Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris 5
Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris 5
Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris 5
1. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan soal!
2. Tulislah namamu di sudut kanan atas pada lembar jawaban!
3. Bacalah dengan teliti soal yang akan kamu kerjakan!
4. Kerjakan soal yang kamu pilih dengan teliti!
5. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum kamu serahkan kepada Bapak/Ibu guru!
2. I wear........... on friday
A. Red and white uniform C. Scout uniform
B. Batik uniform D. Sport uniform
4. "The colour of my shoes are black and white". What is the meaning of shoes in Indonesian?
A. Sepatu C. Rok
B. Dasi D. Celana
13. The door is open. So, what probably the teacher asks to her student?
A. Can you open the door, please C. Can you clean the whiteboard, please
B. Can you move the chair, please D. can you close the door, please
14. The students are standing up then the teacher asks them to sit. What the teacher says?
A. Can you open the door, please C. Can you move the chair, please
B. Can you sit down, please D. can you close the door, please
15. The teacher and students are in the class. The teacher wants one of her students to story tell in front of the
class. What probably the teacher will say?
A. Can you come forward, please C. Can you move the chair, please
B. Can you sit down, please D. can you stand up, please
21. What is the name of uniform that you put on your head?
A. Tie C. Belt
B. Cap D. Shoes
23.Budi always takes off his shoes and … when he comes home from school.
A. Tie C. Cap
B. Socks D. Belt
A. Tie C. Cap
B. Socks D. Belt
A. skirt C. Belt
B. pants D. Socks
Cross out the wrong answer or circle the correct answer!
1. I wake at four morning. (04:00 a.m / 04:00 p.m)
2. We play football at a quarter past three at the field. ( 03:15 / 04:15)
3. We go to the mosque for pray isya at seven o'clock in the evening. (07:00 a.m / 07:00 p.m)
4. I have my breakfast at 05:45 a.m (a quarter to six / a quarter past six)
5. The school start at 7 o'clock (six o'clock / seven o'clock)