C Lio: Telecommunication Cables - Insulation, Sheath and Jacket
C Lio: Telecommunication Cables - Insulation, Sheath and Jacket
C Lio: Telecommunication Cables - Insulation, Sheath and Jacket
AS 1049.2:2022 STANDARD ,
Additional Interests
BICSI South Pacific (New Zealand)
Telecommunications Users Association of New Zealand
VTI Services
Telecommunication cables -
Insulation, sheath and jacket
Part 2: Test methods
Originated as AS 1049:1971.
Previous edition AS 1049.2-2008.
Second edition AS 1049.2:2022.
All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical , including photocopyin g , without the
written permission of the publisher, unless otherwise permitted under the Copyright
Act 1968 (Cth).
AS 1 049. 2 : 2 0 2 2 ii
This Standard was prepared by the Australian members of the Joint Standards Australia/Standards
New Zealand Committee CT-00 1, Communications Cabling, to supersede AS 1049.2-2008.
The objective of this document is to specify test methods to evaluate the properties of materials used to
manufacture telecommunication cables. This document is intended for use by polymer manufacturers,
communication cable manufacturers and end-users.
AS 1049 is divided in two parts, as follows:
AS 1049.1, Telecommunication cables - Insulation, sheath and jacket, Part 1: Materials
AS 1049.2, Telecommunication cables - Insulation, sheath andjacket Part 2: Test methods (this document)
Part 1 specifies the material requirements for the insulation, sheath and jacket of the finished products
and some of the compounds used to manufacture telecommunication cables.
Part 2 provides a set of reference test methods for evaluating these material requirements.
The major changes in this edition are as follows:
(c) Addition of thermogravimetric analysis as per IEC 60811-605 as an alternative test method
for the determination of the carbon black concentration in Appendix R.
(d) Apparatus changed from as specified in AS/NZS 2 1 2 2 . 2 to as specified in ISO 4589-2 for the
combustion test in Appendix DO.
(e) Update of reference designation from AS/NZS 1660. 5.4 to AS/NZS IEC 60754.2 for the acidity
of gases evolved during combustion test in Appendix EE.
(f) General update to meet the requirements of Standards Australia drafting rules, including
dividing test methods into consistent subclauses (where appropriate) and the addition of the
test report subclause where previously missing.
The terms "normative" and "informative" are used in Standards to define the application of the
appendices or annexes to which they apply. A "normative" appendix or annex is an integral part of a
Standard, whereas an "informative" appendix or annex is only for information and guidance.
Preface ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ii
Section 1 Scope and general . . . .
................. .................................................. ............................................................................ ......................... ...... 1
1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1 .2 Application ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Normative references ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1 .4 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.5 Abbreviations 7
Australian Standard®
1.1 Scope
This document specifies test methods to evaluate the properties o f materials used to manufacture
telecommunication cables.
This document does not include the following:
1.2 Application
This document is intended for use by the following:
(a) Polymer manufacturers, to form the basis of the raw material quality control procedures for
the manufacture of polymer compounds.
(b) Cable manufacturers, to form the basis of the cable material quality control procedures for
the manufacture of a range of insulation, sheath and jacket of different materials.
(c) Cable end users, to form the basis of the cable acceptance procedures for the completed cable.
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document.
NOTE Documents referenced for informative purposes are listed in the Bibliography.
AS/NZS 1660 . 2. 1 : 1998, Test methods for electric cables, cords and conductors, Method 2.1: Insulation,
extruded semi-conductive screens and non-metallic sheaths-Methods for general application
AS/NZS 1660. 2 . 2, Test methods for electric cables, cords and conductors, Method 2.2: Insulation,
extruded semi-conductive screens and non-metallic sheaths-Methods specific to elastomeric, XLPE and
XLPVC materials
AS/NZS 1660. 2 . 3 : 1998, Test methods for electric cables, cords and conductors, Method 2.3: Insulation
extruded semi-conductive screens and non-metallic sheaths-Methods specific to PVC and halogen free
thermoplastic materials
AS/NZS 1660.2 .4:1998, Test methods for electric cables, cords and conductors, Method 2.4: Insulation,
extruded semi-conductive screens and non-metallic sheaths-Methods specific to polyethylene and
polypropylene materials
AS/NZS 1660.3:1998, Test methods for electric cables, cords and conductors, Method 3: Electrical tests
AS/NZS IEC 60754.2, Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables, Part 2:
Determination of acidity (by pH measurement) and conductivity
IEC 60304, Standard colours for insulation for low-frequency cables and wires
IEC 60811-605, Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials, Part 605:
Physical tests - Measurement of carbon black andjor mineral filler in polyethylene compounds
ISO 1183-1, Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion
method, liquid pycnometer method and titration method
ISO 4589-2, Plastics - Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index - Part 2: Ambient
temperature test
ISO 18553, Method for the assessment of the degree of pigment or carbon black dispersion in polyolefin
pipes, fittings and compounds
ASTM D153 1, Standard Test Methods for Relative Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) and Dissipation Factor
by Fluid Displacement Procedures
ASTM D3349, Standard Test Method for Absorption Coefficien t of Ethylene Polymer Material Pigmented
with Carbon Black
ASTM D4565, Standard Test Methodsfor Physical and Environmental Performance Properties ofInsulations
and jackets for Telecommunications Wire and Cable
ASTM G152, Standard Practice for Operating Open Flame Carbon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of
Nonmetallic Materials
ASTM G153, Standard Practice for Operating Enclosed Carbon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of
Nonmetallic Materials
ASTM G155, Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non
Metallic Materials
1. 4. 1. 2
filled cable
j elly-filled cable
cable construction that has a cable core that i s filled with a jelly-like substance which prevents water
from seeping or flowing along the length of the cable in the event of a rupture through the protective
sheath layer
1. 4. 1. 3
integrally bonded PE sheath and PA jacket
bonded cable construction
cable construction where the polyethylene ( PE) sheath is integrally bonded to the polyamide (PA)
jacket by chemical modification or by multiple processing technique, or by both
Nate 1 to entry: This may be achieved using specially formulated PE or the addition of a bonding agent.
1. 4. 1. 4
moisture-barriered cable
cable construction that has an aluminium moisture barrier tape to prevent moisture permeation into
the cable core
1. 4. 1.5
unbonded cable construction
cable construction without integrally bonded PE sheath and PA jacket
1. 4. 2
colour system
1. 4. 2. 1
purity of colour or freedom from white or grey
Note 1 to entry: Refer to EIA- 359 for a detailed explanation of chroma in the Munsell colour system.
1. 4. 2. 2
variety of colour
Note 1 to entry: Refer to EIA-3 59 for a detailed explanation of hue i n the Munsell colour system.
Note 2 to entry: Red, yellow, green, blue and purple are examples of hues in the Munsell colour system.
1. 4. 2. 3
lightness of colour
Note 1 to entry: Refer to EIA-3 59 for a detailed explanation of value in the Munsell colour system.
1. 4. 3
laboratory equipment
1. 4. 3. 1
air oven
chamber with controlled temperature, air flow and air exchange used to age a specimen of
material by heating
1. 4. 3. 2
instrument for the nominated tests
1. 4. 3. 3
cylinder against which test specimen is shaped or wound
1. 4. 3. 4
Nessler cylinder
clear laboratory glass tubes used for colour comparison
1. 4. 3.5
apparatus used to simulate weather ageing effects on a specimen of material by exposure to controlled
light and moisture
1. 4. 4
layers of cable
Note 1 to entry: Figure 1.1 shows examples of cable construction.
I n n e r s h ea t h
Oute r s h e at h
Sac r i f i c i a l jacke t
1. 4. 4. 1
aluminium moisture barrier
moisture barrier
aluminium tape bonded to the inner surface of the sheath to prevent moisture permeation into
the cable core
Note 1 to entry: The aluminium tape may also serve as an electrical screen.
1. 4. 4. 2
layer over the sheath of a cable to protect the installed cable against, for example, rodents or
mechanical equipment
Note 1 to entry: The armouring may be bonded to the sheath and is typically manufactured from steel tape, wire
or corrugated sheet. An example is rodent resistant armouring over a PE sheath with an outer sheath of PE and
a PA j acket.
1. 4. 4. 3
cellular insulation
insulation with small air- or gas-filled cells uniformly dispersed
Note 1 to entry: Cellular i nsulation is manufactured by using a blowing agent compounded i n the granules or by
using air- or gas-blowing at the extrusion process.
1. 4. 4. 4
assembly of insulated conductors, coaxial elements and optical fibre elements, or any combination of
these elements
1. 4. 4.5
filling compound
jelly-like substance which prevents water from seeping or flowing along the length of cable
1. 4. 4. 6
foam-skin insulation
insulation with a cellular layer covered with a solid layer
1. 4. 4.7
insulated conductor
conductor with insulation
1. 4. 4. 8
single or multiple layer of the same or different dielectric material(s) over the conductors
Note 1 to entry: An example of multiple layer insulation is foam-skin insulation.
1. 4. 4. 9
protective layer over the sheath of a cable
Note 1 to entry: Examples are a PE j acket over a metallic sheath and a PA j acket over a PE sheath.
1. 4. 4. 10
protective layer, for example, an inner sheath over the core of a cable or an outer sheath over
the armouring
1. 4. 4. 1 1
solid insulation
insulation in which the dielectric material is continuous without air- or gas-filled cells
1. 4.5
materials and material properties of cables
1. 4.5. 1
bonding agent
chemical additive used to integrally bond polyethylene to polyamide
1. 4.5. 2
carbon black
form of paracrystalline carbon added to polymer for UV stability
1. 4.5. 3
colour bleeding
migration of a colourant from the plastic it is added to, into any materials in contact with this plastic
Note 1 to entry: Factors that affect colour bleeding are an i ncrease in temperature, compatibility with the plastic
and compatibility with the contact material.
1. 4.5. 4
polymer from the polymer manufacturer before it undergoes any cable manufacturing processes
1. 4.5.5
subjection of a specimen for a specified duration to specific climatic conditions (usually a specified
temperature and a specified relative humidity) or to an atmosphere of specified relative humidity or to
complete immersion in water or other liquid
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-2 1 2 ]
1. 4.5. 6
circumferential break in the insulation, sheath and jacket
Note 1 to entry: Unless stated otherwise in the test method, cracks are to be observed using normal or
corrected vision.
1. 4.5.7
dielectric dissipation factor
tan l)
loss tangent
absolute value of the ratio of the imaginary to the real part of the complex relative permittivity, tan
8 = £r" j'£r'
Note 2 to entry: In English the abbreviation DDF is sometimes used to characterize the dielectric loss in
insulating materials.
1. 4.5. 8
recess or notch on a surface
1. 4.5. 9
PE category
classification of PE according its melt-flow rate
Note 1 to entry: Refer to AS 1049.1 for limits for each PE category.
1. 4.5. 10
PE type
classification of PE according its density
Note 1 to entry: Refer to AS 1049.1 for limits for each PE type.
1. 4.5. 11
relative permittivity
DEPRECATED: relative dielectric constant
DEPRECATED: dielectric constant
DEPRECATED: permittivity
scalar quantity or tensor quantity equal to the absolute permittivity divided by the electric constant
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-1 2 1 ]
1. 4.5. 1 2
temperature rating
maximum continuous temperature of the cable
Note 1 to entry: Refer t o AS 1049.1 for further details of the temperature ratings used i n this document.
1. 4.5. 1 3
test specimen that has not obtained any material degradation from exposures or stress from either
thermal source, radiation sources (e.g. UV), chemical sources, environmental sources and electrical
(current or voltage) sources
1.4.5. 14
volatile loss
weight loss from the test specimen under defined conditions of time and temperature
1. 4.5. 15
volume resistivity
measure of material resistance to current flow through the volume
1. 4. 6
indicates the existence of an option
indicates that a statement is mandatory
1. 4. 8
indicates a recommendation
1.5 Abbreviations
oc degrees Celsius
CIE International Commission on Illumination
CIE L*a*b* CIELAB colour space
em centimetre
d day
d. c. direct current
ac change of capacrtance
ECTFE copolymer of ethylene and chlorotrifluoroethylene
ESCR environmental stress cracking resistance
ETFE copolymer of ethylene and tetrafluoroethylene
FEP copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and hexafluoropropylene
g gram
h hour
HFFR halogen free flame retardant
high temperatures (indicating that the cable can operate at high temperatures for limited
K degrees kelvin
kg kilogram
kPa kilopascal
kV kilovolt
L litre
lx lux
m metre
MFI melt-flow index
mg milligram
MHz megahertz
min minute
mL millilitre
mm millimetre
MPa megapascal
N newtons
NA not applicable
nm nanometre
OIT oxidation induction time
PA polyamide
PA 1 2 polyamide 1 2
PE polyethylene
PFA poly ( perfluoro alkoxy alkane)
pH potential of hydrogen
pp polypropylene
PPO poly ( phenylene oxide)
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
PVC poly (vinyl chloride)
PV DF poly (vinylidene fluoride)
rev revolutions
RH relative humidity
s second (unit of time)
uv ultraviolet
J.lffi micrometre
J.1S micro-Siemen
v volt
w Watt
XL cross-linked
XL EVA cross-linked poly (ethylene-vinyl acetate)
XLPE cross-linked polyethylene
XLPO cross-linked polyolefin
XL PVC cross-linked poly (vinyl chloride)
pr ,.....
::l Fluoro- Crosslinked 0
Integrally PVC HFFRins., polymer polymer \,()
..., PE sheath,
0. Test Appendix PEins. PA 12 ins. PPO ins. PVC ins. PPins. PAjacket bonded sheath, sheath, ins., ins., N
Ul jacket
PE/PA jacket jacket sheath, sheath, N
c jacket jacket 0
q N
� 1 Density A comp. comp.
�- 2 Melt-flow index B camp. camp.
Flexibility after
7 F PVDF only
8 test at high G sj
10 Stripping I ./ ./ ./
Cold bend
11 J ./ ./ ./ ./ ins. ./ ./ 0
12 Heat shock K ./ sj
13 ESCR L ./
14 Bond strength M ./
15 N ./ ./
Filling compound
16 0 ins.
17 Corrosion p ./
18 Volatile loss Q ./ ./ ./
Carbon black
19 R ./ ./ ./
Carbon black
20 s ./ ./ ./
21 T ./
Visual colour
22 u ins. ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./
Table 2. 1 (continued)
Fluoro- Crosslinked
Integrally PVC HFFRins., polymer polymer
PE sheath,
Test Appendix PEins. PA 12 ins. PPO ins. PVC ins. PPins. PAjacket bonded sheath, sheath, ins., ins.,
PE/PA jacket jacket sheath, sheath,
jacket jacket
23 v ,f ,f ,f
colour difference
Colourfastness in
25 X ins. ,f ,f ,f ,f ,f ,f ,f ,f ,f ,f
26 y ,f ,f
27 z ,f
28 AA ,f
30 dissipation comp.
cc ......
31 comp.
32 Combustion DD ,f ,f ,f sj
33 Acidity of gases EE ,f sj
36 Refer to AS 1049.1 ins.
(/) camp.=compound
;::l ins.=insulation
0.. sj=sheath and jacket
.r =insulation, sheath or jacket as indicated in column heading
el C/)
5:i" ,.....
r 0
a· \.0
0 0
AS 1 049. 2 : 2 0 2 2 12
Appendix A
A.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the density of a polymer compound.
Specimens of polymer compound are tested in accordance with ISO 1 183-1 by one of the following
three methods:
(a) Method A - Immersion method is utilized for void-free solid plastics (except for powders).
The test specimen is weighted in a i r and weighted while immersed in a liquid. The difference
in mass and the density of the immersion liquid are used to calculate the specimen density.
(b) Method B - Liquid pycnometer method is utilized for particles, powders, flakes, granules
or small pieces. A pycnometer containing the test specimen and filled to capacity with
the immersion liquid is weighted. The pycnometer without the test specimen and filled to
capacity with the immersion liquid is also weighted. The difference in mass and the density of
the immersion liquid are used to calculate the specimen density.
(c) Method C - Titration method is utilized for void-free plastics. Pieces of test specimens
are placed in a cylinder containing a specific amount of an immersion liquid with a density
lower than the test specimens. Another immersion liquid with a density higher than the test
specimens is gradually added to the cylinder until the heaviest test specimen pieces become
suspended in the liquid mixture. The amount of the denser liquid added is noted and used to
determine the density of the mixture and hence the density of the test specimens.
A correction for buoyancy in air is set out in ISO 1183-1 and a correction for carbon black is set out below.
A.2 Reagents
The reagent shall be immersion liquid, distilled or deionized water, or other suitable liquid as specified
in ISO 1183-1 for the liquid pycnometer method.
The reagent shall be immersion liquids, one liquid with density lower than the test specimens
and another liquid with density higher than the test specimens, as specified in ISO 1183-1 for the
titration method.
A.3 Apparatus
(d) Thermometer.
(a) Balance.
(e) Desiccator.
(f) Pycnometer.
(c) Thermometer.
(f) Burette.
A.4.1 Selection
The test specimen shall be compound intended for insulation, sheath or jacket. The test specimen shall
be void-free and not in powder form. The test specimen shall be selected as specified in ISO 1183-1 for
the immersion method.
The test specimen shall be compound intended for insulation, sheath or jacket. The test specimen shall
be powders, granules or flakes as specified in ISO 1 183-1 for the liquid pycnometer method.
The test specimens shall be compound intended for insulation, sheath or jacket. The test specimens
shall be void-free as specified in ISO 1 183-1 for the titration method.
A.4.2 Preparation
The test specimen shall be prepared as specified in ISO 1183-1 for the immersion method.
When incising the test specimen from a larger specimen, the task shall be performed in a manner to
ensure that the material characteristics are not altered. Since air bubbles may introduce inaccuracies in
the density measurement, the surface of the test specimen shall be prepared to be smooth and free of
burs and cavities.
When incising the test specimens from a larger specimen, the task shall be performed in a manner to
ensure that the material characteristics are not altered. Since air bubbles may introduce inaccuracies in
the density measurement, the surface of the test specimen shall be prepared to be smooth and free of
burs, cavities and the like.
A.5 Procedure
The test procedure shall be in accordance with ISO 1183-1 for Methods A, B and C.
The density shall be calculated in accordance with ISO 1 183-1 for the immersion method.
For a more accurate result, the correction for buoyancy in air formulae as detailed in ISO 1183-1 may be
applied to account for the buoyancy of the suspension wire in air.
The density shall be calculated in accordance with ISO 1183-1 for the liquid pycnometer method.
The density shall be determined in accordance with ISO 1 183-1 for the titration method.
d =
corrected density value, in kg per m 3
de =
measured density value, in kg per m3
CB =
carbon black concentration, in g per kg, when determined in accordance with Appendix R
A. 7 Test report
The density shall be reported in accordance with ISO 1183-1. The test report shall also include
the following:
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049.2) and to ISO 1183-1, each including the year
of publication.
(c) A reference to this test method and the ISO 1183-1 test method used.
(f) The individual values and arithmetic mean of the density, including a reference to the
ISO 1183-1 clause which explains how the results were calculated. All calculations shall be
shown in full.
(g) A statement as to whether any polyethylene carbon black correction factor was made.
(h) A statement as to whether any buoyancy correction was made, and the correction made.
Appendix B
B.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the melt-flow index of PE compound.
The MFI is the quantity of material extruded in a given period of time at a given temperature through a
specified die under the action of a load.
The melt-flow index test is performed in accordance with AS/NZS 1660. 2.4:1998 Clause 2.1.
B.2 Apparatus
The apparatus for the extrusion plastimeter shall be as specified in AS/NZS 1660.2.4:1998 Clause 2 . 1.2,
including the following:
(f) Die, placed at the bottom of the cylinder, for material to extrude through.
B.4 Procedure
The test procedure shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1660 . 2 .4:1998 Clause 2 . 1 . 3, with the following
(a) PE containing a blowing agent shall be tested using either a 5.000 kg load at 140 oc ± 0.5 oc or
a 2 . 610 kg load at 160 oc ± 0.5 oc.
(b) Cut-off time intervals shall be used in accordance with Table 8.1.
Temp erat ure Int erval oft ime betw een cut-offs
PE cat egory
eCJ (s)
For 2. 160 kg load
C ategory 3 190 60
Table 8. 1 (continued)
Temperature Interval of time betw een cut- offs
PE category
(OC) (s)
Category 5 190 180
The MFI expressed in g per 600 s, shall be calculated in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2.4: 1998
Clause 2. 1.4.
The MFI shall be reported in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2 .4:1998 Clause 2 . 1. 5 . The test report shall
also include the following:
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(ii) PE category.
(iii) Specimen mass.
(c) A reference to this test method and the AS/NZS 1660. 2 .4 test method (Measurement of the
melt-flow index).
(f ) The MFI in g per 600 s, including a reference to AS/NZS 1660.2.4:1998 Clause 2.1.4, which
explains how the result was calculated. All calculations shall be shown in full.
Appendix C
Appendix D
0.1 Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining i f a polymer test specimen taken from the insulation,
sheath or jacket of a completed cable is adequately crosslinked.
The test specimen is heated under specified conditions. The elongation of the specimen is measured
after a set time at an elevated temperature with a prescribed load attached to the specimen. The load is
removed, and the retained extension measured after cooling.
The test is performed in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2 . 2, test method for hot set test.
0.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in AS/NZS 1660. 2 . 2 for the hot set test, as follows:
(a) Oven, capable of maintaining the required test temperature and with a viewing window.
(b) Grips, with upper grip to suspend the test specimen from the oven and lower grip with weights
attached to be attached to the test specimen.
(c) Weights.
0.3.1 Selection
The test specimen shall be taken from the insulation, sheath or jacket of a completed cable.
0.3 .2 Preparation
D. 3. 2. 1 Insulation
The insulation shall be cut into two test specimens, prepared and marked as specified in
AS/NZS 1660.2 . 1 : 1998 Clause 2 . 2 .1.3. The cross-sectional areas shall then be measured as specified in
AS/NZS 1660.2.1:1998 Clause 2 . 2 . 1.4.
D. 3. 2. 2 Sheath or jacket
The sheath or jacket shall be cut into two test specimens, prepared and marked as specified in
AS/NZS 1660 . 2. 1 : 1998 Clause 2 . 2 . 3 . 3 . The cross-sectional areas shall then be measured as specified in
AS/NZS 1660.2.1:1998 Clause 2 . 2 . 3.4.
0.4 Procedure
The test procedure shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2.2 for the hot set test.
For the two test specimens, the percentage of elongation under load at elevated temperature and
residual elongation after cooling shall be calculated in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2.2 for the hot set
test. The results of both specimens shall be used to calculate the arithmetic mean results.
The results shall be reported in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2 . 2 . The test report shall also include
the following:
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(c) A reference to this test method and the AS/NZS 1660.2 . 2 test method (Hot set test).
(f) The individual values and arithmetic mean of the percentage of elongation under load
at elevated temperature and the residual elongation after cooling. A reference to the
AS/NZS 1660. 2 . 2 clause which explains how the results were calculated. All calculations shall
be shown in full.
Appendix E
E.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the initial tensile strength at break/yield and
elongation at break, before and after ageing, for specimens prepared from insulation, sheath or jacket
removed from cable.
Test specimens are cut into either dumb-bell or tubular shapes of predefined dimensions. A tensile load
is applied to a specimen at a specified speed until the specimen reaches breaking or yielding point. The
elongation of the specimen is then measured. If required, the same test is repeated with specimens
which have been aged in an air oven or weatherometer.
The test method is based on AS/NZS 1660. 2.1 :1998 Clause 2 . 2 . Since AS/NZS 1660. 2 .1 does not include
the calculation of tensile strength at yield, weatherometer testing, or ageing and test conditions, these
are described here in Appe ndix E, along with material-specific conditions.
E.2 Apparatus
(a) Air oven, capable of maintaining the required test temperature for the duration of ageing time.
(i ) ASTM G155, using apparatus air- cooled xenon arc lamps or water-cooled xenon arc
lamps and under the following continuous test conditions:
(A) Irradiance level of 0.5 Wjm2; 1 nm bandpass at 340 nm; daylight filters.
(C) RH of 50 % ± 5 % .
(D) No water spray to be used.
(ii) ASTM G152 and ASTM G153, Test Method 3, using apparatus Type DH or H H and
under the following test conditions:
(A) RH of 50 % ± 5 % .
E.3.1 Selection
For filled PE cables, irrespective of their date of manufacture, the cable specimen shall be pre-aged
for 14 d at 70 oc ± 2 oc in an air oven to ensure maximum uptake of the filling compound by the PE . All
other cables shall be tested as received.
E.3.2 Preparation
E. 3. 2. 1 Sheath or jacket
Any outer coverings shall be removed from the material being tested. The sheath or jacket shall be cut
from the cable in the direction of the axis of the core.
All inner cable components shall be mechanically removed from the sheath or jacket, i.e. not
chemically removed.
If the sheath or jacket contains any ridges, the test specimen shall be cut to obtain parallel surfaces.
The test specimen shall then be cut, prepared, marked and cross-sectional areas measured as specified
in AS/NZS 1660.2.1:1998 Clause 2 . 2 . 3 . 3 and Clause 2 . 2 . 3.4.
E. 3. 2. 2 Insulation
E.3.5 Conditioning
The test specimens shall be conditioned at 23 oc ± 2 oc for a minimum of 16 h. PA, PE and any composites
of the two shall be concurrently conditioned at S O % ± 5 % RH.
Cable exposed to UV
radiation - coloured 100 240 2SO ± s o
and black
HFFR sheath/jacket All applications 100 168 so ± s
Table E. 1 (continued)
NA = Not applicable
E.4 Procedure
The test procedure shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2.1:1998 Clause However, the
crosshead speed in Table E.1 shall be used. Any results from test specimens breaking in the grips shall
be discarded. The testing shall be continued until a minimum of five test specimens that break outside
the grip area are obtained.
Figure E.1 illustrates the force at break/yield.
,------ L o a d at y i e l d
,----- Y i e l d p o i n t
B r e ak p o i n t
E x te n s i o n a t b re ak
The tensile strength at break and elongation at break, before and after ageing shall be calculated in
accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2.1:1998 Clause 2 . 2.1.8.
CJ = _)'_ E.1
y A
O"y =
tensile strength at yield, in MPa
Fy = force at yield, in N
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(c) A reference to this test method and the AS/NZS 1660.2.1 test method (Test for determining
the mechanical properties of insulating and sheathing materials).
(h) The tensile strength at break, tensile strength at yield and the elongation at break. A reference
to Clause E . S and to AS/NZS 1660.2.1:1998 C lause 2 . 2 .1.8 which explains how the results were
calculated. All calculations shall be shown in full.
Appendix F
F.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the flexibility after ageing of PVDF insulated
conductor or completed cable.
A test specimen of the insulated conductor or completed cable is aged in an air oven and then bent
around a mandrel and the behaviour observed.
F.2 Apparatus
(a) Air oven of the closed type, with forced air circulation and with no air changes or, alternatively,
with 3 to 10 air changes per hour, capable of operating at the temperature specified in
Clause F.4 for the specific material being tested.
F.3.1 Selection
F.3.2 Preparation
The test specimen shall be cut to a length at least six times the mandrel diameter as specified
in Clause F.4.
F.4 Procedure
F.4. 1 Insulation
(a) An insulated conductor test specimen shall be suspended in an air oven for 168 h at
158 oc ± 2 oc or, alternatively, for 30 d at 136 oc ± 2 oc.
( b) At the end of this ageing period, the specimen shall be removed from the air oven and allowed
to cool to ambient temperature.
(c) The specimen shall then be wound tightly for six close turns around a mandrel whose
diameter shall be not greater than the nominal diameter for the insulated conductor under
test. The insulation shall then be examined for cracks using a magnification of 5 x .
F.4.2 Sheath
(b) At the end of this ageing period, the specimen shall be removed from the air oven, allowed to
cool to ambient temperature for not less than 16 h or more than 96 h.
(c) The specimen shall then be wound onto a circular mandrel whose diameter is twice the
nominal diameter of the specimen. Six contiguous turns shall be wound onto the mandrel, then
unwound, and examined for cracks using normal or corrected vision without magnification.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049. 2), including the year of publication.
(c) A reference to this test method.
Appendix G
G.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the resistance of sheathing materials to pressure at
elevated temperature.
A specimen of completed cable, or a specimen of the sheath removed from the cable, is subjected to a
compression force exerted by an indentation device at elevated temperature. The test specimen is then
cooled under the compression load and the indentation measured.
This test method is based on AS/NZS 1660.2 . 3:1998 Clause 2 . 3, with the conditions set out below.
G.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in AS/NZS 1660.2 . 3:1998 Clause 2 . 3, including the following:
(a) Indentation device, as specified in AS/NZS 1660. 2 . 3 : 1998 Figure 2 . 3, including a rectangular
blade and a load to apply compression force upon the test specimen.
(b) Air oven, capable of maintaining the required test temperature for the duration of the test.
(c) Cold water, for chilling the test specimen after the heating cycle.
G.3.1 Selection
Three test specimens each SO mm to 100 mm of the sheath removed from the completed cable, shall
be selected as specified in AS/NZS 1660 . 2. 3: 1998 Clause 2 . 3 . 2 .1. Alternatively, three test specimens of
the completed cable shall be selected if the inner surface of the sheath contains ridges which cannot be
removed as specified in AS/NZS 1660 . 2. 3: 1998 Clause 2 . 3 . 2 . 2 .
G.3.2 Preparation
The test specimen shall be prepared as specified in AS/NZS 1660. 2 . 3 : 1998 Clause 2 . 3. 2 . 2 .
G.4 Procedure
The test procedure shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2.3:1998 Clause 2 . 3 .2, under the
following conditions:
(a) The compressing force shall be as specified in AS/NZS 1660.2.3:1998 Clause 2 . 3. 2 .4.
(b) Coefficient k = 0.6.
(d) Time = 4 h for test pieces with an outer diameter ::; 15 mm, or 6 h for test pieces with an outer
diameter > 15 mm.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(c) A reference to this test method and the AS/NZS 1660.2 . 3 test method ( Pressure test at high
temperature) .
(f) The individual and median values of the indentation percentage, including a reference to
AS/NZS 1660.2 . 3: 1998 Clause 2 . 3. 2 .7 which explains how the results were calculated. All
calculations shall be shown in full.
(g) Any deviations from the test method or procedure.
Appendix H
H.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining shrinkback for insulation, sheath or jacket.
Test specimens are measured longitudinally, heated, allowed to cool and then measured again, to
determine the percentage of shrinkage resulting from this treatment.
This test method is performed in accordance with AS/NZS 1660. 2 . 1 : 1998 Clause 2 . 5, with the time and
temperature set out below.
H.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in AS/NZS 1660.2 . 1 : 1998 Clause 2 . 5 . 3, including the following:
(a) Air oven, capable of maintaining the required test temperature for the duration of the test.
(b) Talc bath (if required), for supporting the test specimen to permit free movement of the
insulation, sheath or jacket.
H.3 . 1 Insulation
For insulation test specimens, the length shall be trimmed to 150 mm, prepared and marked as
specified in AS/NZS 1660. 2 . 1 : 1998 Clause 2 . 5 . 2 . The lengths of the insulation specimen preparation
shall be measured to the nearest 0 . 5 mm.
For sheath or jacket test specimens, the core shall be removed without longitudinal cuts to the sheath
or jacket. Each end of the specimen shall be trimmed, to leave a 75 mm specimen. A line shall be drawn
the full length of each specimen and measured to the nearest 0.5 mm.
H.4 Procedure
The test procedure for both insulation and sheath specimens shall be in accordance with
AS/NZS 1660.2.1:1998 Clause 2 . 5. 3, with the additional test requirements set out in Table H.1.
Table H.l - Ageing time and temperatures for various types of insulation, sheath and jacket
Ageing criteria
Material Application Temperature
Cables jointed outdoors 4h 100 ± 2
PE i nsulation
Other cables 1h 121 ± 2a
PPO insulation -
4h 100 ± 2
Table H. 1 (continued)
Ageing criteria
Material Application Temperature
PVC insulation -
4h 150 ± 2
PP insulation -
1h 121 ± 2
PVC sheath and j acket -
4h 150 ± 2
HFFR sheath and j acket -
4h 100 ± 2
60 oc to 105 oc rating 1h 121 ± 2
Fluoropolymer insulation
1 2 5 oc to 2 5 0 oc rating 1h 150 ± 2
Crosslinked p olymer 121 ± 2
i nsulation
a For material that melts or deforms at 1 2 1 °C, the lower temperature of 1 1 5 oc ± 2 oc is used.
Shrinkback shall be expressed as the percentage of length change compared to the test specimen length
before ageing.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(c) A reference to this test method and the AS/NZS 1660. 2 .1 test method (Shrinkage test for
insulation) .
(e) The shrinkback percentage, including a reference to Clause H.S which explains how the
results were calculated. All calculations shall be shown in full.
Appendix I
1.1 Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the stripping force of insulation from an insulated
conductor as manufactured or taken from completed cables.
A conductor with a set length of insulation is pulled through a die to assess the adhesion of the insulation
to the conductor wire.
The test is only applicable to solid insulated conductors of the nominal diameters listed in Table 1.1.
1.2 Apparatus
(a) Tensile testing machine, with grips that exert a uniform pressure across the gripping surface.
( b) Metal fixture or die block, to strip the insulation as the wire is pulled through, with the
following critical dimensions:
(i) The thickness shall be comparable to the diameter of the wire being threaded
through, to assist in preventing the insulation catching.
(ii) The hole shall have a diameter approximately 10 % greater than the nominal
diameter of the conductor.
1.3.1 Selection
From each insulated conductor to be tested, three test specimens, each of approximately 125 mm in
length shall be used.
1.3.2 Preparation
Approximately 25 mm of insulation shall be removed from one end, and enough from the other end, to
leave the length of insulation required by Table 1.1 undisturbed.
1.3.3 Conditioning
1.4 Procedure
Directly after conditioning the test specimen, the test procedure shall be conducted at
2 3 oc ± 2 °C, as follows:
(a) The longer end of bare wire shall be threaded through the hole in the metal plate in one jaw of
the tensile testing machine.
(b) The shorter end shall be inserted into the other jaw of the tensile testing machine.
(c) The insulation shall be stripped from the conductor by moving the jaws of the tensile testing
machine apart at a rate between 2 5 0 mm/min and 350 mm/min.
(d) The maximum recorded stripping force for each specimen shall be recorded.
(e) If the conductor breaks, this fact shall be recorded and the test repeated.
NOTE Care should be taken that the specimen remains parallel to the direction of travel of the j aws. An
excessive number of breaks may indicate either an excessive stripping force or a poor testing technique.
The median stripping force shall be determined from the maximum recorded stripping force of all test
specimens. The stripping force shall be expressed in Newtons.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049. 2), including the year of publication.
(d) The metal fixture or die block thickness and the hole diameter.
(g) The individual and median values of the stripping force in Newtons, including a reference
to Clause I.5 which explains how the results were calculated. All calculations shall be
shown in full.
Appendix }
J.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the cold bend performance of specimens of
insulation, sheath/jacket taken from a completed cable or the completed cable.
A test specimen of the insulated conductor, completed cable, or the sheath material is wound around a
mandrel after conditioning the test specimen and any cracks are observed.
J.2 Apparatus
J.3.1 Insulation
The test specimens shall be two samples of insulated conductor taken from the one length. The length
of the test specimens shall be at least five times the mandrel diameter as specified in Clause J.4.1.
For cables up to 1 2 . 5 mm overall diameter, the test specimens shall be two pieces of completed cable.
For cables of greater than 1 2 . 5 mm overall diameter, the test specimens shall be two strips of sheath or
jacket 4 mm ± 0.5 mm wide. The length of the test specimens shall be at least three times the mandrel
diameter as specified in Clause J.4.2.
J.4 Procedure
J.4.1 Insulation
(a) The test mandrel shall have a diameter of four times the overall diameter of the nominal
insulated conductor. The test mandrel and the two specimens of insulated conductor shall be
conditioned in a refrigerator at -15 oc ± 2 oc for a minimum of 4 h.
(b) While the temperature is maintained at -15 oc ± 2 °C, each test specimen shall be wound
around the mandrel for five close turns at a rate of approximately 12 turns per min.
(c) While the test specimens are wound onto the mandrel, each test specimen shall be examined
for signs of cracking using normal or corrected vision without magnification.
. . Sheath
The test procedure for sheath from cables o f u p t o 1 2 . 5 mm overall diameter shall be as follows:
(a) Two pieces of completed cable and a mandrel of the size specified in Table J.1 shall be
conditioned in a refrigerator at -15 oc ± 2 oc for a minimum of 4 h.
(b) While the temperature is maintained at -15 oc ± 2 °C, each test specimen shall be wound
around the mandrel for three close turns at a rate of approximately 12 turns per min.
(c) While the test specimens are wound on the mandrel, each test specimen shall be examined
for signs of cracking using normal or corrected vision without magnification.
The test procedure for sheath from cables of greater than 12.5 mm overall diameter shall be as follows:
(a) The strips of sheath test specimens and a 4 mm diameter test mandrel shall be conditioned in
a refrigerator at -15 oc ± 2 oc for a minimum of 4 h.
(b) While the temperature is maintained at -15 oc ± 2 oc, each test specimen shall be wound
around the mandrel for three close turns at a rate of approximately 12 turns per min.
(c) While the test specimens are wound on the mandrel, each test specimen shall be examined
for signs of cracking using normal or corrected vision without magnification.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
Appendix K
K.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the resistance to cracking after heat shock of
insulation, sheath or jacket.
A test specimen of the insulation, sheath or jacket is wrapped around a mandrel after conditioning and
heated for a set time and temperature. After cooling, the test specimen is observed for cracks.
The test method is based on AS/NZS 1660.2 . 3:1998 Clause 2.4, with modifications set out below.
K.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in AS/NZS 1660. 2 . 3:1998 Clause 2 .4, including the following:
(a) Air oven, capable of maintaining the required test temperature for the duration of the test, in
accordance with AS 1049.1.
(b) Mandrels, of suitable diameter, either equal to the insulated conductor diameter or as specified
in AS/NZS 1660 . 2. 3: 1998 Table 2.1 or Table 2 . 2 (where o in column 1 of both tables means "up
to and including" ) .
K.3.1 Selection
K. 3. 1. 1 Insulation
The test specimens shall be two samples of insulation as specified in AS/NZS 1660.2. 3:1998
Clause 2.4. 1.1.
K. 3. 1. 2 Sheath or jacket
The test specimens shall be two samples of completed cable as specified in AS/NZS 1660.2. 3:1998
Clause 2 .4.2.1.
K.3 .2 Preparation
K. 3. 2. 1 Insulation
The test specimens shall be prepared as specified in AS/NZS 1660.2.3:1998 Clause 2 .4.1 . 2 . However, the
term "core" shall mean a single insulated conductor.
K. 3. 2. 2 Sheath or jacket
The test specimens shall be prepared as specified in AS/NZS 1660. 2 . 3 : 1998 Clause 2 .4. 2 . 2 .
K.3.3 Conditioning
K.4 Procedure
K.4. 1 Insulation
Directly after conditioning the test specimens, the test procedure shall be conducted in accordance
with AS/NZS 1660. 2 . 3 : 1998 Clause 2 .4.1.3 and Clause 2 .4.1.4. However, the diameter of the mandrel
shall be equal to the diameter of the insulated conductor.
Directly after conditioning the test specimen, the test procedure shall be conducted in accordance with
AS/NZS 1660.2.3:1998 Clause 2 .4. 2 . 3 and Clause 2 .4.2 .4. However, the following shall apply:
(a) The test shall also apply to the HFFR sheath or jacket.
(b) The HFFR sheath or jacket shall be heated to a temperature of 100 oc ± 2 °C.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049.2) and to AS/NZS 1660. 2 . 3, each including
the year of publication.
(c) A reference to this test method and the AS/NZS 1660.2.3 test method (Heat shock test for
resistance to cracking) .
Appendix L
L.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the susceptibility of PE to environmental stress
cracking when subjected to certain conditions of stress and the presence of such environments as
wetting agents, soaps, oils or detergents. The test is applicable to PE taken from compound or sheath
and jacket taken from a completed cable.
Conditioned test specimens of PE are given a controlled imperfection and are then stressed and
immersed in a specified reagent. Stress-cracks (if any) are then observed.
The test is performed in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2.4:1998 Clause 2 . 3 .
L.Z Reagent
The reagent shall be 10 % solution of poly (ethylene glycol) mono (nonylphenyl) ether, as specified in
AS/NZS 1660.2.4:1998 Clause 2 . 3.5.
L.3 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in AS/NZS 1660. 2 .4:1998 Clause 2 . 3 .4, including the following:
L.4. 1 Selection
The test specimen before preparation shall be PE taken from compound or sheath/jacket taken from a
completed cable.
L.4.2 Preparation
The PE material shall be milled and compression moulded into plaque (s) in accordance with
Appendix GG.
Within 24 h after the plaque is moulded, it shall be cut into 10 test specimens with dimensions in
accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2.4:1998, Figure 2 .4.
L.4.3 Conditioning
The test specimens shall be conditioned in accordance with AS/NZS 1660. 2.4:1998 Clause
L.S Procedure
The test procedure shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1660. 2 .4:1998 Clause 2 . 3.7.
L. 7 Test report
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049.2 ) and to AS/NZS 1660. 2 .4, each including
the year of publication.
(c) A reference to this test method, the preparation of compression moulded PE plaque
method (Appendix GG) and the AS/NZS 1660.2.4 test method ( Resistance to environmental
stress cracking) .
(f) The test temperature of the constant-temperature bath and the heating time.
Appendix M
M.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the bond strength between the integrally bonded
PE sheath and PA jacket.
Rectangular strips of the composite integrally bonded PE sheath and PA jacket are prepared from
unaged and aged cable samples. The PA jacket is stripped back at 180 o from the PE sheath using a tensile
machine. The bond strength is calculated based on the tensile force required to peel the PA from the PE.
M.Z Reagents
M.3 Apparatus
(a) Tensile testing machine, with grips that exert a uniform pressure across the gripping surface.
(b) Cutting dies or double-bladed knife, to cut the sheath into nominal widths of 3 mm and 6 mm.
(c) Oven.
M.4.1 Selection
The test specimens shall be from samples of completed cable with composite integrally bonded PE
sheath and PA jacket. The cable core shall be intact. The length of the cable samples shall be at least
500 mm long to allow for at least five specimens approximately 100 mm long to be cut from each sample
after conditioning and ageing.
M.4.2 Conditioning
All cable samples shall be conditioned at 23 oc ± 2 oc and 50 % ± 5 % RH prior to testing. Unaged cable
sample shall be conditioned for a minimum of 48 h, and aged cable sample for a minimum of 16 h.
M.4.3 Ageing
Cable sample shall be aged as follows. The cable ends shall be sealed to prevent any liquid
entering the cable:
M.4.4 Preparation
After conditioning and ageing, five test specimens from each aged and unaged cable samples shall be
prepared as follows:
(a) Slice the cable into halves and remove the core.
(d) Use a sharp knife and needle-nosed pliers to separate the PA from the PE at one end of
the specimen.
(e) Peel back 20 mm to 30 mm of the PA. To aid gripping this in the tensile jaws, an extension
strip of a suitable material shall be attached to the PA. The strip shall be longer than the
backing plate.
M.S Procedure
The test procedure for determining the bond strength stripping force shall be as follows:
(a) Ensure that the specimen is straight and attach the PA's extension to one jaw and secure the
PE side of the specimen and backing plate to the other jaw. The backing plate will ensure the
PA strip is kept at 180 o to the PE during the test.
(c) The average force required to peel the PA from the PE sheath shall be obtained over a
separation length of at least SO mm.
The bond strength for each specimen shall be calculated using Equation M.1.
B=F M.1
B =
bond strength, in Njmm
average force, in N
w =
width of strip (equivalent to measured blade separation or die width), in mm
The median bond strength shall be calculated from a minimum o f 5 test specimens for each unaged and
aged cable sample.
M. 7 Test report
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(iv) Bonding agent compound identification description or code and its addition rate
(where applicable).
(v) Preparation and pre-treatment.
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049. 2), including the year of publication.
(d) The ageing temperature, ageing time and the ageing fluid (air or unleaded petrol).
(e) The individual and median values of bond strength for both the unaged and aged cable
samples, and a reference to Clause M.S which explains how the results were calculated. All
calculations shall be shown in full.
Appendix N
N.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the bending performance of the PA jacket extruded
over a cable. This test method is applicable to both the unbonded and bonded cable construction.
A completed cable with a PA j acket is bent around a mandrel and any cracks or ripples are observed
and reported.
N.2 Apparatus
N.3.1 Selection
N.3.2 Conditioning
The test specimen shall be conditioned by allowing it to stand for 48 h after extrusion in the normal
factory atmosphere without any other treatment prior to testing.
N.4 Procedure
Directly after conditioning the test specimen, the test procedure shall be conducted as follows:
(b) The cable shall be straightened and then bent 360 o in the reverse direction around the
mandrel and again straightened.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049. 2), including the year of publication.
Appendix 0
0.1 Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the compatibility of the PE insulated conductors
with the filling compound used, by testing the thermal stress cracking of test specimens of insulated
conductors cut from completed cables after contact with the filling compound in the cable.
Insulated conductors taken from filled cables are twisted into a pigtail configuration to induce uniform
stresses and strain, aged in air at 102 oc ± 2 °C, and observed daily for cracks or unzipping effects. The
time to initial failure (Fi), and the Fzo failure point, defined in Clause 0.5. are determined.
0.2 Apparatus
(c) Micrometer, capable of producing a contact pressure of 2 5 kPa ± 5 kPa and capable of
reading to 0.01 mm.
(f) Insulated wire twisting device, as shown in Figure 0 .1. consisting of the following:
(ii) Drill chuck connected to the spindle of the gearbox for holding a mandrel.
(iv) Masses that exert a stress of 15.0 MPa ± 0.1 MPa on the metal conductor.
0.3.1 Selection
The test specimen shall be taken from a sample of completed cable with length as specified in Table 0.1.
0.3.2 Conditioning
Irrespective of the date of manufacture, the cable sample shall be conditioned for 14 d at 70 oc ± 2 oc in
order to ensure maximum uptake of the filling compound by the insulation.
0.3.3 Preparation
After conditioning, all external coverings shall be removed, and the number of insulated conductors
shall be selected as indicated in Table 0.1. Excess filling compound shall be removed by carefully wiping
with a paper towel. The first 100 mm of insulated conductor shall be discarded from both ends and
150 mm long sections shall be cut from the remainder.
Table 0.1 - Number of specimen lengths from each insulated conductor for each cable size
A, 8, C =
... ..._________/
c h o i c e of m a s s e s to g i ve 1 5 . 0 ± 0 . 1 M Pa o n m et a l c o n d u ct o r
D e l e c t r i c m oto r : s i n g l e p h a s e , 1 2 r/m i n .
E d r i l l c h uck t o h o l d m a n d re l
F b r a s s a d a p t o r f o r c o n n e ct i o n of c h uck to s h aft
G a s s o rted m a n d r e l s 0 0 . 8 mm to 0 2 . 1 m m
H i n s u l at e d c o n duct o r w r a p p e d a ro u n d a m e t a l m a n d re l , w i t h t e n c o n t i g uous tu rns
a n d a s u i ta b l e m a s s att a c h e d to t h e e n d of t h e c o n d u c t o r
0.4 Procedure
The test procedure for determining compatibility by thermal stress cracking shall be as follows:
(a) The overall diameter of the insulated conductor and the diameter of the copper conductor
shall be measured and recorded to the nearest 0.01 mm.
( b) The smallest mandrel shall be secured in a drill chuck whose nominal diameter is larger than
the overall diameter of the insulated conductor.
(c) A mass shall be selected that will exert a stress of 15.0 MPa ± 0.1 MPa on the metal conductor.
(d) The twisting device shall be set in motion. The chosen mass shall be attached to one end of a
150 mm long section of insulated conductor, the other end shall be anchored to the rotating
drill chuck, and the insulated conductor shall be allowed to twist around the mandrel.
(e) At least ten 360° contiguous turns of insulated conductor shall be twisted around the mandrel.
This twisted specimen is known as a "pigtail", as shown in Figure 0.2 .
(f) The pigtail shall be carefully slid from the mandrel. The straight portion of insulated
conductor shall be cut off from one end of the pigtail and an eyelet shall be formed with the
straight portion of the other end.
(g) All pigtails of one test shall be assembled together by threading a 200 mm length of the same
insulated conductor through the eyelets of all the pigtails. The ends of the 200 mm length
shall be twisted together by hand, an end threaded through the aluminium identification tag
and the end twisted together again. This ensures the tag does not touch the pigtails. This is
known as an assembly of pigtails.
(h) Each assembly shall be hung in a 2 L beaker and covered tightly with aluminium foil to limit air
changes around the specimens. The covered beaker shall be placed in a forced air-circulating
oven maintained at 102 oc ± 2 oc. The time and date shall be recorded. The pigtails shall be
twisted and the ageing process started on the same day.
NOTE 1 The assemblies are conveniently installed in the beakers by hanging them from a heavy
gauge i nsulated conductor which has been tied around the outside top rim and then across the open
end of the beaker. The assemblies should not touch the sides of the beaker. Beakers are used to reduce
cross-contamination of stabilizing systems, so only assemblies with the same stabilizer system may
be hung together in the same beaker.
(i) The pigtails shall be examined for failures at intervals of 24 h. The test may be terminated if
the time to initial failure (Fi) exceeds 85 d. If failures do occur before this time, the pigtails
shall be observed until at least 70 % of the pigtails have failed or until 150 % of the time given
as the minimum Fzo value in AS 1049.1 is reached.
(j) Two types of failure may be observed, but both failure modes shall be combined for the
purpose of the calculations. The two types are as follows:
(i) One or, more usually, a number of small circumferential cracks along the pigtail.
NOTE 2 Cracks appearing on the turn at either end of the pigtail should be ignored.
(ii) Unzipping effect, where part or the whole of the exposed insulation unzips along the
metal conductor from a single insulation break.
(b) The probability of failure for each cumulative failure point shall be calculated using
Equation 0.1.
. 100(1 - 0 . 5)
J n
(c) The time to fail against probability of failure shall be plotted on linear-probability graph
paper and the line of best fit drawn (either a straight line or curve, depending on the data).
(d) The Fzo failure point shall be defined as the time indicated at the intersection of the data line
and the 20 % probability line.
NOTE 2 It is sometimes observed that a small number of pigtails fail (notably by unzipping) in a
comparatively short time and the remaining pigtails pass the requirement. In cases where two failure
distributions occur, the early failure data are plotted to ascertain if the Fzo failure point for this data
meets the requirement. If the data cannot be plotted because of insufficient points, then the time the
fifth pigtail failed is taken as the Fzo failure point.
An example of the calculation is shown in Table 0.2 and the data are plotted in Figure 0.3. From the
data and the graph, Fi = 55 d and Fzo = 59 d. The total number of specimens in this example is 25.
Time to crack Cumulative No. cracked
No. of specimens cracked 100(j - 0 . 5)
(d) UJ
54 0 0 -
55 3 3 10
57 1 4 14
58 1 5 18
59 1 6 22
62 2 8 30
69 5 13 50
70 1 14 54
72 1 15 58
76 6 21 82
78 1 22 86
80 1 23 90
83 1 24 94
86 1 25 98
+ +
+ +
f f 99.9
· + � 99.8
+ L
+ +
+ + 99.5
·� ·+
: : ·
� ·� �r � 99
L + + +
+ ......
+ T7
·+ 95
· �
� �
L + LL ·+ / + ·+
t / 1.()
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:j: + :j:,_ I
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+ + + ' ++ +++
+ 70
+ w·
·: · + a:
+ � r
60 :::)
L + LLL LL L LLL ....J
+ �+
- �
50 lL
: :
� � �
.� v
./ ·+
v + >-
+ + +++ + ·+
30 ....J
+ + + +.;: +
./ 20
v t
��-· �j.
/ + + c..
+ +
/ 10
v . L L
L .L + .L
+ + ++
+ 0.5
+ T
+ ·+ 0.2
·+ 0 . 05
� ·� ·�
+ ·+ ·+ ·+
52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88
T I M E TO FA I L U R E , d ays
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049.2) and AS 1049.1, each including the year of
publication for both.
(i) Any failure and type of failure (circumferential cracks along the pigtail or unzipping
effect) observed.
(ii) The failure data arranged in a cumulative frequency table and the associated
probability of failure.
(v) The Fzo time, if the Fi time does not exceed 85 days.
(vii) A reference to Clause 0.5 which explains how the results were calculated. All
calculations shall be shown in full.
Appendix P
P.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the corrosive properties o f insulation o n
copper conductor.
The presence of corrosion on the copper conductor is noted after test specimens of PVC insulated
copper conductor are heated at 80 oc for 500 h and then held at 95 % to 100 % RH at 40 oc for 168 h.
P.2 Apparatus
(a) Air oven of the closed type, capable of operating at 80 oc ± 1 °C, with forced air circulation and
with no air changes or, alternatively, with 3 to 10 air changes per hour.
P.3.1 Selection
The test specimens shall be five 200 mm lengths of insulated copper conductor cut from the
completed cable.
Five additional control samples of at least 200 mm lengths shall be held at ambient temperature
conditions for subsequent comparison with the tested specimens.
P.3.2 Conditioning
P.4 Procedure
Directly after conditioning the test specimen, the test procedure shall be conducted as follows:
( b) The test specimens shall be transferred to a suitable enclosure and exposed for a further
168 h in an atmosphere held at 95 % to 100 % RH at a temperature of 40 oc ± 2 oc.
(c) The specimens shall be allowed to cool to 2 3 oc ± 2 oc and then the insulation carefully removed.
(d) The conductor surface shall be visually examined and compared with the untreated control
samples for corrosion, including salts that have been formed as a result of the test.
Observance of any corrosion on the test specimen that are not present on the control samples.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(i) Description of completed cable from which the insulated conductor is taken.
(e) The results and description of any corrosion detected on the surface of the copper conductor
on the test specimen and the untreated control samples.
(f) The condition of the copper conductor in the test specimen compared to untreated
control samples.
(g) Photographic evidence of the test specimen and the untreated control samples in
the same image.
(h) Any deviations from the test method or procedure.
Appendix Q
Q.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the volatile loss for insulation, sheath o r jacket
taken from a completed cable.
The volatile loss is determined from the loss of weight per square metre of insulation, sheath or jacket
after heating the specimen for 120 h.
Q.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be a forced air-circulation oven, with 3 to 10 air changes per hour, capable of
operating at the specified temperature in Table Q.1. The test specimens shall not occupy more than
0.5 % of the working volume of the oven.
Ageing temperature
Material Application
PPO i nsulation -
80 ± 1
60 oc rating 80 ± 1
75 oc rating 100 ± 2
PVC insulation and sheath/jacket
90 oc rating 115 ± 2
90 oc HT rating 120 ± 2
Q.3.1 Selection
Q. 3. 1. 1 Insulation
Five test specimens, each 150 mm ± 1 mm in length, shall be cut from each sample of insulated conductor.
Two test specimens, each 150 mm ± 1 mm in length and without any longitudinal cuts, shall be carefully
slipped off a completed cable sample.
Q.3.2 Preparation
Q. 3. 2. 1 Insulation
(a) The outside diameter of each test specimen shall be accurately measured in several places
and the mean diameter calculated.
Q. 3. 2. 2 Sheath or jacket
The test specimen taken from sheath or j acket shall be prepared as follows:
(a) The outside diameter of each test specimen shall be accurately measured in several places
and the mean diameter calculated.
(c) The two open ends of each test specimen shall b e plugged with cotton wool or a similar
material that will not adhere to the specimen.
Q.4 Procedure
(a) The test specimens shall be maintained at the specified temperature in Table Q.1 for 120 h in
an air-circulating oven.
(b) The specimens shall be allowed to cool to 2 3 oc ± 2 °C, then re-weighed, and the loss in
weight determined.
(a) The volatile loss for each test specimen shall be determined using Equation Q.1.
I =� x2122 Q.1
D = specimen diameter, in mm
(b) The mean volatile loss shall be calculated as the mean of the five results.
(c) Alternatively, the mean volatile loss may be calculated from the total weight loss using
Equation Q.2 .
I �
_-WT x2122 Q.2
l =
mean volatile loss, in gjm2
LlwT =
total weight loss, in g
D =
mean specimen diameter, in mm
n =
number of test specimens ( 5 for insulation, 2 for sheath or jacket)
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049. 2 ) , including the year of publication.
( g) The individual values and arithmetic mean of the volatile loss in grams per square metre,
including a reference to Clause Q. S which explains how the results were calculated. All
calculations shall be shown in full.
Appendix R
R.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the methods for determining the carbon black content of compounds, or of
sheath and jacket material taken from completed cable.
This test may be performed in accordance with either the direct combustion method described in
AS/NZS 1660. 2 .4:1998 Clause 2 . 2 (Carbon black or mineral filler content, or both), or in accordance
with the thermogravimetric analysis method in IEC 60811-605.
In the direct combustion method, the carbon black content is determined by heating a specimen of
the material under a nitrogen atmosphere to completely decompose the material and hence leave the
carbon black as a residue. A correction is made for any inorganic residue measured during subsequent
combustion in air.
In the thermogravimetric analysis method, the carbon black content is determined by the weight
change during burning in dry synthetic air from 850 oc to 950 °C.
R.2 Reagents
(b) Synthetic air, as specified in the thermogravimetric analysis method of IEC 60811-605.
R.3 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in AS/NZS 1660.2.4:1998 Clause 2 . 2 .2, including the following:
(b) Desiccator.
The apparatus shall be a s specified in I E C 6081 1-605 for the thermogravimetric analysis o f the carbon
black content in polyolefin compounds. The apparatus shall also include the following:
The test specimen shall be prepared as specified in AS/NZS 1660. 2.4:1998 Clause 2 .2 . 1. However, the
test specimen may be taken from compound or from the sheath or jacket of a completed cable.
R.5 Procedure
The carbon black content shall be determined from the weight change in accordance with IEC 60811-
605 for the thermogravimetric analysis method.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(c) A reference to this test method, and to either the AS/NZS 1660.2 .4 test method (Carbon black
or mineral filler content, or both) or to the IEC 60811-605 test method ( Thermogravimetric
analysis of the carbon black content in polyolefin compounds).
(e) For the direct combustion method, the combustion boat weight to the nearest 0.1 mg.
(f) For the direct combustion method, the test temperatures at various intervals as prescribed
by AS/NZS 1660.2.4:1998 and measurement procedure of test temperatures.
(g) For the thermogravimetric analysis method, the make and model of the thermogravimetric
analyser used.
(h) The carbon black content and the individual weights used in the calculation. A reference to
AS/NZS 1660. 2 .4:1998 Clause 2 . 2 . 3 (a) or to the IEC 608 11-605 clause which explains how the
results were calculated. All calculations shall be shown in full.
Appendix S
S.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the dispersion o f carbon black i n compounds o r i n
sheath o r jacket material taken from completed cable.
The carbon black dispersion is determined by preparing the specimens by one of two methods and then
comparing these specimens under magnification with standard photomicrographs or grading system.
The methods are:
(a) The hot-stage preparation or compression method (for compound pellets) that involves
squeezing a small specimen of the material into a thin layer between microscope slides at a
temperature high enough to melt the material.
(b) The cut preparation or microtome method (for sheath or jacket) that can produce specimens
to approximately 20 11m thick.
The test is performed either in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2 .4:1998 Clause 2 .4, with the modifications
set out below, or in accordance with ISO 18553.
S.Z Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified either in AS/NZS 1660. 2.4:1998 Clause 2.4.1, or in ISO 18553 and
include the following:
(a) Oven or heating device, for the hot-stage preparation method, capable of achieving a
temperature high enough to melt the pellet specimen.
(b) Microtome or razor cutting device, for the cut preparation method, capable of producing the
thin specimens required (approximately 20 11m thick).
(c) Microscope, with a magnification of 100 times and with a circular field of view of
0.7 mm ± 0.07 mm.
S.3.1 Selection
The test specimen shall be compound material in pellet form or, sheath or jacket material taken from a
completed cable.
S.3.2 Preparation
Six test specimens shall be prepared as specified either in AS/NZS 1660.2.4:1998 Clause 2 .4. 2, or
in ISO 18553.
For tests performed in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2.4: 1998, compound pellets shall be prepared
using the hot-stage preparation procedure, and sheath or jacket material taken from a completed cable
shall be tested using the cut preparation procedure.
For tests performed in accordance with ISO 18553, the compression procedure shall be used for
compound pellets, and the microtome procedure for sheath or jacket material taken from completed
cable. In the latter case, the specimens shall be cut radially.
S.4 Procedure
The test procedure for determining carbon black dispersion shall be in accordance with either of the
two following methods:
(a) AS/NZS 1660. 2 .4:1998 Clause 2 .4.3, with the following variation for uniformity of appearance,
in Clause 2 .4.3, Procedure (d), the worst field of view shall be compared:
(i) to AS/NZS 1660. 2 .4: 1998 Figure 2 .7. 3 for material from sheath or jacket; or
( b) ISO 18553.
In the event of a dispute, the method of ISO 18553 shall be the referee method.
For tests performed using the AS/NZS 1660.2.4 procedure, the overall numerical rating shall be
calculated as per AS/NZS 1660.2.4:1998 Clause 2 .4.4. The uniformity of appearance shall also be noted.
For tests performed in accordance with ISO 18553, the pass criteria shall be as per ISO 18553.
The results shall be reported in accordance with either AS/NZS 1660.2.4 or ISO 18553, depending on
the test method used. The test report shall also include:
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
( b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049. 2 ) and either to AS/NZS 1660.2.4 or to
ISO 18553, each including the year of publication.
(c) A reference to this test method and either to the AS/NZS 1660.2.4 test method (Determination
of carbon black dispersion) or to the ISO 18553 test method.
(e) The temperature and measurement procedure of test temperature for hot-stage preparation
method (if used) .
(f) The individual and arithmetic mean of the numerical rating or grading. A reference to
AS/NZS 1660. 2.4:1998 Clause 2 .4 or to the ISO 18553 clause which explains how the results
were calculated. All calculations shall be shown in full.
(g) The uniformity of appearance result of the test specimen in comparison to the
photomicrograph(s) for the AS/NZS 1660.2.4 test method.
Appendix T
T.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method to measure the amount of light transmitted through a film of
carbon black pigmented polymer prepared from compounds or sheath/jacket material taken from
completed cable.
The transmission of light of a specified wavelength through thin polymer film is measured. The result
is used to calculate an absorption coefficient, which is a reciprocal function of transmission after
correction for thickness.
The test is performed in accordance with ASTM D3349.
T.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in ASTM D3349 and includes the following:
(a) Spectrophotometer.
T.3 . 1 Selection
The test specimen shall be polymer material containing carbon black selected either from compound
intended for sheath or jacket, or from sheath/jacket material taken from completed cable. The number
of specimens shall be as specified in ASTM D3349.
T.3.2 Preparation
T.4 Procedure
The results shall be reported in accordance with ASTM 03349. The test report shall also include
the following:
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(e) The calculated thickness and the values of all parameters used for the calculation. All
calculations shall be shown in full.
(f) The absorption coefficient, including a reference to the ASTM 03349 clause which explains
how the results were calculated. All calculations shall be shown in full.
( g) Any deviations or alteration made to the test procedure or correction for thickness, and the
possible effect on the test result.
Appendix U
U.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the colour of specimens of insulation and sheath
and jacket material cut from completed cable.
Specimens of insulation, sheath or jacket are viewed under standard lighting conditions by an operator
with good colour vision, and the test specimens are compared with the selected colour standard.
U.2 Apparatus
(a) Colour matching booth, meeting the minimum specification of AS 4004 for daylight illuminant,
or a colour assessment area illuminated by either natural daylight from south facing windows
or fluorescent tubes of correlated colour temperature 6 500 K, colour rendering index greater
than 92 and minimum illuminance of 1 000 lx.
(b) Colour cards:
(i) Colour cards as specified in EIA-359, EIA Standard colour identification and coding,
and wire and cable limit chips.
(iii) Colour cards from AS 2700, either from fandeck or as an individual colour, both
purchased separately from the standard. The accompanying colour chart in AS 2700
shall not be used for colour matching.
(c) Colour cards or samples ofcustomer-specified colours, if the colours are not covered by the above.
(d) White cards, with a hole cut in them of the same size as the area of the colour of the standard
colour cards.
NOTE The white cards are used to cover the standard colour and the sample so that colours are
compared against the same background colour.
U.3.1 Insulation
For air-core cables the test specimen shall be insulation, and for filled cables the test specimen shall be
insulation prior to contact with filling compound, prepared as follows:
(a) Adequate number of 50 mm lengths from the same sample of insulation shall be cut to give a
1 5 mm to 20 mm width when the lengths are laid side by side.
(b) The lengths shall be laid on a piece of masking tape to keep them together as a mat.
The test specimen shall be a minimum SO mm length of sheath or jacket cut from the cable to enable a
colour comparison.
U.4 Procedure
(a) The operator shall have good colour vision as assessed by a suitable colour vision test.
NOTE 1 An example of a colour vision test is the Farnsworth Munsell lO O-Hue Test.
(b) The test specimen and the Standard colour cards, open at the page of the relevant colour, shall
be placed under the light source so that they are illuminated at 45 o and viewed at 90 °, or vice
versa. A white card shall be placed over the Standard colour and the test specimen.
(ii) IEC 60304 or AS 2700 or the customer-specified standard as the standard colour
card - The test specimen shall be compared with the single nominated colour
of the Standard. The colour of the test specimen shall be deemed acceptable if it
is reasonably close to the colour of the Standard and cannot be confused with any
other colour of the Standard.
For tests performed using EIA-359 colour cards, a statement as to whether the specimen colour falls
within the limits of the Standard hue, value and chroma.
For tests performed using other colour cards, a statement as to whether the specimen colour is
reasonably close to the colour of the Standard.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049. 2 ) , including the year of publication.
Table U.l - Munsell colour centroids and tolerance limits for plastics
M anila Y45 2.2Y - - -
8.4/2 .8
NOTE 1 The centroid values for the colours cloud grey and manila are taken from AS 2 700. The remainder of
this table is taken from the Wire and Cable Limit Chip table of EIA- 359 -A.
NOTE 2 For additional colours for optical fibre cables, refer to TIA-598.
Appendix V
V.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the colour difference between a colour reference
standard and a plaque of material moulded from compound or sheath/jacket taken from completed cable.
The colour of the plaque is measured instrumentally and compared to an agreed colour using the CIE
L*a*b colour coordinates.
V.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be a colour meter that includes a spectrophotometer, meeting the requirements of
AS/NZS 1580.601.3.
The test specimen shall be a plaque moulded by any appropriate means and of a thickness that light is
not transmitted through it. The plaque shall be of uniform surface finish and free from defects.
V.4 Procedure
(a) The spectral reflectance characteristics of the test specimen shall be measured in accordance
with AS/NZS 1580.601.3 using a spectrophotometer, 10-degree Standard Observer, Standard
Illuminant D 6 s, diffuse illumination/normal geometry (d/0), specular component included,
wavelength range 380 nm to 700 nm and wavelength increment of 20 nm or less.
(c) The CIE L*a*b* colour coordinates of the reference standard shall be measured according to
the manufacturer's instructions. These coordinates (Ls *as *bs *) may be retained for future
reference provided that the same colour meter is used to measure the test specimen.
(d) The CIE L*a*b* colour coordinates of the test specimen shall be measured at three points on
the sample. The average colour coordinates (Lt*at *bt *) of the sample shall then be calculated.
The colour difference (L1E*ab) between the colour reference standard and the test specimen shall be
calculated using Equation V.1.
colour difference
L*a*b colour coordinates of the reference standard
L*a*b colour coordinates of the test specimen
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(iv) Colourant additive identification description or code and the colourant addition
rate (if any) .
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049.2) , including the year of publication.
(e) The L*a*b colour coordinates of the reference standard and the test specimens.
(f) The colour difference, �E*ab, including a reference to Clause V. 5 which explains how the result
was calculated. All calculations shall be shown in full.
Appendix W
W.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for qualitatively evaluating the suitability of a colorant added to a
plastic by examining the tendency of the colorant to bleed from the plastic into another material when
the two are in close contact with one another at an elevated temperature.
NOTE Refer to the definition of colour bleeding in the terms and definitions.
An insulated conductor specimen of the colour to be tested is twisted together with a white insulated
conductor (or an insulated conductor of a contrasting colour, if white is not available) and heated in
an oven at the specified temperature for 24 h. The specimen is cooled and then untwisted, and the
white/contrasting insulated conductor is then examined for any colour bleeding.
W.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be an air oven, capable of maintaining a temperature as specified in Table W.l for
the specimen type with a tolerance of ± 2 oc. Where there is a choice of temperature for a material,
the oven ageing temperature shall be the same as the temperature rating for the particular grade of
insulation being tested.
Insulation (OC)
60 75 90 105 125 150 200 250
PE .;'
PA 1 2 .;'
PPO .;'
pp .;'
ETFE .;'
FEP .;'
PFA .;'
PTFE .;'
HFFR .;'
XLPO .;'
W.3.1 Selection
The test and control specimens shall be as follows:
(b) One control specimen of an insulated conductor that is prepared in the same manner as the
test specimen. It shall be of the same plastic as that of the test specimen but shall be white or
a contrasting colour.
W.3.2 Preparation
The test specimen and control specimen shall be twisted together so that there is one complete turn
every centimetre.
W.4 Procedure
(a) The specimen shall be suspended in the air oven at the temperature specified in
Table W.1 for 24 h.
(b) The specimen shall be removed and allowed to cool to ambient temperature.
(c) The specimen shall be untwisted and the control specimen examined for any colour bleeding.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(ii) Insulation material type (e.g. PE, PA, PPO, PVC, etc.).
(iii) Insulation temperature rating.
(iv) Specimen colour.
(vi) Colourant additive identification description or code and the colourant addition
rate (if any) .
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049.2) , including the year of publication.
(e) Whether any colour bleeding occurred on the control specimen or the test specimen.
Appendix X
X.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the effect on colour when specimens of insulation,
sheath or jacket are heated in water.
Specimens of insulation, sheath or jacket are heated in water and any discoloration of the water
is observed.
X.2 Apparatus
(c) Nessler cylinders ofsuitable capacity, for the colour comparison cylinders.
(d) Nessler cylinder identical to the colour comparison cylinders, for the control cylinder, filled with
distilled water only.
X.3 . 1 Selection
X. 3. 1. 1 Insulation
X. 3. 1. 2 Sheath or jacket
The test specimens shall be the sheath or jacket taken from a completed cable.
X.3.2 Preparation
X. 3. 2. 1 Insulation
(a) The metal conductor shall be removed from the i nsulation to provide approximately 5 g of
test specimens.
X. 3. 2. 2 Sheath o r jacket
(c) The sheath or jacket shall be cut into lengths of approximately 5 mm.
X.4 Procedure
The test procedure for determining whether the material is colourfast in water at 50 oc shall
be as follows:
(a) The test specimens and 50 mL of distilled water shall be placed into a 100 mL beaker. The
beaker shall be covered with a watch glass.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(iii) Colourant additive identification description or code and the colourant addition
rate (if any).
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049. 2), including the year of publication.
(e) Whether any colour change is observed in the water of the test specimen cylinder.
Appendix Y
Y.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the compatibility of the plasticizer used in PVC
insulation, sheath or jacket by determining whether the plasticizer exudes from a test specimen when
subjected to pressure, at 23 oc ± 2 oc.
This test is applicable to PVC taken from compounds, PVC taken from insulated conductors, or the PVC
sheath or jacket taken from completed cable.
A moulded sheet of PVC is folded into a loop and clamped. After 24 h, it is examined for signs of
greasiness or droplets of liquid.
The test is performed in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2.3:19 98 Clause 2 . 6.
Y.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in AS/NZS 1660.2 . 3:1998 Clause 2.6 and include the following:
(a) Two row mill, capable of operating at a temperature of 130 oc to 170 oc, to mill the PVC material
into a continuous crepe.
(b) Moulding press, capable of applying a pressure of at least 3.5 MPa to the moulding material.
(c) Moulding platens and chase, capable of producing a moulded sheet from which the test
specimen is prepared.
Y.3.1 Selection
The test specimen shall be PVC compound or PVC material taken from conductor insulation, cable
sheath or jacket.
Y.3 .2 Preparation
The test specimen shall be prepared as specified in Appendix HH using the temperatures and duration
as specified in AS/NZS 1660.2 . 3: 1998 Clause 2 . 6.2, to produce a test specimen of moulded sheet 100 mm
long and 25 mm wide (both nominal) and 1.25 mm ± 0.15 mm thick.
Y.4 Procedure
The test procedure shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1660. 2 . 3:1998 Clause 2.6.3.
Observance of any greasiness or droplets of liquid on the inside of the loop in accordance with
ASJNZS 1660.2.3:1998 Clause 2 . 6.3.
The results shall be reported in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.2.3:1998 Clause 2 .6.4. The test report
shall also include the following:
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049. 2 ) and to ASJNZS 1660.2 . 3, each including
the year of publication.
(c) A reference to this test method and the AS/NZS 1660.2 . 3 test method ( Test for exudation of
plasticizer (loop test)) .
(d) The preparation temperatures and pressure, and measurement procedures for both.
(e) Whether any greasiness or droplets of liquid are present inside the test specimen loop after
the completion of the test period.
Appendix Z
Z.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the volume resistivity of an insulating material.
A sample of insulated conductor is immersed in water at ambient and elevated temperatures and the
insulation resistance measured.
This test is performed in accordance with AS/NZS 1660. 3:1998 Clause 3.3.
Z.Z Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in AS/NZS 1660. 3:1998 Clause 3.3 and include the following:
(a) Water bath, capable of holding the test specimen and capable of maintaining the water
temperature at:
(i) Ambient, 2 3 oc ± 1 oc.
(ii) Elevated test temperature ± 1 oc. Alternatively, use a separate pre-heated bath to
the required temperature.
(b) d.c. voltage test supply, capable of applying a voltage of 500 V d.c. ± SO V d.c.
Z.3.1 Selection
The test specimen shall be an insulated conductor that has been extruded or removed from the
finished cable.
The insulated conductor shall be long enough so that a minimum of 5 m can be submerged with
additional lengths at the ends remaining outside the water bath to enable safe attachment of the
insulation resistance test leads.
Z.3.2 Preparation
The insulated conductor shall be immersed in water at ambient temperature as specified in
AS/NZS 1660.3:1998 Clause 3. 2.1.1 (c) .
Z.4 Procedure
The test procedure for volume resistivity at ambient temperature shall be in accordance with
AS/NZS 1660. 3 :1998 Clause 3.3.1. However, the ambient temperature shall be as specified in the
relevant material section of AS 1049.1.
The test procedure for volume resistivity a t elevated temperature shall be i n accordance with
AS/NZS 1660. 3: 1998 Clause 3. 3. 2. The elevated temperature shall be as specified in the relevant
material section of AS 1049.1.
The volume resistivity shall be calculated in accordance with the formulae in AS/NZS 1660. 3:1998
Clause 3. 3.4.
The volume resistivity shall be reported in giga-ohm metres (GD. m) . The result for volume resistivity
shall be converted from ohm centimetres to giga-ohm metres, by dividing by 1 x 10 11 .
The volume resistivity result shall be compared to the acceptance criteria stated in AS 1049.1.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(c) A reference to this test method and the AS/NZS 1660.3 test method (Insulation resistance
constant test for cables up to and including 0.6/1 kV (excluding flexible cords)).
(e) The individual measured values of insulation resistance at ambient and elevated temperature.
(f) The calculated volume resistivity at ambient and elevated temperature. A reference to
Clause Z.S and to AS/NZS 1660. 3:1998 C lause 3. 3.4 which explains how the result was
calculated. All calculations shall be shown in full.
Appendix AA
AA.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the resistance of insulation materials to electric
direct current voltage. The test is applicable to insulated conductors or to completed cables.
A d.c. test voltage is applied between specified components of the cable (or for a single insulated
conductor, between the conductor and water) . After 1 continuous minute, the insulation is examined
for signs of breakdown.
The test is performed in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.3:1998 Clause 3. 2.1.2.
AA.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in AS/NZS 1660. 3:1998 Clause, and include the following:
(a) Power source, capable of applying a steadily variable direct current voltage up to at
least 2 . 8 kV d.c.
(b) Water bath, capable of accepting the test specimen as a submerged item, except for the cable
ends to allow for the safe application of the test leads.
AA.3 . 1 Selection
The test specimen shall be as follows:
AA.3.2 Preparation
Single insulated conductor test specimens which require water immersion as part of the voltage
withstand test shall be immersed in water at 23 oc ± 1 oc for 1 h immediately before the test
is commenced.
AA.4 Procedure
The test procedure shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1660. 3:1998 Clause, with the following
(c) The voltage shall be gradually raised and then maintained for 1 min.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049.2 ) and to AS/NZS 1660.3, each including the
year of publication.
(c) A reference to this test method and the AS/NZS 1660.3 test method (Voltage test for cables
rated � 0.6/1 kV (excluding flexible cords) - High voltage test for 5 min).
(e) The medium between which the test voltage was applied, for example, between
conductor and water.
Appendix B B
BB.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the resistance of insulation to an applied d.c. voltage
during manufacture. This method is applicable only to insulated conductors.
The insulated conductor is subjected to an applied d.c. voltage in the form of a spark test and any
faults are noted.
The test is performed in accordance with AS/NZS 1660.3:1998 Clause 3.1, using the spark test voltage
set out below.
BB.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in AS/NZS 1660. 3 : 1998 Clause 3.1, including a spark testing machine,
capable of applying the spark test voltage listed in Table BB.1.
BB.4 Procedure
The spark test voltage shall be applied over the entire length of the insulated conductor under test.
WARNING - The precautionary advice on the use of a spark test machine as stated in the
manufacturer's instructions and those stated in AS/NZS 1660. 3 : 1998 Clause 3. 1 should be
observed by the user.
The test procedure shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1660. 3:1998 Clause 3.1., However, the voltages
used in that Standard shall be replaced by the voltages in Table BB.1.
Radial thickness of
Conductor diameter Spark test voltage
Insulation insulation
(mm) (kV d.c.)
0.32 0.09 (mi nimum) 1.0
0.40 0.12 to 0.16 1.1
Cellular PEa
0.64 0.17 to 0 . 2 5 1.2
0.90 0 . 2 2 to 0.35 1.5
0.40 0.16 (minimum) 2.5
Solid PEa 0.60 0.25 (mi nimum) 4.0
0.90 0.35 (mi nimum) 10.0
PA 12 All All 2.5
PPO All All 2.5
Radial thickness of
Conductor diameter Spark test voltage
Insulation insulation
(mm) (kV d.c.)
PVC All All 2.5
pp All All 2.5
Fluoropolymer All All 2.5
HFFR All All 2.5
Crosslinked polymer All All 2.5
a If a spark test is required on polyethylene insulation of a different dimension to that specified in the table,
the test voltage shall be as agreed between the purchaser and supplier.
Observance of all spark test faults, the voltage and location on the insulated conductor.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(ii) Insulation type (e.g. cellular PE, solid PE, PVC, etc.).
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049.2) and to AS/NZS 1660.3, including the year
of publication.
(c) A reference to this test method and the AS/NZS 1660. 3 test method (Spark test).
(e) All spark test faults and their location on the insulated conductor.
Appendix CC
CC.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the dielectric dissipation factor and relative
permittivity of PE compounds using the liquid displacement method.
The liquid displacement method consists of determining the small change of capacitance (�C ) resulting
when two essentially identical plaques of PE are placed in separate slots between the fixed parallel plate
electrodes of the measuring cell. The cell contains a single liquid of precisely known relative permittivity
which is chosen to have a relative permittivity as close as possible to that of the PE under test. From the
determined change of capacitance, the dimensions of the cell and PE plaques, and the known relative
permittivity of the liquid at test temperature, the relative permittivity, K, of the PE is calculated. The
dielectric dissipation factor, D, of the PE is calculated from measurements on the cell with -
CC.2 Reagent
The reagent shall be liquids with precisely known relative permittivity, similar to the relative permittivity
of PE, as specified in ASTM D1531-06 Clause 7. Examples of suitable reagents are silicone liquid
and benzene.
CC.3 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in ASTM D1531-06 Clause 6, including the following:
(b) Thermometer.
CC.4. 1 Selection
The test specimen shall be a moulded plaque of PE 1.27 mm ± 0.12 mm thick as specified in
ASTM D1531-06 Clause 9.
CC.4.2 Preparation
The moulded plaque shall be cut to obtain two test specimens with dimensions as specified in
ASTM 01531-06 Clause 9.
CC.4.3 Conditioning
CC.S Procedure
The test procedure shall be in accordance with ASTM 01531-06 Clause 11.
The dissipation factor D and relative permittivity K shall be calculated in accordance with ASTM 01531-
06 Clause 12 .
The results shall be reported as set out in ASTM 01531-06 Clause 13. The test report shall also include
the following:
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049. 2 ) and to ASTM 01531, including the year of
(c) A reference to this test method and the ASTM 01531 test method (Liquid displacement
method using a single fluid).
(i) The calculated dissipation factor D and relative permittivity K, and a reference to
ASTM 01531-06 Clause 12 which explains how the result was calculated. All calculations
shall be shown in full.
Appendix DO
DD.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the method of determining the combustion point for insulation, sheath or jacket.
The combustion of the specimen is determined in an apparatus for measuring the minimum oxygen
concentration by igniting the specimen in an atmosphere of known oxygen concentration and observing
the time taken for the flame to be extinguished and the length of specimen to be burnt.
DD.2 Apparatus
DD. 3. 1. 1 Insulation
The test specimen shall be four lengths of insulated conductor loosely twisted together such that
there is one complete twist of the unit every 20 mm to 40 mm. The length of the specimen shall be not
less than 80 mm.
A test specimen approximately 100 mm long and 7 mm ± 1 mm wide shall be cut from the sheath or
jacket of a completed cable.
DD.3.2 Conditioning
DD.4 Procedure
(b) The concentration of gases flowing up the column shall be set as specified in Table DD.1.
(c) The test specimens shall be ignited in accordance with ISO 4589-2 using the top surface
ignition procedure.
(d) The time taken for burning to cease after the igniter is removed and the length of the test
specimen burnt shall be observed, including that initially burnt by the igniter.
(e) In the event of the first test specimen failing the test, two further test specimens from the
same cable sample shall be tested and both shall pass for the material to be accepted.
Table DD.l - Minimum oxygen concentration for PPO, PVC and HFFR
The results of the test shall be reported as a pass or a fail in accordance with the requirements specified
in AS 1049.1.
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(i ) Specimen form (insulated conductor, sheath/jacket strip cut from completed cable) .
(c) A reference to this test method and the ISO 4589-2 test procedure (Top surface ignition).
(f) The burn length and burn time for each specimen.
( h) A statement as to whether additional test specimens were tested according to Clause DD.4 (e).
Appendix EE
EE.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the procedure for determining the amount of acid and corrosive gas that evolves
during combustion of materials used in telecommunication cables.
A specified amount of the material is burned in air, in a tube furnace. Evolved gases are bubbled through
bottles containing water. The amount of acidic and other ionic components collected is then estimated
by measuring the pH and conductivity of the resulting solution.
The test is performed in accordance with AS/NZS IEC 60754.2.
EE.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in AS/NZS IEC 60754.2, including the following:
(f) pH meter.
EE.3.1 Selection
The test specimens shall be taken from the insulation, sheath or jacket of a completed cable. The number
of test specimens shall be in accordance with AS/NZS IEC 60754. 2 for the general test method.
The test specimens shall be prepared, conditioned and weighted in accordance with AS/NZS IEC 60754.2.
EE.4 Procedure
The mean values of pH and conductivity shall be calculated in accordance with AS/NZS IEC 60754.2 for
the general test method. The conductivity value shall be expressed in �Sjmm.
The results shall be reported in accordance with AS/NZS IEC 60754. 2 . The test report shall also include
the following:
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049. 2 ) and to AS/NZS IEC 60754.2, each including
the year of publication.
(d) The apparatus used, including air supply method and flow rate.
(f) The individual and mean pH and conductivityvalues, and a reference to the AS/NZS IEC 60754.2
clause which explains how the result was calculated. All calculations shall be shown in full.
Appendix FF
FF.l Principle
This Appendix sets out two methods that are both to be performed, for determining the thermal
oxidative stability of PE insulation: the oxidation induction time (OIT) test, and the environmental
ageing test.
For the OIT test method, a portion of a completed cable is conditioned for 14 days at 70 °C. Test
specimens of insulation are then removed and tested for OIT. This test is performed in accordance with
the ASTM D4565 test method, Oxygen Induction Time ( Polyolefin Insulation Only).
For the environmental ageing test method, another portion of the completed cable is conditioned for
28 days at 70 oc. Test specimens of the individual insulated conductors are then removed from the
preconditioned cable, wiped, and stressed by wrapping them around a mandrel whose diameter equals
the outer diameter of the insulated conductor. The stressed insulated conductors are exposed to an
elevated temperature in an enclosure for a specific time period (e.g. 90 oc, 260 days). At the end of
this period, the insulations on the conductor are examined for cracking. This is an accelerated ageing
test that simulates the exposure of insulated conductors to field conditions. The environmental ageing
test method is reproduced with permission from Telcordia GR-421-CORE, Pedestal Thermal Oxidative
Stability Performance Test.
FF.2 Reagents
(a) Nitrogen gas, 99.9 % purity as specified in ASTM D4565 for the Oxygen Induction Time
( Polyolefin Insulation Only) method.
(b) Oxygen gas, 99.9 % purity as specified in ASTM D4565 for the Oxygen Induction Time
(Polyolefin Insulation Only) method.
FF.3 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in ASTM D4565 for the Oxygen Induction Time ( Polyolefin Insulation
Only) method, and includes a differential scanning calorimeter.
(a) Enclosure, 150 mm2 cross-section metal box or pillar 1.2 m long. Metal brackets shall be fitted
for mounting wire specimens and monitoring probes as shown in Figure FF.l.
C o n t r o l p ro b e
H i g h t e m p e rature
cut - off
Te m p e rature p ro b e s
(u p p e r a n d l o w e r)
-+--- P i l l a r ( m e t a l )
(b) Heating mantle. Heat source shall tightly surround the upper 30 em of the metal box. Longer
heating mantles (e.g. 50 em mantles) may be used to reduce the temperature gradients inside
the heated pillar.
NOTE A 250 W heating mantle has been found to be satisfactory.
(c) Thermal insulation material (e.g. cotton or cheesecloth), to plug the base of the pillar to
reduce the temperature gradients. The use of fibreglass house insulation around the test
pillar beneath the heating mantle will reduce the temperature gradient inside the pillar
(d) Temperature control system, capable of maintaining the temperature of all the insulated
conductor coils inside the pillar within ± 2 o C of the specified test temperature.
(e) Temperature monitoring system, a separate system to the temperature control system, capable
of monitoring and permanently recording internal temperature at intervals not to exceed
4 h. The probe shall be placed in the centre of the pillar at the same height as the topmost
insulated conductor test specimen.
A second probe located at the same height as the lowest coil shall be used to verify that the
temperature of the lowest coil remains within ± 2 oc of the specified temperature.
The monitoring system shall be capable of monitoring the temperature to within ± 1 oc of
the actual temperature of the coils. An independent measurement of the accuracy of the
monitoring system shall be made using a thermal analyser calibrated with standards
traceable to a national standard.
(g) Steel mandrel, round mandrel with a diameter within ± 0.02S mm of the insulated
conductor diameter.
(h) Magnifying glass, S x magnification.
FF.4.1 Selection
For both test methods, test specimens shall be selected from the same completed cable which contains
the smallest size conductors for the PE insulation material to be tested.
(a) Take a minimum of 300 mm of completed cable. Seal both ends of the specimen with vinyl tape
or caps, and precondition it in either a circulating-air or forced-air oven at 70 oc ± 1 oc for 14 d.
(b) After conditioning, remove the insulated conductors. Test specimens for each insulation colour
are required. For filled cables, wipe the insulated conductors with dry tissue or dry cotton
cloth. No solvent shall be used to remove the filling compound from the insulated conductors.
(c) Discard the last 7S mm at both ends of the insulated conductor specimens and cut from the
remaining length. Then carefully remove the insulation from the copper conductor.
(b) Cut off a 760 mm length of cable and seal each end with vinyl tape or a cap.
(c) Place the sealed cable in either a circulating-air or forced-air oven at 70 oc ± 2 oc for 28 d.
(d) At the end of the conditioning period, cool the specimens to ambient temperature (23 oc ± 2 °C )
and select SO insulated conductors with at least S specimens of each colour.
(e) If filled cable is used, wipe each insulated conductor with a clean cotton cloth or paper towel.
No solvent shall be used to remove the filler.
(f) Wrap each insulated conductor 10 times around the steel mandrel, starting 3S em from one
end of each of the SO insulated conductors. To minimize the variation of stresses developed
during winding, the angle of the wire with the mandrel shall be maintained at greater than
70 °. The step-by-step procedure shown in Figure FF. 2 shall be followed by applying minimum
force with a uniform speed of rotation.
(g) Slide the mandrel out of the coiled area without disturbing the circular configuration of the
wrapped insulated conductor.
FF.S Procedure
(a) Prior to each thermal performance test, pillars shall be cleaned as follows:
(i) Scrub the inside surface of the upper half of the pillar with a solution consisting of
36 g per L of sodium triphosphate in warm water.
(ii) Thoroughly rinse 3 times with cold water, making sure that the final rinse makes an
unbroken film on each interior surface.
NOTE Proper personal safety and protective equipment should be used during the washing and
rinsing. Water used for washing and rinsing should be disposed of in accordance with prevailing codes.
(b) Attach each coiled insulated conductor specimen to the metal bracket so as to form an
inverted U-shaped loop whose coil apex is at the same level as the monitoring temperature
sensor located 70 mm to 150 mm from the top inside surface of the pillar.
(c) Place the monitoring temperature sensor in the middle of the insulated conductor coils at the
top of the inverted loop and secure it to the pillar or bracket. It is important that the sensor be
on the same horizontal level as the topmost coil and that the temperature of all coils does not
vary by more than ± 2 oc from the specified temperature.
(d) A second probe located at the same height as the lowest coil is required to verify that the
temperature of the lowest coil remains within ± 2 oc of the specified temperature.
Mount the control probe on the wall of the pillar at the same height as the monitoring
temperature sensor, or at the centre axis of the pillar at the same height (Figure FF.1).
(e) A high temperature cut-off system shall be used to prevent the specimen loss and the
nonconformity caused by an over-temperature condition. It is recommended that an over
temperature cut-off probe be positioned adjacent to the temperature monitoring sensor at the
topmost coil.
(f) With all coils and sensors in place, secure the pillar front cover and place the heating mantle
over the pillar (see Figure FF. 3) . Adjust the temperature to achieve the following.
H e at i n g m a n t l e
H e at i n g
c o n t ro l l e r
Te m p e ratu re
m o n it o r
0 0 0 0
The standard tangent method detailed in ASTM D4565 for the Oxygen Induction Time (Polyolefin
Insulation Only) method shall be used to determine the onset of oxidative degradation. The OIT shall be
calculated using the formula in ASTM D4565.
For the specimen to pass the test, the OIT shall be at least:
For the specimens to pass the test, not more than one insulated conductor specimen shall show any
visible cracking when examined under 5 x magnification after completion of the above test of 260 d.
Alternatively, not more than 10 % of the insulated conductor specimen shall show any visible cracking
when examined under 5 x magnification after the completion of the above test of 280 d.
For the OIT test method, the result shall be reported in accordance with ASTM D4565 for the Oxygen
Induction Time ( Polyolefin Insulation Only) method. The test report for each test method shall also
include the following:
(a) All details necessary for complete identification of the specimen tested, including:
(b) A reference to this Australian Standard (AS 1049. 2 ) and to ASTM D4565, each including the
year of publication.
(c) A reference to this test method and the ASTM D4565 test method (Oxidative Induction Time
Polyolefin Insulation Only, Tangent method).
(d) The time durations of test specimens conditioning and the test procedures.
(f) For the OIT test method, the calculated OIT value, including a reference to the ASTM D4565
clause which explains how the result was calculated. All calculations shall be shown in full.
(g) For the environmental ageing test method, a record of any specimens that cracked during the
test, together with the number of days until the specimen cracked.
(j) The start and finish dates of the preparation ( heat conditioning).
(k) For the OIT test method, the date of the test.
( I) For the environmental ageing test method, the start and finish dates of the test.
FF.8 Acknowledgements
The environmental ageing test method, including figures, is reproduced with permission from Telcordia
GR-42 1-CORE, Pedestal Thermal Oxidative Stability Performance Test.
Effective January 2 0 1 2, Telcordia Technologies, Inc., was acquired by Ericsson.
This Appendix contains material that is Copyright © 2008, 1994, Ericsson Inc. ( "Ericsson"). All rights
reserved. The reader is advised that this Standards Australia document and Ericsson source(s) may
differ, and the context and use of said material in this Standards Australia document may differ from
those of Ericsson.
Appendix GG
GG.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the procedure for preparing compression moulded plaques of PE for use in other
test methods.
Where moulded test specimens are required, they are prepared by homogenizing the material on a
two-roll mill to form a crepe and then compression moulding the crepe to form a plaque, from which
the test specimens are die-punched.
GG.2 Apparatus
(a) Two-roll mill, capable of operating at a temperature high enough to flux the PE material.
(b) Moulding press, of the hydraulic type and capable of applying to the moulding material
a pressure (the ratio of clamping force to area of the mould cavity) of at least 7 MPa. The
pressure shall be maintained to within 0.1 MPa during the moulding cycle. The platens of
the moulding press shall be capable of being heated to at least 200 oc and cooled at a rate of
6 °Cjmin to 11 °Cjmin. The temperature variation across the surface of the platens shall be
less than 5 oc at the nominated moulding temperature.
(c) Single cavity flash (picture frame) mould, of corrosion-resistant, hard-chromed steel polished
on all surfaces. Table GG.1 is a guide to the depth of chase that will produce the specified
plaque thickness.
(d) Two flat backing plates, for the chase which shall be at least as long and wide as the outside
dimensions of the chase. They shall be 12 mm to 13 mm thick, be made of non-corrosive hard
chromed steel and highly polished on one surface. This surface, which contributes to the
finish of the material, shall be free of imperfections. The plate sizes are shown in Figure GG. 1.
At least one of the backing plates shall allow for some means of measuring the temperature
at the geometric centre of the plate, such as holes, to accommodate either a thermometer or
(e) Parting sheets offilms, of 0.05 mm to 0.3 mm thickness, of either aluminium or polyester.
NOTE A suitable aluminium sheet is alloy A5005, temper H/18, of 0 . 1 5 mm thickness. A suitable
polyester sheet is Melin ex type 226 of 0 . 2 5 mm thickness.
GG.3 Specimen
GG.3.1 PE compound
GG.3.2 Cable
The specimens shall be as follows:
(a) For air-core cables, the specimen shall be sheath. If the cable is a moisture-barriered cable,
the aluminium tape shall be removed.
(b) For filled moisture-barriered cables, the specimen shall be sheath stripped of the aluminium
tape. For filled non-moisture-barriered cables, the sheathing compound shall be tested as
extrudate from the extruder head.
GG.4 Procedure
(a) Contamination from the surfaces of the two-roll mill shall be completely removed. The rolls
shall be polished with a rag wetted with ethanol or another residue-free solvent.
(b) The temperature of the rolls shall be adjusted to be hot enough to flux the material but not so
hot as to cause them to drip.
NOTE A temperature of 140 o c ± 5 oc has been found suitable for Type I, C ategory 5 PE.
(c) The rolls shall be closed and set moving. Material shall be added to the rolls for the number of
plaques required. The clearance between the rolls shall be gradually increased until an active
rolling bank is formed. The material shall be left on the rotating rolls for a further 180 s, and
continuously slashed and folded back to promote mixing. The total time on the rolls shall not
exceed 600 s. During milling, no antioxidant shall be added to the material.
(d) The rolls shall be cleaned after each new material is removed to prevent cross-contamination
from additive systems or the thermally degraded material, or both.
The milled specimen shall be moulded into plaques with thicknesses as specified in Table G G . 1 .
The plaque shall be prepared from the milled material within 24 h of its removal from the mill by the
following procedure:
(a) The chase and backing plates shall be carefully cleaned and preheated in the press to at
least 150 oc for Type I, 160 oc for Type II and 177 oc for Type III PE when measured by the
thermocouple in the platens.
(b) The parting sheet shall fully cover the backing plate. The parting sheet shall be free from
contamination or surface imperfections. If aluminium is used, rolling oils shall be removed by
solvent cleaning. An aluminium sheet shall only be used once, whereas a polyester sheet may
be used for a maximum of six times, subject to surface imperfections.
(c) The milled material shall be placed in the chase to give up to 10 % flash calculated on the
mass of the finished plaque.
(d) The material shall be cut into two to four roughly equal portions, the backing plates and
chase removed from the press, and the material stacked in the centre of the chase between
the parting sheets and backing plates. The assembly shall be reinserted between the platens
of the press. The platens shall be closed until they just touch the backing plates but do not
apply pressure.
(e) The platens shall be continually heated until the temperature as indicated by a thermocouple
in a backing plate reaches at least 150 oc for Type I, 160 oc for Type II and 177 oc for Type III
PE. The temperature shall be high enough that -
(i) the PE melts and flows into the cavity with the heated platens in constant contact
with the backing plates; and
(ii) the time taken for the backing plates to reach the desired temperature is no longer
than 10 min after the assembly is placed between the platens.
N O T E 1 A temperature range as high as 165 oc to 175 oc h a s been found suitable for Type
I, Category 5 PE.
(f) A pressure of 6 MPa to 7 MPa calculated from the cavity dimensions of the chase shall be
quickly applied. The material shall be kept at this pressure and at the temperature in Step (e)
for 120 s to 125 s.
(g) While maintaining the pressure, the platens shall be cooled until a temperature of 70 oc is
reached as indicated by the thermocouple in the backing plate. For the production of plaques
for environmental stress cracking resistance, the cooling rate for each plaque shall be
monitored and shall be 6 °C/min to 1 1 °C/min, but preferably 6 °C/min to 8 °C/min, at all
temperatures within the range 120 oc to 80 °C. Any plaque not cooled under these conditions
shall be rejected.
( h) The assembly shall be removed from the press and then the backing plates and parting sheets
shall be removed. If aluminium parting sheets are used, only the backing plates shall be
removed, allowing the chase, with the plaque and parting sheets intact, to cool to ambient
NOTE 2 This should ease the removal of the parting sheets and enhance the surface finish
of the plaque.
(i) The plaque shall be inspected for imperfections such as sink marks, air bubbles and foreign
matter. If these are present, the plaque is unsatisfactory. In this case, the plaque shall be
discarded and another plaque shall be pressed from milled material.
(j) The plaque shall be stored in such a manner, e.g. in a PE bag, that the surface remains free
from imperfections or contamination.
NOTE 3 For plaques intended to be used for the measurement o f electrical properties, particular
care should be taken to protect the surface from sunlight, moisture, fingerprints or any other source
of contamination, i ncluding migration of additives from the packaging. Plaques should always be
handled with tweezers.
(c) The length of each specimen shall be measured to the nearest 0.5 mm and placed on a dish
containing 3 mm of talc. The dish shall be placed in an oven at 130 oc ± 20 oc for Types I and II
PE and at 150 oc ± 2 oc for Type III PE for 30 min.
(d) The specimens shall be allowed to cool to ambient temperature and the length re-measured to
the nearest 0 . 5 mm. If the shrinkage of the specimens is less than 10 %, the plaque is considered
satisfactory; otherwise it shall be discarded and the material remoulded from crepe.
B a c k i n g p l ate
2 0 0 mm x 3 0 0 mm x 1 3 mm
P a rt i n g s h e e t
0 . 0 5 m m to 0 . 3 m m t h i c k
a l u m i n i u m o r a p o l ye s t e r
C h ase
Outside: 200 mm x 300 m m
H o l e f o r t e m p e ratu re
m e a s u r i n g d e v i c e to be
p o s i t i o n e d at c e n t r e
Appendix H H
HH.l Principle
This Appendix sets out the procedure for the preparation of a compression moulded PVC plaque for use
in other test methods.
A specimen of PVC is formed into a sheet on a two roll mill, and then moulded in a heated press to form
a uniform plaque.
HH.2 Apparatus
(a) Two roll mill, capable of operating at a temperature of at least 150 oc ± 5 oc.
(d) Hydraulic press, capable of applying a pressure of at least 5 MPa to the moulding sheet.
HH.3 Specimen
The specimen shall be approximately 200 g of PVC material taken from the sheath or jacket of a
completed cable.
HH.4 Procedure
(a) The rolls of the mill shall be heated to 150 oc ± 5 oc and allowed to stabilize at that temperature
for at least 10 min. Approximately 200 g of PVC compound shall be added to the nip of the mill.
The mill shall be started and the PVC allowed to band on one roll. Any material that has fallen
into the tray shall be returned under the rolls. The nip shall be increased and the PVC cut
from side to side at least three times. The PVC shall be cut from the mill and discarded.
(b) The press shall be heated to 160 oc ± 5 oc and allowed to stabilize at that temperature for at
least 10 min.
(c) The inner surfaces of the moulding platens shall be cleaned with ethanol or another
residue-free solvent
(a) The specimen shall be added to the closed nip of the mill, and the mill started. The PVC shall
be allowed to band on one roll of the mill. Any material that has fallen into the tray shall be
returned under the rolls.
(b) The nip shall be gradually increased until the PVC is about 0.1 mm thicker than the required
thickness of the moulded plaque.
(c) The PVC shall be cut from side to side at least six times. The PVC sheet shall then be cut from
the mill and allowed to cool on a clean, heat-resistant bench. The sheet shall be marked with
the required identification.
(d) A piece of the PVC sheet shall be cut to fit the moulding chase and marked with the required
(e) A sheet of polyester film shall be placed on the cleaned, polished face of one moulding platen.
The moulding chase shall be centred on the platen and the PVC sheet laid in the chase. Another
sheet of polyester film shall be placed over the PVC sheet and the second moulding platen
placed on top of the assembly.
(f) The mould assembly shall be placed in the preheated press, and the platens closed to contact
pressure only and allowed to stand for 10 min ± 10 s. At the end of that time, the pressure
shall be increased on the platens to at least 5 MPa. This pressure shall be maintained for
2 min ± 5 s.
(g) At the end of this time, while the pressure is maintained, the platen heating shall be turned
off and the platens cooled to at least 40 oc with circulating water. The press shall be opened
and the PVC plaque removed from the mould. The polyester film shall then be removed. The
plaque identification shall be checked for legibility and remarked if necessary.
(h) The PVC plaque shall be allowed to stand at ambient temperature for at least 16 h before any
test specimens are prepared from the plaque for other tests.
IEC 60811, Electric and optical fibre cables - Test methods for non-metallic materials (all parts)
TIA-598, Optical Fiber Cable Color Coding
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