BB8100 Line Boring Machine E

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Packing big boring capability into a compact, modular

machine, maximizing efficiency and minimizing downtime.
Powerful Yet Compact
• Take the power of a stationary machine to the
job site to solve tough machining challenges in
record time.
• Using 11.3 in3 (185.3 cm3) Hydraulic motor,
produces 4783 ft•lb (6484.9 N•m) of torque at
the bar, at 15.1 rpm.
• Compact, modular components allow fast,
easy setup, maximizing efficiencies, and
minimizing downtime.
Versatile and Flexible
• Machines bores from 14.5 - 85.6 inches
(368.3- 2174.2 mm) in diameter, and faces
from 14 - 97.7 inches (355.6 - 2481.6 mm)
with various facing attachments.
• ID and End mount bearings feature spherical
taper-lock roller bearings.
• End mount can be fine adjusted by +/- 0.25
inches (6.35 mm) to center the bar.
• Optional dual action boring/facing arms
• Net fit tool carrier designed with a split frame High Quality Design
increase facing range, and allow for both
to simplify installation on the boring bar. It can • Features a uniquely-designed modular tool
boring and facing without switching equipment.
be configured to use either the boring head set carrier which provides a new level of strength
Full-length square ways on boring/facing arms
for boring or facing, or the new boring/facing and rigidity by channeling machining forces
allow for quick positioning anywhere along
arm assembly. directly to the boring bar through strategically-
the arm. Attaches to the net fit tool carrier by
compression-clamping, to provide maximum • With leading & trailing boring head configuration, located adjustable guide shoes.
tool stability. 2 boring heads can be used simultaneously. • Hard chromed bars, straight to within 0.001
• Machine is highly adjustable. The tool carrier, • For even greater facing range with longer inch per foot (0.0254 per 304.8 mm)
half nut, alignment of boring/facing arm, radial travel, the new boring/facing arms are • Optional gun-drilled bars with optical targets
and tool carriage can each be adjusted to available. Setup is quick & easy, featuring available.
maximize machining performance. industry standard quick-change tooling for • Adjustable, removable half nut increases net
both boring and facing operations. fit tool carrier flexibility. Easy removal of tool
• Net fit tool carrier can be clamped to bar for
facing operations. For boring operations, • Highly versatile tool holder block accepts carrier allows for machining of multiple bores.
carrier can be adjusted to remove clearance industry standard tooling with a nominal 1 inch • Backlash adjustment nut allows in-the-field
between carrier and the bar. This flexibility (25.4 mm) square shank. adjustment to eliminate backlash in the tool
also ensures maximum rigidity for either • Tool post on the boring/facing arm can be carrier, and extend the life of the machine.
operation rotated to provide maximum flexibility in
machining setup (including some cantilevered
US Metric
Boring and Facing Ranges
Boring diameter range, standard stack block assembly: 14.5 - 85.6 inches 368.3 - 2174.2 mm
Boring diameter range boring/facing arm assembly:
with 26 inch (660.4) boring/facing arm assembly 28.9 - 43.7 inches 734.1 - 1110.0 mm
with 34 inch (863.6) boring/facing arm assembly 36.5 - 59.7 inches 927.1 - 1516.4 mm
with 53 inch (1346.2) boring/facing arm assembly 55.1 - 97.7 inches 1399.5 - 2481.6 mm
Facing diameter range, mechanical facing head assembly:
with 5, 8, or 12 inch (127.0, 203.2 or 304.8 mm) 24.5 - 80 inches 622.3 - 2032.0 mm
mechanical facing head assemblies
(5 and 8 inch facing head assemblies have 8 inch stroke, 12 inch facing head assembly has 12 inch stroke)
Facing diameter range, slide arm assembly:
with 26 inch (660.4) boring/facing arm assembly 23.1 - 43.7 inches 586.7 - 1110.0 mm
with 34 inch (863.6) boring/facing arm assembly 23.1 - 59.7 inches 586.7 - 1516.4 mm
with 53 inch (1346.2) boring/facing arm assembly 23.1 - 97.7 inches 586.7 - 2481.6 mm
Facing diameter range, boring/facing arm assembly (tool post reversed):
(“tool post reversed” refers to rotating the tool post so that the tool is on the bar side of the tool post.)
with 26 inch (660.4) boring/facing arm assembly 14.0 - 17.4 inches 355.6 - 442.0 mm
with 34 inch (863.6) boring/facing arm assembly 14.0 - 27.4 inches 355.6 - 696.0 mm
with 53 inch (1346.2) boring/facing arm assembly 14.0 - 49.4 inches 355.6 - 1254.8 mm
Performance Data
Rotational Drive Unit (RDU) Gear Ratio: 20 : 1 10 : 1 optional (2xfast, 1/2torque)
Hydraulic motor size affects torque and speed
Theoretical values calculated using a 25 Hp hydraulic power unit producing 2000 psi (13790 kPa) continuous,
[normal operation is 1200 psi (8270 kPa)] and pumping 15 gpm (68 l/min).
Hydraulic motor size range: 7.3 - 17.9 in3 119.6 - 293.3 cm3
Boring Bar Torque with 20:1 RDU: 3350 - 6068 ft•lb 4542 - 8227.1 N•m
Max boring rpm with 20:1 RDU: 23.5 - 9.6 rpm 23.5 - 9.6 rpm
For example, with 11.3 in3 (185.3 cm3) hydraulic motor (43457):
Boring Bar Torque with 20:1 RDU: 4783 ft•lb 6484.9 N•m
Max boring rpm with 20:1 RDU: 15.1 rpm 15.1 rpm
Feed Rate of mechanical Axial Feed Unit (AFU): 0.003 - 0.030 in/rev. 0.076 - 0.762 mm/rev.
Feed Rate of electric Axial Feed Unit (AFU) In “slow” speed 0 - 0.3 in/min. 0 - 7.62 mm/min.
Shipping weight (estimated):
(machine with RDU, AFU, boring head set, tool carrier, tool kit, and hydraulic motor.)
for machine (metal crate) 5700 lbs. 2585.5 kg
for machine (wood crate) 5850 lbs. 2653.5 kg
for 1 Bearing 1070 lbs. 485.3 kg
for boring bar 14.5 lbs/inch 2.6 kg/cm
15 Hp or 25 Hp Hydraulic Power Unit 1073 lbs 486.7 kg
Shipping dimensions:
Machine, in wood crate, W, D, H 18.5 x 34 x 23.7 inches 469.6 x 863.6 x 602 mm
Machine, in steel crate, W, D, H 20 x 40 x 25 inches 508 x 1016 x 635 mm
Bearing (each bearing shipped separately) W, D, H 40 x 40 x 12.7 inches 1016 x 1016 x 322.6
12 foot (365.8 cm) bar W, D, H 24 x 18 x 152 inches 609.6 x 457.2 x 3860.8 mm
15 or 25 Hp Hydraulic Power Unit W, D, H 64 x 30 x 50 inches 1625.6 x 762 x 1270 mm

All dimensions should be considered reference. Contact your Climax Representative for precision dimensions. Specifications are subject to change without notice. There are no systems or components
on this machine that are capable of producing hazardous EMC, UV or other radiation hazards. The machine does not use lasers nor does it create hazardous materials such as gasses or dust.

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Configure your BB8100 in nine easy steps. 4 Boring Bar , Contginued (8 inch (203.2 mm) diameter)
Gun-drilled bars with optical targets:
To configure your BB8100 Boring Machine: Boring bar assembly, with optics, 8 feet (243.8 cm) 17602
1 Select a Base Unit
2 Select an Axial Feed Assembly Boring bar assembly, with optics, 10 feet (304.8 cm) 17603
3 Select Bearing Assemblies Boring bar assembly, with optics, 12 feet (365.8 cm) 17604
4 Select a Boring Bar Boring bar assembly, with optics, 14 feet (426.7 cm) 17605
5 Select a Hydraulic Motor Assembly Boring bar assembly, with optics, 16 feet (487.7 cm) 17606
6 Select Boring Diameter Ranges
7 Select Boring Heads Boring bar assembly, with optics, 18 feet (548.6 cm) 17607
8 Select a Boring/Facing Arm Assembly Boring bar assembly, with optics, 20 feet (609.6 cm) 17608
9 Select a Shipping Container * Multiple units may be ordered.
5 Hydraulic Motor Assembly
To configure the boring machine you require, simply select the option you need in
each step, then contact your Climax representative. Hydraulic motor assembly, 7.3 CIR (120 cm3/rev) 43455
44 bar rpm @ 15 gpm**
1 Base Unit Hydraulic motor assembly, 8.9 CIR (146 cm3/rev) 43456\
Rotational drive unit, tool carrier assembly, 36 bar rpm @ 15 gpm**
tool kit, and instruction manual. Hydraulic motor assembly, 11.3 CIR (185 cm3/rev) 43457
Base unit, 20:1 gear ratio 54453 29 bar rpm @ 15 gpm**
Base unit, 10:1 gear ratio 54454 Hydraulic motor assembly, 14.1 CIR (231 cm3/rev) 43458
2 Axial Feed Assembly 22 bar rpm @ 15 gpm**
Mechanical axial feed assembly 23393 Hydraulic motor assembly, 17.9 CIR (293 cm3/rev) 43459
Electrical axial feed assembly, 120V 43734 18 bar rpm @ 15 gpm**
Electrical axial feed assembly, 230V 40724 * Multiple units may be ordered.
** Theoretical, calculated values shown
3 Bearing Assemblies
6 Boring Diameter Ranges (select tooling in next step)
End mount self-aligning bearing assy w/ spider 23550 Stack up blocks, boring diameter range 81254
End mount self-aligning bearing assy, no spider 25074 14.5 - 26.6 inches (368.3 - 675.6 mm)
ID mount non self-aligning bearing assembly 18572 Stack up blocks, boring diameter range 81255
diameter of 23 - 27.5 inches (584.2 - 698.5 mm) 14.5 - 38.4 inches (368.3 - 975.4 mm)
Stack up blocks, boring diameter range 86630
ID mount non self-aligning bearing assembly 18573 14.5 - 62.0 inches (368.3 - 1574.8 mm)
diameter of 23 - 35 inches (584.2 - 889.0 mm) Stack up blocks, boring diameter range 81256
ID mount non self-aligning bearing assembly 18574 14.5 - 85.6 inches (368.3 - 2174.24 mm)
diameter of 23 - 49.5 inches (584.2 - 1257.3 mm) 7 Boring Heads
ID mount non self-aligning bearing assembly 18575 Micro adjust boring head 1 inch* 79021
Solid tooling boring head, leading & trailing 81246
diameter of 23 - 63.5 inches (584.2 - 1612.9 mm) * Multiple units may be ordered for leading & trailing
ID mount non self-aligning bearing assembly 18576 8 Boring/Facing Arm Assembly
diameter of 23 - 77 inches (584.2 - 1955.8 mm) Mechanical facing head assy, 5 inch (127.0 mm) 21115
Non self-aligning bearing assembly, no spider 18533 Mechanical facing head assy, 8 inch (203.2 mm) 38654
* Multiple units may be ordered. Mechanical facing head assy, 12 inch (304.8 mm) 22359
4 Boring Bar (8 inch (203.2 mm) diameter) Boring/facing arm assembly, 26 inch (660.4 mm) 54401
Boring bar assembly, 8 feet (243.8 cm) 34305 Boring/facing arm assembly, 34 inch (863.6 mm) 54402
Boring bar assembly, 10 feet (304.8 cm) 34306 Boring/facing arm assembly, 53 inch (1346.2 mm) 54403
Boring bar assembly, 12 feet (365.8 cm) 34307 9 Shipping Container
Boring bar assembly, 14 feet (426.7 cm) 34308 Plywood hinged crate, 39 x 58 x 31inches 42955
Boring bar assembly, 16 feet (487.7 cm) 34309 (990.6 x 1473.2 x 787.4 mm)
Boring bar assembly, 18 feet (548.6 cm) 34310 Metal shipping container, 39 x 58 x 31inches 54368
Boring bar assembly, 20 feet (609.6 cm) 34311 (990.6 x 1473.2 x 787.4 mm)
* Machine components only.
Bars and bearings available in wood only.
Boring/Facing Counterweight Arm

Micro-Adjust Boring Head

Rotational Drive Unit (RDU)

4 Arm Bearing Mount

Net Fit Tool Carrier

Hydraulic Motor

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BB8100 cover assy

Dimensions in Inch (mm)

77.0 (259.1)
(1955.8) (1229.4)48.4

ID MOUNT 48-1/2 TO 77 (1231.9 TO 1955.8)
ID MOUNT 48-1/2
48-1/2 TO TO 77 77 (1231.9
(1231.9 TO
ID Mount 48.5 - 77 inches (1231.9 - 1955.8 mm)
TO 1955.8)


ID MOUNT 34-1/4 TO 62-3/4 (870.0 TO 1593.9)

34-1/4 NOT TOAssembly
(Centering 62-3/4
SHOWN (870.0 TO
ID Mount 34.25 - 62.75 inches (870.0 - 1593.9 mm)
not shown) TO 1593.9)

7.0 (177.8)
7.0 (177.8)

19.8 (502.9)
19.8 (502.9)

ID MOUNT 20 TO20.048-1/2
ID Mount - 48.5 inches (508.0
(508.0 - 1231.9TO
mm) 1231.9)
20 TO 48-1/2
48-1/2 (508.0 TO
(Centering Assembly not shown)
NOT SHOWN TO 1231.9)
Climax Portable Machining & Welding Systems Web site: 18576
page 4 18576
Portable Machine
Worldwide Phone: Tools,N.Inc.
+1.503.538.2185 ©Toll-Free: 1.800.333.8311
America Fax: +1.503.538.7600 18576
Newberg, OR USA
Portable 97132
Machine Tools,
Inc. ©©
Dimensions in Inch (mm)

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Spider Assembly 4-Arm Self-Aligning End Bearing Support


 Portable Machine Tools, Inc. ©
Newberg, OR USA 97132
WWW.CPMT.COM inside U.S. 1-800-333


 Portable Machine Tools, Inc. ©
Newberg, OR USA 97132
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Worldwide Phone: +1.503.538.2185 N. America Toll-Free: 1.800.333.8311 Fax: +1.503.538.7600 E-mail:
 
Dimensions in Inch (mm)




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Rotational Drive Unit

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  BB8100 RDU AND HYDRAULIC MOTOR

 Mechanical Axial Feed Assembly
 Portable Machine Tools, Inc. © 
Newberg, OR USA 97132
WWW.CPMT.COM inside U.S. 1-800-333-8311
 

 
Electrical Axial
 Feed Assembly

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Worldwide Phone: +1.503.538.2185 N. America Toll-Free: 1.800.333.8311 Fax: +1.503.538.7600 E-mail:
Dimensions in Inch (mm)

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Slide arm configurations

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Worldwide Phone: +1.503.538.2185 N. America Toll-Free: 1.800.333.8311BB8100 34in arm facing
Fax: +1.503.538.7600 minimum swing

CLIMAX has been teaching the fundamentals and finer points of portable
machine tool operation for more than 50 years.
Whether it's a regularly scheduled course at one of our seven Global Training
Centers or a custom curriculum conducted with your team, at your facility, your
technicians will benefit from courses developed by the most experienced and
respected professionals in the business.
Regularly scheduled courses in basic and advanced tool operation are
available. A vast majority of every program is devoted to hands-on activities,
skills development, and OEM Certification covering the following subject
matters: operator safety, tool component review, setup and mounting,
standard and advanced operational techniques, overview of cutting tools and
recommended usage, and maintenance procedures.
Training is available at the following seven Global Training Centers:
- Portland, Oregon - Manchester, United Kingdom
- Houston, Texas - Düren, Germany
- Gonzales, Louisiana - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Wadsworth, Ohio
Call us today to schedule training for your team! ,

Call CLIMAX for:

With worldwide rental depot locations,
you are never far away from a CLIMAX
On-site Training
Need some refresher courses in setting
up and operating your CLIMAX machine
Custom Projects
CLIMAX has been solving complicated
machining, welding and valve testing
problems for our customers since 1966

Connect with us:

H&S World Headquarters - USA Asia Pacific Middle East

Address: 715 Weber Dr., Wadsworth, Ohio 44281 Address: 308 Tanglin Rd #02-01, Singapore 247974 Address: Warehouse #5, Plot: 369 272, Um Sequim
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Fax: +1 503 538 7600 Fax: +65 6801 0699 Tel: +971 4 321 0328
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Address: 2712 E. 2nd St, Newberg, Oregon 97132 Address: Am Langen Graben 8, 52353 Düren, Address: Unit 7 Castlehill Industrial Estate, Bredbury
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Fax: +1 503 538 7600 Tel: (+49) (0) 2421 9177 0 Tel: +44 (0) 161 406 1720
Email: Fax: (+49) (0) 2421 9177 29 Email:

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Reserved. CLIMAX has taken reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of the
information contained in this document. However, CLIMAX makes no warranties or
representations with respect to the information contained herein; and CLIMAX shall
not be held liable for damages resulting from any errors or omissions herein, or from
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