Notice of Extra Ordinary General Meeting February 16 2024

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IRIS Business Services Limited

Tower 2 3rd Floor International Infotech Park Vashi Navi Mumbai 400703 Maharashtra India
Tel: 022 6723 1000 | Email: |
CIN L72900MH2000PLC128943 | GSTIN 27AAACI9260R1ZV


NOTICE is hereby given that the Extra Ordinary General Meeting Committee, Stock Options (“Stock Options”) not exceeding
(“EGM/ Meeting”) of the members of IRIS Business Services Limited 9,75,000 (Nine lakhs and seventy-five thousand) Options, in one
will be held on Friday, February 16, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. (IST) through or more tranches, from time to time, to or for the benefit of such
Video Conferencing (“VC”) / Other Audio Visual Means (“OAVM”) to person(s) who are in the employment in terms of ESOP 2023, present
transact the following business. and future, in India or outside India, including any director who is
in Whole-time employment (other than employees / directors who
The proceedings of the EGM shall be deemed to be conducted
are promoters or belonging to the promoter group, independent
at the Registered Office of the Company situated at Tower 2, 3rd
directors and directors holding either directly or indirectly more
Floor, International Infotech Park, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 703,
than ten percent of the outstanding equity shares of the Company),
Maharashtra, India, which shall be the deemed venue of the EGM.
exercisable into not more than 9,75,000 (Nine lakhs and seventy-
five thousand) Equity Shares of H10/- each (Rupees Ten each)
representing approximately 5.04% of the total paid-up capital of the
Item No. 1 - To approve implementation of the ‘IRIS Business Company, subject to their eligibility as may be determined under
Services Limited Employee Stock Option Scheme 2023’. the ESOP 2023 on such terms, conditions and in such manner as
the Board / Nomination and Remuneration Committee may decide
To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification,
in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and the
the following resolution as a Special Resolution:
provisions of the Plan.
RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 62(1)(b) and
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the equity shares so issued and
other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 and
allotted as mentioned hereinbefore shall rank pari passu with the
the Rules made thereunder (“the Act”), the Securities and Exchange
then existing equity shares of the Company.
Board of India (Share Based Employee Benefits and Sweat Equity)
Regulations, 2021 (“SEBI SBEB Regulations”), the Securities RESOLVED FURTHER THAT in case of any corporate action(s) such
and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure as rights issues, bonus issues, change in capital structure, or other
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“SEBI Listing Regulations”) re-organisation, merger and sale of division and others, the ceiling
read with such rules, guidelines and regulations issued by the Stock aforesaid in terms of the number of Shares reserved under the
Exchanges or any other regulatory or governmental authority, as Plan shall be adjusted with a view to facilitate fair and reasonable
may be relevant (including any statutory amendment, modification adjustment to the eligible employees as per provisions of the SEBI
or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force), in accordance SBEB Regulations and such adjusted number of the Shares shall be
with the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association deemed to be the ceiling as originally approved.
of the Company and subject to further such other consents,
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT in case the Equity Shares of the
approvals, permissions and sanctions as may be necessary
Company are either sub-divided or consolidated, then the number
and subject to such conditions and modifications as may be
of Shares to be allotted and, to the extent allowed, the exercise price
prescribed or imposed while granting such consents, approvals,
payable by the Option grantees under the Plan shall automatically
permissions and sanctions and in line with the recommendation
stand augmented or reduced, as the case may be, in the same
of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (“Committee”)
proportion as the present face value of H10/- (Rupees Ten Only) per
and approval of the Board of Directors, consent of the members
Equity Share bears to the revised face value of the Equity Shares
of the Company, be and is hereby accorded to the introduction
of the Company after such sub-division or consolidation, without
and implementation of ‘IRIS Business Services Limited - Employee
affecting any other rights or obligations of the said Option grantees.
Stock Option Plan 2023 (hereinafter referred to as “ESOP 2023” /
the “Scheme” or the “Plan”) to be administered by the Nomination RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board/Nomination and
and Remuneration Committee which the Board has constituted Remuneration be and is hereby authorised to take requisite steps
to exercise its powers, including the powers, conferred by this for listing of the Shares allotted under the Plan on the National
resolution read with Regulation 5 of SEBI SBEB Regulations to Stock Exchange of India Limited and / or the BSE Limited and / or
create, grant, offer, issue and allot at any time, to or for the benefit any other stock exchanges where the Shares of the Company are
of the present and future employees of the Company, selected on listed in due compliance with SEBI SBEB Regulations and other
the basis of criteria decided by the Nomination and Remuneration applicable laws.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Company shall conform to the Item No. 2 –To approve the extension of benefits of the IRIS
accounting policies prescribed from time to time under the SEBI Business Services Limited Employee Stock Option Scheme 2023
SBEB Regulations and any other applicable laws and regulations to to the employees of Subsidiary Company(ies) of the Company.
the extent relevant and applicable to the Plan.
To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification(s),
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Nomination and Remuneration the following resolution as a Special Resolution:
Committee be and is hereby authorised to issue and allot Equity
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 62(1)(b) and
Shares upon exercise of Stock Options from time to time in the
other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 and
aforesaid manners.
the Rules made thereunder (“the Act”), the Securities and Exchange
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT any one of the Whole Time Directors Board of India (Share Based Employee Benefits and Sweat Equity)
of the Company and/ or Mr. Santoshkumar Sharma, Company Regulations, 2021 (“SEBI SBEB & SE Regulations”), the Securities
Secretary of the Company be and are hereby severally authorised and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
to take necessary steps for listing of the Equity Share allotted under Requirements), Regulations, 2015 (“SEBI Listing Regulations”)
ESOP 2023 on the Stock Exchanges where the Equity Shares of the read with such rules, guidelines and regulations issued by the Stock
Company are listed in accordance with the provisions of the SEBI Exchanges or any other regulatory or governmental authority, as
SBEB Regulations, SEBI Listing Regulations and Listing Agreement may be relevant (including any statutory amendment, modification
executed with the concerned Stock Exchanges, the guidelines or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force), in accordance
issued by SEBI, if any and other applicable laws and regulations. with the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association
of the Company and subject to such other consents, approvals,
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving effect to
permissions and sanctions as may be necessary and subject to such
the above Resolution, the Board/ Nomination and Remuneration
conditions and modifications as may be prescribed or imposed
Committee be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts, deeds
while granting such consents, approvals, permissions and sanctions
and things as it may, in its absolute discretion, deem fit, necessary,
and in line with recommendation of Nomination and Remuneration
expedient or proper, to settle all questions, difficulties or doubts
Committee and the approval of the Board of Directors, consent of
that may arise in relation to formulation and implementation of the
the members of the Company be and hereby accorded to extend
ESOP 2023, at any stage including at the time of listing of the Equity
the benefits and coverage of the “IRIS Business Services Limited
Shares issued herein.
Employee Stock Option Scheme 2023” (“ESOP 2023” or “Scheme”)
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board/Nomination and referred to in Resolution No. 1, and within the ceiling as enumerated
Remuneration Committee be and is hereby authorised to make therein to the eligible employees of the group Company(ies),
any modifications, changes, variations, alterations or revisions Associate Company(ies), Subsidiary Company(ies), whether in India
in the ESOP 2023, as it may deem fit and necessary, from time to or outside India or of a Holding Company of the Company, if any,
time or to suspend, withdraw or revive the ESOP 2023, from time on such terms and in such manner as may be fixed or determined
to time, in conformity with the provisions of the Act, the SEBI SBEB in this behalf by the Board or the Nomination and Remuneration
Regulations and other applicable laws unless such modification, Committee as per the provisions of the ESOP Scheme.
change, variation, alteration or revision is detrimental to the interest
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board/Nomination and
of the Employees who have been granted Stock Options under the
Remuneration Committee be and is hereby authorised to make
ESOP 2023 and effective implementation of ESOP 2023.
any modifications, changes, variations, alterations or revisions
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT any one of the Directors or Key in the ESOP 2023, as it may deem fit and necessary, from time to
Managerial Personnel of the Company be and are hereby severally time or to suspend, withdraw or revive the ESOP 2023, from time
authorized to appoint various intermediaries, including registered to time, in conformity with the provisions of the Act, the SEBI SBEB
merchant banker(s) in terms of the SEBI SBEB Regulations, experts, Regulations and other applicable laws unless such modification,
professionals, independent agencies and other advisors, consultants change, variation, alteration or revision is detrimental to the interest
or representatives, being incidental to the effective implementation of the Employees who have been granted Stock Options under the
and administration of the ESOP 2023, including but not limited to ESOP 2023 and effective implementation of ESOP 2023.”
fixing their remuneration and terms of appointment, and generally
Item no. 3 – Increase in Authorised Share Capital of the
do all such acts, deeds and things as may be necessary or incidental
to give effect to the aforesaid resolution.
To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification(s),
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the copies of the resolution certified to
the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:
be true by any one of the Directors or Key Managerial Personnel of
the Company be furnished to such authorities as may be required “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 13 read
and they may be requested to act thereupon. with Section 61 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the

Companies Act, 2013 (including any amendment thereto or re- divide the shares in the capital for time being, whether original or
enactment thereof, for the time being in force) and the Rules framed increased, into several classes and to attach thereto any preferential,
thereunder, consent of the members of the Company be and is deferred, special or qualified rights, privileges, conditions or
hereby accorded for increase in the Authorised Share Capital of the restrictions attached thereto whether in regard to dividend, voting
Company from existing H25,00,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-five crores rights, return of capital or otherwise, as may be determined by or in
only) divided into 2,50,00,000 (Two crores fifty Lakh) Equity Shares accordance with the regulation of the Company or to vary, modify,
of H10/- (Rupees Ten only) each to H32,00,00,000/- (Rupees Thirty- or abrogate any such rights, privileges or conditions in such manner
two crores only) divided into 3,20,00,000 (Three crores twenty Lakh) as may for the time being be provided by regulations of the company
Equity Shares of H10/- (Rupees Ten only) each ranking pari passu in and consolidate or subdivide the shares and issue shares of higher
all respect with the existing Equity Shares of the Company as per the or low denomination.”
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving effect to
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT pursuant to Section 13 and all other the aforesaid resolution, the Board / Committee of the Board or
applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 read any officer(s) authorized by the Board of Directors, be and are
with Rules framed thereunder, consent of the Members of the hereby authorized to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things
Company be and is hereby accorded, for alteration of Clause V of the whatsoever, including seeking all necessary approvals to give effect
Memorandum of Association of the Company by substituting in its to this resolution and to settle any questions, difficulties or doubts
place, the following:- that may arise from time to time in this regard.”
“V. The Authorised Share Capital of the Company is H32,00,00,000/- By order of the Board of Directors
(Rupees Thirty-two crores only) divided into 3,20,00,000 (Three For IRIS Business Services Limited
crores twenty Lakh) Equity Shares of H10/- (Rupees Ten only) each,
with the rights, privileges and conditions attached thereto as are Santosh kumar Sharma
provided by the Articles of Association for the time being, with Place: Navi Mumbai Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
power to increase, reduce or modify the capital from time to time in Date: January 18, 2024 (Membership No. ACS 35139)
accordance with the regulations of the Company and the legislative Registered Office: Tower 2, 3rd Floor, International Infotech Park,
provisions for the time being in force in this behalf with power to Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 703, Maharashtra, India.

1. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (‘MCA’) has, vide General Resolutions relating to Items nos.1, 2 and 3 of the Notice of the
Circular No. 14/2020 dated April 8, 2020, General Circular No. EGM, is annexed hereto and forms part of this Notice.
17/2020 dated April 13, 2020, General Circular No. 20/2020
3. In line with the aforesaid MCA Circular, the Notice of this EGM is
dated May 5, 2020, General Circular No.19/2021dated
being sent to Members only through electronic mode to their
December 08, 2021, General Circular No. 21/2021 dated
emails registered with the Company.
December 14, 2021, General Circular No. 02/2021 dated
January 13, 2021, Circular No.02/2022 dated May 05, 2022, 4. This EGM is being held pursuant to the MCA circulars through
General Circular No. 10/2022 dated December 28, 2022 and VC/ OAVM, whereby physical attendance of Shareholders has
General Circular No. 09/2023 dated September 25, 2023 been dispensed with. Accordingly, the facility to appoint a
(collectively referred as ‘MCA Circulars’) and Circular No. SEBI/ proxy to attend and cast vote for the shareholder is not made
HO/CFD/CMD1/ CIR/P/2020/79 dated May 12, 2020, SEBI/HO/ available for this EGM and hence the Proxy Form, Attendance
CFD/CMD2/ CIR/P/ 2021/11 dated January 15, 2021 and SEBI/ Slip and route map are not annexed to this Notice. However,
HO/ CFD/CMD2/CIR/P/2022/62 dated May 13, 2022, Circular in terms of the provisions of Section 113 of the Act read with
No. SEBI/HO/CFD/PoD-2/P/ CIR/2023/4 dated January 5, 2023 the said Circulars, Corporate Members are entitled to appoint
and Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CFD-PoD-2/P/CIR/2023/167 their authorized representatives to attend the EGM through
dated October 07, 2023 issued by Securities and Exchange VC / OAVM on their behalf and participate thereat, including
Board of India (‘SEBI’) (collectively referred as ‘SEBI Circulars’) cast votes by electronic means (details of which are provided
(collectively referred as ‘Circulars’) allowed the companies to separately, hereinbelow).
hold EGM through VC/ OAVM. In compliance with the Circulars,
5. The shareholders can join the EGM in the VC/ OAVM mode
the EGM of the Company will be held through VC/ OAVM
15 minutes before and after the scheduled time of the
and accordingly business shall be transacted through such
commencement of the Meeting by following the procedure
voting without the physical presence of the shareholders at a
mentioned herein below in the Notice. The facility of
common venue.
participation at the EGM through VC / OAVM will be made
2. Explanatory Statement pursuant to Section 102 of the available for 1,000 shareholders on ‘first come first serve’ basis.
Act, setting out the material facts relating to the aforesaid This will not include large shareholders (i.e. shareholders

holding 2% or more), Promoters, Institutional Investors, the Register of Members of the Company will be entitled to
Directors, Key Managerial Personnel, the Chairpersons of the vote.
Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee
12. Relevant documents referred to in the Notice shall be made
and Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Auditors etc. who
available for inspection to the members through electronic
are allowed to attend the EGM without restriction on account
mode, based on the request received from the member
of ‘first come first serve’ basis.
on The members can also inspect
6. The attendance of the shareholders attending the EGM through the documents from the web-site of the Company at www.
VC / OAVM will be counted for the purpose of reckoning the or at the Registered office and corporate
quorum under Section 103 of the Act. office of the Company between 2.00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m. on all
working days (except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays) till the
7. The shareholders seeking any information with regard to the
conclusion of EGM. The members shall mention their Name,
proposed resolution(s), are requested to write to the Company
Folio No./DP Id and Client ID and PAN alongwith their request.
on or before Monday, February 12, 2024, 5:00 pm (IST), through
Email on The same will be replied by / on 13. The aforesaid documents will also be available for inspection
behalf of the Company suitably. by Members during the EGM.
8. SEBI has mandated the updation of PAN, contact, Bank 14. To support the ‘Green Initiative’, members who have not
account, specimen signature and nomination details, against registered their Email addresses are requested to register the
folio / demat account. PAN is also required to be updated same with DPs and/or LIIPL.
for participating in the securities market, deletion of name of
15. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 108 of the Companies
deceased holder and transmission / transposition of shares. As
Act, 2013 read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management
per applicable SEBI Circular, PAN details are to be compulsorily
and Administration) Rules, 2014 (as amended) and Regulation
linked to Aadhar details by the date specified by Central Board
44 of SEBI Listing Regulations and the Circulars issued by the
of Direct Taxes. Members are requested to submit PAN, or
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, the Company is providing facility
intimate all changes pertaining to their bank details, mandates,
of remote e-Voting to its Members in respect of the business to
nominations, power of attorney, change of address, change of
be transacted at the EGM. For this purpose, the Company has
name, e-mail address, contact numbers, specimen signature
entered into an agreement with National Securities Depository
(as applicable) etc., to their Depository Participant (“DP”)
Limited (“NSDL”) for facilitating voting through electronic
in case of holding in dematerialised form or to Company’s
means, as the authorized agency. The facility of casting votes
Registrar and Share Transfer Agents through Form ISR-1,
by a Member using remote e-Voting system as well as venue
Form ISR-2 and Form ISR-3 (as applicable) available at www.
voting on the date of the EGM will be provided by NSDL. case of holdings in physical form.
16. The cut-off date for the purpose of remote e-voting and
9. Shareholders holding shares in physical form are requested to
e-voting at the EGM shall be Friday, February 09, 2024. A person
dematerialize their holdings to eliminate all risks associated
whose name is recorded in the Register of Members or in the
with physical shares and for ease of portfolio management.
Register of Beneficial Owners maintained by the depositories
Shareholders can contact the Company or Link Intime India
as on the cut-off date, shall be entitled to avail the facility of
Private Limited (“LIIPL”) for assistance in this regard.
remote e-voting or e-voting at the EGM.
10. Members may please note that SEBI vide its Circular No. SEBI/
17. Apart from remote e-voting, the e-voting facility shall also be
HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2022/8 dated January 25,
made available at the EGM. Members attending the EGM who
2022 has mandated the listed companies to issue securities
have not already cast their vote by remote e-voting shall be
in dematerialized form only while processing service requests,
able to exercise their right at the EGM. The members who have
viz. Issue of duplicate securities certificate; renewal/ exchange
cast their vote by remote e-voting prior to the EGM may attend
of securities certificate; endorsement; sub-division/ splitting of
the EGM but shall not been entitled to cast their vote again.
securities certificate; consolidation of securities certificates/
Further, once the vote on are resolution is cast by the Member,
folios; transmission and transposition. Further SEBI vide its
he shall not be allowed to change it subsequently.
circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/ CIR/2022/65
dated May 18, 2022 has simplified the procedure and 18. The Company has appointed Ms. Priti Sheth, of M/s. Priti J.
standardized the format of documents for transmission of Sheth & Associates, Company Secretaries, (Membership No.
securities. Accordingly, Members are requested to make service FCS 6833 C. P. No. 5518 as the Scrutinizer to scrutinize remote
requests by submitting a duly filled and signed Form ISR-4 & e-voting or e-voting at the EGM in a fair and transparent
ISR-5, as the case maybe. The said forms can be downloaded manner.
from the Company’s website at
19. The result of remote e-voting and e-voting at the EGM along
11. In case of joint holders attending the EGM, the Member whose with the Scrutinizer’s Report shall be placed on the Company’s
name appears as the first holder in the order of names as per website and on the website

of NSDL in due course. The How do I vote electronically using NSDL e-Voting system?
Company shall be simultaneously forwarding the results to The way to vote electronically on NSDL e-Voting system consists of
BSE Limited ( and National Stock Exchange “Two Steps” which are mentioned below:
of India Limited (, where the shares of the
Step1: Access to NSDL e-Voting system
Company are listed. The results shall also be displayed on the
notice board at the Registered Office of the Company. A) Login method for e-Voting and joining virtual meeting for
Individual shareholders holding securities in demat mode
AND JOINING GENERAL MEETING ARE AS UNDER:- In terms of SEBI circular dated December 9, 2020 on e-Voting
facility provided by Listed Companies Individual shareholders
The remote e-voting period begins on Tuesday, February 13,
holding securities in demat mode are allowed to vote through
2024 at 09:00 A.M. (IST) and ends on Thursday, February 15,
their demat account maintained with Depositories and
2024 at 05:00 P.M. (IST). The remote e-voting module shall be
Depository Participants. Shareholders are advised to update
disabled by NSDL for remote e-voting thereafter. The Members,
their mobile number and Email Id in their demat accounts in
whose names appearing the Register of Members/ Beneficial
order to access e-Voting facility.
Owners as on the cut-off date i.e. Friday, February 09, 2024,
may cast their vote electronically.

Login method for Individual shareholders holding securities in demat mode is given below:

Type of shareholders Login Method

Individual Shareholders holding securities 1. Existing IDeAS user can visit the e-Services website of NSDL Viz. https://eservices. nsdl.
in demat mode with NSDL. com either on a Personal Computer or on a mobile. On the e-Services home page click
on the “Beneficial Owner” icon under “Login” which is available under ‘IDeAS’ section
this will prompt you to enter your existing User ID and Password. After successful
authentication, you will be able to see e-Voting services under Value added services.
Click on “Access to e-Voting” under e-Voting services and you will be able to see
e-Voting page. Click on company name or e-Voting service provider i.e. NSDL and you
will be re-directed to e-Voting website of NSDL for casting your vote during the remote
e-Voting period or joining virtual meeting & voting during the meeting.
2. If you are not registered for IDeAS e-Services, option to register is available at https:// Select “Register Online for IDeAS Portal” or click at https://
3. Visit the e-Voting website of NSDL. Open web browser by typing the following URL: either on a Personal Computer or on a mobile. Once the
home page of e-Voting system is launched, click on the icon “Login” which is available
under ‘Shareholder/Member’ section. A new screen will open. You will have to enter
your User ID (i.e. your sixteen digit demat account number hold with NSDL), Password/
OTP and a Verification Code as shown on the screen. After successful authentication,
you will be redirected to NSDL Depository site wherein you can see e-Voting page. Click
on company name or e-Voting service provider i.e. NSDL and you will be redirected to
e-Voting website of NSDL for casting your vote during the remote e-Voting period or
joining virtual meeting & voting during the meeting.
4. Shareholders/Members can also download NSDL Mobile App “NSDL Speede” facility by
scanning the QR code mentioned below for seamless voting experience.

Type of shareholders Login Method
Individual Shareholders holding securities 1. Users who have opted for CDSL Easi / Easiest facility, can login through their
in demat mode with CDSL. existing user id and password. Option will be made available to reach e-Voting
page without any further authentication. The users to login Easi /Easiest are
requested to visit CDSL website and click on login icon & New
System Myeasi Tab and then user your existing my easi username & password.
2. After successful login the Easi / Easiest user will be able to see the e-Voting option
for eligible companies where the evoting is in progress as per the information
provided by company. On clicking the evoting option, the user will be able to see
e-Voting page of the e-Voting service provider for casting your vote during the
remote e-Voting period or joining virtual meeting & voting during the meeting.
Additionally, there is also links provided to access the system of all e-Voting
Service Providers, so that the user can visit the e-Voting service providers’ website
3. If the user is not registered for Easi/Easiest, option to register is available at CDSL
website and click on login & New System Myeasi Tab and then
click on registration option.
Individual Shareholders (holding securities You can also login using the login credentials of your demat account through your
in demat mode)login through their Depository Participant registered with NSDL/CDSL for e-Voting facility. Upon logging in, you
depository participants will be able to see e-Voting option. Click on e-Voting option, you will be redirected to NSDL/
CDSL Depository site after successful authentication, wherein you can see e-Voting feature.
Click on company name or e-Voting service provider i.e. NSDL and you will be redirected to
e-Voting website of NSDL for casting your vote during the remote e-Voting period or joining
virtual meeting & voting during the meeting.
Important note: Members who are unable to retrieve User ID/ Password are advised to use Forget User ID and Forget Password option
available at abovementioned website.
Helpdesk for Individual Shareholders holding securities in demat mode for any technical issues related to login through Depository
i.e. NSDL and CDSL.

Login type Helpdesk details

Individual Shareholders holding securities Members facing any technical issue in login can contact NSDL helpdesk by sending a request
in demat mode with NSDL at or call at no.: 022 - 4886 7000 and 022 - 2499 7000
Individual Shareholders holding securities Members facing any technical issue in login can contact CDSL helpdesk by sending a request
in demat mode with CDSL at HYPERLINK “”
or contact at toll free no. 1800 22 55 33.

B) Login Method for e-Voting and joining virtual meeting 3. A new screen will open. You will have to enter your
for shareholders other than Individual shareholders User ID, your Password/OTP and a Verification Code
holding securities in demat mode and shareholders as shown on the screen.
holding securities in physical mode.
Alternatively, if you are registered for NSDL eservices
How to Log-in to NSDL e-Voting website? i.e. IDEAS, you can log-in at https://eservices.nsdl.
com/ with your existing IDEAS login. Once you log-in
1. Visit the e-Voting website of NSDL. Open web browser
to NSDL eservices after using your log-in credentials,
by typing the following URL: https://www.evoting.
click on e-Voting and you can proceed to Step 2 i.e. either on a Personal Computer or on a
Cast your vote electronically.
2. Once the home page of e-Voting system is launched,
click on the icon “Login” which is available under
‘Shareholder/ Member’section.

4. Your User ID details are given below:

Manner of holding shares i.e. Demat Your User ID is:

(NSDL or CDSL) or Physical
a) For Members who hold shares in 8 Character DP ID followed by 8 Digit Client ID
demat account with NSDL.
For example if your DP ID is IN300*** and Client ID is 12****** then your user ID
is IN300***12******.
b) For Members who hold shares in 16 Digit Beneficiary ID
demat account with CDSL.
For example if your Beneficiary ID is 12************** then your user ID is
c) For Members holding shares in EVEN Number followed by Folio Number registered with the company
Physical Form.
For example if folio number is 001*** and EVEN is 101456 then user ID is

5. Password details for shareholders other than b) Physical User Reset Password?” (If you are
Individual shareholders are given below: holding shares in physical mode) option
available on
a) If you are already registered for e-Voting, then
you can use your existing password to login and c) If you are still unable to get the password by
cast your vote. aforesaid two options, you can send a request
b) If you are using NSDL e-Voting system for the at mentioning your demat
first time, you will need to retrieve the ‘initial account number/folio number, your PAN, your
password’ which was communicated to you. name and your registered address etc.
Once you retrieve your ‘initial password’, you
d) Members can also use the OTP (One Time
need to enter the ‘initial password’ and the
Password) based login for casting the votes on
system will force you to change your password.
the e-Voting system of NSDL.
c) How to retrieve your ‘initial password’?
7. After entering your password, tick on Agree to “Terms
(i) If your email ID is registered in your demat and Conditions” by selecting on the check box.
account or with the company, your ‘initial
8. Now, you will have to click on “Login” button.
password’ is communicated to you on your
email ID. Trace the email sent to you from 9. After you click on the “Login” button, Home page of
NSDL from your mailbox. Open the email e-Voting will open.
and open the attachment i.e. a .pdf file.
Step 2: Cast your vote electronically and join General
Open the .pdf file. The password to open
Meeting on NSDL e-Voting system.
the .pdf file is your 8 digit client ID for NSDL
account, last 8 digits of client ID for CDSL How to cast your vote electronically and join General
account or folio number for shares held in Meeting on NSDL e-Voting system?
physical form. The .pdf file contains your 1. After successful login at Step 1, you will be able to see all
‘User ID’ and your ‘initial password’. the companies “EVEN” in which you are holding shares
(ii) If your email ID is not registered, please and whose voting cycle and General Meeting is in active
follow steps mentioned below in process status.
for those shareholders whose email ids are 2. Select “EVEN” of company for which you wish to cast
not registered. your vote during the remote e-Voting period and casting
6. If you are unable to retrieve or have not received the your vote during the General Meeting. For joining virtual
“Initial password” or have forgotten your password: meeting, you need to click on “VC/OAVM” link placed
under “Join General Meeting”.
a) Click on “Forgot User Details/Password?”(If
you are holding shares in your demat account 3. Now you are ready for e-Voting as the Voting page opens.
with NSDL or CDSL) option available on www. 4. Cast your vote by selecting appropriate options i.e. assent

or dissent, verify/modify the number of shares for which Aadhar Card) by email to
you wish to cast your vote and click on “Submit” and also
2. In case shares are held in demat mode, please provide
“Confirm” when prompted.
DPID-CLID (16 digit DPID + CLID or 16 digit beneficiary
5. Upon confirmation, the message “Vote cast successfully” ID), Name, client master or copy of Consolidated Account
will be displayed. statement, PAN (self-attested scanned copy of PAN
card), AADHAR (self-attested scanned copy of Aadhar
6. You can also take the printout of the votes cast by you by
Card) to If you are an Individual
clicking on the print option on the confirmation page.
shareholders holding securities in demat mode, you are
7. Once you confirm your vote on the resolution, you will not requested to refer to the login method explained at step
be allowed to modify your vote. 1 (A) i.e. Login method for e-Voting and joining virtual
meeting for Individual shareholders holding securities in
General Guidelines for shareholders
demat mode.
1. Institutional shareholders (i.e. other than individuals,
3. Alternatively shareholder/members may send a request
HUF, NRI etc.) are required to send scanned copy (PDF/
to for procuring user id and password
JPG Format) of the relevant Board Resolution/ Authority
for e-voting by providing above mentioned documents.
letter etc. with attested specimen signature of the duly
authorized signatory(ies) who are authorized to vote, to 4. In terms of SEBI circular dated December 9, 2020 on
the Scrutinizer by e-mail to e-Voting facility provided by Listed Companies, Individual
with a copy marked to Institutional shareholders holding securities in demat mode are
shareholders (i.e. other than individuals, HUF, NRI etc.) allowed to vote through their demat account maintained
are required to send scanned copy (PDF/JPG Format) with Depositories and Depository Participants.
of the relevant Board Resolution/ Authority letter etc. Shareholders are required to update their mobile number
with attested specimen signature of the duly authorized and email ID correctly in their demat account in order to
signatory(ies) who are authorized to vote, to the Scrutinizer access e-Voting facility.
by e-mail to with a copy marked
to Institutional shareholders (i.e.
other than individuals, HUF, NRI etc.) can also upload their
Board Resolution / Power of Attorney / Authority Letter 1. The procedure for e-Voting on the day of the EGM is same
etc. by clicking on “Upload Board Resolution / Authority as the instructions mentioned above for remote e-voting.
Letter” displayed under “e-Voting” tab in their login
2. Only those Members/ shareholders, who will be present
2. It is strongly recommended not to share your password in the EGM through VC/OAVM facility and have not casted
with any other person and take utmost care to keep your their vote on the Resolutions through remote e-Voting and
password confidential. Login to the e-voting website will are otherwise not barred from doing so, shall be eligible to
be disabled upon five unsuccessful attempts to key in the vote through e-Voting system in the EGM.
correct password. In such an event, you will need to go
3. Members who have voted through Remote e-Voting will
through the “Forgot User Details/Password?” or “Physical
be eligible to attend the EGM. However, they will not be
User Reset Password?” option available on www.evoting.
eligible to vote at the EGM. to reset the password.
4. The details of the person who may be contacted for any
3. In case of any queries, you may refer the Frequently
grievances connected with the facility for e-Voting on the
Asked Questions (FAQs) for Shareholders and e-voting
day of the EGM shall be the same person mentioned for
user manual for Shareholders available at the download
Remote e-voting.
section of or call on no.: 022 - 4886
7000 and 022 - 2499 7000 or send a request to Ms. Pallavi INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEMBERS FOR ATTENDING THE EGM

Process for those shareholders whose email ids are 1. Member will be provided with a facility to attend the EGM
not registered with the depositories for procuring through VC/OAVM through the NSDL e-Voting system.
user id and password and registration of e mail ids for Members may access by following the steps mentioned
e-voting for the resolutions set out in this notice: above for Access to NSDL e-Voting system. After successful
login, you can see link of “VC/OAVM link” placed under
1. In case shares are held in physical mode please provide
“Join General meeting” menu against company name.
Folio No., Name of shareholder, scanned copy of the share
You are requested to click on VC/OAVM link placed under
certificate (front and back), PAN (self-attested scanned
Join General Meeting menu. The link for VC/OAVM will be
copy of PAN card), AADHAR (self-attested scanned copy of

available in Shareholder/Member login where the EVEN of the EGM and thereafter shall, unblock the votes cast
Company will be displayed. Please note that the members through remote e-voting, in the presence of at least two
who do not have the User ID and Password for e-Voting witnesses not in the employment of the Company. She
or have forgotten the User ID and Password may retrieve shall be submitting a Consolidated Scrutinizer’s Report
the same by following the remote e-Voting instructions of the total votes cast in favour or against, not later than
mentioned in the notice to avoid last minute rush. 48 (forty-eight) hours of the conclusion of the EGM, to the
Chairman or a person authorized by him in writing, who
2. Members are encouraged to join the Meeting through
shall countersign the same and declare the result of the
Laptops for better experience.
voting forthwith.
3. Further Members will be required to allow Camera and
b. The results declared along with the Scrutinizer’s Report
use Internet with a good speed to avoid any disturbance
shall be placed on the Company’s website www.
during the meeting. and on the website of NSDL i.e. www.
4. Please note that Participants Connecting from Mobile The Company shall simultaneously
Devices or Tablets or through Laptop connecting via forward the results to BSE Limited and National Stock
Mobile Hotspot may experience Audio/Video loss due Exchange of India Limited where the shares of the
to fluctuation in their respective network. It is therefore Company are listed.
recommended to use stable Wi-Fi or LAN connection to
22. As per the provisions of the Act and applicable SEBI
mitigate any kind of aforesaid glitches.
Circular, Members holding shares in physical form may
5. Members who would like to express their views/ask file nomination in the prescribed Form SH-13 with
questions as a speaker at the Meeting may pre-register Registrar and Share Transfer Agents or make changes to
themselves by sending a request from their registered their nomination details through Form SH-14 and Form
email address mentioning their names, DP ID and ISR-3. In respect of shares held in dematerialised form,
Client ID/folio number, PAN and mobile number at cs@ the nomination form may be filed with the respective DP. before Monday, February 12, 2024. Only For relevant forms, please visit the Company’s website at
those Members who have pre-registered themselves
as a speaker will be allowed to express their views/ask
23. Shareholders are requested to quote their Folio No. or DP
questions during the EGM. The Company reserves the
ID- Client ID, as the case may be, in all correspondence
right to restrict the number of speakers depending on the
with the Company or the LIIPL.
availability of time for the EGM.
24. Since the EGM will be held through Video Conferencing or
21. Scrutinizer’s report and declaration of results
Other Audio Visual Means, route map of venue of the EGM
a. The Scrutinizer shall, after the conclusion of e-voting and admission slip is not attached to this Notice.
at the EGM, first count the votes cast vide e-voting at

Explanatory statement pursuant to Section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013

Item No.1 & 2 adjusted numbers for corporate action of the Company as
The Company in the past has implemented ESOP Scheme with an prescribed in the Plan), having face value of H10/- (Rupees Ten
intention to motivate its key work force for their contribution to the only) per equity share (or such adjusted face value as may be
corporate growth, to foster a spirit of entrepreneurial mindset, to resulted from the event of subdivision of the equity shares).
attract new talents and to retain them for ensuring sustained growth. 3. Identification of classes of employees entitled to participate
The Company also firmly believes that Stock options enable the and be beneficiaries in the scheme: As per the scheme, an
alignment of personal goals of the employees with organizational ‘Employee” means:
objectives by allowing their participation in the ownership of the
(i) An employee as designated by the Company, who is
Company through ESOP Scheme.
exclusively working in India or outside India; or
Given the objective, the Company proposes to implement a
(ii) a Director of the Company, whether whole time or not,
new employee stock option scheme, namely the ‘IRIS Business
including a non-executive director who is not a Promoter or
Services Limited Employee Stock Option Scheme 2023’ (hereinafter
member of the Promoter Group; or
referred to as “ESOP Scheme 2023” or “Scheme” or “Plan”). The
Nomination and Remuneration Committee (“NRC” /also referred (iii) an employee as defined in sub clauses (i) or (ii), of a Group
to as “Compensation Committee”) formulated the detailed terms Company including Subsidiary Company or its Associate
and conditions of the Plan, which were duly approved by the Board Company, in India or outside India, or of a Holding Company;
of Directors at its meeting held on December 01, 2023, subject to but excludes
approval of the Members by way of passing a special resolution.
(a) an Employee who is a Promoter or belongs to the
Under the Plan, the Company shall grant upto 9,75,000 (Nine Lakh Promoter Group;
Seventy-five Thousand) Employee Stock Options (‘Options’), in one
(b) a Director who either by himself or through his relatives or
or more tranches, to such eligible employees as may be determined
through any body corporate, directly or indirectly,
by the NRC in terms of the Plan, that would entitle the grantees
holds more than 10% of the issued and subscribed Shares
(in aggregate) to subscribe upto 9,75,000 (Nine Lakh Seventy-five
of the Company; and
Thousand) fully paid up equity shares of H10 (Rupees Ten only). The
salient features and other details of the Plan are given as under: (c) an Independent Director.
1. Brief description of the scheme: With a view to motivate its 4. Requirements of Vesting, period of Vesting & Maximum
key work force for their contribution to the corporate growth, period within which options shall be vested: The options
to foster a spirit of entrepreneurial mindset, to attract new would vest not earlier than 1 (One) year and not later than 4
talents and to retain them for ensuring sustained growth the (Four) years from the date of grant of options. The Nomination
Board of Directors of the Company approved introduction and and Remuneration Committee may, at its discretion, lay down
implementation of ‘IRIS Business Services Limited Employee certain performance metrics for each round of grant, on the
Stock Option Scheme 2023’, subject to the approval of the achievement of which the granted options would vest, the
shareholders. The Plan shall be operated and administered detailed terms and conditions relating to such performance
by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (‘NRC’). The based vesting and the proportion in which options granted
Plan contemplates grant of Options to the eligible employees as would vest. The exact proportion in which and the exact period
defined in the Plan, subject to fulfilment of certain condition(s) over which the options would vest would be determined by
as defined in the Plan. The vesting of the options shall be the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, subject to the
in accordance with conditions as determined by the NRC. minimum vesting period permitted under the regulations, as
There shall be a minimum period of One Year between Grant amended from time to time.
of Options and Vesting of Options. Upon a valid Exercise of a
5. Exercise price, purchase price or pricing formula: Exercise
Vested Option by eligible employee, each Vested Option will
Price is the price, payable by the employee for exercising the
entitle the employee 1 (one) Equity Share of the Company.
option. Pursuant to SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits and
2. The total number of options, shares or benefits, as the Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2021, the Company granting options
case may be, to be offered and granted: The maximum to its employees pursuant to Employee Stock Option Scheme
number of Shares that may be issued under this Plan being will have the freedom to determine the exercise price, which
granted to eligible employees of the Company, its subsidiaries shall in no case be lesser than the face value of the equity shares
and associates Company(ies) under Scheme, shall not exceed and subject to conforming to the accounting policies specified
9,75,000 stock options exercisable into equity shares not in Regulation 15.
exceeding 9,75,000 equity shares of the Company (or such

10 |
Regulation 15 provides as below: 9. Maximum quantum of benefits to be provided per
employee: No benefit other than grant of options is envisaged
Any company implementing any of the share based schemes shall
under the scheme. Maximum benefit shall accordingly refer
follow the requirements including the disclosure requirements of
to the maximum number of options that may be issued per
the Accounting Standards prescribed by the Central Government
in terms of section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013)
including any ‘Guidance Note on Accounting for employee share- 10. Whether the scheme is to be implemented and administered
based Payments’ issued in that regard from time to time, directly by the company or through a trust: The Company
shall directly implement and administer the scheme through
Hence, the Exercise Price will be accordingly determined by the
the Board/the Nomination & Remuneration Committee.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee in accordance with
the Regulations and disclosed appropriately. 11. Whether the scheme involves new issue of shares by the
company or secondary acquisition by the trust or both:
6. Exercise period/offer period and process of exercise/
Company shall issue new shares on exercise of stock options
acceptance of offer: The Exercise period shall commence from
under the scheme.
the date of vesting and will expire on completion of 5 (Five) years
from the date of respective vesting or such other period as may 12. The amount of loan to be provided for implementation
be decided by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, of the scheme(s) by the company to the trust, its tenure,
from time to time. utilization, repayment terms, etc.: Not Applicable.
The Vested options shall be exercisable by the employees by a 13. Maximum percentage of secondary acquisition (subject to
written application to the Company expressing his/ her desire limits specified under the regulations) that can be made by
to exercise such options. The Options shall be deemed to have the trust for the purposes of the scheme(s): Not Applicable.
been exercised when an Employee makes an application in
14. A statement to the effect that the company shall conform to
writing and payment of exercise price to the Company or by any
the accounting policies specified in Regulation 15: Members
other means as decided by the Nomination and Remuneration
are requested to note that the Company shall confirm to the
Committee, for the issuance of the Equity Shares against
applicable Accounting Standards and Policies as applicable to
the Options vested in him/her. Subject to the approval of the
the Company and specified in Regulation 15 of the Regulations,
Nomination and Remuneration Committee, upon receipt of
from time to time.
completed and valid exercise applications the company may
from time to time allot equity shares in a dematerialised mode. 15. The method which the company shall use to value its
The Options not exercised within the Exercise Period shall options: The Company shall use Fair Value method to value the
lapse and the Employee shall have no right over such lapsed or Options.
canceled Options.
16. Applicability of following statement: “In case the company
7. The appraisal process for determining the eligibility opts for expensing of share based employee benefits using
of employees for the scheme: The appraisal process for the intrinsic value, the difference between the employee
determining the eligibility of the employee will be specified compensation cost so computed and the employee
by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and may compensation cost that shall have been recognized if it
be based on various criteria including role/designation of the had used the fair value, shall be disclosed in the Directors’
employee, length of service, grade, performance, technical report and the impact of this difference on profits and on
knowledge, leadership qualities, merit, contribution and earnings per share (“EPS”) of the company shall also be
conduct, future potential, and/or such other criteria that may be disclosed in the Directors’ report.” – Not applicable.
determined by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
17. Period of lock-in: Subject to Applicable Law, the Shares allotted
at its sole discretion.
pursuant to exercise of options, will not be subject to any lock-
8. Maximum number of options or shares, as case may be, in period from the date of allotment.
to be offered and issued per employee and in aggregate, if
18. Terms & conditions for buyback, if any, of specified
any: The ESOP 2023 provides for a maximum of 9,75,000 (Nine
securities covered under these regulations: None.
lakh and seventy-five thousand) Employee Stock Options,
convertible into not more than 9,75,000 (Nine lakh and seventy- The consent of the shareholders is being sought pursuant to Section
five thousand) Equity Shares, each having a face value of H10/- 62(1)(b) and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies
(Rupees Ten Only) and being fully paid-up. The maximum Act, 2013 read with Regulation 6 of the SEBI SBEB Regulations for
number of options that shall be granted to each employee, implementation of ESOP Scheme 2023.
and in aggregate, shall not exceed the aforementioned limit. The Board of Directors recommend implementation of ESOP 2023
The number of options granted may vary depending on the for the employees of the Company and its subsidiary companies.
designation and the appraisal/assessment process. The Pursuant to Regulation 6(1) of SBEB Regulations and Section 62(1)
Compensation Committee reserves the right to decide on the (b) of the Act, approval of the Members is being sought, by way of
number of options to be granted.
| 11
a special resolution, for approval of the Plan and issue of shares only) divided into 2,50,00,000 (Two crores fifty Lakh) Equity Shares
to the eligible employees of the Company under the said Plan as of H10/- (Rupees Ten only) each to H32,00,00,000/- (Rupees Thirty-
detailed in Resolution No.1 of this EGM Notice. Further, pursuant to two crores only) divided into 3,20,00,000 (Three crores twenty Lakh)
Regulation 6(3)(c) of SBEB Regulations and Section 62(1)(b) of the Equity Shares of H10/- (Rupees Ten only).
Act, approval of the Members is being sought, by way of a separate
Consequently, the existing clause V (a) of the Memorandum of
special resolution for extending and granting the Options under
Association of the Company needs to be altered accordingly for
the Plan to the eligible employees of group company(ies) including
deletion of the previous authorised share capital and substitution
subsidiary company(ies) and/or associate company(ies) as detailed
of the proposed increased Authorised Share Capital.
in Resolution No. 2 of this Notice.
The above-mentioned increase in the Authorised Share Capital
A draft copy of ESOP 2023 is available for inspection at the
of the Company and subsequent alteration of aforesaid clause
Registered office and corporate office of the Company between 2.00
of Memorandum of Association will require approval of the
p.m. and 5.00 p.m. on all working days (except Saturdays, Sundays
Members. Accordingly, the resolutions at Item No. 3 of this Notice
and Holidays). The same is also available on the website of the
is recommended by the Board of Directors of the Company for the
Company, to facilitate online inspection till
approval of the members as an Ordinary resolution.
the conclusion of the ensuing EGM.
It is requested to note that the draft of the Altered Memorandum
Accordingly, the resolutions at Item No. 1 and 2 of this Notice is
of Association of the Company shall be open for inspection at the
recommended by the Board of Directors of the Company for the
Registered office and corporate office of the Company between 2.00
approval of the members as Special resolutions respectively.
p.m. and 5.00 p.m. on all working days (except Saturdays, Sundays
None of the Directors and Key Managerial Personnel of the and Holidays). The same is also available on the website of the
Company and their relatives has any concern or interest, financial Company, to facilitate online inspection till
or otherwise, in the proposed resolution, except to the extent of the conclusion of the ensuing EGM.
their entitlements determined lawfully, if any, under Plan.
None of the Directors/Key Managerial Personnel and their relatives is
Item No.3 concerned or interested in the passing of the aforesaid resolution(s)
as mentioned at item nos. 3 above, except to the extent of their
Considering the overall business growth and future expansion and
shareholding, if any.
the operational needs of the Company, the Company needs to
raise funds for its operations by means of either equity or further By order of the Board of Directors
debt. While the Company is considering the various options, it is For IRIS Business Services Limited
proposed to increase the Authorised Share Capital as per applicable
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and its corresponding rules, Santosh kumar Sharma
amendments thereof to consider option of raising equity funds as Place: Navi Mumbai Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
per the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules Date: January 18, 2024 (Membership No. ACS 35139)
made thereunder and the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Registered Office: Tower 2, 3rd Floor, International Infotech Park,
Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 703, Maharashtra, India.
Regulations, 2018 (the “SEBI ICDR Regulations”), Securities
and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“SEBI LODR Regulations”) and
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition
of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 (“SEBI SAST
Regulations”), collectively known as SEBI Regulations, (including
any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment(s) thereof for the
time being in force) and as amended from time to time.
Section 61 of the Companies Act, 2013, (including any statutory
modification(s) or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force)
provides that a limited company having a share capital may, if so
authorized by its Articles of Association, with the consent of its
Board of Director(s) and its members in its general meeting, alter
the conditions of its Memorandum of Association so as to increase
its share capital by such amount as it thinks expedient by issuing
new shares. The present Articles of Association empowers the
Company to increase its Authorised Share Capital.
Accordingly, it is proposed to increase the Authorised Share Capital
of the Company from H25,00,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-five crores

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