Grade 5 Nstech Term 1 Practical 2019
Grade 5 Nstech Term 1 Practical 2019
Grade 5 Nstech Term 1 Practical 2019
Grade 5
Term 1 Practical
Scientific Practical
Mark = 20
Teacher responsibility
• The teacher will collect skeletons and pictures of different animal skeletons.
• The teacher can show videos of movement of different animals.
• The teacher can also use kinesthetics to show different movements of the body
• The lesson integrates Life Skills, English and NSTECH
2. The learner:
Name: …………………………………………………………..
Grade: …………………………………………
Day 1
Learner Activity
Visit your school library to research the movement of different vertebrate animals.
Think carefully before you answer and complete the table below. You could use the words in
the word-bank below to help you. Sometimes you could use more than one word.
Crawls Can slithers Sometimes Walks Jumps Swims Flies Runs Dives
Vertebrate animal How does the animal How does the animal How does the animal
move on land? move in air? move in water
½ mark (7 ½)
Match the animal in column 1 to the animal track in column 2. Write the correct matching
alphabet in column 3.
2. Snake 2 ……..
3. Bird 3 …….
4. Human 4 ………
5. Why do fish not have tracks?
1 mark (5)
Day 2
Today you are going to show your teacher how different animals move.
No Yes
Teacher evaluation
1 Can the learner demonstrate how a frog
moves by jumping?
2 Can the learner demonstrate how a bird
moves by flapping its wings and hopping
on the floor?
3 Can the learner demonstrate how a
human move by jumping and walking?
(1. ½)
Grade 5
Term 1 Practical
Visit your school library to research the movement of different vertebrate animals.
Think carefully before you answer and complete the table below. You could use the words in
the word-bank below to help you. Sometimes you could use more than one word.
Crawls Can slithers Sometimes Walks Jumps Swims Flies Runs Dives
Learners answers may differ, it can be accepted if they support their answers
Vertebrate animal How does the animal How does the animal How does the animal
move on land? move in air? move in water
Jumps jumps swims
cannot flies swims
Slithers jumps swim
jumps and walks flies Dives and swims
crawls, jumps and cannot swims
½ mark (7 ½)
Animal Where does it spend most of its time? What body parts does it use to move
Frog Land √and water√ Hind and front limbs
Fish Water Fins
Snake Land Muscles
Bird Land Hind legs and wings
Human Land Legs and sometimes arms
½ mark (6)
Use different coloured pencils to draw lines to match the animal track with the animal
2. Snake 2D
3. Bird 3C
4. Human 4A
5. Fish do not leave tracks because they move in water and water is a fluid.
1 mark (5)
Day 2
Today you are going to show your teacher how different animals move. The teacher can
evaluate this assessment in with learners in groups of 4.
No Yes
Teacher evaluation
1 Can the learner demonstrate how a frog
moves by jumping?
2 Can the learner demonstrate how a bird
moves by flapping its wings and hopping
on the floor?
3 Can the learner demonstrate how a
human move by jumping and walking?
(1. ½)