Module 1 Introduction To Economic Devt
Module 1 Introduction To Economic Devt
Module 1 Introduction To Economic Devt
Course Code: Econ 2 (Economic Development)
Module Code: 1.0 (Principles and Concepts)
Lesson Code: 1.1 (Introduction to Economic Development)
Sections: A, B, C & D
By the end of this module, Econ 2 students will have been able to:
• Microeconomics (It is the analysis of economics in the micro or small level. It looks at
individuals, households and firms and the conditions under which they make buying,
consumption and production decisions.)
- Microeconomics studies how individual consumers and firms make
decisions to allocate resources. Whether a single person, a household, or
a business, economists may analyze how these entities respond to changes
in price and why they demand what they do at particular price levels.
- Microeconomics analyzes how and why goods are valued differently, how
individuals make financial decisions, and how they trade, coordinate, and
- Within the dynamics of supply and demand, the costs of producing goods
and services, and how labor is divided and allocated, microeconomics
studies how businesses are organized and how individuals approach
uncertainty and risk in their decision-making.
For example, why do people often avoid or delay investing in exercising, even if
they know that doing those things would benefit them? And why do gamblers often
risk more after both winning and losing, even though the odds remain the same,
regardless of “streaks”?
By asking questions like these and identifying answers through experiments, the
field of behavioral economics considers people as human beings who are subject
to emotion and impulsivity, and who are influenced by their environments and
Several principles have emerged from behavioral economics research that have
helped economists better understand human economic behavior. From these
principles, governments and businesses have developed policy frameworks to
encourage people to make particular choices.
Key people: Gary Becker, Amos Tversky, Daniel Kahneman, Richard Thaler,
Robert J. Shiller,
• Environmental economics is the study of the cost-effective allocation, use, and
protection of the world's natural resources. It focuses on how they use and manage
finite resources in a manner that serves the population while meeting concerns
about environmental impact.
This helps governments weigh the pros and cons of alternative measures and
design appropriate environmental policies.
Environmental goods include things like access to clean water, clean air, the
survival of wildlife, and the general climate. Although it is hard to put a price tag on
environmental goods, there may be a high cost when they are lost. Environmental
goods are usually difficult to fully privatize and subject to the tragedy of the
• Energy economics is the field that studies human utilization of energy resources
and energy commodities and the consequences of that utilization. In physical
science terminology, “energy” is the capacity for doing work, e.g., lifting,
accelerating, or heating material. In economic terminology, “energy” includes all
energy commodities and energy resources, commodities or resources that
embody significant amounts of physical energy and thus offer the ability to perform
Energy commodities - e.g., gasoline, diesel fuel, natural gas, propane, coal, or
electricity – can be used to provide energy services for human activities, such as
lighting, space heating, water heating, cooking, motive power, electronic activity.
Energy resources - e.g., crude oil, natural gas, coal, biomass, hydro, uranium,
wind, sunlight, or geothermal deposits – can be harvested to produce energy
Energy economics studies forces that lead economic agents – firms, individuals,
governments – to supply energy resources, to convert those resources into other
useful energy forms, to transport them to the users, to use them, and to dispose of
the residuals. It studies roles of alternative market and regulatory structures on
these activities, economic distributional impacts, and environmental
consequences. It studies economically efficient provision and use of energy
commodities and resources and factors that lead away from economic efficiency.
• Industrial Economics is the study of firms, industries, and markets. It looks at firms
of all sizes – from local corner shops to multinational giants such as WalMart or
Tesco. And it considers a whole range of industries, such as electricity generation,
car production, and restaurants.
When analyzing decision making at the levels of the individual firm and industry,
Industrial Economics helps us understand such issues as:
- the levels at which capacity, output, and prices are set;
- the extent that products are differentiated from each other;
- how much firms invest in research and development (R&D)
- how and why firms advertise
Industrial Economics also gives insights into how firms organize their activities, as
well as considering their motivation. In many micro courses, profit maximization is
taken as given, but many industrial economics courses examine alternative
objectives, such as trying to grow market share.
There is also an international dimension – firms have the option to source inputs
(or outsource production) overseas. As such, while industrial economics more
frequently uses skills and knowledge from micro courses, macroeconomic
concepts are sometimes employed.
In general, one can say that when a large fraction of a country’s population
depends on agriculture for its livelihood, average incomes are low. That does not
mean that a country is poor because most of its population is engaged in
agriculture; it is closer to the truth to say that because a country is poor, most of
its people must rely upon agriculture for a living.
The rapid expansion coupled with the essential role of food in our society has
generated a field of economics solely dedicated to observing and predicting trends
within the agriculture market landscape. Basic macro and micro-economic
principles apply to farming, as do the existence of externalities such as climate
change and nutritional health.
Interesting trends in the agricultural market pertain to the decrease in cost for the
actual farming aspects and an increase in costs for the distribution and sales
system. This is largely a result of technological progress greatly reducing the need
for human labor in the production of agricultural goods, weighting the costs more
heavily on the human resources side of the equation.
• Labor economics is the study of the labor force as an element in the process of
production. The labor force comprises all those who work for gain, whether as
employees, employers, or as self-employed, and it includes the unemployed who
are seeking work. Labor economics involves the study of the factors affecting the
efficiency of these workers, their deployment between different industries and
occupations, and the determination of their pay.
The economist cannot study the capabilities, jobs, and earnings of men and
women without taking account of psychology, social structures, cultures, and the
activities of government. Indeed, these forces often play a more conspicuous part
in the field of labor than do the market forces with which economic theory is mainly
concerned. The most important reason for this arises from the peculiar nature of
labor as a commodity. The act of hiring labor, unlike that of hiring a machine, is
necessary but not sufficient for the completion of work. Employees have to be
motivated to work to an acceptable standard, and the employment contract is, in
effect, open-ended. This may be no problem when employees are weak and easily
replaced, but the more skilled, organized, and indispensable they are, the more
the care that must be given to creating an institutional setting that will win their
compliance and meet their notions of fairness.
A second major reason for looking beyond straightforward labor market forces is
the often highly imperfect nature of the industrialized labor market. The majority of
jobs are occupied by the same employees for many years, and only a small
minority of employees quits their jobs in order to move to a comparable job that is
better paid. Studies in a number of countries have all revealed substantial variation
in the level of pay offered for the same job by different firms in the same local labor
market. This sluggishness of labor market response is particularly notable for more
skilled labor and for labor employed by firms in strong product market positions.
The main thrust of competition in many instances comes not through the labor
market but through the product market, with an employee’s pay being determined
less by what the job is than by who the employer is.
Aspects of the subject include marriage and fertility, the family, divorce, morbidity
and life expectancy/mortality, dependency ratios, migration, population growth,
population size, public policy, the demographic transition from "population
explosion" to (dynamic) stability or decline.
Other concerns include measuring value of life and the economics of the elderly
and the handicapped and of gender, race, minorities, and non-labor discrimination.
Suppose that policymakers are creating a new policy to increase the number of
jobs in order to improve the unemployment rate and boost the economy.
Econometricians test if this hypothesis will be true or not by using statistical
It should be noted however that there do exist a number of overlaps between and amongst
these sub-disciplines. As an example, some of the topics we will cover in this course will
also include aspects of environmental economics and agricultural economics sub
disciplines (and more others).
After having briefly discussed some foundational aspects (just a few of them) of
Economics, we can now get our focus back to the definition of economic development.
But, we need to discuss first the nature of development.
Because the term development may mean different things to different people, it is
important that we have some working definition or core perspective on its meaning.
Without such a perspective and some agreed measurement criteria, we would be unable
to determine which country was actually developing and which was not.
A. Amartya Sen's View of Development as Freedom
According to 1998 Nobel prize winner, Amartya Sen, freedom is both the primary
objective of development, and the principal means of development. The human being is
an engine of change.
Sen is both the first Indian and the first Asian to win the Nobel prize for economics. In
winning the Nobel prize, Sen was praised by the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences
"for his contributions to welfare economics" and for restoring "an ethical dimension" to the
discussion of vital economic problems.
According to Sen, development is enhanced by democracy. Compared to dictatorships,
oligarchies, monarchies and aristocracies, in which the people have little or no say in who
is elected and how the government is run, a democracy is often said to be the most
challenging form of government, as input from those representing citizens determines the
direction of the country. The basic definition of democracy in its purest form comes from
the Greek language: The term means “rule by the people.”
- A system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair
- Active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life;
- The protection of human rights of all citizens;
- A rule of law in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.
- Protection of human dignity
Democracy is a means for the people to choose their leaders and to hold their leaders
accountable for their policies and their conduct in office.
The people decide who will represent them, and who will head the government at the
national and local levels. They do so by choosing between competing parties in
regular, free and fair elections. Government is based on the consent of the governed.
In a democracy, the people are sovereign—they are the highest form of political
authority. Power flows from the people to the leaders of government, who hold power
only temporarily. The people are free to criticize their elected leaders and
representatives, and to observe how they conduct the business of government.
Elected representatives at the national and local levels should listen to the people and
respond to their needs and suggestions. Elections have to occur at regular intervals,
as prescribed by law. Those in power cannot extend their terms in office without
asking for the consent of the people again in an election.
For elections to be free and fair, they have to be administered by a neutral, fair, and
professional body that treats all political parties and candidates equally. All parties
and candidates must have the right to campaign freely, to present their proposals to
the voters both directly and through the mass media. Voters must be able to vote in
secret, free of intimidation and violence. Independent observers must be able to
observe the voting and the vote counting to ensure that the process is free of
corruption, intimidation, and fraud. There needs to be some impartial and independent
tribunal to resolve any disputes about the election results.
This is why it takes a lot of time to organize a good, democratic election. Any country
can hold an election, but for an election to be free and fair requires a lot of
organization, preparation, and training of political parties, electoral officials, and civil
society organizations who monitor the process.
In terms of protecting human rights, such rights, especially freedom of the press,
speech, assembly, and so forth increase the likelihood of honest, clean, good
For Sen, “capability deprivation” is a better measure of poverty than low income. The
ultimate goal of development is to create conditions that enable individuals to have
meaningful choices and opportunities. He contends that development is a process that
allows people to exercise their agency, enabling them to participate actively in shaping
their own lives.
B. Todaro and Smith’s View of Development using the Three Core Values
According to Todaro and Smith (2015), there are three core or universal values that are
used as conceptual basis and practical guideline for understanding the inner meaning of
development. These values represent common goals sought by all individuals and
societies, and they relate to fundamental human needs that find their expression in almost
all societies and cultures at all times.
• Sustenance: The Ability to Meet Basic Needs. All people have certain basic needs
without which life would be impossible. These life-sustaining basic human needs
include food, shelter, health, and protection. When any of these is absent or in
critically short supply, a condition of “absolute underdevelopment” exists. A basic
function of all economic activity, therefore, is to provide as many people as possible
with the means of overcoming the helplessness and misery arising from a lack of food,
shelter, health, and protection.
• Self-Esteem: To Be a Person. Self-esteem means sense of worth and self-respect,
of not being used as a tool by others for their own ends. All peoples and societies
seek some basic form of self-esteem, although they may call it authenticity, identity,
dignity, respect, honor, or recognition. As Denis Goulet put it, “Development is
legitimized as a goal because it is an important, perhaps even an indispensable, way
of gaining esteem.”
• Freedom from Servitude: To Be Able to Choose. Freedom here is to be understood
in the sense of emancipation from alienating material conditions of life and from
social servitude to nature, other people, misery, oppressive institutions, and dogmatic
beliefs, especially that poverty is predestination. Freedom involves an expanded
range of choices for societies and their members together with a minimization of
external constraints in the pursuit of some social goal we call development.
What then is Economic Development?
The study of economic development is one of the newest, most exciting, and most
challenging branches of the broader disciplines of economics and political economy.
Although one could claim that Adam Smith was the first “development economist” and
that his Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, was the first treatise on economic
development, the systematic study of the problems and processes of economic
development in Africa, Asia, and Latin America has emerged only over the past five
decades or so. Although development economics often draws on relevant principles and
concepts from other branches of economics in either a standard or modified form, for the
most part it is a field of study that is rapidly evolving its own distinctive analytical and
methodological identity.
Other Definitions of Development Economics:
“Development economics is a branch of economics that focuses on improving fiscal,
economic, and social conditions in developing countries” (Bird, 2019).
This is only one definition. As cited by Mackenzie and Puffhausen (2017), the teaching
content for economic development varies from one college or university to another,
although there are a number of commonalities that cut across. In the same vein, there
would be several other definitions of Economic Development but this should suffice. To
properly define this discipline, there is a need to trace the two schools of thought:
traditional view and the new economic view.
A. Traditional Economic Measures
In strictly economic terms, development has traditionally meant achieving sustained rates
of growth of income per capita to enable a nation to expand its output at a rate faster
than the growth rate of its population. Levels and rates of growth of “real” per capita gross
national income (GNI) (monetary growth of GNI per capita minus the rate of inflation) are
then used to measure the overall economic well-being of a population—how much of real
goods and services is available to the average citizen for consumption and investment.
Economic development in the past has also been typically seen in terms of the planned
alteration of the structure of production and employment so that agriculture’s share of
both declines and that of the manufacturing and service industries increases.
Development strategies have therefore usually focused on rapid industrialization, often at
the expense of agriculture and rural development.
With few exceptions, such as in development policy circles in the 1970s, development
was until recently nearly always seen as an economic phenomenon in which rapid gains
in overall and per capita GNI growth would either “trickle down” to the masses in the form
of jobs and other economic opportunities or create the necessary conditions for the wider
distribution of the economic and social benefits of growth. Problems of poverty,
discrimination, unemployment, and income distribution were of secondary importance to
“getting the growth job done.” Indeed, the emphasis is often on increased output,
measured by gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP).
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a crucial economic indicator that measures the
monetary value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders. In the
context of the Philippines, understanding and analyzing GDP offer valuable insights into
the country's economic health and overall development.
Gross National Product represents the total market value of all goods and services
produced by the residents of a country, both domestically and abroad, within a specific
time frame. Unlike Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GNP includes the income earned by
a country's citizens and businesses from foreign investments and excludes the income
earned by foreign residents within the country's borders.
B. The New Economic View of Development
During the 1970s, economic development came to be redefined in terms of the reduction
or elimination of poverty, inequality, and unemployment within the context of a growing
economy. “Redistribution from growth” became a common slogan.
Economic Development was conceived as a multidimensional/multifaceted process
involving major changes in social structures, popular attitudes, and national institutions,
as well as the acceleration of economic growth, the reduction of inequality, and the
eradication of poverty.
Social structure is the distinctive, stable arrangement of institutions whereby human
beings in a society interact and live together. Social structure is often treated together
with the concept of social change, which deals with the forces that change the social
structure and the organization of society.
A commonly used pneumonic to remember the different groups is D.R.C.A.G.E.S.
(Disability, Religion, Class, Age, Gender, Ethnicity and Sexuality).
1. Disability. The evolution of societal attitudes, policies, and infrastructure has
significantly influenced the progress and development in terms of disability over
the years. This essay delves into the historical context, examining how
perspectives towards individuals with disabilities have transformed, the strides
made in accessibility and inclusion, and the ongoing challenges that persist in the
pursuit of a more equitable society.
In the past, individuals with disabilities were often marginalized and subjected to
discrimination. Social attitudes were marked by misconceptions, stigmas, and a
lack of understanding about the capabilities of people with diverse abilities. This
societal bias translated into limited educational opportunities, restricted
employment options, and inadequate infrastructure, all of which impeded the full
participation of individuals with disabilities in various aspects of life.
In the Philippines, disability is one of the social issues affecting a portion of the
Philippines' population. To ensure the equality and rights of disabled persons,
there are Philippine laws and policies that were passed regarding persons with
disabilities (PWDs). There are also numerous non-government organizations that
seeks to encourage and help improve the wellbeing of people with disabilities.
The recognition of PWDs is stated in the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Article XIII,
Section 13 states that "[t]he State shall establish a special agency for disabled
person for their rehabilitation, self-development, and self-reliance, and their
integration into the mainstream of society." The established agency was named
the National Council on Disability Affairs or NCDA. The National Council on
Disability Affairs (NCDA), formerly National Council for the Welfare of Disabled
Persons or NCWDP, is the government body which focuses on the activities,
issues, and concerns that are related to PWDs in the country. Their priority is to
track and perform laws to ensure the protection of PWDs' political and civil rights.
They also handle the annual "International Day of Persons with Disabilities in the
Philippines" held every December 3 to advocate the rights and privileges of PWDs.
Some of the laws concerning PWDs include Republic Act No 7277 (Magna Carta
for Disabled Persons), Batas Pambansa Blg. 344 (Accessibility Law), Republic Act
6759 (White Cane Act) and ILO Convention No. 159 (Vocational Rehabilitation of
Persons With Disability).
a. Republic Act No. 7277 - This law, the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, is "an
act providing for the rehabilitation, self-development and self-reliance of
disabled persons and their integration into the mainstream of society and for
other purposes." It outlines the rights and privileges of disabled persons and
the prohibition on discrimination of PWDs. It was ratified on March 24, 1992.
b. Batas Pambansa Blg. 344 - The Accessibility Law is an act enhancing the
mobility of disabled persons that requires buildings, institutions, establishments
and public utilities to install some facilities and other devices. This law requires
the installation of sidewalks, ramps and railings for the PWDs in public spaces.
It was ratified on December 7, 1982.
c. Republic Act 6759 - The White Cane Act declares August 1 of every year as
White Cane Safety Day in recognition of the visually impaired PWDs' need for
assistance and as a reminder for the public of their duty to care for and respect
them. The act was ratified on September 18, 1989.
d. Republic Act No. 10754 - The Republic Act No. 10754 is an expansion of the
benefits and privileges of PWDs in the Philippines as an amendment to the
Magna Carta for Disabled Persons. It highlights the basic and societal benefits
and privileges of PWDs. It was signed on December 1, 2016
The list of disabilities in the Philippines encompasses a broad spectrum of conditions that
affect individuals’ physical, sensory, intellectual, and mental functioning. Recognizing
these illnesses is essential to provide appropriate support, accommodations, and services
to enhance the quality of life and promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities in
society. Today, the following disabilities are highlighted for appropriate interventions:
a. Deaf or Hard of Hearing - refers to people with hearing loss, ranging from mild
to severe. Hearing loss, also known as hearing impairment, is the complete or
partial loss of the ability to hear from one or both ears with a hearing threshold
of 26 dB or greater, averaged at frequencies of 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kilohertz.
Individuals with this condition face communication difficulties and may require
assistive devices or communication aids to enhance their hearing abilities.
b. Intellectual Disability - characterized by a significantly reduced ability to
understand new or complex information and to learn and apply new skills.
Individuals with intellectual disabilities may have limitations in intellectual
functioning, adaptive behavior, and social skills. They require specialized
support and interventions to facilitate their learning and daily functioning.
c. Learning Disability - refers to individuals who, although normal in sensory,
emotional, and intellectual abilities, exhibit disorders in perception, listening,
thinking, reading, writing, spelling, and arithmetic. These difficulties in specific
areas of learning can significantly impact a person’s educational progress and
overall academic performance. Individuals with learning disabilities often
require individualized educational strategies and accommodations to optimize
their learning potential.
d. Mental Disability - encompasses disabilities resulting from organic brain
syndrome and/or mental illnesses, including psychotic or non-psychotic
disorders. Conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major
depressive disorder, and anxiety disorders fall under this category. People with
mental disabilities may require a range of treatments, therapies, and support
services to manage their condition and improve their overall well-being.
e. Physical Disability - refers to a restriction of ability due to any physical
impairment that affects a person’s mobility, function, endurance, or stamina to
sustain prolonged physical ability and dexterity to perform tasks skillfully. The
causes of physical disabilities can be hereditary or acquired from trauma,
infection, surgical or medical conditions. The following disorders are included
under this category: musculoskeletal or orthopedic disorders, neurological
disorders, cardiopulmonary disorders, pediatric and congenital disorders.
Individuals with physical disabilities may require assistive devices, physical
therapy, or accessibility modifications to enhance their independence and
quality of life.
f. Psychosocial Disability - includes any acquired behavioral, cognitive,
emotional, or social impairment that limits one or more activities necessary for
effective interpersonal transactions and daily living. This category
encompasses conditions such as autism spectrum disorders, attention-
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other psychiatric conditions.
Individuals with psychosocial disabilities may benefit from therapy, counseling,
and support services to manage their condition and participate fully in society.
g. Speech and Language Impairment - refers to one or more speech or language
disorders, including voice, articulation, rhythm, and the receptive and
expressive processes of language. Conditions such as stuttering, dysarthria,
apraxia, and specific language impairment fall under this category. Individuals
with speech and language impairments may require speech therapy and
assistive communication devices to improve their communication skills.
h. Visual Disability - refers to individuals with impairment of visual functioning
even after treatment and/or standard refractive correction. The criteria for visual
disability include visual acuity in the better eye of less than 6/18 for low vision
and 3/60 for blindness, or a visual field of less than 10 degrees from the point
of fixation. People with visual disabilities may require visual aids, orientation,
mobility training, and accessibility accommodations to navigate their
environment effectively.
i. Cancer - according to RA 11215 is now considered as disability. Cancer refers
to a genetic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the
body. It is characterized by the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow
beyond their usual boundaries, invade adjoining parts of the body, and spread
to other organs. The Republic Act 11215 provides support for individuals with
cancer, including access to medical treatments, financial assistance, and other
necessary services.
j. Rare Disease – according to RA 10747 is also now considered as disability.
Rare Disease refers to disorders such as inherited metabolic disorders and
other diseases with rare occurrence. These conditions are recognized by the
Department of Health (DOH) upon recommendation of the National Institutes
of Health (NIH). However, catastrophic forms of more frequently occurring
diseases are excluded from this category. Individuals with rare diseases often
require specialized medical care, access to rare disease registries, and support
networks to manage their condition effectively.
The Philippine government, along with various organizations and stakeholders, continues
to work towards the empowerment and welfare of individuals with disabilities, ensuring
their rights and opportunities for a fulfilling life.
2. Religion. Religion functions as a multifaceted social structure that shapes
individuals' identities, relationships, and behaviors within society. It provides a
sense of community, meaning, and purpose, while also serving as a source of
social cohesion, moral guidance, and cultural continuity. Religion influences
various aspects of social life and plays a central role in shaping the dynamics of
human societies across time and cultures.
Religion often involves a set of shared beliefs and values that members of a
religious community adhere to. These beliefs and values shape individuals'
understanding of the world, their place in it, and their moral and ethical principles.
They provide a common framework for interpreting experiences, making sense of
the unknown, and guiding behavior.
Religion establishes social norms and practices that regulate individual and
collective behavior within religious communities. These norms may govern various
aspects of life, including moral conduct, interpersonal relationships, family
dynamics, and community interactions. Religious rituals, ceremonies, and
observances play a central role in reinforcing these norms and fostering social
integration among community members.
While religion often embodies traditional values and practices, it is also subject to
social change and adaptation in response to evolving societal dynamics. Religious
traditions may reinterpret sacred texts, revise rituals, and adapt to new cultural
contexts to remain relevant and meaningful to contemporary adherents. Religious
communities may also advocate for social justice, human rights, and ethical
causes in response to pressing social issues.
Religious development has undergone significant changes from the past to the
present, influenced by various factors including social, cultural, technological, and
political shifts. Here are some key changes:
a. Diversity and Pluralism: In the past, many societies were characterized by
homogeneity in religious beliefs and practices, often dominated by one or a few
major religions. However, in the present day, there is increased religious
diversity and pluralism due to globalization, migration, and increased
interaction between different cultures and belief systems. This has led to
greater acceptance of religious differences and the coexistence of multiple faith
traditions within the same society.
e. Gender and LGBTQ+ Inclusivity: The role of women and LGBTQ+ individuals
in religious communities has evolved significantly over time. While many
religious traditions have historically marginalized these groups and perpetuated
gender-based and sexual orientation-based discrimination, there has been a
growing movement towards greater inclusivity and equality within religious
institutions. Women and LGBTQ+ individuals are challenging traditional gender
roles and advocating for their rights within religious communities, leading to
changes in religious practices and interpretations.
3. Class. Class is a fundamental social structure that shapes individuals' life chances,
opportunities, and social experiences within society. It encompasses economic,
social, and cultural dimensions, influencing access to resources, power dynamics,
and social status. Understanding class dynamics is essential for analyzing patterns
of inequality, social stratification, and social change within contemporary societies.
Class is closely associated with social status and prestige, reflecting broader
patterns of social inequality and hierarchy. Individuals from higher social classes
typically enjoy greater prestige, social recognition, and access to exclusive social
networks, while those from lower social classes may experience stigma,
marginalization, and limited opportunities for social mobility.
Class is not solely determined by economic factors but also encompasses cultural
capital, including education, knowledge, skills, and cultural tastes. Individuals from
higher social classes often possess cultural capital that confers social advantages
and facilitates upward mobility within society. Cultural capital influences access to
educational opportunities, professional networks, and prestigious occupations.
Class is closely intertwined with power dynamics within society. Individuals from
higher social classes often wield greater political, economic, and social influence
due to their access to resources, networks, and institutional privileges. Class
disparities in power and influence can perpetuate social inequality and shape
patterns of resource distribution, decision-making processes, and public policies.
Class intersects with other social structures, including race, ethnicity, gender, and
age, to shape individuals' life experiences and opportunities. Intersectionality
recognizes that individuals may occupy multiple social positions simultaneously,
each of which interacts to produce distinct patterns of privilege and disadvantage.
For example, individuals from marginalized racial or ethnic groups may face
compounded barriers to social mobility and economic advancement due to
intersecting systems of discrimination and inequality.
Class structures are dynamic and subject to change over time through processes of
social mobility. Social mobility refers to individuals' ability to move up or down the
socioeconomic ladder within their lifetime or across generations. While some
societies exhibit high levels of social mobility and meritocracy, where individuals can
achieve success through talent and effort, others may be characterized by
entrenched class systems that limit opportunities for upward mobility and perpetuate
intergenerational inequality.
The development of social class structures has undergone significant changes from
the past to the present, influenced by various historical, economic, political, and
social factors. Here are some key changes in class development over time:
The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) in 2020 showed income
class brackets in the country, which government uses to categorize families into
social classes. According to the study, the largest income group in terms of
households and persons are the low income (but not poor), while—no surprise—
the rich made up the least with 143,000 households and 360,000 persons. In the
study, PIDS identified social classes according to the following income brackets:
Age structures the human life course into distinct developmental stages, each
characterized by unique physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes. These
stages typically include infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle
adulthood, and older adulthood. Each stage is associated with specific tasks,
transitions, and social expectations that individuals are expected to navigate as they
Age plays a crucial role in socialization processes, through which individuals learn
cultural norms, values, and behaviors associated with their age group and social
context. Social roles and expectations vary across the life course, influencing
individuals' identities, relationships, and social interactions. For example, children
may be socialized to depend on adults for guidance and support, while adults are
expected to assume roles of responsibility, autonomy, and productivity.
Age structures patterns of intergenerational relationships and interactions within
families, communities, and societies. These relationships involve exchanges of
support, caregiving, knowledge, and resources between individuals of different age
groups. Intergenerational solidarity and reciprocity contribute to the transmission of
cultural values, traditions, and social capital across generations, fostering continuity
and cohesion within communities.
Age intersects with other dimensions of social stratification, such as class, race,
gender, and ethnicity, to shape individuals' life chances, opportunities, and
experiences. Ageism, discrimination based on age, can manifest in various forms,
including stereotypes, prejudice, and unequal treatment of individuals based on their
age. Age-related inequalities may affect access to employment, healthcare,
education, housing, and social participation, particularly for marginalized and
vulnerable groups.
Recognizing the diverse needs and preferences of individuals across the life course,
societies may implement age-friendly policies and initiatives aimed at promoting
social inclusion, health equity, and well-being for people of all ages. Age-friendly
environments prioritize universal design, accessibility, and age-sensitive services
and infrastructure to accommodate the diverse needs and capabilities of individuals
at different stages of life.
Age as a social structure has evolved significantly from the past to the present,
influenced by changes in demographics, cultural norms, economic conditions, and
technological advancements
a. Traditional Societies and Lifespan: In traditional societies, age often played a
significant role in defining social roles, responsibilities, and expectations.
Individuals progressed through distinct life stages, such as childhood, youth,
adulthood, and old age, each associated with specific rites of passage, rights,
and obligations. Lifespan was relatively shorter compared to contemporary
times, and older adults typically held positions of authority and wisdom within
their communities.
f. Digital Age and Intergenerational Dynamics: The digital age has transformed
intergenerational relationships and communication patterns. Older adults are
increasingly embracing technology and digital devices to connect with family
members, access information, and participate in online communities. Digital
literacy and technology training programs have become important initiatives
to bridge the digital divide and empower older adults to navigate the digital
g. Ageism and Stereotypes: Despite advancements in healthcare and social
policies, ageism, discrimination based on age, remains a pervasive issue in
contemporary societies. Negative stereotypes and misconceptions about
aging can contribute to social exclusion, marginalization, and unequal
treatment of older adults in employment, healthcare, and social settings.
Efforts to challenge ageist attitudes and promote intergenerational
understanding are essential for fostering inclusive and age-friendly
Societies establish gender roles, norms, and expectations that dictate how
individuals should behave, dress, and interact based on their perceived gender
identity. These gender roles are often culturally prescribed and reinforced through
socialization processes, media representations, and institutional practices. Gender
roles may include expectations related to caregiving, household responsibilities,
career choices, and emotional expression.
Gender intersects with other dimensions of social identity, such as race, ethnicity,
class, sexuality, and disability, to shape individuals' experiences of privilege and
oppression. Intersectionality acknowledges the complex interplay of multiple social
identities and power dynamics, highlighting the unique challenges faced by
marginalized and intersecting communities. Intersectional approaches to gender
analysis recognize the diversity and complexity of gender identities and experiences
beyond binary constructs.
Gender socialization refers to the process through which individuals learn and
internalize societal expectations and norms associated with their gender identity.
Gender socialization begins early in life and occurs through interactions with family
members, peers, media, educational institutions, and cultural practices. While
gender socialization can constrain individuals' choices and behaviors, individuals
also exercise agency in navigating and negotiating gendered expectations,
identities, and relationships.
Gender-based violence, including sexual harassment, intimate partner violence,
femicide, and other forms of gender-based discrimination, remains pervasive
worldwide. Gender-based violence is rooted in unequal power relations and
reinforced by cultural attitudes, norms, and systems that perpetuate gender
inequality and misogyny. Addressing gender-based violence requires
comprehensive strategies that challenge harmful gender norms, promote gender
equity, and hold perpetrators accountable.
Feminist movements and gender advocacy initiatives have played a pivotal role in
challenging patriarchal structures, advocating for gender equality, and advancing
women's rights and empowerment. Feminist activism encompasses a wide range of
approaches, including legal reform, policy advocacy, grassroots organizing,
awareness-raising campaigns, and cultural interventions. Feminist movements have
achieved significant gains in areas such as reproductive rights, workplace equality,
gender-based violence prevention, and political representation.
The concept and role of gender as a social structure have undergone significant
changes from the past to the present, influenced by historical, cultural, political, and
economic factors.
b. Women's Rights Movements: The 19th and 20th centuries witnessed the
emergence of women's rights movements aimed at challenging gender
inequality and advocating for women's rights and empowerment. The first
wave of feminism focused on securing women's suffrage and legal rights,
such as property ownership and access to education. Subsequent waves of
feminism addressed a wide range of issues, including reproductive rights,
workplace equality, gender-based violence, and political representation.
g. Digital Age and Gender Dynamics: The digital age has introduced new
opportunities and challenges for gender equality. Digital technologies and
social media platforms have facilitated feminist organizing, activism, and
awareness-raising campaigns. However, online spaces can also be sites of
harassment, cyberbullying, and gender-based violence, particularly against
women and gender minorities. Addressing online misogyny and promoting
digital literacy are critical for creating safe and inclusive digital environments.
Ethnicity establishes social boundaries that delineate insiders from outsiders within
societies. Ethnic groups may experience varying degrees of inclusion or exclusion
based on their perceived status, power, and privilege within broader social
hierarchies. Processes of inclusion and exclusion are shaped by historical legacies,
political dynamics, economic structures, and cultural norms.
Ethnicity can be a source of both conflict and cooperation within societies. Ethnic
tensions may arise from competition over scarce resources, historical grievances,
political grievances, cultural differences, or perceived threats to identity and
autonomy. Ethnic conflict may manifest in forms of discrimination, prejudice,
violence, and social exclusion. Conversely, ethnic cooperation involves efforts to
bridge differences, promote interethnic dialogue, and build inclusive and pluralistic
Ethnic identity is not fixed but rather a dynamic and negotiated process that evolves
over time and context. Individuals may navigate multiple ethnic identities and
affiliations based on their personal experiences, social networks, and life
circumstances. Ethnic identity formation involves processes of self-identification,
social categorization, and cultural adaptation, influenced by individual agency, social
interactions, and structural constraints.
The concept and role of ethnicity as a social structure have evolved significantly from
the past to the present, influenced by historical, political, economic, and cultural
Sexual identity refers to how individuals perceive and define their sexual orientation,
including categories such as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, and
asexual. Sexual orientation is influenced by a complex interplay of biological,
psychological, and social factors, and it may vary across cultures and historical
periods. Individuals may experience fluidity and variability in their sexual attractions,
desires, and identities over time.
Societies often stigmatize and discriminate against individuals based on their sexual
orientation or non-normative sexual practices. Homophobia, biphobia, and
transphobia perpetuate negative stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination against
LGBTQ+ individuals, contributing to social exclusion, harassment, violence, and
disparities in access to healthcare, employment, housing, and legal rights.
Societies establish norms, values, and taboos around sexual behavior, regulating
acceptable forms of sexual expression and intimacy. Cultural beliefs, religious
teachings, and moral codes shape attitudes toward sexuality, gender roles, and
interpersonal relationships. Sexual taboos may vary across cultures and may
include restrictions on premarital sex, extramarital affairs, non-heteronormative
relationships, and public displays of affection.
Media, advertising, and popular culture often sexualize and objectify individuals
based on their gender, sexual orientation, and physical appearance. Sexual
objectification reduces individuals to sexual objects for consumption, perpetuating
harmful stereotypes, body image issues, and distorted notions of beauty and
desirability. Objectification can contribute to gender-based violence, harassment,
and the commodification of sexuality.
Sexual health and education programs play a crucial role in promoting informed
decision-making, consent, and well-being among individuals of all sexual
orientations and identities. Comprehensive sex education programs provide
information about reproductive health, contraception, sexually transmitted infections
(STIs), consent, sexual pleasure, and LGBTQ+ inclusivity. Access to sexual health
services and resources is essential for addressing disparities in sexual health
outcomes and promoting positive sexual experiences.
c. Sexual Liberation and the Sexual Revolution: The mid-20th century saw
significant changes in attitudes toward sexuality, marked by the sexual
liberation movement and the sexual revolution. Social movements challenged
traditional norms and advocated for sexual freedom, reproductive rights, and
the destigmatization of non-normative sexual behaviors. This era contributed
to a more open discussion of sexuality and greater acceptance of diverse
sexual orientations.
d. LGBTQ+ Rights Movements: The latter half of the 20th century and
continuing into the 21st century has witnessed the rise of LGBTQ+ rights
movements. Advocacy for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
and queer individuals has led to legal reforms, greater visibility, and increased
social acceptance. The decriminalization of homosexuality, the recognition of
same-sex relationships, and the fight against discrimination have been
significant milestones.
f. Technology and Changing Dynamics: The advent of the internet and digital
technologies has had a profound impact on sexuality. It has facilitated
communication, community-building, and the sharing of information about
diverse sexualities. Dating apps and online platforms have transformed how
people connect and form relationships, contributing to greater visibility and
acceptance of different sexual orientations.
g. Legal Changes and Recognition: Legal changes have played a crucial role in
shaping the social structure of sexuality. Many countries have decriminalized
homosexuality, legalized same-sex marriage, and enacted anti-discrimination
laws. These legal shifts reflect changing societal attitudes toward diverse
sexual orientations and identities.
1. Southeastern Asia exceeded the goal for extreme poverty reduction by 16 percent
2. Southern Asia exceeded the goal by 12.5 percent
3. Northern Africa scraped by at about 1.2 percent
4. Sub-Saharan Africa was by far the most behind. It did not even meet the goal for
extreme poverty reduction and was 12.5 percent away from doing so.
The extreme poverty reduction goal of at least a 50 percent reduction in those living on
$1.25 a day arguably had the best statistics for each country; from there it goes steadily
downhill. This trend can be seen throughout the different Millennium Development Goals.
Sub-Saharan Africa was far from reaching its goals, and not one country achieved the
goal set for maternal mortality rate reduction.
Gender inequality was also a focus of the MDGs, but unfortunately, according to the
United Nations, “gender inequality persists in spite of more representation of women
in parliament and more girls going to school. Women continue to face
discrimination in access to work, economic assets and participation in private and
public decision-making.”
Although there were huge successes achieved through the MDGs, it is important to note
that more than 800 million people continue to live in extreme poverty.
According to the U.N., “children from the poorest 20 percent of households are more than
twice as likely to be stunted as those from the wealthiest 20 percent and are also four
times as likely to be out of school. In countries affected by conflict, the proportion of out-
of-school children increased from 30 percent in 1999 to 36 percent in 2012.”
In addition, the numbers for global emissions of carbon dioxide as well as water scarcity
are disheartening. There has been a 50 percent increase in carbon dioxide emissions
and water scarcity affects more than 40 percent of the world in comparison to 1990
Causes/ Reasons of the MDG Failures and Shortfalls
After the end of 2015, a variety of reasons for shortfalls in progress towards achieving the
MDGs were mentioned. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon links the lack of progress to:
o unmet commitments,
o inadequate resources,
o lack of focus and accountability, and
o insufficient interest in sustainable development
Gibbs, Drusilla. MDG Failures. retrieved from
failures/Links to an external site.
Todaro, Michael and Stephen Smith (2015), Economic Development, 12th edition,
United Nations, THE 17 GOALS, retrieved from to an
external site.