Nordea STP Guide For Iso 20022 MX Messages

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Formatting Guidelines

for pacs.008, pacs.009, pacs.004

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General Principles ..........................................................................................................................................................1
Central Banks Market Infrastructures ..........................................................................................................................1
pacs.008 Customer Credit Transfer ................................................................................................................................2
pacs.009 FI-to-FI Customer Credit Transfer ..................................................................................................................6
pacs.004 Payment Return ................................................................................................................................................9


This ISO 20022 formatting guideline is based on the ISO 20022 financial messaging format and only contains elements
which differ to CBPR+ or where Nordea provides additional explanation. This information applies to Nordea in the
Nordics (NDEADKKK, NDEAFIHH, NDEANOKK, NDEASESS) and for incoming pacs.008, pacs.009, pacs.009COV.

General Principles

To ensure a high straight through processing rate during the MT-to-MX migration coexistence period from March 2023 to
November 2025, Nordea Bank encourages along with the majority of banking peers to employ a like-for-like

A like-for-like methodology means that while the richer MX format may be utilised, the content of the message should
be similar to the corresponding MT format. Utilising the richer data elements in the MX format may lead to the omittion or
the truncation of data which in turn may lead to non-straight through processing delays.

Examples of this is utilising the extended available space in an MX element which is not supported in the corresponding
MT tags, or the use of ultimate debtor and/or ultimate debtor elements which are neither supported in a corresponding
MT message.

Central Bank Market Infrastructures

The Danish, Norwegian and Swedish central banks will not support MX messages in the beginning of the transition
period and will continue to use FIN MT until migrated to MX. All three central banks have communicated a readiness by
approximately March-April 2024, approximately six months before the end of the coexistence period. Applying the like-
for-like methodology will ensure a smoother process with central bank market infrastructures and reduce the risk of
losing and truncation of information.

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pacs.008.001.08 STP FI to FI Customer Credit Transfer
M – Mandatory, O – Optional

O XML Tag Type Formatting Option Description

M AppHdr Business Application Header Head.001.001.02 According to Market Practice and

Message Rules Guidelines

M FIToFICstmrCdtTrf FI To FI Customer Credit Direct account The Financial Institution to Financial

Transfer v08 relationship Institution Customer Credit Transfer
(pacs.008.001.08) or; message is sent by the debtor agent to
Indirect Relationship/ the creditor agent, directly or through
Reimbursement other agents and/or a payment clearing
Agent and settlement system. It is used to
or; move funds from a debtor account to a
Transit Payments/ creditor
Serial Payments

M GrpHdr Group Header Text This field contains the primary details of
the underlying transaction

M MsgID Message Identification Length: 1 – 35 Point to point reference, as assigned by

the instructing party, and sent to the
CBPR restricted FIN Text next party in the chain to unambigu-
maximum 35 Text [0-9a-zA-Z/\-\ ously identify the message
?:\(\)\.,'\+ ]+ Usage: The instructing party has to
make sure that MessageIdentification is
unique per instructed party for a pre-
agreed period

M CreDtTm Creation Date Time Numerical: Date and time at which the message
CBPR DateTime was created
.*(\+|-)((0[0-9])| expressed in local time with UTC offset
(1[0-3])):[0-5][0-9] format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss+/-

M NbOfTxs Number of Transactions Fixed value Specifies a numeric string with a

(based on string) Pattern: [0-9]{1 – 15} maximum length of 15 digits

M SttlmInf Settlement Information Text Specifies the details on how the

settlement of the transaction(s) between
the instructing agent and the instructed
agent is completed

O SttlmMtd Settlement Method Text One of the following codes must be

COVE: Settlement is done through a
Cover Payment
INDA: Settlement is done by Nordea as
Instructed Agent and the Account
Servicing Institution (an account held
with Nordea to be debited)
INGA: Settlement is done by the
Instructing Agent who has credited an
account they service for Nordea on their

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O XML Tag Type Formatting Option Description

O SttlmAcct Settlement Account Text This tag provides generic account

53B in context, the Sender's information and helps to Identify the
Correspondent [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a- account through which the transaction is
zA-Z0-9]{1,30} settledThe account number is to be
stated in SttlmAcct/Id/Othr/Id if the
Instructing Agent has more than one
account with Nordea. However, if the
default account is to be used, element is

O InstgRmbrsmntAgt Instructing Reimbursement Text BICFI is the preferred option.

Agent This field provides details on
InstdRmbrsmntAgt Instructed Reimbursement [A-Z0-9]{4,4}[A-Z] Reimbursement agent details for
Agent {2,2}[A-Z0-9]{2,2} transaction
ThrdRmbrsmntAgt Third Reimbursement Agent ([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}

M CdtTrfTxInf Credit Transfer Transaction Non-repetetive For each Credit Transfer Transaction
Information Information the following elements are
mutually exclusive: A) Related
Remittance Information, B) Remittance
Information or C) all may be absent

O ClrChanl Clearing Channel Plain text Code: RTGS

When a payment needs to be settled to
Target2 then above code value RTGS is
Other codes should not be used to
facilitate Straight-Through-Processing

M ChrgbrAgt Charge Bearer Agent Text BICFI and/or Clearing System Member

[A-Z0-9]{4,4} Identification in line with the External

[A-Z]{2,2} Code List should be used for STP
[A-Z0-9]{2,2} purposes
SHAR: Agent/ BICFI is mandatory if
charges deducted, otherwise optional.
CRED: Agent/ BICFI is mandatory in all
cases including zero charges amount.
DEBT: Agent/ BICFI is mandatory if
charges are prepaid to NDEA. In this
case, the Agent BICFI needs to be
populated with the BIC code of the
receiving BIC

O PrvsInstgAgt1 Previous Instructing Agent1 Text BICFI is the preferred option.

PrvsInstgAgt2 Previous Instructing Agent2 It is used for identification of the
PrvsInstgAgt3 Previous Instructing Agent3 [A-Z0-9]{4,4}[A- Previous Instructing agent in BIC format

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O XML Tag Type Formatting Option Description

O IntrmyAgt1 Intermediary Agent1 Text BICFI is the preferred option.

IntrmyAgt2 Intermediary Agent2 It is used for identification of the
IntrmyAgt3 Intermediary Agent3 [A-Z0-9]{4,4} Intermediary agent in BIC format
[A-Z]{2,2} This tag is required if Creditor Agent is a
[A-Z0-9]{2,2} non-Nordea client institution outside the
([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} Receiving Bank (Nordea) country or not
in local currency of the Receiving Bank

O UltmtDbtr Ultimate Debtor Text Ultimate party that owes an amount of

money to the (ultimate) creditor

M Dbtr Debtor Name To comply with applicable AML/CTF

Text{1,140} regulations the following information
must be provided:
Business Code: The payment account number of the
Text Debtor (or a unique transactions
identifier if applicable), preceded with “/”
ID: Text without any spaces
[a-zA-Z0-9]{4} The Debtor’s full name and address
(street address, postal code, town and
country code) or when applicable, the
official personal document number,
customer identification number or the
date and place of birth

O DbtrAcct Debtor Account Text If used, Identification is mandatory

Either IBAN or Other to be used

M CdtrAgt Creditor Agent Text BICFI is the preferred option. Used to

[A-Z0-9]{4,4} define Creditor Agent details in BIC
[A-Z]{2,2} format

O CdtrAgtAcct Creditor Agent Account Text If used, identification is mandatory

[A-Z]{2,2} Either IBAN or BBAN is to be used

M Cdtr Creditor Name: Text {1,140} To comply with applicable AML/CTF

regulations the following information
Business Code: Text must be provided:
The payment account number of the
ID: Text Creditor, preceded with “/” without any
[a-zA-Z0-9]{4} spaces
The Creditor’s full name and address
(street address, postal code, town and
country code), address is optional but
strongly recommended in all cases. No
checking of account number compliance
with the Creditor name provided

M CdtrAcct CreditorAccount Text IBAN is the preferred option


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O XML Tag Type Formatting Option Description

O Ultmtcdtr Ultimate Creditor Text This field is used to denote the Ultimate
[A-Z0-9]{4,4} Creditor party for which the money is
[A-Z]{2,2} pending

O CdtrAgtAcct Creditor Agent Account Text If used, Identification is mandatory.

[A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2} Either IBAN or Others to be used

O UltmtCdtr Ultimate Creditor Text Ultimate party to which an amount of

money is due

O InstrForCdtrAgt Instruction For Creditor Text This element should not be used to
Agent [A-Z0-9]{4,4} facilitate Straight-Through-Processing.
[A-Z]{2,2} Please use service level proprietary tag
[A-Z0-9]{2,2} Please note that element is not allowed
([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} in the pacs.008 STP version

O RmtinfUstrd Remittance Information Plain text Information supplied to enable the

Unstructured matching of an entry with the items that
the transfer is intended to settle, such as
commercial invoices in an accounts'
receivable system

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pacs.009.001.08 FI-to-FI Customer Credit Transfer
M – Mandatory, O – Optional

O Element Field Name Formatting Option Comments

M MsgId Message Identification Length (35) This field is used to unambiguously

identify the message and for duplication
The Instructing Party shall ensure that
the message and message ID are
unique and do not repeat

M SttlmMtd Settlement Method Plain text This field used to identify method used
to settle payment instructions
INDA: Settlement is done by Nordea as
Instructed Agent and the Account
Servicing Institution (an account held
with Nordea to be debited)
Pacs.009 COR & COV both use
Settlement method
INGA: Settlement is done by the
Instructing Agent who has credited an
account they service for Nordea in their
COVE: Settlement is done through a
Cover Payment
Pacs.009 ADV uses COVE settlement

O SttlmAcct Settlement Information Text This tag provides general account

SettlementAccount [A-Z]{2,2} information and helps to identify the
[0-9]{2,2} account through which the transaction is
[a-zA-Z settled
0-9]{1,30} The account number shall be stated in
SttlmAcct/Id/Othr/Id if the Instructing
Agent has more than one account with
Nordea. However, if the default account
is to be used, this element is optional

O InstgRmbrsmntAgt Instructing Reimbursement Text BICFI is the preferred option

Agent [A-Z0-9]{4,4} This field provides details about the
InstdRmbrsmntAgt Instructed Reimbursement [A-Z]{2,2} Reimbursement Agent details for the
Agent [A-Z0-9]{2,2} transaction
ThrdRmbrsmntAgt Third Reimbursement Agent ([A-Z0-9]

M CdtTrfTxInf Credit Transfer Transaction Non-repetitive Present only once per message
Information containing all credit transaction details

O ClrChanl Payment Type Information Plain text Code: RTGS

Clearing Channel When a payment needs to be settled on
TARGET2 then the code value RTGS is
to be used
Other codes should not be used to
facilitate straight-through-processing

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O Element Field Name Formatting Option Comments

M Chrgbr ChargeBearer Text BICFI and/or Clearing System Member

Agt Agent [A-Z0-9]{4,4} Identification in line with the External
[A-Z]{2,2} Code List should be used for STP
[A-Z0-9]{2,2} purposes
([A-Z0-9] SHAR: Agent/ BICFI is mandatory if
{3,3}){0,1} charges deducted, otherwise optional
CRED: Agent/BICFI is mandatory in all
cases including zero charges amount
DEBT: Agent/BICFI is mandatory if
charges are prepaid to Nordea. In this
case the Agent BICFI needs to be
populated with the BIC code of the
Receiving Agent

O PrvsInstgAgt1 PreviousInstructingAgent1 Text BICFI is the preferred option

PrvsInstgAgt2 PreviousInstructingAgent2 [A-Z0-9]{4,4} It is used for identification of the
PrvsInstgAgt3 PreviousInstructingAgent3 [A-Z]{2,2} Previous Instructing Agent in BIC format

O IntrmyAgt1 IntermediaryAgent1 Text BICFI is the preferred option

IntrmyAgt2 IntermediaryAgent2 [A-Z0-9]{4,4} It is used for identification of the
IntrmyAgt3 IntermediaryAgent3 [A-Z]{2,2} Intermediary Agent in BIC format
[A-Z0-9]{2,2} This tag is required if the Creditor Agent
([A-Z0-9] is a non-Nordea client institution outside
{3,3}){0,1} the Receiving Bank (Nordea) country or
not in local currency of the Receiving
Bank (Nordea)

O UltmtDbtr Ultimate Debtor Text Ultimate party that owes an amount of

money to the (ultimate) creditor.

M Dbtr Debtor Name: Text {1,140} To comply with applicable AML/CTF

regulations the following information
Business Code: Text must be provided:
The payment account number of the
ID: Text Debtor (or a unique transactions
[a-zA-Z0-9]{4} identifier if applicable), preceded with “/”
without any spaces
The Debtor’s full name and address
(street address, postal code, town and
country code) or when applicable, the
official personal document number,
customer identification number or the
date and place of birth

O DbtrAcct DebtorAccount Text If used, Identification is mandatory

[A-Z]{2,2} Either IBAN or BBAN is to be used

M DbtrAgt DebtorAgent Text BICFI is the preferred option. Used to

[A-Z0-9]{4,4} define Debtor Agent details in BIC
[A-Z]{2,2} format

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O Element Field Name Formatting Option Comments

M CdtrAgt CreditorAgent Text BICFI is the preferred option. It is used

[A-Z0-9]{4,4} to define the Creditor Agent details in
[A-Z]{2,2} BIC format

O CdtrAgtAcct CreditorAgentAccount Text If used, identification is mandatory.

[A-Z]{2,2} Either IBAN or BBAN is to be used

M Cdtr Creditor Name: Text {1,140} To comply with applicable AML/CTF

Business Code: Text regulations the following information
ID: Text must be provided:
[a-zA-Z0-9]{4} The payment account number of the
Creditor, preceded with “/” without any
The Creditor’s full name and address
(street address, postal code, town and
country code), address is optional but
strongly recommended in all cases. No
checking of account number compliance
with the Creditor name provided

M CdtrAcct CreditorAccount Text IBAN is the preferred option


O Ultmtcdtr Ultimate Creditor Text This field is used to denote the Ultimate
[A-Z0-9]{4,4} Creditor party for which the money is
[A-Z]{2,2} pending

O Rmtinf Remittance Information Plain text Information provided for more details
Ustrd Unstructured about the remittance

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pacs.004.001.09 Payment Return
M – Mandatory, O – Optional

O Element Field Name Formatting Option Comments
M TxInf TransactionInformation ReturnID: Length This field contains the details of the
(1,35) underlying transaction

M OrgnlMsgId Original Message Text This element helps in the Message

Identification Length (1,35) Identification of the underlying payment,
e.g., pacs.008/ pacs.009

O OrgnlInstrId Original Instruction Length (1,35) If present in the underlying pacs.008/

Identification pacs.009, then must be present in the
pacs.004 return message to ensure
automated processing of the return

M OrgnlEndToEndId Original End-To-End Length (1,35) This element relates to the End-To-End
Identification Identification of the underlying payment,
e.g. pacs.008/ pacs.009

M OrgnlUETR Original UETR Length (1,36) This element relates to the UETR of the
underlying payment, e.g. pacs.008/

O OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt Original Interbank Settlement ISO Date Format It is recommended to populate the
Amount Original Information, if pacs.004 follows
the original payment route. to ensure
automated processing of the Return

M Dbtr Debtor Text Helps to Identify the Party that owes

[A-Z0-9]{4,4} amount to the ultimate creditor
[A-Z]{2,2} BICFI is used

M Cdtr Creditor Text Party that has due settlement amount

[A-Z0-9]{4,4} BICFI is used

M OrgID Organisation Identification Text (1,35) Helps to Identify the Organisation that
had triggered the Return

M Cd Code Length (1,4) This element provides the Reason for the

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