Anthony Giddens Durkheim
Anthony Giddens Durkheim
Anthony Giddens Durkheim
Anthony Giddens
University of Cambridge.
Anthony Giddens
1 Review of Albert SchSffle: Bau und Leben des Sodalen Korpers (Second
Edn.) (The review covers only Vol. I of Schaffle's work), Revue Philosophique
iR.P.\ Vol. 19, 1885, pp. 84-101; review of Ludwig Gumplowicz: Gnindriss
der Sosiologie, R.P., VoL 20, 1885, pp. 627-634. The Revue Philosophique was
founded under the direction of Ribot, and was intended to be a non-partisan
journal which would open its doors to all schools of philosophy. From its in-
ception it carried nitmerous wrtides on psychology and sodolc^y. The journal
was devoted to ^any study which has as its object the theoretical understanding
of man' (Editor's introduction, Vol. I, 1876, p. 2); but it was made clear to
contributors that the Revue would not accept any 'metaphysical' contributions
which did not embody reference to the findings of the empirical sciences.
^ Review of SchafiFle, p. 85. All quotations are from Durkheim.
•* Ibid., p. 86.
* Ibid., p. 84.
= Ibid., p. 87.
« Ibid., p. 87.
^ Durkheim criticises Schaffle, however, for sometimes relapsing into
idealism. Ibid., pp. 99S.
^ Ibid., p. 92.
^ Review of Gumplowicz, p. 627.
"* Ibid., p. 627.
" Ibid,, p. 629.
'- Ibid.,p. 631.
'« Ibid., p. 632.
^* 'La science positive de la morale en Allemagne', R.P., Vol. 24, 1887,
PP- 33-58; 113-142; and 275-284. See also 'Les dtudes de science sociale', R.P.,
Vol. 22, 1886, pp. 61-80.
's Durkheim usually employs the term 'la morale', which is ambiguous
in English in that it can mean either 'morality' or 'ethics' (i.e., the study of
morality). I have rendered the term variably accordir^ to context.
'* This forms a point of direct connection between Durkheim's writings
and those of Max Weber. Adolf W^ner and Gustav Schmoller were amoi^
the founders of the Verein fiir SozialpoUtik, of which Weber became a
prominent member. But Weter never accepted that aspect of the views of
Wagner and Schmoller which appealed most Durkheim—their attempt to
found a 'science' of ethics.
'^ 'La science positive de la morale en Allemagne', Part I, p. 37.
^ * This principle was already well-known to Durkheim, through Renouvier.
As Durkheim remarks in a review published much later: '. . . it is from
Renouvier that we took the axiom that a whole is not equal to the sum of its
parts'. Review of Simon Deplore: Le conflit de la morale et de la sodologie,
Annee Sodologique (M.S.). Vol. 12, I9O9'-I2, p. 326. This work was a
scathing attack upon Durkheim's school, and particularly upon the notion of
'scientific ethics'. It has been translated into English as The Conflict Between
Ethics and Sociology, St. Louis, 1938, see esp. pp. 15-185.
Durkheim as a Review Critic
'^ 'La science positive de la morale en AUemagne', Part I, p. 38.
2° The Division of Labour in Society, Allen and Unwin, London, 1964,
p. 215.
^' 'La science jMsitive de la morale en Allemagne', Part I, p. 40.
=- Ibid., p. 41.
2^ Ibid., Part 3, p. 276.
^'* 7brd., part 2, pp. 116-117.
^•' Ibid., p. 117.
-'^ Ibid., p. 120.
-'" Ibid., p. 129.
^•^ Ibid.y pp. 139-140. Kant, of course, frequently reiterated that inoral acts
cannot be at the same time acts which are carried out purely according to the
wishes of the individual.
^^ Review of M. Guyau: L'irreligion de I'avenir, R.P., Vol. 23, 1887, pp.
299-311; review of Tonnies: Gemeinschafi und Gesellschaft, R.P., Vol. 27,
1889, pp. 416-422.
^'' Guyau's book has since been translated into Ei^lish. M. Guyau: The
Non-Religion of the Future, New York, 1962. For Guyau's definition of
'anomie', see The Non-Religion of the Future, p. 374.
•'" Review of Guyau, p. 310.
^- Review of Tonnies, p. 421. Tonnies also considered his typology to be
quite different from Durkheim's; cf. his Soziologische Studien und Kritiken,
Jena, 1929, VoL 3, pp. 215-217. Here Tonnies qiioted Durkheim's review of
his work, and expressed his disagreement with Durkheim's interpretation.
^••' Review of Tonnies, p. 421.
•'* Durkheim's anxiety to stress this point as against Tonnies may partly
account for his choice of terminol<^y in the distinction he makes between
'mechanical' and 'organic solidarity' in The Division of Labour. However, it is
clear that tluse terms do refer to a substantive differeiu:e in Durkb^im's
typology, namely that the s»:»nd type is characterised by a differentiation and
specialisation of function similar to that of a developed (as opposed to a
protoplasmic) organism. See his remarks in his review of Tonnies, p. 421.
••'' Review of Schaffle, p. 98.
•'" 'La science positive de la morale en Allemagne', p. 49.
^^ Review of Gumplowicz, p. 634. For later remarks by Durkheim on the
usefulness of organic analogies, see his review of articles by Novicow and
Espinas, A.S., VoL 5, 1900-1901, pp. 127-129. On Durkheim's use of organic
metaphors, see Harry Alpert: Entile Durkheim and his Sociology, New York,
1939* pp. 34-35-
^^ The Rules of Sociological Method, London, 1964, pp. xii-Iviii.
"* Ibid., pp. 65ff. G. Tarde: 'Criminality et santd sodale', R.F., VoL 39,
1895, pp. 148-162; Durkheim's discussion of this is headed 'Crime et sant6
sociale'. Ibid., pp. 518-523.
Anthony Giddens
^^ 'Crime et sant6 sociale', p. 520.
*^ In The Rules of Sociologies Method, Socrates is cited as an example
of a criniinal who, through his crime, 'served to prepare a new morality and
faith' (p. 71).
*^ Ibid., p. 64. Certainly this is the main point of Tarde's critique (and
that of virtually all subsequent critics).
*'•' 'Crime et sante sociale*, p. 523.
^^ Ibid., p. 523. It can hardly be maintained that Durkheim defends him-
self here with any great deal of success; the argument is circular.
*-^ Review of Antonio Labriola: Essais sur la conception materialiste de
I'histoire, R.P., Vol. 44, 1897, pp. 645-651.
** •* Review of Labriola, p. 648.
••^ Ibid., p. 649. Cf. Mauss' comments in the Introduction to the first
edition of Durkheim: Socialism and Saint-Simon, New York, 1962, pp.
^'^ Review of Labriola, p. 650.
^« Ibid., p. 650.
•''* Ibid., p. 651. The similarities are worth noting between DurWieim's
remarks here and those expressed by Max Weber in his discussion of
Stammier. Weber: 'R. Stamnilers "Uberwindung" der materialistischen
Geschichtsauffassxmg', in Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Wissenschaftslehre,
Tubingen, 1962, pp. 291-359.
^1 Review of Labriola, p. 651.
^^ Review of Gaston Richard: Le sodalisme et la science sodale, R.P., Vol.
44, 1897, pp. 200-205.
^•' Ibid., p. 204.
•^^ Cf. Sodalism and Saint'Simon, pp. 40ff.
S" Review of P. Carini: 'Saggio di una classificazione della societa', Revista
italiana di sociologica. Vol. 9, 1904, in AS., Vol. 9, r9O4-5. PP- I43-I47.
••^« Ibid., p. 144.
•'' A.S., Vol. 6, 1901-2.
•'•'* Ibid. ,p. 124.
''^ Ibid., p. 124.
^'^ Ibid., p. 125.
*^ Some of the more important reviews written by Durkheim for the
A.S., have been collected tc^ether in Durkheim: Journal Sodologique,
Paris, 1969.
«=* Review of Geoi^ Simmel: Philosophie des Geldes, A.S., Vol. 5, 199O'
1901, pp. 140-145. See also Simmel: Vber sodale Differenzierung, Leipzig,
Durkheim as a Review Critic
^^ Siminel's analysis here takes its point of departure from Marx (cf.
Marx's discussion of 'use value' versus 'exchai^e value' in Capital, VoL 1.) It
is interesting to note that the former's analysis leads him to reach similar con-
clusions to those arrived at in early writir^s of Marx which were u i ^ o w n to
Simmel; cf. T. B. Bottomore: Karl Marx, Early Writings, New York, 1964,
pp. 168-178 and 189-194.
"'* The connections between Simmel's position and that developed by
Weber are clear; Weber, however, thoi^ht that in Simmel's book 'money
economy and capitalism are too ck)se]y identified, to the detriment of his
concrete analysis'. M. Weber: The Frotestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capital-
ism, New York, 1958, p. 185.
6^ Review of Simmel, pp. 144-145.
^'^ Durkheim reviewed two articles by Simmel (one dealing with 'social
space', and the other with the influence of numbers on social life) in A.S.,
Vol. 7, 1902-1903, pp. 646-649. See also Durkheim's discussion of Simmel's
formal sociology in 'Sociol(^ and its scientific field', in Kurt H. Wolff: Emile
Durkheim, 1858-1917, Columbus, i960.
^^ Review of Levy-Bruhl: Les fonctions mentales dans les societes in-
ferieures, and Durkheim: Les formes elementaires de la vie religieuse, A.S.,
Vol. 12, 1909-1912, pp. 33-37.
^^ Review of Levy-Bnihl and Durkheim, p. 37. Levy-Bruhl defines the 'law
of participation' as referring to the fact that, in primitive t h o i ^ t , 'objeas,
beings, phenomena, can be simultaneously, in a way which is incomprehen-
sible to us, themselves and things other than themselves.' Les fonctions
mentales dans les societes inferieures, Paris, 1922, p. 77.
"^ The works in question were by Alfred Fouillee, Gustave Belot, and
Adolphe Landry. Reply in A.S., VoL 10, 1905-1906, pp. 352-358.
'" Ibid., p. 354.
•' Ibid., p. 355.
"^ Review of Deploige, p. 327.
^' Talcott Parsons: The Structure of Social Action, Giencoe, 1949, pp.
'^ Ibid., especially pp. 304-307.
'••' Ibid., p. 307.
'*•• Ibid., p. 304.
"" This theme is reiterated by Nisbet; Robert A. Nisbet: Emile Durkheim,
Hnglewood Cliffs, 1965. Nisbet takes a position here which is more extreme
than that set out by Parsons, stating that, after The Division of Labour,
'Durkheim never went back, in later studies, to any utilisation of the distinc-
tion between the two types of solidarity, nor the division of labour as a form
of cohesion, much less to any rationalisation of conflict and anomie in society
as mere "pathol(«ical forms of division of labour". The kirids of society, wn-
straint, and solidarity dealt with in all his later works—either in theoretical
or practical terms—have nothing whatsoever to do with the attributes that
he had laid down for an organic and (presumably) irreversibly modem society
in The Division of Labour.' (p. 37) "Diis is an extraordinary judgement; it is
much closer to the truth to say exactly the opposite—that most of the theory
established in The Division of Labour remained fundamental to the whole of
Durkheim's later writings.
Anthony Giddens
^^ ParsMis: op. dt., p. 321.
''^ For Parsons' analysis of the various senses in which Durkheim em-
ployed the term 'individual', see Ibid., pp. 36off; see also Alpert: op. dt., pp.
*" Parsons: op. dt., pp. 444ff.
^' 'The course of 1895', Durkheim said, 'marks a line of demarcation in
the development of my thoi^ht; so much so, that all my previous researches
had to be taken up again with renewed efforts in order to be placed in har-
mony with these new views . . .' Letter to the Director of the Revue Neo-
scolastique, Vol. 14, p. 613.
"^^ '(the) science of moral facts is, I am convinced, a sociological science,
but it is a very particular branch of sociolt^y'. 'On the determination of moral
facts', Sodology and Philosophy, London, 1953, pp. 71-72.
*^ When attacked by Deploige as having imported his ideas wholesale
from the German social thinkers^ Durkheim was at pains to deny the influence
of the latter upon his sociolt^y. Thus Durkheim stated: 'Comte's work had a
far more profound influence upon us than the rather indecisive and vapid
thoi^ht of Schmoller, and especially of W^ner'. Review of Deploige, p. 326.
But it should be remembered that this was written in the shadow of the
imminent World War.
** Cf, Durkheim's early article on suicide, where the point is made that
contrary to the thesis of the utilitarians, there is no direct and universal rela-
tionship between prosperity and the advance of human happiness. If the efFect
of wants is simply to stimukte further wants, then the disparity between
desires and their satisfaction may become actually broadened. 'Suicide et
natalite, etude de statistique morale', R.P., Vol. 26, 1888, pp. 446-447.
'*^ Durkheim's remarks (e.g. Review of Schaffle, pp. 99-100) in his first
reviews make it perfectly clear that at this early date he was determined to
steer a path between utilitarianism and idealism, and believed that an adequate
sociolc^ical perspective must combine and reintegrate elements from both.
"^ Gouldner has noted this point. Cf. Alvin W. Gouldner: Socialism, New
York, 1962, pp. 13-18.
*^ Durkheim spent the whole of his adult life as a professor and was never
more than marginally involved in politics. But miich of his writing has a
general political slants and was stimulated by the great social changes of his
day. This aspect of Durkheim's thought is given little prominence in The
Structure of Social Action (The same is true of Parsons' discussion of Weber).
Aldiough The Structure of Sodal Action is deseed to demonstrate, as one
of its main themes, that positivism ('the doctrine that positive science is man's
sole s^niiicant cognitive relation to external reality* (p. 421)) is inadequate as
a basis for sociological analysis, the book itself coiUd be criticised for the same
reason. Parsons assumes throughout the work that changes in theoretical direc-
tion and interest on the part of the social thinkers he examines are generated
only by internal 'scientific' discrepancies and problems which they faced as
their work progressed.
** The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, p. 239 (footnote).