WU 3 Answer Key
WU 3 Answer Key
WU 3 Answer Key
Diagnostic Test A 5. Uncle Jack isn’t going to play 5. What do they love doing?
tennis. They love integrating people.
1 1. is 6. have got
2. studies 7. sell 9 1. He shouldn’t see The Mystery 3 1. teaches 4. aren’t reading
3. has got 8. are they of the Tower. 2. love 5. are analysing
4. is 9. visit 2. We should go to the baker’s. 3. read 6. is telling
5. repairs 10. sing 3. She should study at
university. 4 1. Manuel loves listening to
2 1. Is Anita a teacher? music and dancing, but he
4. He shouldn’t get up late.
No, she isn’t. She is a student. hates running. He doesn’t
5. You shouldn’t eat chocolate.
2. Has she got a sister? mind doing homework.
No, she hasn’t. She’s got a 10 1. because 4. because 2. Fernanda likes reading
brother. 2. but 5. but poems and watching films,
3. Does Peter build houses? 3. and but she doesn’t like doing
No, he doesn’t. He repairs Grammar exercises or writing
11 1. the worst compositions.
cars. 2. taller than
4. Are Anita’s parents doctors? 3. My cousins love singing, but
3. noisier than they hate reading classical
No, they aren’t. They are 4. the most difficult
bakers. novels. They don’t mind
5. more expensive than surfing the net.
3 1. plays 6. cycle 12 1. any 6. is
2. gets 7. isn’t going 5 1. Alejandra could tell the time
2. a 7. are
3. has 8. is decorating two years ago.
3. Are 8. How many
4. puts on 9. is 2. Can Alejandra tell the time
4. any 9. are
5. ring 10. loves now?
5. How much 10. a lot
3. Could Alejandra ask
4 1. Does / play / Yes / does questions two years ago?
13 1. carrot 3. dog
2. Do / No / don’t 4. Alejandra can ask questions
2. oil 4. butterfly
3. is it / It’s now.
4. is / decorating / is 14 a. 3 b. 2 c. 1 d. 7 e. 4 5. Alejandra couldn’t write a
f. 6 g. 5 h. 8 story two years ago.
5 1. got up 6. had
2. wanted 7. ate 15 1. Junk food 3. tradition 6. Alejandra can’t write a story
3. arrived 8. drank 2. A habit now.
4. met 9. took 6 Our language: our culture
5. played 10. went 16 1. Because people work full-
time. / Because people can 7 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T
6 1. Andrea got up late on eat it quickly in short breaks.
Saturday. 2. When she was living in Tel Aviv.
2. Did Andrea go to school? 3. Eating his mother’s desserts. Unit Check 2 A
3. Mariana was at the club.
17 Student’s own answer. 1 1. My parents were sleeping.
4. Did they eat junk food?
2. Brenda was phoning a friend.
5. They didn’t go back home by
3. Jason was playing video
bike. Unit Check 1 A games.
7 1. Why did Andrea get up early 4. Foffy, my dog, was eating a
1 1. work 5. visit
on Saturday? To go to the bone.
2. speaks 6. do they do
club. 5. My brother and I were
3. helps 7. don’t like
2. Why did she meet Mariana at studying for a test.
4. does 8. love
the club? To play tennis.
2 1. Where do Peter and Mary 2 1. were you doing
3. Why did Andrea and Mariana
work? 2. was not sitting
go to the club canteen? To
They work at a bilingual school. 3. was looking for
have lunch.
2. What languages does Peter 4. Was your sister walking
4. Why did they take the bus?
speak? 5. was studying
To go back home.
He speaks Toba and Tehuelche. 6. Were your friends listening
8 1. I’m going to visit uncle Jack. 3. Does Mary speak Toba? 7. were playing
2. We aren’t going to go fishing. No, she doesn’t. 3 1. flooded 2. calm / rescued
3. Are aunt Helena and uncle 4. Who do Peter and Mary often 3. destroyed 4. blew
Jack going to visit grandma? visit?
4. Is their dog, Bossy, going to They often visit the aborigines. 4 1. was shining / arrived
play with me? 2. smelled / destroyed
3. was climbing / fell
2. was looking 3 1. Have / ever been / went / 2. What will they finish next
3. were not sitting came month?
4. Was Martin waiting 2. Has / ever had / saw / was 3. Where are you/we going to
5. was taking 3. Have / ever given / organised fly (to)?
6. Was your sister dancing 4. What time will you start
7. was playing 4 1. Nelson. work?
2. More than 10. 5. Who might he visit?
3 1. killed 3. In Latin America. / In Bolivia,
2. evacuated / saved Brazil and Argentina. 5 1. plan / won’t have
3. helped 4. Nelson. 2. will buy / moves
4. panic 3. work / will finish
5 1. subjects 4. doesn’t get / will accept
4 1. was riding / had 2. meeting new people 5. will travel / go
2. were shouting / rescued 3. a small city
3. were camping / hit 4. a flat 6 Superstitions about cats
5 1. In La Plata. 7 1. We might be paralysed when
2. She was a dressmaker. Unit Check 4 b a cat crosses our path.
3. When he was working in 2. In Yorkshire, Europe and
1 1. aren’t / enjoy
Jacinto Aráuz. Egypt.
2. passes / finishes
4. He was trying to keep his 3. You will be blessed.
3. feel / don’t rest
foundation going.
4. enjoy / learn
6 1. but 2. because 5. win / train Unit Check 6 b
2 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d 1 1. for 3. since 5. since
Unit Check 3 b 2. for 4. for
3 1. don’t have to 3. have to
1 1. Has Alfredo ever driven a 2. mustn’t 4. must 2 1. When did you study French?
van? 2. How long has Brenda lived in
He has never driven a van in 4 1. should 3. should France?
the countryside, but he has 2. shouldn’t 4. shouldn’t 3. How long have they worked
just driven a van in the city. 5 Finding ways of helping on this project?
2. Have the Watsons ever found adolescents 4. How long has Vicky worked
money in the street? for LB & Co?
They have never found 6 1. grow up 3. ensure
money in the street, but they 2. avoid 3 1. joined
have just found an ID card. 2. has collected
3. Have you ever met a 7 1. All 3. should 5. must 3. haven’t stopped
celebrity? 2. Many 4. must 4. showed
I have never met a celebrity, 5. have children done
6. have written
but I have just met Unit Check 5 b
interesting people. 4 1. the slowliest 3. the fastest
4. Have we ever bought an old 1 1. won’t / will 3. will / will 2. more lazily 4. harder
car? 2. won’t
We have never bought an 5 1. F 2. T 3. T
2 1. is going to rain
old car, but we have just
2. are you going to do / will 6 1. For over 10 years.
bought a van.
visit 2. When the children’s families
5. Has Gastón ever won a
3. is going to eat are ready to receive them
4. will be back, or when they are
He has never won a
marathon, but he has just legally adopted.
3 1. Jane might graduate in 2014.
won a race. 3. More than 40 children.
2. I don’t think Monica might
4. They will have better
win the lottery.
2 1. Marina has visited Isla opportunities.
3. The film might be interesting.
4. They might not enjoy it.
2. She has gone rafting.
3. She has climbed Cerro Otto.
5. The police might not end Test 1 B
with crime.
4. She hasn’t travelled to 1 1. is 4. always meet
Trelew. 4 1. When are they going to 2. travel 5. speaks
arrive? 3. doesn’t matter