Iso 4422 2 1999

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First edition
1996-l 2-15

Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized

poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for water
SUPPlY - Specifications -
Part 2:
Pipes (wit11 or without integra I sockets)
ISO 4422-2:1996
Tubes et raccords en po/y(chlorure de viny/e) non plastifi6 (PVC-U) pour
I adduction d’eau - Spkifications -
Partie 2: Tubes (avec ou sans embortures incorporkes)

Reference number
IS0 4422-2:1996(E)
IS0 4422-2: 1996(E)

IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are

circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.

International Standard IS0

4422-2 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/TC 138, Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids,
ISO 4422-2:1996
Subcommittee SC 2, Plastics pipes and fittings for water supplies.
Together with the other parts, this part of IS0 797372291046/iso-4422-2-1996
4422 cancels and replaces
IS0 4422:1990, which has been technically revised.

IS0 4422 consists of the following parts, under the general title Pipes and
fittings made of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for water
SUPPlY - Specifications:

- Part 1: General

- Part 2: Pipes (with or without integral sockets)

- Part 3: Fittings and joints

- Part 4: Valves and ancillary equipment

- Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system

IS0 4422 is one of a series of system standards for plastics piping sys-
tems which are being prepared within lSO/TC 138. Each system standard
is based on a specific material for a specific application.

They conform to a standard multi-part format, each part dealing with a

specific aspect of the overall system.

0 IS0 1996
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopyrng and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
0 IS0 IS0 4422-2: 1996(E)

NOTE 1 At the present time, the reference document for the installation code
is lSO/TR 4191, and this document will ultimately form part 6 of this International


ISO 4422-2:1996
iTeh This
page intentionally leftPREVIEW

ISO 4422-2:1996

Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized

poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for water supply -
Specifications -

Part 2:
Pipes (with or without integral sockets)

1 Scope IS0 727:1985, Fittings of unplasticized polyvinyl

chloride (PVC-U), chlorinated polyvinyl chloride
This part of IS0 4422 specifies the characteristics and (PVC-C) or acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS) with
plain sockets for pipes under pressure - Dimensions
properties of extruded pipes made of unplasticized
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), with or without socket(s) of sockets - Metric series.
(integral or not), and intended to be used for buried
ISO 4422-2:1996 IS0 1167:1996, Thermoplastics pipes for the
water mains and services and for water supplies
conveyance of fluids - Resistance to in ternal press-
above ground, both inside and outside buildings.
797372291046/iso-4422-2-1996ure - Test method.
The pipes covered by this part of IS0 4422 are in-
tended for the conveyance of cold water under IS0 1628-2:1988, Plastics - Determination of vis-
pressure at temperatures up to approximately 20 OC, cosity number and limiting viscosity number -
for general purposes and for the supply of drinking Part 2: Poly(vin yl chloride) resins.
water. This part of IS0 4422 is also applicable to
water up to and including 45 “C (see figure I). IS0 2045: 1988, Single sockets for unplasticized
poly(vin yl chloride) (PVC-U) and chlorinated poly(vin yl
chloride) (PVC-C) pressure pipes with elastic sealing
ring type joints - Minimum depths of engagement.

IS0 2505-I : 1994, Thermoplastics pipes - Longitudi-

2 Normative references
nal reversion - Part 7: Determination methods.
The following standards contain provisions which,
IS0 2505-2: 1994, Thermoplastics pipes - Longitudi-
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
nal reversion - Part 2: Determination parameters.
of this part of IS0 4422. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject
IS0 2507-I : 1995, Thermoplastics pipes and fittings
to revision, and parties to agreements based on this - Vicat softening temperature - Part 7,*General test
part of IS0 4422 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the
standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 IS0 2507-2: 1995, Thermoplastics pipes and fittings
maintain registers of currently valid International - Vicat softening temperature - Part 2: Test con-
Standards. ditions for unpias ticized poiy(vin yi chloride) (PVC-U) or
chiorina ted poiy(vin yi chloride) (PVC-C) pipes and fit-
IS0 161-1:1996, Thermoplastics pipes for the
tings and for high impact resistance poiy(vinyi chior-
conveyance of fluids - Nominal outside diameters
ide) (PVC-Hi) pipes.
and nominal pressures - Part 7: Metric series.
IS0 4422-2: 1996(E) 0 IS0

IS0 3126:1974, Plastics pipes - Measurement of di- 4 Material


IS0 3127:1994, Thermoplastics pipes - Determi- 4.1 The material from which the pipes are made
nation of resistance to external blows - Round-the- shall conform to the applicable requirements specified
clock method. in IS0 4422-l in addition to those specified in 4.2.

IS0 3474: 1976, Unpiasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 4.2 The material from which the pipes are made
pipes - Specification and measurement of opacity. shall have a minimum required strength (MRS) of not
less than 25 MPa, when determined in accordance
IS0 3606: 1976, Unpiasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
with lSO/TR 9080 and IS0 12162 (see also 3.6 and
pipes - Tolerances on outside diameters and waii
3.7 of IS0 4422-1:1996).
NOTE 3 As a general guide, it will be found that the ma-
IS0 4065: 1996, Thermoplastics pipes - Universai terial used to manufacture pipes to conform to this part of
waii thickness table. IS0 4422 will need to be based on a PVC-U resin having a
viscosity number greater than 64 when tested in accord-
IS0 4422-l :I 996, Pipes and fittings made of ance with IS0 1628-2.
unpiasticized poiy(vin yi chloride) (PVC-U) for water
SUPPlY - Specifications - Part i’: Generai.
5 Nominal pressures and overall service
lSO/TR 9080:1992, Thermoplastics pipes for the (design) coefficient
transport of fluids - Methods of extrapolation of
hydrostatic stress rupture data to determine the
long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics pipe 5.1 The nominal pressure PN of a pipe is related to
ma teriais.
series S values gi\ en in tables 1 and 2 by the
following equation:
IS0 9852: 1995, Unpiasticized poiy(vinyi
(PVC-U) pipes - Dichioromethane resistance at PN-lOx-
ISO 4422-2:1996 S
specified temperature (DCM T) - Test method.
797372291046/iso-4422-2-1996 When the desigr stress0‘s s expressed in
IS0 11673:-l), Determination of the fracture megapascal s, the value of the nominal pressure PN corre-
toughness of unpiasticized poiy(vin yi chiorid) (PVC-U) sponds to a pressure in bars.

IS0 11922-l :-*), Thermoplastics pipes for the trans- 5.2 The design stress shall be based on the value
port of fluids - Dimensions and tolerances - of the lower confidence limit aLCL of the long-term
Part 1: Metric series. hydrostatic strength for the resistance to internal
pressure as determined in accordance with
IS0 12162: 1995, Thermoplastics materiais for pipes lSO/TR 9080. This value of aLCL shall be converted
and fittings for pressure applications - Classification into a minimum required strength (MRS) in accord-
and designation - Overall service (design) ance with IS0 12162. The MRS shall be divided by
coefficient. an overall service (design) coefficient C to give the
design stress os which is expressed by the following
Guidelines for drinking water quality, Voi. 7: Rec- equation:
ommendations, (WHO, Geneva, 1984).

3 Definitions 5.3 The overall service (design) coefficient for

PVC-U pipes shall be equal to 2,5 for pipes of nominal
For the purposes of this part of IS0 4422, the defi- outside diameter 90 or less, and 2,0 for pipes of
nitions given in IS0 4422-l apply. nominal outside diameter 110 and above, resulting in
a design stress CQ of 10 MPa or 12,5 MPa, respec-
NOTE 2 See also clause 5. tively.

1) To be published.
2) To be published. (Revision of IS0 3606:1976, IS0 3607:1977, IS0 3608:1976 and IS0 3609:1977)

0 IS0 IS0 4422-2:1996(E)

5.4 A supplementary derating factor fr shall be ap- external surfaces of the pipe shall be smooth, clean
plied for operating temperatures between 25 “C and and free from scoring, cavities and other surface de-
45 “C. Values of this factor for different temperatures fects which would prevent conformity with this part
are given in figure 1. The maximum working pressure of IS0 4422. The material shall not contain visible
is given by multiplying the nominal pressure PN by the impurities. The ends of the pipe shall be cut cleanly
derating factor fT. and square to the axis of the pipe.

NOTE 5 Figure 1 is based on satisfactory long-term ex- 6.2 Opacity

perience and test results. However long-term tests are rec-
ommended to be carried out in order to determine the MRS If a pipe is required to be opaque for use in above-
values for PVC-U pipes intended for use at temperatures ground applications, the wall of the pipe shall not
above 30 “C.
transmit more than 0,2 % of visible light falling on it
when tested in accordance with IS0 3474.

7 Geometrical characteristics

7.1 Measurement

6 General requirements for pipes The dimensions of pipes shall be measured in ac-
cordance with IS0 3126.

NOTE 6 It is recommended that pipes are supplied in one

or more of the following lengths:

6.1 Appearance iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW 4 m, 6 m, IO m, 12 m

where these lengths do not include the depth of any

When viewed without magnification, (
the internal and socket(s).

ISO 4422-2:1996



10 20 30 40 50

Temperature, "C

Figure I - Derating factor as a function of operating temperature

IS0 4422-2: 1996(E) 0 IS0

7.2 Outside diameters and wall thicknesses 7.3 Sockets

The nominal outside diameter of pipes in accordance The minimum depth of engagement of integral
with IS0 161-1, and the corresponding wall thickness sockets with elastomeric sealing ring type joints shall
in accordance with IS0 4065, or with an additional conform to IS0 2045.
series (S 16,7), shall be selected from table 1 or The wall thickness of sealing ring type sockets at any
table 2 as appropriate for size. point, except the sealing ring groove, shall not be less
than the minimum wall thickness of the connecting
The tolerances on mean outside diameters shall con- pipe. The wall thickness of the sealing ring groove
form to grade C of IS0 11922-I. shall not be less than 0,8 times the minimum wall
thickness of the connecting pipe.
The tolerances on the wall thickness at any point shall
conform to grade T of IS0 11922-1 and the tolerance Dimensions of sockets for solvent-cementing shall
on the mean wall thickness shall conform to grade conform to IS0 727.
w of IS0 11922-I.
The wall thickness of sockets for solvent-cementing
The tolerance on out-of-roundness shall conform to shall be not less than 75 % of the nominal wall thick-
grade N of IS0 11922-I for nominal outside diameters ness of the pipe, i.e. 0,75e,.
up to and including 250 and to grade M of
IS0 11922-I for nominal outside diameters greater 7.4 Plain ends
than 250.
Pipes with plain end(s) to be used with elastomeric
NOTE 7 For pipes in series S 20, S 16,7 and S 16, there sealing ring type joints shall have a chamfer conform-
is no out-of-roundness tolerance requirement. ing to IS0 2045.
Any sharp edges shall be removed from the ends of
pipes to be used for solvent-cementing.

ISO 4422-2:1996
Table 1 - Nominal outside diameters &797372291046/iso-4422-2-1996
and nominal wall thicknesses e, [based on an overall service
(design) coefficient of C = 2,5]
Dimensions in millimetres

Pipe series S, SDR series and nominal pressure PN equivalents

outside s20 S 16,7 S16 S 12,5 SIO S8 S 6,3 s4
diameter SDR 41 SDR 34,4 SDR 33 SDR 26 SDR 21 SDR17 SDR 13,6 SDR9
4 PN 5 PN6 PN 6,3 PN8 PNIO PN 12,5 PN16 PN 25
Nominal wall thickness, en
10 1,5
12 1,5
16 1,5 13
20 115 23
25 115 13 23
32 116 I,9 x4 3,6
40 115 ‘15 13 2,4 3 4,5
50 15 2 2,4 3 317 516
63 16 12 2 25 3 3,8 417 7,l
75 119 22 2,3 219 316 4,5 516 8,4
90 22 2,7 2,8 3,5 413 514 6,7 IO,1

1 S is the pipe series and equals ~4 - e”

2 SDR is the standard dimension ratio and equals ed”

3 S and SDR are related by the equation [SDR] = 2[S] + 1

0 IS0 IS0 4422-2: 1996(E)

Table 2 - Nominal outside diameters d” and nominal wall thicknesses q, [based on an overall service
(design) coefficient of C = 2,0]
Dimensions in millimetres

Pipe series S, SDR series and nominal pressure PN equivalents

outside s20 S16 S12,5 SIO S8 S6,3 s5
diameter SDR 41 SDR 33 SDR 26 SDR 21 SDR17 SDR 13,6 SDRII
lit7 PN 6,3 PN8 PNIO PN 12,5 PN16 PN 20 PN 25
Nominal wall thickness, CT,,

110 2,7 3,4 412 5,3 66 83 10

125 381 33 4,8 6 7,4 92 II,4
140 385 413 5,4 6,7 83 IO,3 12,7
160 4 43 62 747 35 II,8 14,6
180 4,4 5,5 69 85 IO,7 13,3 16,4
200 49 62 7,7 36 II,9 14,7 18,2
225 5,5 69 66 IO,8 13,4 16,6
250 62 717 95 1 I,9 14,8 18,4
280 65’ 85 IO,7 13,4 16,6 20,6
315 7,7 917 12,l 15 18,7 23,2
355 8,7 IO,9 13,6 16,9 21,l 26,l
400 93 12,3 15,3 19,l 23,7 29,4
450 11 13,8 17,2 21,5 26,7 33,l
500 12,3 15,3 19,l 23,9 29,7 36,8
17,2 21,4
710 17,4 21,8( 27,2
800 19,6 24,5 30,6
900 22 27,6
1 000 24,5 30,6 ISO 4422-2:1996
NOTE - To apply an overall design (service) coefficient C of 2,5 for pipes with nominal diameters
797372291046/iso-4422-2-1996 in this table, the next-
higher nominal pressure PN shall be selected, e.g. an S 10 series pipe rated at PN 12,5 will be selected for PN 10 applications
when a C of 2,5 is required.

8 Mechanical characteristics in table 5. Pipes in the series S4 to S 10 shall be

tested at the M level and pipes in the series S 12,5 to
8.1 Resistance to hydrostatic pressure S20 shall be tested at the H level.

8.1.1 When tested in accordance with IS0 1167, 8.3 Fracture toughness
using the combinations of test temperatures and in-
duced stresses given in table3, the pipe shall not fail When tested in accordance with IS0 11673, pipes
in less than the time given in table3. with a wall thickness of not less than 4 mm but less
than 6 mm shall have a fracture toughness value of
8.12 When tested in accordance with IS0 1167, --
using the combinations of test temperatures and test not less than 3,25 MN*m g, and pipes with a wall
pressures given in table4, integral sealing ring thickness of 6 mm or greater shall have a fracture
sockets formed on pipes shall not fail in less than the -- 3
toughness value of not less than 3,75 MN-m 2.
time given in table4.
8.2 Resistance to external blows at 0 “C
8 This test is not applicable to pipes with a wall thickness
of less than 4 mm.
Pipes with a nominal wall thickness of 14,9 mm or
less shall be tested at 0 “C in accordance with 9 The fracture toughness test is a type test to be carried
IS0 3127, and shall have a true impact rate (TIR) of out whenever a change is made to the formulation or tool-
not more than 10 % when using the conditions given ing to produce the pipe.

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