23 fr-2020-025 Ocampo 1
23 fr-2020-025 Ocampo 1
23 fr-2020-025 Ocampo 1
Phytochemical screening, phenolic acid profiling and antioxidant activity
analysis of peels from selected mango (Mangifera spp.) genotypes in the
Ocampo, E.T.M., 1,3Libron, J.A.M.A., 1Guevarra, M.L.D. and 1Mateo, J.M.C.
Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture and Food Science, University of the Philippines Los
Baños, College, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines 4031
Institute of Crop Science, College of Agriculture and Food Science, University of the Philippines Los
Baños, College, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines 4031
Institute of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Los
Baños, Laguna, Philippines 4031
Article history:
Received: 15 January 2020
Received in revised form: 3
March 2020
Peels of thirteen (13) ripe mango genotypes were analyzed for total phenolic, total
Accepted: 6 March 2020 flavonoid, vitamin C, vitamin A contents, and antioxidant activity. Statistical analysis
Available Online: 30 March showed that the mango genotypes were significantly different in all the chemical assays
2020 performed. The total phenolic content of the genotypes ranged from 3.44-14.59% GAE
while total flavonoid content ranged from 0.32 – 2.16% CE. The vitamin A and vitamin C
Mango peels, contents of mango peels ranged from 24.66 – 92.01 IU/g and 4.55 – 6.40 mg/g,
Phytochemicals, respectively. The DPPH radical scavenging activity ranged from 88.11 – 92.47%.
Antioxidant activity, Correlation analysis also showed that DPPH radical scavenging activity has high positive
Mangifera indica, correlation with total phenolic content (r = 0.69), total flavonoid (r = 0.77) content, and
Mango vitamin C (r = 0.57). Using standards, the presence of gallic, vanillic, syringic, and ferulic
acids were confirmed in Carabao mango peel by comparison of retention times using High
Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The quantity of these phenolic acids was
also calculated with gallic acid and ferulic acid having the highest and lowest
concentrations in the peels of all the studied genotypes, respectively. The observation and
data collected from this study showed that there was chemical variation in the peels of
different mango genotypes that can be a basis for future breeding work. Furthermore,
mango peel was can be a good source of phenolic compounds, vitamins and antioxidants
which can be utilized as a functional food, and for nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and
cosmeceutical purposes.
were used for different analyses. modified colorimetric assay (Jagota and Dani 1982).
Fifty milligrams of dried ground mango peel were
2.3 Phytochemical contents extracted twice with 5.0 mL 10% trichloroacetic acid and
A total of 50 mg of ground samples were added to 10 mixed using a vortex for 5 mins. The resulting mixture
mL 50% methanol (1:1 vol/vol absolute methanol: was allowed to stand for 5 mins in an ice water bath and
distilled water). The mixture was vortexed at medium then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 5 mins. Approximately
speed for 3 mins, then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 5 0.50 mL 10% Folin Ciocalteu reagent was added to the
mins. The supernatant was collected and used for 1.0 mL aliquot trichloroacetic acid extract and the
determination of total phenolic, total flavonoid content, mixture was allowed to stand for 10 mins. The
and 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical absorbance of the resulting blue-colored mixture was
scavenging activity assays. read at 760 nm. A standard curve was prepared using
ascorbic acid and vitamin C content was calculated using
2.4 Total phenolic content the interpolation method.
-15 mins. (92-95 %A), 15-35 mins. (95-85 %A), 35-40 highest TPC (Carabao ‘GES 73’ with 14.59%, Carabao
mins. (85-80 %A), 40-50 mins. (80-75 %A), 50-65 mins. ‘GES 84’ with 13.77% and Carabao ‘GES 85’ with
(75-70 %A), 65-70 mins. (70-90 %A) and 70-80 mins. 13.53%) while Red Admin 1 and 2 have the lowest TPC
(90-100 %A). Chromatogram was monitored at 280 and with 4.86 and 3.45% GAE respectively. The differences
320 nm using Waters 2489 UV/Vis detector. Eluent in total phenolic content may be attributed to the
peaks were identified using retention time comparison difference in the genetic makeup of the genotypes,
with available standards. Gallic acid was quantified changes of the phenolic pattern during fruit development
using 25, 50, 100, 150, 200 ppm standards while vanillic, and degree of expression of phenolic compounds as
syringic and ferulic acids were quantified using 5, 10, 15, plants’ response to different biotic and abiotic stresses
20, 25 ppm standards. (Schieber et al., 2000).
One-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and Tukey’s Flavonoid compounds also act as antioxidants and
multiple range test at 95% confidence interval (p ≤ 0.05) free radical scavengers. In plants, these compounds act
were performed using Statistical Tool for Agricultural as unique UV filters and serve as protection against
Research (STAR) version 2.0.1. The Pearson correlation abiotic and biotic stresses (Panche et al., 2016). The
coefficient (r) and p-value were used to show flavonoid content (TFC) of the analyzed mango peel
correlations and significance, respectively. extracts varied significantly (p < 0.05) ranging from 0.32
- 2.16% CE with a mean of 1.03%. Carabao mango
genotypes registered the highest TFC with ‘GES
3. Results and discussion
85’ (2.16 %) containing the highest amount of TFC
3.1 Phytochemical contents followed by Carabao ‘GES 73’ (2.12%) and Carabao
3.1.1 Total phenolic content ‘GES 84’ (1.96%). On the other hand, Katchamita,
Polyphenols are the most abundant compounds in Apple Mango and Red Admin genotypes registered low
mango. Table 1 summarizes the results for the total TFC with Red Admin 2 registering the lowest TFC with
phenolic content, total flavonoid content and antioxidant 0.32% followed by Katchamita 3 with 0.37%. The
activity of the mango genotypes. The total phenolic average TFC (1.03%) of the analyzed samples was lower
content (TPC) of mango peel varied significantly (p < compared to the reported TFC by Kim et al. (2010) using
0.05) among accessions ranging from 3.44-14.59% GAE Irwin variety where the TFC of mango peel extracted
with a mean of 8.54%. The mango genotypes used was 2.12% CE. The difference in flavonoid content in
showed higher TPC compared to the reported mean TPC plants, in general, is influenced by different factors such
of Barreto et al. (2008) of 2.51% for the Tommy Atkins as cultivar, agricultural practices, growing locations, and
variety. The Carabao mango genotypes registered the ultraviolet radiation (Ferreyra et al., 2012).
Table 1. Phytochemical content and antioxidant activity of the peels from selected Philippine mango genotypes.
Accession name Total Phenols (% GAE) Total Flavonoids (% CE) Antioxidant Activity (% RSA)
Apple Mango 2 5.04±0.26 fg 0.53±0.06 fgh 89.86±0.20 fg
Apple Mango 3 5.64±0.68 ef 0.50±0.03 fghi 88.11±0.64 h
Carabao ‘GES 73’ 14.59±0.19 a 2.12±0.05 ab 91.62±0.06 cd
Carabao ‘GES 77’ 11.50±0.30 c 1.61±0.03 c 91.69±0.06 bcd
Carabao ‘GES 84’ 13.77±0.38ab 1.96±0.03 b 92.47±0.06 a
Carabao ‘GES 85’ 13.14±0.79 abc 2.16±0.05 a 92.36±0.06 ab
bc d
Huani 1 12.64±0.39 1.28±0.006 91.52±0.06 cd
Katchamita 1 5.86±0.17 ef 0.57±0.02 fg 90.56±0.11 ef
Katchamita 2 7.13±0.83 de 0.67±0.08 f 88.69±0.37 h
Katchamita 3 5.03±0.83 fg 0.37±0.02 hi 89.45±0.37 g
Pico 1 8.41±0.34 d 0.86±0.17 e 91.98±0.11 abc
Red Admin 1 4.86±0.64 fg 0.44±0.05 ghi 91.06±0.10 de
g i
Red Admin 2 3.45±0.82 0.32±0.04 90.34±0.15 ef
*Data are means ± standard deviation of triplicate analysis based on the dry weight of the samples;
* Mean values followed by different letters in the same column differ significantly (p≤0.05);
*Total phenol content is expressed as percent gallic acid equivalent;
*Total flavonoid content is expressed as percent catechin equivalent;
*Antioxidant activity expressed as %DPPH radical scavenging activity
eISSN: 2550-2166 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
Ocampo et al. / Food Research 4 (4) (2020) 1116 - 1124 1120
3.1.3 DPPH radical scavenging activity (antioxidant < 0.05) ranging from 24.66 – 92.01 IU with a mean of
activity) 44.99 IU (Table 2). The highest amount of β-carotene/
Vitamin A was observed in Red Admin genotypes with
In this study, the antioxidant activity of mango peel Red Admin 2 having 92.01 IU and Red Admin 1 with
was determined using the DPPH assay. The degree of 59.08 IU while Apple Mango 2 had the lowest Vitamin
discoloration of the DPPH solution determined the A content with 24.66 IU.
scavenging potential of the extract. Mango genotypes
were shown to differ significantly in DPPH radical Table 2. Vitamin A and C contents of the peels from selected
scavenging activity (100 ppm (w/v) peel extract) ranging Philippine mango genotypes.
from 88.11-92.47% (p < 0.05) and an average of Accession name Vitamin A (IU) Vitamin C (mg/g)
90.75%. Carabao ‘GES 84’ (92.47%), Carabao ‘GES Apple Mango 2 24.66±0.46 h
4.77±0.05 e
85’(92.36%), and Pico 1 (91.98%) were the three Apple Mango 3 32.45±1.19 fg 4.84±0.04 e
genotypes with the highest antioxidant activity while
Carabao ‘GES 73’ 32.67±0.55fg 6.40±0.08 a
Apple Mango 3 has the lowest radical scavenging
Carabao ‘GES 77’ 29.04±0.55gh 5.81±0.08 c
activity (RSA). Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), an
established antioxidant, was used to compare the Carabao ‘GES 84’ 49.70±2.48 cd 5.94±0.09 c
antioxidant capacity of mango peels. One hundred (100) Carabao ‘GES 85’ 28.22±0.95gh 6.21±0.04 ab
ppm (w/v) of BHA registered 88.38% RSA is lower in Huani 1 40.65±2.17 6.30±0.10 ab
antioxidant capacity compared with the studied extracts Katchamita 1 55.56±2.99bc 5.75±0.03 c
except with Apple Mango 3. This result showed that Katchamita 2 57.67±2.03 b 5.86±0.02 c
mango peel extract can act as a good antioxidant and is Katchamita 3 38.16±5.08 ef 5.06±0.02 d
at par or even better than commercially available Pico 1 44.95±1.79 de 6.14±0.12 b
antioxidants like BHA. Red Admin 1 59.08±3.52 b
4.55±0.05 f
Ajila et al. (2007) also showed the same results and Red Admin 2 92.01±2.18a 4.66±0.03 ef
reported higher radical scavenging activity of ripe *Data are means ± standard deviation of triplicate analysis
Raspuri mango peel extracts (1.83 ug GAE) compared to based on the dry weight of the samples;
BHA (3.45 ug GAE). Mango peel has been shown to *Vitamin A is expressed as IU/g; and
have higher radical scavenging activity (53.3%) than *Vitamin C is expressed as mg/g.
seed (24.2%) using Uba variety which may be credited to 3.2.2 Ascorbic acid/vitamin C content
the elevated concentration of flavonol and xanthone
glycosides in peel (Ribeiro et al., 2008). Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, plays a part
in numerous cell function and also acts as an antioxidant.
The observed high antioxidant activity across the Since humans lack the ability to produce ascorbic acid, it
mango peel samples may aid in the utilization of peels must be obtained from dietary sources and be taken
for functional food, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and regularly since it cannot be stored in the body. It was
even cosmeceutical purposes. Genetic variability has the observed that the vitamin C content of mango peel varied
utmost influence in the production of plant secondary significantly (p < 0.05) among genotypes ranging from
metabolites which are correlated to the plant’s 4.55 – 6.40 mg/g ascorbic acid equivalents based on
antioxidant activity. Moreover, right after harvest, statistical analysis (Table 2). The average vitamin C
metabolism of phytochemicals begins which involves content of the genotypes was 5.56 mg/g. Carabao
complex biochemical reactions during storage and ‘GES73’ has the highest vitamin C content while Red
transportation which may increase or decrease the Admin 2 contained the least vitamin C.
phytochemicals of plants or plant parts (Li et al., 2012).
Vitamin C content may decrease, increase, or remain
3.2 Vitamin contents constant in the course of fruit ripening. Ortega et al.
3.2.1 β-carotene/vitamin A content (2013) observed that the ascorbic acid content of Ataulfo
β-carotene is a member of the carotenoid family that mango variety increased during ripening in storage and
participates in general antioxidant functions and as an reduced during senescence. The increase in vitamin C
accessory pigment in light absorption and energy content during ripening of mango fruit may be linked to
dissipation during photosynthesis (Kopsell and Kopsell, the increased activation of the biosynthesis of ascorbic
2010). Ripening increases the carotenoid content because acid driven by the breakdown of starch into simple
of the development of the yellow color in the peel sugars such as glucose. Moreover, the increase in
(Varakumar et al., 2011). The vitamin A content in the vitamin C content during ripening may also be attributed
peels of selected mango genotypes varied significantly (p to the increased lipid peroxidation as the fruit ripens
(Adetuyi et al., 2016).
eISSN: 2550-2166 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
1121 Ocampo et al. / Food Research 4 (4) (2020) 1116 - 1124
3.3 Correlation analysis among the different antioxidant the concentration of phenolic compounds identified in
measurements mango peel using HPLC. The profile of polyphenols and
its quantity in mango depends on the variety and plant
Correlation analysis showed that DPPH radical part (Ma et al., 2011).
scavenging activity has high positive correlation with
total phenolic content (r = 0.69), total flavonoid (r =
0.77) content, and vitamin C (r = 0.57) (p < 0.05) (Table
3). However, there was no significant relationship
between vitamin A content (r = -0.096) with DPPH
radical scavenging activity. These correlations clearly
show that the antioxidant capacity of mango peels is
primarily dictated by phenolics, flavonoids and vitamin
C content of the peels. Likewise, Ma et al. (2007) also
observed a high positive linear correlation between the
polyphenol (r = 0.98) and flavonoids content (r = 0.91)
with antioxidant capacity.
Figure 2. Concentration of phenolic acids present in the peel
Table 3. Linear correlation coefficients between antioxidant of selected mango genotypes determined by High Performance
activity and antioxidant variables. Liquid Chromatography.
TFC RSA Vit. C Vit. A The chromatogram (Figure 3) showed that
Coefficient 0.9586 0.6885 0.838 -0.4451 differences exist between the phenolic profiles of each
p-value 0 0 0 0.0045 variety of mango. Gallic, vanillic, syringic, and ferulic
Coefficient 0.7172 0.7598 -0.4374 acids (Figure 4) were positively identified in the peels of
TFC all the mango genotypes while coumaric and chlorogenic
p-value 0 0 0.0054
acids were not present. The presence of gallic and ferulic
Coefficient 0.5703 -0.0958
RSA acids in mango peels was also reported by Sharaf et al.
p-value 0.0002 0.5617
(2016) while Coelho et al. (2019) and Blancas-Benitez et
Coefficient -0.3225
Vit. C al. (2015) confirmed the presence of syringic and
p-value 0.0452 vanillic acids in mango peels, respectively. Gallic acid
was also reported as the common phenolic acid found in
3.4 Identification and quantification of phenolic acids in Keitt, Sensation, and Gomera 3 mango varieties (Dorta et
mango peel al., 2014).
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) The peel of Huani genotype (Mangifera odorata) is
was used to determine the phenolic acid profile of mango superior in all phenolic acids quantified while the peel of
peels. Standards used were gallic, vanillic, syringic, Red Admin registered the lowest concentrations of
ferulic, coumaric and chlorogenic acids which were phenolic acids quantified. Among the M. indica
previously reported to be present in mango peels. The genotypes studied, Carabao mango genotype registered
presence of these acids was confirmed by comparing the the highest vanillic (660.57 mg/g) and syringic acid
retention time of the standards with peaks generated (593.39 mg/g) contents while Pico and Apple Mango
from the mango peel samples using the HPLC have the highest gallic and ferulic acids, respectively.
parameters previously described. Figure 2 summarizes
Figure 3. HPLC chromatogram 280 and 320 nm of mango peel extract of ‘Carabao’ (A), ‘Apple Mango’ (B), ‘Huani’ (C), ‘Red
Admin’ (D), ‘Pico’ (E), and ‘Katchamita’ (F).
eISSN: 2550-2166 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
Ocampo et al. / Food Research 4 (4) (2020) 1116 - 1124 1122
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phenolics while Red Admin accessions have the lowest. Service Laboratory of the Institute of Plant Breeding
(IPB) for the use of plant materials and facilities, Ms.
Marynold Purification for assisting in the HPLC
analysis, Ms. Elenita Castillo and Ms. Teresita Maligalig
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