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HallScrew HSS 3100 Series

Semi-hermetic Integral Single Screw Compressors

HSS 3118, HSS 3120, HSS 3121 and HSS 3122

Application Manual
HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

J & E Hall International 2005
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information
storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder.
The copyright in this publication shall be and remain the sole property of J & E Hall International.

Page 2 of 56 Issue 1.0 : 06/05

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

1. General Description ...................................................................................................5
1.1. Main Features......................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Construction............................................................................................................................ 5
1.2.1. Internal Relief Valve........................................................................................................... 6
1.3. The Compression Process ..................................................................................................... 7
2. Capacity Control and Volume Ratio...........................................................................9
2.1. Slide Valve Actuation ........................................................................................................... 10
2.2. Continuously Variable Capacity Control .............................................................................. 10
2.2.1. Controlled Stop and Start ................................................................................................ 10
2.2.2. Uncontrolled Stop, Restarting After an Uncontrolled Stop.............................................. 10
2.3. Minimum/Maximum Load Indication..................................................................................... 12
2.3.1. Single Compressor Systems ........................................................................................... 12
2.3.2. Multiple Compressor Systems......................................................................................... 12
3. Economiser Facility..................................................................................................14
3.1. Subcooling of Liquid Refrigerant .......................................................................................... 15
3.2. Side Load Operation ............................................................................................................ 15
4. Compressor Lubrication, Sealing and Cooling .........................................................17
4.1. Lubrication Functions ........................................................................................................... 17
4.1.1. Capacity Control Actuation .............................................................................................. 17
4.1.2. Bearing Lubrication .......................................................................................................... 17
4.1.3. Oil Injection for Sealing and Cooling ............................................................................... 17
5. Oil Support System..................................................................................................18
5.1. Oil Drain................................................................................................................................ 18
5.1.1. Oil Heater ......................................................................................................................... 18
5.2. Oil Differential Pressure Monitoring ..................................................................................... 18
5.2.1. ODP1 ............................................................................................................................... 19
5.2.2. ODP2 ............................................................................................................................... 19
5.3. Maintaining Discharge Pressure at Start up ........................................................................ 19
5.4. Liquid Injection Cooling ........................................................................................................ 19
5.4.1. Deciding if Liquid Injection is Required ........................................................................... 21
5.4.2. Liquid Injection Valve Selection....................................................................................... 21
6. Lubricating Oils........................................................................................................23
6.1. Lubricant Types .................................................................................................................... 23
6.1.1. Mineral Oils ...................................................................................................................... 23
6.1.2. Synthetic Lubricants ........................................................................................................ 23
6.1.3. Semi Synthetic Lubricants ............................................................................................... 24
7. Three Function Valve for HSS 3100 Series Compressors .......................................25
8. Integration into the Refrigeration Circuit...................................................................26
8.1. Oil System ............................................................................................................................ 26
8.2. Suction Line .......................................................................................................................... 26
8.3. Liquid Separation in the Suction Line .................................................................................. 26
8.4. Discharge Superheat............................................................................................................ 26
8.5. Safety Requirements for Compressor Protection ................................................................ 26
9. Electrical Connections .............................................................................................27
9.1. Compressor Starting............................................................................................................. 27
9.2. Motor Wiring Connections .................................................................................................... 27
9.3. Thermistors........................................................................................................................... 27
9.4. Capacity Control Solenoids .................................................................................................. 27

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

List of Figures
Fig 1 Compression Process...................................................................................................................... 8
Fig 2 Capacity Control Mechanism........................................................................................................... 9
Fig 3 Continuously Variable Capacity Control........................................................................................ 11
Fig 4 Economiser Cycle on Pressure/Enthalpy (p-h) Diagram .............................................................. 14
Fig 5 Economiser Arrangements: Wiring to Liquid Line Solenoid Valves.............................................. 16
Fig 6 Oil Differential Pressure Monitoring............................................................................................... 18
Fig 7 Liquid Injection Cooling ................................................................................................................. 20
Fig 8 Typical Methods of Providing Preferential Supply for Injection .................................................... 21
Fig 9 Deciding if Liquid Injection is Required ......................................................................................... 22
Fig 10 Three Function Valve Application for HSS 3100 Series Compressors ...................................... 25
Fig 11 Motor Terminal Box Wiring .......................................................................................................... 28
Fig 12 HSS 3100 Series Compressors Oil Support System .................................................................. 36
List of Tables
Table 1 Minimum Specification of Mineral Oils and Polyolester Lubricants .......................................... 23

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

1. General Description
The J & E Hall International HSS 3100 series of semi-hermetic integral
compressors are the latest addition to the HallScrew family of oil injected,
positive displacement, single screw compressors. Reflecting the very
latest innovations in screw compressor technology, they are designed for
incorporation into factory built chillers and compressor packs using HFC
refrigerants or R22.
HSS 3100 series compressors are capable of operating without cooling
over a limited range, but when indicated, a suitable cooling system is
required; cooling by liquid injection is the recommended method.
1.1. Main Features
• For use with R134a, R407c and R22.
• Integral oil separator.
• Single-piece casing.
• Designed and tested to international standards.
• Robust construction.
• Improved machine clearance control for maximum efficiency.
• Oil injected for maximum reliability.
• Enhanced slide valve geometry for capacity modulation with
minimum loss of efficiency. Infinite adjustment between
maximum (100 %) and minimum load (nominal 25 %).
• Simple, built-in capacity control using two solenoid valves.
• Economiser facility provided to improve operating efficiency,
especially at high compression ratios.
• Internal suction/discharge safety relief valve.
• High efficiency built in 3 phase, 2 pole motor unit for reliable
operation. Three different motor power options. Available
for 50 Hz or 60 Hz operation.
• Motor designed for star/delta or soft-start.
• Thermistor high temperature protection to motor.
• Thermistor discharge gas high temperature protection.
• Built-in oil filter.
1.2. Construction
The compressor is driven by a specially designed motor mounted on one
end of the compressor main shaft.
The compressor consists of two cast-iron castings which are bolted
together. The first casting is divided into two parts: the main casing,
encloses the motion work comprising the main rotor and star rotor, the
motor housing encloses the 3 phase, 2 pole motor. Returning suction
vapour flows around the start/rotor unit, cooling the windings in the
process, before entering the main rotor flutes. The second casing
provides three functions: a delivery end cover, a separator and an oil filter
Thermistor probes, buried deep in each phase of the stator windings,
provide protection against high temperatures. Phase wiring and
thermistor terminations are made to a terminal plate inside an enclosure
mounted on the top of the motor housing.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

The motion work, i.e. that part of the machine which performs the
compression function, consists of two rotating parts; there are no
eccentric or reciprocating motions. These fundamental components
comprise the cylindrical main rotor in which are formed six-start, helically
grooved screw threads with a spherical (hourglass) root form. The main
rotor meshes with a toothed wheel having eleven teeth. This wheel (or
'star rotor' as it is called owing to the shape), is made from a special
synthetic material. The star is located above the main rotor with its axis
at right angles to the main rotor axis. As the main rotor turns, it imparts a
freely rotating motion to the star rotor.
The star rotor is supported by a metal backing which is cast in one-piece
with the star rotor shafts. Although it is located in place on the backing,
the star is allowed to 'float' a small amount in a rotational sense. This
floating action, combined with the low inertia and negligible power
transmission between the main rotor and star rotor, ensures compliance
of the star/main rotor combination. The star rotor shafts are supported at
each end by taper roller bearings.
The main rotor is supported on a shaft the other end of which carries the
motor rotor. The shaft is supported by an arrangement of rolling element
bearings at two positions. This entire assembly is dynamically balanced.
The main rotor and star rotor is housed inside the main casing. The
inside of this main casing has a somewhat complex shape, but
essentially consists of a specially shaped cylindrical annulus, which
encloses the main rotor leaving a small clearance. Part of the annulus is
cutaway at the suction end to allow the suction gas to enter the rotor. In
addition there is a slot to allow the star tooth to mesh with the main rotor
flutes. The discharge port is positioned at the other end of the annulus
and conveys the compressed gas into the discharge chamber. Suction
pressure prevails throughout the main casing up to the discharge port.
Delivery pressure is maintained in the discharge port, discharge chamber
and oil reservoir.
A cover at the top of the main casing is provided to allow easy access to
the star rotor, star rotor shafts and bearings, without disturbing working
The compressor is fitted with an integral suction strainer, built into the
suction end cover, designed to trap any dirt circulating with the refrigerant
which might otherwise enter and damage the compressor.
The cyclone type separator removes the majority of entrained oil from the
discharge gas stream. Two sight-glasses are provided to check the level
of oil in the reservoir at the bottom of the compressor. The reservoir is
fitted with a 250 W heater.
The discharge connection on the integral oil separator can be fitted with a
specially designed valve which combines the functions of a stop valve,
non-return valve and head pressure control valve in one compact
assembly; for further details refer to 7. Three Function Valve for HSS
3100 Series Compressors.
1.2.1. Internal Relief Valve
The compressor is fitted with an internal suction/discharge relief valve to
protect against overpressure, for example, in the event of operation with
a closed delivery valve in the system. Adequate system relief valves
designed to match the plant design pressure must be retained.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

1.3. The Compression Process

With single screw compressors the suction, compression and discharge
process occurs in one continuous flow at the star wheel. In this process
the suction gas fills the profile between the rotor, star tooth and casing.
The volume is steadily reduced and the refrigerant gas thereby
compressed. The high-pressure gas is then discharged through a port,
the size and geometry of which is determine by the internal volume ratio
(ratio of the volume of gas at the start and finish of compression). This
volume ratio must have a defined relationship to the mass flow and the
working pressure ratio, to avoid losses in efficiency due to over and under
As the HallScrew is a positive displacement compressor, there are three
separate stages in the compression cycle: suction, compression and
discharge. These are illustrated in Fig 1.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

1. and 2. Suction 1.
Main rotor flutes 'a', 'b' and 'c' are in
communication at one end with the suction
chamber via the bevelled rotor end face, and
are sealed at the other end by the star rotor
teeth. As the main rotor turns, the effective
length of the flutes increases with a
corresponding increase in the volume open to c Suction
the suction chamber: Diagram 1 clearly Gas
shows this process. As flute 'a' assumes the a
position of flutes 'b' and 'c' its volume
increases, inducing suction vapour to enter
the flute.
Upon further rotation of the main rotor , the
flutes which have been open to the suction
chamber engage with the star teeth. This
coincides with each flute being progressively
sealed by the main rotor. Once the flute
volume is closed off from the suction chamber,
the suction stage of the compression cycle is


3. Compression 3.
As the main rotor turns, the volume of gas
trapped within the flute is reduced as the
length of the flute shortens and compression


4. Discharge 4.
As the star rotor tooth approaches the end of
a flute, the pressure of the trapped vapour
reaches a maximum value occurring when the
leading edge of the flute begins to overlap the Discharge
triangular shaped discharge port. Gas

Compression immediately ceases as the gas b

is delivered into the discharge manifold. The
star rotor tooth continues to scavenge the flute a
until the flute volume is reduced to zero. This
compression process is repeated for each
flute/star tooth in turn.

Oil separator not shown

Fig 1 Compression Process

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

2. Capacity Control and Volume Ratio

HallScrew HSS 3100 series compressors is provided with infinitely
variable capacity control as standard.
Since the HallScrew compressor utilises fixed intake and discharge ports
instead of valves, the overall compression ratio is determined by the
configuration of these ports. The degree of compression is governed by
the ratio between the flute volume when it is sealed off by the star tooth
at the beginning of the compression process, to that immediately before
the discharge port is uncovered. This is known as the built-in volume
ratio (VR) and is an important characteristic of all fixed-port compressors.
In order to achieve maximum efficiency, the pressure within the flute
volume at the end of the compression process should equal the pressure
in the discharge line at the instant the flute volume opens to discharge.
Should these conditions not prevail, either overcompression or
undercompression will occur, both of which result in internal losses.
Although in no way detrimental to the compressor, inefficient
compression will increase power consumption.


Oil Supply Oil Vent to Suction


Unload Load

Slide Spring
Discharge pressure acts
on this side of piston

Fig 2 Capacity Control Mechanism

The compressor is fitted with a sliding valve which reduces pumping

capacity by delaying the sealing of the flute volume together with the
opening of the discharge port, altering the effective length of the main
rotor flutes. The valve not only permit stepless capacity control down to
approximately 25 % of full load (actual minimum value varies with
operating conditions), but also maintain the best possible VR over a wide
capacity control range.
The slide valve is housed in a semicircular slot in the wall of the annular
ring which encloses the main rotor. As the slide valve travels axially from
the full load position it uncovers a port, which vents part of the gas
trapped in the main rotor flute back to suction, before compression can
begin. When the flute has passed beyond the port, compression
commences with a reduced volume of gas. However, a simple bypass
arrangement without any further refinement would produce an
undesirable fall in the effective volume ratio which in turn causes under
compression and inefficient part load operation. To overcome this
problem, the slide valve is shaped so that it delays the opening of the
discharge port at the same time as the bypass slot is created.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

2.1. Slide Valve Actuation

The method of operation is illustrated in Fig 3.
One end of the slide valve is machined to form a hydraulic piston, housed
inside a cylinder and mounted internally at the discharge end of the
compressor. The other end of the slide incorporates a spring.
Variation in compressor pumping capacity is achieved by altering the
forces acting on the slide valve/piston assembly.
Internal drillings communicate pressurised oil to the capacity control
cylinder and vent the oil from the cylinder. The flow of oil is controlled by
two separate solenoid valves, A and B; the solenoids are normally closed
(NC), energise to open.
While the compressor is running, the position of the slide valve is
controlled by the pressure in the capacity control cylinder. Oil pressure
introduced into the cylinder acts on a larger area of the piston so that the
force will be greater than that applied by the discharge pressure and
spring, thereby moving the slide to load. If the cylinder is vented to
suction, the force applied by the discharge pressure and spring will be
greater and the side will move to unload.
If the compressor is stopped at part load, the slide valve will return to
minimum load by the spring only if the pressure in the cylinder is vented
to the casing pressure, unload solenoid valve energised (opened). When
the compressor starts, the unload solenoid should remain open until there
is a requirement to load.
Two solenoid valve A and B control the venting from and the oil flow to
the capacity control cylinder.
2.2. Continuously Variable Capacity Control
The plant controller energises and de-energises the solenoids to control
the rate of loading/unloading. These signals must be provided by a
suitable pulse timer with a minimum pulse length of 0.1 second.
Solenoid B is energise to load, solenoid A is energised to unload.
2.2.1. Controlled Stop and Start
The compressor is normally unloaded by pulsing solenoid A until the
compressor is at minimum load (refer to 2.3.) and then the compressor is
shutdown. The unload solenoid valve should be energised when the
compressor is shutdown and remain energised all the time the
compressor is off. When the compressor is restarted, the unload
solenoid should remain energised until the first load pulse is given, then
normal capacity control resumes.
2.2.2. Uncontrolled Stop, Restarting After an Uncontrolled Stop
In the event of a safety cut-out or emergency stop, the same logic for the
unload solenoid applies.
In the event of a power failure, the unload solenoid valve
should be energised for 5 minutes before the
compressor is started, otherwise there is a danger of
the compressor starting fully or partially loaded.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual


Oil Supply Oil Vent

De-energised Energised Unload
(Closed) (Open)

Discharge pressure acts

Compressor Unloading on this side of piston

Spring Force + Discharge Pressure > Cylinder Pressure = Slide Valve Moves Towards Unload


Oil Supply Oil Vent

Energised De-energised Load
(Open) (Closed)

Compressor Loading Discharge pressure acts

on this side of piston

Cylinder Pressure > Discharge Pressure + Spring Force = Slide Valve Moves Towards Load


Load compressor
High pressure oil is admitted to the capacity control cylinder. Oil pressure
overcomes the force of the spring supplemented by discharge pressure De-energise (close) Energise (open)
acting on the unload side of the piston, moving the slide valve towards the
maximum load position.
Unload compressor
Oil is vented from the capacity control cylinder. The force of the spring Energise (open) De-energise (close)
supplemented by discharge pressure acting on the unload side of the piston
moves the slide valve towards the minimum load position.
Hold slide valve position
De-energise (close) De-energise (close)
The slide valve is hydraulically locked at the desired load position.

Fig 3 Continuously Variable Capacity Control

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

2.3. Minimum/Maximum Load Indication

The compressor is not fitted with a slide valve position indication device
(e.g. HBLVDT). For single compressor systems, there is not necessarily
a requirement to know whether the compressor is at minimum, maximum
or any intermediate load position, but for multiple compressor
installations, there is a likely requirement to know when compressors are
at minimum or maximum load so that other compressor can be started or
2.3.1. Single Compressor Systems
If the maximum system load is less than the compressor full load (which it
should be), the controller will adjust the slide valve position so that the
compressor will always operate at some intermediate position which it is
not necessary to know. If the system load is greater than the compressor
full load, then the controller will keep pulsing the slide valve to load but to
no effect because the compressor will already be at full load.
When the system load falls, the controller will unload the compressor.
When the compressor unloads to minimum and the load falls below the
minimum load capacity of the compressor, the evaporating pressure will
start to fall. For a liquid chiller, this will be associated with a fall in liquid
temperature. The controller should, therefore, be fitted with an auto-reset
low pressure or low temperature cut-out to stop the compressor. This
method is already normally applied to most refrigeration systems.
2.3.2. Multiple Compressor Systems
The minimum/maximum load positions can be assumed by either of two
methods as follows:
Load/Unload Pulse Counting
This method may be appropriate for chillers with head pressure control
where the head pressure is quite constant throughout the operating time
of the compressor.
After a compressor has been started, the controller will count the number
of times the compressor has been given a load or unload pulse. If, after
a set number of net load pulses from start up (number of load pulses
minus number of unload pulses), and the evaporating pressure or liquid
temperature is still high, the controller will assume that the compressor is
at full load and will start other compressors. Similarly, if after a set
number of net unload pulses (number of unload pulses minus number of
load pulses after it has been assumed that the compressor is at
maximum load), and the evaporating pressure or liquid temperature is still
low, the controller will assume that the compressor is at minimum load
and will start unloading other compressors (or stop the last compressor).
This method may become available as a software macro for J & E Hall
International in the future.
Capacity Indicator Pressure
This method can be applied with conventional controllers and does not
require special control logic. The method relies on measuring the
pressure in the capacity control system (cylinder pressure) and
comparing it with either suction or oil pressure. Capacity control slide
valve operation is determined by the pressure inside the capacity control
cylinder. If the capacity control pressure is close to suction pressure
(difference less than 0.3 bar), then the slide valve will be at or very close
to minimum load. If it is close to oil pressure (difference less than 0.3
bar), then the slide valve will be at or very close to maximum load.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

At start up, when the compressor is at minimum load and the unload
solenoid valve is permanently energised (open), the capacity indicator
pressure will be the same as suction pressure because the cylinder is
vented to suction. As the compressor loads to some intermediate slide
valve position, then the pressure in the cylinder will be at some
intermediate pressure between suction and oil pressure. When the
compressor loads to maximum, the load (oil supply) solenoid valve will
continue to be pulsed without the piston moving. The pressure in the
cylinder will then assume the same pressure as the oil pressure
supplying it. Similarly, when the compressor unloads to minimum, the
unload solenoid valve will continue to pulse and the cylinder will assume
suction pressure again.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

3. Economiser Facility
The HallScrew compressor is provided with an economiser facility. This
enables an additional charge of gas to be handled by the compressor,
over and above that which is normally pumped. It is, in effect, a form of
supercharging which has the net result of increasing refrigerating
capacity by a significantly greater percentage than power consumption,
hence improving the coefficient of performance (kW refrigeration/kW
power input) or Coefficient of Performance (COP) of the compressor.
The economiser principle is illustrated on a pressure/enthalpy (p-h)
diagram in Fig 4.
Suction gas is drawn into the main rotor flutes, these are sealed off in
sequence by the star rotor teeth and compression begins. An extra
charge of gas now enters the sealed flute through a port in the casing
enclosing the main rotor. This gas supply is taken from an intermediate
source at a slightly higher pressure than that prevailing in the flute at the
instant the gas is introduced, hence the gas is induced to enter the flute.
The original and additional charges of gas are then compressed and
discharged in the normal way. The full load pumping capacity of the
compressor at suction conditions is not affected by the additional flow
through the economiser connection.
In common with all screw compressors. as the compressor unloads, the
pressure at the economiser port falls towards suction pressure and the
additional capacity and improved efficiency economiser system is no
longer available.
As a guide to this effect, approximately half of the improvement due to
using an economiser system will be lost by the time the compressor
unloads to 90 % capacity, and falls to zero at around 70 % capacity.






Capacity Without Economiser

Capacity With Economiser


Fig 4 Economiser Cycle on Pressure/Enthalpy (p-h) Diagram

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

3.1. Subcooling of Liquid Refrigerant

The main liquid supply to the evaporator flows through a small heat
exchanger (the economiser). A small quantity of liquid, taken from the
main liquid supply before the economiser, is evaporated in the
economiser in order to subcool the remainder. The subcooled liquid,
when passed to the evaporator, provides a larger refrigeration capacity
per kg than if it was not subcooled; the compressor still pumps the same
mass of gas. Hence the net refrigeration capacity is increased.
The volume of gas capable of passing through the economiser
connections is dependent upon the pressure in the economiser line. The
volume of gas generated in the refrigeration system by the subcooling
process is dependent upon the system mass rate of flow, the operating
conditions and the subcooler performance. These two flows must be the
same and hence an equilibrium economiser pressure is reached in
The requirements outlined in the previous paragraphs are met by the
system outlined in Fig 5. Service components such as isolating valves
have been omitted for clarity.
Liquid is metered into the economiser vessel through a thermostatic
expansion valve (TEV) with the sensing bulb strapped to the vapour
return line to the compressor economiser connection. The TEV must be
fitted with the appropriate size orifice, and have a maximum operating
pressure (MOP) in excess of the highest expected economiser gauge
(20 °C to 25 °C).
A solenoid valve must be fitted in the liquid line feeding the TEV; refer to
Fig 5. This solenoid valve should be electrically interlocked to energise
(open) when compressor capacity exceeds approximately 50 %, and de-
energise (close) when capacity falls below 50 %.
For multiple compressor applications operating in parallel, the preferred
arrangement is to fit a separate economiser to each compressor, each
fed by its own TEV; refer to Fig 5.
NOTE: Failure to interlock the solenoids as illustrated
and described in Fig 5 could result in the compressor
stator winding thermistors tripping.
3.2. Side Load Operation
An alternative method of providing the intermediate gas supply is
available in some multi-temperature applications where, for example, a
higher temperature coldstore could operate at an elevated evaporating
temperature compatible with the economiser port pressure. The
refrigerant vapour generated by this store could then be returned to the
economiser port without significantly affecting the low temperature
capacity of the compressor.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

*To ensure equal distribution of gas, economiser

line branches must be the same diameter, length
and contain the same number of elbows

TEV Equalising Line


Equaliser Evaporator

Typical Single
Compressor Application


Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3

** * *

Economiser Economiser Economiser

Liquid From Liquid to

Condenser Evaporator
Typical Multiple Compressor Application With Common Refrigerant Circuit


Electrically interlocked to energise (open) when Electrically interlocked to energise (open) when
compressor x starts, de-energise (close) when compressor x capacity > 50 %, de-energise
compressor x stops. (close) when compressor x capacity < 50 %.

x = 1 for compressor 1, x = 2 for compressor 2, x = 3 for compressor 3.

Fig 5 Economiser Arrangements: Wiring to Liquid Line Solenoid Valves

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

4. Compressor Lubrication, Sealing and Cooling

HSS 3100 series compressors are fitted with an integral oil separator and
oil filter.
4.1. Lubrication Functions
The oil performs three basic functions:
4.1.1. Capacity Control Actuation
Oil pressure is used to actuate the compressor capacity control
mechanism; refer to 2.1. Slide Valve Actuation.
4.1.2. Bearing Lubrication
The rolling element bearings used in the construction of the HallScrew
compressor require a steady but relatively small supply of oil for
satisfactory operation and long life. Oil is supplied either directly via
separate oil drillings or indirectly from the injection supply to the bearings.
4.1.3. Oil Injection for Sealing and Cooling
The third oil supply, which is the predominant oil usage, provides oil for
injection to seal the compression process. In the design of the
compressor the star rotor teeth must form an effective seal with the flute
profiles in the main rotor, while at the same time maintaining a
satisfactory operating clearance. The main rotor flute/star tooth profile
enables hydrodynamic and hydrostatic actions to combine to provide a
wedge of oil at this point. Between the main rotor and the casing, and in
several other positions where a pressure differential is separated by two
surfaces moving relative to each other, the oil injected provides a sealing
film enabling effective compression to take place. The oil also has a
silencing effect.
Oil is injected via fixed ports in the casing around the rotor. This provides
a variable injection period within the compression process as the
compressor unloads. This variation of injection period is so designed as
to allow the compressor to operate at lower system pressure differentials
at minimum load compared to operation at full load. This provides an
element of additional safety during start up at reduced load before full
system differentials may be achieved. This arrangement is different to
previous HallScrew compressors, in which the compressor was required
to load as quickly as possible so that the system pressure difference was
built up as quickly as possible. This rapid loading is no longer required.
Once normal system pressures have been achieved, oil is injected over a
period in the compression process when the pressure of the gas trapped
in the flutes is considerably lower than discharge pressure. This means
that in the majority of instances the system pressure difference can be
used to provide the required oil flow without the need for an oil pump
running continuously, while the plant is in operation.
The standard method of compressor cooling, when required, is via liquid
refrigerant injection directly into the compressor; refer to 5.4. Liquid
Injection Cooling.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

5. Oil Support System

HSS 3100 series compressors are fitted with an integral oil separator and
oil filter.
The system into which the compressor is to be installed
must fully comply with the recommendations in 5.1. to
5.4. and 6. Lubricating Oils. Failure to do so could
result in deterioration of the compressor, both
mechanically and functionally.
Typical oil support system schematic flow diagrams for different
applications can be found in Appendix 2.
5.1. Oil Drain
An oil drain facility, including a non-return valve (ball type), forms an
integral part of HSS 3100 series compressors. Oil which collects inside
the compressor casing automatically drains back to the oil reservoir via
the internal drain. An external drain line is not required.
5.1.1. Oil Heater
The oil heater must be electrically interlocked to energise when the
compressor stops.
5.2. Oil Differential Pressure Monitoring
As already described in 4. Compressor Lubrication, Sealing and Cooling,
HSS 3100 series compressors require an adequate supply of oil for
injection, bearing lubrication and capacity control actuation.


ODP1 = Oil injection/lubrication pressure – Suction pressure



ODP2 = Oil injection/lubrication pressure - Discharge pressure




Fig 6 Oil Differential Pressure Monitoring

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Under normal operating conditions this oil is supplied via the difference in
pressure between discharge and suction pressures. On starting the
suction/discharge pressure differential across the compressor builds
rapidly. However, this pressure difference must be monitored to ensure it
achieves the correct value within a specified time. Oil differential
pressure monitoring must continue all the while the compressor is
running in case operating conditions cause the differential to fall to an
unacceptable level. Under these conditions operation of the compressor
must be prevented or alternative oil injection arrangements made.
The oil system must be protected by monitoring two oil differential
pressures: ODP1 and ODP2. Two different methods are available:
• Electro-mechanical oil differential pressure switches.
• Transducers sensing the required pressures, connected to
the plant controller with the differential pressure calculation
performed by the software programme.
5.2.1. ODP1
This is the differential between oil pressure (or discharge pressure) and
suction pressure and determines if there is sufficient pressure difference
for adequate oil injection to occur.
ODP1 = Oil injection/lubrication pressure – Suction pressure
Because oil injection takes place into a sealed flute during the
compression process an estimate of the pressure in this flute must be
made. This pressure is a ratio of the suction pressure and for maximum
safety should be taken as twice suction pressure. If ODP1 is sensed by
transducers then the pressure ratio from suction to oil (discharge) should
be set to 2. If an oil differential pressure switch is used, this should be
set to the maximum intended operating suction gauge, thus the switch
will trip when the oil pressure is below twice the maximum operating
suction pressure. On start up there is no system pressure differential,
therefore, ODP1 must be timed out. The standard time out period is 30
seconds. If ODP1 is not achieved after this period alternative
arrangements must be made. Refer to J & E Hall International for advice
on the appropriate action.
5.2.2. ODP2
This is the differential across the oil injection line and should be set to
2.0 bar in order to prevent operation in the event of a blocked oil filter or
similar obstruction in the oil injection line.
ODP2 = Discharge pressure - Oil injection/lubrication pressure
5.3. Maintaining Discharge Pressure at Start up
Because oil pressure is generated by discharge pressure, a minimum
discharge pressure must be maintained, this minimum pressure
increases as suction pressure increases in order to maintain the required
pressure differential.
In circumstances where the minimum discharge pressure is difficult to
achieve, it is recommend to use the J & E Hall International three function
valve; refer to 7. Three Function Valve for HSS 3100 Series
5.4. Liquid Injection Cooling
The standard method of cooling for HSS 3100 series compressors is by
direct injection of liquid refrigerant into the compressor main rotor flute,
part-way through the compression process; a small reduction in
compressor capacity may result.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

The rate of injection is thermostatically controlled by a liquid injection

valve which meters a precise quantity of refrigerant into the compressor
according to changes in discharge gas temperature.
The injection valve’s sensing bulb is either strapped to the discharge line,
or installed in a bulb pocket in the line. The injection valve is normally set
to limit discharge temperature to 75 °C, or 25 °C above condensation
temperature if this is above 50 °C, whichever is the higher, to ensure
satisfactory oil separator performance.
Liquid injection line components are illustrated and described in Fig 7.

Discharge Line



Meters a precise quantity of refrigerant into the compressor

Thermostatic injection valve
according to changes in discharge gas temperature.

Visual indication that the line is full of liquid and provides early
Sight-glass (in line)
indication of a choked strainer.

Non-return valve Prevents reverse flow of liquid.

Electrically interlocked to energise (open) when the compressor

Solenoid valve
starts and de-energise (close) when the compressor stops.

Prevents dirt from entering and damaging the injection valve or

solenoid valve.

Purge valve (normally closed and capped)

Stop valve Facilitate cleaning the strainer and servicing components.

Stop valve (locked open)


Fig 7 Liquid Injection Cooling

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

LP System – Liquid Receiver with Sump LP System – Liquid Receiver with Weir
Liquid fills sump to provide preferential supply. Liquid fills weir side of receiver to provide preferential
Remainder flows to evaporator. supply. Remainder over-flows weir to evaporator.
Condensate From

Liquid Receiver Weir Liquid Receiver

Main Liquid Supply Main Liquid Supply
to Evaporator to Evaporator

LP or HP System HP System with Separate Level Control Vessel

Liquid fills vertical section of liquid line before Level control system maintains constant liquid
overflowing to evaporator level in control vessel. Preferential supply taken
from bottom of vessel
Condensate Condensate From
From Condenser Condenser Level
Main Liquid Supply Controller
to Evaporator
Main Liquid
Vertical Section Larger Supply to
in Diameter than Rest Evaporator
of Liquid Line Liquid Control Transducer
Vessel Column Provides
Level Signal

Liquid to
Injection Valve

Fig 8 Typical Methods of Providing Preferential Supply for Injection

The liquid injection system requires a preferential supply of high pressure

liquid through an adequately sized supply line, taken from a source which
ensures a preferential supply to the liquid injection valve. The line
between the take-off point for the preferential supply and the entrance to
the liquid injection valve must, at all times, be full of liquid refrigerant.
Typical methods of achieving a preferential supply are illustrated in Fig 8.
5.4.1. Deciding if Liquid Injection is Required
As the compressor unloads the condensing temperature decreases
because the load on the condenser is reduced. For air conditioning
applications in particular (not for process applications), there is a further
reduction in condensing temperature associated with the reduced
ambient for part load operation. This is added to the reduction in
condensing temperature due to the reduced load. There is also a small
increase in evaporating temperature.
The no cooling load limit envelopes illustrated in Appendix 4 and in the
examples in Fig 9 are divided into areas which show the compressor
percentage load range for operation without liquid injection cooling.
5.4.2. Liquid Injection Valve Selection
The liquid injection valve must be specifically designed for liquid injection
cooling of screw refrigeration compressors. The valve may be
thermostatically operated (e.g. Danfoss TEAT range) or electronically via
a temperature transducer, transmitter and controller.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Step 1 Example 1
Plot the design operating conditions at maximum load on 70

the envelope. Liquid Injection Cooling

Always Required Above
If the plotted point is above the line Liquid Injection Cooling This Line
Plotted Point at
Always Required, liquid injection cooling is required at all 60 Maximum Load
loading conditions. If the point is somewhere below the
line, liquid injection cooling is not required at full load,
proceed to Step 2. 75 % to 100 %
Full Load Plotted Point at
50 50 % Load
Step 2 Only
Plot the design operating conditions at minimum (25 %) Unloads
load on the envelope, taking into consideration the reduction 50 % to 100 % Plotted Point at
Minimum (25 %)
in condensing temperature, the increase in evaporating 40
temperature and accounting for other compressors that may
be running at maximum load.
If the plotted point is within the 25 % to 100 % area, then the 30

compressor can run without liquid injection at minimum 25 % to 100 %

(25 %) load. Liquid injection is not required at any loading
conditions provided the design operating conditions at 50 %
load, when plotted, is within the 50 % to 100 % area. 20

In this Example, Liquid injection is Not

If the minimum (25 %) load point is within the 50 % to 100 %
Required at Any Loading Conditions
area, then either:
a) Liquid injection cooling will be necessary for -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

operation at minimum (25 %) load, or

Example 2
b) If it is not intended to provide liquid injection, the
compressor must be prevented from unloading 70

below 50 %. Liquid Injection Cooling

Always Required Above
If the 50 % load design point is within the 75 % to 100 % This Line
area, then either: Plotted Point at
60 Maximum Load
c) Liquid injection cooling will be necessary for
operation at 50 % load, or
75 % to 100 %
Full Load Plotted Point at
d) If it is not intended to provide liquid injection, the 50
50 % Load
compressor must be prevented from unloading Compressor
below 75 %. Unloads Plotted Point at
Minimum (25 %)
50 % to 100 % Load

If, by this processes, it is decided that liquid injection is not

required, as a precaution, the actual discharge temperature
must be checked at all loading conditions.

If load limiting is applied, ask J & E Hall International for the 25 % to 100 %
correct slide valve position to achieve this.
Compressor capacity is infinitely variable from 100 % to 20

approximately 25 % of full load (depends on the operating In this Example, Liquid injection is Required at
conditions). Minimum (25 %) Load. Unloading Limited to
50 % For No Liquid Injection.
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Fig 9 Deciding if Liquid Injection is Required

The liquid injection valve must be sized to control discharge temperature

at 75 °C or 25 °C above the discharge gauge, whichever is higher.
Select the valve as follows:
• Use the J & E Hall International HSS 3100 series
compressor selection programme, available on CD, to obtain
the cooling requirement for the required duty.
• Use the graphs in Appendix 5 to obtain the pressure
difference for the operating conditions.
• Select the correct valve from manufacturer’s literature.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

6. Lubricating Oils
Lubricants used in the HallScrew compressor not only provide sealing
and cooling functions. The grade and type of lubricant chosen must
provide these functions at the actual operating environment existing
inside the compressor. In addition, as no oil separation system can be
100 % effective, the refrigeration system must be designed to adequately
return any oil carried over into the system to the compressor. Therefore,
the lubricant must be compatible with the refrigerant and the refrigeration
system as a whole.
The lubrication criteria can be met for standard operating conditions by
using a refrigeration quality oil as specified in Table 1 which is generally
in accordance with BS 2626 : 1992 Lubricating Oils for Refrigeration
Compressors. Depending on the refrigerant, the compressor is supplied
with the appropriate mineral oil or synthetic lubricant to this specification.
If the end user desires to use a different lubricant, approval MUST be
obtained from J & E Hall International if guarantees are not to be
invalidated. Different types and makes of oils must not be mixed.

Minimum ISO viscosity grade 68 100 68
Minimum viscosity index 45 33 45
Maximum pour point -30 °C -20 °C -25 °C

Minimum specific gravity @ 15 °C 0.88

Maximum water content 40 ppm 50 ppm

Acid number <0.05 <0.15

Including liquid injection oil cooling where the condensing temperature is below 45 °C.

For condensing temperatures above 45 °C.

All condensing temperatures.
ISO grade 150 or 220 oil is preferred, where available and suitable for the system.
Higher grades enhance compressor performance.

Table 1 Minimum Specification of Mineral Oils and Polyolester


6.1. Lubricant Types

Refrigeration compressor lubricants can be divided into three categories:
6.1.1. Mineral Oils
These are the standard choice for use with R22 refrigerant.
6.1.2. Synthetic Lubricants
Synthetic lubricants can have completely different characteristics,
depending on the type.
Polyolester (POE) lubricants are the only lubricants that are approved for
use with the new HFC refrigerants such as R134a, and are selected to
provide suitable miscibility with HFC refrigerants.
Because of the high refrigerant content in polyolester lubricant, the
required viscosity grade is higher than that necessary with mineral oils.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

NOTE: polyolester oils are very hygroscopic and,

typically, saturate at approximately 1,000 parts per
million (ppm) from atmospheric moisture; this is some
ten times the saturation of a typical mineral oil.
Oil for use in the compressor and refrigeration system
must be kept in properly closing containers. Exposure
to atmosphere for extended periods may result in the oil
becoming contaminated with moisture and dirt which
can cause harmful reactions in the system. For similar
reasons, oil reclaimed from the system should not be
Polyalphaolefin (PAO) lubricants have low pour points and low vapour
pressures. These oil types are partially miscible with R22 and are
available in high viscosity grades with high viscosity indexes. PAO
lubricants can, therefore, be used in suitably designed direct expansion
R22 systems. J & E Hall International should be consulted before using
PAO lubricants.
Alkylbenzene lubricants have good miscibility with R22 refrigerant and
can assist in oil recovery in low temperature flooded R22 systems.
However, their very high refrigerant content can reduce the performance
of screw compressors and increase oil injection rates into the
compressor. In order to maintain adequate viscosity, higher viscosity
grades are required. Because of this, these lubricants should only be
used with HallScrew compressors if no other lubricant type is compatible
with the system and only after prior consultation with J & E Hall
Polyglycol lubricants are not approved for use in
HallScrew compressors using halocarbon refrigerants.
6.1.3. Semi Synthetic Lubricants
These oil types can be further subdivided into synthetic/mineral oil blends
and hydrotreated mineral oils. The former type consists of a blend of
mineral oil and alkylbenzene lubricant, which attempts to combine the
advantages of both oil types; some grades are approved for use with
HallScrew compressors in R22 systems and are preferable to
alkylbenzene types.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

7. Three Function Valve for HSS 3100 Series Compressors

HSS 3100 series compressors can be fitted with a specially designed
valve which combines the following functions in one compact assembly.
• Discharge stop valve.
• Discharge check valve.
• Head pressure control valve (useful for applications using an
air cooled condenser).
The compressor can be supplied with the three function valve and pilot
line already fitted at the factory or the valve can be retrofitted at site. For
site installations, do not forget to fit the pilot line between the valve and a
connection on the compressor sensing suction pressure. Failure to do so
will prevent the valve from opening.

3N1 Three
Function Valve Pilot Line Sensing Suction Pressure
Discharge Line

Connection to Suction
Pressure Gauge

Suction Line

Discharge Connection on
3N1 3 Function Valve:
2” NB (2 1/8” OD)
Pilot Line to Connection
on Compressor Sensing
Suction Pressure


Discharge Connection
on Integral Separator

Fig 10 Three Function Valve Application for HSS 3100 Series Compressors

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

8. Integration into the Refrigeration Circuit

The HSS 3100 compressor is an oil injected screw type.
The suction return to the compressor must be dry gas in order to achieve
full performance. Liquid return will be detrimental to performance
although unlike reciprocating compressor is not harmful to the
compressor in small quantities. However large quantities of liquid or oil
returned to the compressor via the suction line can form an
incompressible fluid in the rotor flutes with resultant damage to the
compressor. Thus the system must be designed to prevent such
8.1. Oil System
The recommendation in 5. Oil Support System should be adhered to.
8.2. Suction Line
The suction line should be designed to allow any build up of liquid to
drain back to the evaporator. Refrigerant gas velocities should be
sufficient to ensure recirculating oil is returned to the compressor.
8.3. Liquid Separation in the Suction Line
If liquid is present in the suction line due to excessive carry over from the
evaporator and velocities are low separation of the liquid can occur. If U-
bends are present in the suction line liquid can collect in these traps. If
the flow rate is suddenly increased (due to sudden increase in
compressor load) then this liquid can be carried through to the
compressor as a slug. It is these large erratic slugs of liquid that are
detrimental to the compressor rather than constant small amounts of
liquid return.
8.4. Discharge Superheat
Adequate discharge superheat is essential in order to prevent excessive
liquid refrigerant dilution of the oil in the separator. If excessive
refrigerant is present then oil viscosity will be reduced to an unacceptable
level. The main problem however, is that for a small change in discharge
pressure oil foaming and loss of oil from the separator can occur. Thus a
safe minimum discharge superheat should be taken as 20 oC.
8.5. Safety Requirements for Compressor Protection
There are a number of system pressures and temperatures which must
be monitored to protect the compressor and obtain an overall view of
performance; refer to Appendix 1.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

9. Electrical Connections
9.1. Compressor Starting
The HSS 3100 series compressor motor is wired for star/delta, soft-start
or inverter drive; these are the starting methods recommended by J & E
Hall International.
9.2. Motor Wiring Connections
Terminal box wiring is illustrated in Fig 11. Refer to Appendix 1 for motor
data. The standard terminal box rating is IP54.
9.3. Thermistors
Compressor motor and discharge high temperature thermistors are fitted
as standard and should be wired as illustrated in Fig 11.
9.4. Capacity Control Solenoids
The solenoids must be connected to a suitable plant controller that will
energise the appropriate coil to load or unload the compressor via
changes to the operation of the system into which the compressor is
fitted. The measured variable may be chilled water temperature, suction
gauge pressure, etc.
Power must be supplied to the solenoid via a suitable pulse timer that
must be capable of supplying a minimum pulse length of 0.1 second.
Operation of the solenoid with load is not linear, more pulses will be
required at low loads for the same change in load compared with
operation at high load.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual


NOTE: circuit must be
connected as shown to
L2 ensure correct rotation
of the motor/compressor


C Motor D S


Thermistor Discharge Fitted as standard
Thermistors may be
connected in series to a
common thermistor
controller or separately
to individual controllers,
but must NOT be
connected in parallel

Controller Not J & E Hall
International supply

Soft-Start and Inverter Drive

L1 L2 L3
For applications using a soft-starter or
inverter, equipment must be carefully
selected to match the operating conditions
and must be able to accelerate the
Soft-start or inverter compressor smoothly to full load/speed
without stalling.

4 Link terminals 1 to 6, 2 to 4 and 3 to 5



Fig 11 Motor Terminal Box Wiring

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Appendix 1 Physical Data, Limits of Operation and Safety Requirements

Compressor Model Nomenclature

HS S 3 1 X X X X X X X
Solenoid and Oil Heater Voltages
1 = 115 V 1 ph 50/60 Hz
2 = 230 V 1 ph 50/60 Hz

A = R134a
B = R22
C = R407c
For other refrigerants refer to
J & E Hall International.
Motor Voltages
Q = 400/460 V 3 ph 50/60 Hz
U = 380 V 3 ph 60 Hz
B = 208 V 3 ph 60 Hz
D = 500/575 V 3 ph 50/60 Hz
V = 230 V 3 ph 60 Hz
X = Special voltage
Motor Power
A = 82 kW
F = 43 kW
G = 60 kW
Lubricating Oil
E = Ester oil
M = Mineral oil

Capacity Control Slide Valve VR

2 = 2.2 VR
3 = 3.0 VR

18, 20, 21 or 22

1 = Single star Compressor

3 = Series 3000

S = Semi-hermetic compressor with
integral oil separator for air
conditioning application

HS = HallScrew

Example: HSS 3118/2/M/F/Q/B/2

This describes a HallScrew 3118 single star semi-hermetic compressor for air conditioning application fitted with 2.2 VR
capacity control slide valves, supplied with mineral oil, fitted with a 43 kW motor suitable for 400/460 V 3 ph 50/60 Hz supply.
Compressor for operation with R22. Solenoid/oil heater voltage 230 V 1 ph 50/60 Hz.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Physical Data
Compressor Type Single screw, integral, semi-hermetic.
Compressor Rotation Clockwise looking on the motor end. Under no circumstances should the compressor
run in the reverse direction.
Method of Drive Suction gas cooled 3-phase, 2-pole start/rotor arranged for start/delta, soft-start or
inverter drive. Maximum of 6 starts per hour. Refer to Motor Data for kW ratings.
Speed Range Depends on the supply frequency, 50 Hz or 60 Hz, refer to Motor Data.
Physical Dimensions Refer to Physical Dimensions and Connections.
Capacity and Power Refer to selection data.
Capacity Control Compressor capacity infinitely variable from 100 % to approximately 25 % of full load
(depends on the operating conditions).
Capacity Control Solenoids 115 V or 240 V ac (other voltages available on request – delete all manuals). Terminal
box rating IP65.
Suction Strainer Integral. 60 mesh x 37 SWG.
Motor Terminal Box Rating IP54.
Integral Oil Separator 250 W heater.
Oil reservoir capacity 10 litres.

Swept Volume SWEPT VOLUME (M /HR) HSS 3118 HSS 3120 HSS 3121 HSS 3122

Compressor running @ 50 Hz
175 213 250 292
(2 pole speed)
Compressor running @ 60 Hz
210 256 300 350
(2 pole speed)


HSS 3118 and HSS 3120 with 43 kW motor 569

HSS 3100 (all models) with 60 kW motor 582
HSS 3121 and HSS 3122 with 82 kW motor 603
3 Function valve 12
Excluding suction and discharge stop valves

@ 50 Hz (2 pole speed) COMPRESSOR
DB ‘A’
125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K
HSS 3118 78 63 75 71 74 69 65 63
HSS 3120 78 63 76 71 75 70 67 66
HSS 3121 79 63 76 74 76 72 68 68
HSS 3122 79 63 76 74 76 72 68 68
Sound pressure level data refers to free-field conditions at a distance of 1 metre from the compressor periphery. It is
important to remember that on a specific installation the actual sound pressure level is considerably affected by the size and
type of room, material of construction and plant design. Adjoining pipework, including suction, can have a very substantial
effect on the noise level.
-5 2
Sound pressure levels given in dB refer to 2 x 10 N/m RMS.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Motor Data – 50 Hz Operation


Motor nominal output (kW) 43 60 43 60

Refrigerant R134A R407C AND R22 R134A R407C AND R22

Motor maximum input (kW) 46 68 56 83

Maximum running current (A) @ 400 V 76 109 93 133

Starting current (locked rotor) in Y (A) @ 400 V 151 195 151 195

Starting current (locked rotor) in ∆ (A) @ 400 V 476 643 476 643

Standard voltage range (V) 400 ± 10 %


Motor nominal output (kW) 60 82 60 82

Refrigerant R134A R407C AND R22 R134A R407C AND R22

Motor maximum input (kW) 65 96 75 111

Maximum running current (A) @ 400 V 105 154 120 176
Starting current (locked rotor) in Y (A) @ 400 V 195 288 195 288

Starting current (locked rotor) in ∆ (A) @ 400 V 643 906 643 906

Standard voltage range (V) 400 ± 10 %

Motor Data – 60 Hz Operation


Motor nominal output (kW) 52 72 52 72

Refrigerant R134A R407C AND R22 R134A R407C AND R22

Motor maximum input (kW) 55 81 67 99

Maximum running current (A) @ 460 V 75 111 89 136

Starting current (locked rotor) in Y (A) @ 460 V 137 210 137 210

Starting current (locked rotor) in ∆ (A) @ 460 V 466 675 466 675

Standard voltage range (V) 460 ± 10 %


Motor nominal output (kW) 72 98 72 98

Refrigerant R134A R407C AND R22 R134A R407C AND R22

Motor maximum input (kW) 78 115 90 133

Maximum running current (A) @ 460 V 107 159 123 183
Starting current (locked rotor) in Y (A) @ 460 V 210 285 210 285

Starting current (locked rotor) in ∆ (A) @ 460 V 675 893 675 893

Standard voltage range (V) 460 ± 10 %

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Limits of Operation
Pressure Limits The pressure limits detailed below MUST NOT be exceeded during installation,
commissioning or operation of the plant.
1 2
Maximum Design Pressures High side 23.6 bar g
Low side 10.1 bar g
Operational Pressures 3.0 VR 3.5 bar g
Maximum compressor operating suction pressure
4.9 VR 3.5 bar g

Maximum compressor operating discharge pressure 19.4 bar g

Maximum compressor operating pressure differential (discharge – suction) 17.5 bar
Minimum compressor operating pressure differential at minimum load (refer
2.0 bar
to Appendix 3 Limits of Operation Envelopes for further details)
R22 R407c
1 2
Maximum Design Pressures High side 32.9 bar g 32.9 bar g
Low side 15.6 bar g 18.7 bar g
Operational Pressures Maximum compressor operating suction 3.0 VR 6.4 bar g 6.7 bar g
pressure 4.9 VR 4.0 bar g 4.0 bar g
Maximum compressor operating discharge pressure 27.9 bar g 24.4 bar g
Maximum compressor operating pressure differential
20.0 bar 23.0 bar g
(discharge – suction)
Minimum compressor operating pressure differential at
minimum load (refer to operational envelope for further 2.0 bar 2.0 bar

Temperature Limits For normal refrigeration and air conditioning applications, the following temperature limits
should be observed.
Temperature Limits With Liquid Discharge temperature 100 °C (standard)
Injection Oil Cooling (Standard) 120 °C (special)
Discharge minimum superheat 20.0 °C

Temperature Limits With Discharge temperature 100 °C

External Oil Cooling
20.0 °C
Discharge minimum superheat
Compressors must NOT be subjected to pressures higher than those indicated. This may require isolation of the
compressor during system strength pressure testing.
In conformity with EEC standards, system relief valve opens.
Oil separator pressure limits may be less than those applicable to the compressor.
For values below 20.0 °C contact J & E Hall International.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Safety Requirements for Compressor Protection

Parameter Trip Device Setting Remarks

Discharge pressure High HP cut-out According to the Connected to compressor

operating discharge, refer to
conditions Appendix 1

Maximum compressor High Pressure transducers and Pressure ratio If a programmable controller
operating pressure ratio programmable controller with (discharge/ is not used, set HP cut-out to
(discharge/suction) suitable analogue inputs suction) discharge pressure = 7 x
suction pressure (if this is
Set according to below the maximum setting
operating above)

Discharge pressure Low Pressure control or pressure According to the -

transducer and programmable operating
controller with suitable conditions
analogue inputs

Discharge temperature High Thermistor (fitted as standard) 100 °C (standard) Standard recommended
120 °C (special) when liquid injection is
controlled to 75 °C or within
25 °C of discharge gauge

Suction pressure Low LP cut-out or pressure According to the Prevents operation at low
transducer and programmable operating suction gauge pressures
controller with suitable conditions
analogue inputs

Oil differential pressure 1 Low Preferred method: Pressure ratio 2 Oil pressure should be twice
suction pressure
Oil injection pressure/suction Pressure transducers and
pressure programmable controller with
suitable analogue inputs
Alternative method: Differential equal -
to highest
Differential pressure switch operational
suction pressure
Oil differential pressure 2 High Differential pressure switch or 2 bar (max) 30 second delay required on
programmable controller with starting only
Discharge pressure - oil suitable analogue inputs
injection/lubrication pressure
Oil separator oil level Low Level switch or sensor Trip on low level Time delay (5 secs max)
required during operation to
prevent spurious trips
Oil temperature High Thermistor or HT cut-out 80 °C Mandatory requirement if
compressor fitted with
external oil cooling
Compressor motor high High Thermistor (fitted as standard) - -
Compressor motor current High Current limiter, or current Set according to Prevents motor operation
transformer and programmable motor size above maximum rated power
controller with suitable
analogue inputs

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

HSS 3100 Series Physical Dimensions and Connections

HT Cut-out Lifting Eyebolt




Lifting Eybolt


Discharge Gauge

Dimensions in mm unless otherwise stated. Data provided as a guide only, refer to J & E Hall International certified drawing

Length L 1274 mm
Overall Height H 643 mm

Width W 389 mm
A 280 mm
Holding-down bolt centres
B 410 mm
Holding-down bolts - 4 off M12 x 50 mm

Lifting eyebolts - 2 x M16 x 26 full thread

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Suction Pressure Gauge


Oil Heater

Oil Drain

Y Liquid

Oil Return From Sight-glass (top)

External Filter
Oil Pressure Gauge
Oil Temperature
Sensor Pocket Sight-glass (bottom)


Suction 1 3” NB (3 1/8” OD)
Discharge 1 2” NB (2 1/8” OD)

Suction pressure gauge 1 1/8” NPT

Discharge pressure gauge 1 1/4” NPT
Connections Oil pressure gauge 1 1/8” NPT
HT cut-out 1 1/8” BSP

Liquid injection/economiser 1 7/8” (14 UNF)

Oil drain 1 1/2” NPT
Oil temperature sensor pocket 1 1/2” NPT
Oil return from external filter 1 7/8” (14 UNF)

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Appendix 2 Oil Support System Schematic Flow Diagram







HT (Del) TE


TE HT (Oil)

Normally Closed
Normally Open Locked Open Normally Closed
and Capped

Valve, straight through

Valve, right angle

Strainer Non-return valve

Dual relief valve (to atmosphere)

Pressure Indication (pressure gauge or

PI DPS Differential Pressure Switch

Pressure Switch High (discharge high

PSH LSL Level Switch (opto sensor or level switch)
pressure cut-out or transducer)

Pressure Switch Low (suction low pressure

PSL TE Thermistor or high temperature cut-out
cut-out or transducer)

Fig 12 HSS 3100 Series Compressors Oil Support System

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Appendix 3 Limits of Operation Envelopes

Limits of Operation R134a - Standard


43 kW Motor:
HSS 3118 and HSS 3120
60 kW Motor:
HSS 3121 and HSS 3122


3.0 VR
Discharge Gauge °C

43 kW Motor:
40 HSS 3118 and HSS 3120
60 kW Motor:
HSS 3121 and HSS 3122

30 2.2 VR


-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Suction Gauge °C

Issue 1.0 : 06/05 Page 37 of 56

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Limits of Operation R134a - Economised



43 kW Motor:
HSS 3118 and HSS 3120
60 kW Motor:
HSS 3121 and HSS 3122


3.0 VR
Discharge Gauge °C




-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Suction Gauge °C

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Limits of Operation R407c - Standard



60 kW Motor:
HSS 3118 and HSS 3120
82 kW Motor:
HSS 3121 and HSS 3122


3.0 VR
Discharge Gauge °C

60 kW Motor:
HSS 3118 and HSS 3120
82 kW Motor:
HSS 3121 and HSS 3122


2.2 VR


-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Suction Gauge °C

Issue 1.0 : 06/05 Page 39 of 56

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Limits of Operation R407c - Economised



60 kW Motor:
HSS 3118 and HSS 3120
82 kW Motor:
HSS 3121 and HSS 3122

Discharge Gauge °C

3.0 VR



-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Suction Gauge °C

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Limits of Operation R22 - Standard



60 kW Motor:
HSS 3118 and HSS 3120
82 kW Motor:
HSS 3121 and HSS 3122


3.0 VR
60 kW Motor:
Discharge Gauge °C

HSS 3118 and HSS 3120

82 kW Motor:
40 HSS 3121 and HSS 3122


2.2 VR


-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Suction Gauge °C

Issue 1.0 : 06/05 Page 41 of 56

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Limits of Operation R22 - Economised



60 kW Motor:
HSS 3118 and HSS 3120
82 kW Motor:
HSS 3121 and HSS 3122


3.0 VR
Discharge Gauge °C




-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Suction Gauge °C

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Appendix 4 No Cooling Load Limits

No Cooling Load Limits R134a - Standard


Liquid Injection Cooling

Always Required Above
This Line


Full Load
75 % to 100 %

Discharge Gauge °C

50 % to 100 %



25 % to 100 %


-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Suction Gauge °C

Issue 1.0 : 06/05 Page 43 of 56

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

No Cooling Load Limits R134a - Economised


Liquid Injection Cooling

Always Required Above
This Line


Full Load
75 % to 100 %

Discharge Gauge °C

50 % to 100 %



25 % to 100 %


-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Suction Gauge °C

Page 44 of 56 Issue 1.0 : 06/05

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

No Cooling Load Limits R407c - Standard


Liquid Injection Cooling
Always Required Above
This Line


75 % to 100 %
Discharge Gauge °C

Full Load

50 % to 100 %


25 % to 100 %

-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Suction Gauge °C

Issue 1.0 : 06/05 Page 45 of 56

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

No Cooling Load Limits R407c - Economised


60 Liquid Injection Cooling

Always Required Above
This Line


75 % to 100 %
Discharge Gauge °C

Full Load


50 % to 100 %


25 % to 100 %

-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Suction Gauge °C

Page 46 of 56 Issue 1.0 : 06/05

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

No Cooling Load Limits R22 - Standard


Liquid Injection Cooling

60 Always Required Above
This Line

75 % to 100 %

Full Load
Discharge Gauge °C



50 % to 100 %


25 % to 100 %


-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Suction Gauge °C

Issue 1.0 : 06/05 Page 47 of 56

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

No Cooling Load Limits R22 - Economised


Liquid Injection Cooling

60 Always Required Above
This Line


75 % to 100 %

Full Load
Discharge Gauge °C



50 % to 100 %


25 % to 100 %


-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Suction Gauge °C

Page 48 of 56 Issue 1.0 : 06/05

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Appendix 5 Liquid Injection Pressure Graphs

Liquid Injection Pressures R134a


Discharge Gauge °C

60 °C



50 °C Available Injection
Pressure Difference Injection Port Pressure

Liquid Injection Pressure bar

40 °C

30 °C

20 °C

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20

Suction Gauge °C

Issue 1.0 : 06/05 Page 49 of 56

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Liquid Injection Pressures R407c


Discharge Gauge °C
60 °C


50 °C Available Injection
Pressure Difference

Injection Port Pressure

Liquid Injection Pressure bar

40 °C

30 °C

20 °C

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20

Suction Gauge °C

Page 50 of 56 Issue 1.0 : 06/05

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Liquid Injection Pressures R22


Discharge Gauge °C

60 °C


50 °C
Available Injection Injection Port Pressure
Pressure Difference

Liquid Injection Pressure bar

40 °C

30 °C

20 °C

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20

Suction Gauge °C

Issue 1.0 : 06/05 Page 51 of 56

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Liquid Injection Pressures R404a


Discharge Gauge °C
60 °C

50 °C
Available Injection
Pressure Difference Injection Port Pressure
Liquid Injection Pressure bar

40 °C

30 °C


20 °C

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20

Suction Gauge °C

Page 52 of 56 Issue 1.0 : 06/05

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Liquid Injection Pressures R507


Discharge Gauge °C
60 °C


Available Injection
50 °C Pressure Difference
Injection Port Pressure
Liquid Injection Pressure bar

40 °C

30 °C


20 °C

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20

Suction Gauge °C

Issue 1.0 : 06/05 Page 53 of 56

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

Appendix 6 Compressor Performance Data

For detailed selection use the J & E Hall International HallScrew HSS
3100 series compressor selection programme, available on CD.
Subcooling & Superheat Correction Factors
o o
The performance data is based on 5.0 C suction superheat and 5.0 C
liquid subcooling.
The suction superheat is assumed to be usefully obtained. Such
superheat can be obtained in the evaporator or in a liquid to suction heat
exchanger or similar vessel in the refrigeration circuit producing a
beneficial effect.
The approximate effect of an increase in useful suction superheat is an
increase in capacity of 0.17 % for every additional 1.0 oC superheat.
Non usefully obtained superheat (such that might be picked up in the
suction line due to heat exchange with the environment) will have a
detrimental effect on performance.
The approximate effect is a loss in performance of approximately 0.7 %
for each additional 1.0 oC of non useful suction superheat.
It is important to ensure adequate suction superheat. Insufficient
superheat can result in liquid carry over into the compressor, reducing
performance and also resulting in inadequate discharge superheat for
satisfactory oil separation.
Additional subcooling will have a beneficial effect on the system
The approximate effect of an increase in liquid subcooling is an increase
in capacity of 1.1 % for every additional 1.0 oC subcooling.
If the useful superheat is obtained in a suction to liquid heat exchanger
then only the effect of the increase in suction superheat should be taken
in to account. Otherwise the effect on performance will be added twice.
Using the increase in suction superheat also includes the effect of the
change in specific volume at the compressor suction.

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HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

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Issue 1.0 : 06/05 Page 55 of 56

HSS 3100 Series Application Manual

©J & E Hall International 2005

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information
storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder.
The copyright in this publication shall be and remain the sole property of J & E Hall International.

Questor House, 191 Hawley Road, Dartford, Kent DA1 1PU England
Telephone: +44 (0) 1322 223 456 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1322 291 458

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