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Int. j. adv. multidisc. res. stud.

2024; 4(1):67-75

Received: 02-11-2023
Accepted: 22-12-2023

Assessment of the Factors Affecting Women Participation in Cooperatives: The

Case of West Shewa Zone Districts
Daniel Kulessa Bekena
Department of Cooperatives, College of Business and Economics Ambo University, Ethiopia
Corresponding Author: Daniel Kulessa Bekena

In developing countries there were to some extent equal analysis. Beyond the social, political and economic
treatments of rural women with men because as traditional constraints, women often face cultural barriers that restrict
perception women could not go far and only doing their their involvement in public meetings or that place their
surrounding the garden. This perception of cultural were domestic responsibilities before their economic or social
limited the participation level of rural women in cooperative involvement in agricultural cooperatives. Lack of education
and adversely affected rural women through made them lack access of women has limited their equally participation in
of education access and training services provided by cooperatives. Since most women have no access to
cooperatives or agents of cooperatives. The main objectives education they did not recognize the advantage of some
of study were assessing the factors affecting participation of development interventions so that they are unwilling to
rural women in cooperatives and evaluate the women accept something which is new for them. In the study, the
participation in internal affairs of cooperatives. West Shewa problem observed that against the women did not participate
zone has 22 districts and out of the existing districts, six in activities report with equality are lack of infrastructures
districts were selected to carry out the research study for facility, poor network linkages among them, and lack of
assessing the factors affecting women participation in interest due to self-individuals affairs and self-complain as
cooperatives and investigate degree of women participation lack of sufficient knowledge and responsibilities with
in cooperatives. The total population of rural members in the understood them self as someone ignores their idea
focused study area were 4,867 and sample size of the generation and suggestion in internal affairs of cooperatives.
research was 356 and it determined by using Kothari Majority of member’s lacks of communication access such
formula. The main objective of the study was to assess the as telephone or mobile cell and they living in dispersion area
factors affecting rural women participation in cooperatives had limited cooperatives to disseminate information about
and investigate the degree of rural women participation in the cooperative’s attending regular meeting. It is also
cooperatives. The study employed mixed method research familiar that in developing countries poor infrastructures
approach as research design. It also employed both facilities were the main factors that affect equal participation
quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and of women in cooperatives.

Keywords: Rural Women, Participation, Factors Affecting Women, Cooperatives

It is general knowledge that women's participation in cooperatives is low, especially in rural cooperatives. In the developing
world, cultural and religious factors are often hinder its movement: women's "inside" role, discretion, not speaking in front of
men, traditions of men negotiating and handling money matters, illiteracy, family size supposed inferior abilities, and social
pressures make it difficult for women to play an active and visible public role. To date women’s active involvement and
leadership in agricultural cooperatives continue to be rather low. Beyond the social, political and economic constraints, women
often face cultural barriers that restrict their involvement in public meetings or that place their domestic responsibilities before
their economic or social involvement in agricultural cooperatives. In some countries, this is due to the basic fact that only
owners and tenants of land, most often men, can become members of agricultural cooperatives or that the fee charged for
cooperative membership is beyond the means of economically dependent rural women (FAO, 2010).

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

The reasons for the persisting gender inequality are well as legal constraints stemming from cooperative law or,
numerous and complex, but include, among others factors, as is more of frequently the case, related legislation
basic structural and socio-cultural issues beyond the control (property, land and inheritance rights) or cooperative by-
of the cooperative movement – such as inequalities in access laws (Eva M., 2010).
to resources, education and training, unequal division of A research conducted on Socio-economic factors affecting
labour and use of time between women and men as well as the participation of women in agricultural co-operatives in
stereotyped conceptions on the roles of women and men – as Gwoza local government, Borno state, Nigeria revealed that
well as legal constraints stemming from cooperative law or, cultural beliefs and low level of education were found to be
as is more of frequently the case, related legislation the major problems militating against women participation
(property, land and inheritance rights) or cooperative by- in co-operatives (YL Idrisa, et al, 2007).
laws (Eva M., 2010).
Cooperatives can play important roles in overcoming the Research Design and Sampling
barriers faced by women and in supporting small The study employed a mixed research design, uses both
agricultural producers. Evidences shows that cooperatives primary data and secondary data collected to assess the
have the capacity to empower their members economically factors affecting participation of rural women in cooperative
and socially by create sustainable employment through and investigate participation level of rural women in
equitable and inclusive business models that are more cooperatives. FGD and interview methods were also
resilient to shocks. Cooperatives offer small producers a employed so as to identify the factors affecting participation
range of services, aimed at improving the livelihood of its of women in cooperatives and their livelihood activities.
members (Harris, 2010).While the advantages of the Research survey has been collected from 356 respondents of
cooperative approach are clear, challenges persist. In the twelve primary multipurpose agricultural cooperatives
cooperatives in the majority of African countries, women societies selected in six districts of West Shewa Zone.
remain under-represented as both employees, members and The factors affecting participation of rural women in
in particular leaders. For instance, ICA data from Kenya cooperatives and their participation level were investigated
show that women comprise 40% of employees in in detail through focused on Six Districts of West Shewa
agricultural cooperatives, only 26% of members, and a mere Zone selected. The researcher purposively used the large
9% of management (Ibid). Achieving active and equal proportion of women members of primary multipurpose
participation of women being able to influence decision- agricultural cooperative societies to determine the focus area
making and shape the cooperative’s agenda as leaders, or of District and target of area of multipurpose agricultural
being able to access benefits such as services or education as cooperatives to avoid the sample biased. There were exist
members, for instance which is not shown by statistics, is an 481 primary multipurpose agricultural cooperatives societies
even greater challenge, although the democratic nature of in the zone and the researcher had selected six districts
the cooperative does mean women members, like men, can purposively rely on the large proportion of members of rural
have a stronger voice in the cooperative’s matters than in women and from each Woreda two Primary multipurpose
other types of enterprise (Ibid). agricultural cooperatives societies were selected purposively
that had faith large proportion of members of rural women
Factors Affecting Women Participation in Cooperative in primary agricultural cooperatives for further assessing the
The world over, statistics show that women's participation in role of primary multipurpose agricultural cooperatives
cooperatives is low, especially in rural cooperatives. In the societies in building sustainable livelihood of rural women.
developing world, cultural and religious factors are often West Shewa zone had 22 districts or in local language
hinder its movement: women's "inside" role, discretion, not Woreda and only six districts selected purposively focusing
speaking in front of men, traditions of men negotiating and on the large proportion of rural women members in
handling money matters, illiteracy, family size supposed agricultural cooperatives and from each selected districts;
inferior abilities, and social pressures make it difficult for two PMACS generally 12 were chosen based on large
women to play an active and visible public role(Journal of proportion of members of rural women in cooperatives. The
International Women’s Studies, 2002). total population of the target cooperatives was 4,867 and
To date women’s active involvement and leadership in difficult to contact all population due to time and budget
agricultural cooperatives continue to be rather low. Beyond constraints. For this fact, the researcher had used Kothari
the social, political and economic constraints, women often (2004) formula to determine sample size that present true
face cultural barriers that restrict their involvement in public value of population and the determined sample size had
meetings or that place their domestic responsibilities before been contacted by using simple random sampling methods.
their economic or social involvement in agricultural Thus, sample size survey from members of multipurpose
cooperatives. In some countries, this is due to the basic fact agricultural cooperatives is 356 and from the two
that only owners and tenants of land, most often men, can discussions focus group is to be 16 and key informant
become members of agricultural cooperatives or that the fee interview is 3 respondents.
charged for cooperative membership is beyond the means of
economically dependent rural women (FAO, 2010). Participation of Women in Internal Affairs of Their
The reasons for the persisting gender inequality are Cooperatives
numerous and complex, but include, among others factors, Women’s equal participation in agricultural cooperatives is
basic structural and socio-cultural issues beyond the control both a women’s right and important for sustainable and
of the cooperative movement – such as inequalities in access people-centred development. If cooperatives are gender-
to resources, education and training, unequal division of responsive and inclusive, they can help women overcome
labour and use of time between women and men as well as gender specific constraints to improve their self-confidence,
stereotyped conceptions on the roles of women and men – as knowledge, leadership skills, income, and access to
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

agricultural inputs, social networks, and position in value- following, table shows perception of rural women
chains. In the study, the participation of status of women in participation in the internal affairs of cooperatives.
cooperatives had been strictly observed due to the
participation of women in cooperatives is very important for Participation status of rural women in Cooperatives
empowering of social economic participation. Thus, the

Table 1
Most of time Sometimes Not at all Total
How often do you participate in the following affairs of the cooperative?
Count % Count % Count % Count %
Attending Regular Meeting 161 45.2% 172 48.3% 23 6.5% 356 100.0%
Approving or amending rules & regulations of the cooperative 145 40.7% 180 50.6% 31 8.7% 356 100.0%
Approving Audit Report 138 38.8% 196 55.1% 22 6.2% 356 100.0%
Evaluating & Approving Executed 132 37.1% 200 56.2% 24 6.7% 356 100.0%
Activities Report 107 30.1% 220 61.8% 29 8.1% 356 100.0%
Discharging responsibilities 162 45.5% 145 40.7% 49 13.8% 356 100.0%
Purchasing and Selling Products 137 38.5% 150 42.1% 69 19.4% 356 100.0%
Source: From Researcher Survey, 2023 n=356

Attending Regular Meeting: Principles of cooperative is the cooperatives, about 50.6% of respondents were replied
stated that all members of cooperative has to meeting on as sometimes participated while 40.7% of participants
general assembly once in a year to evaluate all activities of reacted that as they participated with most of time and the
their cooperatives and forward best direction to their remains 8.7% of respondents responded that as they not
cooperatives’ improvement in the futurity. As it is shown in contributed at all. As the FGD made with specific members
above table 4.1, 48.3% of respondents replied that as they from JawiBuri and Kilinto Primary multipurpose
participated in attending regular meeting in sometimes agricultural cooperatives, from both discussion the same
followed by most of times participated with 45.2% of suggestion had been disclosed, as the rules and regulation of
respondents. A minimal number of respondents 6.5% cooperatives revised per three years, but small number of
reacted that not at all participated in attending regular members had been contributed in amending rules and
meeting held by the cooperatives. As FGD made with regulation and majority of members were deprived to take
specific members of women in cooperative, the cooperative part in amending rules and regulation of cooperatives. They
head had informed as to participate on regular meeting prior stated that as per principles of cooperatives, cooperative
to the period through our cooperative coordinators, in office of districts integrated with regional cooperative office
actually for the reason of our affairs or some problem exist decided revision of our cooperatives rules and regulations
in side of transportation facilities all members not equally then they delivered to all members for only purpose of
attended in regular meeting of the cooperatives, also accepting the decision about the revision, such causes had
sometimes we were lack of information about the period of been ignored our equally participation in cooperative on
regular meeting held by cooperatives, these events has made policy and regulation amendment.
us not equally attending regular meeting. Key informant
interview made with senior administrative staff of Approving Audit Report: The operational activities of
cooperatives, Mr. TgesayeBersisa, he explained that there every cooperative are audited at once in a year based on
were problem to get the all members due to majority of fiscal accounting period. During general assembly, the
member’s lacks of communication access such as telephone auditing report of the cooperative activities had presented
or mobile cell and they living in dispersion area had limited for approving decision, as two third members of
cooperatives to disseminate information about the cooperatives believe that the quality of audit report
cooperative’s attending regular meeting. presented become too adequate for approving rather when
It is same fact that Development Resource Center (2007) has more than two third of cooperatives did not believe the
reported that rural based cooperatives can promote the quality of audit report by the professional, it is rejected and
participation of women in economic production, which in the gaps of audit report clearly stated and forwarded for
turn helps in food production and rural development through final decision with incorporated all comments. Accordingly,
cooperatives; women are able to unite in solidarity and the research survey shows that 55.1% of women in
provide a network of mutual support to overcome cultural cooperatives were participated in approving audit report
restrictions to pursuing commercial or economic activities. with sometimes while 38.8% of respondents reacted that as
When women are more economically and socially they most of time participated in approving audit report of
empowered, evidence shows that there are direct and the cooperatives activities. In others, a minimal number of
positive impacts on women’s household and community respondents 6.2% answered that not participated at all in
decision-making power and on access to and control over approving audit report of the cooperatives. As per the key
productive assets. Therefore, network access which informant interview made with one of the senior
encourage interconnection of the members is very important Cooperatives administration, he disclosed that the majority
to empower rural women effectively participate in internal of cooperatives members did not know the concept of audit
affairs of cooperatives and empowering them to access due to their education access is low and majority of them
sufficient information. could not read and write, for this fact for approving audit
report some members of cooperatives informed to emanate
Approving or Amending Rules and Regulations: their suggestion regarding the prepared draft audit and then
Regarding approving or amending rules and regulation of after the professional of accounting consultancy
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

accumulated all missed cost materials and report the result members having in the cooperatives and accessing education
of audit. opportunities with formal and formal to empower them to
As result, lack of education access of women has limited properly discharging responsibility.
their equally participation in approving audit report of
cooperatives. Since most women have no access to Purchasing and selling products: The capacity of
education they did not recognize the advantage of some purchasing and selling products of the cooperatives is the
development interventions so that they are unwilling to indicator of their capital increments. Cooperative that
accept something which is new for them. In other, education having adequate capital has efficiently participate in
of women so as to develop their ability and to have purchasing agricultural products at harvesting time with low
confidence on their action, therefore, cooperative should price and sold at increasing price of final products. In
facilitate the access of education with formal and informal to reality, about 42.1% of respondents responded that as they
improve human capital of women because education is key most of time participate in purchasing and selling of final
factors that change human being and having great products whereas 38.5% of participants reacted as most of
contribution in socio-economic development. time take part in activities but about 19.4% of respondents
revealed they did not participate at all in purchasing and
Evaluating and Approving Executed Activities: selling of final products of the cooperatives.
Cooperatives are established with objective, mission and Achieving active and equal participation of women being
vision to realize its concern for community and bring able to influence decision-making and shape the
concrete change in socio-economic development or cooperative’s agenda as leaders, or being able to access
economically empowering social activity. To realize its benefits such as services or education as members, for
mission and vision, the planning activities of the instance which is not shown by statistics, is an even greater
cooperatives held in a period has gone improved through challenge, although the democratic nature of the cooperative
evaluating and approving executed activities. So, evaluating does mean women members, like men, can have a stronger
and approving the executed activities is the internal affairs voice in the cooperative’s matters than in other types of
of cooperatives that promote participation of women in enterprise (Ibid). Almost of the participants are reacted as
cooperative. Out of total participant, 56.2% of the they participant internal affairs of cooperatives with
respondents answered that as they participate in evaluating sometimes and followed by most of time, for improving
and approving report of executed activities of the equal participation of rural women with men, the
cooperative with sometimes while 37.1% of the respondents cooperatives should give attention to encourage more
replied that as they participate most of time in approving women through promoted training service, access of social
executed activities of the cooperatives, 6.7% of participants network and experience sharing cooperation among
did not obtain participate in evaluating and approving the cooperatives. Therefore, the head of cooperatives should pay
executed activities of their cooperatives at all. Also, the attentions to improve the participation level of women with
participation level of women on different activity report has equally men participation in cooperative on every internal
been observed, as a result, 61.8% of respondents reacted that affair of cooperative societies.
they participate in activity report with sometimes while
30.1% of participant answered that most of time participated Participation of women on Voting Rights and Equally
on activity report of the cooperatives, the others 8.1% Control of Economic Capitals of Cooperatives
respondents that as they did not participate on relevant Democratic member control is cooperatives are democratic
activity report at all. In the study, the problem observed that organizations controlled by their members, who actively
against the women did not participate in activities report participate in setting their policies and making decisions.
with equality are lack of infrastructures facility, poor Men and women serving as elected representatives are
network linkages among them, and lack of interest due to accountable to the membership. In primary cooperatives,
self-individuals affairs and self-complain as lack of members have equal voting rights (one member, one vote)
sufficient knowledge and responsibilities with understood and cooperatives at other levels are organized in a
them self as someone ignores their idea generation and democratic manner. Member’s economic participation is
suggestion in internal affairs of cooperatives. members contribute equitably to, and democratically
control, the capital of their cooperative. At least part of that
Discharging responsibility: It is the others factors that capital is usually the common property of the cooperative.
promote the participation of women in cooperatives. They usually receive limited compensation, if any, on
Properly discharging responsibility is the key indicators capital subscribed as a condition membership. Members
positive impact of the economic or capital growth of allocate surpluses for any or all of the following purposes:
cooperatives. As result, about majority of respondent’s developing the cooperative, possibly by setting up reserves,
45.5% reacted that as they most of time discharging their part of which at least would be indivisible; benefiting
responsibility in cooperative to improve daily activities of members in proportion to their transactions with the
cooperatives while 40.7% of participants amplified that they cooperative; and supporting other activities approved by the
are discharging their responsibility in cooperative and membership.
minimal number of respondents 13.8% did not discharging In the study, equal voting rights participation of rural
their responsibility at all. Miss understanding their women are observed, as it is shown in below table 4.2, about
responsibility and accountability in cooperatives had limited 78.9% of respondents reacted that as they having equal
small number of members to adequately discharging voting rights with men members of the cooperatives while
responsibility. This problem can be solved through 21.1% of respondents revealed that as they do not having
frequently delivering training service, provision of equal voting rights with men members of cooperatives. The
information about the responsibility and duties of the majority of participants are stated as their cooperatives
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

applied equal voting rights of women members with men in agricultural cooperatives consequently being deprived of
cooperatives and but only minimal of respondents had been farm credit etc. The problems of women in cooperatives are
complain equal voting rights did not take part in their classified as organizational or internal problems, external
cooperatives. The research implies that cooperatives have problems, and infrastructural related problems. Internal
promoted equal voting rights of women with men members problem is emanated from the poor management, lack of
of cooperatives and in any case of business there were small adequate skilled and experience, poor technical competency
number of members complain their firms or of managerial, poor transparency and accountability.
entrepreneurship in negative side for the next improvement. Inadequate capital, unequal participation men and women in
Therefore, it is the best strategies to the owner of business to decision and lack of knowledge about duties and
bearing change in future rely on its weakness and threat responsibilities but those problems are under the capacity of
consequently noticeable. Keeping equal voting rights and members to manage. External factors are factors that beyond
impartiality participation women with men in cooperatives the capacity of members to manage the events happen and
activities would develop the equal accessibility of resource adversely influenced all livelihood performance of women
and achieving the target set of goals and objectives in their such as high cost of production, low prices of produces,
cooperatives. Hence, developing a culture of discussion with interference of government on internal affairs of
together, making decision clearly the cause and effects to cooperatives, distance from cooperatives location, political
cooperatives and periodically evaluate the implementation instability and social conflict, tribe and race discrimination,
of goal setting in cooperatives can be strength the market saturation for the final products are some instance of
participation level of members. external factors. Finally, infrastructures constraints are other
factors that affect the participation level of women in
Status of rural women in equal voting rights ad control cooperatives; those can be emanated from external factors
the economic capitals of cooperatives issue or internal factors due to poor managing the
infrastructures facilities already stretched at location site of
Do you have equal voting rights with men members of the the cooperatives.
cooperative * Do you equally control the economic capitals with The pressures that weaken women's participation in all
other members? Cross tabulation agricultural cooperatives in the community were viewed in
Do you equally control three ways, each of which was viewed from the participants'
Do you have equal voting
the economic capitals with
rights with men members Total perspectives on these problems. Similarly, weak cooperative
other members?
of the cooperative structure, lack of strong leadership and lack of timely
Yes No
Count 169 112 281 control have led to weak participation of women, which
Yes when the structure of all-farm cooperatives is being
% of Total 47.5% 31.5% 78.9%
Count 19 56 75 developed, the economic situation of all-farm cooperatives
NO through it shows a lack of attention to strengthening factors.
% of Total 5.3% 15.7% 21.1%
Count 188 168 356 Therefore, to further strengthen the participation of women
% of Total 52.8% 47.2% 100.0% members of all agricultural cooperatives, leader with
Source: Computed from Own Research Survey, 20233 n =356 sufficient skills, long years of work experience and positive
attitude and can run all agricultural cooperatives in the right
In others, in the study equally economic participation of way should be appointed as members they have a duty.
rural women in cooperatives to control economic capitals is Besides, government organ, focus with development
assessed. As a result has shown in above table, about 52.8% infrastructures such as accessibility of electrification
of respondents revealed as they equally control their throughout rural area, facilitating rural road which increase
economic capitals in the cooperatives while 47.2% of urban-rural linkages and saving time for activities is the vital
participants responded that they did not participate equally important to improve participation level of women.
with men members of cooperatives to control or supervise Rural women participation in cooperatives were affected by
the economic capital of their cooperatives. There were internal factors, external and infrastructures facilities,
weaknesses of cooperatives to ensure equal economic internal factors is emanated from weakness of internal
participation of women with men members of cooperatives. structures of cooperatives and poor qualified staff, external
Indeed, to promote the members economic participation factors by weakness of government give direction and
principles of cooperatives, all head of primary multipurpose intervention in cooperatives or beyond managing capacity of
agricultural cooperatives societies should be encourage concerned body and shortage of infrastructures facilities
equal involvement of rural women with men members in happened due to poor national planning to develop main
cooperatives because the result of respondents which development of infrastructures which gave open access
approached to the result of equal participation is against that service for all communities or members cooperatives.
poor equal participation of women in economic Therefore, the researcher has observed that three categories
participation. of factors affecting participation of rural women in
cooperatives was the major factors and the degree of the
Factor affecting Participation of Women in Cooperatives factors affecting equal participation of rural women in
Prakash (2003) [12] stated that lack of leadership and cooperatives were stated herewith under table.
inadequate participation in the organizational and economic,
affairs of their agricultural cooperatives, absence of property Factors affecting participation of women in Cooperatives
inheritance rights, restriction on acquiring membership of

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Constraints Degree of Importance

Important Less important Don't know Total
1. Organizational Constraints
Count Row N % Count Row N % Count Row N % Count Row N %
In efficient Managerial system 138 38.8% 156 43.8% 62 17.4% 356 100.0%
Lack of transparency and accountability 130 36.5% 166 46.6% 60 16.9% 356 100.0%
Inadequate capital 211 59.3% 145 40.7% 0 0.0% 356 100.0%
Unequal participation of men and women in decision making 130 36.5% 168 47.2% 58 16.3% 356 100.0%
Lack of knowledge about duties and responsibilities 132 37.1% 167 46.9% 57 16.0% 356 100.0%
Poor management working activities 125 35.1% 157 44.1% 74 20.8% 356 100.0%
2. External Constricts
High cost of production 215 60.4% 136 38.2% 5 1.4% 356 100.0%
Low prices of produces 89 25.0% 166 46.6% 101 28.4% 356 100.0%
Interference by government on internal affairs of cooperatives 96 27.0% 186 52.2% 74 20.8% 356 100.0%
Distance from cooperatives location 98 27.5% 166 46.6% 92 25.8% 356 100.0%
Political instability and social conflict 235 66.0% 121 34.0% 0 0.0% 356 100.0%
Tribe or race discrimination 81 22.8% 126 35.4% 149 41.9% 356 100.0%
Market saturation for the final products 73 20.5% 174 48.9% 109 30.6% 356 100.0%
Highly speed inputs cost increased 228 64.0% 105 29.5% 23 6.5% 356 100.0%
3. Infrastructures Constraints
Lack of transportation facility 190 53.4% 97 27.2% 69 19.4% 356 100.0%
Shortage of electrification service 184 51.7% 107 30.1% 65 18.3% 356 100.0%
Accessibility of rural road and easily linkages urban rural 193 54.2% 100 28.1% 63 17.7% 356 100.0%
Source: Computed from Own Research Survey, 2023 n= 356

Organizational problems: capital which is one of the main problem that made women
Under organizational factors some of factors are stated do not participate in cooperatives. As interview and FGD
which adversely affected participation performance of made with particular participants, they stated that inadequate
women in cooperatives. Thus, factors turn by turn capital is the serious problem including inability to provide
mentioned as under herewith: credit service, inability to hire full time staffs, limitations to
Inefficient Managerial System: It is expected that the increase the cooperatives with necessary facilities and to
management who have efficient managing systems or tactics provide better training service so as to capacitate both the
could be pull or renovate mind of all members to equally members and administrative staff, the members and
participate in general meeting or at every time the affairs of administrative bodies of cooperative provided different
cooperatives held to improve in internal structure of reason for the inadequate capital, the core reason stated from
cooperatives. As it is shown in table 4.3: the majority of administrative staff was the delay as well as cut-off credit
participants 43.8% identified the existence of inefficient service from lending institution (union, micro finance and
managerial system as less important whereas 38.8% of banking industries, reduction of financial fund from NGOs
respondents has reacted that inefficient managerial system is and the trend in international market that challenge
more important, 17.4% of participants answered that do not profitability of the cooperatives are the causes for
know either exist or not inefficient managerial system in inadequate capital and as observed from the participants, the
cooperatives. main problem for inadequate capital was lack of accessing
Lack of Transparency and Accountability: Transparency of farming inputs with time, poor credit service, political
and accountability is a main clue to equally treating instability through the region and poor business movement
participation of rural women in cooperatives with fairness of cooperatives.
rather than discriminate to each other’s. Thus, lack of Unequal participation of men and women in
transparency and accountability is one of the aspects which cooperatives: Democracy is one of the principles of
affected the participation level of women in cooperatives. cooperatives which enforced all members to participate in
About 46.6% of the respondents replied that lack of cooperative with equal treating of women with men. The
transparency and accountability is as less important while data depicted that 47.2% of participants recognized that
36.5% and 16.9% of participants answered that the lack of unequal participation of men and women in cooperatives is
transparency and accountability is as important and don’t less important problem ad 36.5% respondents acknowledged
know about the problem respectively. The researcher has that as it is important problem, about 16.3% of respondents
understood that there is less important lack of transparency responded that don’t know about whether exist or not
and accountability which slightly affected participation of unequal participation of women and men in cooperatives.
members in cooperatives. The FGD and interview discussion also shows that there is
Inadequate Capital: Capital is one of the indicators of no such considerable gender-based discrimination among
sustainable livelihood or outcomes meaning as increment of members of the cooperative in terms of accessing the
capital of cooperatives, ability of members to cope with services. Though the respondents demand increased
stress and shocks are laterally increased. For this fact, presentation in the administrative positions, they are happy
increment of capital promoted self-confidence of the with positive treatment from both the managerial staffs and
members to standby with the challenges and problem in men members of the cooperatives.
their cooperatives. From the question provided to Lack of Knowledge about Responsibilities: Asked to rate
participants about majority of respondents 59.3% replied the extent of lack of knowledge about responsibilities as a
that inadequate capital is as an important problem while problem of the cooperative, 46.9% of the respondents
40.7% of respondents reacted that as less important problem replied that it is less important problem of the cooperative,
of cooperatives and all participants has identified inadequate about 37.1% of the respondents graded it is as important
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

problem of the cooperative while 16% of them replied that problem of the cooperatives and 28.4% of respondent’s
they don’t know about the problem. The researcher ranked as don’t know about the problem while 25% of
conducted FGD and interview discussions with particular respondents reacted that low price of produce is an
members from two primary multipurpose agricultural important problem of the cooperatives. From this figure, the
cooperative societies, accordingly, members of cooperatives researcher has understood that the problem of cooperatives
who contacted for interview and FGD, they stated that is not as much of low price of produces. The data from
majority of administrative staff having low level education, interview and FGD has disclosed from the respondents of
lack of adequate experience about the purpose of cooperatives, the main issue is not low price of product but
cooperative and their education status also unrelated with the increment of price on our agricultural output and farm
cooperative concept such problem is held responsible for inputs has mismatched meaning the price of farm inputs has
their limited knowledge about their responsibilities. increased over than output of agricultural products, such
Poor Management of Activities: It is a common factor that event has minimized our income level less than what we
affects the participation of women in cooperatives. The generated in preceding years.
management who have good technical competency and Interference by Government on internal affairs of
qualification status know how to managing daily activities Cooperative: From asked, 52.2% participants ranked
of cooperatives and can employ equal participation of Interference by government on internal affairs of
women with men in cooperatives upon any internal affairs cooperatives is less important problem and 27% of
and meeting of cooperatives. In other hands, the respondents replied that it is as important problem whereas
management who do not have self-confidence and 20.8% of participants reacted that we don’t know about the
qualification could not made decision with equal problem. The survey research has revealed that interference
consideration and reasonable for disputes of membership. by the government is not important problem in the
Therefore, the researcher had provided question to rate the cooperatives for majority of the respondents. Particular of
extent of respondents‟ response in regarding poor respondents expressed that there is some degree of
management activities, accordingly, 44.1% of respondents intervention by government in internal affairs of the
had reacted that poor management working activities is less cooperatives. This in turn challenges the Democracy,
important problem which sometimes abuse equal independent and autonomy of the cooperatives, which one
participation of women in cooperatives and 35.1% of of the central principles of cooperative. As interviewed
respondents reflected that poor management activities is as made with particular members, government had interference
an important problem of women in cooperatives that in ways of cooperative supply farm inputs and on price
adversely impact the contribution of women and principles determination, ways of delivery service and to assign staff
of cooperatives‟ member economic participation while or employee to the cooperatives.
20.8% of participants replied that don’t know about the Distance from Cooperative: Distance from cooperative is
problem. Poor management activities would be made the less important problem for 46.6% of the respondents, 27.5%
members to hate their cooperatives and reason out poor of respondents ranked as it is important problem of
image or reputation of cooperatives. cooperative while 25.8% of respondents responded that
don’t know about the problem of distance from
External Problems: cooperatives. From research survey understood that distance
External factors are factors that beyond the capacity of from cooperatives is less important problem and majority of
members to manage the events happen and adversely members did not have distance problem from cooperatives.
influenced all livelihood performance of members. To Political instability and social conflict: Political instability
investigate the external problem, the researcher has asked and social conflicts among the factors affecting the
the respondents to rate the extent of problem of participation participation of women in cooperatives is the second ranked
of women in cooperatives. So, particular external factors in next to highly speed costs of inputs increased. Accordingly,
cooperative are explained under: political instability and social conflict is the serious
High Cost of production: It is commonly well known that important problem of cooperatives for 66% of respondents
cost of production since 2021 G.C has increased periodically while 34% of participants replied that it is as less important
and reached at the level of cooperatives could not supply problem of cooperatives. All response of respondents were
inputs that improve production capacity of members. Such failed under serious important and less important problem of
weakness of cooperative has driven from highly overrun the cooperatives that mean they don’t know about the problem
price of farming inputs and other related materials used for response is zero value.
increasing the yield of production. From the asked regarding Tribe or Race Discrimination: Tribe or race discrimination
high cost of production, 60.4% of respondents answered that is another factor that made the cooperative to suffer. From
high cost of production is one of the important problems of the asked, the majority of respondents 41.9% replied that
the cooperative, 38.2 % of the respondents replied that it is don’t know about the problem in regarding the tribe or race
as less important. The majority respondent’s responses have discrimination, about 35.4% and 22.8% of respondents
failed under important and less important problem of ranked race discrimination is less important and important
cooperatives is high cost of production. From this figure, the problem respectively. Therefore, the survey has depicted
researcher has identified the main issue of women in that case of tribe or race discrimination is rarely happen in
cooperatives is lack of accessing varies agricultural inputs cooperatives and majority of PMACS has delivery service
with affordable price while 1.4% of participant had reacted without race-based discrimination.
that we don’t know about the problem. Market saturation for the final products: It is lack of
Low price of produces: Low price of produces is another sufficient market for the final product due to similar
problem of cooperative. As a result, majority of respondents competition or new entrant who supply same or better
46.6% replied that low price of produces is less important quality product increased in the market destination. In order
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

to rank market status of final products of the women in ranked that shortage of rural electrification are an important
cooperatives, the researcher has asked participants, as result problem and 30.1% of respondents replied that it is as less
about 48.9% of respondents responded that market important problem for the cooperatives while 18.3% of
saturation for the final product is less important problem and participants reacted that don’t know about the problem of
20.5% of participants reacted that it is as an important inaccessibility of electrification.
problem while 41.9% of participants shows that don’t know Accessibility of Rural Road and Linkages with Urban–
about the problem. Rural: Accessibility of road among rural and urban is
Highly cost of inputs: Primary multipurpose agricultural promoted the performance of rural communities or societies
cooperatives is one of cooperatives which have mandate to to easily linked to each other’s, in contrary poor access of
provide agricultural inputs to their members. Therefore, road discouraged the motivation of members to link with
agricultural inputs such as fertilizer; variety seeds, urban-rural for the purpose of getting goods and service
herbicides and pesticides are main inputs that used to from each other’s. Urban residence could be got fresh
increase the yield of production. To investigate its products from rural residence and rural residence could be
accessibility and costs of those farm inputs, from the got consumption goods from urban residences. Therefore,
researcher asked about 64% of respondents replied that mutual benefit has understood from the linkages of rural and
highly speed increased cost of input is a serious important urban. Poor accessibility of infrastructures is adversely
problem and 29.5% of respondents answered that it is as less affected mutual benefits of rural and urban residences. As
an important problem of women in cooperatives while 6.5% observed, 54.2% of respondents reacted that inaccessibility
of participants replied don‟t know about the problem in case of road is a serious important problem of cooperative and
of speedily increased cost of inputs. The researcher has 28.1% of participants replied that it is as less important
made interview with particular members, they has problem whereas 17.7% of respondents shows that don’t
complained that the price of agricultural input supply since know about the problem in regarding accessibility of the
2021G.C has increased from time to time and it has reached road facility which encourage interconnection of rural and
at a level of members could not afford to utilize for their urban residence.
production and some of members has started to cultivate
with bare agricultural inputs specially for fertilizer and Conclusion
herbicides inputs, accordingly their yield of production was The study implies that internal factors, external and
highly decreased due to shortage of agricultural input supply infrastructures facilities were the common factors that affect
and overrun of its costs. degree of rural women participation in cooperatives.
Recently, overrun of agricultural farming costs had been
Infrastructure Related Problems: highly affected the degree of participation of rural women in
Government organ has primary duties and responsibilities to cooperatives followed by political instability within
facilitate infrastructures to the communities and societies for different districts of the zone. Also, the study revealed that
ensuring sustainable development through the country. poor access of education for rural women has affected their
Thus, accessibility of transportation service, rural equal participation and the majority of respondents among
electrification and accessibility of rural road and easily the categories of education about 24.2% were cannot read
linkage urban-rural societies are the other factors that and write.As result, lack of education access of women has
contribute to socio-economic development to the limited their equally participation in cooperatives. Since
cooperatives. In further, the influence of infrastructures on most women have no access to education they did not
cooperatives has stated hereunder: recognize the advantage of some development interventions
Inaccessibility of Transportation Service: Poor access of so that they are unwilling to accept something which is new
transportation service is adversely affect the participation for them. In other, education of women so as to develop
level of women in cooperatives, in contrary adequate access their ability and to have confidence on their action,
of transportation motivated or initiated rural women to therefore, cooperative should facilitate the access of
easily participated in cooperatives through saving their time education with formal and informal to improve human
which previous burned their time on voyage for reality of capital of women because education is key factors that
poor access transportation service and road facilities. From change human being and having great contribution in socio-
enquiry, 53.4% of respondents replied that inaccessibility of economic development.
transportation service is an important problem of the
cooperative and 27.2% of respondents answered that it is as Recommendations
less an important problem while 19.4% of respondents The major findings presented during research study are
reacted that don‟t know the problem inline of transportation forwarded as the following:
service. ▪ Almost of the participants reacted as they participant
Shortage of Electrification Service: Inaccessibility of internal affairs of cooperatives with sometimes and
electrification service is also other factors that influence the followed by most of time, for improving equal
members to concentrate on one dimension of product. participation of rural women with men, the cooperatives
Specially, for agro processing industry such as bakery should give attention to encourage more women
processing, dairy processing and vegetable and fruits through promoted training service, access of social
processing and fattening animals are common agro network and experience sharing cooperation among
processing industries. For poor access of rural cooperatives. Therefore, the head of cooperatives
electrification, the cooperatives could not develop such as should pay attentions to improve the participation level
activities that play significant role in their business of women with equally men participation in cooperative
diversification from farming activities. As per primary data on every internal affair of cooperative societies.
collected from participants, about 51.7% of respondents
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

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