s13741 021 00214 3
s13741 021 00214 3
s13741 021 00214 3
Background: The incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) is increasing in line with the rise in
the number of surgical procedures performed on geriatric patients. In this study, we determined the incidence and
risk factors of PPCs in elderly Thai patients who underwent upper abdominal procedures, and we investigated
whether the Assess Respiratory Risk in Surgical Patients in Catalonia (ARISCAT) score helps to predict PPCs in Thais.
Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on upper abdominal surgical patients aged over 65 years who had
been admitted to the surgical ward of Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand, between January 2016 and
December 2019. Data were collected on significant PPCs using the European Perioperative Clinical Outcome
definitions. To identify risk factors, evaluations were made of the relationships between the PPCs and various
preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative factors, including ARISCAT scores.
Results: In all, 1100 elderly postoperative patients were analyzed. Their mean age was 73.6 years, and 48.5% were
male. Nearly half of their operations were laparoscopic cholecystectomies. The incidence of PPCs was 7.7%, with the
most common being pleural effusion, atelectasis, and pneumonia. The factors associated with PPCs were
preoperative oxygen saturation less than 96% (OR = 2.6, 1.2–5.5), albumin level below 3.5 g/dL (OR = 1.7, 1.0–2.8),
duration of surgery exceeding 3 h (OR = 2.0, 1.0–4.2), and emergency surgery (OR = 2.8, 1.4–5.8). There was a
relationship between ARISCAT score and PPC incidence, with a correlation coefficient of 0.226 (P < 0.001). The area
under the curve was 0.72 (95% CI, 0.665–0.774; P < 0.001).
Conclusions: PPCs are common in elderly patients. They are associated with increased levels of postoperative
morbidities and extended ICU and hospital stays. Using the ARISCAT score as an assessment tool facilitates the
classification of Thai patients into PPC risk groups. The ARISCAT scoring system might be able to be similarly
applied in other Southeast Asian countries.
Keywords: Abdominal surgery, Ageing, ARISCAT, Elderly, Postoperative, Pulmonary complications, Thai
* Correspondence: namtip229@gmail.com
Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol
University, Bangkok, Thailand
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Nithiuthai et al. Perioperative Medicine (2021) 10:43 Page 2 of 12
Perioperative Clinical Outcome definitions of 2015 The most frequent surgical operation was cholecystec-
(Jammer et al. 2015). tomy (630 cases; 57%), with over 80% done laparoscopic-
ally. This was followed by liver resection (183 cases;
Statistical analysis 17%) and gastrectomy (65 cases; 6%).
Comparisons were made of the characteristics of a non- The overall PPC incidence was 7.7% (85/1100 pa-
PPC group and a PPC group. An analysis-of-variance tients). Of those cases, pleural effusion had the highest
model, the independent t test, or the Mann–Whitney U incidence (31/85 cases; 36%), followed by atelectasis at
test was used for continuous variables; and the chi- 28% and pneumonia at 24%. The procedure with the
squared or Fisher’s exact test was employed for categor- highest prevalence of PPCs was cholecystectomy (27/85
ical variables. Missing data were treated as missing and cases; 31.8%), followed by liver resection (22/85 cases;
not imputed. Significant variables in the preliminary uni- 25.9%) and gastrectomy (9/85 cases; 10.6%). Excluding
variable analyses, at a predetermined alpha level of 0.2, the cholecystectomies, the PPC incidence was 11.4% (61/
were included in a multivariable logistic regression 535 patients).
model. Due to the exploratory nature of our study, The median hospital and intensive-care-unit stays of
model building was done by analyzing the factors related the PPC patients were significantly higher than of those
to the occurrence of PPCs after surgery using stepwise without PPCs at 16 (9, 37.5) versus 5 (3, 9) days, with P
backward logistic regression. Results of the multivariable < 0.001; and 4 (3, 10) versus 1 (1, 4) days, with P =
logistic regression analysis were reported as adjusted 0.032, respectively.
odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). We The non-PPC and PPC groups had median ARISCAT
deemed probability (P) values of < 0.05 to be statistically scores of 32 (18–41; 95% CI, 31.1–32.7) and 41 (34–52;
significant. P values were two-sided for all statistical 95% CI, 40.2–46.1), respectively, with P < 0.001. Each
tests, when applicable. The data analyses were per- score indicated an intermediate risk in the ARISCAT
formed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows (version system. Relative to the patients with a low ARISCAT
21.0; IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). score, those with an intermediate score range had a
threefold higher risk (95% CI, 1.528–6.034) of develop-
Results ing PPCs. By contrast, those with a high ARISCAT score
In all, 1100 elderly postoperative patients were recruited range had a 7.8-fold higher probability (95% CI, 3.89–
and analyzed. Their mean age was 73.6 years, and 48.5% 15.69). The perioperative risk factors and outcomes are
were male. The detailed patient demographic data are listed in Tables 2, 3, and 4. Our multivariable regression
listed in Table 1. There were no preoperative statistical analysis revealed that 4 risk factors were associated with
differences in the ages, genders, body mass indexes, re- PPCs: preoperative SpO2 ≤ 95% (OR 2.60; 95% CI, 1.23–
spiratory comorbidities, chest X-ray findings, or creatin- 5.51), preoperative albumin less than 3.5 g/dL (OR 1.70;
ine levels of the patients with and without PPCs. 95% CI, 1.02–2.83), surgery duration exceeding 3 h (OR
Nithiuthai et al. Perioperative Medicine (2021) 10:43 Page 4 of 12
2.05; 95% CI, 1.00–4.22), and emergency surgery (OR The average age of the participants in our study was
2.84; 95% CI, 1.39–5.83). In contrast, a high incidence of 73.6 years, and nearly half of the cases required minor
PPCs was not associated with gender; body mass index; upper abdominal surgery. Laparoscopic cholecystecto-
or a history of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary mies represented 47% of all operations, and the overall
disease, or obstructive sleep apnea. On the other hand, a incidence of PPCs was 7.7%. Excluding the cholecystec-
low PPC incidence was not related to respiratory preha- tomies, the PPC incidence was 11.4%. That level was
bilitation therapy, such as spirometer usage or deep- comparable with the PPC incidence of 5.8% found after
breathing exercises implemented before surgery. abdominal surgery in an analysis of the National Surgi-
Using Pearson’s correlations analysis, a relationship cal Quality Improvement Program by (Yang et al. 2015).
was identified between the ARISCAT score and the PPC Although that research team focused on major abdom-
incidence, with a correlation coefficient of 0.226 (P < inal surgery, 71% of the operations were colectomies,
0.001). The area under the curve was 0.72 (95% CI, which had the lowest rate of PPCs (4.4%) of all the op-
0.665–0.774; P < 0.001). erations. Moreover, the mean ages of the patients in
that study were lower than in ours: 66.9 years for the
PPC patients and 60.4 years for the patients without
Discussion PPCs. Looking at the “Prospective Evaluation of a Risk
In Thailand, the incidences of PPCs and their sequelae Score for Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in
at tertiary hospitals have not previously been reported. Europe; PERISCOPE” data, 7.9% of patients experi-
Identifying their incidences and the associated, modifi- enced PPCs. Their median ARISCAT score was 15 (9–
able risk factors in high-risk patients might increase the 26), which indicated that the PPCs were low risk. Fur-
quality of perioperative care and decrease overall mor- thermore, the median age of the population was 59.1
bidity. To this end, we collected data relating to 1100 (44.9–70.9) years. Most of the operations involved a
patients aged over 65 years who had either open or lap- peripheral incision (72.5%), followed by upper abdom-
aroscopic upper abdominal surgery between January inal surgery (21.4%) and intrathoracic or cardiac sur-
2016 and December 2019. gery (6.1%) (Mazo et al. 2014).
Nithiuthai et al. Perioperative Medicine (2021) 10:43 Page 5 of 12
Our investigation revealed that the PPC with the high- (70.3%). Most of their cases were asymptomatic and self-
est incidence was pleural effusion (36%), which was diag- limiting (Rossi and Bromberg 2005). Pleural effusions
nosed from postoperative chest X-ray reports. Rossi and might result from sodium and water retention, and they
Bromberg also reported finding a high rate of pleural ef- may be aggravated by the relative cardiac decompensa-
fusion through ultrasound examinations during the post- tion typically found in the elderly (Nielsen et al. 1989).
operative period following elective abdominal surgery Subsequent to the performance of hepatectomies for the
treatment of primary liver cancer, postoperative pleural surgeries. Although past and current cigarette smoking
effusions were found in a quarter of such cases. Sub- were not statistically associated with PPCs in our study,
phrenic collection and operative injuries to the liver Lugg et al. revealed that the current smokers had a
were found to be statistically related to those pleural ef- greater incidence of PPCs and a higher rate of ICU ad-
fusions (Chu et al. 2007). mission following non-small cell lung cancer surgery. In
addition, the PPC risk was reduced following smoking
Preoperative parameters cessation (Lugg et al. 2017). For various surgeries, such
Like other studies, older age was determined to be an in- as spine surgery, plastic surgery, and renal transplant
dependent risk factor for PPCs. They were found in 7.2% surgery, quitting smoking improved a wide range of out-
of patients aged 65 to 80 years (63/881 patients) and in comes. Therefore, smoking cessation should be incorpo-
10% over 80 years of age (22/219 patients). Qaseem rated in the pathway before surgery for better care
et al. reported that, compared with younger patients, the (Grocott et al. 2017). A retrospective review conducted
ORs of developing PPCs were 2.09 (95% CI, 1.70–2.58) at Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, South
for patients aged 60–69 years, and 3.04 (95% CI, 2.11– Korea, found that the incidence of PPCs after non-
4.39) for those aged 70–79 years. Although age cannot cardiothoracic surgery with adult asthma patients was as
be modified, careful perioperative management might high as 29.1%, with the most common PPCs being pneu-
decrease the incidence or severity of complications in monia (32.4%) and bronchospasm (24.3%). The signifi-
older patients (Qaseem et al. 2006). cant risk factors were age, the presence of preoperative
We also found that the incidence of PPCs rose in pa- respiratory symptoms, and a low forced expiratory vol-
tients having an American Society of Anesthesiologists ume in 1 s (Lee et al. 2014).
physical status > II (crude OR 1.78; 95% CI 1.14–2.79), The mean hemoglobin levels of the 2 groups in our
but it declined in those with a preoperative peripheral study being similar at around 11 g/dL, the values could
capillary oxygen saturation value exceeding 95% in room not demonstrate clinical importance, with an adjusted
air (crude OR 0.30; 95%CI 0.15–0.59). Our study showed OR of 1.24 (95% CI, 0.69–2.21). In our study, patients
that the PPC incidence was not associated with gender, who had a serum hemoglobin level of < 10 g/dL had a
body mass index, preoperative spirometer usage, or pre- threefold greater chance of experiencing at least 1 PPC
operative deep-breathing exercises. than those with higher hemoglobin levels. Even at a mild
Unlike the findings of Yoder et al., we found no correl- degree (hemoglobin < 13 g/dL in males and < 12 g/dL in
ation between PPCs and respiratory comorbidities females), preoperative anemia was reported to be inde-
(asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pendently related to a heightened risk of 30-day mortal-
smoking history) (Yoder et al. 2011). This may be be- ity and morbidities (cardiac, respiratory, CNS, urinary
cause there were only 50 cases of respiratory-related pa- tract, wound, sepsis, and venous thromboembolism out-
tients, all of which were medically well controlled. comes) in patients undergoing major non-cardiac sur-
Moreover, some of those 50 cases had been screened gery (Musallam et al. 2011).
and treated by specialist staff at our Siriraj Pre- Preoperative albumin was reported to correlate in-
Anesthetic Clinic—with several achieving optimized versely with complications such as reintubation, pneu-
medical conditions—at least 2 weeks prior to their monia, and failure to wean from a mechanical ventilator,
Nithiuthai et al. Perioperative Medicine (2021) 10:43 Page 7 of 12
especially after upper abdominal surgery (Barisione et al. over half of those occurrences being caused by aspir-
1997). Compared with colonic surgery, patients under- ation. Furthermore, another 4.3% of the study cohort
going esophageal or pancreatic procedures were also died from pneumonia (Fukuda et al. 2012; Ferreyra et al.
found to have significantly higher complication rates at 2009). By comparison, our study revealed the incidence
any level of serum albumin < 3.25 g/dL (Kudsk et al. of patients with PPCs after emergency abdominal sur-
2003). The relationship between serum albumin levels gery as 21.2% (14/66 cases) with adjusted OR 2.84 (95%
and mortality was demonstrated to be continuous when CI, 1.39–5.83). The most common PPCs were atelectasis
the levels were < 3.5 g/dL (Gibbs et al. 1999). Although (6 cases), followed by pneumonia (4 cases). There was
there was a statistical difference in the mean serum albu- no mortality.
min levels of the non-PPC and PPC groups in our study, In patients undergoing abdominal surgery, epidural
neither mean was < 3.0 g/dL, which Smetana et al. iden- analgesia reduces the risk of postoperative pneumonia
tified as a PPC predictor (Smetana et al. 2006; Lawrence while improving pulmonary function and arterial oxy-
et al. 2006). Patients with serum albumin levels less than genation (Pöpping et al. 2008). However, in our study,
3.5 g/dL had a greater risk of PPCs, with an adjusted OR the PPC incidence was not affected by the choice of
of 1.7 (95% CI, 1.02–2.83). anesthesia (general, versus a combination of general and
Preoperative spirometry usage and deep-breathing ex- regional anesthesia).
ercises showed no benefits in reducing the incidence of Looking at the major surgery subgroups in Table 5,
PPCs in our study. However, we cannot comment on there were no significant differences in the PPC preva-
the impact of this finding, given that less than 5% of our lences of the patients who received general anesthesia
population used spirometry preoperatively, and less than (GA) combined with epidural anesthesia, and the other
2% performed deep-breathing exercises. The preopera- anesthetic methods. Therefore, performing combined
tive physiotherapist consultations also varied, depending GA-epidural anesthesia neither increased nor reduced
on the judgements of the attending surgeons, the oper- the incidence of PPCs in our population. In addition,
ation type, and patient comorbidities. Furthermore, the there were no statistical differences in the postoperative
outcomes of the prehabilitation depended on the degree pain-rating scores or 72-h opioid consumption levels of
of patient cooperation and compliance. In a prospective the non-PPC and PPC groups.
multicenter randomized controlled trial conducted in Compared with conventional ventilation, a protective
Australia and New Zealand by Boden et al., a 30-min ventilation strategy reduces inflammation and improves
preoperative physiotherapy education and exercise train- oxygenation in patients undergoing esophagectomies. In
ing session halved the incidence of PPCs, especially a protective ventilation group, the incidence of pneumo-
hospital-acquired pneumonia after upper abdominal sur- nia was demonstrated by one study to be lower than that
gery. The absolute risk reduction was 15% (95% CI, 7– for a conventional ventilation group, although the differ-
22%), with a number needed to treat of 7 (95% CI, 5–14) ence was nonsignificant (Michelet et al. 2006). In our in-
(Boden et al. 2018). vestigation, most of the ventilation parameters followed
the lung-protective strategy; the mean tidal volumes of
Intraoperative and postoperative parameters the PPC and non-PPC groups were almost 9 mL/kg, and
In the present work, strong relationships were demon- the parameters of the groups were not statistically differ-
strated between PPCs and surgical duration (especially if ent. As to the anesthetic risk factors, no relationship was
longer than 3 h), with a twofold increase in the inci- apparent between the PPCs and airway equipment, in-
dence of complications (95% CI, 1.0–4.2). Patel et al. re- halation agent, or anesthetic technique.
ported that the risk of PPCs increased with every We found an association between rocuronium and
additional minute of operating time (Patel et al. 2016). postoperative complications. The PPC-inducing action
Despite finding that laparoscopic and open cholecyst- of rocuronium still remained even when used in con-
ectomies had similar PPC risk profiles in terms of their junction with neostigmine or sugammadex. In a com-
operative durations, Owen et al. demonstrated that open parison of the major and minor operations, a significant
surgery had at least double the risk of PPCs compared difference in their PPC incidences was only demon-
with laparoscopic surgery (Owen et al. 2013). A separate strated with the use of rocuronium with the major oper-
study comparing open and minimally invasive esopha- ations. In other words, the type of surgery influenced the
gectomies reported that there was a significant reduction usage of rocuronium, which then affected the occur-
in postoperative pneumonia when the minimal approach rence of PPCs. The observational study entitled “Post-
was employed (Biere et al. 2012). Anaesthesia Pulmonary Complications After Use of
According to a study of the factors predicting mortal- Muscle Relaxants” showed that the administration of
ity in emergency abdominal surgery of the elderly, the neuromuscular blocking drugs during GA was associated
incidence of postoperative pneumonia was 12.8%, with with an elevated risk of PPCs (OR 1.86; 95% CI, 1.53–
Nithiuthai et al. Perioperative Medicine (2021) 10:43 Page 8 of 12
2.26). Furthermore, the usage of neuromuscular moni- as guidance (for example, calculated oxygen delivery,
toring and reversal agents (sugammadex or neostigmine) pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, or cardiac stroke
was not associated with a decreased PPC risk (Kirmeier volume variation). Over recent years, our institution has
et al. 2019). However, in a multicenter, matched cohort progressively revised the perioperative management
analysis (STRONGER), sugammadex administration was protocol for enhanced recovery (the Siriraj ERAS Proto-
associated with a reduction in PPC risk (adjusted OR col). In the current work, even though we could retro-
0.70; 95% CI, 0.63–0.77) as well as a 55% reduced risk of spectively collect and analyze the intraoperative fluid
respiratory failure, compared with the administration of administration for each case, we were unable to identify
neostigmine (Kheterpal et al. 2020). In addition, a ran- which fluid strategy was used. Our results showed that
domized controlled trial by Togioka et al. explored the the median intraoperative crystalloid infusions of the
effects of reversal agents on the PPC incidence of older PPC and non-PPC groups were 1550 mL (1000, 2800)
adults undergoing prolonged surgery. Their work con- and 700 mL (400, 1700), respectively. In the case of the
firmed that sugammadex is superior to neostigmine in major operation subgroup, the median intravenous fluid
reducing the incidence of residual neuromuscular par- volume was 2200 mL (1300, 3875) for the PPC group,
alysis. Moreover, there was a threefold increase in the and 1750 mL (1100, 2600) for the non-PPC group (P =
30-day hospital readmission rate of the neostigmine 0.009). A large intraoperative crystalloid administration
group (15%) relative to that of the sugammadex group was associated with a high PPC risk (adjusted OR 1.88;
(5%) (Togioka et al. 2020). 95% CI, 0.89–4.00), but this might not represent statis-
A 2020 systematic review and meta-analysis focusing tical significance. A fluid volume cutoff point affecting
on the prevention of PPCs identified some perioperative PPCs could not be determined. Many factors were in-
interventions that probably reduce the occurrence of volved in fluid administration, like blood loss, the pres-
PPCs. For example, the use of enhanced recovery after ence of patient comorbidities, and preoperative volume
surgery pathways and goal-directed hemodynamic ther- status.
apy demonstrated benefits, whereas restrictive fluid ad- An increased fluid volume administration was associ-
ministration strategies might not (Odor et al. 2020). ated with an elevated risk of pulmonary complications,
Goal-directed hemodynamic therapy was a type of peri- whereas goal-directed fluid administration was reported
operative fluid administration that used biological targets to offer a 30% reduction in pulmonary complications
Nithiuthai et al. Perioperative Medicine (2021) 10:43 Page 9 of 12
following upper abdominal and major vascular surgery triggering PPCs. However, the average postoperative
(OR 0.7; 95% CI, 0.6–0.9) (Casado et al. 2010; Corcoran pain rating scores for the PPC and non-PPC groups did
et al. 2012). During major abdominal surgery, periopera- not differ significantly. In our analysis of the maximum
tive fluid therapy recommendations aim for a moderately postoperative pain rating scores during the first 72 post-
liberal intravenous (IV) fluid regimen, with an average surgery hours, the PPC patients scored a mean of 5.9
crystalloid fluid infusion rate of 10–12 mL/kg/h. In versus 5.3 for those without PPCs. Furthermore, the
addition, for higher-risk patients undergoing major sur- total opioid usage (morphine, pethidine, and fentanyl) of
gery, employing an advanced hemodynamic monitor to the 2 groups were not statistically different. However,
assess fluid responsiveness was recommended (Miller our findings contrast with those of Roberta et al., who
and Myles 2019). investigated PPCs experienced by the elderly after ab-
In our study, the median blood loss for the PPC group dominal surgery. Those researchers concluded that pain
(350 mL [150, 1000]) was significantly higher than that contributes to the development of PPCs. This dissimilar-
for the non-PPC group (50 mL [10, 300]). This result ity might result from the different assessment durations
corresponds with the finding of Sah et al. for gastric can- that were utilized. Specifically, the current investigation
cer treatments: blood loss volumes exceeding 500 mL assessed the pain levels of both groups within 3 days
were associated with early postoperative complications postoperatively. By comparison, Roberta et al. assessed
(OR 2.86; 95% CI, 1.67–4.92) (Sah et al. 2009). Table 5 pain daily between postoperative Days 1 and 6, inclusive,
lists the results after defining all cholecystectomies as and they found that their PPC patients experienced sig-
minor surgeries. Patients who developed PPCs had con- nificant pain at rest on postoperative Day 4 (Shea et al.
siderably higher volumes of fluid administered and 2002).
greater estimated blood losses. Total intravenous fluid There are many predictive tools for PPCs, for example,
and estimated blood loss had a linear correlation of the ARISCAT scoring system, the LAS VEGAS risk
around 82%. However, the adjusted OR of blood loss in score, the Melbourne Risk Prediction Tool, and the Sur-
our study was weak and nonsignificant. gical Lung Injury Prediction model. However, only the
Although the presence of a nasogastric (NG) tube was ARISCAT system has demonstrated sufficient predictive
reported by some studies to be a PPC risk factor (Gupta power in external validations (Nijbroek et al. 2019). In
et al. 2020), there were no significant differences be- Thailand, only 1 risk scoring system has been validated
tween its use and nonuse in terms of the PPC incidences for the prediction of respiratory complications after
in our study. One explanation is that NG decompression thoracic surgery in the Thai population (Pipanmekaporn
was not a routine procedure at our hospital during the et al. 2019). For our elderly patients undergoing upper
study period. A systematic review of prophylactic NG abdominal surgery, we used the ARISCAT scoring sys-
decompression after abdominal operations by Nelson tem as a tool to predict PPCs. The median ARISCAT
et al. reported that patients with selective NG tube usage scores for the non-PPC and PPC groups were 32 (18–
after laparotomies developed pneumonia and atelectasis 41) and 41 (34–52), respectively (P < 0.001). The pro-
less often than patients using NG tubes until gastrointes- portions of PPCs with low, intermediate, and high ARIS-
tinal motility returned (Nelson et al. 2005). With the CAT scores were 1.9%, 8.0%, and 17.7%, respectively.
presence of an NG tube, patients might not cough ef- Patients whose scores ranked in the intermediate-risk
fectively, resulting in secretion retention and atelectasis. level had an OR for pulmonary complications of 3.04
Furthermore, the tube can trigger silent aspiration and (95% CI, 1.53–6.03), while for those with scores in the
pneumonia as the lower esophageal sphincter cannot high-risk level, the OR was as high as 7.82 (95% CI,
work as it should (Mitchell et al. 1998). 3.90–15.70).
The lengths of hospital and ICU stays were longer for Table 5 showed that having an intermediate-scoring
PPC patients (Table 3). This would inevitably lead to ARISCAT in the major surgery subgroup was associated
higher costs for the patients, their families, and the with PPCs occurring twice as frequently as in the minor
healthcare system. A multicenter study concluded that surgery subgroup (10.2% vs. 5.3%). In the high-scoring
even mild PPC cases—such as atelectasis and the need ARISCAT, however, there was no significant difference
for prolonged oxygen therapy—were related to increases in the prevalence of PPCs (17.8% versus 17.3%).
in early postoperative mortality and extended ICU and A Pearson’s correlations analysis established a relation-
hospital stays. The researchers opined that all such cases ship between the ARISCAT scores and PPC incidence,
deserve attention and intervention (Fernandez-Busta- with a correlation coefficient of 0.226 (P < 0.001). Over-
mante et al. 2017). In our study, no deaths during the all, test accuracy was fair, with a value for the area under
perioperative period were directly attributable to PPCs. the curve of 0.72 (95% CI, 0.665–0.774; P < 0.001). Using
Patients might avoid moving or breathing deeply when a cutoff point at score 26 or analyzing the low-risk ver-
they feel pain or are uncomfortable, thereby possibly sus the intermediate-to-high-risk group, the ARISCAT
Nithiuthai et al. Perioperative Medicine (2021) 10:43 Page 10 of 12
Limitations This research project was supported by the Siriraj Research Fund ([IO]
As this study involved a retrospective data collection, R016232015), Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. This
funding source had no role in the design of the study; the collection,
some factors that might have affected the results could
analysis, and interpretation of the data; nor the writing of this manuscript.
not be controlled. In addition, we used the 2015 Euro-
pean Perioperative Clinical Outcome PPC definitions ra- Availability of data and materials
ther than those of the 2018 Standardized Endpoints for The data supporting the findings of this study are available from the Faculty
of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. However, restrictions apply to
Perioperative Medicine: Core Outcome Measures in their availability: they were used under license for the current study and are
Perioperative and Anaesthetic Care. This is because the not publicly available. Data are available from the authors upon reasonable
former set of definitions covers all complications pre- request and with the permission of the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital,
Mahidol University.
dicted by the ARISCAT scoring system, whereas the lat-
ter definitions only consider four main complications Declarations
(Abbott et al. 2018).
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The ethics approval for this retrospective study was obtained from the Siriraj
Conclusions Institutional Review Board (Si 006/2019). The need for patient consent was
PPCs are common in elderly Thai patients, being found
in 7.7% of the study cohort. The factors affecting PPC Consent for publication
incidence that have acceptable adjusted ORs are pre- Not applicable.
operative oxygen saturation, albumin level, duration of
surgery, and emergency surgery. PPCs elevate the inci- Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
dence of postoperative morbidity of patients and extend
their lengths of ICU and hospital stays. It is appropriate Author details
to use the ARISCAT scoring system as a screening tool Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol
University, Bangkok, Thailand. 2Siriraj Integrated Perioperative Geriatric
to classify geriatric Thai patients into PPC risk groups. Excellent Research Center, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol
The system might be able to be similarly applied in University, Bangkok, Thailand.
other Southeast Asian countries.
Received: 25 February 2021 Accepted: 22 August 2021
Further research
Functional dependence status, frailty, and sarcopenia are Abbott T, Fowler A, Pelosi P, De Abreu MG, Møller A, Canet J, et al. A systematic
interesting factors which might be usefully included in a review and consensus definitions for standardised end-points in
further prospective study to improve PPC management. perioperative medicine: pulmonary complications. Br J Anaesth. 2018;120(5):
1066–79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bja.2018.02.007.
Barisione G, Rovida S, Gazzaniga G, Fontana L. Upper abdominal surgery: does a
Abbreviations lung function test exist to predict early severe postoperative respiratory
ARISCAT: Assess Respiratory Risk in Surgical Patients in Catalonia; complications? Eur Respir J. 1997;10(6):1301–8. https://doi.org/10.1183/09031
ASA: American Society for Anesthesiologists physical status; BMI: Body mass 936.97.10061301.
index; CI: Confidence interval; CXR: Chest X-ray; GA: General anesthesia; Biere SS, van Berge Henegouwen MI, Maas KW, Bonavina L, Rosman C, Garcia JR,
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