MKB314 Module Framework - 2024

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This module framework is applicable for the 2024 academic year only.

It Hierdie moduleraamwerk is slegs van toepassing vir die 2024 akademiese

replaces all previous versions. jaar. Dit vervang alle vorige weergawes.

Microbial Molecular Biology Mikrobiese Molekulêre Biologie

MKB314 MKB314

Short description of the module Kort beskrywing van die module

Genome organisation of prokaryotes versus eukaryotes, advanced Genoomorganisasie van prokariote versus eukariote, gevorderde aspekte
aspects of DNA replication in bacteria e.g., multiple replication forks and van DNA-replikasie in bakterieë, bv. veelvuldige replikasievurke en
genome segregation, advanced aspects of transcription and translation genoomsegregasie, gevorderde aspekte van transkripsie en translasie
using Escherichia coli (bacterium) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) as met Escherichia coli (bakterium) en Saccharomyces cerevisiae (gis) as
model organisms, principles of gene regulation from single gene to global modelorganismes. Geenreguleringsbeginsels vanaf geenvlak tot globale
regulation levels in bacteria and yeasts, bacteriophage replication, vlak in bakterieë en gis. Bakteriofaagreplikasie, induksie en molekulêre
induction and molecular applications. Production of industrially important toepassings. Produksie van industrieel belangrike heteroloë proteïne in
heterologous proteins in yeast. Key concepts of yeast recombinant DNA gis. Kernkonsepte van gis-rekombinante-DNA-tegnologie.

Faculty of Science | iFakalthi yeNzululwazi ngezeNdalo |

Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe
Private Bag X1 | Privaat Sak X1 | Matieland 7602 | South Africa | eMzantsi Afrika | Suid-Afrika

Module summary Module-oorsig

Name Microbial Molecular Biology Naam Mikrobiese Molekulêre Biologie

Duration 1st semester Duur 1ste semester

Academic commitment* 16 credits = 160 notional hours Akademiese verbintenis* 16 krediete = 160 veronderstelde ure
6 hours per week in addition to scheduled learning 6 ure per week addisioneel tot geskeduleerde
opportunities leergeleenthede
Scheduled learning 3 lectures per week Geskeduleerde 3 lesings per week
opportunities 1 practical per week leergeleenthede 1 prakties per week
2 tutorials per semester 2 tutoriale per semester
Assessment option Option: 2 Assesseringsopsie Opsie: 2
Language option Option: 2 Taalopsie Opsie: 2
Mode of offering Blended Modus van aanbieding Gemeng
Corequisites / PP Microbiology 214 Newevereistes / S Mikrobiologie 214
Prerequisites / Pass P Microbiology 244 Voorvereistes / V Mikrobiologie 244
prerequisites** P Biochemistry 214, 244 Slaagvoorvereistes** V Biochemie 214, 244
*Notional hours are the learning time that it would take an average learner to meet the *Veronderstelde leerure is die tyd wat die gemiddelde leerder aan die module sal moet
outcomes of the module. spandeer om aan die uitkomste van die module te voldoen.
**The onus is on the students to ensure that they meet the prerequisites of the module. **Die onus rus op die studente om te verseker dat hulle aan die voorvereistes van die
module voldoen.

Faculty of Science | iFakalthi yeNzululwazi ngezeNdalo |

Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe
Private Bag X1 | Privaat Sak X1 | Matieland 7602 | South Africa | eMzantsi Afrika | Suid-Afrika

Outcomes Uitkomste
• Form a coordinated understanding of the various processes of the • Vorm 'n gekoördineerde begrip van die verskillende prosesse van
central dogma of molecular biology. This includes the individual die sentrale dogma van molekulêre biologie. Dit sluit in die
processes (replication, transcription, and translation) of the two individuele prosesse (replikasie, transkripsie en translasie) van die
main types of organisms (prokaryotes and eukaryotes) as well as twee hooftipes organismes (prokariote en eukariote) sowel as
bacteriophages. bakteriofage.
• To understand the interrelatedness between the various processes • Om die onderlinge verband tussen die verskillende prosesse van
of the central dogma of molecular biology and how the processes die sentrale dogma van molekulêre biologie te verstaan en hoe die
are regulated. A solid understanding of the central dogma is prosesse gereguleer word. 'n Goeie begrip van die sentrale dogma
essential for the development of a well-trained molecular biologist. is noodsaaklik vir die ontwikkeling van 'n goed opgeleide
• To illustrate how an understanding of the central dogma of molekulêre bioloog.
molecular biology is essential for the practice of applied processes • Om te illustreer hoe 'n begrip van die sentrale dogma van
that are dependent on microbial activity. molekulêre biologie noodsaaklik is vir die beoefening van
• To develop essential molecular biology laboratory techniques. toegepaste prosesse wat afhanklik is van mikrobiese aktiwiteit.
• To expose students to the assimilation and integration of • Om noodsaaklike molekulêre biologie laboratoriumtegnieke te
information to form a cohesive analysis of molecular biology ontwikkel.
processes. • Om studente bloot te stel aan die assimilasie en integrasie van
inligting om 'n samehangende analise van molekulêre biologiese
prosesse te vorm.

Faculty of Science | iFakalthi yeNzululwazi ngezeNdalo |

Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe
Private Bag X1 | Privaat Sak X1 | Matieland 7602 | South Africa | eMzantsi Afrika | Suid-Afrika

Scheduled learning opportunities Geskeduleerde leergeleenthede

The official timetable indicating all scheduled learning opportunities and Die amptelike rooster wat al die geskeduleerde leergeleenthede en die
their allocated venues can be accessed via My.SUN. For this module toegewysde lokale aandui, is beskikbaar by My.SUN. Vir hierdie module
students will be subdivided into practical groups. These schedules are sal studente in praktiesegroepe ingedeel word. Hierdie skedules is
available on the module page on SUNLearn. beskikbaar op die moduleblad op SUNLearn.
Lectures Lesings
Face-to-face lectures will be presented and printed notes will be Aangesig-tot-aangesig lesings sal aangebied word en gedrukte notas sal
provided. It is the responsibility of the student to read through the notes voorsien word. Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die student om die notas
before the classroom session commences. deur to lees voordat die klaskamersessie begin.
Tutorials Tutoriale
Tutorials are compulsory and will be presented face-to-face or on Alle tutoriale is verpligtend en sal aangesig-tot-aangesig of op SUNLearn
SUNLearn. It is the responsibility of the student to consult the lecture aangebied word. Dit is die student se verantwoordelikheid om die
schedule regarding the dates, times and content of the respective lesingskedule te raadpleeg rakende die datums, tye en inhoud van die
tutorials. onderskeie tutoriale.
Practicals Praktika
a) Placement of the students into practical groups will be completed a) Die indeling van studente in praktiese groepe sal voor die eerste
before the first practical session. praktiese sessie plaasvind.
c) If you miss any of the practicals without a valid excuse your practical c) Indien u enige prakties sonder ‘n geldige rede misloop, sal ‘n
will be marked as “incomplete”. You will have to repeat the module in onvoltooid vir die kursus aan u toegeken word. U sal dan die module
2025. in 2025 moet herhaal.

Faculty of Science | iFakalthi yeNzululwazi ngezeNdalo |

Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe
Private Bag X1 | Privaat Sak X1 | Matieland 7602 | South Africa | eMzantsi Afrika | Suid-Afrika

Study material Studiemateriaal

No prescribed textbook. Geen voorgekrewe handboek nie.

A printed set of notes will be provided for both the theory and the practical ’n Gedrukte stel notas sal voorsien word vir beide die teorie en die
lectures. praktiese lesings.

SUNLearn is the official learning management platform of Stellenbosch SUNLearn is die amptelike leerbestuursplatform van die Universiteit
University. Each module has a dedicated page on this platform which can Stellenbosch. Elke module het ‘n toegewysde blad op hierdie platform
be accessed via this link: met toegang via hierdie skakel:

Lecturer Dosent
Dr. Trudy Jansen (Module co-ordinator) Dr. Trudy Jansen (Modulekoördineerder)
Office A336 Kantoor A336
Department of Microbiology Departement Mikrobiologie
JC Smuts Building JC Smuts Gebou
Tel: (021) 808 5853 Tel: (021) 808 5853
Email*: Epos*:

*Email correspondence is preferred *E-poskorrespondensie word verkies

Faculty of Science | iFakalthi yeNzululwazi ngezeNdalo |

Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe
Private Bag X1 | Privaat Sak X1 | Matieland 7602 | South Africa | eMzantsi Afrika | Suid-Afrika

Assessment Assesserings
The dates for all scheduled assessments are published in the lecture Die datums van alle geskeduleerde assesserings is in die lesingskedule
schedule available on SUNLearn. op SUNLearn beskikbaar.
This module follows assessment option 2. Please see the Faculty of Hierdie module volg assesseringsopsie 2. Raadpleeg die Fakulteit
Science’s assessment guidelines for more details. Natuurwetenskappe se assesseringsriglyne vir meer besonderhede.

Method of Description # Allocated Criteria Dates Metode van Beskrywing # Punte Kriteria Datums
assessment marks dd/mm/yy assessering toegeken dd/mm/yy
Tutorials Two tutorials are 2 5% All tutorials are Tutoriale Twee tutoriale word 2 5% Alle tutoriale is
presented to gauge compulsory. Students aangebied om te verpligtend.
whether or not forfeit the marks if they bepaal of studente die Studente verbeur
students miss a tutorial. verwante inhoud die punte as hulle ‘n
understand the verstaan of nie tutorial mis.
related content A1 assessering Geskeduleerde 2 A1.1: 25% Lesings 2 – 11 12 Maart
A1 assessment Scheduled 2 A1.1: 25% Lectures 2 – 11 12 March assessering wat in die 17h40
invigilated evening 17h40 aand onder toesig op A1.2: 25% Lesings 12 - 20 17 April
assessment, on A1.2: 25% Lectures 12 - 20 17 April kampus plaasvind, 17h40
campus, closed 17h40 toeboek.
book. A2 assessering Geskeduleerde 25% Lesings 21 - 34 29 Mei
A2 assessment Scheduled 1 25% Lectures 21 - 34 29 May assessering wat onder 09h00
invigilated, closed 09h00 toesig op kampus
book assessment plaasvind tydens 1ste
presented during eksamen-geleentheid.
1st exam Die A2 assessering sal
opportunity. The A2 fokus op dele van die
assessment will sillabus wat nie in die
focus on sections of A1 gedek was nie.
the syllabus not Praktiese Analise van praktiese 1 5%
covered in the A1. vaardigheidstoets vaardighede wat in
Practical skills Analysis of all 1 5% praktika 1 tot 7 Sien
test practical skills bemeester is. Alle praktika is praktiese
mastered in See Praktiese Geskrewe teorietoets 1 15% verpligtend. skedule
practicals 1 to 7 All practicals are practical eksamen wat fokus op die
Practical exam Written theory test 1 15% compulsory. schedule beginsels wat in die
focusing on the praktika module
principles covered behandel word.
in the practical A3 assessering Geskeduleerde 1 25% As jy een van die 21 June
module. assessering wat onder geskeduleerde 09h00
A3 assessment Scheduled 1 25% If you have missed one 21 June toesig op kampus klastoetse (A1.1,
invigilated of the scheduled class 09h00 plaasvind tydens 2de A1.2 of A2) gemis
assessment, on tests (A1.1, A1.2 or A2) eksamen- het, MOET jy die A3
campus, presented you MUST write the A3 geleentheid.. assessering skryf. In
during 2nd exam assessment. In such Die A3 assessering sal sulke gevalle sal
opportunity. cases the A3 die hele sillabus dek. die A3 die gemiste
assessment will replace klastoets (A1.1, A1.2
the missed class test of A2) in die
Faculty of Science | iFakalthi yeNzululwazi ngezeNdalo |
Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe
Private Bag X1 | Privaat Sak X1 | Matieland 7602 | South Africa | eMzantsi Afrika | Suid-Afrika

The A3 assessment (A1.1, A1.2 or A2) in the berekening van die

will cover the entire calculation of the final finale punt vervang.
syllabus. mark.
Versuiming om te
Failure to comply, will voldoen, sal lei tot
result in an incomplete 'n onvolledige
for the module. uitslag vir die
You may miss only ONE
class test, due to illness, Jy mag slegs EEN
other obligations, or klastoets mis
because of free will. weens siekte, ander
However, failure to write verpligtinge, of uit
at least two class tests vrye wil. Nietemin,
(irrespective of reason) versuiming om ten
will result in an minste twee
incomplete for the klastoetse te skryf
module. Therefore, you (ongeag die rede)
are encouraged not to sal lei tot 'n
miss tests unnecessarily. onvolledige uitslag
vir die module.
Daarom word jy
See the assessments and promotion chapter in the SU Calendar Part 1 aangemoedig om
(General) for institutional rules regarding assessments. nie toetse onnodig
te mis nie.

No old exam and test papers will be made available for the module.
However, examples of exam questions will be discussed during class. Raadpleeg die hoofstuk oor assessering en promovering in Deel 1
(Algemeen) van die US Jaarboek vir institusionele reëls oor assesserings.

Geen ou eksamen en toets vraestelle vir die module sal beskikbaar

gestel word nie. Voorbeelde van eksamen vrae sal egter in die klas
behandel word.

Faculty of Science | iFakalthi yeNzululwazi ngezeNdalo |

Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe
Private Bag X1 | Privaat Sak X1 | Matieland 7602 | South Africa | eMzantsi Afrika | Suid-Afrika

Calculation of final marks Berekening van finale punte

Assessment Weighting Assessering Gewig
A1.1 25% A1.1 25%
A1.2 25% A1.2 25%
A2 25% A2 25%
Practical Exam 15% Praktiese Eksamen 15%
Practical Skills Test 5% Praktiese Vaardigheidstoets 5%
Tutorials 5% Tutoriale 5%
100% 100%

A3 25% (replaces missed A1.1, A1.2 or A2 A3 25% (vervang gemiste A1.1, A1.2 of
assessment mark) A2 assesserings punt)

Absenteeism (Missed opportunities) Afwesigheid (Misloop van leergeleenthede)

Please see the section 11 of the SU Calendar Part 1 (General) for the Raadpleeg asseblief afdeling 11 in Deel 1 (Algemeen) van die US Jaarboek
institutional rules regarding absence from classes and or tests. vir die institusionele reëls met betrekking tot afwesigheid van klasse en of
Take note that for any absence from the university for more than one
teaching, learning or assessment opportunity, for whatever reason, Neem kennis dat studente vir enige afwesigheid vanaf die universiteit vir
students need to apply for leave of absence from the Registrar’s office. van meer as een onderrig-, leer-, of assesseringsgeleentheid, om watter
rede ook al, aansoek doen vir verlof tot afwesigheid by die Registrateur se
If you are absent for exactly one teaching, learning or assessment kantoor.
opportunity you need to consult your lecturer immediately and provide
the appropriate evidence as stipulated in the calendar. Indien jy afwesig is van presies een onderrig-, leer-, of
assesseringsgeleentheid, moet jy die betrokke dosent onmiddellik kontak
The relevant documents (e.g. medical certificate) should be submitted to en die toepaslike bewys van rede tot afwesigheid inhandig, soos
the MKB314 module co-ordinator (Dr T Jansen – or the uiteengesit in die Jaarboek.
Microbiology departmental administrative officer (Mrs Wendy Wentzel – within 2 calendar days of your absence. Die nodige stawende dokumente (bv. ‘n mediese sertifikaat) moet binne 2
kalender dae na afwesigheid by die MKB314 module koördineerder (Dr T
Jansen – of die Mikrobiologie administratiewe beampte
(Mev. Wendy Wentzel – ingedien word.

Faculty of Science | iFakalthi yeNzululwazi ngezeNdalo |

Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe
Private Bag X1 | Privaat Sak X1 | Matieland 7602 | South Africa | eMzantsi Afrika | Suid-Afrika

Communication Kommunikasie
The announcement forum on the SUNLearn module page is the only Die aankondigingsforum op die SUNLearn moduleblad is die enigste
official platform that will be used to make announcements relevant to this amptelike platform wat gebruik sal word om aankondigings, wat relevant
module. Please check this regularly. is vir hierdie module, te maak. Kontroleer dit asseblief gereeld.
For communication with individual students, lecturers, support staff and Vir kommunikasie met individuele studente, sal dosente, steunpersoneel
peer-to-peer facilitators will only use students’ official SUN email en eweknie-fasiliteerders slegs studente se amptelike SUN-e-posadresse
addresses. gebruik.
Students are also requested to use their official SUN email addresses for Studente word ook versoek om hul amptelike SUN-e-posadresse vir alle
all academic related communication to: Dr T Jansen – akademiese verwante kommunikasie te gebruik: na Dr T Jansen –

Addressing challenges Hantering van uitdagings

For any complaints, the first port of call is the class representative or the Vir enige klagtes, is die klasverteenwoordiger of dosent die eerste plek om
lecturer. If not satisfactorily resolved, it can be escalated to the Head of hulp te soek. Indien die probleem nie bevredigend opgelos word nie, kan
Department or Coordinator: Academic and Student Affairs. dit na die Departementshoof of Koördineerder: Akademiese- en
Studentesake verwys word.

Faculty of Science | iFakalthi yeNzululwazi ngezeNdalo |

Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe
Private Bag X1 | Privaat Sak X1 | Matieland 7602 | South Africa | eMzantsi Afrika | Suid-Afrika

Academic Misconduct Akademiese Wangedrag

Academic misconduct includes plagiarism, collusion, cheating and Akademiese wangedrag sluit plagiaat samespanning, bedrog en versinsel
fabrication as stipulated in the Disciplinary code for students of in, soos bepaal in die Dissiplinêre kode vir studente van die Universiteit
Stellenbosch University. Stellenbosch.
Plagiarism is regarded as a serious offence. More serious cases are Plagiaat word as ’n ernstige oortreding beskou. Ernstiger gevalle word
handled as set out in the Stellenbosch University procedure for the hanteer soos uiteengesit in die Universiteit Stellenbosch se dokument oor
investigation and management of allegations of plagiarism document. die prosedure vir die ondersoek en bestuur van bewerings van plagiaat.

The SU Policy on Plagiarism defines plagiarism as: “The use of the ideas or Die US Plagiaatbeleid definiëer plagiaat as: “: Die gebruik van ander se
material of others [including AI generative tools, such as ChatGPT or Bing] idees of materiaal [insluitend KI generatiewe instrumente, soos ChatGPT
without [appropriate] acknowledgement, or the re-use of one’s own of Bing] sonder [toepaslike] erkenning, of die hergebruik van ’n persoon
previously evaluated or published material without acknowledgement se eie voorheen geëvalueerde werk of gepubliseerde materiaal sonder
(self-plagiarism).” Such acknowledgement would include referencing the erkenning (selfplagiaat).” Sodanige erkenning sal insluit die verwysing na
source of previously expressed ideas or published materials, or
die bron van voorheen uitgedrukte idees of gepubliseerde materiaal, of
acknowledging the contribution of e.g. the AI tool, as stipulated for a
specific assessment or assignment. die erkenning van die bydrae van bv. die KI-instrument, soos gestipuleer
vir 'n spesifieke assessering of opdrag.
This module may contain copyright protected materials such as audio or
video clips, images, text materials, etc. These items are being used with Hierdie module mag materiaal soos klank of videogrepe, beelde, teks ens.
regard to a license agreement in order to enhance the learning bevat wat deur kopiereg beskerm word. Hierdie items word onder ‘n
environment. Please do not copy, duplicate, download or distribute these lisensie ooreenkoms gebruik om die leeromgewing te verbeter. Die
items. The use of these materials is strictly reserved for the online onregmatige kopiëring, duplisering of aflaai en verspreiding van hierdie
classroom environment and your use only. All copyright materials are items is verbode. Die gebruik van die items is slegs gereserveer vir die
credited to the copyright holder. aanlyn klasomgewing en vir eiegebruik. Kopiereghouers word gekrediteer
vir alle gebruikte kopiereg materiaal.

Repeaters Herhalers
Students repeating the MKB314 module may apply for practical exemption Studente wat die MKB314 module herhaal, kan aansoek doen om
if they scored > 60% for the practical component of the module in 2023. praktiese vrystelling indien hulle > 60% vir die praktiese komponent van
die module in 2023 behaal het.
Please contact Dr T Jansen – for the practical exemption
forms. Kontak asseblief Dr T Jansen – vir die praktiese

Faculty of Science | iFakalthi yeNzululwazi ngezeNdalo |

Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe
Private Bag X1 | Privaat Sak X1 | Matieland 7602 | South Africa | eMzantsi Afrika | Suid-Afrika

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