Qormaata Sivilservaantii
Qormaata Sivilservaantii
Qormaata Sivilservaantii
Read the following questions carefully and choose the correct answer letter on the answer
1. the managerial or administrative system that deals with the allocation and use of
various resources for various activities in the organization ?
A. Planning
B. Organize the
C. Leading the way
D. Controlling the
2. management systems is not the main task of managers when developing an office
structure ?
A. Make decisions on establishing standards.
B. Create positions and divide them into groups.
C. Have the necessary departments created.
D. Conduct assignments for jobs and tasks.
3. Which of the following management systems ,helps us to identify and understand
the needs and problems of employees with determination to ensure that
employees do their jobs willingly
A. Planning
B. Organize the
C. Leading the way
D. Controlling the
4. Which of the following enables a manager to make decisions and orders and allocate
resources ?
A. Having authority
B. substitutions .
C. responsible .
D. Being transparent.
5. Which of the following is not the responsibility of the middle manager ?
A. Determine the vision of the company.
B. Implement goals set by senior managers.
C. Assist managers in setting goals.
D. Perform tasks unrelated to long-term goals.
6. Which of the following defines good or effective leadership ?
A. Low efficiency and high effectiveness
B. High performance and low effectiveness
C. High performance and high efficiency
D. Average performance and average effectiveness.
7. Which of the following is not considered a key part of a manager's plan ?
A. goals .
B. Determine incentives
C. Develop a strategy
D. Making decisions.
8. What is the most common way to describe a control system in management ?
A. Resolving conflicts.
B. Determine the tasks to be done.
C. Monitor the execution of tasks.
D. Monitor employee compliance with rules.
9. may be due to a number of factors in the organization . Which of the following does
not explain the reasons why employees resist change in the organization ?
A. Lack of understanding.
B. on various assessments .
C. Low tolerance for change
D. Interpersonal relationships.
11.Which of the following is not a project measurement criterion for offices ?
A. Cost
B. Border
C. Quality
D. Encouragement
12.When listed in the planning section from general to scattered /small /
A. Project ,Program , Budget , Procedure.
B. Schedule , project , Budget , Procedure.
C. Procedure, Budget, Project ,Schedule .
D. Budget, Project ,Program, C.Procedures
13.Which should be done first in strategic planning management .
A. Vision and mission
B. the workplace.
C. Doing audit work
D. Measure and evaluate performance.
E. Prepare a goal.
14.The answer to one of the following questions is a visual description
A. the functions of the office ?
B. Who are our employees ?
C. Why did we stop ?
D. What should we be found to be ?
15.The answer to one of the following questions is a mission statement
A. the functions of the office ?
B. Who are our employees ?
C. Why did we stop ?
D. What should we be found to be ?
16.statements does not describe poor performance ?
A. Let the employee know that he/she is underperforming.
B. Understand what employee performance looks like in the past.
C. Do the employee/ssite who recorded good performance know what they will get ?
D. Agree on an employee discipline plan.
17.If all the employees of the office raise condemnation and protest against the changes in
the job to stop or eliminate this rincica ?
A. Facilitate and support
B. Discuss
C. Education and communication.
D. Participation.
18.Which of the following is the correct decision making process ?
A. Identify solutions, evaluate solutions, identify problems, provide feedback
B. problem identification Identify solutions, evaluate solutions, provide feedback
C. Identify solutions, evaluate solutions, identify problems, provide feedback
D. feedback ,Solution identification, solution evaluation, problem identification,
19.Which is the right way to make decisions in a more holistic and consistent manner
in an office ?
A. in collective decision- making , decisions are made by a lower level body.
B. in collective decision- making , decisions are made by a higher level body.
C. In a decentralized system, power is delegated to the lower levels.
D. In a collective system, power is delegated to the lower levels.
20.Which type of control is required to control the operations ?
A. Control of all aspects
B. Feedback control
C. Pre-execution control
D. Condition-based control.
21.lower bodies helps to get the job done Which of the following is the correct division of
objective power .
A. Problem identification is difficult.
B. will have the opportunity to participate in executive functions .
C. It is difficult to know what is happening in the workplace.
D. Decisions can be made without upper management knowing.
22.Which of the following brings the employee's ideas or needs to the district board to
achieve the goals of the workplace and increase the employee's ability to meet his
needs ?
A. Communication /communication
B. Leadership
C. Encouragement
D. Supervision of the
23.Which is the characteristic of a dictatorial leader ?
A. The communication leader uses two.
B. The leader's decisions are participatory.
C. The power is al-waata'
D. It focuses solely on one's own decisions and does not depend on circumstances.
24.All the following lectures are inputs to the provision of services or products of an
office but not the same .Which one ?
A. Human resources
B. Information
C. property
D. Products and services.
25.One of the following is not the characteristic of guessing, which one ?
A. Predictions are always right.
B. The longer the prediction period, the lower the prediction accuracy.
C. It is better to guess many things than to guess one thing .
D. Previous forecasting techniques can be used continuously in the future.