Abstinence Essay

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Abstinence Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of abstinence can be a challenging endeavor, as it necessitates a

delicate balance between personal perspectives, societal expectations, and scientific insights. This
topic involves navigating through a landscape where individual beliefs, cultural influences, and
medical opinions converge.

The difficulty arises from the need to address abstinence from various angles, such as its cultural,
religious, and ethical dimensions. This requires a comprehensive understanding of diverse
perspectives and the ability to present them objectively. Furthermore, delving into the scientific
aspect demands meticulous research to substantiate claims and draw connections between abstinence
and its potential health benefits or drawbacks.

Moreover, the challenge lies in maintaining a nuanced tone that respects differing viewpoints without
compromising the clarity of the essay. Striking this balance requires careful consideration of language
and a thoughtful approach to addressing potential controversies surrounding the topic.

The task becomes more intricate when attempting to engage readers emotionally, encouraging them
to reflect on their own beliefs and attitudes towards abstinence. The essay should not only inform but
also stimulate critical thinking, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

In conclusion, writing an essay on abstinence demands the ability to navigate a complex web of
cultural, ethical, and scientific considerations. Successfully tackling this topic involves a delicate
balance of objectivity, empathy, and the ability to present well-researched arguments. It's a challenge
that requires a writer's careful consideration and dedication to delivering a thought-provoking piece.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic tasks, services like
HelpWriting.net provide a platform where custom essays can be ordered to meet specific
requirements and standards.
Abstinence Essay Abstinence Essay
Demand Of Demand And Demand Essay
Demand Determinants The concept of demand is derived from the willingness and
ability of consumers to buy goods or services at a particular time depending on prices
and preferences. In most cases, the demand for goods and services depends on the
affordability and comfort of consumers to purchase them, while holding other factors as
constant (Hubbard O Brien, p. 70 2013). Basic economic concepts of demand state that
an increase in price affects the demand in a negative way; as prices of gasoline increase,
the demand should go down. The concept or law of demand is focused on the correlation
between the price of gasoline and the quantity of demand for the product. From my
observation, consumers are constantly looking for ways to minimize their consumption
of gasoline. This century, motorists are opting for fuel efficient automobiles with the aim
of reducing their overall fuel consumption. The theoretical concept of price adjustment
by gasoline consumers can affect Edgar s idea to open a retail gas station. Whenever
retail fuel prices increase, in the long run, consumers may retaliate by cutting off the
frequency of gas consumption by reducing time spent driving, reduce the number of
times they use their car and other methods that will save them from using more money in
gas stations. In the short run, the change in price of gasoline per gallon is not sufficiently
volatile to affect consumption significantly. The graph below shows U.S. National
Average in gasoline prices
Causation Of School Shooting
The Causation of School Shooting through Psychotic Behaviour
The statistics regarding the causalities stemming from rampage school shootings have
increased greatly over the past few years. This probably results from each perpetrator
being grotesquely inspired by their predecessor, in which they will applaud and
acknowledge in their manifesto. These individuals usually possess abnormal behaviours
and will manifest qualities of psychopathy which is a personality style epitomized by a
blatant disregard for others, both behaviourally and emotionally (Roesch et al, 2014, pg.
74). People who are labelled as psychopaths have the ability to act on their malicious
thoughts without feeling any remorse or having any empathy. With more people becoming
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That s why the system creates tests or trials for individuals to be tested on their
knowledge of right and wrong, such as the M Nagthen Standard (Roech et al, 2014).
Usually these people would not comprehend being culpable for their actions, however
they will justify their beliefs and reasoning. Harris felt that everyone was inferior to
him. One of his journal entries he wrote I feel like God and I wish I was, having
everyone being OFFICIALLY lower than me (Toppo, 2009). A characteristic trait of
psychopathy is being very pretentious, which is regarding oneself to be more
impressive than others. The study also showed the subjects with narcissistic qualities
and who felt superior to others had inflated violence rates as well (Nestor, 2002). This
quality is was shown though the journal or manifesto. Rodgers felt that it was an
injustice because women rejected his sexual advances. Therefore the Day of Retribution
, the term that he coined was the day that he was going to make women pay for the
suffering that was caused (Rodino Colocino, 2014). The sense of entitlement or having
privilege over others was the reason for wreaking havoc against
Short Essay On Lucy Stone
Lucy stone was born on August 13, 1818, on her parents farm in Massachusetts. She
was the eighth child of nine in her family. Stone grew up with three brothers and three
sisters, two siblings died before her own birth. At the age of sixteen, Stone began
teaching in district schools, just as her brothers and sister Rhoda also did. Her
beginning pay of $1.00 a day was much lower than that of male teachers, and when she
substituted for her brother Bowman one winter, she received less pay than he received.
When she protested to the schoolboards, they told her she can get only receive a women
s pay . Stones pay increased as she went from school to school but it still would be lower
than a man s pay. Having determined to obtain the highest educationshe could, Stone
enrolled at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in 1839, at the age of 21. But she was so...
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Stone became a lecturing agent for the Massachusetts Anti Slavery Society. beginning
her women s rights campaign. Stone immediately proved to be an effective speaker,
reported that she had extraordinary persuasive power over her audiences. She was
described as a little meek looking Quakerish body, with the sweetest, modest manners
and yet as unshrinking and self possessed as a loaded canon. One of her strengths was
a storytelling ability that could move audiences to tears or laughter as she spoke, was
said to be an unusual voice that contemporaries compared to a silver bell, and of which
it was said, no more perfect instrument had ever been bestowed upon a speaker . The
antislavery agency introduced her to a network of progressive reformers within the
Garrisonian wing of the abolition movement who assisted her women s rights work. In
the fall of 1848, she received an invitation from Phoebe Hathaway of Farmington, New
York, to lecture for the women who had organized the Seneca Falls and Rochester women
s rights conventions earlier that
Organ Trafficking Essay
There should be a call for stricter regulation of post mortem human tissue. It would seem
obvious that what is of paramount value in life would necessarily depreciate in death.
This in not true of the human body. With the emergence of biotechnology and the
consequent need for post mortem human tissue, the human cadaverhas become quite
valuable. In pieces and parts or in its entirety, organizations will pay top dollar for the
human body, even after it houses the human spirit.

Throughout history, civilizations have found uses for the bodies, organs and tissue of the
dead. The potential for the human cadaver is ever expanding. Since 1954, human organs
have been successfully transplanted into living recipients who would otherwise die. ...
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Donors and their families take comfort in the belief that their generosity will save or at
least improve at least one life. Also, donor families assume that their loved one s
donation will be handled respectfully. Those who donate their bodies to science may
envision medical students in white lab coats, hovering over their cadaver. A donor
reasonably proceeds in the expectation that the body and organ donation system runs as a
charitable enterprise for the common good. (Ranee Khooshie Lal Panjab) Regrettably,
those who think that are misinformed.

At death, the body is customarily relegated to the services of a funeral home, which
functions in a highly regulated industry. Licensed funeral directors, embalmers and
crematory managers follow strict federal regulations in the disposition of the bodies
entrusted to their care.
From the rise in both supply and demand of donated tissues flows the equally important
responsibility of government oversight. Oversight of donated cadaver tissue is
important. The technical aspect of tissue bank oversight includes both safety and
efficiency. The concern for safety comes from the potential transmission of
communicable diseases to tissue processors and recipients. In terms of efficiency,
oversight serves to maximize the probability that tissues and cells are made available on
a priority basis to
DBQ On Ancient China
Ancient China DBQ

Ancient China made advancements to many things that we still use on a daily basis. Not
only did China make advancements, they also were inventors. These inventions improved
their lives then and still improves our lives now. To this day, we still use these inventions
and advancements. These inventions, advancements, and other elements led Ancient
China to succeed. Many factors led to ancient China s success. Some of them were
inventions, geography, and the Silk Road.

In Ancient China, inventions were created that were used to improve the daily lives of
the Chinese. These inventions led them to strive for success. It caused their civilization to
triumph. Ancient China became the most advanced civilization in the world during the
Han Dynasty. In the Han Dynasty, there were two emperors that caused Ancient China to
rise. Liu Bang and Wudi. Liu Bang was the very first emperor of the Han Dynasty. When
Liu Bang was emperor, the Han Dynasty had a steady government that was based on
Confucius. Liu Bang was a great emperor that made Ancient China thrive. But, when
Emperor Wudi was in control of the Han Dynasty, that was when Ancient China began to
reach its greatest. Unfortunately, after Wudi ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
China is located in Eastern Asia. Some of these natural land barriers included India, The
South China Sea, The Yellow Sea, The Huang He Desert, The East China Sea, and The
Gobi Desert. Although these natural land barriers had positive impacts, they also had
negative impacts. The positive impacts were it kept out enemies from trying to invade
China. It stopped the enemies from trying to take over China. The negative impacts were
it kept them isolated from other countries traditions and ideas. The Chinese traditions and
ideas were kept in China. Their culture wasn t able to extend itself in other Asian
countries. ChinaВґs geography helped its civilization grow but it also held them
Western Blotting
Second, for the western blotting, the primary antibodies that used to recognize the
protein of interest (FLAG PTEN) are rabbit anti PTEN antibodies and the secondary
antibodies that bind to the primary antibodies and convalently linked substrate to produce
visible signal are goat anti rabbit conjugated HRP (horseradish peroxidase) antibodies; for
immunoprecipitation, the antibodies used to immobilize proteinof interest are anti FLAG
monoclonal antibodies from morine cell. As introduction above, those antibodies come
from different species. In order to be successful in western blotting, the primary
antibodies recognize the protein of interest as well as bind to it. Consequently, rabbit anti
PTEN antibodies were used to bind to FLAG PTEN. Meanwhile, goat anti rabbit
conjugated HRP antibodies, the secondary antibodies,... Show more content on
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As a result, the calculated FLAG PTEN molecular weight is nearly 72KDa. When
comparing the previous research, the theoretical molecular weight of PTEN is
47KDa, the experimental ones is 25KDa more. The reasons would be [1] since the
PTEN was tagged with the FLAG tag and the FLAG tag itself has its own weight.
Although FLAG tag is small in size and contains eight amino acid, it would affect the
finial molecular weigh of FLAG PTEN; [2] The FLAG PTEN were expressed in the
mammalian cell system, its original environment. Therefore there would be some
proteins that interact with PTEN naturally in mammalian cell, referring as interacting
partner, and they bind to FLAG PTEN in the cell lyaste sample then precipitate
together in the IP. Those interacting proteins would increase the molecular weight of
FLAG PTEN by forming a complex and result in a higher weight band; [3] The
resolving ability of the SDS PAGE is not enough for the completely separation of the
sample, as some of the lower weight markers were compacted in the
Causes And External Factors Of Extrinsic Ageing
This essay will focus on the internal (Intrinsic) and external (Extrinsic) factors that will
have an effect on the aging process. Intrinsic ageing is when it is genetic or
chronological ageing and extrinsic is environmental or their lifestyle. There is a range of
internal effects including hormones and physiological decline, however, this essay will
focus on genetics and ethnicity. The external factors that will be discussed are sun
exposure and lifestyle.
Genetics play a major part on skin ageing, Your genetic factors dictate the rate at which
the ageing process processes (Eucerin, 2017). Therefore, it can influence how quickly
the skin ages and how it affects the overall skin condition due to the skin being made of
so many proteins, for example, the basic structure of the skin is collagen which is a
protein and also melanin which gives the skin its pigment (Siddons, 2009). As well as,
Signs of aging [sic] occur when the fibroblast cells that step in to repair damaged
collagen fibers [sic] cannot complete their work a product of aging [sic] cells
(Dermascope, 2017). Once you start to get older your body s collagen slows down,
which provides the skin with its strength and flexibility. The body also replaces skin
cells at a slower rate as you age this and other influences cause the skin the to result in
wrinkles, freckles and age spots (Oz, 2017). Additionally, keeping hydrated is essential
for the skin the amount of hyaluronic acid found in the dermis begins to
A Lecture At The George Washington University
The Chairman s first lecture at The George Washington University highlighted the
damage deflation caused during the Great Depression. The gold standard and errors by
monetary policymakers in the period exacerbated a difficult situation and allowed
deflationary forces to spread financial distress and panic in the banking sector. The
Chairman argued that had the Federal Reserve expanded the money supply during the
Great Depression, deflation could have abated and the severity of the financial crisis
would have been avoided. In recent years, deflation has returned to the forefront of
economic discussions as an increasing number of economies have faced the potential of
falling prices.
Deflation is a serious concern of monetary policymakers. ... Show more content on
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The lectures covered the extended period of low interest rates from 2002 2004 and the
unorthodox policies taken during and after the financial crisis, in part to avoid a
deflationary spiral.
One of the most consistent defenses against deflation is for a central bank to target an
inflation rate greater than zero. The Federal Reserve s current inflation target is 2% and
has informally been at that rate for quite some time. This nonzero target provides a
cushion for policymakers: should inflation decrease due to an unexpected shock to
aggregate demand, prices should not immediately start falling. This allows policymakers
to act with easy money when inflation reaches 1 or 0%, thus avoiding deflation. Yet,
during the last two recessions in the United States, the 2% inflation rate did not prevent
significant fear of deflation. Extraordinary action was required, and many economists
argue that the low interest rate policy following the 2001 2002 recession contributed to
the housing bubble that was inflating at that time. It is not yet known what the impact
will be from the unorthodox policies taken in response to deflation fears in 2009 2010.
Based on these experiences, it may be time to consider alternative inflation targets to
provide greater insulation from deflationary pressures.

Policy Proposal: Increase the

Executive Summary of Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Essay
Executive Summary of Anheuser Busch Companies, Inc.

Anheuser Busch Companies, Inc. continually seeks opportunities to maximize

shareholder value and increase efficiency. Through their extremely effective marketing
strategies A B has gained control of over 47% of the global market share. In the process
of doing this, Anheuser Busch has become one of the most recognizable trademarks. This
is not without its faults though. Anheuser Busch s aggressive advertising campaign has
targeted more than who they bargained for. Through A B s catchy advertisements, they
have attracted customers other than the 21+ age group, and recreational drinkers. It is
the opinion of many researchers that Anheuser Busch is negligent in their ... Show more
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Budweiser and Bud Light are the No.1 and No. 2 best selling beers in the world. Miller,
their closest rival maintains 22.1% of the market share. The following chart illustrates
market share in 1999 for the nation s leading breweries.
1999 Market Share

In 1999, they achieved record sales and earnings, selling over 100 million barrels of beer
worldwide for the first time in history. August A. Busch III, Chairman of the Board and
President, says his company owes its success to, The combination of outstanding
domestic beer industry fundamentals, the highest quality and freshest beer in the
industry and exceptional marketing and sales execution.
According to Fortune Magazine, the company applies venerable marketing techniques
more vigorously and imaginatively than the competition. The company s most important
technique is target marketing. Anheuser Busch sponsors events and runs advertising
specifically aimed at all sorts of consumers: blacks, whites, blue collar workers,
computer buffs, and sports fans. Sports fans make up a large, diverse population. The
company has strategically positioned themselves to promote to this target audience, with
70% of their advertising dollars going towards sports programming. They have exclusive
deals with 21 of 24 major league baseball teams, 21 of 28 National Football League
The Integration of Central High School Little Rock,...
The Integration of Central High School
Little Rock, Arkansas

The desegregation of public facilities began with the decision of Brown vs Board of
Education in 1954, where the Supreme Court of the United States deemed segregation
unlawful and unconstitutional. The country was told that desegregation was to take
place with all deliberate speed . This angered the white community. Violent retaliation
was the means used to prevent the integration of blacks into various public facilities. In
fact, the Autherine Lucy case demonstrated to the entire country that violent mobs could
halt integration demanded by a federal court order. However, three years later, the Little
Rock Crisis would affirm that if provoked by mobs, the executive ... Show more content
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Gov. Faubus was up for reelection. No man had yet been elected for a 3rd term as
governor of Arkansas. Apparently someone told the man that if he firmly supported
preventing the desegregation of the school he would get his third term. His plan worked.
The night before the Little Rock Nine were to go to Central High School, Gov. Faubus
appeared on television and stated that he would have the Arkansas National Guard in
front of the school to prevent the black children s entry. He claimed that it was for the
protection of the children . Faubus had no proof yet he claimed that a violent
resistance had been planned and this was for the good of the blacks. Faubus created a
self fulfilling prophecy and sure enough, a violent mob stood outside the school the
following day. Daisy Bates, the president of the NAACP at the time, had called all of
the children to her house the morning they were to attend Central High School. Only
eight were in attendance. Elizabeth Eckford did not have a phone and missed the call.
The girl was unaware of the plans to drive to Fourteenth Street together. While the eight,
along with Daisy Bates tried to gain access on Fourteenth Street, Elizabeth Eckford faced
a mob of some 200 white people shouting and threatening her alone on Sixteenth Street.
The National Guard prevented entry to the school on both sides. Elizabeth escaped the
crowd onto a bus with the assistance of a white lady named Grace Lorch. Faubus met
with President Eisenhower on
Rational Emotive Behavior Theory Essay
There are many different types of therapies or psychological methods used to alleviate
problems. First, there are therapies that emphasize the value of gaining insight to
personal problems. Then there are behavior therapies and cognitive therapies, which are
used to directly change troublesome actions and thoughts. Two therapies I will be
describing are rational emotive behavior therapy and psychoanalysis.
According to author Dennis Coon of Introduction to Psychology, Rational emotive
behavior therapy (REBT) attempts to change or remove irrational beliefs that cause
emotional problems. Albert Ellis states the basic idea of rational emotive behavior is easy
as ABC. He assumes that people become unhappy and ... Show more content on
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For example, I should have gotten a B in that class. The teacher doesn t like me.
Rational emotive behavior therapy holds that events do not cause us to have feelings.
We feel as we do because of our beliefs.
Psychoanalysis resolves internal conflicts that lead to emotional suffering. Because of the
huge amounts of time and money it requires, psychoanalysts have become rare. Four
basic techniques Freud relied on to uncover the roots of psychoanalysis are free
association, dream analysis, analysis of resistance, and analysis of transference.
During psychoanalysis, the patient engages in free association, by saying whatever
comes to mind. They must speak without concern for whether the ideas are painful,
embarrassing, or illogical. Dream analysis is also considered a good way to tap the
unconsciousness. Freud felt that forbidden desires and unconscious feelings are more
freely expressed in dreams. Then there is analysis of resistance where the analyst
becomes aware of resistances, or blockages in the flow of ideas, and he or she brings
them to the patient s awareness so they can be dealt with realistically. Finally, there is
analysis of transference, which the patient may act as if the analyst is the rejecting
father, former lover, or whoever the patient is feeling anger
The Indian Independence Movement
The history of the Indian Independence Movement against the British in the 20th Century
was evidently influenced and motivated by the underlying differences and perceptions of
communal identities. The freedom struggle in essence was also an assertion of the
interests and aspirations of the diverse communities of the Indian subcontinent. The
Indian National Congressand the Muslim League were the two big powers that sought to
mobilize public sentiments in the quest for Independence. While the Muslim League
(formed in 1906), stood as a symbol of Islamic nationalism, the INC on the other hand
was seen as pro Hindu (with a strong influence of radical groups like the Hindu
Mohammad Ali Jinnah, initially a Congress nationalist, joined the Muslim League in
1913 in order to align the views of the two communities in their collective struggle for
freedom. The result was The Lucknow Pact which laid down the constitutional
framework of seat and power sharing arrangements for elections to the Provincial
Legislative Councils. Muslims were provided with separate electorates and one third
representation in the Central government. Congress that claimed to fight only for secular
goals and considered religion as a private matter of individual granted the separate
electorates for Muslim went against their very own ideologies. This lead to the
settlement of differences between the two parties and immediate goal of both the parties
through the pact called for greater autonomy as a
Summary Of The Girl On The Train By Paula Hawkins
Paula Hawkins is a British author born on 26th August 1972 in Zimbabwe. Around the
year 2009, Hawkins started her career by writing intimate sitcom dramas. She did not
want to reveal her identity so she took to the pen name Amy Silver. She has written four
books, one of them being Confessions of a Reluctant Recessionista. She was not very
popular, so she decided to challenge herself by writing a novelwhich is more darker and
more serious than her previous works. Her best known known till date is The Girl on the
Train. It is a complicated mental thriller. It mainly deals with the subject of alcohol, drug
abuse and domestic violence. This novel had been adapted into a movie under the same
name which had
Emily Blunt as the protagonist in the year 2016. Some notable works by Paula Hawkins
Confessions of a Reluctant Recessionista, All I Want for Christmas, One Minute to
The Reunion, The Girl on the Train and Into the Water. The Girl on the Train is been
narrated from the perspectives of three different women: Anna, Megan and Rachel. It is
a one figure tale. In the opening scene of the novel we see that Rachel Watson the
protagonist is a 32 year old woman. She is a drunkard and is unhappy because her
husband Tom divorced her for another woman named Anna Watson.
Rachel drinks habitually and has trouble in recalling her past due to which she eventually
loses her job. During this state, she nags Tom, her ex husband in person or on the phone.
Dental Crowns Or Bonding
Is Dental Crowns, Veneers, Or Bonding Right For You?
If you need dental restoration, you may find it difficult to figure out what type of
procedure will work best for you. There are several advantages and disadvantages to
each kind of procedure, and by knowing what they are, you can make an informed
decision on your own.
The bonding process involves applying a resin onto the damaged tooth surface. The
resin is made with a very durable substance, and will bond directly to the tooth after
exposing it to a bonding light.
While bonding is very cheap, the procedure it will not last as long as a crown or veneer.
Many people like bonding because it can be done in only one visit, and it requires very
little preparation. The procedure still
Meritocracy Of My Democracy Essay
A democratic meritocracy
My ideal country would be a democratic meritocracy. In a meritocracy, one s rewards are
dependent on how much one works. This means that there is a lot of incentive to work
hard in this country. Now to the interesting part, the democracy. I believe in a pure
democracy, rather than a representative democracy. Ancient Greece and Switzerland, are
both pure democracy s. Direct democracy is like, but distinct from, representative
democracy, in which people vote for representatives who then enact policy initiatives.
Depending on the system in use, direct democracy might entail passing executive
decisions, the use of sortation, making laws, directly electing or dismissing officials, and
conducting trials. Two leading forms of direct democracy are participatory democracy
and deliberative democracy.
Semi direct democracies in which representatives administer day to day governance, but
the citizens remain the sovereign, allow for three forms of popular action: referendum
(plebiscite), initiative, and recall. The first two forms referendums and initiatives are
examples of direct legislation.
Compulsory referendum subjects the legislation drafted by political elites to a binding
popular vote. This is the most common form of direct legislation. Popular referendum
empowers citizens to make a petition ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
This dispenses the need for man built defenses and a full time defense force. However,
I feel it would be unwise for a country to have no defense force. I suggest that there
would be 15 months national service. This would be split up into 5 terms which could
be done at any time between the age of 18 and 30. There would be very low taxes
which would attract many countries and banks. This would in turn create lots of jobs
for the highly specialized workers. This country will not have a nuclear program, as I
feel this will give it an offensive
Ben Johnson s Narrative
Volto There he was, Ben Johnson, our hero. Nothing more than a high school dropout
that could hardly get and keep a job, but Ben had acquired a unique ability while he
worked for a company that fixed generators made to power large cities. Let me tell you
how he received this power. One day, while working on a generator in the most
populated city in America in New York Ben was sitting atop the generator enjoying a
nice lunch break, when he spilled some of his water. Now I do not know if you know
what happens when water meets electricity, but it is NOT, good. Anyways, back to the
story. When Ben woke up he felt a little different, a little electric. He stood up to realize
he was in the center of a curator. The power plant and the... Show more content on
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They are the biggest, ruthless, and meanest gang in Santa Monica, ruled by Skullzo. The
Warlords are in charge of California. No one never, ever messed with The Warlords. If
you did, you better leave the whole state of California, otherwise you would not see
the light of day. As Ben entered the base of The Warlords he felt concerned to find that
no one was on patrol. When in the blink of an eye he was surrounded by men in dark
cloaks with guns so power they could shoot the sun out of the sky. They took him to
Skullzo and he there faced almost certain death as Skullzo said to give him one good
reason why he should not kill on spot. Ben s response baffled Skullzo as he gave
Skullzo two options. Option A, leave Santa Monica and never return, or option B, he
kills them all and gives Santa Monica their freedom and life back. Skullzo chose
wrong. Ben used his electric power to kill everyone in the compound as Skullzo
watched from his chair at the top of his kingdom. Then with an electric explosion Ben
had destroyed the entire compound and everyone in it except himself. He had become
strong than ever and he could fly like the jets in the sky and run five times faster the the
cheetahs. Ben left the compound a hero to all of California. He was now a superhero
and he promised he would protect the entire world from danger. Ben did just that as the
name of
Swot Analysis Of Mgm MGM
Internal Analysis of MGM Resorts International About MGM Resorts International
MGM Resorts International is a leading global hospitality and entertainment company
founded in 1986 by Kirk Kerkorian. It operates resorts in Las Vegas, Mississippi, New
Jersey, and Detroit in the US. It is also developing new resorts in Massachusetts and
Maryland. MGM possesses majority shares (56%) in MGM China holdings. MGM
employs over 77000 employees globally. MGM operations include a wide range of
services featuring hotels, casinos, state of the art conference spaces, dining, retail and
various entertainment options. Market share 12% SWOT Analysis Strengths
Regional and Global Spread: MGM Resorts International is not solely dependent on
revenue from Las Vegas, Nevada area. Based on 2016 financials, over 20% revenue
was achieved from combination of Beau Rivage(MS), MGM Grand Detroit(MI), Gold
Strike Tunica(MS), and Borgata(NJ). This is a strength to the organization in terms of
risk spread and financial diversification. The organization is also stretching its reach
internationally into Asia in a bid to improve the growth potential and profitability. In
the era of globalization and technology, this strategy is important as Asia is the fastest
growing gaming market in the world and Macau is the world s largest gaming center
in terms of revenue. Technology Analytics for M Life Loyalty Program: The M Life
loyalty program is used to reward customers based on their spending across the various
channels. The program grants access to exclusive offerings, rewards, and events. More
importantly, it uses advanced data analytic techniques (predictive analytics) to anticipate
future behavioral patterns, customer preferences and offers. This raises the switching
cost of the MGM Resorts product offerings. Analytics for Retail Pricing: MGM Resorts
has partnered with Revionics to develop solutions that will drive and measure
profitability across its retail locations by incorporating forecasting and analytics.
Centralized Technology Platforms Mobile Corporate Social Responsibility Employee
healthcare programs: MGM Resorts is the largest employer in the state of Nevada with
over 50,000 employees. Because of rising healthcare costs, MGM launched
Edgar Degas Research Paper Outline
Hilaire German Edgar Degas was born in Paris, France on July 19, 1834. He was the
son of Auguste de Gas, a banker, and Celestine Musson de Gas, an American from New
Orleans. Edgar was the oldest of the five children Auguste and Celestine had. Their
family was members of the middle class, however, for many years their familyspelled
their name de Gas which thanks to the preposition de suggested that their family was
from a land owning aristocratic background. It wasn t until 1870 that Edgar changed his
name to the less aristocratic sounding Degas.
You could say that Edgar Degas was born with artistic blood running through his veins
after all his mother, Celestine, was an amateur opera singer and his father, Auguste,
would arrange for
Lawn Mower
While I develop my marketing strategy for my self propelled robotic lawn mower, the
first step I would take is determining the market for my product. I understand that the
main appeal to my product is that it is a convenience product, but it is not a necessity
and most likely will to be offered at a lower price than existing lawn mowers on the
market. Because of this, some of the characteristics of my target market is they are
economically well off, live in suburban or urban areas and have limited. This segment is
willing to pay extra for the convenience of saving time due to their spending power. This
target market is attractive because they fulfill the requirements for effective
segmentation. Their spending power is measurable, their market is accessible and can be
served, there s a substantial amount of money in this segment, affluent people are
differentiable as marketingto the wealthy is much different than typical advertising, and
the information on them is actionable, allowing us to effectively make a marketing plan.

The affluent suburban population can use our product as ... Show more content on
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The other segment is a large population of middle income suburban people who want to
save time. Since time and money are both very important to this segment, price will be
an important factor as this segment is much less willing to pay top dollar for this
convenience. Both segments are attractive for different reasons, one for the amount of
money and one for the number of potential customers. Regardless of which market
segment is chosen, both satisfy the five criteria needed for effective segmentation which
would allow our company to take the next step and develop a great plan to market the
College Football Case Study
Coach Harrison was completely on board, that was for sure. Shelly wasn t sure why
Miss Hartick had gone out of her way to bring the swimming coach into the fold since
the coaches had no choice but to go along with it anyway. The boys didn t have any
choice either. Shelly had a whole new sports team of sexy boys to interview. Miss
Hartick took her down to the locker room personally. Shelly had goosebumps already
at the thought of a whole new group of sexy boys that would learn the rules. She hadn
t watched the boys at practice. Miss Hartick and Coach Harrison had asked her to wait
until the next one to put in an appearance. Instead, she would go straight to the locker
room. Shelly and Miss Hartick were there before the boys came down. It wasn t... Show
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You aren t trying to tell me that you think she doesn t belong just because she s a girl?
She s a reporter, and you will show her all the respect that requires. And that s more
than just acting as though her presence is normal. I ve learned that you boys have real
difficulty behaving around girls in the locker room. To make sure that you understand
just how important this is, and to be sure that the girls feel comfortable when they
come down here, any boy interviewed will be required to remove his clothes during
the interview. You will not be allowed to cover yourselves. You will act as though your
nudity is not compulsory. You will let Shelly and any guest she brings down here see
you in the raw because that demonstrates respect for Shelly as a reporter. The boys
could tell that she meant it. More than one of them wanted to complain, but this was
Miss Hartick. Her temper was infamous, and no one argued with her. She ran the
school with an iron fist, and the boys knew they were lucky that any compromise had
been made at all. Jim had to ask, Why why would she bring guests with her? Are you
serious about that? Of course, I m serious. We can t have it appear as though seeing
you boys naked is a priority, so we make sure that other girls also get the chance. Just to
be fair to the girls and to
Analysis Of The Bean Trees By Barbara Kingsolver
In The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver, Taylor Greer and Lou Ann Ruiz are two
characters who mother their children in different ways throughout the novel. Both
mothers work together to raise their children. Lou Ann is an overprotective and cautious
birth mother, while Taylor is a spunky, determined, and unexpected mother. In contrast to
Taylor, Lou Ann s nervous and pessimistic attitude influences how she mothers Dwayne
Ray. ( Trans is it good?)

Lou Ann is an extremely overprotective, cautious, and paranoid mother. Lou Ann does
not want her son Dwayne Ray to be exposed to any form of danger and does everything
in her power to ensure that he is safe. Lou Ann carefully watches what Dwayne Ray
eats and the size of the food so that he does not choke. Lou Ann reads various books,
newspapers, and magazines about accidents and happenings to children and uses her
knowledge to avoid having those scenarios happen to Dwayne Ray. Lou Ann worries
more about extreme occurrences that are less likely to happen. Lou Ann is the type of ...
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Although Taylor is an unexpected mother from the time she is handed Turtle by a
woman in the parking lot of a diner in Oklahoma, is determined to work with the
situation she is presented with. Taylor is determined to learn about the child, protect,
provide, and supply her with the best possible care. Taylor takes her mother role day
by day and it serves as a learning experience for her. As Taylor watches Turtle grow and
develop, she discovers herself to be attached to the child as if it is her own.Taylor
works at various places including motels and tire shops to ensure that she has a place for
her and Turtle to sleep at night. Taylor does not read nearly as many articles about
parenting as Lou Ann does, but attempts to learn from watching Lou Ann and other
mothers and takes what she likes and applies those qualities to her parenting
Cronus God Of Time Essay
Cronus or Kronos was the Titan god of Harvest and Time. He was the youngest of the
first generation of titans that were bore by Gaia, the earth, and his father Uranus.
Cronus was often depicted carrying a scythe or sickle, therefore, it can be argued that
Cronus being the god of time could also be death. The reason for this is because death is
often depicted as wearing robes while carrying a scythe or sickle. Cronusrises to power
by overthrowing his father Uranus. Uranus grows weary of his wife Gaias creations,
mainly the hundred handed Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes. Uranus takes the
Hecatonchires and shoves them back into the Earth effectively blocking any further
creation by Gaia. Gaia is not happy with this so she creates the sickle and goes to her
children, the titans, and asks which of them will exact revenge on Uranus. In the end all
of the titans decline except for Cronus. So, wielding the sickle Cronus faces his father
and castrates him, casting his testicles into the sea. The... Show more content on
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Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades and Poseidon all came out fully grown. After the plan was
completed Zeus freed the Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes. The Cyclopes then forged
Zeus lightning bolt, Hades helmet and Poseidon s trident. With the help of the
Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes, Zeus and the Olympians were successful in
overthrowing Cronus and the Titans. Zeus then cast the titans into Tartarus. However,
Atlas, Epimetheus, Menoetius, Oceanus and Prometheus were not imprisoned. The fate
of Cronus differs according to what story you are referencing. Some say he was
imprisoned in Tartarus forever. However, there are a number of other stories claiming
very different fates for Cronus. One says that Cronus is later made the King of Elysium
or the Isle of the Blessed, another says the Cronus was castrated by Zeus the same way
that Cronus castrated his
Physics Of String Theory Of Physics
What is string theory?

String theory is a theory that states that the universe is made up of vibrating strings. It is
the best candidate for a quantum theory of gravity. String theory attempts to be a theory
of everything.

there are two types of string theories. the first time has strings that are in loops that can
break into open strings and the other has loops that cannot break into open strings. the
elementary strings have a number of excitation modes that are the elementary particles
observed. the strings have tension of 1/(2 p a ) strings are approximately the planck
length (smallest possible size of black hole) 10^( 33) cm

A quantum Theory of Gravity is needed

In physics there are two main central theories. The first is ... Show more content on
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However there were also slight errors in the Veneziano s model, it was found to be the
first term in an infinite series. In the end, the theory lost in describing hadrons to the
standard model of particle physics.

The standard model of particle physics and why it is not the complete picture

According to the standard model there are matter particles and there are force carrier
particles. The matter particles are the 6 quarks and 6 leptons. The quarks come in three
generations. The first generation is the up quark and the down quark. The second
generation is the charm quark and the strange quark. The third generation is the top
quark and the bottom quark. The quarks also have a property that is called colour. They
can be red, blue, green, antired, antiblue or antigreen. The property colour, does not refer
to actual colour. Colour is meaningless on that scale. The quarks combine to form white.
The six leptons are the electron, the electron neutrino. the muon, the muon neutrino, the
tau and the tau neutrino. The neutrinos have very small mass and are neutral in electric
charge, while the other leptons have a larger mass and have electric charge.

There are also the force carrier particles. There are four forces, the electromagnetic
force, the weak force, the strong force and gravity. For each force there is a boson. The
Risk Management of London 2012 Olympics

Olympics are mega global event that attracts the attention worldwide with billions of
audience watching on television, while millions flock to events as spectators. The
media embraces the opportunity of covering every inch of the games. This kind of
interest is what organisers face with no room for error in relation to external attacks or
system failures of the event although risks are bound to occur to any project or
program as in the case of Olympics. These risks may occur with a positive impact to the
organisers though they dread to have negative risks, which causes ripple effect to the
project. (Taylor, 2006)

Getting everything right from the opening ceremony to closing ceremony, games
schedules against venues, ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
As expected, experience is the best teacher to put things right the second time round.
This applies to Olympic organisers who strive to avoid risks as early as possible and to
assure athletes plus spectators and the public that steps have been taken to prevent risks.
This can be in terms of tangible evidence and intangible evidence. (Jennings, 2012)
Tangible evidence may relate to issues like the construction of Olympic village where all
athletes converge during the period of Olympic Games or the presence of security
personnel to reassure the nation and the public as illustrated in the diagram below.

Figure 2: The Olympics soldiers. Source: AFP Photo/Leon Neal

Intangible evidence relates to laws as highlighted in the next pages or verbal

correspondences through which organisers use to reassure the nation, spectators, athletes
and the entire world by use of radio programmes, television programmes, newspapers etc.


In late 2005, Olympic host city was internationally known to be London for 2012
Games. Unfortunately, it is the same period when terrorist activities wreaked havoc in
London. (Nugent et al. 2011) Perhaps, this was a wakeup call for the government to
revise and tighten on all issues that would lead to risk loophole.

The UK government developed a strategy in four modules to embrace and mitigate the
risks associated with hosting mega events, Olympics in this
Behind The Eucharist
For teenagers, active participation in the Eucharist can be a meaningful, purposeful and
conscious experience. In order for this to occur it is important that people of all ages
understand the meaning behind the Eucharist.

The Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is a rite and is considered by the majority of

Christian churches to be a sacrament. The New Testament asserts that during the Last
Supper, Jesus Christ gave his disciples bread and wine during the Passover meal, and
asked his followers to do this in memory of me . During this meal, Jesus Christ referred
to the bread as my body and the wine as my blood . Therefore, communion or the
Eucharistic celebration, asks Catholic Christians to recall and give thanks for Christ s
sacrifice of himself. The Catholic faith teaches that once sacred the bread and ... Show
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1). For this reason, people of Catholic faith place significant importance on Eucharist, as
it is a defining concept of Catholicism, and a highly visible and tangible way in which to
celebrate and give thanks to Christ.

Ancient and contemporary approaches to Eucharist share similarities and differences.

While early Eucharist s were masses in people s homes or small communities, and
always involved a gathering, storytelling and a meal, the more elaborate ceremonies
celebrated in contemporary Catholic communities developed long after (Harker and
Phipps 2001, p. 347). In earlier times, and after the Last supper when Christ revealed
himself in the breaking of the bread to two disciples (Luke 24:13 35, cited in The
Eucharist Word Press, n.d.), it is thought that perhaps Christ was teaching them that to
partake in a meal in memory of him, he was teaching them that he would be with them as
the Risen One (The Eucharist Word Press, n.d.). These simple celebrations and acts of
remembering served as the basis for the more elaborate rites in contemporary Catholic
practice. These include an introduction, opening prayer,
Alcoholism And Its Effects On Alcoholism
The society we live in is strongly prejudiced by alcohol, and affects people of all ages,
gender, and background. It has been uncovered to millionaires to the homeless. Alcohol
abuse has been a problem throughout the history of humanity; it is a disease which has
caused many people to be overcome with trouble, problems, and debts also pattern of
drinking that interferes with day to day activities. Alcoholismis a term that is widely
recognized throughout the United States and the World. Alcoholism is a chronic disease,
progressive and often turn fatal; it is a disorder and not due to other diseases or
emotional problems. Many scientists have tried to pinpoint what Alcoholism is, and what
this disease may be stemming from. Some people would dispute that alcoholism is only
the over consumption of alcohol; this statement is only somewhat true. An alcoholic is
a person who relies on alcohol as a medium to help him or her deal with physical,
emotional, or spiritual needs. It s not always easy to see when drinking has crossed the
line from moderate or social use to problem drinking. When dealing with Alcoholism a
person over comes a lot of problems. Alcohol Abuseis high in the United States, In the
USA, 15% of Americans are problem drinkers, while between 5% to 10% of male and
3% to 5% of female drinkers could be diagnosed as alcohol dependent, according to, The
National Institutes of Health (NIH). Some may drink alcohol to cope with difficulties or
to avoid feeling awful.
Similarities Between 400 And 800 AD
Between the period stretching from 400 to 800 AD, Celtic speaking regions throughout
Britain and Ireland saw dramatic developments, both politically and linguistically, some
of which drew similarities from one another, however, there are others which differed
significantly. The country of Ireland is built on four certain provinces, consisting of
Ulaid, Leinster, Munster and Connacht. All of which underwent political and linguistic
developments throughout this four hundred year period. Developments can be seen in a
variety of mediums highlighted through historical texts, poetry, religion, material culture
and place names.
Historical texts throughout Ireland during the period of 400 and 800 AD, allow us to gain
a more extensive knowledge of both the ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Historical text can be illustrated in many different forms such as annals, and early Irish
laws. Annals, along with early Irish laws, provide us with a primary source of
information illustrating important events which occurred during the period. Annals in
the kingdom of Ulaid up until the middle of the ninth century were written predominantly
in the Latin language. A minimal amount of Irish words also appeared in these Annals,
with passing centuries the number of written Irish included in Annals increased steadily
until it became the dominant language written throughout Annals. The evolving
language, of the annals documented by the kingdom of Ulaid throughout the centuries,
provide a snippet into the developing politics of Ireland, throughout 400 and 800 A.D.
Key events documented by the kingdom of Ulster provide a basis of context, as to what
was deemed as important to Ireland s society during the period between 400 and 800
A.D, thus in turn, gives insight to the political developments which occurred, such as the
beginning of reigns, deaths and battles, Theodosius Bologna[...]he began his reign in AD
425 and ruled 27
Luke 38-42 Analysis
Luke 10: 38 42
Seated at the feet of Jesus. An Attitude of Servanthood and Discipleship
There are times when serving can become a distraction for us. When such occurs you
keep your focus on Jesus.
This passage of scripture begins with Jesus and his disciples who were on their journey
to Jerusalem and entered into a certain village. In preparing this sermon, I read in Luke
9 verses 51 56 Jesus sent messengers ahead to prepare for him in a Samaritan village,
but the Samaritans refused him because he was going to Jerusalem to do the will of his
father. The Samaritans were Israelites and they were not the best of friends of the Jews
at that time. 2nd Kings 17:24 says the Samaritans intermarried with people who were
captured by the King of ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Martha asked Jesus, didn t he care that she did all the work by herself? However,
Martha was allowing her emotions to get in the way by worrying about the
preparations. Although her emotions were trying to take control of the situation
Jesus saw this. He told her not to be worried or anxious only a few things were needed.
Our emotions are God given and they are our servants and not our masters. Our
emotions affect our character and how we act toward one another. Therefore, we
cannot let our emotions dictate who we are. Here in this text, Jesus who is a servant
of his father took time from his journey to have fellowship and to teach the word of
God. Romans 10:15 says: And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is
written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news. If Jesus took the
time why can t you? What have you allowed to take precedence in your life more than
spending time in the presence of Jesus? Do not allow distractions of anger, un
forgiveness, and negative talk keep you from the word of God. Mary demonstrated true
discipleship when Jesus entered the house and sat at his feet. When we humbly submit
ourselves at the feet of Jesus, under his word, his Holy Spirit will dwell within us and
guide us into all
Why Are Concealed Firearm Laws Important
The Importance of Knowing Your Concealed Firearms Laws

When you re shopping for firearms Albuquerque gun shop owners have for sale, be sure
to keep the state laws in mind. The importance of adhering to gun laws cannot be
underestimated; they help to keep the community safe. Firearms laws do differ from state
to state as a gun owner, you may be interested to know some of the regulations that
people who carry concealed handguns in New Mexico must follow.

Licensing Details

When you have a license to carry a concealed weapon in the state of New Mexico, your
license will last for a four year period; however, you will need to requalify after two

You can also use the same type of permit from another state when you take up residence
Health Risks Associated With Diabetes

More than 18.2 million people (or 6.3 percent of the population) in the United States
have diabetes (Palo Alto Foundation). Considering all the disadvantages and health
risks associated with diabetes, it is essential that we find healthy and more natural ways
of battling such an illness. One way that is becoming more and more prevalent in the
United States is the research and usage of herbal oils and medicines in regards to
diabetes. Herbs provide a more natural approach to healing rather than continuous
consumption of processed pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors. Pharmaceuticals
contain ingredients that may although directly help the disease it is prescribed for, could
possibly do damage to other parts of the body ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
A team of researchers from Morocco found that the extract decreased several
components of the metabolic syndrome, decreased atherosclerotic indicators, and
increased cardioprotective factors, which leads them to believe that coriander extract
may have a cardiovascular protective effect (Gettleman). Researchers have discovered
that the property of coriander responsible for these effects is from a pigment in the
coriander plant called quercetin. This study as well as the previous study I explored
have similar results, concluding that coriander may have properties that can treat
diabetes but since much of the research has been done on rats rather than humans, more
investigation still needs to be done (Gettleman). A 2012 review of several recent studies
concluded that the use of cinnamon had a potentially beneficial effect on glycemic
control (Castro). Like many other herbal remedies, more research needs to be conducted
to provide addition proof for the anti diabetic properties of cinnamon. Scientists have
actually discovered five major ways that cinnamon can benefit diabetics. The first is that
cinnamon can significantly increase metabolism of glucose, which aids in blood sugar
regulation, something very essential to diabetic individuals. Cinnamon in the future may
act as an insulin substitute because of its many insulin like
Example Of Cultural Analysis
Cultural Expectations and Proxemics As consumers in this country, we all at some
point, have or will have gone out to eat at a public restaurant. The site I chose was a
Mexican restaurant called Zacatecas, which is located in a shopping center in Galt. This
shopping center has a variety of other business establishments like a Raley s grocery
store, Walmart, two coffee shops, pizza shop, and a Chinese restaurant to mention a few.
This location is always busy with a variety of consumers with different cultural
perspectives. I find it interesting how different people with different cultural customs
occupy space, proxemics, in a public Mexican restaurant. I feel that anthropologists would
find it very interesting how different cultures occupy... Show more content on
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As I walked I noticed there were customers, all Caucasians, sitting at four different
tables that were all against the wall and the middle of the dining area was empty. I
proceeded to the bar and was greeted by the bartender/waitress, who was also a female
Caucasian. The employees at the restaurant were mostly Caucasian with the exception
of one Hispanic looking waitress and the part of the cooking staff. Shortly after, a
white couple sat down a few bar stools away from me, but not very close. They sat there
having a couple of margaritas engaged in deep conversation. Glancing back over to the
dining area I noticed it was getting busier with more customers coming in. What I noticed
first, was that everyone was gravitating to all the outer tables against the wall and front
windows. Secondly, that I was the only Hispanic customer at that time. All customers
were engaged in conversation, eating or watching the televisions. The employees were
running around taking food orders and taking food out to customers. Most customers
seemed to be in good spirts with the exception of one table. At this table there was an
elderly woman with her daughter. The daughter was complaining that her mother
received the wrong food and that it took too long for their order to come out.
Mercedes Vs Subaru Research Paper
Mercedes Benz CLA250 vs. Subaru WRX Premium

If you re in the market for a new entry level luxury sedan you ve probably run across
the Mercedes Benz CLA250. The Mercedes starts at $32,400, which is very cheap for
a Mercedes, and that s exactly what they want you to think. Over the years Mercedes
has grown to be a respected German car company making very pricy luxury cars. They
all come with extremely fancy heated and cooled massaging seats, top of the line
audio systems and attention to detail that will blow your mind away. This all comes
with a price tag, you must be making a lot of money because after you buy a Mercedes
you better have money laying around, because when a Mercedes breaks, it breaks hard
and your wallet too. Then in 2016 Mercedes ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The Mercedes has front wheel drive. It a disgrace as this is Mercedes very first front
wheel drive car but it does have better fuel economy. Front wheel drive handles awful
and is horrible in the winter. The Mercedes also comes with a sluggish 7 speed
automatic. The gear changes are very slow and make the car even less fun to drive. On
the Subaru you have two options. You have the option between a 6 speed manual or an
automatic CVT transmission. If you have a brain you ll buy this car with the 6 speed
manual. I believe every car should have a manual option as it is the best way to drive
a car. It s more involving and makes you pay more attention to the road. Plus you can t
text and drive or any other distracting weird thing people do while driving. In all when
you look at these cars they are very similar but when you look a little deeper you can tell
Mercedes is pulling the classic rip off I still give Mercedes kudos for their other cars,
but this one just doesn t seem worth it to me. It s not a total rip off it s just you re
gonna have to pay extra to get a car with a Mercedes badge on it. I think it s really
stupid and a waste of money but if you re a fan of overpriced European cars then the
Mercedes is the perfect option. The Subaru obviously comes out on top in this one with
more features and a starting price way cheaper than the
Role Of A Chinese Women
INTRODUCTION Immigration is a large part of developing Canada: immigration
was seen as an opportunity for many people around the world to immigrate to Canada
in order to have prospects and a higher standard of living. This paper will examine how
the role of a Chinese women and how it has been transformed due to institutional
processes, as well as the difference of the role a Chinese women would face in Canadian
society vis a vis a Hong Kong society is examined. The effects of polices such as the
Head Tax and how it hindered women to come to Canadain order to be together with their
husbands and have the family together as a whole and as well as how tradition made
them want to stay in China. Furthermore, how once they were in Canada how race class
and gender affected their lives.

POLICES The Chinese immigrants may have suffered the most compared to other ethnic
groups who were not targeted the way that Chinese immigrants were. Chinese immigrants
have been in Canada for 150 years, but much during this time they were unwelcomed in
the country. The first wave of Chinese were young and landless. They were drawn by the
gold fever in British Columbia and wanting to escape the harsh conditions of their
homeland of famine, internal rebellion, population pressure and the threat of Western
colonialism .
In 1885, the Canadian government imposed a Head Tax on all Chinese immigrants
entering Canada. In 1885, the Head Tax was $50, but that did not stop or hinder the flow
Compare And Contrast Garfunkel Vs Durkheim
1A If I am Garfunkel I would say that compared to Durkheim I have some different
view on how I think social order happens and what people do in response to certain
things. Coming from my theories I see that people act the way they act because of
certain events. We are socialized to react a certain way when someone does something
or says something. The way we learn these things are through background
expectancies and reactions. When we as a person a question we are able to see the
way that they respond to the question. If they react in a positive manner we know that
we asked them something that was correct to be asking, but if we ask them something
we they seems distressed or confused we learn that it might now have been the right
things to ask. We can see that fro ever action there is a reaction to what we do, being
either good ro bad. I have studied ethnomethodology which is the study of how people
maintain the commonsense world. In my studies I have seen that the way we act is
basically just a replication of what has been reinforced in our minds for years as we grow
up .we know when to act a certain way. Now if you... Show more content on
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He says that they want to relive these moment that they love. When I look at this I feel
that people act this way because that is what they have learned to be the proper way to
act when they are with other members of this religious community. They learn that
this is going to be something more special and they are expecting to act in a sense of
awe to religion. The way we act is ingrained into our minds and we just react to
everything that is going on, we don t even have to think about it most of the time. It is
how we have been socialized. There will always be reacts and how they reacts are
portrayed will also show us what is normal and common to
Jay Gatsby Monologue
White Card Jay Gatsby relaxed behind the polished drugstore counter, dressed in a
cheap yet classy cream suit and a red striped straw boater. Tomorrow was a three day
weekend, so naturally many customers had visited, buying various prescriptions .
Today was going outstandingly, as he had earned ten times his average daily income by
mid afternoon. Usually, he worked from early morning to late evening, dealing with
moonshine suppliers, both local and interstate, his phone ringing off the hook. Casually,
he peered over the top of a pilfered copy of The New York Times, out the dusty
newspapered window, and admired the giggling flappers as they sauntered past. His
thoughts drifted to Daisy Fay, a beautiful light hearted creature, whose sweet... Show
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Jay jumped to attention, his attention drawn to muffled swears that resounded from the
hidden backroom. His customer looked panicked and reached towards his hip with his
right hand, drawing back his white blazer. Alarm bells pealed in Jay s head, his eyes
widening in fear as he realised what was happening. He was being set up. Like an
iceberg fracturing from a glacier, his perfect and smooth running day fell with a
spectacular splash. This man was packing heat. A standard police issue handgun.
Undoubtedly, the authorities were raiding the place as Jay spoke. They would soon
find the concealed moonshine. Weighing up his options, Jay vaulted over the
countertop only to meet the beat cop s left hook connecting with his face. Acute pain
registered and intensely dissipated. Darkness filtered through his heavy eyelids
before settling in his subconscious. Jay awoke in a musty holding cell with orange
light tricking through the rusting bars. His attention was captured by a pungent smell
that wafted from the filth covered basin in the dark shadowy corner. He lay eagle
spread and supine on the floor, as if he had been dragged roughly by his limbs and
aggressively dumped. Clutching his head, he felt an amassing bruise and groaned.
Being jailed was the last thing on his mind. It was like being a fish caught in a barrel.
There was so much he needed to do and achieve, which had already been meticulously
Technology s Impact On Organizational Change
Technology s Impact on Organizational Change The sources of organizations are
molded and coordinated by technology and its practices. New advancements in
technology may influence changes in business and society, paying little mind to the
likelihood that they are risky changes. In today s perpetually changing business world,
rolling out a reformation is a hazardous course of action and the innovation is
impelling cause for associations to have the capacity to compete (Gokcen Koc Cavus,
2014). This paper presents technology s impact on organizational change, and the
factors that influence a company s capacity and need to evolve. Technology Technology
is a Greek word taken from the blend of a couple of words: techne (meaning art) and
logos (meaning logic or science). So approximately deciphered, technology implies the
craft of rationale or the specialty of experimental control. Formally, it has been
characterized by Everett M. Rogers a design for instrumental action that reduces the
uncertainty in the cause effect relationships involved in achieving a desired outcome (as
cited in Mason, n.d). That is, technology includes both unmistakable items, for an
example, the PC, and information about methodologies and strategies, such as the
technology of large scale manufacturing presented by Henry Ford and others (as cited in
Mason, n.d). Another definition was advanced by J. Paap, as cited by Michael Bigwood
in Research Technology Management. Paap defined technology as the
Biggby Market Segmentation
The hot drinks market consists of the retail sales of coffee, tea and other hot drinks
(including chocolate based hot drinks, malt based hot drinks, etc.). Growth within the
Canadian hot drinks market has broadly decelerated in recent years, experiencing
moderate growth overall. This trend is set to continue over the forecast period with
further deceleration in growth to 2018. The global coffeegrowing region sits within a
bean belt between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The two main commercial types
of coffee bean, Arabica and Robusta, account for approximately 70% and 30% of
harvests, respectively (Marketline Canada, 2014, p1). The Canadian hot drinks market
had total revenues of $1,120.0m in 2013, representing a compound annual... Show more
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As stated above, we learned that Canadians were not only big time coffee drinkers, but
they also enjoyed the specialty type of coffee that Biggby provides. According to the
Five Tasks of Foreign Market Attractiveness Assessment, we were able to clearly deduce
the strengths and weaknesses entering into the Canadian market. Using this, we first
screened Canada s readiness for foreign entry and decided Biggby had a large market
potential due to the large coffee consumption and growth rate. Additionally, we evaluated
the industry with Porter s Five Forces and established our competitive advantages
between our competitors and new entrants. Based off of these facts, we recommend that
Biggby continues to use franchising because it allows the business to emerge themselves
into the culture and uses the same business strategy that Biggby currently employs in the
United States. Lastly, Biggby has a high sales potential in Canada because of their
competitive advantages and industry growth rates. Therefore, we recommend that
Biggby enters the Canadian market with a large selection of specialty coffee, green
products, and through
Case 1 Marquis and Almandoz Can an ethical bank support...
EXPERIENCE HBR.ORG Case Study The Experts Christopher Marquis is an
associate professor at Harvard Business School. Juan Almandoz is an assistant
professor at lESE Business School, in Barcelona. Can an Ethical Bank Support Guns
and Frac king? by Christopher Marquis and Juan Almandoz Ken LaRoe, chairman and
CEO, First Green Bank A John Replogle, president and CEO, Seventh Generation | B |
HBR s fictionalized case studies present B l dilemmas faced by leaders in real companies
and offer solutions from experts. This one is based on the HBS Case Study First Green
Bank: Bringing Bloom to Desert Landscapes (case no. 9 413 073), by Christopher
Marquis and Juan Almandoz. It is available at HBR.org. s the founder and president of a
new... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Two other board members agreed with her about the gym, so Jay had scaled back
those plans. Twin Debates Neitha had been the one to solicit the first problematic loan
application. She d been talking to the head of a Colorado engineering company that
developed pumping sys124 Harvard Business Review April 2014 tems used in
hydraulic fracturing fracking and wanted to expand into making the polymers,
emulsions, and surfactants the industry relies on. These materials, the executive said,
would be significantly less toxic than those currently in use. Though ambivalent about
fracking in general, Neitha had recommended that the executive approach Rocky
Mountain Green Bank. But on hearing about the opportunity, Neitha s fellow
directors were divided. One side touted the economic and employment smoking in
public areas were a perfect example, he said: Many of them went into effect before the
dangers of secondhand smoke had been proved. So if it looks bad, it is bad. Jay
thought ruefully. Hoping for a more nuanced perspective. Jay went next to the pastor,
the Reverend Clyde Dahlberg, who, to Jay s surprise, advocated a completely
evidence based approach: Make two columns, one for adverse environmental impacts,
one for the positives, he said In some ways, it was just the type of loan the bank needed:
Field Force was a solid performer, a growing source of local jobs, and a good corporate
citizen. benefits of fracking, while the other inmatter of factly. Figure out a way to
The Brockton Neighborhood Health Center
Dispute Resolution 624 11/4/10
Cross Cultural Conflicts
Professor, Rezarta Bilali Assignment # 2
Joseph A. Bettencourt

The Brockton Neighborhood Health Center, an Institution Formed and Molded

By Diversity Controversy

According to behavioral theories of communication and decision making the rational

solution to a problem is not always the best answer. Therefore, when diversity creates
controversy, which inhibits the development of an organization, the organization is
forced to adopt other useful tactics that would result in positive outcomes. This document
will focus on several aspects of cross cultural conflicts; A) ... Show more content on
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A) According to chapter 7 Intercultural conflict competence, in cultural assumptions
about conflicts color our attitudes, expectations, and behavior in the conflict episode
(Toomey, p.132), the task force felt empowered to go in and take charge of the situation
without involving the community in the decision making process, placing the already
concern issues in a prostrated state. Toomey goes to explain that in individualist vs.
collectivist, collectivist uses the process oriented model of conflict resolution by
emphasizing the importance of managing mutual or group face interest in the conflict
process, by upholding a claimed sense of positive public image in any social interaction
(Toomey p. 132). Power, control and loosing face, those were the elements that clouded
the leaders of Brockton from looking at the problem through a different lens. B) Cultural
constitute phenomenon; after the site selection without community approval the
community was propelled into conflict escalation, making the City of Brockton a perfect
candidate for mass violence. Citizens could not take out their frustration on the task
force; instead they turned their attention on the groups that they perceived as the
perpetrators of the problems (minorities). According to Stub in cultural societal roots of
violence. Members of different subgroups of society can respond to
In the short Novel The Stranger by Albert Camus we are...
In the short Novel The Stranger by Albert Camus we are introduced to a man who
doesn t believe in god and the first reaction then, as a reader, may be a brief attention to
what may come to light to a character who comes to understand that there is no Divinity,
no God, nothing. What happens when he realizes that his death is final? That his
pleasures, his displeasures, and his sorrows are small bits to an existence of nothingness?
What changes in his daily life of work/eat/love/sleep must he make?
The Stranger tells the story of a man named Meursault, who lives for the physical
pleasures in the moment, free of unwritten laws or societal pressures. Instead of obeying
the social norms rules, Meursault tries to live as honestly as he can, ... Show more content
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These acts of independence also represents a rebellion against any attempt to place
boundaries on his life.
Meursault also maintains the kind of ironic disinterest we would expect from
someone would identify with the absurd. He prefers observing events going on around
him, rather than getting directly involved; one chapter describes Meursault spending
an entire day sitting on his balcony watching passers by in the street, this is a prime
example. Even when he becomes directly involved in events, he refuses to get too
trapped up in them. When his lover , Marie, asks him to marry her, he tells her no and
that he doesn t love her but it makes no difference to him if they get married or not. She
is taken back by this statement and begins to question her own self. When he kills the
Arab, there is a sense that he is not really there entirely, that he is not really doing what
he is doing. It seems almost as if he is witnessing himself shooting the Arab rather than
actually doing it.
In his final upsurge to the chaplain in prison, Meursault reviews a great deal of his
absurd worldviews, proclaiming that nothing really matters. That, no matter what, we
all live and we all die. What we do before we die is ultimately irrelevant. After the
chaplain leaves, Meursault enjoys a final moment of serenity: And I felt ready to live it
all again too. As if that blind rage had washed me
Population Growth In America
The United States population is growing rapidly. At a rate of 0.7% per year currently,
that equates to about 9 million new people a year, after the number of deaths are
accounted for. With the number of people seen on the streets rising and the number of
incarcerated criminals dropping to around 0.2%, it is difficult to see where all these
new people are going to fit into society. As hard as it is to imagine a new baby born
every eight seconds, that is the reality currently facing America. However, while this type
of populationgrowth is likely going to cause America s demise, another country is
currently populating at a rate even America cannot compete with: India. At an
astonishing 1.7% increase per year, India is currently populated with almost 900 million
more people than the United States. With less than half the land size and an undeniable
need for more resources to survive, India has been faced with the largest increase of
population within the last century. However, unlike the United States, India s
government has taken crucial steps towards helping to control their population. Albeit,
their methods are a bit unorthodox and incredibly appalling by Western standards.
Regardless, in order to maintain a... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Although no set standards have been implemented by the Indian government regarding
birth control and population control, there is still an overwhelming number of female
sterilizations being performed each year. While around 37% of females in India have
chosen to be permanently sterilized, the vast majority of men have declared that male
vasectomies are considered culturally unacceptable. Additionally, the selected abortion of
girls in addition to the sterilization of women of child bearing age has caused the ratio of
women to men, in some communities, to be as small as eight to ten, with the younger
generation being more susceptible to a wider
Lewis Afraid Of Madness, Love And Transformation
Madness, love transformation Everyone goes mad in their own particular way. Nowra
thinks madness is too generalised, and it is based on each individuals past and
experiences etc. At the end of the play, Lewis is no longer afraid of madness. Lewis is
thoroughly transformed by the patients. Nowra uses a mixture of laughter and
madness, which is a volatile mixture. We usually see madness as dark and scary, so we
can keep it in a corner and ignore it. When he adds humour to it, then we begin to be
able to relate to it, they share similar emotions. .fear. Lewis has to face various hurdles
throughout the play. He suffers from a lack of gumption at first. His major hurdle is
Henry. Lewis realises that he has got to get Henry to stay.... Show more content on
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(page 64) CHERRY Cherry: Will outsiders see the show? Lewis: Don t know. Cherry: If
it s a real large role, I ll invite my dad. He ll be surprised to see me out of water. [Lewis
just looks at her] Cherry: My dad was a great duck hunter. But we were very poor and
couldn t afford a dog, so... He used to get me to point and fetch the ducks. [pause]
Cherry: Those lakes can get pretty cold when you re swimmin in em with a dead duck
in your mouth. [Lewis gapes] Cherry: Haa! Just pullin your leg! It was me! It was me!
(p23) Cherry comments to Julie that Roy is performing a Do it yourself lobotomy
(p27) JUSTIN Up to you. A panto? Excerpts from Shakespeare. Whatever you like. The
important thing is to keep them interested. To bring them out of their shells. Give
them something interesting to do . The experiment is over (p22) Now the position of a
social worker in an asylum can be precarious. This does not look good for me or for you,
does it? (p23) Sorry is such an easy word to say. (p23) Straight out of university... (p24)
This experiment was to bring them out of their shells, not to allow them to wreak havoc.
Now the position of a social worker in an asylum can be precarious. This doesn t look
good for me or for you, does it? JULIE Drugs make me feel sort of living ...
Fate Vs Free Will Research Paper
Destiny or free will? Do people have the choice to control their own destiny, or is
everything pre determined? This has been the hot question since the existence of
mankind, and has been batted around from theory to theory, philosopher to philosopher.
The way people should look at this debate is the same way we look at nature vs. nurture
debate: nature being predetermined destinyand free willbeing nurture. By saying we have
a predetermined destiny, we are saying everything is set in stone; there s no getting away
from anything that s ever going to happen in our lives. Nurture or free will is the more
rational of the two topics and makes the most sense in human nature. Nurture is when
you re raised a certain way it gives you morals and traits,... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
Ever since she was a little girl Bethany Hamilton strived to become a world champion
surfer (3). However in 2003, on her daily surf Bethany had her left arm bitten off by a
14 foot tiger shark. Rather than let her career fall into the deep depths of the ocean,
she got right back up on that board and chased her dreams (3). Only a month after her
accident she was back chasing tides, and after just one year was a national champion
surfer with just one arm (3). Her great mentality and go get them attitude helped her
become a stupendous success story. She even had a movie debut about her story in
2011, titled soul surfer (3). Bethany is a great example of what anyone can do if they
strive for greatness everyday. Although, she could ve listened to others and just thrown in
the towel, but she had the free will to strive. Proving yet again that there s no such thing
as pre determined
Analysis And Assessment Of The Use Of Ellipsis

4.1 Introduction
This chapter is concerned with the practical part of this study; it is devoted to the
analysis of ellipsis found in Drama and Novel. Having discussed ellipsis in English,
the present chapter will concentrate on analyzing two different literary texts: Drama
and Novels, namely, Death of A salesman and The Old Man and the Sea. In the
analysis of data, both texts are approximately the same length, which will be analyzed
then they will be compared from the viewpoint of the use of ellipsis in order to point out
similarities and dissimilarities between them. To ensure possible differences, texts of two
different styles, one of a dramatic style, whereas the other of a narrative style, are chosen
for the analysis. Objectives of comparative analysis are to find out and identify all types
of ellipsis in both dramatic and narrative texts, and compare their ratio within both types
of texts.
In analyses of each text, there will be a table in which the most frequently found types
of ellipsis will be displayed. However, as probably a most suitable combination of
ellipted items may be expected which will be involved in the table in order to provide
full form without ellipsis. It is important to refer to the sentences which have more than
once acceptability of ellipted items, and then only the suitable one will be provided.
Concerning marking the ellipted

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