Research Argument Essay
Research Argument Essay
Research Argument Essay
Writing a Research Argument Essay can be a challenging task that requires careful planning, critical
thinking, and effective communication skills. The difficulty lies not only in the research aspect but
also in crafting a persuasive and well-structured argument that is supported by credible evidence.
To begin with, the process involves extensive research to gather relevant information and data to
support your thesis statement. This may require hours of reading scholarly articles, books, and other
academic sources. The ability to sift through a vast amount of information and select the most
pertinent evidence is crucial.
Once the research is done, the challenge shifts to organizing the ideas coherently. Developing a
logical flow and ensuring that each point contributes to the overall argument can be intricate. A well-
structured essay should have a clear introduction, body paragraphs with supporting evidence, and a
compelling conclusion that summarizes the key points.
Constructing a strong thesis statement is another hurdle to overcome. The thesis serves as the
backbone of the essay, guiding the reader on what to expect and providing a central focus for the
argument. Crafting a thesis that is specific, arguable, and concise requires a deep understanding of
the topic and a keen analytical mindset.
In conclusion, writing a Research Argument Essay demands a combination of research skills, critical
thinking, and effective communication. The difficulty arises from the need to synthesize information,
organize ideas logically, construct a compelling thesis, and address counterarguments. Despite these
challenges, mastering the art of crafting a persuasive research argument essay is a valuable skill for
academic and professional success.
For assistance with similar essays or other academic writing needs, services like
can provide support and guidance.
Research Argument Essay Research Argument Essay
Maslow Abraham Maslow was a humanistic psychologist whose theories of self
actualization and hierarchy of needs had a significant impact on the field of human
development. Maslow was a very optimistic theorist regarding human beings, with
thoughts that he wanted humans to be happy and be the best that they can be regarding
their life path. Maslow defined self actualization as a human being realizing personal
potential, self fulfillment and one who seeks personal growth and peak experiences in
their life path (McLeod, 2007). Self actualization is included in Maslow s hierarchy of
needs (McLeod, 2007) model. Self actualization is the pinnacle of human development,
although... Show more content on ...
Our medical director is a neurologist, so I am thinking that his statistics are correct and
researched. I would like to relate the experiences that I had with my grandmother
when I was growing up. When I was in my youth, my grandmother was already in her
60 s was very active and had great mental acuity. She was always physically active and
I used to go everywhere with her. She would take me to museums in New York City
and she would navigate the city fairly well, even at her advancing age. As she got
older, she still remained active and kept her brain active by reading, knitting and that
sort of thing. In her 80 s and 90 s her brain was still very sharp until she passed at the
age of 96. There was no evidence of Alzheimer s disease with her at all and up until her
death her thinking was clear. My parents who are in their 80 s are not experiencing
any form of dementia either. I believe that they will not experience this because they
keep their bodies active as well as their minds. My dad is pretty computer literate for
someone of his age, where most folks his age are not, and with the world of information
at his disposal, he is learning new information all of the time. I believe that their
crystallized intelligence is increasing due to increased brain activity/stimulation. From
the reading in Diessner (2008) the authors posited that a decline
The Importance Of Graphic Novels
When most people refer to literature that concentrates specifically on the Holocaust as
the subjects, the first thought usually isn t in the form of a graphic novel. Most people
would believe a graphic novel is something only a child would read or someone to the
same educational equivalent. Due to their engaging stories and appealing visuals though,
graphic novels are idea for visual learners, inexperienced or unenthused readers, and just
about anyone else who may not find traditional print books enticing. Graphic novels tend
to show a relationship between the images and the text that makes for an experience in
itself (1.). Sometimes even taking on a difficult subject, an example being the Holocaust
can make for a different kind of experience. In MausI II, the author chose graphic novels
as his medium. For that, Maus shines due to its impressive ability to speak the
unspeakable by using the popular maxim, a picture is worth a thousand words, to
perfection (3).
As mentioned before, graphic novels can be great tools for some, if not all, readers. As
well the holocausts can be a difficult subject, not always easy to read about. Using
graphic novels, which often is associated with children, to represent a traumatic event
can be problematic: The enormity of atrocity is such that the very act of representing it
risked trivializing or over dramatizing it, (2). In other words, the author has to be very
cautions when writing serious graphic novels not to get too creative
Chronological Accuracy Of The Return Of Martin Guerre
The chronological accuracy that The Return of Martin Guerre film portrays can throw
the viewer off at first. The film begins with the marriage of a young couple who are
both around the age of fourteen. The audience is then introduced to a young woman,
who is recalling the events that had just taken place. The film jumps back and forth
several times, reflecting on the events that took place 8 10 years before. The film takes
place in the middle on the sixteenth century France. Several years past, roughly 8 when
Martin returns, Martin is able to conceal his identity for around 2 years before he is
taken in front of the judge.
For both Ethan and Sami, the beginning was difficult to follow. However once realizing
who the young woman was and the ... Show more content on ...
Though only a year or two has passed, it is plausible. Jack uses everything he has
learned in the war to help his town thrive. Not knowing the real Jack, created a positive
view of the imposter Jack. The imposter Jack s change of heart, became his weakness.
Both films tell a story of a father returning home after leaving to fight in the war, only to
be discovered as imposters. However, both are set in entirely different eras, one in
sixteenth century France and the other in eighteenth century Southern states of U.S.A.
Knowing the back story of the characters, help the audience in forming a bond. with the
imposters. Also, seeing their determination to help their village grow and become
successful helps further that bond.
However, Sommersby main character the imposter Jack, treasured the bond that he
had with the villagers. Becoming a respected figure in his town, he sacrificed his own
life for his wife. Laurel s status in the village remains the same, since the imposter Jack
s death. The villagers are repairing well needed repairs to the town, and they crops are
growing more than ever. The chronological order the film Sommerby, gives shows the
change of character of the imposter Jack and the true husband that he was. In The Return
of Martin Guerre, the chronological order used, helped establish the actions taken by
Martin s