Sga Informe Integrales Ii
Sga Informe Integrales Ii
Sga Informe Integrales Ii
Estudiante: ----------------------
PUBLIC ( X ) PRIVATE ( ) OTHER: …………………
1.- Detailed description of the tasks carried out during the practice/internship (according to the
attendance record)
The materials and resources used during the demonstration classes were didactic
and playful so that the students remained focused at all times, these were such as
infographics illustrated with attractive images, Flash cards, slides with videos,
markers, blackboard, worksheets for carrying out the activities, in addition, digital
resources were used such as virtual educational platforms, educaplay, live
3.- Describe the problems presented in the practice/internship and the procedure followed for
their resolution.
4. Identify the school subjects that have contributed to your practice/internship and relate them
to the activities carried out.
5. Conclusions:
I can conclude that my lesson plan still needs further improvement, among the
highlights of the activities is that the children really like to relate the images to
superheroes and this keeps them engaged in the class by participating as well as
those activities with very concrete and non-complex instructions which they can
execute without difficulty. The results obtained in the practices, some of them
achieved the desired objectives while others need to be improved and new activities
that the children like and keep them active need to be developed.
6. Recommendations:
At the beginning of these demonstrative practices, I could see that the objectives initially
set could not be fully achieved because the students were close to the holidays and
therefore the students were restless, but they were willing to collaborate in the activities to
be developed in the demonstration classes.
The lesson plan is of great help to the teacher when teaching a class as it sets out the
objectives, the introductory activities, development and the finalization activities, where
the time for each one of them is very important. We must take into consideration the level
of the students, their needs at the moment of carrying out an activity or being able to
understand the instructions. In my experience I could see that the activities proposed in the
lesson plan were a little easy and others a little complex to be able to finish in the proposed
time and not taking into consideration the Monday days where time is lost due to the civic
act, these are some of the observations that I could experience at the moment of executing
my demonstration classes.
The classroom atmosphere was excellent with only one drawback being the noise, as the
enclosed area was very noisy. Most of the students were very cooperative with the
exception of a few students who were doing activities from other subjects. The class
procedure used key vocabulary for the students' understanding, using attractive images and
phrases that they could complete when their level of communication was poor.
One of the strategies used in class was to interact by asking questions about the topic being
discussed, so that those who were distracted would be attentive as the teacher would pass
by their stations and ask questions about the next activities.
The level of English used was the necessary for the students to be able to understand, as
there was a lack of vocabulary, so they had to repeat several times or a picture was
presented with the key phrases for their understanding. The language used for the
instructions was basic, and we should continue working on this so that the students can
understand through gestures and the context, even if they do not know the full meaning of
the sentence, but there is still much more to improve in the language and its fluency.
The students were very cooperative when the activities were not very complex but as the
level of complexity increased, they became less cooperative, the technique used to keep
them involved was that they could work with the whole group and help each other with the
answers. In this way they were not embarrassed to make mistakes.
The problems presented in this internship were that the school's tutor did not collaborate
in time with the subjects in order to be able to develop them in time, it was necessary to go
sometimes to the school, she did not give much collaboration in terms of the development
of the subjects in order to correct mistakes at the time of giving the classes. Other
drawbacks are that the teacher was going through a medical process, which was
understandable, but we looked for material via the internet, books and videos on how to
give an interactive class that would attract the attention of the students and motivate them
to stay connected during the whole class.
I can conclude that my lesson plan still needs further improvement, among the highlights of
the activities is that the children really like to relate the images to superheroes and this
keeps them engaged in the class by participating as well as those activities with very
concrete and non-complex instructions which they can execute without difficulty.
The results obtained in the practices, some of them achieved the desired objectives while
others need to be improved and new activities that the children like and keep them active
need to be developed.
The aspects that I would have to improve when making my lesson plans is to take into
account that the objectives are closely related to the production phase, because if they are
not closely related, our objectives will not be met. One of the recommendations to improve
a lesson plan is to look for videos of real classes of what should and should not be done at
the time of planning, what methodologies I could use according to the level and age of the
student, the techniques and resources that will help me in the process of imparting