B1 U4 Standard Test
B1 U4 Standard Test
B1 U4 Standard Test
The School Nurse A times when it’s not nice to play sport ___
B something you should eat in a good diet ___
I work in the clinic at school, and I’m here to look C something bad that can happen to your teeth ___
after students who don’t feel well or who D how often they play sport and take exercise ___
1 ____________ had accidents or other minor
E a reason why eating too much salt is bad ___
2 ____________ like cuts and bruises. It’s always
F new sports facilities that students might like ___
busy in the winter term because that’s when the
Score __/6
students play football and they’re always
twisting their 3 ____________ and falling over. 11 Listen again. Correct the words in bold in the
We’ve already had five students in this week, and following sentences.
it’s only Wednesday! Luckily, there haven’t 1 Their project is to design a health centre.
4 ____________ any broken bones yet, but I’m ______________
sure there will be sooner or later. 2 They both think that playing sport and taking
exercise are boring. ______________
It’s also busy because students come in with 3 They don’t like playing when it’s windy.
things like headaches and 5 ____________ ______________
throats, but those are quite easy to deal with. 4 The girl’s mum is a dentist. ______________
But we have to be extremely careful if someone 5 The boy is trying to eat less bread.
comes in with a very 6 ____________ ______________
temperature – over 39.5 degrees, for example. 6 The boy sometimes has an extra lesson before
As you know, that can be a sign of a virus, which getting home. ______________
can spread very fast in a school and hundreds of Score __/6
students can 7 ____________ it. This term I
haven’t sent anyone home yet apart from one
girl 8 ____________ had a stomach ache, but
that was probably from something she ate.
make any money from his medicine. In 1963, he 6 Jenner used a young boy in an experiment. T / F
opened the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, a Score __/6
place where scientists could do research into new
kinds of medicine ‘for the benefit of all’. 13 Read the article again. Write A, B or C.
Which text mentions somebody …
1 who won a prize for their work? ____________
Youyou Tu, who was born in China in 1930, was
2 who got an idea from an old text? ____________
interested in traditional Chinese medicine and
modern Western medicine. In 1969 she and her 3 who used one disease to stop another?
team began studying ways of treating malaria, a
disease caused by mosquitoes. After reading an 4 who created a scientific research centre?
ancient Chinese book, she began to do experiments
on a plant called wormwood, and she developed a 5 who made somebody ill for a short time?
new medicine. She wanted to know if it was safe,
6 who tested a medicine on their own family?
so she took it herself. She was fine, so she then
gave it to 21 patients who were suffering from
malaria, and they all improved. In 2015, she won Score __/6
Hi _______________________________________________
PS The other bad thing about being at home in
the holidays is that nobody is around –
everyone’s off doing fun things like you. But
when are you back? I’d love to see you and _______________________________________________
maybe we can do something – though I’m not _______________________________________________
sure what, because I can’t walk. [say when _______________________________________________
you’re back and suggest something you can do]
Score __/10
It’s important to include all the points in the notes. Use
the present perfect, and if you use a time phrase, you
should use the simple past. Write your reply using
informal language in three main paragraphs.
Student B:
16 Work in pairs and look at these photographs. Answer the questions about the skiing picture. When
Student A: you have finished, change roles and ask Student A to
look at this photo and answer the questions.
Ask Student B to look at this photo and answer the
• Describe what you can see in the picture. • What do you think has just happened? Why did it
• What do you think has happened?
• What sort of injuries do you think they will have?
• Who do you think the people in the bottom right
hand corner are? • What do you notice about the things the cyclists
are wearing?
• What common injuries do people get when they
are skiing? • How do you think the people in the background
• What do you think of dangerous sports?
• How dangerous do you think cycling is?
• What do you think of dangerous sports?
Score __/10
Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/25
Use of English __/8
Listening __/12
Reading __/15
Writing __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100