This Part Consists of 14 Problems That Must Be Solved Without The Aids of Any Calculator

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Suggested solutions MaA3NVCO10 Geometry Part I


Suggested Solutions MaA3NVCO10 Geometry Part I

This part consists of 14 problems that must be solved without the aids of any calculator.
Instructions Test period Resources The test

11:50-13:00, December 16, 2010 Formula sheet, your personalised formula booklet, ruler, protractor, and a lexicon. For all items a single answer is not enough. It is also expected that you write down what you do that you explain/motivate your reasoning that you draw any necessary illustrations. Try all of the problems. It can be relatively easy, even towards the end of the test, to receive some points for partial solutions. A positive evaluation can be given even for unfinished solutions.

Score and mark levels

The maximum score is 39 points, of them 17VG points. There are 3 problems The maximum number of points you can receive for each solution is indicated after each problem. If a problem can give 2 Pass-points and 1 Pass with distinction-point this is written [2/1]. Some problems are marked with , which means that they more than other problems offer opportunities to show knowledge that can be related to the criteria for Pass with Special Distinction in Assessment Criteria 2000. Problems 12, 13, and 14 are of greatest importance for a higher grade.

Part I G VG G VG

1 2

2a 2

2b 2

2c 1

2d 1

3 2

4 2

5 2

6 2

7 2

8a 1

8b 0 1



9b 2

10 1 1

11 2 2

14 Sum 2 22 2 2 4 17 M135 M1235 M135


13 Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA3NVCO10 Geometry Part I


Useful formulas
Order of Operations: [], (), exponents (powers), , , +,

(a )

a x a y = a x+ y Note: Both terms share identical base a . ax = a x y ay

x y

= a x y

1 1 = ay y = a y y a a 0 a =1
1 b = a a b

(a b )

a x b x = (ab ) Note: Both a and b share identical power, x .


y z

= a xz b yz

( a )n = a n n : even number ( a )n = a n n : odd number

( a )( b ) = ab (a )( b ) = ab
a c = ad = bc b d a a a c = 1 = b b b c a c ad + bc + = b d bd a a c c = b b
With addition and subtraction we may add the individual margin of errors! a + b = (427 1) + (5.5 0.5) = 432.5 1.5 a b = (427 1) (5.5 0.5) = 421.5 1.5 Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA3NVCO10 Geometry Part I


Glossary-English-Swedish-Lexicon Mathematics Course A:

English abbreviating, simplify annual interest base changing factor Denominator Difference equilateral triangle exchange places express extend, expand factorize Factor fraction integer number investigate irrational numbers Isosceles triangle Numerator percent perimeter Per thousand prime numbers power, exponent ppm: part per millions quantities quotient, ratio rational numbers real numbers round off scientific notation significant figure simplify sphere surd (exact) form Swedish frkortning rsrntan bas frndringsfaktor, tillvxtfaktor, ndringsfaktor nmnare differens Liksidigt triangel byta plats uttrycka frlngning faktorisera faktor brk heltal UTFORSKA irrationella tal Likbent triangel Tljare Procent Omkrets Promille Primtal potens, exponent Ppm kvantitet, mngd, storhet Kvot rationella tal reella talen Avrunda grundpotensform vrdesiffror, gllande siffror Frenkla Sfr, klot, glob exakt form Comments Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA3NVCO10 Geometry Part I


In each case, show how you arrived at your answer by clearly indicating all of the necessary steps, formula substitutions, diagrams, graphs, charts, etc. Do not forget Units. Give attention to significant figures. In none of problems except for the last problem (i.e. UNIT CIRCLE) measurement from the figure is valid. 1. Calculate the angles x and y in the figure below. The parallel lines L1 and L2 are cut by [2/0] transversal L3 parallel. Only answer is required. Answer: x =




B y


y =
Suggested Solution: Answer: y = 38 , x = 180 y = 180 38 = 142

Answer: x = 142

[1] [1]

B 2. In the figure to the right DE is parallel to AB . a) Find the length of the side CE . Give the answer in surd form. [2/0] b) Find the length of the side AB . A [2/0] c) Find the length scale of the triangle ABC compared to the triangle [1/0] DEC . d) Find the area of the right triangle [1/0] ABC . Suggested Solution: a) Use Pythagoras law in the triangle DEC CE 2 = DE 2 + DC 2 2 2 [1] c) CE 2 = (2.0 ) + (8.0 ) CE 2 = 4 + 64 = 68 [1] CE = 68 m b) DEC and ABC are similar triangles. Therefore, the ratio d) of similar sides must be the same, i.e.:

2.0 m 4.0 m

8.0 m

BA AC BA 12.0 = = [1] DE DC 2.0 8.0 / / 12 2 2 3 4 = BA = = 3.0 cm [1] / / 8 2 4 The length scale of the triangle is: 3 : 2 [1] AC 12 3 = = DC 8 2 Area of ABC is: 3 12 Area = = 18 m 2 [1] 2 Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA3NVCO10 Geometry Part I


3. In the isosceles triangle ABC , the angle [2/0] A = 38 . Calculate x and y . Suggested Solution: Since the triangle is isosceles, 180 38 142 x = B = C = = = 71 [1] 2 2 y = 180 B = 180 71 = 109 [1]


x y

In the problems below you will choose True or false. Explain. 4. Two rectangles with identical perimeter False: Even though P = 2(a + b ) are have the same area.. [2/0] identical volumes V = a b do not need to be identical. [2] 5. A cylinder and a cone have identical False: height and identical base. The volume of VCylinder r 2 h = =3 [2] a cylinder is twice as large as the volume VCone r2 h of a cone . [2/0] 3 6. If the quotient 1 of any two sides of a True! right-triangle is given, we may be able to If the quotient of any two sides of a calculate all angles of the triangle. [2/0] right-triangle is known we may use b a one of sin = , sin = or c c b tan = to calculate one angle a which may be used to calculate the other one. [2] 7. If the radius of a sphere is doubled its False: 3 volume must be quadrupled (i.e. 4 times 4r23 4 (2r1 ) 4r 3 [2] V2 = = = 8 1 = 8 V1 larger.) [2/0] 3 3 3

Quotient: kvot Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA3NVCO10 Geometry Part I


8. From base to the torch of Status of Liberty in New York is 46 m . A replica of it is 23 cm . a) Find the length scale of the replica. [1/0] b) Find the volume scale of the replica. [0/1]

Suggested Solution: Answer: Its length scale is 1 : 200 or volume scale of the replica is 1 : 8 106 or The length scale is

hreplica hstatus

1 . Its 200

Vreplica Vstatus

1 . 8 10 6
[1/0] [0/1]

hreplica hstatus

23 cm 23 cm 1 = = 46 m 4600 cm 200
3 3

Vreplica Vstatus

23 cm 23 cm 1 1 = 46 m = 4600 cm = 200 = 8 10 6

9. A dinner table is made of a square of area 2.0 m 2 and two half-circles as illustrated in the figure. a) Calculate the total area of the table. [0/3] b) Calculate the total perimeter of the table. [0/2] Give the answer in surd form.
Suggested Solution: a) Due to the fact that the area of the square is 2.0 m 2 , each side of the square is
2 m . Therefore, the radius of the half-circles are r =

2 m. 2

Together, two half-circle make a complete circle with

A2 half circles 2 = r = 2 [0/1];
2 2

2 m: 2

2 A2 half circles = = ; 4 2


Answer: Area = 2.0 +

/ b) Total perimeter = 2 r + 2 2 = 2


[0/1] [0/1] [0/1]

2 + 2 2 = 2 + 2 2 = ( + 2 ) 2 m / 2 Answer: Total perimeter = ( + 2 ) 2 m Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA3NVCO10 Geometry Part I


10. The parallel lines L1 and L2 are cut by the transversal L3 . Calculate x . [1/1]


7x 63


Suggested Solution: Answer: x = 19



5x 25

7 x 63 = 5 x 25 7 x 5 x = 25 + 63 38 2 x = 38 x = = 19 [0/1] 2
8.0 m

11. Calculate the length of the diagonal of the isosceles trapezoid below, i.e. [2/2] calculate AC . Give the answer in the surd form.

5.0 m

5.0 m

2.0 m

C N 3.0 m

Suggested Solutions: We may draw a vertical line from D to the side AB . This is the height of the trapezoid. Due to the symmetry of the problem 8.0 2.0 6.0 AM = BN = = = 3.0 m [1/0] 2 2 The triangle AMD is a right triangle. Therefore, using the Pythagoras theorem, we may calculate the height of the trapezoid.
h = 5 3 = 16 h = 16 = 4.0 m [1/0]
2 2 2

3.0 m

2.0 m

5.0 m

5.0 m

2.0 m

AC is the hypotenuse of the right triangle ANC , where NC = h = 4.0 m , AN = 3.0 + 2.00 = 5.0 cm

Therefore, using Pythagoras theorem, we may calculate AC . [0/1] 2 2 2 2 2 AC = AN + NC = (5.0 ) + (4.0 )

AC 2 = 25 + 16 = 41 Answer: AC = 41 m

[0/1] Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA3NVCO10 Geometry Part I


12. Show and explain why the area A of the rhombus shown below may be written as: d d A= 1 2 . [0/2/M1, M3, M5] 2
Suggested solutions: We may consider the rhombus of diagonals d1 and d 2 as combinations of two identical isosceles 2 triangles of common base d 2 and equal d height 1 . [0/1] 2



d1 2


Therefore, the area of the rhombus may be written as: d1 d1 d2 d2 d d A= 2 + 2 = 1 2 QED [0/1] 2 2 2

MVG-Quality: M1: Formulate and develops the problem, and uses general methods/models
M3: Carries out mathematical proof, or analyses mathematical reasoning.

The student demonstrate the highest quality (MVG) in solving the problem 12 through
Generalizes the problem by solving it algebraically. Finds analytically the area of the rhombus d1 d1 d2 d2 d d A= 2 + 2 = 1 2 2 2 2 Presents the solution, well structured, clear, using especially correct mathematical language. The solution must cover a major part of the problem.

M5: The solution is well structured, correct mathematically.

likben Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA3NVCO10 Geometry Part I


13. How many percent of the rectangle illustrated below is coloured? [0/2/M1, M2, M3, M5]



Suggested solutions: If the height of the rectangle is taken to be h , then we may express the area of the red triangle as: 6a h Awhite _ Triangle = 2 ARe c tan gle = 10 a h Area of the coloured region: 6a h ARe c tan gle Awhite _ Triangle = 10a h 2

Acoloured = ARe c tan gle

10a h

Acoloured a h (10 3) / / = 10 a h ARe c tan gle / / Acoloured 7 = = 0.7 = 70% ARe c tan gle 10

6a h 2 10a h


Answer: 70 % of the rectangle is coloured. [0/1]

MVG-Quality: M1: Formulate and develops the problem, and uses general methods/models

The student demonstrate the highest quality (MVG) in solving the problem 13 through
Generalizes the problem by solving it algebraically. Calculates the difference between the area of the rectangle and that of the triangle:

ARe c tan gle Awhite _ Triangle = 10a h

M2: Analyses and interprets the results, concludes and evaluates if they are reasonable. M3: Carries out mathematical proof, or analyses mathematical reasoning.

6a h 2

Analyses and interprets the results, concludes and evaluates if they are reasonable.

Finds analytically the quotient of the area of the coloured part of the figure and that of the rectangle and A correctly finds that coloured = 0.7 = 70% ARe c tan gle Presents the solution, well structured, clear, using especially correct mathematical language. The solution must cover a major part of the problem.

M5: The solution is well structured, correct mathematically. Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA3NVCO10 Geometry Part I


At the aspect assessment of your work with problems 14 teacher will consider what mathematical knowledge you have demonstrated and how well you have carried through the task how well you have explained your work and motivated your conclusions how well you have written your solutions.

14. A sphere, a cylinder and a cone is given. Following information are given: a) Radius of the sphere is r . b) Radius of the base of the cone is also r . The height of the cone is 2r . c) Radius of the base of the cylinder is also r . The height of the cylinder is 2r . Find the exact ratio of the volume of a) the cones and the spheres volume b) the cylinders and the spheres volume. c) the cones and cylinders volume. [2/4/M1M3M5]
Suggested Solutions: The cylinders height is 2 h and radius of its base is h : 2 3 VCylinder = r (2r ) = 2 r 4 r 3 [2/1] VSphere = 3 r 2 h r 2 2r 2 r 3 Vcone = = = 3 3 3
VCone VSphere 2 r 3 2 r 3 1 / / = 3 3 = = 4 r 4 r 3 2 / / 3




VCylinder VSphere

VCone VCylinder

2 r 3 6 r 3 3 / / = = 3 4 r 3 2 4 r / / 3 2 r 3 2 r 3 1 / / = = 3 3 = 2 r 6 r 3 3 / / VCone 1 VCylinder 3 = , = , VSphere 2 VSphere 2





VCone 1 = VCylinder 3 Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.


Suggested solutions MaA3NVCO10 Geometry Part I


Assessment aims at
Choice of the method and its implementation In which level the student can interpret a problem situation and can solve different types of problem. How complete and how well the student uses different methods and procedures that are suitable to solve the problem. Mathematical reasoning The degree of the quality of evaluation, analysis, reflection, proof and other forms of mathematical reasoning.

Quality Level Lower Higher

The student calculates volumes of at least two figures in general as a function of r . The student calculates volumes of all figures as a function of r .

Total score

1-2G The student finds the quotient of volume of one two figures.

2G and 1VG


The student calculates correctly quotients of all three figures.

VCone 1 VCylinder 3 = , = , VSphere 2 VSphere 2 VCone 1 = VCylinder 3

2VG The solution is easy to follow and understand. It may contain either the first two special cases or the last general case. The language must be mathematically acceptable. 0/2

1 VG

Mathematical language and the quality and clarity of the presentation of the solution: How clear, distinct and complete the students solution and presentation is, and how well the student uses mathematical terms, symbols, and conventions.


0/1 2/4

Total sum Quality Level Lower Higher

Choice of the method and its implementation Mathematical reasoning Mathematical language and the quality and clarity of the presentation.



Total sum Quality Level Lower Higher

Choice of the method and its implementation Mathematical reasoning Mathematical language and the quality and clarity of the presentation.



Total sum Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.


Suggested solutions MaA3NVCO10 Geometry Part I


MVG-Quality: M1: Formulate and develops the problem, and uses general methods/models

The student demonstrate the highest quality (MVG) in solving the problem 14 through
Generalizes the problem by solving it algebraically. Calculates volumes of the figures as a function of r

2 3 VCylinder = r (2r ) = 2 r 4 r 3 VSphere = 3 r 2 h r 2 2r 2 r 3 = = Vcone = 3 3 3

M3: Carries out mathematical proof, or analyses mathematical reasoning.

Compares volumes of the figures, and V 1 obtains correct results: Cone = , VSphere 2
VCylinder VSphere =

VCone 1 3 , = 2 VCylinder 3

M5: The solution is well structured, correct mathematically.

Presents the solution, well structured, clear, using especially correct mathematical language. The solution must cover a major part of the problem.

Students name MVG- quality M1 Formulates and develops the problem, uses
general methods with problem solving.

Problem marked 12 13 14

Other problems

M2 Analyses and interprets the results,

concludes and evaluates if they are reasonable. M3 Carries out mathematical proof, or analyses mathematical reasoning. M4 Evaluates and compares different methods and mathematical models. M5 The presentation is structured, and mathematical language is correct. Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.


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