1 Positive Psychology Module 1
1 Positive Psychology Module 1
1 Positive Psychology Module 1
“The difference between misery and happiness depends on what we do with our attention.”
– Sharon Salzberg
Psychology tackles the behavior and mental processes. Because of this, it has
Share your understanding different fields under its umbrella, with different expertise. One of its roots is
of the word “Psychology” research. And through research, psychology has blossomed into different fields
______________________ and has given the world different theories and concepts to understand a person
______________________ (even animals) and to help for the improvement of our lives. Recently, Positive
______________________ Psychology, another subfield, has been emerging.
______________________ Before World War II (1939-1945), psychology’s distinct missions are to (1) cure
______________________ mental illness, (2) nurture talent, and (3) make people happier.
______________________ Historically speaking, the focus of psychology is to cure mental illness. Before
______________________ the age of scientific inquiry, people with abnormal behavior were believed to be
______________________ possessed by an evil spirit, or that they were witches. Another perspective by
______________________ Hippocrates, in the 5th century, was that people has too much blood, or phlegm,
______________________ or bile. When the soldiers went home when World War II has ended,
psychologists have been busy treating the trauma soldiers got from the war.
Because it was and still is a hard process of curing mental illness, psychologists
took a long time to achieve this first mission. Fortunately, with this time and age,
we can now manage mental disorders through counseling, therapy, and
How do you think people
achieve happiness? It seems that it is only recently that the field focused on the second and third
______________________ missions. How to nurture talent? How can we make people happy? How can we
______________________ teach them to be resilient despite the happenings in the world? How can we
______________________ manage our emotions? So, with countless interactions with people, a very long
______________________ time in trying to understand a person, and lots of research, positive psychology
______________________ is born.
______________________ ______________________________________________________________
______________________ LEARNING OUTCOMES
______________________ After successfully completing this module, you should be able to:
______________________ 1. Acquire and hone new skills and learnings for better managing of one’s self
______________________ and behaviors.
______________________ 2. Apply these new skills to one’s self and functioning for a better quality of life
3. Reflect on how the PERMA-V model can be applied in one’s daily life
Direction: Identify whether the following statements are correct or not. Write a
check (/) if true and (x) if false. Write your answer in the space provided.
A person who is mentally healthy
thinks more positively and
experiences more positive emotions
than negative emotions. They
consistently think good and feel
good. Negativity is important too for
survival and adaptation, but
positivity has benefits too.
What are the health benefits of positive thinking?
• Increased life span
• Lower rates of depression
Positivity • Lower rates of distress
_________________________ • Greater resistance to common cold
_________________________ • Better psychological and physical well-being
_________________________ • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
• Better coping skills during hardships and stress
Having explicit goals in life, even small ones like reading for an hour every day
and making efforts to achieve them are important to our well-being.
_________________________ Achievement builds self-belief and strengthens self-esteem. When we asked
_________________________ what makes for a happy, fulfilling, and meaningful life, we usually discuss our
_________________________ life goals, wishes, and dream.
Vitality is approaching life with excitement and energy; not doing things
halfway or halfheartedly; living life as an adventure; feeling alive and
activated. In both the physical and mental sense, vitality refers to a feeling of
aliveness. In the physical sense, this vitality refers to feeling healthy and
capable, and energetic. Psychologically, this state of aliveness brings a sense
that one's actions have meaning and purpose.