Consumer Lifestyles in Chile

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Consumer Lifestyles in Chile

June 2023

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The data included in this report is accurate according to

Euromonitor International´s market research database,
at time of publication: June 2023

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This report is part of a series of 4 highly-visual reports covering the 40 markets surveyed in the Consumer Lifestyles offers valuable insights
annual Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles survey. into key consumer attitudes and current
thinking, and their impact on purchasing and
consumption habits; quantifying behaviours,
Draws together insights from across the Lifestyles survey and
Lifestyles Country Report Series

preferences and motivations and aligning

Consumer Lifestyles provides takeaways on key trends. them with broader trends

Reviews shifting consumer traits and values that influence

Consumer Values and purchasing and consumption behaviours. (Visual only
Behaviour report)

Explores consumers beyond their demographic profile and

provides a different perspective on shopping habits and
Consumer Types
path to purchase.

Connects survey insights with Euromonitor’s 10 megatrends, Disclaimer

including case studies highlighting how companies are Much of the information in this briefing is of a
Megatrends responding to changing attitudes and expectations. statistical nature and, while every attempt has
been made to ensure accuracy and reliability,
Euromonitor International cannot be held
responsible for omissions or errors.
Note: In the Lifestyles survey, respondents provide their age within 5-year increments (15-19, 20-24, 25- Figures in tables and analyses are calculated
29, etc). Given these parameters, generations cited in this report series are defined as follows: Generation from unrounded data and may not sum. Analyses
found in the briefings may not totally reflect the
Z: aged 15 to 29; Millennials: aged 30 to 44; Generation X: aged 45 to 59; Baby Boomers: aged 60+
companies’ opinions, reader discretion is advised.

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Consumer landscape

Personal traits and values

Home life and leisure time

Eating and dietary habits

Working life

Health and wellness

Shopping and spending

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Consumer landscape in Chile 2023

Population by Generation (% of total) Median Age: Fertility Rate: Old-age Dependency Ratio
25% Years Children per Women 40% 2040
20% 36.3 1.3
Life Expectancy at Birth: 2023
Men Women
78.8 83.4
5% 0%
Households by Ownership 2000 2023 2040
Generation Generation Z Millennials Generation X Baby Boomers
Largest Cities (by % of total population)
% of total population
Rented 0% 20% 40% 60%
Total Population Number of Households
19.6M 6.1M
Urban vs Rural Spending per Household (USD) Households by Type
100% Temuco
Non- Couple with Children
USD23,314 Rancagua
Other Antofagasta
Food USD6,181 disposable
Single Person Arica income Chile
Housing USD5,331 Iquique
Couple without Children
Single-Parent Family 0 10,000 20,000 30,000
0% 0 50 100
% of total consumer expenditure Disposable income per capita (USD)
2000 2023 2040
0% 25% 50% % of Total Population
Source: Euromonitor International from national statistics Disposable Income (USD per Capita)
Note: Data for 2023-2040 are forecasts
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Personal traits and values

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Personal traits and values

Most consumers remain unsettled as household budgets are
squeezed by rising prices, a result of high inflation rates, the recent
stifling increase in the cost of energy and the negative knock-on
effect of the war in Ukraine. Reflecting their concerns, 23% say they
are actively involved in political and social issues and 21% say they
donate to non-profits/charities. While 50% of respondents,
including 43% of Gen Z, say they believe the world will be a more
dangerous place in future, 49% nevertheless say their lives will be
better in future.
Concerns about the impact of climate change are influencing
consumers’ choices, with many voicing their strongly-held views via
conscious consumerism, with 60% feeling they can make a
difference through their choices and actions. Looking ahead, 40% of
respondents, including 42% of Gen Z, say they believe that climate
change will affect their lives even more in future than it does now.
Reflecting a growing interest in brands, 26% of respondents in Chile
say they enjoy being actively engaged with brands, with 70%,
including 64% of Gen Z, saying they engage with brands to influence
product innovation and 66% only buying from brands they trust

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Consumers under pressure and reviewing their priorities

Consumers under pressure Personal values
n = 1,012; % of respondents n = 1,012; % of respondents
I am concerned that the 40%
cost of everyday items are
going up
Take health and Looking for ways Feel they can Like to enjoy life Willing to spend Enjoy spending
safety precautions to simplify their make a difference and don’t worry money to save money rather
when they leave life to the world about planning for time than save it
home through their the future
choices and
Chile Global

I am financially secure Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Consumers are becoming ever more price- 31% of respondents, including 35% of Millennials,
conscious as inflationary pressures drive up costs. say they feel under constant pressure to get
Agree Strongly Agree
Only 9% of respondents said they intended to things done. In a move to create more balanced
Disagree Strongly Disagree
increase their overall spending over the next 12 lives, 54% reported setting a strict boundary
Neither Agree or Disagree
months, with 51% hoping to save more. between their work or school life and their
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey,
fielded January – February 2023 personal life.
© Euromonitor International

"Time for myself" remains a high priority

Ranking of time priorities by generation
n = 1,012; % of respondents Additional insights on personal traits and priorities
Consumers in Chile feel it is important to prioritise time for
themselves, with 54% citing enjoying personal time among
their top three priorities, including 55% of Gen Z and 54% of
Millennials. 52% say they regularly spend time on their
hobbies (at least weekly).

There is increased focus on opportunities to travel since travel

restrictions have been lifted. 16% of respondents, including
12% of Gen Z want to find time to travel. This has led to 24%
expecting to increase their spending on travel over the next
12 months.

44% of consumers are dedicating time to their favourite

activities: 16% say they expect to increase visits to the cinema,
28% are taking part in online video gaming, 76% are streaming
content and 12% are engaging with metaverse platforms at
least weekly.

Spending time with friends is a top priority for 17% of

▪ Time for my favourite activities ▪ Time to travel ▪ Time with friends consumers, including 27% of Gen Z. 55% say they meet up
▪ Time for myself ▪ Time with children ▪Time with parents with friends and 22% entertain friends in their homes
▪ Time to volunteer ▪ Time with extended family regularly (at least weekly). 14% expect to increase visits to
▪ Time for work ▪ Time with spouse or partner restaurants and 15% order food for home delivery (at least
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Identity, status and values reflected in consumer attitudes and behaviour

Consumer identity and status Personal values
n = 1,012; % of respondents (Agree/Strongly Agree with these statements) n = 1,012; % of respondents
It is important to experience 60%
cultures other than their own 40%
Their identity is accepted by society 20%
(eg, gender, age, 0%
race/ethnicity/religion, income) I take health and I give back to those I only buy from Being active in the I am actively
safety precautions in need companies and community is involved in political
Feel comfortable expressing their
identity with friends and family when I leave my brands that I trust important to me and social issues
home completely
Spiritual beliefs are an important Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers
part of life Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
Want products and services that Many consumers place great value on the appearance of personal success and
are uniquely tailored to them
achievement: 25% of respondents (compared to 25% globally) say it is important to
them that other people think they are doing well.
Like to be distinct from others
65% of respondents who say they prefer online virtual experiences; also said they
Prefer to be anonymous online
(e.g.use an avatar or pseudonym prefer to communicate online rather than face to face or by phone and 25% said
on social media) they use AR or VR to enhance their shopping experience.
It is important to cultivate their
personal brand online and to Of the 37% who prefer to be anonymous online, 62% said they actively manage
manage others’ perceptions data sharing and privacy settings according to their preferences, this includes 59%
of Gen Z.
0% 30% 60% 90%
Chile Global Of the 59% of respondents who said they give back to those need, 22% said they
donate to non-profits and charities and 27% said they buy from brands that
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey,
fielded January – February 2023 support social and political issues that are aligned with their values.
© Euromonitor International

Consumers appreciate innovation and look for new experiences

Brand engagement Attitudes towards experiences
n = 1,012; % of respondents (Agree/Strongly Agree) n = 1,012; % of respondents
Like to try new products
and services 50%

Extensively research the Value real world Feel it is Seek curated Value online Feel it is Shop in stores Prefer online
products and services I experiences important to experiences that virtual important to that create virtual
consume experience other are tailored to experiences spend money on engaging experiences to
cultures their tastes experiences experiences real world
Prefer branded goods to Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
non-branded alternatives

17% of consumers prefer to use a brand or company social media account or website to find
Want to engage with out information on a brand or product. This includes 23% of Gen Z and 20% of Millennials.
brands to influence
product innovation
45% of respondents, including 44% Millennials, say they extensively research the products
and services they consume. Of those that say this, 63% will only buy from companies and
Like to be actively engaged brands they trust completely.
with brands
When considering purchasing products or services, 21% of respondents say they make their
purchasing decisions based on a brand or companies' social and political beliefs.
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
Chile Global Of the 52% of consumers that said they valued online virtual experiences to real world
experiences, 19% of these said they expected to increase their spending on experiences over
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey,
fielded January – February 2023 the next 12 months.
© Euromonitor International

Younger consumers have a more positive outlook on their future

Future outlook by generation
Generation Baby
Gen Z Millennials
X Boomers
59% 49%
of consumers in Chile expect to be
I will be happier of overall respondents, including 67%
62% 66% 58% 45% better off financially in the future, this
than I am now Millennials, expect to be happier in
includes 58% of Millennials.
the future than they are now.
I will be better off Among this
62% 57% 42% 29% Among these respondents 61% also say
financially cohort 44% say they place earning a high
that they will have more free time in
salary in their top three work-related
the future. This includes 57% of Gen Z.
I will have more priorities.
free time for 46% 45% 46% 59%

I will work less

than I do now
22% 22% 33% 50% 35% 50%
of consumers, including 35% of Gen Z,
of the respondents expect that the
feel that more of their everyday activities
My life will be world will be a more dangerous place in
60% 59% 41% 33% will shift to be in-person in future.
better future.
Among this group 14% selected working
71% are worried about climate change
More activities with people like them as a work-related
29% 23% 21% 25% and 55% think there will be more
will shift online priority and 19% said they would take an
political unrest in their country in future.
in-person class to learn a new skill.
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey,
fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Personal traits and values survey highlights

Gen Z Gen X

▪ Give back to those in need (52%) ▪ Want products and services that are uniquely
▪ Prefer branded goods (33%) tailored to them (37%)
▪ Prioritise time with parents (36%) ▪ Value real world experiences (76%)
▪ Feel they will have less free time in future (30%) ▪ Extensively research products and services they
▪ Feel under constant pressure to get things done consume (45%)
(44%) ▪ Prioritise time for themselves (53%) and with
▪ Say climate change will impact their life more children (62%)
than it does now (42%) ▪ Reducing their meat consumption (35%), and
trying to use less water (61%)

Millennials Baby Boomers

▪ Are willing to spend money to save time (43%) ▪ Prefer living in the real world to participating in
virtual online experiences (75%)
▪ Search for ways to simplify their lives (65%)
▪ Prioritise time for their partner or spouse (47%),
▪ Like to try new products and services (60%) spending time with extended family (19%)
▪ Make their purchasing decisions based on ▪ Expect they will have more free time in the future
brands/companies’ social and political beliefs (58%) and that more of their everyday activities will
(27%) shift to online platforms (25%)
▪ Prioritise time for their favourite activities (26%) ▪ (64%) said they recycle items and (63%) said they use
▪ Try to offset their carbon emissions (20%) sustainable packaging

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Home life and leisure time

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Home life and leisure time

Consumers are choosing to spend more of their leisure time at
home, regularly engaging in activities ranging from watching or
streaming TV or other content (cited by 78%) to playing video
games (40%) to entertaining friends and family (22%) (at least
weekly). At the same time, consumers do not tend to spend all their
leisure time at home: 39% of respondents say they regularly go out
shopping for leisure; 19% go to the cinema; 10% go to concerts or
to the theatre; and 12% visit restaurants (at least weekly).
Beyond expanding their at-home leisure activities, many consumers
are now also shifting activities that they once considered to be “out
of home” including work (37%) and exercise (54%), into their living
spaces. Reflecting the need to comfortably accommodate these
new domestic activities, 20% say having multifunctional space is an
important home feature.
Consumers are increasingly appreciating the convenience and
efficiency that smart home technology brings to their homes. 26%
say they already own smart home appliances, while 19%, including
21% of Gen Z, say they consider smart home functionality an
important home feature and 16% say they own an in-home virtual
assistant device.

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Active households are driving consumers to invest more in their home spaces
Home activities by generation
n = 1,012; % of respondents (at least weekly)
Additional insights on selected home-based activities
Of the 78% of respondents who say they watch TV shows or
movies at home at least weekly, 27% subscribe to online
streaming services (Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu, etc), 73% are
made up of Gen Z and 83% of Millennials.

Exercise is an especially popular home activity (49% females vs

60% males exercise at home at least weekly). Millennials are
overall more likely to exercise at home compared to other

49% of respondents who said that they engage in their

interests and hobbies (eg gardening, knitting, crafts, etc) every
week, 42% said they would prefer to live in a home with
outside space.

Of the 37% of respondents who said that they work from

▪ Study knitting, crafts, etc) ▪ Shop online home and 41% of respondents who said that they study at
▪ Connect with friends or ▪ Entertain friends and family ▪ Cleaning and domestic home (at least weekly), 27% also said that they would look for
family virtually on the phone, who do not live with me chores
a multifunctional work-live space) in their ideal home.
Skype, WhatsApp, etc ▪ Exercise ▪ Take an online or virtual
▪ Hobbies (eg gardening, ▪ Play video games fitness class
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Consumers spend a good part of their leisure time engaging with friends online and offline
Frequency of leisure activities Leisure time spent online
n = 1,012; % of respondents n = 1,012; % of respondents (at least weekly)
Socialise with friends in
Go shopping for leisure 40%
Take a class or attend a 30%
lecture 20%
Go to a sporting event
Take a day trip Socialise with Take part in Visit or update Engage with Take a virtual Attend virtual Visit an online
friends online online video social metaverse class/attend a events/concerts dating or
gaming networking platforms lecture online matchmaking
sites website or app
Go to a concert or to the Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers
theatre Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
Go to the cinema

Go to a museum or art

0% 50% 100% 55% of respondents said that they socialise with 73% of respondents said they visit or update
At least weekly 1-3 times a month friends in person at least weekly, 17% also said their social networking sites every week, this
Once every few months Rarely they intended to increase their spending on trips includes 75% of Gen Z. 38% of this cohort also
to the cinema, concerts, or the theatre and 18% said they share their data online in order to
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey,
fielded January – February 2023 on spending on experiences. receive personalised and targeted offers or deals.

© Euromonitor International

Ideal home features vary widely among generations, but outside space is popular for all
Most desirable home features by generation Additional insights on ideal home features:
n = 1,012; % of respondents
Outside Space
45% of respondents that live with children aged 0-17 said
Smart Home Functionality outside space is among their ideal home features.

Garage/Indoor Parking
Of the 29% consumers who prioritise energy-efficient
homes, 53% also said they were trying to reduce their
Energy Efficiency
energy consumption by using energy-efficient products.

Minimalistic Design
13% of consumers who said they prefer their homes to
Multifunctional Space
have minimalist design, 55% also said they regularly study
at home.
Sustainable Materials
Among those who desire multifunctional space, 62% said
On-site Fitness they regularly exercised at home, and within this group,
29% rent their homes and 52% own their homes.
Shared Living Space

Outdoor/Street Parking
Of consumers that value smart home functionality, 21%
0% 30% 60%
also said they remotely monitor or control home
appliances every day, and 20% said they feel comfortable
Generation Z Millennials Generation X Baby Boomers sharing their personal data with private companies.
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Access to green spaces is valued by all generations

Ideal home location and access to services by generation
n = 1,012; % of respondents Additional insights on home preferences
Safe location 12% of consumers want to live in areas with clean air. 32%
of these consumers prefer to buy products and services
produced by purpose-driven brands/companies (those
Access to green with sustainability commitments that go beyond economic
spaces profit).

Proximity to public 42% of respondents who said that proximity to public

transport transport is among their top priorities when thinking about
an ideal home, 39% of these consumers also said that they
are trying to reduce carbon emissions by driving less or
Urban or inner city
location taking public transportation.

11% of respondents who said that suburban location is

Rural location among their top priorities when thinking about an ideal
home, 46% also said that they expect to work from home
in the future.
Suburban location
Access to green space was considered important to the
Location with 43% who say they regularly walk, or the 28% who run or
limited air pollution jog or exercise.
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
Generation Z Millennials Generation X Baby Boomers
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Demand for domestic leisure trips remain strong as consumers stay closer to home
Most important travel features
n = 1,012; % of respondents
Relaxation Quality of food or All-inclusive Nature and
Immersion in Urban area Family-oriented Arts and heritage Group tours and Able to book
dining at hotels and outdoor activities
local culture or child-friendly activities holiday package
destination resorts Chile Global
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023

Number of domestic and international leisure trips in the previous 12 months

n = 1,012; % of respondents

Did not take this type of trip Gen Z Millennials

Are more interested in arts and heritage Are more interested in city breaks
1-3 trips
27% of respondents who said that While partner or spouse is the
they took an international leisure most popular travel companion
4+ trips trip in the previous 12 months also overall, travel with friends holds
said they expect to increase their the most appeal for Gen Z (18%),
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% spending on travel in future. and Baby boomers are less likely to
Number of International personal trips Number of domestic personal trips travel alone (10%) than other
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Home life and leisure time survey highlights

Gen Z Gen X

▪ Socialise with friends in person at least weekly ▪ Say they travel with a partner/spouse (70%), and
(30%) (60%) said they travel with their children
▪ Take an online virtual fitness class at least ▪ Say their preferred travel destination feature is
weekly (18%) relaxation (30%), as well as arts and heritage
▪ Study at home at least weekly (55%) (8%)
▪ Say that minimalist design is among their top ▪ Homes near to public transport are a
three ideal home features (19%) preference (46%)
▪ Relaxation is in their top three travel destination ▪ Shop online while at home at least weekly (20%)
features (30%)

Millennials Baby Boomers

▪ Watch TV shows or movies (on TV, computer, ▪ Have a pet living at home (59%) and look for
smartphone, or other device) at least weekly holidays that offer nature and outdoor activities
(82%) (19%)
▪ Exercise (57% do so at least weekly) ▪ Engage in hobbies (60% do hobbies at least
▪ Go shopping for leisure at least monthly (41%) weekly)
▪ Take a day trip at least monthly (25%) ▪ Say they typically travel with their children (41%)
▪ Say that multifunctional space (work-life space) ▪ Cite safe location (68%) and energy efficiency
is among their top three ideal home features (35%) among their top three home priorities

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Eating and dietary habits

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Eating and dietary habits

Unhealthy eating habits and more sedentary lifestyles are
prompting many consumers to look for ways to manage their
weight. 23% of respondents say they are on a diet trying to lose
weight while 34% say they actively monitor what they eat in order
to manage their weight. Similarly, there is also an increased focus
on healthy ingredients, with 36% closely reading the nutrition labels
on the products they consume.
For a variety of reasons, including personal health, rising prices and
sustainability, many consumers are focusing on the proportion of
meat in their diets. 29% say they are trying to reduce their meat
consumption while 12% say they now eat meat (and fish) only
As grocery budgets continue to be squeezed by rising food prices.
24% of respondents say they regularly seek private label and low-
cost products when they shop. 76% of consumers cook or bake at
home at least weekly rather than dine out. In addition, 25% say they
reheat/prepare ready meals to save time and effort. Of course,
many are still tempted by the convenience of ordering in: 15% say
they regularly order food for home delivery while 16% are regularly
ordering food for takeaway or pick up ready-made food to eat at
© Euromonitor International

Consumers pay more attention to the health benefits of the foods they eat
Relationship with food Of those that actively monitor what they eat in order to manage their weight:
n = 1,012; % of respondents n = 344; % of respondents
I actively monitor what I
eat in order to manage my 60%
I am on diet trying to lose
weight Look for healthy Take vitamins/ Are willing to pay Use an app to track Visit health-related
ingredients in food supplements daily/ more for healthy food my health or fitness at medical sites at least
and beverages almost daily features least weekly weekly
Chile Global

I keep track of the calories Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
in the food that I eat
34% of overall consumers actively 11% of overall consumers, compared
monitor what they eat to manage to 17% globally, seek to reduce their
their weight. 29% of these alcohol consumption. 12% of these
consumers also said they use an app consumers are 60+.
I am diabetic
to track their health.

23% of overall consumers 21% of consumers (compared to 25%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% (compared to 20% globally) say they globally) keep track of the calories in
are on diet trying to lose weight. the food that they eat. 62% of these
Baby Boomers Gen X Millennials Gen Z
56% of those on a diet also engage consumers closely read the nutrition
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, in physical exercise at least weekly. labels on foods they consume.
fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Lack of time to buy groceries and prepare home-cooked meals impacts meal choices
Barriers to cooking by generation
n = 1,012; % of respondents (at least weekly) Additional insights on cooking habits
Although a large proportion of consumers still prepare and eat
meals at home, 13% would rather spend their time doing things
other than cooking, this includes 19% of Gen Z and 14% of
Millennials. ​Additionally, 9% of Gen Z and 6% of Millennials said
they typically replace meals with snacks.

32% of Gen Z, 32% of Gen X and 30% of Baby Boomers said

they do not cook for themselves as they have someone else in
their household who cooks for them.

Lack of cooking skills is another major obstacle to cooking at

home, as 23% of Gen Z and 10% of Baby Boomers say they do
not cook very well. 18% of males cited it as a major obstacle to
cooking, compared to 10% of females.

▪ I do not cook very well ▪ I prefer to order food for delivery

▪ Eating at a restaurant is more convenient ▪ I do not have time to cook In many instances, accommodating busy lifestyles influences
▪ I do not like to cook ▪ Food from restaurants tastes better consumers’ dining choices: 5% (compared to 13% globally) say
▪ I do not have time to shop for groceries ▪Someone else in my household typically going out to eat at a restaurant is more convenient, 6% prefer to
▪ Ordering food for delivery is more cooks for me order food for delivery, and 20% say they do not have time to
convenient cook.
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Home cooking most regular choice but demand for snacks and restaurant food booming
Eating and snacking habits Food preparation habits
n = 1,012; % of respondents (at least weekly) n = 1,012; % of respondents (at least weekly)
I typically eat snacks at home Cook or bake

Reheat or prepare a ready meal

I typically eat snacks while Order food for takeaway or pick up ready-
made food to eat at home
watching TV/streaming
Order food for home delivery

Eat at a restaurant
I often snack during the day in
between meals
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
At least once a day Weekly 1-2 times a month Less than once a month Never
I look for snacks that are
convenient to take and eat Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
outside the home
For several reasons, including the need for more convenient and time-saving
options, 5% of consumers say they sometimes replace typical meals with snacks.
I typically eat snacks while I am at 32% of respondents also say they typically snack while at work and 24% look for
work snacks that are convenient to take with them when they leave home.
As patterns of life continue to change, 28% of consumers say they vary their
I typically eat snacks when I am mealtimes according to their schedules, this includes 32% of Millennials and 37%
on-the-go (eg, on my commute to of Gen Z. Among those who vary their mealtimes, 39% said they feel under
constant pressure to get things done.
work, while out shopping, etc.) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Accommodating busy lifestyles influences consumers’ dining choices: 5% of
Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers Chileans say going out to eat at a restaurant is more convenient than cooking for
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey,
themselves. In addition, 14% of overall respondents also said they intended to
fielded January – February 2023 increase their visits to restaurants over the next 12 months.
© Euromonitor International

Consumers make their food choices based on perceived health benefits

Dietary choices and restrictions Dietary features and preferences by generation
n = 1,012; % of respondents n = 633; % of respondents
I look for healthy ingredients in food and
I am allergic or intolerant to beverages
certain foods
I closely read the nutrition labels of food and

I am reducing my meat consumption

I do not typically eat meat
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
or fish
Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023

I am a vegetarian 13% of overall respondents say are Consumers are more focused on improving
allergic or intolerant to certain their diets: 22% of respondents say they
foods. With this in mind, 45% of would pay more for food with additional
respondents say they only buy from health and nutritional benefits.
companies and brands they trust
I am a vegan
Consumers have been making special efforts to ensure they consume healthy foods. 53% of
respondents say they look for healthy ingredients in food and beverages, while 36% say they
closely read the nutrition labels of food and beverages to help them with their choices of
I am diabetic Chileans are increasingly exploring Consumers are questioning the carbon
0% 10% 20% plant-based foods, and according to footprints generated by the food and
our survey, 11% of respondents, beverages they consume. 14% of
Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers Gen Z say they prefer to buy food that is respondents said they prefer to buy food
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, environmentally conscious or eco- that is locally sourced or manufactured.
fielded January – February 2023 friendly.
© Euromonitor International

Consumers are more likely to pay more for foods that provide health and nutritional benefits
Willingness to pay more for food features by generation Among overall respondents:
n = 1,012; % of respondents
Superior taste
8% also tend to choose travel destinations where food is of
superior quality
Health and nutritional
properties (e.g. omega-3)
81% also look for healthy Ingredients in foods and beverages
Strong or well-known brand
43% prefer branded goods to non-branded alternatives
Environmentally conscious
or eco-friendly
60% also say buying eco-conscious products makes them feel
Premium or gourmet

41% say they would rather buy fewer, but higher quality things
Ready to cook

51% are willing to spend money to save time

Supports local communities

50% also say that being active in the community is important

Non-GMO (genetically
modified organism)
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers 49% also say they trust labels that say non-GMO
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Eating and dietary habits survey highlights

Gen Z Gen X

▪ Typically eat snacks at home (39%) ▪ Say they eat meals at the same time each
▪ Say their typical mealtimes vary day to day day (52%), and that their typical mealtimes
depending on their schedule (37%) varied from day to day according to their
schedule (23%)
▪ Typically eat snacks while watching TV/
streaming video content (35%) ▪ Cite living alone and not wanting to cook for
themselves as a barrier to cooking (3%)
▪ Someone else in their household typically
cooks for them (32%) ▪ Say that "health and nutritional properties"
is an influential food and beverage product
▪ Regularly reheat or prepare a ready meal
feature (32%), and pay more for fair trade
food and beverages (15%)

Millennials Baby Boomers

▪ Look for healthy ingredients in food and ▪ Say they eat meals at the same time each
beverages (55%) day (59%), and that they typically snack at
▪ Snack during the day in between meals home (8%)
(27%) ▪ Cite living alone and not wanting to cook for
▪ Order food for takeaway or pick up ready- themselves as a barrier to cooking (9%)
made food to eat at home at least weekly ▪ Say they are diabetic (14%)
(21%) ▪ Typically eat snacks at home (46%)
▪ Eat at a restaurant at least weekly (15%)

© Euromonitor International
Working life

© Euromonitor International

Working life
Reflecting continuing changes in the contemporary workplace,
many workers, especially younger workers, are now expressing new
employment expectations. 39% of respondents, including 42% of
Millennials, say they expect to be able to work from home in future,
while 40% say they expect to be able to have flexible start/finish
times. Many of these modern workers are now focusing more on
finding time for those out-of-work activities that satisfy their strong
personal and/or family goals: 46% say it is important to have a job
that allows for a strong work-life balance.
At the same time, ongoing economic uncertainty and volatile job
markets compel many workers to continue to strive to achieve a
range of more traditional career objectives: 41% say it is a priority
to have job security and 40% say it is important to earn a high
salary. This includes 38% of Gen Z.
Many in the workforce have a strong entrepreneurial streak. 27%
say they expect to start their own company in future and 31% say
they expect to be self-employed. Some value the self-sufficiency
provided by other non-traditional employment tracks: 16% say they
expect to work on a contract or freelance basis in future, with 15%
having more than one job.

© Euromonitor International

Expectations of high levels of employee health and safety apparent across generations
Work priorities by generation
n = 1,009, % of total respondents
Of overall respondents that ranked prioritising health and safety at
work in their top three priorities:
80% take health and safety precautions when they leave home
19% donate to non-profits and charities supporting the environment
65% feel they can make a difference to the world through their
choices and actions

Of those that cite having responsibility and challenging work among

their top three priorities:
52% prefer to take charge and lead others
27% feel under constant pressure to get things done
21% expect to have more than one job

Among those that place working for themselves among their top
three priorities:
24% want to work where they feel comfortable expressing their
▪ To receive workplace benefits such as free food or time or space to play video games identity
▪ To work for a company that takes ethical and social responsibilities seriously 22% are actively involved in political and social issues
▪ To have responsibility and challenging work 42% say being active in a community is important for them
▪ To work for a company that prioritises employee health and safety
▪ To work with people like me
▪ Feel comfortable expressing their identity
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Conditions that allow for a strong work-life balance are important for many
Desire for flexible working conditions Work priorities
n = 1,009, % of respondents n = 1,009, % of respondents by parent status
To have a job that allows for a strong
work or life balance
To have a job that allows for
a strong work or life balance To work close to home

To be able to work from home

To work close to home

To set my own work hours

To work for myself

To be able to work from 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
home Non-parent or parent of grown children Parent with children ages 0-17 in home
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023

Younger generations are more Working close to home is highly

To set my own work hours focused on fitting their working lives sought after by consumers seeking
around their lifestyles, with 19% of to improve their work-life balance,
Gen Z saying they want to set their with 30% ranking this in their top
own working times. three. Working close to home is
To work for myself mostly prioritised by Baby boomers
(33%) and Gen X (32%).

0% 20% 40% 60% Although work-life balance Among respondents who prioritise
Chile Global is a high priority, only 45% say they working from home, 56% report
have a strict boundary between working from home at least once a
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey,
fielded January – February 2023 their work and personal life. week.
© Euromonitor International

Salaries and job security remain important job considerations

Work priorities by generation Additional priorities and expectations among overall
n = 1,009, % of total respondents
To earn a high salary
Only 16% expect to work on a contract or freelance
To have a job security

49% expect to be better off financially in the future.

To receive good training

45% say they have strict work-life boundaries​.

To have the opportunity to work or travel
17% would like to have responsibility and challenging
To work for a successful company
25% say it is important that other people think they are
To work for a good manager doing well​.

20% expect to work abroad in future​.

To be promoted quickly

70% also use technology to improve their day-to-day life​.

To work for an innovative company
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers 41% prefer to take charge and lead others.​
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Many see their future working lives fitting more easily around their lifestyles
Expectations of future work life Expectations of future work life by generation
n = 933, % of total respondents n = 933, % of total respondents
Have flexible start and finish times 50%
Work from home 30%
Be self-employed 20%
Start my own company
Work part-time Have flexible start Start my own Work from home Be self-employed Work part-time
Work past the typical retirement and finish times company
age Generation Z Millennials Generation X Baby Boomers
Work abroad in a different country Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
Work on contract or freelance 44% of female respondents expect Of those that expect to retire before
Have more than one job at the to work from home in the future, the typical retirement age, 15% also
same time
Retire before the typical retirement compared to 34% of males. 44% of say they will quit the labour market
age females also look forward to having to care for dependents.
Study or train to advance in my
current career flexible start and finish times as well.
Change industries
Leave the workforce to stay home 56% of Baby Boomers expect to Among respondents who say they
and care for dependents work past the typical retirement expect to work in a different
Study or train for a different career age, 24% say they expect to work industry in future, 17% say they will
part-time and 16% said they expect study or train for a different career,
0% 20% 40% 60%
to work on contract or freelance 31% expect to start their own
Chile Global basis. company, and 32% to be self-
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, employed.
fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Working life survey highlights

Gen Z Gen X

▪ Say they want to work with people like ▪ Prioritise a job that allows for a strong
them (17%) work-life balance (51%), and provides job
▪ Expect to earn a high salary (38%) security (49%)
▪ Expect to have more than one job at the ▪ Want to work for a company that prioritises
same time in the future (16%) employee health and safety (31%)
▪ Prioritise having the opportunity to work or ▪ Want to work for a good manager (10%)
travel abroad (15%) ▪ Expect to work from home in the future
▪ Say they expect to receive good training (42%)

Millennials Baby Boomers

▪ Expect to have flexible start and finish times ▪ Expect to work past the typical retirement
in the future (40%) age (56%)
▪ Say they have a strict boundary between ▪ Expect to work part-time in future (24%)
their work (or school) and personal life (47%) ▪ Want a job in future where they can work
▪ Say they prefer to be in charge and lead close to home (33%)
others (46%)
▪ 42% want to have job security
▪ Say they want to work for a company that
takes ethical and social responsibilities
seriously (15%)

© Euromonitor International
Health and wellness

© Euromonitor International

Health and wellness

The pandemic focused consumers' attention on their health and
fitness, with more emphasis on regular physical exercise together
with the adoption of activities to improve their mental health and
lift their mood. In 2023, 51% of consumers in Chile said they
regularly participated in physical exercise and 32% that they
regularly take health supplements/vitamins.
In a drive to better monitor their health and fitness, consumers are
continuing to adopt tech-based solutions, such as using fitness
wearables, smart watches and other health-monitoring devices. As
consumers are relying more on technology to achieve their health
goals, the share of respondents that say they own a fitness
wearable/health tracking device has reached 19%. Similarly, 23%
say they regularly visit health-related or medical websites.
Many consumers are making greater efforts to improve their health
by paying more attention to their diets. 34% of consumers said they
are monitoring what they eat to manage their weight and 11% said
they are reducing their alcohol consumption. In addition, 32% of
consumers said they seek out foods that have additional health and
nutritional properties, with 71% of these consumers saying they
would be willing to pay more for these features.

© Euromonitor International

A high percentage of consumers use exercise to maintain their health and wellness
Frequency of exercise routines Frequency of health-related habits
n = 688, % of total respondents n = 1,012, % of total respondents

Walk or hike for exercise Vitamin/health supplement frequency

Cycle or ride a bike
Participation in stress-reduction activities

Run or jog 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Almost every day 1-2 times a week 1-2 times a month Less than once a month Never
Participate in other intensive physical
activities Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
Home exercise has become more Walking or hiking for exercise
Weight lifting/strenght training popular because of the pandemic, remains the most prevalent form of
with 54% of respondents saying physical activity, with 46% of
Practice yoga/tai chi they still regularly exercise at home, respondents saying they walk or
including 15% who take an online hike at least weekly. Of those that
fitness class at least weekly. An on- walk or hike for exercise daily, or
Take a group fitness class site fitness facility is considered a almost every day, 19% also choose
desirable home feature for 11% of a travel destination based on the
Participate in team sports (eg Millennials and 21% of Gen Z. availability of nature and outdoor
football) activities.
Participate in other individual sports 32% of respondents take vitamins 31% of Chileans regularly run or jog
(eg, tennis, boxing, rowing, skiing) and/or supplements at least weekly, for exercise. This includes 36% of
0% 50% 100%
compared to 50% globally. Gen X, males and 24% of females. Gen Z
especially women Gen X, are more are the most likely to use a fitness
Almost every day 1-2 times a week 1-2 times a month likely to regularly take vitamins or tracking device when they run.
Less than once a month Never supplements, compared to other
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, cohorts.
fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

A growing number of consumers focusing on improving their mental wellbeing​

Mental wellbeing and stress-reduction activities over the previous six
months Additional insights from health and well-being attitudes and
n = 361, % of total respondents behaviours

64% of Chileans say they are trying to find ways to simplify

their lives and 27% said that using the internet adds a great
deal to their daily stress levels. Of those who have participated
in stress-reduction activities over the previous six months, 57%
say they feel they will be healthier in future than they are now.

Of the 41% of respondents who said they have practised yoga

over the previous six months to reduce stress, 56% agreed/
strongly agreed that spiritual beliefs were an important part of
their lives.

47% of respondents opted for herbal remedies to cope with

stress. Among those that used herbal remedies, 23% say they
are influenced to buy foods that are 100% organic and 34% by
foods that are all natural.

▪ Meditation ▪ Sleep aids Consumers are becoming more aware of the benefits of being
▪ Massage ▪ Spa visit physically active. 51% of respondents said they engage in
▪ Yoga ▪ Participate in physical activity
▪ Herbal remedies (eg lavender, ▪ Therapy or counselling physical activities at least weekly. 48% of respondents said
chamomile tea) they felt they would be healthier in future than they are now.
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Consumers look for food attributes that they feel will benefit their health
Influential product features for healthy food and drinks
n = 1,012, % of total respondents

Health and nutritional properties

46% 55%
trust labels that describe products
trust labels that say “All natural’
with “No artificial ingredients"
All natural

100% organic

Free range 48% 51%

trust labels that say “100%
trust labels that say “Free range”
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
Willing to pay more for this feature
Influential product feature
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Consumers continue to adopt technology solutions to manage their health and fitness
Use of technology to support health Additional insights on tech-based health attitudes
n = 358, % of respondents

An increasing number of consumers are turning to

Use an app to track my health or fitness at tech-based solutions to help them monitor and
least weekly improve their physical wellbeing. 70% of overall
respondents say they use technology to improve their
day-to-day life.

Experience of the pandemic is leading 71% of

Fitness wearables/health tracking device respondents to take health and safety precautions
when they leave their homes.

25% of Chileans (compared to 32% globally) regularly

use an app to track their health and fitness. Among this
Visit health-related or medical sites at least group, 44% say they share their data to
weekly receive personalised and targeted offers/deals.

51% of respondents said they regularly engage in

0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
physical exercise. Of these respondents, 16% expect to
Baby Boomers Gen X Millennials Gen Z increase their spending on new technology in future.
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Health and wellness survey highlights

Gen Z Gen X

▪ Have used sleep aids (52%) and therapy and

counselling to help reduce stress (26%) ▪ Feel that label definition of “natural” means
▪ Participate in intensive physical activities chemical free (63%)
(32%), as well as team (27%) and individual ▪ Regularly cycle or ride a bike (37%)
sports (17%)
▪ Take health supplements/vitamins every
▪ Trust in labels that describe products as week (37%)
vegan (47%)
▪ Say they are willing to pay more for free
▪ Look for healthy ingredients in the foods range products (6%), and “all natural”
they eat (43%) products (14%)

Millennials Baby Boomers

▪ Regularly participate in intensive physical ▪ Regularly walk or hike for exercise (57%)
activities (31%) ▪ Actively monitor what they eat to control
▪ Are cutting back on consumption of meat their weight (33%)
(24%) ▪ Say that non-GMO is an influential food
▪ Participate in stress-reduction activities at feature (15%)
least weekly (20%) ▪ Say that they define organic products as
▪ Use meditation to reduce stress (60%), use chemical free (63%), respecting animal
herbal remedies (56%) and practise yoga welfare (55%) and not containing artificial
(52%) additives (54%)
© Euromonitor International
Shopping and spending

© Euromonitor International

Shopping and spending

Rising costs and squeezed household budgets are driving growing
price sensitivity among consumers and prompting many to focus
more on value. 26% of respondents say they intend to increase their
visits to discount stores in future, while 20% say they intend to buy
more less expensive second-hand or previously-owned products. To
make further savings, 24% say they already regularly seek private
label and low-cost products.
Despite consumers’ enthusiasm for low cost and greater value,
many shoppers still consider a number of other factors when faced
with purchase decisions. For example, premium products are still in
demand, with 31% saying they would rather buy fewer, but higher
quality things and brand is also an important consideration: 30% say
they regularly seek strong/well-known brands.
A growing number of consumers are using augmented reality (AR)
or virtual reality (VR) to enhance their in-store shopping
experiences and 17% look for personalised and tailored shopping
experiences. The share of those that say they shop in-store for
innovative shopping experiences reached 12% in 2023.

© Euromonitor International

Cost-of-living crisis motivating consumers to find ways to manage their budgets

Shopping preferences Future spending habits by generation
n = 1,012, % of respondents n = 799, % of respondents
I like to find bargains

I try to lead a minimalist lifestyle

and do not buy new items unless 0%
necessary Increase visits to discount stores Increase purchase of second-hand Increase purchase of private
or previously owned products label/store brand goods
Generation Z Millennials Generation X Baby Boomers
I avoid going shopping whenever
possible Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
Pressured by rising prices for food, energy, fuel and other products, consumers are
looking for ways to better manage their household spending, with cost-cutting a key
I regularly seek private label and priority. 52% of respondents, including 60% of Baby Boomers, said they like to find
low-cost products bargains. Meanwhile, 26% expect to increase their visits to discount stores, this
includes 20% of female Gen X.
I tend to buy more items or shop
more often at stores or websites 32% of Chilean consumers, including 41% of Baby Boomers, said they try to
where I have a loyalty lead minimalist lifestyles and do not buy new items unless necessary. Of those that
card/membership or a store
credit card say they do this, 34% disagreed with the statement “I am financially secure”.

0% 20% 40% 60% 74% of Chilean consumers said they feel that the cost of everyday items they buy is
going up. Of those that agree with this statement, 17% said they buy more items or
Chile Global
shop more often at stores or websites where they have a loyalty card/ membership
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey,
fielded January – February 2023 or a store credit card.
© Euromonitor International

Voice of the consumer (1)

Shrinking purchasing power led to [increased use

of] coupons, discounts and grouped bulk

we cut all gourmet purchases, down traded home

care products brands and redirected some cloth
and kitchen accessories towards hypermarkets
rather than specialized channels

Carmen 40, Santiago

© Euromonitor International

Despite pressure on household budgets consumers want good quality products

Shopping attitudes by generation Additional insights of shopping attitudes from
n = 1,012, % of respondents
Like to browse in stores even if they do not
overall respondents
need to buy anything
57% say that 'seeing or trying' before purchasing is the
reason they prefer to buy in store.
Like to visit shopping malls

51% go shopping for leisure at least monthly.

Regularly buy themselves small treats -
products or services – as they feel they
deserve them
24% say the often make impulse purchases.
Regularly seek strong or well-known brands

22% say they typically rely on brand or social media

Would rather buy fewer, but higher quality accounts when they are deciding what to buy.

38% say they are willing to pay more for high quality
Don't mind buying items that will not last for apparel and footwear and 45% for high quality home care
a long time if they are inexpensive products.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Generation Z Millennials
Generation X Baby Boomers 59% say they look for good value when buying clothing and
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Consumers want products with labels they can easily understand

Shopping habits and preferences
n = 1,012, % of respondents Of overall respondents who have these shopping
Seek products with easy to understand habits and preferences:
24% say that getting advice from sales people is one of the
main reasons they shop in store.
Regularly buy gifts for my family and/or

36% said they enjoy spending their money, rather than save it.
Look for personalised and tailored
shopping experiences

53% said they want products and services that are uniquely
tailored to them.
Seek niche brands that are hard-to-find or

17% say that innovative shopping experiences is one of the

main reasons they shop in store.
Pick their travel destinations based on the
quality of shopping there
0% 20% 40% 60%
Generation Z Millennials 28% expect to increase their spending on travel or vacations
Generation X Baby Boomers over the next 12 months.
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Consumers are becoming more mindful of the impact of their purchasing habits
Conscious shopping attitudes and behaviours by generation
n = 1,012, % of respondents Additional insights from shopping habits

Buying “pre-loved” items is a top conscious-shopping

preference. 23% of this group also say they prefer to buy
products and services from purpose-driven brands and

22% of consumers who say they try to shop in locally-owned

stores, 57% say that being active in the community is important
to them.

27% of consumers, including 22% of Millennials, say they like to

repair their items instead of buying new ones. 21% of these
consumers also say that they donate to charities and non-profits
supporting the environment.

▪ Buying eco-conscious/ethically-conscious products makes me feel good

▪ I am willing to buy second-hand or previously-owned items 21% of respondents, including 31% of Baby Boomers, say they
▪ I am willing to rent items for specific occasions or a set time period instead of buying them try to purchase locally-sourced products and services. 40% of
▪ I like to repair my items instead of purchasing new ones these consumers also say they prefer to buy from brands that
▪ I try to purchase locally-sourced products and services support social and political issues that are aligned with their
▪ I try to shop in locally-owned stores values.
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Consumers embrace the circular economy and support brands that share their values
Frequency of circular buying and selling habits Ethical shopping habits by generation
n = 1,012, % of respondents n = 633, % of respondents
Buy second-hand/previously-owned products
Sell used or second-hand
items Buy sustainably-produced items

Buy products and services from purpose-driven

Share/swap items or brands/companies
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
Buy used or second-hand
50% of respondents, including 22% of consumers tend to buy
45% of Gen X and 51% of products or services from purpose-
Millennials, donate used items driven brands/companies. Among
Donate used items to a to a charity or non-profit at least this group, 77% feel that they make a
charity or non-profit on an annual basis. difference to the world through their
choices and actions.

Rent items, rather than Consumers in Chile buy used or Of those that say they buy
buy second-hand items at a lower sustainably produced goods, 22% are
rate than the global average, willing to pay more for
0% 50% 100% with 12% buying pre-loved items environmentally/ ethically conscious
at least monthly, compared to home care products, and 20% for
At least weekly 1-3 times a month
Once every few months 1-2 times a year
15% globally. Women are more apparel and footwear, and 15% for
Rarely Never likely than men to buy second- environmentally conscious or eco-
hand items (13% vs 12%). friendly food.
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey,
fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Consumers engaging more with companies and brands through social media channels
Shopping attitudes by generation
n = 1,012, % of respondents Additional insights from shopping attitudes
Write a review for a product or service at least monthly
Among the 26% of respondents who say they
like to be actively engaged with brands,
“Follow” or “like” a company’s social media feed or post 80% of Baby boomers reported wanting to
engage with brands to influence product
Buy something via a social media platform

Receive a thank you discount or offer for referring someone 22% of overall respondents say they provide
via social media to do business with the company feedback on a product or service via a social
media post. Among those that provide
Provide feedback on a product or service to a company via a feedback, 50% write an online review for a
social media post product or service (at least monthly).

Talk to a company’s customer service representative through

a social media platform
18% of consumers like to talk to a company
through their social media platform. Among
Share or retweet a product
those that do this, 49% say they will extensively
research products and services before they buy.
Share a purchase you made with your social network

24% of consumers, including 27% of Gen Z and

Share or retweet a company’s social media feed or post 24% of Millennials, said they recently bought
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% something via a social media platform. Among
Generation Z Millennials those that did this, 23% also say they share
Generation X Baby Boomers their purchases with their social networks.
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Data privacy is a concern, but technology is key to enhancing the shopper journey
Use of tech to enhance or simplify the shopping Attitudes to technology
experience (at least weekly) n = 1,012, % of respondents
n = 1,012, % of respondents 60%
Use a price comparison 50%
Read consumer reviews 10%
Actively manage Feel that Share data in Prefer to Feel comfortable Freely share Feel comfortable
data sharing and targeted ads order to receive communicate sharing personal personal sharing personal
privacy settings based on online personalised online rather data with information data with private
according to my searches and and targeted than face to face government online companies
preferences purchase history offers/deals or by phone institutions
Buy an item online invade privacy
Chile Global
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023

Use AR or VR to enhance a
shopping experience
0% 20% 40% 60%
Gen Z Millennials Of those that say they buy something online at Over the previous 12 months, 30% of respondents
Gen X Baby Boomers least weekly, 36% say the reason they shop online reported buying beauty, personal and health
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, is to get the best price, and 33% said it was for the care items online and 40% said they had bought
fielded January – February 2023 offer of free delivery. apparel, footwear and personal accessories.
© Euromonitor International

Consumers are focusing their attention on spending on essentials and trying to save more
Future spending intentions Intentions to increase savings and spending by generation
n = 719, % of respondents n = 944, % of respondents

Health and Wellness Putting more money aside into savings

Overall spending
Travel or Holidays
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Medical costs Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers

Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, fielded January – February 2023
Novelty experiences
25% of respondents, including 38% of
Housing or accomodation 51% of consumers, including 67% of
Gen Z, expect to increase their spending
Gen Z, expect to increase their savings
on education over the next 12 months.
New technology over the next 12 months, overall, only
Among these consumers, 13% say they
54% expect to decrease their spending
expect to study or train to advance
Groceries on overall purchases of products
their career or to change their career in
and services over the same period.
24% of consumers (32% of Gen Z) Consumers continue to spend more on
Clothing and footwear intend to increase their spending on essential items. 16% of consumers
travel/holiday over the next 12 months. expect to increase spending
0% 50% 100% Despite economic challenges, taking on groceries and 17% expect to
Increase Stay the same Decrease time to recharge and create memories increase spending on housing or
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, is considered vital for many. accommodation.
fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Voice of the consumer (2)

I'm buying more private label I have bought more own brands I try to take advantage of special
brand products for those than before, and in product offers more, and even buy in
categories where there is less categories where I previously advance if I know that the product
differentiation between products bought only established brands, is not going to expire and it is
such as frozen foods, packaged something that I constantly use,
foods, and home care products since inflation will probably make
it cost more in the coming months

Felipe 35, Santiago Jorge 39, Santiago Diego 37, Santiago

© Euromonitor International

Most generations have concerns around their current financial situation

Consumer Finance
n = 1,012, % of respondents
I am concerned about my current
financial situation
Among consumers who say they Of consumers who say they are
I am comfortable with my current are concerned about their comfortable with their current
financial situation
financial situation, 46% say they financial circumstances, 75%
I am able to regularly save a portion of extensively research the products also reported buying used or
my income they consume, and 58% say they second-hand items over the
look for value when buying food. previous 12 months.
I rely on financial support from friends
or family

I have enough money readily available

to cover an unexpected emergency
I sometimes rely on credit cards,
account overdrafts, other consumer
borrowing to cover everyday…
I have more debt than savings
(excluding home Consumers are looking for Even though 74% of consumers
mortgage/repayments) alternative ways to invest, with are concerned that prices of
8% putting their money in everyday items they buy are
I rely on government financial support
or subsidies collectibles (art, antiques, rare going up, 39% are willing to
0% 20% 40% 60%
items) and 5% in luxury items. spend money to save time.
Generation Z Millennials
Generation X Baby Boomers
Source: Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey,
fielded January – February 2023
© Euromonitor International

Shopping and spending survey highlights

Gen Z Gen X

▪ Buy used or second-hand items (61%) ▪ Say that best price is an online shopping
motivator (51%), along with free
▪ Expect to be increasing their savings over the shipping (34%), immediate purchase
next 12 months (67%) (32%)
▪ Like to find bargains (43%) ▪ Seek private label or low-cost products
▪ Rent items, rather than buy (21%), like to (21%)
browse stores even though they don't need ▪ Have more debt than savings (27%)
to buy anything (34%)
▪ Have trust in advertisements from a
company/brand (48%)

Millennials Baby Boomers

▪ Trust friends and family recommendations ▪ Seek value for money when buying
(76%), as well as independent consumer apparel and personal accessories (68%)
reviews (67%) ▪ Seeing and trying before they buy as an
▪ Sell used second-hand items (53%), share/ in-store shopping motivator (58%)
swap items or services (43%) ▪ Try to shop in locally-owned stores (26%)
▪ Look for personalised and tailored shopping ▪ Repair their items instead of purchasing
experiences (35%) new ones (43%)

© Euromonitor International

For Further Insight please contact

Jennifer Elster Jacques Olivier

Lifestyles Insight Manager Consumer Consultant

Jana Rudė Anjali Jain

Consumer Insight Manager Consumers - Consultant

Aistė Kriaučiūnaitė Kristina Balčiauskaitė

Survey Consultant Senior Economies and Consumers Research Manager Kristina.Balč

© Euromonitor International

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