ACT Sustainability Report 2023

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Report 2023
of Contents
Who We Are 3

A Message from the Executive 4

Chairman of the Board and
the President and CEO

A Message from 6
the Chief People Officer
and Leader of Couche-Tard’s
Sustainability Efforts

Our Sustainability Framework 8

and 2030 Ambitions

Our 2025 Goals 9

and Associated Initiatives

Performance Highlights 10

Planet 11

People 21

Prosperity 33

Scope of the Report 42

Task Force on Climate-related 43

Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

Data Table 52

Forward-Looking Statement 54

Sustainability Report © 2023 2 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Who What We Do
We Are Road Transportation Fuel Operations
We are a leading destination for We sell road transportation fuel at our stores under our
convenience and mobility globally. corporate brand or the brand of our partners. We have
Working with approximately been increasing our offering of renewable fuels and electric
128,000 people at more than vehicle (EV) charging as we move toward a cleaner future.
14,400 locations in 24 countries
and territories, we serve over
Merchandise and Service Operations
9 million customers daily. We
are constantly evolving to meet We offer traditional convenience store items, including fresh
customers’ needs, create inclusive food and foodservice, coffee, dispensed beverages, and car
and safe workplaces for our wash services. Our customers can rely on our experience
people, minimize our impact on as a responsible retailer of age-restricted products such as
the environment and be a trusted lottery tickets, tobacco products, and alcoholic beverages.
neighbour in the communities we
serve. We believe that we can play Other Non-Retail Business
a meaningful role in the journey We sell bulk fuel to a wide range of industrial, commercial,
toward a cleaner and safer future. and independent business owners.



*Hong Kong

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 3 Sustainability Report © 2023

It is with great pride that we present for the fifth year
our sustainability report covering all our initiatives to
help protect our planet, our people, and its prosperity.
For three of those last five years of our global
sustainability reporting, we have faced extraordinary
obstacles from a global pandemic, unprecedented
labour and supply chain challenges, high inflation, and
war bordering our European network. Yet, we have
stayed steadfastly committed to our sustainability
efforts and made notable progress on our ambitions.
We have only been able to do this by taking
ownership of the challenges, humbly working to be
part of the solution for a more sustainable future, and
determinedly supporting the communities where we
ALAIN work and live.

BOUCHARD First, we are taking ownership of our 2025 target

to reduce the greenhouse gas footprint of our fuel
offer by 12%. We are increasing our biofuel content,
supporting expansion into alternative fuel types such
as PtX, and continuing our expansion of EV charging
points. In our Grand Canyon and Great Lakes regions,
we launched a campaign across over 800 Circle K
branded fuel locations to offset 200,000 tons of
carbon emissions by investing in carbon reduction
projects around the world. We are also taking
ownership of the fuels we use: in Ireland, since last
October, we have been fueling our company-owned
trucks with Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), a
fossil-free fuel made from waste and by-products
from the food industry. The fuel is up to 92% carbon
neutral and the remaining 8% of emissions is being
offset through an accredited biodiversity project in
HANNASCH Indonesia.

Our EV charging network in Europe now consists of

over 1,500 chargers covering more than 300 locations.

A Message Following the opening of the biggest EV truck charging

site in the Nordics last fall, we have opened four more

from the
truck charging sites in Sweden and fifteen more will
open in the coming year. By March, we had over one
million charging transactions on Circle K chargers in

Executive Europe, double the amount from the same time last
year. We are also making progress on bringing that EV

Chairman of
charging expertise to North America.

the Board and

the President
and CEO
Sustainability Report © 2023 4 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.
As war raged on in Ukraine, there was a significant
challenge to our European operations with rising
energy costs, clearly impacting customers, team
members and businesses. We executed many energy-
saving initiatives including lowering consumption in
lighting, readjusting temperatures, and unplugging
unneeded equipment. By sharing these best practices,
we reduced energy demand between 10% and 20% in
each of our European countries.

We also made important strides in waste reduction

and particularly food waste by expanding our
innovative “Too Good To Go” partnership, which is
now in six countries in Europe and North America.
Through this program, we wrap the surplus food
Our sustainability work is being noticed: we
in a surprise bag and then sell it the same day at a
have been recognized as a 2023 top-rated ESG
greatly reduced price. We have provided more than
performer by Sustainalytics as well as MSCI ESG.
770,000 affordable meals.

Our sustainability work is being noticed: we have

been recognized as a 2023 top-rated ESG performer However, we remain humble and disciplined in our
by Sustainalytics as well as MSCI ESG. In addition, we approach — working hard on our governance with
received the bronze EcoVadis medal for our efforts in TCFD and regulatory bodies — and using our engaged
Europe. In Canada, Women in Governance honoured workforce to help us fulfill our commitments. As we
us with a bronze level parity certification for our take ownership of our sustainability journey, we will
progress toward gender parity. be transparent and not overpromise. We owe it to all
our stakeholders and our children as we help create a
better tomorrow.

Alain Bouchard
Founder and Executive Chairman of the Board

By March, we had over one million charging Brian Hannasch

transactions on Circle K chargers in Europe, President and Chief Executive Officer
double the amount from the same time last year.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 5 Sustainability Report © 2023

As I write this letter for the fifth time, I am proudly
STRAND reflecting on our sustainability journey thus far, and
even more so, on the steadfast commitment to it by
our team members. Last year, we defined four values
we live by: One Team, Do the Right Thing, Take

A Message
Ownership, and Play to Win. Our 2022 Sustainability
Report focused on Do the Right Thing — a rallying
cry for how sustainability has become a lens to

from the Chief our business. This year, we are focusing on Take
Ownership, understanding how we, as a convenience

People Officer
and mobility retailer, recognize our role in the problem
and our responsibility to be part of the solution for

and Leader of
a better, more sustainable future.

In particular, I want to highlight our work this year

within our People sustainability pillar. I am thrilled that
for the second year in a row, we have received the
Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award. According to

Sustainability Gallup, this year’s winners “proved that even during

some of the most challenging times, strong cultures

are resilient and find new ways to get work done and
meet customer needs.” This describes our culture
perfectly. As we dealt with extraordinary economic
and geopolitical conditions, our team continued to
take care of our customers, support our communities,
execute our key sustainability priorities, and deliver
strong results for the business.

Sustainability Report © 2023 6 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

For the second year in a row, we have received the Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award.

When it comes to workplace safety, we are taking Our ambition to create more equitable representation
ownership of reducing robberies and bringing down and opportunities also made notable advancements.
the numbers as we move closer to our 2025 target of We are nearing 40% women in the Executive
50% reduction. In the U.S. and Canada, at hundreds Leadership team and increasing gender parity in our
of stores, we have increased safety signage clearly director and above ranks. We increased dedicated
indicating that the store is covered by cameras, resources for training and advancing leadership
upgraded exterior lighting, and implemented more opportunities for our Black and Hispanic team
rigid site standards, including physical deterrence members including, a new partnership with the
improvements where needed. No doubt, these Hispanic Association of Corporate Responsibility. We
increased protocols are creating safer work have also proudly added team members from these
environments. underrepresented groups to the regional leadership
and are focused on continuing in this direction.
As protecting and supporting our team members is
our number one priority, we also took great strides To conclude, while this is only our fifth year and
to reduce workplace harassment by implementing we have a long road ahead, we are proudly making
“Kindness Day,” an initiative started this year across progress in creating a more engaging, inclusive,
our European network. Our team members work and safer workplace and taking ownership for a
hard to serve our customers daily and deserve to more sustainable future. I want to thank all our team
do so without the fear of verbal or physical abuse. members, customers, and stakeholders for their
Through Kindness Day, we urged all our customers continued support in this journey.
to treat our staff with respect and kindness and
actively challenged the broader industry to join us in
an enhanced effort against harassment.

Ina Strand
Chief People Officer and Leader
of Couche-Tard’s sustainability efforts

When it comes to workplace safety, we are

taking ownership of reducing robberies and
bringing down the numbers as we move closer
to our 2025 target of 50% reduction.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 7 Sustainability Report © 2023

Our Sustainability Framework
and 2030 Ambitions

Planet People Prosperity


Our Our Our Our Our Our Our

Offering Sites Team Customers Governance Suppliers Communities

Fuel Energy Safety

10% 30% ZERO


greater of our sites for people,

than global to be carbon customers,
legislation on neutral employees
renewable fuel and suppliers

Packaging Diversity
and Waste and Inclusion


of our representation,
packaging will opportunities
be recyclable and pay
or reusable

Sustainability Report © 2023 8 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Our 2025 Goals
and Associated Initiatives
Some key achievements so far

• Further increase in renewable fuel offer. In 2022 9.52% share

Fuel of renewable liquid fuels in volume sold, equal to the amount
of carbon emissions 290 million trees absorb annually
12% reduction in our • More than 1,500 EV chargers across Europe
greenhouse gas footprint
• Launched 2 Carbon Offset Pilots (800+ sites) in the U.S., Grand
from our fuel offer
Canyon and Great Lakes, offsetting a total of 200,000 tons of CO2

• Continued rolling out Energy Management System (EMS)

Energy in North America, adding 3,000 locations
• Piloted solar panels on the fuel canopy at six locations in Florida
20% reduction in and one location in Indiana with a solar panel bank on the ground
electricity consumption
• Reduced electricity consumption in our European business units
per site by 6% (same stores)

Packaging • 14 million plastic straws eliminated in Canada

and Waste • Dumpster diving: we conducted a waste characterization study
at 24 sites in North America to better understand our onsite
25% increase in sustainable waste stream
food packaging in our
• Saved almost 1 million meals in collaboration with Too Good To Go,
own products launched in U.S., Canada and Poland

• More than 450 locations receiving upgrades to their in-store

Workplace security hardware
• 4 BU’s in North America have already achieved their 50% reduction
50% decrease in store robberies since 2020 — Florida, Grand Canyon, South East,
in robberies and and Western Canada
work-related injuries • Launched Kindness Day in Europe as a key milestone in our
upgraded anti-harassment work

Diversity • 31% female representation Directors and up

and Inclusion • Increased racially diverse groups within VP positions to 18% in the U.S.
• Created growth opportunities for our minority talents through
35% women directors & up
external partnerships
Represent the communities • Formation of BRAVE BRG supporting our military veterans
we serve and their families

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 9 Sustainability Report © 2023

Performance Highlights
• EV market launch completed with site openings in U.S.
• In Ireland, we are converting our fleet of delivery vehicles to be
fueled exclusively by milesBIO HVO100—a fossil-free biofuel made
from waste, by-products, and derived products from the food
industry not intended for human consumption
• Followed up our project with synthetic fuel (PtX) in collaboration
with the e-fuel alliance
• Energy Management System (EMS) rolled out at 20 sites
in Europe
PLANET • Reusable cup program in Norway saved 350 million single-use
cups since launch 20 years ago

• 2nd year winning the Exceptional Workplace Award from Gallup

• 97% participation in Gallup survey and highest engagement score
• 31% women on our Board
• Couche-Tard was named one of Montreal’s Top Employers
• Anti-harassment program rolled out in Europe
• 39% female representation on our Executive Leadership team
• Signed partnership with Hispanic Association on Corporate
Responsibility (HACR) to advance the development of our
Hispanic team members
PEOPLE • Circle K Business Centre in Latvia received an award as one
of the employers that pays the most equal salaries

• Couche-Tard featured as one of Sustainalytics Top Rated ESG

Companies for 2023
• Annual Cybersecurity Awareness campaign to protect company
and customer data
• Raised over $2.7 million globally through our “You Give, We’ll
Match” campaign in aid of Ukrainian relief efforts
• Anti-harassment campaign in Lithuania won 1st place for
corporate communication and 2nd place for employer branding
by the Baltic marketing and PR associations
• In Norway 10,000 reusable Pride Cups with rainbow symbol

PROSPERITY generated close to $50,000 for Queer Youth Helpline

• Circle K in Hong Kong was honoured with the “20 Years Plus
Caring Company Logo” by the Hong Kong Council of Social
Service for its consistent contribution to the local community

Sustainability Report © 2023 10 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Our collective challenge: Key
Over the past year, extreme weather events around the world
have reminded us of the urgency of addressing climate change. solutions
Water, air and soil pollution, sustainable use of resources and

✔ Increasing
biodiversity also continue to be vital challenges. We must each
do our part to embrace new solutions and ways of operating to
safeguard our planet’s health.
our biofuel
blends and
How we can make a difference: renewable
With over 14,400 locations worldwide, we have an opportunity fuel offerings
to make a powerful contribution toward a cleaner future.
Although many of our customers still depend on fossil fuels, we ✔ Expanding
are committed to enabling a low-carbon future by expanding EV charging
our offering of renewable fuels and electric vehicle charging, networks
while reducing our own emissions, energy use, and water
consumption. We continue to introduce more sustainable
packaging for our food items and other products in close
✔ Installing
collaboration with our suppliers.
We are also evolving our work to understand risks and systems in our
opportunities related to climate change, as presented in our car washes
TCFD report on page 43.
✔ Implementing
at our sites

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 11 Sustainability Report © 2023

Take Ownership


Our Offering

Provide easy access to more

sustainable food and beverages,
In North America, we are utilizing our many years
fuel, e-mobility, and car wash of experience in the EV space to make the biggest
options. positive impact for our customers.

Fuel and Sustainable Alternatives Increasing Renewable Fuel Offerings

By making it easy for our customers to access more Our greatest contribution to reduced emissions is
sustainable fuel and transport energy alternatives, the blending of biofuels into our regular fuels. Last
we can help everyone contribute to a better world. year, we continued to expand our renewable fuel
We meet 9 million customers every day and are offering, which includes low biofuel blends in keeping
committed to supporting their choices. Working with legal requirements. We also increased our sales
together with our customers to reduce the carbon of high blends such as Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil
intensity of our mobility offer is how we will meet (HVO) in select markets. HVO, which replaces diesel
our 2025 fuel target of reducing our greenhouse gas and can reduce carbon emissions up to 92% compared
(GHG) emissions. to regular diesel, is available at locations in Norway,
Sweden, and Denmark. In Ireland, we will offer
milesBIO HVO100, made from waste (animal waste
and used cooking oil), to our commercial customers
in Dublin Port, which should allow companies
operating large fleets of transport vehicles in sectors
such as refuse, retail, and logistics to lower their GHG
footprint. Already, we are the only company to offer
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) refueling stations at
several key locations.

We are also an active member of the eFuels Alliance

working to promote carbon-neutral liquid fuels as
part of future mobility solutions. Our demonstrations
Our greatest contribution to reduced emissions is in Denmark with Power-to-X (PtX) eFuel, also known
the blending of biofuels into our regular fuels. as e-methanol or “liquid electricity,” have shown how
trucks and passenger cars can easily run on carbon-
neutral fuels. We continue to explore opportunities
with PtX as we expect synthetic fuel to be an important
part of transport energy supply in the future.

Sustainability Report © 2023 12 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Europe (Sweden): In FY23, we
opened our very first speed
chargers for heavy trucks in

Gothenburg, Sweden—the first
company in the country to do
so. Our plan is to expand to
90 truck chargers in 22 stations
in Sweden in the next year, and

to increase charging capacity
from 360kW to 1000kW.

Charging Networks — More, Faster, Easier Providing Solutions to Reduce

Carbon Emissions
Our EV charger deployment continues at a fast pace
across Europe. Over the past year, we expanded our For several years, we have been piloting an emissions
Circle K-branded charging network from 450 chargers mitigation program in two business units in the
in FY22 to more than 850 by the end of FY23. Also, U.S.: Grand Canyon and Great Lakes. Each time
we added 690 partner chargers, distributed across customers fill up at these sites, we invest in
324 operational EV sites in Europe. Guarantee carbon-reduction projects to offset up to 30% of
of Origin (GoO) certificates are purchased for all vehicle tailpipe emissions. This year, an additional
electricity sold in our own network. 200,000 tons of CO2 were offset through the
American Carbon Registry in two pilots in the U.S.
Through a partnership, we also engaged in a pilot to
bring grid services, including frequency regulation, to We purchased credits in the Rimba Raia project in
our fast chargers and stationary storage systems at Indonesia to ensure that all Circle K trucks in Ireland
50 sites in Norway and Denmark. Using fast chargers were running carbon neutral as a combination of HVO
for frequency regulation opens a new method to and credits. In total, approximately 400,000 tons of
balance energy generation and consumption. This CO2 credits have been purchased to offset our GHG
is increasingly important as more intermittent footprint. In Europe, in FY23 we purchased Upstream
renewable electricity sources, such as wind and solar, Emission Reduction credits in Denmark and Estonia
come online. to meet national legal GHG reduction obligations.

In North America, we are utilizing our many years

of experience in the EV space to build out our fast-
charging capabilities in the sites and markets we know
will make the biggest impact for our customers. Our
owned and operated network Circle K Chargers, is
growing. In FY23, we inaugurated our first company-
branded charging sites in Canada, beginning in
Quebec and Ontario. In the U.S., we activated our
first company-branded site with high-power DC fast-
charging at a new prototype store in South Carolina,
and extended the network to 29 sites, in service or
waiting to be powered up.

Historic change when petrol station forecourt

changes to electric high-speed chargers. This is in
Kongsbergsporten, Norway.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 13 Sustainability Report © 2023

Reducing Emissions from

Our Supply Chain

Across our company-owned fuel delivery tanker

fleet, we monitor vehicle performance and encourage
energy-efficient driving behaviours to help lower
CO2 emissions. In Ireland, we are converting our

fleet of delivery vehicles to be fueled exclusively by

milesBIO HVO100—a fossil-free biofuel made from
waste, by-products, and derived products from the
food industry not intended for human consumption.

Anticipated emission reductions across our Irish

operations equate to the emissions from more than
Our vast selection of reusable cups and mugs
2,000 cars.
encourages customers to bring their own reusable
In Hong Kong, in keeping with the government plan in items as one small step we can take together to
this direction, we are phasing out Euro 4 and Euro 5 impact the planet.
diesel commercial vehicles for road transport and
encouraging our long-term logistics partners to use
Euro 6 low-emission diesel trucks. Food and Beverages
Packaging and Waste

As a global provider of on-the-go food and drink items

for immediate consumption, we have a significant role
to play in helping to reduce waste. We are constantly
on the lookout for ways to make sustainable solutions
easy for our customers and our own teams. In FY23,
driving our progress to reach a 25% sustainable
improvement in our packaging, we undertook a
global initiative to gather current branded packaging
specifications, accelerating our efforts to track the
sustainable transformation journey. Based on this
work, we found that our foodservice and private
brand packaging have a recyclability rate of over 80%
across Canada and Europe.

In the U.S., we have reduced plastic and waste by

Across our company-owned fuel delivery tanker adding larger format package options in some of our
fleet, we monitor vehicle performance and beverages and snack items and have successfully
encourage energy-efficient driving behaviours to met consumer demand while reducing the impact of
help lower CO2 emissions. packaging. In Canada, we converted some volumes in
candy and snacks away from non-recyclable bags to
large-format reusable and recyclable containers. Both
of these initiatives reduce the total amount of non-
recyclable packaging that is sent to landfills.

Across North America and Europe, we continue

to highlight our reusable vessels and encourage
customers and team members to bring their own
reusable cups and mugs. In FY23, we eliminated over
40 million single-use cups from the waste stream.

Sustainability Report © 2023 14 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Sourcing from Certified Suppliers

Europe (Ireland): Spent coffee grounds are
We aim to improve our offer of food and beverages
packaged for free for customers to use for
to provide alternatives that support the transition
their gardens. We continue to look for other
toward a more sustainable food chain. This includes

localized solutions and will be evaluating
working with our suppliers to offer certified and
compost collection services for organic waste
sustainably sourced products. We offer 100%
in partnership with one of our business units.
sustainably sourced or certified coffee in all our stores
through our partnership with Rainforest Alliance in Europe (Estonia): We are introducing a larger

Canada and Europe and we serve 100% sustainably scale vegan burger and wrapper. Alternative
sourced coffee in the U.S. milk is also available at all stores.

North America (Eastern Canada): We are

Reducing Food Waste
testing six bulk dispensers for windshield wash
Waste reduction, with a focus on food waste in to eliminate waste. In Quebec, this would be
particular, is a prime example of the intersection equivalent to 1,500 single-use plastic cans of
between good business and sustainable behaviours. windshield washer fluid to be removed over
On top of other waste management initiatives, we’ve the next winter period.
been partnering with the innovative program called
North America (Eastern Canada): We have
“Too Good To Go” (TGTG) in Norway since 2018, and
partnered with Mescopal to create sustainability
Denmark followed in 2020. Through this program, we
in the value chain by recycling wasted milk,
wrap the surplus food in a surprise bag and then sell
funded by the vendor, to feed animals.
it the same day at a greatly reduced price. Customers
can reserve their bag in the TGTG app. We are now
offering the program in six countries and hope to
expand it further. In FY23, we rolled out the program
“This is doing the right thing.
in Sweden, while pilots have begun at stores in
Montreal, Canada, at our new Chicago urban stores The reduced emissions from saving
in the U.S., and in Poland. In total, we are approaching these meals is 2,000 tons of CO2,
almost 1 million meals redeemed since the initiatives
were launched.
equivalent to 2,040 people flying
between Stockholm and New York
City. It is easy, and it engages
our customers and store team
members in our sustainability
work. A total of 337,000 unique
customers have used this solution,
and more than 5.7 million
customers have seen the Circle K
store profile in the app so far.”

Helena Winberg
In total, we are approaching almost 1 million meals Director of Global Sustainability
redeemed since the initiatives were launched.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 15 Sustainability Report © 2023


Europe (Norway): Over the last 20 years, our

Norwegian subscription cup has eliminated
350 million single-use cups. Customers buy
the cup and get unlimited hot drinks for
one year.

This year a special edition “Pride Cup” was

sold for two months and raised $50,000
for Queer Youth Norway and their LBTQ+

helpline for youth who struggle with issues

Recycling and Replacing Plastics
such as sexual abuse, suicidal thoughts and
We continue to look for ways to reduce our use of bullying.
plastic, recycle our materials, and support local
recycling initiatives.

In Europe, we are the first in the industry to convert

our windshield washer fluid cans to a new sustainable
packaging solution with a higher content of recycled
plastic. Our traditional cans now contain 35% recycled
plastic; the bottles 30%. Our alternative bag packages
contain 65% less plastic than our traditional can. Given
that we sell approximately 500,000 packages of
washer fluid annually, the new packages will translate
to a plastics savings of nearly 20 tons per year.

In North America, the weight of our 100% recyclable

Private Brand water bottles from our current
manufacturing partner in the USA has been reduced
again this year by 6%. This supply partner has also
increased renewable energy, plant automation, and
use of electric transport vehicles at its production
facilities. Meanwhile, our Private Label water bottles
from our manufacturing partner in Canada are made
from 100% recycled plastics and are 100% recyclable.
In Canada, we also moved from a 12-pack take-home
format to a 24-pack to reduce total non-recyclable
plastic film used in our Private Brands offer and
reduce our landfill impact.

We have moved to paper straws in Europe and

Canada and are currently evaluating alternative
materials for our U.S. locations. In Canada, to comply
with new regulations banning single-use plastics, we
are transitioning all sites to birchwood cutlery, paper
straws, paper bags, and recyclable cups and lids.
These efforts will eliminate nearly 50 million pieces
of plastic waste from landfill. In Hong Kong, we have
introduced more environment-friendly tableware.

Sustainability Report © 2023 16 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Supporting Animal Welfare
North America (U.S.): We are on track to
This year our international Circle K franchisees have
transition our private brand two-pack of hard
joined our 2025 commitment to sell cage-free eggs
boiled eggs to cage-free in summer 2023.
in our stores, making this a truly global commitment.
As supply chains and adoption of cage-free egg Europe (Norway): Circle K Norway has met
production continue to improve in North American the standards for the European Chicken
and international markets, we are building momentum Commitment (ECC), decreasing their cost at
toward our goal. the same time.

International franchisees operate close to 2,000 of

our 14,400 stores and source the eggs sold in their
stores from within their regions. However, accessing
reputable and sustainable suppliers has been
“We are proud to engage our
challenging in some regions. To overcome these global franchise community
obstacles, we are working with Lever Foundation,
on our commitment to selling
a global non-profit organization dedicated to
helping companies attain a more humane, safe, and cage-free eggs in our stores
sustainable supply chain, with a focus on cage-free and grateful for the support of
eggs. Lever is assisting us in connecting to suppliers
who are shifting to cage-free production.
Lever Foundation in our efforts.”

Elisa Goria
Global Director of
Sustainability – Packaging
& Waste

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 17 Sustainability Report © 2023

Car Wash

Recovering and Recycling Water

Water is a finite resource that needs to be managed

responsibly. With a global network of 2,700 car wash

locations, we have implemented water recovery

and recycling systems on many sites and continue
to explore ways to reduce our water usage. Most of
our sites in Sweden, Denmark and New-to-Industry

locations in North America use water recycling units

that save 75% of the water used. In FY23, we installed
new water recycling (Water Reclaim) units at over
30 locations. We also recently installed RO Reject
Recovery water systems at 130 locations, where the
recovered water is reused on specific wash cycles.
These systems save an estimated 217 million litres of
water per year.

Our water recovery and recycling systems save an

Using Less Chemicals estimated 217 million litres of water per year.

We continue to upgrade our car wash services to use

less chemicals and move to more environmentally
friendly ones. Unit upgrades carried out in FY23 are Europe (Sweden): We are participating in a
expected to save 29,500 litres of chemicals per year. In project called “Sustainable Car Wash” (Hållbar
Europe, we use the voluntary EU Ecolabel, which helps biltvätt). The project aims to make people
customers identify eco-friendly alternatives, while aware of the harmful wastewater that goes
our Scandinavian business units use the Nordic Swan untreated into the sewage when people wash
Ecolabel, an industry-recognized label that sets strict their cars at home.
requirements for chemicals. We are currently working
with our suppliers to enable all business units to switch Europe (Lithuania): As part of our energy
to environmentally friendly chemistry. saving program, we have installed automatic
car wash heating control in all car wash stations
in Lithuania, saving 10,000–20,000 kWh per
station per year. Similar solutions are installed
or planned in car wash across Europe.

We continue to upgrade our car wash services

to use less chemicals and move to more
environmentally friendly options.

Sustainability Report © 2023 18 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

In Europe, a broad energy-saving project was started to speed up energy reduction at our sites. So far, in
comparable numbers, European business units have reduced electricity consumption by 6%.

Our Sites
Reduce our carbon footprint and improve resource efficiency.

Reducing Energy Consumption

In FY23, we continued rolling out an energy Meanwhile, our One-Touch program, where all energy-
management system in North America, adding reduction initiatives are completed at a store level at
3,000 locations. This system provides the ability once, is approximately 90% complete.
to remotely control exterior lighting and store
temperature. Pilots are in place to extend the system In FY23, we piloted solar panels on the fuel canopy at
to include car wash controls, remote equipment shut- six locations in Florida and one location in Indiana with
off, metering, and demand load management. We are a solar panel bank on the ground. The data gathered
also piloting an energy management system in Europe is currently being analyzed to determine future actions
at 20 sites in Sweden and Ireland. and investments, to help us reduce our load on local
electrical grids by using green energy supplements.
In Europe we saw energy prices explode in the fall of
2022, and a broad energy-saving project was started In Hong Kong, working with experts from a leading
to speed up energy reduction at our sites. So far, in power company, we have an ongoing energy audit
comparable numbers, European business units have program to assess and manage our electricity usage in
reduced electricity consumption by 6%. Poland is in stores through inspections, studies, and analysis.
the lead with 12.5% reduction, Lithuania is second with
10.7% reduction. The program is still ongoing.

As part of our ongoing investments to improve energy

efficiency, all approved locations in the U.S. will have
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
motors upgraded to variable speed motors with carbon
fan blades, providing 25 to 30% more efficiency.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 19 Sustainability Report © 2023

Waste Reduction at our Sites

To better understand our onsite waste streams, we

conducted a waste characterization study. Over
several weeks, we evaluated the 24-hour cycle of waste
collection across three of our North America markets.
This allowed us to better understand the types of

garbage, recyclables and organic waste employees

and customers are throwing away at our stores and
identify opportunities to reduce our footprint.

In Europe, we conducted a desktop study to capture

best practices and learnings from geographies that
have a more developed infrastructure and regulations
on waste management. Based on the information
gathered from these studies in North America and
Europe, we created a roadmap that will drive action
to improve our waste processes and reduce waste to

In Hong Kong, in FY23 we simplified our workflows

and procedures at our stores to save paper and boost
team productivity. We are now launching the first
phase of our Paperless Distribution Centre project,
where delivery notes and other documents will be A waste characterization study allowed us
converted into digital form. This measure not only to better understand the types of garbage,
reduces paper usage but saves costs, saves space, recyclables and organic waste employees and
boosts productivity, and makes documentation and customers are throwing away at our stores and
information sharing easier. identify opportunities to reduce our footprint.

Asia (Hong Kong): Circle K

Hong Kong has received CLP
Power’s “Joint Energy Saving
Award” for three consecutive
years. This award highlights
our long-term, smart
planning in energy usage and
our commitment to carbon

Sustainability Report © 2023 20 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.


Our collective challenge: Key
This past year brought an extraordinarily tight labour market,
inflationary pressures, supply chain constraints, high fuel and solutions
energy prices, and upheaval in Europe caused by the war in
Ukraine. This meant adapting our business and our culture to the
new reality, and throughout, we sought ways to better support ✔Increase
our team members, our customers, and our communities. representation
How we can make a difference: underrepresented
With approximately 128,000 employees around the globe, we groups on
have an important responsibility to ensure their safety, health, our leadership
and well-being. We are committed to providing a workplace teams
where our team members and customers feel safe, secure,
included, engaged, and respected. ✔Measurement
and follow-up
We are continuously improving our programs, procedures, training,
at all levels
and facilities to ensure a safe and healthy working environment.
This includes strategic robbery prevention programs, anti-
harassment programs and enhanced training for team members.
We are also continuing our work to advance equitable program
representation, opportunities and pay across the organization. for Black and
We want all team members to work in an environment where they Hispanic talents
feel respected and able to develop their full potential. Our aim
is to be an inclusive and attractive employer, with an improved ✔Anti-harassment
gender balance at all levels of our organization and an increased campaign
share of underrepresented groups. We have ongoing training and European
and development programs and many initiatives at all levels that Kindness Day
encourage and support underrepresented team members to
progress into roles where their talents shine even brighter.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 21 Sustainability Report © 2023

Take Ownership


Our People
Foster a safe, diverse, and inclusive culture where our people can

grow together.

One Global HSE Strategy

Over the past year, we have continued our global practices for safe work. Each North American business
collaboration around our goal of keeping our unit has a Region Operations Director, several market
people safe. Through ongoing networking between managers, and a team member in each store, all
business units in Canada, the U.S., and Europe, we committed to communicating with each other about
have maintained our commitment to sharing best safe working practices and existing risks.
practices. We have improved our processes for site
Globally, we are governed by the presiding bodies
analysis and will continue to work toward acting on
in each country where we operate, such as OSHA
those learnings. In North America, we created Health,
in the United States, CCOHS in Canada, and others.
Safety and Environment (HSE) networks that focus
We collect data from all company-owned stores
on communication between and among business
into a central case system in three broad categories:
units which closely resemble established processes in
injuries, crime, and property damage. Data in this
system is regulated by various privacy laws including,
In this network, team members at multiple levels but not limited, to GDPR. Cases involving injuries to
of operations are empowered to elevate safety- employees are routed and managed by teams not
related concerns in addition to the standard case associated with store operations.
management process, as well as communicate best

Sustainability Report © 2023 22 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Workplace safety is an important part of our commitment. In North America, our primary focus has been robbery

Workplace Safety

Our commitment to ensuring a safe and healthy working to be performed. These include standards for enhanced
environment for our team members includes taking exterior lighting, certain CCTV configurations, personal
steps to protect them from harassment and assault. alarm pendants, community engagement, and more.
In Europe, through a survey, our Norwegian diversity
and inclusion team detected that aggressions toward After beginning as a pilot in 2021, the Safety and
our team members were far more common than what Security program progressed rapidly after adoption this
we had anticipated and seen in our HSE reporting. This year. As a result, we spent $9.1 million to ensure that the
situation was brought to managements’ attention and 488 stores categorized as Level 2 and Level 3 can meet
a harassment combat framework was created by our the program standards.
European HSE teams. To make it easier for our teams
to report this behaviour, we have simplified reporting
through QR codes. Our hope is that by making it as North America: Four business units in North
easy as possible to report this type of unacceptable America have already achieved their target of
behaviour, we will have more visibility into a previously a 50% reduction in store robberies since 2020:
untracked issue. The QR code solution will also be Western Canada, Florida, Grand Canyon, and
evaluated for other HSE uses. South East.

In North America, our primary focus has been robbery

reduction. At a meeting attended by all North American Store Robberies in BU’s Already
at 2025 Target or Better
Operations VPs, HR directors, and Retail Operations
300 281
directors, we adopted a Safety and Security program,
in which it was agreed that internal robbery data would
be used as the measurement to assign levels to each
150 129
store. Using a rolling 24-month lookback, stores are 122

100 83
categorized from “License to Operate” (0 robberies 50
61 59
28 30
in the lookback) to Levels 1, 2, and 3. There are also

seven other criteria which can be used by local teams to


voluntarily elevate a store into a higher categorization. FY20 Base FY23 FY25 Target

Each of these four levels is set with a standard group of

physical elements which must be present, or activities

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 23 Sustainability Report © 2023


Across Europe, in FY23 we held our first Kindness Day built on best practices from Lithuania to draw attention
to the issue of harassment against employees.

Anti-Harassment Campaign Reducing Work-Related Incidents

and Kindness Day
Using the case management system mentioned above,
While the vast majority of our customers behave we use lagging indicators of incident classification to
appropriately, we are increasingly seeing incidents focus our efforts on the most prevalent risks. In North
of unacceptable behaviour by certain customers America, in FY23 we developed a standardized root
toward our team members and have launched several cause investigative program to be performed after
initiatives to counter this trend including training, incidents which cause employee injury. This was in
simplified reporting, new leadership targets and the early stages of adoption at the close of the year.
systematic data monitoring. In Europe, we implemented a common framework
focusing on a safe working environment, called a
In Lithuania, in a national survey of service staff, 61% WEAT audit. Compliance is followed up through
said they had been harassed at work and 69% cited audits and a percentage score.
verbal insults as common. This sparked a creative
campaign reminding customers to be kind, with press After seeing that slip/trip/fall-type injuries made up
events, simple messages of thanks, and chocolates 34% of our recordable injuries in the U.S. in 2022,
to recognize customers’ kindness. The campaign’s we launched Circle K Safety Star over the summer
success was highlighted at the 2023 Mi:t & links Baltic in both the U.S. and Canada. This interactive mobile
Communication Awards. app-based training provides game play opportunities
for store team members to learn more about these
Across Europe, in FY23 we held our first Kindness types of injuries as well as why we care that they
Day built on best practices from Lithuania to draw work in a safe manner and the consequences of
attention to the issue of employee harassment. The poor safety practices. The game was voluntary paid
day garnered widespread media coverage and high training time, and as of year-end, was played by over
engagement by team members and customers. 26,000 team members (40%) nearly 500,000 times.
In Denmark, it led to a feature on TV2 Kosmopol, In an in-game survey at the end of play time, 96%
which has over two million viewers. Ireland also saw of respondents agreed with statements that said the
tremendous engagement, resulting in broadcast, game improved their knowledge of how to prevent
print, and online media coverage, reaching up to slip/trip/fall-type injuries inside and outside the
7 million people.

Sustainability Report © 2023 24 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

store as well as the consequences of poor safety Recognizing Strong Performance

practices. We still have not realized the full potential & Sharing Best Practices
of the game, unfortunately, as slip/trip/fall-type
injuries were still 34% of our recordable injuries in Our annual Global HSE & Sustainability Award
the U.S. at the end of the year. reinforces the importance of strong HSE performance

by highlighting notable initiatives within the
We also work to keep our team members healthy company. In 2022, Norway was awarded the HSE &
and ready to provide the best possible customer Sustainability Award in Europe for its anti-harassment
experience. Keeping in mind the differences between work, bringing to light how the behaviour of some

social benefits generally provided in Europe vs North customers affects our teams’ work environment and
America, we strive to provide needed services to our what can be done to prevent and reduce the impact
team members. Beginning with creating a positive of abuse and harassment.
working environment, we have provided a clearing
house for team members to confidentially submit In North America, the launch of CK Safety Star
complaints of co-worker misbehaviour. We also offer brought with it the Safety Cup, a large silver trophy
an employee assistance program, an on-demand recognizing the business unit with the strongest game
phone-based hotline service which provides crisis play. Eastern Canada won for FY23. At the end of
counseling, as well as other directive services for each subsequent year this award will be given to the
financial or legal help, daycare sourcing, and others. business unit with the best performance on a series of
Lastly, there are multiple levels of health insurance safety-related metrics.
available for employees and their families, including
the use of HSA or FSA funds.

We are taking ownership of keeping our

employees safe by reducing robberies and
bringing down the number of incidents as we
move close to our 2025 goal of 50% decrease
in robberies and work-related injuries.

Store Robberies
in North America and Europe

1,200 1,121



424 396


22 33 11

Our annual Global HSE & Sustainability Award


reinforces the importance of strong HSE FY20 Base FY23 FY25 Target

performance by highlighting notable initiatives

within the company.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 25 Sustainability Report © 2023

Diversity and Inclusion “Change doesn’t happen

overnight, but these initiatives

As part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion,
are substantial elements in
we are working to create a culture where team
members feel valued, heard and, most importantly, our development toward
where they can bring their authentic selves to work an environment where our

every day. Promoting diversity and inclusion is a key

component of our culture of growing together and is
underrepresented groups can
critical to continuing to be a preferred choice for our grow. We want to create a
diverse customer base. pipeline for developing diverse

In FY23, we reached a new milestone with 39% female talent as we work toward
representation on our executive leadership team. The
our D&I ambition of equity in
number of female directors and above is now over
30%, with an ambition of 35% by 2025. As well, 71% of opportunities, representation
our store managers are women. and pay. And we will continue to
In the U.S., the first cohort of CALIBR participants gave research further partnerships and
a presentation to the executive leadership team. The growth opportunities for all our
purpose of the meeting was to have open discussions
in order to move our diversity and inclusion journey
underrepresented groups. I have
forward for Black team members. CALIBR is a strategic no doubt that together, as ONE
talent development partner devoted to preparing
TEAM, we are becoming a better,
Black, mid-level and senior talent for leadership roles.
We are launching the second cohort of the CALIBR more inclusive company.”
program this fiscal year.

To further our efforts in creating opportunities for

minority talent, we formed a cross-functional group Ina Strand
to better understand our Hispanic team members’ Chief People Officer and
experience. These programs aim to have open Leader of Couche-Tard’s
discussions to move our diversity and inclusion journey sustainability efforts
forward for our racially diverse talent.

In FY23, Newsweek recognized ACT as one of

“America’s Greatest Workplaces for Diversity.”
Grouped with other food retailers, we received
4.5 stars out of 5. In Canada, Circle K was honoured at
WorkJam’s inaugural Jammy Awards in Banff, Alberta,
for our progress in Diversity & Inclusion as well as

Promoting diversity and

inclusion is a key component of
our culture of growing together
and is critical to continuing to
be a preferred choice for our
diverse customer base. This
year our CARE BRG sponsored
disability inclusion etiquette
training across our North
American network.

Sustainability Report © 2023 26 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

In FY23, we reached a new milestone with 39% female representation on our executive leadership team. The
number of female directors and above is now over 30%, with an ambition of 35% by 2025. As well, 71% of our
store managers are women.

Working toward Gender Parity

In FY23, ACT was awarded the Bronze-level Parity in our executive leadership, the majority at store level,
CertificationTM by Women in Governance for its and almost parity with our market managers. We are
progress toward gender parity in the workplace. also working hard to increase representation in middle
This innovative certification evaluates parity at an management and creating pipelines for advancement.
organization’s decision-making level and at every level We have women leadership in once unexpected roles
of the organization. It also assesses an organization’s in the company including our most senior leader in fuel
commitment to implementing processes that enable and mobility, Louise Warner, and we have had an all-
women to achieve career advancement, thus creating a women construction team building stores in Canada.
pipeline of diverse female talent.
Also, in FY23, for the first time at ACT, we embraced equity
It was only four years ago that we first officially celebrated by bringing International Women’s Day celebrations to our
International Women’s Day with the formation of the millions of women customers as well as team members.
ACT Women’s Council to create winning conditions At our nearly 8,000 stores across North America, we
for women in the business. While we are still far from offered “Little Thank Yous,” small redeemable gifts of
our target in gender diversity, we are proud of our appreciation for special women and allies.
progress so far. We have reached nearly 39% women

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 27 Sustainability Report © 2023


A Spotlight on Our Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives

Top Women in Convenience: This year, six of our

female employees were honoured at Convenience
Store News’ Top Women in Convenience awards.

The program recognizes women who are making

outstanding contributions to the convenience
retail industry. We are proud of Colette Matthews,
Global Vice President of Customer Experience,

who was honoured as one of the Women of the

Year. Matthews pledged to continue working to
help the c-store industry move from dreams of
equality to a reality in which it exists, and asked
audience members to do the same — to work
individually and with their respective companies
and the industry at large to make it so.

Celebrating PRIDE: “Everyone is welcome here”:

this employee campaign focused on creating a
culture of belonging and celebrating acceptance
and allyship of the LGBTQ+ community. It also
plays a critical role in our journey of maintaining a
safe and inclusive workplace. To make a positive
impact on our workforce, team members came
together to show their support and embrace the
ACT theme of acceptance.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: The

R.E.A.L BRG celebrated Hispanic Heritage
Month with the theme “Unidos” meaning United,
which encourages us to ensure that all voices
are represented and welcomed to help build an
inclusive workplace. The theme also reflects on all
the contributions Hispanics have made in the past
and will continue to make in the future. The BRG
hosted a community luncheon for students and
faculty at a non-traditional high school that
provides opportunities for at-risk students, where
80% of the population is Hispanic students.

Honouring National Day of Truth and

Reconciliation in Canada: The 1 Community
Many Cultures (1CMC) BRG honoured the National
Day for Truth and Reconciliation with a luncheon,
educational handouts and orange wristbands for
team members. This day commemorates lost
Indigenous children and survivors of residential
schools as well as their families and communities.

Sustainability Report © 2023 28 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Creating Conditions for an Inclusive Organization

As part of our journey toward making our company a more diverse and inclusive organization, over the last two
and half years we have formed several new employee-led Business Resource Groups (BRGs) including ones for
race, LGBTQ+, disabilities, ethnic diversity, and most recently, military veterans and family members. All BRGs

have members of the leadership team as Executive Sponsors who provide thought leadership, guidance and

These groups play an important role in creating a safe, accessible, and rewarding workplace and showcasing the

unique contributions of our team members. Below are some of the highlights from FY23.

In honour of Women’s Equality Day, commemorating women’s right to vote in the U.S., the Women’s
Council hosted a panel with a group of trailblazing women who shared their stories and experiences at
ACT and within the industry.

During mental health awareness month, the C.A.R.E. Disability & Inclusion BRG partnered with the non-
profit resource Disability: In to offer an awareness webinar for team members.

For this year’s Pride Month, the ACT Employee Pride Network celebrated acceptance and allyship of the
LGBTQ+ community with our customers and team members. Emphasizing that “Everyone is welcome
here!”, the campaign focused on creating a culture of belonging for all team members—a critical
component of our journey to create a safe and inclusive workplace.

In Canada, the 1 Community Many Cultures (1CMC) BRG honoured the National Day for Truth and
Reconciliation with a luncheon, educational handouts and orange wristbands for team members. This day
commemorates lost Indigenous children and survivors of residential schools as well as their families and
communities. Diwali was also celebrated for the first time in the Circle K offices in India and Canada. 1CMC
also held activities to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day and Canadian Multiculturalism Day.

FY23 saw the formation of BRAVE, a BRG for veterans and their families. Diversity is about individuals
contributing their unique experiences, backgrounds and ideas, and veterans bring valuable skills and
knowledge from their military service to our business. One of BRAVE’s initiatives has been to partner
with K9 for Warriors to sponsor a rescue dog training to be a service animal for a local veteran.

This group aims to build awareness of diversity and inclusion within Circle K Europe and educate
employees and leaders to promote cultural and ethnic diversity. Activities completed in FY23 included
a cultural maturity program with all marketing and executive teams, mandated training sessions as part
of cultural maturity assessments, updating brand guidelines, and a video and story series celebrating
success and profiling different cultures.

The R.E.A.L. BRG in the U.S. brings together team members of diverse ethnicities. On “Juneteenth,” which
commemorates the end of slavery in the U.S., members of the REAL BRG hosted a gathering in Charlotte
in North America to discuss strategies and meet the Executive Sponsors from other BRGs who proudly
serve as REAL allies. MLK Day, honouring Martin Luther King Jr., was marked by encouraging teams
to commit time to giving back to their communities. For Black History month, the BRG put together
a collection of videos spotlighting four Black legacy team members with over 150 years of combined

The REAL BRG celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month as well as cultural events in support of Asian
American Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 29 Sustainability Report © 2023


Employee Engagement
Listening to Our People

Engaging our team members by listening to their The myVOICE survey shows our team members’
concerns, creating a healthy and stimulating continued pride in working for a company that makes a
environment, and recognizing their contributions to positive impact on their communities (score increased
our business is important to us. We stay committed to from 4.26 to 4.30) and on the planet (up from 4.15
leveraging our people’s voices and working together to 4.19). All teams review and discuss their results as
as ONE TEAM to make a meaningful impact on our well as creating action plans based on what is most
global workforce. important to them. These proactive conversations
and authentic actions will continue to improve our
Our annual Gallup myVOICE employee engagement employees’ engagement, team performance and
survey, which asks team members questions about enhance our award-winning culture at ACT.
their involvement, job satisfaction and work situation,
is a valuable tool that helps us identify opportunities
for continuous improvement and follow up
systematically with action plans across the company. North America (Eastern Canada):
In FY23, we had our best participation rate ever with ACT was named one of Montreal’s
97% of ACT team members responding to the survey. Top Employers for 2023. This
marks the first year that we’ve
Building on the positive trends of previous years,
received this ranking, which recognizes
we proudly recorded further progress in our overall
employers in Greater Montreal who have led
employee engagement score globally, moving from
their industries in offering exceptional places
4.23 in spring 2022 to 4.28 in March 2023 on a 5-point
to work.
scale. This brings us to the 91st percentile in Gallup’s very
competitive company database, where our company
compounds its position as a top quartile company for
employee engagement. We were delighted to receive
the coveted 2023 Gallup Exceptional Workplace
Award for a second consecutive year.

Sustainability Report © 2023 30 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Talent Development

The development of our people is always a key FY23 saw the introduction of a formal college
priority. Creating a culture that encourages team program, College to Convenience (C2C). This new
members’ development and embraces a warm, program is designed to help newly hired Retail Market

safe environment for people to grow with us is a Operations Trainees grow into the next steps in their
continuous focus. Across our global network, we are careers while building our U.S. Operations talent
persistently enhancing our onboarding and training pipeline. The 12-month program brings together a
programs, always with our values at the core. group of recent college graduates within the U.S.

and focuses on making it easy, building successful
In FY23, we launched our formal Store Manager
teams, strategic thinking, and understanding our core
Development Program across all North American
operational business. We look forward to continuing
business units, encompassing approximately
this exciting program in FY24.
7,000 store managers. This program includes
in-person and on-the-job experiences in a Our formal mentorship program benefits career
comprehensive, six-session course designed to growth for team members, including our
address foundational leadership competencies underrepresented groups. Mentorships continue
for our valued store managers who have such a to support mentors, and mentees learn new skills,
critical role in our customer-facing business. We build networks, and grow as professionals. This year
believe this program will reduce turnover and also saw the third cohort of our Global Leadership
further engage our store managers by focusing on Forum. The 18-month program brings together a
leadership competencies, with an emphasis on on- select group of our company leaders representing all
the-job assignments and peer learning. As of March business units and functions. It equips leaders with
2023, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is 70%, which is the skills and the mindset that will add real value
considered an exceptional score by the e-Learning to their everyday work.

Introduction of our formal college program, College to Convenience (C2C). The program is designed to help
newly hired Retail Market Operations Trainees grow while building our U.S. Operations talent pipeline.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 31 Sustainability Report © 2023

Our Customers

Act as a responsible retailer for

our customers and communities.

Keeping our Customers Safe

As we continue to make our working environment

safer for our team members, our customers benefit as

well. Using our WEAT and CEPTED audits in our stores,

we will continually improve the physical conditions in
which our store teams work and our customers shop.
Our enhanced security signage makes it clearer that
CCTV systems are in use at every site. The expanded
With fresh foods expanding across our network, a
use of LED lighting systems inside our stores makes
robust food safety program has never been more
it easier to see our merchandise and where you are
going both day and night, while the improved LED
lighting in our forecourts provides greater visibility
for our guests at night.

Food Safety
Fresh and Healthy Food
With fresh foods expanding across our network,
We aim to meet the evolving demand for fresh, having a robust food safety program has never
healthy, local, and sustainable food options. We are been more important. We’re continuing to explore
constantly improving the range of both our packaged technology that makes it easier for our team members
products and food services. We provide a wide variety to complete critical safety tasks. In our stores, food
of healthy snacks in our fresh food program, including safety is about safe food preparation and handling
fresh fruit, salads, yoghurts, protein drinks, vegetable practices, as well as keeping food within proper
cups, fruit cups, and protein snacks. We also continue holding temperatures. The latest system implemented
to expand our offering of organic, vegetarian, and uses temperature sensors to ensure that cold food
vegan options. stays cold and hot food stays hot, automatically
alerting the store manager if equipment falls out of
its temperature parameters. The system is Installed at
1,893 stores across North America and Europe. The
plan for FY24 is to have an additional 4,000 stores.

Providing Age-Restricted Products

As a responsible retailer, we take the sale of age-

restricted products very seriously. Our team members
receive regular training to ensure that we comply with
all applicable regulations at all times. We review our
policies and monitor our operations regularly to make
sure we are doing our part to keep our customers,
their children, and our communities safe.

We continue to expand our offer of organic,

vegetarian, and vegan options.

Sustainability Report © 2023 32 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.


Our collective challenge: Key
We are living in an increasingly interconnected world, where
the relationships between society and business are growing solutions
in importance. One company’s actions can have a significant
impact on many people’s lives. Businesses must recognize
their responsibility to promote and support positive change in ✔ Financing
society. sustainable
How we can make a difference:
We are committed to being a responsible retailer, supporting ✔ Sustainability
initiatives in the communities where we operate, and contributing requirements
to the prosperity of all our stakeholders. Through our global for
network of stores, we are deeply rooted in communities both
large and small: every day, 9 million people visit our sites for
mobility, food, or other convenience store needs. This gives us
the unique opportunity to make a real and meaningful difference ✔ Supporting
in people’s lives. our
The decisions we make have an impact not just on our customers
and communities, but on the entire supply chain. We are
therefore engaging and working with our suppliers to promote
responsible practices in the areas of the environment, safety,
security, governance and ethics.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 33 Sustainability Report © 2023

Take Ownership


Our Governance

Drive a strong values-based culture adhering to high standards

of conduct and compliance.
Our Executives continue to be highly engaged in our sustainability journey as Executive Sponsors. In FY23, the
Executive Management had sustainability as an agenda item on every meeting and held continuous education
sessions for leadership and the Board.

Governance Structure

Board of Directors
Our sustainability work is headed by our Board of Directors, which oversees
targets, programs, risks, performance, and reporting.

Executive Management
Overall sustainability strategic direction — sustainability governance,
social/people and environmental topics. Audits reporting and risk management.

Chief People Officer

(Leader of Couche-Tard’s sustainability efforts)
Works with the core sustainability team to implement the sustainability strategy.
Responsible for the strategy, initiatives and performance.

Executive Sponsors
The sponsors are responsible for the sustainability priority roadmap
and targets and set the direction. Ensure the workstream leads have
access to relevant resources.

Business Units
Execute sustainability roadmaps across functions and business units.

Sustainability Report © 2023 34 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Annual launch of the Light of Day policy. All team members must complete the annual
cybersecurity training.

Code of Conduct Cybersecurity

We always strive to conduct our business to the Our success depends on how well we protect our
highest standards of ethics and transparency. This is people and customers, the data we create, and the
anchored in our Code of Conduct; all team members, platforms on which we rely. In Europe in particular, the
partners, and Board members are required to sign war in Ukraine has elevated the cybersecurity threat
and abide by these principles and complete training level. We have a dedicated IT security team, as well
on ethical conduct. In our launch of the Light of Day as systems and programs to ensure security across
policy, we emphasized the value of mutual respect, the organization. All team members must complete
and this is acknowledged each year by all employees. annual cybersecurity training. As well, during our
annual Cybersecurity Awareness campaign, we host
a variety of activities to remind team members of
Sustainability Day
CyberSmart behaviours to keep our data safe.
In FY23, we held our first Sustainability Day for all
European store managers and service office team Recognition
members. It was an action-packed event with high
engagement teams across eight different countries We are proud to be featured as one of Sustainalytics
gathered to share best practices and hear updates on Top-Rated ESG Companies for 2023. This is the
our sustainability ambitions and progress. Following a second year that ACT has received this award, which
90-minute live event, which included the presentation recognizes companies that have demonstrated a
of the Sustainability Day Awards, teams divided into commitment to environmental, social and governance
workshops in their local business units to discuss (ESG) practices.
topics of Environmental Footprint, Fuel and Electric
Vehicles, Diversity and Inclusion. We plan to make In addition, with a new AA rating, ACT has been
this a global event in the future. recognized by MSCI ESG and as a company leading
its industry in managing the most significant ESG risks
and opportunities. MSCI ESG Ratings aim to measure
a company’s management of financially relevant
environmental, social, and corporate governance
risks and opportunities.

These new recognitions follow the company being

awarded the Bronze EcoVadis Medal earlier in FY23
for our commitment and dedication to sustainability
in Europe across all facets of the business.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 35 Sustainability Report © 2023

Stakeholder Engagement

As a responsible retailer, we seek to engage all our stakeholders, and

to better understand what is important to them when it comes to
environmental, social, and governance issues.

Simply put, what matters to our employees, customers, Business-to-Business (B2B) customers, suppliers, non-
governmental organizations (NGOs), and investors, matters to us. Consistent with our aim to be a responsible
retailer, we engage in strong ongoing dialogue with each of our key stakeholders.

Preferences Engagement Additional

and Expectations Approach Highlights

Annual customer Leading industry

Look to companies to
surveys, focus groups, position in Sustainability
offer sustainable products/
daily interactions, our new Brand Index
services so they can make
customer chatbots Kay
easier and better choices
and Helene EcoVadis Bronze medal

Prefer to work for

Employee surveys,
companies that proactively Won Gallup Exceptional
on-the-job coaching
address sustainability issues Workplace Award
and training, intranet,
and build an inclusive and for the 2nd year
performance reviews
equitable culture

New requirements in all

Face their own set of contracts with Circle K
sustainability-related Service agreements, private-brand and
requirements and expect meetings, conferences packaging suppliers to join
partners to support in our efforts to improve
Suppliers our impact on the planet

Raised over $2.7 million

Encourage corporate Industry associations, globally through our
participation in conferences, roundtables, “You Give, We’ll Match”
multi-stakeholder consultations, and campaign in aid of
dialogue to advance intergovernmental Ukrainian relief efforts.
the sustainability agenda organizations The funds are donated
NGOs directly to the Red Cross.

Expect strong ethical Raised $218,000 for

Local charities,
conduct, strong Centraide du Grand
consultations, municipal,
stewardship practices, Montréal(United Way),
regional and national
and investment in local an organization dedicated
authorities including
initiatives to improve to fighting poverty and
Communities chambers of commerce
society social exclusion.
and Governments

Increasingly focused Annual Shareholders

on strong management Meeting, investor
“2023 ESG Industry
of ESG-related risks roadshows, calls and emails,
Top Rated” badge
and transparency quarterly earnings calls

Sustainability Report © 2023 36 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Sustainability Materiality Matrix

As a leading convenience and mobility provider, our business operations impact and are also influenced by several
key sustainability topics. Our Sustainability Matrix reflects the most material issues for our company and our
stakeholders from a risk perspective. In FY23, we revised and updated our sustainability matrix based on an

internal Executive Leadership analysis. Following that discussion the “Data and Cybersecurity” increased on the
relevance to our company.



and inclusion Energy
Safety Packaging
and Waste
Employee Safe and Healthy
Engagement Products
Talent Data and
Development cybersecurity

Responsible Marketing Crisis and Risk

Relevance to Couche-Tard


Governance Structure

Animal Water

Planet People Prosperity



Relevance to our Stakeholders

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 37 Sustainability Report © 2023


Our Suppliers
Collaborate to promote
environmentally and socially
responsible procurement

Responsible Procurement

With our global footprint, the decisions we make in

our procurement processes can have a considerable
impact. We constantly strive to build a more
sustainable supply chain.

We recently added new requirements in all contracts

with Circle K private-brand and packaging suppliers
to join in our efforts to improve our impact on the
planet. In 2023, we will be implementing a new process
requiring our suppliers to provide regular updates
on the implementation of sustainability initiatives in
their operations, as well as in the packaging of our
products. We are also implementing a new supplier
code of conduct, which will include our sustainability
expectations of suppliers globally.

In Europe, we have developed an additional

onboarding and approval requirement for our strategic
suppliers to meet our sustainability goals on diversity
and inclusion, waste and packaging, green energy,
and carbon footprint. This recent development will be
expanded globally to include all strategic suppliers. We recently added new requirements in all
contracts with Circle K private-brand and
packaging suppliers to join in our efforts to
improve our impact on the planet.

Sustainability Report © 2023 38 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Our Communities

Contribute to people’s lives by
investing and engaging in the

areas where we operate.
We have over 14,400 stores across the world, located

in the heart of communities where we work and
live. Through our proximity to customers, we have
an opportunity to contribute to people’s lives by
investing and engaging in the neighbourhoods where
we operate. In FY23, our teams supported a variety
of projects and initiatives helping to make a positive
impact on our communities.
With the support of our teams and valued
This year, we made a New Year’s resolution to bring customers, we have raised over $2.6 million
our team members’ stories about the ways in which globally through our “You Give, We’ll Match”
we are connected to and support the communities campaign in aid of Ukrainian relief efforts. The
where we work and live—and how we are making our funds are donated directly to the Red Cross.
customers’ lives a little easier every day. “Kommunity
Connections” is shared with all team members via our Showing Solidarity with Ukraine
in-house platforms. Here are some of the stories that
resonated this past year. As war rages on in Ukraine, our teams in bordering
countries continue to provide support through various
local volunteering, fundraising, and recruitment
initiatives. With the support of our teams and valued
customers, we have raised over $2.7 million globally
through our “You Give, We’ll Match” campaign in aid of
Ukrainian relief efforts. The funds are donated directly
to the Red Cross to provide lifesaving aid to those in
need including food, shelter, critical care items, and
first aid.

The war in Ukraine reinforced our belief that we can

unite for a good cause, take ownership, and do the right
thing—translating those values we live by into concrete
actions. In Lithuania, for example, team members
helped many refugees who arrived at Circle K as their
first stop after hours of waiting in a long queue in the
freezing cold. In Poland, the refugee received care
packages with essential goods, and many were offered
shelter in our team members’ homes. We also continue
to support organizations such as the Empowering
Children Foundation which provides psychological
help to families and children of refugees. In Lithuania,
the non-governmental organization Blue/Yellow gave
Team members in Lithuania helped many our business unit a gift of recently reclaimed Ukrainian
refugees who arrived at Circle K as their first soil as a thank-you for their support. From fuel to
stop after hours of waiting in a long queue in the financial, our donations have been directed primarily
freezing cold. toward civilians, ensuring that people have access to
medical supplies, protective gear, and other necessities
amid the ongoing war.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 39 Sustainability Report © 2023

Supporting People in Need

Across our network throughout the year, our business

units hold fundraising activities and events to support
local organizations and give back to the communities
where we work and live. In Canada, for example,
through customer and employee contributions, ACT

raised $218,000 for Centraide du Grand Montréal

(United Way), an organization dedicated to fighting
poverty and social exclusion.
Ahead of hurricane Ian’s arrival, our coastal

business unit activated emergency protocols, Europe closed out the year with a community
focusing on keeping team members safe. engagement Christmas challenge, under the theme
“Meaningful, Memorable Meetings,” encouraging
Braving Hurricane Ian our teams to give back to those who struggle and/
or heroes working to help in their communities. This
On September 28, 2022, Hurricane Ian made landfall year, all European business units participated, and
as one of the largest hurricanes ever in the U.S. It $52,000 in prize money were shared between Latvia’s
slammed into South West Florida, Fort Myers, moved ‘Dod Pieci!’ (Give Five) project, a charity supporting
up through the state and toward the east coast, Ukrainian children in Latvia who have fled the war;
impacting our business units across Florida, South Norway, to support their work with Youth Mental
Atlantic and Coastal Carolinas. Ahead of hurricane Ian’s Health, and their online chat service for young people;
arrival, our coastal business units activated emergency and Business Centre Warsaw’s “Dreammakers,” who
protocols, focusing on keeping team members safe provide Christmas gifts and will put the prize money
and accounted for while securing facilities, fuel and toward summer holidays for children living in the
supplies. Stores in low-lying areas closed, to reopen nearby orphanage.
when safe. Afterward, our members pulled together as
ONE TEAM, working relentlessly to get the business In Hong Kong, team members participated in the “Walk
back on track and help customers in need. ACT also set for Millions” organized by a public welfare fund to raise
up an employee assistance fund to aid our own team money for people in need. Circle K also donated to
members impacted by the devastating storm. and participated in the Community Chest’s “Sports
for Millions,” which aims to promote a healthy lifestyle
by featuring sports competitions and team-building
Emergency Response
games for corporate sports lovers to exercise for a
In 2021, we decided to implement a common model good cause.
for emergency response across our global network.
Following several successful pilots, we are continuing
to educate and train team members on this new
emergency framework, extending it to more and
more business units. In FY23, the pro-active model
was implemented at the executive team level, in
all Canadian business units, and in three more U.S.
business units. Europe has already been using the
model for several years and continues to carry out
exercises on a yearly basis.

The COVID-19 pandemic had just started to wane

when the war in Ukraine began, shifting the crisis
focus. Given the increased threat level in Europe, and
We raised $218,000 for Centraide du Grand
especially in Poland and the Baltic states, we have
Montréal (United Way), an organization dedicated
extended our emergency planning with additional
to fighting poverty and social exclusion.
preparations and training to be better prepared
should the crisis zone expand, doing our best to keep
our people and our customers safe.

Sustainability Report © 2023 40 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Feeding Our Communities

Around the globe, many of our business units and stores participate in programs to give leftover food to charities
that serve people in need. In Hong Kong, to help reduce food waste and turn surplus food into social good,
several of our stores donate baked goods to Feeding Hong Kong, an organization that collects surplus stock
from food companies and redistributes it to charities across the city. Similarly, our “Too Good To Go” program,
currently available in more than 400 of our stores in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Canada and the U.S.,
offers discount bags with food items that are about to expire. This helps families battle rising food prices, as each
bag costs significantly less than the normal retail price of the items inside. In the U.S., our Gulf Coast business
unit supports “No Kid Hungry,” an organization working to end childhood hunger by investing in school meal
programs. During the holiday season, our local team sold holiday pin-ups at the register for $1 or $5 donations,
raising $60,000 for these children.

Europe (Norway): Of Youth Mental Health’s (YMH) North America (West Coast): Our West Coast
100 volunteers, 16 of them are from Circle K; they business unit’s Community Outreach council
donate two evenings per month to chat with youth coordinates a quarterly blood drive in collaboration
who struggle with mental health challenges. Last with the American Red Cross.
year, YMH hosted 4,000 chat dialogues, each
between a volunteer and struggling youth or young
adults aged 18 to 35 years old.

North America (Rocky Mountains): The Rocky

Europe (Ireland): In Ireland, we have become Mountain business unit was the Title Sponsor for
the Official Fuel and Convenience Partner to the the Caprock Classic Car Show in Lubbock, Texas—
Football Association of Ireland (FAI). We will be an event for car lovers to show off their classic
a partner for four years to the Irish Men’s and rides while raising money for local charities. Funds
Women’s National Teams, as well as a title sponsor raised go to local shelters, food kitchens, schools
of the FAI Club Mark—an important awards and children’s homes.
program for best practices in the governance and
management of grassroots football clubs, helping
to grow the sport in communities across the

Our total donations supporting our communities

this year were $5.9 million as we stay rooted
in our purpose to support the communities we
serve in a multitude of ways.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 41 Sustainability Report © 2023

2023 Sustainability Recognitions

Scope of the Report

Our sustainability report underscores our commitment to be open about
our progress as a business and is aligned with international standards
on sustainability reporting.
This is our fifth sustainability report, covering FY23. It represents yet another significant step toward greater
transparency as we strive to be open about current challenges, opportunities, and future aspirations.

The content of this report covers our corporate functions and those parts of the business that we directly manage
in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and other regions. It does not include the activities of licensees, dealers, franchisees,
and joint ventures where we do not have operational control, or a direct management responsibility.


We developed the content of the report in reference with the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Standards
and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board. An index of our alignment with the GRI and SASB Standards
is available at:

Third Party Assurance

The data provided in this report has not been third party verified. We will be considering third party assurance in
future years in order to continuously strengthen our approach. For our fifth report, we have aligned with industry
practices to comprehensively disclose both qualitative and quantitative data.

Feedback and Comments

We welcome comments and feedback on this report at:

Sustainability Report © 2023 42 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Task Force on Climate-related
Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

We recognize that climate change presents a series Over the course of the coming year, we will be seeking
of physical and transition risks that pose various to further integrate findings from our qualitative
challenges to our business strategy and continuity. scenario analysis exercise into our strategic planning
However, we also understand that with these risks processes to enhance our climate strategy. We also
come new opportunities to innovate and do things intend to deepen our understanding of the financial
differently. That is why, this past year, we embarked on impacts of our most material climate-related physical
a more formal journey to comprehensively assess our and transition risks and opportunities through a
climate-related risks and opportunities using climate quantitative climate scenario analysis.
scenario analysis as a tool, as recommended by the
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
Key Learnings from Our First Climate
(TCFD). Following this exercise, we also updated our
Scenario Analysis Exercise
enterprise risk management processes and response
plans to account for physical and transition risk We believe that road transportation fuel will be
drivers. required for some time as our economy moves toward
lower carbon emissions. This is further supported by
We have chosen to implement the TCFD
the three scenarios explored as part of our climate
recommendations to enhance our disclosures and to
scenario analysis, with the pace and scale of the
strengthen our business strategy. In this year’s report,
energy transition differing by scenario. We know
we build on last year’s foundation and describe our
that demand for our fuel products will be affected
qualitative climate scenario analysis process along
as Electric Vehicles (EVs) become more widespread,
with steps taken to enhance our understanding of
while demand for EV charging will increase. We have
and response to identified climate-related risks and
been exploring various business opportunities to
opportunities. Findings from our ongoing scenario
navigate this transition period, including an increased
analysis have provided us with insights and a robust
offering of lower-carbon fuels, and a diversification
foundation from which we can address climate-
of our service offerings to attract EV and other non-
related risks and opportunities across our operations
fuel customers. On the one hand, we are building out
while supporting the transition to a lower carbon
our network of EV chargers and quick chargers for

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 43 Sustainability Report © 2023

passenger vehicles across Europe and North America, Our climate scenarios
as well as chargers for electric trucks. On the other,
we have increased our sustainable fuels offering. IPCC IEA
ACT’s climate reference reference
Furthermore, as gasoline demand for passenger scenarios scenario scenario
vehicles begins to decline, we believe opportunities
also exist to enhance our biofuel service offerings in Road to Paris Net Zero Emissions
(low emissions) (NZE) by 2050
the heavy-duty trucking and aviation sectors, both
of which are expected to electrify and diversify their
Path to Progression
energy sources at a slower rate than passenger Announced Pledges
(moderate SSP2-4.5
Scenario (APS)
vehicles. emissions)

From a physical climate perspective, the scenarios Forged in Fire Stated Policies
suggest a sharp increase in acute extreme weather (high emissions) Scenario (STEPS)
events (e.g., hurricanes, wildfires, heatwaves) and
more severe sea level rise under increased levels of
warming. When it comes to extreme weather events, Through a series of workshops with cross-
it is common for our stores to experience a surge representation from our organization, we sought
in traffic both before and after the actual event has to understand how climate risks and opportunities
occurred. Given our worldwide geographical footprint might evolve over time (i.e., 2030 and 2050), and
and our total number of assets, as well as the strategic the resulting implications for business planning and
positioning of those assets, we believe we are well risk management. This qualitative process provided
equipped to navigate and respond to increases in reflection, discussions , and analysis regarding existing
physical impacts at our locations, even under a high and future-looking climate risks and opportunities,
emissions scenario. within the boundaries of each scenario. Our qualitative
analysis was based on current, publicly available
Diving into Our Climate Scenarios information, as described below, and is expected to
evolve over time to capture relevant, up-to-date data.
For our first climate scenario analysis, we selected
six contrasting scenarios informed by distinct and
relevant global trajectories prepared by international
Key Insights from Our Risk & Opportunity
agencies, including the International Energy Agency
(IEA) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate The charts below outline the key findings from our
Change (IPCC). In crafting our climate scenarios, we risk and opportunity scenario analysis. This includes
considered several factors such as demographics, the potentially material risks and opportunities for
economics, geopolitics, environmental, legal, social, our business, as well as how they may impact us in
and innovation and technology. Specifically, we used the future. The strategy section outlines how we
the IEA scenarios to assess transition risks specific are responding to these risks and opportunities. We
to the energy sector and the IPCC scenarios to will continue to plan and strengthen this strategic
assess physical risks at regional and global scales. It response over the coming year, supplemented by our
was decided to use different scenarios to inform on forthcoming quantitative scenario analysis exercise.
our physical and transition risk analysis to capture
best and worst-case scenarios, as presented by the
IEA and IPCC, with different modelling inputs and
assumptions leading to slightly different outcomes.

Sustainability Report © 2023 44 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Transition Risks and opportunities
Category Description Potential Financial Impact to ACT
Market, Policy & Legal

Global demand for road transportation fuel could Revenue from declining fuel sales and
decline, driven by emerging regulations (e.g., ICE vehicle increased competition between fuel
bans, mandatory carbon pricing schemes, vehicle peers in a constricting market
energy efficiency standards), an uptake in passenger
Reduced EVs, and changing consumer behaviours (i.e., driven by
demand for fears over rising gas prices, road pricing mechanisms, Foot traffic in stores resulting in lower
and hybrid working models). merchandise sales
liquid fuel

Products & Services

Capital investments to purchase and

install EV charging infrastructure
Consumer confidence in passenger EV technology could
rise sharply, requiring a rapid scaling up of EV charging
infrastructure networks to meet market demand.
Revenue from new EV customer base
demand for
EV charging In conjunction with increased demand for EV charging
infrastructure infrastructure is a rapidly evolving and unpredictable Enterprise value if innovation
technology environment which ACT may need to swiftly outpaces capacity to adapt
adapt to.

Slow electrification or development of low-carbon Opportunity to increase business

alternatives for heavy-duty transport could mean a focus on the needs of heavy-duty
continued reliance on internal combustion engines for transport to secure medium-term
road freight. source of revenue

Biofuel outlook Biofuel is one of the most viable low-carbon solutions

for heavy-duty Revenue from higher demand for
currently available for heavy-duty transport and could
biofuel blending in heavy-duty
transport see an uptick in demand, particularly in long distance
freight trucking.

Physical Risks
Chronic Physical Risks

Long-term shifts in seasonal precipitation patterns may

affect crop growing seasons, while rising temperatures
may surpass crops’ climatic thresholds and/or create
Costs to secure products
unfavourable growing conditions due to changes in
freeze-thaw cycles. This could impact agricultural yields
for certain crops, increasing competition for resources.

Rising sea levels may disrupt coastal and offshore fuel

production and refining activities and could lead to
the potential early retirement of coastal refineries and
offshore oil platforms, ultimately impacting fuel supplies.
Supply chain Costs to secure products
delays, Reduced oil production and refining capacity may
cause price spikes regionally and nationally from actual
shortages, and anticipated fuel shortages, with repercussions on
disruptions, procurement strategies and demand for liquid fuel
and/or pricing products.
Operating costs due to road closures,
transport detours, or port relocations
Rising sea levels may reduce soil stability under road
transportation networks and erode transportation
routes, causing fuel and merchandise delays.
Revenue if shipments are delayed

Transition Risk Transition Opportunity Physical Risk

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 45 Sustainability Report © 2023

Category Description Potential Financial Impact to ACT
Chronic Physical Risks

Repair costs and/or capital

investments for rebuilds

More frequent and severe extreme high-water-level Revenue from potential store closures
Costly cleanups events from storm surges, waves, and high tides, for the duration of repairs
and equipment/ superimposed onto rising sea levels, may inundate
coastlines, cause coastal erosion, and create an
accumulation of debris, further weakening soil Revenue from permanent store
repairs, and structures and building foundations. closures
revenue loss
from potential
store closures
Capital investments for relocation

Acute Physical Risks

More frequent and severe acute events including

hurricanes, flooding, etc., may damage production Costs to secure products
facilities, including oil refineries, reduce supplier
production efficiencies, and create uncertainty around
the time required to return to full operational capacity.

Increased extreme heatwaves may reduce supplier Revenue if ACT is unable to secure
production efficiencies through labour shortages and/or sufficient volumes to meet demand
additional wear and tear on supply lines.
Supply chain
shortages, More frequent and severe acute events may cause road
Operating costs due to road closures,
and railway washouts, damage bridges, and increase
disruptions, transport detours, or port relocations
debris accumulation, making transportation routes
and/or pricing impassable.
Increased frequency and severity of wildfires may
threaten road and rail transportation networks directly
or cause road closures due to fire threat and/or reduced Revenue if shipments are delayed

Repair costs and/or capital

Acute events may cause extensive structural damage investments for rebuilds
to facilities. Damages incurred could also result in
Costly cleanups temporary store closures for the duration of cleanups/
and equipment/ repairs/rebuilds.
A projected Northward shift in tropical storm tracks
repairs, and could cause regions not previously at risk to become Revenue from potential store closures
revenue loss increasingly exposed to tropical storms in the future. for the duration of repairs
from potential
store closures

Revenue from potential store

closures for the duration of repairs
or remediation

Costly Hurricanes may impact car washes, tanker trucks, or fuel

environmental terminals creating chemical or fuel spills that are costly Environmental remediation costs
to remediate.
fuel and
chemicals Reputational damage if environmental
cleanup releases are not appropriately handled

Sustainability Report © 2023 46 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Our Climate Change Scope 1 & 2 GHG Emissions

Strategy ACT’s GHG emissions are calculated in accordance

with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate
Accounting and Reporting Standard. Since last year,
As an operator in the convenience and mobility we’ve continued progressing toward a more robust
space, we have a critical role to play supporting our inventory by including emissions related to our
communities through rapidly changing economic terminals and our company-owned logistic fleet.
times. It is paramount that we identify and understand
how climate-related physical and transition risks may In FY23, our total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions
impact our business in the future to better prepare were 765,486 metric tonnes (t) CO2e, compared to
and capitalize on any opportunities that may arise. 851,491 tCO2e the previous year.

This has decreased in FY23 due to the favorable

How ACT is Responding to Transition impact from improved emission factors as well as
Risks and Opportunities from the progress of our energy reduction initiatives,
partly offset by the expanded reporting of emission,
Our Climate Targets and Ambitions notably from the internal logistic fleet and terminals.
To help mitigate some of the transition climate risks
In future periods, we will continue to evolve our
identified and take better advantage of existing
reporting, to include aspects such as fugitive
opportunities, we’ve initiated actions to decarbonize
emissions from refrigerants used at our sites.
our own operations and service offerings to meet
our near-term 2025 climate targets and medium-
term climate ambitions for 2030, as well as to build
resilience across the company. GHG emissions in TCO2e

Fuel 1,000,000 92,563

900,000 851,483
• Reduce the GHG footprint of our fuel offer by 12% 800,000 765,486
per site by 2025 compared to FY20 700,000 (170,741) (7,820)
• Aim to be 10% greater than global legislation
on renewable fuel by 2030 400,000

Energy 200,000

• Reduce electricity consumption by an average of
20% per site by 2025 compared to FY20 baseline FY22 Addition Favourable Decrease in FY23
of internal impact of comparable
logistic changes in emissions
• Achieve carbon neutrality at 30% of our sites fleet and emission
by 2030 terminals factors

These targets were developed by the Executive

Leadership Team and approved by the Board of Scope 3 Emissions
Directors (“the Board”). Although each target is
championed by an Executive Sponsor, our business Over the past year, we completed a Scope 3 screening
units play an extensive role in implementing the based on available data to identify hotspots for
changes we wish to see. Through our decentralized future quantification and disclosure. Results from this
model, our business units are empowered and able screening exercise revealed that, in total, upstream
to seize additional relevant opportunities and pursue emissions from purchased goods and services (fuel
actions as they see fit (purchase of renewable and merchandise) and downstream emissions from
electricity, installation of energy management the use of sold products (fuel), account for the bulk
systems, procurement of specific lighting, etc.). of our Scope 3 emissions.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 47 Sustainability Report © 2023

Diversifying Our Products and Services to While we will continue to expand our global EV
Support the Energy Transition charging station network, we also plan to accelerate
our offer of home charging in certain markets.
We are committed to providing our customers with
the mobility solutions they need, including cleaner
alternatives, as we transition to a lower-carbon
Enhancing Our Energy Management
economy. In recent years, we have been focusing We are working to reduce our own operational
our efforts in the following three key areas to help GHG emissions through improved energy management
meet market demand: increasing our sustainable fuels at our facilities.
offering (e.g., biofuel blends, high HVO100 blends,
diesel exhaust fluid, sustainable aviation fuels), In addition, we continued to roll out many energy-
expanding our EV charging networks, and investing reducing projects globally, and we’ve begun investing
in carbon reduction projects to help offset customers’ in solar panels. Ongoing analyses will help us
vehicle tailpipe emissions. For more information, refer determine future actions and prioritize investments
to the Planet section of this report. to help us reduce our load on local electricity grids
and reduce costs.

Focusing Our Research and Development

Efforts on EVs Understanding Physical Climate
Change Impacts
Since 2018, ACT’s Norway-based operations have
served as our global EV lab, with Circle K leading the We work to understand the physical impacts
way for EV charging solutions. We are proud of the stemming from long-term shifts in global and regional
more than 1,400 chargers we have across 248 Circle K climate patterns and acute climatic events.
stores in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, and it is our
strategy to continue implementing “lessons learned”
Collaborating with Suppliers to Minimize
and “best practices” to our other markets.
Supply Chain Delays and Disruptions
For example, in May 2022, we activated our first
To mitigate possible supply chain risks, we are
company-branded DC fast charging site at our
committed to continue the collaboration with our
Rock Hill, South Carolina store, which served as our
key suppliers to improve long-term planning, boost
launching point for the rollout of EV charging stations
supplier resilience, and minimize downtimes.
at 200 Circle K and Couche-Tard stores across North
America over a two-year period. In Canada, we are
continuing to work with Hydro-Québec to deploy Strengthening Our Response to the
fast chargers as part of their transport electrification Physical Impacts of Climate Change at
network. Our Sites

This past summer, we partnered with a leading In the unfortunate event that our stores are located
EV charging infrastructure technology company, along the destructive path of an acute climatic event,
to test a mobile charging solution in Norway. This we have well-defined safety protocols and procedures
modular and mobile charging solution provides a in place to get us back up and running in the shortest
flexible solution to right-size each charging station amount of time possible to meet urgent customer
to meet customer demand as chargers are rolled out needs. In the event of an environmental release or
across Norway and beyond. We also partnered with a spill, we have structured incident response plans to
global leader in vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology, to help remediate the situation.
bring a variety of grid services, including frequency
regulation, to a number of our fast charging and
stationary storage sites across Norway and Denmark.
This smart charging technology will enable us to
better respond to market signals in real time and
improve the energy generation and consumption
balance through immediate micro-adjustments in
electricity flow.

Sustainability Report © 2023 48 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Risk Management
Integrating Climate Change into Our Enterprise Risk Management Process

While our overarching 5-step Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework has not changed this year, we’ve
continued to evolve in identifying and integrating climate risk at all stages of our ERM process, supported by
findings from our inaugural climate scenario analysis. Sustainability, including climate change, continues to be
a priority risk following the latest iteration of our ERM process. As of late 2022, our top 10 business risks were
updated to include physical and transition climate change elements as potential contributing risk factors/drivers,
where relevant, and our risk response plans were modified to reflect these changes.

Our 5-step ERM process, which is supported by Internal Audit, is pictured below.


Risk Identification Risk Risk Risk-based Management’s
& Categorization Assessment Response Audit Plan self-assessment
of risk mitigation
action plans

Our Executive Leadership Team and the Board are When assessing business risks and opportunities, we
both involved in identifying and assessing risks consider short- (0-1 year), medium- (1-4 years), and
through this ERM process and framework. This annual long-term (5+ years) time horizons aligned with our
process, which begins with researching industry ERM program. Keeping in mind that climate-related
benchmarks and trends to capture emerging risks, risks will materialize over longer time scales, our
is used to identify, evaluate, and prioritize key risks first climate scenario analysis exercise, completed in
with the potential to have the greatest impact on our FY23, extended significantly beyond this 5-year time
business and financial outlook. horizon to look at risks and opportunities in 2030 and
2050. As an operator in the fuel retail space, having
Each year, the Board holds a special meeting with a longer-term view on physical and transition climate
Management to review and discuss the company’s risks and opportunities is instrumental to our long-
annual and long-term strategic plans. These term strategic and financial planning since it influences
discussions include reviewing and analyzing priority decision making and helps increase preparedness and
business risks, including climate risks, overall industry build resilience over time.
trends and developments, and important strategic
opportunities. In terms of risk, the Board is responsible
for overseeing the material risks of our business,
and for ensuring that Management has effective risk
management processes and mitigation strategies
in place. Risks are also addressed as part of our
discussion and approval of the Annual Information
Form and in our quarterly and annually Management
Discussion & Analysis reports.

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 49 Sustainability Report © 2023

Governance Structure
Role of Our Board of Directors

We recognize that climate change is a global issue Our Human Resources and Governance Committee
which presents both a risk and an opportunity for our (HRGC) helps the Board fulfill its responsibilities
business. Given that our operations are in the fuel retail related to the company’s sustainability strategy and
space, we believe it is critical to capture and manage climate-related issues. As part of this mandate, the
climate-related risks and opportunities to support the HRGC reviews and advises the Board on key items for
achievement of our short-, medium-, and long-term approval. The HRGC also informs the Board of ACT’s
strategic priorities, as well as to meet shareholder and progress on any externally facing sustainability-
stakeholder expectations. We regularly assess Board related commitments and/or targets, including those
composition to ensure that our Board of Directors are related to climate change.
well-equipped to understand and oversee climate-
related matters, including the transition to a lower Climate-related data used in external reporting,
carbon economy. for example, follow the same review and approval
process as our financial statements, which includes a
The Board oversees the planning, progress against, review by the Audit Committee, as recommended by
and achievement of the company’s strategic the TCFD and the IFRS S2 proposed climate-related
objectives, and meets quarterly to discuss and disclosure standards
monitor progress. As currently structured, ACT’s
Board has the ultimate responsibility for the oversight
of sustainability-related issues, including climate
change. Specifically, it is responsible for overseeing
all risks material to the business and ensuring that
effective mitigation strategies are in place. The Board
also approves the company’s environmental goals/
commitments, policies, management systems, and
external disclosures.

Sustainability Report © 2023 50 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Management Team Linked Compensation

In previous years, our executive team made the Our executive compensation program includes base
decision to integrate sustainability within our business pay and variable pay, comprised of a Short-Term
strategy as a critical lens rather than pursue this Incentive Program (STIP) and Long-Term Incentive
initiative separately as a stand-alone program. Our Program (LTIP). Our Executive Leadership Team’s
Executive Leadership Team, which is comprised of STIP compensation is linked to the achievement of
executives and senior VPs, is collectively responsible our business goals and priorities. In recent years, we
for assessing corporate performance against our have been working to strengthen the link between the
sustainability priorities, which include climate risks compensation of our executives and our sustainability
and opportunities, and their integration within our performance. To ensure that sustainability remains
over-arching business strategy. The team meets on a key focus for our leadership team, we have
a quarterly basis to discuss emerging risks, monitor included ESG and, more specifically, climate goals
known risks, and determine whether action plans need in the determination of short-term compensation
to be modified. Starting last year, climate change is awards. More specifically, our executives’ variable
overseen by the Executive Leadership Team, ensuring STIP compensation is linked to ESG factors and the
all efforts are coordinated, communicated, and achievement of their personal ESG goals. By linking
considered during strategic discussions. short-term executive compensation to climate-
related goals, we are reinforcing ACT’s commitment
Our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) acts as a conduit to supporting its customers and communities in the
of information between our Executive Leadership transition toward a lower carbon economy.
Team and the Board and holds ultimate responsibility
for the implementation of Board-approved climate For details on our climate-related goals and priorities,
change strategies and commitments. Our CEO is please refer to our metrics and targets on page 37.
responsible for appointing a Chief People Officer
(CPO), whose role is to lead our sustainability strategy,
ensure our climate-related commitments and goals
are met, and provide oversight on sustainability-
related disclosures, including climate disclosures.
Furthermore, when our Executive Leadership Team
identifies a strategic objective, our CEO may appoint
an Executive Sponsor to champion relevant priority
roadmaps and targets across the entire enterprise.

All Executive Sponsors are members of our Executive

Leadership Team; Executive Sponsors responsible for
the initiatives related to climate change include:

• Ina Strand , Chief People Officer and Leader

of Couche-Tard’s sustainability efforts
• Claude Tessier, Chief Financial Officer –
TCFD Executive Sponsor
• Louise Warner, Senior Vice President,
Global Fuels – Fuel & Net Zero Executive Sponsor
• Aaron Brooks, Senior Vice President,
Real Estate – Energy Executive Sponsor

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 51 Sustainability Report © 2023

Data Table
The following reported data covers FY23 from the period of April 25, 2022, to April 30, 2023. All data for FY23
includes our operations in Hong Kong except for the Workplace Safety. The content in this data table includes the
associated link to GRI Standards disclosure, as applicable.

In millions of
201-1 Total revenue 71,857 62,810 45,760
U.S. dollars
In millions of
201-1 Operating expenses (b) 7,820 7,326 6,440
U.S. dollars
In millions of
201-4 Taxes paid to governments 794 715 670
U.S. dollars
2-6 Total sites (c) Number 9,983 9,808 9,976
2-6 Total U.S. sites Number 5,717 5,646 5,828
2-6 Total Canada sites Number 1,831 1,772 1,787
2-6 Total Europe and other regions sites Number 2,435 2,390 2,361
305 Total GHG emissions (e) Metric tons (t) CO2e 765,486 851,491 827,011
305-1 Direct GHG emissions Scope 1 (f) Metric tons (t) CO2e 121,557 31,548 25,697
305-2 Indirect GHG emissions Scope 2 (g) Metric tons (t) CO2e 643,930 819,943 801,314
305 GHG emissions comparable basis (i) Metric tons (t) CO2e 843,664 851,491 N/A
305-4 GHG emission intensity by site (h) TCO2e per site 68.5 81.0 90.3
305-4 GHG reduction performance by site Percentage -15.9% -9.8% -1.0%
302-1 Energy consumed within the organization MWh 2,648,834 2,348,682 2,266,360
Direct energy natural gas and fuel
302-1 MWh 496,524 166,085 141,422
from in-house fleet (f)
302-1 Indirect energy electricity (g) MWh 2,152,310 2,182,596 2,124,937
302-3 Energy intensity by site (h) MWh per site 235 225 247
302-3 Energy reduction performance by site Percentage 4.6% -9.2% -2.2%
303-3 Water withdrawn Megalitres 10,287 10,471 10,422
303-3 Water intensity by site (j) Megalitres per site 1.6 1.5 1.5
303-3 Water reduction performance by site Percentage 9.7% -3.5% -9.1%
2-7 Total employees (k) Number 96,566 96,418 92,319
2-7 Total full-time employees Number 61,148 57,525 53,105
2-7 Total part-time employees Number 35,418 38,893 39,214
2-7 Total employees U.S. Number 65,939 66,497 67,422
2-7 Total employees Canada Number 11,399 11,080 10,716
2-7 Total employees Europe and other regions Number 19,228 18,841 14,181
403-9 Fatalities Number 0 1 3
403-9 Rate of fatalities as result of work-related injury Rate 0 0.0014 0.0045
403-9 High consequence work-related injuries Number 77 54 53
403-9 Rate of high consequence work-related injuries Rate 0.12 0.07 0.08
403-9 Recordable work-related injuries Number 1,906 1,811 1,587
403-9 Rate of recordable work-related injuries Rate 2.8 2.5 2.4
NA Robberies Number 1,092 1,322 1,248

Sustainability Report © 2023 52 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.

Data Table
405-1 Total females Number 55,399 56,555 55,723
405-1 Total U.S. females Number 38,829 39,850 41,732
405-1 Total Canada females Number 5,240 5,330 5,267
405-1 Total Europe and other regions females Number 11,330 11,375 8,724
405-1 Female % of total employees Percentage 57.4% 58.7% 60.4%
405-1 Female % of executive leadership Percentage 38.8% 29.4% 29.0%
405-1 Female % of total senior management Percentage 21.3% 20.4% 26.1%
405-1 Female % of management Percentage 61.9% 61.9% 62.1%
405-1 Female % of non-management Percentage 56.8% 58.3% 60.2%
405-1 Ethnic minority background % employees U.S. Percentage 41.3% 41.8% 41.5%
Ethnic minority background % management
405-1 Percentage 29.0% 29.8% 28.6%
employees U.S.
Ethnic minority background % non-management
405-1 Percentage 42.9% 43.5% 43.3%
employees U.S.
NA Employees engaged Percentage 63.0% 60.0% 60.0%
Employees responding to employee
NA Percentage 97.0% 95.0% 94.3%
engagement survey
2-9 Board gender diversity Percentage 31.3% 31.3% 30.8%
2-9 Board gender diversity independent directors Percentage 44.4% 44.4% 57.1%
2-9 Board independence Percentage 56.3% 56.3% 53.8%
2-9 Board tenure Number 13.2 12.2 12.8
Business units with local community
413-1 Percentage 100% 100% 100%
engagement programs

a. Our reported data covers our latest fiscal year - April 25, 2022, to April 30, 2023 h. The GHG emission intensity by site is based on the average U.S., Canada,
(referred to as FY23). Please note that Fiscal 2023 includes 53 weeks while Europe and other regions retail sites for which energy data is collected. An
Fiscal 2021 and Fiscal 2022 included 52 weeks. average of 9,842 sites were covered in FY23, 10,454 in FY22 and 9,161 sites
in FY21. In FY23, we changed our calculation methodology to determine the
b. Operating expenses include operating, selling, administrative and general
average number of sites. Using the FY23 average number of site to calculate
expenses, gain on disposal of property and equipment and other assets, as well
the FY22 intensity would have led to a reduction of 20.9% of GHG emissions
as depreciation, amortization and impairment.
performance and of 1.5% of energy performance by site. Emissions from our
c. Our reported sites cover the U.S., Canada, Europe and other regions where we terminals and internal logistic fleet are not included in our intensity by site
have operational control with the authority to introduce and implement our calculation.
operating policies. For more information, please refer to our Annual Information
i. In order to show comparable data across the periods, we excluded the
Forms located on our Corporate website for our total sites. Following our
emissions associated with internal logistic fleet and terminals that were outside
assessment of control performed during the year, we removed the metrics
of the reporting boundary in FY22 as well as the impact of the change in the
from our Joint Ventures.
emission factors.
d. Our environmental management data covering GHG emissions, energy and
j. Water data only covers various sites in North America and Hong Kong. A total
water are reported based on an operational control consolidation approach
of 6,301 sites were covered in FY23, 7,035 sites in FY22 and 6,756 sites in FY21.
of the sites where we have the authority to introduce and implement our
In FY23, we changed our calculation methodology to determine the average
operating policies. Following our assessment of control performed during the
number of sites. Using the FY23 average number of sites to calculate the FY22
year, we removed the metrics from our Joint Ventures, which are included in
intensity would have led to a reduction of 1.8% of water performance by site.
Fiscal 2021 and Fiscal 2022.
k. Employee numbers represent the U.S., Canada and, Europe and other regions.
e. Our GHG emissions were calculated using the GHG Protocol, covering scope
1 and 2 emissions only. We measured carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous l. The rate of high consequence and recordable work-related injuries is based on
oxide using emission factors from the Climate Registry Default Emission 200,000 hours worked.
Factors and the European Environmental Agency. We applied Global Warming
m. In a few instances (less than 0.5%), gender information was not available in our
Potentials from the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report.
systems and therefore estimations were made.
f. Direct GHG emissions and energy include natural gas in North America and,
n. For more information on governance data, please refer to our Management
starting in FY23, fuel used in our logistic internal fleet.
Proxy Circulars located on our Corporate website.
g. Indirect GHG emissions and energy include electricity covering both renewable
and non-renewable energy sources in North America and Europe and other

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 53 Sustainability Report © 2023

Forward-Looking Statement

The statements set forth in this report, which describes Couche-Tard’s objectives, projections, estimates,
expectations, or forecasts, may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of securities legislation.
Positive or negative verbs such as “believe”, “can”, “shall”, “intend”, “expect”, “estimate”, “assume”, and other
related expressions are used to identify such statements. Couche-Tard would like to point out that, by their very
nature, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties such that its results, or the measures it adopts,
could differ materially from those indicated in or underlying these statements, or could have an impact on the
degree of realization of a particular projection. Major factors that may lead to a material difference between
Couche-Tard’s actual results and the projections or expectations set forth in the forward-looking statements
include the effects of the integration of acquired businesses and the ability to achieve projected synergies,
uncertainty related to the duration and severity of the current COVID-19 pandemic, fluctuations in margins on
motor fuel sales, competition in the convenience store and retail motor fuel industries, exchange rate variations,
and such other risks as described in detail from time to time in the reports filed by Couche-Tard with securities
authorities in Canada and the United States.

Unless otherwise required by applicable securities laws, Couche-Tard disclaims any intention or obligation
to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or

The forward-looking information in this report is based on information available as of the date of the release.

Sustainability Report © 2023 54 Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.


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