Insight Uppint Short 1-1a Answer Key
Insight Uppint Short 1-1a Answer Key
Insight Uppint Short 1-1a Answer Key
Insight Upper-intermediate Short Test simple to talk about an action in progress at a specific
1.1 A time in the past.
Answer key 5 B
Did you hear is correct because we use the past simple
A Grammar to talk about a completed action or state in the past.
Are you hearing is not correct because we do not use
1 C the present continuous to talk about a completed
2 B action or state in the past.
Have you heard is not correct because we do not use
3 B
the present perfect to talk about a completed action or
4 C state in the past.
5 B 6 A
6 A Is she studying is correct because we use the present
7 C continuous to talk about an action happening around
8 A now, such as, this semester.
9 B Does she study is not correct because we do not use the
present simple to talk about an action happening
10 B
around now.
1 C Has she studied is not correct because we do not use
Had never seen is correct because we use the past the present perfect to talk about an action happening
perfect to talk about an experience or lack of around now.
experience, in the past, such as, seen an elephant, that 7 C
happened before another event or experience, such as, Had hiked is correct because we use the past perfect to
travelled to Thailand. talk about an event in the past, such as, had hiked up
Did never see is not correct because we do not use the the three tallest mountains, that happened before
past simple to talk about an experience or lack of another event, such as, by the time I was 12.
experience in the past that happened before another Was hiking is not correct because we do not use the
event or experience. past continuous to talk about an event in the past that
Has never seen is not correct because we do not use the happened before another event.
present perfect to talk about an experience or lack of Hiked is not correct because we do not use the past
experience in the past that happened before another simple to talk about an event in the past that happened
event or experience. before another event.
2 B 8 A
Research is correct because we use the present simple I’ve been reading is correct because we use the present
to talk about routine actions in the present, such as, perfect to talk about an action that started in the past
every year. and is continuing now, such as, I can’t put it down.
Have researched is not correct because we do not use I was reading is not correct because we do not use the
the present perfect to talk about routine actions in the past continuous to talk about an action that started in
present. the past and is continuing now.
Had researched is not correct because we do not use I read is not correct because we do not use the past
the past perfect to talk about routine actions in the simple to talk about an action that started in the past
present. and is continuing now.
3 B 9 B
Hasn’t tried is correct because we use the present Saved is correct because we use the past simple to talk
perfect to talk about an action or state, such as, skiing, about a completed action or state that happened in the
that has or hasn’t happened at an unspecified time in past, such as, saved our pocket money.
the past, such as, before. Save is not correct because we do not use the present
Didn’t try is not correct because we do not use the past simple to talk about a completed action or state that
simple to talk about an action or state that has or hasn’t happened in the past.
happened at an unspecified time in the past. Have saved is not correct because we do not use the
Wasn’t trying is not correct because we do not use the present perfect to talk about a completed action or
past continuous to talk about an action or state that has state that happened in the past.
or hasn’t happened at an unspecified time in the past. 10 B
4 C Has painted is correct because we use the present
Was having is correct because we use the past perfect to talk about a repeated action in the past, such
continuous to talk about an action in progress, such as, as, has painted many times.
was having dinner at her friend’s house, at a specific Paints is not correct because we do not use the present
time in the past, such as, last night. simple to talk about a repeated action in the past.
Has had is not correct because we do not use the Was painting is not correct because we do not use the
present perfect to talk about an action in progress at a past continuous to talk about a repeated action in the
specific time in the past. past.