College Life Experience Essay
College Life Experience Essay
College Life Experience Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "College Life Experience" presents a unique set of challenges, as it
requires delving into personal reflections and capturing the essence of a multifaceted period in one's
life. The difficulty lies not only in recounting specific events and experiences but also in articulating
the transformative impact of these moments on personal growth and development.
One of the complexities arises from the need to strike a balance between self-expression and
relatability. The writer must navigate through a sea of memories, carefully selecting those that best
encapsulate the essence of their college journey. The challenge is to avoid becoming overly self-
indulgent while still making the narrative engaging and authentic.
Additionally, addressing the diversity of college experiences further complicates the writing process.
Every student's journey is unique, and the essay must reflect this individuality while also resonating
with a broader audience. Balancing the personal and the universal aspects of the college experience
requires thoughtful consideration and skillful storytelling.
Moreover, crafting a coherent and compelling narrative demands a keen sense of reflection. It's not
merely about narrating events but analyzing their significance, extracting meaningful lessons, and
showcasing personal evolution. This introspective element adds another layer of complexity, as it
necessitates a deep understanding of one's own experiences and their impact on personal values and
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "College Life Experience" is a challenging task that
demands a delicate blend of storytelling, introspection, and relatability. It requires the writer to
navigate through a plethora of memories, balance individuality with universality, and reflect on the
transformative journey of the college years. While challenging, successfully capturing the essence of
this pivotal period can result in a powerful and resonant piece of writing.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, various online platforms like offer professional services to help individuals articulate their experiences and
ideas effectively.
College Life Experience Essay College Life Experience Essay
Descartes Dualism Argument
Descartes dualism argument poses issues for some.
Its common knowledge that, as a matter of a law in science, energy/matter cannot be
created nor destroyed, but can transform from one form to another. That said, if the mind
and body only have a causal relationship, not an interactive one, how does one argue the
change in energy levels that s seen through brain scans? Dualists may argue this as a new
energy created by this causal relationship, but this violates the energy matter law of
science. Also, dualism argues that the mind and body are two separate part. If two pieces
don t make a whole, and are entirely separate, then they have no common/shareable
properties, and they don t interact whatsoever. That said, the mind and body do interact.
Consider when one consciously decides to move their arm, or strike a yoga pose it s a
thought/idea created by the mind, which causes the physical action through their
interactive relationship.
Among the issues with his belief of the mind and body plus how the operate is there
connection. Descartes only connection of the two in the Pineal gland. This would mean
everything would have to go through gland. Although very important in hormone
distribution today the world has decided that the brain is in charge. It is also known that
not everything goes through the brain. Organs , the spine, ... Show more content on ...
One cannot, for example, study the psychological aspect of a medical diagnosis without
considering how they affect one another. One wouldn t be adhering to the moral
responsibility of others that comes with being in this field. Duncan (2000) claims that
even patients, medical clientele, appear to support dualism, considering that tend to be
skeptical when given nonbiological explanations for their illnesses because they seem
unscientific, unreal in
Special Needs Kids Are Not Sick Or Gross
Special needs kids are not sick or gross. They only want to be accepted. They want to
feel normal. They cannot help the way they were born. People who have never dealt
with special needs children do not see what they go through on a daily basis. One out of
every 10 children under the age of 14 has some type of special need. Which includes any
medical disability, chronic or life threatening illness. The children and parents both
deal with emotional battles. The parents are more tired emotionally and physically
then a parent without a special need kid.. They feel alone, because raising a special
needs kid is very challenging and takes a lot more effort. They are scared because they
do not know what the future holds. Organizations like CEIP give kids and parents more
hope. They give them something positive to look forward to. The Cumberland Early
Invention Program is a very supportive program. It is good to know there are still non
profit companies out there that are genuinely non profit . Some companies/programs
claim to be non profit but they still have their hand in the cookie jar. The other
companies claim to use a certain amount in other areas. In which, they never state exactly
what other areas. The Cumberland Early Invention Program puts 100% back into the
company while individuals are volunteering 100%. So in other words, the Cumberland
Early Invention Program is actually for people that need help and not for themselves.
The Cumberland
Boy Scouts Controversy
One major controversy in effect today is whether girls should be allowed to join the
Boy Scouts of America or should there be a distinct separation between the girls and
boys. In the article, Boy Scouts Face Renewed Push to Let Girls Join the Ranks by
David Crary, several girls across the nation have took it upon themselves to try and join
the Boy Scouts of America. Some believe that girls should be able to join in order to
gain the same scouting experience as the boys in the organization. Others including
myself, believe that if the girlscouts aren t happy with their scouting, they should take the
initiative to make a difference in their own community.
Today, the highest award a girl scout can achieve is a Gold Award, which is supposed
Hospital Management Information Management System
Objective At present the health care system of Bangladesh faces major challenges. We
are unable to provide even primary medical care to our people let alone secondary and
tertiary medical care. The current scenario of information flow in most of the hospital in
Bangladesh presents a paper based, time consuming, inefficient system leading to
problems of inefficient utilization of resources and problems to patients. All these
problems and poor coordination are closely connected to our failure to use health
information technology as an integral part of medical care. Not only that we face
difficulties in retaining specialists in non urban areas. The distribution of specialists in
Bangladesh is indeed lopsided. With these problems in... Show more content on ...
3. Existing Scenario in Most of the Hospitals in Bangladesh Providing medical care to
citizens is the constitutional obligation of the government of Bangladesh. The
constitution of Bangladesh mandates that, It shall be a fundamental responsibility of
the state to attain, through planned economic growth, a constant increase of
productive forces and a steady increase in the material and cultural standard of living
of the people, with a view to securing to its citizens (a) the provision of basic
necessities of life, including food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care. [1]
But the present situation is far away form what is written in the constitution.
Bangladesh, a least developed country, with an infant mortality rate of 6.5 per cent, 75
per cent child birth without trained attendant, 90 per cent children with some
malnutrition, prevalence of hypertension among 12 per cent of its population has
posed a major challenge to arrange efficient medical treatment for them at affordable
cost. There is only one hospital bed for 3151 people, one doctor for 4572 and one
nurse for 8460 which is one of the lowest ratios in the world. Per capita government
expenditure is only 26 dollars whereas a country like Maldives spends 220 dollars per
citizen a year. [1] Current situation in most of the hospitals with respect to access to
health care is far from satisfactory. It is often assumed that the
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