Warriors of Sehanne

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Warriors of Sehanine

story by: Florian Emmerich on the cover

written by: Florian Emmerich, JVC Parry & Ashley Warren Faen and Syllin are taking refuge in the Chapel of Sehanine.
additional design by: Alexander Clippinger The writers are not responsible for sudden urges to adopt werewolf
edited by: Linnea Hunt-Stewart puppies.
additional edit by: Zachariah Henseler & Madi "Ofelia"
cover art by: Raluca Marinescu
interior art by: Raluca Marinescu, Henrik Rosenborg & Nathalie Lehnert
cartography by: Dean Spencer & Erin Harvey
layout by: Florian Emmerich & Dean Spencer
playtesting by: Katrina Bresnick, Kevin Harris, Madi “Ofelia,” Jesse Smith,
Scott, Alexis, Stephen, Anya, Quinn, Jess, Casey Bax, Lawrence Woods,
Jeremy Kirsch, Andrew Thompson, Bryan Stevens & Jeff Stevens

Special Thanks to Keith Baker

Thank you for helping bringing Warriors of Sehanine to Eberron. We were astonished by your open nature and remarkable friendliness. We
hope there are more amazing things to come for you in life.

Special Thanks to Katrina Bresnik

Thank you for kick-ass playtesting and thorough discussions afterwards of what went wrong, what went worse, but most of the time geeking out
over everything else.

Very Special Thanks to all who supported us with getting SHORE OF DREAMS
You made it possible for us to let you go on yet another adventure! When we first set you off to Yokotoro, we never imagined how far we could go
together. You are the wind in our sails, and we hope to have you by our side for adventures yet to come.




@poisonpotpress @jvcparry @ashleyhnwarren

Lia “Winter” Pianthis

Warriors of Sehanine 4 Trolls 14 Returning the Children 28

Running the Module 4 Locations within the Wood of Sharp Teeth 15 Uncovering Fivin's Plot 28

Adventure Background 4 Marla's Cottage 15 Fivin's Corruption 28

Getting Involved 5 Ruins of Velharr 16 The Witches 28

Blood on the Road 5 Chapter 3: Ravenglade Keep 17 Appendix A - Denizens of the Wood of Sharp Teeth 29

A Call to Arms 5 General Features 18 Duskbringer 29

The Dragon's Lair 5 Sky's Ascend 19 Ghostly Fox 29

Dramatis Personae 6 Star's Ascend 19 Grutok Doomspear 30

Chapter 1 - Meeting the Survivors 7 R1. Loch 20 Warrior of Sehanine 30

Hunting for Help 8 R2. Secret Grotto 21 Appendix B - Witches Three 31

Fivin's Fear 8 R3. Star's Council 21 The Dryad 31

Opening 8 R4. Chapel of Sehnanine 22 The Cottage in the Forest 31

Duskbringer's Respite 8 R5. Keep Entrance 23 General Information 32

Chapter 2 - The Wood of Sharp Teeth 9 R6. Battlement 23 Approaching the Cottage 32

Forest Travel 9 R7. The Tel'Quessir 23 Approaching directly 32

Pace and Travel Distances 9 R8. Vestibule of Valor 24 Meeting Marla 33

Encounters in the Wood of Sharp Teeth 10 R9. Raven's Council 24 Marla's Enchantment 32

No Encounters 10 R10. Library 25 Approaching Stealthily 33

Faerie Dragon 11 R11. Dining Hall 26 A Slight Misunderstanding 34

Owlbear 11 R12. Dovecotte 26 M1. The Cottage’s Living Room 34

Displacer Beast 11 R13. Antechamber 26 M2. Small Pantry 34

Wolf Pack 11 R14. Bedchambers 26 M3. Sleeping Quarters 35

Dryad 11 R15. Armory 27 M4. The Garden 35

The Rallying Orcs 11 R16. Barracks 27 Freeing Faen 35

The Greeting 12 R17. Dungeons 27 Fight to Free Faen 36

The Coronation Procession 13 R18. Guard Towers 28 Druidic Diplomacy 36

The Ghostly Fox 13 Outcomes 28 Armed with Allies 36

Spiders 14 Defeating the Dragon 28 Reuniting with Faen 37

Deer 14 Triumphant Escape 28

They pray each night to the elven goddess Sehanine
Warriors of Sehanine Moonbow, who, out of love for her people and sympathy
for their plight, granted them some control over their
arriors of Sehanine is a Dungeons & transformation. Despite their ability to manipulate their
Dragons adventure module for a party canine curse, the elves chose to live secluded lives, away
of four to five characters from 3rd to from the civilization that shunned them, going so far as
5th level. It should take 12 to 16 hours to hide from their own kin and turn to the written word to
to complete, depending on which elements the characters chronicle the curse and their heroic feats.
encounter. One day the elven scouts spotted a troop of orcs headed
from the Cloud Peaks, chopping their way through the
Wood of Sharp Teeth. Their actions threatened the
Running the Module flora and fauna so sacred to the Warriors. After a brief
It’s recommended to read the adventure module in its meeting of their leaders, the elves decided lethal force was
entirety before running it. The module refers to the necessary to drive the orc forces from the forest.
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Player’s Handbook and the The following attack on the orc warband was swift and
Monster Manual. brutal, resulting in the death of half the orc force and
Creatures written in bold refer to the corresponding routing the surviving brutes. Several of the Warriors of
entries in the Monster Manual or Appendix A—Denizens Sehanine were injured, and Lucan Pianthis, Lia’s husband,
of the Wood of Sharp Teeth. was killed during the attack. The warriors carried Lucan’s
Wondrous items and spells written in italic refer to the body to the chapel, where the chronicler Fivin “Feather”
corresponding entries in the Dungeon Master’s Guide or Hanali conducted the appropriate burial ceremonies.
the Player’s Handbook. Whilst away from their home, the elves neglected to
notice a new threat flying in from the north. A black dragon
An Eerie Forest known as Duskbringer had outgrown her lair in the Forest
The Dungeon Master can easily place the Warriors of Sehanine of Wyrms, and was searching for a new abode. Spotting
adventure module in any scary forest or woodland. The authors Ravenglade Keep from the air, she landed in the woods in
wrote the adventure to take place in the Sword Coast, in the Wood preparation for an assault.
of Sharp Teeth, a few days southeast of Baldur’s Gate. However, any What the elves and characters do not know is that
big forest with a settlement nearby can substitute for it. Duskbringer’s unusual conquesting behaviour is the result
of a parasitic relationship with a will-o’-wisp. This dark soul
Helping the Greensingers
once belonged to Grand Duke Valarken, who’ now intends
Travelling in Khorvaire need some changes to the overall adventure
module. You must transport the location to the Eldeen Reaches on reclaiming Baldur’s Gate for himself from beyond the
within the Towering Woods. grave. He has bent the will of the young Duskbringer,
The Warriors are reclusive Greensingers (due to their curse) and forcing her to leave her lair in the Forest of Wyrms and
Sehanine Moonbow is an Archfey. The Ghostly Fox is her servant. take up residence in the Wood of Sharp Teeth, where
Valarken is a soul of a dragon from Argonessen, using Duskbringer Valarken can better observe the activity in Baldur’s Gate.
as a way to take ultimate revenge on the Greensingers for fending An evening of mourning and remembrance after the
off his conquest. battle was cut short by the sound of rending stone as
Duskbringer smashed into the Ravenglade Keep. The
Warriors of Sehanine instinctively jumped to arms,
Adventure Background intent on defeating this new foe. However, the Warriors
A mere handful of days ago, in the Wood of Sharp Teeth, a underestimated the black dragon’s power. One by one the
band of elves were living out their usual, mostly peaceful, warriors fell beneath her mighty claws and tail. Before
existence in a fortress known as Ravenglade Keep. long, the warriors were decimated, with only the “Setting
These elves are known as the Warriors of Sehanine, Sun” remaining. The other elves of the keep have fled or
a secretive cult of lycanthropes. Led by Aelar “Autumn” are dead, save for Fivin and the children of Lia, Faen and
Liadon and Lia “Winter” Pianthis, a pair of highly skilled Syllin. Fivin was on his way to warn the “Setting Sun” the
veterans known together as the “Setting Sun,” the group of children are trapped.
ten werewolves protected the forest and its inhabitants.

Unfortunately, Fivin arrived too late, as Duskbringer was
on the verge of slaughtering the final veterans. They fought A Call to Arms
valiantly, injuring the dragon multiple times, but they Whilst staying in Baldur’s Keep, the characters notice
were left with no option but to flee the keep and leave the a commotion around the city gates. A pair of grievously
children behind. wounded elves are supporting a third who has lost an arm
With the help of the fey spirits in the forest, Aelar, Lia, and is clearly on the brink of death. While the Flaming Fist
and Fivin escaped and fled to Baldur’s Gate, in a desperate mercenaries are escorting them to a shrine where they’ll
search for help and healing. It’s here the adventure begins be healed. Maybe the characters can offer their assistance.
(See Meeting the Survivors on page 7.)
Grand Duke Valarken
Valarken was the former grand duke of Baldur’s Gate. He was The Dragon’s Lair
notorious for his militant attitudes and merciless ruling of the city. The characters have tracked Duskbringer, a black dragon,
Before his reign could come to a natural end, he was deposed and for several days now. They noticed the great reptile left the
forcibly removed from the city. Since then, Valarken began plotting Forest of Wyrms several days ago and have followed her
his revenge, gaining the assistance of the mercenary General Ikhal south to the Wood of Sharp Teeth. The characters must
and his army of lycanthropes. In 1384, Valarken attempted to usurp search the forest for the beast before they can slay it. This
the leadership of Baldur’s Gate. The leader at the time was Grand
hook allows the characters to dive straight into the story.
Duke Portyr, who, after fending off Valarken, dissolved the Council
of Four and the Baldurian police, in favour of the Flaming Fist
Mercenary group who were instrumental in the city’s protection.
After his defeat, Valarken and the remnants of his mercenary army
fled to the Wood of Sharp Teeth.
During the fifty years that passed since then and now, Valarken fell Aelar “Autumn” Liadon
prey to the scheming Ikhal, who wanted to usurp full control of the
lycanthropes after the failed coup. They attempted to rebuild the
lycanthrope city of Vehlarr but were haunted by the tenacious spirit
of Valarken, who eventually claimed the life of Ikhal and drove the
remaining werewolves away. Valarken’s soul has since faded almost
entirely away, but his iron will has kept him clinging onto undeath
in the Material Plane.

Getting Involved
There are many ways to get the characters involved in the
adventure module. Below are just a few possible hooks that
can help you set the events in motion.

Blood on the Road

Whilst travelling on the road to Baldur’s Gate, the
characters come across a trio of wounded elves atop elk
mounts. The two men support a woman who has lost an
arm, and appears on the brink of death. Blood streams
from the bandage covering one of the men’s eye. Hopefully,
the characters will offer their assistance. (See Meeting the
Survivors on page 7.)

Dramatis Personae
Name Role Description Statblock
Aelar “Autumn” Half of the “Setting Sun”, one Aelar is wiry with long copper hair that Warrior of Sehanine (Appendix A)
Liadon of the leaders of the Warriors of catches the sunlight. When the characters
Sehanine and quest giver. meet him, he has lost an eye from the battle
with Duskbringer and is in bad condition.
Duskbringer Black dragon who attacked the Duskbringer is a young black dragon with Appendix A
Warriors of Sehanine and stole sunken ivory eyes, a few missing talons and
Ravenglade Keep. a broken horn. She is rarely seen without her
will-o’-wisp companion.
Faen Pianthis Child of Lia and Lucan, Syllin's Faen is a cheeky young boy, who’s obsessed Warrior of Sehanine (Appendix A)
older brother, and trapped in with the exploits of his father’s and Aelar. He with the following changes.
Ravenglade Keep has scruffy brown hair and a slightly wonky Faen has 10 (2d8+2) hit points.
left ear. All his attacks do 2 (1d4) damage.
Fivin “Feather” Hanali Chronicler of the Warriors Fivin is a wild-eyed older elf with a gaunt Warrior of Sehanine (Appendix A)
of Sehanine and secret visage and thin frame. He’s constantly with +6 in History and +6 in
necromancer. scribbling notes with his long quill and wears Arcana
a pair of half-moon spectacles.
Ghostly Fox Mischievous fey spirit that may The fey spirit of the forest. A pale blue Appendix A
help or hinder the characters. phantasmal fox with three tails that is often
trailed by blooming flowers and falling
Grutok Doomspear Leader of the invading orc war An orc leader with rippling musculature Appendix A
band. and a missing ear from the fight with elven
lycanthropes. The doomspear war band
paints their faces with red crosses.
Kashak Kobold tribe leader. Kashak is a wobbly kobold almost a century Kobold with a wand of web
old who walks with a twisted staff that ends
in a cockatrice foot. He is ingenious and
cunning, adorned with scars from where he
escaped death’s grasp.
Lia “Winter” Pianthis Half of the “Setting Sun”, leaders Lia is a tall elf with hazelnut hair that’s Warrior of Sehanine (Appendix A)
of the Warriors of Sehanine. streaked with strands of white. She has a
keen eye and quick reactions but suffered
badly at the hands of Duskbringer, and has
lost her left arm.
Lucan Pianthis Husband of Lia, died in the orc Lucan was a handsome silver-haired elf. Warrior of Sehanine (Appendix A)
attack, resurrected by Fivin. Since his resurrection, he can’t leave his with Blood Frenzy
hybrid form, and this appears as a ravening
silver-furred werewolf.
Marla Moonglove Witch in the Wood of Sharp Marla is a hag who likes to cultivate plants Green hag
Teeth who wants a grimoire from and fungi. Even when she transforms into a
Ravenglade Keep. more amiable appearance, she is still often
dirtied with soil.
Syllin Pianthis Child of Lia and Lucan, Faen's Syllin is a joyous but shy elven girl who Warrior of Sehanine (Appendix A)
younger sister, and trapped in loves reading about history. Her brown hair with the following changes.
Ravenglade Keep. is streaked with silver, and she has a light Syllin has 10 (2d8+2) hit points.
sprinkling of freckles across her cheeks and All her attacks do 2 (1d4) damage.
Valarken Exists as a will-o'-wisp and Valarken is a will-o’-wisp; a flickering, Will-o’-wisp
controls Duskbringer, attempts to ephemeral ball of light that floats and bobs
overthrow Baldur’s Gate. around Duskbringer’s head, whispering
nefarious plans in her ear.

Please, my children are all that I have. I beg of In addition to this information, the elves can provide the
characters with a crude map of directions to Ravenglade
you to help them. Take our riches if you must,
Keep, through the Wood of Sharp Teeth. They also can
but please find it in your heart to rescue my two inform the characters the characters of the following:
ಁ A fey spirit lives within the woods. It manifests as a pale
blue, spectral fox with three tails, and is likely to help
—Lia “Winter” Pianthis the characters in their quest. (See The Ghostly Fox on
page 13.)

Chapter 1

ಁ A strange druid lives in the forest near a swamp. She
seems harmless and may be able to help the charcaters.
Meeting the Survivors (This alludes to Marla and her Cottage (see Marla’s
Cottage on page 15), but the Warriors don’t know about
hould the characters offer to help, the male her true nature as a hag and her ambitions.
elves introduce themselves as Aelar (Warrior of
Sehanine (Appendix A)) and Fivin (Warrior of ಁ The Ruins of Vehlarr are in the northern reaches of the
Sehanine (Appendix A) with +6 in History and woods. Although they’re deserted, there may be items
+6 in Arcana) and tell the characters their unconscious there that could help the characters. (Apart from riches
companion is a warrior named Lia (Warrior of Sehanine there might be still a group of Kobolds, Kashak’s wand
(Appendix A)). They’re all in desperate need of help of web, and two potions of healing there (See The
and healing. Lia is unconscious and has four levels of Coronation Procession and Ruins of Velharr on page
exhaustion, while being at 3 hit points. Fivin and Aelar are 13 and 16), that the Warriors do not know about.))
at 10 hit points and have one level of exhaustion.
A black dragon attacked their home, Ravenglade Keep ಁ There’s a decimated band of orcs probably still roving
in the Wood of Sharp Teeth, and Lia’s children are still the forest. (See The Rallying Orcs on page 11.)
trapped within the fortress. Many of their fellow warriors
died in the fight against the dragon. However they were ಁ The three of them had to jump from Ravenglade Keep
able to injure the beast, so the characters may stand a into the waterfall to escape Duskbringer. The dragon
chance if they strike before it's healed. probably believes they’re dead.
After some time, Lia regains consciousness and demands
to join the adventurers on journey to Ravenglade Keep, so ಁ During their flight, they saw that the dragon razed
she can recover her lost children. She is beyond herself the only way to ascend or descend the keep, the Sky’s
with the sorrow of losing her husband and possibly their Ascend, leaving the kids trapped.
two children. Sensibly, the other elves stop Lia from
exerting herself, but Aelar receives her full wrath. She ಁ Lia assumes that Syllin will try to hide in the library
blames him for forcing her to leave the children behind. since she loves all the old books within and Faen
While none of the elves carry any gold with them, Aelar is probably trying to protect her as always. (The
can lend the characters his magical longsword, Moonpetal kids are actually hiding in the chapel, although they
(+1 longsword with finesse) if it will help the characters make occasional trips to the keep. (See Chapter 3—
slay Duskbringer. He has no qualms of parting with any Ravenglade Keep on page 17.))
treasure the characters find within Ravenglade Keep, as
long as they slay the dragon and return the children to ಁ A strange, glowing orb seemed to float around the
them. dragon’s head as they fought, every now and then the
Lia desperately pleads that the characters save her great wyrm would pause as if listening to the thing.
children. Fivin saw them alive, and she believes they have
the hearts of warriors and will have weathered the storm. Vigilant Wolves. Aware that their curse may cause
She tells the characters she has two children, a boy named outsiders to view them as a threat, the Warriors of
Faen and girl named Syllin. She hands the characters a Sehanine keep it a secret in order to protect Faen and
pendant from around her neck, a flower encased in a circle Syllin. The Warriors hope that when their secret is finally
hanging on a silver cord, and tells them that her children revealed, their noble cause will be known by the public.
are wearing the same pendant.

If Fivin is caught, he admits he left in a hurry because he
still wants to document the history of Ravenglade Keep
Moonpetal’s Past
as accurately as possible, and, although his combat skills
Moonpetal’s importance doesn’t come from its magical capabilities are limited, offers to help out if he can. If discovered, he
but from the symbolic value it presents. While an archaic artifact actively tries to divert the characters from his laboratory.
from former times, it has lost its significance and authority, even If they end up there anyway, he releases the insane Lucan
when an elf wields it. However, some elves old enough might and attacks.
remember its shrouded heritage and either try to get hold of it Blinded by the Cause. While the Warriors of Sehanine
themselves, or rally behind the holder. allow Fivin ample freedom in his studies, due to his rank
as chronicler, they will not tolerate any form of necromancy
or experimentation on their kin. In secret, however,
Hunting for Help Fivin is toiling to augment the curse to create undying
If the characters are within Baldur's Gate and try to enlist Warriors, capable of fighting relentlessly for their cause.
further help or rally for action from sources other than In this regard, Fivin views anyone who sees the curse as a
the Warriors of Sehanine, they are met with disbelief and negative as blind to its true potential.
demand of further proof of a dragon. Though they will
receive no immediate assistance, with an investment in
time, characters can acquire paid-for mounts and financial The Wood of Sharp Teeth is three or four days walk
help up to 25gp per character. Acquiring these things will southeast of Baldur’s Gate, and so if the characters wish
take up to one day. (See Duskbringer’s Respite.) to make haste, they should probably pay for coach travel
However, the characters should come away with the (24sp) or buy mounts (89gp for a riding horse with the
feeling they only received token assistance, from the appropriate tack). A mounted character can cover twice as
officials, who probably expected the sighting of the much ground each day as one on foot across open ground.
dragon that near to Baldur’s Gate to turn out just to be an Alternatively, characters could seek some other method of
unsubstantiated claim by the wood elves. transportation, such as teleportation.
When the characters arrive at the Wood of Sharp Teeth,
you can read or paraphrase the following:
Fivin’s Fear
Fivin Hanali is not all that he seems. Although he’s Stretching out before you is the home of the wounded elves, the
genuinely worried for his injured companions and fears Wood of Sharp Teeth. As if the name alone is not ominous enough,
for the lost children, nothing scares him more than the the twisting roots of swamp oaks and trailing limbs of black willows
discovery of his research. Fivin has been experimenting in make the forest impenetrable. Worse still, you know for a fact that a
secret, trying to manipulate the lycanthropic curse to reach dragon resides within.
its pinnacle—retaining the strength of the wolf without ever
manifesting its form. While secretly resurrecting Lucan
Pianthis after the fight with the Doomspear orcs, Fivin Duskbringer’s Respite
attempted a ritual that backfired. Rather than permanently As soon as the characters reach the Wood of Sharp Teeth,
retaining eytraoridnary strength, Lucan became stuck in start taking notes of the number of days that pass before
hybrid form, driving him mad. they reach Ravenglade Keep and add any additional days
Lucan is hidden in Fivin’s laboratory (see Star’s Council they might have spent extra apart from modest preparation
on page 21), and Fivin will do anything to prevent him and traveling in the quickest manner possible. During this
being found. This includes leaving his companions in time, Duskbringer will be recovering from her wounds and
the dead of night and following the characters back to recuperating energy. If characters make optimum time,
Ravenglade Keep to ensure they do not expose his secret. they should reach Ravenglade Keep in seven days.
If Fivin sees the adventurers enter his lab, he will attempt For each additional day they take to arrive at the keep,
to kill them. He’s more than happy to let Duskbringer or give Duskbringer an additional 10 hit points, up to a
her allies do most of the work for him, though. maximum of 50 hit points. If the characters somehow
At the DM’s discretion, you can have the characters notice manage to arrive sooner, reduce Duskbringer’s hit points
Fivin trailing them at any point or wait until the finale to by 10 points for each day’s difference, up to a maximum of
reintroduce him. 50 hit points.

The Kobold tribe will grow under the black—you!
Hold the boat higher! Black wing’s riches should
Pace and Travel Distances
On the map provided for the adventure, characters moving
not touch the ground.—wing in the sky! Soon, the at a normal pace travel 1 hex per day on foot through the
sun, moon and stars are for Kashak to command! Wood of Sharp Teeth. The treacherous, varying terrain
means that having a mount has no impact on travel
distance while the adventurers are within the forest and
—Kashak requires them to move at a slow pace through the swamp.
Characters moving at a fast pace take a –5 penalty to

Chapter 2
their passive Wisdom (Perception) score but have a 50 %
chance of moving an additional hex. To determine this, roll
a die. Characters moving at a slow pace can move stealthily
The Wood of Sharp but have a 50 % chance of failing to advance a hex during

the day's travel. To determine this, roll a die.
nce the characters reach the forest, they’re likely Navigating the Region
to want to press right in. The characters must At the start of each day, the adventurers use the map to
navigate the marshy woodland, fending off its determine which hex they want to travel to and who will act
natural inhabitants and dealing with newcomers as navigator. The DM makes a DC 11 Wisdom (Survival)
who have business with the dragon or the elves. The eerie check in secret on the navigator's behalf, using the
woods should fill the characters with a sense of doom, as if navigator's ability score, proficiency (if any) and any other
the hidden denizens are watching them secretly. The trees relevant modifiers. The result of the check determines
are gnarled and twisted, casting strange shadows across whether the party becomes lost over the course of that day.
the forest floor. They grasp at the characters as they walk The check receives a +5 bonus if the party is moving at a
by, ripping their clothes and scratching their skin. The slow pace, or a –5 penalty if the party is moving at a fast
howls of wolves ring through the woods, as well as the near pace.
constant creaking and moaning of the woods themselves. If the check succeeds, the navigator knows exactly where
Although light does penetrate through the thick canopy, the party is on the player’s map of the region and navigates
the thin shafts of light do little to illuminate the umbral them toward the desired hex.
woodland. If the check fails, the party becomes lost while traveling
This section of the adventure presents guidelines for and ends up in an incorrect hex. Based on the party’s
the characters’ travels within the wood, specifically their perspective and direction of travel, they have an equal
approach to Ravenglade Keep. This chapter also presents chance of veering to the hex on the left or right of the
options for random and set encounters the characters may party’s originally desired direction. To determine this, roll
play through on their way to the home of the Warriors of a die.
Sehanine. If the party was travelling at a fast pace, make a second
roll (using the same original desired direction of travel) to
see which second hex the party ends up in.
Forest Travel Whether the party navigates successfully or becomes lost
The Wood of Sharp Teeth is a near-impenetrable woodland during the day’s travel, they’re shown their position on the
with thick undergrowth and stretches of marshy terrain. player map at the end of the day.
Dangerous beasts, natural hazards, and maverick fey
occupy the region. Despite knowing Ravenglade Keep’s
approximate location within the Wood of Sharp Teeth, it’s
more than possible for the adventurers to become lost as
they navigate through or around tangled undergrowth,
ruins, darkened forests, and stretches of swamp.

Encounters in the Random Encounters
Wood of Sharp Teeth d20 Encounters

Each day of travel through the Wood of Sharp Teeth, 1-4 No Encounter
check once to see whether the characters encounter 5 Faerie Dragon
anything unusual, either while they’re traveling, or 6 Owlbear
while they’re camped or resting. Roll a d20 and consult 7 Displacer Beast
the Random Encounters table to determine what, if
8 Wolfpack
anything, they encounter. If you prefer, you can even pick
and choose desired ones. If characters need an XP boost 9 Dryad
as the characters work through subsequent parts of the 10 - 11 The Rallying Orcs
adventure, running more encounters in a day can help. 12 - 13 The Greeting

No Encounter
14 - 15 The Coronation Procession
16 - 17 The Ghostly Fox
The party faces no encounter for that day or the night,
though they still feel the presence of all the dangers within 18 Spiders
the Wood of Sharp Teeth, as the characters seem to notice 19 Deer
eyes in the foliage watching them and hear the noises of 20 Trolls
the denizens of the forest.

If any of the characters are displaying a holy symbol of
Faerie Dragon Sehanine Moonbow, or one of the pendants worn by the
An invisible green (or older) faerie dragon takes an Pianthis family, the wolves do not attack that character and
interest in the adventurers and follows them for a while. his companions, instead howling at them, as if expecting a
If the characters are in good spirits, the tiny dragon plays response.
harmless pranks on them during the party’s next short or Wolves among Wolves. If the Pianthis siblings or Fivin
long rest. is with the party, they howl at the wolves, with them
If this trickery doesn’t anger the characters, the dragon answering in kind. This prompts the dire wolf and the
appears and truthfully answers three of their questions other wolves to shadow the party, warning and protecting
before bidding the party farewell. them from dangers within the woods. While the Pianthis
If the characters seem dour or mean, or if the faerie siblings are following their primal instincts and howl at the
dragon’s pranks sour them, it flutters off without providing wolves, even if the truth behind their nature is not revealed,
any sort of aid. Fivin takes a more cautious approach.
If the faerie dragon visited Ravenglade Keep recently, it
may know the state of Duskbringer, whether she has any
new allies in tow, or the nature of the strange flickering
light that floats around the dragon’s head. It also knows A single dryad flits through the trees, watching the party
about other nearby landmarks or locations, as you as it travels through her forest.
determine. If the characters do anything to antagonise her, such as
cut down a tree or carry an open flame, she attacks them
using guile and cunning. She might drop a hive of bees
Owlbear on the characters or attempt to lure them into a patch of
Owlbears are one of the most dangerous carnivores in the razorvine or poison ivy.
Wood of Sharp Teeth (although they, ironically, have none). There is a 10 % chance the dryad becomes infatuated
When you roll this encounter, a single owlbear begins with a random character and uses her charm to lure them
to stalk the party. Have the owlbear make a Dexterity away, before tree striding with them to another part of the
(Stealth) check and compare this to the passive Wisdom forest.
(Perception) scores of the characters to determine if they There’s a 50 % chance the dryad is an ally of Marla
notice. When the party is distracted by foraging, setting up (see Marla’s Cottage on page 15) and tries to lead the
camp or another activity, the owlbear strikes. characters to her.

Displacer Beast The Rallying Orcs

These sleek, panther-like monstrosities are not only The characters enter a swampy area of the forest where a
aggressive, but actively enjoy hunting, even for sport. One band of orcs is arguing about their course of action.
displacer beast attempts to ambush the party, starting These are the Doomspear orcs, led by the hulking Grutok
with the characters at the rear of the marching order. Doomspear. The orcs arrived in the Wood of Sharp Teeth
There is a 25 % chance that the characters encounter the around ten days ago from their previous stronghold in
displacer beast already in a fight with 2d4 wolves. The the Cloud Peaks, hoping to use the forest to stage an
displacer beast and the wolves have only half of their hit attack on the nearby village of Beregost. It wasn’t long
points each. before the Warriors of Sehanine noticed the invasion of
their homeland and decided to take lethal action against
Wolf Pack the orcs. After suffering heavy losses at the hands of the
An unnaturally large wolf pack, formed of one dire wolf lycanthropes, the orcs turned tail and made to leave the
and 1d6 + 2 wolves, stalks through the forest. These forest. However, they were close enough to Ravenglade
canine predators are bold and aggressive to all who dare Keep to notice Duskbringer’s arrival, and when the dragon
to enter their forest. Even if the wolves are outnumbered, didn’t leave, assumed she killed the elves.
they don’t hesitate to attack any intruders in their hunting Now, what remains of the orc war band is in conflict.
grounds. Grutok Doomspear believes they should ally themselves
with the dragon, whereas a younger orc, Ownka
Bonebreaker thinks they would anger their gods by serving
such a master.

Sneaking close to the orc’s camp, the characters have the If the characters want to get any closer without attracting
option to attack the orcs, interfere with their politics, or the orc’s attention, they must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity
avoid them altogether. (Stealth) check.
When the characters first hear the orcs, given they can Once within range, the characters can interact with the
speak or understand Orc, you can read or paraphrase the orcs in a number of ways. Given their understanding of the
following. Otherwise, they only hear grunts. situation, they could pry from the conversation examples,
which are described below:
“Foolish whelp. We must serve. We will be the army of the wyrm,”
grunts a gruff voice from behind the trees. ಁ A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
“You have grown dumb, old man,” replies a younger voice “No there are eight orcs, Ownka (orc with 22 hit points and
child of Bahgtru will kneel before the beast. I have seen the omens; a chain shirt, AC 14), and Grutok (Appendix A).
you make a mistake.”
ಁ A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that
the orcs seem to favor the opinion of their chief. They
If the characters edge closer to the creatures, you can read
should ally themselves with the powerful dragon.
or paraphrase the following:
ಁ The characters might use spells such as calm emotions
You manage to edge closer to the voices until you can see their or suggestion to change the outcome of the dispute,
masters. Two battle-scarred orcs are standing off against each described below.
other in a glade surrounded by bleached, sickly trees. The first voice
comes from a hulking brute of an orc, with rippling musculature.
If the characters do not interfere, Grutok Doomspear
The other orc, despite seeming younger and brandishing fewer
scars appaers no less formidable. The rest of the orcs, all of whom
wins the argument. The orcs start heading toward
have red crosses painted on their faces, watch the spat, grunting in Ravenglade Keep the next day, and pledge allegiance to
affirmation or spitting in disagreement. Duskbringer, who accepts their servitude.
If the characters somehow influence the orcs against
Grutok, or remove him, Ownka takes command. She tries
to convince her fellow orcs to attack Duskbringer with
her, for the glory of the gods. The rest of the tribe fault her
brashness of Bahgtru, and instead head back home to the
Cloud Peaks. The characters could influence this outcome,
Grutok Doomspear instead invigorating the orcs to attack the dragon.
The Warchief ’s Axe. Grutok Doomspear carries a silver
greataxe, which he slayed Lucan with.

The Greeting
Although she’s trying to recuperate from the battle with the
Warriors of Sehanine, Duskbringer still feels the need to
patrol her new domain. Every few days, the black dragon
swoops over the forest, searching for returning elves,
Flaming Fist mercenaries from Baldur’s Gate or meddling

When the characters are travelling through a sparsely
wooded area, you can read or paraphrase the following: Echoing through the woods ahead is a clanking sound, occasionally
peppered with the yapping of some small creatures. Peering
through the trees ahead, you notice a band of kobolds headed in
Suddenly your ears ring with the whooshing of air through the your direction. A hobbling, elderly creature leaning heavily on a
canopy. Not far away, the bough of a dying oak cracks away from walking staff leads the pack. Behind it, several of the other kobolds
the trunk and crashes into the undergrowth. What little sun carry what looks to be a battered old rowboat but is clearly filled
penetrates the woods casts the monstrous shadow of a dragon with something that catches the gloaming.
across the ground before you, and it’s headed in your direction.

The pack consists of seven kobolds, led by Kashak

If the characters decide to hide, have each one make (kobold with a wand of web).
a DC 16 Dexterity (Stealth) check as they flee into the Kashak leads the procession, holding the wand of web
underbrush. If any character fails the check, they attract above his head in reverence. Every now and then, he barks
the attention of Duskbringer, who swoops down nearby commands at the following kobolds, keeping them in line.
Give the characters the chance to make the check again. Four of the seven other kobolds carry an old rowboat filled
On a second fail, you can read or paraphrase the following: with wealth from the Ruins of Vehlarr; 12gp, 28sp and
72cp, a pair of battered brass goblets (75gp each), a small
The towering figure of the black wyrm swoops down to the mirror in a finely carved frame (40gp) and a shield set
ground before you. It’s bat-like wings fold into its side, beneath its with blue quartz stones (25gp) and two potions of healing.
prominent rib cage. You notice that the dragon has a few missing The shield is also filled with a heap of worthless junk the
talons on its front left claw, and one of its horn has been shattered. kobolds deem to be treasure. The reamining kobolds are
Floating around the dragon’s head is a spectral ball of light. dancing around in glee.
“Impudent dolts! Leave my domain! The Wood of Sharp Teeth
The creatures are on their way to Ravenglade Keep to
belongs to...” abruptly the dragon stops speaking, as if she is
interrupted. Without warning, she exhales a gout of acid from her
pledge their service to Duskbringer and to give the wand of
gaping maw. web to their new master. Unless the characters intervene,
they’ll reach Duskbringer in a few days. She accepts their
service happily. The characters can follow the kobolds to
Duskbringer (Appendix A) uses her breath weapon Ravenglade Keep, either by following their tracks (with
against any characters still visible before taking off again, a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) check), or by
heading back to Ravenglade Keep. Advised by Valarken sneaking behind them (with a successful DC 10 group
(will-o’-wisp), Duskbringer doesn’t hang around to be Dexterity (Stealth) check).
bested by the adventurers in her weakened state.
Characters who succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence check The Ghostly Fox
recognise the floating ball of light as a will-o’-wisp.
A powerful fey spirit, known to the lycanthropes as the
Ghostly Fox approaches the party whilst sleeping. This
The Coronation Procession fey creature is willing to help the characters get rid of
This encounter is closely linked to the Ruins of Vehlarr Duskbringer but not before testing them. The fox tries to
(see Ruins of Velharr on page 16). A tribe of kobolds steal Moonpetal or another important item the characters
living in the ruins are guarding a magic item left behind by possess.
the werewolves that once lived there. With the arrival of When the party awakens, you can read or paraphrase the
Duskbringer, they have decided to bring her the wand of following:
When the encounter begins, you can read or paraphrase
A cheeky howl of glee awakens you from your sleep. You blurrily
the following:
open your eyes just in time to see a phantasmal blue fox bounding
away into the undergrowth. As it pads between the undergrowth,
you notice its three tails and the trail of blossom and petals that
seem to erupt in its wake. As you come back to your senses, you
realise the mischievous fey being has something familiar-looking
before its paws. Before you can react, it picks it up and bolts away.

The characters have the opportunity to chase the Ghostly
Fox (Appendix A) to get their stolen possesions back.
If they choose to do so, start a chase using the rules in
chapter 8, “Chases” of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. The
starting distance between quarry (the Ghostly Fox) and
pursuers (characters) is 30 feet. Rather than making a
Dexterity (Stealth) check at the end of each round, the
Ghostly Fox allows itself to remain visible, hoping to goad
the characters on.
If the characters don’t bother to chase the spirit, or fail to
catch it, the fox shows no pity. It makes off with the item,
keeping it as a gift for adventurers more capable of ridding Ghostly Fox
the forest of Duskbringer.
If the characters manage to catch the Ghostly Fox, you
can read or paraphrase the following:

You put on a burst of speed, and manage to catch up with the

impish fox. As you near, you leap forward onto the creature to pin
it to the forest floor. Just as your arms close around the creature,
it vanishes, leaving you sprawling in a burst of fragrant blossoms,
clutching your stolen treasure.
You hear a coy yip from across the woods. Looking in its direction,
you see the fox, tails wagging in joy, nuzzle at a bundle on the
ground. It pushes the parcel gently, then looks you dead in the eye,
before disappearing once again in a puff of petals.

When characters approach the site of the fox, they find a Despite the many dangers within the Wood of Sharp Teeth,
strange parcel of huge leaves, clearly not from this forest. there is still game to be found. The party can encounter a
If they unwrap the bundle, it reveals a cache of weapons bevy of 1d4+1 deer.
made from wood, stone and living plants. These weapons There’s a 50 % chance that one of the deer is a stag (use
match those the characters would normally use, save for the elk statblock). Deer are extremely nervous creatures,
the unusual materials and sylvan imagery. and bolt at the first sign of humanoids. Even stags are
Whilst in the Wood of Sharp Teeth, these weapons count unlikely to attack lest they’re backed into a corner.
at +1 weapons. When leaving the woods, the weapons’
appearance seems to shift to pointless sticks and rocks,
loosely bound with vines and count as improvised
weapons. Although they are few and far between, the Wood of
A skilled Trickster. The Ghostly Fox knows its ways Sharp Teeth is the home of around a dozen trolls. These
about his mischievous endeavors and strikes at opportune monstrous giants have insatiable appetites and comb the
moments to appear. If the characters settled for taking forest searching for prey to devour.
turns on night shifts, he approaches with caution and put While the Warriors of Sehanine have kept them in check,
susceptible targets to sleep. their short absence is enough for the trolls to come out.
The party encounter 1d3 trolls. Unlike more bestial
predators, these trolls also have a desire for treasure,
Spiders giving characters the opportunity to bargain their way out
Lurking in the shadows of the eerie forest are plenty of of an encounter.
giant spiders, spinning their webs in the canopy to descend
on unsuspecting prey. Those who do not mind their
surroundings, especially when resting for the night, are Treasuring Trolls
This encounter can be deadly, especially for low level characters. If
going to soon find 1d6 giant spiders creeping up to them.
the trolls overwhelm the characters, you can avert death by letting
them be distracted or fascinated by the characters' treasure during
the fight, such as the Pianthis' necklace.

If the characters offer their help, she says she can place
Locations within the an enchantment upon them that helps shield them from
Wood of Sharp Teeth the dragon. She calls this enchantment the bone witch’s
Despite the presence of the Warriors of Sehanine and the If the characters accept, you can read or paraphrase the
Ghostly Fox, the Wood of Sharp Teeth is home to other following:
beings and locations, like the humble cottage of the hag
Marla or the Ruins of Velharr.
The young half-elf reaches into her hessian satchel and pulls out
the skeleton of a rabbit. The bones are connected by strands of
Marla’s Cottage what must be hair.
As the characters travel through the woods, they’re ‘Don’t fear the poor dear, it’s a grisly necessity I’m afraid. The Bone
approached by a half-elf druid, who offers them a boon to Witch’s Binding is an old kind of magic, but nothing to be scared
help them on their quest. of.’
The druid is actually a green hag, who desires a grimoire Slowly, Marla begins a strange sort of hopping dance around you,
shaking the bony skeleton with each jump. As she circles you, she
from Ravenglade Keep’s library. The grimoire allows her to
gets faster and faster, and starts throwing a fungal smelling powder
bind the Ghostly Fox (see The Ghostly Fox on page 13) to into the air over your heads. At the zenith of the ritual, Marla calls
her wishes and rule the Wood of Sharp Teeth. (See Library out in a strange tongue, her body shaking with the effort.
on page 25.) The frantic druid tumbles back, clearly exhausted.
You can read or paraphrase the following: ‘Forgive me.’ She mutters. ‘I’m not as fit as I used to be. The
enchantment will turn away any blade destined for your heart for as
long as you remain in the woods.”
A half-elf druid steps out from between the trees a short way ahead
on your path, looking in your direction. She has dark auburn hair
loosely braided and adorned with wooden beads, and flowers, and The bone witch’s binding bestows the death ward spell
she wears a simple green linen dress. upon the characters until it is used, dispelled or they
leave the Wood of Sharp Teeth. A successful DC 16
She introduces herself as Marla Moonglove (green hag) Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals that Marla has woven
and claims to be a long-term resident of the forest. She in a little extra magic into the enchantment, that tracks the
tells the characters she’s a druid, who has been trying to characters through the forest.
prevent evil fey creatures from corrupting the beautiful If asked about this, Marla simply says she wants to make
woodland. sure the characters are okay. In truth, it allows Marla to
If the characters wish, they can make a Wisdom (Insight) follow the characters through the woods.
check contested by Marla’s Charisma (Deception) check, Hateful Hag. If the characters enlisted the help of The
to determine whether she is speaking truthfully. They can Ghostly Fox (see on page 13), Marla is only helpful if they
attempt the check at any point in the conversation, but no relinquish the gifts the party got from the fox. She justifies
more than three times. this move with accusing the Ghostly Fox of being one of the
If the characters reveal to Marla that they’re here to defeat evil fey spirits she tries to fend of.
Duskbringer and save the Pianthis children, she seems
relieved. You can read or paraphrase the following: Witches Three
Warriors of Sehanine is highly customizable due to the location and
the many factions involved. You can easily change the importance
When you reveal you’re here to slay Duskbringer and rescue the
of certain encounters and events. To give you an example, we
Pianthis children, Marla’s eyes light up.
included Witches Three, with the adventure module, which expands
“That is splendid news indeed! The dark magic of the dragon has
on Marla Moonglove.
already begun to pervade the forest. I fear that your quest to rescue
In this optional module, she capatured Faen who made it down the
the children will be in vain though, I cannot see a way that they
Sky’s Descent to find help, leaving Syllin alone within the keep. In
would have survived.”
addition, Marla has a coven, consisting of Wanda Woodbriar and
Marla lowers her head for a moment but then begins to talk again.
Glinda Gilt-Leaf.
“If you truly are headed for Ravenglade Keep, could you perhaps
do me a favor? The library there contains an ancient grimoire,
one which I would like to acquire. The tome would allow me to
commune with the fey spirits of the woods. I think they could help
undo what the black wyrm has wrought.”

This building is used as a makeshift warren for Kashak
Ruins of Vehlarr and his tribe.

The History of Vehlarr

The ancient werewolf city of Vehlarr has been in ruins since 720 DR.
It was once a majestic place, named after its lycanthrope creator,
that contained a magic portal and a united werewolf nation. Selûne
ruined the city after the lycanthropes who lived there became too
fond of war and turned to infighting.
During 1434 DR, the formed Grand Duke of Baldur’s Gate, Valarken,
fled to Vehlarr after a failed coup. Valarken allied himself with a
werewolf named Ikhal, who commanded an army of lycanthropes.
Thankfully, the Flaming Fists of Baldur’s Gate repelled the attack.
During the fifty years that have passed since then, Valarken fell
prey to the scheming Ikhal, who wanted to usurp full control of The two statues are winged kobolds covered in mud and
the lycanthropes after the failed coup. They attempted to rebuild ash to imitate gargoyles, having fun waiting for critters and
Vehlarr but were haunted by the tenacious spirit of Valarken, killing them with rocks. The party can see through their
who eventually claimed the life of Ikhal and drove the remaining ruse with a successful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check,
werewolves away. The soul of Valarken has since faded almost as the party can spot some areas not covered with the mud-
entirely away, but his iron will has kept him clinging on to undeath
ash mix.
in the Material Plane.
As time passed, Valarken called out through magical channels to If the characters fail, they are waiting for the players to
dark creatures lurking near the woods. He can influence kobolds, come closer to use their Dropped Rock action, but the orb
trolls and other dim-witted brutes and use them to further his causes 9 (1d8+4) instead. The winged kobolds continue
power. to harass the characters, until the characters retreat or
Eventually, Valarken managed to lure Duskbringer from her lair manage to harm the winged kobolds in any manner.
in the Forest of Wyrms to the Wood of Sharp Teeth, where he If the coronation procession (see The Coronation
commanded her to destroy the Warriors of Sehanine in Ravenglade Procession on page 13) is already underway, the two
Keep. winged kobolds leave their position, bored, since they can’t
Now that he has sole control of the woods, he aims to build an
converse with their companions anymore.
army once again, led by Duskbringer, so he may finally claim
Baldur’s Gate for himself. Kashak (kobold with a wand of web) and his seven
Now that Valarken has left, all that remains is a tribe of kobolds, kobolds are inside the mausoleum, praying to the idol
led by their dangerously ingenious leader Kashak. Depending of Kurtulmak and chatting to each other in their yipping
on whether the characters have encountered the Coronation yapping language.
Procession already, eight kobolds and Kashak may have left Vehlarr
for Ravenglade Keep.

The buildings within the ruins are decrepit and consist

mostly of uninhabitable debris, consumed by neglect and
the harsh elements.
There are some buildings still standing, surviving the test
of time. The kobold tribe inhabit a small mausoleum.
When the party nears the mausoleum, you can read or
paraphrase the following: Kashak

Not far from the city center is one of the few buildings that still
stands. The stone structure is clearly a mausoleum of sorts, with a
circular base and columns along its edges. Although it’s covered in
ivy, the plants seem not to have damaged the masonry that much.
As you near, you can make out lupine motifs in bas-relief on the
walls. Perched over the entrance, on the roof, there are two statues
on each side of the door, holding an orb.

If they hear commotion outside, they assemble atop a ledge If the kobolds have left on the procession (see The
near the ceiling, armed with slings. Coronation Procession on page 13) there are no
The mausoleum entrance is trapped with a tripwire, inhabitants left, and all of the treasure has been taken save
connected to three pots of green slime above hanging the carved idol of Kurtulmak (25gp) and a jeweled sroll
on the ceiling. A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) case.
check makes the characters aware of the trip wire. They Treasure. The chamber always contains a carved idol of
have disadvantage on the check if they are fleeing from the Kurtulmak (25gp). If the procession has not yet left, the
winged kobolds at the entrance. room contains a battered rowboat filled with 12gp, 28sp
A successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools and 72cp, a pair of battered brass goblets (75gp each), a
disables the trip wire harmlessly. A character without small mirror in a finely carved frame (40gp) and a shield
thieves’ tools can attempt the check with disadvantage set with blue quartz stones (25gp) and two potions of
using any edged weapon or edged tool. On a failed check, healing. There is also an old, jeweled scroll case (worth
the trap triggers. When the trap is triggered, the pots 150gp) in with all the treasure. Inside of this are numerous
drop onto the characters. Each creature within 5 feet of scrolls written by Valarken and Ikhal that detail the
the doorways must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving backstory of Vehlarr and might provide some clues for the
throw or take 1d4 bludgeoning damage from the falling characters about how to defeat Duskbringer. Additionally,
pottery, and become covered in green slime. (See chapter the shield is also filled with a heap of worthless junk the
5, “Dungeon Hazards,” in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.) kobolds consider valuable.
Once inside, the kobolds pepper the characters with their If the characters kill the kobolds, they are not later found
slings. Reaching a kobold with a melee weapon requires at Ravenglade Keep.
a character to climb one of the columns and swing wildly
at the ledge. Doing so requires to succeed in a DC 12
Strength (Athletics) check done with disadvantage.

I’m Faen, and this is Syllin. You said our mom sent The elves built the keep atop the ruins of Askavar, an elven
city abandoned in the 5th century DR. Before the arrival of
you? Syllin, I told you she is alive!
the Warriors of Sehanine, it has served as a refuge for the
forging of alliances and treaties between the elves, and as
—Faen Pianthis a retreat. After the Dark Disaster, the elves abandoned the
keep. Over time, the keep was called home by many foul
creatures, until being reclaimed by the Warriors.
Chapter 3 When the characters approach the keep for the first time,

you can read or paraphrase the following:
Ravenglade Keep
You emerge from the woods into a large clearing. The stream
avenglade Keep is the home of the Warriors flows thick and fast here, and the sound of cascading water echoes
of Sehanine, a band of werewolves who have against the tree wall. Striking up for the sky in the center of the
made a home for themselves in the Wood of clearing is a magnificent butte. The sides of the rocky outcrop
Sharp Teeth for the past century or so. The have eroded over time and from the flowing water, giving it the
first of their number, Aelar Liadon, was turned in a stray appearance of a sitting raven. A waterfall surges down from the top
of the butte and pours into a loch halfway up the cliff face.
fight between his elven companions and the resident
Standing before the loch is Ravenglade Keep, a remarkable feat
lycanthropic army of Valarken. After he turned, he spread of elven architecture, barely visible through the spray of the falls.
the curse throughout his fellows, until each of them was The wooden fortress is decorated with spires, twisting towers and
consumed. masterfully worked wood. Where the loch overflows, the water
Mercifully, when the elves turned to their gods for help, passes beneath the keep and out over the edge of the cliff, falling
Sehanine Moonbow took pity upon them, and gifted them another half mile to the stream below. Despite the majesty of the
control over their shifting, so long as they continued to scene, it’s clear that the keep is damaged; a gaping hole in the
revere her above all others. central roof marks the point of Duskbringer’s attack.

New Allies, Enemies and Troublemakers
General Features Depending on which encounters the characters played through on
Ravenglade Keep is a wooden fortress built halfway up a their way to Ravenglade Keep, either Duskbringer and Valarken or
800-foot butte known as the Raven in the Wood of Sharp the characters may have some additional allies in tow.
Teeth. The keep’s general features are summarized here.
ಁ If the Doomspear orcs weren’t dealt with, or if Grutok won out in
Ceilings. Interior chambers have 20-foot-high ceilings, the internal strife, there are eight orcs with Ownka and Grutok in
with 10-foot-high passages and doorways connecting them. the keep. Their presence can be seen throughout the keep as is
Climbing. The ornamentation covering the outside of noted in Orc Influence.
the keep provides ample handholds and footholds and can
be climbed with a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) ಁ If the Coronation Procession makes it to Ravenglade Keep,
check. Characters attempting to climb up or across the there are seven kobolds, two winged kobolds and Kashak in the
butte have a far harder time. The wet rock and moss Raven’s Council. Their mischievous exploits are noted as Kobold
requires to succeed in a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check Influence.
to safely navigate.
ಁ Fivin might also be trailing or accompanying the party. He does
Light. There’s no light in the keep save the sunlight, which his best to dissuade characters from entering his laboratory,
pours in through the large windows. using lethal force if necessary. (See Fivin’s Fear on page 8.)
Fortified Walls. Although the keep walls are externally
clad with wood, they have a heart of stone. Attempting to ಁ The Pianthis siblings could endure and hide from Duskbringer’s
break into the keep without the aid of siege equipment is gaze. While they usually take refuge in the chapel, they
near impossible. sometimes wander around the keep in search of food and
Water Sound & Spray. Spray from the nearby waterfall entertainment. Their exploits are noted under Stealthy
shrouds the keep and surrounding area. Wisdom Survivalists.
(Perception) checks involving sight or hearing while
ಁ Additionally, Fivin, Syllin and Faen can dispense information of
outside any buildings within the keep have disadvantage. the Keep’s history. Fivin mostly highlights these things proudly,
Waterfalls. From the top of the butte to the loch behind even if not asked, while Syllin is more reticent and shares her
Ravenglade Keep is a drop of 400-foot; the same is true knowledge only when asked. These are noted under Knowledge
from Ravenglade Keep to ground level. These falls would from the Past.
surely kill any creature who slips and falls.
It’s at the DM’s discretion which version of the current state of
Ravenglade Keep should take precedence.

When found, you can read or paraphrase the following:
Sky’s Ascend
You can read or paraphrase the following:
Searching for another way up, you notice a strange crevice behind
the waterfall that seems unnatural. Squeezing through the narrow
Hewn into the cliff is a stone stairway that heads up to the keep. gap, you notice a second stairway leading upward from inside the
The stairs look precarious, damp from the spray of the falls and cliff itself. This stair is filled with dust and cobwebs, showing its
covered in moss. Here and there, destroyed wooden rope bridges lack of use.
that would span the gaps between sections of rock replace the
stairs. These seem to have been recently shattered since their
remains can be still be seen at the base of the butte. The Warriors of Sehanine are not aware of this second
entrance to Ravenglade Keep, save for Fivin. He discovered
the stair a couple of months before Duskbringer’s attack,
The characters can use the stairway to ascend to and used the Star's Council, set some way up in the cliff, to
Ravenglade Keep. It is the most obvious and direct serve as a laboratory for his dark experiments.
route, but it is dangerous, and segments of it have been Characters who ascend find themselves in the former
destroyed. The characters have to overcome five 15-foot Star's Council (see page 21) and farther up within the
segments where the bridges have been shattered. Methods Dungeons (see page 21) of Ravenglade Keep. However,
to overcome these gaps include jumping, flying, grapple before entering the dungeons, they see an illusion in front
hooks and ropes, the jump spell, climbing across the wet of their entrance, posing as a wall. With a successful DC
rock face with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) 16 Wisdom (Perception) check, they feel a small draft
check, or creeping along a narrow ledge along the wall coming from the other side. Investigating the wall reveals
with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. that part of the wall itself is actually an illusion, which can
Being hit while fighting on the Sky’s Ascend requires also be revealed by the detect magic spell.
either a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity On the way up, the walls start to reflect light, mimicking
(Acrobatics) check to hold onto the surface. a night sky full of stars. This is citrine that’s interspersed
Should one of the characters risk falling due to a failed within the stone. Furthermore, once they scale part of the
check, the character or an ally can succeed in a DC 15 stairs, they start to hear snarls and clangorous sounds if
Strength (Athletics) check to prevent this. Lucan is alive and tries to break free from his cage.
Characters who successfully ascend the Sky’s Ascend If Fivin is with the characters, he attempts to dissuade
gain access to the Loch first. After some more hiking, them from using this entrance, claiming that it’s infested
they’ find themselves on a landing outside of the Chapel of by gigantic poisonous spiders, the likes of which even the
Sehanine (see page 22) to a rocky outcrop just to the south Warriors cannot remove. A successful DC 16 Wisdom
of the keep’s main entrance. (Insight) check reveals that Fivin is hiding something.
Kobolds/Orc Influence. If the orcs have made it to Treasure. The characters can mine up to 2000gp of
Ravenglade Keep, many of the gaps between bridges and citrine on the whole way. However this takes them d20+5
platforms were partially repaired by the brutes. They days, assuming they use a pick-axe and don’t do anything
had to climb the butte, while the kobolds got lifted up by other than mining.
Duskbringer, after she saw their offering. These unstable
wooden repairs give characters advantage on checks made
to get across the gaps. R1. Loch
You can read or paraphrase the following:
A warm Welcome
If the characters have not yet had an encounter with Duskbringer, Just below the keep is a large body of water, fed by the waterfall
consider running The Greeting from the Encounters in the Wood of above and feeding the waterfall below. Despite the great movement
Sharp Teeth table found on page 12. of water through the place, the surface of the loch seems incredibly
calm and peaceful. Around the water’s edge are stone statues of
woodland animals.

Star’s Ascend
Characters who actively look for another way up and
succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check notice a
second stair hidden behind the waterfall.

A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Nature) check whilst
observing the animals reveals they’re not statues but
petrified wildlife. Swimming to the Grotto
Characters searching the lake who succeed on a DC 20 While swimming, each foot of movement costs 1 extra foot (2 extra
Wisdom (Perception) check note that beneath the surface feet in difficult terrain) unless a creature has a swimming speed.
of the loch is a darker area of water. They can tell that this Assuming a base walking speed of 30 feet and no swim speed,
must be some submerged tunnel. This tunnel leads to the a character can swim through the tunnel at a rate of 10 feet per
Secret Grotto (see page 21). Characters need to swim 60 turn. Thus, a character must be able to swim for 6 turns to reach
feet through the underwater to reach the grotto. The tunnel the grotto. Each round lasts 6 seconds, hence a character must
is filled with weeds, rocks and algae and counts as difficult hold their breath for 36 seconds to make it to the grotto without
using the Dash action. A creature can hold its breath for a number
of minutes equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum of 30
Furthermore, from the loch, the party can trek via the seconds).
Sky’s Ascend (see page 19) down below to the Wood of See chapter 8, “The Environment,” in the Player’s Handbook for
Sharp Teeth or farther up to the Chapel of Sehanine (see more information about suffocating and swimming. If necessary,
page 22). consult chapter 9, “Combat” for rules concerning underwater
Knowledge from the Past. The statues were the work combat.
of a basilisk. It had made its home on the edge of the
lake, and the Warriors had to kill the creature before it
grew large enough to threaten the elves. Faen can further
disclose that he found a grotto while diving in the loch.

R2. Secret Grotto Hidden halfway up the Star’s Ascend is a small but grand gathering
You can read or paraphrase the following: room. Strangely though, this room seems to have been used
recently, you can hear the sound of growling and shuffling from
within, and arcane and alchemical implements cover the wooden
After swimming through the passage, you emerge into dark, dank shelves. As you get farther in, you notice the source of the growling.
grotto, which is covered in moss and filled with smooth, wet Trapped in a silver cage is a ferocious half-elf, half-wolf hybrid. As if
stones. sensing that it’s being watched, the insane beast starts thrashing at
the bars of the cage, barking and howling like a rabid dog.
Duskbringer (Appendix A) used this cavern to recuperate
after the fight with the Warriors of Sehanine. At the DM’s If Fivin is with the characters, he desperately tries to
discretion, Duskbringer and Valarken (will-o’-wisp) can prevent them going into this room. If they ignore him,
still be here recuperating if the characters made the he sprints in ahead and opens the cage with his one
journey to Ravenglade Keep in fewer than seven days. and only key. The enraged Lucan (Warrior of Sehanine
Duskbringer continues to sleep here even after that time (Appendix A) with Blood Frenzy) bursts forth and attacks
elapses. the characters. Fivin (Warrior of Sehanine (Appendix A)
If the characters do fight Duskbringer here, she tries to with +6 in History and +6 in Arcana), not wanting to get
flee through the tunnel if reduced to half her hit points attacked by Lucan while he is in his rage, hides behind the
or fewer. She flies to the Raven’s Council (see page 24) shelves and intervenes only after Lucan and the characters
to ready herself for further foes. Valarken prompts this have depleted each other. Otherwise he tries to retreat, to
move. Characters with a passive Wisdom (Perception) of strike again at an opportune moment.
19 or higher can just make out the rasping screams of the If the children are with the party, and Lucan isn’t already
malignant spirit. unleashed, his children run toward him in recognition.
If the characters kill Valarken before Duskbringer, the Seeing this, Lucan smashes into the cage and bursts
dragon becomes stunned until the end of her next turn. out, intent on killing anything, including the children, in
The removal of the ever-present voice in her head is so sight. His overwhelming bloodlust is the result of Fivin’s
jarring that she struggles to function afterward, likely experimentation.
fleeing, if possible. If the characters want to open the cage, Fivin has the
If the characters kill Duskbringer before Valarken, he only key. Alternatively, they can break open the cage with
turns invisible as soon as possible, only breaking this a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check or pick the
magic if it gets the chance to use Consume Life. lock with a DC 18 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
The party can backtrack to the Loch (see page 20) via the Lucan swipes any creature within 5 feet of the cage. A
submerged tunnel. creature on the other side of the cage bars is assumed to
Treasure. Duskbringer brought some treasure with her have half cover.
from her previous lair in the Forest of Wyrms; 2,500cp, If the characters search through the shelves, they find
1,100sp and 60gp, plus six black jasper stones (50gp each) a variety of strange concoctions, none of which seem
and one jade stone (100gp). This treasure is piled up in a useful, as well as a scattering of notes. These notes are
mound bordered by the smooth stones. about Fivin’s plan to create the perfect lycanthropic race
Kobold Influence. With the Kobolds arriving, by altering their curse to manifest the benefits of being a
Duskbringer added the following treasure to her pile 12gp, werewolf while having full control over the change. They
28sp and 72cp, a pair of battered brass goblets (75gp also find several vials of Fivin’s own blood and syringes. A
each), a small mirror in a finely carved frame (40gp) and creature injected with a syringe takes 1 point of piercing
a shield set with blue quartz stones (25gp), two potions damage and must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
of healing, Kashak’s web of wand and jeweled scroll case saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy (see
(worth 150gp). Monster Manual).

R3. Star’s Council

You can read or paraphrase the following:

From the Star’s Council, the characters can either go back A failed check results in the children making a break for
to the Sky's Ascend (see on page 19) or farther up to the the keep, heading straight for the Library (see page 25).
Dungeons (see on page 27), using the Star’s Ascend. Once rescued, the children try to stick to the characters
like glue, never leaving their side on their own volition.
A true Monster
After the encounter with the Pianthis children is resolved,
Lucan is beyond redemption, though not every table wants to see you can read or paraphrase the following:
children in harm’s way. If unsure, find non-lethal ways to remove
the Pianthis siblings from the fight. Though no matter how Inside, the chapel has clearly been used for another purpose. The
gruesome Lucan is, once he is defeated, Faen and Syllin lament children have strewn blankets and books all over the place. Despite
once more the loss of their father. these recent additions, the chapel is clearly normally well looked
after. Flowers and sprigs of herbs adorn the wooden shrines and
Overwhelemd and Overpowered sculptures of Sehanine. The ivy that crawls throughout the space
Keep in mind that, without preparation, even one Warrior of tints the incoming light a lush green.
Sehanine (Appendix A) can be a formidable foe. To soften the
challenge, try reintroducing Fivin later on. You can also remove the
Lucan combat encounter by having him escape earlier, or keeping From the chapel you either can walk the Sky’s Ascend
him trapped permanently in the cage. (see on page 19) down to the Loch (see page 20) or
farther to the Keep Entrance (see page 23).
Knowledge from the Past. After his defeat, Fivin will not Treasure. If the characters wish, they can take the three
impart any knowledge of his experimentations or anything ornamental banners of Sehanine from this chapel (150gp
worthy of note to the characters. Syllin remembers reading each), although any of the Warriors or their kin accompany
about a secret passage within one of the chronicles of the them, they are firmly dissuaded from doing so.
history of Askavar. She thought this was lost. From her Kobold/Orc Influence. If either group made it to
knowledge, the dwarves created it as a gift to the elves of the chapel, they desecrated the place, trashing it and
Askavar, who helped against an invasion of trolls in the dedicating it to their gods. The Pianthis siblings could bolt
dwarven land. This vault was conceived as a gathering away from the intruders and hide in the Library (see page
point or a way to retake Askavar. 25).
Dwarven Masonry. Characters that know about dwarven Knowledge from the Past. The chapel was part of the
masonry will immediately recognize the architecture original ruins of Askavar. While it served as a place for
belonging to the dwarves. reverence for Corellon Larethian, the Warriors dedicated
In addition, if characters visit the keep, they notice the that place to Sehanine Moonbow.
architecture in this room is considerably different from the Curious and capable Cubs. When with the characters,
rest of the keep. the Pianthis siblings are a far cry from a nuisance. They
heed to reasonable commands and try their best not to get
in the way. They can be trusted to perform tasks that won’t
R4. Chapel of Sehanine put them in harm's way. While they’re smart enough to hide
You can read or paraphrase the following: their true form, in stress they will revert to some peculiar
behavior, like snarling at enemies. Syllin is especially
irritated by little bugs and flies, trying to snap at them and
Sitting on a ledge a little lower than the main keep is a circular catch them in her mouth from time to time.
chapel, beautifully decorated with a myriad of wooden sculptures
Furthermore, when they feel their lives are threatened, they
and ornamentation. Beautiful, variegated ivy that twists throughout
the architecture cover the entire structure. As you near the chapel, may transform into their hybrid werewolf form for more
you hear the sound of childrens’ voices from within. fighting prowess. Despite hiding it from the characters,
they won’t lie about their lycanthropy, especially if the
characters already found out about the true nature of the
If the characters reveal themselves, Faen and Syllin rightful owners of Ravenglade Keep.
immediately try and bolt. They’re already petrified of the Faen and Syllin are very inquisitive about the world the
black dragon, and the arrival of strangers is too much for characters come from. Faen strives to learn more about
them. heroes from now and yore and how they measure up to
If Fivin accompanies the characters, he can easily calm his idols Aelar and his late father. Syllin is curious about
them down, otherwise, a successful DC 15 Charisma the great libraries in the world that can rival the one
(Persuasion) check, made with advantage if the character from Ravenglade Keep, as she sees herself as the next
reveals Lia’s necklace, is required to calm them. chronicler after Fivin.

The battlement leads to the Keep Entrance below, or
R5. Keep Entrance the Guard Towers (see page 28) can be entered from
You can read or paraphrase the following: them. Closer to the bedchambers, on a small landing, the
Dovecote (see page 26) can be reached too.
The towering oaken doors at the keep’s entrance are ajar, revealing Kobold/Orc Influence. If these evil humanoids have
a spectacular chamber within. The wooden doors have etchings of found their way to the keep, they have placed a guard
trees. of either four kobolds or three orcs here. The kobolds
are armed with slings, which they use to assault any
newcomers. The orcs use longbows stolen from the keep.
The gate is the only easy entrance into the keep and can
be locked with a bar, although the Warriors leave it open
at all times, due to the natural protection of Ravenglade R7. The Tel’Quessir
Keep. The bar has been repurposed for the renovation of You can read or paraphrase the following:
Ravenglade Keep.
The motif is present on both sides. When inspecting the
trees etched into the doors, they can see ravens on the The most eye-catching feature of this room is the floor mosaic, a
huge disk, surrounded by flames, with a crescent moon and two
stars set in shimmering stone. And above, a dome formed by thick
The Battlement can be reached via the Guard Towers tree limbs. Several passages lead off from this chamber to other
(see page 28) behind the wooden doors. The entrance areas of the keep, one of them blocked by debris from above. You
also leads to the Tel'Quessir or back to the Chapel of can hear birds chirping from above.
Sehanine (see page 22). On each side of the entrance is a
guard tower, worked into the battlement.
Orc Influence. If the orcs have arrived at the keep, they The roof consists solely of branches and foliage. While
have closed the heavy gate. They removed one of the tables Duskbringer crashed into the Raven’s Council, she admires
from within the Dining Hall (see page 26) and used it to the craftsmanship that went into the growing of the dome
bar the door closed. The door can’t be forced open, other and kept this treasure mostly intact.
than tearing holes into the door itself. The Tel'Quessir leads to several locations: the Keep’s
The hard oaken doors have AC 19 hit points 27, Entrance with the Guard Towers (see on page 28)to the
resistance to piercing damage, immunity to poison and east, the Vestibule of Valor (see page 24) with the Armory
psychic damage and vulnerability to fire and bludgeoning (see page 27) to the south, the Library (see page 25) to the
damage. west, the Antechamber (see page 26) to the northwest,
While fire damage will burn the wooden doors to the the Dining Hall (see page 26) and Barracks (see page 27)
ground, it will also slowly engulf the keep if not stopped, to the north.
spreading to the Tel'Quessir. Any other damage will leave Debris from the rooftop blocks the way to the dining hall.
a hole, enough for a medium creature or smaller to crawl Only one person may squeeze through the fallen foliage at
through. a time. Two characters can clear the debris in roughly 15
Knowledge from the Past. While the entrance is the minutes
original from Askavar, the door is renovated because the Kobold/Orc Influence. The Doomspear Orcs try to
original suffered heavy damage from previous conquerors. destroy the mosaic and extinguish this elven monument.
However, currently apart from some smashed spots, the
orcs haven’t succeeded.
R6. Battlement The kobolds have painted over the mosaic with tar in the
You can read or paraphrase the following: shape of a dragon’s head.
In addition, both parties will have the debris cleared that
blocks the way to the dining hall.
Battlements run along the walls of the keep. These stone ramparts Knowledge from the Past. The mosaic is a testament to
allow defenders of the keep to fire down upon assailants without
a treaty signed in Askavar by the moon, sun and star elves.
the risk of injury to themselves.
It created a tranquil but short era of peace. As a show of
the newfound unity, it was named after the name of the
elves themselves, the Tel’Quessir.

R8. Vestibule of Valor R9. Raven’s Council
You can read or paraphrase the following: You can read or paraphrase the following:

Below the keep entrance is a vestibule made of spiralling wood and At the pinnacle of Ravenglade Keep is a spectacular chamber. It
beautifully sculpted stone. Ivy crawls across the entire structure, is filled with a broad, circular table that has a living tree growing
and birds feast upon the blackberries that sprout from it. Standing through the center. The paneled walls are carved with woodland
within the vestibule itself are two vigilant statues of elven warriors, scenery with ravens sitting in the upper branches of the highest
cracked with age and worn smooth by the touch of a thousand trees. Some of the ravens eyes contain gemstones, but many
hands. more were plundered. Unfortunately, a gaping hole in the ceiling
compromises the beauty of the chamber.

The vestibule of valor is a vast open complex, supported

by the columns of the roof above. It leads back to the If Duskbringer (Appendix A) has fully recuperated after
Tel'Quessir (see page 23) or upwards to the Raven’s the battle with the Warriors of Sehanine, she’s here with
Council. Valarken (will-o’-wisp).
Kobold/Orc Influence. If these evil humanoids have If the characters battle her here, Duskbringer attempts
found their way to the keep, they have placed a guard of to grapple with the characters, fly them out above the
either three kobolds or two orcs and Grutok (Appendix keep and drop them off the edge, where they fall 400-foot
A) here. The kobolds are armed with slings, which they use to their inevitable deaths. Valarken takes glee in using
to pelt any newcomers. Consume Life on any creature that Duskbringer knocks
The orcs instead throw javelins, which they have stored unconscious, cackling with insane glee whenever he does.
in the statues, of which they have removed the heads. If he feels endangered, he turns invisible.
Medium creatures standing in the vestibule have half cover. If the characters reduce Duskbringer below half her
Small creatures have three-quarters cover hit points, she flees to the Secret Grotto (see page 21),
Knowledge from the Past. Fivin or Syllin will say this prompted by Valarken. Characters with a passive Wisdom
vestibule had an honor guard stationed to protect those (Perception) of 19 or higher can just make out the rasping
who are about to negotiate peace or treaties. The statues screams of the malignant spirit.
are of these honor guards, their stone form eternally If the characters kill Valarken before Duskbringer, the
vigilant. dragon becomes stunned until the end of her next turn.
The removal of the previously ever-present voice in her
head is so jarring that she struggles to function afterward,
Duskbringer & Valarken likely fleeing if possible.
If the characters kill Duskbringer before Valarken, he
turns invisible as soon as possible, only breaking this
magic if it gets the chance to use Consume Life.
The characters can backtrack to the Vestibule of Valor
from here.

Treasure. There are forty-one rhodochrosite gems within discover an area of the library filled with arcane tomes.
the ravens eyes, worth 10gp each. The books here are worth 50gp, and include spell books
Kobold Influence. Kashak (kobold with a wand of that contain the spells blade ward, fly, jump, magic missile,
web) is also present, cowering before Duskbringer and shocking grasp and unseen servant.
showering her with praise. He’ll be the first to flee, though, Characters who spend ten minutes searching also notice
giving just token resistance. When Duskbringer isn’t in the the grimoire that Marla Moonglove (see Marla's Cottage
Raven’s Council, Kashak coerces extra services out of his on page 15) is looking for. It’s high up on a top shelf, but the
tribe, relaying them as Duskbringer wishes, though most of rolling ladders provide easy access. It’s written in Sylvan.
the time they are amenities for himself. Roll on the Books table to see what books the characters
Knowledge from the Past. The raven’s council hosted a find if they search the shelves.
lot of treaties and negotiations between the elves or other Syllin and Fivin can offer assistance in finding specific
races. Although the most significant was a treaty between books or disclose that a certain book isn’t in the library,
the star, sun and moon elves. which shortens the search immensely.
Orc Influence. One orc and Ownka (orc with 22 hit
points and a chain shirt, AC 14) are also here. They have
R10. Library captured the children and are preparing to take them to
You can read or paraphrase the following: Duskbringer.
Stealthy Survivalists. Syllin and Faen sometimes sneak
The grand library that opens up before you is a sight to behold. into to the library to get some books, especially Syllin who
Towering bookshelves of finely carved oak fill the room from end to likes to read to keep herself occupied, while Faen watches
end, each of which contains hundreds if not thousands of books on over her. He takes comfort in her soothing voice. However,
an unimaginably large range of topics. You get the impression that Faen has to stop Syllin from perusing too much through
even an elf couldn’t read this much in a lifetime. the books since she tends to get lost reading the books.
If the kids bolted from the chapel, they have climbed the
bookcases, and now lie silently atop them. Characters can
The tomes and writings in the library are organized not by
notice the children with a successful Wisdom (Perception)
title or topic, but by how exhaustive the piece is.
check contested by the children’s Dexterity (Stealth) check.
From the library, the party can go back to the Tel’Quessir
Knowledge from the Past. Askavar’s original library was
(see page 23)
unrivaled, although most of the original scriptures that
Treasure. Although there are roughly 1,500 books in this
were kept here are probably lost in time. Fivin and Syllin
area, the characters will most likely only take a handfull.
both ponder about what hidden wisdom was lost.
Each book weighs 5lbs and is worth 25gp. Characters
who succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check

d6 Boot Title Book Contents
1 Helpful Herbs and Their An encyclopaedia of edible and medicinal plants that are available in the woods. Gives advantage on
Habitats checks made to brew potions or find rations in the woods. Written by Glinda Gilt-Leaf in Common.
2 Warriors of Sehanine Book A list of deeds that the Warriors of Sehanine accomplished just before Duskbringer attacked, right up to
III the orc attack. It can provide the party with knowledge about the basilisk attack. Written by Fivin Hanali in
3 Fey Spirits: Seelie and A tome of lore about fey creatures, where to find them, what to expect from them and how to fight them.
Unseelie Gives characters advantage on checks made to identify or track fey creatures. Written by Eysiif Aeries in
4 The Curse of the Wolf A scripture written about lycanthropy and its dangers. It specifically details the escapades of Valarken and
General Ikhal, even referring to the days of Vehlarr. Written by Canis Lupus in Common.
5 Sehanine Moonbow— A religious book about Sehanine Moonbow, the elven goddess of death, dreams, heavens, journeys, the
Daughter of the Night Skies moon, stars and transcendence. Written by Veripy Usman in Elvish.
6 The History of Askavar Vol IX A short chronicle about Askavar and the foundation of the keep. This tome is incomplete because pages
are ripped out; even the writer is illusive. This book can impart wisdom about the Askavarian history of
the keep found in the Knowledge from the Past sections.

R11. Dining Hall On the edge of the battlement is a tall, thin tower with small arched
Debris and foliage that fell from the Tel’Quessir (see on openings. The place smells of ammonia, and the floor is covered
page 23) block the entrance to the dining hall allowing only with droppings and feathers.
one person to pass at a time. Alternatively, two people can
clear the way can in 15 minutes. The dovecote is on a small landing of the Battlement (see
Once the characters are inside you can read or page 23). The Warriors of Sehanine used this tower to
paraphrase the following: house their messenger doves. The dozen or so birds are
still here and occasionally fly in and out of the place. If
An impressive wooden table, joined by a dozen carved chairs, Duskbringer is airborne when the characters enter, all the
takes up the majority of this chamber. The walls are paneled with doves are cowering on their perches inside.
carvings of the surrounding woods, flocks of ravens and other Kobold Influence. If the kobolds made it to Ravenglade
wildlife. Keep, there are two winged kobolds in the dovecote
making a home for themselves out of branches they have
A pantry, which clearly was recently plundered, directly dragged in from outside. When the characters enter, they
adjoins this room. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) are feasting on raw dove eggs in their scrappy nest, 20 feet
check informs a character that some small humanoids up the tower.
were here, stealing the food. These are the result of Faen
and Syllin making runs for food under the cover of night.
Treasure. Atop the majestic table are five gold
R13. Antechamber
candlesticks (75gp each), twelve sets of fine cutlery (10gp You can read or paraphrase the following:
each) and three gold ewers (25gp each). Characters could
also attempt to pry off the wooden panels (100gp each), A richly decorated landing with a beautifully carved spiral staircase
one panel weighs 80lbs. The characters can also plunder opens up before you. The staircase leads up to a corridor dotted
20 rations worth of cured meat from the pantry. with eight bedchambers, and the landing itself houses suits of
From the dining hall, the characters can backtrack to the armour, fine tapestries and hanging weapons.
Orc/Kobold Influence. If both evil humanoids have This area connects the keep with the eight living quarters
already arrived at Ravenglade Keep, they have cleared the of the elves (see Bedchambers on page 26) or back to the
entrance to the dining hall, trashed the interior and had Tel’Quessir (see page 23).
a feast here. The candlesticks, cutlery and crockery are Orc Influence. If the orcs have made it to Ravenglade
strewn all over the room, and they plundered the pantry, Keep, there are two orcs here plundering the weapons
the remnants of which are scattered across the table. and trying on the suits of plate mail. They ripped out the
Additionally, the orcs removed the table and used it to bar pictures of elves in the tapestries and spattered them with
the gate. (See Keep Entrance on page 23.) war paint.
Stealthy Survivalists. While Syllin and Faen usually try
to grab as much as they can carry back to their makeshift
camp in the chapel, their hunger sometimes overcomes R14. Bedchambers
their disciplined nature, especially with long periods of The keep played host to a large band of lycanthropic elven
no food. They eat on the spot and fill their bellies before warriors. Each of these had their own bedchambers, the
packing up. Syllin knows that Faen exhausts himself, layouts of which are similar.
staying up longer than he should so Syllin can sleep safely. You can read or paraphrase the following:
Knowing this, she lets him feast first to replenish his
The wood paneled room before you contains a luxurious bed, a
bookshelf, a writing desk, a wardrobe and a long trunk.
R12. Dovecote
You can read or paraphrase the following:

These eight rooms are each subtly different, distinguished
by the different cushions on the bed, the contents of the Thin shafts of light pierce this large stone chamber, illuminating
trunks and wardrobes, the tapestries hanging on the thousands of dust motes that drift through the air. You can make
paneling or the number of beds. A small corridor connects out the outlines of bunk beds and trunks, although they’re covered
with dust and cobwebs. A few moth eaten rugs cover the grimy
them, leading to the Antechamber (see page 26).
cobblestone floor.
Treasure. Although most of the items in the trunks and
wardrobes are worthless, the characters can steal 2d6gp
worth of fancy clothes and trinkets from each room they The previous inhabitants of Ravenglade Keep used
plunder. The characters may also find notes about day- this chamber, but is mostly unused by the Warriors of
to-day life of the Warriors of Sehanine. This includes Sehanine, besides Fivin.
accounts of defeating the basilisk that lived near the lake. A successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
Additionally, some of entries deal with how the Warriors that one of the rugs, at the far end of the barracks, is far
deal with their curse and how it affects them. While some less dusty than its counterparts. If they check succeeds by
of them struggled, others embraced it. Though no matter 5 or more, the character also notices occasional footprints
the position, they found solace in the leadership displayed leading up to it. Beneath the rug is a trapdoor, which leads
by Aelar, giving them purpose. All further find solace within down to the Dungeons. The barracks connect back to the
Sehanine Moonbow. Tel’Quessir (see page 23).
Kobold/Orc Influence. If either of these parties has
arrived at Ravenglade Keep, they may have decided to
make their own beds here. The rooms will be looted for R17. Dungeons
anything valuable before being appropriated by the new You can read or paraphrase the following:
inhabitants. If orcs are present, the bedclothes will be
dirtied with mud and war paint, and spare weapons will Beneath the barracks liesa damp, stone corridor that leads deep
have been left hanging in the wardrobes. If the kobolds are under Ravenglade Keep. The rusted iron rungs of the ladder
present, the bedclothes are pulled off and compacted into a groan beneath your boots as you descend into the dungeons. The
nest in the corner of the room, within which are dozens of claustrophobic descent eventually opens up into a larger chamber,
worthless trinkets collected by the little dragons. the walls of which are studded with cells.

R15. Armory The descent is 40 feet deep. Within the Dungeons are six
You can read or paraphrase the following:
cells, three along each wall. Though rarely used, these
cells held the prisoners of the Warriors of Sehanine,
Fine elven steel graces this well-stocked armory in the form of or the warriors themselves when their lycanthropic
dozens of longswords and spears. These exquisite weapons are transformations overcame them and could not be
perfectly polished and maintained and glint in what little light the controlled. A trapdoor leading up brings the characters
high windows let in.
back to the Barracks.
Each cell has a hinged door made up of one-inch-thick
This room contains eight longswords and eight spears. It rusted iron bars spaced four inches apart, with horizontal
also has several mannequins that usually have armor, but crossbars spaced six inches apart. Each door is fitted with
these are bare. an iron lock. A character using thieves’ tools can try to pick
Orc Influence. If the orcs have arrived at the keep, they’ve a lock, which requires 1 minute and a successful DC 20
already plundered the weapons from the armory, leaving it Dexterity check. If the check fails, the character can try
empty except for their own discarded weapons, which are again. A character can force open a barred door by using
practically unusable. This should be reflected within the an action and succeeding on a DC 25 Strength check.
orcs stats. All but one of the cells are locked. In addition, several of
them are marked with thick gouges in the stone, which
correspond to the claws of a werewolf.
R16. Barracks
You can read or paraphrase the following:

The one unlocked cell is still shut. Upon entering the cell,
the party can faintly hear gnarls and a clangorous sound R18. Guard Towers
with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check if You can read or paraphrase the following:
Lucan is still alive and trying to break free from his cage.
(See Star’s Council on page 21.) Furthermore, they can Forty-five-foot tall stone towers rise up on the sides of the keep,
feel a little draft coming from the wall with a successful DC looking down upon the glade below.
17 Wisdom (Perception) check.
Investigating the wall reveals that part of the wall itself is
actually an illusion, which can also revealed by using detect These towers were used by the elves as places of respite
magic. as well as fortifications. This is clear due to the discarded
Entering gives way to the Star’s Ascend (see page 19) books, archery targets, playing cards and other items left in
and farther down to the Star’s Council (see page 21). these two towers.
The party can backtrack to the Battlement (see page 23)
and the Tel'Quessir (see page 23) from the towers.
Orc Influence. Some of the orcs patrol from the
battlement irregularly to the towers closest to the cliffside,
especially when trying to escape Duskbringer’s gaze.

If the characters put an end to the spirit of Valarken, but let
Outcomes Duskbringer escape, she tries to reclaim Ravenglade Keep
but destroys it, if she is denied once again.
he following information provides guidance on
rewarding the characters for their actions during
the adventure, and the responses of the non- Returning the Children
playable characters. Lia is understandably overjoyed if her children are
returned, although she has little to offer the characters by
way of a reward. However, Aelar, seeing the great effort
Defeating the Dragon they have gone through to rescue the children, relinquishes
Defeating Duskbringer brings glory to the characters, Aelar Moonpetal to the characters.
pronounces the party as the Wardens of Ravenglade Keep
and promises them two things.
First, if they ever find themselves in need of military help, Uncovering Fivin’s Plot
the Warriors of Sehanine come to their aid, so long as their If the characters discover the dark experiments that Fivin
aim is the destruction of evil. is doing on Lucan, and the party reveal that information to
Second, the characters can treat Ravenglade Keep as Lia and Aelar, they expel Fivin from the warriors.
their home, coming and going as they see fit. If Lia learns about the fate of Lucan, she is utterly shaken
If the characters fail to kill Duskbringer but manage to and tries to kill Fivin.
drive her off, Aelar is grateful but worried. He believes it’s
best for the Warriors to leave Ravenglade Keep, foreseeing
the dragon’s retaliation. Fivin’s Corruption
If Fivin can successfully hide his machinations, he
continues his experiments. After his failures with Lucan,
Triumphant Escape Faen becomes his next subject. Faen ends up corrupted
Surviving, Valarken uses Duskbringer’s anger over the and malformed, and ends up slaying the Warriors and
escape to raze Ravenglade Keep for good, after letting her Fivin. Now, he stalks Ravenglade Keep, waiting for new
recuperate to her full strength. prey.
With Duskbringer slain, Valarken tries to corrupt the
Warriors, especially if still present through Fivin, letting
them slowly question and abandon their bond to Sehanine The Witches
Moonbow. If the party enlisted Marlas Moonglove’s help, she wants to
claim the grimoire from them. She then uses the tome to
enslave the Ghostly Fox, which allows the hag to overtake
the forest almost entirely, drawing in more hags with which
Marla can form a coven, like the novice Wanda Wolfbriar
and the more experienced Glinda Gilt-Leaf.

Ghostly Fox
Appendix A Large fey, chaotic good

Denizens of the Armor Class 18 (natural Armor)

Hit Points 165 (30d10)

Wood of Sharp Teeth Speed 30 ft.


he following appendix contains the stat blocks
for additional monsters required to run this 1 (-5) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +3, Wis +6, Cha +7
Skills Nature+4, Perception +6, Stealth +7
Duskbringer Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;
Large dragon, chaotic evil bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from non-magical attacks
Damage Immunities poison
Armor Class 17 (natural Armor) Senses blindsight 30ft., truesight 60 ft., passive perception 16
Hit Points 127 (15d10 + 45) (currently at 77, see Duskbringer’s Languages Sylvan
Respite on page 8) Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Speed 30 ft., fly 70 ft., swim 30 ft.
Incorporeal Movement. The Ghostly Fox can move through
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It
takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
19 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2)
Innate Spellcasting. The Ghostly Fox’s spellcasting ability is
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +6, Wis +3, Cha +5 Charisma (spell save DC 15). The fox can innately cast the
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +5 following spells, requiring only verbal components.
Damage Immunities acid
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive perception 16 At will: druidcraft, misty step, thorn whip
Languages Common, Draconic 1/day each: confusion, dancing lights, detect evil and good,
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, fly, phantasmal force,
polymorph, sleep
Amphibious. Duskbringer can breathe air and water.
Magic Resistance. The Ghostly Fox has advantage on saving
Wounded. Duskbringer was wounded in her previous fight, throws against spells and other magical effects.
reducing her hit points, speed and claw attack bonus and damage,
as well as her Acid Breath (included where appropriate). Speak with Beasts and Plants. The Ghostly Fox can
communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a language.
Multiattack. Duskbringer makes three attacks: one with its bite Tree Stride. Once per turn, the Ghostly Fox can use 10 feet of
and two with its damaged claws. its movement to step magically into one living tree within its
reach and emerge from a second living tree within 60 feet of the
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the
15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) acid damage. second tree. Both trees must be medium or larger.

Damaged Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one ACTIONS
target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage. Fey Charm. The Ghostly Fox targets one humanoid or beast that
it can see within 30 feet of itself. If the target can see the Ghostly
Acid Breath (Recharge 5–6). Duskbringer exhales acid in a Fox, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be
30­-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must magically charmed. The charmed creature regards the Ghostly
make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (5d8) acid Fox as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected. While the
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful target isn't under the Ghostly Fox's control, it takes the Ghostly
one. Fox's requests or actions in the most favorable way it can.
Any time the Ghostly Fox or its allies do anything harmful to
the target, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a
success. Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours or until the Ghostly
Fox dies, is on a different plane of existence from the target, or
ends the effect as a bonus action. If a target’s saving throw is
successful, the target is immune to the fox’s fey charm for the next
24 hours. The Ghostly Fox can have no more than one humanoid
and up to three beasts charmed at a time.

Grutok Doomspear Warrior of Sehanine
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil Medium humanoid (wood elf, shapechanger), any

Armor Class 16 (chain mail) Armor Class 11 humanoid form, 12 (natural armor) in wolf or
Hit Points 45 (6d8 +18) hybrid form
Speed 30 ft. Hit Points 33 (6d8+6)
Speed 35 ft. (45 ft. in wolf form)
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
15 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Str +5, Con +5, Wis +2
Skills Intimmidation +4 Skills Perception +4, Stealth +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 10 Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
Languages Common, Orc non-magical attacks not made with a silvered weapon
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Senses darkvision 60 ft. passive perception 14
Languages Common, Elvish (can’t speak in wolf form)
Aggressive. As a bonus action, Grutok Doomspear can move up Challenge 2 (450 XP)
to its speed toward a hostile creature that he can see.
Shapechanger. The Warrior of Sehanine can use its action to
Gruumsh's Fury. Grutok Doomspear deals an extra 4 (1d8) polymorph into a wolf-humanoid hybrid or into a wolf, or back
damage with a weapon attack (included in the attacks). into its true form, which is humanoid. Its statistics, other than
its AC, are the same in each form. Any equipment the Warrior of
ACTIONS Sehanine wears or carries isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true
form if it dies.
Silvered Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 16 (1d12 +5 +1d8) slashing damage. Keen Hearing and Smell. The Warrior of Sehanine has
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
Battle Cry (1/day). Each creature of Grutok Doomspear’s choice smell.
that is within 30 feet of him, can hear him, and not already
affected by battle cry gain advantage on attack rolls until the start Fey Ancestry. The Warrior of Sehanine has advantage on saving
of Grutok Doomspear’s next turn. Grutok Doomspear can then throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put it to sleep.
make one attack as a bonus action.
Mask of the Wild. The Warrior of Sehanine can attempt to hide
even when it is only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling
snow, mist and other natural phenomena.

Multiattack. (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). The werewolf
makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws or

Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to

hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage. If the
target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.

Claws. (Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,

reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage.

Shortsword (Humanoid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +4

to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Fivin “Feather” Hanali

Oh, you care about this scraggly wolf ? Very well, As the characters traverse the forest, something
shimmers among the trees. A golden creature appears in a
bring me the grimoire and the wolf is yours.
tree before the characters.
If Syllin is with the characters, she throws out an arm to
—Marla Moonglove stop them, informing the characters that the creature is a
dryad. Dryads only speak Sylvan or Elvish. If none of the
characters know these languages, Syllin agrees to translate
Appendix B on their behalf. When the dryad speaks, her voice sounds

like rustling leaves.
Witches Three If the characters or Syllin choose to speak to the dryad,
you can read or paraphrase the following response:
pon escaping Ravenglade, Faen fled into the
forest where a coven of hags, led by Marla “Hail, visitors of the forest,” says the dryad. “You have entered the
Moonglove, captured him. Marla holds Faen territory of Marla Moonglove, who oversees this area. You would do
hostage, bound and muzzled in his wolf form. well to proceed with caution for Marla has many watchers whose
Taking his necklace and casting a ward has allowed Marla eyes are upon you now. Continue forth, and you will come across
to suppress Faen’s transformation process while he’s in the her cottage, where she resides with her sisters. Remember: The way
house. Marla wants to use Faen as a sure way to get to the you treat the forest is how you will be treated in return.”
grimoire in Ravenglade Keep.
If the characters encounter Syllin, she discloses that Faen The dryad regards the characters warily. If the characters
escaped Ravenglade Keep to find help, she but has no idea make a hostile action toward her, the dryad attacks.
where he went. She worriedly asks whether the characters If the dryad sees the necklaces gifted to the characters
have seen him. by Lia Pianthis, the dryad points them in the direction
If the characters choose to find Faen after speaking with of Marla’s cottage and you can read or paraphrase the
Syllin, they can search the Wood of Sharp Teeth. following:
In her quest to control the forest, Marla has been building
alliances with plant and fey creatures, including the
The dryad peers closely at those she has just encountered in the
dryads. While many of these creatures reject her offers,
forest. A necklace, gifted from Lia Pianthis, catches the rare ray of
some accept, not knowing that Marla is first and foremost forest light and glints, and the dryad narrows her eyes.
motivated by her own goals. “I have seen such an amulet before, on a young boy who passed by
Marla has convinced some of the dryads she is going to here not long ago.”
break their bonds to the trees if they aid her in wresting
control of the forest from the Ghostly Fox. Other dryads
regard her with scorn and remain on the side of the
Ghostly Fox.
The Cottage in the Forest
The characters come to a small wooden cottage in the
forest. The cottage has a front door, a back door and two
No Damsels, much Distress small windows. Around the back is a garden. This is the
Add Witches Three into the Warriors of Sehanine adventure module home of Marla Moonglove (green hag) and the members
with care. This addition raises the CR for the Marla’s Cottage
of her coven, Glinda Gilt-Leaf (green hag) and Wanda
encounter immensely, especially if the characters are prone to
draw their weapons and cast their spells quickly. An easy and quick
Wolfbriar (green hag).
remedy is to exclude the shambling mound in the garden (see page
35). As the characters approach the cottage, you can read or
paraphrase the following:

The Dryad The trees open into a clearing with a small, crudely built wooden
The Wood of Sharp Teeth is home to dryads, which the cottage. The front door of the cottage is open. Around the back is
an overgrown garden. Voices from within the cottage can be heard
players may come across in the random encounters.
This encounter can substitute The Dryad encounter (see
page 11) in the main adventure and can also point the
characters to Marla’s cottage.

Meeting Marla
If the characters approach the cottage after the argument
The Witches Three (see Approaching Stealthily on page 33), they catch the
ಁ Marla disguises herself as a half-elven druidic woman. She has attention of Glinda and Wanda. The two half-elf druids
dark auburn hair loosely braided and adorned with wooden
usher the characters to Marla. The characters also
beads, and she wears a simple green, slightly muddied, linen
dress. She likes to cultivate plants and fungi. She is oldest of the
encounter Marla if she catches them sneaking around
three and the coven’s leader. the garden. Regardless of how she meets them, Marla
ಁ Glinda also appears half-elven, with dark blonde hair bound into is not hostile unless provoked, for she hopes to use the
a tight braid. Glinda does Marla’s bidding and enjoys bossing characters to gain what she wants.
Wanda around. She approaches the characters and introduces herself,
ಁ Wanda is the youngest hag and follows Marla and Glinda’s claiming to be a longtime resident of the forest, along
example, portraying herself as half-elven. While Marla and Glinda with her two sisters. A passive Wisdom (Perception) of
make believable half-elf druids, Wanda’s disguise hints more at 14 or greater draws the characters’ eyes to a a gleaming
her true form. She has black hair that hangs in knots around her
metal chain peeking out of her pocket; the cord of Faen’s
face, and her clothes are torn and grimy. She is small and wiry,
and despite her size, often hunched over.
necklace. Marla asks the characters what they’re doing in
the forest. If they share their intention to go to Ravenglade
Keep and defeat Duskbringer, Marla shares that there’s
something she’s hoping to acquire from the keep: a
General Information grimoire.
The following features are common around the cottage. Marla says the grimoire contains information about how
Mushrooms. Colorful and odd-looking fungi grow in to commune with the fey spirit guarding the forest. A
abundance from the damp soil surrounding the cottage. All successful DC 16 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals this is
these mushrooms are poisonous to eat. not entirely truthful, although there is a grain of truth since
Owls & Bats. The Wood of Sharp Teeth is home to many Marla wants to rid the forest of the fey spirit and rule the
winged creatures, and some especially enjoy the dark area forest herself.
of the cottage. A cluster of four owls perches on the cottage Marla offers the characters an enchantment to help them
roof, and a few bats hang from the gutters. obtain the grimoire and defeat Duskbringer. If asked why
Lowlight. Although the cottage is in a clearing in the she cares about Duskbringer’s demise, Marla says the
forest, the spindly trees remain tightly woven over the dragon is a threat to the forest.
cottage, blocking out much of the sunlight. Small rays
penetrate through a rare gap in the trees. However, the
light here is considered dim, which means that characters Marla’s Enchantment
have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that To help the characters succeed at retrieving the grimoire,
rely on sight. Marla offers an enchantment that she calls the bone witch’s
binding. The bone witch’s binding bestows the death ward
spell upon the characters until it is used, or dispelled.
Approaching the Cottage A successful DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals
The way the characters choose to approach the cottage that Marla has woven in a little extra magic into the
results in different options. Below outlines the two paths enchantment that tracks the characters through the forest.
and potential outcomes for each. If asked about this, Marla simply says she wants to
make sure the characters are okay. A successful DC 17
Approaching directly Intelligence (Insight) check on Marla reveals that Marla
If the characters are hostile and storm the coven’s house, is not being entirely truthful. In truth, it allows Marla to
Marla’s shambling mound in the garden attacks the follow the characters through the woods.
characters first , and the whole coven joins in on combat. Hateful Hags. If the characters enlisted the help of The
If the characters approach without hostility, they meet Ghostly Fox (see on page 13), Marla is only helping if they
Marla (see Meeting Marla). relinquish the gift the party got from the fox. She justifies
this move with accusing the Ghostly Fox of being one of the
evil fey spirits she tries to fend of.

If the characters accept the bone witch’s binding, you can You can read or paraphrase the following:
read or paraphrase the following:
Three raspy female voices argue loudly, and the sound carries into
The half-elf reaches into her hessian satchel and pulls out the the garden.
skeleton of a rabbit. The bones are connected by strands of what “A waste of a perfectly good meal, if we keep him alive!” one
must be hair. exclaims.
“‘Don’t fear the poor dear, it’s a grisly necessity I’m afraid. The “Hush, Wanda,” says another. This voice is calm and logical,
bone witch’s binding is an old kind of magic, but nothing to be although not without its own hint of impatience and annoyance.
scared of.” “The wolf is our leverage. The Warriors will come for him, and we
She peers into her satchel again, then furrows her brow. “Wanda! can trade him for what we need.”
Glinda!” Marla shouts. Two half-elven women appear from “But they outnumber us and will kill us for holding the wolf
inside the cottage, looking agitated. “Where is the thyme?” Marla hostage!” The first voice continues to plead. “Let’s just eat him,”
demands. she whines.
Glinda reaches into her pocket, retrieves a strand of fresh thyme A third voice joins the conversation, making a noise of disgust.
dotted with bright green leaves, and hands it to Marla. Wanda’s “Think beyond your appetite, Wanda. I agree with Marla. Don’t do
nose twitches at the heady scent, and she makes an odd sort of anything stupid!”
growl low in her throat. You hear something that sounds suspiciously like someone being
Marla encircles the rabbit’s neck with the twine of thyme. Slowly, smacked upside the head, and a subsequent, “Ow!”
Marla begins a strange sort of hopping dance around you, shaking “Get back to cleaning, Wanda, and don’t you dare think about
the cony skeleton with each jump. As she circles you, she gets eating the wolf,” says the third woman, infusing her order with a
faster and faster, and starts throwing a fungal-smelling powder into threat.
the air over your heads. At the zenith of the ritual, Marla calls out in
a strange tongue, her body shaking with the effort.
The frantic druid tumbles back, clearly exhausted.
“Forgive me.” She mutters. “I’m not as fit as I used to be. The Sneaking in the open. If the characters wait until the
enchantment will turn away any blade destined for your heart for as fight ends, the Dexterity (Stealth) check should be raised
long as you remain in the woods.” to DC 18, for Marla is outside in the garden. Failing this
check prompts an interaction with Marla. (See Meeting
Marla on page 33.)
Infiltrating the cottage. A successful DC 18 Dexterity
Approaching Stealthily (Stealth) check allows characters to approach close
While the hags are arguing, a successful DC 13 Dexterity enough to peek inside the cottage, either through a window
(Stealth) check allows the characters to get close to the or the front door, which is cracked open a few inches. The
house whithout being detected. Succeeding in a DC 15 characters can see Wanda and Glinda inside the main
Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a shambling mound in room of the cottage. Glinda sits at a wooden table, grinding
this area of The Garden (see page 35). Failing this check herbs with a stone mortar and pestle. Wanda lurks in front
and moving into the shambling mound makes it hostile, of a closed door, cleaning the floor with a broom.
and the characters are surprised. If the characters can see inside the cottage, you can read
Failing the Stealth check or engaging in combat with or paraphrase:
the shambling mound alerts Marla to a sound outside the
house; depending on how far off the characters were from The cottage is small, functional, and unkempt. The back door is
passing or failing the check, the DM can decide if Marla open to allow easy access into the garden, and as such, the wooden
sees the characters or simply goes outside to investigate. floor is covered in a layer of dirt.
On a successful Stealth roll, the characters can hear the A fire crackles in the stone hearth; the stone continues up the
argument. Inside the cottage, Marla, Glinda and Wanda are wall, forming the chimney, which funnels the smoke out into the
arguing about what to do with Faen. clearing. A wooden table, covered in chipped clay bowls filled with
colorful substances, a mortar and pestle, various feathers, and a
dozen mushrooms recently plucked from the soil, sits next to the
Inside the cottage are two doors. One is open, revealing a small,
windowless room with three beds covered in ragged blankets. A
small wooden chest sits at the foot of each one. The other door is
Across from the front door is the door leading into the garden.

A Slight Misunderstanding M2. Small Pantry
If the characters allude to hearing the druids discussing a The pantry, where Faen is held, is stocked with canned
“wolf” during their argument, Marla and Glinda deflect and preserves, empty vials, and drying herbs and flowers. A
try to brush it off, claiming they recently found a dead wolf successful DC 14 Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals the
in the forest and are curing its hide to use for a blanket. plants are all poisonous. Faen is in the pantry, bound
A successful DC 6 Intelligence (Insight) check by the and muzzled. (See Freeing Faen on page 35.) The hags
characters sees through this ruse. do anything to prevent the characters from reaching the
pantry, eventually turning hostile if the characters continue
M1. The Cottage’s Living Room to make an attempt to investigate it.
If the characters open the panty, you can read or
The main living space is sparsely furnished and contains a paraphrase the following:
small hearth in the left corner, used for cooking. A wooden
table near the door is covered with mushrooms, herbs, and
other flora. A large stone mortar and pestle also sits atop it. A young wolf, bound and muzzled, flinches at the sight of you.
You can read or paraphrase the text if the characters can Its fur is matted and dirtied, and it looks thin and weak. Behind
the wolf are crudely built floor-to-ceiling wooden shelves. An
see inside the cottage. (See Approaching the Cottage on
assortment of dried, leafy plants and colorful ground-up powders
page 32.) However, reasonable changes should be made fill glass jars and containers made of braided twigs.
depending on where the characters are entering from But the aroma of the plants isn’t earthy and herbaceous; there is
something unpleasant about the substances in the pantry.

If Syllin is visible to Faen, you can add the following: Glinda’s chest. Glinda’s chest is locked. Succeeding
in a DC 16 Dexterity using thieves’ tools opens the lock.
The wolf ’s eyes widen with excitement and relief at the sight of
Glinda’s belongings hint at her desire to become more
Syllin, and it stops shivering for a moment. than just a subservient member of Marla’s coven. Her
chest contains a small wooden mortar and pestle; three
small wooden boxes; and a stoppered vial of one potion
If the characters have Lia’s necklace with them, visible to of longevity. Each wooden box contains a powdered
Fean, he calms at the familiar sight. substance. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check
confirms that one box contains unicorn horn; another
M3. Sleeping Quarters contains powdered nightshade; and the other contains
powdered charcoal.
You can read or paraphrase the following: Wanda’s chest. Wanda’s chest is unlocked. Wanda keeps
an odd assortment of gemstones, coins, and animal bones,
This chamber is small and windowless and as such, is quite dark. A amounting to a value of 250g. All her belongings are
beam of light filters in from the other room, illuminating particles scattered around the chest, not neatly organized like her
of dust. The room contains three beds, each covered with ragged, sisters’ items. Curiously, the coins Wanda possesses are
moldering blankets. The wooden walls show signs of rot from the from different areas of the world, lifted from the corpses of
rain and dew that trickles in from the outside. There is a chest at the unfortunate hunters and ill-equipped adventurers who
the foot of each bed. encountered a hungry and feral Wanda.

The second-largest room is where the hags sleep. The

room contains three beds with ragged blankets, and a M4. The Garden
chest at the foot of each one. Each chest contains items You can read or paraphrase the following:
specific to each of the hags.
Marla’s chest. The chest is unlocked but trapped, which In the back of the rustic abode is a garden, unkempt and
can be detected with a successful DC 14 Intelligence overgrown, filled with spindly flowers, scaffolded peas, and vines
(Investigation) check. If the trap is not disarmed, the hinge heavy with gourds.
emits a puff of poison, causing 1 point of poison damage.
The chest contains an interesting variety of items that
Succeeding in a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check or a DC
alludes to Marla’s personality and aspirations, including
15 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals a shambling
an alchemy jug and several empty vials that all look very
mound in the garden, hidden among the overgrowth.
different, hinting that they may have been collected from
If the characters approach the shambling mound at this
various places. A stack of parchment has been torn from
point, it does not attack them. The shambling mound is
a notebook. Two spells—faerie fire and sleep—are neatly
under the control of Marla.
written in ink on two separate pages, accompanied by
simple drawings that depict the effects of the spell. Marla
has made notes on these pages in thin charcoal, and her Freeing Faen
handwriting is much less refined. Additional notes in this
The characters can attempt to rescue Faen. Some potential
stack, written in the same neat handwriting as the spells,
outcomes are outlined below. Regardless of which route
refer to a research expedition in Baldur’s Gate. The writer
the characters take, Faen can be found inside the cottage’s
notes their interest in catching a glimpse of the Ghostly
pantry. (See Small Pantry on page 34.) The pantry door
is closed, but if the characters are inside the cottage, they
can detect his presence with a successful DC 14 Wisdom
(Perception) check, alerting them to the sound of muffled
noises coming from the pantry. While Faen is in the house,
he is prevented from transforming out of his wolf form,
even if his necklace is returned to him. Syllin recognizes
Faen in his wolf form. Once he is away from the cottage
and in possession of his necklace, he returns to his original
state. However, he is too weak to assist in any fight.

Calling to Higher Spirits. The characters can enlist
Fight to Free Faen the help of the Ghostly Fox. Faen’s necklace holds an
If the characters choose to attack openly, all three hags enchantment linked to the Ghostly Fox’s power, which
turn to fight, and call upon the shambling mound (see means that if the necklace is separated from its rightful
The Garden on page 35). The characters can retrieve Faen owner for more than a day, the Ghostly Fox detects that
once the hags are defeated. something is amiss.
The necklace can be used to summon the Ghostly Fox.
Druidic Diplomacy With a successful DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check,
An alternative to combat is to find a way inside the cottage characters can learn that the necklace can summon a fey
and convince the hags to give up Faen. Each hag can be creature but won’t know that the fey creature is the Ghostly
bargained with and has her own motivations. Fox.
Feeding Wanda. Wanda disagrees with Glinda and
Marla and is driven by her unsatiated hunger for flesh. A
successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check convinces
Wanda to let Faen go if she thinks she is going to have
a larger, meatier creature to consume instead. If the
characters refuse to let her eat Faen, Wanda asks for one
of the characters in exchange and eventually turns hostile
if she is denied any chance to feed. Wanda acts feral and is
hard to reason with, and her attention span is short.
Conspiring with Glinda. Glinda resents having to
follow Marla’s lead, although she agrees with using Faen
as leverage against the Warriors. She doesn’t display
her resentment to Marla; she keeps Marla entertained
while working to amass her own power. Glinda seeks to
break free of the coven and obtain power on her own as a
warlock, a path she has seen Marla embark on and seeks
to follow in her own way.
Glinda has attempted to find a patron who provides her
with what she needs so she can overthrow Marla and
take control of the forest. So far her quest has proven
fruitless, and she agrees to let Faen go if the characters
help her defeat Marla. Glinda then serves as an ally to the
characters in any subequent fight against her sisters.
Bargaining with Marla. Marla is willing to trade Faen in
exchange for the grimoire. Marla does not make this offer
early in the encounter with the characters; this is a last Marla Moonglove
resort for her.

Armed with Allies

The characters do not have to approach the hag’s cottage
alone. They may instead and the assistance of two potential
Sneaking with Syllin. The characters may choose to
bring Syllin along to help find Faen. Upon learning that
Faen is inside, Syllin wants to take a stealthy approach and
avoid attacking the hags outright.

When the Ghostly Fox is summoned he sends the aid of 1
dire wolf and 1d6 + 2 wolves. The wolves attack anyone
who is not a Pianthis or an ally of the Pianthis. The Pianthis Siblings’ Necklaces
If the characters us the summoning power of Faen's The necklaces that Faen, Syllin and Lia wear are bound to the
neckace, you can read or paraphrase the following: Pianthis bloodline and are remnants of a rich magical history. Lia
offering hers to the characters is a monumental gesture of trust.
Each necklace contains parts of what was once a larger relic, which
The illuminated outline of the Ghostly Fox appears at the outskirts
served as a ward of the Wood of Sharp Teeth. Much like Aelar’s
of the cottage area, and suddenly more eyes blink in the shadows.
sword, Moonpetal, the necklaces are linked to the elves who once
The Ghostly Fox himself remains shrouded in the tree line, but an
lived in Askavar.
unnaturally large wolf pack emerges from the forest, silver eyes
The Pianthis necklaces can be used to summon the help of the
gleaming. The wolves release a collective, ear-piercing howl, wait
Ghostly Fox, alluding to the history of the family’s link to the Wood
briefly for a response, then rush in at once, attacking anyone in
of Sharp Teeth. Because the necklaces tie to the Pianthis bloodline,
sight who is not an ally to the Pianthis family.
the summoning only works by a member of the Pianthis family. The
Ghostly Fox can sense when the Pianthis family is in mortal danger;
If Duskbringer has already been defeated when the however, the one seeking help needs to stand on the soil in the
characters go to free Faen, the grimoire can still be used Wood of Sharp Teeth to effectively summon the fey being.
as a bargaining chip if they took it from Ravenglade Keep.
Wondrous Woods
Marla is willing to trade Faen in exchange for the grimoire. Witches Three is one of many examples on how to change the
If the characters do not have it and attack outright, they events in the Warriors of Sehanine adventure module. Feel free to
have to fight Marla, her sisters and the shambling mound take some of the elements and give them a good shuffle.
(see The Garden on page 35) that comes to Marla’s aid. What if Syllin made it down Sky’s Ascend instead of Faen and the
The characters can also attempt a stealthy entrance into Ghostly Fox found her, not revealing her location, until Faen is
the cottage; it helps if they create a distraction to lure rescued as well?
Glinda and Wanda outside. What if Marla could convince the orcs to work for her, once
they made it to the keep and she has a firm grip over the wood
enslaving the Ghostly Fox to do her sinister bidding?
Reuniting with Faen What if Lucan escaped the Star’s Council and stalks the Wood of
Sharp Teeth with an unquenchable thirst for blood?
If Faen is successfully freed, Syllin and Faen have a
heartfelt reunion. But rather than a weepy, dramatic The answer to all of that lies with you!
embrace, the Pianthis siblings enthusiastically greet one
another; Syllin ruffles Faen’s hair, and Faen pinches her
in response, which causes Syllin to tug on his wonky ear.
Despite their mildly aggressive behavior, it is easy to see
how deeply the Pianthis siblings care about one another.
Faen’s Plea. If Faen is freed before the characters find
Syllin, he reveals his true nature as a werewolf and asks
the characters to rescue his sister. Although he is too weak
to fight, he does what he can to aid in the rescue.

How Dangerous Is A
Wounded Dragon?
A black dragon has seized Ravenglade Keep,
though not without resistance!

Badly wounded in the fight, the Warriors of

Sehanine have fled their home and now turn to
the outside world for help.

There’s no time to lose! Can you arrive at

Ravenglade Keep in time and discern allies from
foes on the way?

A Dungeons & Dragons adventure for

characters of level 3 to 5.

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