is the thing which is given in remuneration, and
in the second, the cause is the liberality of the donor or benefactor,
while the object is the thing which is given or donated. In onerous
contracts, however, there is a tendency to confuse one with the other.
Nevertheless, it is clear that the cause, for each contracting party,
is the prestation or promise of a thing or service by the other, while
the object of the contract, on the other hand, is the thing or service
itself. Thus, in a contract of sale, the cause, as far as the vendor is
concerned, is the acquisition of the purchase price, while the cause,
as far as the vendee is concerned, is the acquisition of the thing, 174
stated in another way, the cause of the obligation of the vendor is
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 445-446.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 347, citing 2 Planiol, 1949 Ed., Sec. 279. These de finitions
have been cited with approval in General Enterprises, Inc. vs. Lianga Bay Logging
Co., 11 SCRA 733.
Art. 1350, Civil Code.
5 Tolentino, Civil Code, 1956 Ed., p. 486.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 346.
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the obligation of the vendee, while the cause of the obligation of the
vendee is the obligation of the vendor.175 The objects of the contract,
on the other hand, are the thing which is sold and the price which
is paid.176 This view, which is upheld by Manresa and Castan, may
be illustrated by an example. If A sells, an automobile to B for
P20,000, delivery and payment to be made at some speci fied date,
the cause of the contract, as far as A is concerned, is the promise of
B to pay him P20,000, while the cause, as far as B is concerned, is
the promise of A to deliver the automobile to him. The objects of the
contract, on the other hand, are the automobile and the purchase
price of P20,000. Dr. Tolentino, however, while concurring with the
opinion of Manresa and Castan that as to the vendor the cause is the
obligation of the vendee to pay the price, and as to the vendee it is the
obligation of the vendor to deliver the automobile, maintains that in
the example given, the object is the automobile itself because it is the
starting point of agreement, without which the negotiations would
never have begun. Consequently, the object of an onerous contract
is the same as to both parties, although the cause is different. 177 Dr.
Padilla, on the other hand, contends that in bilateral contracts like
sale, the thing sold is the object, while the price paid is the cause. 178
We believe that the view of Dr. Tolentino is the most logical.
Idem; Distinguished from motives. — Neither must the
cause be confused with the motives of the parties in entering into a
The motives which impel one to a sale or purchase are not
always the consideration of the contract as the term is understood
in law. One may purchase an article not because it is cheap, for in
fact it may be dear, but because he may have some particular use
to which it may be put, because of a particular quality which the
article has, or the relation which it will bear, to other articles with
which it will be associated. These circumstances may constitute the
motive which induces the purchase, but the real consideration of
the purchase (as far as the vendor is concerned) is the money which
Dualde, “Concepto de la causa de los contratos,’’ cited by Castan, Vol. 3, 7th
Ed., p. 450.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 450.
4 Tolentino, Civil Code, 1956 Ed., p. 485.
Padilla, Civil Code, 1956 Ed., p. 553.
Art. 1351, Civil Code.
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passed.180 As Castan says: “In the case of a contract of sale, the cause
as far as the vendor is concerned, is always the acquisition of the
purchase price, and as far as the vendee is concerned, it is always
the acquisition of the thing; the motives of the contracting parties,
on the other hand, are as different or complex and as capable of
infinite variety as the individual circumstances which may move
men to acquire things or to make money.’’ 181
Consequently, the cause of the contract and the motives of the
contracting parties may be distinguished from each other in the
following ways:
(4) or
existence While the legality
validity or illegality
of the contract, of the cause
the legality will affect
or illegality the
of the
motives will not affect the existence of the contract.
There are times, however, when the boundary line between
motive and cause disappears altogether. The motive may be regarded
as causa when the contract is conditioned upon the attainment of the
motive of either contracting party. In other words, motive becomes
causa when it predetermines the purpose of the contract.
De Jesus vs. Urrutia & Co., 33 Phil. 171.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 346-347.
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now Art. 1412 of the New Civil Code, there can be no recovery of
what has already been delivered. (Liguez vs. CA, 102 Phil. 577.)
(2) Where a mother sold two fishponds to a daughter
and the latter, in turn, resold the same fishponds to her and her
stepfather, as a consequence of which said fishponds were converted
into conjugal properties, it is clear that the motive or purpose is
to circumvent the law against donations between spouses (Art.
133, CC). This motive or purpose is the illegal causa rendering
the contract void. Consequently, the rule of in pari delicto non
oritur actio, now enunciated in Art. 1412 of the New Civil Code, is
applicable. (Rodriguez vs. Rodriguez, 20 SCRA 908.)
(3) Where a Filipino leased a parcel of land to an alien for 99
years with an option to buy the property within 50 years, provided
that the latter shall become a Filipino citizen, it is clear that the
motive or purpose of the arrangement, which has resulted in the
virtual transfer of ownership to the lessee, is to circumvent the
Constitutional prohibition of transfer of lands to aliens. This motive
or purpose is the illegal causa rendering the contract void. However,
it will be the provision of Art. 1416 and not of Art. 1412, of the New
Civil Code
allowed that willthe
to recover apply. Because
property. of public
(Phil. policy,
Banking Corp.the lessor
vs. will 21
Lui She, be
SCRA 52.)
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distinction, expressly
are conditioned upon excepts from the rule
the attainment those
of the contracts
motives that
of either
party. The same view is held by the Supreme Court of Spain in
its decisions of February 4, 1941, and December 4, 1946, holding
that the motive may be regarded as causa when it predetermines
the purpose of the contract. In the present case, it is scarcely
disputable that Lopez would not have conveyed the property in
question had he known that appellant would refuse to cohabit
with him; so that the cohabitation was an implied condition
to the donation and being unlawful, necessarily tainted the
donation itself.
“However, since the rule that parties to an illegal contract,
if equally guilty, will not be aided by the law but will both be left
where it finds them, has been interpreted as barring the party
from pleading the illegality of the bargain as a cause of action or
as a defense, appellant is, therefore, entitled to so much of the
donated property as may be found upon proper liquidation not
to prejudice the share of the widow or the legitimes of the forced
Enriguez de Cavada vs. Diaz, 37 Phil. 982; Phil. Banking Corp. vs. Lui She,
102 Phil. 577.
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export logs to Korea and Europe at the best market price obtainable
on condition that it would pay the latter a commission of 13% of the
gross value of the logs, it was held that for the former the cause of
the agreement is the distribution of its logs in the areas agreed upon
which the latter undertook to accomplish, whereas for the latter
the cause is its commitment to sell or export the logs for onerous
Insingle centavo
the words of Supreme
of the the money given“the
Court, to the accommodated
consideration whichparty.
ports the promise of the accommodation maker is that parted
with by the person taking the note and received by the person
jurisdiction is meager.
obligation arises whollyItfrom
is, however, clear that where
ethical considerations, the moral
with any civil obligation and, as such, is not demandable in law
but only in conscience, it can not constitute a sufficient cause or
consideration to support an onerous contract,187 but where such
moral obligation is based upon a previous civil obligation which
has already been barred by the statute of limitations at the time
General Enterprises, Inc. vs. Lianga Bay Co., 11 SCRA 733.
China Banking Corp. vs. Lichauco, 46 Phil. 460.
National Bank vs. Maza, 48 Phil. 207; Acuna vs. Veloso, 50 Phil. 241. But see
Standard Oil Co. vs. Arenas, 19 Phil. 363.
Fisher vs. Robb, 69 Phil. 101.
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dant in his
Supreme letter.
Court, Answering
speaking this question
through in the negative,
Justice Villareal, held: the
“The contract sought to be judicially enforced by the
plaintiff appellee against the defendant is onerous in character,
because it supposes the deprivation of the latter of an amount
of money which impairs his property, which is a burden, and
for it to be legally valid it is necessary that it should have a
consideration consisting in the lending or promise of a thing or
service by such party. The defendant-appellant is required to
give a thing, namely the payment of the sum of P2,000, but the
plaintiff-appellee has not given or promised anything or service
to the former which may compel him to make such payment.
The promise which said defendant-appellant has made to the
plaintiff-appellee to return to him P2,000 which he had paid to
the Philippine Greyhound Club, Inc. as a second installment
of the amount of the shares for which he had subscribed, was
prompted by a feeling of pity which said defendant-appellant
had for the plaintiff-appellee as a result of the loss which the
latter had suffered because of the failure of the enterprise. The
Villaroel vs. Estrada, 71 Phil. 14. Strictly speaking, the moral obligation in
this case is a natural obligation (Arts. 1423, et seq., Civil Code), as distinguished from
a purely moral obligation, such as that referred to in the case of Fisher vs. Robb.
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1930, in assuming
The defendant the
being theobligation
only heirwhich
of the had already
original prescribed.
debtor with the
right to succeed in her inheritance, that debt lawfully contracted
by his mother, although it lost its efficacy by prescription, is
nevertheless now a moral obligation as far as he is concerned,
a moral obligation which is a sufficient consideration to create
and make effective and demandable the obligation which he had
voluntarily contracted on August 9, 1930.’’
See Art. 726, Civil Code.
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property. However,
or vendee failed the rule
to fully payisfor
applicable where
property, eventhe purchaser
if there is a
stipulation in the contract of sale that full payment shall be made
at the time of the celebration thereof. 199 As a matter of fact, even
where the contract itself expressly states that the consideration for
the sale of a piece of land is only one peso (P1.00), it does not follow
that the contract or sale is void or inexistent for lack of a cause or
consideration. The reason is obvious. There is a consideration. The
contract may be voidable because of the inadequacy of the cause
or consideration, but of
Appeals,it200 is not voidthrough
or inexistent. Thus,
in Carantes vs. Court speaking Chief Justice
Fred Ruiz Castro, the Supreme Court declared:
Arts. 1352, 1409, Nos. 1, 2, 3, Civil Code.
Art. 1353, Civil Code.
Ocejo, Perez & Co. vs. Flores, 40 Phil. 921; Onejera vs. Iga Sy, 76 Phil. 580.
De Belen vs. Coll. of Customs, 46 Phil. 241; Gallon vs. Gayares, 53 Phil. 43;
Escutin vs. Escutin, 60 Phil. 922; Gonzales vs. Trinidad, 67 Phil. 682; Navarro vs.
Diego, CA, 40 Off. Gaz. 2106.
Puato vs. Mendoza, 64 Phil. 457.
76 SCRA 514.
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the be resolved
cause in the
is not stated innegative. According
the contract, to Art. 1354,
it is presumed that iteven if
and is lawful, unless the debtor proves the contrary. This is true
even where the contract falls within the purview of the Statute of
If instead of an absolute lack of cause or consideration, there is
lesion or inadequacy of cause, shall this not invalidate the contract?
Again, this question must be resolved in the negative. This is clear
Azarraga vs. Rodriguez, 9 Phil. 637; Eliot vs. Montemayor, 9 Phil. 960; Stand-
ard Oil Co. vs. Arenas, 19 Phil. 211; Dumaguin vs. Reynolds, 48 Off. Gaz. 3887.
Bhen, Meyer & Co. vs. Davis, 37 Phil. 431. See Art. 1403, No. 2, Civil Code.
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plaintiff friend,
to moveacting upon
for the defendant’s
dismissal of therequest,
case andprevailed upon
be contented
with a promissory note to be executed by the defendant. The note
was executed and, accordingly, the criminal case was dismissed.
Defendant, however, was unable to comply with his promise
despite repeated demands. Subsequently, plaintiff brought this
action against him for the recovery of the P1,770. Defendant
now contends that the promissory note is void because the
consideration thereof is the dismissal of the estafa case which is
certainly contrary to public policy.
Gonzales vs. Trinidad, 67 Phil. 862; Navarro vs. Diego, CA, 40 Off. Gaz. 2106.
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that it is, in reality, founded upon another cause which is true and
Liguez vs. Court of Appeals, 102 Phil. 577; Rodriguez vs. Rodriguez, 20 SCRA
908; Philippine Banking Corp. vs. Lui She, 21 SCRA 52.
Art. 1345, Civil Code.
Art. 1346, Civil Code.
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Report of the Code Commission, pp. 137-138.
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(1) Chattel
by a chattel mortgages.
mortgage, personalAccording
property to Art. 2140inofthe
is recorded the Code,
Mortgage Register as a security for the performance of an obligation.
If the movable, instead of being recorded, is delivered to the creditor
or a third person, the contract is a pledge and not a chattel mortgage.
(2) Sales or transfers of large cattle. According to the Cattle
Registration Act, no sale or transfer of large cattle shall be valid
unless it is duly registered and a certificate of transfer is secured.8
Idem; contracts
also certain id. — Formalities for enforceability.
which are unenforceable —unless
by action, Therethey
are in writing and properly subscribed, or unless they are evidenced
by some note or memorandum, which must also be in writing and
properly subscribed. These contracts are governed by the Statute of
Form of Contracts Required by Law. — It must be noted
that it is not only in the two exceptional cases mentioned in the
preceding sections where the law prescribes a certain form in the
execution of contracts. Art. 1358 of the Code enumerates certain
kinds of contracts which must appear either in a public or in a
private document. The purpose of the requirement, however, is not to
validate or to enforce the contract, but to insure its efficacy; in other
words, the form required is neither for validity nor enforceability
but for the convenience of the contracting parties. Hence, the
forms required by law for the execution of certain contracts may be
divided into: (1) those which are necessary for the convenience of the
contracting parties or for the ef ficacy of the contract; (2) those which
are necessary for the validity of the contract; and (3) those which are
necessary for the enforceability of the contract. The first is governed
by Arts. 1356 to 1358 of the Code, the second by scattered provisions
of the Code and by special laws, and the third by the Statute of
Sec. 22, Act No. 1147; Art. 1581; Civil Code.
Arts. 1403, et seq., Civil Code.
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each other to observe that form, once the contract has been
perfected. This right may be exercised simultaneously with
the action upon the contract.10
Art. 1358. The following must appear in a public docu-
(1) Acts and contracts which have for their object the
creation, transmission, modification or extinguishment of
real rights over immovable property; sales of real property
or of an interest therein are governed by Articles 1403, No. 2
and 1405;
Art. 1279, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1280, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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Thunga Chiu vs. Que Bentec, 2 Phil. 261; Bian Hing vs. Tan Bomping, 48 Phil.
253; Escueta vs. Pando, 76 Phil. 256; Dauden-Hernaez vs. De los Angeles, 27 SCRA
Doliendo vs. Depino, 12 Phil. 758; Dievas vs. Acuña, 16 Phil. 447; Hawaiian-
Philippine Co. vs. Hernaez, 45 Phil. 760.
Thunga Chiu vs. Que Bentec, 2 Phil. 251; Soriano vs. Cortez, 8 Phil. 459; Conlu
vs. Araneta, 15 Phil. 387; Osorio vs. Cortez, 24 Phil. 653.
Solis vs. Barroso, 53 Phil. 913.
Peyer vs. Peyer, 77 Phil. 366.
Rodriguez vs. Pamintuan, 37 Phil. 876.
Art. 1357, Civil Code.
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der them the execution of the required document must precede the
determination of the other obligations derived from the contract.19
Upon motion
complaint of defendants,
because the
“the claim of lower was
plaintiff court
any written document, either public or private’’ in violation of
Art. 1358 of the New Civil Code. As a last recourse, plaintiff
appealed to the Supreme Court on the ground that the court
below had abused its discretion.
Held: We hold that there was abuse, since the ruling herein
contested betrays a basic and lamentable misunderstanding
of the role of the written form in contracts, as ordained in the
present Civil Code.
In the matter of formalities, the contractual system of our
Civil Code still follows that of the Spanish Civil Code of 1889
and of the “Ordenamiento de Alcala” of upholding the spirit
and intent of the parties over formalities; hence, in general,
contracts are valid and binding from their perfection regardless
of form, whether they be oral or written. This is plain from
Articles 1315 and 1356 of the present Civil Code. To this general
rule, the Code admits two exceptions, to wit: (1) Contracts for
which the law itself requires that they be in some particular
form in order to make them valid and enforceable (the so called
solemn contracts). Examples of these are the contracts or
agreements contemplated in Arts. 748, 749, 1744, 1773, 1874,
1956, and 2134 of the present Civil Code. (2) Contracts that the
law requires to be proved by some writing (memorandum) of its
terms, as in those covered by the Statute of Frauds, now Art.
1403(2) of the Civil Code. Their existence not being probable by
mere oral testimony (unless wholly or partly executed), these
contracts are exceptional in requiring a writing embodying the
terms thereof for their enforceability by action in court.
Manalo vs. De Mesa, 25 Phil. 495.
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New provision.
Art. 1359, par. 1, Civil Code.
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or 1363. When
believed onethe
that party was mistaken
instrument andstate
did not the other
real agreement, but concealed that fact from the former, the
instrument may be reformed.11
Art. 1364. When through the ignorance, lack of skill,
negligence or bad faith on the part of the person drafting
the instrument or of the clerk or typist, the instrument does
not express the true intention of the parties, the courts may
order that the instrument be reformed.12
Art. 1365. If two parties agree upon the mortgage or
pledge or real or personal property, but the instrument
Art. 1359, par. 2, Civil Code.
Garcia vs. Bisaya, 97 Phil. 609.
New provision.
New provision. For illustrative cases see Philippine Sugar Estate Development
Co. vs. Gov’t. of P.I., 247 U.S. 385; Bank of the P.I. vs. Fidelity and Surety Co., 51
Phil. 57; Jardenil vs. Solas, 73 Phil. 626; De la Cruz vs. Del Pilar, 95 Phil. 444.
New provision. See Ong Chua vs. Carr, 53 Phil. 975.
New provision.
New provision.
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Art. 1367.
to enforce When one ofhe
the instrument, the parties
cannot has broughtask
subsequently an action
for its
reformation. 15
by the shall be governed
Supreme Court.16 by rules of court to be promulgated
New provision. See Aquino vs. Deala, 63 Phil. 582; Marquez vs. Valencia, 77
Phil. 782.
New provision.
New provision.
New provision.
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merely aftheir terms are prepared by only one party while the other
fixes his signature signifying his adhesion thereto. In this
case, paragraph 7 of the terms and conditions states that Citibank is
not responsible if the card is not honoured by any merchant af filiate
for any reason. While it is true that Citibank may have no control
of all the actions of its merchant affiliates, and should not be held
liable therefor, it is incorrect, however, to give it blanket freedom
from liability if its card is dishonoured by any merchant af filiate
for any reason. Such phrase renders the statement vague and as
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Art. 1370.
no doubt uponIfthe
terms of of
a contract are clear
the contracting and leave
parties, the
literal meaning of its stipulations shall control.
If the words appear to be contrary to the evident inten-
tion of the parties, the latter shall prevail over the former. 1
Art. 1371. In order to judge the intention of the contract-
ing parties, their contemporaneous and subsequent acts
shall be principally considered.2
Art. 1281, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1282, Spanish Civil Code.
Kasilag vs. Rodriguez, 69 Phil. 317. To the same effect: Manila Engineering Co.
vs. Cranston, 45 Phil. 842; Roman vs. Asia Banking Corp., 46 Phil. 705; Valdez vs.
Sibal, 46 Phil. 930; National Bank vs. Paez, 54 Phil. 393; Abella vs. Gonzaga, 56 Phil.
132; Acosta vs. Llacuna, 59 Phil. 540; H.E. Heacock Co. vs. Buntal Manufacturing
Co., 66 Phil. 245; Jose vs. Veloso, 67 Phil. 191; Marquez vs. Valencia, 44 Off. Gaz. 895.
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of its stipulation shall control. The contract is the law between the
parties and when the words of the contract are clear and can easily
be understood, there is no room for contruction (Olivares and Robles
vs. Sarmiento, G.R. 158384, June 12, 2008).
Idem; How to judge intention. — In order to judge the in-
tention of the contracting parties, their contemporaneous and subse-
quent acts shall be principally considered. This is, of course, without
prejudice to the consideration of other factors as fixed or determined
by the other rules of interpretation mentioned in the Civil Code and
in the Rules of Courts. Hence, as a general rule, documents are in-
courts, in in
thethe preciseofterms
exercise their in which
sound they are expressed,
discretion, but the
are called upon to
admit direct and simultaneous circumstantial evidence necessary
for their interpretation with the purpose of making the true inten-
tion of the parties prevail.5 One pattern is to ascertain the contempo-
raneous and subsequent acts of the contracting parties in relation to
the transaction under consideration. Thus, where there is evidence
regarding the intention of the parties to extend the contract equiva-
lent to the period of suspension caused by the war and the parties
understood thethe
suspension of suspension
mean extension, it was
the extension held
of the thatfor
same the
period equivalent to the suspension.6
Aves vs. Orillenedo, 70 Phil. 262, citing Arts. 1370 and 1371 of the Civil Code.
To the same effect: Atlantic Gulf Co. vs. Insular Government, 10 Phil. 166; Figueras
vs. Rocha, 13 Phil. 504; Tanido vs. Jumaoan, 17 Phil. 335; Soler vs. Chesley, 43 Phil.
529; Kidney vs. Carter, 43 Phil. 953; Rivero vs. Rabe, 54 Phil. 982; Gonzales vs. La
Previsora, 74 Phil. 165.
Nielsen & Co. vs. Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co., 18 SCRA 1040.
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Art. 1283, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1284, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1285, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1286, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1287, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1288, Spanish Civil Code.
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Art. 1289, Spanish Civil Code.
New provision. The provisions of Rule 123 of the Rules of Court referred to are
Secs. 58-67, now Secs. 8-17, Rule 130, New Rules of Court.
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Report of the Code Commission, pp. 138-140.
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4. As to susceptibility of ratification:
fi fi
(a) The rst are not susceptible of rati cation;
(b) The second are susceptible of ratification;
(c) The third are susceptible of ratification;
(d) The fourth are not susceptible of ratification.
5. As to who may assail contracts:
(a) The first maybe assailed not only by a contracting
party but even by a third person who is prejudiced or damaged
by the contract;
(b) The second may be assailed only by a contracting
(c) The third may be assailed only by a contracting
(d) The fourth may be assailed not only by a contracting
party but even by a third person whose interest is directly
6. As to how contracts may be assailed:
(a) The first may be assailed directly only, and not
(b) The second may be assailed directly or collaterally;
(c) The third may be assailed directly or collaterally;
(d) The fourth may be assailed directly or collaterally.
Art. 1290, Spanish Civil Code.
Report of the Code Commission, p. 139.
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of rescisssion,
with respect tosecond, with The
the effects. respect to the case
following lawswill
serve toand third,
these distinctions:
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(now Art. 1385) refers and which takes place only in the cases
mentioned in the preceding Articles, 1291 and 1292 (now Arts.
1381 and 1382). Rescission, in the light of these provisions, is
a relief which the law grants, on the premise that the contract
is valid, for the protection of one of the contracting parties and
third persons from all injury and damage that the contract may
cause, or to protect some incompatible and preferential right
created by the contract. Article 1295 (now Art. 1385) refers to
contracts that are rescissible in accordance with law in the cases
expressly fixed thereby, but it does not refer to contracts that
are rescinded by mutual consent and for the mutual convenience
of the contracting parties. The rescission in question was not
originated by any of the causes specified in Articles 1291 and
1292 (now Arts. 1381 and 1382), nor is it any relief for the
purposes sought by these articles. It is simply another contract
for the dissolution of a previous one, and its effects, in relation
to the contract so dissolved, should be determined by the
agreement made by the parties, or by the application of other
legal provisions, but not by Article 1295 (now Art. 1385), which
is not applicable.’’6
To the same effect: Luneta Motor Co. vs. Richey, CA, 39 Off. Gaz. 1101.
Art. 1291, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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Art. 1292, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1281, No. 1, Civil Code.
See Rules 95-96, New Rules of Court.
Art. 326, Civil Code.
Sec. 1, Rule 95, New Rules of Court.
Arts. 1403, No. 1, and 1317, Civil Code.
Sec. 1, et seq., Rule 96, New Rules of Court. See 2 Moran, 1957 Ed., p. 506.
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(1) of
in behalf The
ward ormust
by ahave
legalbeen entered intoinbybehalf
representative a guardian
of an
absentee; 18
Art. 1381, No. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1386, Civil Code.
Art. 382, Civil Code.
Art. 1381, Nos. 1 and 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1386, Civil Code.
Art. 1383, Civil Code.
Art. 1385, par. 1, Civil Code.
Art. 1385, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1385, par. 3, Civil Code.
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(4) The
possession objectperson
of a third of thewho
did notmust
act innot
badbe legally
faith. 27 in the
any other undertaken
in fraud of creditors whenThe
latter to
cannot in
manner collect the claims due them.’’ rescind
contracts in fraud of creditors is known as accion pauliana. For this
action to prosper, the following requisites must be present: (1) the
plaintiff asking for rescission has a credit prior to the alienation; (2)
the debtor has made a subsequent contract conveying a patrimonial
benefit to a third person; (3) the creditor has no other legal remedy
to satisfy his claim; (4) the act being impugned is fraudulent; (5) the
Art. 1381, No. 3, Civil Code.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 422.
Art. 1385, par. 2, Civil Code.
Art. 1385, par. 3, Civil Code.
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Art. 1294, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1383, Civil Code.
Art. 1177, Civil Code.
Goquiolay vs. Sycip, 9 SCRA 663.
Regalado vs. Luchsinger & Co., 5 Phil. 625; Guash vs. Espiritu, 11 Phil. 184;
Honrado vs. Mercayda, CA, 49 Off. Gaz. 1492.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 433.
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Concepcion vs. Sta. Ana, 87 Phil. 787. The opinion of Manresa quoted here is
found in Vol. 8, Bk. 2, 5th Ed., pp. 555-556. See Art. 221, No. 4, Civil Code.
New provision.
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was not found in the old Code, is in accordance with the doctrine
enunciated by the Supreme Tribunal of Spain on December 10, 1904,
to the effect that a contract in fraud of creditors may be partially
rescinded to an extent which is sufficient to satisfy the damage
caused to the creditor.44
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 572.
Art. 1295. Spanish Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 578.
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Uy Soo Lim vs. Tan Unchuan, 38 Phil. 522.
Arts. 543, et seq., Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk 2, pp. 577-578.
Gov’t. of the P.I. vs. Wagner, 54 Phil. 132.
Art. 559, Civil Code.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk 2, pp. 379-380, quoted by the Supreme Court in Cord-
evero vs. Villaruz, 46 Phil. 473, and in Gatchalian vs. Manalo, 68 Phil. 608.
Cordevero vs. Villaruz, 46 Phil. 473.
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From this case, it is clear that when the law speaks of “third persons,” it refers
not only to subsequent transferees who are strangers to the contract which is sought
to be rescinded, but even to the immediate transferees who are not strangers to the
Art. 1385, par. 3, Civil Code.
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to return them.
If there are two or more alienations, the first acquirer
shall be liable first, and so on successively.60
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 582.
Art. 1388, par. 1, Civil Code.
Art. 1296, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1297, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1298, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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debtor Alienations
whom of property
some by onerous
judgment title
has been if made
rendered in by a
instance or some writ of attachment has been issued. The decision
or attachment need not refer to the property alienated and need
not have been obtained by the party seeking the rescission. 62 Thus,
where the debtor alienated a certain property, which was his only
attachable property, to his son after judgment had been rendered
against him and a writ of execution had been issued, there is a
presumption that such alienation is fraudulent in accordance
Art. 1387, par. 1, Civil Code.
Art. 1387, par. 2, Civil Code.
Regalado vs. Luchsinger & Co., 5 Phil. 25. To the same effect: see Cabaliw vs.
Sadorra, 64 SCRA 310.
Bachrach vs. Peterson, 7 Phil. 571. To the same effect: Panlileo vs. Victorio, 36
Phil. 706; Saavedra vs. Martinez, 68 Phil. 676; Contreras vs. China Banking Corp.,
76 Phil. 709.
Manila Mercantile Co. vs. Flores, 50 Phil. 759.
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and replaced
Nueva with T.C.T. No. 522 of the Register of Deeds of
Because of the failure of her husband to comply with
the judgment of support, Isidora Cabaliw filed in Civil Case
43192 a motion to cite Benigno Sadorra for contempt and the
Court of First Instance of Manila in its Order of May 12, 1937,
authorized Isidora to take possession of the conjugal property,
to administer the same, and to avail herself of the fruits thereof
in payment of the monthly support in arrears. With this order of
the Court, Isidora proceeded to Nueva Vizcaya to take possession
of the aforementioned parcels of land, and it was then that she
discovered that her husband had sold them to his son-in-law
On February 1, 1940, Isidora filed with the Court of First
Instance of Nueva Vizcaya Civil Case No. 449 against her
husband and Sotero Sadorra for the recovery of the lands in
question on the ground that the sale was fictitious; at the same
time a notice of lis pendens was filed with the Register of Deeds
of Nueva Vizcaya.
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New Civil 1297
Code) of the
which oldthe
was Civil
lawCode (nowatArt.
in force the 1387 of the
time of the
transaction provides:
“Contracts by virtue of which the debtor alienates
property by gratuitous title are presumed to be made in
fraud of creditors.
“Alienations by onerous title are also presumed
fraudulent when made by persons against whom some
judgment has been rendered in any instance or some writ
of attachment
need not refer has been
to the issued.alienated
property The decision
and or attachment
need not have
been obtained by the party seeking rescission.’’ (Emphasis
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certiinstance of Isidora Cabaliw, and the issuance of a transfer
ficate of title in his favor, by executing an affidavit (Exhibit
H) on June 7, 1948, wherein he referred to Isidora as “the late
Isidora Cabaliw’’ when he knew for a fact that she was alive,
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and alleged that Civil Case 449 of the Court of First Instance
of Nueva Vizcaya was decided in his favor where in truth there
was no such decision because the proceedings in said case
were interrupted by the last world war. Such conduct of Sotero
Sadorra reveals, as stated by the lower court, an “utter lack of
sincerity and truthfulness” and belies his pretensions of good
On the part of the transferee, he did not present satis-
factory and convincing evidence sufficient to overthrow the
presumption and evidence of a fraudulent transaction. His is
the burden of rebutting the presumption of fraud established
by law, and having failed to do so, the fraudulent nature of the
conveyance in question prevails.
The decision of the Court of Appeals makes mention of Art.
1413 of the old Civil Code (now Art. 166 of the New Civil Code)
which authorizes the husband as administrator to alienate and
bind by onerous title the property of the conjugal partnership
without the consent of the wife, and by reason thereof concludes
that petitioner Isidora Cabaliw can not now seek annulment
of the sale made by her husband. On this point, counsel for
petitioners rightly claims that the lack of consent of the wife
to the conveyances made by her husband was never invoked
nor placed in issue before the trial court. What was claimed all
along by plaintiff, Isidora Cabaliw now petitioner, was that the
conveyances or deeds of sale were executed by her husband to
avoid payment of the monthly support adjudged in her favor and
to deprive her of the means to execute said judgment. In other
words, petitioner seeks relief not so much as an aggrieved wife
but more as a judgment creditor of Benigno Sadorra. Art. 1413
therefore is inapplicable; but even if it were, the result would
be the same because the very article reserves to the wife the
right to seek redress in court for alienations which prejudice her
or her heirs. The undisputed facts before Us clearly show that
the sales made by the husband were merely a scheme to place
beyond the reach of the wife the only properties belonging to the
conjugal partnership and deprive her of what rightly belongs to
her and her only daughter Soledad.
PREMISES CONSIDERED, We find merit to this Petition
for Review and We set aside the decision of the appellate court
for being contrary to the law applicable to the facts of the case.
The decision of the trial court stands af firmed with costs against
private respondents.
So Ordered.
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Peña vs. Mitchell, 9 Phil. 587 & Streiff vs. Coll. of Customs, 31 Phil. 643; Na-
tional Exchange Co. vs. Katigbak, 54 Phil. 599; Buencamino vs. Bantug, 58 Phil. 521;
Gatchalian vs. Manalo, 68 Phil. 708.
Buencamino vs. Bantug, 58 Phil. 521. To the same effect: Peña vs. Mitchell, 9
Phil. 587; Gatchalian vs. Manalo, 68 Phil. 706.
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Ayles vs. Reyes, 18 Phil. 243.
Oria vs. McMicking, 21 Phil. 243.
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time offor
thea conveyance
valuable consideration
insolvent.75 and said vendor was not at the
Asia Banking Corp. vs. Nable Jose, 51 Phil. 763.
Onglengco vs. Ozaeta, 70 Phil. 43.
Gaston vs. Hernaez, 58 Phil. 823.
Ayles vs. Reyes, 18 Phil. 243; Alpuerto vs. Perez, 38 Phil. 785.
Standard Oil Co. vs. Castro, 64 Phil. 716.
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Oria vs. McMicking, 21 Phil. 243.
See Honrado vs. Marcayda, supra, for definition of “purchaser in good faith and
for value” and also for authorities
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Art. 1388, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 549.
Art. 1299, Spanish Civil Code.
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counted from the time the domicile of the absentee is known; under
Nos. 3 and 4 and also under Art. 1382, it must be counted from the
time of the discovery of the fraud. In certain cases of contracts of
sale which are specially declared by law to be rescissible, however,
the prescriptive period for the commencement of the action is six
months or even forty days, counted from the day of delivery. 81
Arts. 1543, 1571, 1577, Civil Code.
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See Art. 1390, Civil Code, and Art. 1300, Spanish Civil Code.
Castan calls the defect of voidable contracts (contratas anulables) “anulabi-
lidado nulidad relativa’’ in order to distinguish it from the defect of void contracts
(contratos inexistentes) which he calls “nulidad absoluta.’’ Derecho Civil, Vol. 3, 7th
Ed., pp. 409-415.
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Art. 1390, Civil Code.
Arts. 1390, 1391, 1392-1396, Civil Code.
Art. 1397, Civil Code.
Arts. 1381, 1390, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 544-545.
Arts. 1381, 1390, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 545.
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New provision superseding Art. 1300, Spanish Civil Code.
See comments on Arts. 1327-1329, with respect to legal incapacity, and on
Arts. 1330-1344, with respect to mistake, violence, intimidation, undue influence,
and fraud.
Arts. 1345, 1409, No. 2, Civil Code.
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Almosaraattempted in December
sign a ready-made in 1970purporting
document to have Gimena
to sell
the disputed lots to the appellees. This actuation clearly
indicated that the appellees knew the lots did not still
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Note: There are others who believe that when a wife sells
or encumbers conjugal land without the consent of her husband,
the contract is unenforceable, not voidable. According to them,
the defect of the contract consists of lack of authority, not
incapacity. Therefore, No. (1) of Art. 1403 of the Civil Code is
In the case of Guiang vs. Court of Appeals (June 26, 1998,
291 SCRA 372), the Supreme Court clearly stated that Article
1390, par. 2, refers to contracts visited by vices of consent,
i.e., contracts
consent which were
was obtained enteredthrough
and vitiated into bymistake,
a person whose
intimidation, undue influence or fraud. In the said case, private
respondent’s consent to the contract of sale of their conjugal
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Art. 1301, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Naval vs. Enriquez, 3 Phil. 699; Ullman vs. Hernaez, 30 Phil. 69; Villanueva
vs. Villanueva, 91 Phil. 43.
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44-A. The portion expropriated by the Government was Lot No.
In 1933, Special Proceedings Nos. 409 to 413 were filed
with the court for the settlement of the estate of the late
Mateo Carantes. One of his sons, herein petitioner Maximino
Carantes, was appointed and qualified as judicial administrator
of the estate. In his capacity as administrator, Maximino filed
on June 20, 1939 a project of partition wherein he listed as the
heirs of Mateo Carantes who were entitled to inherit the estate,
himself and his brothers and sisters, or the latter’s surviving
children. Apparently because negotiations were, by that time,
under way for the purchase by the Government of Lots Nos.
44-B and 44-C for the purpose of widening the Loakan Airport,
the only property listed by Maximino in the project of partition
was the remaining portion of Lot No. 44.
On October 23, 1939 a deed denominated “Assignment of
Right to Inheritance” was executed by four of Mateo Carantes’
children, namely, Bilad, Sianang, Lauro and Crispino, and
the heirs of Apung Carantes (also a son of Mateo who died in
1923), namely,Carantes
to Maximino Pitag, Bill, Alson,
their Eduardo
rights and Juan,inassigning
to inheritance Lot No.
44. The stated monetary consideration for the assignment was
P1.00. However, the document contains a recital to the effect
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that the said lots, “by agreement of all the direct heirs and heirs
by representation of the deceased Mateo Carantes as expressed
and conveyed verbally by him during his lifetime, rightly and
exclusively belong to the particular heir, Maximino Carantes,
now and in the past in the exclusive, continuous, peaceful and
notorious possession of the same for more than ten years.”
On the same date Maximino Carantes sold to the
Government Lots Nos. 44-B and 44-C and divided the proceeds
of the sale among himself and the other heirs of Mateo.
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of the deedMaximino Carantes
of assignment, thenotwithstanding
co-ownership wasthecompletely
repudiated by the said defendant by performance of several
acts, the first of which was his execution of a deed of sale in
favor of the Government on October 23, 1939, hence, ownership
had vested in the defendant Maximino Carantes by acquisitive
prescription. The court accordingly dismissed the complaint. It
likewise dismissed the counter claim.
The plaintiffs moved for reconsideration. Their motion
having been denied in an Order dated March 8, 1965, they
appealed to the Court of Appeals.
As adverted to above, the Court of Appeals reversed the
judgment of the trial court, hence the present recourse.
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the action and the basis of the defense are identical. In Braganza
3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 415-416, citing Manresa, De Buen and Ramos.
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vs. Villa Abrille,18 however, the Supreme Court declared that “there
is reason to doubt the pertinency of the period fixed by Art. 1301
— now Art. 1391 of the Civil Code where minority is set up only as
a defense to an action, without the minors asking for any positive
relief from the contract.” Although this statement in the decision is
not controlling because it is based on an assumption, nevertheless,
we believe that this view is more just and logical.
It is interesting to note that the above aspect of the law was
taken up in the Bar Examinations of 1979. Thus —
105 Phil. 456.
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a right to
implies aninvoke it should
intention execute
to waive an act
his right.20 which necessarily
Art. 1309, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1311, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
New provision.
Art. 1312, Spanish Civil Code.
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Art. 1313, Spanish Civil Code.
Art. 1392, Civil Code. For a third mode of extinguishing the action, see Art.
1401, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 665.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 419; 8 Manresa, 5th Ed., 2, pp. 668-671.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 668-670.
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conformity of Consequently,
the contract. the other partycon
who has no right to invoke the nullity of
firmation may also be invalidated by
mistake, violence, intimidation, undue influence, or fraud.29 It must
be noted, however, that the contract may be tainted with several
vices, such as when it has been executed through mistake and fraud.
In such case, if the person entitled to effect the confirmation ratifies
or confirms the contract with knowledge of the mistake, but not of
the fraud, his right to ask for annulment is not extinguished thereby
since the ratification or confirmation has only purged the contract of
Arts. 1394-1395, Civil Code. See 3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 419.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 670-671.
Ibid., p. 672.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 419.
Art. 1349, Civil Code.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 671.
Art. 1393, Civil Code.
Uy Soo Lim vs. Tan Unchuan, 38 Phil. 552.
Tacalinar vs. Corro, 34 Phil. 8898.
Arts. 1392, 1396, Civil Code; 3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 420.
Art. 1302, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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The first requisite is that the plaintiff must have an interest in the
contract. The second is that the victim and not the party responsible
for the vice or defect must be the person who must assert the same.39
Discussing the first requisite, the Supreme Court, in a leading
case, declared:
of to in
the contract enable him
which he to bring an and
intervened action for the he
therefore annulment
who has
no right in a contract is not entitled to prosecute an action for
annulment, for according to the precedents established by the
courts the person who is not a party to a contract, or who has
no cause of action or representation from those who intervened
therein, is manifestly without right of action and personality
such as to enable him to assail the validity of the contract.’’40
8 Manresa, 6th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 639; Wolfson vs. Estate of Martinez, 20 Phil. 340.
Ibañez vs. Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, 22 Phil. 572. To the same effect: Com-
pania General vs. Topino, 4 Phil. 33; Martell Ong vs. Jariol, 17 Phil. 244; Dy Sun vs.
Brilliantes, 93 Phil. 175.
Teves vs. People’s Homesite & Housing Corp., 23 SCRA 1141; De Santos vs.
City of Manila, 45 SCRA 409; Singsong vs. Isabela Sawmill, 88 SCRA 623.
Singsong vs. Isabela Sawmill, 88 SCRA 623. But would this not be confusing
the concept of annulment of voidable contracts with the concept of rescission of rescis-
sible contracts?
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institutedIn addition
only by thetoparty
the requirement that thein
who has an interest action may be
the contract
in the sense that he is obliged thereby either principally or
subsidiarily, Art. 1397 of the Civil Code further requires that in
case of contracts voidable by reason of incapacity of one of the
contracting parties, the party who has capacity cannot allege the
incapacity of the party with whom he contracted. Because of this
additional requisite, it is clear that Y and not X can institute the
action for annulment.
Problem No. 2. — Pedro sold a piece of land to his nephew
Quintin, a minor. One month later, Pedro died. Pedro’s heirs
then brought an action to annul the sale on the ground that
Quintin was a minor and therefore without legal capacity to
contract. If you are the judge, would you annul the sale? (1974
Bar Problem)
Answer — If I am the judge, I will not annul the sale.
The Civil Code in Art. 1397 is explicit. Persons who are capable
cannot allege the incapacity of those with whom they contracted.
True, Pedro who sold the land to the minor Quintin is already
Bastida vs. Dy Buncio & Co., 93 Phil. 195.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 641.
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dead, and it is his heirs who are now assailing the validity of
the sale. However, under the principle of relativity of contracts
recognized in Art. 1311 of the Civil Code, the contract takes
effect not only between the contracting parties, but also between
their assigns and heirs.
(Note: Another way of answering the above problem would
be to state the two requisites which must concur in order that
a voidable contract may be annulled. These requisites are: (a)
that the plaintiff must have an interest in the contract; and (b)
that the victim or the incapacitated party must be the person
who must assert the same. The second requisite is lacking in the
instant case.)
Art. 1303, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1304, Spanish Civil Code.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 416-417.
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duties as athing
is usedtofor
benefit is pres-
ent if the clothing, health,
and others of a similar character. It is, however, clear that the proof
of such benefit is cast upon the person who has capacity, since it is
presumed in the absence of proof that no such bene fit has accrued
Art. 1398 Civil Code; 3 Castan, 7th Ed., pp. 416-417.
Cadwallader & Co. vs. Smith, Bell & Co., 7 Phil. 461. To the same effect: Du-
masug vs. Modelo, 34 Phil. 252; Oliveros vs. Porciongcola, 69 Phil. 305; Talag vs.
Tankengco, 92 Phil. 1066.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 646.
See Art. 1426, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 647.
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Ibid., pp. 648-649.
Braganza vs. Villa Abrille, 105 Phil. 456.
Uy Soo Lim vs. Tan Unchuan, 38 Phil. 552. See also Young vs. Tecson, CA, 39
Off. Gaz. 953.
Art. 1307, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
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lost through the fraud or fault of the person who has a right
to institute the proceedings.
If the right of action is based upon the incapacity of any
one of the contracting parties, the loss of the thing shall not
be an obstacle to the success of the action, unless said loss
took place through the fraud or fault of the plaintiff.57
Art. 1402. As long as one of the contracting parties does
not restore what in virtue of the decree of annulment he is
bound to return, the other cannot be compelled to comply
with what is incumbent upon him. 58
Effect of Failure to Make Restitution. — Sometimes, for
some reason or other, the action for annulment is commenced after
the lapse of several years from the time of the consummation of the
contract. Suppose then that prior to the commencement of the action,
the thing which constitutes the object of the contract is lost, what is
the effect upon the right of the party who, ordinarily, is entitled to
institute the action for annulment? This question is resolved in part
by the provisions of Arts. 1400 to 1402 of the Code.
Art. 1314, Spanish Civil Code, in modified form.
Art. 1308, Spanish Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 6th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 658.
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provision washasascreated
follows:a “If
theabsurdity. Underis the
cause of action the old Code, the
incapacity of
any of the contracting parties, the loss of the thing shall not be an
obstacle to the success of the action, unless it has occurred through
the fraud or fault of the plaintiff after having acquired capacity.” 60
Hence, under the old law, if the loss of the thing was due to the fraud
or fault of the plaintiff after he had acquired capacity, the general
rule was applicable; in other words, the action was extinguished.
But if the loss was due to the fraud or fault of the plaintiff during
his incapacity,
would not be anthe exception
obstacle was
to the applicable;
success of theinaction.
other words, thewith
However, loss
the deletion of the phrase “after having acquired capacity” from the
provision of the second paragraph of Art. 1401 of the present Code,
the result is an absolute redundancy. Whether the loss occurred
during the plaintiff’s incapacity or after he had acquired capacity,
the action for annulment would still be extinguished in accordance
with the rule stated in the first paragraph.
Idem; Where loss is due to fortuitous event. — Unfortu-
nately, the Code in Arts. 1400 and 1401 does not provide for the ef-
fect of the loss of the object of the contract through a fortuitous event
upon the right to ask for the annulment of the contract. In spite of
this omission, it is, however, possible to apply the general principles
regarding the effects of fortuitous events to any problem that may
If the person obliged by the decree of annulment to return the
thing cannot do so because it has been lost through a fortuitous
event, the contract can still be annulled, but with this difference —
Art. 1314, Spanish Civil Code.
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the defendant can be held liable only for the value of the thing at
the time of the loss, but without interest thereon. The defendant,
and not the plaintiff, must suffer the loss because he was still the
owner of the thing at the time of the loss; he should, therefore, pay
the value of the thing, but not the interest thereon because the loss
was not due to his fault.61
If it is the plaintiff who cannot return the thing because it
has been lost through a fortuitous event, the contract may still be
annulled, but with this difference — he must pay to the defendant
the value of the thing at the time of the loss, but without interest
thereon. According
value of the thing attothe
Tolentino, if the
of its loss plaintiff
as a offers
substitute forto pay
the the
itself, the annulment of the contract would still be possible, because,
otherwise, we would arrive at the absurd conclusion that an action
for annulment would in effect be extinguished by the loss of the
thing through a fortuitous event.62
4 Tolentino, Civil Code, 1956 Ed., pp. 558-559.
Ibid., pp. 557-558.
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Art. 1403, Civil Code.
Report of the Code Commission, p. 139.
While the classification in the other defective contracts is based on the defect
from which the contracts suffer, here it is based on the consequence. As a result,
the classification found in Art. 1403 has been criticized on the ground that it places
contracts which are tainted with a vice or defect which affects not only their enforce-
ability but also their validity in the same category as contracts which are tainted with
a mere formal defect which affect only their enforcement.
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New provision.
Tipton vs. Velasco, 6 Phil. 67; Gutierrez Hnos. vs. Orense, 28 Phil. 517; Tacali-
nar vs. Corro, 34 Phil. 898; Ibañez vs. Rodriguez, 47 Phil. 554; Zamboanga Trans. Co.
vs. Bachrach Motor Co., 62 Phil. 244; Gana vs. Archbishop of Manila, 43 Off. Gaz.
Arts. 1317, 1881, Civil Code.
Arts. 1403, No. 1, 1317, Civil Code.
Art. 1898, Civil Code. “If the agent contracts in the name of the principal, ex-
ceeding the scope of his authority, and the principal does not ratify the contract, it
shall be void if the party with whom the agent contracted is aware of the limits of the
powers granted by the principal. In this case, however, the agent is liable if he un-
dertook to secure the principal’s ratification.” It must be noted that this article says
that the contract is void, whereas Art. 1403, No. 1, says that it is unenforceable. Now,
which is which? The mistake is in Art. 1898. The correct term is “unenforceable.”
Art. 1317, Civil Code.
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ment is converted
Supreme Court, in into a public
the case instrument.
of Luna Thus,
vs. Linatoc:13 according to the
74 Phil. 15.
Phil. National Bank vs. Phil. Vegetable Oil Co., 49 Phil. 857; Shoemaker vs. La
Tondeña, 68 Phil. 24.
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states that
writing, or evidence of the
a secondary agreement
evidence of itscannot be received
contents. What is,without the
affected by the defect of the contract or agreement is not its validity,
but its enforceability.
The Statute of Frauds simply provides the method by which
the contracts enumerated therein may be proved. It does not declare
that said contracts are invalid because they are not reduced to
writing. A contract exists and is valid even though it is not clothed
with the necessary form. Consequently, the effect of non-compliance
with the requirement of the statute is simply that no action can be
enforced unless the requirement is complied with. 17 It is, therefore,
clear that the form required is for evidential purposes only. Hence,
if the parties permit a contract to be proved, without any objection,
it is then just as binding as if the statute has been complied with.18
Idem; Contracts Covered by Statute. — There are six
classes of contracts which are covered by the Statute of Frauds.
They are:
Jimenez vs. Rabot, 38 Phil. 378.
Basa vs. Raquel, 45 Phil. 655.
Gallemit vs. Tabilaran, 20 Phil. 241.
Domalagan vs. Bolifer, 33 Phil. 471.
Phil. National Bank vs. Phil. Vegetable Oil Co., 49 Phil. 857.
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Supreme in the
Court ruledcase
an Syquia CA (151 SCRA
vs. assurance
alleged oral 507),of the
or promise the
representatives of the lessor that the lessee should be given priority
or a renewal of the lease cannot be enforceable. This is because
under Article 1403, No. 2(e), of the New Civil Code, an agreement
for the leasing for a longer period than one year is unenforceable by
action unless the same, or some note or memorandum thereof, be in
writing and subscribed by the party charged, or by his agent. In the
subsequent case of Zaide vs. CA (163 SCRA 705), the SC reiterated
the principle
writing be in enunciated
the form ofina Syquia
public case and further
document, thus itruled
“If the
agreement concerns “the sale of land or of an interest therein,’’ the
law requires not only that “the same, or some note or memorandum
thereof, be in writing, and subscribed by the party charged,’’ in order
that it may be enforceable by action (Article 1403 [2]), but also that
the writing be in the form of a “public document’’ (Article 1358). The
law finally provides that, “if the law requires a document or other
special form,’’ as in the acts and contracts enumerated in Article
form, the
parties may compel each other
the contract has been perfected and maythat
exercised simultaneously with the action upon the contract (Article
For illustrative cases, see Atienza vs. Castillo, 72 Phil. 589; Cabague vs. Aux-
ilio, 48 Off. Gaz. 4823.
Arts. 122, 127, Civil Code.
For illustrative case, see Robles vs. Lizarraga Hnos, 50 Phil. 387.
For illustrative cases, see Gorospe vs. Ilayat, 29 Phil. 21; Fernandez vs. Bayan,
62 Phil. 909; Pascual vs. Realty Investment, Inc., 91 Phil. 257; Valino vs. Medina,
CA, 49 Off. Gaz. 592.
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Arroyo vs. Azur, 76 Phil. 493. To the same effect: Almirol vs. Monserrat, 48
Phil. 67; Asturias Sugar Central, Inc. vs. Montinola, 69 Phil. 725; Diana vs. Macalibo,
74 Phil. 70; Facturan vs. Sabanal, 46 Off. Gaz. 310; Carbonnel vs. Poncio, 103 Phil.
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Sabanal,is 81
applicable onlynot
Phil. 512), to to
that are (Facturan
totally or
partially performed. (Almirol, et al. vs. Monserrat, 48 Phil.
67, 70; Robles vs. Lizarraga Hermanos, 50 Phil. 387; Diana
vs. Macalibo, 74 Phil. 70) The reason is simple. In executory
contracts there is a wide field for fraud because unless they be
in writing there is no palpable evidence of the intention of the
contracting parties. The statute has precisely been enacted to
prevent fraud. (Moran, Comments on the Rules of Court, Vol.
III, 1957 ed., p. 178) However, if a contract has been totally
or partially performed, the exclusion of parol evidence would
promote fraud or bad faith, for it would enable the defendant to
keep the benefits already derived by him from the transaction
in litigation, and, at the same time, evade the obligations,
responsibilities or liabilities assumed or contracted by him
thereby. So that when the party concerned has pleaded partial
performance, such party is entitled to a reasonable chance to
establish by parol evidence the truth of his allegation, as well as
the contract itself.”
Answer —but
been delivered Yes, anbuyer
the oral sale
hasof landten
paid where the land
percent (10%)has not
of the
purchase price may be judicially enforced. Well-settled is the
rule that the Statute of Frauds by virtue of which oral contracts
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guish attaining
between theor effect
regaining capacity.
of rati We must, however, distin-
fication by the parent or guardian of
one of the contracting parties or by the latter himself upon attaining
capacity and the effect of ratification by the parents or guardians
of both parties or by both of such themselves upon attaining capac-
ity. In the first, the contract becomes voidable; hence, the rules on
voidable contracts shall govern. In the second, the contract shall be
validated from its inception.29
Art. 1403, No. 3, Civil Code.
Art. 1390, No. 1, Civil Code.
Art. 1407, Civil Code.
New provision.
New provision.
New provision.
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New provision.
New provision.
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8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, p. 608.
Liguez vs. Court of Appeals, 102 Phil. 577; Motion for Reconsideration, Feb.
13, 1958.
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not inexistent but merely void or illegal, specific articles of the Civil
Code command that neither party thereto may be heard to invoke
its unlawful character as a ground for relief.3 Consequently, the two
may be distinguished from each other as follows:
(1) In a void contract, all of the requisites of a contract are
present, but the cause, object or purpose is contrary to law, morals,
good customs, public order or public policy, or the contract itself is
prohibited or declared by law to be void; in an inexistent contract,
one or some or all of those requisites which are essential for validity
are absolutely lacking.
Art. 1380, 1409, Civil Code.
8 Manresa, 5th Ed., Bk. 2, pp. 544-545.
Arts. 1389, 1410, Civil Code.
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Arts. 1381, 1382, 1409, Civil Code.
Arts. 1390, 1409, Civil Code.
Arts. 1391, 1410, Civil Code.
Arts. 1397, 1421, Civil Code.
Arts. 1403, 1409, Civil Code.
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Arts. 1404, 1405, 1407, 1409, Civil Code.
Arts. 1408, 1421, Civil Code.
New provision.
For comments, cases and related provisions on No. 1, see those under Arts.
1306, 1346, 1347, 1352; on No. 2, see those under Arts. 1345, 1346, on No. 3, see those
under Arts. 1347, 1352; on No. 4, see those under Art. 1347; on No. 5, see those under
Art. 1348; on No. 6, see those under Art. 1378.
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prohibitory lawsExamples
their validity. shall be void,
of except whenare
such acts the those
law itself authorizes
regulated by
Arts. 133, 1490, 1491, 1689, 1782, 1799, 2035, 2088 and 2130 of the
Art. 1422, Civil Code.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 409.
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inis clear that with
accordance such contracts can “produce
the principle no legal
quod nullum esteffect
effectum.’’ However, in the case of void contracts where the
Ibid., p. 410.
Art. 1409, Civil Code.
Art. 1410, Civil Code.
Art. 1421, Civil Code; 3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 410.
3 Castan, 7th Ed., p. 409.
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of the requisites
purpose of ato
is contrary contract are present,
law, morals, but the cause,
good customs, public object
order or
public policy, or the contract itself is prohibited or declared by law to
be void, while the second refers to those contracts where one or some
of those requisites which are essential for validity are absolutely
(2) Since the contract is void by reason of the illegality of the
cause, the provisions of Art. 1412 of the Civil Code are, therefore,
applicable. It must be noted, however, that the principle of in pari
delicto is not applicable here. Plaintiff was only a minor of 16 at
the time of the donation, while the donor was a married man of
mature years and experience. It is well known that minors occupy
a privileged position under our law. As a matter of fact, the law’s
tender care for them is now emphasized in Art. 1415 of the Civil
Code. Consequently, the two parties are not in pari delicto. At any
rate, even if they were in pari delicto the same rules would still apply.
Under Arts. 1411 and 1412 of the Code, nullity of contracts due to
illegal cause or object, when executed (and not merely executory)
will produce the effect of barring any action by a guilty party to
recover what he has already given under the contract. These articles
make it plain that, as far as the guilty party is concerned, his act of
conveying property pursuant to an illicit contract operates to divest
him of the ownership of the property, and to bar him from recovering
it from his transferee, just as if the transfer were through a bargain
legal from its inception. Although repugnant, “the law deems it
more repugnant that a party should invoke his own guilt as a reason
for relief from a situation which he has deliberately entered. This
serves to explain why the tainted conveyance to the extent that
it has been carried out becomes conclusive as between the guilty
parties, even if without effect against strangers without notice; and
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why a guilty party may not ask the courts for a restoration to the
status quo ante.” The same reasons can also be applied to the case
of the successors or heirs of the guilty party. They cannot attack the
validity of the donation in their quality as successors or heirs of the
donor, since it is undeniable that they cannot be placed in a better
position than their predecessor.
It must be observed, however, that the property donated is
conjugal. Does that mean that the donation made by Lopez to the
plaintiff shall not be given any effect with respect to the share of
the widow? The answer is simple. Since the donation was made
But suppose
effectivity thatCivil
of the New the above donation
Code, would thehad been
same made
rules after
stated in the
decision still apply?
It is submitted that as far as the donor is concerned, the
same rules with respect to the illegality of the donation and its
consequences would still apply. The contract would still be void
because of the illegality of the causa or consideration for the reasons
stated in Liguez. It would also be void under Art. 174 of the New
Civil Code (a provision not found in the Spanish Civil Code) which
declares that “with the exception of moderate donations for charity,
neither husband nor wife can donate any property of the conjugal
partnership without the consent of the other.’’ Consequently, as
far as the donor is concerned, Art. 1412 of the Civil Code would be
However, as far as the wife of the donor is concerned the
applicable rules would be different. Art. 173 of the New Civil Code
states: “The wife may, during the marriage and within ten years
The law which is now applicable is found in Arts. 173 and 174 of the New Civil
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from the transaction questioned, ask the courts for the annulment
of any contract of the husband entered into without her consent,
when such consent is required, or any act or contract of the husband
which tends to defraud her or impair her interest in the conjugal
partnership property. Should the wife fail to exercise this right,
she or her heirs, after the dissolution of the marriage, may demand
the value of the property fraudulently alienated by the husband.”
Does this provision, which was not found in the Spanish Civil Code,
spell the remedy of the wife in Liguez? I do not think so; it only
indicates it. It must be observed that the article presupposes either
a voidable (or unenforceable) contract executed by the husband, and
not a void contract. Therefore, the remedy of the wife is to bring
an action for the declaration of absolute nullity of the contract of
donation, a remedy which will have all of the effects of an action for
reconveyance. The action would be imprescriptible because it would
be based on a void contract. If she dies without bringing the action,
her heirs in their capacity as heirs, would be able to institute the
action. The principle of pari delicto in such a case cannot be applied
because the wife or her heirs were not parties to the illegal contract.
The case
307 SCRA 394)ofstates,
Francisco J. others
among Chavezthat
vs. where
PCGG the(May 19, 1999,
undeniably contain terms and conditions that are clearly contrary
to the Constitution and the laws and are not subject to compromise,
such terms and conditions cannot be granted by the PCGG to
anyone. Being so, no argument of the contractors will make such
illegal and unconstitutional stipulations pass the test of validity.
The void agreement will not be rendered operative by the parties’
alleged performance (partial or full) of their respective prestations.
abcontract that violates the Constitution
and creates and
initio and the law is null and void
vests no rights no obligations. It produces
no legal effect at all.
A void contract cannot be ratified. — In the case of
Guiang vs. Court of Appeals (June 26, 1998, 291 SCRA 372), the
Supreme Court ruled that the trial court correctly held: “By the
specific provision of the law (Art. 1390, Civil Code) therefore, the
Deed of Transfer of Rights cannot be rati fied, even by an ‘amicable
settlement.’ The participation by some barangay authorities in
the ‘amicable settlement’ cannot otherwise validate an invalid act.
Moreover, it cannot be denied that the ‘amicable settlement’ entered
into by plaintiff Gilda Corpuz and defendant spouses Guiang is a
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that it cannot
criptibility be cured by
is applicable notprescription. This principle
only to the action of impres-
for the declaration
of the inexistence or absolute nullity of the contract but also to the
D-1227 and the order denying the motion for the reconsideration
of said order.
The complaint, filed on August 1, 1961, is for the annulment
of a document, denominated “DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE,’’
executed on August 3, 1965, by and between Paulino Galvan,
professedly the predecessor-in-interest of herein plaintiffs, and
defendants Josefa Galvan and Natividad S. Galvan, and for
damages and attorney’s fees. The plaintiffs therein alleged that
Paulino Galvan, during his lifetime, was the registered owner
New provision.
Eugenio vs. Perdido, 97 Phil. 41. But how about the doctrine of stale demands
(laches) — has not this doctrine eroded entirely the provision of Art. 1410?
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Fraud was alleged in the complaint merely to show why
the alleged vendor (the septuagenarian father of the vendees)
signed the deed of sale.
The plaintiffs categorically alleged in paragraph 9 of the
complaint that no consideration was paid for the sale. They
prayed that the sale “be declared null and void.” (pp. 4-6, Record
on Appeal.) The thrust of the action is to secure a judicial
declaration that the sale is void ab initio.
A contract of sale is void and produces no effect whatsoever
where the price, which appears thereon as paid, has in fact never
been paid by the purchaser to the vendor (Arts. 1352 and 1353,
Civil Code; Ocejo, Perez and Co. vs. Flores and Bas, 40 Phil. 921;
Mapalo vs. Mapalo, L-21489, May 19, 1966, 17 SCRA 114, 122.)
Such a sale is nonexistent and cannot be considered
consummated. (Borromeo vs. Borromeo, 98 Phil. 432; Cruzado
vs. Bustos and Escaler, 34 Phil. 17; Garanciang vs. Garanciang,
L-22351, May 21, 1969, 28 SCRA 229.)
Plaintiffs’ cause of action is supported by the following
ultimate facts alleged in their complaint:
Paulino Galvan married twice. By his first marriage, he
begot two daughters, defendants Josefa Galvan and Natividad
Galvan. His second wife was Encarnacion Castillo with whom
he begot three children named Elisea, Patrocinio and Florangel.
Paulino Galvan was the owner of a one-half pro-indiviso
share in two parcels of land located at Burgos Street, Dagupan
City with a total area of 1,115 square meters. The other one-half
share is owned by Natividad Galvan and Josefa Galvan, his two
daughters of the first marriage.
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Art. 1410 in relation to Art. 1409(3) of the Civil Code.
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20 SCRA 908
This is an appeal by Concepcion Felix Vda. de Rodriguez
from the decision of the Court of First Instance of Bulacan in
Civil Case No. 2565, which she commenced on May 28, 1962,
to secure declaration of nullity of two contracts executed on
January 24, 1934 and for the recovery of certain properties.
Art. 1306, Spanish Civil Code.
Perez vs. Herranz, 7 Phil. 693.
Iribar vs. Millat, 5 Phil. 362. For cases illustrating Art. 1411, see Go Chioco vs.
Martinez, 45 Phil. 256; Harden vs. Benguet Consolidated Mining Co., 58 Phil. 141.
Bough vs. Cantiveros, 40 Phil. 209.
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action in the
defendants, Court ofRodriguez,
Geronimo First Instance of Manila
Esmeragdo naming
Rodriguez, as
Rodriguez, Concepcion Bautista Vda. de Rodriguez, as guardian
of the minors Juan and Ana Rodriguez, and Antonio Diaz de
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Rodriguez, into
the conjugal assets
consent of of the marriage
the parties withvoluntary,
thereto was Domingo
contrary to the allegations of plaintiff and her witness. The court
also ruled that having taken part in the questioned transactions,
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Article 1301 of the Civil Code of 1889, in force when the assailed contracts were
executed (1934).
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el fraus legis.
persiste aun enTambien aqui se di una
la jurisprudencia, gran confucion
apegada que
a antiguos errores. Se debe a Bahr el haber defendido
con vigor la antitesis teorica que existe entre negocio
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verbalocultar su violacion.
e inmediato La transgresion
de la norma del contenido
se encubre bajo el manto
de un negocio licito, lo cual no altera el caracter del contra
legem agere. Tan verdad es, que si se ha redactado una
contraescritura que documenta y declara la verdadera
naturaleza del negocio realizado, no queda mas que aplicar
pura y simplemente la prohibicion.
“Tambien el fraude quiere perjudicar la ley, pero
emplea para ello medios diversos y sigue distintos
caminos. No oculta el acto eterior, sino que lo deja claro y
visible, tratando de huir sesgadamente de la aplicacion de
la ley merced a una artistica y sabia combinacion de varios
medios juridicos no reprobados.”
Appellant invokes our decision in Vasquez vs. Porta, 98
Phil. 490, but to no purpose. The mortgage and foreclosure sale
involved in that case were typical simulations, merely apparent
but not really intended to produce legal effects, as proved by
the Court’s finding that the alleged creditor and buyer at the
foreclosure sale “Porta himself ostensibly acknowledged by
his inertia in
to exercise allowingpower
dominical the doctor (alleged
thereon mortgagor
without debtor)
any protest on
his part “(cas. cit., p. 495). Not only this, but the mortgagor’s
wife, when her husband died “found among his papers Porta’s
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See also Liguez vs. Court of Appeals, 102 Phil. 581-582; Perez vs. Herranz, 7
Phil. 695.
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Vasquez vs. Porta, 98 Phil. 490.
Liguez vs. Court of Appeals, supra.
Gonzales vs. Trinidad, 67 Phil. 682.
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Liguez vs. Court of Appeals, supra.
Arts. 1411, 1412, Civil Code.
Art. 1413, Civil Code.
Art. 1414, Civil Code.
Art. 1415, Civil Code.
Art. 1416, Civil Code.
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Art. 1417, Civil Code.
Art. 1418, Civil Code.
Art. 1419, Civil Code.
New provision.
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of payment.”
that allowed byWhen the Code
the usury law,’’speaks of the
it means “interest
whole paid in excess
usurious of
Thus, if the loan is P1,000.00, with interest of 20% per annum or
P200 per year, and the borrower paid P200, the whole P200 is the
usurious interest. The only change effected, therefore, by Art. 1413
of the Civil Code is not to provide for the recovery of the interest
paid in excess of that allowed by law, which the Usury Law already
provided for, but to add that the same can be recovered “with interest
thereon from the date of payment.”
The Angel Jose Warehousing Co. case not only resolved all
doubts with respect to the apparent conflict between Art. 1413 of
the New Civil Code and Sec. 6 of the Usury Law; it also resolved all
doubts with respect to the question as to whether or not the creditor
will be allowed to recover the amount loaned. The factual backdrop
of this case is as follows: The action is one for the recovery of an
unpaid loan, with legal interest from the filing of the complaint,
plus attorney’s fees. Defendants interposed the defense that since
the loan is usurious and therefore void, the principle of pari delicto
as enunciated in Art. 1411 of the New Civil Code is applicable. To
strengthen this defense, they invoked the provisions of Arts. 1413 and
1961 of the Civil Code as well as the case of Sebastian vs. Bautista56
wherein the Court of Appeals held that in usurious contract,
although the Civil Code in Art. 1413 provides for an exception to the
rule of pari delicto in the case of the debtor, it does not provide for an
exception in the case of the creditor. Is this correct? According to the
Supreme Court, this is not correct. A contract of loan with usurious
interest consists of principal and accessory stipulation; the principal
23 SCRA 119.
58 Off. Gaz. 3146. See also People vs. Masangkay, 58 Off. Gaz. 3565.
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one is to pay the debt; the accessory is to pay interest thereon. These
two stipulations are divisible. According to Art. 1420 of the New
Civil Code, “in case of a divisible contract, if the illegal terms can
be separated from the legal ones, the latter may be enforced.” In a
simple contract of loan with usurious interest, the prestation of the
debtor to pay the principal debt is not illegal; what is illegal is to
pay the stipulated interest. Hence, being separable, the latter only
should be deemed void.
Plaintiff is therefore entitled to the recovery of the principal of
the loan plus legal interest of 6% per annum from the filing of the
complaint pursuant
fees, however, to be
cannot Art. 2209 of the
recovered New
since Civil
there is Code. Attorney’s
no showing that
the case falls under any of the exceptions provided for in Art. 2208
of the New Civil Code. Besides, defendants had reasons to resist
the claim since there was yet no definite ruling on the point of law
involved herein in the light of the New Civil Code.57
The above doctrine was reiterated in Briones vs. Cammayo.
In order that we shall have a complete picture of the case, we are
reproducing the entire decision penned by Justice Dizon, including
the dissenting opinion penned by Justice Castro and the concurring
opinion penned by Justice Barredo.
On February 22, 1962, Aurelio G. Briones filed an action
in the Municipal Court of Manila against Primitivo, Nicasio,
Pedro, Hilario and Artemio, all surnamed Cammayo, to recover
from them, jointly and severally, the amount of P1,500.00,
plus damages, attorney’s fees and costs of suit. The defendants
answered the complaint with specific denials and the following
special defenses and compulsory counterclaim:
“x x x;
By way of —
Angel Jose Warehousing Co. vs. Chelda Enterprises, supra.
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Defendants Allege:
4. Defendants executed the real estate mortgage, Annex
‘A’ of the complaint, as security for the loan of P1,200.00 given to
defendant Primitivo O. Cammayo upon the usurious agreement
that defendant pays to the plaintiff and that the plaintiff reserve
and secure, as in fact plaintiff reserved and secured himself, out
of the alleged loan of P1,500.00 as interest the sum of P300.00
for one year;
5. That although the mortgage contract, Annex ‘A’ was
executed for securing the payment of P1,500 for a period of
one year, without interest, the truth and the real fact is that
plaintiff delivered to the defendant Primitivo P. Cammayo only
the sum of P1,200.00 and withheld the sum of P300.00 which
was intended as advance interest for one year;
6. That on account of said loan of P1,200.00, defendant
Primitivo P. Cammayo paid to the plaintiff during the period
from October, 1955 to July, 1956 the total sum of P330.00 which
plaintiff, illegally and unlawfully refuse to acknowledge as part
payment of the account but as in interest of said loan for an
extension of another term of one year;
7. That said contract of loan entered into between
plaintiff and defendant Primitivo P. Cammayo is a usurious
contract and is contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
order or public policy and is, therefore, inexistent and void from
the beginning (Art. 1407, Civil Code);
And as —
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docketed in this court as Civil Case No. 75845 (Branch VII) and
the same was dismissed by the Court of First Instance (Branch of
Manila) on July 13, 1961 in Civil Case No. 43121 (Branch XVII)
and for repeatedly bringing this case to the court, harassing
and persecuting defendants in the manner, defendants have
suffered mental anguish and anxiety for which they should be
compensated for moral damages.’’
On September 7, 1962, Briones filed an unverified reply
in which he merely denied the allegations of the counterclaim.
Thereupon, the defendants moved for the rendition of a
summary judgment on the ground that, upon the record, there
was no genuine issue of fact between the parties. The Municipal
Court granted the motion and rendered judgment sentencing
the defendants to pay the plaintiff the sum of P1,500.00, with
interests thereon at the legal rate from February 22, 1962, plus
the sum P150.00 as attorney’s fees. From this judgment, the
defendants appealed to the Court of First Instance of Manila
where, according to the appealed decision, “defendant has
asked for summary judgment and plaintiff has agreed to the
same.” (Record on Appeal, p. 21.) Having found the motion for
summary judgment to be in order, the court then proceeded to
render judgment as follows:
“Judgment is, therefore, rendered, ordering defen-
dant to pay plaintiff the sum of P1,180.00 with interest
thereon at the legal rate from October 16, 1962 until
fully paid. This judgment represents defendant’s debts of
P1,500.00 less usurious interest of P120.00 and the addi-
tional sum of P200.00 as attorney’s fees or a total deduc-
tion of P320.00. Plaintiff shall pay the costs.”
In the present appeal defendants claim that the trial
for any Usury
loan Law penalizes
or renewal thereof any person or corporation
or forbearance, who,
shall collect or
receive a higher rate or greater sum or value than is allowed
by law, and provides further that, in such case, the debtor may
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may or maywhether
affirmative, nor recover the
or not heprincipal
may also of the loan,
recover and,thereon
interest in the
at the legal rate, We said the following:
“x x x.
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usurious interest,
so that the said stipulations
loan becomes one withoutare treated as
stipulation aswholly void,
to payment
of interest. It should not, however, be interpreted to mean
forfeiture even of the principal for this would unjustly enrich
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of not less than 30 days nor more than one year, or both, in
the discretion of the court. He may further be sentenced to
return the entire sum received as interest, with subsidiary
imprisonment in case of non-payment thereof. It is, of course,
to be assumed that this last penalty may be imposed only if the
return of the entire sum received as interest had not yet been
the subject of judgment in a civil action involving the usurious
contract of loan.
In arriving at the above conclusion, We also considered
our decision
not apply in Mulet
to the vs.case.
present The but
People, factsfound that
therein the same
involved does
were as
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with Article
a contract 1303,from
arises of the
theCivil Code, of
illegality when the nullity of
the consideration
which in itself constitutes as felony, the guilty party shall
be subject to criminal proceeding while the innocent party
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is an integral
controlling partfor
cause, of athe cause
usurer of the
lends hiscontract.
money notItjust
is also the
to have
it returned but indeed to acquire inordinate gain. Article 1957,
which is a new provision in the Civil Code, provides as follows:
“Contracts and stipulations, under any cloak or device whatever,
intended to circumvent the laws against usury shall be void. The
borrower may recover in accordance with the laws on usury.”
This article which declares the contract itself — not merely the
stipulation to pay usurious interest — void, necessarily regards
the prestation to pay such usurious interest as an integral part
See Articles 1933, 1950 and 1957, New Civil Code.
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same resultthe
considered under the old
usurious law, asvalid
contract wellas
under El Hogar
the loan that
— renders
Article 1957 of the new Civil Code meaningless and pointless.
The prestation to pay usurious interest being an integral
and controlling part of the cause, making it illegal and the
contract of loan void, Article 1411 of the new Civil Code should
be applied. This article provides:
“When the nullity proceeds from the illegality of the
cause or object of the contract, and the act constitutes a
shall haveoffense, bothagainst
no action parties each
in pari
anddelicto, they
both shall
be prosecuted. Moreover, the provisions of the Penal
Code relative to the disposal of effects or instrument of a
crime shall be applicable to the things or the price of the
“This rule shall be applicable when only one of the
parties is guilty; but the innocent one may claim what
he has given, and shall not be bound to comply with his
De Jesus vs. Urrutia & Company, 32 Phil. 171.
Lopez and Javelona vs. El Hogar Pilipino, 47 Phil. 249.
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In Mulet
reconsidered its vs. in Elthe
opinion Supreme
Hogar. Court,
In Mulet, theinplaintiff
extended a usurious loan to Rubillos. When the debtor failed to
pay the whole usurious interest, the creditor, in consideration
of the said unpaid interests, made the debtor execute a pacto
de retro sale of certain properties to him. He then sought to be
exempt from returning the value of the produce of the lands
so transferred. Mr. Justice Moran, speaking for the Supreme
Court, said:
“* * * We
be ordered are of the
to return * *opinion that the *petitioner
* the amount should
* * of P480.00.
This last amount is not usurious interest on the capital
of the loan but the value of the produce of the land sold to
petitioner under pacto de retro, with the unpaid balance
of the usurious interest as the consideration, because
contrary to law, is illicit, and the contract which results
therefrom, is null and void.
“If the unpaid usurious interests as the consideration
of the pacto de retro sale render such sale null and void,
a fortiori, the usurious interest as consideration of the
contract of loan, also renders such loan null and void.”
73 Phil. 60.
L-17895, promulgated Sept. 30, 1963, 9 SCRA 131.
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sum or value
money, goods, for
or the renewal
credits than thereof or forbearance
is hereinbefore of
shall be void: Provided, however, That no merely clerical
error in the computation of interest, made without intent
to evade any of the provisions of this Act, shall render a
contract void: And provided, further, That nothing herein
contained shall be construed to prevent the purchase by
an innocent purchaser of a negotiable mercantile paper,
usurious or otherwise, for valuable consideration before
maturity, when there has been no intent on the part of
said purchaser
purchase wasto evade
not athe provisions
part of this usurious
of the original Act and
transaction. In any case, however, the maker of said note
shall have the right to recover from said original holder
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recover only all the interests, including, of course, the legal part
thereof, with legal interest from the date of judicial demand,
without maintaining that he can also recover the principal he
has already paid to the lender.
As first discussed under Art. 1175, there is now no longer
any ceiling in interest rates on loans pursuant to Central Bank
Circular No. 224 issued last Dec. 1, 1982.
Problem — On Jan. 15, 1958, D borrowed P10,000 from
C. as evidence of the indebtedness, D executed a promissory
note promising to pay the entire obligation on Jan. 15, 1959,
at 24% interest per annum. As security for the payment of the
obligation, he also executed a real estate mortgage on a house
and lot registered in his name in favor of C. This mortgage
was duly registered. When the note matured, D paid the entire
obligation plus interest amounting to P2,400. Considering that
the contract is usurious, if D institutes an action against C for
the recovery of the usurious interest which he has paid, how
much can he recover? Reason.
Answer — D can recover the entire interest of P2,400
which he has paid plus 6% interest thereon from the date of
payment. This is in accordance with Sec. 6 of the Usury Law
and Art. 1413 of the New Civil Code. It must be observed that
under Sec. 6 of the Usury Law, the debtor may recover the whole
interest paid. Under the New Civil Code , in Art. 1413, “interest
paid in excess of the interest allowed by the usury laws may be
recovered by the debtor, with interest thereon from the date of
payment.” When the Code speaks of “interest paid in excess of
the interest allowed by usury laws,” it means the whole usurious
interest. The two provisions, therefore, are almost identical. The
only change effected by Art. 1413, NCC, is not to provide for the
recovery of the interest paid in excess of that allowed by law,
which the Usury Law already provided for, but to add that the
same can be recovered “with interest thereon from the date of
payment.” (Angel Jose Warehousing Co. vs. Chelda Enterprises,
23 SCRA 119.)
(Note: Prior to January 1, 1983 and under the Treasury
Laws, no person shall receive a rate of interest, including
commissions, premiums, fines and penalties, higher than 12%
per annum or the maximum rate prescribed by the Monetary
title tofor a loan
which secured
is duly by a mortgage
registered. upon
Therefore, real
the 18%estate the
rate plus the additional interest and penalty charges of 18% and
8%, respectively, are highly usurious. [Development Bank of the
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Philippines vs. Perez, G.R. No. 148541, Nov. 11, 2004.] Under
Central Bank (CB) Circular No. 905, which became effective on
Jan. 1, 1983, whereby the Monetary Board is authorized to fix
interest rates, the ceiling rates under the Usury law [Act No.
2655, as amended by P.D. No. 116] have been abolished.
It should be noted that Circular No. 905 did not repeal
nor in any way amend the Usury Law but simply suspended
the latter’s effectivity. The legislation of usury is wholly the
creature of legislation. A CB Circular cannot repeal a law. Only
a law can repeal another law. Thus, retroactive application of a
CB Circular cannot, and should not, be presumed. (Development
Bank of the Philippines vs. Perez, G.R. No. 148541, Nov. 11,
In declaring void the stipulations authorizing excessive
interest and charges, the SC declared that although the Usury
Law was suspended by CB Circular No. 905 and consequently
the parties are given wide latitude to agree on any interest
rate, nothing in the said Circular grants lenders carte blanche
authority to raise interest rates to levels which will either
enslave their borrowers or lead to a hemorrhaging of their
assets. (Heirs of Zoilo Espiritu and Primitiva Espiritu vs. Sps.
Maximo Landrito and Paz Landrito, etc., G.R. No. 169617, April
3, 2007)
New provision.
New provision.
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sold he This
Divino. homestead
is now to
andefendants, Gregorio
action commenced by Inez and of
the heirs Anastacia
to recover the homestead from the defendants on the ground
that the sale is void since it was made within the prohibited
period of five years as enumerated in Sec. 118 of the Public Land
Law. Defendants, however, maintain that under the principle
of pari delicto, there can be no recovery. The Supreme Court,
speaking through Justice Labrado, held:
New provision.
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To the same effect: Santander vs. Villanueva, 103 Phil. 1; Feliceo vs. Iriola 103
Phil. 125; Ras vs. Sua, 25 SCRA 153.
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herthe seventeen
much, and she(17) dogs
told me and of to
to see the
it maids
that nowho
one helped
disturb Wong Heng from those properties. That is why we
thought of the ninety-nine (99) years lease, we thought of
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Cf. Concurring opinion of Justice Bengzon in Rellosa vs. Gaw Chee Hun, 93
Phil. 827, 836 (1953).
Const., Art. XIII, Sec. 5.
93 Phil. 827 (1953).
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79 Phil. 461 (1947).
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93 Phil. 827.
93 Phil. 843.
93 Phil. 855.
93 Phil. 861. See also Arambulo vs. Cua So, 95 Phil. 749 (1954); Dinglasan vs.
Lee Bun Ting, 99 Phil. 427 (1955).
Bough vs. Cantiveros, 40 Phil. 210 (1919) and Perez vs. Herranz, 7 Phil. 693
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79 Phil. 461, 480 (1947).
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New provision.
New provision.
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New provision.
New provision.
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it does notisconcern
exception itselfmotive
where such with motive but
becomes anonly with part
integral cause. An
of the
cause, like the stipulated usurious interest in a contract of loan.
“The prestation to pay usurious interest being an integral
part and controlling part of the cause, making it illegal and the
contract of loan void, Article 1411 of the New Civil Code should
be applied. x x x
“An exception is, however, provided in the second sentence
of Article 1957 which states: “The borrower may recover in
accordance with the laws on usury.’ As an exception to the
general rule in Article 1411, the debtor is allowed in accordance
with the Usury Law to recover the amount he has paid as
usurious interest. Thus, Article 1413 explicitly authorizes that
“Interest paid in excess of the interest allowed by the usury laws
may be recovered by the debtor, with interest thereon from the
date of payment.” But the lender is not allowed to recover the
principal, because no exception is made; hence, he falls within
the general rule stated in Article 1411.’’
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New provision.
New provision.
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All provisions in this Title are new.
4 Tolentino, Civil Code, 1956 Ed., p. 588, citing Colin & Capitant.
See comments under Art. 1156, Civil Code.
Art. 1423, Civil Code.
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See 4 Tolentino, Civil Code, 1956 Ed., p. 589.
See Villaroel vs. Estrada, 71 Phil. 140, and Fisher vs. Robb, 69 Phil. 101. See
also Art. 1350, Civil Code. Strictly speaking, the obligation referred to the first case
is a natural obligation, while that referred to the second case is a moral obligation.
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Report of the Code Commission, pp. 58-59.
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paysArt. 1429.ofWhen
a debt a testate or
the decedent intestatethe
exceeding heir voluntarily
value of the
property which he received by will or by the law of intestacy
from the estate of the deceased, the payment is valid and
cannot be rescinded by the payer.
Art. 1430. When a will is declared void because it has not
been executed in accordance with the formalities required
by law, but one of the intestate heirs, after the settlement of
the debts of the deceased, pays a legacy in compliance with
a clause in the defective will, the payment is effective and
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All provisions in this Title are new.
Report of the Code Commission, p. 59.
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Tijam vs. Sibonghanoy, 23 SCRA 29.
31 C.J.S. 237.
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time, to dodone
have been that earlier;
which, byit isexercising
or diligence,
omission tocould or a
assert should
within a reasonable time, warranting a presumption that the party
entitled to assert it either has abandoned it or declined to assert
it.11 It is, therefore, a type of equitable estoppel which arises when
a party, knowing his rights as against another, takes no step or
delays in enforcing them until the condition of the latter, who has
no knowledge or notice that the former would assert such rights, has
become so changed that he cannot without injury or prejudice, be
restored to his former state.
Idem; id. — Basis. — The doctrine of laches or of “stale
demands” is based upon grounds of public policy which requires,
for the peace of society, the discouragement of stale claims and,
unlike the statute of limitations, is not a mere question of time but
19 Am. Jur. 601.
Phil. National Bank vs. Barretto, 52 Phil. 818; Namarco vs. Macadaeg, 52 Off.
Gaz. 182.
Tijam vs. Sibonghanoy, supra.
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defendant that
his suit; the(4)
and complainant would assert
injury or prejudice to thethe right on
in the event relief is accorded to the complainant, or the suit is not
held to be barred.13
Idem; id. id. — Application. — The doctrine of laches has been
applied several times in actions based on void contracts practically
rendering the doctrine of imprescriptibility of such actions useless.
Thus, in Rodriguez vs. Rodriguez,14 where the plaintiff, in 1934, sold
two fishponds to a daughter by a previous marriage, and the latter,
in turn, sold the same fishponds to her mother and stepfather for the
purpose of circumventing the legal prohibition against donations
between spouses thus converting the said fishponds into conjugal
properties, in an action commenced by said plaintiff to revindicate
the conveyed properties twenty-eight years later, it was held that
the doctrine of laches is applicable.
The case of Miguel vs. Catalino15 is even more illustrative. The
factual setting of this case is as follows: The father of the plaintiffs,
sold a parcel of landas
the father
the 145
1928 without executive approval of the
Administrative Code. Despite the invalidity of the sale, the former
allowed the latter to enter, possess and enjoy the land in question
without protest, from 1928 to 1943, when the former died. The
plaintiffs, who succeeded the deceased in turn, remained inactive,
without taking any step to revindicate the property from 1943 to
1962, when the present suit was finally commenced in court. Is this
Miguel vs. Catalino, 26 SCRA 234, and cases cited therein.
24 SCRA 908.
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suit now barred by laches? According to the Supreme Court, the suit
is now barred by laches. Even granting plaintiff’s proposition that no
prescription lies against their father’s recorded title, their passivity
and inaction for more than thirty-four years justifies the defendant
in setting up the equitable defense of laches. All of the four elements
of laches are present. As a result, the action of plaintiffs must be
considered barred.16
and occupancy
transfer of the
certificate of land without
title in securing
his name. the corresponding
He introduced various
improvements and paid the proper taxes. His possession was
open, continuous, peaceful, and adverse. After his death in 1942,
his heirs remained in and continued possession and occupancy
of the land. They too paid the taxes.
After the last Global War, Lacamen’s heirs “started fixing
up the papers of all properties” left by him. In or about June,
1957, they discovered that Laruan’s heirs, respondents-appel-
To the same effect — Lucas vs. Compania, 100 Phil. 277; Lotho vs. Ice and Cold
Storage of the Phil., 113 Phil. 713; Heirs of Lacamen vs. Heirs of Laruan, 65 SCRA
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On 5 for
City found April 1962, the Court of First
respondents-appellants Instancepetitioners-
and against of Baguio
appellants. Forthwith, petitioners-appellants appealed to the
Court of Appeals.
On 7 December 1966, the Court of Appeals sustained the
trial court.
The Supreme Court, speaking through Justice R. Martin,
In this review, petitioners-appellants press that the
Court of Appeals erred —
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subdivisionspertaining to the provinces
of the Department of Mindanao andandminor political
Sulu, with the
specific proviso that the approval of the land transaction shall be
by the Director of the Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes.
“Then on 29 November 1919, came Act No. 2874 otherwise
known as “The Public Land Act.’’ It provided in Section 118
thereof that “Conveyances and encumbrances made by persons
belonging to the so-called ‘non-Christian tribes,’ when proper
shall not be valid unless duly approved by the Director of the
Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes.” Any violation of this injunction
would result in the nullity and avoidance of the transaction
under the following Section 122.
“During the regime of the Commonwealth, C.A. 141 oth-
erwise known as “The Public Land Act” was passed — Novem-
ber 7, 1936 — amending Act No. 2874. However, it contained a
similar provision in its Section 120 that “Conveyances and en-
cumbrances made by illiterate non-Christians shall not be valid
unless duly approved by the Commissioner of Mindanao and
“The contracting parties, Lacamen and Laruan, are
bound by the foregoing laws, since both of them are illiterate
Igorots, belonging to the “non-Christian Tribes” of the Mountain
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De Lucas vs. Gamponia, 100 Phil. 277; Wright, Jr. vs. Lepanto Consolidated
Mining Co., L-18904, July 11, 1964, 11 SCRA 508.
Miguel vs. Catalino, L-23072, November 29, 1968, 26 SCRA 234.
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father, they too kept si1ent, never claiming that the lot is their
own until in 1957 or after almost 30 years they took “advantage
of the [non-approval of the sale] as their lever to deprive
[petitioners-appellants] of this land’’ with a motive that was “out
and out greed.’’ Even granting, therefore, that no prescription
lies against their father’s recorded title, their quiescence and
inaction for almost 30 years now commands the imposition of
laches against their adverse claim. (Miguel, footnote 27)
“It results that as against Laruan and his heirs,
respondents-appellants herein, the late Batiog Lacamen and his
heirs, petitioners-appellants herein, have superior right and,
hence, have validly acquired ownership of the litigated land.
Vigilantibus non dormientibus sequitas subvenit.
“IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the judgment of the
Court of Appeals affirming that of the trial court is hereby
reversed and set aside.
“The petitioners-appellants are hereby declared the lawful
owners of the land in question. Accordingly, Transfer Certificate
of Title No. T-775 in the name of respondents-appellants is
hereby cancelled and in lieu thereof the Register of Deeds of
the nameisofordered to issue a new transfer certi cate of title in
Fabian vs. Fabian, 22 SCRA 231.
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Miguel vs. Catalino, supra; Nielsen vs. Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co., 18
SCRA 1040.
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for their portionthen sought
of the landtoinobtain a separate
question. title
repeatedly declined to accommodate plaintiffs. Their
excuse: the entire land was still mortgaged with the
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Couto vs. Cortes, 8 Phil. 459, 460 (1907); Guerrero vs. Miguel, 10 Phil. 52, 53
Llacer vs. Muñoz de Bustillo, et al., 12 Phil. 328, 334; Inquimboy vs. Paez Vda.
de Cruz, 108 Phil. 1054, 1057; Castrillo, et al. vs. Court of Appeals, et al., March 31,
1964, 10 SCRA 549, 553; Estoque vs. Pajimula, L-24419, July 15, 1968, 24 SCRA 59,
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103 Phil. 683, 686-687.
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pledgee who received the same in good faith and for value.
Art. 1439. Estoppel is effective only as between the
parties thereto or their successors in interest.
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All provisions in this Title are new.
54 Am. Jur., Sec. 4, p. 21.
Art. 1440, Civil Code.
54 Am. Jur., Sec. 32, p. 44.
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more restrictedalways
and presumed sense to
it is a trust
have been raised by implication
contemplated of law
by the parties,
the intention as to which is to be found in the nature of their
transaction, but not expressed in the deed or instrument of
conveyance.” (89 C.J.S. 725.) Examples of resulting trusts are
found in Articles 1448 to 1455 of the Civil Code.
“On the other hand, a constructive trust is a trust “raised
by construction of law, or arising by operation of law.” In a more
restricted sense and as contradistinguished from a resulting
trust, a constructive trust is “a trust not created by any words,
either expressly or impliedly evincing a direct intention to create
a trust, but by the construction of equity in order to satisfy the
demands of justice. It does not arise by agreement or intention
but by operation of law.” (89 C.J.S. 726-727.) “If a person obtains
legal title to property by fraud or concealment, courts of equity
will impress upon the title a so-called constructive trust in favor
of the defrauded party.” A constructive trust is not a trust in the
technical sense. (See Art. 1456, Civil Code.)”
Art. 1441, Civil Code.
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extinctive prescription.
See Cuaycong vs. Cuaycong, 21 SCRA 1192; Fabian vs. Fabian, 22 SCRA 231.
See also Arts. 1443, 1457, Civil Code.
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implied trust
general law of does
but exclude otherslaid
the limitation established by the
down in Article
1442 shall be applicable.
Art. 1448. There is an implied trust when property is
sold, and the legal estate is granted to one party but the
price is by another for the purpose of having the beneficial
interest of the property. The former is the trustee, while the
latter is the beneficiary. However, if the person to whom the
title is conveyed is a child, legitimate or illegitimate, of the
one paying the price of the sale, no trust is implied by law, it
being disputably presumed that there is a gift in favor of the
Art. 1449. There is also an implied trust when a donation
is made to a person but it appears that although the legal
estate is transmitted to the donee, he nevertheless is either
to have no beneficial interest or only a part thereof.
Art. 1450. If the price of a sale of property is loaned or paid
by one person for the benefit of another and the conveyance
is made to the lender or payor to secure the payment of the
debt, a trust arises by operation of law in favor of the person
to whom the money is loaned or for whom it is paid. The
latter may redeem the property and compel a conveyance
thereof to him.
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of cases,Thus,
barred. however,
a brother,the view that theofaction
as administrator cannot
the estate be
of his
parents, took advantage of the absence of his sister and registered
the properties adjudicated to his sister in his own name, in an action
commenced by the sister twenty-nine years afterwards, it was held
that the defense of prescription is clearly untenable. Public policy
demands that a person guilty of fraud, or, at least, of breach of trust,
should not be allowed to use a Torrens Title as a shield against the
consequences of his wrongdoing.2
See Fabian vs. Fabian, 22 SCRA 231, and cases cited therein.
Jacinto vs. Jacinto, 115 Phil. 363. To the same effect: Juan vs. Zuñiga, 114 Phil.
1163; Villaluz vs. Neme, 117 Phil. 25, and cases cited therein.
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Idem; id.for
of prescription — bringing
Period ofanprescription. — What is
action for reconveyance the period
based on the
implied or constructive trust which is created in Article 1456 of the
New Civil Code? It depends. Thus —
1. If the action for reconveyance involves the annulment
of the voidable contract which became the basis for the fraudulent
registration of the subject property, then the period of prescription
is four years from the discovery of the fraud. This finds codal support
in Art. 1391, par. 4, of the Civil Code, which declares that the action
for annulment of contracts which are voidable by reason of mistake
or fraud shall be brought within four years from the time of the
discovery of the mistake or fraud. It also finds support in the cases
of Gerona vs. De Guzman (11 SCRA 153), Fabian vs. Fabian (22
SCRA 231), Carantes vs. Court of Appeals (76 SCRA 514), Alarcon
vs. Bidin (120 SCRA 390), and other cases.
2. If the action involves the declaration of the nullity or
inexistence of a void or inexistent contract which became the basis
11 SCRA 153.
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This finds codal support in No. (2) of Art. 1144 of the Civil Code,
which declares that an action based upon an obligation created by
law must be brought within ten years from the time the right of
action accrues. It also finds support in the cases of Bueno vs. Reyes
(27 SCRA 1179), Varsity Hills, Inc. vs. Navarro (43 SCRA 503), Escay
vs. Court of Appeals (61 SCRA 369), Jaramil vs. Court of Appeals (78
SCRA 420), Vda. de Nacalaban vs. Court of Appeals (80 SCRA 428),
Duque vs. Domingo (80 SCRA 654), and cases.
on trusts
trusts has always
created by the maintained
intention ofathe
parties, between express
and the implied
or constructive trusts that are exclusively created by law, the
latter not being trusts in their technical sense. (Gayondato vs.
Insular Treasurer, supra.) The express trusts disable the trustee
from acquiring for his own benefit the property committed to
his management or custody, at least while he does not openly
repudiate the trust, and makes such repudiation known to the
beneficiary or cestui que trust. For this reason, the old Code of
Civil Procedure (Act 190) declared that the rules on adverse
22 SCRA 231.
103 Phil. 264-265.
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Fabian vs. Fabian, supra.
See Lagura vs. Levantino, 71 Phil. 566; Salinas vs. Tunson, 55 Phil. 729; Ramos
vs. Ramos, 61 SCRA 284.
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Reyes to file was not adverse to them; and neither he nor the
appellees may invoke the constructive notice rule on the basis of
their own breach of the authority thus given. On top of all these,
it was the appellants and not the appellees who were in posses-
sion of the property as owners, continuously up to 1962, when
for the first time the latter appeared upon the scene and tried
to get such possession, thereby revealing to them the fact of the
fraudulent registration.
It would be more in keeping with justice, therefore, to
afford the plaintiffs as well as the defendants the opportunity
to lay their respective claims and defenses before the court in a
full-blown litigation. Wherefore, the order appealed from is set
aside and the case is remanded for further proceedings.
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of the concept of
JULIANA, an had
and owner by Juan
been Caragay,
declared in histhe deceased
name underfather
Declaration No. 28694 beginning with the year 1921 (Exhibit “2-
C’’), later revised by Tax Declaration No. 2298 in 1951 (Exhibit
“2-C’’). Upon the demise of her father in 1914, JULIANA
adjudicated the property to herself as his sole heir in 1958
(Exhibit “4’’), and declared it in her name under Tax Declaration
No. 22522 beginning with the year 1959 (Exhibit “2-A’’), later
cancelled by TD No. 3539 in 1966 (Exhibit “2’’). Realty taxes
were also religiously paid from 1938 to 1972 (Exhibit “3-A’’ to
they had Taking
been the previous
in actual possession
open, of herand
continuous father to her own,
possession in the concept of owner for about forty-five (45) years,
until said possession was distributed in 1966 when ESTRADA
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OCT No. 63the fraudulent
only inclusion
in 1966 when of the so
ESTRADA Disputed Portion
informed in
her and
sought to eject them.
Of significance is the fact, disclosed by the evidence, that
for twenty (20) years from the date of registration of title in
1947 up to 1967 when this suit for recovery of possession was
instituted, neither the deceased DE VERA up to the time of his
death in 1951, not his successors-in-interest, had taken steps to
possess or lay adverse claim to the Disputed Portion. They may,
therefore be said to be guilty of laches as would effectively detail
their cause of action. Administrator ESTRADA took interest in
recovering the said portion only when he noticed the discrepancy
in areas in the inventory of property and in the title.
Inasmuch as DE VERA has failed to assert any rights over
the Disputed Portion during his lifetime, nor did his successors-
in-interest possess it for a single moment; but that, JULIANA
has been in actual, continuous and open possession thereof to
the exclusion of all and sundry, the inescapable inference is,
fraud having been unsubstantiated, that had been erroneously
included in OCT No. 63. The mistake was con firmed by the
fact that deducting 3,732 sq. ms., the area of the Disputed
Portion from 8,752 sq.ms., the area of Lot 1 in OCT No. 63, the
difference is 5,020 sq.ms., which closely approximates the area
of 5,147 sq.ms., indicated in the Inventory of Property of DE
VERA. In fact, the widow by limiting the area in said Inventory
to only 5,147 sq.ms. the effect, recognized and admitted that
the Disputed Portion of 3,132 sq.ms. did not form part of the
decedent’s estate.
The foregoing conclusion does not necessarily wreak havoc
on the indefeasibility of a Torrens title. For, mere possession of
a certificate of title under the Torrens System is not conclusive
as to the holder’s true ownership of all the property described
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Layno,117, presently
and occupied
to reconvey by petitioner
the same Juliana After
to said petitioner. Caragay-
segregation shall have been accomplished, the Register of Deeds
of Pangasinan is hereby ordered to issue a new certificate of
title covering said 3,732 sq.m. portion in favor of petitioner, and
another certificate of title in favor of the Estate of the deceased,
Mariano de Vera covering the remaining portion of 5,052 square
meters. No costs.
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— oOo —
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ISBN 978-971-23-5330-7
No. ____________
ISBN 978-971-23-5330-7
9 7 89 7 12 3 53 3 07
Printed by
typography & creative lithography
84 P. Florentino St., Quezon City
Tel. Nos. 712-41-01
ii • 712-41-08
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To my beloved wife
this work is affectionately dedicated.
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Caloocan City; Fourth
Former Assistant
Professor City– Prosecutor,
of Law FEU, UE, MLQU and
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living law. Itincluding electronic
is neither commerce.
simple nor easy butYes, indeed,
is rather this
real andisas
involved as life.
We are glad that as observed by Dr. Salonga this “book sup-
plies an acute need for a manual that is well-grounded, comprehen-
sive and balanced in treatment.’’
Thus, once again, we wish to extend our increasing gratitude
to Dr. Salonga, to the Professors of Obligations and Contracts who
have been prescribing this book as their of ficial text, to our brother,
RICHARD B. JURADO of the Philippine Senate who assisted us in
the preparation of this book and to Rex Book Store. To all of you,
thank you so much!!!
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Former Legal
Former Consultant,
Professor, Metro Manila
San Sebastian Commission
College of Law;
U.E. College of Law and
M.L.Q.U. College of Law; — B.S.C., Ll.B. (F.E.U.)
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OfficerFormer Corporate
of the Filinvest Secretary
Group and Legal
of Companies and the
Francisco V. del Rosario Group of Companies;
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that it cannot be inert but that it must thrive and flourish, since his-
tory has shown that law assumes stability only when it has not lost
its capacity for growth.
The book of Professor Desiderio P. Jurado is now involved in
this debate, and it is well that it has made its appearance. The sub-
ject of Obligations and Contracts pervades the entire social struc-
ture. It has been recognized that no society can long endure without
a workable, realistic system of liabilities. The field of contracts alone
illustrates the vital function of law in a free society, where respect
for the worth and dignity of the human demands that individual
volition be afforded a wide area of latitude consistent with the de-
mands of the social order. There is therefore more than enough room
for works such as this, and in particular, Professor Jurado’s book
supplies an acute need for a manual that is well-grounded, compre-
hensive, and balanced in treatment. It does not belong to the “easy’’
Professor Jurado has brought to this book the wealth of expe-
rience he has gained as a respected scholar and teacher of law; his
years of courtroom practice are also visible all throughout. Undoubt-
edly many of his former students, now practicising lawyers in vari-
ous places of the country, will find in these pages rich opportunities
for looking
room, whereback to those
honest hours ofisearnest
disagreement honoreddiscussion
and debateinon
the class-
points of law skilfully handled by the master.
We who study and teach law may not agree with all the con-
clusions set forth in this book; Professor Jurado does not expect un-
questioning assent from us on all points. But before we register our
dissent it may be well for us to consider the validity and weight of
his premises, for, indeed, this book deserves more than just a re-
reading. It is the product of a hard discipline — the discipline of fine,
unselfish scholarship.
Dean, Institute of Law, Far Eastern University
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Chapter 1
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Idem; id.;id.; id.
id. Effect
Effect of of bad faith................................
contributory negligence ....... 72
Idem; id.; id. Other circumstances ........................... 74
Voluntary Breach Through Contravention of Tenor
of Obligation .............................................................. 74
Art. 1174 ................................................................................... 74
Concept of Fortuitous Event ............................................. 74
Classification ..................................................................... 75
Effect Upon Obligation...................................................... 76
Idem; Essential conditions .......................................
Exceptions....................................................... 88
Art. 1175 ................................................................................... 101
Usurious Transactions ...................................................... 101
Art. 1176 ................................................................................... 102
Extinguishment of Interests and Prior Installments ...... 102
Art. 1177 ................................................................................... 103
Remedies of Creditor to Protect Credit ............................ 103
Idem; Exhaustion of debtor’s property .................... 103
Idem; Accion
Accion subrogatoria ........................................
pauliana .............................................. 104
Art. 1178 ................................................................................... 105
Transmissibility of Rights................................................. 105
Chapter 3
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Resolutory Condition ............................................... 137
Necessity of judicial action ............................ 137
Idem; Nature of Breach ............................................ 139
Idem; Alternative remedies of injured party........... 140
Idem; id. Damages to be awarded ............................ 141
Idem; Judicial discretion to decree rescission ......... 142
Idem; Effect of rescission.......................................... 142
Idem; id. Effect upon third persons ......................... 143
Art. 1192 ................................................................................... 146
Effect of Breach by Both Parties ...................................... 146
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Art. 1209
Joint ...................................................................................
Indivisible Obligations ............................................ 184
Idem; Effect of breach ............................................... 185
Idem; Effect of insolvency of a debtor ...................... 185
Idem; Interruption of period of prescription ........... 186
Art. 1210 ................................................................................... 187
Indivisibility and Solidarity.............................................. 187
Art. 1211 ................................................................................... 187
Kinds of Solidarity............................................................. 187
Idem; Effect
Idem; Effect of of passive
active solidarity
........... 188
Idem; id. Distinguished from suretyship................. 188
Idem; Effect of varied conditions or periods ............ 190
Art. 1212 ................................................................................... 195
Effect of Beneficial and Prejudicial Acts .......................... 195
Art. 1213 ................................................................................... 196
Effect of Assignment of Rights ......................................... 196
Art. 1214 ................................................................................... 196
Art. 1215 of Demand By a Creditor........................................ 196
Effect of Novation .............................................................. 197
Effect of Compensation and Confusion ............................ 199
Effect of Remission ............................................................ 199
Effect of Payment to a Creditor ........................................ 201
Art. 1216 ................................................................................... 201
Effect of Demand Upon a Debtor...................................... 201
Art. 1217 ................................................................................... 204
Art. 1218
of Payment By a Debtor ......................................... 205
Idem; Nature of right of debtor ................................ 206
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of Divisible
Breachor ofIndivisible
joint indivisibleObligations ...................
obligations ........... 213
Art. 1225 ................................................................................... 214
Determination of Divisibility or Indivisibility ................. 215
Idem; In obligations to give ...................................... 215
Idem; In obligations to do ......................................... 216
Idem; In obligations not to do .................................. 217
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Chapter 4
General Provisions
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Art. 1248 of Payment ........................................................
................................................................................... 247
Character of Payment ....................................................... 247
Art. 1249 ................................................................................... 248
Rule in Monetary Obligations........................................... 248
Idem; Effect of Rep. Act Nos. 529 and 4100 ............ 249
Idem; Meaning of legal tender ................................. 251
Idem; Payments with Japanese military notes....... 251
Idem; Payments with emergency notes ................... 253
Idem; Payments
id. Exceptions with.................................................
negotiable paper ................... 253
Art. 1250 ................................................................................... 261
Effect of Extraordinary Inflation or Deflation ................. 261
Idem; War-time obligations...................................... 263
Idem; id. The Ballantyne Schedule.......................... 264
Idem; id.; id. Application .......................................... 265
Art. 1251 ................................................................................... 267
Place of Payment ............................................................... 267
of DebtorFourth requisite
to Make .............................................
Application ................................ 270
Idem; Exception ........................................................ 271
Idem; Time when right is exercised ......................... 271
Art. 1253 ................................................................................... 272
Limitation Upon Right to Apply Payment ....................... 272
Art. 1254 ................................................................................... 272
Legal Application of Payment........................................... 272
Idem; When debts are not of same burden .............. 273
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in Obligations
Idem; to do...................................................
Effect ............................................................... 292
Idem; Effect in obligations not to do ........................ 295
Art. 1267 ................................................................................... 295
Effect of Relative Impossibility......................................... 295
Art. 1268 ................................................................................... 296
Rule If Obligation Arises from Criminal Offense ............ 296
Art. 1269 ................................................................................... 297
Effect of Extinguishment of Obligation............................ 297
Idem; Extent of Rules on Donations
of remission .................................
........................................ 300
Idem; Form of express remission ............................. 301
Idem; Form of implied remission ............................. 303
Art. 1271 ................................................................................... 303
Art. 1272 ................................................................................... 303
Effect of Delivery of Evidence of Credit to Debtor........... 304
Art. 1273 ................................................................................... 305
Art. 1274 ................................................................................... 305
of Remission in General
Effect upon accessory.........................................
obligations .................. 305
Idem; id. Rule in pledge ............................................ 305
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Section 5. — Compensation
Idem; As to parties
id. Bound as ....................................................
principals .................................. 313
Idem; As to objects .................................................... 316
Idem; As to maturity ................................................ 317
Idem; As to liquidation and demandability ............. 317
Idem; As to claims of third persons ......................... 318
Art. 1280 ................................................................................... 318
Right of Guarantor to Set Up Compensation................... 318
Art. 1281 ................................................................................... 319
Idem; id.
Idem; When With compensation
consent of debtor has not taken place ......
.............................. 321
Idem; id. With knowledge, but without consent,
of debtor ............................................................ 322
Idem; id. Without knowledge of debtor.................... 322
Art. 1286 ................................................................................... 323
Art. 1287 ................................................................................... 323
Art. 1288 ................................................................................... 323
Debts Which Cannot Be Compensated ............................ 323
Art. 1289
1290 ...................................................................................
................................................................................... 324
Effect of Compensation ..................................................... 324
Idem; When compensation takes effect ................... 325
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Section 6. — Novation
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Life of Contractsof................................................................
Contracts ............................................. 358
Classification of Contracts ................................................ 359
Art. 1306 ................................................................................... 361
Right to Contract ............................................................... 361
Idem; Limitations ..................................................... 362
Idem; id. First limitation .......................................... 362
Idem; id. Second limitation ...................................... 363
Idem; id. Third limitation......................................... 363
Idem; id. Fourth limitation ...................................... 364
Idem; id. Fifth limitation.......................................... 364
Compromise; Compromise Agreements; Effects.............. 370
Art. 1307 ................................................................................... 371
Nominate Contracts .......................................................... 372
Innominate Contracts ....................................................... 372
Art. 1308 ................................................................................... 373
Art. 1309 ................................................................................... 374
Art. 1310 ................................................................................... 374
Mutuality of Contracts ...................................................... 374
Art. 1311 ................................................................................... 378
Relativity of Contracts ...................................................... 379
Idem; Persons bound by contract ............................. 379
Idem; id. Exceptions ................................................. 380
Idem; Effect of contract on third persons ................ 381
Idem; Stipulations in favor of third persons ........... 382
Idem; id. Kinds.......................................................... 383
Idem; id. Requisites .................................................. 383
Idem; id. Test of beneficial stipulation .................... 384
Art. 1312 ................................................................................... 388
Contracts Creating Real Rights........................................ 388
Art. 1313 ................................................................................... 389
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Art. 1315
1316 ...................................................................................
................................................................................... 391
Perfection of Contracts...................................................... 392
Art. 1317 ................................................................................... 393
Contracts in Name of Another .......................................... 393
Chapter 2
General Provisions
Art. 1318 ................................................................................... 396
Requisites of Contracts in General................................... 396
Section 1. — Consent
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Idem; id. id. Deaf-mutes
Other incapacitated ................................................
persons..................... 423
Art. 1328 ................................................................................... 425
Art. 1329 ................................................................................... 425
Disqualifications to Contract ............................................ 425
Idem; Distinguished from incapacity to contract .... 425
Art. 1330 ................................................................................... 428
Vices of Consent ................................................................ 428
Art. 1331 ................................................................................... 429
Mistake ........................................................................... 429
Idem; Mistakes which vitiate consent ..................... 429
Idem; id. Mistake of fact ........................................... 430
Art. 1332 ................................................................................... 432
Rule Where a Party is Illiterate ....................................... 432
Art. 1333 ................................................................................... 434
Art. 1334 ................................................................................... 434
Mistake of Law .................................................................. 434
Art. 1335 ................................................................................... 435
Art. 1336 ................................................................................... 436
Violence and Intimidation ................................................ 436
Idem; Requisites of violence ..................................... 436
Idem; Requisites of intimidation.............................. 436
Idem; id. Character of intimidation ......................... 436
Idem; id. Distinguished from reluctant consent ..... 437
Idem; id. Determination of degree
of intimidation .................................................. 441
Idem; id. Effect of just or legal threat...................... 442
Art. 1337 ................................................................................... 442
Undue Influence ................................................................ 443
Idem; Undue influence which vitiates consent ....... 443
Art. 1338 ................................................................................... 444
Fraud ........................................................................... 444
Idem; Kinds of fraud ................................................. 444
Idem; Requisites ....................................................... 445
Idem; id. Nature of fraud.......................................... 445
Art. 1339 ................................................................................... 447
Effect of Failure to Disclose Facts .................................... 447
Art. 1340 ................................................................................... 447
Effect of Exaggerations in Trade ...................................... 447
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Idem;Requisites of Cause
Effect of lack ...........................................
of cause ..................................... 472
Idem; Effect of unlawful cause ................................. 475
Idem; Effect of false cause ........................................ 478
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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of Fraud ....................................................................
Presumptions of fraud.................................... 517
Idem; Badges of fraud............................................... 526
Idem; id. Acquisition by third person
in good faith ...................................................... 528
Idem; id. Acquisition by third person in
bad faith............................................................ 529
Art. 1389 ................................................................................... 529
Prescriptive Period ............................................................ 529
Chapter 7
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Chapter 8
Contracts Ratification .....................................................
Both Parties Are Incapacitated ........... 570
Art. 1404 ................................................................................... 572
Art. 1405 ................................................................................... 572
Art. 1406 ................................................................................... 572
Art. 1407 ................................................................................... 572
Art. 1408 ................................................................................... 573
Chapter 9
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Idem; of Effect
In Pari if Delicto
only one ...............................................
party is at fault.................. 592
Idem; Exceptions....................................................... 602
Art. 1413 ................................................................................... 603
Recovery By Debtor of Usurious Interest ........................ 603
Art. 1414 ................................................................................... 621
Art. 1415 ................................................................................... 621
Art. 1416 ................................................................................... 621
Article Applied ................................................................... 622
Art. 1417
1418 ...................................................................................
................................................................................... 631
Art. 1419 ................................................................................... 631
Art. 1420 ................................................................................... 632
Article Applied ................................................................... 632
Art. 1421 ................................................................................... 634
Art. 1422 ................................................................................... 634
Art. 1427
Art. 1426 ...................................................................................
................................................................................... 638
Art. 1428 ................................................................................... 638
Art. 1429 ................................................................................... 638
Art. 1430 ................................................................................... 638
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