Assignment 3
Assignment 3
Assignment 3
BUS 381
Professor Weiqi Li
Assignment 3
entry include: supply side economies of scale, demand Side benefits of scale,
substitutes are strong threat when: customers face few switching costs, substitute
materials. A supplier group is powerful when: more concentrated than who it sells
to, not dependent on one industry for its revenues, satisfactory substitute products
are not available, industry firms are not a significant customer, suppliers' goods
suppliers, and suppliers can credibly threaten to integrate forward into the buyers'
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Bargaining power of buyers - the power of customers to drive down prices.
Buyers are powerful when: there are few buyers, they purchase a large portion of
an industry's total output, the products they purchase account for a significant
portion of the sellers annual revenues, they could easily switch to another product,
credible threat to integrate backward into the seller's industry, and pull-through.
Competitive rivalry - the power of competitors. Intensity of rivalry is strong when
slow, competitors have high fixed costs or high storage costs, they lack
differentiation or low switching costs, they face high exit barriers, and diverse
approaches to competing.
b. Explain why aligning IT with business strategies is essential for strategic use of
information systems.
The basic principle of IT strategy for a business is to ensure the technology serves the
business and not the other way around. The research on IT and business performance has
found that the more successfully a firm can align its IT with its business goals, the more
profitable it will be, and only about one-quarter of firms achieve alignment of IT
business. Successful firms and managers understand what IT can do and how it works,
take an active role in shaping its use, and measure its impact on revenues and profits.
They cannot ignore IT issues. They cannot tolerate failure in the IT area as just a nuisance
to work around. They must understand what IT can do, how it works, and measure its
The internet is transforming the competitive advantage because now there is much more
rivalry. The rivals that exist are competing on who has the better prices. Profits have also
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suffered because of the internet. Many industries have been nearly destroyed because of
this. Although the internet has led to negative impacts it has also led to new inventions,
such as the formation of new products, services, and business models leading to
bargaining power can transfer over to the customer because of the availability of
suppliers which affects the products and services. Although many benefits can
come from the elimination of distributors and other barriers that separate them
force, access to channels, and physical assets. Technology can be used to help
within a wide geographic market. Which increases the number of competitors and
they need to upgrade their functions with technology and information systems. Carter’s
processed all the transactions manually or paper based. As the company was growing,
these processes could no long keep pace with the growth and the increasingly digital
business environment. Just like other companies in the past, Carter’s had relied on 20
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legacy financial systems where some were homegrown and anti-quated. For instance, if
the systems did not function or integrate well with each other, Carter’s back up plan is to
use manual processes to keep everything working efficiently. This process created several
hiccups that resulted in slowing down processing and increased chances of human error.
Moreover, it became more time consuming where going through spreadsheets, emails and
folders to find a specific entry was no longer the best and efficient option.
b. Describe the role of technology in Carter’s business process changes.
Apart from transforming the role of the finance function from preoccupation with
transaction planning, Carter’s took it upon themselves to replace outdated systems with
processes. Carter’s selected SAP S/4HANA to fulfil their purpose and worked with
Deloitte Consultants for assistance with implementation and integration. This ultra-high-
speed data management and computing platform is designed to support Carter’s day-to-
day processes. The new system goes beyond financial such as order management systems
The redesigned of the company worked in their favor because the business process
redesign was as crucial to the success of the project as new technology. Adapting the new
technology helped Crater’s transform older and inefficient processes into modern
processes reflecting best practices for its line of business and its industry. Due to the
thorough as it required questioning the rationale behind every core financial process.
Carter’s also examined weather the process would be better served by remaining on a
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legacy system rather than migrating to SAP S/4HANA. They choose to keep a process on
their existing systems instead of transferring it to a new one only if it provided clear
benefits. Efficiency would definitely increase with Carter’s examining their options and
choosing the one with the most benefits. This time Carter’s is smart to balance the pros
and cons of the new technology and how it would benefit the business and its industry.
industrial Internet?” What are the four central elements of the industrial Internet?
General Electric is an advisory that is headed by chief executive Jeffrey Immelt that is
dedicated to finding new ways to boost economic growth, hiring and the education and
“digitization of the industrial” as adding technology and the changes that makes on
business models and how a business must be run. They needed to evolve to technologic
changes over time in each of their industries. The focus became more on analytics. The
Industrial Internet brings the power of “big data” together with machine-based analytics.
Traditional statistical approaches use historical data gathering techniques where often
there is more separation between the data, the analysis, and decision making. The four
transmitting the information sensed at the device level to a Cloud-based service for
2) What were the three alternatives GE had for developing the hardware and software
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The alternatives GE had for developing the hardware and software capabilities to become
the company to capture the full value of the digital firm. If GE had chosen to have other
organization do the task, then it could have cost a lot more in the long run.
7) Why does Immelt believe GE will need to hire thousands of new people to achieve its
not have the right skills needed to become a digital firm. For this GE has to recruit
differently and create different teams. Different project managers have to be hired,
different sales person have to be hired, different on sight support have to be hired and so
on. Company also needs to hire data scientists and work into analytics while not ignoring
4. Access:
Please find the Access document attached with this Assignment Folder.
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