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Abstract: Some Fungi are described as effective pigments generating microbes that have the significance of
producing natural pigments and it has increased globally the decree for eco-friendly natural pigments. The pigment-
producing fungi were optimized and assessed towards the application in dyeing on cotton fabric. For this purpose,
five fungal strains were selected namely; Aspergillus terreus S10, Talaromyces atroroseus WW5A3, Penicillium
oxalicum WW3A4 (DG), WW5C2 and WW31DG w. These strains ere incubated for 21 days under static and non-
static conditions using MSM and PDB media. The production of pigments by fungi was optimized by changing
temperature (25-35℃) and pH (4.5-6.5) parameters under liquid state fermentation conditions . . The produced
colors for all the fungal strains were; T. atroroseus WW5A3 showed pinkish color, A. terrreus S10
displayedshowed yellow color, P.oxalicum WW3A4 (DG) presented showed yellow-greenish, WW5C2
exhibitedshowed light yellow color and, while WW31DG demonstrated showed greenish color., respectively
liquid state fermentation under optimized conditions. The results showed the maximum percentage absorbance of T.
atroroteus WW5A3 showed 90.36% at 600 nm, A. terrreus S10 showed 88% at 500 nm, P. oxalicum
WW35A4 showed 46.04% at 550nm, WW5C2 showed 59.60% at 550 nm, and WW31DG showed 81.9% at 550nm.
The natural fungal pigments were tested against bacterial pathogens to check the antibacterial activity. The results
indicated that S. aureus and E. coli were susceptible to the extracted fungal pigments and they exhibited antibacterial
activity in terms of maximum zone of inhibition. In conclusion, out of five pigments producing fungi, Aspergillus
terreus S10 and Talaromyces atroroseus produced maximum pigment and highest percentage absorbance under
liquid state fermentation conditions. Therefore, the present study found potential application in the textile and
leather industry.
Keywords: Cotton fabric, ecofriendly, natural pigments, characterization, antibacterial activity, dyeing
Modern times heighten the demand for colourantss in the field of foodstuff,
prompt industrialization that has compelled medicine leather, and other industrial areas
the immediate formulation to use artificial nevertheless of their cancer-causing,
Dyes Extraction from Fungi
OD before dyeing - OD after dyeing x 100 Two different media PDB and MSM media
were used for the production of pigments. In
OD before dyeing
the case of submerged fermentation where
2.5.[2.6.] Antibacterial Activity of Fungal the flasks were incubated at rotary
Pigments conditions, the MSM showed color
production for all the five fungi (Fig 1).
The bacterial suspension was made of E. However, A. terreus S10, T. atroroseus
coli and S. aureus which was arranged by WW5A3 and WW5C2 secreted pinkish, dark,
taking ordinary saline sterilized test tube. and light yellowish color, respectively, in
Bacterial colonies were exchanged with the PDB. Moreover, the impact of incubation
assistance of a wire loop circle into the test conditions (rotating and/or static) were
tube. The circle utilized was sterilized by noted. Moreover, T the impact of incubation
warming. The test tube was swirled well conditions (rotating and/or static) were
with the assistance of a syringe. For the noted. Distinctive results were obtained with
making of media, the L-Agar and L-broth regard to all the five fungi after an
were utilizedarranged. These media were incubation period of 21- 28 days. On the
included in distilled water containing jar and other hand, in static, and dark conditions all
shake well with the assistance of a stirrer, five fungi showed color in a liquid state
the volume raise to 500 ml at that point under MSM media and in the case of PDB
closed the carafe with the assistance of a media, except WW35A4 all fungal strains
cotton plug and secured with aluminum produced color.
thwart and autoclaved for 15 minutess at
temperature 121 °C and weight 15 lb/inch2 T . atroroseus WW5A3 appeared pinkish
[10]. color and A. terreus S10 shown yellow
color. Greenish-yellow color
Antibacterial activity of the Bio- colors was advertised by WW31DG. Beneath 25
°C to 35 °C (Fig 3) WW5C2 created light
A loop fulfull of E. coli and S. aureus
bacteria were inoculated into a nutrient broth
color, whereas WW35A4 displayed light
and incubated on a shaker at 28 °C for a
pale yellow color in solid-state
period of 16–18 h. After incubation, 100 µL
Dyes Extraction from Fungi
1 PH
ali s
W 2
W um
A. 5A3
ox u
W 5C
P. erre
Fungal Strains
Fig. 1. Results 25
of Solid Sate 20
fermentation (a) T.
atroroseus WW5A3 (b) A. terreus S10 (c) P. 15
Temperature ℃
1 2 3 4 5
Fungal Strains
Fig. 3. Optimization of different fungal strains on
different temperatures ranges
Fig. 4. Production of fungal pigments under liquid state fermentation (a) T. atroroseus WW5A3 (b) A. terreus S10,
(c) P. oxalicum WW5A4 (d) WW5C2 and (e) WW31DG ( left to right)
Fig. 5. Results of 400nm 450nm 500nm 550nm 600nm T.
atroroseus Wavelenth nm WW5A3
before and after OD at a
different wavelength
Dyes Extraction from Fungi
% Absorbance
400nm 450nm 500nm 550nm 600nm
Wavelength nm
Fig. 6. Results of Aspergillus terreus S10 before and after OD at a different wavelength
3.2. Analysis of fungal pigments studies showed that fungi from the same
species produced diverse colors and thus
The different fungal isolates were subjected have diverse behavior toward the production
to UV–Visible spectrophotometer [28,38] of colored compounds [10, 38].
The T. atroroseus WW5A3 showed pinkish
color with a strong absorbance in the near 3.3. Application of Cotton Dyeing
UV region with a distinctive peak at about using Fungal Pigments
600 nm as shown in (Fig 5). However, in the
The extracted pigments were further used
case of A. terreus (Fig 6) showed yellow
for dyeing the cotton cloth. For dyeing
color, P. oxalicum showed Pale yellow,
ferrous sulphate was used as a mordant.
WW31DG showed yellow-greenish and
The capacity of extracted colors was
WW5C2 showed light yellow bio-colorants,
evaluated on cotton cloth which weighed
a strong peak at ~ 500 and ~ 550 nm,
around 10g. For detecting any change in
respectively, was observed. However, they
color on the cotton, a control was also held.
may have secondary metabolites like
The extracted colors were tested for their
carotenoids, melanins, azaphilones, and
ability to dye cotton cloth weighing
polyketide that showed that specific color
approximately 10 g (Fig 7). Control was
and also possess resistance to natural
maintained to determine the change in color
variables (drying up, high temperatures,
of the cotton cloth. It was observed that the
irradiations, and photo-oxidation). Similar
pinkish, green, and yellow colors, exhibited
an undeviating shade on cotton [41]. The % 3.4. Study of Antibacterial Activity of
OD was taken before dyeing and after Fungal Pigments Against Gram-
dyeing to check the absorbance of color in Positive Bacteria by Agar Well
cotton fabric and to check colorfastness on Diffusion Method
fabric [5]. [3.5.]
The antibacterial activity of fungal
pigments against two bacterial strains
was assessed by the Agar Well
Diffusion method. The extracts
exhibited varying degree of
antibacterial activity at 100 mg/mL
against gram-positive and gram-
negative bacteria. The result described
that S. aureus and E. coli are
Fig. 7. Dyed cotton cloth by fungal pigments susceptible for fungal pigments as
showing dyeing of cotton cloth from fungal described in (Fig 9) and Table 2. The
pigments anti-bacterial activity against the E. coli
and S. aureus are shown in Fig 10 and
T.atroroseuS A. terreus WW31DG WW5C2 P. oxalicum Control
E. coli S. aureus
Fig. 9. Result of Zone of Inhibition for Fungal extracted pigments against strain E. coli and S. aureus
Table 1. Different fungal stains were grown on two different media that is MSM and PDA: They were grown on
different temperatures and pH: on solid-state and liquid state fermentation the fungal strains showed pigments under
static and non-static state.
Color Media
Pigments Production
both in
Sr. Temperatu
Fungi pH solid and
No re Static Non-static
liquid PDB MSM
condition condition\Dark
1. 25°C 5.5 Pinkish No Yes Yes Yes
2. s terreus 30°C 6.5 Yellow Yes Yes Yes Yes
P.oxalicu Greenish-
3. 25°C 6.5 No Yes No Yes
m yellow
4. WW5C2 35°C 4.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Negativ 10 9 8 10 9 2
e E. coli
9 9 7 10 10 2
Dyes Extraction from Fungi
Table 2: Showed results of Zone inhibition of fungal extracted pigments against E. coli and S. aureu
Fig.10 Results of Antibacterial Activity against E. coli by Agar Well Diffusion Method
Fig.11 Results of Antibacterial Activity against S.aureus by Agar Well Diffusion Method
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