Financial Management System
Financial Management System
Financial Management System
Research paper
The project entitled as “Financial Management System” The main objective is maintaining the company details and sends the daily
report to the company manager. The admin can view the employee attendance details, employee registration details and sales de tails.
This project contains two modules such as admin module and user modules. The admin can maintain employee details and sales de-
tails. In user modules, day by day update attendance details and product sales details in the system. So the admin can easily view
product details and sales details and employee details in the system. The system can view day by day activities in the company pro-
cess. The front end of the project is JSP and back end is MySQL.
and user modules. The admin can maintain employee details and
1. Objective sales details. In user modules, day by day update attendance de-
tails and product sales details in the system. So the admin can
easily view product details and sales details and employee details
The project is used in companies for organizing employees inside in the system, The system can view day by day activities in the
organization. The main objective is maintaining the employee company process.
details, product details and sales details. This project is developed
by web based application. The admin can view and add the em-
ployee attendance details, salary details, product details and daily 3. Problem Defintion
profit or loss details. Using this system to reduce the paper work
and saving the time consuming. First when a user comes to the This project is developed by web based application. The admin
company he has to be registered and in the manual system it is can view and add the employee attendance details, salary details,
difficult to verify whether he is already registered. But in the project details and daily profit or loss details. Using this system to
computerized package it would be very easier to check all the reduce the paper work and saving the time consuming. This pro-
customer details. This project contains two modules such as admin ject contains three modules such as admin module, employee
module, user modules. In admin module, the admin can maintain modules and customer modules. In admin module, the admin can
the product details and employee details and view the employee maintain the company and employee details. so you can send mes-
attendance details and salary details in the system. In user module, sage from home or office in a safe way. In customer module, the
the user can view the product details and update the attendance customer can login the system and receive project in the system.
details and sales details in the system. This project is reduced the The message is automatically send to the admin Mobile.
manual process and easily maintains the product details in the
system. In the existing system the transactions are done only man- 4. Module Description
ually but in proposed system we have to computerize all the bank-
ing transaction using the software financial management system.
The system security is taken care of by a login form, which is 4.1 Admin Module
allows only authorized users to utilize the system. The main
aim/objective is to develop an effective system, which is fast, Login
accurate, consistent, reliable, and flexible enough so that in can Employee details
accommodate any further expansion. Attendance details
View Sales details
2. Introduction 4.2 User Module
The project will maintaining the company details and sends the Registration
daily report to the company manager, the admin can view the em- Login
ployee attendance details, employee registration details and sales Update attendance details
details, This project contains two modules such as admin module Sales details
Copyright © 2018 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
72 International Journal of Engineering & Technology
In this module, the admin can view sales details like product name, The system is such that is stands up to the user expectations like
product id, seller name and price, buyer name etc. these details are easy and faster retrieval of information.
stored in the database The system will be accessible by only the authorized users. As
information being the most crucial for the organization, then the
4.2 User Module safety of information is importation.
The reports will give the significant amount of time and effort
Registration invested by the employees time to time, by helping the manage-
In this module every user have to login into our system otherwise ment to know about their employee’s capability.
user have to register their details into our website after complete
registration user get a unique user id and password after that only 6. Conclusion
user can login in our website
Login This project is done by web-based and financial management Sys-
tem for the Group for a company. All employee information, new
The login page is used for logging in the site authenticate person employees’ details, relieved employees and salary report are total-
allows for existing user. The user must first login to the site. After ly managed by admin. So admin workloads are reduced this pro-
filling all the fields and the user can click the 'Submit' button to ject. So admin was easily maintaining the company details in the
sign in system. That the information’s are displayed are automatically
Update Attendance Details changed to monitor. This Project is employing people, developing
their resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their
In this module, user can update daily attendance details in the services in tune with the job and organizational requirement.
system. The attendance details such as staff name, staff position There are two main modules are used such as admin module, user
and in time, out time and staff leave details and so on. These de- module. The admin module maintains the employee and product
tails are stored in the database details in the system. The user just view the running process in the
Update Sales Details system, the process are staff attendance details and product details
and view the status about the product. These are the modules run-
In this module, the user can update day by day sales details like ning in the system. The front of the project is JSP package and to
product name, product id, seller name and price, buyer name etc. store the details in the database using MYSQL.
these details are stored in the database
5. Existing System
[1] Horstmann, C.S/ Cornell.G, 8th Edition, “Core Java: Volume 1 –
The financial Managements are in existing system the works are Fundamentals, 8th Edition, Pearson Education
only doing manual work. So taking time is very high and not accu- [2] Horstmann, C.S/ Cornell.G, 7th Edition, “Core Java: Volume 1 –
rate information is displayed. So the work is doing very low .The Fundamentals, 8th Edition, Pearson Education
manpower work is high compare to proposed.. The system is used [3] Rob Ericsson and Jason Cline(2007)s, “SQL Server 2005”,
for daily activities such as booking, non delivery, out return, com- Charles River Media.
pany details, and pickup centers. The company project data is
maintained in the registers, the modification of data cannot do
easily preparation of an up to data report is very complex, it re-
quire a lot of hard work and searching through the different regis-
ter so as to condense the data for presentation.
Manual process is high.
Time is value than all, so sometimes not completed the task within
the period.