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2022.09.24 08:37:33 LOG_DEBUG [2612:9772]: Start SSLChannel...

2022.09.24 08:37:41 LOG_DEBUG [14540:12916]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.09.24 08:37:41 LOG_DEBUG [14540:12916]: The local product version is
2022.09.24 08:37:41 LOG_INFO [14540:12916]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.09.24 08:37:41 LOG_INFO [14540:12916]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 0
2022.09.24 08:37:41 LOG_INFO [14540:12916]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.09.24 08:37:41 LOG_INFO [14540:12916]: Create logon info subkey.
2022.09.24 08:37:41 LOG_NOTICE [14540:12916]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.09.24 08:37:41 LOG_INFO [14540:12916]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.09.24 08:37:41 LOG_NOTICE [14540:12916]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.09.24 08:37:41 LOG_DEBUG [16336:7636]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.09.24 08:37:41 LOG_INFO [16336:7636]: Init SSL channel
2022.09.24 08:37:41 LOG_INFO [14540:12916]: SecureConnect started
2022.09.24 08:37:42 LOG_ERR [14540:12916]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.09.24 08:37:42 LOG_DEBUG [16336:7636]: nFilelen=-1
2022.09.24 08:37:42 LOG_DEBUG [16336:7636]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.09.24 08:37:43 LOG_DEBUG [14540:12916]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.09.24 08:37:43 LOG_ERR [14540:12916]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.09.24 08:37:43 LOG_DEBUG [16336:7636]: nFilelen=-1
2022.09.24 08:37:43 LOG_DEBUG [16336:7636]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.09.24 08:37:43 LOG_DEBUG [16336:7636]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.09.24 08:37:43 LOG_DEBUG [16336:7636]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.09.24 08:37:43 LOG_DEBUG [16336:7636]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.09.24 08:37:43 LOG_DEBUG [16336:7636]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.09.24 08:37:43 LOG_DEBUG [16336:7636]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.09.24 08:37:43 LOG_INFO [16336:7636]: Real HostID =
2022.09.24 08:37:43 LOG_INFO [16336:7636]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.09.24 08:37:44 LOG_DEBUG [14540:12916]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_INFO [14540:12916]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober
for lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_DEBUG [14540:12916]: Peer server count: 0
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_INFO [16336:13668]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_INFO [14540:12916]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_DEBUG [14540:4340]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_INFO [14540:4340]: Connecting to
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_INFO [16336:10792]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_DEBUG [16336:2172]: Handle channel open message
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_DEBUG [16336:2172]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_DEBUG [16336:4192]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Connect to with port
2022.09.24 08:38:40 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.09.24 08:38:41 LOG_DEBUG [16336:4192]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.09.24 08:38:41 LOG_DEBUG [16336:4192]: Handshake success!.....
2022.09.24 08:38:41 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: HostID =
2022.09.24 08:38:41 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Authenticaton OK
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_DEBUG [16336:4192]: Login ok!
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: No peer server list.
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_INFO [14540:12488]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Send client info OK!
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_DEBUG [16336:4192]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: SET IP =
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_DEBUG [16336:4192]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_DEBUG [16336:4192]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_DEBUG [16336:4192]: Not receive
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Set client parameters OK
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_DEBUG [16336:4192]: Local SPI = 12212442
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_DEBUG [16336:4192]: Local CPI = 0x3fae
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Remote SPI = 0x8c39c69
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: get session id from server = 467
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_DEBUG [16336:4192]: Remote CPI = 0xffffb3a4 and local CPI =
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_DEBUG [16336:4192]: CompAlg = 0
2022.09.24 08:38:42 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Send new key OK
2022.09.24 08:38:43 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Add routes OK
2022.09.24 08:38:43 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Add wins OK
2022.09.24 08:38:46 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.09.24 08:38:46 LOG_INFO [16336:4192]: Add dns OK
2022.09.24 08:38:46 LOG_DEBUG [16336:4192]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.09.24 08:38:46 LOG_DEBUG [14540:10452]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.09.24 08:38:46 LOG_DEBUG [14540:4304]: CheckForNewVersion szLiveUpdateUrl =
2022.09.24 08:38:46 LOG_ERR [14540:4304]: Check update failed.
2022.09.24 13:00:39 LOG_INFO [14540:12916]: Disconnect from the server
2022.09.24 13:00:39 LOG_INFO [16336:9500]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.09.24 13:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [16336:2172]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.09.24 13:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [16336:2172]: Handle channel close message
2022.09.24 13:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [16336:2172]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.09.24 13:00:39 LOG_INFO [16336:2172]: Close SSL channel
2022.09.24 13:00:39 LOG_INFO [16336:2172]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.09.24 13:00:40 LOG_INFO [16336:2172]: Delete routes OK
2022.09.25 07:00:15 LOG_DEBUG [12808:5204]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.09.25 07:00:15 LOG_DEBUG [12808:5204]: The local product version is
2022.09.25 07:00:15 LOG_INFO [12808:5204]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.09.25 07:00:15 LOG_INFO [12808:5204]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 0
2022.09.25 07:00:16 LOG_INFO [12808:5204]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.09.25 07:00:16 LOG_NOTICE [12808:5204]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.09.25 07:00:16 LOG_INFO [12808:5204]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.09.25 07:00:16 LOG_NOTICE [12808:5204]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.09.25 07:00:16 LOG_INFO [12808:5204]: SecureConnect started
2022.09.25 07:00:16 LOG_DEBUG [7568:6428]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.09.25 07:00:16 LOG_INFO [7568:6428]: Init SSL channel
2022.09.25 07:00:17 LOG_ERR [12808:5204]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.09.25 07:00:17 LOG_DEBUG [7568:6428]: nFilelen=-1
2022.09.25 07:00:17 LOG_DEBUG [7568:6428]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.09.25 07:00:18 LOG_DEBUG [12808:5204]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.09.25 07:00:18 LOG_ERR [12808:5204]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.09.25 07:00:18 LOG_DEBUG [7568:6428]: nFilelen=-1
2022.09.25 07:00:18 LOG_DEBUG [7568:6428]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.09.25 07:00:18 LOG_DEBUG [7568:6428]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.09.25 07:00:19 LOG_DEBUG [7568:6428]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.09.25 07:00:19 LOG_DEBUG [7568:6428]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.09.25 07:00:19 LOG_DEBUG [7568:6428]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.09.25 07:00:19 LOG_DEBUG [7568:6428]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.09.25 07:00:19 LOG_INFO [7568:6428]: Real HostID =
2022.09.25 07:00:19 LOG_INFO [7568:6428]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.09.25 07:00:19 LOG_DEBUG [12808:5204]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_INFO [12808:5204]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober for
lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [12808:5204]: Peer server count: 0
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_INFO [7568:5800]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_INFO [12808:5204]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [12808:176]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_INFO [12808:176]: Connecting to
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_INFO [7568:14820]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [7568:7696]: Handle channel open message
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [7568:7696]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [7568:11168]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Connect to with port
2022.09.25 07:00:25 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.09.25 07:00:26 LOG_DEBUG [7568:11168]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.09.25 07:00:26 LOG_DEBUG [7568:11168]: Handshake success!.....
2022.09.25 07:00:26 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: HostID =
2022.09.25 07:00:26 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Authenticaton OK
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [7568:11168]: Login ok!
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: No peer server list.
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_INFO [12808:13896]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Send client info OK!
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [7568:11168]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: SET IP =
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [7568:11168]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [7568:11168]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [7568:11168]: Not receive
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Set client parameters OK
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [7568:11168]: Local SPI = 15102a20
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [7568:11168]: Local CPI = 0x7ea0
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Remote SPI = 0x8c39c8f
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: get session id from server = 482
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [7568:11168]: Remote CPI = 0xffffb3ca and local CPI =
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [7568:11168]: CompAlg = 0
2022.09.25 07:00:27 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Send new key OK
2022.09.25 07:00:28 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Add routes OK
2022.09.25 07:00:28 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Add wins OK
2022.09.25 07:00:31 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.09.25 07:00:31 LOG_INFO [7568:11168]: Add dns OK
2022.09.25 07:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [7568:11168]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.09.25 07:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [12808:7376]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.09.25 07:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4172]: CheckForNewVersion szLiveUpdateUrl =
2022.09.25 07:00:32 LOG_ERR [12808:4172]: Check update failed.
2022.09.25 13:00:20 LOG_INFO [12808:5204]: Disconnect from the server
2022.09.25 13:00:20 LOG_INFO [7568:11536]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.09.25 13:00:20 LOG_DEBUG [7568:7696]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.09.25 13:00:20 LOG_DEBUG [7568:7696]: Handle channel close message
2022.09.25 13:00:20 LOG_DEBUG [7568:7696]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.09.25 13:00:20 LOG_INFO [7568:7696]: Close SSL channel
2022.09.25 13:00:20 LOG_INFO [7568:7696]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.09.25 13:00:20 LOG_INFO [7568:7696]: Delete routes OK
2022.09.25 13:00:21 LOG_INFO [7568:7696]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.09.25 13:00:21 LOG_INFO [7568:7696]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.09.25 13:00:21 LOG_INFO [7568:7696]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.02 07:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [14340:17316]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.10.02 07:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [14340:17316]: The local product version is
2022.10.02 07:00:47 LOG_INFO [14340:17316]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.02 07:00:47 LOG_INFO [14340:17316]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 0
2022.10.02 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [14340:17316]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.10.02 07:00:48 LOG_NOTICE [14340:17316]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.10.02 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [14340:17316]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.10.02 07:00:48 LOG_NOTICE [14340:17316]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.10.02 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [14340:17316]: SecureConnect started
2022.10.02 07:00:48 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14108]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.10.02 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [3120:14108]: Init SSL channel
2022.10.02 07:00:49 LOG_ERR [14340:17316]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.02 07:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14108]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.02 07:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14108]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.10.02 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [14340:17316]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.02 07:00:50 LOG_ERR [14340:17316]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.02 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14108]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.02 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14108]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.10.02 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14108]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.10.02 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14108]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.10.02 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14108]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.10.02 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14108]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.10.02 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14108]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.10.02 07:00:50 LOG_INFO [3120:14108]: Real HostID =
2022.10.02 07:00:50 LOG_INFO [3120:14108]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.02 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [14340:17316]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_INFO [14340:17316]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober
for lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [14340:17316]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_INFO [3120:7364]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_INFO [14340:17316]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [14340:8756]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_INFO [14340:8756]: Connecting to
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_INFO [3120:10328]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [3120:5016]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [3120:5016]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14612]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Connect to with port
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14612]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14612]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: HostID =
2022.10.02 07:00:59 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.02 07:01:00 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.02 07:01:00 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.02 07:01:00 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14612]: Login ok!
2022.10.02 07:01:00 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.02 07:01:00 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: No peer server list.
2022.10.02 07:01:00 LOG_INFO [14340:15208]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.02 07:01:00 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.02 07:01:00 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14612]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: SET IP =
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14612]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14612]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14612]: Not receive
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14612]: Local SPI = 386e70dc
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14612]: Local CPI = 0x3e19
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Remote SPI = 0x8c39d91
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: get session id from server = 609
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14612]: Remote CPI = 0xffffb4cc and local CPI =
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14612]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Send new key OK
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Add routes OK
2022.10.02 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Add wins OK
2022.10.02 07:01:05 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.02 07:01:05 LOG_INFO [3120:14612]: Add dns OK
2022.10.02 07:01:05 LOG_DEBUG [3120:14612]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.02 07:01:05 LOG_DEBUG [14340:9700]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.02 07:01:05 LOG_DEBUG [14340:10744]: CheckForNewVersion szLiveUpdateUrl =
2022.10.02 07:01:05 LOG_ERR [14340:10744]: Check update failed.
2022.10.02 07:02:09 LOG_INFO [14340:17316]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.02 07:02:09 LOG_INFO [3120:16868]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.02 07:02:09 LOG_DEBUG [3120:5016]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.10.02 07:02:09 LOG_DEBUG [3120:5016]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.02 07:02:09 LOG_DEBUG [3120:5016]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.02 07:02:09 LOG_INFO [3120:5016]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.02 07:02:09 LOG_INFO [3120:5016]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.02 07:02:09 LOG_INFO [3120:16928]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2022.10.02 07:02:09 LOG_INFO [14340:17316]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2022.10.02 07:02:09 LOG_INFO [3120:5016]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.02 07:02:09 LOG_INFO [3120:5016]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.02 07:02:09 LOG_INFO [3120:5016]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.02 07:02:09 LOG_INFO [3120:5016]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.02 13:00:25 LOG_INFO [14340:17316]: Disconnect from the server

2022.10.02 13:00:25 LOG_INFO [3120:4064]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.02 13:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [3120:5016]: Already be disconnected
2022.10.06 07:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [9136:6684]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.10.06 07:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [9136:6684]: The local product version is
2022.10.06 07:00:43 LOG_INFO [9136:6684]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.06 07:00:43 LOG_ERR [9136:6684]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.06 07:00:44 LOG_INFO [9136:6684]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.10.06 07:00:44 LOG_NOTICE [9136:6684]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.10.06 07:00:44 LOG_INFO [9136:6684]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2022.10.06 07:00:44 LOG_NOTICE [9136:6684]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.10.06 07:00:44 LOG_INFO [9136:6684]: SecureConnect started
2022.10.06 07:00:44 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14700]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.10.06 07:00:44 LOG_INFO [13004:14700]: Init SSL channel
2022.10.06 07:00:45 LOG_ERR [9136:6684]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.06 07:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14700]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.06 07:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14700]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.10.06 07:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [9136:6684]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.06 07:00:46 LOG_ERR [9136:6684]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.06 07:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14700]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.06 07:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14700]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.10.06 07:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14700]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.10.06 07:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14700]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.10.06 07:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14700]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.10.06 07:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14700]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.10.06 07:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14700]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.10.06 07:00:46 LOG_INFO [13004:14700]: Real HostID =
2022.10.06 07:00:46 LOG_INFO [13004:14700]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.06 07:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [9136:6684]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [9136:6684]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober for
lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [9136:6684]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [13004:16712]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [9136:6684]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [9136:5128]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [9136:5128]: Connecting to
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [13004:10188]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [13004:2120]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [13004:2120]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14812]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Connect to with port
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.06 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14812]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14812]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: HostID =
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14812]: Login ok!
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: No peer server list.
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_INFO [9136:7292]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14812]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: SET IP =
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14812]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14812]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14812]: Not receive
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14812]: Local SPI = 70dce1b8
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14812]: Local CPI = 0x5e99
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8b19
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: get session id from server = 11
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14812]: Remote CPI = 0xffffc89e and local CPI
= 0x5e99
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14812]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Send new key OK
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Add routes OK
2022.10.06 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Add wins OK
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_INFO [13004:14812]: Add dns OK
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_DEBUG [13004:14812]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.06 07:00:52 LOG_DEBUG [9136:9488]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.06 13:03:39 LOG_INFO [9136:6684]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.06 13:03:39 LOG_INFO [13004:7216]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.06 13:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [13004:2120]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.10.06 13:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [13004:2120]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.06 13:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [13004:2120]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.06 13:03:39 LOG_INFO [13004:2120]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.06 13:03:39 LOG_INFO [13004:2120]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.06 13:03:40 LOG_INFO [13004:2120]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.06 13:03:40 LOG_INFO [13004:2120]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.06 13:03:40 LOG_INFO [13004:2120]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.06 13:03:40 LOG_INFO [13004:2120]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.08 07:03:55 LOG_DEBUG [18024:15864]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.10.08 07:03:55 LOG_DEBUG [18024:15864]: The local product version is
2022.10.08 07:03:55 LOG_INFO [18024:15864]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.08 07:03:55 LOG_ERR [18024:15864]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.08 07:03:56 LOG_INFO [18024:15864]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.10.08 07:03:56 LOG_NOTICE [18024:15864]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.10.08 07:03:56 LOG_INFO [18024:15864]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.10.08 07:03:56 LOG_NOTICE [18024:15864]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.10.08 07:03:56 LOG_INFO [18024:15864]: SecureConnect started
2022.10.08 07:03:56 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14936]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.10.08 07:03:56 LOG_INFO [16672:14936]: Init SSL channel
2022.10.08 07:03:57 LOG_ERR [18024:15864]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.08 07:03:57 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14936]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.08 07:03:57 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14936]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.10.08 07:03:58 LOG_DEBUG [18024:15864]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.08 07:03:58 LOG_ERR [18024:15864]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.08 07:03:58 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14936]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.08 07:03:58 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14936]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.10.08 07:03:58 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14936]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.10.08 07:03:58 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14936]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.10.08 07:03:58 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14936]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.10.08 07:03:58 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14936]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.10.08 07:03:58 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14936]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.10.08 07:03:58 LOG_INFO [16672:14936]: Real HostID =
2022.10.08 07:03:58 LOG_INFO [16672:14936]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.08 07:03:59 LOG_DEBUG [18024:15864]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_INFO [18024:15864]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober
for lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_DEBUG [18024:15864]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_INFO [16672:16420]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_INFO [18024:15864]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_DEBUG [18024:17264]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_INFO [18024:17264]: Connecting to
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_INFO [16672:18400]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_DEBUG [16672:7376]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_DEBUG [16672:7376]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14908]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Connect to with port
2022.10.08 07:04:03 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14908]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14908]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: HostID =
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14908]: Login ok!
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: No peer server list.
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [18024:1168]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14908]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: SET IP =
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14908]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14908]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14908]: Not receive
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14908]: Local SPI = 0f961f2c
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14908]: Local CPI = 0x7559
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8b5b
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: get session id from server = 31
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14908]: Remote CPI = 0xffffc8e0 and local CPI
= 0x7559
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14908]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.08 07:04:06 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Send new key OK
2022.10.08 07:04:07 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Add routes OK
2022.10.08 07:04:07 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Add wins OK
2022.10.08 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.08 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [16672:14908]: Add dns OK
2022.10.08 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [16672:14908]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.08 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [18024:17836]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.08 07:06:02 LOG_INFO [18024:15864]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.08 07:06:02 LOG_INFO [16672:9084]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.08 07:06:02 LOG_DEBUG [16672:7376]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.10.08 07:06:02 LOG_DEBUG [16672:7376]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.08 07:06:02 LOG_DEBUG [16672:7376]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.08 07:06:02 LOG_INFO [16672:7376]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.08 07:06:02 LOG_INFO [16672:7376]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.08 07:06:02 LOG_INFO [16672:13324]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2022.10.08 07:06:02 LOG_INFO [18024:15864]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2022.10.08 07:06:02 LOG_INFO [16672:7376]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.08 07:06:03 LOG_INFO [16672:7376]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.08 07:06:03 LOG_INFO [16672:7376]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.08 07:06:03 LOG_INFO [16672:7376]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.08 07:48:15 LOG_DEBUG [9440:8176]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.10.08 07:48:15 LOG_DEBUG [9440:8176]: The local product version is
2022.10.08 07:48:15 LOG_INFO [9440:8176]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.08 07:48:15 LOG_ERR [9440:8176]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.08 07:48:26 LOG_INFO [18024:15864]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober
for lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [18024:15864]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5580]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [18024:15864]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [18024:9744]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [18024:9744]: Connecting to
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:3544]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [16672:7376]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [16672:7376]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [16672:5808]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Connect to with port
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [16672:5808]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [16672:5808]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: HostID =
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [16672:5808]: Login ok!
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: No peer server list.
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [18024:12732]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [16672:5808]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: SET IP =
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [16672:5808]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [16672:5808]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [16672:5808]: Not receive
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [16672:5808]: Local SPI = 31886310
2022.10.08 07:48:27 LOG_DEBUG [16672:5808]: Local CPI = 0x174b
2022.10.08 07:48:28 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8b5d
2022.10.08 07:48:28 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.08 07:48:28 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.08 07:48:28 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: get session id from server = 32
2022.10.08 07:48:28 LOG_DEBUG [16672:5808]: Remote CPI = 0xffffc8e2 and local CPI =
2022.10.08 07:48:28 LOG_DEBUG [16672:5808]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.08 07:48:28 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Send new key OK
2022.10.08 07:48:28 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Add routes OK
2022.10.08 07:48:28 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Add wins OK
2022.10.08 07:48:32 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.08 07:48:32 LOG_INFO [16672:5808]: Add dns OK
2022.10.08 07:48:32 LOG_DEBUG [16672:5808]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.08 07:48:32 LOG_DEBUG [18024:2688]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.08 13:11:35 LOG_INFO [18024:15864]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.08 13:11:35 LOG_INFO [16672:6676]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.08 13:11:35 LOG_DEBUG [16672:7376]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.10.08 13:11:35 LOG_DEBUG [16672:7376]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.08 13:11:35 LOG_DEBUG [16672:7376]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.08 13:11:35 LOG_INFO [16672:7376]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.08 13:11:35 LOG_INFO [16672:7376]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.08 13:11:35 LOG_INFO [16672:7376]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.08 13:11:36 LOG_INFO [16672:7376]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.08 13:11:36 LOG_INFO [16672:7376]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.08 13:11:36 LOG_INFO [16672:7376]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.09 07:00:48 LOG_DEBUG [14484:7404]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.10.09 07:00:48 LOG_DEBUG [14484:7404]: The local product version is
2022.10.09 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [14484:7404]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.09 07:00:48 LOG_ERR [14484:7404]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.09 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [14484:7404]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.10.09 07:00:48 LOG_NOTICE [14484:7404]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.10.09 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [14484:7404]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.10.09 07:00:48 LOG_NOTICE [14484:7404]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.10.09 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [14484:7404]: SecureConnect started
2022.10.09 07:00:48 LOG_DEBUG [15560:12088]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.10.09 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [15560:12088]: Init SSL channel
2022.10.09 07:00:49 LOG_ERR [14484:7404]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.09 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [15560:12088]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.09 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [15560:12088]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.10.09 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [14484:7404]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.09 07:00:50 LOG_ERR [14484:7404]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.09 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [15560:12088]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.09 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [15560:12088]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.10.09 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [15560:12088]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.10.09 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [15560:12088]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.10.09 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [15560:12088]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.10.09 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [15560:12088]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.10.09 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [15560:12088]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.10.09 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [15560:12088]: Real HostID =
2022.10.09 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [15560:12088]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.09 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [14484:7404]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [14484:7404]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober for
lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [14484:7404]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [15560:6504]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [14484:7404]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [14484:17064]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [14484:17064]: Connecting to
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [15560:10712]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [15560:5980]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [15560:5980]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [15560:17388]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Connect to with port
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.09 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [15560:17388]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [15560:17388]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: HostID =
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [15560:17388]: Login ok!
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: No peer server list.
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [14484:7864]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [15560:17388]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: SET IP =
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [15560:17388]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [15560:17388]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [15560:17388]: Not receive
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [15560:17388]: Local SPI = 5b4fb69e
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [15560:17388]: Local CPI = 0x3918
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8ba5
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: get session id from server = 80
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [15560:17388]: Remote CPI = 0xffffc92a and local CPI
= 0x3918
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [15560:17388]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.09 07:00:57 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Send new key OK
2022.10.09 07:00:58 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Add routes OK
2022.10.09 07:00:58 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Add wins OK
2022.10.09 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.09 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [15560:17388]: Add dns OK
2022.10.09 07:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [15560:17388]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.09 07:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [14484:17240]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.09 13:00:36 LOG_INFO [14484:7404]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.09 13:00:36 LOG_INFO [15560:2640]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.09 13:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [15560:5980]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.10.09 13:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [15560:5980]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.09 13:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [15560:5980]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.09 13:00:36 LOG_INFO [15560:5980]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.09 13:00:36 LOG_INFO [15560:5980]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.09 13:00:36 LOG_INFO [15560:5980]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.09 13:00:36 LOG_INFO [15560:5980]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.15 06:58:08 LOG_DEBUG [13460:15220]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.10.15 06:58:08 LOG_DEBUG [13460:15220]: The local product version is
2022.10.15 06:58:08 LOG_INFO [13460:15220]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.15 06:58:08 LOG_ERR [13460:15220]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.15 06:58:08 LOG_INFO [13460:15220]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.10.15 06:58:08 LOG_NOTICE [13460:15220]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.10.15 06:58:08 LOG_INFO [13460:15220]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.10.15 06:58:08 LOG_NOTICE [13460:15220]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.10.15 06:58:08 LOG_INFO [13460:15220]: SecureConnect started
2022.10.15 06:58:08 LOG_DEBUG [6000:17976]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.10.15 06:58:08 LOG_INFO [6000:17976]: Init SSL channel
2022.10.15 06:58:09 LOG_ERR [13460:15220]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.15 06:58:10 LOG_DEBUG [6000:17976]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.15 06:58:10 LOG_DEBUG [6000:17976]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.10.15 06:58:10 LOG_DEBUG [13460:15220]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.15 06:58:10 LOG_ERR [13460:15220]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.15 06:58:11 LOG_DEBUG [6000:17976]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.15 06:58:11 LOG_DEBUG [6000:17976]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.10.15 06:58:11 LOG_DEBUG [6000:17976]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.10.15 06:58:11 LOG_DEBUG [6000:17976]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.10.15 06:58:11 LOG_DEBUG [6000:17976]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.10.15 06:58:11 LOG_DEBUG [6000:17976]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.10.15 06:58:11 LOG_DEBUG [6000:17976]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.10.15 06:58:11 LOG_INFO [6000:17976]: Real HostID =
2022.10.15 06:58:11 LOG_INFO [6000:17976]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.15 06:58:11 LOG_DEBUG [13460:15220]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [13460:15220]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober
for lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [13460:15220]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:6544]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [13460:15220]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [13460:4084]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [13460:4084]: Connecting to
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:1680]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:9228]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:9228]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5312]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Connect to with port
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5312]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5312]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5312]: Login ok!
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: No peer server list.
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [13460:5024]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5312]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: SET IP =
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5312]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5312]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5312]: Not receive
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5312]: Local SPI = 2e115c22
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5312]: Local CPI = 0x6bf2
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8c4d
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: get session id from server = 162
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5312]: Remote CPI = 0xffffc9d2 and local CPI =
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5312]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Send new key OK
2022.10.15 06:58:17 LOG_ERR [6000:5312]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2022.10.15 06:58:19 LOG_ERR [6000:5312]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2022.10.15 06:58:20 LOG_ERR [6000:5312]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2022.10.15 06:58:21 LOG_ERR [6000:5312]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2022.10.15 06:58:21 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.15 06:58:21 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51117860
2022.10.15 06:58:21 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.15 06:58:21 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.15 06:58:21 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.15 06:58:21 LOG_INFO [6000:5312]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.15 06:58:21 LOG_ERR [6000:5312]: Setup connection failed

2022.10.15 06:58:21 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5312]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [13460:15220]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober
for lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [13460:15220]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:10824]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [13460:15220]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [13460:4116]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [13460:4116]: Connecting to
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:13320]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:9228]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:9228]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5972]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Connect to with port
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5972]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5972]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5972]: Login ok!
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: No peer server list.
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [13460:7440]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5972]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: SET IP =
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5972]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5972]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5972]: Not receive
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5972]: Local SPI = 2e695cd2
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5972]: Local CPI = 0x6c4a
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8c4f
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: get session id from server = 163
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5972]: Remote CPI = 0xffffc9d4 and local CPI =
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5972]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.15 06:58:44 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Send new key OK
2022.10.15 06:58:45 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Add routes OK
2022.10.15 06:58:45 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Add wins OK
2022.10.15 06:58:48 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.15 06:58:48 LOG_INFO [6000:5972]: Add dns OK
2022.10.15 06:58:48 LOG_DEBUG [6000:5972]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.15 06:58:48 LOG_DEBUG [13460:13244]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.15 06:59:54 LOG_INFO [13460:15220]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.15 06:59:54 LOG_INFO [6000:3480]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.15 06:59:54 LOG_DEBUG [6000:9228]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.10.15 06:59:54 LOG_DEBUG [6000:9228]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.15 06:59:54 LOG_DEBUG [6000:9228]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.15 06:59:54 LOG_INFO [6000:9228]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.15 06:59:54 LOG_INFO [6000:9228]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.15 06:59:54 LOG_INFO [6000:9556]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag nData
2022.10.15 06:59:54 LOG_INFO [13460:15220]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2022.10.15 06:59:55 LOG_INFO [6000:9228]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.15 06:59:55 LOG_INFO [6000:9228]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.15 06:59:55 LOG_INFO [6000:9228]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.15 06:59:55 LOG_INFO [6000:9228]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [13460:15220]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober

for lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [13460:15220]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:12348]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [13460:15220]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [13460:4088]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [13460:4088]: Connecting to
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:5016]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:9228]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:9228]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:15116]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Connect to with port
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:15116]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:15116]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: HostID =
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:15116]: Login ok!
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: No peer server list.
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [13460:6612]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:15116]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: SET IP =
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:15116]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:15116]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:15116]: Not receive
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:15116]: Local SPI = 306060c0
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:15116]: Local CPI = 0x6e41
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8c53
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: get session id from server = 165
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:15116]: Remote CPI = 0xffffc9d8 and local CPI =
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [6000:15116]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.15 07:01:18 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Send new key OK
2022.10.15 07:01:19 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Add routes OK
2022.10.15 07:01:19 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Add wins OK
2022.10.15 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.15 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [6000:15116]: Add dns OK
2022.10.15 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [6000:15116]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.15 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [13460:8028]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.15 13:04:51 LOG_INFO [13460:15220]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.15 13:04:51 LOG_INFO [6000:18572]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.15 13:04:51 LOG_DEBUG [6000:9228]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.10.15 13:04:51 LOG_DEBUG [6000:9228]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.15 13:04:51 LOG_DEBUG [6000:9228]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.15 13:04:51 LOG_INFO [6000:9228]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.15 13:04:51 LOG_INFO [6000:9228]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.15 13:04:52 LOG_INFO [6000:9228]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.15 13:04:52 LOG_INFO [6000:9228]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.15 13:04:52 LOG_INFO [6000:9228]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.15 13:04:52 LOG_INFO [6000:9228]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.16 06:57:15 LOG_DEBUG [18112:7352]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.10.16 06:57:15 LOG_DEBUG [18112:7352]: The local product version is
2022.10.16 06:57:15 LOG_INFO [18112:7352]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.16 06:57:15 LOG_ERR [18112:7352]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.16 06:57:15 LOG_INFO [18112:7352]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.10.16 06:57:15 LOG_NOTICE [18112:7352]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.10.16 06:57:15 LOG_INFO [18112:7352]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.10.16 06:57:15 LOG_NOTICE [18112:7352]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.10.16 06:57:15 LOG_INFO [18112:7352]: SecureConnect started
2022.10.16 06:57:15 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18704]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.10.16 06:57:15 LOG_INFO [4820:18704]: Init SSL channel
2022.10.16 06:57:16 LOG_ERR [18112:7352]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.16 06:57:16 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18704]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.16 06:57:16 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18704]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.10.16 06:57:17 LOG_DEBUG [18112:7352]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.16 06:57:17 LOG_ERR [18112:7352]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.16 06:57:17 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18704]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.16 06:57:17 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18704]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.10.16 06:57:17 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18704]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.10.16 06:57:17 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18704]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.10.16 06:57:17 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18704]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.10.16 06:57:17 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18704]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.10.16 06:57:17 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18704]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.10.16 06:57:17 LOG_INFO [4820:18704]: Real HostID =
2022.10.16 06:57:17 LOG_INFO [4820:18704]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.16 06:57:18 LOG_DEBUG [18112:7352]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [18112:7352]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober for
lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [18112:7352]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:16888]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [18112:7352]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [18112:15624]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [18112:15624]: Connecting to
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:11140]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18192]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18192]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:12564]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Connect to with port
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:12564]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:12564]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: HostID =
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:12564]: Login ok!
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: No peer server list.
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [18112:8972]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:12564]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: SET IP =
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:12564]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:12564]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:12564]: Not receive
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:12564]: Local SPI = 7b82f704
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:12564]: Local CPI = 0x7566
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8c73
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: get session id from server = 177
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:12564]: Remote CPI = 0xffffc9f8 and local CPI =
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [4820:12564]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.16 06:57:23 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Send new key OK
2022.10.16 06:57:24 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Add routes OK
2022.10.16 06:57:24 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Add wins OK
2022.10.16 06:57:27 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.16 06:57:27 LOG_INFO [4820:12564]: Add dns OK
2022.10.16 06:57:27 LOG_DEBUG [4820:12564]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.16 06:57:27 LOG_DEBUG [18112:3108]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.16 13:00:17 LOG_INFO [18112:7352]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.16 13:00:17 LOG_INFO [4820:4948]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.16 13:00:17 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18192]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.10.16 13:00:17 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18192]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.16 13:00:17 LOG_DEBUG [4820:18192]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.16 13:00:17 LOG_INFO [4820:18192]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.16 13:00:17 LOG_INFO [4820:18192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.16 13:00:17 LOG_INFO [4820:18192]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.16 13:00:18 LOG_INFO [4820:18192]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.16 13:00:18 LOG_INFO [4820:18192]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.16 13:00:18 LOG_INFO [4820:18192]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.21 23:59:27 LOG_DEBUG [19932:20680]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.10.21 23:59:27 LOG_DEBUG [19932:20680]: The local product version is
2022.10.21 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [19932:20680]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.21 23:59:27 LOG_ERR [19932:20680]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.21 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [19932:20680]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.10.21 23:59:27 LOG_NOTICE [19932:20680]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.10.21 23:59:27 LOG_DEBUG [11888:9776]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.10.21 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [11888:9776]: Init SSL channel
2022.10.21 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [19932:20680]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.10.21 23:59:27 LOG_NOTICE [19932:20680]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.10.21 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [19932:20680]: SecureConnect started
2022.10.21 23:59:28 LOG_ERR [19932:20680]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.21 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [11888:9776]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.21 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [11888:9776]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.10.21 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [19932:20680]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.21 23:59:29 LOG_ERR [19932:20680]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.21 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [11888:9776]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.21 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [11888:9776]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.10.21 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [11888:9776]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.10.21 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [11888:9776]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.10.21 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [11888:9776]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.10.21 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [11888:9776]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.10.21 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [11888:9776]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.10.21 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [11888:9776]: Real HostID =
2022.10.21 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [11888:9776]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.21 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [19932:20680]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [19932:20680]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober
for lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [19932:20680]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22052]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [19932:20680]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [19932:22056]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [19932:22056]: Connecting to
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22060]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:21808]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:21808]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22064]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Connect to with port
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22064]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22064]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: HostID =
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22064]: Login ok!
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: No peer server list.
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [19932:22080]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22064]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: SET IP =
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22064]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22064]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22064]: Not receive
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22064]: Local SPI = 108c2118
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22064]: Local CPI = 0x2e85
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8d9b
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: get session id from server = 310
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22064]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcb20 and local CPI
= 0x2e85
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22064]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.21 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Send new key OK
2022.10.21 23:59:38 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Add routes OK
2022.10.21 23:59:38 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Add wins OK
2022.10.21 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.21 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [11888:22064]: Add dns OK
2022.10.21 23:59:41 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22064]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.21 23:59:41 LOG_DEBUG [19932:19116]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.22 03:50:12 LOG_ERR [11888:21808]: Handle channel error message: 4004
2022.10.22 03:50:13 LOG_INFO [11888:21808]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.22 03:50:13 LOG_INFO [11888:21808]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.22 03:50:13 LOG_INFO [11888:21808]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.22 03:50:16 LOG_INFO [11888:21808]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.22 03:50:16 LOG_INFO [11888:21808]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.22 03:50:16 LOG_INFO [11888:21808]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.22 03:50:16 LOG_CRIT [11888:21808]: IO exception. The system may in

2022.10.22 03:50:16 LOG_DEBUG [11888:21808]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [19932:20680]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober
for lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [19932:20680]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:11516]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [19932:20680]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [19932:20280]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [19932:20280]: Connecting to
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:7736]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [11888:21808]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [11888:21808]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22324]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Connect to with port
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22324]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22324]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: HostID =
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22324]: Login ok!
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: No peer server list.
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [19932:17800]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22324]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: SET IP =
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22324]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22324]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22324]: Not receive
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22324]: Local SPI = 492b9256
2022.10.22 04:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22324]: Local CPI = 0x2327
2022.10.22 04:00:50 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8d9d
2022.10.22 04:00:50 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.22 04:00:50 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.22 04:00:50 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: get session id from server = 311
2022.10.22 04:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22324]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcb22 and local CPI
= 0x2327
2022.10.22 04:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22324]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.22 04:00:50 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Send new key OK
2022.10.22 04:00:50 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Add routes OK
2022.10.22 04:00:50 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Add wins OK
2022.10.22 04:00:54 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.22 04:00:54 LOG_INFO [11888:22324]: Add dns OK
2022.10.22 04:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [11888:22324]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.22 04:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [19932:17016]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.22 06:01:22 LOG_INFO [19932:20680]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.22 06:01:22 LOG_INFO [11888:11384]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.22 06:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [11888:21808]: Begin to close
2022.10.22 06:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [11888:21808]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.22 06:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [11888:21808]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.22 06:01:22 LOG_INFO [11888:21808]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.22 06:01:22 LOG_INFO [11888:21808]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.22 06:01:23 LOG_INFO [11888:21808]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.22 06:01:23 LOG_INFO [11888:21808]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.22 06:01:23 LOG_INFO [11888:21808]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.22 06:01:23 LOG_INFO [11888:21808]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.23 07:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [2336:4120]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.10.23 07:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [2336:4120]: The local product version is
2022.10.23 07:01:55 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.23 07:01:55 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 0
2022.10.23 07:01:55 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.10.23 07:01:55 LOG_NOTICE [2336:4120]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.10.23 07:01:55 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2022.10.23 07:01:55 LOG_NOTICE [2336:4120]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.10.23 07:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [2372:3392]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.10.23 07:01:55 LOG_INFO [2372:3392]: Init SSL channel
2022.10.23 07:01:55 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: SecureConnect started
2022.10.23 07:01:56 LOG_ERR [2336:4120]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.23 07:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [2372:3392]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.23 07:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [2372:3392]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.10.23 07:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [2336:4120]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.23 07:01:57 LOG_ERR [2336:4120]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.23 07:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [2372:3392]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.23 07:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [2372:3392]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.10.23 07:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [2372:3392]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.10.23 07:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [2372:3392]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.10.23 07:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [2372:3392]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.10.23 07:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [2372:3392]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.10.23 07:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [2372:3392]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.10.23 07:01:57 LOG_INFO [2372:3392]: Real HostID =
2022.10.23 07:01:57 LOG_INFO [2372:3392]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.23 07:01:58 LOG_DEBUG [2336:4120]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: CBruteForceGuard: Cannot find prober for
lorena.sousa@ Not guilty.
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [2336:4120]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [2372:5068]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [2336:5868]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [2336:5868]: Connecting to
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [2372:12096]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8784]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [2372:8784]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [2372:8784]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [2372:8784]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [2372:8784]: Connect to with port
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [2372:8784]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.23 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8784]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.23 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8784]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.23 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [2372:8784]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2022.10.23 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [2372:8784]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.23 07:02:22 LOG_ERR [2372:8784]: Authentication failed : -3
2022.10.23 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [2372:8784]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.23 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [2372:8784]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51117860
2022.10.23 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [2372:8784]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.23 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [2372:8784]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.23 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [2372:8784]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.23 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [2372:8784]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.23 07:02:22 LOG_ERR [2372:8784]: Can't login Error code =

2022.10.23 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8784]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.23 07:02:24 LOG_INFO [2336:9452]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober does NOT exist
for lorena.sousa@, create new one.
2022.10.23 07:02:24 LOG_INFO [2336:9452]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.10.23 07:02:24 LOG_INFO [2336:9452]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2022.10.23 07:02:24 LOG_INFO [2336:9452]: user or password error, stop auto
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [2336:4120]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [2372:3712]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [2336:9720]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [2336:9720]: Connecting to
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [2372:1796]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [2372:7364]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [2372:7364]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [2372:7364]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [2372:7364]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [2372:7364]: Connect to with port
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [2372:7364]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [2372:7364]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [2372:7364]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [2372:7364]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2022.10.23 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [2372:7364]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.23 07:02:54 LOG_ERR [2372:7364]: Authentication failed : -3
2022.10.23 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [2372:7364]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.23 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [2372:7364]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51117860
2022.10.23 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [2372:7364]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.23 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [2372:7364]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.23 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [2372:7364]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.23 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [2372:7364]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.23 07:02:54 LOG_ERR [2372:7364]: Can't login Error code =

2022.10.23 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2372:7364]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.23 07:02:56 LOG_INFO [2336:12384]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2022.10.23 07:02:56 LOG_INFO [2336:12384]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=1)
2022.10.23 07:02:56 LOG_INFO [2336:12384]: user or password error, stop auto
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: failed count: 2. Ref count: 3
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [2336:4120]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:13880]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [2336:12632]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2336:12632]: Connecting to
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:2512]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [2372:12924]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:12924]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:12924]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:12924]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:12924]: Connect to with port
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:12924]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [2372:12924]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [2372:12924]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:12924]: HostID =
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:12924]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_ERR [2372:12924]: Authentication failed : -3
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:12924]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:12924]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 10223396
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:12924]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:12924]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:12924]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [2372:12924]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_ERR [2372:12924]: Can't login Error code =

2022.10.23 07:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [2372:12924]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.23 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [2336:6512]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2022.10.23 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [2336:6512]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=2)
2022.10.23 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [2336:6512]: user or password error, stop auto
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: start=133109821441070000
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=535230000
diffInSec=53 refTime=60.
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: start=133109821441070000
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=535230000
diffInSec=53 refTime=60.
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2022-
10-23 7:5:17
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: start=133109821441070000
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=535230000
diffInSec=53 refTime=60.
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2022.10.23 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2022-
10-23 7:5:17
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: start=133109821441070000
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=535230000
diffInSec=53 refTime=60.
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: start=133109821441070000
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=535230000
diffInSec=53 refTime=60.
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2022-
10-23 7:5:17
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: start=133109821441070000
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=535230000
diffInSec=53 refTime=60.
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2022.10.23 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2022-
10-23 7:5:17
2022.10.23 07:07:24 LOG_DEBUG [13016:3612]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.10.23 07:07:24 LOG_DEBUG [13016:3612]: The local product version is
2022.10.23 07:07:24 LOG_INFO [13016:3612]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.23 07:07:24 LOG_ERR [13016:3612]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: start=133109821441070000
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=535230000
diffInSec=53 refTime=60.
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: start=133109821441070000
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=535230000
diffInSec=53 refTime=60.
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2022-
10-23 7:5:17
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_DEBUG [2336:4120]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2372:7116]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_DEBUG [2336:12632]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2336:12632]: Connecting to
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2372:1220]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_DEBUG [2372:9012]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Connect to with port
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_DEBUG [2372:9012]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_DEBUG [2372:9012]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2022.10.23 07:07:42 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [2372:9012]: Login ok!
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: No peer server list.
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [2336:1132]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [2372:9012]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: SET IP =
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [2372:9012]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [2372:9012]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [2372:9012]: Not receive
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [2372:9012]: Local SPI = 26594cb2
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [2372:9012]: Local CPI = 0x3c58
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8dbd
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: get session id from server = 332
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [2372:9012]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcb42 and local CPI =
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [2372:9012]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.23 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Send new key OK
2022.10.23 07:07:44 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Add routes OK
2022.10.23 07:07:44 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Add wins OK
2022.10.23 07:07:47 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.23 07:07:47 LOG_INFO [2372:9012]: Add dns OK
2022.10.23 07:07:47 LOG_DEBUG [2372:9012]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.23 07:07:47 LOG_INFO [2336:7144]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2022.10.23 07:07:47 LOG_DEBUG [2336:7144]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.23 07:07:47 LOG_DEBUG [2336:3372]: CheckForNewVersion szLiveUpdateUrl =
2022.10.23 07:07:47 LOG_ERR [2336:3372]: Check update failed.
2022.10.23 07:09:11 LOG_DEBUG [5624:13808]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.10.23 07:09:11 LOG_DEBUG [5624:13808]: The local product version is
2022.10.23 07:09:11 LOG_INFO [5624:13808]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.23 07:09:11 LOG_ERR [5624:13808]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.23 10:16:48 LOG_ERR [2372:8884]: Handle channel error message: 52
2022.10.23 10:16:48 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:16:48 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.23 10:16:48 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.23 10:16:49 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.23 10:16:49 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.23 10:16:49 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.23 10:16:54 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2022.10.23 10:16:54 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Unlimited reconnection
2022.10.23 10:16:54 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Pause auto connect timer
2022.10.23 10:16:54 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel reopen message
2022.10.23 10:16:54 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2022.10.23 10:16:54 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.23 10:16:54 LOG_DEBUG [2372:4636]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:16:54 LOG_INFO [2372:4636]: Reopen SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:16:55 LOG_INFO [2372:4636]: Connect to with port
2022.10.23 10:16:55 LOG_INFO [2372:4636]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.23 10:16:55 LOG_ERR [2372:4636]: Connect to "" (
error [10065]
2022.10.23 10:16:55 LOG_ERR [2372:4636]: Connect to the server failed
2022.10.23 10:16:55 LOG_INFO [2372:4636]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:16:55 LOG_INFO [2372:4636]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 10223408
2022.10.23 10:16:55 LOG_INFO [2372:4636]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.23 10:16:55 LOG_INFO [2372:4636]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.23 10:16:55 LOG_INFO [2372:4636]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.23 10:16:55 LOG_INFO [2372:4636]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.23 10:16:55 LOG_ERR [2372:4636]: Connect to failed

2022.10.23 10:16:55 LOG_DEBUG [2372:4636]: End ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:17:55 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2022.10.23 10:17:55 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Unlimited reconnection
2022.10.23 10:17:55 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Pause auto connect timer
2022.10.23 10:17:55 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel reopen message
2022.10.23 10:17:55 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2022.10.23 10:17:55 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.23 10:17:55 LOG_DEBUG [2372:12992]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:17:55 LOG_INFO [2372:12992]: Reopen SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:17:56 LOG_INFO [2372:12992]: Connect to with port
2022.10.23 10:17:56 LOG_INFO [2372:12992]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.23 10:17:56 LOG_ERR [2372:12992]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2022.10.23 10:17:56 LOG_ERR [2372:12992]: Connect to the server failed
2022.10.23 10:17:56 LOG_INFO [2372:12992]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:17:56 LOG_INFO [2372:12992]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 10223408
2022.10.23 10:17:57 LOG_INFO [2372:12992]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.23 10:17:57 LOG_INFO [2372:12992]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.23 10:17:57 LOG_INFO [2372:12992]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.23 10:17:57 LOG_INFO [2372:12992]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.23 10:17:57 LOG_ERR [2372:12992]: Connect to failed

2022.10.23 10:17:57 LOG_DEBUG [2372:12992]: End ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:18:57 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2022.10.23 10:18:57 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Unlimited reconnection
2022.10.23 10:18:57 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Pause auto connect timer
2022.10.23 10:18:57 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel reopen message
2022.10.23 10:18:57 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Auto reconnecting 3 times...
2022.10.23 10:18:57 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.23 10:18:57 LOG_DEBUG [2372:6844]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:18:57 LOG_INFO [2372:6844]: Reopen SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:18:58 LOG_INFO [2372:6844]: Connect to with port
2022.10.23 10:18:58 LOG_INFO [2372:6844]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.23 10:18:58 LOG_ERR [2372:6844]: Connect to "" (
error [10065]
2022.10.23 10:18:58 LOG_ERR [2372:6844]: Connect to the server failed
2022.10.23 10:18:58 LOG_INFO [2372:6844]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:18:58 LOG_INFO [2372:6844]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 10223408
2022.10.23 10:18:58 LOG_INFO [2372:6844]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.23 10:18:58 LOG_INFO [2372:6844]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.23 10:18:58 LOG_INFO [2372:6844]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.23 10:18:58 LOG_INFO [2372:6844]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.23 10:18:58 LOG_ERR [2372:6844]: Connect to failed

2022.10.23 10:18:58 LOG_DEBUG [2372:6844]: End ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:19:58 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2022.10.23 10:19:58 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Unlimited reconnection
2022.10.23 10:19:58 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Pause auto connect timer
2022.10.23 10:19:58 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel reopen message
2022.10.23 10:19:58 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Auto reconnecting 4 times...
2022.10.23 10:19:58 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.23 10:19:58 LOG_DEBUG [2372:10312]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:19:58 LOG_INFO [2372:10312]: Reopen SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:19:59 LOG_INFO [2372:10312]: Connect to with port
2022.10.23 10:19:59 LOG_INFO [2372:10312]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.23 10:19:59 LOG_ERR [2372:10312]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2022.10.23 10:19:59 LOG_ERR [2372:10312]: Connect to the server failed
2022.10.23 10:19:59 LOG_INFO [2372:10312]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:19:59 LOG_INFO [2372:10312]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 10223408
2022.10.23 10:19:59 LOG_INFO [2372:10312]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.23 10:19:59 LOG_INFO [2372:10312]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.23 10:19:59 LOG_INFO [2372:10312]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.23 10:19:59 LOG_INFO [2372:10312]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.23 10:19:59 LOG_ERR [2372:10312]: Connect to failed

2022.10.23 10:19:59 LOG_DEBUG [2372:10312]: End ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:20:59 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2022.10.23 10:20:59 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Unlimited reconnection
2022.10.23 10:20:59 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Pause auto connect timer
2022.10.23 10:20:59 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel reopen message
2022.10.23 10:20:59 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Auto reconnecting 5 times...
2022.10.23 10:20:59 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.23 10:20:59 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8224]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:20:59 LOG_INFO [2372:8224]: Reopen SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:21:00 LOG_INFO [2372:8224]: Connect to with port
2022.10.23 10:21:00 LOG_INFO [2372:8224]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.23 10:21:00 LOG_ERR [2372:8224]: Connect to "" (
error [10065]
2022.10.23 10:21:00 LOG_ERR [2372:8224]: Connect to the server failed
2022.10.23 10:21:00 LOG_INFO [2372:8224]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:21:00 LOG_INFO [2372:8224]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 10223408
2022.10.23 10:21:01 LOG_INFO [2372:8224]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.23 10:21:01 LOG_INFO [2372:8224]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.23 10:21:01 LOG_INFO [2372:8224]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.23 10:21:01 LOG_INFO [2372:8224]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.23 10:21:01 LOG_ERR [2372:8224]: Connect to failed

2022.10.23 10:21:01 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8224]: End ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:22:01 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2022.10.23 10:22:01 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Unlimited reconnection
2022.10.23 10:22:01 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Pause auto connect timer
2022.10.23 10:22:01 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel reopen message
2022.10.23 10:22:01 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Auto reconnecting 6 times...
2022.10.23 10:22:01 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.23 10:22:01 LOG_DEBUG [2372:4268]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:22:01 LOG_INFO [2372:4268]: Reopen SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:22:02 LOG_INFO [2372:4268]: Connect to with port
2022.10.23 10:22:02 LOG_INFO [2372:4268]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.23 10:22:02 LOG_ERR [2372:4268]: Connect to "" (
error [10065]
2022.10.23 10:22:02 LOG_ERR [2372:4268]: Connect to the server failed
2022.10.23 10:22:02 LOG_INFO [2372:4268]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:22:02 LOG_INFO [2372:4268]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 10223408
2022.10.23 10:22:02 LOG_INFO [2372:4268]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.23 10:22:02 LOG_INFO [2372:4268]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.23 10:22:02 LOG_INFO [2372:4268]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.23 10:22:02 LOG_INFO [2372:4268]: ========================SSL CHANNEL
2022.10.23 10:22:02 LOG_ERR [2372:4268]: Connect to failed
2022.10.23 10:22:02 LOG_DEBUG [2372:4268]: End ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:23:02 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2022.10.23 10:23:02 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Unlimited reconnection
2022.10.23 10:23:02 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Pause auto connect timer
2022.10.23 10:23:02 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel reopen message
2022.10.23 10:23:02 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Auto reconnecting 7 times...
2022.10.23 10:23:02 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.23 10:23:02 LOG_DEBUG [2372:15044]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:23:02 LOG_INFO [2372:15044]: Reopen SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:23:03 LOG_INFO [2372:15044]: Connect to with port
2022.10.23 10:23:03 LOG_INFO [2372:15044]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.23 10:23:03 LOG_ERR [2372:15044]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2022.10.23 10:23:03 LOG_ERR [2372:15044]: Connect to the server failed
2022.10.23 10:23:03 LOG_INFO [2372:15044]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:23:03 LOG_INFO [2372:15044]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 10223408
2022.10.23 10:23:03 LOG_INFO [2372:15044]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.23 10:23:03 LOG_INFO [2372:15044]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.23 10:23:03 LOG_INFO [2372:15044]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.23 10:23:03 LOG_INFO [2372:15044]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.23 10:23:03 LOG_ERR [2372:15044]: Connect to failed

2022.10.23 10:23:03 LOG_DEBUG [2372:15044]: End ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:24:03 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2022.10.23 10:24:03 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Unlimited reconnection
2022.10.23 10:24:03 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Pause auto connect timer
2022.10.23 10:24:03 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel reopen message
2022.10.23 10:24:03 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Auto reconnecting 8 times...
2022.10.23 10:24:03 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.23 10:24:03 LOG_DEBUG [2372:3828]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:24:03 LOG_INFO [2372:3828]: Reopen SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:24:04 LOG_INFO [2372:3828]: Connect to with port
2022.10.23 10:24:04 LOG_INFO [2372:3828]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.23 10:24:04 LOG_ERR [2372:3828]: Connect to "" (
error [10065]
2022.10.23 10:24:04 LOG_ERR [2372:3828]: Connect to the server failed
2022.10.23 10:24:04 LOG_INFO [2372:3828]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:24:04 LOG_INFO [2372:3828]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 10223408
2022.10.23 10:24:05 LOG_INFO [2372:3828]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.23 10:24:05 LOG_INFO [2372:3828]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.23 10:24:05 LOG_INFO [2372:3828]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.23 10:24:05 LOG_INFO [2372:3828]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.23 10:24:05 LOG_ERR [2372:3828]: Connect to failed

2022.10.23 10:24:05 LOG_DEBUG [2372:3828]: End ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:25:05 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2022.10.23 10:25:05 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Unlimited reconnection
2022.10.23 10:25:05 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Pause auto connect timer
2022.10.23 10:25:05 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel reopen message
2022.10.23 10:25:05 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Auto reconnecting 9 times...
2022.10.23 10:25:05 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.23 10:25:05 LOG_DEBUG [2372:16716]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:25:05 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: Reopen SSL channel
2022.10.23 10:25:06 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: Connect to with port
2022.10.23 10:25:06 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.23 10:25:06 LOG_DEBUG [2372:16716]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.23 10:25:06 LOG_DEBUG [2372:16716]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.23 10:25:06 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: HostID =
2022.10.23 10:25:06 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_DEBUG [2372:16716]: Login ok!
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: No peer server list.
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_INFO [2336:16752]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_DEBUG [2372:16716]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: SET IP =
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_DEBUG [2372:16716]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_DEBUG [2372:16716]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_DEBUG [2372:16716]: Not receive
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_DEBUG [2372:16716]: Local SPI = 3d6f7ade
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_DEBUG [2372:16716]: Local CPI = 0x536e
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8dc1
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: get session id from server = 334
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_DEBUG [2372:16716]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcb46 and local CPI =
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_DEBUG [2372:16716]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.23 10:25:07 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: Send new key OK
2022.10.23 10:25:08 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: Add routes OK
2022.10.23 10:25:08 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: Add wins OK
2022.10.23 10:25:11 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.23 10:25:11 LOG_INFO [2372:16716]: Add dns OK
2022.10.23 10:25:11 LOG_DEBUG [2372:16716]: End ReopenChannelThread
2022.10.23 10:25:11 LOG_INFO [2336:17236]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.10.23 10:25:11 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: ReopenChannel OK
2022.10.23 10:25:11 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.23 10:25:11 LOG_DEBUG [2336:17236]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.23 10:25:11 LOG_DEBUG [2336:14180]: CheckForNewVersion szLiveUpdateUrl =
2022.10.23 10:25:11 LOG_ERR [2336:14180]: Check update failed.
2022.10.23 13:05:19 LOG_INFO [2336:4120]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.23 13:05:19 LOG_INFO [2372:16908]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.23 13:05:19 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.10.23 13:05:19 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.23 13:05:19 LOG_DEBUG [2372:8884]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.23 13:05:19 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.23 13:05:19 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.23 13:05:19 LOG_INFO [2372:8884]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.24 07:04:19 LOG_DEBUG [16280:1128]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.10.24 07:04:19 LOG_DEBUG [16280:1128]: The local product version is
2022.10.24 07:04:19 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.24 07:04:19 LOG_ERR [16280:1128]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.24 07:04:20 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.10.24 07:04:20 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.10.24 07:04:20 LOG_NOTICE [16280:1128]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.10.24 07:04:20 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.10.24 07:04:20 LOG_NOTICE [16280:1128]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.10.24 07:04:20 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: SecureConnect started
2022.10.24 07:04:20 LOG_DEBUG [15296:17328]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.10.24 07:04:20 LOG_INFO [15296:17328]: Init SSL channel
2022.10.24 07:04:21 LOG_ERR [16280:1128]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.24 07:04:21 LOG_DEBUG [15296:17328]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.24 07:04:21 LOG_DEBUG [15296:17328]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.10.24 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [16280:1128]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.24 07:04:22 LOG_ERR [16280:1128]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.24 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [15296:17328]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.24 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [15296:17328]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.10.24 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [15296:17328]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.10.24 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [15296:17328]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.10.24 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [15296:17328]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.10.24 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [15296:17328]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.10.24 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [15296:17328]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.10.24 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [15296:17328]: Real HostID =
2022.10.24 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [15296:17328]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.24 07:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [16280:1128]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_DEBUG [16280:1128]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [15296:9532]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_DEBUG [16280:15052]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [16280:15052]: Connecting to
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [15296:7656]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_DEBUG [15296:6012]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_DEBUG [15296:6012]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_DEBUG [15296:1220]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [15296:1220]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [15296:1220]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [15296:1220]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [15296:1220]: Connect to with port
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [15296:1220]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.24 07:04:27 LOG_DEBUG [15296:1220]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.24 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [15296:1220]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.24 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [15296:1220]: HostID =
2022.10.24 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [15296:1220]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.24 07:04:29 LOG_ERR [15296:1220]: Authentication failed : -3
2022.10.24 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [15296:1220]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.24 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [15296:1220]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51117860
2022.10.24 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [15296:1220]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.24 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [15296:1220]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.24 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [15296:1220]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.24 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [15296:1220]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.24 07:04:29 LOG_ERR [15296:1220]: Can't login Error code =

2022.10.24 07:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [15296:1220]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.24 07:04:30 LOG_INFO [16280:16944]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2022.10.24 07:04:30 LOG_INFO [16280:16944]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2022.10.24 07:04:30 LOG_INFO [16280:16944]: user or password error, stop auto
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [16280:1128]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:2364]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [16280:6824]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [16280:6824]: Connecting to
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:9332]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [15296:6012]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [15296:6012]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [15296:12508]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:12508]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:12508]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:12508]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:12508]: Connect to with port
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:12508]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [15296:12508]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [15296:12508]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:12508]: HostID =
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:12508]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_ERR [15296:12508]: Authentication failed : -3
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:12508]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:12508]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51117860
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:12508]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:12508]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:12508]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [15296:12508]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_ERR [15296:12508]: Can't login Error code =

2022.10.24 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [15296:12508]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.24 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [16280:14456]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2022.10.24 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [16280:14456]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=1)
2022.10.24 07:04:39 LOG_INFO [16280:14456]: user or password error, stop auto
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: failed count: 2. Ref count: 3
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [16280:1128]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:2512]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [16280:12256]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [16280:12256]: Connecting to
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:13556]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [15296:6012]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [15296:6012]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [15296:16804]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:16804]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:16804]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:16804]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:16804]: Connect to with port
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:16804]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [15296:16804]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [15296:16804]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:16804]: HostID =
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:16804]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_ERR [15296:16804]: Authentication failed : -3
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:16804]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:16804]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51117860
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:16804]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:16804]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:16804]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [15296:16804]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_ERR [15296:16804]: Can't login Error code =

2022.10.24 07:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [15296:16804]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.24 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [16280:15780]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2022.10.24 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [16280:15780]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=2)
2022.10.24 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [16280:15780]: user or password error, stop auto
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: start=133110686709660000
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=143870000
diffInSec=14 refTime=60.
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: start=133110686709660000
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=143870000
diffInSec=14 refTime=60.
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2022-
10-24 7:6:45
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: start=133110686709660000
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=143870000
diffInSec=14 refTime=60.
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2022.10.24 07:04:51 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2022-
10-24 7:6:45
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: start=133110686709660000
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=143870000
diffInSec=14 refTime=60.
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: start=133110686709660000
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=143870000
diffInSec=14 refTime=60.
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2022-
10-24 7:6:45
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_DEBUG [16280:1128]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [15296:17296]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_DEBUG [16280:12704]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [16280:12704]: Connecting to
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [15296:1808]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_DEBUG [15296:6012]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_DEBUG [15296:6012]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_DEBUG [15296:13092]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Connect to with port
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_DEBUG [15296:13092]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_DEBUG [15296:13092]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: HostID =
2022.10.24 07:18:25 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_DEBUG [15296:13092]: Login ok!
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: No peer server list.
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_INFO [16280:11036]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_DEBUG [15296:13092]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: SET IP =
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_DEBUG [15296:13092]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_DEBUG [15296:13092]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_DEBUG [15296:13092]: Not receive
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_DEBUG [15296:13092]: Local SPI = 7caff95e
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_DEBUG [15296:13092]: Local CPI = 0x4eb1
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8dcf
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: get session id from server = 344
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_DEBUG [15296:13092]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcb54 and local CPI
= 0x4eb1
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_DEBUG [15296:13092]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.24 07:18:26 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Send new key OK
2022.10.24 07:18:27 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Add routes OK
2022.10.24 07:18:27 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Add wins OK
2022.10.24 07:18:31 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.24 07:18:31 LOG_INFO [15296:13092]: Add dns OK
2022.10.24 07:18:31 LOG_DEBUG [15296:13092]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.24 07:18:31 LOG_INFO [16280:14860]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.10.24 07:18:31 LOG_DEBUG [16280:14860]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.24 13:01:12 LOG_INFO [16280:1128]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.24 13:01:12 LOG_INFO [15296:8488]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.24 13:01:12 LOG_DEBUG [15296:6012]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.10.24 13:01:12 LOG_DEBUG [15296:6012]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.24 13:01:12 LOG_DEBUG [15296:6012]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.24 13:01:12 LOG_INFO [15296:6012]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.24 13:01:12 LOG_INFO [15296:6012]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.24 13:01:13 LOG_INFO [15296:6012]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.24 13:01:13 LOG_INFO [15296:6012]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.24 13:01:13 LOG_INFO [15296:6012]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.24 13:01:14 LOG_INFO [15296:6012]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.25 07:02:03 LOG_DEBUG [1712:1824]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.10.25 07:02:03 LOG_DEBUG [1712:1824]: The local product version is
2022.10.25 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [1712:1824]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.25 07:02:03 LOG_ERR [1712:1824]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.25 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [1712:1824]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.10.25 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [1712:1824]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.10.25 07:02:03 LOG_NOTICE [1712:1824]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.10.25 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [1712:1824]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2022.10.25 07:02:03 LOG_NOTICE [1712:1824]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.10.25 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [1712:1824]: SecureConnect started
2022.10.25 07:02:03 LOG_DEBUG [1708:2264]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.10.25 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [1708:2264]: Init SSL channel
2022.10.25 07:02:04 LOG_ERR [1712:1824]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.25 07:02:05 LOG_DEBUG [1708:2264]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.25 07:02:05 LOG_DEBUG [1708:2264]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.10.25 07:02:05 LOG_DEBUG [1712:1824]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.25 07:02:05 LOG_ERR [1712:1824]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.25 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [1708:2264]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.25 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [1708:2264]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.10.25 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [1708:2264]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.10.25 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [1708:2264]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.10.25 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [1708:2264]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.10.25 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [1708:2264]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.10.25 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [1708:2264]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.10.25 07:02:06 LOG_INFO [1708:2264]: Real HostID =
2022.10.25 07:02:06 LOG_INFO [1708:2264]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.25 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [1712:1824]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_INFO [1712:1824]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_INFO [1712:1824]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_DEBUG [1712:1824]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_INFO [1708:17120]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_INFO [1712:1824]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_DEBUG [1712:14628]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_INFO [1712:14628]: Connecting to
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_INFO [1708:10332]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_DEBUG [1708:9564]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_DEBUG [1708:9564]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_DEBUG [1708:11192]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Connect to with port
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_DEBUG [1708:11192]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_DEBUG [1708:11192]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: HostID =
2022.10.25 07:02:11 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [1708:11192]: Login ok!
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: No peer server list.
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [1712:14332]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [1708:11192]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: SET IP =
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [1708:11192]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [1708:11192]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [1708:11192]: Not receive
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [1708:11192]: Local SPI = 3e657cca
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [1708:11192]: Local CPI = 0x86d
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8ded
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: get session id from server = 360
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [1708:11192]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcb72 and local CPI =
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [1708:11192]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.25 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Send new key OK
2022.10.25 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Add routes OK
2022.10.25 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Add wins OK
2022.10.25 07:02:16 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.25 07:02:16 LOG_INFO [1708:11192]: Add dns OK
2022.10.25 07:02:16 LOG_DEBUG [1708:11192]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.25 07:02:16 LOG_INFO [1712:4924]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2022.10.25 07:02:16 LOG_DEBUG [1712:4924]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.25 12:20:48 LOG_ERR [1708:9564]: Handle channel error message: 4004
2022.10.25 12:20:48 LOG_INFO [1708:9564]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.25 12:20:48 LOG_INFO [1708:9564]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.25 12:20:48 LOG_INFO [1708:9564]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.25 12:20:49 LOG_INFO [1708:9564]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.25 12:20:49 LOG_INFO [1708:9564]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.25 12:20:49 LOG_INFO [1708:9564]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.25 12:20:49 LOG_CRIT [1708:9564]: IO exception. The system may in

2022.10.25 12:20:49 LOG_DEBUG [1708:9564]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.25 12:32:49 LOG_DEBUG [3748:9864]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.10.25 12:32:49 LOG_DEBUG [3748:9864]: The local product version is
2022.10.25 12:32:49 LOG_INFO [3748:9864]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.25 12:32:49 LOG_ERR [3748:9864]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_INFO [1712:1824]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_INFO [1712:1824]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_DEBUG [1712:1824]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_INFO [1708:9176]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_INFO [1712:1824]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_DEBUG [1712:8844]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_INFO [1712:8844]: Connecting to
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_INFO [1708:9800]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_DEBUG [1708:9564]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_DEBUG [1708:9564]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_DEBUG [1708:7084]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Connect to with port
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_DEBUG [1708:7084]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_DEBUG [1708:7084]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2022.10.25 12:33:01 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_DEBUG [1708:7084]: Login ok!
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: No peer server list.
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_INFO [1712:2996]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_DEBUG [1708:7084]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: SET IP =
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_DEBUG [1708:7084]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_DEBUG [1708:7084]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_DEBUG [1708:7084]: Not receive
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_DEBUG [1708:7084]: Local SPI = 3b9a7734
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_DEBUG [1708:7084]: Local CPI = 0x5a2
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8df5
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: get session id from server = 364
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_DEBUG [1708:7084]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcb7a and local CPI =
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_DEBUG [1708:7084]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.25 12:33:02 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Send new key OK
2022.10.25 12:33:03 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Add routes OK
2022.10.25 12:33:03 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Add wins OK
2022.10.25 12:33:06 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.25 12:33:06 LOG_INFO [1708:7084]: Add dns OK
2022.10.25 12:33:06 LOG_INFO [1712:6968]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2022.10.25 12:33:06 LOG_DEBUG [1708:7084]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.25 12:33:06 LOG_DEBUG [1712:6968]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.25 13:00:20 LOG_INFO [1712:1824]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.25 13:00:20 LOG_INFO [1708:9420]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.25 13:00:20 LOG_DEBUG [1708:9564]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.10.25 13:00:20 LOG_DEBUG [1708:9564]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.25 13:00:20 LOG_DEBUG [1708:9564]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.25 13:00:20 LOG_INFO [1708:9564]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.25 13:00:20 LOG_INFO [1708:9564]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.25 13:00:21 LOG_INFO [1708:9564]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.25 13:00:21 LOG_INFO [1708:9564]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.25 13:00:21 LOG_INFO [1708:9564]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.25 13:00:21 LOG_INFO [1708:9564]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.26 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [15532:15932]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.10.26 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [15532:15932]: The local product version is
2022.10.26 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [15532:15932]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.26 07:02:21 LOG_ERR [15532:15932]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.26 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [15532:15932]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.10.26 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [15532:15932]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.10.26 07:02:22 LOG_NOTICE [15532:15932]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.10.26 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [15532:15932]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.10.26 07:02:22 LOG_NOTICE [15532:15932]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.10.26 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [15532:15932]: SecureConnect started
2022.10.26 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [12088:6364]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.10.26 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [12088:6364]: Init SSL channel
2022.10.26 07:02:23 LOG_ERR [15532:15932]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.26 07:02:23 LOG_DEBUG [12088:6364]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.26 07:02:23 LOG_DEBUG [12088:6364]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.10.26 07:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [15532:15932]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.26 07:02:24 LOG_ERR [15532:15932]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.26 07:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [12088:6364]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.26 07:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [12088:6364]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.10.26 07:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [12088:6364]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.10.26 07:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [12088:6364]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.10.26 07:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [12088:6364]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.10.26 07:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [12088:6364]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.10.26 07:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [12088:6364]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.10.26 07:02:24 LOG_INFO [12088:6364]: Real HostID =
2022.10.26 07:02:25 LOG_INFO [12088:6364]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.26 07:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [15532:15932]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_INFO [15532:15932]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_INFO [15532:15932]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_DEBUG [15532:15932]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_INFO [12088:5344]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_INFO [15532:15932]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_DEBUG [15532:8780]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_INFO [15532:8780]: Connecting to
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_INFO [12088:5396]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_DEBUG [12088:17996]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_DEBUG [12088:17996]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_DEBUG [12088:8716]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Connect to with port
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.26 07:02:30 LOG_DEBUG [12088:8716]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.26 07:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [12088:8716]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.26 07:02:31 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: HostID =
2022.10.26 07:02:31 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.26 07:02:31 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.26 07:02:31 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.26 07:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [12088:8716]: Login ok!
2022.10.26 07:02:31 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.26 07:02:31 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: No peer server list.
2022.10.26 07:02:31 LOG_INFO [15532:11312]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.26 07:02:31 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.26 07:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [12088:8716]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: SET IP =
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_DEBUG [12088:8716]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_DEBUG [12088:8716]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_DEBUG [12088:8716]: Not receive
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_DEBUG [12088:8716]: Local SPI = 0cc81990
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_DEBUG [12088:8716]: Local CPI = 0x12d3
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8e11
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: get session id from server = 378
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_DEBUG [12088:8716]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcb96 and local CPI =
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_DEBUG [12088:8716]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.26 07:02:32 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Send new key OK
2022.10.26 07:02:33 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Add routes OK
2022.10.26 07:02:33 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Add wins OK
2022.10.26 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.26 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [12088:8716]: Add dns OK
2022.10.26 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [15532:14552]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.10.26 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [15532:14552]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.26 13:04:11 LOG_INFO [15532:15932]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.26 13:04:11 LOG_INFO [12088:17192]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.26 13:04:11 LOG_DEBUG [12088:17996]: Begin to close
2022.10.26 13:04:11 LOG_DEBUG [12088:17996]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.26 13:04:11 LOG_DEBUG [12088:17996]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.26 13:04:11 LOG_INFO [12088:17996]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.26 13:04:11 LOG_INFO [12088:17996]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.26 13:04:12 LOG_INFO [12088:17996]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.26 13:04:12 LOG_INFO [12088:17996]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.26 13:04:12 LOG_INFO [12088:17996]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.26 13:04:12 LOG_INFO [12088:17996]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.27 07:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [4220:1056]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.10.27 07:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [4220:1056]: The local product version is
2022.10.27 07:00:47 LOG_INFO [4220:1056]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.27 07:00:47 LOG_ERR [4220:1056]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.27 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [4220:1056]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.10.27 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [4220:1056]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.10.27 07:00:48 LOG_NOTICE [4220:1056]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.10.27 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [4220:1056]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2022.10.27 07:00:48 LOG_NOTICE [4220:1056]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.10.27 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [4220:1056]: SecureConnect started
2022.10.27 07:00:48 LOG_DEBUG [10344:9404]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.10.27 07:00:48 LOG_INFO [10344:9404]: Init SSL channel
2022.10.27 07:00:49 LOG_ERR [4220:1056]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.27 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [10344:9404]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.27 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [10344:9404]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.10.27 07:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [4220:1056]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.27 07:00:50 LOG_ERR [4220:1056]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.27 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [10344:9404]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.27 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [10344:9404]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.10.27 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [10344:9404]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.10.27 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [10344:9404]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.10.27 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [10344:9404]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.10.27 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [10344:9404]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.10.27 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [10344:9404]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.10.27 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [10344:9404]: Real HostID =
2022.10.27 07:00:51 LOG_INFO [10344:9404]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.27 07:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [4220:1056]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [4220:1056]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [4220:1056]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [4220:1056]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:17828]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [4220:1056]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [4220:5452]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [4220:5452]: Connecting to
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:10040]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:7400]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:7400]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:15856]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Connect to with port
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:15856]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:15856]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: HostID =
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:15856]: Login ok!
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: No peer server list.
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [4220:4584]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:15856]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: SET IP =
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:15856]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:15856]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:15856]: Not receive
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:15856]: Local SPI = 59b0b360
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:15856]: Local CPI = 0x1bbe
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8e35
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: get session id from server = 395
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:15856]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcbba and local CPI
= 0x1bbe
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [10344:15856]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.27 07:00:56 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Send new key OK
2022.10.27 07:00:58 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Add routes OK
2022.10.27 07:00:58 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Add wins OK
2022.10.27 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.27 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [10344:15856]: Add dns OK
2022.10.27 07:01:01 LOG_INFO [4220:18000]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.10.27 07:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [4220:18000]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.27 13:01:57 LOG_INFO [4220:1056]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.27 13:01:57 LOG_INFO [10344:10856]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.27 13:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [10344:7400]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.10.27 13:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [10344:7400]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.27 13:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [10344:7400]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.27 13:01:57 LOG_INFO [10344:7400]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.27 13:01:57 LOG_INFO [10344:7400]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.10.27 13:01:58 LOG_INFO [10344:7400]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.27 13:01:58 LOG_INFO [10344:7400]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.27 13:01:58 LOG_INFO [10344:7400]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.27 13:01:58 LOG_INFO [10344:7400]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.10.31 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [17424:13336]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.10.31 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [17424:13336]: The local product version is
2022.10.31 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [17424:13336]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.10.31 07:01:24 LOG_ERR [17424:13336]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.10.31 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [17424:13336]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.10.31 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [17424:13336]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.10.31 07:01:24 LOG_NOTICE [17424:13336]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.10.31 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [17424:13336]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.10.31 07:01:24 LOG_NOTICE [17424:13336]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.10.31 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [17424:13336]: SecureConnect started
2022.10.31 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [4760:4188]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.10.31 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [4760:4188]: Init SSL channel
2022.10.31 07:01:25 LOG_ERR [17424:13336]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.31 07:01:26 LOG_DEBUG [4760:4188]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.31 07:01:26 LOG_DEBUG [4760:4188]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.10.31 07:01:26 LOG_DEBUG [17424:13336]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.31 07:01:26 LOG_ERR [17424:13336]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.10.31 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [4760:4188]: nFilelen=-1
2022.10.31 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [4760:4188]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.10.31 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [4760:4188]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.10.31 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [4760:4188]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.10.31 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [4760:4188]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.10.31 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [4760:4188]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.10.31 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [4760:4188]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.10.31 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [4760:4188]: Real HostID =
2022.10.31 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [4760:4188]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.31 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [17424:13336]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [17424:13336]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [17424:13336]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [17424:13336]: Peer server count: 0
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [4760:13552]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [17424:13336]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [17424:15000]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [17424:15000]: Connecting to
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [4760:13720]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4760:8408]: Handle channel open message
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4760:8408]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4760:3780]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Connect to with port
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4760:3780]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4760:3780]: Handshake success!.....
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2022.10.31 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.10.31 07:01:33 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.10.31 07:01:33 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Authenticaton OK
2022.10.31 07:01:33 LOG_DEBUG [4760:3780]: Login ok!
2022.10.31 07:01:33 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.10.31 07:01:33 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: No peer server list.
2022.10.31 07:01:33 LOG_INFO [17424:1408]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.10.31 07:01:33 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Send client info OK!
2022.10.31 07:01:33 LOG_DEBUG [4760:3780]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.10.31 07:01:33 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: SET IP =
2022.10.31 07:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [4760:3780]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.10.31 07:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [4760:3780]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.10.31 07:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [4760:3780]: Not receive
2022.10.31 07:01:34 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Set client parameters OK
2022.10.31 07:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [4760:3780]: Local SPI = 12b5256a
2022.10.31 07:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [4760:3780]: Local CPI = 0x3cd5
2022.10.31 07:01:34 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8e8d
2022.10.31 07:01:34 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.10.31 07:01:34 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.10.31 07:01:34 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: get session id from server = 459
2022.10.31 07:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [4760:3780]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcc12 and local CPI =
2022.10.31 07:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [4760:3780]: CompAlg = 0
2022.10.31 07:01:34 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Send new key OK
2022.10.31 07:01:36 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Add routes OK
2022.10.31 07:01:36 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Add wins OK
2022.10.31 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.10.31 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [4760:3780]: Add dns OK
2022.10.31 07:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [4760:3780]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.10.31 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [17424:10680]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.10.31 07:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [17424:10680]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.10.31 13:16:14 LOG_INFO [17424:13336]: Disconnect from the server
2022.10.31 13:16:14 LOG_INFO [4760:19184]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.10.31 13:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [4760:8408]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.10.31 13:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [4760:8408]: Handle channel close message
2022.10.31 13:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [4760:8408]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.10.31 13:16:14 LOG_INFO [4760:8408]: Close SSL channel
2022.10.31 13:16:14 LOG_INFO [4760:8408]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 50003828
2022.10.31 13:16:14 LOG_INFO [4760:8408]: Delete routes OK
2022.10.31 13:16:15 LOG_INFO [4760:8408]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.10.31 13:16:15 LOG_INFO [4760:8408]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.10.31 13:16:15 LOG_INFO [4760:8408]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.01 07:02:48 LOG_DEBUG [6480:12040]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.11.01 07:02:48 LOG_DEBUG [6480:12040]: The local product version is
2022.11.01 07:02:48 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.01 07:02:48 LOG_ERR [6480:12040]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.01 07:02:49 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.01 07:02:49 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.01 07:02:49 LOG_NOTICE [6480:12040]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.01 07:02:49 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.11.01 07:02:49 LOG_NOTICE [6480:12040]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.01 07:02:49 LOG_DEBUG [9060:18560]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.01 07:02:49 LOG_INFO [9060:18560]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.01 07:02:49 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.01 07:02:50 LOG_ERR [6480:12040]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.01 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [9060:18560]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.01 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [9060:18560]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.01 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [6480:12040]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.01 07:02:51 LOG_ERR [6480:12040]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.01 07:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [9060:18560]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.01 07:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [9060:18560]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.01 07:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [9060:18560]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.01 07:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [9060:18560]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.01 07:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [9060:18560]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.01 07:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [9060:18560]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.01 07:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [9060:18560]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.01 07:02:52 LOG_INFO [9060:18560]: Real HostID =
2022.11.01 07:02:52 LOG_INFO [9060:18560]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.01 07:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [6480:12040]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [6480:12040]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15972]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [6480:16708]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [6480:16708]: Connecting to
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:11696]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:4660]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:4660]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:15820]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Connect to with port
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:15820]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:15820]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: HostID =
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:15820]: Login ok!
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: No peer server list.
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [6480:7608]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:15820]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: SET IP =
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:15820]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:15820]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:15820]: Not receive
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:15820]: Local SPI = 61ecc3d8
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:15820]: Local CPI = 0x480f
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8eaf
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: get session id from server = 478
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:15820]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcc34 and local CPI =
2022.11.01 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9060:15820]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.01 07:03:00 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Send new key OK
2022.11.01 07:03:00 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Add routes OK
2022.11.01 07:03:00 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Add wins OK
2022.11.01 07:03:03 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.01 07:03:03 LOG_INFO [9060:15820]: Add dns OK
2022.11.01 07:03:04 LOG_INFO [6480:14528]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.01 07:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [9060:15820]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.01 07:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [6480:14528]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.01 07:47:21 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.01 07:47:21 LOG_INFO [9060:10872]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.01 07:47:21 LOG_DEBUG [9060:4660]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.11.01 07:47:21 LOG_DEBUG [9060:4660]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.01 07:47:21 LOG_DEBUG [9060:4660]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.01 07:47:21 LOG_INFO [9060:4660]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.01 07:47:21 LOG_INFO [9060:4660]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 48496500
2022.11.01 07:47:21 LOG_INFO [9060:12776]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2022.11.01 07:47:21 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2022.11.01 07:47:22 LOG_INFO [9060:4660]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.01 07:47:22 LOG_INFO [9060:4660]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.01 07:47:22 LOG_INFO [9060:4660]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.01 07:47:22 LOG_INFO [9060:4660]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3

2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_DEBUG [6480:12040]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:13064]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_DEBUG [6480:5296]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [6480:5296]: Connecting to
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:2360]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_DEBUG [9060:4660]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_DEBUG [9060:4660]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_DEBUG [9060:16748]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Connect to with port
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_DEBUG [9060:16748]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_DEBUG [9060:16748]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: HostID =
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_DEBUG [9060:16748]: Login ok!
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: No peer server list.
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [6480:11708]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_DEBUG [9060:16748]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: SET IP =
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_DEBUG [9060:16748]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_DEBUG [9060:16748]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.01 07:47:43 LOG_DEBUG [9060:16748]: Not receive
2022.11.01 07:47:44 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.01 07:47:44 LOG_DEBUG [9060:16748]: Local SPI = 042c0858
2022.11.01 07:47:44 LOG_DEBUG [9060:16748]: Local CPI = 0x6a4f
2022.11.01 07:47:44 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8eb1
2022.11.01 07:47:44 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.01 07:47:44 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.01 07:47:44 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: get session id from server = 479
2022.11.01 07:47:44 LOG_DEBUG [9060:16748]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcc36 and local CPI =
2022.11.01 07:47:44 LOG_DEBUG [9060:16748]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.01 07:47:44 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Send new key OK
2022.11.01 07:47:44 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Add routes OK
2022.11.01 07:47:44 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Add wins OK
2022.11.01 07:47:47 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.01 07:47:47 LOG_INFO [9060:16748]: Add dns OK
2022.11.01 07:47:48 LOG_DEBUG [9060:16748]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.01 07:47:48 LOG_INFO [6480:18972]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.01 07:47:48 LOG_DEBUG [6480:18972]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.01 13:05:28 LOG_INFO [6480:12040]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.01 13:05:28 LOG_INFO [9060:16912]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.01 13:05:28 LOG_DEBUG [9060:4660]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.11.01 13:05:28 LOG_DEBUG [9060:4660]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.01 13:05:28 LOG_DEBUG [9060:4660]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.01 13:05:28 LOG_INFO [9060:4660]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.01 13:05:28 LOG_INFO [9060:4660]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 48496500
2022.11.01 13:05:28 LOG_INFO [9060:4660]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.01 13:05:29 LOG_INFO [9060:4660]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.01 13:05:29 LOG_INFO [9060:4660]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.01 13:05:29 LOG_INFO [9060:4660]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.02 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [9500:12148]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.11.02 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [9500:12148]: The local product version is
2022.11.02 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [9500:12148]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.02 07:02:14 LOG_ERR [9500:12148]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.02 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [9500:12148]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.02 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [9500:12148]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.02 07:02:14 LOG_NOTICE [9500:12148]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.02 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [9500:12148]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.11.02 07:02:14 LOG_NOTICE [9500:12148]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.02 07:02:15 LOG_INFO [9500:12148]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.02 07:02:15 LOG_DEBUG [13692:1724]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.02 07:02:15 LOG_INFO [13692:1724]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.02 07:02:16 LOG_ERR [9500:12148]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.02 07:02:16 LOG_DEBUG [13692:1724]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.02 07:02:16 LOG_DEBUG [13692:1724]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.02 07:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [9500:12148]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.02 07:02:17 LOG_ERR [9500:12148]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.02 07:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [13692:1724]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.02 07:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [13692:1724]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.02 07:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [13692:1724]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.02 07:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [13692:1724]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.02 07:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [13692:1724]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.02 07:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [13692:1724]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.02 07:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [13692:1724]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.02 07:02:17 LOG_INFO [13692:1724]: Real HostID =
2022.11.02 07:02:17 LOG_INFO [13692:1724]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.02 07:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [9500:12148]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [9500:12148]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [9500:12148]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [9500:12148]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:14772]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [9500:12148]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [9500:19068]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [9500:19068]: Connecting to
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:9564]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:8712]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:8712]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:17940]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Connect to with port
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:17940]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:17940]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: HostID =
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:17940]: Login ok!
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: No peer server list.
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [9500:10236]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:17940]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: SET IP =
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:17940]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:17940]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:17940]: Not receive
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:17940]: Local SPI = 2f965f2c
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:17940]: Local CPI = 0x51bc
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8ed9
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: get session id from server = 503
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:17940]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcc5e and local CPI
= 0x51bc
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [13692:17940]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.02 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Send new key OK
2022.11.02 07:02:23 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Add routes OK
2022.11.02 07:02:23 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Add wins OK
2022.11.02 07:02:26 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.02 07:02:26 LOG_INFO [13692:17940]: Add dns OK
2022.11.02 07:02:26 LOG_DEBUG [13692:17940]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.02 07:02:26 LOG_INFO [9500:3864]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.02 07:02:26 LOG_DEBUG [9500:3864]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.02 13:00:36 LOG_INFO [9500:12148]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.02 13:00:36 LOG_INFO [13692:14700]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.02 13:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [13692:8712]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.11.02 13:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [13692:8712]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.02 13:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [13692:8712]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.02 13:00:36 LOG_INFO [13692:8712]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.02 13:00:36 LOG_INFO [13692:8712]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49938292
2022.11.02 13:00:36 LOG_INFO [13692:8712]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.02 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [13692:8712]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.02 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [13692:8712]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.02 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [13692:8712]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.03 07:01:40 LOG_DEBUG [20056:20060]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.11.03 07:01:40 LOG_DEBUG [20056:20060]: The local product version is
2022.11.03 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [20056:20060]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.03 07:01:40 LOG_ERR [20056:20060]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.03 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [20056:20060]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.03 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [20056:20060]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.03 07:01:40 LOG_NOTICE [20056:20060]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.03 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [20056:20060]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.11.03 07:01:40 LOG_NOTICE [20056:20060]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.03 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [20056:20060]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.03 07:01:40 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20172]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.03 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [20168:20172]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.03 07:01:41 LOG_ERR [20056:20060]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.03 07:01:42 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20172]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.03 07:01:42 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20172]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.03 07:01:42 LOG_DEBUG [20056:20060]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.03 07:01:42 LOG_ERR [20056:20060]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.03 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20172]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.03 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20172]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.03 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20172]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.03 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20172]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.03 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20172]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.03 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20172]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.03 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20172]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.03 07:01:43 LOG_INFO [20168:20172]: Real HostID =
2022.11.03 07:01:43 LOG_INFO [20168:20172]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.03 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [20056:20060]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_INFO [20056:20060]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_INFO [20056:20060]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [20056:20060]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_INFO [20168:19668]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_INFO [20056:20060]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [20056:19664]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_INFO [20056:19664]: Connecting to
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_INFO [20168:19708]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20308]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20308]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [20168:19704]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Connect to with port
2022.11.03 07:01:48 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_DEBUG [20168:19704]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_DEBUG [20168:19704]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: HostID =
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_DEBUG [20168:19704]: Login ok!
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: No peer server list.
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20056:19580]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_DEBUG [20168:19704]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: SET IP =
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_DEBUG [20168:19704]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_DEBUG [20168:19704]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_DEBUG [20168:19704]: Not receive
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_DEBUG [20168:19704]: Local SPI = 7d4cfa98
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_DEBUG [20168:19704]: Local CPI = 0x1778
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8ef3
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: get session id from server = 517
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_DEBUG [20168:19704]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcc78 and local CPI
= 0x1778
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_DEBUG [20168:19704]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.03 07:01:49 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Send new key OK
2022.11.03 07:01:50 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Add routes OK
2022.11.03 07:01:50 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Add wins OK
2022.11.03 07:01:53 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.03 07:01:53 LOG_INFO [20168:19704]: Add dns OK
2022.11.03 07:01:53 LOG_INFO [20056:11252]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.03 07:01:53 LOG_DEBUG [20056:11252]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.03 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [20056:20060]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.03 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [20168:4760]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.03 13:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20308]: Begin to close
2022.11.03 13:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20308]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.03 13:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [20168:20308]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.03 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [20168:20308]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.03 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [20168:20308]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49938292
2022.11.03 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [20168:20308]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.03 13:00:38 LOG_INFO [20168:20308]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.03 13:00:38 LOG_INFO [20168:20308]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.03 13:00:38 LOG_INFO [20168:20308]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.04 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [9280:15956]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.11.04 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [9280:15956]: The local product version is
2022.11.04 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [9280:15956]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.04 07:02:51 LOG_ERR [9280:15956]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.04 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [9280:15956]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.04 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [9280:15956]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.04 07:02:51 LOG_NOTICE [9280:15956]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.04 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [9280:15956]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.11.04 07:02:51 LOG_NOTICE [9280:15956]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.04 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [9280:15956]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.04 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [10408:13856]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.04 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [10408:13856]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.04 07:02:52 LOG_ERR [9280:15956]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.04 07:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [10408:13856]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.04 07:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [10408:13856]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.04 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [9280:15956]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.04 07:02:53 LOG_ERR [9280:15956]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.04 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [10408:13856]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.04 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [10408:13856]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.04 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [10408:13856]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.04 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [10408:13856]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.04 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [10408:13856]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.04 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [10408:13856]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.04 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [10408:13856]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.04 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [10408:13856]: Real HostID =
2022.11.04 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [10408:13856]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.04 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [9280:15956]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9280:15956]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9280:15956]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9280:15956]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7760]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9280:15956]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [9280:12000]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9280:12000]: Connecting to
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:5368]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:1092]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:1092]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:7496]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Connect to with port
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:7496]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:7496]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: HostID =
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:7496]: Login ok!
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: No peer server list.
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [9280:4472]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:7496]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: SET IP =
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:7496]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:7496]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:7496]: Not receive
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:7496]: Local SPI = 4c5398a6
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:7496]: Local CPI = 0x2282
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8f13
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: get session id from server = 533
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:7496]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcc98 and local CPI =
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10408:7496]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.04 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Send new key OK
2022.11.04 07:03:00 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Add routes OK
2022.11.04 07:03:00 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Add wins OK
2022.11.04 07:03:03 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.04 07:03:03 LOG_INFO [10408:7496]: Add dns OK
2022.11.04 07:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [10408:7496]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.04 07:03:03 LOG_INFO [9280:8472]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.04 07:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [9280:8472]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.04 13:00:15 LOG_INFO [9280:15956]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.04 13:00:15 LOG_INFO [10408:20244]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.04 13:00:15 LOG_DEBUG [10408:1092]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.11.04 13:00:15 LOG_DEBUG [10408:1092]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.04 13:00:15 LOG_DEBUG [10408:1092]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.04 13:00:15 LOG_INFO [10408:1092]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.04 13:00:15 LOG_INFO [10408:1092]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.11.04 13:00:15 LOG_INFO [10408:1092]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.04 13:00:16 LOG_INFO [10408:1092]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.04 13:00:16 LOG_INFO [10408:1092]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.04 13:00:16 LOG_INFO [10408:1092]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.07 07:03:42 LOG_DEBUG [13052:6716]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.11.07 07:03:42 LOG_DEBUG [13052:6716]: The local product version is
2022.11.07 07:03:42 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.07 07:03:42 LOG_ERR [13052:6716]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.07 07:03:43 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.07 07:03:43 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.07 07:03:43 LOG_NOTICE [13052:6716]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.07 07:03:43 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.11.07 07:03:43 LOG_NOTICE [13052:6716]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.07 07:03:43 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.07 07:03:43 LOG_DEBUG [7068:18924]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.07 07:03:43 LOG_INFO [7068:18924]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.07 07:03:44 LOG_ERR [13052:6716]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.07 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [7068:18924]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.07 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [7068:18924]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.07 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [13052:6716]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.07 07:03:45 LOG_ERR [13052:6716]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.07 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:18924]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.07 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:18924]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.07 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:18924]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.07 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:18924]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.07 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:18924]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.07 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:18924]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.07 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:18924]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.07 07:03:46 LOG_INFO [7068:18924]: Real HostID =
2022.11.07 07:03:46 LOG_INFO [7068:18924]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.07 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [13052:6716]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_DEBUG [13052:6716]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_INFO [7068:10372]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_DEBUG [13052:3484]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_INFO [13052:3484]: Connecting to
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_INFO [7068:13876]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_DEBUG [7068:20388]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_DEBUG [7068:20388]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_DEBUG [7068:13192]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Connect to with port
2022.11.07 07:03:50 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [7068:13192]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [7068:13192]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: HostID =
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [7068:13192]: Login ok!
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: No peer server list.
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [13052:10968]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [7068:13192]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: SET IP =
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [7068:13192]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [7068:13192]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [7068:13192]: Not receive
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [7068:13192]: Local SPI = 37626ec4
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [7068:13192]: Local CPI = 0x7d9d
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8f69
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: get session id from server = 578
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [7068:13192]: Remote CPI = 0xffffccee and local CPI =
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [7068:13192]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.07 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Send new key OK
2022.11.07 07:03:53 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Add routes OK
2022.11.07 07:03:53 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Add wins OK
2022.11.07 07:03:56 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.07 07:03:56 LOG_INFO [7068:13192]: Add dns OK
2022.11.07 07:03:56 LOG_DEBUG [7068:13192]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.07 07:03:57 LOG_INFO [13052:10644]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.07 07:03:57 LOG_DEBUG [13052:10644]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.07 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.07 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [7068:2964]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.07 07:08:11 LOG_DEBUG [7068:20388]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.11.07 07:08:11 LOG_DEBUG [7068:20388]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.07 07:08:11 LOG_DEBUG [7068:20388]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.07 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [7068:20388]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.07 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [7068:20388]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.11.07 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [7068:9596]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag nData
2022.11.07 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2022.11.07 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [7068:20388]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.07 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [7068:20388]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.07 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [7068:20388]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.07 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [7068:20388]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3

2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_DEBUG [13052:6716]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_INFO [7068:17560]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_DEBUG [13052:12232]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_INFO [13052:12232]: Connecting to
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_INFO [7068:13352]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_DEBUG [7068:20388]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_DEBUG [7068:20388]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_DEBUG [7068:7172]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Connect to with port
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_DEBUG [7068:7172]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_DEBUG [7068:7172]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2022.11.07 08:51:45 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:7172]: Login ok!
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: No peer server list.
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_INFO [13052:14752]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:7172]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: SET IP =
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:7172]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:7172]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:7172]: Not receive
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:7172]: Local SPI = 09fb13f6
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:7172]: Local CPI = 0x5036
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8f6b
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: get session id from server = 579
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:7172]: Remote CPI = 0xffffccf0 and local CPI =
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_DEBUG [7068:7172]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.07 08:51:46 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Send new key OK
2022.11.07 08:51:47 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Add routes OK
2022.11.07 08:51:47 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Add wins OK
2022.11.07 08:51:50 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.07 08:51:50 LOG_INFO [7068:7172]: Add dns OK
2022.11.07 08:51:50 LOG_INFO [13052:18076]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.07 08:51:50 LOG_DEBUG [13052:18076]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.07 13:03:11 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.07 13:03:11 LOG_INFO [7068:18136]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.07 13:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [7068:20388]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.11.07 13:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [7068:20388]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.07 13:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [7068:20388]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.07 13:03:11 LOG_INFO [7068:20388]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.07 13:03:11 LOG_INFO [7068:20388]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.11.07 13:03:11 LOG_INFO [7068:19980]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2022.11.07 13:03:11 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2022.11.07 13:03:12 LOG_INFO [7068:20388]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.07 13:03:12 LOG_INFO [7068:20388]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.07 13:03:12 LOG_INFO [7068:20388]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.07 13:03:12 LOG_INFO [7068:20388]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.07 13:04:16 LOG_INFO [13052:6716]: Disconnect from the server

2022.11.07 13:04:16 LOG_INFO [7068:4316]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.07 13:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [7068:20388]: Already be disconnected
2022.11.08 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [19008:18188]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.11.08 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [19008:18188]: The local product version is
2022.11.08 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [19008:18188]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.08 00:05:34 LOG_ERR [19008:18188]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.08 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [19008:18188]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.08 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [19008:18188]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.08 00:05:34 LOG_NOTICE [19008:18188]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.08 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [19008:18188]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.11.08 00:05:34 LOG_NOTICE [19008:18188]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.08 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8220]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.08 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [13744:8220]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.08 00:05:35 LOG_INFO [19008:18188]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.08 00:05:36 LOG_ERR [19008:18188]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.08 00:05:36 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8220]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.08 00:05:36 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8220]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.08 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [19008:18188]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.08 00:05:37 LOG_ERR [19008:18188]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.08 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8220]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.08 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8220]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.08 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8220]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.08 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8220]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.08 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8220]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.08 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8220]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.08 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8220]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.08 00:05:37 LOG_INFO [13744:8220]: Real HostID =
2022.11.08 00:05:37 LOG_INFO [13744:8220]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.08 00:05:38 LOG_DEBUG [19008:18188]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [19008:18188]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [19008:18188]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [19008:18188]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [13744:19112]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [19008:18188]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [19008:13992]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [19008:13992]: Connecting to
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [13744:18820]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [13744:1696]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [13744:1696]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8912]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Connect to with port
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8912]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8912]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: HostID =
2022.11.08 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8912]: Login ok!
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: No peer server list.
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [19008:12704]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8912]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: SET IP =
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8912]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8912]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8912]: Not receive
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8912]: Local SPI = 457a8af4
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8912]: Local CPI = 0x47b8
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8f81
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: get session id from server = 591
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8912]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcd06 and local CPI =
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8912]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.08 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Send new key OK
2022.11.08 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Add routes OK
2022.11.08 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Add wins OK
2022.11.08 00:05:46 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.08 00:05:46 LOG_INFO [13744:8912]: Add dns OK
2022.11.08 00:05:46 LOG_DEBUG [13744:8912]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.08 00:05:46 LOG_INFO [19008:15548]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.08 00:05:46 LOG_DEBUG [19008:15548]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.08 06:05:49 LOG_INFO [19008:18188]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.08 06:05:49 LOG_INFO [13744:14888]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.08 06:05:49 LOG_DEBUG [13744:1696]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.11.08 06:05:49 LOG_DEBUG [13744:1696]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.08 06:05:49 LOG_DEBUG [13744:1696]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.08 06:05:49 LOG_INFO [13744:1696]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.08 06:05:49 LOG_INFO [13744:1696]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49938292
2022.11.08 06:05:49 LOG_INFO [13744:1696]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.08 06:05:49 LOG_INFO [13744:1696]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.09 07:01:15 LOG_DEBUG [18972:24756]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.11.09 07:01:15 LOG_DEBUG [18972:24756]: The local product version is
2022.11.09 07:01:15 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.09 07:01:15 LOG_ERR [18972:24756]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.09 07:01:16 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.09 07:01:16 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.09 07:01:16 LOG_NOTICE [18972:24756]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.09 07:01:16 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.11.09 07:01:16 LOG_NOTICE [18972:24756]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.09 07:01:16 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.09 07:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [11344:16968]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.09 07:01:16 LOG_INFO [11344:16968]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.09 07:01:17 LOG_ERR [18972:24756]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.09 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [11344:16968]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.09 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [11344:16968]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.09 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [18972:24756]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.09 07:01:18 LOG_ERR [18972:24756]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.09 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [11344:16968]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.09 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [11344:16968]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.09 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [11344:16968]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.09 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [11344:16968]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.09 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [11344:16968]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.09 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [11344:16968]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.09 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [11344:16968]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.09 07:01:19 LOG_INFO [11344:16968]: Real HostID =
2022.11.09 07:01:19 LOG_INFO [11344:16968]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.09 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [18972:24756]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [18972:24756]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [11344:20260]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [18972:21516]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [18972:21516]: Connecting to
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [11344:1872]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [11344:21088]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [11344:21088]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [11344:20456]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Connect to with port
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [11344:20456]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [11344:20456]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: HostID =
2022.11.09 07:01:24 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [11344:20456]: Login ok!
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: No peer server list.
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [18972:12728]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [11344:20456]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: SET IP =
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [11344:20456]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [11344:20456]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [11344:20456]: Not receive
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [11344:20456]: Local SPI = 51caa394
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [11344:20456]: Local CPI = 0x100b
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8f9d
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: get session id from server = 606
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [11344:20456]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcd22 and local CPI
= 0x100b
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [11344:20456]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Send new key OK
2022.11.09 07:01:25 LOG_ERR [11344:20456]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2022.11.09 07:01:26 LOG_ERR [11344:20456]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2022.11.09 07:01:27 LOG_ERR [11344:20456]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2022.11.09 07:01:28 LOG_ERR [11344:20456]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2022.11.09 07:01:28 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.09 07:01:28 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51117860
2022.11.09 07:01:28 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.09 07:01:29 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.09 07:01:29 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.09 07:01:29 LOG_INFO [11344:20456]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.09 07:01:29 LOG_ERR [11344:20456]: Setup connection failed

2022.11.09 07:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [11344:20456]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.09 07:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [13712:14936]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.11.09 07:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [13712:14936]: The local product version is
2022.11.09 07:01:45 LOG_INFO [13712:14936]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.09 07:01:45 LOG_ERR [13712:14936]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [18972:24756]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_INFO [11344:19248]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [18972:24584]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_INFO [18972:24584]: Connecting to
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_INFO [11344:8656]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [11344:21088]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [11344:21088]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [11344:22460]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Connect to with port
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [11344:22460]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [11344:22460]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: HostID =
2022.11.09 07:02:00 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.09 07:02:01 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.09 07:02:01 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.09 07:02:01 LOG_DEBUG [11344:22460]: Login ok!
2022.11.09 07:02:01 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.09 07:02:01 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: No peer server list.
2022.11.09 07:02:01 LOG_INFO [18972:18704]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.09 07:02:01 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.09 07:02:01 LOG_DEBUG [11344:22460]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.09 07:02:01 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: SET IP =
2022.11.09 07:02:01 LOG_DEBUG [11344:22460]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.09 07:02:01 LOG_DEBUG [11344:22460]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.09 07:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [11344:22460]: Not receive
2022.11.09 07:02:02 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.09 07:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [11344:22460]: Local SPI = 5243a486
2022.11.09 07:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [11344:22460]: Local CPI = 0x1084
2022.11.09 07:02:02 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8f9f
2022.11.09 07:02:02 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.09 07:02:02 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.09 07:02:02 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: get session id from server = 607
2022.11.09 07:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [11344:22460]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcd24 and local CPI
= 0x1084
2022.11.09 07:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [11344:22460]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.09 07:02:02 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Send new key OK
2022.11.09 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Add routes OK
2022.11.09 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Add wins OK
2022.11.09 07:02:06 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.09 07:02:06 LOG_INFO [11344:22460]: Add dns OK
2022.11.09 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [11344:22460]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.09 07:02:06 LOG_INFO [18972:24512]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.09 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [18972:24512]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.09 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.09 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [11344:4132]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.09 13:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [11344:21088]: Begin to close
2022.11.09 13:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [11344:21088]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.09 13:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [11344:21088]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.09 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [11344:21088]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.09 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [11344:21088]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.11.09 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: Wait for SCVPN being disconnected...
2022.11.09 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [11344:21088]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.09 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [11344:21088]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.09 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [11344:21088]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.09 13:00:37 LOG_INFO [11344:21088]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.09 13:00:38 LOG_INFO [18972:24756]: SCVPN is disconnected. Ready to exit.

2022.11.10 07:03:32 LOG_DEBUG [10572:14016]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.11.10 07:03:32 LOG_DEBUG [10572:14016]: The local product version is
2022.11.10 07:03:32 LOG_INFO [10572:14016]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.10 07:03:32 LOG_ERR [10572:14016]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.10 07:03:33 LOG_INFO [10572:14016]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.10 07:03:33 LOG_INFO [10572:14016]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.10 07:03:33 LOG_NOTICE [10572:14016]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.10 07:03:33 LOG_INFO [10572:14016]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.11.10 07:03:33 LOG_NOTICE [10572:14016]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.10 07:03:33 LOG_INFO [10572:14016]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.10 07:03:33 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9444]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.10 07:03:33 LOG_INFO [12364:9444]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.10 07:03:34 LOG_ERR [10572:14016]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.10 07:03:34 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9444]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.10 07:03:34 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9444]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.10 07:03:35 LOG_DEBUG [10572:14016]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.10 07:03:35 LOG_ERR [10572:14016]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.10 07:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9444]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.10 07:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9444]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.10 07:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9444]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.10 07:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9444]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.10 07:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9444]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.10 07:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9444]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.10 07:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9444]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.10 07:03:36 LOG_INFO [12364:9444]: Real HostID =
2022.11.10 07:03:36 LOG_INFO [12364:9444]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.10 07:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [10572:14016]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [10572:14016]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [10572:14016]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_DEBUG [10572:14016]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [12364:12716]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [10572:14016]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_DEBUG [10572:14128]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [10572:14128]: Connecting to
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [12364:14180]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9584]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9584]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12124]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Connect to with port
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12124]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12124]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: HostID =
2022.11.10 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12124]: Login ok!
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: No peer server list.
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [10572:6988]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12124]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: SET IP =
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12124]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12124]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12124]: Not receive
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12124]: Local SPI = 21bf437e
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12124]: Local CPI = 0x5806
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8fb3
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: get session id from server = 617
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12124]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcd38 and local CPI
= 0x5806
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12124]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.10 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Send new key OK
2022.11.10 07:03:50 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Add routes OK
2022.11.10 07:03:50 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Add wins OK
2022.11.10 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.10 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [12364:12124]: Add dns OK
2022.11.10 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12124]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.10 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [10572:13476]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.10 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [10572:13476]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.10 13:04:40 LOG_INFO [10572:14016]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.10 13:04:40 LOG_INFO [12364:11788]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.10 13:04:40 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9584]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.11.10 13:04:40 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9584]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.10 13:04:40 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9584]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.10 13:04:40 LOG_INFO [12364:9584]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.10 13:04:40 LOG_INFO [12364:9584]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.11.10 13:04:40 LOG_INFO [12364:9584]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.11 07:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [8668:5236]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.11.11 07:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [8668:5236]: The local product version is
2022.11.11 07:03:08 LOG_INFO [8668:5236]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.11 07:03:08 LOG_ERR [8668:5236]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.11 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [8668:5236]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.11 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [8668:5236]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.11 07:03:09 LOG_NOTICE [8668:5236]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.11 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [8668:5236]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2022.11.11 07:03:09 LOG_NOTICE [8668:5236]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.11 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [8668:5236]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.11 07:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [4152:5220]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.11 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [4152:5220]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.11 07:03:10 LOG_ERR [8668:5236]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.11 07:03:10 LOG_DEBUG [4152:5220]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.11 07:03:10 LOG_DEBUG [4152:5220]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.11 07:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [8668:5236]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.11 07:03:11 LOG_ERR [8668:5236]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.11 07:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [4152:5220]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.11 07:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [4152:5220]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.11 07:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [4152:5220]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.11 07:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [4152:5220]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.11 07:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [4152:5220]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.11 07:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [4152:5220]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.11 07:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [4152:5220]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.11 07:03:11 LOG_INFO [4152:5220]: Real HostID =
2022.11.11 07:03:11 LOG_INFO [4152:5220]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.11 07:03:12 LOG_DEBUG [8668:5236]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [8668:5236]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [8668:5236]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [8668:5236]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [4152:5828]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [8668:5236]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [8668:11428]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [8668:11428]: Connecting to
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [4152:13572]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [4152:1688]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [4152:1688]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11420]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Connect to with port
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11420]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11420]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: HostID =
2022.11.11 07:04:22 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11420]: Login ok!
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: No peer server list.
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [8668:14260]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11420]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: SET IP =
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11420]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11420]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11420]: Not receive
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11420]: Local SPI = 7053e0a6
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11420]: Local CPI = 0x629d
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8fc3
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: get session id from server = 625
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11420]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcd48 and local CPI =
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11420]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Send new key OK
2022.11.11 07:04:23 LOG_ERR [4152:11420]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2022.11.11 07:04:24 LOG_ERR [4152:11420]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2022.11.11 07:04:25 LOG_ERR [4152:11420]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2022.11.11 07:04:26 LOG_ERR [4152:11420]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2022.11.11 07:04:26 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.11 07:04:26 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 10223396
2022.11.11 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.11 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.11 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.11 07:04:27 LOG_INFO [4152:11420]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.11 07:04:27 LOG_ERR [4152:11420]: Setup connection failed

2022.11.11 07:04:27 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11420]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [8668:5236]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [8668:5236]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [8668:5236]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:16272]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [8668:5236]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [8668:3660]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [8668:3660]: Connecting to
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:10180]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:1688]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:1688]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11372]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Connect to with port
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11372]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11372]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: HostID =
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11372]: Login ok!
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: No peer server list.
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [8668:16444]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11372]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: SET IP =
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11372]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11372]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11372]: Not receive
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11372]: Local SPI = 709be136
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11372]: Local CPI = 0x62e5
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8fc5
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: get session id from server = 626
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11372]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcd4a and local CPI =
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11372]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.11 07:04:45 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Send new key OK
2022.11.11 07:04:46 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Add routes OK
2022.11.11 07:04:46 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Add wins OK
2022.11.11 07:04:49 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.11 07:04:49 LOG_INFO [4152:11372]: Add dns OK
2022.11.11 07:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [4152:11372]: End OpenChannelThread
logon information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.11 07:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [8668:15628]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.11 13:00:41 LOG_INFO [8668:5236]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.11 13:00:41 LOG_INFO [4152:12700]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.11 13:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [4152:1688]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.11.11 13:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [4152:1688]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.11 13:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [4152:1688]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.11 13:00:41 LOG_INFO [4152:1688]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.11 13:00:41 LOG_INFO [4152:1688]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.11.11 13:00:42 LOG_INFO [4152:1688]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.11 13:00:42 LOG_INFO [4152:1688]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.11 13:00:42 LOG_INFO [4152:1688]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.11 13:00:42 LOG_INFO [4152:1688]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.12 06:55:25 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6496]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.11.12 06:55:25 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6496]: The local product version is
2022.11.12 06:55:25 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.12 06:55:25 LOG_ERR [6276:6496]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.12 06:55:26 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.12 06:55:26 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.12 06:55:26 LOG_NOTICE [6276:6496]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.12 06:55:26 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2022.11.12 06:55:26 LOG_NOTICE [6276:6496]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.12 06:55:26 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.12 06:55:26 LOG_DEBUG [16720:10420]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.12 06:55:26 LOG_INFO [16720:10420]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.12 06:55:27 LOG_ERR [6276:6496]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.12 06:55:27 LOG_DEBUG [16720:10420]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.12 06:55:27 LOG_DEBUG [16720:10420]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.12 06:55:28 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6496]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.12 06:55:28 LOG_ERR [6276:6496]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.12 06:55:28 LOG_DEBUG [16720:10420]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.12 06:55:28 LOG_DEBUG [16720:10420]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.12 06:55:28 LOG_DEBUG [16720:10420]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.12 06:55:29 LOG_DEBUG [16720:10420]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.12 06:55:29 LOG_DEBUG [16720:10420]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.12 06:55:29 LOG_DEBUG [16720:10420]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.12 06:55:29 LOG_DEBUG [16720:10420]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.12 06:55:29 LOG_INFO [16720:10420]: Real HostID =
2022.11.12 06:55:29 LOG_INFO [16720:10420]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.12 06:55:29 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6496]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6496]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_INFO [16720:3188]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_DEBUG [6276:13080]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_INFO [6276:13080]: Connecting to
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_INFO [16720:8580]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_DEBUG [16720:13568]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_DEBUG [16720:13568]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_DEBUG [16720:4056]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Connect to with port
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_DEBUG [16720:4056]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_DEBUG [16720:4056]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: HostID =
2022.11.12 06:55:35 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_DEBUG [16720:4056]: Login ok!
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: No peer server list.
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_INFO [6276:2388]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_DEBUG [16720:4056]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: SET IP =
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_DEBUG [16720:4056]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_DEBUG [16720:4056]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_DEBUG [16720:4056]: Not receive
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_DEBUG [16720:4056]: Local SPI = 37bc6f78
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_DEBUG [16720:4056]: Local CPI = 0x6609
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8fe3
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: get session id from server = 640
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_DEBUG [16720:4056]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcd68 and local CPI =
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_DEBUG [16720:4056]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.12 06:55:36 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Send new key OK
2022.11.12 06:55:37 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Add routes OK
2022.11.12 06:55:37 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Add wins OK
2022.11.12 06:55:41 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.12 06:55:41 LOG_INFO [16720:4056]: Add dns OK
2022.11.12 06:55:41 LOG_DEBUG [16720:4056]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.12 06:55:41 LOG_INFO [6276:13072]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.12 06:55:41 LOG_DEBUG [6276:13072]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.12 12:27:38 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.12 12:27:38 LOG_INFO [16720:12672]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.12 12:27:38 LOG_DEBUG [16720:13568]: Begin to close
2022.11.12 12:27:38 LOG_DEBUG [16720:13568]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.12 12:27:38 LOG_DEBUG [16720:13568]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.12 12:27:38 LOG_INFO [16720:13568]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.12 12:27:38 LOG_INFO [16720:11048]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2022.11.12 12:27:38 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2022.11.12 12:27:38 LOG_INFO [16720:13568]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.11.12 12:27:38 LOG_INFO [16720:13568]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.12 12:27:39 LOG_INFO [16720:13568]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.12 12:27:39 LOG_INFO [16720:13568]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.12 12:27:39 LOG_INFO [16720:13568]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3

2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6496]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_INFO [16720:5296]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_DEBUG [6276:3976]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_INFO [6276:3976]: Connecting to
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_INFO [16720:14904]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_DEBUG [16720:13568]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_DEBUG [16720:13568]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_DEBUG [16720:5284]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Connect to with port
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_DEBUG [16720:5284]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_DEBUG [16720:5284]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: HostID =
2022.11.12 12:28:12 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_DEBUG [16720:5284]: Login ok!
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: No peer server list.
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_INFO [6276:7444]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_DEBUG [16720:5284]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: SET IP =
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_DEBUG [16720:5284]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_DEBUG [16720:5284]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_DEBUG [16720:5284]: Not receive
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_DEBUG [16720:5284]: Local SPI = 364f6c9e
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_DEBUG [16720:5284]: Local CPI = 0x209f
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Remote SPI = 0x85b8fed
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: get session id from server = 645
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_DEBUG [16720:5284]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcd72 and local CPI =
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_DEBUG [16720:5284]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.12 12:28:13 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Send new key OK
2022.11.12 12:28:14 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Add routes OK
2022.11.12 12:28:14 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Add wins OK
2022.11.12 12:28:17 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.12 12:28:17 LOG_INFO [16720:5284]: Add dns OK
2022.11.12 12:28:17 LOG_INFO [6276:13268]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.12 12:28:17 LOG_DEBUG [6276:13268]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.12 13:00:57 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.12 13:00:57 LOG_INFO [16720:9800]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.12 13:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [16720:13568]: Begin to close
2022.11.12 13:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [16720:13568]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.12 13:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [16720:13568]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.12 13:00:57 LOG_INFO [16720:15156]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2022.11.12 13:00:57 LOG_INFO [16720:13568]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.12 13:00:57 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2022.11.12 13:00:57 LOG_INFO [16720:13568]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.11.12 13:00:57 LOG_INFO [16720:13568]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.12 13:00:57 LOG_INFO [16720:13568]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.12 13:00:57 LOG_INFO [16720:13568]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.12 13:00:57 LOG_INFO [16720:13568]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.12 13:55:16 LOG_INFO [6276:6496]: Disconnect from the server

2022.11.12 13:55:16 LOG_INFO [16720:3436]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.12 13:55:16 LOG_DEBUG [16720:13568]: Already be disconnected
2022.11.15 07:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [7256:4408]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.11.15 07:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [7256:4408]: The local product version is
2022.11.15 07:02:02 LOG_INFO [7256:4408]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.15 07:02:02 LOG_ERR [7256:4408]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.15 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [7256:4408]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.15 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [7256:4408]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.15 07:02:03 LOG_NOTICE [7256:4408]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.15 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [7256:4408]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2022.11.15 07:02:03 LOG_NOTICE [7256:4408]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.15 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [7256:4408]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.15 07:02:03 LOG_DEBUG [5732:5588]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.15 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [5732:5588]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.15 07:02:04 LOG_ERR [7256:4408]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.15 07:02:05 LOG_DEBUG [5732:5588]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.15 07:02:05 LOG_DEBUG [5732:5588]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.15 07:02:05 LOG_DEBUG [7256:4408]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.15 07:02:05 LOG_ERR [7256:4408]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.15 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [5732:5588]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.15 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [5732:5588]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.15 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [5732:5588]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.15 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [5732:5588]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.15 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [5732:5588]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.15 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [5732:5588]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.15 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [5732:5588]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.15 07:02:06 LOG_INFO [5732:5588]: Real HostID =
2022.11.15 07:02:06 LOG_INFO [5732:5588]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.15 07:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [7256:4408]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [7256:4408]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [7256:4408]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_DEBUG [7256:4408]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [5732:11932]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [7256:4408]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_DEBUG [7256:11004]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [7256:11004]: Connecting to
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [5732:6628]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_DEBUG [5732:8356]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_DEBUG [5732:8356]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_DEBUG [5732:12824]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Connect to with port
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_DEBUG [5732:12824]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_DEBUG [5732:12824]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: HostID =
2022.11.15 07:02:13 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [5732:12824]: Login ok!
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: No peer server list.
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [7256:16108]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [5732:12824]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: SET IP =
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [5732:12824]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [5732:12824]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [5732:12824]: Not receive
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [5732:12824]: Local SPI = 27364e6c
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [5732:12824]: Local CPI = 0x458f
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Remote SPI = 0x85b905f
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: get session id from server = 707
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [5732:12824]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcde4 and local CPI =
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [5732:12824]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.15 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Send new key OK
2022.11.15 07:02:15 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Add routes OK
2022.11.15 07:02:15 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Add wins OK
2022.11.15 07:02:18 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.15 07:02:18 LOG_INFO [5732:12824]: Add dns OK
2022.11.15 07:02:18 LOG_INFO [7256:16612]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.15 07:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [7256:16612]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.15 13:09:10 LOG_INFO [7256:4408]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.15 13:09:10 LOG_INFO [5732:12692]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.15 13:09:10 LOG_DEBUG [5732:8356]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.11.15 13:09:10 LOG_DEBUG [5732:8356]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.15 13:09:10 LOG_DEBUG [5732:8356]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.15 13:09:10 LOG_INFO [5732:8356]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.15 13:09:10 LOG_INFO [5732:8356]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.11.15 13:09:11 LOG_INFO [5732:8356]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.15 13:09:11 LOG_INFO [5732:8356]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.15 13:09:11 LOG_INFO [5732:8356]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.15 13:09:11 LOG_INFO [5732:8356]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.16 06:58:13 LOG_DEBUG [15300:14924]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.11.16 06:58:13 LOG_DEBUG [15300:14924]: The local product version is
2022.11.16 06:58:13 LOG_INFO [15300:14924]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.16 06:58:13 LOG_ERR [15300:14924]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.16 06:58:14 LOG_INFO [15300:14924]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.16 06:58:14 LOG_INFO [15300:14924]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.16 06:58:14 LOG_NOTICE [15300:14924]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.16 06:58:14 LOG_INFO [15300:14924]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.11.16 06:58:14 LOG_NOTICE [15300:14924]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.16 06:58:14 LOG_INFO [15300:14924]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.16 06:58:14 LOG_DEBUG [14124:12592]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.16 06:58:15 LOG_INFO [14124:12592]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.16 06:58:15 LOG_ERR [15300:14924]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.16 06:58:16 LOG_DEBUG [14124:12592]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.16 06:58:16 LOG_DEBUG [14124:12592]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.16 06:58:16 LOG_DEBUG [15300:14924]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.16 06:58:16 LOG_ERR [15300:14924]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.16 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [14124:12592]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.16 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [14124:12592]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.16 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [14124:12592]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.16 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [14124:12592]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.16 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [14124:12592]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.16 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [14124:12592]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.16 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [14124:12592]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.16 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [14124:12592]: Real HostID =
2022.11.16 06:58:17 LOG_INFO [14124:12592]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.16 06:58:17 LOG_DEBUG [15300:14924]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_INFO [15300:14924]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_INFO [15300:14924]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_DEBUG [15300:14924]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_INFO [14124:14220]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_INFO [15300:14924]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_DEBUG [15300:16116]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_INFO [15300:16116]: Connecting to
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_INFO [14124:2544]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_DEBUG [14124:16068]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_DEBUG [14124:16068]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_DEBUG [14124:9288]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Connect to with port
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.16 06:58:23 LOG_DEBUG [14124:9288]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.16 06:58:24 LOG_DEBUG [14124:9288]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.16 06:58:24 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: HostID =
2022.11.16 06:58:24 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_DEBUG [14124:9288]: Login ok!
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: No peer server list.
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_INFO [15300:3608]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_DEBUG [14124:9288]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: SET IP =
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_DEBUG [14124:9288]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_DEBUG [14124:9288]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_DEBUG [14124:9288]: Not receive
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_DEBUG [14124:9288]: Local SPI = 726ce4d8
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_DEBUG [14124:9288]: Local CPI = 0x8cb
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9079
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: get session id from server = 720
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_DEBUG [14124:9288]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcdfe and local CPI =
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_DEBUG [14124:9288]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.16 06:58:25 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Send new key OK
2022.11.16 06:58:26 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Add routes OK
2022.11.16 06:58:26 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Add wins OK
2022.11.16 06:58:30 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.16 06:58:30 LOG_INFO [14124:9288]: Add dns OK
2022.11.16 06:58:30 LOG_DEBUG [14124:9288]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.16 06:58:30 LOG_INFO [15300:7956]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.16 06:58:30 LOG_DEBUG [15300:7956]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.16 13:01:39 LOG_INFO [15300:14924]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.16 13:01:39 LOG_INFO [14124:5456]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.16 13:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [14124:16068]: Begin to close
2022.11.16 13:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [14124:16068]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.16 13:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [14124:16068]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.16 13:01:39 LOG_INFO [14124:16068]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.16 13:01:39 LOG_INFO [14124:16068]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49872756
2022.11.16 13:01:39 LOG_INFO [14124:16068]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.16 13:01:40 LOG_INFO [14124:16068]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.16 13:01:40 LOG_INFO [14124:16068]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.16 13:01:40 LOG_INFO [14124:16068]: ========================SSL CHANNEL
2022.11.19 06:58:19 LOG_DEBUG [7804:11668]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.11.19 06:58:19 LOG_DEBUG [7804:11668]: The local product version is
2022.11.19 06:58:19 LOG_INFO [7804:11668]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.19 06:58:19 LOG_ERR [7804:11668]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.19 06:58:20 LOG_INFO [7804:11668]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.19 06:58:20 LOG_INFO [7804:11668]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.19 06:58:20 LOG_NOTICE [7804:11668]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.19 06:58:20 LOG_INFO [7804:11668]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.11.19 06:58:20 LOG_NOTICE [7804:11668]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.19 06:58:20 LOG_INFO [7804:11668]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.19 06:58:20 LOG_DEBUG [608:10732]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.19 06:58:20 LOG_INFO [608:10732]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.19 06:58:21 LOG_ERR [7804:11668]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.19 06:58:21 LOG_DEBUG [608:10732]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.19 06:58:21 LOG_DEBUG [608:10732]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.19 06:58:22 LOG_DEBUG [7804:11668]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.19 06:58:22 LOG_ERR [7804:11668]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.19 06:58:22 LOG_DEBUG [608:10732]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.19 06:58:22 LOG_DEBUG [608:10732]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.19 06:58:22 LOG_DEBUG [608:10732]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.19 06:58:22 LOG_DEBUG [608:10732]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.19 06:58:22 LOG_DEBUG [608:10732]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.19 06:58:22 LOG_DEBUG [608:10732]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.19 06:58:22 LOG_DEBUG [608:10732]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.19 06:58:22 LOG_INFO [608:10732]: Real HostID =
2022.11.19 06:58:22 LOG_INFO [608:10732]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.19 06:58:23 LOG_DEBUG [7804:11668]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_INFO [7804:11668]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_INFO [7804:11668]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_DEBUG [7804:11668]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_INFO [608:16296]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_INFO [7804:11668]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_DEBUG [7804:16236]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_INFO [7804:16236]: Connecting to
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_INFO [608:11660]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_DEBUG [608:15128]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_DEBUG [608:15128]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_DEBUG [608:8252]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Connect to with port 4433...
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.19 06:58:28 LOG_DEBUG [608:8252]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_DEBUG [608:8252]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_DEBUG [608:8252]: Login ok!
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: No peer server list.
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [7804:14332]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_DEBUG [608:8252]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: SET IP =
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_DEBUG [608:8252]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_DEBUG [608:8252]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_DEBUG [608:8252]: Not receive
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_DEBUG [608:8252]: Local SPI = 5cdfb9be
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_DEBUG [608:8252]: Local CPI = 0x634a
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Remote SPI = 0x85b90ab
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: get session id from server = 746
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_DEBUG [608:8252]: Remote CPI = 0xffffce30 and local CPI =
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_DEBUG [608:8252]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.19 06:58:29 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Send new key OK
2022.11.19 06:58:30 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Add routes OK
2022.11.19 06:58:30 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Add wins OK
2022.11.19 06:58:34 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.19 06:58:34 LOG_INFO [608:8252]: Add dns OK
2022.11.19 06:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [608:8252]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.19 06:58:34 LOG_INFO [7804:7032]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.19 06:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [7804:7032]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.19 13:01:47 LOG_INFO [7804:11668]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.19 13:01:47 LOG_INFO [608:14728]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.19 13:01:47 LOG_DEBUG [608:15128]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.11.19 13:01:47 LOG_DEBUG [608:15128]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.19 13:01:47 LOG_DEBUG [608:15128]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.19 13:01:47 LOG_INFO [608:15128]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.19 13:01:47 LOG_INFO [608:15128]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 50134900
2022.11.19 13:01:48 LOG_INFO [608:15128]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.19 13:01:48 LOG_INFO [608:15128]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.19 13:01:48 LOG_INFO [608:15128]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.19 13:01:48 LOG_INFO [608:15128]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.20 06:59:58 LOG_DEBUG [9672:13260]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.11.20 06:59:58 LOG_DEBUG [9672:13260]: The local product version is
2022.11.20 06:59:58 LOG_INFO [9672:13260]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.20 06:59:58 LOG_ERR [9672:13260]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.20 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [9672:13260]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.20 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [9672:13260]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.20 06:59:59 LOG_NOTICE [9672:13260]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.20 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [9672:13260]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.11.20 06:59:59 LOG_NOTICE [9672:13260]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.20 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [9672:13260]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.20 06:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1076]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.20 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [8784:1076]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.20 07:00:00 LOG_ERR [9672:13260]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.20 07:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1076]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.20 07:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1076]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.20 07:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [9672:13260]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.20 07:00:01 LOG_ERR [9672:13260]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.20 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1076]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.20 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1076]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.20 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1076]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.20 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1076]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.20 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1076]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.20 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1076]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.20 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1076]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.20 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [8784:1076]: Real HostID =
2022.11.20 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [9672:13260]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.20 07:00:02 LOG_ERR [9672:13260]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.20 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [8784:1076]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.20 07:00:03 LOG_DEBUG [9672:13260]: Try the 3 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [9672:13260]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [9672:13260]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [9672:13260]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:5616]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [9672:13260]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [9672:7088]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [9672:7088]: Connecting to
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:8400]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1392]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1392]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:4312]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Connect to with port
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:4312]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:4312]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:4312]: Login ok!
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: No peer server list.
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [9672:5960]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:4312]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: SET IP =
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:4312]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:4312]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:4312]: Not receive
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:4312]: Local SPI = 2cd859b0
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:4312]: Local CPI = 0x6f46
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Remote SPI = 0x85b90cd
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: get session id from server = 765
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:4312]: Remote CPI = 0xffffce52 and local CPI =
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [8784:4312]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.20 07:00:53 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Send new key OK
2022.11.20 07:00:55 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Add routes OK
2022.11.20 07:00:55 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Add wins OK
2022.11.20 07:00:58 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.20 07:00:58 LOG_INFO [8784:4312]: Add dns OK
2022.11.20 07:00:58 LOG_DEBUG [8784:4312]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.20 07:00:58 LOG_INFO [9672:12744]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.20 07:00:58 LOG_DEBUG [9672:12744]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.20 13:00:23 LOG_INFO [9672:13260]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.20 13:00:24 LOG_INFO [8784:15856]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.20 13:00:24 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1392]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.11.20 13:00:24 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1392]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.20 13:00:24 LOG_DEBUG [8784:1392]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.20 13:00:24 LOG_INFO [8784:1392]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.20 13:00:24 LOG_INFO [8784:1392]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.11.20 13:00:24 LOG_INFO [8784:1392]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.20 13:00:25 LOG_INFO [8784:1392]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.20 13:00:25 LOG_INFO [8784:1392]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.20 13:00:25 LOG_INFO [8784:1392]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.26 07:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [10728:13812]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.11.26 07:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [10728:13812]: The local product version is
2022.11.26 07:02:44 LOG_INFO [10728:13812]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.26 07:02:44 LOG_ERR [10728:13812]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.26 07:02:45 LOG_INFO [10728:13812]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.26 07:02:45 LOG_INFO [10728:13812]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.26 07:02:45 LOG_NOTICE [10728:13812]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.26 07:02:45 LOG_INFO [10728:13812]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.11.26 07:02:45 LOG_NOTICE [10728:13812]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.26 07:02:45 LOG_INFO [10728:13812]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.26 07:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [9712:6996]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.26 07:02:45 LOG_INFO [9712:6996]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.26 07:02:46 LOG_ERR [10728:13812]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.26 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [9712:6996]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.26 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [9712:6996]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.26 07:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [10728:13812]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.26 07:02:47 LOG_ERR [10728:13812]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.26 07:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [9712:6996]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.26 07:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [9712:6996]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.26 07:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [9712:6996]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.26 07:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [9712:6996]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.26 07:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [9712:6996]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.26 07:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [9712:6996]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.26 07:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [9712:6996]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.26 07:02:47 LOG_INFO [9712:6996]: Real HostID =
2022.11.26 07:02:47 LOG_INFO [9712:6996]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.26 07:02:48 LOG_DEBUG [10728:13812]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [10728:13812]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [10728:13812]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [10728:13812]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14904]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [10728:13812]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [10728:9468]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [10728:9468]: Connecting to
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:9448]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:2296]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:2296]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:14356]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Connect to with port
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:14356]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:14356]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: HostID =
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:14356]: Login ok!
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: No peer server list.
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [10728:15080]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:14356]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: SET IP =
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:14356]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:14356]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:14356]: Not receive
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:14356]: Local SPI = 035306a6
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:14356]: Local CPI = 0x25d9
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Remote SPI = 0x85b919f
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: get session id from server = 876
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:14356]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcf24 and local CPI =
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [9712:14356]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.26 07:03:05 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Send new key OK
2022.11.26 07:03:07 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Add routes OK
2022.11.26 07:03:07 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Add wins OK
2022.11.26 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.26 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [9712:14356]: Add dns OK
2022.11.26 07:03:10 LOG_DEBUG [9712:14356]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.26 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [10728:3408]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.26 07:03:10 LOG_DEBUG [10728:3408]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.26 13:01:17 LOG_INFO [10728:13812]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.26 13:01:17 LOG_INFO [9712:13752]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.26 13:01:17 LOG_DEBUG [9712:2296]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.11.26 13:01:17 LOG_DEBUG [9712:2296]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.26 13:01:17 LOG_DEBUG [9712:2296]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.26 13:01:17 LOG_INFO [9712:2296]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.26 13:01:17 LOG_INFO [9712:2296]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.11.26 13:01:18 LOG_INFO [9712:2296]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.26 13:01:18 LOG_INFO [9712:2296]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.26 13:01:18 LOG_INFO [9712:2296]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.26 13:01:18 LOG_INFO [9712:2296]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.11.27 07:04:34 LOG_DEBUG [10608:18860]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.11.27 07:04:34 LOG_DEBUG [10608:18860]: The local product version is
2022.11.27 07:04:34 LOG_INFO [10608:18860]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.11.27 07:04:34 LOG_ERR [10608:18860]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.11.27 07:04:34 LOG_INFO [10608:18860]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.11.27 07:04:34 LOG_INFO [10608:18860]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.11.27 07:04:34 LOG_NOTICE [10608:18860]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.11.27 07:04:35 LOG_INFO [10608:18860]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.11.27 07:04:35 LOG_NOTICE [10608:18860]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.11.27 07:04:35 LOG_INFO [10608:18860]: SecureConnect started
2022.11.27 07:04:35 LOG_DEBUG [10572:12200]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.11.27 07:04:35 LOG_INFO [10572:12200]: Init SSL channel
2022.11.27 07:04:36 LOG_ERR [10608:18860]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.27 07:04:36 LOG_DEBUG [10572:12200]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.27 07:04:36 LOG_DEBUG [10572:12200]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.11.27 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [10608:18860]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.27 07:04:37 LOG_ERR [10608:18860]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.11.27 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [10572:12200]: nFilelen=-1
2022.11.27 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [10572:12200]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.11.27 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [10572:12200]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.11.27 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [10572:12200]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.11.27 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [10572:12200]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.11.27 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [10572:12200]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.11.27 07:04:37 LOG_DEBUG [10572:12200]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.11.27 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [10572:12200]: Real HostID =
2022.11.27 07:04:37 LOG_INFO [10572:12200]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.27 07:04:38 LOG_DEBUG [10608:18860]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_INFO [10608:18860]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_INFO [10608:18860]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [10608:18860]: Peer server count: 0
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_INFO [10572:16540]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_INFO [10608:18860]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [10608:13792]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_INFO [10608:13792]: Connecting to
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_INFO [10572:14972]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [10572:11664]: Handle channel open message
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [10572:11664]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [10572:7092]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Connect to with port
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [10572:7092]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [10572:7092]: Handshake success!.....
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: HostID =
2022.11.27 07:04:41 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Authenticaton OK
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [10572:7092]: Login ok!
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: No peer server list.
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_INFO [10608:9532]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Send client info OK!
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [10572:7092]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: SET IP =
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [10572:7092]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [10572:7092]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [10572:7092]: Not receive
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Set client parameters OK
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [10572:7092]: Local SPI = 52b5a56a
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [10572:7092]: Local CPI = 0x313e
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Remote SPI = 0x85b91e3
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: get session id from server = 910
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [10572:7092]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcf68 and local CPI =
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [10572:7092]: CompAlg = 0
2022.11.27 07:04:43 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Send new key OK
2022.11.27 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Add routes OK
2022.11.27 07:04:44 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Add wins OK
2022.11.27 07:04:47 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.11.27 07:04:47 LOG_INFO [10572:7092]: Add dns OK
2022.11.27 07:04:47 LOG_DEBUG [10572:7092]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.11.27 07:04:47 LOG_INFO [10608:8936]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.11.27 07:04:47 LOG_DEBUG [10608:8936]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.11.27 13:01:30 LOG_INFO [10608:18860]: Disconnect from the server
2022.11.27 13:01:30 LOG_INFO [10572:11916]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.11.27 13:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [10572:11664]: Begin to close
2022.11.27 13:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [10572:11664]: Handle channel close message
2022.11.27 13:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [10572:11664]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.11.27 13:01:30 LOG_INFO [10572:11664]: Close SSL channel
2022.11.27 13:01:30 LOG_INFO [10572:11664]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.11.27 13:01:31 LOG_INFO [10572:11664]: Delete routes OK
2022.11.27 13:01:31 LOG_INFO [10572:11664]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.11.27 13:01:31 LOG_INFO [10572:11664]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.11.27 13:01:31 LOG_INFO [10572:11664]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.12.03 07:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [2612:14300]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.12.03 07:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [2612:14300]: The local product version is
2022.12.03 07:02:24 LOG_INFO [2612:14300]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.12.03 07:02:24 LOG_ERR [2612:14300]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.12.03 07:02:25 LOG_INFO [2612:14300]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.12.03 07:02:25 LOG_INFO [2612:14300]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.12.03 07:02:25 LOG_NOTICE [2612:14300]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.12.03 07:02:25 LOG_INFO [2612:14300]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.12.03 07:02:25 LOG_NOTICE [2612:14300]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.12.03 07:02:25 LOG_INFO [2612:14300]: SecureConnect started
2022.12.03 07:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [8516:2400]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.12.03 07:02:25 LOG_INFO [8516:2400]: Init SSL channel
2022.12.03 07:02:26 LOG_ERR [2612:14300]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.03 07:02:26 LOG_DEBUG [8516:2400]: nFilelen=-1
2022.12.03 07:02:26 LOG_DEBUG [8516:2400]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.12.03 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [2612:14300]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.03 07:02:27 LOG_ERR [2612:14300]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.03 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [8516:2400]: nFilelen=-1
2022.12.03 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [8516:2400]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.12.03 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [8516:2400]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.12.03 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [8516:2400]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.12.03 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [8516:2400]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.12.03 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [8516:2400]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.12.03 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [8516:2400]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.12.03 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [8516:2400]: Real HostID =
2022.12.03 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [8516:2400]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.03 07:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [2612:14300]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_INFO [2612:14300]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_INFO [2612:14300]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [2612:14300]: Peer server count: 0
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_INFO [8516:4808]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_INFO [2612:14300]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [2612:15892]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_INFO [2612:15892]: Connecting to
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_INFO [8516:2636]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [8516:8000]: Handle channel open message
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [8516:8000]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [8516:19236]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Connect to with port
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [8516:19236]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [8516:19236]: Handshake success!.....
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: HostID =
2022.12.03 07:02:35 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Authenticaton OK
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [8516:19236]: Login ok!
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: No peer server list.
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [2612:14536]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Send client info OK!
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [8516:19236]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: SET IP =
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [8516:19236]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [8516:19236]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [8516:19236]: Not receive
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Set client parameters OK
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [8516:19236]: Local SPI = 25e34bc6
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [8516:19236]: Local CPI = 0x6484
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9281
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: get session id from server = 1005
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [8516:19236]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd006 and local CPI =
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [8516:19236]: CompAlg = 0
2022.12.03 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Send new key OK
2022.12.03 07:02:37 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Add routes OK
2022.12.03 07:02:37 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Add wins OK
2022.12.03 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.12.03 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [8516:19236]: Add dns OK
2022.12.03 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [2612:16428]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.12.03 07:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [2612:16428]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.12.03 11:12:22 LOG_DEBUG [5144:4996]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.12.03 11:12:22 LOG_DEBUG [5144:4996]: The local product version is
2022.12.03 11:12:22 LOG_INFO [5144:4996]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.12.03 11:12:22 LOG_ERR [5144:4996]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.12.03 11:12:23 LOG_INFO [5144:4996]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.12.03 11:12:23 LOG_INFO [5144:4996]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.12.03 11:12:23 LOG_NOTICE [5144:4996]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.12.03 11:12:23 LOG_INFO [5144:4996]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2022.12.03 11:12:23 LOG_NOTICE [5144:4996]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.12.03 11:12:23 LOG_INFO [5144:4996]: SecureConnect started
2022.12.03 11:12:23 LOG_DEBUG [5408:6004]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.12.03 11:12:23 LOG_INFO [5408:6004]: Init SSL channel
2022.12.03 11:12:24 LOG_ERR [5144:4996]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.03 11:12:24 LOG_DEBUG [5408:6004]: nFilelen=-1
2022.12.03 11:12:24 LOG_DEBUG [5408:6004]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.12.03 11:12:25 LOG_DEBUG [5144:4996]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.03 11:12:25 LOG_ERR [5144:4996]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.03 11:12:25 LOG_DEBUG [5408:6004]: nFilelen=-1
2022.12.03 11:12:25 LOG_DEBUG [5408:6004]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.12.03 11:12:25 LOG_DEBUG [5408:6004]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.12.03 11:12:25 LOG_DEBUG [5408:6004]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.12.03 11:12:25 LOG_DEBUG [5408:6004]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.12.03 11:12:25 LOG_DEBUG [5408:6004]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.12.03 11:12:25 LOG_DEBUG [5408:6004]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.12.03 11:12:25 LOG_INFO [5408:6004]: Real HostID =
2022.12.03 11:12:25 LOG_INFO [5408:6004]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.03 11:12:26 LOG_DEBUG [5144:4996]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_INFO [5144:4996]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_INFO [5144:4996]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_DEBUG [5144:4996]: Peer server count: 0
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_INFO [5408:12816]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_INFO [5144:4996]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_DEBUG [5144:8488]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_INFO [5144:8488]: Connecting to
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_INFO [5408:8980]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_DEBUG [5408:4396]: Handle channel open message
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_DEBUG [5408:4396]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_DEBUG [5408:14500]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Connect to with port
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_DEBUG [5408:14500]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_DEBUG [5408:14500]: Handshake success!.....
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: HostID =
2022.12.03 11:13:41 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Authenticaton OK
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_DEBUG [5408:14500]: Login ok!
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: No peer server list.
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_INFO [5144:14464]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Send client info OK!
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_DEBUG [5408:14500]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: SET IP =
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_DEBUG [5408:14500]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_DEBUG [5408:14500]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_DEBUG [5408:14500]: Not receive
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Set client parameters OK
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_DEBUG [5408:14500]: Local SPI = 6612cc24
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_DEBUG [5408:14500]: Local CPI = 0x24b3
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9283
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: get session id from server = 1006
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_DEBUG [5408:14500]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd008 and local CPI =
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_DEBUG [5408:14500]: CompAlg = 0
2022.12.03 11:13:42 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Send new key OK
2022.12.03 11:13:43 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Add routes OK
2022.12.03 11:13:43 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Add wins OK
2022.12.03 11:13:46 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.12.03 11:13:46 LOG_INFO [5408:14500]: Add dns OK
2022.12.03 11:13:46 LOG_DEBUG [5408:14500]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.12.03 11:13:46 LOG_INFO [5144:7584]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2022.12.03 11:13:46 LOG_DEBUG [5144:7584]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.12.03 16:51:56 LOG_ERR [5408:4396]: Handle channel error message: 4004
2022.12.03 16:51:56 LOG_INFO [5408:4396]: Close SSL channel
2022.12.03 16:51:56 LOG_INFO [5408:4396]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.12.03 16:51:56 LOG_INFO [5408:4396]: Delete routes OK
2022.12.04 07:05:27 LOG_INFO [5408:4396]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.12.04 07:05:27 LOG_INFO [5408:4396]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.12.04 07:05:28 LOG_INFO [5408:4396]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.12.04 07:05:28 LOG_CRIT [5408:4396]: IO exception. The system may in

2022.12.04 07:05:28 LOG_DEBUG [5408:4396]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.04 07:09:03 LOG_DEBUG [9060:3948]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.12.04 07:09:03 LOG_DEBUG [9060:3948]: The local product version is
2022.12.04 07:09:03 LOG_INFO [9060:3948]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.12.04 07:09:03 LOG_ERR [9060:3948]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_INFO [5144:4996]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_INFO [5144:4996]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_DEBUG [5144:4996]: Peer server count: 0
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_INFO [5408:15272]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_INFO [5144:4996]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_DEBUG [5144:9608]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_INFO [5144:9608]: Connecting to
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_INFO [5408:9604]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_DEBUG [5408:4396]: Handle channel open message
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_DEBUG [5408:4396]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_DEBUG [5408:10708]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Connect to with port
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_DEBUG [5408:10708]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_DEBUG [5408:10708]: Handshake success!.....
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: HostID =
2022.12.04 07:09:13 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Authenticaton OK
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_DEBUG [5408:10708]: Login ok!
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: No peer server list.
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_INFO [5144:7696]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Send client info OK!
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_DEBUG [5408:10708]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: SET IP =
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_DEBUG [5408:10708]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_DEBUG [5408:10708]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_DEBUG [5408:10708]: Not receive
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Set client parameters OK
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_DEBUG [5408:10708]: Local SPI = 7918f230
2022.12.04 07:09:14 LOG_DEBUG [5408:10708]: Local CPI = 0x73bc
2022.12.04 07:09:15 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9297
2022.12.04 07:09:15 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.12.04 07:09:15 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.12.04 07:09:15 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: get session id from server = 1016
2022.12.04 07:09:15 LOG_DEBUG [5408:10708]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd01c and local CPI =
2022.12.04 07:09:15 LOG_DEBUG [5408:10708]: CompAlg = 0
2022.12.04 07:09:15 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Send new key OK
2022.12.04 07:09:16 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Add routes OK
2022.12.04 07:09:16 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Add wins OK
2022.12.04 07:09:19 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.12.04 07:09:19 LOG_INFO [5408:10708]: Add dns OK
2022.12.04 07:09:19 LOG_DEBUG [5408:10708]: End OpenChannelThread
ogon information for lorena.sousa@
2022.12.04 07:09:19 LOG_DEBUG [5144:1576]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.12.04 13:04:24 LOG_INFO [5144:4996]: Disconnect from the server
2022.12.04 13:04:24 LOG_INFO [5408:14576]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.12.04 13:04:24 LOG_DEBUG [5408:4396]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.12.04 13:04:24 LOG_DEBUG [5408:4396]: Handle channel close message
2022.12.04 13:04:24 LOG_DEBUG [5408:4396]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.04 13:04:24 LOG_INFO [5408:4396]: Close SSL channel
2022.12.04 13:04:24 LOG_INFO [5408:4396]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.12.04 13:04:25 LOG_INFO [5408:4396]: Delete routes OK
2022.12.04 13:04:25 LOG_INFO [5408:4396]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.12.04 13:04:25 LOG_INFO [5408:4396]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.12.04 13:04:25 LOG_INFO [5408:4396]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.12.10 07:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [13084:9272]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.12.10 07:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [13084:9272]: The local product version is
2022.12.10 07:03:16 LOG_INFO [13084:9272]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.12.10 07:03:16 LOG_ERR [13084:9272]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.12.10 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [13084:9272]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.12.10 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [13084:9272]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.12.10 07:03:17 LOG_NOTICE [13084:9272]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.12.10 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [13084:9272]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.12.10 07:03:17 LOG_NOTICE [13084:9272]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.12.10 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [13084:9272]: SecureConnect started
2022.12.10 07:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [9208:14420]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.12.10 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [9208:14420]: Init SSL channel
2022.12.10 07:03:18 LOG_ERR [13084:9272]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.10 07:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [9208:14420]: nFilelen=-1
2022.12.10 07:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [9208:14420]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.12.10 07:03:19 LOG_DEBUG [13084:9272]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.10 07:03:19 LOG_ERR [13084:9272]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.10 07:03:19 LOG_DEBUG [9208:14420]: nFilelen=-1
2022.12.10 07:03:19 LOG_DEBUG [9208:14420]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.12.10 07:03:19 LOG_DEBUG [9208:14420]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.12.10 07:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [9208:14420]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.12.10 07:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [9208:14420]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.12.10 07:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [9208:14420]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.12.10 07:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [9208:14420]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.12.10 07:03:20 LOG_INFO [9208:14420]: Real HostID =
2022.12.10 07:03:20 LOG_INFO [9208:14420]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.10 07:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [13084:9272]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [13084:9272]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [13084:9272]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_DEBUG [13084:9272]: Peer server count: 0
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [9208:12516]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [13084:9272]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11064]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [13084:11064]: Connecting to
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [9208:4788]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_DEBUG [9208:8556]: Handle channel open message
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_DEBUG [9208:8556]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_DEBUG [9208:16272]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Connect to with port
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_DEBUG [9208:16272]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_DEBUG [9208:16272]: Handshake success!.....
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: HostID =
2022.12.10 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Authenticaton OK
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_DEBUG [9208:16272]: Login ok!
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: No peer server list.
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_INFO [13084:15556]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Send client info OK!
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_DEBUG [9208:16272]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: SET IP =
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_DEBUG [9208:16272]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_DEBUG [9208:16272]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_DEBUG [9208:16272]: Not receive
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Set client parameters OK
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_DEBUG [9208:16272]: Local SPI = 497492e8
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_DEBUG [9208:16272]: Local CPI = 0x2430
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Remote SPI = 0x85b933f
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: get session id from server = 1116
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_DEBUG [9208:16272]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd0c4 and local CPI =
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_DEBUG [9208:16272]: CompAlg = 0
2022.12.10 07:03:26 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Send new key OK
2022.12.10 07:03:28 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Add routes OK
2022.12.10 07:03:28 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Add wins OK
2022.12.10 07:03:31 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.12.10 07:03:31 LOG_INFO [9208:16272]: Add dns OK
2022.12.10 07:03:31 LOG_DEBUG [9208:16272]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.12.10 07:03:31 LOG_INFO [13084:7572]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.12.10 07:03:31 LOG_DEBUG [13084:7572]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.12.10 13:27:50 LOG_INFO [13084:9272]: Disconnect from the server
2022.12.10 13:27:51 LOG_INFO [9208:4572]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.12.10 13:27:51 LOG_DEBUG [9208:8556]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.12.10 13:27:51 LOG_DEBUG [9208:8556]: Handle channel close message
2022.12.10 13:27:51 LOG_DEBUG [9208:8556]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.10 13:27:51 LOG_INFO [9208:8556]: Close SSL channel
2022.12.10 13:27:51 LOG_INFO [9208:8556]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.12.10 13:27:51 LOG_INFO [9208:8556]: Delete routes OK
2022.12.10 13:27:52 LOG_INFO [9208:8556]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.12.10 13:27:52 LOG_INFO [9208:8556]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.12.10 13:27:52 LOG_INFO [9208:8556]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.12.11 07:01:40 LOG_DEBUG [13452:9176]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.12.11 07:01:40 LOG_DEBUG [13452:9176]: The local product version is
2022.12.11 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [13452:9176]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.12.11 07:01:40 LOG_ERR [13452:9176]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.12.11 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [13452:9176]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.12.11 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [13452:9176]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.12.11 07:01:40 LOG_NOTICE [13452:9176]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.12.11 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [13452:9176]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.12.11 07:01:40 LOG_NOTICE [13452:9176]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.12.11 07:01:40 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14764]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.12.11 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [8684:14764]: Init SSL channel
2022.12.11 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [13452:9176]: SecureConnect started
2022.12.11 07:01:41 LOG_ERR [13452:9176]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.11 07:01:42 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14764]: nFilelen=-1
2022.12.11 07:01:42 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14764]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.12.11 07:01:42 LOG_DEBUG [13452:9176]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.11 07:01:42 LOG_ERR [13452:9176]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.11 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14764]: nFilelen=-1
2022.12.11 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14764]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.12.11 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14764]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.12.11 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14764]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.12.11 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14764]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.12.11 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [13452:9176]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.11 07:01:43 LOG_ERR [13452:9176]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.11 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14764]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.12.11 07:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14764]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.12.11 07:01:43 LOG_INFO [8684:14764]: Real HostID =
2022.12.11 07:01:44 LOG_INFO [8684:14764]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.11 07:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [13452:9176]: Try the 3 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_INFO [13452:9176]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_INFO [13452:9176]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [13452:9176]: Peer server count: 0
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_INFO [8684:13644]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_INFO [13452:9176]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [13452:15356]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_INFO [13452:15356]: Connecting to
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_INFO [8684:7076]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [8684:7080]: Handle channel open message
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [8684:7080]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14640]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Connect to with port
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14640]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14640]: Handshake success!.....
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: HostID =
2022.12.11 07:01:51 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Authenticaton OK
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14640]: Login ok!
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: No peer server list.
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_INFO [13452:5612]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Send client info OK!
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14640]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: SET IP =
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14640]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14640]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14640]: Not receive
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Set client parameters OK
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14640]: Local SPI = 16632cc6
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14640]: Local CPI = 0x6925
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Remote SPI = 0x85b935f
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: get session id from server = 1132
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14640]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd0e4 and local CPI =
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [8684:14640]: CompAlg = 0
2022.12.11 07:01:52 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Send new key OK
2022.12.11 07:01:53 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Add routes OK
2022.12.11 07:01:53 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Add wins OK
2022.12.11 07:01:56 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.12.11 07:01:56 LOG_INFO [8684:14640]: Add dns OK
2022.12.11 07:01:56 LOG_INFO [13452:13692]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.12.11 07:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [13452:13692]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.12.11 13:00:48 LOG_INFO [13452:9176]: Disconnect from the server
2022.12.11 13:00:48 LOG_INFO [8684:8032]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.12.11 13:00:48 LOG_DEBUG [8684:7080]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.12.11 13:00:48 LOG_DEBUG [8684:7080]: Handle channel close message
2022.12.11 13:00:48 LOG_DEBUG [8684:7080]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.11 13:00:48 LOG_INFO [8684:7080]: Close SSL channel
2022.12.11 13:00:48 LOG_INFO [8684:7080]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.12.11 13:00:48 LOG_INFO [8684:7080]: Delete routes OK
2022.12.17 07:07:40 LOG_DEBUG [5468:12688]: Start _tWinMain...
2022.12.17 07:07:40 LOG_DEBUG [5468:12688]: The local product version is
2022.12.17 07:07:40 LOG_INFO [5468:12688]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.12.17 07:07:40 LOG_ERR [5468:12688]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.12.17 07:07:41 LOG_INFO [5468:12688]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.12.17 07:07:41 LOG_INFO [5468:12688]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.12.17 07:07:41 LOG_NOTICE [5468:12688]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.12.17 07:07:41 LOG_INFO [5468:12688]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.12.17 07:07:41 LOG_NOTICE [5468:12688]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.12.17 07:07:41 LOG_INFO [5468:12688]: SecureConnect started
2022.12.17 07:07:41 LOG_DEBUG [8756:8592]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.12.17 07:07:41 LOG_INFO [8756:8592]: Init SSL channel
2022.12.17 07:07:42 LOG_ERR [5468:12688]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.17 07:07:42 LOG_DEBUG [8756:8592]: nFilelen=-1
2022.12.17 07:07:42 LOG_DEBUG [8756:8592]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.12.17 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [5468:12688]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.17 07:07:43 LOG_ERR [5468:12688]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.17 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [8756:8592]: nFilelen=-1
2022.12.17 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [8756:8592]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.12.17 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [8756:8592]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.12.17 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [8756:8592]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.12.17 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [8756:8592]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.12.17 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [8756:8592]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.12.17 07:07:43 LOG_DEBUG [8756:8592]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.12.17 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [8756:8592]: Real HostID =
2022.12.17 07:07:43 LOG_INFO [8756:8592]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.17 07:07:44 LOG_DEBUG [5468:12688]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_INFO [5468:12688]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_INFO [5468:12688]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_DEBUG [5468:12688]: Peer server count: 0
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_INFO [8756:8172]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_INFO [5468:12688]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_DEBUG [5468:7420]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_INFO [5468:7420]: Connecting to
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_INFO [8756:15040]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_DEBUG [8756:7444]: Handle channel open message
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_DEBUG [8756:7444]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_DEBUG [8756:13812]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Connect to with port
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_DEBUG [8756:13812]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_DEBUG [8756:13812]: Handshake success!.....
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: HostID =
2022.12.17 07:07:48 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.17 07:07:49 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.12.17 07:07:49 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Authenticaton OK
2022.12.17 07:07:49 LOG_DEBUG [8756:13812]: Login ok!
2022.12.17 07:07:49 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.12.17 07:07:49 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: No peer server list.
2022.12.17 07:07:49 LOG_INFO [5468:11892]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.12.17 07:07:49 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Send client info OK!
2022.12.17 07:07:49 LOG_DEBUG [8756:13812]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.12.17 07:07:49 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: SET IP =
2022.12.17 07:07:49 LOG_DEBUG [8756:13812]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.12.17 07:07:49 LOG_DEBUG [8756:13812]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.12.17 07:07:49 LOG_DEBUG [8756:13812]: Not receive
2022.12.17 07:07:50 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Set client parameters OK
2022.12.17 07:07:50 LOG_DEBUG [8756:13812]: Local SPI = 6fc1df82
2022.12.17 07:07:50 LOG_DEBUG [8756:13812]: Local CPI = 0x229b
2022.12.17 07:07:50 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9417
2022.12.17 07:07:50 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.12.17 07:07:50 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.12.17 07:07:50 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: get session id from server = 1231
2022.12.17 07:07:50 LOG_DEBUG [8756:13812]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd19c and local CPI =
2022.12.17 07:07:50 LOG_DEBUG [8756:13812]: CompAlg = 0
2022.12.17 07:07:50 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Send new key OK
2022.12.17 07:07:50 LOG_ERR [8756:13812]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2022.12.17 07:07:51 LOG_ERR [8756:13812]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2022.12.17 07:07:52 LOG_ERR [8756:13812]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2022.12.17 07:07:53 LOG_ERR [8756:13812]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2022.12.17 07:07:53 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Close SSL channel
2022.12.17 07:07:53 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51117860
2022.12.17 07:07:53 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Delete routes OK
2022.12.17 07:07:54 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.12.17 07:07:54 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.12.17 07:07:54 LOG_INFO [8756:13812]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.12.17 07:07:54 LOG_ERR [8756:13812]: Setup connection failed

2022.12.17 07:07:54 LOG_DEBUG [8756:13812]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [5468:12688]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [5468:12688]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_DEBUG [5468:12688]: Peer server count: 0
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [8756:15436]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [5468:12688]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_DEBUG [5468:6500]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [5468:6500]: Connecting to
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [8756:10164]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_DEBUG [8756:7444]: Handle channel open message
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_DEBUG [8756:7444]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_DEBUG [8756:14256]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Connect to with port
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_DEBUG [8756:14256]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_DEBUG [8756:14256]: Handshake success!.....
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: HostID =
2022.12.17 07:08:11 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Authenticaton OK
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_DEBUG [8756:14256]: Login ok!
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: No peer server list.
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [5468:4812]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Send client info OK!
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_DEBUG [8756:14256]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: SET IP =
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_DEBUG [8756:14256]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_DEBUG [8756:14256]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_DEBUG [8756:14256]: Not receive
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Set client parameters OK
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_DEBUG [8756:14256]: Local SPI = 7009e012
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_DEBUG [8756:14256]: Local CPI = 0x22e3
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9419
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: get session id from server = 1232
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_DEBUG [8756:14256]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd19e and local CPI =
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_DEBUG [8756:14256]: CompAlg = 0
2022.12.17 07:08:12 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Send new key OK
2022.12.17 07:08:13 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Add routes OK
2022.12.17 07:08:13 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Add wins OK
2022.12.17 07:08:17 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.12.17 07:08:17 LOG_INFO [8756:14256]: Add dns OK
2022.12.17 07:08:17 LOG_INFO [5468:11448]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.12.17 07:08:17 LOG_DEBUG [8756:14256]: End OpenChannelThread
2022.12.17 07:08:17 LOG_DEBUG [5468:11448]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.12.17 13:00:51 LOG_INFO [5468:12688]: Disconnect from the server
2022.12.17 13:00:51 LOG_INFO [8756:6436]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.12.17 13:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [8756:7444]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.12.17 13:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [8756:7444]: Handle channel close message
2022.12.17 13:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [8756:7444]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.17 13:00:51 LOG_INFO [8756:7444]: Close SSL channel
2022.12.17 13:00:51 LOG_INFO [8756:7444]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.12.17 13:00:51 LOG_INFO [8756:7444]: Delete routes OK
2022.12.17 13:00:52 LOG_INFO [8756:7444]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.12.17 13:00:52 LOG_INFO [8756:7444]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.12.17 13:00:52 LOG_INFO [8756:7444]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2022.12.18 07:06:46 LOG_DEBUG [5656:16184]: Start _tWinMain...

2022.12.18 07:06:47 LOG_DEBUG [5656:16184]: The local product version is
2022.12.18 07:06:47 LOG_INFO [5656:16184]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2022.12.18 07:06:47 LOG_ERR [5656:16184]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2022.12.18 07:06:47 LOG_INFO [5656:16184]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2022.12.18 07:06:47 LOG_INFO [5656:16184]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2022.12.18 07:06:47 LOG_NOTICE [5656:16184]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2022.12.18 07:06:47 LOG_INFO [5656:16184]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2022.12.18 07:06:47 LOG_NOTICE [5656:16184]: Autologin value: 0.
2022.12.18 07:06:48 LOG_INFO [5656:16184]: SecureConnect started
2022.12.18 07:06:48 LOG_DEBUG [5772:10528]: Start SSLChannel...
2022.12.18 07:06:48 LOG_INFO [5772:10528]: Init SSL channel
2022.12.18 07:06:49 LOG_ERR [5656:16184]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.18 07:06:49 LOG_DEBUG [5772:10528]: nFilelen=-1
2022.12.18 07:06:49 LOG_DEBUG [5772:10528]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2022.12.18 07:06:50 LOG_DEBUG [5656:16184]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.18 07:06:50 LOG_ERR [5656:16184]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.18 07:06:50 LOG_DEBUG [5772:10528]: nFilelen=-1
2022.12.18 07:06:50 LOG_DEBUG [5772:10528]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2022.12.18 07:06:50 LOG_DEBUG [5772:10528]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2022.12.18 07:06:51 LOG_DEBUG [5772:10528]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2022.12.18 07:06:51 LOG_DEBUG [5656:16184]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.18 07:06:51 LOG_ERR [5656:16184]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2022.12.18 07:06:51 LOG_DEBUG [5772:10528]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2022.12.18 07:06:51 LOG_DEBUG [5772:10528]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2022.12.18 07:06:51 LOG_DEBUG [5772:10528]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2022.12.18 07:06:51 LOG_INFO [5772:10528]: Real HostID =
2022.12.18 07:06:51 LOG_INFO [5772:10528]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.18 07:06:52 LOG_DEBUG [5656:16184]: Try the 3 time to find the named pipe
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5656:16184]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5656:16184]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_DEBUG [5656:16184]: Peer server count: 0
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5772:5528]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5656:16184]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_DEBUG [5656:3056]: hssvc is Ready!
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5656:3056]: Connecting to
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5772:14664]: Receive open SSL channel command
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15692]: Handle channel open message
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15692]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15764]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Connect to with port
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15764]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15764]: Handshake success!.....
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: HostID =
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Authenticaton OK
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15764]: Login ok!
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Client config flags: 0x0
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: No peer server list.
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_INFO [5656:7232]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Send client info OK!
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15764]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: SET IP =
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15764]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15764]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15764]: Not receive
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Set client parameters OK
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15764]: Local SPI = 3d397a72
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15764]: Local CPI = 0x2c16
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9439
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: get session id from server = 1248
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15764]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd1be and local CPI =
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15764]: CompAlg = 0
2022.12.18 07:06:58 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Send new key OK
2022.12.18 07:06:59 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Add routes OK
2022.12.18 07:06:59 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Add wins OK
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Add DNS servers OK
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5772:15764]: Add dns OK
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_INFO [5656:10172]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2022.12.18 07:06:57 LOG_DEBUG [5656:10172]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2022.12.18 13:02:33 LOG_INFO [5656:16184]: Disconnect from the server
2022.12.18 13:02:33 LOG_INFO [5772:9148]: Receive close SSL channel command
2022.12.18 13:02:33 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15692]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2022.12.18 13:02:33 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15692]: Handle channel close message
2022.12.18 13:02:33 LOG_DEBUG [5772:15692]: Stop auto connect timer
2022.12.18 13:02:33 LOG_INFO [5772:15692]: Close SSL channel
2022.12.18 13:02:33 LOG_INFO [5772:15692]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2022.12.18 13:02:33 LOG_INFO [5772:15692]: Delete routes OK
2022.12.18 13:02:34 LOG_INFO [5772:15692]: Set network card DHCP OK
2022.12.18 13:02:34 LOG_INFO [5772:15692]: Release tunnel interface OK
2022.12.18 13:02:34 LOG_INFO [5772:15692]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.01.01 10:32:08 LOG_DEBUG [10664:9524]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.01.01 10:32:08 LOG_DEBUG [10664:9524]: The local product version is
2023.01.01 10:32:08 LOG_INFO [10664:9524]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.01.01 10:32:08 LOG_ERR [10664:9524]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.01.01 10:32:09 LOG_INFO [10664:9524]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.01.01 10:32:09 LOG_INFO [10664:9524]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.01.01 10:32:09 LOG_NOTICE [10664:9524]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.01.01 10:32:09 LOG_INFO [10664:9524]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.01.01 10:32:09 LOG_NOTICE [10664:9524]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.01.01 10:32:09 LOG_DEBUG [17900:10044]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.01.01 10:32:09 LOG_INFO [10664:9524]: SecureConnect started
2023.01.01 10:32:09 LOG_INFO [17900:10044]: Init SSL channel
2023.01.01 10:32:10 LOG_ERR [10664:9524]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.01 10:32:10 LOG_DEBUG [17900:10044]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.01 10:32:10 LOG_DEBUG [17900:10044]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.01.01 10:32:11 LOG_DEBUG [10664:9524]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.01 10:32:11 LOG_ERR [10664:9524]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.01 10:32:11 LOG_DEBUG [17900:10044]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.01 10:32:11 LOG_DEBUG [17900:10044]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.01.01 10:32:11 LOG_DEBUG [17900:10044]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.01.01 10:32:11 LOG_DEBUG [17900:10044]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.01.01 10:32:11 LOG_DEBUG [17900:10044]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.01.01 10:32:11 LOG_DEBUG [17900:10044]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.01.01 10:32:11 LOG_DEBUG [17900:10044]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.01.01 10:32:11 LOG_INFO [17900:10044]: Real HostID =
2023.01.01 10:32:11 LOG_INFO [17900:10044]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.01 10:32:12 LOG_DEBUG [10664:9524]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_INFO [10664:9524]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_INFO [10664:9524]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_DEBUG [10664:9524]: Peer server count: 0
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_INFO [17900:7708]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_INFO [10664:9524]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_DEBUG [10664:18072]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_INFO [10664:18072]: Connecting to
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_INFO [17900:16940]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_DEBUG [17900:7804]: Handle channel open message
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_DEBUG [17900:7804]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_DEBUG [17900:16656]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Connect to with port
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.01.01 10:31:55 LOG_DEBUG [17900:16656]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_DEBUG [17900:16656]: Handshake success!.....
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: HostID =
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Authenticaton OK
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_DEBUG [17900:16656]: Login ok!
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: No peer server list.
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [10664:17040]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Send client info OK!
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_DEBUG [17900:16656]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: SET IP =
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_DEBUG [17900:16656]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_DEBUG [17900:16656]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_DEBUG [17900:16656]: Not receive
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Set client parameters OK
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_DEBUG [17900:16656]: Local SPI = 1ff63fec
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_DEBUG [17900:16656]: Local CPI = 0x30c
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Remote SPI = 0x85b95ef
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: get session id from server = 1485
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_DEBUG [17900:16656]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd374 and local CPI
= 0x30c
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_DEBUG [17900:16656]: CompAlg = 0
2023.01.01 10:31:56 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Send new key OK
2023.01.01 10:31:57 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Add routes OK
2023.01.01 10:31:57 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Add wins OK
2023.01.01 10:32:00 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.01.01 10:32:00 LOG_INFO [17900:16656]: Add dns OK
2023.01.01 10:32:00 LOG_DEBUG [17900:16656]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.01.01 10:32:00 LOG_INFO [10664:10672]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.01.01 10:32:00 LOG_DEBUG [10664:10672]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.01.01 10:33:34 LOG_INFO [10664:9524]: Disconnect from the server
2023.01.01 10:33:34 LOG_INFO [17900:6012]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.01.01 10:33:34 LOG_DEBUG [17900:7804]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.01.01 10:33:34 LOG_DEBUG [17900:7804]: Handle channel close message
2023.01.01 10:33:34 LOG_DEBUG [17900:7804]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.01 10:33:34 LOG_INFO [17900:7804]: Close SSL channel
2023.01.01 10:33:34 LOG_INFO [17900:7804]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2023.01.01 10:33:34 LOG_INFO [17900:7804]: Delete routes OK
2023.01.02 10:22:54 LOG_DEBUG [12560:18012]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.01.02 10:22:54 LOG_DEBUG [12560:18012]: The local product version is
2023.01.02 10:22:54 LOG_INFO [12560:18012]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.01.02 10:22:54 LOG_ERR [12560:18012]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.01.02 10:22:54 LOG_INFO [12560:18012]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.01.02 10:22:54 LOG_INFO [12560:18012]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.01.02 10:22:54 LOG_NOTICE [12560:18012]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.01.02 10:22:54 LOG_INFO [12560:18012]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.01.02 10:22:54 LOG_NOTICE [12560:18012]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.01.02 10:22:54 LOG_INFO [12560:18012]: SecureConnect started
2023.01.02 10:22:54 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13004]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.01.02 10:22:54 LOG_INFO [18348:13004]: Init SSL channel
2023.01.02 10:22:55 LOG_ERR [12560:18012]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.02 10:22:55 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13004]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.02 10:22:55 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13004]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.01.02 10:22:56 LOG_DEBUG [12560:18012]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.02 10:22:56 LOG_ERR [12560:18012]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.02 10:22:56 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13004]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.02 10:22:56 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13004]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.01.02 10:22:56 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13004]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.01.02 10:22:56 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13004]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.01.02 10:22:56 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13004]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.01.02 10:22:56 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13004]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.01.02 10:22:56 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13004]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.01.02 10:22:56 LOG_INFO [18348:13004]: Real HostID =
2023.01.02 10:22:56 LOG_INFO [18348:13004]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.02 10:22:57 LOG_DEBUG [12560:18012]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_INFO [12560:18012]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_INFO [12560:18012]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_DEBUG [12560:18012]: Peer server count: 0
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_INFO [18348:2152]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_INFO [12560:18012]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_DEBUG [12560:4020]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_INFO [12560:4020]: Connecting to
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_INFO [18348:2340]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_DEBUG [18348:10924]: Handle channel open message
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_DEBUG [18348:10924]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_DEBUG [18348:16820]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Connect to with port
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_DEBUG [18348:16820]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_DEBUG [18348:16820]: Handshake success!.....
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: HostID =
2023.01.02 10:23:07 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Authenticaton OK
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_DEBUG [18348:16820]: Login ok!
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: No peer server list.
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_INFO [12560:10340]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Send client info OK!
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_DEBUG [18348:16820]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: SET IP =
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_DEBUG [18348:16820]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_DEBUG [18348:16820]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_DEBUG [18348:16820]: Not receive
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Set client parameters OK
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_DEBUG [18348:16820]: Local SPI = 675bceb6
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_DEBUG [18348:16820]: Local CPI = 0x673
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9611
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: get session id from server = 1506
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_DEBUG [18348:16820]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd396 and local CPI
= 0x673
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_DEBUG [18348:16820]: CompAlg = 0
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Send new key OK
2023.01.02 10:23:08 LOG_ERR [18348:16820]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.01.02 10:23:09 LOG_ERR [18348:16820]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.01.02 10:23:10 LOG_ERR [18348:16820]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.01.02 10:23:11 LOG_ERR [18348:16820]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2023.01.02 10:23:11 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Close SSL channel
2023.01.02 10:23:11 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51117860
2023.01.02 10:23:11 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Delete routes OK
2023.01.02 10:23:12 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.01.02 10:23:12 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.01.02 10:23:12 LOG_INFO [18348:16820]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.01.02 10:23:12 LOG_ERR [18348:16820]: Setup connection failed

2023.01.02 10:23:12 LOG_DEBUG [18348:16820]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_INFO [12560:18012]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_INFO [12560:18012]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [12560:18012]: Peer server count: 0
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_INFO [18348:7332]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_INFO [12560:18012]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [12560:8352]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_INFO [12560:8352]: Connecting to
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_INFO [18348:7488]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [18348:10924]: Handle channel open message
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [18348:10924]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13956]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Connect to with port
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13956]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13956]: Handshake success!.....
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: HostID =
2023.01.02 10:24:01 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Authenticaton OK
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13956]: Login ok!
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: No peer server list.
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_INFO [12560:13140]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Send client info OK!
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13956]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: SET IP =
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13956]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13956]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13956]: Not receive
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Set client parameters OK
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13956]: Local SPI = 680cd018
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13956]: Local CPI = 0x725
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9613
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: get session id from server = 1507
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13956]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd398 and local CPI
= 0x725
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13956]: CompAlg = 0
2023.01.02 10:24:02 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Send new key OK
2023.01.02 10:24:03 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Add routes OK
2023.01.02 10:24:03 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Add wins OK
2023.01.02 10:24:06 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.01.02 10:24:06 LOG_INFO [18348:13956]: Add dns OK
2023.01.02 10:24:06 LOG_INFO [12560:15652]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.01.02 10:24:06 LOG_DEBUG [18348:13956]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.01.02 10:24:06 LOG_DEBUG [12560:15652]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.01.02 10:38:23 LOG_ERR [18348:10924]: Handle channel error message: 4004
2023.01.02 10:38:23 LOG_INFO [18348:10924]: Close SSL channel
2023.01.02 10:38:23 LOG_INFO [18348:10924]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2023.01.02 10:38:23 LOG_INFO [18348:10924]: Delete routes OK
2023.01.02 10:38:24 LOG_INFO [18348:10924]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.01.02 10:38:24 LOG_INFO [18348:10924]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.01.02 10:38:24 LOG_INFO [18348:10924]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.01.02 10:38:24 LOG_CRIT [18348:10924]: IO exception. The system may in

2023.01.02 10:38:24 LOG_DEBUG [18348:10924]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.02 10:47:38 LOG_INFO [12560:18012]: Disconnect from the server
2023.01.02 10:47:38 LOG_INFO [18348:12972]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.01.02 10:47:38 LOG_DEBUG [18348:10924]: Already be disconnected
2023.01.05 23:59:40 LOG_DEBUG [12768:12600]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.01.05 23:59:40 LOG_DEBUG [12768:12600]: The local product version is
2023.01.05 23:59:40 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.01.05 23:59:40 LOG_ERR [12768:12600]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.01.05 23:59:40 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.01.05 23:59:40 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.01.05 23:59:40 LOG_NOTICE [12768:12600]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.01.05 23:59:40 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.01.05 23:59:40 LOG_NOTICE [12768:12600]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.01.05 23:59:40 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: SecureConnect started
2023.01.05 23:59:40 LOG_DEBUG [15852:4164]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.01.05 23:59:40 LOG_INFO [15852:4164]: Init SSL channel
2023.01.05 23:59:24 LOG_DEBUG [15852:4164]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.05 23:59:25 LOG_DEBUG [15852:4164]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.01.05 23:59:25 LOG_ERR [12768:12600]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.05 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [15852:4164]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.05 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [15852:4164]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.01.05 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [15852:4164]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.01.05 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [12768:12600]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.05 23:59:26 LOG_ERR [12768:12600]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.05 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [15852:4164]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.01.05 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [15852:4164]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.01.05 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [15852:4164]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.01.05 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [15852:4164]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.01.05 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [15852:4164]: Real HostID =
2023.01.05 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [15852:4164]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.05 23:59:27 LOG_DEBUG [12768:12600]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [12768:12600]: Peer server count: 0
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:12988]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [12768:9708]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [12768:9708]: Connecting to
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:6516]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9652]: Handle channel open message
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9652]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:8168]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Connect to with port
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:8168]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:8168]: Handshake success!.....
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: HostID =
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Authenticaton OK
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:8168]: Login ok!
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: No peer server list.
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [12768:3700]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Send client info OK!
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:8168]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: SET IP =
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:8168]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:8168]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:8168]: Not receive
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Set client parameters OK
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:8168]: Local SPI = 42a18542
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:8168]: Local CPI = 0xdc9
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9699
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: get session id from server = 1577
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:8168]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd41e and local CPI =
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [15852:8168]: CompAlg = 0
2023.01.05 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Send new key OK
2023.01.05 23:59:35 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Add routes OK
2023.01.05 23:59:35 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Add wins OK
2023.01.05 23:59:39 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.01.05 23:59:39 LOG_INFO [15852:8168]: Add dns OK
2023.01.05 23:59:39 LOG_DEBUG [15852:8168]: End OpenChannelThread
logon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.01.05 23:59:39 LOG_DEBUG [12768:10412]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.01.06 00:00:44 LOG_ERR [15852:9652]: Handle channel error message: 4004
2023.01.06 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [15852:9652]: Close SSL channel
2023.01.06 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [15852:9652]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2023.01.06 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [15852:9652]: Delete routes OK
2023.01.06 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [15852:9652]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.01.06 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [15852:9652]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.01.06 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [15852:9652]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.01.06 00:00:45 LOG_CRIT [15852:9652]: IO exception. The system may in

2023.01.06 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9652]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [12768:12600]: Peer server count: 0
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:17180]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [12768:12612]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [12768:12612]: Connecting to
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:5084]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9652]: Handle channel open message
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9652]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9116]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Connect to with port
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9116]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9116]: Handshake success!.....
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: HostID =
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Authenticaton OK
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9116]: Login ok!
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: No peer server list.
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [12768:1308]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Send client info OK!
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9116]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: SET IP =
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9116]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9116]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9116]: Not receive
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Set client parameters OK
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9116]: Local SPI = 459d8b3a
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9116]: Local CPI = 0x10c5
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Remote SPI = 0x85b969b
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: get session id from server = 1578
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9116]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd420 and local CPI =
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9116]: CompAlg = 0
2023.01.06 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Send new key OK
2023.01.06 00:03:30 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Add routes OK
2023.01.06 00:03:30 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Add wins OK
2023.01.06 00:03:33 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.01.06 00:03:33 LOG_INFO [15852:9116]: Add dns OK
2023.01.06 00:03:33 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9116]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.01.06 00:03:33 LOG_INFO [12768:6020]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.01.06 00:03:33 LOG_DEBUG [12768:6020]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.01.06 06:04:55 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: Disconnect from the server
2023.01.06 06:04:55 LOG_INFO [15852:2580]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.01.06 06:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9652]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.01.06 06:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9652]: Handle channel close message
2023.01.06 06:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9652]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.06 06:04:55 LOG_INFO [15852:9652]: Close SSL channel
2023.01.06 06:04:55 LOG_INFO [15852:9652]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49807220
2023.01.06 06:04:55 LOG_INFO [15852:15700]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2023.01.06 06:04:55 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2023.01.06 06:04:55 LOG_INFO [15852:9652]: Delete routes OK
2023.01.06 06:04:56 LOG_INFO [15852:9652]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.01.06 06:04:56 LOG_INFO [15852:9652]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.01.06 06:04:56 LOG_INFO [15852:9652]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.01.06 06:05:35 LOG_INFO [12768:12600]: Disconnect from the server

2023.01.06 06:05:35 LOG_INFO [15852:3588]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.01.06 06:05:35 LOG_DEBUG [15852:9652]: Already be disconnected
2023.01.07 00:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [108:11608]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.01.07 00:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [108:11608]: The local product version is
2023.01.07 00:03:11 LOG_INFO [108:11608]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.01.07 00:03:11 LOG_ERR [108:11608]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.01.07 00:03:11 LOG_INFO [108:11608]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.01.07 00:03:11 LOG_INFO [108:11608]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.01.07 00:03:11 LOG_NOTICE [108:11608]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.01.07 00:03:12 LOG_INFO [108:11608]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.01.07 00:03:12 LOG_NOTICE [108:11608]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.01.07 00:03:12 LOG_INFO [108:11608]: SecureConnect started
2023.01.07 00:03:12 LOG_DEBUG [16796:16564]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.01.07 00:03:12 LOG_INFO [16796:16564]: Init SSL channel
2023.01.07 00:03:13 LOG_ERR [108:11608]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.07 00:03:13 LOG_DEBUG [16796:16564]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.07 00:03:13 LOG_DEBUG [16796:16564]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.01.07 00:03:14 LOG_DEBUG [108:11608]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.07 00:03:14 LOG_ERR [108:11608]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.07 00:03:14 LOG_DEBUG [16796:16564]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.07 00:03:14 LOG_DEBUG [16796:16564]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.01.07 00:03:14 LOG_DEBUG [16796:16564]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.01.07 00:03:14 LOG_DEBUG [16796:16564]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.01.07 00:03:14 LOG_DEBUG [16796:16564]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.01.07 00:03:14 LOG_DEBUG [16796:16564]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.01.07 00:03:14 LOG_DEBUG [16796:16564]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.01.07 00:03:14 LOG_INFO [16796:16564]: Real HostID =
2023.01.07 00:03:14 LOG_INFO [16796:16564]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.07 00:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [108:11608]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [108:11608]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [108:11608]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [108:11608]: Peer server count: 0
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [16796:12056]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [108:11608]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [108:14856]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [108:14856]: Connecting to
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [16796:13680]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [16796:11320]: Handle channel open message
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [16796:11320]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [16796:4304]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Connect to with port
2023.01.07 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.01.07 00:03:19 LOG_DEBUG [16796:4304]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.01.07 00:03:19 LOG_DEBUG [16796:4304]: Handshake success!.....
2023.01.07 00:03:19 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: HostID =
2023.01.07 00:03:19 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Authenticaton OK
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [16796:4304]: Login ok!
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: No peer server list.
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [108:4076]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer server
list. 0 servers
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Send client info OK!
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [16796:4304]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: SET IP =
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [16796:4304]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [16796:4304]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [16796:4304]: Not receive
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Set client parameters OK
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [16796:4304]: Local SPI = 13a5274a
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [16796:4304]: Local CPI = 0x1acf
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Remote SPI = 0x85b96c1
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: get session id from server = 1599
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [16796:4304]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd446 and local CPI =
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [16796:4304]: CompAlg = 0
2023.01.07 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Send new key OK
2023.01.07 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Add routes OK
2023.01.07 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Add wins OK
2023.01.07 00:03:25 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.01.07 00:03:25 LOG_INFO [16796:4304]: Add dns OK
2023.01.07 00:03:25 LOG_INFO [108:7872]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2023.01.07 00:03:25 LOG_DEBUG [16796:4304]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.01.07 00:03:25 LOG_DEBUG [108:7872]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.01.07 06:01:34 LOG_INFO [108:11608]: Disconnect from the server
2023.01.07 06:01:34 LOG_INFO [16796:11304]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.01.07 06:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [16796:11320]: Begin to close
2023.01.07 06:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [16796:11320]: Handle channel close message
2023.01.07 06:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [16796:11320]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.07 06:01:34 LOG_INFO [16796:11320]: Close SSL channel
2023.01.07 06:01:34 LOG_INFO [16796:11320]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51576692
2023.01.07 06:01:35 LOG_INFO [16796:11320]: Delete routes OK
2023.01.07 06:01:36 LOG_INFO [16796:11320]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.01.07 06:01:36 LOG_INFO [16796:11320]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.01.07 06:01:36 LOG_INFO [16796:11320]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.01.14 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [19360:19364]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.01.14 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [19360:19364]: The local product version is
2023.01.14 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [19360:19364]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.01.14 00:02:46 LOG_ERR [19360:19364]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.01.14 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [19360:19364]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.01.14 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [19360:19364]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.01.14 00:02:46 LOG_NOTICE [19360:19364]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.01.14 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [19360:19364]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.01.14 00:02:46 LOG_NOTICE [19360:19364]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.01.14 00:02:47 LOG_INFO [19360:19364]: SecureConnect started
2023.01.14 00:02:49 LOG_ERR [19360:19364]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.14 00:02:50 LOG_DEBUG [19360:19364]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.14 00:02:50 LOG_ERR [19360:19364]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.14 00:02:49 LOG_DEBUG [19424:19428]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.01.14 00:02:50 LOG_INFO [19424:19428]: Init SSL channel
2023.01.14 00:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [19360:19364]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.14 00:02:51 LOG_ERR [19360:19364]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.14 00:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [19360:19364]: Try the 3 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.14 00:02:52 LOG_ERR [19360:19364]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.14 00:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [19424:19428]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.14 00:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [19424:19428]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.01.14 00:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [19360:19364]: Try the 4 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.14 00:02:53 LOG_ERR [19360:19364]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.14 00:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [19424:19428]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.14 00:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [19424:19428]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.01.14 00:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [19424:19428]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.01.14 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [19424:19428]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.01.14 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [19424:19428]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.01.14 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [19424:19428]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.01.14 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [19424:19428]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.01.14 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [19424:19428]: Real HostID =
2023.01.14 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [19424:19428]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.14 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [19360:19364]: Try the 5 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.14 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [19360:19364]: Named pipe is badly repaired, try to
revive the SSLChannel.exe
2023.01.14 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [19360:19364]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.01.14 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [3348:16948]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.01.14 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [3348:16948]: Init SSL channel
2023.01.14 00:02:55 LOG_ERR [19360:19364]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.14 00:02:56 LOG_DEBUG [3348:16948]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.14 00:02:56 LOG_DEBUG [3348:16948]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.01.14 00:02:57 LOG_DEBUG [19360:19364]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.14 00:02:57 LOG_ERR [19360:19364]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.14 00:02:57 LOG_DEBUG [3348:16948]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.14 00:02:57 LOG_DEBUG [3348:16948]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.01.14 00:02:57 LOG_DEBUG [3348:16948]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.01.14 00:02:57 LOG_DEBUG [3348:16948]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.01.14 00:02:57 LOG_DEBUG [3348:16948]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.01.14 00:02:57 LOG_DEBUG [3348:16948]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.01.14 00:02:57 LOG_DEBUG [3348:16948]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.01.14 00:02:57 LOG_INFO [3348:16948]: Real HostID =
2023.01.14 00:02:57 LOG_INFO [3348:16948]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.14 00:02:58 LOG_DEBUG [19360:19364]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [19360:19364]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [19360:19364]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [19360:19364]: Peer server count: 0
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [3348:13416]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [19360:19364]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [19360:10128]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [19360:10128]: Connecting to
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [3348:9592]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [3348:19396]: Handle channel open message
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [3348:19396]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [3348:7048]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Connect to with port
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [3348:7048]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [3348:7048]: Handshake success!.....
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.01.14 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Authenticaton OK
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [3348:7048]: Login ok!
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: No peer server list.
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [19360:11184]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Send client info OK!
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [3348:7048]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: SET IP =
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [3348:7048]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [3348:7048]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [3348:7048]: Not receive
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Set client parameters OK
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [3348:7048]: Local SPI = 365c6cb8
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [3348:7048]: Local CPI = 0x59a2
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Remote SPI = 0x85b97f9
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: get session id from server = 1764
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [3348:7048]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd57e and local CPI =
2023.01.14 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [3348:7048]: CompAlg = 0
2023.01.14 00:03:04 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Send new key OK
2023.01.14 00:03:05 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Add routes OK
2023.01.14 00:03:05 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Add wins OK
2023.01.14 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.01.14 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [3348:7048]: Add dns OK
2023.01.14 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [19360:12284]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.01.14 00:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [3348:7048]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.01.14 00:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [19360:12284]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.01.14 06:04:43 LOG_INFO [19360:19364]: Disconnect from the server
2023.01.14 06:04:43 LOG_INFO [3348:15964]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.01.14 06:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [3348:19396]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.01.14 06:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [3348:19396]: Handle channel close message
2023.01.14 06:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [3348:19396]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.14 06:04:43 LOG_INFO [3348:19396]: Close SSL channel
2023.01.14 06:04:43 LOG_INFO [3348:19396]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51576692
2023.01.14 06:04:43 LOG_INFO [3348:19396]: Delete routes OK
2023.01.14 06:04:44 LOG_INFO [3348:19396]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.01.14 06:04:44 LOG_INFO [3348:19396]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.01.14 06:04:44 LOG_INFO [3348:19396]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.01.15 00:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [16248:10908]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.01.15 00:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [16248:10908]: The local product version is
2023.01.15 00:02:19 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.01.15 00:02:19 LOG_ERR [16248:10908]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.01.15 00:02:19 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.01.15 00:02:19 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.01.15 00:02:19 LOG_NOTICE [16248:10908]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.01.15 00:02:19 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.01.15 00:02:19 LOG_NOTICE [16248:10908]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.01.15 00:02:19 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: SecureConnect started
2023.01.15 00:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [7520:13128]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.01.15 00:02:19 LOG_INFO [7520:13128]: Init SSL channel
2023.01.15 00:02:20 LOG_ERR [16248:10908]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.15 00:02:20 LOG_DEBUG [7520:13128]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.15 00:02:20 LOG_DEBUG [7520:13128]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.01.15 00:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [16248:10908]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.15 00:02:21 LOG_ERR [16248:10908]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.01.15 00:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [7520:13128]: nFilelen=-1
2023.01.15 00:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [7520:13128]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.01.15 00:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [7520:13128]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.01.15 00:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [7520:13128]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.01.15 00:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [7520:13128]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.01.15 00:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [7520:13128]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.01.15 00:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [7520:13128]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.01.15 00:02:21 LOG_INFO [7520:13128]: Real HostID =
2023.01.15 00:02:21 LOG_INFO [7520:13128]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [16248:10908]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [16248:10908]: Peer server count: 0
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [7520:16196]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [16248:15764]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [16248:15764]: Connecting to
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [7520:4196]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [7520:18768]: Handle channel open message
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [7520:18768]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [7520:19044]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Connect to with port
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [7520:19044]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [7520:19044]: Handshake success!.....
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: HostID =
2023.01.15 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Authenticaton OK
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [7520:19044]: Login ok!
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: No peer server list.
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [16248:10252]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Send client info OK!
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [7520:19044]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: SET IP =
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [7520:19044]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [7520:19044]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [7520:19044]: Not receive
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Set client parameters OK
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [7520:19044]: Local SPI = 03f807f0
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [7520:19044]: Local CPI = 0x6341
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9831
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: get session id from server = 1792
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [7520:19044]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd5b6 and local CPI =
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [7520:19044]: CompAlg = 0
2023.01.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Send new key OK
2023.01.15 00:02:23 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Add routes OK
2023.01.15 00:02:23 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Add wins OK
2023.01.15 00:02:26 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.01.15 00:02:26 LOG_INFO [7520:19044]: Add dns OK
2023.01.15 00:02:26 LOG_INFO [16248:18928]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.01.15 00:02:26 LOG_DEBUG [7520:19044]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.01.15 00:02:26 LOG_DEBUG [16248:18928]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.01.15 03:39:37 LOG_ERR [7520:18768]: Handle channel error message: 4004
2023.01.15 03:39:37 LOG_INFO [7520:18768]: Close SSL channel
2023.01.15 03:39:37 LOG_INFO [7520:18768]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51576692
2023.01.15 03:39:38 LOG_INFO [7520:18768]: Delete routes OK
2023.01.15 03:39:38 LOG_INFO [7520:18768]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.01.15 03:39:38 LOG_INFO [7520:18768]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.01.15 03:39:39 LOG_INFO [7520:18768]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.01.15 03:39:39 LOG_CRIT [7520:18768]: IO exception. The system may in

2023.01.15 03:39:39 LOG_DEBUG [7520:18768]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_DEBUG [16248:10908]: Peer server count: 0
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_INFO [7520:8772]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_DEBUG [16248:7336]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_INFO [16248:7336]: Connecting to
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_INFO [7520:16168]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_DEBUG [7520:18768]: Handle channel open message
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_DEBUG [7520:18768]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_DEBUG [7520:7316]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Connect to with port
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_DEBUG [7520:7316]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_DEBUG [7520:7316]: Handshake success!.....
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.01.15 05:29:33 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Authenticaton OK
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_DEBUG [7520:7316]: Login ok!
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: No peer server list.
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_INFO [16248:11516]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Send client info OK!
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_DEBUG [7520:7316]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: SET IP =
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_DEBUG [7520:7316]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_DEBUG [7520:7316]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_DEBUG [7520:7316]: Not receive
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Set client parameters OK
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_DEBUG [7520:7316]: Local SPI = 7e66fccc
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_DEBUG [7520:7316]: Local CPI = 0x19b2
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9833
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: get session id from server = 1793
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_DEBUG [7520:7316]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd5b8 and local CPI =
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_DEBUG [7520:7316]: CompAlg = 0
2023.01.15 05:29:34 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Send new key OK
2023.01.15 05:29:35 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Add routes OK
2023.01.15 05:29:35 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Add wins OK
2023.01.15 05:29:38 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.01.15 05:29:38 LOG_INFO [7520:7316]: Add dns OK
2023.01.15 05:29:38 LOG_INFO [16248:18344]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.01.15 05:29:38 LOG_DEBUG [7520:7316]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.01.15 05:29:38 LOG_DEBUG [16248:18344]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.01.15 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: Disconnect from the server
2023.01.15 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [7520:18684]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.01.15 06:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [7520:18768]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.01.15 06:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [7520:18768]: Handle channel close message
2023.01.15 06:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [7520:18768]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.01.15 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [7520:18768]: Close SSL channel
2023.01.15 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [7520:18768]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51576692
2023.01.15 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [7520:4396]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag nData
2023.01.15 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2023.01.15 06:05:30 LOG_INFO [7520:18768]: Delete routes OK
2023.01.15 06:05:30 LOG_INFO [7520:18768]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.01.15 06:05:30 LOG_INFO [7520:18768]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.01.15 06:05:30 LOG_INFO [7520:18768]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.01.15 06:06:44 LOG_INFO [16248:10908]: Disconnect from the server

2023.01.15 06:06:44 LOG_INFO [7520:1360]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.01.15 06:06:44 LOG_DEBUG [7520:18768]: Already be disconnected
2023.02.11 07:02:43 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.02.11 07:02:43 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: The local product version is
2023.02.11 07:02:43 LOG_INFO [11448:17024]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.02.11 07:02:43 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.02.11 07:02:44 LOG_INFO [11448:17024]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.02.11 07:02:44 LOG_INFO [11448:17024]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.02.11 07:02:44 LOG_NOTICE [11448:17024]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.02.11 07:02:44 LOG_INFO [11448:17024]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.02.11 07:02:44 LOG_NOTICE [11448:17024]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.02.11 07:02:44 LOG_INFO [11448:17024]: SecureConnect started
2023.02.11 07:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [8916:14084]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.02.11 07:02:44 LOG_INFO [8916:14084]: Init SSL channel
2023.02.11 07:02:45 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.02.11 07:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [8916:14084]: nFilelen=-1
2023.02.11 07:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [8916:14084]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.02.11 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:02:46 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.02.11 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [8916:14084]: nFilelen=-1
2023.02.11 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [8916:14084]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.02.11 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [8916:14084]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.02.11 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [8916:14084]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.02.11 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [8916:14084]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.02.11 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [8916:14084]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.02.11 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [8916:14084]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.02.11 07:02:46 LOG_INFO [8916:14084]: Real HostID =
2023.02.11 07:02:47 LOG_INFO [8916:14084]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.02.11 07:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [11448:17024]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [11448:17024]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Peer server count: 0
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [8916:18428]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [11448:17024]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [11448:16740]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [11448:16740]: Connecting to
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [8916:14696]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [8916:10900]: Handle channel open message
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [8916:10900]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [8916:18012]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Connect to with port
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [8916:18012]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [8916:18012]: Handshake success!.....
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: HostID =
2023.02.11 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Authenticaton OK
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [8916:18012]: Login ok!
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: No peer server list.
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [11448:10572]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Send client info OK!
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [8916:18012]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: SET IP =
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [8916:18012]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [8916:18012]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [8916:18012]: Not receive
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Set client parameters OK
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [8916:18012]: Local SPI = 036d06da
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [8916:18012]: Local CPI = 0x5322
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9c93
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: get session id from server = 2404
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [8916:18012]: Remote CPI = 0xffffda18 and local CPI =
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [8916:18012]: CompAlg = 0
2023.02.11 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Send new key OK
2023.02.11 07:02:55 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Add routes OK
2023.02.11 07:02:55 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Add wins OK
2023.02.11 07:02:58 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.02.11 07:02:58 LOG_INFO [8916:18012]: Add dns OK
2023.02.11 07:02:58 LOG_INFO [11448:11808]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.02.11 07:02:58 LOG_DEBUG [8916:18012]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.02.11 07:02:58 LOG_DEBUG [11448:11808]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.02.11 07:07:15 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:07:15 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 07:07:16 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:33:36 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:33:36 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 07:33:39 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:34:59 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:34:59 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 07:35:01 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:35:03 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:35:05 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:35:07 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:35:10 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:35:12 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:35:14 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:35:16 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:35:19 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:35:21 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:35:25 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:35:28 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:35:30 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:35:32 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:35:35 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:35:37 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:35:39 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:35:42 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:35:44 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:35:46 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:35:48 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:35:51 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:36:50 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:36:50 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 07:36:50 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:36:52 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:36:53 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:36:55 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:36:56 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:36:58 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:37:00 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:37:02 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:37:04 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:37:17 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:37:17 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 07:37:17 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:37:54 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:37:54 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 07:37:55 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:37:57 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:37:58 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:38:00 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:38:01 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:38:03 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:38:05 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:38:07 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:38:09 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:56:46 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:56:46 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 07:56:46 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:56:48 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:56:51 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:56:53 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:56:55 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:56:57 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:57:00 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:57:02 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:57:04 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:57:06 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:57:09 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 07:58:03 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 07:58:03 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 07:58:05 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:41:32 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:41:32 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 08:41:35 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:41:37 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:41:39 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:49:31 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:49:31 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 08:49:33 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:49:35 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:49:38 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:49:40 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:49:42 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:49:44 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:49:47 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:49:49 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:49:50 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:50:01 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:50:01 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 08:50:01 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:50:59 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:50:59 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 08:51:02 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:51:04 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:51:06 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:51:08 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:51:11 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:51:13 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:51:16 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:56:11 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:56:11 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 08:56:12 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:56:14 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:56:15 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:56:19 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:56:19 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 08:56:21 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:56:23 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:56:25 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:58:04 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:58:04 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.02.11 08:58:05 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:58:07 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:58:09 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:58:11 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:58:13 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:58:15 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:58:19 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 08:58:21 LOG_ERR [11448:17024]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.02.11 08:58:23 LOG_DEBUG [11448:17024]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.11 13:12:58 LOG_INFO [11448:17024]: Disconnect from the server
2023.02.11 13:12:58 LOG_INFO [8916:43352]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.02.11 13:12:58 LOG_DEBUG [8916:10900]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.02.11 13:12:58 LOG_DEBUG [8916:10900]: Handle channel close message
2023.02.11 13:12:58 LOG_DEBUG [8916:10900]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.02.11 13:12:58 LOG_INFO [8916:10900]: Close SSL channel
2023.02.11 13:12:58 LOG_INFO [8916:10900]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51576692
2023.02.11 13:12:58 LOG_INFO [8916:10900]: Delete routes OK
2023.02.11 13:12:59 LOG_INFO [8916:10900]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.02.11 13:12:59 LOG_INFO [8916:10900]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.02.11 13:12:59 LOG_INFO [8916:10900]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.02.17 07:04:25 LOG_DEBUG [18900:12808]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.02.17 07:04:25 LOG_DEBUG [18900:12808]: The local product version is
2023.02.17 07:04:25 LOG_INFO [18900:12808]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.02.17 07:04:25 LOG_ERR [18900:12808]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.02.17 07:04:26 LOG_INFO [18900:12808]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.02.17 07:04:26 LOG_INFO [18900:12808]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.02.17 07:04:26 LOG_NOTICE [18900:12808]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.02.17 07:04:26 LOG_INFO [18900:12808]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.02.17 07:04:26 LOG_NOTICE [18900:12808]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.02.17 07:04:26 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18892]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.02.17 07:04:26 LOG_INFO [18900:12808]: SecureConnect started
2023.02.17 07:04:26 LOG_INFO [4540:18892]: Init SSL channel
2023.02.17 07:04:27 LOG_ERR [18900:12808]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.02.17 07:04:27 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18892]: nFilelen=-1
2023.02.17 07:04:27 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18892]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.02.17 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [18900:12808]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.17 07:04:28 LOG_ERR [18900:12808]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.02.17 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18892]: nFilelen=-1
2023.02.17 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18892]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.02.17 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18892]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.02.17 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18892]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.02.17 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18892]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.02.17 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18892]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.02.17 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18892]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.02.17 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [4540:18892]: Real HostID =
2023.02.17 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [4540:18892]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.02.17 07:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [18900:12808]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [18900:12808]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [18900:12808]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_DEBUG [18900:12808]: Peer server count: 0
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [4540:11512]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [18900:12808]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_DEBUG [18900:15324]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [18900:15324]: Connecting to
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [4540:4976]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_DEBUG [4540:19440]: Handle channel open message
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_DEBUG [4540:19440]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_DEBUG [4540:14960]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Connect to with port
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.02.17 07:04:33 LOG_DEBUG [4540:14960]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_DEBUG [4540:14960]: Handshake success!.....
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: HostID =
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Authenticaton OK
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_DEBUG [4540:14960]: Login ok!
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: No peer server list.
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_INFO [18900:9392]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Send client info OK!
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_DEBUG [4540:14960]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: SET IP =
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_DEBUG [4540:14960]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_DEBUG [4540:14960]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_DEBUG [4540:14960]: Not receive
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Set client parameters OK
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_DEBUG [4540:14960]: Local SPI = 597fb2fe
2023.02.17 07:04:34 LOG_DEBUG [4540:14960]: Local CPI = 0x94c
2023.02.17 07:04:35 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9d8f
2023.02.17 07:04:35 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.02.17 07:04:35 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.02.17 07:04:35 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: get session id from server = 2538
2023.02.17 07:04:35 LOG_DEBUG [4540:14960]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdb14 and local CPI =
2023.02.17 07:04:35 LOG_DEBUG [4540:14960]: CompAlg = 0
2023.02.17 07:04:35 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Send new key OK
2023.02.17 07:04:36 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Add routes OK
2023.02.17 07:04:36 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Add wins OK
2023.02.17 07:04:40 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.02.17 07:04:40 LOG_INFO [4540:14960]: Add dns OK
2023.02.17 07:04:40 LOG_INFO [18900:18624]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.02.17 07:04:40 LOG_DEBUG [4540:14960]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.02.17 07:04:40 LOG_DEBUG [18900:18624]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.02.17 09:14:02 LOG_DEBUG [18900:12808]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.17 09:14:02 LOG_ERR [4540:19440]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.02.17 09:14:03 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: Close SSL channel
2023.02.17 09:14:03 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.02.17 09:14:03 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: Delete routes OK
2023.02.17 09:14:04 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.02.17 09:14:04 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.02.17 09:14:05 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.02.17 09:14:10 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.02.17 09:14:10 LOG_DEBUG [4540:19440]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.02.17 09:14:10 LOG_DEBUG [4540:19440]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.02.17 09:14:10 LOG_DEBUG [4540:19440]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.02.17 09:14:10 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.02.17 09:14:10 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.02.17 09:14:10 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18672]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.02.17 09:14:10 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.02.17 09:14:11 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: Connect to with port
2023.02.17 09:14:11 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.02.17 09:14:11 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18672]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.02.17 09:14:11 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18672]: Handshake success!.....
2023.02.17 09:14:11 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: HostID =
2023.02.17 09:14:11 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: Authenticaton OK
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18672]: Login ok!
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: No peer server list.
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_INFO [18900:13876]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: Send client info OK!
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18672]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: SET IP =
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18672]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18672]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18672]: Not receive
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: Set client parameters OK
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18672]: Local SPI = 3cb7796e
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18672]: Local CPI = 0x6c84
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9d95
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: get session id from server = 2541
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18672]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdb1a and local CPI =
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18672]: CompAlg = 0
2023.02.17 09:14:12 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: Send new key OK
2023.02.17 09:14:14 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: Add routes OK
2023.02.17 09:14:14 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: Add wins OK
2023.02.17 09:14:17 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.02.17 09:14:17 LOG_INFO [4540:18672]: Add dns OK
2023.02.17 09:14:17 LOG_INFO [18900:8656]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.02.17 09:14:17 LOG_DEBUG [4540:19440]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.02.17 09:14:17 LOG_DEBUG [4540:18672]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.02.17 09:14:17 LOG_DEBUG [4540:19440]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.02.17 09:14:17 LOG_DEBUG [18900:8656]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.02.17 13:08:01 LOG_INFO [18900:12808]: Disconnect from the server
2023.02.17 13:08:01 LOG_INFO [4540:9160]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.02.17 13:08:01 LOG_DEBUG [4540:19440]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.02.17 13:08:01 LOG_DEBUG [4540:19440]: Handle channel close message
2023.02.17 13:08:01 LOG_DEBUG [4540:19440]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.02.17 13:08:01 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: Close SSL channel
2023.02.17 13:08:01 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.02.17 13:08:02 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: Delete routes OK
2023.02.17 13:08:02 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.02.17 13:08:02 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.02.17 13:08:02 LOG_INFO [4540:19440]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.02.19 07:14:12 LOG_DEBUG [15184:1872]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.02.19 07:14:12 LOG_DEBUG [15184:1872]: The local product version is
2023.02.19 07:14:12 LOG_INFO [15184:1872]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.02.19 07:14:12 LOG_ERR [15184:1872]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.02.19 07:14:12 LOG_INFO [15184:1872]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.02.19 07:14:12 LOG_INFO [15184:1872]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.02.19 07:14:12 LOG_NOTICE [15184:1872]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.02.19 07:14:12 LOG_INFO [15184:1872]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.02.19 07:14:12 LOG_NOTICE [15184:1872]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.02.19 07:14:12 LOG_INFO [15184:1872]: SecureConnect started
2023.02.19 07:14:12 LOG_DEBUG [9172:10724]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.02.19 07:14:12 LOG_INFO [9172:10724]: Init SSL channel
2023.02.19 07:14:13 LOG_ERR [15184:1872]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.02.19 07:14:14 LOG_DEBUG [9172:10724]: nFilelen=-1
2023.02.19 07:14:14 LOG_DEBUG [9172:10724]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.02.19 07:14:14 LOG_DEBUG [15184:1872]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.19 07:14:14 LOG_ERR [15184:1872]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.02.19 07:14:15 LOG_DEBUG [9172:10724]: nFilelen=-1
2023.02.19 07:14:15 LOG_DEBUG [9172:10724]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.02.19 07:14:15 LOG_DEBUG [9172:10724]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.02.19 07:14:15 LOG_DEBUG [9172:10724]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.02.19 07:14:15 LOG_DEBUG [9172:10724]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.02.19 07:14:15 LOG_DEBUG [9172:10724]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.02.19 07:14:15 LOG_DEBUG [9172:10724]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.02.19 07:14:15 LOG_INFO [9172:10724]: Real HostID =
2023.02.19 07:14:15 LOG_INFO [9172:10724]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.02.19 07:14:15 LOG_DEBUG [15184:1872]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [15184:1872]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [15184:1872]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_DEBUG [15184:1872]: Peer server count: 0
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:8080]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [15184:1872]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_DEBUG [15184:19016]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [15184:19016]: Connecting to
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:1776]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_DEBUG [9172:12192]: Handle channel open message
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_DEBUG [9172:12192]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_DEBUG [9172:952]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Connect to with port 4433...
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_DEBUG [9172:952]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_DEBUG [9172:952]: Handshake success!.....
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Authenticaton OK
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_DEBUG [9172:952]: Login ok!
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: No peer server list.
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [15184:5316]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Send client info OK!
2023.02.19 07:14:37 LOG_DEBUG [9172:952]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: SET IP =
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_DEBUG [9172:952]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_DEBUG [9172:952]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_DEBUG [9172:952]: Not receive
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Set client parameters OK
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_DEBUG [9172:952]: Local SPI = 7d78faf0
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_DEBUG [9172:952]: Local CPI = 0x614e
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9e27
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: get session id from server = 2616
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_DEBUG [9172:952]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdbac and local CPI =
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_DEBUG [9172:952]: CompAlg = 0
2023.02.19 07:14:38 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Send new key OK
2023.02.19 07:14:39 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Add routes OK
2023.02.19 07:14:39 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Add wins OK
2023.02.19 07:14:42 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.02.19 07:14:42 LOG_INFO [9172:952]: Add dns OK
2023.02.19 07:14:42 LOG_INFO [15184:16000]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.02.19 07:14:42 LOG_DEBUG [9172:952]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.02.19 07:14:42 LOG_DEBUG [15184:16000]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.02.19 16:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [9172:12192]: Handle channel rekey message
2023.02.19 16:03:15 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Connect to with port
2023.02.19 16:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [9172:12192]: Process ReKey operation at Sun Feb 19
16:03:15 2023
2023.02.19 16:03:15 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0, destAddr:
2023.02.19 16:03:15 LOG_ERR [9172:12192]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.02.19 16:03:15 LOG_ERR [9172:12192]: Connect to the server failed
2023.02.19 16:03:15 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Close SSL channel
2023.02.19 16:03:15 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51379916
2023.02.19 16:03:16 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Delete routes OK
2023.02.19 16:03:17 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.02.19 16:03:17 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.02.19 16:03:17 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.02.19 16:03:17 LOG_ERR [9172:12192]: Connect to failed

2023.02.19 16:03:17 LOG_ERR [9172:12192]: Handle channel error message: 4015
2023.02.19 16:03:17 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Close SSL channel
2023.02.19 16:03:17 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.02.19 16:03:17 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Delete routes OK
2023.02.19 16:03:17 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.02.19 16:03:17 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.02.19 16:03:17 LOG_ERR [9172:12192]: ReleaseSemaphore error: 298
2023.02.19 16:03:17 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.02.21 07:00:34 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.02.21 07:00:35 LOG_DEBUG [9172:12192]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.02.21 07:00:38 LOG_DEBUG [9172:12192]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.02.21 07:00:38 LOG_DEBUG [9172:12192]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.02.21 07:00:38 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.02.21 07:00:38 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.02.21 07:00:38 LOG_DEBUG [9172:18736]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.02.21 07:00:38 LOG_INFO [9172:18736]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.02.21 07:00:39 LOG_INFO [9172:18736]: Connect to with port
2023.02.21 07:00:39 LOG_INFO [9172:18736]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.02.21 07:00:39 LOG_ERR [9172:18736]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.02.21 07:00:39 LOG_ERR [9172:18736]: Connect to the server failed
2023.02.21 07:00:39 LOG_INFO [9172:18736]: Close SSL channel
2023.02.21 07:00:39 LOG_INFO [9172:18736]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 14024496
2023.02.21 07:00:39 LOG_INFO [9172:18736]: Delete routes OK
2023.02.21 07:00:39 LOG_INFO [9172:18736]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.02.21 07:00:39 LOG_INFO [9172:18736]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.02.21 07:00:39 LOG_INFO [9172:18736]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.02.21 07:00:39 LOG_ERR [9172:18736]: Connect to failed

2023.02.21 07:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [9172:18736]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.02.21 07:01:21 LOG_DEBUG [11808:1152]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.02.21 07:01:21 LOG_DEBUG [11808:1152]: The local product version is
2023.02.21 07:01:21 LOG_INFO [11808:1152]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.02.21 07:01:21 LOG_ERR [11808:1152]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [15184:1872]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [15184:1872]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_DEBUG [15184:1872]: Peer server count: 0
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [9172:8120]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [15184:1872]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_DEBUG [15184:16516]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [15184:16516]: Connecting to
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [9172:7156]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_DEBUG [9172:12192]: Handle channel open message
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_DEBUG [9172:12192]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_DEBUG [9172:11824]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Connect to with port
2023.02.21 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.02.21 07:01:28 LOG_DEBUG [9172:11824]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.02.21 07:01:28 LOG_DEBUG [9172:11824]: Handshake success!.....
2023.02.21 07:01:28 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: HostID =
2023.02.21 07:01:28 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.02.21 07:01:29 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.02.21 07:01:29 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Authenticaton OK
2023.02.21 07:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [9172:11824]: Login ok!
2023.02.21 07:01:29 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.02.21 07:01:29 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: No peer server list.
2023.02.21 07:01:29 LOG_INFO [15184:15544]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.02.21 07:01:29 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Send client info OK!
2023.02.21 07:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [9172:11824]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: SET IP =
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [9172:11824]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [9172:11824]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [9172:11824]: Not receive
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Set client parameters OK
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [9172:11824]: Local SPI = 0faf1f5e
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [9172:11824]: Local CPI = 0x278e
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9e5b
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: get session id from server = 2690
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [9172:11824]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdbe0 and local CPI =
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [9172:11824]: CompAlg = 0
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Send new key OK
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Add routes OK
2023.02.21 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Add wins OK
2023.02.21 07:01:34 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.02.21 07:01:34 LOG_INFO [9172:11824]: Add dns OK
2023.02.21 07:01:34 LOG_INFO [15184:7244]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.02.21 07:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [9172:11824]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.02.21 07:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [15184:7244]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.02.21 13:01:52 LOG_INFO [15184:1872]: Disconnect from the server
2023.02.21 13:01:52 LOG_INFO [9172:8516]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.02.21 13:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [9172:12192]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.02.21 13:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [9172:12192]: Handle channel close message
2023.02.21 13:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [9172:12192]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.02.21 13:01:52 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Close SSL channel
2023.02.21 13:01:52 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.02.21 13:01:52 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Delete routes OK
2023.02.21 13:01:53 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.02.21 13:01:53 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.02.21 13:01:53 LOG_INFO [9172:12192]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.02.24 07:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [7492:1152]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.02.24 07:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [7492:1152]: The local product version is
2023.02.24 07:01:13 LOG_INFO [7492:1152]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.02.24 07:01:13 LOG_ERR [7492:1152]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.02.24 07:01:13 LOG_INFO [7492:1152]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.02.24 07:01:13 LOG_INFO [7492:1152]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.02.24 07:01:13 LOG_NOTICE [7492:1152]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.02.24 07:01:13 LOG_INFO [7492:1152]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.02.24 07:01:13 LOG_NOTICE [7492:1152]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.02.24 07:01:13 LOG_INFO [7492:1152]: SecureConnect started
2023.02.24 07:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [4528:2544]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.02.24 07:01:14 LOG_INFO [4528:2544]: Init SSL channel
2023.02.24 07:01:14 LOG_ERR [7492:1152]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.02.24 07:01:15 LOG_DEBUG [4528:2544]: nFilelen=-1
2023.02.24 07:01:15 LOG_DEBUG [4528:2544]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.02.24 07:01:15 LOG_DEBUG [7492:1152]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.24 07:01:15 LOG_ERR [7492:1152]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.02.24 07:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [4528:2544]: nFilelen=-1
2023.02.24 07:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [4528:2544]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.02.24 07:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [4528:2544]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.02.24 07:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [4528:2544]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.02.24 07:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [4528:2544]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.02.24 07:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [4528:2544]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.02.24 07:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [4528:2544]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.02.24 07:01:16 LOG_INFO [4528:2544]: Real HostID =
2023.02.24 07:01:16 LOG_INFO [4528:2544]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.02.24 07:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [7492:1152]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [7492:1152]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [7492:1152]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [7492:1152]: Peer server count: 0
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9116]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [7492:1152]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [7492:8988]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [7492:8988]: Connecting to
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:4316]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:15004]: Handle channel open message
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:15004]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:9120]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Connect to with port
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:9120]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:9120]: Handshake success!.....
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Authenticaton OK
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:9120]: Login ok!
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: No peer server list.
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [7492:9076]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Send client info OK!
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:9120]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: SET IP =
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:9120]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:9120]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:9120]: Not receive
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Set client parameters OK
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:9120]: Local SPI = 79fbf3f6
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:9120]: Local CPI = 0x1e6
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9ea7
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: get session id from server = 2745
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:9120]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdc2c and local CPI =
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [4528:9120]: CompAlg = 0
2023.02.24 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Send new key OK
2023.02.24 07:01:23 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Add routes OK
2023.02.24 07:01:23 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Add wins OK
2023.02.24 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.02.24 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [4528:9120]: Add dns OK
2023.02.24 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [7492:15788]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.02.24 07:01:26 LOG_DEBUG [4528:9120]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.02.24 07:01:26 LOG_DEBUG [7492:15788]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.02.24 13:44:53 LOG_INFO [7492:1152]: Disconnect from the server
2023.02.24 13:44:53 LOG_INFO [4528:12596]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.02.24 13:44:53 LOG_DEBUG [4528:15004]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.02.24 13:44:53 LOG_DEBUG [4528:15004]: Handle channel close message
2023.02.24 13:44:53 LOG_DEBUG [4528:15004]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.02.24 13:44:53 LOG_INFO [4528:15004]: Close SSL channel
2023.02.24 13:44:53 LOG_INFO [4528:15004]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.02.24 13:44:54 LOG_INFO [4528:15004]: Delete routes OK
2023.02.24 13:44:56 LOG_INFO [4528:15004]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.02.24 13:44:56 LOG_INFO [4528:15004]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.02.24 13:44:56 LOG_INFO [4528:15004]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.03 06:54:14 LOG_DEBUG [5712:14768]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.03.03 06:54:14 LOG_DEBUG [5712:14768]: The local product version is
2023.03.03 06:54:14 LOG_INFO [5712:14768]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.03 06:54:14 LOG_ERR [5712:14768]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.03 06:54:15 LOG_INFO [5712:14768]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.03 06:54:15 LOG_INFO [5712:14768]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.03 06:54:15 LOG_NOTICE [5712:14768]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.03 06:54:15 LOG_INFO [5712:14768]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.03 06:54:15 LOG_NOTICE [5712:14768]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.03 06:54:15 LOG_DEBUG [13612:13172]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.03 06:54:15 LOG_INFO [13612:13172]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.03 06:54:15 LOG_INFO [5712:14768]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.03 06:54:16 LOG_ERR [5712:14768]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.03 06:54:17 LOG_DEBUG [13612:13172]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.03 06:54:17 LOG_DEBUG [13612:13172]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.03 06:54:17 LOG_DEBUG [5712:14768]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.03 06:54:17 LOG_ERR [5712:14768]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.03 06:54:18 LOG_DEBUG [13612:13172]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.03 06:54:18 LOG_DEBUG [13612:13172]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.03 06:54:18 LOG_DEBUG [13612:13172]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.03 06:54:18 LOG_DEBUG [13612:13172]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.03 06:54:18 LOG_DEBUG [13612:13172]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.03 06:54:18 LOG_DEBUG [13612:13172]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.03 06:54:18 LOG_DEBUG [13612:13172]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.03 06:54:18 LOG_INFO [13612:13172]: Real HostID =
2023.03.03 06:54:18 LOG_INFO [13612:13172]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.03 06:54:18 LOG_DEBUG [5712:14768]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_INFO [5712:14768]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_INFO [5712:14768]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_DEBUG [5712:14768]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_INFO [13612:4012]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_INFO [5712:14768]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_DEBUG [5712:13692]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_INFO [5712:13692]: Connecting to
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_INFO [13612:3468]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_DEBUG [13612:17956]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_DEBUG [13612:17956]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_DEBUG [13612:15600]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Connect to with port
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_DEBUG [13612:15600]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_DEBUG [13612:15600]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: HostID =
2023.03.03 06:54:24 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.03 06:54:25 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.03 06:54:25 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.03 06:54:25 LOG_DEBUG [13612:15600]: Login ok!
2023.03.03 06:54:25 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.03 06:54:25 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: No peer server list.
2023.03.03 06:54:25 LOG_INFO [5712:6604]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.03 06:54:25 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.03 06:54:25 LOG_DEBUG [13612:15600]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.03 06:54:25 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: SET IP =
2023.03.03 06:54:26 LOG_DEBUG [13612:15600]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.03 06:54:26 LOG_DEBUG [13612:15600]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.03 06:54:26 LOG_DEBUG [13612:15600]: Not receive
2023.03.03 06:54:26 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.03 06:54:26 LOG_DEBUG [13612:15600]: Local SPI = 179b2f36
2023.03.03 06:54:26 LOG_DEBUG [13612:15600]: Local CPI = 0x3ba1
2023.03.03 06:54:26 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9f9f
2023.03.03 06:54:26 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.03 06:54:26 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.03 06:54:26 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: get session id from server = 2875
2023.03.03 06:54:26 LOG_DEBUG [13612:15600]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdd24 and local CPI
= 0x3ba1
2023.03.03 06:54:26 LOG_DEBUG [13612:15600]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.03 06:54:26 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Send new key OK
2023.03.03 06:54:27 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Add routes OK
2023.03.03 06:54:27 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Add wins OK
2023.03.03 06:54:30 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.03 06:54:30 LOG_INFO [13612:15600]: Add dns OK
2023.03.03 06:54:30 LOG_DEBUG [13612:15600]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.03 06:54:30 LOG_INFO [5712:7844]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.03 06:54:30 LOG_DEBUG [5712:7844]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.03 13:01:01 LOG_INFO [5712:14768]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.03 13:01:01 LOG_INFO [13612:14284]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.03 13:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [13612:17956]: Begin to close
2023.03.03 13:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [13612:17956]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.03 13:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [13612:17956]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.03 13:01:01 LOG_INFO [13612:17956]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.03 13:01:01 LOG_INFO [13612:17956]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.03.03 13:01:02 LOG_INFO [13612:17956]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.03 13:01:03 LOG_INFO [13612:17956]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.03 13:01:03 LOG_INFO [13612:17956]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.03 13:01:03 LOG_INFO [13612:17956]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.04 07:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [17900:17684]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.03.04 07:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [17900:17684]: The local product version is
2023.03.04 07:03:28 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.04 07:03:28 LOG_ERR [17900:17684]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.04 07:03:28 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.04 07:03:28 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.04 07:03:28 LOG_NOTICE [17900:17684]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.04 07:03:28 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.04 07:03:28 LOG_NOTICE [17900:17684]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.04 07:03:28 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.04 07:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [18036:17204]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.04 07:03:28 LOG_INFO [18036:17204]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.04 07:03:29 LOG_ERR [17900:17684]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.04 07:03:29 LOG_DEBUG [18036:17204]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.04 07:03:29 LOG_DEBUG [18036:17204]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.04 07:03:30 LOG_DEBUG [17900:17684]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.04 07:03:30 LOG_ERR [17900:17684]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.04 07:03:30 LOG_DEBUG [18036:17204]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.04 07:03:30 LOG_DEBUG [18036:17204]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.04 07:03:30 LOG_DEBUG [18036:17204]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.04 07:03:30 LOG_DEBUG [18036:17204]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.04 07:03:30 LOG_DEBUG [18036:17204]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.04 07:03:30 LOG_DEBUG [18036:17204]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.04 07:03:30 LOG_DEBUG [18036:17204]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.04 07:03:30 LOG_INFO [18036:17204]: Real HostID =
2023.03.04 07:03:30 LOG_INFO [18036:17204]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.04 07:03:31 LOG_DEBUG [17900:17684]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_DEBUG [17900:17684]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [18036:1744]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_DEBUG [17900:17064]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [17900:17064]: Connecting to
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [18036:9660]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11052]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11052]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_DEBUG [18036:13868]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [18036:13868]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [18036:13868]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [18036:13868]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [18036:13868]: Connect to with port
2023.03.04 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [18036:13868]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.04 07:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [18036:13868]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.04 07:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [18036:13868]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.04 07:03:39 LOG_INFO [18036:13868]: HostID =
2023.03.04 07:03:39 LOG_INFO [18036:13868]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.04 07:03:41 LOG_ERR [18036:13868]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.03.04 07:03:41 LOG_INFO [18036:13868]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.04 07:03:41 LOG_INFO [18036:13868]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 52690724
2023.03.04 07:03:41 LOG_INFO [18036:13868]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.04 07:03:41 LOG_INFO [18036:13868]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.04 07:03:41 LOG_INFO [18036:13868]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.04 07:03:41 LOG_INFO [18036:13868]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.04 07:03:41 LOG_ERR [18036:13868]: Can't login Error code =

2023.03.04 07:03:41 LOG_DEBUG [18036:13868]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.04 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [17900:948]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.03.04 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [17900:948]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.03.04 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [17900:948]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [17900:17684]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18036:11948]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [17900:2592]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [17900:2592]: Connecting to
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18036:1072]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11052]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11052]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18036:18028]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18036:18028]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18036:18028]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18036:18028]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18036:18028]: Connect to with port
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18036:18028]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18036:18028]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18036:18028]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18036:18028]: HostID =
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18036:18028]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_ERR [18036:18028]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18036:18028]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.04 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18036:18028]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 52690724
2023.03.04 07:03:55 LOG_INFO [18036:18028]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.04 07:03:55 LOG_INFO [18036:18028]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.04 07:03:55 LOG_INFO [18036:18028]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.04 07:03:55 LOG_INFO [18036:18028]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.04 07:03:55 LOG_ERR [18036:18028]: Can't login Error code =

2023.03.04 07:03:55 LOG_DEBUG [18036:18028]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.04 07:03:57 LOG_INFO [17900:9780]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.03.04 07:03:57 LOG_INFO [17900:9780]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=1)
2023.03.04 07:03:57 LOG_INFO [17900:9780]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: failed count: 2. Ref count: 3
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [17900:17684]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [18036:2756]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [17900:14284]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [17900:14284]: Connecting to
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [18036:2976]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11052]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11052]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11324]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [18036:11324]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [18036:11324]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [18036:11324]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [18036:11324]: Connect to with port
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [18036:11324]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11324]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11324]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [18036:11324]: HostID =
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [18036:11324]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_ERR [18036:11324]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [18036:11324]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.04 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [18036:11324]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 52690724
2023.03.04 07:04:11 LOG_INFO [18036:11324]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.04 07:04:11 LOG_INFO [18036:11324]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.04 07:04:11 LOG_INFO [18036:11324]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.04 07:04:11 LOG_INFO [18036:11324]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.04 07:04:11 LOG_ERR [18036:11324]: Can't login Error code =

2023.03.04 07:04:11 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11324]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.04 07:04:12 LOG_INFO [17900:5704]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.03.04 07:04:12 LOG_INFO [17900:5704]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=2)
2023.03.04 07:04:12 LOG_INFO [17900:5704]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: start=133223870274810000
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=245910000
diffInSec=24 refTime=60.
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: start=133223870274810000
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=245910000
diffInSec=24 refTime=60.
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2023-
3-4 7:6:12
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: start=133223870274810000
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=245910000
diffInSec=24 refTime=60.
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.03.04 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2023-
3-4 7:6:12
2023.03.04 07:07:28 LOG_DEBUG [12788:2148]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.03.04 07:07:29 LOG_DEBUG [12788:2148]: The local product version is
2023.03.04 07:07:29 LOG_INFO [12788:2148]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.04 07:07:29 LOG_ERR [12788:2148]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: start=133223870274810000
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=245910000
diffInSec=24 refTime=60.
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: start=133223870274810000
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=245910000
diffInSec=24 refTime=60.
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2023-
3-4 7:6:12
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_DEBUG [17900:17684]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [18036:3496]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_DEBUG [17900:1588]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [17900:1588]: Connecting to
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [18036:17868]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11052]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11052]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_DEBUG [18036:9920]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Connect to with port
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.04 07:07:37 LOG_DEBUG [18036:9920]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_DEBUG [18036:9920]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: HostID =
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_DEBUG [18036:9920]: Login ok!
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: No peer server list.
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_INFO [17900:13680]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_DEBUG [18036:9920]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: SET IP =
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_DEBUG [18036:9920]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_DEBUG [18036:9920]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.04 07:07:38 LOG_DEBUG [18036:9920]: Not receive
2023.03.04 07:07:39 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.04 07:07:39 LOG_DEBUG [18036:9920]: Local SPI = 6fdadfb4
2023.03.04 07:07:39 LOG_DEBUG [18036:9920]: Local CPI = 0x4fe3
2023.03.04 07:07:39 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Remote SPI = 0x85b9fbf
2023.03.04 07:07:39 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.04 07:07:39 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.04 07:07:39 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: get session id from server = 2894
2023.03.04 07:07:39 LOG_DEBUG [18036:9920]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdd44 and local CPI =
2023.03.04 07:07:39 LOG_DEBUG [18036:9920]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.04 07:07:39 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Send new key OK
2023.03.04 07:07:41 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Add routes OK
2023.03.04 07:07:41 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Add wins OK
2023.03.04 07:07:44 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.04 07:07:44 LOG_INFO [18036:9920]: Add dns OK
2023.03.04 07:07:44 LOG_INFO [17900:14524]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.04 07:07:44 LOG_DEBUG [18036:9920]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.04 07:07:44 LOG_DEBUG [17900:14524]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.04 13:25:10 LOG_INFO [17900:17684]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.04 13:25:10 LOG_INFO [18036:8148]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.04 13:25:10 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11052]: Begin to close
2023.03.04 13:25:10 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11052]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.04 13:25:10 LOG_DEBUG [18036:11052]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.04 13:25:10 LOG_INFO [18036:11052]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.04 13:25:10 LOG_INFO [18036:11052]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.03.04 13:25:10 LOG_INFO [18036:11052]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.04 13:25:11 LOG_INFO [18036:11052]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.04 13:25:11 LOG_INFO [18036:11052]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.04 13:25:11 LOG_INFO [18036:11052]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.11 07:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [17192:11252]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.03.11 07:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [17192:11252]: The local product version is
2023.03.11 07:03:39 LOG_INFO [17192:11252]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.11 07:03:39 LOG_ERR [17192:11252]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.11 07:03:40 LOG_INFO [17192:11252]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.11 07:03:40 LOG_INFO [17192:11252]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.11 07:03:40 LOG_NOTICE [17192:11252]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.11 07:03:40 LOG_INFO [17192:11252]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.11 07:03:40 LOG_NOTICE [17192:11252]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.11 07:03:40 LOG_INFO [17192:11252]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.11 07:03:41 LOG_ERR [17192:11252]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.11 07:03:41 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11056]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.11 07:03:41 LOG_INFO [18892:11056]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.11 07:03:42 LOG_DEBUG [17192:11252]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.11 07:03:42 LOG_ERR [17192:11252]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.11 07:03:43 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11056]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.11 07:03:43 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11056]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.11 07:03:43 LOG_DEBUG [17192:11252]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.11 07:03:43 LOG_ERR [17192:11252]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.11 07:03:44 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11056]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.11 07:03:44 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11056]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.11 07:03:44 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11056]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.11 07:03:44 LOG_DEBUG [17192:11252]: Try the 3 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.11 07:03:45 LOG_ERR [17192:11252]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.11 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11056]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.11 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11056]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.11 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11056]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.11 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11056]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.11 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [18892:11056]: Real HostID =
2023.03.11 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [18892:11056]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.11 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [17192:11252]: Try the 4 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_INFO [17192:11252]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_INFO [17192:11252]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_DEBUG [17192:11252]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_INFO [18892:8076]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_INFO [17192:11252]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_DEBUG [17192:14200]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_INFO [17192:14200]: Connecting to
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_INFO [18892:2176]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_DEBUG [18892:17892]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_DEBUG [18892:17892]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11804]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Connect to with port
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.11 07:03:52 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11804]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.11 07:03:53 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11804]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.11 07:03:53 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: HostID =
2023.03.11 07:03:53 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11804]: Login ok!
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: No peer server list.
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [17192:9768]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11804]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: SET IP =
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11804]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11804]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11804]: Not receive
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11804]: Local SPI = 0fea1fd4
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11804]: Local CPI = 0xc0e
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2c99b
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: get session id from server = 42
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11804]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcd18 and local CPI
= 0xc0e
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11804]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.11 07:03:54 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Send new key OK
2023.03.11 07:03:57 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Add routes OK
2023.03.11 07:03:57 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Add wins OK
2023.03.11 07:04:02 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.11 07:04:02 LOG_INFO [18892:11804]: Add dns OK
2023.03.11 07:04:02 LOG_DEBUG [18892:11804]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.11 07:04:02 LOG_INFO [17192:9252]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.11 07:04:02 LOG_DEBUG [17192:9252]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.11 13:02:44 LOG_INFO [17192:11252]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.11 13:02:44 LOG_INFO [18892:18868]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.11 13:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [18892:17892]: Begin to close
2023.03.11 13:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [18892:17892]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.11 13:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [18892:17892]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.11 13:02:44 LOG_INFO [18892:17892]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.11 13:02:44 LOG_INFO [18892:17892]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.03.11 13:02:44 LOG_INFO [17192:11252]: Wait for SCVPN being disconnected...
2023.03.11 13:02:44 LOG_INFO [18892:17892]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.11 13:02:45 LOG_INFO [18892:17892]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.11 13:02:45 LOG_INFO [17192:11252]: Wait for SCVPN being disconnected...
2023.03.11 13:02:45 LOG_INFO [18892:17892]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.11 13:02:45 LOG_INFO [18892:17892]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.11 13:02:46 LOG_INFO [17192:11252]: SCVPN is disconnected. Ready to exit.

2023.03.13 06:56:06 LOG_DEBUG [9004:12536]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.03.13 06:56:06 LOG_DEBUG [9004:12536]: The local product version is
2023.03.13 06:56:06 LOG_INFO [9004:12536]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.13 06:56:06 LOG_ERR [9004:12536]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.13 06:56:06 LOG_INFO [9004:12536]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.13 06:56:06 LOG_INFO [9004:12536]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.13 06:56:06 LOG_NOTICE [9004:12536]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.13 06:56:06 LOG_INFO [9004:12536]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.13 06:56:06 LOG_NOTICE [9004:12536]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.13 06:56:06 LOG_INFO [9004:12536]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.13 06:56:06 LOG_DEBUG [18416:16156]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.13 06:56:06 LOG_INFO [18416:16156]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.13 06:56:07 LOG_ERR [9004:12536]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.13 06:56:07 LOG_DEBUG [18416:16156]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.13 06:56:07 LOG_DEBUG [18416:16156]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.13 06:56:08 LOG_DEBUG [9004:12536]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.13 06:56:08 LOG_ERR [9004:12536]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.13 06:56:08 LOG_DEBUG [18416:16156]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.13 06:56:08 LOG_DEBUG [18416:16156]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.13 06:56:08 LOG_DEBUG [18416:16156]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.13 06:56:08 LOG_DEBUG [18416:16156]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.13 06:56:08 LOG_DEBUG [18416:16156]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.13 06:56:08 LOG_DEBUG [18416:16156]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.13 06:56:08 LOG_DEBUG [18416:16156]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.13 06:56:08 LOG_INFO [18416:16156]: Real HostID =
2023.03.13 06:56:08 LOG_INFO [18416:16156]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.13 06:56:09 LOG_DEBUG [9004:12536]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [9004:12536]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [9004:12536]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [9004:12536]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:16880]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [9004:12536]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [9004:3952]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [9004:3952]: Connecting to
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:5116]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:8588]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:8588]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:7120]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Connect to with port
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:7120]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:7120]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: HostID =
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:7120]: Login ok!
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: No peer server list.
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [9004:14732]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:7120]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: SET IP =
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:7120]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:7120]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:7120]: Not receive
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:7120]: Local SPI = 26564cac
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:7120]: Local CPI = 0x5683
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2c9db
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: get session id from server = 72
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:7120]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcd58 and local CPI =
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_DEBUG [18416:7120]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.13 06:56:16 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Send new key OK
2023.03.13 06:56:17 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Add routes OK
2023.03.13 06:56:17 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Add wins OK
2023.03.13 06:56:20 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.13 06:56:20 LOG_INFO [18416:7120]: Add dns OK
2023.03.13 06:56:20 LOG_INFO [9004:11420]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.13 06:56:20 LOG_DEBUG [18416:7120]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.13 06:56:20 LOG_DEBUG [9004:11420]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.13 09:28:41 LOG_ERR [18416:8588]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.03.13 09:28:41 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.13 09:28:41 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.03.13 09:28:41 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.13 09:28:42 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.13 09:28:42 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.13 09:28:42 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.13 09:28:47 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.03.13 09:28:47 LOG_DEBUG [18416:8588]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.03.13 09:28:47 LOG_DEBUG [18416:8588]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.03.13 09:28:47 LOG_DEBUG [18416:8588]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.03.13 09:28:47 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.03.13 09:28:47 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.03.13 09:28:47 LOG_DEBUG [18416:4196]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.03.13 09:28:47 LOG_INFO [18416:4196]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.03.13 09:28:48 LOG_INFO [18416:4196]: Connect to with port
2023.03.13 09:28:48 LOG_INFO [18416:4196]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.13 09:28:48 LOG_ERR [18416:4196]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.03.13 09:28:48 LOG_ERR [18416:4196]: Connect to the server failed
2023.03.13 09:28:48 LOG_INFO [18416:4196]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.13 09:28:48 LOG_INFO [18416:4196]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 13238064
2023.03.13 09:28:48 LOG_INFO [18416:4196]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.13 09:28:48 LOG_INFO [18416:4196]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.13 09:28:48 LOG_INFO [18416:4196]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.13 09:28:49 LOG_INFO [18416:4196]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.13 09:28:49 LOG_ERR [18416:4196]: Connect to failed

2023.03.13 09:28:49 LOG_DEBUG [18416:4196]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.03.13 09:29:49 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.03.13 09:29:49 LOG_DEBUG [18416:8588]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.03.13 09:29:49 LOG_DEBUG [18416:8588]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.03.13 09:29:49 LOG_DEBUG [18416:8588]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.03.13 09:29:49 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2023.03.13 09:29:49 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.03.13 09:29:49 LOG_DEBUG [18416:2608]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.03.13 09:29:49 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.03.13 09:29:50 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: Connect to with port
2023.03.13 09:29:50 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_DEBUG [18416:2608]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_DEBUG [18416:2608]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: HostID =
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_DEBUG [18416:2608]: Login ok!
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: No peer server list.
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [9004:2264]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_DEBUG [18416:2608]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: SET IP =
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_DEBUG [18416:2608]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_DEBUG [18416:2608]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_DEBUG [18416:2608]: Not receive
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_DEBUG [18416:2608]: Local SPI = 1bf637ec
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_DEBUG [18416:2608]: Local CPI = 0x4c23
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2c9e3
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: get session id from server = 76
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_DEBUG [18416:2608]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcd60 and local CPI =
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_DEBUG [18416:2608]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.13 09:29:57 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: Send new key OK
2023.03.13 09:29:58 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: Add routes OK
2023.03.13 09:29:58 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: Add wins OK
2023.03.13 09:30:02 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.13 09:30:02 LOG_INFO [18416:2608]: Add dns OK
2023.03.13 09:30:02 LOG_DEBUG [18416:2608]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.03.13 09:30:02 LOG_DEBUG [18416:8588]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.03.13 09:30:02 LOG_DEBUG [18416:8588]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.13 09:30:02 LOG_INFO [9004:17980]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.13 09:30:02 LOG_DEBUG [9004:17980]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.13 13:02:55 LOG_INFO [9004:12536]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.13 13:02:55 LOG_INFO [18416:2000]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.13 13:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [18416:8588]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.03.13 13:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [18416:8588]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.13 13:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [18416:8588]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.13 13:02:55 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.13 13:02:55 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.03.13 13:02:55 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.13 13:02:56 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.13 13:02:56 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.13 13:02:56 LOG_INFO [18416:8588]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.15 00:01:58 LOG_DEBUG [17916:6460]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.03.15 00:01:58 LOG_DEBUG [17916:6460]: The local product version is
2023.03.15 00:01:58 LOG_INFO [17916:6460]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.15 00:01:58 LOG_ERR [17916:6460]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.15 00:01:58 LOG_INFO [17916:6460]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.15 00:01:58 LOG_INFO [17916:6460]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.15 00:01:58 LOG_NOTICE [17916:6460]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.15 00:01:58 LOG_INFO [17916:6460]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.15 00:01:58 LOG_NOTICE [17916:6460]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.15 00:01:58 LOG_INFO [17916:6460]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.15 00:01:58 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3596]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.15 00:01:58 LOG_INFO [19032:3596]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.15 00:01:59 LOG_ERR [17916:6460]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.15 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3596]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.15 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3596]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.15 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [17916:6460]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.15 00:02:00 LOG_ERR [17916:6460]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.15 00:02:01 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3596]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.15 00:02:01 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3596]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.15 00:02:01 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3596]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.15 00:02:01 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3596]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.15 00:02:01 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3596]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.15 00:02:01 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3596]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.15 00:02:01 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3596]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.15 00:02:01 LOG_INFO [19032:3596]: Real HostID =
2023.03.15 00:02:01 LOG_INFO [19032:3596]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.15 00:02:01 LOG_DEBUG [17916:6460]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_INFO [17916:6460]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_INFO [17916:6460]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_DEBUG [17916:6460]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_INFO [19032:18856]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_INFO [17916:6460]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_DEBUG [17916:18688]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_INFO [17916:18688]: Connecting to
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_INFO [19032:17372]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3300]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3300]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_DEBUG [19032:16040]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_INFO [19032:16040]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_INFO [19032:16040]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_INFO [19032:16040]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_INFO [19032:16040]: Connect to with port
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_INFO [19032:16040]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.15 00:02:10 LOG_DEBUG [19032:16040]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.15 00:02:11 LOG_DEBUG [19032:16040]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.15 00:02:11 LOG_INFO [19032:16040]: HostID =
2023.03.15 00:02:11 LOG_INFO [19032:16040]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.15 00:02:11 LOG_ERR [19032:16040]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.03.15 00:02:11 LOG_INFO [19032:16040]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.15 00:02:11 LOG_INFO [19032:16040]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 52625188
2023.03.15 00:02:11 LOG_INFO [19032:16040]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.15 00:02:11 LOG_INFO [19032:16040]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.15 00:02:11 LOG_INFO [19032:16040]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.15 00:02:11 LOG_INFO [19032:16040]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.15 00:02:11 LOG_ERR [19032:16040]: Can't login Error code =

2023.03.15 00:02:11 LOG_DEBUG [19032:16040]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.15 00:02:12 LOG_INFO [17916:13972]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.03.15 00:02:12 LOG_INFO [17916:13972]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.03.15 00:02:12 LOG_INFO [17916:13972]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [17916:6460]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [17916:6460]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [17916:6460]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:14328]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [17916:6460]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [17916:4480]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [17916:4480]: Connecting to
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:13300]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3300]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3300]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:15596]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Connect to with port
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:15596]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:15596]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: HostID =
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:15596]: Login ok!
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: No peer server list.
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [17916:17800]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:15596]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: SET IP =
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:15596]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:15596]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:15596]: Not receive
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:15596]: Local SPI = 05c10b82
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:15596]: Local CPI = 0x2df4
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2ca3f
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: get session id from server = 123
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:15596]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcdbc and local CPI
= 0x2df4
2023.03.15 00:02:17 LOG_DEBUG [19032:15596]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.15 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Send new key OK
2023.03.15 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Add routes OK
2023.03.15 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Add wins OK
2023.03.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [19032:15596]: Add dns OK
2023.03.15 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [19032:15596]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.15 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [17916:8608]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.15 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [17916:8608]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.15 06:03:01 LOG_INFO [17916:6460]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.15 06:03:01 LOG_INFO [19032:7552]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.15 06:03:01 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3300]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.03.15 06:03:01 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3300]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.15 06:03:01 LOG_DEBUG [19032:3300]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.15 06:03:01 LOG_INFO [19032:3300]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.15 06:03:01 LOG_INFO [19032:3300]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.03.15 06:03:01 LOG_INFO [19032:3300]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.15 06:03:02 LOG_INFO [19032:3300]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.15 06:03:02 LOG_INFO [19032:3300]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.15 06:03:02 LOG_INFO [19032:3300]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.16 00:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [12872:17548]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.03.16 00:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [12872:17548]: The local product version is
2023.03.16 00:01:01 LOG_INFO [12872:17548]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.16 00:01:01 LOG_ERR [12872:17548]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.16 00:01:01 LOG_INFO [12872:17548]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.16 00:01:01 LOG_INFO [12872:17548]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.16 00:01:01 LOG_NOTICE [12872:17548]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.16 00:01:01 LOG_INFO [12872:17548]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.16 00:01:01 LOG_NOTICE [12872:17548]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.16 00:01:01 LOG_INFO [12872:17548]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.16 00:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [19112:19208]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.16 00:01:01 LOG_INFO [19112:19208]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.16 00:01:02 LOG_ERR [12872:17548]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.16 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [19112:19208]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.16 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [19112:19208]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.16 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [12872:17548]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.16 00:01:03 LOG_ERR [12872:17548]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.16 00:01:04 LOG_DEBUG [19112:19208]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.16 00:01:04 LOG_DEBUG [19112:19208]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.16 00:01:04 LOG_DEBUG [19112:19208]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.16 00:01:04 LOG_DEBUG [19112:19208]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.16 00:01:04 LOG_DEBUG [19112:19208]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.16 00:01:04 LOG_DEBUG [19112:19208]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.16 00:01:04 LOG_DEBUG [19112:19208]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.16 00:01:04 LOG_INFO [19112:19208]: Real HostID =
2023.03.16 00:01:04 LOG_INFO [19112:19208]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.16 00:01:04 LOG_DEBUG [12872:17548]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [12872:17548]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [12872:17548]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [12872:17548]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [19112:3056]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [12872:17548]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [12872:9768]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [12872:9768]: Connecting to
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [19112:2152]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [19112:15088]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [19112:15088]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [19112:13252]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Connect to with port
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.16 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [19112:13252]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [19112:13252]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: HostID =
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [19112:13252]: Login ok!
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: No peer server list.
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [12872:8672]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [19112:13252]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: SET IP =
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [19112:13252]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [19112:13252]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [19112:13252]: Not receive
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [19112:13252]: Local SPI = 5315a62a
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [19112:13252]: Local CPI = 0x734e
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2ca6b
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: get session id from server = 144
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [19112:13252]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcde8 and local CPI
= 0x734e
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [19112:13252]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.16 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Send new key OK
2023.03.16 00:01:15 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Add routes OK
2023.03.16 00:01:15 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Add wins OK
2023.03.16 00:01:19 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.16 00:01:19 LOG_INFO [19112:13252]: Add dns OK
2023.03.16 00:01:19 LOG_INFO [12872:7540]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.16 00:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [12872:7540]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.16 06:01:30 LOG_INFO [12872:17548]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.16 06:01:30 LOG_INFO [19112:14200]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.16 06:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [19112:15088]: Begin to close
2023.03.16 06:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [19112:15088]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.16 06:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [19112:15088]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.16 06:01:30 LOG_INFO [19112:15088]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.16 06:01:30 LOG_INFO [19112:15088]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.03.16 06:01:30 LOG_INFO [19112:15088]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.16 06:01:31 LOG_INFO [19112:15088]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.16 06:01:31 LOG_INFO [19112:15088]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.16 06:01:31 LOG_INFO [19112:15088]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.17 06:53:54 LOG_DEBUG [10048:9188]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.03.17 06:53:54 LOG_DEBUG [10048:9188]: The local product version is
2023.03.17 06:53:54 LOG_INFO [10048:9188]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.17 06:53:54 LOG_ERR [10048:9188]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.17 06:53:54 LOG_INFO [10048:9188]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.17 06:53:54 LOG_INFO [10048:9188]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.17 06:53:54 LOG_NOTICE [10048:9188]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.17 06:53:54 LOG_INFO [10048:9188]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.17 06:53:54 LOG_NOTICE [10048:9188]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.17 06:53:54 LOG_INFO [10048:9188]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.17 06:53:54 LOG_DEBUG [11084:3208]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.17 06:53:54 LOG_INFO [11084:3208]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.17 06:53:55 LOG_ERR [10048:9188]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.17 06:53:56 LOG_DEBUG [11084:3208]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.17 06:53:56 LOG_DEBUG [11084:3208]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.17 06:53:56 LOG_DEBUG [10048:9188]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.17 06:53:56 LOG_ERR [10048:9188]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.17 06:53:57 LOG_DEBUG [11084:3208]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.17 06:53:57 LOG_DEBUG [11084:3208]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.17 06:53:57 LOG_DEBUG [11084:3208]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.17 06:53:57 LOG_DEBUG [11084:3208]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.17 06:53:57 LOG_DEBUG [11084:3208]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.17 06:53:57 LOG_DEBUG [11084:3208]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.17 06:53:57 LOG_DEBUG [11084:3208]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.17 06:53:57 LOG_INFO [11084:3208]: Real HostID =
2023.03.17 06:53:57 LOG_INFO [11084:3208]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.17 06:53:57 LOG_DEBUG [10048:9188]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_INFO [10048:9188]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_INFO [10048:9188]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_DEBUG [10048:9188]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_INFO [11084:8404]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_INFO [10048:9188]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_DEBUG [10048:10052]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_INFO [10048:10052]: Connecting to
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_INFO [11084:15156]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_DEBUG [11084:7188]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_DEBUG [11084:7188]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_DEBUG [11084:9092]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Connect to with port
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.17 06:54:04 LOG_DEBUG [11084:9092]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_DEBUG [11084:9092]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: HostID =
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_DEBUG [11084:9092]: Login ok!
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: No peer server list.
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [10048:14724]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_DEBUG [11084:9092]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: SET IP =
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_DEBUG [11084:9092]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_DEBUG [11084:9092]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_DEBUG [11084:9092]: Not receive
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_DEBUG [11084:9092]: Local SPI = 5d33ba66
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_DEBUG [11084:9092]: Local CPI = 0x396f
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2ca9d
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: get session id from server = 170
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_DEBUG [11084:9092]: Remote CPI = 0xffffce1a and local CPI =
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_DEBUG [11084:9092]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.17 06:54:05 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Send new key OK
2023.03.17 06:54:06 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Add routes OK
2023.03.17 06:54:06 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Add wins OK
2023.03.17 06:54:10 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.17 06:54:10 LOG_INFO [11084:9092]: Add dns OK
2023.03.17 06:54:10 LOG_DEBUG [11084:9092]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.17 06:54:10 LOG_INFO [10048:15712]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.17 06:54:10 LOG_DEBUG [10048:15712]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.17 13:23:50 LOG_INFO [10048:9188]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.17 13:23:50 LOG_INFO [11084:14704]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.17 13:23:50 LOG_DEBUG [11084:7188]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.03.17 13:23:50 LOG_DEBUG [11084:7188]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.17 13:23:50 LOG_DEBUG [11084:7188]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.17 13:23:50 LOG_INFO [11084:7188]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.17 13:23:50 LOG_INFO [11084:7188]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.03.17 13:23:50 LOG_INFO [10048:9188]: Wait for SCVPN being disconnected...
2023.03.17 13:23:50 LOG_INFO [11084:7188]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.17 13:23:51 LOG_INFO [11084:7188]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.17 13:23:51 LOG_INFO [11084:7188]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.17 13:23:51 LOG_INFO [11084:7188]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.17 13:23:51 LOG_INFO [10048:9188]: SCVPN is disconnected. Ready to exit.

2023.03.18 07:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [21552:20732]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.03.18 07:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [21552:20732]: The local product version is
2023.03.18 07:02:34 LOG_INFO [21552:20732]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.18 07:02:34 LOG_ERR [21552:20732]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.18 07:02:34 LOG_INFO [21552:20732]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.18 07:02:34 LOG_INFO [21552:20732]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.18 07:02:34 LOG_NOTICE [21552:20732]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.18 07:02:34 LOG_INFO [21552:20732]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.18 07:02:34 LOG_NOTICE [21552:20732]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.18 07:02:34 LOG_INFO [21552:20732]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.18 07:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21484]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.18 07:02:34 LOG_INFO [20316:21484]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.18 07:02:35 LOG_ERR [21552:20732]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.18 07:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21484]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.18 07:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21484]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.18 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [21552:20732]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.18 07:02:36 LOG_ERR [21552:20732]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.18 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21484]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.18 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21484]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.18 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21484]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.18 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21484]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.18 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21484]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.18 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21484]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.18 07:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21484]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.18 07:02:36 LOG_INFO [20316:21484]: Real HostID =
2023.03.18 07:02:37 LOG_INFO [20316:21484]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.18 07:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [21552:20732]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [21552:20732]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [21552:20732]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [21552:20732]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [20316:22416]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [21552:20732]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [21552:3704]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [21552:3704]: Connecting to
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [20316:4196]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [20316:5260]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [20316:5260]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21008]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Connect to with port
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21008]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21008]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: HostID =
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.18 07:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21008]: Login ok!
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: No peer server list.
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [21552:14384]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21008]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: SET IP =
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21008]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21008]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21008]: Not receive
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21008]: Local SPI = 31ed63da
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21008]: Local CPI = 0x62f
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2cac3
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: get session id from server = 193
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21008]: Remote CPI = 0xffffce40 and local CPI
= 0x62f
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [20316:21008]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.18 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Send new key OK
2023.03.18 07:02:43 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Add routes OK
2023.03.18 07:02:43 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Add wins OK
2023.03.18 07:02:46 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.18 07:02:46 LOG_INFO [20316:21008]: Add dns OK
2023.03.18 07:02:46 LOG_INFO [21552:19164]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.18 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [21552:19164]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.18 09:35:13 LOG_DEBUG [9020:12008]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.03.18 09:35:13 LOG_DEBUG [9020:12008]: The local product version is
2023.03.18 09:35:13 LOG_INFO [9020:12008]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.18 09:35:13 LOG_ERR [9020:12008]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.18 09:35:13 LOG_INFO [9020:12008]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.18 09:35:13 LOG_INFO [9020:12008]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.18 09:35:13 LOG_NOTICE [9020:12008]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.18 09:35:13 LOG_INFO [9020:12008]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.18 09:35:13 LOG_NOTICE [9020:12008]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.18 09:35:13 LOG_INFO [9020:12008]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.18 09:35:13 LOG_DEBUG [15620:15616]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.18 09:35:13 LOG_INFO [15620:15616]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.18 09:35:14 LOG_ERR [9020:12008]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.18 09:35:15 LOG_DEBUG [15620:15616]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.18 09:35:15 LOG_DEBUG [15620:15616]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.18 09:35:15 LOG_DEBUG [9020:12008]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.18 09:35:15 LOG_ERR [9020:12008]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.18 09:35:16 LOG_DEBUG [15620:15616]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.18 09:35:16 LOG_DEBUG [15620:15616]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.18 09:35:16 LOG_DEBUG [15620:15616]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.18 09:35:16 LOG_DEBUG [15620:15616]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.18 09:35:16 LOG_DEBUG [15620:15616]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.18 09:35:16 LOG_DEBUG [15620:15616]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.18 09:35:16 LOG_DEBUG [15620:15616]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.18 09:35:16 LOG_INFO [15620:15616]: Real HostID =
2023.03.18 09:35:16 LOG_INFO [15620:15616]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.18 09:35:16 LOG_DEBUG [9020:12008]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [9020:12008]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [9020:12008]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [9020:12008]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13224]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [9020:12008]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [9020:14740]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [9020:14740]: Connecting to
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13632]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [15620:7184]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [15620:7184]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [15620:13708]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Connect to with port
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [15620:13708]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [15620:13708]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: HostID =
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [15620:13708]: Login ok!
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: No peer server list.
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [9020:12272]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.18 09:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [15620:13708]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: SET IP =
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_DEBUG [15620:13708]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_DEBUG [15620:13708]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_DEBUG [15620:13708]: Not receive
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_DEBUG [15620:13708]: Local SPI = 26cc4d98
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_DEBUG [15620:13708]: Local CPI = 0x7b0e
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2cac5
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: get session id from server = 203
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_DEBUG [15620:13708]: Remote CPI = 0xffffce42 and local CPI
= 0x7b0e
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_DEBUG [15620:13708]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.18 09:35:24 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Send new key OK
2023.03.18 09:35:25 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Add routes OK
2023.03.18 09:35:25 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Add wins OK
2023.03.18 09:35:28 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.18 09:35:28 LOG_INFO [15620:13708]: Add dns OK
2023.03.18 09:35:28 LOG_DEBUG [15620:13708]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.18 09:35:28 LOG_INFO [9020:14900]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.18 09:35:28 LOG_DEBUG [9020:14900]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.18 13:04:48 LOG_INFO [9020:12008]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.18 13:04:48 LOG_INFO [15620:11680]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.18 13:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15620:7184]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.03.18 13:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15620:7184]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.18 13:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15620:7184]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.18 13:04:48 LOG_INFO [15620:7184]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.18 13:04:48 LOG_INFO [15620:1120]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2023.03.18 13:04:48 LOG_INFO [9020:12008]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2023.03.18 13:04:48 LOG_INFO [15620:7184]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.03.18 13:04:48 LOG_INFO [15620:7184]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.18 13:04:49 LOG_INFO [15620:7184]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.18 13:04:49 LOG_INFO [15620:7184]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.18 13:04:49 LOG_INFO [15620:7184]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.18 13:04:56 LOG_INFO [9020:12008]: Disconnect from the server

2023.03.18 13:04:56 LOG_INFO [15620:7560]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.18 13:04:56 LOG_DEBUG [15620:7184]: Already be disconnected
2023.03.19 06:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [3192:18832]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.03.19 06:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [3192:18832]: The local product version is
2023.03.19 06:59:53 LOG_INFO [3192:18832]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.19 06:59:53 LOG_ERR [3192:18832]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.19 06:59:53 LOG_INFO [3192:18832]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.19 06:59:53 LOG_INFO [3192:18832]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.19 06:59:53 LOG_NOTICE [3192:18832]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.19 06:59:53 LOG_INFO [3192:18832]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.19 06:59:53 LOG_NOTICE [3192:18832]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.19 06:59:53 LOG_INFO [3192:18832]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.19 06:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [24152:22472]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.19 06:59:53 LOG_INFO [24152:22472]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.19 06:59:54 LOG_ERR [3192:18832]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.19 06:59:55 LOG_DEBUG [24152:22472]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.19 06:59:55 LOG_DEBUG [24152:22472]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.19 06:59:55 LOG_DEBUG [3192:18832]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.19 06:59:55 LOG_ERR [3192:18832]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.19 06:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [24152:22472]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.19 06:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [24152:22472]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.19 06:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [24152:22472]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.19 06:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [24152:22472]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.19 06:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [24152:22472]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.19 06:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [24152:22472]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.19 06:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [24152:22472]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.19 06:59:56 LOG_INFO [24152:22472]: Real HostID =
2023.03.19 06:59:56 LOG_INFO [24152:22472]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.19 06:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [3192:18832]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_INFO [3192:18832]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_INFO [3192:18832]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [3192:18832]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_INFO [24152:19572]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_INFO [3192:18832]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [3192:17604]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_INFO [3192:17604]: Connecting to
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_INFO [24152:19588]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [24152:24076]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [24152:24076]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [24152:4412]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Connect to with port
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [24152:4412]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [24152:4412]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: HostID =
2023.03.19 07:00:01 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [24152:4412]: Login ok!
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: No peer server list.
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [3192:15356]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [24152:4412]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: SET IP =
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [24152:4412]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [24152:4412]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [24152:4412]: Not receive
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [24152:4412]: Local SPI = 7e05fc0a
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [24152:4412]: Local CPI = 0xe4a
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2cae3
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: get session id from server = 219
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [24152:4412]: Remote CPI = 0xffffce60 and local CPI =
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [24152:4412]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.19 07:00:02 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Send new key OK
2023.03.19 07:00:03 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Add routes OK
2023.03.19 07:00:03 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Add wins OK
2023.03.19 07:00:06 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.19 07:00:06 LOG_INFO [24152:4412]: Add dns OK
2023.03.19 07:00:06 LOG_DEBUG [24152:4412]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.19 07:00:06 LOG_INFO [3192:24364]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.19 07:00:06 LOG_DEBUG [3192:24364]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.19 13:09:37 LOG_INFO [3192:18832]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.19 13:09:37 LOG_INFO [24152:9192]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.19 13:09:37 LOG_DEBUG [24152:24076]: Begin to close
2023.03.19 13:09:37 LOG_DEBUG [24152:24076]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.19 13:09:37 LOG_DEBUG [24152:24076]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.19 13:09:37 LOG_INFO [24152:24076]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.19 13:09:37 LOG_INFO [24152:24076]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51445620
2023.03.19 13:09:38 LOG_INFO [24152:24076]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.19 13:09:38 LOG_INFO [24152:24076]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.19 13:09:38 LOG_INFO [24152:24076]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.19 13:09:38 LOG_INFO [24152:24076]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.20 07:04:07 LOG_DEBUG [1980:16748]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.03.20 07:04:07 LOG_DEBUG [1980:16748]: The local product version is
2023.03.20 07:04:07 LOG_INFO [1980:16748]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.20 07:04:07 LOG_ERR [1980:16748]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.20 07:04:07 LOG_INFO [1980:16748]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.20 07:04:07 LOG_INFO [1980:16748]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.20 07:04:07 LOG_NOTICE [1980:16748]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.20 07:04:07 LOG_INFO [1980:16748]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.20 07:04:07 LOG_NOTICE [1980:16748]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.20 07:04:08 LOG_INFO [1980:16748]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.20 07:04:08 LOG_DEBUG [4216:21304]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.20 07:04:08 LOG_INFO [4216:21304]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.20 07:04:09 LOG_ERR [1980:16748]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.20 07:04:09 LOG_DEBUG [4216:21304]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.20 07:04:09 LOG_DEBUG [4216:21304]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.20 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [1980:16748]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.20 07:04:10 LOG_ERR [1980:16748]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.20 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [4216:21304]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.20 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [4216:21304]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.20 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [4216:21304]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.20 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [4216:21304]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.20 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [4216:21304]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.20 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [4216:21304]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.20 07:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [4216:21304]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.20 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [4216:21304]: Real HostID =
2023.03.20 07:04:10 LOG_INFO [4216:21304]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.20 07:04:11 LOG_DEBUG [1980:16748]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_INFO [1980:16748]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_INFO [1980:16748]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [1980:16748]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_INFO [4216:4760]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_INFO [1980:16748]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [1980:20948]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_INFO [1980:20948]: Connecting to
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_INFO [4216:23044]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [4216:19972]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [4216:19972]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [4216:23296]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Connect to with port
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [4216:23296]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [4216:23296]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: HostID =
2023.03.20 07:04:15 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [4216:23296]: Login ok!
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: No peer server list.
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [1980:23420]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [4216:23296]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: SET IP =
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [4216:23296]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [4216:23296]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [4216:23296]: Not receive
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [4216:23296]: Local SPI = 4f649ec8
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [4216:23296]: Local CPI = 0x1bac
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2caff
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: get session id from server = 234
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [4216:23296]: Remote CPI = 0xffffce7c and local CPI =
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [4216:23296]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.20 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Send new key OK
2023.03.20 07:04:17 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Add routes OK
2023.03.20 07:04:17 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Add wins OK
2023.03.20 07:04:20 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.20 07:04:20 LOG_INFO [4216:23296]: Add dns OK
2023.03.20 07:04:20 LOG_DEBUG [4216:23296]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.20 07:04:20 LOG_INFO [1980:11364]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.20 07:04:20 LOG_DEBUG [1980:11364]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.20 14:21:05 LOG_INFO [1980:16748]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.20 14:21:05 LOG_INFO [4216:20320]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.20 14:21:05 LOG_DEBUG [4216:19972]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.03.20 14:21:05 LOG_DEBUG [4216:19972]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.20 14:21:05 LOG_DEBUG [4216:19972]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.20 14:21:05 LOG_INFO [4216:19972]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.20 14:21:05 LOG_INFO [4216:19972]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.03.20 14:21:05 LOG_INFO [4216:19972]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.20 14:21:06 LOG_INFO [4216:19972]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.20 14:21:06 LOG_INFO [4216:19972]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.20 14:21:06 LOG_INFO [4216:19972]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.23 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [11016:2724]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.03.23 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [11016:2724]: The local product version is
2023.03.23 00:00:39 LOG_INFO [11016:2724]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.23 00:00:39 LOG_ERR [11016:2724]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.23 00:00:39 LOG_INFO [11016:2724]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.23 00:00:39 LOG_INFO [11016:2724]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.23 00:00:39 LOG_NOTICE [11016:2724]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.23 00:00:39 LOG_INFO [11016:2724]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.23 00:00:39 LOG_NOTICE [11016:2724]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.23 00:00:39 LOG_INFO [11016:2724]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.23 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [11456:10020]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.23 00:00:39 LOG_INFO [11456:10020]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.23 00:00:40 LOG_ERR [11016:2724]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.23 00:00:40 LOG_DEBUG [11456:10020]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.23 00:00:40 LOG_DEBUG [11456:10020]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.23 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [11016:2724]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.23 00:00:41 LOG_ERR [11016:2724]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.23 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [11456:10020]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.23 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [11456:10020]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.23 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [11456:10020]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.23 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [11456:10020]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.23 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [11456:10020]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.23 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [11456:10020]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.23 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [11456:10020]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.23 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [11456:10020]: Real HostID =
2023.03.23 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [11456:10020]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.23 00:00:42 LOG_DEBUG [11016:2724]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11016:2724]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11016:2724]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11016:2724]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11456:19516]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11016:2724]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11016:15392]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11016:15392]: Connecting to
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11456:24476]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11456:4476]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11456:4476]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11456:13140]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Connect to with port
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11456:13140]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11456:13140]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: HostID =
2023.03.23 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [11456:13140]: Login ok!
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: No peer server list.
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [11016:24484]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [11456:13140]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: SET IP =
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [11456:13140]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [11456:13140]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [11456:13140]: Not receive
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [11456:13140]: Local SPI = 75abeb56
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [11456:13140]: Local CPI = 0x31ff
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2cb93
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: get session id from server = 314
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [11456:13140]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcf10 and local CPI
= 0x31ff
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [11456:13140]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.23 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Send new key OK
2023.03.23 00:00:48 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Add routes OK
2023.03.23 00:00:48 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Add wins OK
2023.03.23 00:00:52 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.23 00:00:52 LOG_INFO [11456:13140]: Add dns OK
2023.03.23 00:00:52 LOG_DEBUG [11456:13140]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.23 00:00:52 LOG_INFO [11016:3108]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.23 00:00:52 LOG_DEBUG [11016:3108]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.23 06:02:32 LOG_INFO [11016:2724]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.23 06:02:32 LOG_INFO [11456:3424]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.23 06:02:32 LOG_DEBUG [11456:4476]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.03.23 06:02:32 LOG_DEBUG [11456:4476]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.23 06:02:32 LOG_DEBUG [11456:4476]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.23 06:02:32 LOG_INFO [11456:4476]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.23 06:02:32 LOG_INFO [11456:4476]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.03.23 06:02:32 LOG_INFO [11456:4476]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.23 06:02:33 LOG_INFO [11456:4476]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.23 06:02:33 LOG_INFO [11456:4476]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.23 06:02:33 LOG_INFO [11456:4476]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.24 00:01:20 LOG_DEBUG [10528:9208]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.03.24 00:01:20 LOG_DEBUG [10528:9208]: The local product version is
2023.03.24 00:01:20 LOG_INFO [10528:9208]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.24 00:01:20 LOG_ERR [10528:9208]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.24 00:01:20 LOG_INFO [10528:9208]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.24 00:01:20 LOG_INFO [10528:9208]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.24 00:01:20 LOG_NOTICE [10528:9208]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.24 00:01:20 LOG_INFO [10528:9208]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.24 00:01:20 LOG_NOTICE [10528:9208]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.24 00:01:20 LOG_INFO [10528:9208]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.24 00:01:20 LOG_DEBUG [18012:10128]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.24 00:01:21 LOG_INFO [18012:10128]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.24 00:01:21 LOG_ERR [10528:9208]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.24 00:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [18012:10128]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.24 00:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [18012:10128]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.24 00:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [10528:9208]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.24 00:01:22 LOG_ERR [10528:9208]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.24 00:01:23 LOG_DEBUG [18012:10128]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.24 00:01:23 LOG_DEBUG [18012:10128]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.24 00:01:23 LOG_DEBUG [18012:10128]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.24 00:01:23 LOG_DEBUG [18012:10128]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.24 00:01:23 LOG_DEBUG [18012:10128]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.24 00:01:23 LOG_DEBUG [18012:10128]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.24 00:01:23 LOG_DEBUG [18012:10128]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.24 00:01:23 LOG_INFO [18012:10128]: Real HostID =
2023.03.24 00:01:23 LOG_INFO [18012:10128]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.24 00:01:23 LOG_DEBUG [10528:9208]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [10528:9208]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [10528:9208]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_DEBUG [10528:9208]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [18012:22928]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [10528:9208]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_DEBUG [10528:16784]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [10528:16784]: Connecting to
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [18012:13912]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14060]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14060]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14836]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Connect to with port
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14836]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14836]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: HostID =
2023.03.24 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14836]: Login ok!
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: No peer server list.
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [10528:23180]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14836]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: SET IP =
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14836]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14836]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14836]: Not receive
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14836]: Local SPI = 445688ac
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14836]: Local CPI = 0x3cad
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2cbb7
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: get session id from server = 332
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14836]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcf34 and local CPI
= 0x3cad
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14836]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.24 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Send new key OK
2023.03.24 00:01:30 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Add routes OK
2023.03.24 00:01:30 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Add wins OK
2023.03.24 00:01:33 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.24 00:01:33 LOG_INFO [18012:14836]: Add dns OK
2023.03.24 00:01:33 LOG_INFO [10528:12844]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.24 00:01:33 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14836]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.24 00:01:33 LOG_DEBUG [10528:12844]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.24 01:34:36 LOG_ERR [10528:9208]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.03.24 01:34:36 LOG_ERR [10528:9208]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.03.24 06:11:56 LOG_INFO [10528:9208]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.24 06:11:56 LOG_INFO [18012:9840]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.24 06:11:56 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14060]: Begin to close
2023.03.24 06:11:56 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14060]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.24 06:11:56 LOG_DEBUG [18012:14060]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.24 06:11:56 LOG_INFO [18012:14060]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.24 06:11:56 LOG_INFO [18012:14060]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.03.24 06:11:57 LOG_INFO [18012:14060]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.24 06:11:57 LOG_INFO [18012:14060]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.24 06:11:57 LOG_INFO [18012:14060]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.24 06:11:57 LOG_INFO [18012:14060]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.25 07:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [19604:20956]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.03.25 07:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [19604:20956]: The local product version is
2023.03.25 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [19604:20956]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.25 07:02:42 LOG_ERR [19604:20956]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.25 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [19604:20956]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.25 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [19604:20956]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.25 07:02:42 LOG_NOTICE [19604:20956]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.25 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [19604:20956]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.25 07:02:42 LOG_NOTICE [19604:20956]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.25 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [19604:20956]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.25 07:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [24016:2660]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.25 07:02:42 LOG_INFO [24016:2660]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.25 07:02:43 LOG_ERR [19604:20956]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.25 07:02:43 LOG_DEBUG [24016:2660]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.25 07:02:43 LOG_DEBUG [24016:2660]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.25 07:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [19604:20956]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.25 07:02:44 LOG_ERR [19604:20956]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.25 07:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [24016:2660]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.25 07:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [24016:2660]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.25 07:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [24016:2660]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.25 07:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [24016:2660]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.25 07:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [24016:2660]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.25 07:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [24016:2660]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.25 07:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [24016:2660]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.25 07:02:44 LOG_INFO [24016:2660]: Real HostID =
2023.03.25 07:02:44 LOG_INFO [24016:2660]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.25 07:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [19604:20956]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_INFO [19604:20956]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_INFO [19604:20956]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_DEBUG [19604:20956]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_INFO [24016:15160]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_INFO [19604:20956]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_DEBUG [19604:9948]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_INFO [19604:9948]: Connecting to
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_INFO [24016:14684]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_DEBUG [24016:6028]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_DEBUG [24016:6028]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_DEBUG [24016:14516]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Connect to with port
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_DEBUG [24016:14516]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_DEBUG [24016:14516]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: HostID =
2023.03.25 07:02:50 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [24016:14516]: Login ok!
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: No peer server list.
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [19604:13432]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [24016:14516]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: SET IP =
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [24016:14516]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [24016:14516]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [24016:14516]: Not receive
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [24016:14516]: Local SPI = 54f9a9f2
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [24016:14516]: Local CPI = 0x4556
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2cbd9
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: get session id from server = 349
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [24016:14516]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcf56 and local CPI
= 0x4556
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [24016:14516]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.25 07:02:51 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Send new key OK
2023.03.25 07:02:52 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Add routes OK
2023.03.25 07:02:52 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Add wins OK
2023.03.25 07:02:55 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.25 07:02:55 LOG_INFO [24016:14516]: Add dns OK
2023.03.25 07:02:56 LOG_INFO [19604:22488]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.25 07:02:56 LOG_DEBUG [19604:22488]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.25 13:01:19 LOG_INFO [19604:20956]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.25 13:01:19 LOG_INFO [24016:3692]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.25 13:01:20 LOG_DEBUG [24016:6028]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.03.25 13:01:20 LOG_DEBUG [24016:6028]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.25 13:01:20 LOG_DEBUG [24016:6028]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.25 13:01:20 LOG_INFO [24016:6028]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.25 13:01:20 LOG_INFO [24016:6028]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.03.25 13:01:20 LOG_INFO [24016:6028]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.25 13:01:21 LOG_INFO [24016:6028]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.25 13:01:21 LOG_INFO [24016:6028]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.25 13:01:21 LOG_INFO [24016:6028]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.26 00:00:52 LOG_DEBUG [8552:20648]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.03.26 00:00:52 LOG_DEBUG [8552:20648]: The local product version is
2023.03.26 00:00:52 LOG_INFO [8552:20648]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.26 00:00:52 LOG_ERR [8552:20648]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.26 00:00:52 LOG_INFO [8552:20648]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.26 00:00:52 LOG_INFO [8552:20648]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.26 00:00:52 LOG_NOTICE [8552:20648]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.26 00:00:52 LOG_INFO [8552:20648]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.26 00:00:52 LOG_NOTICE [8552:20648]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.26 00:00:52 LOG_INFO [8552:20648]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.26 00:00:52 LOG_DEBUG [6076:412]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.26 00:00:52 LOG_INFO [6076:412]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.26 00:00:53 LOG_ERR [8552:20648]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.26 00:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [6076:412]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.26 00:00:53 LOG_DEBUG [6076:412]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.26 00:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [8552:20648]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.26 00:00:54 LOG_ERR [8552:20648]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.26 00:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [6076:412]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.26 00:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [6076:412]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.26 00:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [6076:412]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.26 00:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [6076:412]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.26 00:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [6076:412]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.26 00:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [6076:412]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.26 00:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [6076:412]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.26 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [6076:412]: Real HostID =
2023.03.26 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [6076:412]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.26 00:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [8552:20648]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [8552:20648]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [8552:20648]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [8552:20648]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [6076:20796]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [8552:20648]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [8552:8008]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [8552:8008]: Connecting to
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [6076:15440]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [6076:7676]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [6076:7676]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [6076:5804]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Connect to with port
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [6076:5804]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [6076:5804]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.03.26 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [6076:5804]: Login ok!
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: No peer server list.
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [8552:20272]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [6076:5804]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: SET IP =
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [6076:5804]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [6076:5804]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [6076:5804]: Not receive
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [6076:5804]: Local SPI = 6060c0c0
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [6076:5804]: Local CPI = 0xcc0
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2cbf7
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: get session id from server = 365
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [6076:5804]: Remote CPI = 0xffffcf74 and local CPI =
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [6076:5804]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.26 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Send new key OK
2023.03.26 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Add routes OK
2023.03.26 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Add wins OK
2023.03.26 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.26 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [6076:5804]: Add dns OK
2023.03.26 00:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [6076:5804]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.26 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [8552:2780]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.26 00:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [8552:2780]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.26 06:03:29 LOG_INFO [8552:20648]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.26 06:03:29 LOG_INFO [6076:15944]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.26 06:03:29 LOG_DEBUG [6076:7676]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.03.26 06:03:29 LOG_DEBUG [6076:7676]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.26 06:03:29 LOG_DEBUG [6076:7676]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.26 06:03:29 LOG_INFO [6076:7676]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.26 06:03:29 LOG_INFO [6076:7676]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51576692
2023.03.26 06:03:30 LOG_INFO [6076:7676]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.26 06:03:30 LOG_INFO [6076:7676]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.26 06:03:30 LOG_INFO [6076:7676]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.26 06:03:30 LOG_INFO [6076:7676]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.31 00:02:56 LOG_DEBUG [16408:11628]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.03.31 00:02:56 LOG_DEBUG [16408:11628]: The local product version is
2023.03.31 00:02:56 LOG_INFO [16408:11628]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.03.31 00:02:56 LOG_ERR [16408:11628]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.03.31 00:02:56 LOG_INFO [16408:11628]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.03.31 00:02:56 LOG_INFO [16408:11628]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.03.31 00:02:56 LOG_NOTICE [16408:11628]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.03.31 00:02:56 LOG_INFO [16408:11628]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.03.31 00:02:56 LOG_NOTICE [16408:11628]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.03.31 00:02:56 LOG_INFO [16408:11628]: SecureConnect started
2023.03.31 00:02:56 LOG_DEBUG [1096:8644]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.03.31 00:02:56 LOG_INFO [1096:8644]: Init SSL channel
2023.03.31 00:02:57 LOG_ERR [16408:11628]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.31 00:02:57 LOG_DEBUG [1096:8644]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.31 00:02:57 LOG_DEBUG [1096:8644]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.03.31 00:02:58 LOG_DEBUG [16408:11628]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.31 00:02:58 LOG_ERR [16408:11628]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.03.31 00:02:58 LOG_DEBUG [1096:8644]: nFilelen=-1
2023.03.31 00:02:58 LOG_DEBUG [1096:8644]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.03.31 00:02:58 LOG_DEBUG [1096:8644]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.03.31 00:02:58 LOG_DEBUG [1096:8644]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.03.31 00:02:58 LOG_DEBUG [1096:8644]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.03.31 00:02:58 LOG_DEBUG [1096:8644]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.03.31 00:02:58 LOG_DEBUG [1096:8644]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.03.31 00:02:58 LOG_INFO [1096:8644]: Real HostID =
2023.03.31 00:02:58 LOG_INFO [1096:8644]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.31 00:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [16408:11628]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [16408:11628]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [16408:11628]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [16408:11628]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [1096:14868]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [16408:11628]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [16408:11968]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [16408:11968]: Connecting to
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [1096:2108]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [1096:12884]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [1096:12884]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [1096:16400]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [1096:16400]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [1096:16400]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [1096:16400]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [1096:16400]: Connect to with port
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [1096:16400]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [1096:16400]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [1096:16400]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [1096:16400]: HostID =
2023.03.31 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [1096:16400]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.31 00:03:03 LOG_ERR [1096:16400]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.03.31 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [1096:16400]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.31 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [1096:16400]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 52625188
2023.03.31 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [1096:16400]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.31 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [1096:16400]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.31 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [1096:16400]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.31 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [1096:16400]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.03.31 00:03:03 LOG_ERR [1096:16400]: Can't login Error code =

2023.03.31 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [1096:16400]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.31 00:03:04 LOG_INFO [16408:15200]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.03.31 00:03:04 LOG_INFO [16408:15200]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.03.31 00:03:04 LOG_INFO [16408:15200]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [16408:11628]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [16408:11628]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [16408:11628]: Peer server count: 0
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [1096:8160]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [16408:11628]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [16408:5584]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [16408:5584]: Connecting to
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [1096:11392]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [1096:12884]: Handle channel open message
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [1096:12884]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [1096:10428]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Connect to with port
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.03.31 00:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [1096:10428]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [1096:10428]: Handshake success!.....
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: HostID =
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Authenticaton OK
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [1096:10428]: Login ok!
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: No peer server list.
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [16408:15960]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Send client info OK!
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [1096:10428]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: SET IP =
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [1096:10428]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [1096:10428]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [1096:10428]: Not receive
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Set client parameters OK
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [1096:10428]: Local SPI = 688bd116
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [1096:10428]: Local CPI = 0x7cfd
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2cccd
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: get session id from server = 490
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [1096:10428]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd04a and local CPI =
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [1096:10428]: CompAlg = 0
2023.03.31 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Send new key OK
2023.03.31 00:03:10 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Add routes OK
2023.03.31 00:03:10 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Add wins OK
2023.03.31 00:03:13 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.03.31 00:03:13 LOG_INFO [1096:10428]: Add dns OK
2023.03.31 00:03:13 LOG_DEBUG [1096:10428]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.03.31 00:03:13 LOG_INFO [16408:13872]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.03.31 00:03:13 LOG_DEBUG [16408:13872]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.03.31 06:03:36 LOG_INFO [16408:11628]: Disconnect from the server
2023.03.31 06:03:36 LOG_INFO [1096:17620]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.03.31 06:03:37 LOG_DEBUG [1096:12884]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.03.31 06:03:37 LOG_DEBUG [1096:12884]: Handle channel close message
2023.03.31 06:03:37 LOG_DEBUG [1096:12884]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.03.31 06:03:37 LOG_INFO [1096:12884]: Close SSL channel
2023.03.31 06:03:37 LOG_INFO [1096:12884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.03.31 06:03:37 LOG_INFO [1096:12884]: Delete routes OK
2023.03.31 06:03:38 LOG_INFO [1096:12884]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.03.31 06:03:38 LOG_INFO [1096:12884]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.03.31 06:03:38 LOG_INFO [1096:12884]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.01 00:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [8208:18040]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.04.01 00:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [8208:18040]: The local product version is
2023.04.01 00:02:38 LOG_INFO [8208:18040]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.04.01 00:02:38 LOG_ERR [8208:18040]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.04.01 00:02:38 LOG_INFO [8208:18040]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.04.01 00:02:38 LOG_INFO [8208:18040]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.04.01 00:02:38 LOG_NOTICE [8208:18040]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.04.01 00:02:38 LOG_INFO [8208:18040]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.04.01 00:02:38 LOG_NOTICE [8208:18040]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.04.01 00:02:38 LOG_INFO [8208:18040]: SecureConnect started
2023.04.01 00:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [2160:3192]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.04.01 00:02:38 LOG_INFO [2160:3192]: Init SSL channel
2023.04.01 00:02:39 LOG_ERR [8208:18040]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.01 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [2160:3192]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.01 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [2160:3192]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.04.01 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [8208:18040]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.01 00:02:40 LOG_ERR [8208:18040]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.01 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [2160:3192]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.01 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [2160:3192]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.04.01 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [2160:3192]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.04.01 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [2160:3192]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.04.01 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [2160:3192]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.04.01 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [2160:3192]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.04.01 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [2160:3192]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.04.01 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [2160:3192]: Real HostID =
2023.04.01 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [2160:3192]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.01 00:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [8208:18040]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [8208:18040]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [8208:18040]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [8208:18040]: Peer server count: 0
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:14016]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [8208:18040]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [8208:11592]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [8208:11592]: Connecting to
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:9496]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [2160:16920]: Handle channel open message
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [2160:16920]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [2160:11836]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:11836]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:11836]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:11836]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:11836]: Connect to with port
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:11836]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [2160:11836]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [2160:11836]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:11836]: HostID =
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:11836]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_ERR [2160:11836]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:11836]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:11836]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 52690724
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:11836]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:11836]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [2160:11836]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.01 00:02:47 LOG_INFO [2160:11836]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.01 00:02:47 LOG_ERR [2160:11836]: Can't login Error code =

2023.04.01 00:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [2160:11836]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.04.01 00:02:48 LOG_INFO [8208:712]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.04.01 00:02:48 LOG_INFO [8208:712]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord for
lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.04.01 00:02:48 LOG_INFO [8208:712]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [8208:18040]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [8208:18040]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [8208:18040]: Peer server count: 0
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:16720]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [8208:18040]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [8208:17532]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [8208:17532]: Connecting to
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:10028]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:16920]: Handle channel open message
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:16920]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:12572]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Connect to with port
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:12572]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:12572]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: HostID =
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:12572]: Login ok!
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: No peer server list.
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [8208:16836]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:12572]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: SET IP =
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:12572]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:12572]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:12572]: Not receive
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:12572]: Local SPI = 367c6cf8
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:12572]: Local CPI = 0x42f4
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2ccfb
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: get session id from server = 518
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:12572]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd078 and local CPI =
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [2160:12572]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.01 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Send new key OK
2023.04.01 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Add routes OK
2023.04.01 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Add wins OK
2023.04.01 00:02:58 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.01 00:02:58 LOG_INFO [2160:12572]: Add dns OK
2023.04.01 00:02:58 LOG_INFO [8208:7344]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.01 00:02:58 LOG_DEBUG [8208:7344]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.01 06:09:20 LOG_INFO [8208:18040]: Disconnect from the server
2023.04.01 06:09:20 LOG_INFO [2160:13260]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.04.01 06:09:20 LOG_DEBUG [2160:16920]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.04.01 06:09:20 LOG_DEBUG [2160:16920]: Handle channel close message
2023.04.01 06:09:20 LOG_DEBUG [2160:16920]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.01 06:09:20 LOG_INFO [2160:16920]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.01 06:09:20 LOG_INFO [2160:16920]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.04.01 06:09:20 LOG_INFO [2160:16920]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.01 06:09:21 LOG_INFO [2160:16920]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.01 06:09:21 LOG_INFO [2160:16920]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.01 06:09:21 LOG_INFO [2160:16920]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.02 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [2952:9920]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.04.02 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [2952:9920]: The local product version is
2023.04.02 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [2952:9920]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.04.02 07:01:22 LOG_ERR [2952:9920]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.04.02 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [2952:9920]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.04.02 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [2952:9920]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.04.02 07:01:22 LOG_NOTICE [2952:9920]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.04.02 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [2952:9920]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.04.02 07:01:22 LOG_NOTICE [2952:9920]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.04.02 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [2952:9920]: SecureConnect started
2023.04.02 07:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19060]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.04.02 07:01:22 LOG_INFO [19064:19060]: Init SSL channel
2023.04.02 07:01:23 LOG_ERR [2952:9920]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.02 07:01:23 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19060]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.02 07:01:23 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19060]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.04.02 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [2952:9920]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.02 07:01:24 LOG_ERR [2952:9920]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.02 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19060]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.02 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19060]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.04.02 07:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19060]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.04.02 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19060]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.04.02 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19060]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.04.02 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19060]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.04.02 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19060]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.04.02 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [19064:19060]: Real HostID =
2023.04.02 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [19064:19060]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.02 07:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [2952:9920]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [2952:9920]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [2952:9920]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [2952:9920]: Peer server count: 0
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [19064:16720]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [2952:9920]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [2952:6232]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [2952:6232]: Connecting to
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [19064:9452]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19216]: Handle channel open message
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19216]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [19064:10204]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Connect to with port
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [19064:10204]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [19064:10204]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: HostID =
2023.04.02 07:01:30 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_DEBUG [19064:10204]: Login ok!
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: No peer server list.
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [2952:8544]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_DEBUG [19064:10204]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: SET IP =
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_DEBUG [19064:10204]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_DEBUG [19064:10204]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_DEBUG [19064:10204]: Not receive
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_DEBUG [19064:10204]: Local SPI = 45048a08
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_DEBUG [19064:10204]: Local CPI = 0xd7f
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2cd33
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: get session id from server = 546
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_DEBUG [19064:10204]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd0b0 and local CPI
= 0xd7f
2023.04.02 07:01:31 LOG_DEBUG [19064:10204]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.02 07:01:32 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Send new key OK
2023.04.02 07:01:33 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Add routes OK
2023.04.02 07:01:33 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Add wins OK
2023.04.02 07:01:36 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.02 07:01:36 LOG_INFO [19064:10204]: Add dns OK
2023.04.02 07:01:36 LOG_INFO [2952:11100]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.02 07:01:36 LOG_DEBUG [2952:11100]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.02 13:01:30 LOG_INFO [2952:9920]: Disconnect from the server
2023.04.02 13:01:30 LOG_INFO [19064:15588]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.04.02 13:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19216]: Begin to close
2023.04.02 13:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19216]: Handle channel close message
2023.04.02 13:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [19064:19216]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.02 13:01:30 LOG_INFO [19064:19216]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.02 13:01:30 LOG_INFO [19064:19216]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.04.02 13:01:31 LOG_INFO [19064:19216]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.02 13:01:32 LOG_INFO [19064:19216]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.02 13:01:32 LOG_INFO [19064:19216]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.02 13:01:32 LOG_INFO [19064:19216]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.03 06:59:50 LOG_DEBUG [17476:17716]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.04.03 06:59:50 LOG_DEBUG [17476:17716]: The local product version is
2023.04.03 06:59:50 LOG_INFO [17476:17716]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.04.03 06:59:50 LOG_ERR [17476:17716]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.04.03 06:59:50 LOG_INFO [17476:17716]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.04.03 06:59:50 LOG_INFO [17476:17716]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.04.03 06:59:50 LOG_NOTICE [17476:17716]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.04.03 06:59:50 LOG_INFO [17476:17716]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.04.03 06:59:50 LOG_NOTICE [17476:17716]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.04.03 06:59:50 LOG_INFO [17476:17716]: SecureConnect started
2023.04.03 06:59:50 LOG_DEBUG [16556:17576]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.04.03 06:59:50 LOG_INFO [16556:17576]: Init SSL channel
2023.04.03 06:59:51 LOG_ERR [17476:17716]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.03 06:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [16556:17576]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.03 06:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [16556:17576]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.04.03 06:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [17476:17716]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.03 06:59:52 LOG_ERR [17476:17716]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.03 06:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [16556:17576]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.03 06:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [16556:17576]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.04.03 06:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [16556:17576]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.04.03 06:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [17476:17716]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.03 06:59:53 LOG_ERR [17476:17716]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.03 06:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [16556:17576]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.04.03 06:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [16556:17576]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.04.03 06:59:54 LOG_DEBUG [16556:17576]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.04.03 06:59:54 LOG_DEBUG [16556:17576]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.04.03 06:59:54 LOG_INFO [16556:17576]: Real HostID =
2023.04.03 06:59:54 LOG_INFO [16556:17576]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.03 06:59:54 LOG_DEBUG [17476:17716]: Try the 3 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [17476:17716]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [17476:17716]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [17476:17716]: Peer server count: 0
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [16556:18464]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [17476:17716]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [17476:14416]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [17476:14416]: Connecting to
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [16556:12944]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [16556:12100]: Handle channel open message
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [16556:12100]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [16556:3212]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Connect to with port
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.03 06:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [16556:3212]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [16556:3212]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: HostID =
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [16556:3212]: Login ok!
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: No peer server list.
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [17476:15608]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [16556:3212]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: SET IP =
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [16556:3212]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [16556:3212]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [16556:3212]: Not receive
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [16556:3212]: Local SPI = 11fd23fa
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [16556:3212]: Local CPI = 0x527e
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2cd51
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: get session id from server = 562
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [16556:3212]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd0ce and local CPI =
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [16556:3212]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.03 07:00:00 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Send new key OK
2023.04.03 07:00:03 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Add routes OK
2023.04.03 07:00:03 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Add wins OK
2023.04.03 07:00:06 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.03 07:00:06 LOG_INFO [16556:3212]: Add dns OK
2023.04.03 07:00:06 LOG_INFO [17476:12484]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.03 07:00:06 LOG_DEBUG [17476:12484]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.03 13:05:14 LOG_INFO [17476:17716]: Disconnect from the server
2023.04.03 13:05:14 LOG_INFO [16556:8716]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.04.03 13:05:14 LOG_DEBUG [16556:12100]: Begin to close
2023.04.03 13:05:14 LOG_DEBUG [16556:12100]: Handle channel close message
2023.04.03 13:05:14 LOG_DEBUG [16556:12100]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.03 13:05:14 LOG_INFO [16556:12100]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.03 13:05:14 LOG_INFO [16556:13960]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2023.04.03 13:05:14 LOG_INFO [16556:12100]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.04.03 13:05:14 LOG_INFO [17476:17716]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2023.04.03 13:05:14 LOG_INFO [16556:12100]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.03 13:05:15 LOG_INFO [16556:12100]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.03 13:05:15 LOG_INFO [16556:12100]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.03 13:05:15 LOG_INFO [16556:12100]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.03 13:05:26 LOG_INFO [17476:17716]: Disconnect from the server

2023.04.03 13:05:26 LOG_INFO [16556:8816]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.04.03 13:05:26 LOG_DEBUG [16556:12100]: Already be disconnected
2023.04.07 23:57:26 LOG_DEBUG [2728:16668]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.04.07 23:57:26 LOG_DEBUG [2728:16668]: The local product version is
2023.04.07 23:57:26 LOG_INFO [2728:16668]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.04.07 23:57:26 LOG_ERR [2728:16668]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.04.07 23:57:26 LOG_INFO [2728:16668]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.04.07 23:57:26 LOG_INFO [2728:16668]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.04.07 23:57:26 LOG_NOTICE [2728:16668]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.04.07 23:57:26 LOG_INFO [2728:16668]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.04.07 23:57:26 LOG_NOTICE [2728:16668]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.04.07 23:57:26 LOG_INFO [2728:16668]: SecureConnect started
2023.04.07 23:57:26 LOG_DEBUG [18788:1896]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.04.07 23:57:26 LOG_INFO [18788:1896]: Init SSL channel
2023.04.07 23:57:27 LOG_ERR [2728:16668]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.07 23:57:27 LOG_DEBUG [18788:1896]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.07 23:57:27 LOG_DEBUG [18788:1896]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.04.07 23:57:28 LOG_DEBUG [2728:16668]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.07 23:57:28 LOG_ERR [2728:16668]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.07 23:57:28 LOG_DEBUG [18788:1896]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.07 23:57:28 LOG_DEBUG [18788:1896]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.04.07 23:57:28 LOG_DEBUG [18788:1896]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.04.07 23:57:28 LOG_DEBUG [18788:1896]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.04.07 23:57:28 LOG_DEBUG [18788:1896]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.04.07 23:57:28 LOG_DEBUG [18788:1896]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.04.07 23:57:28 LOG_DEBUG [18788:1896]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.04.07 23:57:28 LOG_INFO [18788:1896]: Real HostID =
2023.04.07 23:57:28 LOG_INFO [18788:1896]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.07 23:57:29 LOG_DEBUG [2728:16668]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_INFO [2728:16668]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_INFO [2728:16668]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_DEBUG [2728:16668]: Peer server count: 0
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_INFO [18788:14888]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_INFO [2728:16668]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_DEBUG [2728:2860]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_INFO [2728:2860]: Connecting to
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_INFO [18788:9140]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_DEBUG [18788:5952]: Handle channel open message
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_DEBUG [18788:5952]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_DEBUG [18788:8264]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Connect to with port
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_DEBUG [18788:8264]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_DEBUG [18788:8264]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: HostID =
2023.04.07 23:57:34 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_DEBUG [18788:8264]: Login ok!
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: No peer server list.
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [2728:10052]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_DEBUG [18788:8264]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: SET IP =
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_DEBUG [18788:8264]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_DEBUG [18788:8264]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_DEBUG [18788:8264]: Not receive
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_DEBUG [18788:8264]: Local SPI = 5559aab2
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_DEBUG [18788:8264]: Local CPI = 0x7dec
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2ce19
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: get session id from server = 667
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_DEBUG [18788:8264]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd196 and local CPI =
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_DEBUG [18788:8264]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.07 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Send new key OK
2023.04.07 23:57:37 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Add routes OK
2023.04.07 23:57:37 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Add wins OK
2023.04.07 23:57:40 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.07 23:57:40 LOG_INFO [18788:8264]: Add dns OK
2023.04.07 23:57:40 LOG_INFO [2728:7404]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.07 23:57:40 LOG_DEBUG [2728:7404]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.08 06:05:19 LOG_INFO [2728:16668]: Disconnect from the server
2023.04.08 06:05:19 LOG_INFO [18788:20620]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.04.08 06:05:19 LOG_DEBUG [18788:5952]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.04.08 06:05:19 LOG_DEBUG [18788:5952]: Handle channel close message
2023.04.08 06:05:19 LOG_DEBUG [18788:5952]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.08 06:05:19 LOG_INFO [18788:5952]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.08 06:05:19 LOG_INFO [18788:5952]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51445620
2023.04.08 06:05:20 LOG_INFO [18788:5952]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.08 06:05:20 LOG_INFO [18788:5952]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.08 06:05:20 LOG_INFO [18788:5952]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.08 06:05:20 LOG_INFO [18788:5952]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.09 00:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [9724:13764]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.04.09 00:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [9724:13764]: The local product version is
2023.04.09 00:00:27 LOG_INFO [9724:13764]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.04.09 00:00:27 LOG_ERR [9724:13764]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.04.09 00:00:27 LOG_INFO [9724:13764]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.04.09 00:00:27 LOG_INFO [9724:13764]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.04.09 00:00:27 LOG_NOTICE [9724:13764]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.04.09 00:00:27 LOG_INFO [9724:13764]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.04.09 00:00:27 LOG_NOTICE [9724:13764]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.04.09 00:00:27 LOG_INFO [9724:13764]: SecureConnect started
2023.04.09 00:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [18076:6048]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.04.09 00:00:27 LOG_INFO [18076:6048]: Init SSL channel
2023.04.09 00:00:28 LOG_ERR [9724:13764]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.09 00:00:28 LOG_DEBUG [18076:6048]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.09 00:00:28 LOG_DEBUG [18076:6048]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.04.09 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [9724:13764]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.09 00:00:29 LOG_ERR [9724:13764]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.09 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [18076:6048]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.09 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [18076:6048]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.04.09 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [18076:6048]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.04.09 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [18076:6048]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.04.09 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [18076:6048]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.04.09 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [18076:6048]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.04.09 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [18076:6048]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.04.09 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [18076:6048]: Real HostID =
2023.04.09 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [18076:6048]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.09 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [9724:13764]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_INFO [9724:13764]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_INFO [9724:13764]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_DEBUG [9724:13764]: Peer server count: 0
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_INFO [18076:8272]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_INFO [9724:13764]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_DEBUG [9724:18444]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_INFO [9724:18444]: Connecting to
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_INFO [18076:5180]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_DEBUG [18076:19680]: Handle channel open message
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_DEBUG [18076:19680]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5352]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Connect to with port
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5352]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5352]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: HostID =
2023.04.09 00:00:33 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5352]: Login ok!
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: No peer server list.
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [9724:10504]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5352]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: SET IP =
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5352]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5352]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5352]: Not receive
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5352]: Local SPI = 25c34b86
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5352]: Local CPI = 0xa59
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2ce39
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: get session id from server = 684
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5352]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd1b6 and local CPI =
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5352]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.09 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Send new key OK
2023.04.09 00:00:35 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Add routes OK
2023.04.09 00:00:35 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Add wins OK
2023.04.09 00:00:38 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.09 00:00:38 LOG_INFO [18076:5352]: Add dns OK
2023.04.09 00:00:38 LOG_INFO [9724:17116]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.09 00:00:38 LOG_DEBUG [9724:17116]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.09 01:29:14 LOG_ERR [18076:19680]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.04.09 01:29:14 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.09 01:29:14 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.04.09 01:29:15 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.09 01:29:15 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.09 01:29:15 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.09 01:29:15 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.09 01:29:20 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.04.09 01:29:20 LOG_DEBUG [18076:19680]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.04.09 01:29:20 LOG_DEBUG [18076:19680]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.04.09 01:29:20 LOG_DEBUG [18076:19680]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.04.09 01:29:20 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.04.09 01:29:20 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.04.09 01:29:20 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5364]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.04.09 01:29:20 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.04.09 01:29:21 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: Connect to with port
2023.04.09 01:29:21 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.09 01:29:24 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5364]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.09 01:29:24 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5364]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.09 01:29:24 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: HostID =
2023.04.09 01:29:24 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.09 01:29:24 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.09 01:29:24 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.09 01:29:24 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5364]: Login ok!
2023.04.09 01:29:24 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.09 01:29:24 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: No peer server list.
2023.04.09 01:29:24 LOG_INFO [9724:8012]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.09 01:29:24 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.09 01:29:24 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5364]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: SET IP =
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5364]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5364]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5364]: Not receive
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5364]: Local SPI = 69c4d388
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5364]: Local CPI = 0x4e5a
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2ce3b
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: get session id from server = 685
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5364]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd1b8 and local CPI =
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5364]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: Send new key OK
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: Add routes OK
2023.04.09 01:29:25 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: Add wins OK
2023.04.09 01:29:29 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.09 01:29:29 LOG_INFO [18076:5364]: Add dns OK
2023.04.09 01:29:29 LOG_INFO [9724:15080]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.09 01:29:29 LOG_DEBUG [18076:5364]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.04.09 01:29:29 LOG_DEBUG [18076:19680]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.09 01:29:29 LOG_DEBUG [9724:15080]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.09 06:03:51 LOG_INFO [9724:13764]: Disconnect from the server
2023.04.09 06:03:51 LOG_INFO [18076:10712]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.04.09 06:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [18076:19680]: Begin to close
2023.04.09 06:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [18076:19680]: Handle channel close message
2023.04.09 06:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [18076:19680]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.09 06:03:51 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.09 06:03:51 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.04.09 06:03:51 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.09 06:03:52 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.09 06:03:53 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.09 06:03:53 LOG_INFO [18076:19680]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.15 23:59:15 LOG_DEBUG [3136:20572]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.04.15 23:59:15 LOG_DEBUG [3136:20572]: The local product version is
2023.04.15 23:59:15 LOG_INFO [3136:20572]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.04.15 23:59:15 LOG_ERR [3136:20572]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.04.15 23:59:15 LOG_INFO [3136:20572]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.04.15 23:59:15 LOG_INFO [3136:20572]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.04.15 23:59:15 LOG_NOTICE [3136:20572]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.04.15 23:59:15 LOG_INFO [3136:20572]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.04.15 23:59:15 LOG_NOTICE [3136:20572]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.04.15 23:59:15 LOG_INFO [3136:20572]: SecureConnect started
2023.04.15 23:59:15 LOG_DEBUG [25592:20692]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.04.15 23:59:15 LOG_INFO [25592:20692]: Init SSL channel
2023.04.15 23:59:16 LOG_ERR [3136:20572]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.15 23:59:17 LOG_DEBUG [25592:20692]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.15 23:59:17 LOG_DEBUG [25592:20692]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.04.15 23:59:17 LOG_DEBUG [3136:20572]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.15 23:59:17 LOG_ERR [3136:20572]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.15 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [25592:20692]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.15 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [25592:20692]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.04.15 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [25592:20692]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.04.15 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [25592:20692]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.04.15 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [25592:20692]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.04.15 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [25592:20692]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.04.15 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [25592:20692]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.04.15 23:59:18 LOG_INFO [25592:20692]: Real HostID =
2023.04.15 23:59:18 LOG_INFO [25592:20692]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.15 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [3136:20572]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [3136:20572]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [3136:20572]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [3136:20572]: Peer server count: 0
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [25592:2340]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [3136:20572]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [3136:25544]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [3136:25544]: Connecting to
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [25592:11304]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [25592:4608]: Handle channel open message
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [25592:4608]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [25592:24816]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Connect to with port
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [25592:24816]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [25592:24816]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: HostID =
2023.04.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [25592:24816]: Login ok!
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: No peer server list.
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [3136:24824]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [25592:24816]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: SET IP =
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [25592:24816]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [25592:24816]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [25592:24816]: Not receive
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [25592:24816]: Local SPI = 47e18fc2
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [25592:24816]: Local CPI = 0x4892
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2cf27
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: get session id from server = 815
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [25592:24816]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd2a4 and local CPI
= 0x4892
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [25592:24816]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.15 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Send new key OK
2023.04.15 23:59:31 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Add routes OK
2023.04.15 23:59:31 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Add wins OK
2023.04.15 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.15 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [25592:24816]: Add dns OK
2023.04.15 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [25592:24816]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.04.15 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [3136:10308]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.15 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [3136:10308]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.16 06:03:53 LOG_INFO [3136:20572]: Disconnect from the server
2023.04.16 06:03:53 LOG_INFO [25592:19604]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.04.16 06:03:53 LOG_DEBUG [25592:4608]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.04.16 06:03:53 LOG_DEBUG [25592:4608]: Handle channel close message
2023.04.16 06:03:53 LOG_DEBUG [25592:4608]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.16 06:03:53 LOG_INFO [25592:4608]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.16 06:03:53 LOG_INFO [25592:4608]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.04.16 06:03:54 LOG_INFO [25592:4608]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.16 06:03:54 LOG_INFO [25592:4608]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.16 06:03:54 LOG_INFO [25592:4608]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.16 06:03:54 LOG_INFO [25592:4608]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.17 00:05:27 LOG_DEBUG [17136:17140]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.04.17 00:05:27 LOG_DEBUG [17136:17140]: The local product version is
2023.04.17 00:05:27 LOG_INFO [17136:17140]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.04.17 00:05:27 LOG_ERR [17136:17140]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.04.17 00:05:27 LOG_INFO [17136:17140]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.04.17 00:05:27 LOG_INFO [17136:17140]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.04.17 00:05:27 LOG_NOTICE [17136:17140]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.04.17 00:05:27 LOG_INFO [17136:17140]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.04.17 00:05:27 LOG_NOTICE [17136:17140]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.04.17 00:05:27 LOG_INFO [17136:17140]: SecureConnect started
2023.04.17 00:05:27 LOG_DEBUG [17044:17168]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.04.17 00:05:27 LOG_INFO [17044:17168]: Init SSL channel
2023.04.17 00:05:28 LOG_ERR [17136:17140]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.17 00:05:28 LOG_DEBUG [17044:17168]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.17 00:05:28 LOG_DEBUG [17044:17168]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.04.17 00:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [17136:17140]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.17 00:05:29 LOG_ERR [17136:17140]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.17 00:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [17044:17168]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.17 00:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [17044:17168]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.04.17 00:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [17044:17168]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.04.17 00:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [17044:17168]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.04.17 00:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [17044:17168]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.04.17 00:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [17044:17168]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.04.17 00:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [17044:17168]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.04.17 00:05:29 LOG_INFO [17044:17168]: Real HostID =
2023.04.17 00:05:29 LOG_INFO [17044:17168]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.17 00:05:30 LOG_DEBUG [17136:17140]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17136:17140]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17136:17140]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17136:17140]: Peer server count: 0
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:9232]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17136:17140]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17136:8792]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17136:8792]: Connecting to
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10012]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:2816]: Handle channel open message
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:2816]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:10388]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Connect to with port
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:10388]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:10388]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: HostID =
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:10388]: Login ok!
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: No peer server list.
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17136:16476]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:10388]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: SET IP =
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:10388]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:10388]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:10388]: Not receive
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:10388]: Local SPI = 1aa7354e
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:10388]: Local CPI = 0x135e
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2cf4b
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: get session id from server = 833
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:10388]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd2c8 and local CPI
= 0x135e
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:10388]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.17 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Send new key OK
2023.04.17 00:05:35 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Add routes OK
2023.04.17 00:05:35 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Add wins OK
2023.04.17 00:05:38 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.17 00:05:38 LOG_INFO [17044:10388]: Add dns OK
2023.04.17 00:05:38 LOG_DEBUG [17044:10388]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.04.17 00:05:38 LOG_INFO [17136:17884]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.17 00:05:38 LOG_DEBUG [17136:17884]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.17 06:03:34 LOG_INFO [17136:17140]: Disconnect from the server
2023.04.17 06:03:34 LOG_INFO [17044:7216]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.04.17 06:03:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:2816]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.04.17 06:03:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:2816]: Handle channel close message
2023.04.17 06:03:34 LOG_DEBUG [17044:2816]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.17 06:03:34 LOG_INFO [17044:2816]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.17 06:03:34 LOG_INFO [17044:2816]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51576692
2023.04.17 06:03:35 LOG_INFO [17044:2816]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.17 06:03:35 LOG_INFO [17044:2816]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.17 06:03:35 LOG_INFO [17044:2816]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.17 06:03:35 LOG_INFO [17044:2816]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.21 07:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [4924:1048]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.04.21 07:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [4924:1048]: The local product version is
2023.04.21 07:01:16 LOG_INFO [4924:1048]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.04.21 07:01:16 LOG_ERR [4924:1048]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.04.21 07:01:16 LOG_INFO [4924:1048]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.04.21 07:01:16 LOG_INFO [4924:1048]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.04.21 07:01:16 LOG_NOTICE [4924:1048]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.04.21 07:01:16 LOG_INFO [4924:1048]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.04.21 07:01:16 LOG_NOTICE [4924:1048]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.04.21 07:01:16 LOG_INFO [4924:1048]: SecureConnect started
2023.04.21 07:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [12272:1896]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.04.21 07:01:16 LOG_INFO [12272:1896]: Init SSL channel
2023.04.21 07:01:17 LOG_ERR [4924:1048]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.21 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [12272:1896]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.21 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [12272:1896]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.04.21 07:01:18 LOG_DEBUG [4924:1048]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.21 07:01:18 LOG_ERR [4924:1048]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.21 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [12272:1896]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.21 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [12272:1896]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.04.21 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [12272:1896]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.04.21 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [12272:1896]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.04.21 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [12272:1896]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.04.21 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [12272:1896]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.04.21 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [12272:1896]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.04.21 07:01:19 LOG_INFO [12272:1896]: Real HostID =
2023.04.21 07:01:19 LOG_INFO [12272:1896]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.21 07:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [4924:1048]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [4924:1048]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [4924:1048]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [4924:1048]: Peer server count: 0
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:21520]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [4924:1048]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [4924:21616]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [4924:21616]: Connecting to
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:10820]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:16648]: Handle channel open message
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:16648]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:6172]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Connect to with port
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:6172]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:6172]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: HostID =
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:6172]: Login ok!
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: No peer server list.
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [4924:20708]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:6172]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: SET IP =
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:6172]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:6172]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:6172]: Not receive
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:6172]: Local SPI = 117e22fc
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:6172]: Local CPI = 0x3644
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d01d
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: get session id from server = 958
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:6172]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd39a and local CPI =
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_DEBUG [12272:6172]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.21 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Send new key OK
2023.04.21 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Add routes OK
2023.04.21 07:01:25 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Add wins OK
2023.04.21 07:01:28 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.21 07:01:28 LOG_INFO [12272:6172]: Add dns OK
2023.04.21 07:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [12272:6172]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.04.21 07:01:29 LOG_INFO [4924:7100]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.21 07:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [4924:7100]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.21 13:01:00 LOG_INFO [4924:1048]: Disconnect from the server
2023.04.21 13:01:00 LOG_INFO [12272:14344]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.04.21 13:01:00 LOG_DEBUG [12272:16648]: Begin to close
2023.04.21 13:01:00 LOG_DEBUG [12272:16648]: Handle channel close message
2023.04.21 13:01:00 LOG_DEBUG [12272:16648]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.21 13:01:00 LOG_INFO [12272:16648]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.21 13:01:00 LOG_INFO [12272:16648]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.04.21 13:01:01 LOG_INFO [12272:16648]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.21 13:01:02 LOG_INFO [12272:16648]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.21 13:01:02 LOG_INFO [12272:16648]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.21 13:01:02 LOG_INFO [12272:16648]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.24 23:59:50 LOG_DEBUG [9580:5460]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.04.24 23:59:50 LOG_DEBUG [9580:5460]: The local product version is
2023.04.24 23:59:50 LOG_INFO [9580:5460]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.04.24 23:59:50 LOG_ERR [9580:5460]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.04.24 23:59:50 LOG_INFO [9580:5460]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.04.24 23:59:50 LOG_INFO [9580:5460]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.04.24 23:59:50 LOG_NOTICE [9580:5460]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.04.24 23:59:50 LOG_INFO [9580:5460]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.04.24 23:59:50 LOG_NOTICE [9580:5460]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.04.24 23:59:50 LOG_INFO [9580:5460]: SecureConnect started
2023.04.24 23:59:50 LOG_DEBUG [15552:14256]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.04.24 23:59:50 LOG_INFO [15552:14256]: Init SSL channel
2023.04.24 23:59:51 LOG_ERR [9580:5460]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.24 23:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [15552:14256]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.24 23:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [15552:14256]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.04.24 23:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [9580:5460]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.24 23:59:52 LOG_ERR [9580:5460]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.24 23:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [15552:14256]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.24 23:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [15552:14256]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.04.24 23:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [15552:14256]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.04.24 23:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [15552:14256]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.04.24 23:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [15552:14256]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.04.24 23:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [15552:14256]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.04.24 23:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [15552:14256]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.04.24 23:59:53 LOG_INFO [15552:14256]: Real HostID =
2023.04.24 23:59:53 LOG_INFO [15552:14256]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.24 23:59:53 LOG_DEBUG [9580:5460]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [9580:5460]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [9580:5460]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_DEBUG [9580:5460]: Peer server count: 0
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [15552:9192]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [9580:5460]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_DEBUG [9580:12708]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [9580:12708]: Connecting to
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [15552:19972]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_DEBUG [15552:7308]: Handle channel open message
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_DEBUG [15552:7308]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_DEBUG [15552:16120]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Connect to with port
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_DEBUG [15552:16120]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_DEBUG [15552:16120]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: HostID =
2023.04.24 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.24 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.24 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.24 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [15552:16120]: Login ok!
2023.04.24 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.24 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: No peer server list.
2023.04.24 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [9580:14848]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.24 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.24 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [15552:16120]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.24 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: SET IP =
2023.04.24 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [15552:16120]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.24 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [15552:16120]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.24 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [15552:16120]: Not receive
2023.04.25 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.25 00:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [15552:16120]: Local SPI = 07750eea
2023.04.25 00:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [15552:16120]: Local CPI = 0x584a
2023.04.25 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d097
2023.04.25 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.25 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.25 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: get session id from server = 1034
2023.04.25 00:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [15552:16120]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd414 and local CPI
= 0x584a
2023.04.25 00:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [15552:16120]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.25 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Send new key OK
2023.04.25 00:00:01 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Add routes OK
2023.04.25 00:00:01 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Add wins OK
2023.04.25 00:00:04 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.25 00:00:04 LOG_INFO [15552:16120]: Add dns OK
2023.04.25 00:00:04 LOG_DEBUG [15552:16120]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.04.25 00:00:04 LOG_INFO [9580:18156]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.25 00:00:04 LOG_DEBUG [9580:18156]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.25 06:07:52 LOG_INFO [9580:5460]: Disconnect from the server
2023.04.25 06:07:52 LOG_INFO [15552:20792]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.04.25 06:07:52 LOG_DEBUG [15552:7308]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.04.25 06:07:52 LOG_DEBUG [15552:7308]: Handle channel close message
2023.04.25 06:07:52 LOG_DEBUG [15552:7308]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.25 06:07:52 LOG_INFO [15552:7308]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.25 06:07:52 LOG_INFO [15552:7308]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.04.25 06:07:53 LOG_INFO [15552:7308]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.25 06:07:55 LOG_INFO [15552:7308]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.25 06:07:55 LOG_INFO [15552:7308]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.25 06:07:55 LOG_INFO [15552:7308]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.27 07:03:01 LOG_DEBUG [10080:3284]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.04.27 07:03:01 LOG_DEBUG [10080:3284]: The local product version is
2023.04.27 07:03:01 LOG_INFO [10080:3284]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.04.27 07:03:01 LOG_ERR [10080:3284]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.04.27 07:03:01 LOG_INFO [10080:3284]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.04.27 07:03:01 LOG_INFO [10080:3284]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.04.27 07:03:01 LOG_NOTICE [10080:3284]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.04.27 07:03:01 LOG_INFO [10080:3284]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.04.27 07:03:01 LOG_NOTICE [10080:3284]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.04.27 07:03:01 LOG_INFO [10080:3284]: SecureConnect started
2023.04.27 07:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [11248:7784]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.04.27 07:03:02 LOG_INFO [11248:7784]: Init SSL channel
2023.04.27 07:03:02 LOG_ERR [10080:3284]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.27 07:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [11248:7784]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.27 07:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [11248:7784]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.04.27 07:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [10080:3284]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.27 07:03:03 LOG_ERR [10080:3284]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.27 07:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [11248:7784]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.27 07:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [11248:7784]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.04.27 07:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [11248:7784]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.04.27 07:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [11248:7784]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.04.27 07:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [11248:7784]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.04.27 07:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [11248:7784]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.04.27 07:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [11248:7784]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.04.27 07:03:04 LOG_INFO [11248:7784]: Real HostID =
2023.04.27 07:03:04 LOG_INFO [11248:7784]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.27 07:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [10080:3284]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_INFO [10080:3284]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_INFO [10080:3284]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [10080:3284]: Peer server count: 0
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_INFO [11248:7460]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_INFO [10080:3284]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [10080:11524]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_INFO [10080:11524]: Connecting to
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_INFO [11248:12612]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [11248:22744]: Handle channel open message
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [11248:22744]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [11248:12604]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Connect to with port
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.27 07:03:08 LOG_DEBUG [11248:12604]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.27 07:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [11248:12604]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.27 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: HostID =
2023.04.27 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.27 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.27 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.27 07:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [11248:12604]: Login ok!
2023.04.27 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.27 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: No peer server list.
2023.04.27 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [10080:15732]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.27 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.27 07:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [11248:12604]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.27 07:03:09 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: SET IP =
2023.04.27 07:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [11248:12604]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.27 07:03:10 LOG_DEBUG [11248:12604]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.27 07:03:10 LOG_DEBUG [11248:12604]: Not receive
2023.04.27 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.27 07:03:10 LOG_DEBUG [11248:12604]: Local SPI = 679acf34
2023.04.27 07:03:10 LOG_DEBUG [11248:12604]: Local CPI = 0x6c78
2023.04.27 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d0e5
2023.04.27 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.27 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.27 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: get session id from server = 1075
2023.04.27 07:03:10 LOG_DEBUG [11248:12604]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd462 and local CPI
= 0x6c78
2023.04.27 07:03:10 LOG_DEBUG [11248:12604]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.27 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Send new key OK
2023.04.27 07:03:11 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Add routes OK
2023.04.27 07:03:11 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Add wins OK
2023.04.27 07:03:14 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.27 07:03:14 LOG_INFO [11248:12604]: Add dns OK
2023.04.27 07:03:14 LOG_DEBUG [11248:12604]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.04.27 07:03:14 LOG_INFO [10080:5112]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.27 07:03:14 LOG_DEBUG [10080:5112]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.27 14:04:29 LOG_INFO [10080:3284]: Disconnect from the server
2023.04.27 14:04:29 LOG_INFO [11248:10416]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.04.27 14:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [11248:22744]: Begin to close
2023.04.27 14:04:30 LOG_DEBUG [11248:22744]: Handle channel close message
2023.04.27 14:04:30 LOG_DEBUG [11248:22744]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.27 14:04:30 LOG_INFO [11248:22744]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.27 14:04:30 LOG_INFO [11248:22744]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51314548
2023.04.27 14:04:30 LOG_INFO [11248:22744]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.27 14:04:31 LOG_INFO [11248:22744]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.27 14:04:31 LOG_INFO [11248:22744]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.27 14:04:31 LOG_INFO [11248:22744]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.28 07:02:16 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14384]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.04.28 07:02:16 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14384]: The local product version is
2023.04.28 07:02:16 LOG_INFO [12400:14384]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.04.28 07:02:16 LOG_ERR [12400:14384]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.04.28 07:02:16 LOG_INFO [12400:14384]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.04.28 07:02:16 LOG_INFO [12400:14384]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.04.28 07:02:16 LOG_NOTICE [12400:14384]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.04.28 07:02:16 LOG_INFO [12400:14384]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.04.28 07:02:16 LOG_NOTICE [12400:14384]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.04.28 07:02:16 LOG_INFO [12400:14384]: SecureConnect started
2023.04.28 07:02:16 LOG_DEBUG [12084:12432]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.04.28 07:02:16 LOG_INFO [12084:12432]: Init SSL channel
2023.04.28 07:02:17 LOG_ERR [12400:14384]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.28 07:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [12084:12432]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.28 07:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [12084:12432]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.04.28 07:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14384]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.28 07:02:18 LOG_ERR [12400:14384]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.28 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [12084:12432]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.28 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [12084:12432]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.04.28 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [12084:12432]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.04.28 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [12084:12432]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.04.28 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [12084:12432]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.04.28 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [12084:12432]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.04.28 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [12084:12432]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.04.28 07:02:19 LOG_INFO [12084:12432]: Real HostID =
2023.04.28 07:02:19 LOG_INFO [12084:12432]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.28 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14384]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_INFO [12400:14384]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_INFO [12400:14384]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14384]: Peer server count: 0
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_INFO [12084:3960]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_INFO [12400:14384]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [12400:2672]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_INFO [12400:2672]: Connecting to
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_INFO [12084:14104]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Handle channel open message
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [12084:13928]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Connect to with port
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [12084:13928]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [12084:13928]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: HostID =
2023.04.28 07:02:27 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [12084:13928]: Login ok!
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: No peer server list.
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [12400:2344]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [12084:13928]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: SET IP =
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [12084:13928]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [12084:13928]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [12084:13928]: Not receive
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [12084:13928]: Local SPI = 35336a66
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [12084:13928]: Local CPI = 0x3217
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d109
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: get session id from server = 1090
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [12084:13928]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd486 and local CPI
= 0x3217
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [12084:13928]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.28 07:02:28 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Send new key OK
2023.04.28 07:02:29 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Add routes OK
2023.04.28 07:02:29 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Add wins OK
2023.04.28 07:02:33 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.28 07:02:33 LOG_INFO [12084:13928]: Add dns OK
2023.04.28 07:02:33 LOG_INFO [12400:9188]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.28 07:02:33 LOG_DEBUG [12400:9188]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.28 17:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Handle channel rekey message
2023.04.28 17:02:12 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Connect to with port
2023.04.28 17:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Process ReKey operation at Fri Apr 28
17:02:12 2023

2023.04.28 17:02:12 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0, destAddr:
2023.04.28 17:02:13 LOG_ERR [12084:3280]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.04.28 17:02:13 LOG_ERR [12084:3280]: Connect to the server failed
2023.04.28 17:02:13 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.28 17:02:13 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277324
2023.04.28 17:02:13 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.28 17:02:14 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.28 17:02:14 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.28 17:02:14 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.28 17:02:14 LOG_ERR [12084:3280]: Connect to failed

2023.04.28 17:02:14 LOG_ERR [12084:3280]: Handle channel error message: 4015
2023.04.28 17:02:14 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.28 17:02:14 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.04.28 17:02:14 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.28 17:02:14 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.28 17:02:15 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.28 17:02:15 LOG_ERR [12084:3280]: ReleaseSemaphore error: 298
2023.04.28 17:02:15 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: ========================SSL CHANNEL
2023.04.28 17:02:20 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.04.28 17:02:20 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.04.28 17:02:20 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.04.28 17:02:20 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.04.28 17:02:20 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.04.28 17:02:20 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.04.28 17:02:20 LOG_DEBUG [12084:18424]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.04.28 17:02:20 LOG_INFO [12084:18424]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.04.28 18:36:06 LOG_INFO [12084:18424]: Connect to with port
2023.04.28 18:36:06 LOG_INFO [12084:18424]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.28 18:36:06 LOG_ERR [12084:18424]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.04.28 18:36:06 LOG_ERR [12084:18424]: Connect to the server failed
2023.04.28 18:36:06 LOG_INFO [12084:18424]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.28 18:36:06 LOG_INFO [12084:18424]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2023.04.28 18:36:08 LOG_INFO [12084:18424]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.28 18:36:09 LOG_INFO [12084:18424]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.28 18:36:09 LOG_INFO [12084:18424]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.28 18:36:09 LOG_INFO [12084:18424]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.28 18:36:09 LOG_ERR [12084:18424]: Connect to failed

2023.04.28 18:36:09 LOG_DEBUG [12084:18424]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.04.28 18:37:05 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.04.28 18:37:05 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.04.28 18:37:05 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.04.28 18:37:05 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.04.28 18:37:05 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2023.04.28 18:37:05 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.04.28 18:37:05 LOG_DEBUG [12084:20644]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.04.28 18:37:05 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.04.28 18:37:06 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: Connect to with port
2023.04.28 18:37:06 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_DEBUG [12084:20644]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_DEBUG [12084:20644]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: HostID =
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_DEBUG [12084:20644]: Login ok!
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: No peer server list.
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12400:21016]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_DEBUG [12084:20644]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: SET IP =
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_DEBUG [12084:20644]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_DEBUG [12084:20644]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_DEBUG [12084:20644]: Not receive
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_DEBUG [12084:20644]: Local SPI = 48dd91ba
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_DEBUG [12084:20644]: Local CPI = 0x45c1
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d129
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: get session id from server = 1105
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_DEBUG [12084:20644]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd4a6 and local CPI
= 0x45c1
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_DEBUG [12084:20644]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.28 18:37:07 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: Send new key OK
2023.04.28 18:37:08 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: Add routes OK
2023.04.28 18:37:08 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: Add wins OK
2023.04.28 18:37:12 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.28 18:37:12 LOG_INFO [12084:20644]: Add dns OK
2023.04.28 18:37:12 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.04.28 18:37:12 LOG_DEBUG [12084:20644]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.04.28 18:37:12 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.28 18:37:12 LOG_INFO [12400:17544]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.28 18:37:12 LOG_DEBUG [12400:17544]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.28 18:37:18 LOG_INFO [12400:14384]: Disconnect from the server
2023.04.28 18:37:18 LOG_INFO [12084:17732]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.04.28 18:37:18 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.04.28 18:37:18 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Handle channel close message
2023.04.28 18:37:18 LOG_DEBUG [12084:3280]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.28 18:37:18 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.28 18:37:18 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.04.28 18:37:18 LOG_INFO [12400:14384]: Wait for SCVPN being disconnected...
2023.04.28 18:37:18 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.28 18:37:19 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.28 18:37:19 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.28 18:37:19 LOG_INFO [12084:3280]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.28 18:37:19 LOG_INFO [12400:14384]: SCVPN is disconnected. Ready to exit.

2023.04.29 07:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [15096:8308]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.04.29 07:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [15096:8308]: The local product version is
2023.04.29 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [15096:8308]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.04.29 07:02:12 LOG_ERR [15096:8308]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.04.29 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [15096:8308]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.04.29 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [15096:8308]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.04.29 07:02:12 LOG_NOTICE [15096:8308]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.04.29 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [15096:8308]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.04.29 07:02:12 LOG_NOTICE [15096:8308]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.04.29 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [15096:8308]: SecureConnect started
2023.04.29 07:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [3040:22148]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.04.29 07:02:12 LOG_INFO [3040:22148]: Init SSL channel
2023.04.29 07:02:13 LOG_ERR [15096:8308]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.29 07:02:13 LOG_DEBUG [3040:22148]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.29 07:02:13 LOG_DEBUG [3040:22148]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.04.29 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [15096:8308]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.29 07:02:14 LOG_ERR [15096:8308]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.04.29 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [3040:22148]: nFilelen=-1
2023.04.29 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [3040:22148]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.04.29 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [3040:22148]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.04.29 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [3040:22148]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.04.29 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [3040:22148]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.04.29 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [3040:22148]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.04.29 07:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [3040:22148]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.04.29 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [3040:22148]: Real HostID =
2023.04.29 07:02:14 LOG_INFO [3040:22148]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.29 07:02:15 LOG_DEBUG [15096:8308]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_INFO [15096:8308]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_INFO [15096:8308]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [15096:8308]: Peer server count: 0
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_INFO [3040:14420]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_INFO [15096:8308]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [15096:13880]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_INFO [15096:13880]: Connecting to
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_INFO [3040:17544]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [3040:3144]: Handle channel open message
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [3040:3144]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [3040:20924]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Connect to with port
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.04.29 07:02:19 LOG_DEBUG [3040:20924]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.04.29 07:02:20 LOG_DEBUG [3040:20924]: Handshake success!.....
2023.04.29 07:02:20 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: HostID =
2023.04.29 07:02:20 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Authenticaton OK
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [3040:20924]: Login ok!
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: No peer server list.
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [15096:9760]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Send client info OK!
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [3040:20924]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: SET IP =
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [3040:20924]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [3040:20924]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [3040:20924]: Not receive
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Set client parameters OK
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [3040:20924]: Local SPI = 033e067c
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [3040:20924]: Local CPI = 0x3c25
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d143
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: get session id from server = 1118
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [3040:20924]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd4c0 and local CPI =
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [3040:20924]: CompAlg = 0
2023.04.29 07:02:21 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Send new key OK
2023.04.29 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Add routes OK
2023.04.29 07:02:22 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Add wins OK
2023.04.29 07:02:26 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.04.29 07:02:26 LOG_INFO [3040:20924]: Add dns OK
2023.04.29 07:02:26 LOG_INFO [15096:12852]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.04.29 07:02:26 LOG_DEBUG [15096:12852]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.04.29 13:06:39 LOG_INFO [15096:8308]: Disconnect from the server
2023.04.29 13:06:40 LOG_INFO [3040:16952]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.04.29 13:06:40 LOG_DEBUG [3040:3144]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.04.29 13:06:40 LOG_DEBUG [3040:3144]: Handle channel close message
2023.04.29 13:06:40 LOG_DEBUG [3040:3144]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.04.29 13:06:40 LOG_INFO [3040:3144]: Close SSL channel
2023.04.29 13:06:40 LOG_INFO [3040:3144]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.04.29 13:06:40 LOG_INFO [15096:8308]: Wait for SCVPN being disconnected...
2023.04.29 13:06:40 LOG_INFO [3040:3144]: Delete routes OK
2023.04.29 13:06:40 LOG_INFO [3040:3144]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.04.29 13:06:40 LOG_INFO [3040:3144]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.04.29 13:06:41 LOG_INFO [3040:3144]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.04.29 13:06:41 LOG_INFO [15096:8308]: SCVPN is disconnected. Ready to exit.

2023.05.02 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [2032:2216]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.05.02 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [2032:2216]: The local product version is
2023.05.02 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [2032:2216]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.02 00:00:43 LOG_ERR [2032:2216]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.02 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [2032:2216]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.02 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [2032:2216]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.02 00:00:43 LOG_NOTICE [2032:2216]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.02 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [2032:2216]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.05.02 00:00:43 LOG_NOTICE [2032:2216]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.02 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [2032:2216]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.02 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [11648:8836]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.02 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [11648:8836]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.02 00:00:44 LOG_ERR [2032:2216]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.02 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [11648:8836]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.02 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [11648:8836]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.02 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [2032:2216]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.02 00:00:45 LOG_ERR [2032:2216]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.02 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11648:8836]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.02 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11648:8836]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.02 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11648:8836]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.02 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11648:8836]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.02 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11648:8836]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.02 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11648:8836]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.02 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [11648:8836]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.02 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11648:8836]: Real HostID =
2023.05.02 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [11648:8836]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.02 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [2032:2216]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [2032:2216]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [2032:2216]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [2032:2216]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [11648:8768]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [2032:2216]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [2032:2980]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [2032:2980]: Connecting to
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [11648:9464]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [11648:4324]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [11648:4324]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [11648:10736]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [11648:10736]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [11648:10736]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [11648:10736]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [11648:10736]: Connect to with port
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [11648:10736]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [11648:10736]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [11648:10736]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [11648:10736]: HostID =
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [11648:10736]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_ERR [11648:10736]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [11648:10736]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.02 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [11648:10736]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31719204
2023.05.02 00:00:56 LOG_INFO [11648:10736]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.02 00:00:56 LOG_INFO [11648:10736]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.02 00:00:56 LOG_INFO [11648:10736]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.02 00:00:56 LOG_INFO [11648:10736]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.05.02 00:00:56 LOG_ERR [11648:10736]: Can't login Error code =

2023.05.02 00:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [11648:10736]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.05.02 00:00:57 LOG_INFO [2032:4764]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.05.02 00:00:57 LOG_INFO [2032:4764]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.05.02 00:00:57 LOG_INFO [2032:4764]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [2032:2216]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [2032:2216]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [2032:2216]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:5656]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [2032:2216]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [2032:5208]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [2032:5208]: Connecting to
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:2104]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:4324]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:4324]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:13652]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Connect to with port
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:13652]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:13652]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: HostID =
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:13652]: Login ok!
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: No peer server list.
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [2032:1568]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:13652]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: SET IP =
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:13652]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:13652]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:13652]: Not receive
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:13652]: Local SPI = 2b315662
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:13652]: Local CPI = 0x1821
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d1ab
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: get session id from server = 1176
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:13652]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd528 and local CPI
= 0x1821
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [11648:13652]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.02 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Send new key OK
2023.05.02 00:01:04 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Add routes OK
2023.05.02 00:01:04 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Add wins OK
2023.05.02 00:01:07 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.02 00:01:07 LOG_INFO [11648:13652]: Add dns OK
2023.05.02 00:01:07 LOG_INFO [2032:6344]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.02 00:01:07 LOG_DEBUG [2032:6344]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.02 06:05:51 LOG_INFO [2032:2216]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.02 06:05:51 LOG_INFO [11648:15512]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.02 06:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [11648:4324]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.05.02 06:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [11648:4324]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.02 06:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [11648:4324]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.02 06:05:51 LOG_INFO [11648:4324]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.02 06:05:51 LOG_INFO [11648:4324]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.05.02 06:05:52 LOG_INFO [11648:4324]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.02 06:05:53 LOG_INFO [11648:4324]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.02 06:05:53 LOG_INFO [11648:4324]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.02 06:05:53 LOG_INFO [11648:4324]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.05.03 00:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [14144:3868]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.05.03 00:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [14144:3868]: The local product version is
2023.05.03 00:00:37 LOG_INFO [14144:3868]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.03 00:00:37 LOG_ERR [14144:3868]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.03 00:00:37 LOG_INFO [14144:3868]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.03 00:00:37 LOG_INFO [14144:3868]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.03 00:00:37 LOG_NOTICE [14144:3868]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.03 00:00:37 LOG_INFO [14144:3868]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.05.03 00:00:37 LOG_NOTICE [14144:3868]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.03 00:00:37 LOG_INFO [14144:3868]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.03 00:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [4752:18680]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.03 00:00:37 LOG_INFO [4752:18680]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.03 00:00:38 LOG_ERR [14144:3868]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.03 00:00:38 LOG_DEBUG [4752:18680]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.03 00:00:38 LOG_DEBUG [4752:18680]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.03 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [14144:3868]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.03 00:00:39 LOG_ERR [14144:3868]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.03 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [4752:18680]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.03 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [4752:18680]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.03 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [4752:18680]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.03 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [4752:18680]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.03 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [4752:18680]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.03 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [4752:18680]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.03 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [4752:18680]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.03 00:00:39 LOG_INFO [4752:18680]: Real HostID =
2023.05.03 00:00:39 LOG_INFO [4752:18680]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.03 00:00:40 LOG_DEBUG [14144:3868]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [14144:3868]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [14144:3868]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [14144:3868]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:18360]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [14144:3868]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [14144:7188]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [14144:7188]: Connecting to
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:1912]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:14680]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:14680]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:7908]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Connect to with port
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:7908]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:7908]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:7908]: Login ok!
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: No peer server list.
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [14144:19152]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:7908]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: SET IP =
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:7908]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:7908]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:7908]: Not receive
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:7908]: Local SPI = 7918f230
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:7908]: Local CPI = 0x5e0e
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d1d9
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: get session id from server = 1203
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:7908]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd556 and local CPI =
2023.05.03 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [4752:7908]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.03 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Send new key OK
2023.05.03 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Add routes OK
2023.05.03 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Add wins OK
2023.05.03 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.03 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [4752:7908]: Add dns OK
2023.05.03 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [4752:7908]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.05.03 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [14144:20568]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.03 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [14144:20568]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.03 06:01:47 LOG_INFO [14144:3868]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.03 06:01:47 LOG_INFO [4752:10796]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.03 06:01:47 LOG_DEBUG [4752:14680]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.05.03 06:01:47 LOG_DEBUG [4752:14680]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.03 06:01:47 LOG_DEBUG [4752:14680]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.03 06:01:47 LOG_INFO [4752:14680]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.03 06:01:47 LOG_INFO [4752:14680]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.03 06:01:48 LOG_INFO [4752:14680]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.03 06:01:48 LOG_INFO [4752:14680]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.03 06:01:48 LOG_INFO [4752:14680]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.03 06:01:49 LOG_INFO [4752:14680]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.05.06 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [1764:5924]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.05.06 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [1764:5924]: The local product version is
2023.05.06 07:02:46 LOG_INFO [1764:5924]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.06 07:02:46 LOG_ERR [1764:5924]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.06 07:02:46 LOG_INFO [1764:5924]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.06 07:02:46 LOG_INFO [1764:5924]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.06 07:02:46 LOG_NOTICE [1764:5924]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.06 07:02:46 LOG_INFO [1764:5924]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.05.06 07:02:46 LOG_NOTICE [1764:5924]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.06 07:02:46 LOG_INFO [1764:5924]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.06 07:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [11704:15396]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.06 07:02:46 LOG_INFO [11704:15396]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.06 07:02:47 LOG_ERR [1764:5924]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.06 07:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [11704:15396]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.06 07:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [11704:15396]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.06 07:02:48 LOG_DEBUG [1764:5924]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.06 07:02:48 LOG_ERR [1764:5924]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.06 07:02:48 LOG_DEBUG [11704:15396]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.06 07:02:48 LOG_DEBUG [11704:15396]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.06 07:02:48 LOG_DEBUG [11704:15396]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.06 07:02:48 LOG_DEBUG [11704:15396]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.06 07:02:48 LOG_DEBUG [11704:15396]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.06 07:02:49 LOG_DEBUG [11704:15396]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.06 07:02:49 LOG_DEBUG [11704:15396]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.06 07:02:49 LOG_INFO [11704:15396]: Real HostID =
2023.05.06 07:02:49 LOG_INFO [11704:15396]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.06 07:02:49 LOG_DEBUG [1764:5924]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [1764:5924]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [1764:5924]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [1764:5924]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [11704:15980]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [1764:5924]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [1764:17864]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [1764:17864]: Connecting to
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [11704:6148]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [11704:1736]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [11704:1736]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [11704:19292]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Connect to with port
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [11704:19292]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [11704:19292]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: HostID =
2023.05.06 07:02:53 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11704:19292]: Login ok!
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: No peer server list.
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [1764:18136]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11704:19292]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: SET IP =
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11704:19292]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11704:19292]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11704:19292]: Not receive
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11704:19292]: Local SPI = 26984d30
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11704:19292]: Local CPI = 0x7b9a
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d243
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: get session id from server = 1258
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11704:19292]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd5c0 and local CPI
= 0x7b9a
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11704:19292]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.06 07:02:54 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Send new key OK
2023.05.06 07:02:55 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Add routes OK
2023.05.06 07:02:55 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Add wins OK
2023.05.06 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.06 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [11704:19292]: Add dns OK
2023.05.06 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [11704:19292]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.05.06 07:02:59 LOG_INFO [1764:7600]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.06 07:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [1764:7600]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.06 13:00:31 LOG_INFO [1764:5924]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.06 13:00:31 LOG_INFO [11704:8584]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.06 13:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [11704:1736]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.05.06 13:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [11704:1736]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.06 13:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [11704:1736]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.06 13:00:31 LOG_INFO [11704:1736]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.06 13:00:31 LOG_INFO [11704:1736]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.05.06 13:00:32 LOG_INFO [11704:1736]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.09 23:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [1408:3128]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.05.09 23:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [1408:3128]: The local product version is
2023.05.09 23:57:23 LOG_INFO [1408:3128]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.09 23:57:23 LOG_ERR [1408:3128]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.09 23:57:23 LOG_INFO [1408:3128]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.09 23:57:23 LOG_INFO [1408:3128]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.09 23:57:23 LOG_NOTICE [1408:3128]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.09 23:57:23 LOG_INFO [1408:3128]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.05.09 23:57:23 LOG_NOTICE [1408:3128]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.09 23:57:23 LOG_INFO [1408:3128]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.09 23:57:23 LOG_DEBUG [3264:12488]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.09 23:57:23 LOG_INFO [3264:12488]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.09 23:57:24 LOG_ERR [1408:3128]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.09 23:57:24 LOG_DEBUG [3264:12488]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.09 23:57:24 LOG_DEBUG [3264:12488]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.09 23:57:25 LOG_DEBUG [1408:3128]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.09 23:57:25 LOG_ERR [1408:3128]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.09 23:57:25 LOG_DEBUG [3264:12488]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.09 23:57:25 LOG_DEBUG [3264:12488]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.09 23:57:25 LOG_DEBUG [3264:12488]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.09 23:57:25 LOG_DEBUG [3264:12488]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.09 23:57:25 LOG_DEBUG [3264:12488]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.09 23:57:25 LOG_DEBUG [3264:12488]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.09 23:57:25 LOG_DEBUG [3264:12488]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.09 23:57:25 LOG_INFO [3264:12488]: Real HostID =
2023.05.09 23:57:25 LOG_INFO [3264:12488]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.09 23:57:26 LOG_DEBUG [1408:3128]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.09 23:57:35 LOG_DEBUG [9916:8984]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.05.09 23:57:35 LOG_DEBUG [9916:8984]: The local product version is
2023.05.09 23:57:35 LOG_INFO [9916:8984]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.09 23:57:35 LOG_ERR [9916:8984]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [1408:3128]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [1408:3128]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [1408:3128]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:15092]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [1408:3128]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [1408:8176]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [1408:8176]: Connecting to
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:3508]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [3264:8744]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [3264:8744]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [3264:11612]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Connect to with port
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [3264:11612]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [3264:11612]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: HostID =
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [3264:11612]: Login ok!
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: No peer server list.
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [1408:3576]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [3264:11612]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: SET IP =
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [3264:11612]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [3264:11612]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [3264:11612]: Not receive
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [3264:11612]: Local SPI = 19c13382
2023.05.09 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [3264:11612]: Local CPI = 0x1ad2
2023.05.09 23:57:48 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d2e3
2023.05.09 23:57:48 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.09 23:57:48 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.09 23:57:48 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: get session id from server = 1361
2023.05.09 23:57:48 LOG_DEBUG [3264:11612]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd660 and local CPI =
2023.05.09 23:57:48 LOG_DEBUG [3264:11612]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.09 23:57:48 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Send new key OK
2023.05.09 23:57:49 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Add routes OK
2023.05.09 23:57:49 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Add wins OK
2023.05.09 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.09 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [3264:11612]: Add dns OK
2023.05.09 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [1408:13652]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.09 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [1408:13652]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.10 06:04:17 LOG_INFO [1408:3128]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.10 06:04:17 LOG_INFO [3264:10620]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.10 06:04:17 LOG_DEBUG [3264:8744]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.05.10 06:04:17 LOG_DEBUG [3264:8744]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.10 06:04:17 LOG_DEBUG [3264:8744]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.10 06:04:17 LOG_INFO [3264:8744]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.10 06:04:17 LOG_INFO [3264:8744]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.10 06:04:17 LOG_INFO [3264:8744]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.11 00:04:50 LOG_DEBUG [12860:12864]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.05.11 00:04:50 LOG_DEBUG [12860:12864]: The local product version is
2023.05.11 00:04:50 LOG_INFO [12860:12864]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.11 00:04:50 LOG_ERR [12860:12864]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.11 00:04:50 LOG_INFO [12860:12864]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.11 00:04:50 LOG_INFO [12860:12864]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.11 00:04:50 LOG_NOTICE [12860:12864]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.11 00:04:50 LOG_INFO [12860:12864]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.05.11 00:04:50 LOG_NOTICE [12860:12864]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.11 00:04:50 LOG_INFO [12860:12864]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.11 00:04:50 LOG_DEBUG [12400:12408]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.11 00:04:50 LOG_INFO [12400:12408]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.11 00:04:51 LOG_ERR [12860:12864]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.11 00:04:51 LOG_DEBUG [12400:12408]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.11 00:04:51 LOG_DEBUG [12400:12408]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.11 00:04:52 LOG_DEBUG [12860:12864]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.11 00:04:52 LOG_ERR [12860:12864]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.11 00:04:52 LOG_DEBUG [12400:12408]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.11 00:04:52 LOG_DEBUG [12400:12408]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.11 00:04:52 LOG_DEBUG [12400:12408]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.11 00:04:52 LOG_DEBUG [12400:12408]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.11 00:04:52 LOG_DEBUG [12400:12408]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.11 00:04:52 LOG_DEBUG [12400:12408]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.11 00:04:52 LOG_DEBUG [12400:12408]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.11 00:04:52 LOG_INFO [12400:12408]: Real HostID =
2023.05.11 00:04:52 LOG_INFO [12400:12408]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.11 00:04:53 LOG_DEBUG [12860:12864]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_INFO [12860:12864]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_INFO [12860:12864]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_DEBUG [12860:12864]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_INFO [12400:8292]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_INFO [12860:12864]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_DEBUG [12860:9016]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_INFO [12860:9016]: Connecting to
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_INFO [12400:8516]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_DEBUG [12400:7280]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_DEBUG [12400:7280]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_DEBUG [12400:1176]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Connect to with port
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_DEBUG [12400:1176]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_DEBUG [12400:1176]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: HostID =
2023.05.11 00:04:57 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_DEBUG [12400:1176]: Login ok!
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: No peer server list.
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_INFO [12860:2212]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_DEBUG [12400:1176]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: SET IP =
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_DEBUG [12400:1176]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_DEBUG [12400:1176]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_DEBUG [12400:1176]: Not receive
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_DEBUG [12400:1176]: Local SPI = 6d63dac6
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_DEBUG [12400:1176]: Local CPI = 0x2a77
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d309
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: get session id from server = 1381
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_DEBUG [12400:1176]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd686 and local CPI =
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_DEBUG [12400:1176]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.11 00:04:58 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Send new key OK
2023.05.11 00:04:59 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Add routes OK
2023.05.11 00:04:59 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Add wins OK
2023.05.11 00:05:02 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.11 00:05:02 LOG_INFO [12400:1176]: Add dns OK
2023.05.11 00:05:02 LOG_DEBUG [12400:1176]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.05.11 00:05:02 LOG_INFO [12860:10192]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.11 00:05:02 LOG_DEBUG [12860:10192]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.11 02:17:33 LOG_ERR [12400:7280]: Handle channel error message: 4004
2023.05.11 02:17:33 LOG_INFO [12400:7280]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.11 02:17:33 LOG_INFO [12400:7280]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.11 02:17:34 LOG_INFO [12400:7280]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.11 02:17:35 LOG_INFO [12400:7280]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.11 02:17:35 LOG_INFO [12400:7280]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.11 02:17:35 LOG_INFO [12400:7280]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.05.11 02:17:35 LOG_CRIT [12400:7280]: IO exception. The system may in

2023.05.11 02:17:35 LOG_DEBUG [12400:7280]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_INFO [12860:12864]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_INFO [12860:12864]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_DEBUG [12860:12864]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_INFO [12400:8352]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_INFO [12860:12864]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_DEBUG [12860:9572]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_INFO [12860:9572]: Connecting to
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_INFO [12400:12644]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_DEBUG [12400:7280]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_DEBUG [12400:7280]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14776]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Connect to with port
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14776]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14776]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: HostID =
2023.05.11 02:28:09 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14776]: Login ok!
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: No peer server list.
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_INFO [12860:12280]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14776]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: SET IP =
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14776]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14776]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14776]: Not receive
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14776]: Local SPI = 5afdb5fa
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14776]: Local CPI = 0x1811
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d30f
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: get session id from server = 1384
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14776]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd68c and local CPI
= 0x1811
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14776]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.11 02:28:10 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Send new key OK
2023.05.11 02:28:11 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Add routes OK
2023.05.11 02:28:11 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Add wins OK
2023.05.11 02:28:14 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.11 02:28:14 LOG_INFO [12400:14776]: Add dns OK
2023.05.11 02:28:14 LOG_DEBUG [12400:14776]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.05.11 02:28:14 LOG_INFO [12860:11832]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.11 02:28:14 LOG_DEBUG [12860:11832]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.11 06:15:42 LOG_INFO [12860:12864]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.11 06:15:42 LOG_INFO [12400:14560]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.11 06:15:42 LOG_DEBUG [12400:7280]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.05.11 06:15:42 LOG_DEBUG [12400:7280]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.11 06:15:42 LOG_DEBUG [12400:7280]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.11 06:15:42 LOG_INFO [12400:7280]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.11 06:15:42 LOG_INFO [12400:7280]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.11 06:15:42 LOG_INFO [12400:7280]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.12 07:03:58 LOG_DEBUG [13176:13112]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.05.12 07:03:59 LOG_DEBUG [13176:13112]: The local product version is
2023.05.12 07:03:59 LOG_INFO [13176:13112]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.12 07:03:59 LOG_ERR [13176:13112]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.12 07:03:59 LOG_INFO [13176:13112]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.12 07:03:59 LOG_INFO [13176:13112]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.12 07:03:59 LOG_NOTICE [13176:13112]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.12 07:03:59 LOG_INFO [13176:13112]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.05.12 07:03:59 LOG_NOTICE [13176:13112]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.12 07:03:59 LOG_INFO [13176:13112]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.12 07:03:59 LOG_DEBUG [8992:12524]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.12 07:03:59 LOG_INFO [8992:12524]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.12 07:04:00 LOG_ERR [13176:13112]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.12 07:04:00 LOG_DEBUG [8992:12524]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.12 07:04:00 LOG_DEBUG [8992:12524]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.12 07:04:01 LOG_DEBUG [13176:13112]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.12 07:04:01 LOG_ERR [13176:13112]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.12 07:04:01 LOG_DEBUG [8992:12524]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.12 07:04:01 LOG_DEBUG [8992:12524]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.12 07:04:01 LOG_DEBUG [8992:12524]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.12 07:04:01 LOG_DEBUG [8992:12524]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.12 07:04:01 LOG_DEBUG [8992:12524]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.12 07:04:01 LOG_DEBUG [8992:12524]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.12 07:04:01 LOG_DEBUG [8992:12524]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.12 07:04:01 LOG_INFO [8992:12524]: Real HostID =
2023.05.12 07:04:01 LOG_INFO [8992:12524]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.12 07:04:02 LOG_DEBUG [13176:13112]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_INFO [13176:13112]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_INFO [13176:13112]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_DEBUG [13176:13112]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_INFO [8992:10424]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_INFO [13176:13112]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_DEBUG [13176:3576]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_INFO [13176:3576]: Connecting to
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_INFO [8992:3568]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_DEBUG [8992:1812]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_DEBUG [8992:1812]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_DEBUG [8992:3612]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Connect to with port
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.12 07:04:17 LOG_DEBUG [8992:3612]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_DEBUG [8992:3612]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_DEBUG [8992:3612]: Login ok!
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: No peer server list.
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [13176:4168]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_DEBUG [8992:3612]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: SET IP =
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_DEBUG [8992:3612]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_DEBUG [8992:3612]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_DEBUG [8992:3612]: Not receive
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_DEBUG [8992:3612]: Local SPI = 7c77f8ee
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_DEBUG [8992:3612]: Local CPI = 0x3191
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d345
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: get session id from server = 1410
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_DEBUG [8992:3612]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd6c2 and local CPI =
2023.05.12 07:04:18 LOG_DEBUG [8992:3612]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.12 07:04:19 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Send new key OK
2023.05.12 07:04:20 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Add routes OK
2023.05.12 07:04:20 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Add wins OK
2023.05.12 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.12 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [8992:3612]: Add dns OK
2023.05.12 07:04:23 LOG_INFO [13176:4928]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.12 07:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [13176:4928]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.12 13:00:54 LOG_INFO [13176:13112]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.12 13:00:54 LOG_INFO [8992:11304]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.12 13:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [8992:1812]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.05.12 13:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [8992:1812]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.12 13:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [8992:1812]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.12 13:00:54 LOG_INFO [8992:1812]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.12 13:00:54 LOG_INFO [8992:1812]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.05.12 13:00:54 LOG_INFO [8992:1812]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.12 13:00:55 LOG_INFO [8992:1812]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.12 13:00:55 LOG_INFO [8992:1812]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.12 13:00:55 LOG_INFO [8992:1812]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.05.13 07:03:13 LOG_DEBUG [6372:6456]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.05.13 07:03:13 LOG_DEBUG [6372:6456]: The local product version is
2023.05.13 07:03:13 LOG_INFO [6372:6456]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.13 07:03:13 LOG_ERR [6372:6456]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.13 07:03:13 LOG_INFO [6372:6456]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.13 07:03:13 LOG_INFO [6372:6456]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.13 07:03:13 LOG_NOTICE [6372:6456]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.13 07:03:13 LOG_INFO [6372:6456]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.05.13 07:03:13 LOG_NOTICE [6372:6456]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.13 07:03:13 LOG_INFO [6372:6456]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.13 07:03:13 LOG_DEBUG [6508:8168]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.13 07:03:13 LOG_INFO [6508:8168]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.13 07:03:14 LOG_ERR [6372:6456]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.13 07:03:14 LOG_DEBUG [6508:8168]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.13 07:03:14 LOG_DEBUG [6508:8168]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.13 07:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [6372:6456]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.13 07:03:15 LOG_ERR [6372:6456]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.13 07:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [6508:8168]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.13 07:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [6508:8168]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.13 07:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [6508:8168]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.13 07:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [6508:8168]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.13 07:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [6508:8168]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.13 07:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [6508:8168]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.13 07:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [6508:8168]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.13 07:03:15 LOG_INFO [6508:8168]: Real HostID =
2023.05.13 07:03:15 LOG_INFO [6508:8168]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.13 07:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [6372:6456]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6372:6456]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6372:6456]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6372:6456]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10056]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6372:6456]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6372:10040]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6372:10040]: Connecting to
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:9984]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10204]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10204]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10044]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Connect to with port
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10044]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10044]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: HostID =
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10044]: Login ok!
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: No peer server list.
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6372:9956]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10044]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: SET IP =
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10044]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10044]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10044]: Not receive
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10044]: Local SPI = 49e993d2
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10044]: Local CPI = 0x3b06
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d35f
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: get session id from server = 1424
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10044]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd6dc and local CPI =
2023.05.13 07:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10044]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.13 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Send new key OK
2023.05.13 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Add routes OK
2023.05.13 07:03:25 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Add wins OK
2023.05.13 07:03:28 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.13 07:03:28 LOG_INFO [6508:10044]: Add dns OK
2023.05.13 07:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10044]: End OpenChannelThread
logon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.13 07:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [6372:12452]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.14 07:01:26 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10204]: Handle channel rekey message
2023.05.14 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Connect to with port
2023.05.14 07:01:26 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10204]: Process ReKey operation at Sun May 14
07:01:26 2023

2023.05.14 07:01:26 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0, destAddr:
2023.05.14 07:01:27 LOG_ERR [6508:10204]: Connect to ""
( error [10053]
2023.05.14 07:01:27 LOG_ERR [6508:10204]: Connect to the server failed
2023.05.14 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.14 07:01:27 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277324
2023.05.14 07:01:28 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.14 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.14 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.14 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.05.14 07:01:31 LOG_ERR [6508:10204]: Connect to failed

2023.05.14 07:01:31 LOG_ERR [6508:10204]: Handle channel error message: 4015
2023.05.14 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.14 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.14 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.14 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.14 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.14 07:01:31 LOG_ERR [6508:10204]: ReleaseSemaphore error: 298
2023.05.14 07:01:31 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: ========================SSL CHANNEL
2023.05.14 07:01:36 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.05.14 07:01:36 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10204]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.05.14 07:01:36 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10204]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.05.14 07:01:36 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10204]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.05.14 07:01:36 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.05.14 07:01:36 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.14 07:01:36 LOG_DEBUG [6508:18100]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.05.14 07:01:36 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.05.14 07:01:37 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: Connect to with port
2023.05.14 07:01:37 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.14 07:01:38 LOG_DEBUG [6508:18100]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.14 07:01:38 LOG_DEBUG [6508:18100]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.14 07:01:38 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: HostID =
2023.05.14 07:01:38 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [6508:18100]: Login ok!
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: No peer server list.
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [6372:14368]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [6508:18100]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: SET IP =
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [6508:18100]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [6508:18100]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [6508:18100]: Not receive
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [6508:18100]: Local SPI = 16b42d68
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [6508:18100]: Local CPI = 0x7fd7
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d389
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: get session id from server = 1445
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [6508:18100]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd706 and local CPI =
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [6508:18100]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.14 07:01:39 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: Send new key OK
2023.05.14 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: Add routes OK
2023.05.14 07:01:40 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: Add wins OK
2023.05.14 07:01:44 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.14 07:01:44 LOG_INFO [6508:18100]: Add dns OK
2023.05.14 07:01:44 LOG_INFO [6372:17672]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.14 07:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10204]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.05.14 07:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10204]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.14 07:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [6372:17672]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.14 13:01:13 LOG_INFO [6372:6456]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.14 13:01:13 LOG_INFO [6508:16356]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.14 13:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10204]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.05.14 13:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10204]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.14 13:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [6508:10204]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.14 13:01:13 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.14 13:01:13 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.14 13:01:14 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.14 13:01:15 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.14 13:01:15 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.14 13:01:15 LOG_INFO [6508:10204]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.05.18 00:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [12672:12676]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.05.18 00:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [12672:12676]: The local product version is
2023.05.18 00:00:56 LOG_INFO [12672:12676]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.18 00:00:56 LOG_ERR [12672:12676]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.18 00:00:56 LOG_INFO [12672:12676]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.18 00:00:56 LOG_INFO [12672:12676]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.18 00:00:56 LOG_NOTICE [12672:12676]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.18 00:00:56 LOG_INFO [12672:12676]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.05.18 00:00:56 LOG_NOTICE [12672:12676]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.18 00:00:56 LOG_INFO [12672:12676]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.18 00:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12740]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.18 00:00:56 LOG_INFO [12736:12740]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.18 00:00:57 LOG_ERR [12672:12676]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.18 00:00:58 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12740]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.18 00:00:58 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12740]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.18 00:00:58 LOG_DEBUG [12672:12676]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.18 00:00:58 LOG_ERR [12672:12676]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.18 00:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12740]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.18 00:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12740]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.18 00:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12740]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.18 00:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12740]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.18 00:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12740]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.18 00:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12740]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.18 00:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12740]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.18 00:00:59 LOG_INFO [12736:12740]: Real HostID =
2023.05.18 00:00:59 LOG_INFO [12736:12740]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.18 00:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [12672:12676]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [12672:12676]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [12672:12676]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [12672:12676]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [12736:13044]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [12672:12676]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [12672:13048]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [12672:13048]: Connecting to
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [12736:13052]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12956]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12956]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [12736:13056]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Connect to with port
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.18 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [12736:13056]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [12736:13056]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: HostID =
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [12736:13056]: Login ok!
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: No peer server list.
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12672:13072]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [12736:13056]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: SET IP =
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [12736:13056]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [12736:13056]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [12736:13056]: Not receive
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [12736:13056]: Local SPI = 0d6c1ad8
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [12736:13056]: Local CPI = 0x229e
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d4a9
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: get session id from server = 1585
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [12736:13056]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd826 and local CPI
= 0x229e
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_DEBUG [12736:13056]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.18 00:01:11 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Send new key OK
2023.05.18 00:01:12 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Add routes OK
2023.05.18 00:01:12 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Add wins OK
2023.05.18 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.18 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12736:13056]: Add dns OK
2023.05.18 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12672:10132]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.18 00:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [12672:10132]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.18 02:28:29 LOG_ERR [12736:12956]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.05.18 02:28:29 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.18 02:28:29 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.18 02:28:29 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.18 02:28:30 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.18 02:28:30 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.18 02:28:30 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.05.18 02:28:35 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.05.18 02:28:35 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12956]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.05.18 02:28:35 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12956]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.05.18 02:28:35 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12956]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.05.18 02:28:35 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.05.18 02:28:35 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.18 02:28:35 LOG_DEBUG [12736:10504]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.05.18 02:28:35 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.05.18 02:28:36 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: Connect to with port
2023.05.18 02:28:36 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.18 02:28:36 LOG_DEBUG [12736:10504]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.18 02:28:36 LOG_DEBUG [12736:10504]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.18 02:28:36 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: HostID =
2023.05.18 02:28:36 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_DEBUG [12736:10504]: Login ok!
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: No peer server list.
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_INFO [12672:9784]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_DEBUG [12736:10504]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: SET IP =
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_DEBUG [12736:10504]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_DEBUG [12736:10504]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_DEBUG [12736:10504]: Not receive
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_DEBUG [12736:10504]: Local SPI = 7e43fc86
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_DEBUG [12736:10504]: Local CPI = 0x1375
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d4ab
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: get session id from server = 1586
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_DEBUG [12736:10504]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd828 and local CPI
= 0x1375
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_DEBUG [12736:10504]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.18 02:28:37 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: Send new key OK
2023.05.18 02:28:38 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: Add routes OK
2023.05.18 02:28:38 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: Add wins OK
2023.05.18 02:28:41 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.18 02:28:41 LOG_INFO [12736:10504]: Add dns OK
2023.05.18 02:28:41 LOG_INFO [12672:15824]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.18 02:28:41 LOG_DEBUG [12736:10504]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.05.18 02:28:41 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12956]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.18 02:28:41 LOG_DEBUG [12672:15824]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.18 06:00:30 LOG_INFO [12672:12676]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.18 06:00:31 LOG_INFO [12736:15748]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.18 06:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12956]: Begin to close
2023.05.18 06:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12956]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.18 06:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [12736:12956]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.18 06:00:31 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.18 06:00:31 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.18 06:00:31 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.18 06:00:31 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.18 06:00:31 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.18 06:00:32 LOG_INFO [12736:12956]: ========================SSL CHANNEL
2023.05.18 23:59:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17068]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.05.18 23:59:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17068]: The local product version is
2023.05.18 23:59:54 LOG_INFO [14836:17068]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.18 23:59:54 LOG_ERR [14836:17068]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.18 23:59:54 LOG_INFO [14836:17068]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.18 23:59:54 LOG_INFO [14836:17068]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.18 23:59:54 LOG_NOTICE [14836:17068]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.18 23:59:54 LOG_INFO [14836:17068]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.05.18 23:59:54 LOG_NOTICE [14836:17068]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.18 23:59:54 LOG_INFO [14836:17068]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.18 23:59:54 LOG_DEBUG [1840:12488]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.18 23:59:54 LOG_INFO [1840:12488]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.18 23:59:55 LOG_ERR [14836:17068]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.18 23:59:55 LOG_DEBUG [1840:12488]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.18 23:59:55 LOG_DEBUG [1840:12488]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.18 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17068]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.18 23:59:56 LOG_ERR [14836:17068]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.18 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [1840:12488]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.18 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [1840:12488]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.18 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [1840:12488]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.18 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [1840:12488]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.18 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [1840:12488]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.18 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [1840:12488]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.18 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [1840:12488]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.18 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [1840:12488]: Real HostID =
2023.05.18 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [1840:12488]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.18 23:59:57 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17068]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [14836:17068]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [14836:17068]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17068]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [1840:1136]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [14836:17068]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13040]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [14836:13040]: Connecting to
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [1840:10460]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [1840:296]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [1840:296]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [1840:6228]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [1840:6228]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [1840:6228]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [1840:6228]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [1840:6228]: Connect to with port
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [1840:6228]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [1840:6228]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [1840:6228]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [1840:6228]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [1840:6228]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_ERR [1840:6228]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [1840:6228]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [1840:6228]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [1840:6228]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.19 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [1840:6228]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.19 00:00:03 LOG_INFO [1840:6228]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.19 00:00:03 LOG_INFO [1840:6228]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.05.19 00:00:03 LOG_ERR [1840:6228]: Can't login Error code =

2023.05.19 00:00:03 LOG_DEBUG [1840:6228]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.05.19 00:00:04 LOG_INFO [14836:10344]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.05.19 00:00:04 LOG_INFO [14836:10344]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.05.19 00:00:04 LOG_INFO [14836:10344]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [14836:17068]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [14836:17068]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17068]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:1868]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [14836:17068]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18324]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [14836:18324]: Connecting to
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:8676]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:296]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:296]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:5772]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Connect to with port
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:5772]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:5772]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:5772]: Login ok!
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: No peer server list.
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [14836:4636]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:5772]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: SET IP =
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:5772]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:5772]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:5772]: Not receive
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:5772]: Local SPI = 5ac7b58e
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:5772]: Local CPI = 0x2bfc
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d4d9
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: get session id from server = 1618
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:5772]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd856 and local CPI =
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [1840:5772]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.19 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Send new key OK
2023.05.19 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Add routes OK
2023.05.19 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Add wins OK
2023.05.19 00:00:14 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.19 00:00:14 LOG_INFO [1840:5772]: Add dns OK
2023.05.19 00:00:14 LOG_DEBUG [1840:5772]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.05.19 00:00:14 LOG_INFO [14836:13692]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.19 00:00:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13692]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.19 06:07:14 LOG_INFO [14836:17068]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.19 06:07:14 LOG_INFO [1840:19028]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.19 06:07:14 LOG_DEBUG [1840:296]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.05.19 06:07:14 LOG_DEBUG [1840:296]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.19 06:07:14 LOG_DEBUG [1840:296]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.19 06:07:14 LOG_INFO [1840:296]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.19 06:07:14 LOG_INFO [1840:296]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.19 06:07:15 LOG_INFO [1840:296]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.20 07:08:19 LOG_DEBUG [11000:11004]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.05.20 07:08:19 LOG_DEBUG [11000:11004]: The local product version is
2023.05.20 07:08:19 LOG_INFO [11000:11004]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.20 07:08:19 LOG_ERR [11000:11004]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.20 07:08:19 LOG_INFO [11000:11004]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.20 07:08:19 LOG_INFO [11000:11004]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.20 07:08:19 LOG_NOTICE [11000:11004]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.20 07:08:19 LOG_INFO [11000:11004]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.05.20 07:08:19 LOG_NOTICE [11000:11004]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.20 07:08:19 LOG_INFO [11000:11004]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.20 07:08:19 LOG_DEBUG [8708:10876]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.20 07:08:19 LOG_INFO [8708:10876]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.20 07:08:20 LOG_ERR [11000:11004]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.20 07:08:20 LOG_DEBUG [8708:10876]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.20 07:08:20 LOG_DEBUG [8708:10876]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.20 07:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [11000:11004]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.20 07:08:21 LOG_ERR [11000:11004]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.20 07:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [8708:10876]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.20 07:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [8708:10876]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.20 07:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [8708:10876]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.20 07:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [8708:10876]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.20 07:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [8708:10876]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.20 07:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [8708:10876]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.20 07:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [8708:10876]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.20 07:08:21 LOG_INFO [8708:10876]: Real HostID =
2023.05.20 07:08:21 LOG_INFO [8708:10876]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.20 07:08:22 LOG_DEBUG [11000:11004]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_INFO [11000:11004]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_INFO [11000:11004]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_DEBUG [11000:11004]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_INFO [8708:14332]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_INFO [11000:11004]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_DEBUG [11000:14188]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_INFO [11000:14188]: Connecting to
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_INFO [8708:14068]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_DEBUG [8708:9788]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_DEBUG [8708:9788]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_DEBUG [8708:12608]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Connect to with port
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_DEBUG [8708:12608]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_DEBUG [8708:12608]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: HostID =
2023.05.20 07:08:32 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_DEBUG [8708:12608]: Login ok!
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: No peer server list.
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_INFO [11000:13512]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_DEBUG [8708:12608]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: SET IP =
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_DEBUG [8708:12608]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_DEBUG [8708:12608]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_DEBUG [8708:12608]: Not receive
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_DEBUG [8708:12608]: Local SPI = 70c8e190
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_DEBUG [8708:12608]: Local CPI = 0x3a03
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d509
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: get session id from server = 1642
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_DEBUG [8708:12608]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd886 and local CPI =
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_DEBUG [8708:12608]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.20 07:08:33 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Send new key OK
2023.05.20 07:08:34 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Add routes OK
2023.05.20 07:08:34 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Add wins OK
2023.05.20 07:08:37 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.20 07:08:37 LOG_INFO [8708:12608]: Add dns OK
2023.05.20 07:08:38 LOG_INFO [11000:12648]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.20 07:08:38 LOG_DEBUG [11000:12648]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.20 13:26:16 LOG_INFO [11000:11004]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.20 13:26:16 LOG_INFO [8708:4312]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.20 13:26:16 LOG_DEBUG [8708:9788]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.05.20 13:26:16 LOG_DEBUG [8708:9788]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.20 13:26:16 LOG_DEBUG [8708:9788]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.20 13:26:16 LOG_INFO [8708:9788]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.20 13:26:16 LOG_INFO [8708:9788]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.20 13:26:17 LOG_INFO [8708:9788]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.20 13:26:17 LOG_INFO [8708:9788]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.20 13:26:17 LOG_INFO [8708:9788]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.20 13:26:17 LOG_INFO [8708:9788]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.05.21 07:03:38 LOG_DEBUG [15784:15756]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.05.21 07:03:38 LOG_DEBUG [15784:15756]: The local product version is
2023.05.21 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [15784:15756]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.21 07:03:38 LOG_ERR [15784:15756]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.21 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [15784:15756]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.21 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [15784:15756]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.21 07:03:38 LOG_NOTICE [15784:15756]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.21 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [15784:15756]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.05.21 07:03:38 LOG_NOTICE [15784:15756]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.21 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [15784:15756]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.21 07:03:38 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15828]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.21 07:03:38 LOG_INFO [15824:15828]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.21 07:03:39 LOG_ERR [15784:15756]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.21 07:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15828]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.21 07:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15828]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.21 07:03:40 LOG_DEBUG [15784:15756]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.21 07:03:40 LOG_ERR [15784:15756]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.21 07:03:40 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15828]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.21 07:03:40 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15828]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.21 07:03:40 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15828]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.21 07:03:40 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15828]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.21 07:03:40 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15828]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.21 07:03:40 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15828]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.21 07:03:40 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15828]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.21 07:03:40 LOG_INFO [15824:15828]: Real HostID =
2023.05.21 07:03:40 LOG_INFO [15824:15828]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.21 07:03:41 LOG_DEBUG [15784:15756]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [15784:15756]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [15784:15756]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [15784:15756]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [15824:16004]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [15784:15756]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [15784:16008]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [15784:16008]: Connecting to
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [15824:16000]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15748]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15748]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [15824:12052]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Connect to with port
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [15824:12052]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_DEBUG [15824:12052]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: HostID =
2023.05.21 07:03:45 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [15824:12052]: Login ok!
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: No peer server list.
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_INFO [15784:16144]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [15824:12052]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: SET IP =
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [15824:12052]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [15824:12052]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [15824:12052]: Not receive
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [15824:12052]: Local SPI = 3b417682
2023.05.21 07:03:46 LOG_DEBUG [15824:12052]: Local CPI = 0x407f
2023.05.21 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d529
2023.05.21 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.21 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.21 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: get session id from server = 1660
2023.05.21 07:03:47 LOG_DEBUG [15824:12052]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd8a6 and local CPI
= 0x407f
2023.05.21 07:03:47 LOG_DEBUG [15824:12052]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.21 07:03:47 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Send new key OK
2023.05.21 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Add routes OK
2023.05.21 07:03:48 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Add wins OK
2023.05.21 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.21 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [15824:12052]: Add dns OK
2023.05.21 07:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [15824:12052]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.05.21 07:03:51 LOG_INFO [15784:1872]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.21 07:03:51 LOG_DEBUG [15784:1872]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.21 14:18:28 LOG_INFO [15784:15756]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.21 14:18:28 LOG_INFO [15824:15700]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.21 14:18:28 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15748]: Begin to close
2023.05.21 14:18:28 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15748]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.21 14:18:28 LOG_DEBUG [15824:15748]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.21 14:18:28 LOG_INFO [15824:15748]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.21 14:18:28 LOG_INFO [15824:15748]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.21 14:18:28 LOG_INFO [15824:15748]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.21 14:18:29 LOG_INFO [15824:15748]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.21 14:18:29 LOG_INFO [15824:15748]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.21 14:18:29 LOG_INFO [15824:15748]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.05.26 00:00:21 LOG_DEBUG [1928:14488]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.05.26 00:00:21 LOG_DEBUG [1928:14488]: The local product version is
2023.05.26 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [1928:14488]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.26 00:00:21 LOG_ERR [1928:14488]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.26 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [1928:14488]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.26 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [1928:14488]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.26 00:00:21 LOG_NOTICE [1928:14488]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.26 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [1928:14488]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.05.26 00:00:21 LOG_NOTICE [1928:14488]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.26 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [1928:14488]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.26 00:00:21 LOG_DEBUG [13712:13876]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.26 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [13712:13876]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.26 00:00:22 LOG_ERR [1928:14488]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.26 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [13712:13876]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.26 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [13712:13876]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.26 00:00:23 LOG_DEBUG [1928:14488]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.26 00:00:23 LOG_ERR [1928:14488]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.26 00:00:23 LOG_DEBUG [13712:13876]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.26 00:00:23 LOG_DEBUG [13712:13876]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.26 00:00:23 LOG_DEBUG [13712:13876]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.26 00:00:23 LOG_DEBUG [13712:13876]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.26 00:00:23 LOG_DEBUG [13712:13876]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.26 00:00:23 LOG_DEBUG [13712:13876]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.26 00:00:23 LOG_DEBUG [13712:13876]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.26 00:00:23 LOG_INFO [13712:13876]: Real HostID =
2023.05.26 00:00:23 LOG_INFO [13712:13876]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.26 00:00:24 LOG_DEBUG [1928:14488]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [1928:14488]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [1928:14488]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [1928:14488]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [13712:16652]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [1928:14488]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [1928:10168]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [1928:10168]: Connecting to
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [13712:13672]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [13712:7804]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [13712:7804]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [13712:10624]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Connect to with port
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [13712:10624]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [13712:10624]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: HostID =
2023.05.26 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [13712:10624]: Login ok!
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: No peer server list.
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [1928:4072]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [13712:10624]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: SET IP =
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [13712:10624]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [13712:10624]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [13712:10624]: Not receive
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [13712:10624]: Local SPI = 7df6fbec
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [13712:10624]: Local CPI = 0x6b46
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d5fb
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: get session id from server = 1744
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [13712:10624]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd978 and local CPI
= 0x6b46
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [13712:10624]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.26 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Send new key OK
2023.05.26 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Add routes OK
2023.05.26 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Add wins OK
2023.05.26 00:00:35 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.26 00:00:35 LOG_INFO [13712:10624]: Add dns OK
2023.05.26 00:00:35 LOG_DEBUG [13712:10624]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.05.26 00:00:35 LOG_INFO [1928:7968]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.26 00:00:35 LOG_DEBUG [1928:7968]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.26 06:05:42 LOG_INFO [1928:14488]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.26 06:05:42 LOG_INFO [13712:12632]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.26 06:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [13712:7804]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.05.26 06:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [13712:7804]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.26 06:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [13712:7804]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.26 06:05:42 LOG_INFO [13712:7804]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.26 06:05:42 LOG_INFO [13712:7804]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.26 06:05:43 LOG_INFO [13712:7804]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.27 00:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [1852:6356]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.05.27 00:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [1852:6356]: The local product version is
2023.05.27 00:01:01 LOG_INFO [1852:6356]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.27 00:01:01 LOG_ERR [1852:6356]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.27 00:01:01 LOG_INFO [1852:6356]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.27 00:01:01 LOG_INFO [1852:6356]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.27 00:01:01 LOG_NOTICE [1852:6356]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.27 00:01:01 LOG_INFO [1852:6356]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.05.27 00:01:01 LOG_NOTICE [1852:6356]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.27 00:01:01 LOG_INFO [1852:6356]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.27 00:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [5084:15216]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.27 00:01:01 LOG_INFO [5084:15216]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.27 00:01:02 LOG_ERR [1852:6356]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.27 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [5084:15216]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.27 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [5084:15216]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.27 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [1852:6356]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.27 00:01:03 LOG_ERR [1852:6356]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.27 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [5084:15216]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.27 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [5084:15216]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.27 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [5084:15216]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.27 00:01:04 LOG_DEBUG [5084:15216]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.27 00:01:04 LOG_DEBUG [5084:15216]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.27 00:01:04 LOG_DEBUG [5084:15216]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.27 00:01:04 LOG_DEBUG [5084:15216]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.27 00:01:04 LOG_INFO [5084:15216]: Real HostID =
2023.05.27 00:01:04 LOG_INFO [5084:15216]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.27 00:01:04 LOG_DEBUG [1852:6356]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [1852:6356]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [1852:6356]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [1852:6356]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [5084:4312]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [1852:6356]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [1852:15232]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [1852:15232]: Connecting to
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [5084:10040]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [5084:12780]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [5084:12780]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [5084:4292]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Connect to with port
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [5084:4292]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [5084:4292]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [5084:4292]: Login ok!
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: No peer server list.
2023.05.27 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [1852:14464]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [5084:4292]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: SET IP =
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [5084:4292]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [5084:4292]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [5084:4292]: Not receive
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [5084:4292]: Local SPI = 4c989930
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [5084:4292]: Local CPI = 0x75eb
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d62d
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: get session id from server = 1762
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [5084:4292]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd9aa and local CPI =
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [5084:4292]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.27 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Send new key OK
2023.05.27 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Add routes OK
2023.05.27 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Add wins OK
2023.05.27 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.27 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [5084:4292]: Add dns OK
2023.05.27 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [5084:4292]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.05.27 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [1852:16300]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.27 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [1852:16300]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.27 06:04:49 LOG_INFO [1852:6356]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.27 06:04:49 LOG_INFO [5084:17704]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.27 06:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [5084:12780]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.05.27 06:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [5084:12780]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.27 06:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [5084:12780]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.27 06:04:49 LOG_INFO [5084:12780]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.27 06:04:49 LOG_INFO [5084:12780]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.27 06:04:49 LOG_INFO [5084:12780]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.27 06:04:50 LOG_INFO [5084:12780]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.27 06:04:50 LOG_INFO [5084:12780]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.27 06:04:50 LOG_INFO [5084:12780]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.05.28 07:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [12216:12220]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.05.28 07:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [12216:12220]: The local product version is
2023.05.28 07:01:56 LOG_INFO [12216:12220]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.28 07:01:56 LOG_ERR [12216:12220]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.28 07:01:56 LOG_INFO [12216:12220]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.28 07:01:56 LOG_INFO [12216:12220]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.28 07:01:56 LOG_NOTICE [12216:12220]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.28 07:01:56 LOG_INFO [12216:12220]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.05.28 07:01:56 LOG_NOTICE [12216:12220]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.28 07:01:56 LOG_INFO [12216:12220]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.28 07:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [12280:12284]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.28 07:01:56 LOG_INFO [12280:12284]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.28 07:01:57 LOG_ERR [12216:12220]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.28 07:01:58 LOG_DEBUG [12280:12284]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.28 07:01:58 LOG_DEBUG [12280:12284]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.28 07:01:58 LOG_DEBUG [12216:12220]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.28 07:01:58 LOG_ERR [12216:12220]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.28 07:01:59 LOG_DEBUG [12280:12284]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.28 07:01:59 LOG_DEBUG [12280:12284]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.28 07:01:59 LOG_DEBUG [12280:12284]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.28 07:01:59 LOG_DEBUG [12280:12284]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.28 07:01:59 LOG_DEBUG [12280:12284]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.28 07:01:59 LOG_DEBUG [12280:12284]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.28 07:01:59 LOG_DEBUG [12280:12284]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.28 07:01:59 LOG_INFO [12280:12284]: Real HostID =
2023.05.28 07:01:59 LOG_INFO [12280:12284]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.28 07:01:59 LOG_DEBUG [12216:12220]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [12216:12220]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [12216:12220]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_DEBUG [12216:12220]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [12280:9904]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [12216:12220]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_DEBUG [12216:9944]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [12216:9944]: Connecting to
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [12280:9960]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_DEBUG [12280:3988]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_DEBUG [12280:3988]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_DEBUG [12280:10080]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Connect to with port
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_DEBUG [12280:10080]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_DEBUG [12280:10080]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: HostID =
2023.05.28 07:02:03 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [12280:10080]: Login ok!
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: No peer server list.
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_INFO [12216:11940]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [12280:10080]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: SET IP =
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [12280:10080]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [12280:10080]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [12280:10080]: Not receive
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [12280:10080]: Local SPI = 5ce2b9c4
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [12280:10080]: Local CPI = 0x7e3b
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d661
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: get session id from server = 1780
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [12280:10080]: Remote CPI = 0xffffd9de and local CPI
= 0x7e3b
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [12280:10080]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.28 07:02:04 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Send new key OK
2023.05.28 07:02:05 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Add routes OK
2023.05.28 07:02:05 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Add wins OK
2023.05.28 07:02:09 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.28 07:02:09 LOG_INFO [12280:10080]: Add dns OK
2023.05.28 07:02:09 LOG_INFO [12216:13072]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.28 07:02:09 LOG_DEBUG [12280:10080]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.05.28 07:02:09 LOG_DEBUG [12216:13072]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.28 14:45:21 LOG_INFO [12216:12220]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.28 14:45:21 LOG_INFO [12280:7264]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.28 14:45:21 LOG_DEBUG [12280:3988]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.05.28 14:45:21 LOG_DEBUG [12280:3988]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.28 14:45:21 LOG_DEBUG [12280:3988]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.28 14:45:21 LOG_INFO [12280:3988]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.28 14:45:21 LOG_INFO [12280:4868]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2023.05.28 14:45:21 LOG_INFO [12280:3988]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.28 14:45:21 LOG_INFO [12216:12220]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2023.05.28 14:45:21 LOG_INFO [12280:3988]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.28 14:45:21 LOG_INFO [12280:3988]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.28 14:45:21 LOG_INFO [12280:3988]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.28 14:45:21 LOG_INFO [12280:3988]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.05.28 17:49:06 LOG_INFO [12216:12220]: Disconnect from the server

2023.05.28 17:49:06 LOG_INFO [12280:14496]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.28 17:49:06 LOG_DEBUG [12280:3988]: Already be disconnected
2023.05.30 15:57:51 LOG_DEBUG [16668:16660]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.05.30 15:57:51 LOG_DEBUG [16668:16660]: The local product version is
2023.05.30 15:57:51 LOG_INFO [16668:16660]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.05.30 15:57:51 LOG_ERR [16668:16660]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.05.30 15:57:51 LOG_INFO [16668:16660]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.05.30 15:57:51 LOG_INFO [16668:16660]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.05.30 15:57:51 LOG_NOTICE [16668:16660]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.05.30 15:57:51 LOG_INFO [16668:16660]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.05.30 15:57:51 LOG_NOTICE [16668:16660]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.05.30 15:57:51 LOG_INFO [16668:16660]: SecureConnect started
2023.05.30 15:57:51 LOG_DEBUG [14588:16844]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.05.30 15:57:51 LOG_INFO [14588:16844]: Init SSL channel
2023.05.30 15:57:52 LOG_ERR [16668:16660]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.30 15:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [14588:16844]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.30 15:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [14588:16844]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.05.30 15:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [16668:16660]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.30 15:57:53 LOG_ERR [16668:16660]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.05.30 15:57:54 LOG_DEBUG [14588:16844]: nFilelen=-1
2023.05.30 15:57:54 LOG_DEBUG [14588:16844]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.05.30 15:57:54 LOG_DEBUG [14588:16844]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.05.30 15:57:54 LOG_DEBUG [14588:16844]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.05.30 15:57:54 LOG_DEBUG [14588:16844]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.05.30 15:57:54 LOG_DEBUG [14588:16844]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.05.30 15:57:54 LOG_DEBUG [14588:16844]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.05.30 15:57:54 LOG_INFO [14588:16844]: Real HostID =
2023.05.30 15:57:54 LOG_INFO [14588:16844]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.30 15:57:54 LOG_DEBUG [16668:16660]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_INFO [16668:16660]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_INFO [16668:16660]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_DEBUG [16668:16660]: Peer server count: 0
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_INFO [14588:3424]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_INFO [16668:16660]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_DEBUG [16668:11356]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_INFO [16668:11356]: Connecting to
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_INFO [14588:17372]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_DEBUG [14588:9036]: Handle channel open message
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_DEBUG [14588:9036]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_DEBUG [14588:14952]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Connect to with port
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.05.30 15:57:59 LOG_DEBUG [14588:14952]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.05.30 15:58:00 LOG_DEBUG [14588:14952]: Handshake success!.....
2023.05.30 15:58:00 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: HostID =
2023.05.30 15:58:00 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Authenticaton OK
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_DEBUG [14588:14952]: Login ok!
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: No peer server list.
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_INFO [16668:3004]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Send client info OK!
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_DEBUG [14588:14952]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: SET IP =
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_DEBUG [14588:14952]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_DEBUG [14588:14952]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_DEBUG [14588:14952]: Not receive
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Set client parameters OK
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_DEBUG [14588:14952]: Local SPI = 135926b2
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_DEBUG [14588:14952]: Local CPI = 0x68bb
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d6d7
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: get session id from server = 1839
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_DEBUG [14588:14952]: Remote CPI = 0xffffda54 and local CPI
= 0x68bb
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_DEBUG [14588:14952]: CompAlg = 0
2023.05.30 15:58:01 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Send new key OK
2023.05.30 15:58:02 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Add routes OK
2023.05.30 15:58:02 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Add wins OK
2023.05.30 15:58:06 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.05.30 15:58:06 LOG_INFO [14588:14952]: Add dns OK
2023.05.30 15:58:06 LOG_DEBUG [14588:14952]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.05.30 15:58:06 LOG_INFO [16668:15280]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.05.30 15:58:06 LOG_DEBUG [16668:15280]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.05.30 22:43:08 LOG_INFO [16668:16660]: Disconnect from the server
2023.05.30 22:43:08 LOG_INFO [14588:4720]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.05.30 22:43:08 LOG_DEBUG [14588:9036]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.05.30 22:43:08 LOG_DEBUG [14588:9036]: Handle channel close message
2023.05.30 22:43:08 LOG_DEBUG [14588:9036]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.05.30 22:43:08 LOG_INFO [14588:9036]: Close SSL channel
2023.05.30 22:43:08 LOG_INFO [14588:9036]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.05.30 22:43:09 LOG_INFO [14588:9036]: Delete routes OK
2023.05.30 22:43:09 LOG_INFO [14588:9036]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.05.30 22:43:09 LOG_INFO [14588:9036]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.05.30 22:43:09 LOG_INFO [14588:9036]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.02 23:55:16 LOG_DEBUG [14488:14512]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.06.02 23:55:16 LOG_DEBUG [14488:14512]: The local product version is
2023.06.02 23:55:16 LOG_INFO [14488:14512]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.06.02 23:55:16 LOG_ERR [14488:14512]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.06.02 23:55:16 LOG_INFO [14488:14512]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.06.02 23:55:16 LOG_INFO [14488:14512]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.06.02 23:55:16 LOG_NOTICE [14488:14512]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.06.02 23:55:16 LOG_INFO [14488:14512]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.06.02 23:55:16 LOG_NOTICE [14488:14512]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.06.02 23:55:16 LOG_INFO [14488:14512]: SecureConnect started
2023.06.02 23:55:16 LOG_DEBUG [7912:14548]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.06.02 23:55:16 LOG_INFO [7912:14548]: Init SSL channel
2023.06.02 23:55:17 LOG_ERR [14488:14512]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.02 23:55:18 LOG_DEBUG [7912:14548]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.02 23:55:18 LOG_DEBUG [7912:14548]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.06.02 23:55:18 LOG_DEBUG [14488:14512]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.02 23:55:18 LOG_ERR [14488:14512]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.02 23:55:19 LOG_DEBUG [7912:14548]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.02 23:55:19 LOG_DEBUG [7912:14548]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.06.02 23:55:19 LOG_DEBUG [7912:14548]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.06.02 23:55:19 LOG_DEBUG [7912:14548]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.06.02 23:55:19 LOG_DEBUG [7912:14548]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.06.02 23:55:19 LOG_DEBUG [7912:14548]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.06.02 23:55:19 LOG_DEBUG [7912:14548]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.06.02 23:55:19 LOG_INFO [7912:14548]: Real HostID =
2023.06.02 23:55:19 LOG_INFO [7912:14548]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.02 23:55:19 LOG_DEBUG [14488:14512]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_INFO [14488:14512]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_INFO [14488:14512]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_DEBUG [14488:14512]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_INFO [7912:13160]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_INFO [14488:14512]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_DEBUG [14488:11024]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_INFO [14488:11024]: Connecting to
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_INFO [7912:5184]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15116]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15116]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15316]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Connect to with port
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.02 23:55:25 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15316]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.02 23:55:26 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15316]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.02 23:55:26 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: HostID =
2023.06.02 23:55:26 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15316]: Login ok!
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: No peer server list.
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_INFO [14488:5112]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15316]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: SET IP =
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15316]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15316]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15316]: Not receive
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15316]: Local SPI = 6b29d652
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15316]: Local CPI = 0x6c9a
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d7ef
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: get session id from server = 1937
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15316]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdb6c and local CPI =
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15316]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.02 23:55:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Send new key OK
2023.06.02 23:55:28 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Add routes OK
2023.06.02 23:55:28 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Add wins OK
2023.06.02 23:55:31 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.02 23:55:31 LOG_INFO [7912:15316]: Add dns OK
2023.06.02 23:55:31 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15316]: End OpenChannelThread
logon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.02 23:55:31 LOG_DEBUG [14488:15856]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.03 06:04:26 LOG_INFO [14488:14512]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.03 06:04:26 LOG_INFO [7912:12968]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.03 06:04:26 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15116]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.06.03 06:04:26 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15116]: Handle channel close message
2023.06.03 06:04:26 LOG_DEBUG [7912:15116]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.03 06:04:26 LOG_INFO [7912:15116]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.03 06:04:26 LOG_INFO [7912:15116]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.06.03 06:04:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15116]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.03 06:04:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15116]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.03 06:04:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15116]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.03 06:04:27 LOG_INFO [7912:15116]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.04 00:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [1672:10012]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.06.04 00:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [1672:10012]: The local product version is
2023.06.04 00:00:36 LOG_INFO [1672:10012]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.06.04 00:00:36 LOG_ERR [1672:10012]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.06.04 00:00:36 LOG_INFO [1672:10012]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.06.04 00:00:36 LOG_INFO [1672:10012]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.06.04 00:00:36 LOG_NOTICE [1672:10012]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.06.04 00:00:36 LOG_INFO [1672:10012]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.06.04 00:00:36 LOG_NOTICE [1672:10012]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.06.04 00:00:36 LOG_INFO [1672:10012]: SecureConnect started
2023.06.04 00:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [16292:3428]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.06.04 00:00:36 LOG_INFO [16292:3428]: Init SSL channel
2023.06.04 00:00:37 LOG_ERR [1672:10012]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.04 00:00:38 LOG_DEBUG [16292:3428]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.04 00:00:38 LOG_DEBUG [16292:3428]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.06.04 00:00:38 LOG_DEBUG [1672:10012]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.04 00:00:38 LOG_ERR [1672:10012]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.04 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [16292:3428]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.04 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [16292:3428]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.06.04 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [16292:3428]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.06.04 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [16292:3428]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.06.04 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [16292:3428]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.06.04 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [16292:3428]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.06.04 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [16292:3428]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.06.04 00:00:39 LOG_INFO [16292:3428]: Real HostID =
2023.06.04 00:00:39 LOG_INFO [16292:3428]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.04 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [1672:10012]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [1672:10012]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [1672:10012]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [1672:10012]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [16292:12740]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [1672:10012]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [1672:13104]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [1672:13104]: Connecting to
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [16292:2480]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [16292:8628]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [16292:8628]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [16292:15004]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Connect to with port
2023.06.04 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.04 00:00:44 LOG_DEBUG [16292:15004]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.04 00:00:44 LOG_DEBUG [16292:15004]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.04 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: HostID =
2023.06.04 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.04 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.04 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.04 00:00:44 LOG_DEBUG [16292:15004]: Login ok!
2023.06.04 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.04 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: No peer server list.
2023.06.04 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [1672:3452]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.04 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.04 00:00:44 LOG_DEBUG [16292:15004]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: SET IP =
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [16292:15004]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [16292:15004]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [16292:15004]: Not receive
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [16292:15004]: Local SPI = 3d5a7ab4
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [16292:15004]: Local CPI = 0x7ace
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d83b
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: get session id from server = 1963
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [16292:15004]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdbb8 and local CPI
= 0x7ace
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [16292:15004]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.04 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Send new key OK
2023.06.04 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Add routes OK
2023.06.04 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Add wins OK
2023.06.04 00:00:49 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.04 00:00:49 LOG_INFO [16292:15004]: Add dns OK
2023.06.04 00:00:49 LOG_INFO [1672:8108]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.04 00:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [1672:8108]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.04 06:09:58 LOG_INFO [1672:10012]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.04 06:09:58 LOG_INFO [16292:6152]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.04 06:09:58 LOG_DEBUG [16292:8628]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.06.04 06:09:58 LOG_DEBUG [16292:8628]: Handle channel close message
2023.06.04 06:09:58 LOG_DEBUG [16292:8628]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.04 06:09:58 LOG_INFO [16292:8628]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.04 06:09:58 LOG_INFO [16292:8628]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.06.04 06:09:59 LOG_INFO [16292:8628]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.08 07:18:06 LOG_DEBUG [14312:12404]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.06.08 07:18:06 LOG_DEBUG [14312:12404]: The local product version is
2023.06.08 07:18:06 LOG_INFO [14312:12404]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.06.08 07:18:06 LOG_ERR [14312:12404]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.06.08 07:18:06 LOG_INFO [14312:12404]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.06.08 07:18:06 LOG_INFO [14312:12404]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.06.08 07:18:06 LOG_NOTICE [14312:12404]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.06.08 07:18:06 LOG_INFO [14312:12404]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.06.08 07:18:06 LOG_NOTICE [14312:12404]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.06.08 07:18:06 LOG_INFO [14312:12404]: SecureConnect started
2023.06.08 07:18:07 LOG_DEBUG [13084:15912]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.06.08 07:18:07 LOG_INFO [13084:15912]: Init SSL channel
2023.06.08 07:18:07 LOG_ERR [14312:12404]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.08 07:18:08 LOG_DEBUG [14312:12404]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.08 07:18:08 LOG_ERR [14312:12404]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.08 07:18:09 LOG_DEBUG [13084:15912]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.08 07:18:09 LOG_DEBUG [13084:15912]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.06.08 07:18:09 LOG_DEBUG [14312:12404]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.08 07:18:09 LOG_ERR [14312:12404]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.08 07:18:10 LOG_DEBUG [13084:15912]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.08 07:18:10 LOG_DEBUG [13084:15912]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.06.08 07:18:10 LOG_DEBUG [13084:15912]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.06.08 07:18:10 LOG_DEBUG [13084:15912]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.06.08 07:18:10 LOG_DEBUG [13084:15912]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.06.08 07:18:10 LOG_DEBUG [13084:15912]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.06.08 07:18:10 LOG_DEBUG [13084:15912]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.06.08 07:18:10 LOG_INFO [13084:15912]: Real HostID =
2023.06.08 07:18:10 LOG_INFO [13084:15912]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.08 07:18:10 LOG_DEBUG [14312:12404]: Try the 3 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_INFO [14312:12404]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_INFO [14312:12404]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_DEBUG [14312:12404]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_INFO [13084:14088]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_INFO [14312:12404]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_DEBUG [14312:14368]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_INFO [14312:14368]: Connecting to
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_INFO [13084:5176]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_DEBUG [13084:7856]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_DEBUG [13084:7856]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11496]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Connect to with port
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11496]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11496]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: HostID =
2023.06.08 07:18:16 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11496]: Login ok!
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: No peer server list.
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_INFO [14312:6804]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11496]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: SET IP =
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11496]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11496]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11496]: Not receive
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11496]: Local SPI = 44c28984
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11496]: Local CPI = 0x6a48
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d939
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: get session id from server = 2053
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11496]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdcb6 and local CPI
= 0x6a48
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11496]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.08 07:18:17 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Send new key OK
2023.06.08 07:18:18 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Add routes OK
2023.06.08 07:18:18 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Add wins OK
2023.06.08 07:18:22 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.08 07:18:22 LOG_INFO [13084:11496]: Add dns OK
2023.06.08 07:18:22 LOG_DEBUG [13084:11496]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.06.08 07:18:22 LOG_INFO [14312:14100]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.08 07:18:22 LOG_DEBUG [14312:14100]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.08 13:16:59 LOG_INFO [14312:12404]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.08 13:16:59 LOG_INFO [13084:5576]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.08 13:16:59 LOG_DEBUG [13084:7856]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.06.08 13:16:59 LOG_DEBUG [13084:7856]: Handle channel close message
2023.06.08 13:16:59 LOG_DEBUG [13084:7856]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.08 13:16:59 LOG_INFO [13084:7856]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.08 13:16:59 LOG_INFO [13084:7856]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.06.08 13:17:00 LOG_INFO [13084:7856]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.08 13:17:00 LOG_INFO [13084:7856]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.08 13:17:00 LOG_INFO [13084:7856]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.08 13:17:00 LOG_INFO [13084:7856]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.11 00:01:42 LOG_DEBUG [12112:13864]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.06.11 00:01:42 LOG_DEBUG [12112:13864]: The local product version is
2023.06.11 00:01:42 LOG_INFO [12112:13864]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.06.11 00:01:42 LOG_ERR [12112:13864]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.06.11 00:01:42 LOG_INFO [12112:13864]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.06.11 00:01:42 LOG_INFO [12112:13864]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.06.11 00:01:42 LOG_NOTICE [12112:13864]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.06.11 00:01:42 LOG_INFO [12112:13864]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.06.11 00:01:42 LOG_NOTICE [12112:13864]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.06.11 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [12112:13864]: SecureConnect started
2023.06.11 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [7264:13560]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.06.11 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [7264:13560]: Init SSL channel
2023.06.11 00:01:44 LOG_ERR [12112:13864]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.11 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [7264:13560]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.11 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [7264:13560]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.06.11 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [12112:13864]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.11 00:01:45 LOG_ERR [12112:13864]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.11 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [7264:13560]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.11 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [7264:13560]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.06.11 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [7264:13560]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.06.11 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [7264:13560]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.06.11 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [7264:13560]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.06.11 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [7264:13560]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.06.11 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [7264:13560]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.06.11 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [7264:13560]: Real HostID =
2023.06.11 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [7264:13560]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.11 00:01:46 LOG_DEBUG [12112:13864]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [12112:13864]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [12112:13864]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [12112:13864]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:10380]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [12112:13864]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [12112:9068]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [12112:9068]: Connecting to
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:8056]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [7264:1816]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [7264:1816]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [7264:2360]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Connect to with port
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [7264:2360]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [7264:2360]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [7264:2360]: Login ok!
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: No peer server list.
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [12112:12108]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.11 00:01:51 LOG_DEBUG [7264:2360]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: SET IP =
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [7264:2360]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [7264:2360]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [7264:2360]: Not receive
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [7264:2360]: Local SPI = 6123c246
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [7264:2360]: Local CPI = 0x3ab2
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2d9dd
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: get session id from server = 2098
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [7264:2360]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdd5a and local CPI =
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_DEBUG [7264:2360]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.11 00:01:52 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Send new key OK
2023.06.11 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Add routes OK
2023.06.11 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Add wins OK
2023.06.11 00:01:57 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.11 00:01:57 LOG_INFO [7264:2360]: Add dns OK
2023.06.11 00:01:57 LOG_INFO [12112:7764]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.11 00:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [12112:7764]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.11 06:11:45 LOG_INFO [12112:13864]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.11 06:11:46 LOG_INFO [7264:11656]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.11 06:11:46 LOG_DEBUG [7264:1816]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.06.11 06:11:46 LOG_DEBUG [7264:1816]: Handle channel close message
2023.06.11 06:11:46 LOG_DEBUG [7264:1816]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.11 06:11:46 LOG_INFO [7264:1816]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.11 06:11:46 LOG_INFO [7264:1816]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.06.11 06:11:46 LOG_INFO [7264:1816]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.11 06:11:48 LOG_INFO [7264:1816]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.11 06:11:48 LOG_INFO [7264:1816]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.11 06:11:48 LOG_INFO [7264:1816]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.11 23:58:25 LOG_DEBUG [3848:12340]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.06.11 23:58:25 LOG_DEBUG [3848:12340]: The local product version is
2023.06.11 23:58:25 LOG_INFO [3848:12340]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.06.11 23:58:25 LOG_ERR [3848:12340]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.06.11 23:58:25 LOG_INFO [3848:12340]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.06.11 23:58:25 LOG_INFO [3848:12340]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.06.11 23:58:25 LOG_NOTICE [3848:12340]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.06.11 23:58:25 LOG_INFO [3848:12340]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.06.11 23:58:25 LOG_NOTICE [3848:12340]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.06.11 23:58:25 LOG_INFO [3848:12340]: SecureConnect started
2023.06.11 23:58:25 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11352]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.06.11 23:58:25 LOG_INFO [4984:11352]: Init SSL channel
2023.06.11 23:58:26 LOG_ERR [3848:12340]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.11 23:58:26 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11352]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.11 23:58:26 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11352]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.06.11 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [3848:12340]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.11 23:58:27 LOG_ERR [3848:12340]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.11 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11352]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.11 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11352]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.06.11 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11352]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.06.11 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11352]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.06.11 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11352]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.06.11 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11352]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.06.11 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11352]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.06.11 23:58:27 LOG_INFO [4984:11352]: Real HostID =
2023.06.11 23:58:27 LOG_INFO [4984:11352]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.11 23:58:28 LOG_DEBUG [3848:12340]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [3848:12340]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [3848:12340]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_DEBUG [3848:12340]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [4984:12820]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [3848:12340]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_DEBUG [3848:2888]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [3848:2888]: Connecting to
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [4984:3380]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11884]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11884]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11700]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Connect to with port
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11700]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11700]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: HostID =
2023.06.12 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11700]: Login ok!
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: No peer server list.
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [3848:11188]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11700]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: SET IP =
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11700]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11700]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11700]: Not receive
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11700]: Local SPI = 2dee5bdc
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11700]: Local CPI = 0x7f83
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2da0b
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: get session id from server = 2116
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11700]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdd88 and local CPI =
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11700]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.12 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Send new key OK
2023.06.12 00:00:08 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Add routes OK
2023.06.12 00:00:08 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Add wins OK
2023.06.12 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.12 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [4984:11700]: Add dns OK
2023.06.12 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11700]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.06.12 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [3848:13404]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.12 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [3848:13404]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.12 06:02:08 LOG_INFO [3848:12340]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.12 06:02:08 LOG_INFO [4984:14920]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.12 06:02:08 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11884]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.06.12 06:02:08 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11884]: Handle channel close message
2023.06.12 06:02:08 LOG_DEBUG [4984:11884]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.12 06:02:08 LOG_INFO [4984:11884]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.12 06:02:08 LOG_INFO [4984:11884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.06.12 06:02:09 LOG_INFO [4984:11884]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.12 06:02:09 LOG_INFO [4984:11884]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.12 06:02:09 LOG_INFO [4984:11884]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.12 06:02:09 LOG_INFO [4984:11884]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.13 06:59:09 LOG_DEBUG [4808:5032]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.06.13 06:59:10 LOG_DEBUG [4808:5032]: The local product version is
2023.06.13 06:59:10 LOG_INFO [4808:5032]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.06.13 06:59:10 LOG_ERR [4808:5032]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.06.13 06:59:10 LOG_INFO [4808:5032]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.06.13 06:59:10 LOG_INFO [4808:5032]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.06.13 06:59:10 LOG_NOTICE [4808:5032]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.06.13 06:59:10 LOG_INFO [4808:5032]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.06.13 06:59:10 LOG_NOTICE [4808:5032]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.06.13 06:59:10 LOG_INFO [4808:5032]: SecureConnect started
2023.06.13 06:59:10 LOG_DEBUG [5748:5536]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.06.13 06:59:10 LOG_INFO [5748:5536]: Init SSL channel
2023.06.13 06:59:11 LOG_ERR [4808:5032]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.13 06:59:11 LOG_DEBUG [5748:5536]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.13 06:59:11 LOG_DEBUG [5748:5536]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.06.13 06:59:12 LOG_DEBUG [4808:5032]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.13 06:59:12 LOG_ERR [4808:5032]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.13 06:59:12 LOG_DEBUG [5748:5536]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.13 06:59:12 LOG_DEBUG [5748:5536]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.06.13 06:59:12 LOG_DEBUG [5748:5536]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.06.13 06:59:12 LOG_DEBUG [5748:5536]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.06.13 06:59:12 LOG_DEBUG [5748:5536]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.06.13 06:59:12 LOG_DEBUG [5748:5536]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.06.13 06:59:12 LOG_DEBUG [5748:5536]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.06.13 06:59:12 LOG_INFO [5748:5536]: Real HostID =
2023.06.13 06:59:12 LOG_INFO [5748:5536]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.13 06:59:13 LOG_DEBUG [4808:5032]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_INFO [4808:5032]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_INFO [4808:5032]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_DEBUG [4808:5032]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_INFO [5748:8244]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_INFO [4808:5032]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_DEBUG [4808:8224]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_INFO [4808:8224]: Connecting to
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_INFO [5748:8276]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_DEBUG [5748:2116]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_DEBUG [5748:2116]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_DEBUG [5748:8272]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Connect to with port
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.13 06:59:20 LOG_DEBUG [5748:8272]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_DEBUG [5748:8272]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_DEBUG [5748:8272]: Login ok!
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: No peer server list.
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [4808:8368]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_DEBUG [5748:8272]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: SET IP =
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_DEBUG [5748:8272]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_DEBUG [5748:8272]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_DEBUG [5748:8272]: Not receive
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_DEBUG [5748:8272]: Local SPI = 3cef79de
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_DEBUG [5748:8272]: Local CPI = 0x4a87
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2da33
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: get session id from server = 2131
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_DEBUG [5748:8272]: Remote CPI = 0xffffddb0 and local CPI =
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_DEBUG [5748:8272]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.13 06:59:21 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Send new key OK
2023.06.13 06:59:22 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Add routes OK
2023.06.13 06:59:22 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Add wins OK
2023.06.13 06:59:25 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.13 06:59:25 LOG_INFO [5748:8272]: Add dns OK
2023.06.13 06:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [5748:8272]: End OpenChannelThread
logon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.13 06:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [4808:3548]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.13 13:00:31 LOG_INFO [4808:5032]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.13 13:00:31 LOG_INFO [5748:8476]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.13 13:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [5748:2116]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.06.13 13:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [5748:2116]: Handle channel close message
2023.06.13 13:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [5748:2116]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.13 13:00:31 LOG_INFO [5748:2116]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.13 13:00:31 LOG_INFO [5748:2116]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31653748
2023.06.13 13:00:32 LOG_INFO [5748:2116]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.15 07:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [8176:13280]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.06.15 07:03:10 LOG_DEBUG [8176:13280]: The local product version is
2023.06.15 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.06.15 07:03:10 LOG_ERR [8176:13280]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.06.15 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.06.15 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.06.15 07:03:10 LOG_NOTICE [8176:13280]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.06.15 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.06.15 07:03:10 LOG_NOTICE [8176:13280]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.06.15 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: SecureConnect started
2023.06.15 07:03:10 LOG_DEBUG [7892:14224]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.06.15 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [7892:14224]: Init SSL channel
2023.06.15 07:03:11 LOG_ERR [8176:13280]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.15 07:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [7892:14224]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.15 07:03:11 LOG_DEBUG [7892:14224]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.06.15 07:03:12 LOG_DEBUG [8176:13280]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.15 07:03:12 LOG_ERR [8176:13280]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.15 07:03:12 LOG_DEBUG [7892:14224]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.15 07:03:12 LOG_DEBUG [7892:14224]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.06.15 07:03:12 LOG_DEBUG [7892:14224]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.06.15 07:03:12 LOG_DEBUG [7892:14224]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.06.15 07:03:12 LOG_DEBUG [7892:14224]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.06.15 07:03:12 LOG_DEBUG [7892:14224]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.06.15 07:03:12 LOG_DEBUG [7892:14224]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.06.15 07:03:12 LOG_INFO [7892:14224]: Real HostID =
2023.06.15 07:03:12 LOG_INFO [7892:14224]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.15 07:03:13 LOG_DEBUG [8176:13280]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [8176:13280]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:13764]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [8176:5468]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [8176:5468]: Connecting to
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:1856]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [7892:10856]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [7892:10856]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15884]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Connect to with port
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15884]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15884]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: HostID =
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15884]: Login ok!
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: No peer server list.
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [8176:8352]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15884]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: SET IP =
2023.06.15 07:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15884]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.15 07:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15884]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.15 07:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15884]: Not receive
2023.06.15 07:03:18 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.15 07:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15884]: Local SPI = 5c39b872
2023.06.15 07:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15884]: Local CPI = 0x1dda
2023.06.15 07:03:18 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2da8f
2023.06.15 07:03:18 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.15 07:03:18 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.15 07:03:18 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: get session id from server = 2164
2023.06.15 07:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15884]: Remote CPI = 0xffffde0c and local CPI =
2023.06.15 07:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15884]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.15 07:03:18 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Send new key OK
2023.06.15 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Add routes OK
2023.06.15 07:03:10 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Add wins OK
2023.06.15 07:03:13 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.15 07:03:13 LOG_INFO [7892:15884]: Add dns OK
2023.06.15 07:03:13 LOG_INFO [8176:14352]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.15 07:03:13 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15884]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.06.15 07:03:13 LOG_DEBUG [8176:14352]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.15 13:23:42 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.15 13:23:42 LOG_INFO [7892:8272]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.15 13:23:42 LOG_DEBUG [7892:10856]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.06.15 13:23:42 LOG_DEBUG [7892:10856]: Handle channel close message
2023.06.15 13:23:42 LOG_DEBUG [7892:10856]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.15 13:23:42 LOG_INFO [7892:10856]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.15 13:23:42 LOG_INFO [7892:10856]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.06.15 13:23:42 LOG_INFO [7892:14272]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2023.06.15 13:23:42 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2023.06.15 13:23:42 LOG_INFO [7892:10856]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.15 13:23:43 LOG_INFO [7892:10856]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.15 13:23:43 LOG_INFO [7892:10856]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.15 13:23:43 LOG_INFO [7892:10856]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.16 07:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [8468:5004]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.06.16 07:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [8468:5004]: The local product version is
2023.06.16 07:04:16 LOG_INFO [8468:5004]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.06.16 07:04:16 LOG_ERR [8468:5004]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [8176:13280]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [7892:6888]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [8176:2168]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [8176:2168]: Connecting to
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [7892:5180]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [7892:10856]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [7892:10856]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15388]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Connect to with port
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15388]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15388]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: HostID =
2023.06.16 07:04:28 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15388]: Login ok!
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: No peer server list.
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [8176:15180]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15388]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: SET IP =
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15388]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15388]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15388]: Not receive
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15388]: Local SPI = 2b425684
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15388]: Local CPI = 0x28e6
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2dac9
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: get session id from server = 2185
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15388]: Remote CPI = 0xffffde46 and local CPI =
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15388]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.16 07:04:29 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Send new key OK
2023.06.16 07:04:30 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Add routes OK
2023.06.16 07:04:30 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Add wins OK
2023.06.16 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.16 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [7892:15388]: Add dns OK
2023.06.16 07:04:33 LOG_INFO [8176:14708]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.16 07:04:33 LOG_DEBUG [7892:15388]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.06.16 07:04:33 LOG_DEBUG [8176:14708]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.16 13:13:20 LOG_INFO [8176:13280]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.16 13:13:20 LOG_INFO [7892:13996]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.16 13:13:20 LOG_DEBUG [7892:10856]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.06.16 13:13:20 LOG_DEBUG [7892:10856]: Handle channel close message
2023.06.16 13:13:20 LOG_DEBUG [7892:10856]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.16 13:13:20 LOG_INFO [7892:10856]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.16 13:13:20 LOG_INFO [7892:10856]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.06.16 13:13:21 LOG_INFO [7892:10856]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.16 13:13:21 LOG_INFO [7892:10856]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.16 13:13:21 LOG_INFO [7892:10856]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.16 13:13:21 LOG_INFO [7892:10856]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.17 15:06:37 LOG_DEBUG [5800:6660]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.06.17 15:06:37 LOG_DEBUG [5800:6660]: The local product version is
2023.06.17 15:06:37 LOG_INFO [5800:6660]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.06.17 15:06:37 LOG_ERR [5800:6660]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.06.17 15:06:37 LOG_INFO [5800:6660]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.06.17 15:06:37 LOG_INFO [5800:6660]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.06.17 15:06:37 LOG_NOTICE [5800:6660]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.06.17 15:06:37 LOG_INFO [5800:6660]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.06.17 15:06:37 LOG_NOTICE [5800:6660]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.06.17 15:06:37 LOG_INFO [5800:6660]: SecureConnect started
2023.06.17 15:06:37 LOG_DEBUG [4308:12912]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.06.17 15:06:37 LOG_INFO [4308:12912]: Init SSL channel
2023.06.17 15:06:38 LOG_ERR [5800:6660]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.17 15:06:38 LOG_DEBUG [4308:12912]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.17 15:06:38 LOG_DEBUG [4308:12912]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.06.17 15:06:39 LOG_DEBUG [5800:6660]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.17 15:06:39 LOG_ERR [5800:6660]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.17 15:06:39 LOG_DEBUG [4308:12912]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.17 15:06:39 LOG_DEBUG [4308:12912]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.06.17 15:06:39 LOG_DEBUG [4308:12912]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.06.17 15:06:39 LOG_DEBUG [4308:12912]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.06.17 15:06:39 LOG_DEBUG [4308:12912]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.06.17 15:06:39 LOG_DEBUG [4308:12912]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.06.17 15:06:39 LOG_DEBUG [4308:12912]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.06.17 15:06:39 LOG_INFO [4308:12912]: Real HostID =
2023.06.17 15:06:39 LOG_INFO [4308:12912]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.17 15:06:40 LOG_DEBUG [5800:6660]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_INFO [5800:6660]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_INFO [5800:6660]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_DEBUG [5800:6660]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_INFO [4308:12396]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_INFO [5800:6660]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_DEBUG [5800:14144]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_INFO [5800:14144]: Connecting to
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_INFO [4308:13868]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_DEBUG [4308:304]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_DEBUG [4308:304]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_DEBUG [4308:3392]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_INFO [4308:3392]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_INFO [4308:3392]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_INFO [4308:3392]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_INFO [4308:3392]: Connect to with port
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_INFO [4308:3392]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.17 15:06:52 LOG_DEBUG [4308:3392]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.17 15:06:53 LOG_DEBUG [4308:3392]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.17 15:06:53 LOG_INFO [4308:3392]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.06.17 15:06:53 LOG_INFO [4308:3392]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.17 15:06:53 LOG_ERR [4308:3392]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.06.17 15:06:53 LOG_INFO [4308:3392]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.17 15:06:53 LOG_INFO [4308:3392]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2023.06.17 15:06:53 LOG_INFO [4308:3392]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.17 15:06:53 LOG_INFO [4308:3392]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.17 15:06:53 LOG_INFO [4308:3392]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.17 15:06:53 LOG_INFO [4308:3392]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.17 15:06:53 LOG_ERR [4308:3392]: Can't login Error code =

2023.06.17 15:06:53 LOG_DEBUG [4308:3392]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.06.17 15:06:55 LOG_INFO [5800:3500]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.06.17 15:06:55 LOG_INFO [5800:3500]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.06.17 15:06:55 LOG_INFO [5800:3500]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_INFO [5800:6660]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_INFO [5800:6660]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_DEBUG [5800:6660]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_INFO [4308:12044]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_INFO [5800:6660]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_DEBUG [5800:5484]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_INFO [5800:5484]: Connecting to
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_INFO [4308:12700]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_DEBUG [4308:304]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_DEBUG [4308:304]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_DEBUG [4308:3516]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_INFO [4308:3516]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_INFO [4308:3516]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_INFO [4308:3516]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_INFO [4308:3516]: Connect to with port
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_INFO [4308:3516]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_DEBUG [4308:3516]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_DEBUG [4308:3516]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_INFO [4308:3516]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.06.17 15:07:36 LOG_INFO [4308:3516]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.17 15:07:37 LOG_ERR [4308:3516]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.06.17 15:07:37 LOG_INFO [4308:3516]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.17 15:07:37 LOG_INFO [4308:3516]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2023.06.17 15:07:37 LOG_INFO [4308:3516]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.17 15:07:37 LOG_INFO [4308:3516]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.17 15:07:37 LOG_INFO [4308:3516]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.17 15:07:37 LOG_INFO [4308:3516]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.17 15:07:37 LOG_ERR [4308:3516]: Can't login Error code =

2023.06.17 15:07:37 LOG_DEBUG [4308:3516]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.06.17 15:07:44 LOG_INFO [5800:7140]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.06.17 15:07:44 LOG_INFO [5800:7140]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=1)
2023.06.17 15:07:44 LOG_INFO [5800:7140]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.06.17 15:40:55 LOG_INFO [5800:6660]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.17 15:40:55 LOG_INFO [4308:9248]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.17 15:40:55 LOG_DEBUG [4308:304]: Already be disconnected
2023.06.20 23:59:27 LOG_DEBUG [10804:11332]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.06.20 23:59:27 LOG_DEBUG [10804:11332]: The local product version is
2023.06.20 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [10804:11332]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.06.20 23:59:27 LOG_ERR [10804:11332]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.06.20 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [10804:11332]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.06.20 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [10804:11332]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 2).
2023.06.20 23:59:27 LOG_NOTICE [10804:11332]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.06.20 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [10804:11332]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.06.20 23:59:27 LOG_NOTICE [10804:11332]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.06.20 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [10804:11332]: SecureConnect started
2023.06.20 23:59:27 LOG_DEBUG [9864:12680]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.06.20 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [9864:12680]: Init SSL channel
2023.06.20 23:59:28 LOG_ERR [10804:11332]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.20 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [9864:12680]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.20 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [9864:12680]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.06.20 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [10804:11332]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.20 23:59:29 LOG_ERR [10804:11332]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.20 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [9864:12680]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.20 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [9864:12680]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.06.20 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [9864:12680]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.06.20 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [9864:12680]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.06.20 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [9864:12680]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.06.20 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [9864:12680]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.06.20 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [9864:12680]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.06.20 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [9864:12680]: Real HostID =
2023.06.20 23:59:30 LOG_INFO [9864:12680]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.20 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [10804:11332]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [10804:11332]: IsGuilty: failed count: 2. Ref count: 3
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [10804:11332]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [10804:11332]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [9864:10800]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [10804:11332]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [10804:10840]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [10804:10840]: Connecting to
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [9864:7216]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [9864:16312]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [9864:16312]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [9864:10648]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Connect to with port
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.20 23:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [9864:10648]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.20 23:59:35 LOG_DEBUG [9864:10648]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.20 23:59:35 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: HostID =
2023.06.20 23:59:35 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [9864:10648]: Login ok!
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: No peer server list.
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [10804:10436]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [9864:10648]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: SET IP =
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [9864:10648]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [9864:10648]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [9864:10648]: Not receive
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [9864:10648]: Local SPI = 6cbbd976
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [9864:10648]: Local CPI = 0x5271
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2db9f
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: get session id from server = 2266
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [9864:10648]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdf1c and local CPI =
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [9864:10648]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Send new key OK
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Add routes OK
2023.06.20 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Add wins OK
2023.06.20 23:59:40 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.20 23:59:40 LOG_INFO [9864:10648]: Add dns OK
2023.06.20 23:59:40 LOG_DEBUG [9864:10648]: End OpenChannelThread
logon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.20 23:59:40 LOG_DEBUG [10804:12892]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.21 06:07:33 LOG_INFO [10804:11332]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.21 06:07:33 LOG_INFO [9864:11128]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.21 06:07:33 LOG_DEBUG [9864:16312]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.06.21 06:07:33 LOG_DEBUG [9864:16312]: Handle channel close message
2023.06.21 06:07:33 LOG_DEBUG [9864:16312]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.21 06:07:33 LOG_INFO [9864:16312]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.21 06:07:33 LOG_INFO [9864:16312]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.06.21 06:07:33 LOG_INFO [9864:16312]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.22 00:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [13164:14256]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.06.22 00:02:52 LOG_DEBUG [13164:14256]: The local product version is
2023.06.22 00:02:52 LOG_INFO [13164:14256]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.06.22 00:02:52 LOG_ERR [13164:14256]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.06.22 00:02:52 LOG_INFO [13164:14256]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.06.22 00:02:52 LOG_INFO [13164:14256]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.06.22 00:02:52 LOG_NOTICE [13164:14256]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.06.22 00:02:52 LOG_INFO [13164:14256]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.06.22 00:02:52 LOG_NOTICE [13164:14256]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.06.22 00:02:52 LOG_INFO [13164:14256]: SecureConnect started
2023.06.22 00:02:53 LOG_DEBUG [17036:13564]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.06.22 00:02:53 LOG_INFO [17036:13564]: Init SSL channel
2023.06.22 00:02:53 LOG_ERR [13164:14256]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.22 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [13164:14256]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.22 00:02:54 LOG_ERR [13164:14256]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.22 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [17036:13564]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.22 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [17036:13564]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.06.22 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [13164:14256]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.22 00:02:55 LOG_ERR [13164:14256]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.22 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [17036:13564]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.22 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [17036:13564]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.06.22 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [17036:13564]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.06.22 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [17036:13564]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.06.22 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [17036:13564]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.06.22 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [17036:13564]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.06.22 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [17036:13564]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.06.22 00:02:56 LOG_INFO [17036:13564]: Real HostID =
2023.06.22 00:02:56 LOG_INFO [17036:13564]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.22 00:02:56 LOG_DEBUG [13164:14256]: Try the 3 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [13164:14256]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [13164:14256]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [13164:14256]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [17036:4004]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [13164:14256]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [13164:15252]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [13164:15252]: Connecting to
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [17036:8936]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [17036:16444]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [17036:16444]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [17036:8444]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Connect to with port
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [17036:8444]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [17036:8444]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: HostID =
2023.06.22 00:03:02 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [17036:8444]: Login ok!
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: No peer server list.
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [13164:5164]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [17036:8444]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: SET IP =
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [17036:8444]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [17036:8444]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [17036:8444]: Not receive
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [17036:8444]: Local SPI = 3d817b02
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [17036:8444]: Local CPI = 0x1b3d
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Remote SPI = 0x18b2dbe3
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: get session id from server = 2281
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [17036:8444]: Remote CPI = 0xffffdf60 and local CPI =
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [17036:8444]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.22 00:03:03 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Send new key OK
2023.06.22 00:03:04 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Add routes OK
2023.06.22 00:03:04 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Add wins OK
2023.06.22 00:03:07 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.22 00:03:07 LOG_INFO [17036:8444]: Add dns OK
2023.06.22 00:03:07 LOG_DEBUG [17036:8444]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.06.22 00:03:07 LOG_INFO [13164:7740]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.22 00:03:07 LOG_DEBUG [13164:7740]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.22 06:01:06 LOG_INFO [13164:14256]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.22 06:01:06 LOG_INFO [17036:14860]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.22 06:01:06 LOG_DEBUG [17036:16444]: Begin to close
2023.06.22 06:01:06 LOG_DEBUG [17036:16444]: Handle channel close message
2023.06.22 06:01:06 LOG_DEBUG [17036:16444]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.22 06:01:06 LOG_INFO [17036:16444]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.22 06:01:06 LOG_INFO [17036:16444]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.06.22 06:01:06 LOG_INFO [17036:16444]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.22 06:01:07 LOG_INFO [17036:16444]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.22 06:01:07 LOG_INFO [17036:16444]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.22 06:01:07 LOG_INFO [17036:16444]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.29 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [14260:4960]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.06.29 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [14260:4960]: The local product version is
2023.06.29 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.06.29 00:02:34 LOG_ERR [14260:4960]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.06.29 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.06.29 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.06.29 00:02:34 LOG_NOTICE [14260:4960]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.06.29 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.06.29 00:02:34 LOG_NOTICE [14260:4960]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.06.29 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: SecureConnect started
2023.06.29 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [13292:16312]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.06.29 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [13292:16312]: Init SSL channel
2023.06.29 00:02:35 LOG_ERR [14260:4960]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.29 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [13292:16312]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.29 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [13292:16312]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.06.29 00:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [14260:4960]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.29 00:02:36 LOG_ERR [14260:4960]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.29 00:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [13292:16312]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.29 00:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [13292:16312]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.06.29 00:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [13292:16312]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.06.29 00:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [13292:16312]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.06.29 00:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [13292:16312]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.06.29 00:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [13292:16312]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.06.29 00:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [13292:16312]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.06.29 00:02:36 LOG_INFO [13292:16312]: Real HostID =
2023.06.29 00:02:36 LOG_INFO [13292:16312]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.29 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [14260:4960]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [14260:4960]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [13292:6736]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [14260:15740]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [14260:15740]: Connecting to
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [13292:5504]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [13292:15564]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Connect to with port
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [13292:15564]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [13292:15564]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: HostID =
2023.06.29 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [13292:15564]: Login ok!
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: No peer server list.
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [14260:2148]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [13292:15564]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: SET IP =
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [13292:15564]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [13292:15564]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [13292:15564]: Not receive
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [13292:15564]: Local SPI = 6035c06a
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [13292:15564]: Local CPI = 0x5a0c
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f400
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: get session id from server = 101
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [13292:15564]: Remote CPI = 0x77f3 and local CPI =
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [13292:15564]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.29 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Send new key OK
2023.06.29 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Add routes OK
2023.06.29 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Add wins OK
2023.06.29 00:02:50 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.29 00:02:50 LOG_INFO [13292:15564]: Add dns OK
2023.06.29 00:02:50 LOG_INFO [14260:9088]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.29 00:02:50 LOG_DEBUG [13292:15564]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.06.29 00:02:50 LOG_DEBUG [14260:9088]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.29 01:29:26 LOG_ERR [13292:5224]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.06.29 01:29:26 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.29 01:29:26 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.06.29 01:29:26 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.29 01:29:27 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.29 01:29:27 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.29 01:29:27 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.29 01:29:32 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.06.29 01:29:32 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.06.29 01:29:32 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.06.29 01:29:32 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.06.29 01:29:32 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.06.29 01:29:32 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.06.29 01:29:32 LOG_DEBUG [13292:11380]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.06.29 01:29:32 LOG_INFO [13292:11380]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.06.29 01:29:33 LOG_INFO [13292:11380]: Connect to with port
2023.06.29 01:29:33 LOG_INFO [13292:11380]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.29 01:29:54 LOG_ERR [13292:11380]: Connect to ""
( error [10060]
2023.06.29 01:29:54 LOG_ERR [13292:11380]: Connect to the server failed
2023.06.29 01:29:54 LOG_INFO [13292:11380]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.29 01:29:54 LOG_INFO [13292:11380]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11796272
2023.06.29 01:29:54 LOG_INFO [13292:11380]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.29 01:29:54 LOG_INFO [13292:11380]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.29 01:29:54 LOG_INFO [13292:11380]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.29 01:29:54 LOG_INFO [13292:11380]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.29 01:29:54 LOG_ERR [13292:11380]: Connect to failed

2023.06.29 01:29:54 LOG_DEBUG [13292:11380]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.06.29 01:30:54 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.06.29 01:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.06.29 01:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.06.29 01:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.06.29 01:30:54 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2023.06.29 01:30:54 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.06.29 01:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [13292:11008]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.06.29 01:30:54 LOG_INFO [13292:11008]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.06.29 01:30:55 LOG_INFO [13292:11008]: Connect to with port
2023.06.29 01:30:55 LOG_INFO [13292:11008]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.29 01:31:06 LOG_ERR [13292:11008]: Connect to ""
( error [10053]
2023.06.29 01:31:06 LOG_ERR [13292:11008]: Connect to the server failed
2023.06.29 01:31:06 LOG_INFO [13292:11008]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.29 01:31:06 LOG_INFO [13292:11008]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11796272
2023.06.29 01:31:06 LOG_INFO [13292:11008]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.29 01:31:06 LOG_INFO [13292:11008]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.29 01:31:06 LOG_INFO [13292:11008]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.29 01:31:06 LOG_INFO [13292:11008]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.29 01:31:06 LOG_ERR [13292:11008]: Connect to failed

2023.06.29 01:31:06 LOG_DEBUG [13292:11008]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.06.29 01:32:06 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.06.29 01:32:06 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.06.29 01:32:06 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.06.29 01:32:06 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.06.29 01:32:06 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Auto reconnecting 3 times...
2023.06.29 01:32:06 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.06.29 01:32:06 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5868]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.06.29 01:32:06 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.06.29 01:32:07 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: Connect to with port
2023.06.29 01:32:07 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.29 01:32:07 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5868]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.29 01:32:08 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5868]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.29 01:32:08 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: HostID =
2023.06.29 01:32:08 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5868]: Login ok!
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: No peer server list.
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_INFO [14260:8360]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5868]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: SET IP =
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5868]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5868]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5868]: Not receive
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5868]: Local SPI = 24a14942
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5868]: Local CPI = 0x1e78
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f40c
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: get session id from server = 106
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5868]: Remote CPI = 0x77ff and local CPI =
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5868]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.29 01:32:09 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: Send new key OK
2023.06.29 01:32:12 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: Add routes OK
2023.06.29 01:32:12 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: Add wins OK
2023.06.29 01:32:16 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.29 01:32:16 LOG_INFO [13292:5868]: Add dns OK
2023.06.29 01:32:16 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.06.29 01:32:16 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5868]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.06.29 01:32:16 LOG_INFO [14260:5540]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.29 01:32:16 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.29 01:32:16 LOG_DEBUG [14260:5540]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.29 01:59:46 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.29 01:59:46 LOG_INFO [13292:14964]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.29 01:59:46 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.06.29 01:59:46 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Handle channel close message
2023.06.29 01:59:46 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.29 01:59:46 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.29 01:59:46 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.06.29 01:59:46 LOG_INFO [13292:14716]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2023.06.29 01:59:46 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2023.06.29 01:59:46 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.29 01:59:47 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.29 01:59:47 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.29 01:59:47 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3

2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [14260:4960]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [13292:12488]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [14260:7976]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [14260:7976]: Connecting to
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [13292:5320]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [13292:14732]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Connect to with port
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [13292:14732]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [13292:14732]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: HostID =
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.29 01:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [13292:14732]: Login ok!
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: No peer server list.
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_INFO [14260:15640]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_DEBUG [13292:14732]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: SET IP =
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_DEBUG [13292:14732]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_DEBUG [13292:14732]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_DEBUG [13292:14732]: Not receive
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_DEBUG [13292:14732]: Local SPI = 39e873d0
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_DEBUG [13292:14732]: Local CPI = 0x33bf
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f40e
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: get session id from server = 107
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_DEBUG [13292:14732]: Remote CPI = 0x7801 and local CPI =
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_DEBUG [13292:14732]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.29 01:59:57 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Send new key OK
2023.06.29 01:59:58 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Add routes OK
2023.06.29 01:59:58 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Add wins OK
2023.06.29 02:00:01 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.29 02:00:01 LOG_INFO [13292:14732]: Add dns OK
2023.06.29 02:00:01 LOG_INFO [14260:16452]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.29 02:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [14260:16452]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.29 06:16:28 LOG_INFO [14260:4960]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.29 06:16:28 LOG_INFO [13292:15768]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.29 06:16:28 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.06.29 06:16:28 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Handle channel close message
2023.06.29 06:16:28 LOG_DEBUG [13292:5224]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.29 06:16:28 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.29 06:16:28 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.06.29 06:16:28 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Delete routes OK
2023.06.29 06:16:29 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.06.29 06:16:29 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.06.29 06:16:29 LOG_INFO [13292:5224]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.06.30 00:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [18116:19132]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.06.30 00:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [18116:19132]: The local product version is
2023.06.30 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [18116:19132]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.06.30 00:00:31 LOG_ERR [18116:19132]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.06.30 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [18116:19132]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.06.30 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [18116:19132]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.06.30 00:00:31 LOG_NOTICE [18116:19132]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.06.30 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [18116:19132]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.06.30 00:00:31 LOG_NOTICE [18116:19132]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.06.30 00:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [19924:15836]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.06.30 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [19924:15836]: Init SSL channel
2023.06.30 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [18116:19132]: SecureConnect started
2023.06.30 00:00:32 LOG_ERR [18116:19132]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.30 00:00:32 LOG_DEBUG [19924:15836]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.30 00:00:32 LOG_DEBUG [19924:15836]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.06.30 00:00:33 LOG_DEBUG [18116:19132]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.30 00:00:33 LOG_ERR [18116:19132]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.06.30 00:00:33 LOG_DEBUG [19924:15836]: nFilelen=-1
2023.06.30 00:00:33 LOG_DEBUG [19924:15836]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.06.30 00:00:33 LOG_DEBUG [19924:15836]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.06.30 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [19924:15836]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.06.30 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [19924:15836]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.06.30 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [19924:15836]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.06.30 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [19924:15836]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.06.30 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [19924:15836]: Real HostID =
2023.06.30 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [19924:15836]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.30 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [18116:19132]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [18116:19132]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [18116:19132]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [18116:19132]: Peer server count: 0
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:11308]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [18116:19132]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [18116:9552]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [18116:9552]: Connecting to
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:18560]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:13944]: Handle channel open message
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:13944]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:17684]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Connect to with port
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:17684]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:17684]: Handshake success!.....
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: HostID =
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Authenticaton OK
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:17684]: Login ok!
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: No peer server list.
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [18116:17284]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Send client info OK!
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:17684]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: SET IP =
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:17684]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:17684]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:17684]: Not receive
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Set client parameters OK
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:17684]: Local SPI = 2cc85990
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:17684]: Local CPI = 0x62a2
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f460
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: get session id from server = 123
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:17684]: Remote CPI = 0x7853 and local CPI =
2023.06.30 00:00:43 LOG_DEBUG [19924:17684]: CompAlg = 0
2023.06.30 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Send new key OK
2023.06.30 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Add routes OK
2023.06.30 00:00:44 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Add wins OK
2023.06.30 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.06.30 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [19924:17684]: Add dns OK
2023.06.30 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [19924:17684]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.06.30 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [18116:6916]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.06.30 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [18116:6916]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.06.30 06:03:40 LOG_INFO [18116:19132]: Disconnect from the server
2023.06.30 06:03:40 LOG_INFO [19924:21324]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.06.30 06:03:40 LOG_DEBUG [19924:13944]: Begin to close
2023.06.30 06:03:40 LOG_DEBUG [19924:13944]: Handle channel close message
2023.06.30 06:03:40 LOG_DEBUG [19924:13944]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.06.30 06:03:40 LOG_INFO [19924:13944]: Close SSL channel
2023.06.30 06:03:40 LOG_INFO [19924:13944]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.06.30 06:03:41 LOG_INFO [19924:13944]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.04 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [16140:16144]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.07.04 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [16140:16144]: The local product version is
2023.07.04 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [16140:16144]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.07.04 00:02:35 LOG_ERR [16140:16144]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.07.04 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [16140:16144]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.07.04 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [16140:16144]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.07.04 00:02:35 LOG_NOTICE [16140:16144]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.07.04 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [16140:16144]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.07.04 00:02:35 LOG_NOTICE [16140:16144]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.07.04 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [16140:16144]: SecureConnect started
2023.07.04 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16212]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.07.04 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [16208:16212]: Init SSL channel
2023.07.04 00:02:36 LOG_ERR [16140:16144]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.04 00:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16212]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.04 00:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16212]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.07.04 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [16140:16144]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.04 00:02:37 LOG_ERR [16140:16144]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.04 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16212]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.04 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16212]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.07.04 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16212]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.07.04 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16212]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.07.04 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16212]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.07.04 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16212]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.07.04 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16212]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.07.04 00:02:37 LOG_INFO [16208:16212]: Real HostID =
2023.07.04 00:02:37 LOG_INFO [16208:16212]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.04 00:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [16140:16144]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [16140:16144]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [16140:16144]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [16140:16144]: Peer server count: 0
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [16208:16604]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [16140:16144]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [16140:16608]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [16140:16608]: Connecting to
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [16208:16612]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16452]: Handle channel open message
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16452]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16616]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Connect to with port
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16616]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16616]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: HostID =
2023.07.04 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16616]: Login ok!
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: No peer server list.
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_INFO [16140:16632]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16616]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: SET IP =
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16616]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16616]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16616]: Not receive
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16616]: Local SPI = 66d9cdb2
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16616]: Local CPI = 0x4c5
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f4e4
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: get session id from server = 181
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16616]: Remote CPI = 0x78d7 and local CPI =
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16616]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.04 00:02:43 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Send new key OK
2023.07.04 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Add routes OK
2023.07.04 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Add wins OK
2023.07.04 00:02:47 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.04 00:02:47 LOG_INFO [16208:16616]: Add dns OK
2023.07.04 00:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16616]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.07.04 00:02:47 LOG_INFO [16140:17296]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.04 00:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [16140:17296]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.04 06:06:23 LOG_INFO [16140:16144]: Disconnect from the server
2023.07.04 06:06:23 LOG_INFO [16208:10548]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.07.04 06:06:23 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16452]: Begin to close
2023.07.04 06:06:23 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16452]: Handle channel close message
2023.07.04 06:06:23 LOG_DEBUG [16208:16452]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.04 06:06:23 LOG_INFO [16208:16452]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.04 06:06:23 LOG_INFO [16208:16452]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.04 06:06:23 LOG_INFO [16208:16452]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.06 23:57:46 LOG_DEBUG [12624:11348]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.07.06 23:57:46 LOG_DEBUG [12624:11348]: The local product version is
2023.07.06 23:57:46 LOG_INFO [12624:11348]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.07.06 23:57:46 LOG_ERR [12624:11348]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.07.06 23:57:46 LOG_INFO [12624:11348]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.07.06 23:57:46 LOG_INFO [12624:11348]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.07.06 23:57:46 LOG_NOTICE [12624:11348]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.07.06 23:57:46 LOG_INFO [12624:11348]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.07.06 23:57:46 LOG_NOTICE [12624:11348]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.07.06 23:57:46 LOG_INFO [12624:11348]: SecureConnect started
2023.07.06 23:57:46 LOG_DEBUG [2240:5180]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.07.06 23:57:46 LOG_INFO [2240:5180]: Init SSL channel
2023.07.06 23:57:47 LOG_ERR [12624:11348]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.06 23:57:48 LOG_DEBUG [2240:5180]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.06 23:57:48 LOG_DEBUG [2240:5180]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.07.06 23:57:48 LOG_DEBUG [12624:11348]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.06 23:57:48 LOG_ERR [12624:11348]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.06 23:57:49 LOG_DEBUG [2240:5180]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.06 23:57:49 LOG_DEBUG [2240:5180]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.07.06 23:57:49 LOG_DEBUG [2240:5180]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.07.06 23:57:49 LOG_DEBUG [2240:5180]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.07.06 23:57:49 LOG_DEBUG [2240:5180]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.07.06 23:57:49 LOG_DEBUG [2240:5180]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.07.06 23:57:49 LOG_DEBUG [2240:5180]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.07.06 23:57:49 LOG_INFO [2240:5180]: Real HostID =
2023.07.06 23:57:49 LOG_INFO [2240:5180]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.06 23:57:49 LOG_DEBUG [12624:11348]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [12624:11348]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [12624:11348]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [12624:11348]: Peer server count: 0
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:6560]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [12624:11348]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [12624:5752]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [12624:5752]: Connecting to
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3436]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:13008]: Handle channel open message
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:13008]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:3768]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Connect to with port
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:3768]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:3768]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:3768]: Login ok!
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: No peer server list.
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [12624:2004]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:3768]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: SET IP =
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:3768]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:3768]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:3768]: Not receive
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:3768]: Local SPI = 4d8c9b18
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:3768]: Local CPI = 0x1f81
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f564
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: get session id from server = 243
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:3768]: Remote CPI = 0x7957 and local CPI =
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [2240:3768]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.06 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Send new key OK
2023.07.06 23:57:54 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Add routes OK
2023.07.06 23:57:54 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Add wins OK
2023.07.06 23:57:57 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.06 23:57:57 LOG_INFO [2240:3768]: Add dns OK
2023.07.06 23:57:57 LOG_INFO [12624:7624]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.06 23:57:57 LOG_DEBUG [12624:7624]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.07 06:07:01 LOG_INFO [12624:11348]: Disconnect from the server
2023.07.07 06:07:02 LOG_INFO [2240:16004]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.07.07 06:07:02 LOG_DEBUG [2240:13008]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.07.07 06:07:02 LOG_DEBUG [2240:13008]: Handle channel close message
2023.07.07 06:07:02 LOG_DEBUG [2240:13008]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.07 06:07:02 LOG_INFO [2240:13008]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.07 06:07:02 LOG_INFO [2240:13008]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.07 06:07:02 LOG_INFO [2240:13008]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.07 06:07:02 LOG_INFO [2240:13008]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.07 06:07:02 LOG_INFO [2240:13008]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.07 06:07:02 LOG_INFO [2240:13008]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.15 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [12960:12968]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.07.15 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [12960:12968]: The local product version is
2023.07.15 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [12960:12968]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.07.15 00:04:41 LOG_ERR [12960:12968]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.07.15 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [12960:12968]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.07.15 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [12960:12968]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.07.15 00:04:41 LOG_NOTICE [12960:12968]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.07.15 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [12960:12968]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.07.15 00:04:41 LOG_NOTICE [12960:12968]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.07.15 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [12960:12968]: SecureConnect started
2023.07.15 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13028]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.07.15 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [13088:13028]: Init SSL channel
2023.07.15 00:04:42 LOG_ERR [12960:12968]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.15 00:04:42 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13028]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.15 00:04:42 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13028]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.07.15 00:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [12960:12968]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.15 00:04:43 LOG_ERR [12960:12968]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.15 00:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13028]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.15 00:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13028]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.07.15 00:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13028]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.07.15 00:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13028]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.07.15 00:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13028]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.07.15 00:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13028]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.07.15 00:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13028]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.07.15 00:04:43 LOG_INFO [13088:13028]: Real HostID =
2023.07.15 00:04:43 LOG_INFO [13088:13028]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.15 00:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [12960:12968]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [12960:12968]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [12960:12968]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [12960:12968]: Peer server count: 0
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13088:13424]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [12960:12968]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [12960:13428]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [12960:13428]: Connecting to
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13088:13432]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [13088:10020]: Handle channel open message
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [13088:10020]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13436]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13088:13436]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13088:13436]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13088:13436]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13088:13436]: Connect to with port
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13088:13436]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13436]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13436]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13088:13436]: HostID =
2023.07.15 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13088:13436]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.15 00:04:49 LOG_ERR [13088:13436]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.07.15 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [13088:13436]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.15 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [13088:13436]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2023.07.15 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [13088:13436]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.15 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [13088:13436]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.15 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [13088:13436]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.15 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [13088:13436]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.15 00:04:49 LOG_ERR [13088:13436]: Can't login Error code =

2023.07.15 00:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [13088:13436]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.07.15 00:04:54 LOG_INFO [12960:13736]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.07.15 00:04:54 LOG_INFO [12960:13736]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.07.15 00:04:54 LOG_INFO [12960:13736]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [12960:12968]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [12960:12968]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [12960:12968]: Peer server count: 0
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:1384]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [12960:12968]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [12960:2800]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [12960:2800]: Connecting to
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:14352]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:10020]: Handle channel open message
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:10020]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:2140]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Connect to with port
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:2140]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:2140]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: HostID =
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:2140]: Login ok!
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: No peer server list.
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [12960:12480]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:2140]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: SET IP =
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:2140]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:2140]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:2140]: Not receive
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:2140]: Local SPI = 44128824
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:2140]: Local CPI = 0x2a28
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f72e
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: get session id from server = 399
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:2140]: Remote CPI = 0x7b21 and local CPI =
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_DEBUG [13088:2140]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.15 00:05:01 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Send new key OK
2023.07.15 00:05:02 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Add routes OK
2023.07.15 00:05:02 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Add wins OK
2023.07.15 00:05:05 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.15 00:05:05 LOG_INFO [13088:2140]: Add dns OK
2023.07.15 00:05:05 LOG_DEBUG [13088:2140]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.07.15 00:05:05 LOG_INFO [12960:16060]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.15 00:05:05 LOG_DEBUG [12960:16060]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.15 00:43:12 LOG_INFO [12960:12968]: Disconnect from the server
2023.07.15 00:43:12 LOG_INFO [13088:8408]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.07.15 00:43:12 LOG_DEBUG [13088:10020]: Begin to close
2023.07.15 00:43:12 LOG_DEBUG [13088:10020]: Handle channel close message
2023.07.15 00:43:12 LOG_DEBUG [13088:10020]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.15 00:43:12 LOG_INFO [13088:10020]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.15 00:43:12 LOG_INFO [13088:10020]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.15 00:43:13 LOG_INFO [13088:10020]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.15 00:43:13 LOG_INFO [13088:10020]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.15 00:43:13 LOG_INFO [13088:10020]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.15 00:43:13 LOG_INFO [13088:10020]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.15 00:44:21 LOG_DEBUG [12184:11316]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.07.15 00:44:21 LOG_DEBUG [12184:11316]: The local product version is
2023.07.15 00:44:21 LOG_INFO [12184:11316]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.07.15 00:44:21 LOG_ERR [12184:11316]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.07.15 00:44:21 LOG_INFO [12184:11316]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.07.15 00:44:21 LOG_INFO [12184:11316]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.07.15 00:44:21 LOG_NOTICE [12184:11316]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.07.15 00:44:21 LOG_INFO [12184:11316]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.07.15 00:44:21 LOG_NOTICE [12184:11316]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.07.15 00:44:21 LOG_INFO [12184:11316]: SecureConnect started
2023.07.15 00:44:21 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12672]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.07.15 00:44:21 LOG_INFO [12668:12672]: Init SSL channel
2023.07.15 00:44:22 LOG_ERR [12184:11316]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.15 00:44:22 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12672]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.15 00:44:22 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12672]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.07.15 00:44:23 LOG_DEBUG [12184:11316]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.15 00:44:23 LOG_ERR [12184:11316]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.15 00:44:23 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12672]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.15 00:44:23 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12672]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.07.15 00:44:23 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12672]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.07.15 00:44:23 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12672]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.07.15 00:44:23 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12672]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.07.15 00:44:23 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12672]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.07.15 00:44:23 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12672]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.07.15 00:44:23 LOG_INFO [12668:12672]: Real HostID =
2023.07.15 00:44:23 LOG_INFO [12668:12672]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.15 00:44:24 LOG_DEBUG [12184:11316]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_INFO [12184:11316]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_INFO [12184:11316]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_DEBUG [12184:11316]: Peer server count: 0
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_INFO [12668:12852]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_INFO [12184:11316]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_DEBUG [12184:12856]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_INFO [12184:12856]: Connecting to
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_INFO [12668:12860]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12796]: Handle channel open message
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12796]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12864]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Connect to with port
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12864]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12864]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: HostID =
2023.07.15 00:44:28 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12864]: Login ok!
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: No peer server list.
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12184:12888]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12864]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: SET IP =
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12864]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12864]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12864]: Not receive
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12864]: Local SPI = 6247c48e
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12864]: Local CPI = 0x485d
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f732
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: get session id from server = 400
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12864]: Remote CPI = 0x7b25 and local CPI =
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12864]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Send new key OK
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Add routes OK
2023.07.15 00:44:29 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Add wins OK
2023.07.15 00:44:33 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.15 00:44:33 LOG_INFO [12668:12864]: Add dns OK
2023.07.15 00:44:33 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12864]: End OpenChannelThread
logon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.15 00:44:33 LOG_DEBUG [12184:12828]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.15 06:01:42 LOG_INFO [12184:11316]: Disconnect from the server
2023.07.15 06:01:42 LOG_INFO [12668:8264]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.07.15 06:01:42 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12796]: Begin to close
2023.07.15 06:01:42 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12796]: Handle channel close message
2023.07.15 06:01:42 LOG_DEBUG [12668:12796]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.15 06:01:42 LOG_INFO [12668:12796]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.15 06:01:42 LOG_INFO [12668:12796]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.07.15 06:01:43 LOG_INFO [12668:12796]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.15 06:01:43 LOG_INFO [12668:12796]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.15 06:01:43 LOG_INFO [12668:12796]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.16 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [12032:12248]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.07.16 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [12032:12248]: The local product version is
2023.07.16 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [12032:12248]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.07.16 00:00:34 LOG_ERR [12032:12248]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.07.16 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [12032:12248]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.07.16 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [12032:12248]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.07.16 00:00:34 LOG_NOTICE [12032:12248]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.07.16 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [12032:12248]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.07.16 00:00:34 LOG_NOTICE [12032:12248]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.07.16 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [12032:12248]: SecureConnect started
2023.07.16 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12368]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.07.16 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [12364:12368]: Init SSL channel
2023.07.16 00:00:35 LOG_ERR [12032:12248]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.16 00:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12368]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.16 00:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12368]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.07.16 00:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [12032:12248]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.16 00:00:36 LOG_ERR [12032:12248]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.16 00:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12368]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.16 00:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12368]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.07.16 00:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12368]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.07.16 00:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12368]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.07.16 00:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12368]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.07.16 00:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12368]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.07.16 00:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12368]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.07.16 00:00:37 LOG_INFO [12364:12368]: Real HostID =
2023.07.16 00:00:37 LOG_INFO [12364:12368]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.16 00:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [12032:12248]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12032:12248]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12032:12248]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [12032:12248]: Peer server count: 0
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13200]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12032:12248]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [12032:13204]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12032:13204]: Connecting to
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13208]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Handle channel open message
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13212]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Connect to with port
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13212]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13212]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: HostID =
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13212]: Login ok!
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: No peer server list.
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12032:13224]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13212]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: SET IP =
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13212]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13212]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.16 00:00:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13212]: Not receive
2023.07.16 00:00:51 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.16 00:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13212]: Local SPI = 0f031e06
2023.07.16 00:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13212]: Local CPI = 0x311c
2023.07.16 00:00:51 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f780
2023.07.16 00:00:51 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.16 00:00:51 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.16 00:00:51 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: get session id from server = 412
2023.07.16 00:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13212]: Remote CPI = 0x7b73 and local CPI =
2023.07.16 00:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13212]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.16 00:00:51 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Send new key OK
2023.07.16 00:00:51 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Add routes OK
2023.07.16 00:00:51 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Add wins OK
2023.07.16 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.16 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [12364:13212]: Add dns OK
2023.07.16 00:00:55 LOG_INFO [12032:3892]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.16 00:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [12032:3892]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.16 01:22:14 LOG_ERR [12364:12644]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.07.16 01:22:14 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.16 01:22:14 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.16 01:22:15 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.16 01:22:15 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.16 01:22:15 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.16 01:22:15 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.16 01:22:20 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.16 01:22:20 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.16 01:22:20 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.16 01:22:20 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.16 01:22:20 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.07.16 01:22:20 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.16 01:22:20 LOG_DEBUG [12364:11084]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 01:22:20 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.16 01:22:21 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: Connect to with port
2023.07.16 01:22:21 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.16 01:22:24 LOG_DEBUG [12364:11084]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.16 01:22:25 LOG_DEBUG [12364:11084]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.16 01:22:25 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: HostID =
2023.07.16 01:22:25 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.16 01:22:25 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.16 01:22:25 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.16 01:22:25 LOG_DEBUG [12364:11084]: Login ok!
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: No peer server list.
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_INFO [12032:4432]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_DEBUG [12364:11084]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: SET IP =
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_DEBUG [12364:11084]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_DEBUG [12364:11084]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_DEBUG [12364:11084]: Not receive
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_DEBUG [12364:11084]: Local SPI = 4d749ae8
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_DEBUG [12364:11084]: Local CPI = 0x6f8d
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f784
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: get session id from server = 413
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_DEBUG [12364:11084]: Remote CPI = 0x7b77 and local CPI =
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_DEBUG [12364:11084]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.16 01:22:26 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: Send new key OK
2023.07.16 01:22:27 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: Add routes OK
2023.07.16 01:22:27 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: Add wins OK
2023.07.16 01:22:30 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.16 01:22:30 LOG_INFO [12364:11084]: Add dns OK
2023.07.16 01:22:30 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.07.16 01:22:30 LOG_INFO [12032:12552]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.16 01:22:30 LOG_DEBUG [12364:11084]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 01:22:30 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.16 01:22:30 LOG_DEBUG [12032:12552]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.16 01:24:26 LOG_ERR [12364:12644]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.07.16 01:24:26 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.16 01:24:26 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.16 01:24:26 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.16 01:24:27 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.16 01:24:27 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.16 01:24:27 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.16 01:24:32 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.16 01:24:32 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.16 01:24:32 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.16 01:24:32 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.16 01:24:32 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.07.16 01:24:32 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.16 01:24:32 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13576]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 01:24:32 LOG_INFO [12364:13576]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.16 01:24:33 LOG_INFO [12364:13576]: Connect to with port
2023.07.16 01:24:33 LOG_INFO [12364:13576]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.16 01:24:33 LOG_ERR [12364:13576]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.07.16 01:24:33 LOG_ERR [12364:13576]: Connect to the server failed
2023.07.16 01:24:33 LOG_INFO [12364:13576]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.16 01:24:33 LOG_INFO [12364:13576]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 13893424
2023.07.16 01:24:33 LOG_INFO [12364:13576]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.16 01:24:33 LOG_INFO [12364:13576]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.16 01:24:33 LOG_INFO [12364:13576]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.16 01:24:33 LOG_INFO [12364:13576]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.16 01:24:33 LOG_ERR [12364:13576]: Connect to failed

2023.07.16 01:24:33 LOG_DEBUG [12364:13576]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 01:28:55 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.16 01:28:55 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.16 01:28:55 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.16 01:28:55 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.16 01:28:55 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2023.07.16 01:28:55 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.16 01:28:55 LOG_DEBUG [12364:14708]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 01:28:55 LOG_INFO [12364:14708]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.16 01:28:56 LOG_INFO [12364:14708]: Connect to with port
2023.07.16 01:28:56 LOG_INFO [12364:14708]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.16 01:28:56 LOG_ERR [12364:14708]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.07.16 01:28:56 LOG_ERR [12364:14708]: Connect to the server failed
2023.07.16 01:28:56 LOG_INFO [12364:14708]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.16 01:28:56 LOG_INFO [12364:14708]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 13893424
2023.07.16 01:28:56 LOG_INFO [12364:14708]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.16 01:28:56 LOG_INFO [12364:14708]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.16 01:28:56 LOG_INFO [12364:14708]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.16 01:28:56 LOG_INFO [12364:14708]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.16 01:28:56 LOG_ERR [12364:14708]: Connect to failed

2023.07.16 01:28:56 LOG_DEBUG [12364:14708]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 01:29:56 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.16 01:29:56 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.16 01:29:56 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.16 01:29:56 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.16 01:29:56 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Auto reconnecting 3 times...
2023.07.16 01:29:56 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.16 01:29:56 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9328]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 01:29:56 LOG_INFO [12364:9328]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.16 01:29:57 LOG_INFO [12364:9328]: Connect to with port
2023.07.16 01:29:57 LOG_INFO [12364:9328]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.16 01:29:57 LOG_ERR [12364:9328]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.07.16 01:29:57 LOG_ERR [12364:9328]: Connect to the server failed
2023.07.16 01:29:57 LOG_INFO [12364:9328]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.16 01:29:57 LOG_INFO [12364:9328]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12844848
2023.07.16 01:29:58 LOG_INFO [12364:9328]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.16 01:29:58 LOG_INFO [12364:9328]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.16 01:29:58 LOG_INFO [12364:9328]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.16 01:29:58 LOG_INFO [12364:9328]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.16 01:29:58 LOG_ERR [12364:9328]: Connect to failed

2023.07.16 01:29:58 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9328]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 01:30:58 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.16 01:30:58 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.16 01:30:58 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.16 01:30:58 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.16 01:30:58 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Auto reconnecting 4 times...
2023.07.16 01:30:58 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.16 01:30:58 LOG_DEBUG [12364:14416]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 01:30:58 LOG_INFO [12364:14416]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.16 01:30:59 LOG_INFO [12364:14416]: Connect to with port
2023.07.16 01:30:59 LOG_INFO [12364:14416]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.16 01:30:59 LOG_ERR [12364:14416]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.07.16 01:30:59 LOG_ERR [12364:14416]: Connect to the server failed
2023.07.16 01:30:59 LOG_INFO [12364:14416]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.16 01:30:59 LOG_INFO [12364:14416]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12844848
2023.07.16 01:30:59 LOG_INFO [12364:14416]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.16 01:30:59 LOG_INFO [12364:14416]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.16 01:30:59 LOG_INFO [12364:14416]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.16 01:30:59 LOG_INFO [12364:14416]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.16 01:30:59 LOG_ERR [12364:14416]: Connect to failed

2023.07.16 01:30:59 LOG_DEBUG [12364:14416]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_INFO [12032:12248]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_INFO [12032:12248]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_DEBUG [12032:12248]: Peer server count: 0
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_INFO [12364:6940]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_INFO [12032:12248]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_DEBUG [12032:2444]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_INFO [12032:2444]: Connecting to
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_INFO [12364:7176]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Handle channel open message
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12604]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Connect to with port
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12604]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12604]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: HostID =
2023.07.16 01:31:39 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12604]: Login ok!
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: No peer server list.
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_INFO [12032:7036]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12604]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: SET IP =
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12604]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12604]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12604]: Not receive
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12604]: Local SPI = 5485a90a
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12604]: Local CPI = 0x769e
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f788
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: get session id from server = 414
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12604]: Remote CPI = 0x7b7b and local CPI =
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12604]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.16 01:31:40 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Send new key OK
2023.07.16 01:31:41 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Add routes OK
2023.07.16 01:31:41 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Add wins OK
2023.07.16 01:31:44 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.16 01:31:44 LOG_INFO [12364:12604]: Add dns OK
2023.07.16 01:31:44 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12604]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.07.16 01:31:44 LOG_INFO [12032:11104]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.16 01:31:44 LOG_DEBUG [12032:11104]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.16 04:50:45 LOG_ERR [12364:12644]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.07.16 04:50:45 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.16 04:50:45 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.16 04:50:45 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.16 04:50:45 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.16 04:50:45 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.16 04:50:45 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.16 04:50:50 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.16 04:50:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.16 04:50:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.16 04:50:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.16 04:50:50 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.07.16 04:50:50 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.16 04:50:50 LOG_DEBUG [12364:8020]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 04:50:50 LOG_INFO [12364:8020]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.16 04:50:51 LOG_INFO [12364:8020]: Connect to with port
2023.07.16 04:50:51 LOG_INFO [12364:8020]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.16 04:51:13 LOG_ERR [12364:8020]: Connect to ""
( error [10060]
2023.07.16 04:51:13 LOG_ERR [12364:8020]: Connect to the server failed
2023.07.16 04:51:13 LOG_INFO [12364:8020]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.16 04:51:13 LOG_INFO [12364:8020]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12844848
2023.07.16 04:51:13 LOG_INFO [12364:8020]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.16 04:51:13 LOG_INFO [12364:8020]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.16 04:51:13 LOG_INFO [12364:8020]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.16 04:51:13 LOG_INFO [12364:8020]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.16 04:51:13 LOG_ERR [12364:8020]: Connect to failed

2023.07.16 04:51:13 LOG_DEBUG [12364:8020]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 04:52:13 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.16 04:52:13 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.16 04:52:13 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.16 04:52:13 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.16 04:52:13 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2023.07.16 04:52:13 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.16 04:52:13 LOG_DEBUG [12364:8672]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 04:52:13 LOG_INFO [12364:8672]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.16 04:52:14 LOG_INFO [12364:8672]: Connect to with port
2023.07.16 04:52:14 LOG_INFO [12364:8672]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.16 04:52:14 LOG_ERR [12364:8672]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.07.16 04:52:14 LOG_ERR [12364:8672]: Connect to the server failed
2023.07.16 04:52:14 LOG_INFO [12364:8672]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.16 04:52:14 LOG_INFO [12364:8672]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12844848
2023.07.16 04:52:14 LOG_INFO [12364:8672]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.16 04:52:14 LOG_INFO [12364:8672]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.16 04:52:14 LOG_INFO [12364:8672]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.16 04:52:14 LOG_INFO [12364:8672]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.16 04:52:14 LOG_ERR [12364:8672]: Connect to failed

2023.07.16 04:52:14 LOG_DEBUG [12364:8672]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 04:55:20 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.16 04:55:20 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.16 04:55:20 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.16 04:55:20 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.16 04:55:20 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Auto reconnecting 3 times...
2023.07.16 04:55:20 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.16 04:55:20 LOG_DEBUG [12364:14472]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 04:55:20 LOG_INFO [12364:14472]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.16 04:55:21 LOG_INFO [12364:14472]: Connect to with port
2023.07.16 04:55:21 LOG_INFO [12364:14472]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.16 04:55:21 LOG_ERR [12364:14472]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.07.16 04:55:21 LOG_ERR [12364:14472]: Connect to the server failed
2023.07.16 04:55:21 LOG_INFO [12364:14472]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.16 04:55:21 LOG_INFO [12364:14472]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12844848
2023.07.16 04:55:21 LOG_INFO [12364:14472]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.16 04:55:21 LOG_INFO [12364:14472]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.16 04:55:21 LOG_INFO [12364:14472]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.16 04:55:21 LOG_INFO [12364:14472]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.16 04:55:21 LOG_ERR [12364:14472]: Connect to failed

2023.07.16 04:55:21 LOG_DEBUG [12364:14472]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 04:56:21 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.16 04:56:21 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.16 04:56:21 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.16 04:56:21 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.16 04:56:21 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Auto reconnecting 4 times...
2023.07.16 04:56:21 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.16 04:56:21 LOG_DEBUG [12364:16324]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.16 04:56:21 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.16 04:56:22 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: Connect to with port
2023.07.16 04:56:22 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.16 04:56:22 LOG_DEBUG [12364:16324]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_DEBUG [12364:16324]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: HostID =
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_DEBUG [12364:16324]: Login ok!
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: No peer server list.
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12032:15912]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_DEBUG [12364:16324]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: SET IP =
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_DEBUG [12364:16324]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_DEBUG [12364:16324]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_DEBUG [12364:16324]: Not receive
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_DEBUG [12364:16324]: Local SPI = 7135e26a
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_DEBUG [12364:16324]: Local CPI = 0x4f51
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f790
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: get session id from server = 415
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_DEBUG [12364:16324]: Remote CPI = 0x7b83 and local CPI =
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_DEBUG [12364:16324]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.16 04:56:23 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: Send new key OK
2023.07.16 04:56:24 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: Add routes OK
2023.07.16 04:56:24 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: Add wins OK
2023.07.16 04:56:27 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.16 04:56:27 LOG_INFO [12364:16324]: Add dns OK
2023.07.16 04:56:27 LOG_INFO [12032:9616]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.16 04:56:27 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.07.16 04:56:27 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.16 04:56:27 LOG_DEBUG [12032:9616]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.16 06:07:42 LOG_INFO [12032:12248]: Disconnect from the server
2023.07.16 06:07:42 LOG_INFO [12364:3208]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.07.16 06:07:42 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Begin to close
2023.07.16 06:07:42 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Handle channel close message
2023.07.16 06:07:42 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12644]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.16 06:07:42 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.16 06:07:42 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.16 06:07:42 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.16 06:07:43 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.16 06:07:43 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.16 06:07:43 LOG_INFO [12364:12644]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.19 00:01:05 LOG_DEBUG [13692:6948]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.07.19 00:01:05 LOG_DEBUG [13692:6948]: The local product version is
2023.07.19 00:01:05 LOG_INFO [13692:6948]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.07.19 00:01:05 LOG_ERR [13692:6948]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.07.19 00:01:05 LOG_INFO [13692:6948]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.07.19 00:01:05 LOG_INFO [13692:6948]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.07.19 00:01:05 LOG_NOTICE [13692:6948]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.07.19 00:01:05 LOG_INFO [13692:6948]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.07.19 00:01:05 LOG_NOTICE [13692:6948]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.07.19 00:01:05 LOG_INFO [13692:6948]: SecureConnect started
2023.07.19 00:01:05 LOG_DEBUG [2672:12184]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.07.19 00:01:05 LOG_INFO [2672:12184]: Init SSL channel
2023.07.19 00:01:06 LOG_ERR [13692:6948]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.19 00:01:07 LOG_DEBUG [2672:12184]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.19 00:01:07 LOG_DEBUG [2672:12184]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.07.19 00:01:07 LOG_DEBUG [13692:6948]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.19 00:01:07 LOG_ERR [13692:6948]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.19 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [2672:12184]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.19 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [2672:12184]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.07.19 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [2672:12184]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.07.19 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [2672:12184]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.07.19 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [2672:12184]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.07.19 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [13692:6948]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.19 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [2672:12184]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.07.19 00:01:08 LOG_ERR [13692:6948]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.19 00:01:08 LOG_DEBUG [2672:12184]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.07.19 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [2672:12184]: Real HostID =
2023.07.19 00:01:08 LOG_INFO [2672:12184]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.19 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [13692:6948]: Try the 3 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [13692:6948]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [13692:6948]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [13692:6948]: Peer server count: 0
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [2672:13316]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [13692:6948]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [13692:13992]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [13692:13992]: Connecting to
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [2672:11868]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [2672:1968]: Handle channel open message
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [2672:1968]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [2672:13256]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Connect to with port
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [2672:13256]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_DEBUG [2672:13256]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: HostID =
2023.07.19 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.19 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.19 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.19 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [2672:13256]: Login ok!
2023.07.19 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.19 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: No peer server list.
2023.07.19 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [13692:8832]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.19 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.19 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [2672:13256]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.19 00:01:14 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: SET IP =
2023.07.19 00:01:15 LOG_DEBUG [2672:13256]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.19 00:01:15 LOG_DEBUG [2672:13256]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.19 00:01:15 LOG_DEBUG [2672:13256]: Not receive
2023.07.19 00:01:15 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.19 00:01:15 LOG_DEBUG [2672:13256]: Local SPI = 79b8f370
2023.07.19 00:01:15 LOG_DEBUG [2672:13256]: Local CPI = 0xbdd
2023.07.19 00:01:15 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f846
2023.07.19 00:01:15 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.19 00:01:15 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.19 00:01:15 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: get session id from server = 459
2023.07.19 00:01:15 LOG_DEBUG [2672:13256]: Remote CPI = 0x7c39 and local CPI =
2023.07.19 00:01:15 LOG_DEBUG [2672:13256]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.19 00:01:15 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Send new key OK
2023.07.19 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Add routes OK
2023.07.19 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Add wins OK
2023.07.19 00:01:19 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.19 00:01:19 LOG_INFO [2672:13256]: Add dns OK
2023.07.19 00:01:19 LOG_INFO [13692:1948]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.19 00:01:19 LOG_DEBUG [13692:1948]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.19 06:01:14 LOG_INFO [13692:6948]: Disconnect from the server
2023.07.19 06:01:14 LOG_INFO [2672:7412]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.07.19 06:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [2672:1968]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.07.19 06:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [2672:1968]: Handle channel close message
2023.07.19 06:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [2672:1968]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.19 06:01:14 LOG_INFO [2672:1968]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.19 06:01:14 LOG_INFO [2672:1968]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.19 06:01:14 LOG_INFO [2672:1968]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.19 23:59:49 LOG_DEBUG [5268:11124]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.07.19 23:59:49 LOG_DEBUG [5268:11124]: The local product version is
2023.07.19 23:59:49 LOG_INFO [5268:11124]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.07.19 23:59:49 LOG_ERR [5268:11124]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.07.19 23:59:49 LOG_INFO [5268:11124]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.07.19 23:59:49 LOG_INFO [5268:11124]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.07.19 23:59:49 LOG_NOTICE [5268:11124]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.07.19 23:59:49 LOG_INFO [5268:11124]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.07.19 23:59:49 LOG_NOTICE [5268:11124]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.07.19 23:59:49 LOG_INFO [5268:11124]: SecureConnect started
2023.07.19 23:59:49 LOG_DEBUG [8120:13848]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.07.19 23:59:49 LOG_INFO [8120:13848]: Init SSL channel
2023.07.19 23:59:50 LOG_ERR [5268:11124]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.19 23:59:50 LOG_DEBUG [8120:13848]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.19 23:59:50 LOG_DEBUG [8120:13848]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.07.19 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [5268:11124]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.19 23:59:51 LOG_ERR [5268:11124]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.19 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [8120:13848]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.19 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [8120:13848]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.07.19 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [8120:13848]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.07.19 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [8120:13848]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.07.19 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [8120:13848]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.07.19 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [8120:13848]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.07.19 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [8120:13848]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.07.19 23:59:51 LOG_INFO [8120:13848]: Real HostID =
2023.07.19 23:59:51 LOG_INFO [8120:13848]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.19 23:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [5268:11124]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [5268:11124]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [5268:11124]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [5268:11124]: Peer server count: 0
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [8120:14896]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [5268:11124]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [5268:9400]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [5268:9400]: Connecting to
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [8120:5168]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [8120:14888]: Handle channel open message
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [8120:14888]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [8120:5572]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Connect to with port
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.19 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [8120:5572]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.19 23:59:58 LOG_DEBUG [8120:5572]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.19 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.07.19 23:59:58 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [8120:5572]: Login ok!
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: No peer server list.
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [5268:13188]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [8120:5572]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: SET IP =
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [8120:5572]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [8120:5572]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [8120:5572]: Not receive
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [8120:5572]: Local SPI = 46e28dc4
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [8120:5572]: Local CPI = 0x510d
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Remote SPI = 0x1340f89e
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: get session id from server = 478
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [8120:5572]: Remote CPI = 0x7c91 and local CPI =
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_DEBUG [8120:5572]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.19 23:59:59 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Send new key OK
2023.07.20 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Add routes OK
2023.07.20 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Add wins OK
2023.07.20 00:00:04 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.20 00:00:04 LOG_INFO [8120:5572]: Add dns OK
2023.07.20 00:00:04 LOG_DEBUG [8120:5572]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.07.20 00:00:04 LOG_INFO [5268:12644]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.20 00:00:04 LOG_DEBUG [5268:12644]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.20 06:02:45 LOG_INFO [5268:11124]: Disconnect from the server
2023.07.20 06:02:45 LOG_INFO [8120:6592]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.07.20 06:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [8120:14888]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.07.20 06:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [8120:14888]: Handle channel close message
2023.07.20 06:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [8120:14888]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.20 06:02:45 LOG_INFO [8120:14888]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.20 06:02:45 LOG_INFO [8120:14888]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.20 06:02:45 LOG_INFO [8120:14888]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.27 00:35:56 LOG_DEBUG [15428:13180]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.07.27 00:35:56 LOG_DEBUG [15428:13180]: The local product version is
2023.07.27 00:35:56 LOG_INFO [15428:13180]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.07.27 00:35:56 LOG_ERR [15428:13180]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.07.27 00:35:56 LOG_INFO [15428:13180]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.07.27 00:35:56 LOG_INFO [15428:13180]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.07.27 00:35:56 LOG_NOTICE [15428:13180]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.07.27 00:35:56 LOG_INFO [15428:13180]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.07.27 00:35:56 LOG_NOTICE [15428:13180]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.07.27 00:35:56 LOG_INFO [15428:13180]: SecureConnect started
2023.07.27 00:35:56 LOG_DEBUG [4264:16360]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.07.27 00:35:56 LOG_INFO [4264:16360]: Init SSL channel
2023.07.27 00:35:57 LOG_ERR [15428:13180]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.27 00:35:57 LOG_DEBUG [4264:16360]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.27 00:35:57 LOG_DEBUG [4264:16360]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.07.27 00:35:58 LOG_DEBUG [15428:13180]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.27 00:35:58 LOG_ERR [15428:13180]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.27 00:35:58 LOG_DEBUG [4264:16360]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.27 00:35:58 LOG_DEBUG [4264:16360]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.07.27 00:35:58 LOG_DEBUG [4264:16360]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.07.27 00:35:58 LOG_DEBUG [4264:16360]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.07.27 00:35:58 LOG_DEBUG [4264:16360]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.07.27 00:35:58 LOG_DEBUG [4264:16360]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.07.27 00:35:58 LOG_DEBUG [4264:16360]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.07.27 00:35:58 LOG_INFO [4264:16360]: Real HostID =
2023.07.27 00:35:58 LOG_INFO [4264:16360]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.27 00:35:59 LOG_DEBUG [15428:13180]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_INFO [15428:13180]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_INFO [15428:13180]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_DEBUG [15428:13180]: Peer server count: 0
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_INFO [4264:15040]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_INFO [15428:13180]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_DEBUG [15428:9564]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_INFO [15428:9564]: Connecting to
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_INFO [4264:10144]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Handle channel open message
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_DEBUG [4264:11844]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Connect to with port
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_DEBUG [4264:11844]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_DEBUG [4264:11844]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: HostID =
2023.07.27 00:36:06 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_DEBUG [4264:11844]: Login ok!
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: No peer server list.
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_INFO [15428:16028]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_DEBUG [4264:11844]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: SET IP =
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_DEBUG [4264:11844]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_DEBUG [4264:11844]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_DEBUG [4264:11844]: Not receive
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_DEBUG [4264:11844]: Local SPI = 05780af0
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_DEBUG [4264:11844]: Local CPI = 0x2bbe
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Remote SPI = 0x1340fad0
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: get session id from server = 583
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_DEBUG [4264:11844]: Remote CPI = 0x7ec3 and local CPI =
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_DEBUG [4264:11844]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.27 00:36:07 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Send new key OK
2023.07.27 00:36:08 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Add routes OK
2023.07.27 00:36:08 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Add wins OK
2023.07.27 00:36:11 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.27 00:36:11 LOG_INFO [4264:11844]: Add dns OK
2023.07.27 00:36:11 LOG_DEBUG [4264:11844]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.07.27 00:36:11 LOG_INFO [15428:14548]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.27 00:36:11 LOG_DEBUG [15428:14548]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.27 02:14:21 LOG_ERR [4264:3192]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.07.27 02:14:21 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.27 02:14:21 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.07.27 02:14:21 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.27 02:14:22 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.27 02:14:22 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.27 02:14:22 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.27 02:14:27 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.27 02:14:27 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.27 02:14:27 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.27 02:14:27 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.27 02:14:27 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.07.27 02:14:27 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.07.27 02:14:27 LOG_DEBUG [4264:15664]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.27 02:14:27 LOG_INFO [4264:15664]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.27 02:14:28 LOG_INFO [4264:15664]: Connect to with port
2023.07.27 02:14:28 LOG_INFO [4264:15664]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.27 02:14:49 LOG_ERR [4264:15664]: Connect to ""
( error [10060]
2023.07.27 02:14:49 LOG_ERR [4264:15664]: Connect to the server failed
2023.07.27 02:14:49 LOG_INFO [4264:15664]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.27 02:14:49 LOG_INFO [4264:15664]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12386096
2023.07.27 02:14:49 LOG_INFO [4264:15664]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.27 02:14:49 LOG_INFO [4264:15664]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.27 02:14:49 LOG_INFO [4264:15664]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.27 02:14:49 LOG_INFO [4264:15664]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.27 02:14:49 LOG_ERR [4264:15664]: Connect to failed

2023.07.27 02:14:49 LOG_DEBUG [4264:15664]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.27 02:15:49 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.27 02:15:49 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.27 02:15:49 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.27 02:15:49 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.27 02:15:49 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2023.07.27 02:15:49 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.07.27 02:15:49 LOG_DEBUG [4264:8540]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.27 02:15:49 LOG_INFO [4264:8540]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.27 02:15:50 LOG_INFO [4264:8540]: Connect to with port
2023.07.27 02:15:50 LOG_INFO [4264:8540]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.27 02:15:50 LOG_ERR [4264:8540]: Connect to "" (
error [10065]
2023.07.27 02:15:50 LOG_ERR [4264:8540]: Connect to the server failed
2023.07.27 02:15:50 LOG_INFO [4264:8540]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.27 02:15:50 LOG_INFO [4264:8540]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12386096
2023.07.27 02:15:50 LOG_INFO [4264:8540]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.27 02:15:50 LOG_INFO [4264:8540]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.27 02:15:51 LOG_INFO [4264:8540]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.27 02:15:51 LOG_INFO [4264:8540]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.27 02:15:51 LOG_ERR [4264:8540]: Connect to failed

2023.07.27 02:15:51 LOG_DEBUG [4264:8540]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.27 02:16:51 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.27 02:16:51 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.27 02:16:51 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.27 02:16:51 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.27 02:16:51 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Auto reconnecting 3 times...
2023.07.27 02:16:51 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.07.27 02:16:51 LOG_DEBUG [4264:9596]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.27 02:16:51 LOG_INFO [4264:9596]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.27 02:16:52 LOG_INFO [4264:9596]: Connect to with port
2023.07.27 02:16:52 LOG_INFO [4264:9596]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.27 02:16:52 LOG_ERR [4264:9596]: Connect to "" (
error [10051]
2023.07.27 02:16:52 LOG_ERR [4264:9596]: Connect to the server failed
2023.07.27 02:16:52 LOG_INFO [4264:9596]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.27 02:16:52 LOG_INFO [4264:9596]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12386096
2023.07.27 02:16:52 LOG_INFO [4264:9596]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.27 02:16:52 LOG_INFO [4264:9596]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.27 02:16:52 LOG_INFO [4264:9596]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.27 02:16:52 LOG_INFO [4264:9596]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.27 02:16:52 LOG_ERR [4264:9596]: Connect to failed

2023.07.27 02:16:52 LOG_DEBUG [4264:9596]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.27 02:17:52 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.27 02:17:52 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.27 02:17:52 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.27 02:17:52 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.27 02:17:52 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Auto reconnecting 4 times...
2023.07.27 02:17:52 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.07.27 02:17:52 LOG_DEBUG [4264:7672]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.27 02:17:52 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.27 02:17:53 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: Connect to with port
2023.07.27 02:17:53 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.27 02:17:53 LOG_DEBUG [4264:7672]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.27 02:17:53 LOG_DEBUG [4264:7672]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.27 02:17:53 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.07.27 02:17:53 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_DEBUG [4264:7672]: Login ok!
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: No peer server list.
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_INFO [15428:14748]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_DEBUG [4264:7672]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: SET IP =
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_DEBUG [4264:7672]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_DEBUG [4264:7672]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_DEBUG [4264:7672]: Not receive
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_DEBUG [4264:7672]: Local SPI = 535fa6be
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_DEBUG [4264:7672]: Local CPI = 0x79a5
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: Remote SPI = 0x1340fad6
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: get session id from server = 584
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_DEBUG [4264:7672]: Remote CPI = 0x7ec9 and local CPI =
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_DEBUG [4264:7672]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.27 02:17:54 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: Send new key OK
2023.07.27 02:17:55 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: Add routes OK
2023.07.27 02:17:55 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: Add wins OK
2023.07.27 02:17:58 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.27 02:17:58 LOG_INFO [4264:7672]: Add dns OK
2023.07.27 02:17:58 LOG_DEBUG [4264:7672]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.27 02:17:58 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.07.27 02:17:58 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.27 02:17:58 LOG_INFO [15428:3264]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.27 02:17:58 LOG_DEBUG [15428:3264]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.27 09:13:09 LOG_ERR [4264:3192]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.07.27 09:13:09 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.27 09:13:09 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.07.27 09:13:09 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.28 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.28 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.28 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.28 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.28 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.28 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.28 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.28 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.07.28 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.07.28 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [4264:17652]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.28 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [4264:17652]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.28 00:00:13 LOG_INFO [4264:17652]: Connect to with port
2023.07.28 00:00:13 LOG_INFO [4264:17652]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.28 00:00:34 LOG_ERR [4264:17652]: Connect to ""
( error [10060]
2023.07.28 00:00:34 LOG_ERR [4264:17652]: Connect to the server failed
2023.07.28 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [4264:17652]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.28 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [4264:17652]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12386096
2023.07.28 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [4264:17652]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.28 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [4264:17652]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.28 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [4264:17652]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.28 00:00:34 LOG_INFO [4264:17652]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.28 00:00:34 LOG_ERR [4264:17652]: Connect to failed

2023.07.28 00:00:34 LOG_DEBUG [4264:17652]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.28 00:01:30 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.07.28 00:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.07.28 00:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.07.28 00:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.07.28 00:01:30 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2023.07.28 00:01:30 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.07.28 00:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [4264:1044]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.28 00:01:30 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.07.28 00:01:31 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: Connect to with port
2023.07.28 00:01:31 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.28 00:01:31 LOG_DEBUG [4264:1044]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.28 00:01:31 LOG_DEBUG [4264:1044]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.28 00:01:31 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.07.28 00:01:31 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4264:1044]: Login ok!
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: No peer server list.
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_INFO [15428:14960]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4264:1044]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: SET IP =
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4264:1044]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4264:1044]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4264:1044]: Not receive
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4264:1044]: Local SPI = 39227244
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4264:1044]: Local CPI = 0x1b6b
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: Remote SPI = 0x1340faf0
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: get session id from server = 598
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4264:1044]: Remote CPI = 0x7ee3 and local CPI =
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_DEBUG [4264:1044]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.28 00:01:32 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: Send new key OK
2023.07.28 00:01:34 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: Add routes OK
2023.07.28 00:01:34 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: Add wins OK
2023.07.28 00:01:37 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.28 00:01:37 LOG_INFO [4264:1044]: Add dns OK
2023.07.28 00:01:37 LOG_DEBUG [4264:1044]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.07.28 00:01:37 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.07.28 00:01:37 LOG_INFO [15428:16692]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.28 00:01:37 LOG_DEBUG [15428:16692]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.28 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [13316:12344]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.07.28 00:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [13316:12344]: The local product version is
2023.07.28 00:05:34 LOG_INFO [13316:12344]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.07.28 00:05:34 LOG_ERR [13316:12344]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.07.28 06:02:38 LOG_INFO [15428:13180]: Disconnect from the server
2023.07.28 06:02:38 LOG_INFO [4264:5108]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.07.28 06:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.07.28 06:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Handle channel close message
2023.07.28 06:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [4264:3192]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.28 06:02:38 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.28 06:02:38 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.07.28 06:02:38 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Delete routes OK
2023.07.28 06:02:39 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.07.28 06:02:39 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.07.28 06:02:39 LOG_INFO [4264:3192]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.07.31 00:05:43 LOG_DEBUG [11192:12496]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.07.31 00:05:43 LOG_DEBUG [11192:12496]: The local product version is
2023.07.31 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [11192:12496]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.07.31 00:05:43 LOG_ERR [11192:12496]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.07.31 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [11192:12496]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.07.31 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [11192:12496]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.07.31 00:05:43 LOG_NOTICE [11192:12496]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.07.31 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [11192:12496]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.07.31 00:05:43 LOG_NOTICE [11192:12496]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.07.31 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [11192:12496]: SecureConnect started
2023.07.31 00:05:43 LOG_DEBUG [12476:4504]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.07.31 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [12476:4504]: Init SSL channel
2023.07.31 00:05:44 LOG_ERR [11192:12496]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.31 00:05:44 LOG_DEBUG [12476:4504]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.31 00:05:44 LOG_DEBUG [12476:4504]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.07.31 00:05:45 LOG_DEBUG [11192:12496]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.31 00:05:45 LOG_ERR [11192:12496]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.07.31 00:05:45 LOG_DEBUG [12476:4504]: nFilelen=-1
2023.07.31 00:05:45 LOG_DEBUG [12476:4504]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.07.31 00:05:45 LOG_DEBUG [12476:4504]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.07.31 00:05:45 LOG_DEBUG [12476:4504]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.07.31 00:05:45 LOG_DEBUG [12476:4504]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.07.31 00:05:45 LOG_DEBUG [12476:4504]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.07.31 00:05:45 LOG_DEBUG [12476:4504]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.07.31 00:05:45 LOG_INFO [12476:4504]: Real HostID =
2023.07.31 00:05:45 LOG_INFO [12476:4504]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.31 00:05:46 LOG_DEBUG [11192:12496]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_INFO [11192:12496]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_INFO [11192:12496]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_DEBUG [11192:12496]: Peer server count: 0
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_INFO [12476:13664]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_INFO [11192:12496]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_DEBUG [11192:15304]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_INFO [11192:15304]: Connecting to
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_INFO [12476:14132]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_DEBUG [12476:11632]: Handle channel open message
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_DEBUG [12476:11632]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_DEBUG [12476:15456]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Connect to with port
2023.07.31 00:05:49 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.07.31 00:05:50 LOG_DEBUG [12476:15456]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.07.31 00:05:50 LOG_DEBUG [12476:15456]: Handshake success!.....
2023.07.31 00:05:50 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: HostID =
2023.07.31 00:05:50 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Authenticaton OK
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [12476:15456]: Login ok!
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: No peer server list.
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_INFO [11192:14940]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Send client info OK!
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [12476:15456]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: SET IP =
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [12476:15456]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [12476:15456]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [12476:15456]: Not receive
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Set client parameters OK
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [12476:15456]: Local SPI = 26d64dac
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [12476:15456]: Local CPI = 0x792b
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Remote SPI = 0x1340fbb2
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: get session id from server = 659
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [12476:15456]: Remote CPI = 0x7fa5 and local CPI =
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [12476:15456]: CompAlg = 0
2023.07.31 00:05:51 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Send new key OK
2023.07.31 00:05:52 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Add routes OK
2023.07.31 00:05:52 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Add wins OK
2023.07.31 00:05:55 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.07.31 00:05:55 LOG_INFO [12476:15456]: Add dns OK
2023.07.31 00:05:55 LOG_DEBUG [12476:15456]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.07.31 00:05:55 LOG_INFO [11192:11116]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.07.31 00:05:55 LOG_DEBUG [11192:11116]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.07.31 06:04:53 LOG_INFO [11192:12496]: Disconnect from the server
2023.07.31 06:04:53 LOG_INFO [12476:4748]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.07.31 06:04:53 LOG_DEBUG [12476:11632]: Begin to close
2023.07.31 06:04:53 LOG_DEBUG [12476:11632]: Handle channel close message
2023.07.31 06:04:53 LOG_DEBUG [12476:11632]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.07.31 06:04:53 LOG_INFO [12476:11632]: Close SSL channel
2023.07.31 06:04:53 LOG_INFO [12476:11632]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.07.31 06:04:54 LOG_INFO [12476:11632]: Delete routes OK
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [14900:10788]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [14900:10788]: The local product version is
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [14900:10788]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_ERR [14900:10788]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [14900:10788]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [14900:10788]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_NOTICE [14900:10788]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [14900:10788]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_NOTICE [14900:10788]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [14900:10788]: SecureConnect started
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [13820:15448]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [13820:15448]: Init SSL channel
2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_ERR [14900:10788]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_DEBUG [13820:15448]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_DEBUG [13820:15448]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.08.04 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [14900:10788]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.04 00:03:20 LOG_ERR [14900:10788]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.04 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [13820:15448]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.04 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [13820:15448]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.08.04 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [13820:15448]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.08.04 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [13820:15448]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.08.04 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [13820:15448]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.08.04 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [13820:15448]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.08.04 00:03:20 LOG_DEBUG [13820:15448]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.08.04 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [13820:15448]: Real HostID =
2023.08.04 00:03:20 LOG_INFO [13820:15448]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.04 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [14900:10788]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [14900:10788]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [14900:10788]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [14900:10788]: Peer server count: 0
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [13820:15012]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [14900:10788]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [14900:17080]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [14900:17080]: Connecting to
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [13820:16804]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [13820:5152]: Handle channel open message
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [13820:5152]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [13820:16860]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [13820:16860]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [13820:16860]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [13820:16860]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [13820:16860]: Connect to with port
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_INFO [13820:16860]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.08.04 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [13820:16860]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_DEBUG [13820:16860]: Handshake success!.....
2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_INFO [13820:16860]: HostID =
2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_INFO [13820:16860]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_ERR [13820:16860]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_INFO [13820:16860]: Close SSL channel
2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_INFO [13820:16860]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_INFO [13820:16860]: Delete routes OK
2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_INFO [13820:16860]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_INFO [13820:16860]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_INFO [13820:16860]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_ERR [13820:16860]: Can't login Error code =

2023.08.04 00:03:19 LOG_DEBUG [13820:16860]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.08.04 00:03:30 LOG_INFO [14900:4464]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.08.04 00:03:30 LOG_INFO [14900:4464]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.08.04 00:03:30 LOG_INFO [14900:4464]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [14900:10788]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [14900:10788]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [14900:10788]: Peer server count: 0
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:13288]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [14900:10788]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [14900:11376]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [14900:11376]: Connecting to
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:5060]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:5152]: Handle channel open message
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:5152]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:11392]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Connect to with port
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:11392]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:11392]: Handshake success!.....
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: HostID =
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Authenticaton OK
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:11392]: Login ok!
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: No peer server list.
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [14900:14956]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Send client info OK!
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:11392]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: SET IP =
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:11392]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:11392]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:11392]: Not receive
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Set client parameters OK
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:11392]: Local SPI = 5da5bb4a
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:11392]: Local CPI = 0x5c09
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Remote SPI = 0x1340fd5e
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: get session id from server = 838
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:11392]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8151 and local CPI
= 0x5c09
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_DEBUG [13820:11392]: CompAlg = 0
2023.08.04 00:03:36 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Send new key OK
2023.08.04 00:03:37 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Add routes OK
2023.08.04 00:03:37 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Add wins OK
2023.08.04 00:03:40 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.08.04 00:03:40 LOG_INFO [13820:11392]: Add dns OK
2023.08.04 00:03:41 LOG_DEBUG [13820:11392]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.08.04 00:03:41 LOG_INFO [14900:16488]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.08.04 00:03:41 LOG_DEBUG [14900:16488]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.08.04 06:03:33 LOG_INFO [14900:10788]: Disconnect from the server
2023.08.04 06:03:33 LOG_INFO [13820:17256]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.08.04 06:03:33 LOG_DEBUG [13820:5152]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.08.04 06:03:33 LOG_DEBUG [13820:5152]: Handle channel close message
2023.08.04 06:03:33 LOG_DEBUG [13820:5152]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.04 06:03:33 LOG_INFO [13820:5152]: Close SSL channel
2023.08.04 06:03:33 LOG_INFO [13820:5152]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.08.04 06:03:33 LOG_INFO [13820:5152]: Delete routes OK
2023.08.04 06:03:33 LOG_INFO [13820:5152]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.08.04 23:59:48 LOG_DEBUG [9840:5716]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.08.04 23:59:48 LOG_DEBUG [9840:5716]: The local product version is
2023.08.04 23:59:48 LOG_INFO [9840:5716]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.08.04 23:59:48 LOG_ERR [9840:5716]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.08.04 23:59:48 LOG_INFO [9840:5716]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.08.04 23:59:48 LOG_INFO [9840:5716]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.08.04 23:59:48 LOG_NOTICE [9840:5716]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.08.04 23:59:49 LOG_INFO [9840:5716]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.08.04 23:59:49 LOG_NOTICE [9840:5716]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.08.04 23:59:49 LOG_INFO [9840:5716]: SecureConnect started
2023.08.04 23:59:49 LOG_DEBUG [6360:6644]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.08.04 23:59:49 LOG_INFO [6360:6644]: Init SSL channel
2023.08.04 23:59:50 LOG_ERR [9840:5716]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.04 23:59:50 LOG_DEBUG [6360:6644]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.04 23:59:50 LOG_DEBUG [6360:6644]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.08.04 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [9840:5716]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.04 23:59:51 LOG_ERR [9840:5716]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.04 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [6360:6644]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.04 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [6360:6644]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.08.04 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [6360:6644]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.08.04 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [6360:6644]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.08.04 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [6360:6644]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.08.04 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [6360:6644]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.08.04 23:59:51 LOG_DEBUG [6360:6644]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.08.04 23:59:51 LOG_INFO [6360:6644]: Real HostID =
2023.08.04 23:59:51 LOG_INFO [6360:6644]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.04 23:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [9840:5716]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [9840:5716]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [9840:5716]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [9840:5716]: Peer server count: 0
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [6360:12640]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [9840:5716]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [9840:12644]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [9840:12644]: Connecting to
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [6360:12648]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [6360:8116]: Handle channel open message
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [6360:8116]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [6360:12652]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Connect to with port
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.08.05 00:00:00 LOG_DEBUG [6360:12652]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.08.05 00:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [6360:12652]: Handshake success!.....
2023.08.05 00:00:01 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: HostID =
2023.08.05 00:00:01 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.05 00:00:01 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.08.05 00:00:01 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Authenticaton OK
2023.08.05 00:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [6360:12652]: Login ok!
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: No peer server list.
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [9840:12524]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Send client info OK!
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [6360:12652]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: SET IP =
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [6360:12652]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [6360:12652]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [6360:12652]: Not receive
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Set client parameters OK
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [6360:12652]: Local SPI = 290c5218
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [6360:12652]: Local CPI = 0x1f76
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Remote SPI = 0x1340fd8a
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: get session id from server = 852
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [6360:12652]: Remote CPI = 0xffff817d and local CPI =
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [6360:12652]: CompAlg = 0
2023.08.05 00:00:02 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Send new key OK
2023.08.05 00:00:03 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Add routes OK
2023.08.05 00:00:03 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Add wins OK
2023.08.05 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.08.05 00:00:06 LOG_INFO [6360:12652]: Add dns OK
2023.08.05 00:00:07 LOG_INFO [9840:12632]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.08.05 00:00:07 LOG_DEBUG [9840:12632]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.08.05 06:07:58 LOG_INFO [9840:5716]: Disconnect from the server
2023.08.05 06:07:58 LOG_INFO [6360:6508]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.08.05 06:07:58 LOG_DEBUG [6360:8116]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.08.05 06:07:58 LOG_DEBUG [6360:8116]: Handle channel close message
2023.08.05 06:07:58 LOG_DEBUG [6360:8116]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.05 06:07:58 LOG_INFO [6360:8116]: Close SSL channel
2023.08.05 06:07:58 LOG_INFO [6360:8116]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.08.05 06:07:59 LOG_INFO [6360:8116]: Delete routes OK
2023.08.05 06:07:59 LOG_INFO [6360:8116]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.08.05 06:07:59 LOG_INFO [6360:8116]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.08.05 06:07:59 LOG_INFO [6360:8116]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.08.12 00:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [17032:3488]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.08.12 00:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [17032:3488]: The local product version is
2023.08.12 00:01:57 LOG_INFO [17032:3488]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.08.12 00:01:57 LOG_ERR [17032:3488]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.08.12 00:01:57 LOG_INFO [17032:3488]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.08.12 00:01:57 LOG_INFO [17032:3488]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.08.12 00:01:57 LOG_NOTICE [17032:3488]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.08.12 00:01:57 LOG_INFO [17032:3488]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.08.12 00:01:57 LOG_NOTICE [17032:3488]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.08.12 00:01:58 LOG_INFO [17032:3488]: SecureConnect started
2023.08.12 00:01:58 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14756]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.08.12 00:01:58 LOG_INFO [16408:14756]: Init SSL channel
2023.08.12 00:01:59 LOG_ERR [17032:3488]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.12 00:01:59 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14756]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.12 00:01:59 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14756]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.08.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [17032:3488]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.12 00:02:00 LOG_ERR [17032:3488]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14756]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14756]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.08.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14756]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.08.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14756]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.08.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14756]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.08.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14756]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.08.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14756]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.08.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [16408:14756]: Real HostID =
2023.08.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [16408:14756]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.12 00:02:01 LOG_DEBUG [17032:3488]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_INFO [17032:3488]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_INFO [17032:3488]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [17032:3488]: Peer server count: 0
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_INFO [16408:1996]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_INFO [17032:3488]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [17032:4380]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_INFO [17032:4380]: Connecting to
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_INFO [16408:5276]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [16408:17708]: Handle channel open message
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [16408:17708]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [16408:17276]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_INFO [16408:17276]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_INFO [16408:17276]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_INFO [16408:17276]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_INFO [16408:17276]: Connect to with port
2023.08.12 00:02:06 LOG_INFO [16408:17276]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.08.12 00:02:07 LOG_ERR [16408:17276]: Connect to ""
( error [10053]
2023.08.12 00:02:07 LOG_ERR [16408:17276]: Connect to the server failed
2023.08.12 00:02:07 LOG_INFO [16408:17276]: Close SSL channel
2023.08.12 00:02:07 LOG_INFO [16408:17276]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2023.08.12 00:02:07 LOG_INFO [16408:17276]: Delete routes OK
2023.08.12 00:02:07 LOG_INFO [16408:17276]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.08.12 00:02:07 LOG_INFO [16408:17276]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.08.12 00:02:07 LOG_INFO [16408:17276]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.08.12 00:02:07 LOG_ERR [16408:17276]: Connect to failed

2023.08.12 00:02:07 LOG_DEBUG [16408:17276]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.08.12 00:02:07 LOG_ERR [17032:2076]: Server unreachable, but no available peer
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [17032:3488]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [17032:3488]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [17032:3488]: Peer server count: 0
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [16408:5172]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [17032:3488]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [17032:7708]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [17032:7708]: Connecting to
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [16408:14464]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [16408:17708]: Handle channel open message
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [16408:17708]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14132]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Connect to with port
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14132]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14132]: Handshake success!.....
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: HostID =
2023.08.12 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Authenticaton OK
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14132]: Login ok!
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: No peer server list.
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [17032:14892]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Send client info OK!
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14132]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: SET IP =
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14132]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14132]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14132]: Not receive
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Set client parameters OK
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14132]: Local SPI = 4ddb9bb6
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14132]: Local CPI = 0x6060
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Remote SPI = 0x1340ff4e
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: get session id from server = 1016
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14132]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8341 and local CPI
= 0x6060
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14132]: CompAlg = 0
2023.08.12 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Send new key OK
2023.08.12 00:02:31 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Add routes OK
2023.08.12 00:02:31 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Add wins OK
2023.08.12 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.08.12 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [16408:14132]: Add dns OK
2023.08.12 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [17032:3568]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.08.12 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [16408:14132]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.08.12 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [17032:3568]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.08.12 06:06:34 LOG_INFO [17032:3488]: Disconnect from the server
2023.08.12 06:06:34 LOG_INFO [16408:19244]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.08.12 06:06:34 LOG_DEBUG [16408:17708]: Begin to close
2023.08.12 06:06:34 LOG_DEBUG [16408:17708]: Handle channel close message
2023.08.12 06:06:34 LOG_DEBUG [16408:17708]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.12 06:06:34 LOG_INFO [16408:17708]: Close SSL channel
2023.08.12 06:06:34 LOG_INFO [16408:17708]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.08.12 06:06:34 LOG_INFO [16408:17708]: Delete routes OK
2023.08.12 06:06:35 LOG_INFO [16408:17708]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.08.12 06:06:35 LOG_INFO [16408:17708]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.08.12 06:06:35 LOG_INFO [16408:17708]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.08.13 00:04:07 LOG_DEBUG [12368:11736]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.08.13 00:04:07 LOG_DEBUG [12368:11736]: The local product version is
2023.08.13 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [12368:11736]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.08.13 00:04:07 LOG_ERR [12368:11736]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.08.13 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [12368:11736]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.08.13 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [12368:11736]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.08.13 00:04:07 LOG_NOTICE [12368:11736]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.08.13 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [12368:11736]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.08.13 00:04:07 LOG_NOTICE [12368:11736]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.08.13 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [12368:11736]: SecureConnect started
2023.08.13 00:04:07 LOG_DEBUG [13196:6784]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.08.13 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [13196:6784]: Init SSL channel
2023.08.13 00:04:08 LOG_ERR [12368:11736]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.13 00:04:09 LOG_DEBUG [13196:6784]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.13 00:04:09 LOG_DEBUG [13196:6784]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.08.13 00:04:09 LOG_DEBUG [12368:11736]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.13 00:04:09 LOG_ERR [12368:11736]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.13 00:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [13196:6784]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.13 00:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [13196:6784]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.08.13 00:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [13196:6784]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.08.13 00:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [13196:6784]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.08.13 00:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [13196:6784]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.08.13 00:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [13196:6784]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.08.13 00:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [13196:6784]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.08.13 00:04:10 LOG_INFO [13196:6784]: Real HostID =
2023.08.13 00:04:10 LOG_INFO [13196:6784]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.13 00:04:10 LOG_DEBUG [12368:11736]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_INFO [12368:11736]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_INFO [12368:11736]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [12368:11736]: Peer server count: 0
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_INFO [13196:10164]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_INFO [12368:11736]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [12368:10076]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_INFO [12368:10076]: Connecting to
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_INFO [13196:10144]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [13196:4248]: Handle channel open message
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [13196:4248]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [13196:9664]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Connect to with port
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.08.13 00:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [13196:9664]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [13196:9664]: Handshake success!.....
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: HostID =
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Authenticaton OK
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [13196:9664]: Login ok!
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: No peer server list.
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_INFO [12368:10896]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Send client info OK!
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [13196:9664]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: SET IP =
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [13196:9664]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [13196:9664]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [13196:9664]: Not receive
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Set client parameters OK
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [13196:9664]: Local SPI = 1d5a3ab4
2023.08.13 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [13196:9664]: Local CPI = 0x6be2
2023.08.13 00:04:17 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Remote SPI = 0x1340ff64
2023.08.13 00:04:17 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.08.13 00:04:17 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.08.13 00:04:17 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: get session id from server = 1028
2023.08.13 00:04:17 LOG_DEBUG [13196:9664]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8357 and local CPI =
2023.08.13 00:04:17 LOG_DEBUG [13196:9664]: CompAlg = 0
2023.08.13 00:04:17 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Send new key OK
2023.08.13 00:04:17 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Add routes OK
2023.08.13 00:04:17 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Add wins OK
2023.08.13 00:04:21 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.08.13 00:04:21 LOG_INFO [13196:9664]: Add dns OK
2023.08.13 00:04:21 LOG_DEBUG [13196:9664]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.08.13 00:04:21 LOG_INFO [12368:6316]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.08.13 00:04:21 LOG_DEBUG [12368:6316]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.08.13 06:08:16 LOG_INFO [12368:11736]: Disconnect from the server
2023.08.13 06:08:16 LOG_INFO [13196:15892]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.08.13 06:08:16 LOG_DEBUG [13196:4248]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.08.13 06:08:16 LOG_DEBUG [13196:4248]: Handle channel close message
2023.08.13 06:08:16 LOG_DEBUG [13196:4248]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.13 06:08:16 LOG_INFO [13196:4248]: Close SSL channel
2023.08.13 06:08:16 LOG_INFO [13196:4248]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.08.13 06:08:17 LOG_INFO [13196:4248]: Delete routes OK
2023.08.13 06:08:17 LOG_INFO [13196:4248]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.08.21 00:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [19692:12404]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.08.21 00:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [19692:12404]: The local product version is
2023.08.21 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [19692:12404]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.08.21 00:01:55 LOG_ERR [19692:12404]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.08.21 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [19692:12404]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.08.21 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [19692:12404]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.08.21 00:01:55 LOG_NOTICE [19692:12404]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.08.21 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [19692:12404]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.08.21 00:01:55 LOG_NOTICE [19692:12404]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.08.21 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [19692:12404]: SecureConnect started
2023.08.21 00:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [18720:20168]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.08.21 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [18720:20168]: Init SSL channel
2023.08.21 00:01:56 LOG_ERR [19692:12404]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.21 00:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [18720:20168]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.21 00:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [18720:20168]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.08.21 00:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [19692:12404]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.21 00:01:57 LOG_ERR [19692:12404]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.21 00:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [18720:20168]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.21 00:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [18720:20168]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.08.21 00:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [18720:20168]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.08.21 00:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [18720:20168]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.08.21 00:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [18720:20168]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.08.21 00:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [18720:20168]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.08.21 00:01:57 LOG_DEBUG [18720:20168]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.08.21 00:01:57 LOG_INFO [18720:20168]: Real HostID =
2023.08.21 00:01:57 LOG_INFO [18720:20168]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.21 00:01:58 LOG_DEBUG [19692:12404]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_INFO [19692:12404]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_INFO [19692:12404]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [19692:12404]: Peer server count: 0
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_INFO [18720:19180]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_INFO [19692:12404]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [19692:15900]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_INFO [19692:15900]: Connecting to
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_INFO [18720:19312]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [18720:7320]: Handle channel open message
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [18720:7320]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [18720:17064]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Connect to with port
2023.08.21 00:02:02 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.08.21 00:02:03 LOG_DEBUG [18720:17064]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.08.21 00:02:03 LOG_DEBUG [18720:17064]: Handshake success!.....
2023.08.21 00:02:03 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: HostID =
2023.08.21 00:02:03 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Authenticaton OK
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [18720:17064]: Login ok!
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: No peer server list.
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [19692:11940]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Send client info OK!
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [18720:17064]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: SET IP =
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [18720:17064]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [18720:17064]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [18720:17064]: Not receive
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Set client parameters OK
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [18720:17064]: Local SPI = 0cbb1976
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [18720:17064]: Local CPI = 0x6f64
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Remote SPI = 0x13410112
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: get session id from server = 1169
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [18720:17064]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8505 and local CPI
= 0x6f64
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [18720:17064]: CompAlg = 0
2023.08.21 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Send new key OK
2023.08.21 00:02:05 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Add routes OK
2023.08.21 00:02:05 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Add wins OK
2023.08.21 00:02:08 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.08.21 00:02:08 LOG_INFO [18720:17064]: Add dns OK
2023.08.21 00:02:08 LOG_DEBUG [18720:17064]: End OpenChannelThread
logon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.08.21 00:02:08 LOG_DEBUG [19692:14312]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.08.21 06:04:38 LOG_INFO [19692:12404]: Disconnect from the server
2023.08.21 06:04:38 LOG_INFO [18720:3772]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.08.21 06:04:38 LOG_DEBUG [18720:7320]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.08.21 06:04:38 LOG_DEBUG [18720:7320]: Handle channel close message
2023.08.21 06:04:38 LOG_DEBUG [18720:7320]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.21 06:04:38 LOG_INFO [18720:7320]: Close SSL channel
2023.08.21 06:04:38 LOG_INFO [18720:7320]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.08.21 06:04:39 LOG_INFO [18720:7320]: Delete routes OK
2023.08.21 06:04:39 LOG_INFO [18720:7320]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.08.21 06:04:39 LOG_INFO [18720:7320]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.08.21 06:04:39 LOG_INFO [18720:7320]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.08.24 00:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [11484:11488]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.08.24 00:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [11484:11488]: The local product version is
2023.08.24 00:03:15 LOG_INFO [11484:11488]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.08.24 00:03:15 LOG_ERR [11484:11488]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.08.24 00:03:15 LOG_INFO [11484:11488]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.08.24 00:03:15 LOG_INFO [11484:11488]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.08.24 00:03:15 LOG_NOTICE [11484:11488]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.08.24 00:03:15 LOG_INFO [11484:11488]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.08.24 00:03:15 LOG_NOTICE [11484:11488]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.08.24 00:03:15 LOG_INFO [11484:11488]: SecureConnect started
2023.08.24 00:03:15 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11668]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.08.24 00:03:15 LOG_INFO [11664:11668]: Init SSL channel
2023.08.24 00:03:16 LOG_ERR [11484:11488]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.24 00:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11668]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.24 00:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11668]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.08.24 00:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [11484:11488]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.24 00:03:17 LOG_ERR [11484:11488]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.24 00:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11668]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.24 00:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11668]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.08.24 00:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11668]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.08.24 00:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11668]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.08.24 00:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11668]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.08.24 00:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11668]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.08.24 00:03:17 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11668]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.08.24 00:03:17 LOG_INFO [11664:11668]: Real HostID =
2023.08.24 00:03:17 LOG_INFO [11664:11668]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.24 00:03:18 LOG_DEBUG [11484:11488]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11484:11488]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11484:11488]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11484:11488]: Peer server count: 0
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:11372]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11484:11488]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11484:9808]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11484:9808]: Connecting to
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:8100]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11952]: Handle channel open message
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11952]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11664:4024]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Connect to with port
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11664:4024]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11664:4024]: Handshake success!.....
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: HostID =
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Authenticaton OK
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11664:4024]: Login ok!
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: No peer server list.
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11484:11128]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Send client info OK!
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11664:4024]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: SET IP =
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11664:4024]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11664:4024]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11664:4024]: Not receive
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Set client parameters OK
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11664:4024]: Local SPI = 7823f046
2023.08.24 00:03:23 LOG_DEBUG [11664:4024]: Local CPI = 0x4ad8
2023.08.24 00:03:24 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Remote SPI = 0x134101a4
2023.08.24 00:03:24 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.08.24 00:03:24 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.08.24 00:03:24 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: get session id from server = 1230
2023.08.24 00:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [11664:4024]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8597 and local CPI =
2023.08.24 00:03:24 LOG_DEBUG [11664:4024]: CompAlg = 0
2023.08.24 00:03:24 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Send new key OK
2023.08.24 00:03:24 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Add routes OK
2023.08.24 00:03:24 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Add wins OK
2023.08.24 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.08.24 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [11664:4024]: Add dns OK
2023.08.24 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [11664:4024]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.08.24 00:03:28 LOG_INFO [11484:12572]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.08.24 00:03:28 LOG_DEBUG [11484:12572]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.08.24 06:02:31 LOG_INFO [11484:11488]: Disconnect from the server
2023.08.24 06:02:31 LOG_INFO [11664:4472]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.08.24 06:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11952]: Begin to close
2023.08.24 06:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11952]: Handle channel close message
2023.08.24 06:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [11664:11952]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.24 06:02:31 LOG_INFO [11664:11952]: Close SSL channel
2023.08.24 06:02:31 LOG_INFO [11664:11952]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.08.24 06:02:31 LOG_INFO [11664:11952]: Delete routes OK
2023.08.29 00:01:41 LOG_DEBUG [3220:7316]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.08.29 00:01:41 LOG_DEBUG [3220:7316]: The local product version is
2023.08.29 00:01:41 LOG_INFO [3220:7316]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.08.29 00:01:41 LOG_ERR [3220:7316]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.08.29 00:01:41 LOG_INFO [3220:7316]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.08.29 00:01:41 LOG_INFO [3220:7316]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.08.29 00:01:41 LOG_NOTICE [3220:7316]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.08.29 00:01:41 LOG_INFO [3220:7316]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.08.29 00:01:41 LOG_NOTICE [3220:7316]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.08.29 00:01:41 LOG_INFO [3220:7316]: SecureConnect started
2023.08.29 00:01:41 LOG_DEBUG [8668:10112]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.08.29 00:01:41 LOG_INFO [8668:10112]: Init SSL channel
2023.08.29 00:01:42 LOG_ERR [3220:7316]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.29 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [8668:10112]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.29 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [8668:10112]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.08.29 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [3220:7316]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.29 00:01:43 LOG_ERR [3220:7316]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.29 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [8668:10112]: nFilelen=-1
2023.08.29 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [8668:10112]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.08.29 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [8668:10112]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.08.29 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [3220:7316]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.29 00:01:44 LOG_ERR [3220:7316]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.08.29 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [8668:10112]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.08.29 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [8668:10112]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.08.29 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [8668:10112]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.08.29 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [8668:10112]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.08.29 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [8668:10112]: Real HostID =
2023.08.29 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [8668:10112]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.29 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [3220:7316]: Try the 3 time to find the named pipe
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [3220:7316]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [3220:7316]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [3220:7316]: Peer server count: 0
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [8668:16440]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [3220:7316]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [3220:16444]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [3220:16444]: Connecting to
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [8668:16448]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [8668:7248]: Handle channel open message
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [8668:7248]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [8668:16452]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Connect to with port
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [8668:16452]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [8668:16452]: Handshake success!.....
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: HostID =
2023.08.29 00:01:55 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Authenticaton OK
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [8668:16452]: Login ok!
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: No peer server list.
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_INFO [3220:16468]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Send client info OK!
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [8668:16452]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: SET IP =
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [8668:16452]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [8668:16452]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [8668:16452]: Not receive
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Set client parameters OK
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [8668:16452]: Local SPI = 7db2fb64
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [8668:16452]: Local CPI = 0x3879
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Remote SPI = 0x13410242
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: get session id from server = 1303
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [8668:16452]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8635 and local CPI =
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [8668:16452]: CompAlg = 0
2023.08.29 00:01:56 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Send new key OK
2023.08.29 00:01:57 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Add routes OK
2023.08.29 00:01:57 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Add wins OK
2023.08.29 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.08.29 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [8668:16452]: Add dns OK
2023.08.29 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [8668:16452]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.08.29 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [3220:16956]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.08.29 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [3220:16956]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.08.29 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [3220:7316]: Disconnect from the server
2023.08.29 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [8668:2424]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.08.29 06:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [8668:7248]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.08.29 06:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [8668:7248]: Handle channel close message
2023.08.29 06:05:29 LOG_DEBUG [8668:7248]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.08.29 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [8668:7248]: Close SSL channel
2023.08.29 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [8668:7248]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.08.29 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [8668:7248]: Delete routes OK
2023.08.29 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [8668:7248]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.08.29 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [8668:7248]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.08.29 06:05:29 LOG_INFO [8668:7248]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.01 00:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [13708:16084]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.09.01 00:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [13708:16084]: The local product version is
2023.09.01 00:00:36 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.09.01 00:00:36 LOG_ERR [13708:16084]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.09.01 00:00:37 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.09.01 00:00:37 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.09.01 00:00:37 LOG_NOTICE [13708:16084]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.09.01 00:00:37 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.09.01 00:00:37 LOG_NOTICE [13708:16084]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.09.01 00:00:37 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: SecureConnect started
2023.09.01 00:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [15068:16308]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.09.01 00:00:37 LOG_INFO [15068:16308]: Init SSL channel
2023.09.01 00:00:38 LOG_ERR [13708:16084]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.01 00:00:38 LOG_DEBUG [15068:16308]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.01 00:00:38 LOG_DEBUG [15068:16308]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.09.01 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [13708:16084]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.01 00:00:39 LOG_ERR [13708:16084]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.01 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [15068:16308]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.01 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [15068:16308]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.09.01 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [15068:16308]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.09.01 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [15068:16308]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.09.01 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [15068:16308]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.09.01 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [15068:16308]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.09.01 00:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [15068:16308]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.09.01 00:00:39 LOG_INFO [15068:16308]: Real HostID =
2023.09.01 00:00:39 LOG_INFO [15068:16308]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.01 00:00:40 LOG_DEBUG [13708:16084]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [13708:16084]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_INFO [15068:4392]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [13708:4784]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_INFO [13708:4784]: Connecting to
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_INFO [15068:9236]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [15068:7380]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [15068:7380]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [15068:11948]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_INFO [15068:11948]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_INFO [15068:11948]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_INFO [15068:11948]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_INFO [15068:11948]: Connect to with port
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_INFO [15068:11948]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [15068:11948]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_DEBUG [15068:11948]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_INFO [15068:11948]: HostID =
2023.09.01 00:02:14 LOG_INFO [15068:11948]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.01 00:02:15 LOG_ERR [15068:11948]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.09.01 00:02:15 LOG_INFO [15068:11948]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.01 00:02:15 LOG_INFO [15068:11948]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11861796
2023.09.01 00:02:15 LOG_INFO [15068:11948]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.01 00:02:15 LOG_INFO [15068:11948]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.01 00:02:15 LOG_INFO [15068:11948]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.01 00:02:15 LOG_INFO [15068:11948]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.01 00:02:15 LOG_ERR [15068:11948]: Can't login Error code =

2023.09.01 00:02:15 LOG_DEBUG [15068:11948]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [13708:14464]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.09.01 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [13708:14464]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.09.01 00:02:17 LOG_INFO [13708:14464]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [13708:16084]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14192]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [13708:8088]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [13708:8088]: Connecting to
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14964]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [15068:7380]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [15068:7380]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [15068:14184]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14184]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14184]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14184]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14184]: Connect to with port
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14184]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [15068:14184]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [15068:14184]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14184]: HostID =
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14184]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_ERR [15068:14184]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14184]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14184]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11861796
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14184]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14184]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14184]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [15068:14184]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_ERR [15068:14184]: Can't login Error code =

2023.09.01 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [15068:14184]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:02:26 LOG_INFO [13708:13496]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.09.01 00:02:26 LOG_INFO [13708:13496]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=1)
2023.09.01 00:02:26 LOG_INFO [13708:13496]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 2. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [13708:16084]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:14868]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [13708:14560]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [13708:14560]: Connecting to
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:9596]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [15068:7380]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [15068:7380]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [15068:5700]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:5700]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:5700]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:5700]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:5700]: Connect to with port
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:5700]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [15068:5700]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [15068:5700]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:5700]: HostID =
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:5700]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_ERR [15068:5700]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:5700]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:5700]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11861796
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:5700]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:5700]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:5700]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_INFO [15068:5700]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_ERR [15068:5700]: Can't login Error code =

2023.09.01 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [15068:5700]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [13708:13332]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.09.01 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [13708:13332]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=2)
2023.09.01 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [13708:13332]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: start=133380001377200000
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=181190000
diffInSec=18 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: start=133380001377200000
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=181190000
diffInSec=18 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2023-
9-1 0:4:35
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: start=133380001377200000
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=181190000
diffInSec=18 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.09.01 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2023-
9-1 0:4:35
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: start=133380001377200000
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=181190000
diffInSec=18 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: start=133380001377200000
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=181190000
diffInSec=18 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2023-
9-1 0:4:35
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: start=133380001377200000
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=181190000
diffInSec=18 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.09.01 00:03:47 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2023-
9-1 0:4:35
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: start=133380001377200000
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=181190000
diffInSec=18 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: start=133380001377200000
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=181190000
diffInSec=18 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2023-
9-1 0:4:35
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: start=133380001377200000
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=181190000
diffInSec=18 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.09.01 00:04:35 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2023-
9-1 0:4:35
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: start=133380001377200000
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=181190000
diffInSec=18 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: start=133380001377200000
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=181190000
diffInSec=18 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 1
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: BruteForceProber: Available time: 2023-
9-1 0:4:35
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_DEBUG [13708:16084]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [15068:6624]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_DEBUG [13708:16320]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [13708:16320]: Connecting to
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [15068:10272]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_DEBUG [15068:7380]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_DEBUG [15068:7380]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_DEBUG [15068:10344]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [15068:10344]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [15068:10344]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [15068:10344]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [15068:10344]: Connect to with port
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [15068:10344]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_DEBUG [15068:10344]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_DEBUG [15068:10344]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [15068:10344]: HostID =
2023.09.01 00:04:42 LOG_INFO [15068:10344]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.01 00:04:43 LOG_ERR [15068:10344]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.09.01 00:04:43 LOG_INFO [15068:10344]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.01 00:04:43 LOG_INFO [15068:10344]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11861796
2023.09.01 00:04:43 LOG_INFO [15068:10344]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.01 00:04:43 LOG_INFO [15068:10344]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.01 00:04:43 LOG_INFO [15068:10344]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.01 00:04:43 LOG_INFO [15068:10344]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.01 00:04:43 LOG_ERR [15068:10344]: Can't login Error code =

2023.09.01 00:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [15068:10344]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:04:44 LOG_INFO [13708:14348]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.09.01 00:04:44 LOG_INFO [13708:14348]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=3)
2023.09.01 00:04:44 LOG_INFO [13708:14348]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.09.01 00:04:51 LOG_INFO [13708:16084]: Disconnect from the server
2023.09.01 00:04:51 LOG_INFO [15068:13552]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.09.01 00:04:51 LOG_DEBUG [15068:7380]: Already be disconnected
2023.09.01 00:06:24 LOG_DEBUG [12252:12256]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.09.01 00:06:24 LOG_DEBUG [12252:12256]: The local product version is
2023.09.01 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.09.01 00:06:24 LOG_ERR [12252:12256]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.09.01 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.09.01 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 3).
2023.09.01 00:06:24 LOG_NOTICE [12252:12256]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.09.01 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.09.01 00:06:24 LOG_NOTICE [12252:12256]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.09.01 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: SecureConnect started
2023.09.01 00:06:24 LOG_DEBUG [11784:11720]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.09.01 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [11784:11720]: Init SSL channel
2023.09.01 00:06:25 LOG_ERR [12252:12256]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.01 00:06:25 LOG_DEBUG [11784:11720]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.01 00:06:25 LOG_DEBUG [11784:11720]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.09.01 00:06:26 LOG_DEBUG [12252:12256]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.01 00:06:26 LOG_ERR [12252:12256]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.01 00:06:26 LOG_DEBUG [11784:11720]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.01 00:06:26 LOG_DEBUG [11784:11720]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.09.01 00:06:26 LOG_DEBUG [11784:11720]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.09.01 00:06:26 LOG_DEBUG [11784:11720]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.09.01 00:06:26 LOG_DEBUG [11784:11720]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.09.01 00:06:26 LOG_DEBUG [11784:11720]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.09.01 00:06:26 LOG_DEBUG [11784:11720]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.09.01 00:06:26 LOG_INFO [11784:11720]: Real HostID =
2023.09.01 00:06:26 LOG_INFO [11784:11720]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.01 00:06:27 LOG_DEBUG [12252:12256]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: start=133380001467840000
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=1380080000
diffInSec=138 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_DEBUG [12252:12256]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:1684]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_DEBUG [12252:1860]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [12252:1860]: Connecting to
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:1836]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_DEBUG [11784:10304]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_DEBUG [11784:10304]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_DEBUG [11784:8]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:8]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:8]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:8]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:8]: Connect to with port 4433...
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:8]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_DEBUG [11784:8]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_DEBUG [11784:8]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:8]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:8]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_ERR [11784:8]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:8]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:8]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31653668
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:8]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:8]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.01 00:06:33 LOG_INFO [11784:8]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.01 00:06:34 LOG_INFO [11784:8]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.01 00:06:34 LOG_ERR [11784:8]: Can't login Error code = 1006
2023.09.01 00:06:34 LOG_DEBUG [11784:8]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:06:34 LOG_INFO [12252:2088]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.09.01 00:06:34 LOG_INFO [12252:2088]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=3)
2023.09.01 00:06:34 LOG_INFO [12252:2088]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: start=133380001558390000
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=2389170000
diffInSec=238 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_DEBUG [12252:12256]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12568]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_DEBUG [12252:12572]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [12252:12572]: Connecting to
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12576]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_DEBUG [11784:10304]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_DEBUG [11784:10304]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_DEBUG [11784:12580]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12580]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12580]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12580]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12580]: Connect to with port
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12580]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_DEBUG [11784:12580]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_DEBUG [11784:12580]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12580]: HostID =
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12580]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_ERR [11784:12580]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12580]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12580]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31653668
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12580]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12580]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12580]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_INFO [11784:12580]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_ERR [11784:12580]: Can't login Error code =

2023.09.01 00:06:46 LOG_DEBUG [11784:12580]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:06:47 LOG_INFO [12252:12608]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.09.01 00:06:47 LOG_INFO [12252:12608]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=3)
2023.09.01 00:06:47 LOG_INFO [12252:12608]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: start=133380002847920000
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=1230610000
diffInSec=123 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_DEBUG [12252:12256]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:2560]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_DEBUG [12252:10568]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [12252:10568]: Connecting to
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:7840]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_DEBUG [11784:10304]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_DEBUG [11784:10304]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_DEBUG [11784:7856]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:7856]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:7856]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:7856]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:7856]: Connect to with port
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:7856]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_DEBUG [11784:7856]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_DEBUG [11784:7856]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:7856]: HostID =
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:7856]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_ERR [11784:7856]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:7856]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:7856]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 14483236
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:7856]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:7856]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.01 00:08:28 LOG_INFO [11784:7856]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.01 00:08:29 LOG_INFO [11784:7856]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.01 00:08:29 LOG_ERR [11784:7856]: Can't login Error code =

2023.09.01 00:08:29 LOG_DEBUG [11784:7856]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:08:29 LOG_INFO [12252:2776]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.09.01 00:08:29 LOG_INFO [12252:2776]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=3)
2023.09.01 00:08:29 LOG_INFO [12252:2776]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.09.01 00:23:54 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:23:54 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: start=133380003947560000
2023.09.01 00:23:54 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=1149740000
diffInSec=114 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:23:54 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.01 00:23:54 LOG_DEBUG [12252:12256]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.01 00:23:54 LOG_INFO [11784:18876]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_DEBUG [12252:18056]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [12252:18056]: Connecting to
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [11784:13628]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_DEBUG [11784:10304]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_DEBUG [11784:10304]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_DEBUG [11784:17976]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [11784:17976]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [11784:17976]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [11784:17976]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [11784:17976]: Connect to with port
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [11784:17976]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_DEBUG [11784:17976]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_DEBUG [11784:17976]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [11784:17976]: HostID =
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [11784:17976]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_ERR [11784:17976]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [11784:17976]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [11784:17976]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11861796
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [11784:17976]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.01 00:23:55 LOG_INFO [11784:17976]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.01 00:23:56 LOG_INFO [11784:17976]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.01 00:23:56 LOG_INFO [11784:17976]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.01 00:23:56 LOG_ERR [11784:17976]: Can't login Error code =

2023.09.01 00:23:56 LOG_DEBUG [11784:17976]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:23:56 LOG_INFO [12252:18304]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.09.01 00:23:56 LOG_INFO [12252:18304]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=3)
2023.09.01 00:23:56 LOG_INFO [12252:18304]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: failed count: 3. Ref count: 3
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: start=133380004078530000
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: IsGuilty: DiffIn100ns=10290280000
diffInSec=1029 refTime=60.
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_DEBUG [12252:12256]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_INFO [11784:18588]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_DEBUG [12252:18492]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_INFO [12252:18492]: Connecting to
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_INFO [11784:19448]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_DEBUG [11784:10304]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_DEBUG [11784:10304]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_DEBUG [11784:19452]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Connect to with port
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.01 00:24:00 LOG_DEBUG [11784:19452]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [11784:19452]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: HostID =
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [11784:19452]: Login ok!
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: No peer server list.
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [12252:18632]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [11784:19452]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: SET IP =
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [11784:19452]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [11784:19452]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [11784:19452]: Not receive
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [11784:19452]: Local SPI = 78fff1fe
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [11784:19452]: Local CPI = 0x23d2
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Remote SPI = 0x134102e2
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: get session id from server = 1377
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [11784:19452]: Remote CPI = 0xffff86d5 and local CPI
= 0x23d2
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_DEBUG [11784:19452]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.01 00:24:01 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Send new key OK
2023.09.01 00:24:02 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Add routes OK
2023.09.01 00:24:02 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Add wins OK
2023.09.01 00:24:05 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.01 00:24:05 LOG_INFO [11784:19452]: Add dns OK
2023.09.01 00:24:05 LOG_DEBUG [11784:19452]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.01 00:24:05 LOG_INFO [12252:16524]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.01 00:24:05 LOG_DEBUG [12252:16524]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.01 06:11:30 LOG_INFO [12252:12256]: Disconnect from the server
2023.09.01 06:11:30 LOG_INFO [11784:10036]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.09.01 06:11:30 LOG_DEBUG [11784:10304]: Begin to close
2023.09.01 06:11:30 LOG_DEBUG [11784:10304]: Handle channel close message
2023.09.01 06:11:30 LOG_DEBUG [11784:10304]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.01 06:11:30 LOG_INFO [11784:10304]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.01 06:11:30 LOG_INFO [11784:10304]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.01 06:11:30 LOG_INFO [11784:10304]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.01 06:11:31 LOG_INFO [11784:10304]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.01 06:11:31 LOG_INFO [11784:10304]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.01 06:11:32 LOG_INFO [11784:10304]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.05 00:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [3444:3448]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.09.05 00:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [3444:3448]: The local product version is
2023.09.05 00:02:21 LOG_INFO [3444:3448]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.09.05 00:02:21 LOG_ERR [3444:3448]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.09.05 00:02:21 LOG_INFO [3444:3448]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.09.05 00:02:21 LOG_INFO [3444:3448]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.09.05 00:02:21 LOG_NOTICE [3444:3448]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.09.05 00:02:21 LOG_INFO [3444:3448]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.09.05 00:02:21 LOG_NOTICE [3444:3448]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.09.05 00:02:21 LOG_INFO [3444:3448]: SecureConnect started
2023.09.05 00:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [11304:13272]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.09.05 00:02:21 LOG_INFO [11304:13272]: Init SSL channel
2023.09.05 00:02:22 LOG_ERR [3444:3448]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.05 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [11304:13272]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.05 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [11304:13272]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.09.05 00:02:23 LOG_DEBUG [3444:3448]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.05 00:02:23 LOG_ERR [3444:3448]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.05 00:02:23 LOG_DEBUG [11304:13272]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.05 00:02:23 LOG_DEBUG [11304:13272]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.09.05 00:02:23 LOG_DEBUG [11304:13272]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.09.05 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [11304:13272]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.09.05 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [11304:13272]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.09.05 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [11304:13272]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.09.05 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [11304:13272]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.09.05 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [11304:13272]: Real HostID =
2023.09.05 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [11304:13272]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.05 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [3444:3448]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [3444:3448]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [3444:3448]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [3444:3448]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [11304:5040]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [3444:3448]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [3444:6508]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [3444:6508]: Connecting to
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [11304:9528]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [11304:12040]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [11304:12040]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [11304:5012]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Connect to with port
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.05 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [11304:5012]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.05 00:02:30 LOG_DEBUG [11304:5012]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.05 00:02:30 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: HostID =
2023.09.05 00:02:30 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.05 00:02:30 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.05 00:02:30 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.05 00:02:30 LOG_DEBUG [11304:5012]: Login ok!
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: No peer server list.
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_INFO [3444:6040]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [11304:5012]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: SET IP =
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [11304:5012]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [11304:5012]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [11304:5012]: Not receive
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [11304:5012]: Local SPI = 21124224
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [11304:5012]: Local CPI = 0x33f7
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Remote SPI = 0x1341038a
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: get session id from server = 1441
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [11304:5012]: Remote CPI = 0xffff877d and local CPI =
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [11304:5012]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.05 00:02:31 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Send new key OK
2023.09.05 00:02:32 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Add routes OK
2023.09.05 00:02:32 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Add wins OK
2023.09.05 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.05 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [11304:5012]: Add dns OK
2023.09.05 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [3444:13104]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.05 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [11304:5012]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.05 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [3444:13104]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.05 00:04:13 LOG_ERR [11304:12040]: Handle channel error message: 4004
2023.09.05 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [11304:12040]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.05 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [11304:12040]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.09.05 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [11304:12040]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.05 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [11304:12040]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.05 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [11304:12040]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.05 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [11304:12040]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.05 00:04:14 LOG_CRIT [11304:12040]: IO exception. The system may in

2023.09.05 00:04:14 LOG_DEBUG [11304:12040]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [3444:3448]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [3444:3448]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [3444:3448]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [11304:10412]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [3444:3448]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [3444:13320]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [3444:13320]: Connecting to
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [11304:13032]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [11304:12040]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [11304:12040]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [11304:14332]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Connect to with port
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [11304:14332]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_DEBUG [11304:14332]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: HostID =
2023.09.05 00:05:41 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [11304:14332]: Login ok!
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: No peer server list.
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [3444:11484]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [11304:14332]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: SET IP =
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [11304:14332]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [11304:14332]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [11304:14332]: Not receive
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [11304:14332]: Local SPI = 23824704
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [11304:14332]: Local CPI = 0x3667
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Remote SPI = 0x1341038c
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: get session id from server = 1442
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [11304:14332]: Remote CPI = 0xffff877f and local CPI
= 0x3667
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [11304:14332]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.05 00:05:42 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Send new key OK
2023.09.05 00:05:44 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Add routes OK
2023.09.05 00:05:44 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Add wins OK
2023.09.05 00:05:47 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.05 00:05:47 LOG_INFO [11304:14332]: Add dns OK
2023.09.05 00:05:47 LOG_INFO [3444:13224]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.05 00:05:47 LOG_DEBUG [11304:14332]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.05 00:05:47 LOG_DEBUG [3444:13224]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.05 06:06:08 LOG_INFO [3444:3448]: Disconnect from the server
2023.09.05 06:06:08 LOG_INFO [11304:4548]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.09.05 06:06:08 LOG_DEBUG [11304:12040]: Begin to close
2023.09.05 06:06:08 LOG_DEBUG [11304:12040]: Handle channel close message
2023.09.05 06:06:08 LOG_DEBUG [11304:12040]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.05 06:06:08 LOG_INFO [11304:12040]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.05 06:06:08 LOG_INFO [11304:12040]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.09.05 06:06:09 LOG_INFO [11304:12040]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.05 06:06:09 LOG_INFO [11304:12040]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.05 06:06:09 LOG_INFO [11304:12040]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.05 06:06:09 LOG_INFO [11304:12040]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.05 23:57:44 LOG_DEBUG [11348:11352]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.09.05 23:57:44 LOG_DEBUG [11348:11352]: The local product version is
2023.09.05 23:57:44 LOG_INFO [11348:11352]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.09.05 23:57:44 LOG_ERR [11348:11352]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.09.05 23:57:44 LOG_INFO [11348:11352]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.09.05 23:57:44 LOG_INFO [11348:11352]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.09.05 23:57:44 LOG_NOTICE [11348:11352]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.09.05 23:57:44 LOG_INFO [11348:11352]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.09.05 23:57:44 LOG_NOTICE [11348:11352]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.09.05 23:57:44 LOG_INFO [11348:11352]: SecureConnect started
2023.09.05 23:57:44 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11584]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.09.05 23:57:44 LOG_INFO [11580:11584]: Init SSL channel
2023.09.05 23:57:45 LOG_ERR [11348:11352]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.05 23:57:45 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11584]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.05 23:57:45 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11584]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.09.05 23:57:46 LOG_DEBUG [11348:11352]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.05 23:57:46 LOG_ERR [11348:11352]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.05 23:57:46 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11584]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.05 23:57:46 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11584]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.09.05 23:57:46 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11584]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.09.05 23:57:46 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11584]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.09.05 23:57:46 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11584]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.09.05 23:57:46 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11584]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.09.05 23:57:46 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11584]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.09.05 23:57:46 LOG_INFO [11580:11584]: Real HostID =
2023.09.05 23:57:46 LOG_INFO [11580:11584]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.05 23:57:47 LOG_DEBUG [11348:11352]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11348:11352]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11348:11352]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11348:11352]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12792]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11348:11352]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11348:12796]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11348:12796]: Connecting to
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12812]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11884]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11884]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11580:12816]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Connect to with port
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11580:12816]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11580:12816]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: HostID =
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11580:12816]: Login ok!
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: No peer server list.
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11348:12848]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11580:12816]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: SET IP =
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11580:12816]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11580:12816]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11580:12816]: Not receive
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11580:12816]: Local SPI = 6ba5d74a
2023.09.05 23:57:52 LOG_DEBUG [11580:12816]: Local CPI = 0x3a8d
2023.09.05 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Remote SPI = 0x134103b0
2023.09.05 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.05 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.05 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: get session id from server = 1460
2023.09.05 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [11580:12816]: Remote CPI = 0xffff87a3 and local CPI
= 0x3a8d
2023.09.05 23:57:53 LOG_DEBUG [11580:12816]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.05 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Send new key OK
2023.09.05 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Add routes OK
2023.09.05 23:57:53 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Add wins OK
2023.09.05 23:57:56 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.05 23:57:56 LOG_INFO [11580:12816]: Add dns OK
2023.09.05 23:57:56 LOG_DEBUG [11580:12816]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.05 23:57:56 LOG_INFO [11348:13880]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.05 23:57:56 LOG_DEBUG [11348:13880]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.06 06:03:05 LOG_INFO [11348:11352]: Disconnect from the server
2023.09.06 06:03:05 LOG_INFO [11580:8204]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.09.06 06:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11884]: Begin to close
2023.09.06 06:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11884]: Handle channel close message
2023.09.06 06:03:05 LOG_DEBUG [11580:11884]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.06 06:03:05 LOG_INFO [11580:11884]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.06 06:03:05 LOG_INFO [11580:11884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30474100
2023.09.06 06:03:05 LOG_INFO [11580:11884]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.06 06:03:06 LOG_INFO [11580:11884]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.06 06:03:06 LOG_INFO [11580:11884]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.06 06:03:06 LOG_INFO [11580:11884]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.13 00:00:08 LOG_DEBUG [13788:2396]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.09.13 00:00:08 LOG_DEBUG [13788:2396]: The local product version is
2023.09.13 00:00:08 LOG_INFO [13788:2396]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.09.13 00:00:08 LOG_ERR [13788:2396]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.09.13 00:00:09 LOG_INFO [13788:2396]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.09.13 00:00:09 LOG_INFO [13788:2396]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.09.13 00:00:09 LOG_NOTICE [13788:2396]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.09.13 00:00:09 LOG_INFO [13788:2396]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.09.13 00:00:09 LOG_NOTICE [13788:2396]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.09.13 00:00:09 LOG_DEBUG [10932:14248]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.09.13 00:00:09 LOG_INFO [10932:14248]: Init SSL channel
2023.09.13 00:00:09 LOG_INFO [13788:2396]: SecureConnect started
2023.09.13 00:00:10 LOG_ERR [13788:2396]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.13 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [10932:14248]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.13 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [10932:14248]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.09.13 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [13788:2396]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.13 00:00:11 LOG_ERR [13788:2396]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.13 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [10932:14248]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.13 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [10932:14248]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.09.13 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [10932:14248]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.09.13 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [10932:14248]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.09.13 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [10932:14248]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.09.13 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [10932:14248]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.09.13 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [10932:14248]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.09.13 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [10932:14248]: Real HostID =
2023.09.13 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [10932:14248]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.13 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [13788:2396]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [13788:2396]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [13788:2396]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_DEBUG [13788:2396]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [10932:8208]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [13788:2396]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_DEBUG [13788:14928]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [13788:14928]: Connecting to
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [10932:5484]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_DEBUG [10932:10792]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Connect to with port
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.13 00:00:21 LOG_DEBUG [10932:10792]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [10932:10792]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: HostID =
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [10932:10792]: Login ok!
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: No peer server list.
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [13788:1204]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [10932:10792]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: SET IP =
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [10932:10792]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [10932:10792]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [10932:10792]: Not receive
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [10932:10792]: Local SPI = 107d20fa
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [10932:10792]: Local CPI = 0x7b80
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Remote SPI = 0x13410532
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: get session id from server = 1600
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [10932:10792]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8925 and local CPI
= 0x7b80
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [10932:10792]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.13 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Send new key OK
2023.09.13 00:00:23 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Add routes OK
2023.09.13 00:00:23 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Add wins OK
2023.09.13 00:00:26 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.13 00:00:26 LOG_INFO [10932:10792]: Add dns OK
2023.09.13 00:00:26 LOG_DEBUG [10932:10792]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.13 00:00:26 LOG_INFO [13788:5032]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.13 00:00:26 LOG_DEBUG [13788:5032]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.13 02:06:46 LOG_ERR [10932:6756]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.09.13 02:06:46 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.13 02:06:46 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.13 02:06:46 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.13 02:06:47 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.13 02:06:47 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.13 02:06:47 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.13 02:06:52 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.09.13 02:06:52 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.09.13 02:06:52 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.09.13 02:06:52 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.09.13 02:06:52 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.09.13 02:06:52 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.13 02:06:52 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9804]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.13 02:06:52 LOG_INFO [10932:9804]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.09.13 02:06:53 LOG_INFO [10932:9804]: Connect to with port
2023.09.13 02:06:53 LOG_INFO [10932:9804]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.13 02:07:14 LOG_ERR [10932:9804]: Connect to ""
( error [10060]
2023.09.13 02:07:14 LOG_ERR [10932:9804]: Connect to the server failed
2023.09.13 02:07:14 LOG_INFO [10932:9804]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.13 02:07:14 LOG_INFO [10932:9804]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12123952
2023.09.13 02:07:14 LOG_INFO [10932:9804]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.13 02:07:14 LOG_INFO [10932:9804]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.13 02:07:14 LOG_INFO [10932:9804]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.13 02:07:14 LOG_INFO [10932:9804]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.13 02:07:14 LOG_ERR [10932:9804]: Connect to failed

2023.09.13 02:07:14 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9804]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.13 02:08:14 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.09.13 02:08:14 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.09.13 02:08:14 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.09.13 02:08:14 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.09.13 02:08:14 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2023.09.13 02:08:14 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.13 02:08:14 LOG_DEBUG [10932:17024]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.13 02:08:14 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: Connect to with port
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10932:17024]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10932:17024]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: HostID =
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10932:17024]: Login ok!
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: No peer server list.
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_INFO [13788:15852]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10932:17024]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: SET IP =
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10932:17024]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10932:17024]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.13 02:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10932:17024]: Not receive
2023.09.13 02:08:16 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.13 02:08:16 LOG_DEBUG [10932:17024]: Local SPI = 7261e4c2
2023.09.13 02:08:16 LOG_DEBUG [10932:17024]: Local CPI = 0x5d64
2023.09.13 02:08:16 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: Remote SPI = 0x13410534
2023.09.13 02:08:16 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.13 02:08:16 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.13 02:08:16 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: get session id from server = 1601
2023.09.13 02:08:16 LOG_DEBUG [10932:17024]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8927 and local CPI
= 0x5d64
2023.09.13 02:08:16 LOG_DEBUG [10932:17024]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.13 02:08:16 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: Send new key OK
2023.09.13 02:08:16 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: Add routes OK
2023.09.13 02:08:16 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: Add wins OK
2023.09.13 02:08:20 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.13 02:08:20 LOG_INFO [10932:17024]: Add dns OK
2023.09.13 02:08:20 LOG_DEBUG [10932:17024]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.13 02:08:20 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.09.13 02:08:20 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.13 02:08:20 LOG_INFO [13788:16336]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.13 02:08:20 LOG_DEBUG [13788:16336]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.13 05:18:21 LOG_ERR [10932:6756]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.09.13 05:18:21 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.13 05:18:21 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.13 05:18:21 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.13 05:18:22 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.13 05:18:22 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.13 05:18:22 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.13 05:18:27 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.09.13 05:18:27 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.09.13 05:18:27 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.09.13 05:18:27 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.09.13 05:18:27 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.09.13 05:18:27 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.13 05:18:27 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9084]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.13 05:18:27 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.09.13 05:18:28 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: Connect to with port
2023.09.13 05:18:28 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9084]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9084]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: HostID =
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9084]: Login ok!
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: No peer server list.
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_INFO [13788:2684]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9084]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: SET IP =
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9084]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9084]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.13 05:18:43 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9084]: Not receive
2023.09.13 05:18:44 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.13 05:18:44 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9084]: Local SPI = 04280850
2023.09.13 05:18:44 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9084]: Local CPI = 0x6f2b
2023.09.13 05:18:44 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: Remote SPI = 0x13410536
2023.09.13 05:18:44 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.13 05:18:44 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.13 05:18:44 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: get session id from server = 1602
2023.09.13 05:18:44 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9084]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8929 and local CPI =
2023.09.13 05:18:44 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9084]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.13 05:18:44 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: Send new key OK
2023.09.13 05:18:44 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: Add routes OK
2023.09.13 05:18:44 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: Add wins OK
2023.09.13 05:18:48 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.13 05:18:48 LOG_INFO [10932:9084]: Add dns OK
2023.09.13 05:18:48 LOG_INFO [13788:3248]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.13 05:18:48 LOG_DEBUG [10932:9084]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.13 05:18:48 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.13 05:18:48 LOG_DEBUG [13788:3248]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.13 06:05:51 LOG_INFO [13788:2396]: Disconnect from the server
2023.09.13 06:05:51 LOG_INFO [10932:3096]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.09.13 06:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.09.13 06:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Handle channel close message
2023.09.13 06:05:51 LOG_DEBUG [10932:6756]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.13 06:05:51 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.13 06:05:51 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.13 06:05:51 LOG_INFO [10932:6756]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.13 23:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [16332:9584]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.09.13 23:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [16332:9584]: The local product version is
2023.09.13 23:59:52 LOG_INFO [16332:9584]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.09.13 23:59:52 LOG_ERR [16332:9584]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.09.13 23:59:52 LOG_INFO [16332:9584]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.09.13 23:59:52 LOG_INFO [16332:9584]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.09.13 23:59:52 LOG_NOTICE [16332:9584]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.09.13 23:59:52 LOG_INFO [16332:9584]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.09.13 23:59:52 LOG_NOTICE [16332:9584]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.09.13 23:59:52 LOG_INFO [16332:9584]: SecureConnect started
2023.09.13 23:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [8816:1212]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.09.13 23:59:52 LOG_INFO [8816:1212]: Init SSL channel
2023.09.13 23:59:53 LOG_ERR [16332:9584]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.13 23:59:54 LOG_DEBUG [8816:1212]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.13 23:59:54 LOG_DEBUG [8816:1212]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.09.13 23:59:54 LOG_DEBUG [16332:9584]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.13 23:59:54 LOG_ERR [16332:9584]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.13 23:59:55 LOG_DEBUG [8816:1212]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.13 23:59:55 LOG_DEBUG [8816:1212]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.09.13 23:59:55 LOG_DEBUG [8816:1212]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.09.13 23:59:55 LOG_DEBUG [8816:1212]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.09.13 23:59:55 LOG_DEBUG [8816:1212]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.09.13 23:59:55 LOG_DEBUG [8816:1212]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.09.13 23:59:55 LOG_DEBUG [8816:1212]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.09.13 23:59:55 LOG_INFO [8816:1212]: Real HostID =
2023.09.13 23:59:55 LOG_INFO [8816:1212]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.13 23:59:55 LOG_DEBUG [16332:9584]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [16332:9584]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [16332:9584]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [16332:9584]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [8816:9052]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [16332:9584]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [16332:10800]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [16332:10800]: Connecting to
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [8816:13860]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [8816:5268]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [8816:5268]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_DEBUG [8816:3192]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Connect to with port
2023.09.14 00:00:22 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.14 00:00:23 LOG_DEBUG [8816:3192]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.14 00:00:24 LOG_DEBUG [8816:3192]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.14 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.09.14 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [8816:3192]: Login ok!
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: No peer server list.
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [16332:9944]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [8816:3192]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: SET IP =
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [8816:3192]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [8816:3192]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [8816:3192]: Not receive
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [8816:3192]: Local SPI = 5ea9bd52
2023.09.14 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [8816:3192]: Local CPI = 0x5af
2023.09.14 00:00:26 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Remote SPI = 0x13410566
2023.09.14 00:00:26 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.14 00:00:26 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.14 00:00:26 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: get session id from server = 1624
2023.09.14 00:00:26 LOG_DEBUG [8816:3192]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8959 and local CPI =
2023.09.14 00:00:26 LOG_DEBUG [8816:3192]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.14 00:00:26 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Send new key OK
2023.09.14 00:00:27 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Add routes OK
2023.09.14 00:00:27 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Add wins OK
2023.09.14 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.14 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [8816:3192]: Add dns OK
2023.09.14 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [8816:3192]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.14 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [16332:7768]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.14 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [16332:7768]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.14 00:15:16 LOG_ERR [8816:5268]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.09.14 00:15:16 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.14 00:15:16 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.14 00:15:16 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.14 00:15:17 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.14 00:15:17 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.14 00:15:17 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.14 00:15:22 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.09.14 00:15:22 LOG_DEBUG [8816:5268]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.09.14 00:15:22 LOG_DEBUG [8816:5268]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.09.14 00:15:22 LOG_DEBUG [8816:5268]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.09.14 00:15:22 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.09.14 00:15:22 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.14 00:15:22 LOG_DEBUG [8816:2980]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.14 00:15:22 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.09.14 00:15:23 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: Connect to with port
2023.09.14 00:15:23 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_DEBUG [8816:2980]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_DEBUG [8816:2980]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_DEBUG [8816:2980]: Login ok!
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: No peer server list.
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_INFO [16332:8156]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_DEBUG [8816:2980]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: SET IP =
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_DEBUG [8816:2980]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_DEBUG [8816:2980]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.14 00:15:38 LOG_DEBUG [8816:2980]: Not receive
2023.09.14 00:15:39 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.14 00:15:39 LOG_DEBUG [8816:2980]: Local SPI = 6a52d4a4
2023.09.14 00:15:39 LOG_DEBUG [8816:2980]: Local CPI = 0x1158
2023.09.14 00:15:39 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: Remote SPI = 0x13410568
2023.09.14 00:15:39 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.14 00:15:39 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.14 00:15:39 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: get session id from server = 1625
2023.09.14 00:15:39 LOG_DEBUG [8816:2980]: Remote CPI = 0xffff895b and local CPI =
2023.09.14 00:15:39 LOG_DEBUG [8816:2980]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.14 00:15:39 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: Send new key OK
2023.09.14 00:15:40 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: Add routes OK
2023.09.14 00:15:40 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: Add wins OK
2023.09.14 00:15:43 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.14 00:15:43 LOG_INFO [8816:2980]: Add dns OK
2023.09.14 00:15:43 LOG_INFO [16332:1720]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.14 00:15:43 LOG_DEBUG [8816:5268]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.09.14 00:15:43 LOG_DEBUG [8816:2980]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.14 00:15:43 LOG_DEBUG [8816:5268]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.14 00:15:43 LOG_DEBUG [16332:1720]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.14 06:04:44 LOG_INFO [16332:9584]: Disconnect from the server
2023.09.14 06:04:44 LOG_INFO [8816:11928]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.09.14 06:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [8816:5268]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.09.14 06:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [8816:5268]: Handle channel close message
2023.09.14 06:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [8816:5268]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.14 06:04:44 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.14 06:04:44 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.14 06:04:44 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.14 06:04:44 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.14 06:04:44 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.14 06:04:44 LOG_INFO [8816:5268]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.19 15:36:15 LOG_DEBUG [13260:14304]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.09.19 15:36:16 LOG_DEBUG [13260:14304]: The local product version is
2023.09.19 15:36:16 LOG_INFO [13260:14304]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.09.19 15:36:16 LOG_ERR [13260:14304]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.09.19 15:36:17 LOG_INFO [13260:14304]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.09.19 15:36:17 LOG_INFO [13260:14304]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.09.19 15:36:17 LOG_NOTICE [13260:14304]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.09.19 15:36:17 LOG_INFO [13260:14304]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.09.19 15:36:17 LOG_NOTICE [13260:14304]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.09.19 15:36:17 LOG_INFO [13260:14304]: SecureConnect started
2023.09.19 15:36:17 LOG_DEBUG [4572:4568]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.09.19 15:36:17 LOG_INFO [4572:4568]: Init SSL channel
2023.09.19 15:36:18 LOG_ERR [13260:14304]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.19 15:36:19 LOG_DEBUG [13260:14304]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.19 15:36:19 LOG_ERR [13260:14304]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.19 15:36:19 LOG_DEBUG [4572:4568]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.19 15:36:19 LOG_DEBUG [4572:4568]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.09.19 15:36:20 LOG_DEBUG [13260:14304]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.19 15:36:20 LOG_ERR [13260:14304]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.19 15:36:20 LOG_DEBUG [4572:4568]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.19 15:36:20 LOG_DEBUG [4572:4568]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.09.19 15:36:20 LOG_DEBUG [4572:4568]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.09.19 15:36:20 LOG_DEBUG [4572:4568]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.09.19 15:36:20 LOG_DEBUG [4572:4568]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.09.19 15:36:20 LOG_DEBUG [4572:4568]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.09.19 15:36:20 LOG_DEBUG [4572:4568]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.09.19 15:36:20 LOG_INFO [4572:4568]: Real HostID =
2023.09.19 15:36:20 LOG_INFO [4572:4568]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.19 15:36:21 LOG_DEBUG [13260:14304]: Try the 3 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [13260:14304]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [13260:14304]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_DEBUG [13260:14304]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:17916]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [13260:14304]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_DEBUG [13260:9740]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [13260:9740]: Connecting to
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9804]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9820]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9820]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9820]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9820]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9820]: Connect to with port
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9820]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9820]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9820]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9820]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9820]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_ERR [4572:9820]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9820]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9820]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31653668
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9820]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9820]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9820]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_INFO [4572:9820]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_ERR [4572:9820]: Can't login Error code =

2023.09.19 15:36:28 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9820]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.19 15:36:31 LOG_INFO [13260:17644]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.09.19 15:36:31 LOG_INFO [13260:17644]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.09.19 15:36:31 LOG_INFO [13260:17644]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [13260:14304]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [13260:14304]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [13260:14304]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:5648]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [13260:14304]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [13260:17028]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [13260:17028]: Connecting to
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:2676]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9916]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Connect to with port
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9916]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9916]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9916]: Login ok!
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: No peer server list.
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [13260:1340]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9916]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: SET IP =
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9916]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9916]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9916]: Not receive
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9916]: Local SPI = 31da63b4
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9916]: Local CPI = 0x38f8
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Remote SPI = 0x134106e2
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: get session id from server = 1765
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9916]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8ad5 and local CPI =
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9916]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.19 15:36:36 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Send new key OK
2023.09.19 15:36:37 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Add routes OK
2023.09.19 15:36:37 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Add wins OK
2023.09.19 15:36:41 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.19 15:36:41 LOG_INFO [4572:9916]: Add dns OK
2023.09.19 15:36:41 LOG_DEBUG [4572:9916]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.19 15:36:41 LOG_INFO [13260:5088]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.19 15:36:41 LOG_DEBUG [13260:5088]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.19 17:50:01 LOG_ERR [4572:7584]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.09.19 17:50:01 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.19 17:50:01 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.19 17:50:01 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.19 17:50:02 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.19 17:50:02 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.19 17:50:02 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.19 17:50:07 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.09.19 17:50:07 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.09.19 17:50:07 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.09.19 17:50:07 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.09.19 17:50:07 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.09.19 17:50:07 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.19 17:50:07 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15416]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.19 17:50:07 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.09.19 17:50:08 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: Connect to with port
2023.09.19 17:50:08 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.19 17:50:08 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15416]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.19 17:50:08 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15416]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.19 17:50:08 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: HostID =
2023.09.19 17:50:08 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15416]: Login ok!
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: No peer server list.
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_INFO [13260:13300]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15416]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: SET IP =
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15416]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15416]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15416]: Not receive
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15416]: Local SPI = 18113022
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15416]: Local CPI = 0x1f2f
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: Remote SPI = 0x134106e8
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: get session id from server = 1768
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15416]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8adb and local CPI =
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15416]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.19 17:50:09 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: Send new key OK
2023.09.19 17:50:10 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: Add routes OK
2023.09.19 17:50:10 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: Add wins OK
2023.09.19 17:50:13 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.19 17:50:13 LOG_INFO [4572:15416]: Add dns OK
2023.09.19 17:50:13 LOG_INFO [13260:3268]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.19 17:50:13 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15416]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.19 17:50:13 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.09.19 17:50:13 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.19 17:50:13 LOG_DEBUG [13260:3268]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.19 18:17:49 LOG_ERR [4572:7584]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.09.19 18:17:49 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.19 18:17:49 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.19 18:17:49 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.19 18:17:49 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.19 18:17:49 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.19 18:17:49 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.19 18:17:54 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.09.19 18:17:54 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.09.19 18:17:54 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.09.19 18:17:54 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.09.19 18:17:54 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.09.19 18:17:54 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.19 18:17:54 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15472]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.19 18:17:54 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.09.19 18:17:55 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: Connect to with port
2023.09.19 18:17:55 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.19 18:17:55 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15472]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.19 18:17:55 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15472]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.19 18:17:55 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: HostID =
2023.09.19 18:17:55 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15472]: Login ok!
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: No peer server list.
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_INFO [13260:2060]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15472]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: SET IP =
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15472]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15472]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15472]: Not receive
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15472]: Local SPI = 2d555aaa
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15472]: Local CPI = 0x3473
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: Remote SPI = 0x134106ee
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: get session id from server = 1771
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15472]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8ae1 and local CPI =
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15472]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.19 18:17:56 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: Send new key OK
2023.09.19 18:17:57 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: Add routes OK
2023.09.19 18:17:57 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: Add wins OK
2023.09.19 18:18:00 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.19 18:18:00 LOG_INFO [4572:15472]: Add dns OK
2023.09.19 18:18:00 LOG_INFO [13260:10020]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.19 18:18:00 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.09.19 18:18:00 LOG_DEBUG [4572:15472]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.19 18:18:00 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.19 18:18:00 LOG_DEBUG [13260:10020]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.19 18:35:10 LOG_ERR [4572:7584]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.09.19 18:35:10 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.19 18:35:10 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.19 18:35:11 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.19 18:35:11 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.19 18:35:11 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.19 18:35:11 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.19 18:35:16 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.09.19 18:35:16 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.09.19 18:35:16 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.09.19 18:35:16 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.09.19 18:35:16 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.09.19 18:35:16 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.19 18:35:16 LOG_DEBUG [4572:5444]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.19 18:35:16 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.09.19 18:35:17 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: Connect to with port
2023.09.19 18:35:17 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.19 18:35:17 LOG_DEBUG [4572:5444]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.19 18:35:17 LOG_DEBUG [4572:5444]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.19 18:35:17 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.09.19 18:35:17 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.19 18:35:18 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.19 18:35:18 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.19 18:35:18 LOG_DEBUG [4572:5444]: Login ok!
2023.09.19 18:35:18 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.19 18:35:18 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: No peer server list.
2023.09.19 18:35:18 LOG_INFO [13260:17640]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.19 18:35:18 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.19 18:35:18 LOG_DEBUG [4572:5444]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.19 18:35:18 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: SET IP =
2023.09.19 18:35:18 LOG_DEBUG [4572:5444]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.19 18:35:18 LOG_DEBUG [4572:5444]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.19 18:35:18 LOG_DEBUG [4572:5444]: Not receive
2023.09.19 18:35:19 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.19 18:35:19 LOG_DEBUG [4572:5444]: Local SPI = 3aa37546
2023.09.19 18:35:19 LOG_DEBUG [4572:5444]: Local CPI = 0x41c1
2023.09.19 18:35:19 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: Remote SPI = 0x134106f0
2023.09.19 18:35:19 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.19 18:35:19 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.19 18:35:19 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: get session id from server = 1772
2023.09.19 18:35:19 LOG_DEBUG [4572:5444]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8ae3 and local CPI =
2023.09.19 18:35:19 LOG_DEBUG [4572:5444]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.19 18:35:19 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: Send new key OK
2023.09.19 18:35:19 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: Add routes OK
2023.09.19 18:35:19 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: Add wins OK
2023.09.19 18:35:23 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.19 18:35:23 LOG_INFO [4572:5444]: Add dns OK
2023.09.19 18:35:23 LOG_INFO [13260:2440]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.19 18:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [4572:5444]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.19 18:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.09.19 18:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.19 18:35:23 LOG_DEBUG [13260:2440]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.19 19:15:16 LOG_INFO [13260:14304]: Disconnect from the server
2023.09.19 19:15:16 LOG_INFO [4572:4860]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.09.19 19:15:16 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.09.19 19:15:16 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Handle channel close message
2023.09.19 19:15:16 LOG_DEBUG [4572:7584]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.19 19:15:16 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.19 19:15:16 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.19 19:15:16 LOG_INFO [4572:7584]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.21 00:02:32 LOG_DEBUG [6984:2072]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.09.21 00:02:32 LOG_DEBUG [6984:2072]: The local product version is
2023.09.21 00:02:32 LOG_INFO [6984:2072]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.09.21 00:02:32 LOG_ERR [6984:2072]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.09.21 00:02:32 LOG_INFO [6984:2072]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.09.21 00:02:32 LOG_INFO [6984:2072]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.09.21 00:02:32 LOG_NOTICE [6984:2072]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.09.21 00:02:32 LOG_INFO [6984:2072]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.09.21 00:02:32 LOG_NOTICE [6984:2072]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.09.21 00:02:32 LOG_INFO [6984:2072]: SecureConnect started
2023.09.21 00:02:32 LOG_DEBUG [14288:8752]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.09.21 00:02:32 LOG_INFO [14288:8752]: Init SSL channel
2023.09.21 00:02:33 LOG_ERR [6984:2072]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.21 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [14288:8752]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.21 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [14288:8752]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.09.21 00:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [6984:2072]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.21 00:02:34 LOG_ERR [6984:2072]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.21 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [14288:8752]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.21 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [14288:8752]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.09.21 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [14288:8752]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.09.21 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [14288:8752]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.09.21 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [14288:8752]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.09.21 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [14288:8752]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.09.21 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [14288:8752]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.09.21 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [14288:8752]: Real HostID =
2023.09.21 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [14288:8752]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.21 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [6984:2072]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [6984:2072]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [6984:2072]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [6984:2072]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [14288:10648]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [6984:2072]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [6984:2600]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [6984:2600]: Connecting to
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [14288:8404]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [14288:5780]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [14288:5780]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [14288:3196]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Connect to with port
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.21 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [14288:3196]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [14288:3196]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: HostID =
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [14288:3196]: Login ok!
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: No peer server list.
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [6984:10156]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [14288:3196]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: SET IP =
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [14288:3196]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [14288:3196]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [14288:3196]: Not receive
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [14288:3196]: Local SPI = 035406a8
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [14288:3196]: Local CPI = 0x278
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Remote SPI = 0x1341074e
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: get session id from server = 1799
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [14288:3196]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8b41 and local CPI =
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [14288:3196]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.21 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Send new key OK
2023.09.21 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Add routes OK
2023.09.21 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Add wins OK
2023.09.21 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.21 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [14288:3196]: Add dns OK
2023.09.21 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [6984:6056]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.21 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [6984:6056]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.21 06:04:00 LOG_INFO [6984:2072]: Disconnect from the server
2023.09.21 06:04:00 LOG_INFO [14288:10528]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.09.21 06:04:00 LOG_DEBUG [14288:5780]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.09.21 06:04:00 LOG_DEBUG [14288:5780]: Handle channel close message
2023.09.21 06:04:00 LOG_DEBUG [14288:5780]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.21 06:04:00 LOG_INFO [14288:5780]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.21 06:04:00 LOG_INFO [14288:5780]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.21 06:04:00 LOG_INFO [14288:5780]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.21 06:04:01 LOG_INFO [14288:5780]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.21 06:04:01 LOG_INFO [14288:5780]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.21 06:04:01 LOG_INFO [14288:5780]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.21 23:59:16 LOG_DEBUG [5392:7064]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.09.21 23:59:16 LOG_DEBUG [5392:7064]: The local product version is
2023.09.21 23:59:16 LOG_INFO [5392:7064]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.09.21 23:59:16 LOG_ERR [5392:7064]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.09.21 23:59:16 LOG_INFO [5392:7064]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.09.21 23:59:16 LOG_INFO [5392:7064]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.09.21 23:59:16 LOG_NOTICE [5392:7064]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.09.21 23:59:16 LOG_INFO [5392:7064]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.09.21 23:59:16 LOG_NOTICE [5392:7064]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.09.21 23:59:16 LOG_INFO [5392:7064]: SecureConnect started
2023.09.21 23:59:16 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9472]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.09.21 23:59:16 LOG_INFO [12364:9472]: Init SSL channel
2023.09.21 23:59:17 LOG_ERR [5392:7064]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.21 23:59:17 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9472]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.21 23:59:17 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9472]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.09.21 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [5392:7064]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.21 23:59:18 LOG_ERR [5392:7064]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.21 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9472]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.21 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9472]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.09.21 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9472]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.09.21 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9472]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.09.21 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9472]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.09.21 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9472]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.09.21 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9472]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.09.21 23:59:18 LOG_INFO [12364:9472]: Real HostID =
2023.09.21 23:59:18 LOG_INFO [12364:9472]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.21 23:59:19 LOG_DEBUG [5392:7064]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_INFO [5392:7064]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_INFO [5392:7064]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_DEBUG [5392:7064]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_INFO [12364:8312]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_INFO [5392:7064]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_DEBUG [5392:9064]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_INFO [5392:9064]: Connecting to
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_INFO [12364:10236]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12764]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12764]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9256]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Connect to with port
2023.09.21 23:59:25 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.21 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9256]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.21 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9256]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.21 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: HostID =
2023.09.21 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9256]: Login ok!
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: No peer server list.
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_INFO [5392:5944]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9256]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: SET IP =
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9256]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9256]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9256]: Not receive
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9256]: Local SPI = 4eff9dfe
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9256]: Local CPI = 0xa26
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Remote SPI = 0x13410764
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: get session id from server = 1810
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9256]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8b57 and local CPI =
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_DEBUG [12364:9256]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.21 23:59:28 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Send new key OK
2023.09.21 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Add routes OK
2023.09.21 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Add wins OK
2023.09.21 23:59:32 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.21 23:59:32 LOG_INFO [12364:9256]: Add dns OK
2023.09.21 23:59:32 LOG_INFO [5392:12508]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.21 23:59:32 LOG_DEBUG [5392:12508]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.22 06:11:46 LOG_INFO [5392:7064]: Disconnect from the server
2023.09.22 06:11:46 LOG_INFO [12364:15880]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.09.22 06:11:46 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12764]: Begin to close
2023.09.22 06:11:46 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12764]: Handle channel close message
2023.09.22 06:11:46 LOG_DEBUG [12364:12764]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.22 06:11:46 LOG_INFO [12364:12764]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.22 06:11:46 LOG_INFO [12364:12764]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.09.22 06:11:46 LOG_INFO [12364:12764]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.27 14:10:36 LOG_DEBUG [1416:14848]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.09.27 14:10:36 LOG_DEBUG [1416:14848]: The local product version is
2023.09.27 14:10:36 LOG_INFO [1416:14848]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.09.27 14:10:36 LOG_ERR [1416:14848]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.09.27 14:10:36 LOG_INFO [1416:14848]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.09.27 14:10:36 LOG_INFO [1416:14848]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.09.27 14:10:36 LOG_NOTICE [1416:14848]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.09.27 14:10:36 LOG_INFO [1416:14848]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.09.27 14:10:36 LOG_NOTICE [1416:14848]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.09.27 14:10:36 LOG_INFO [1416:14848]: SecureConnect started
2023.09.27 14:10:36 LOG_DEBUG [14860:10096]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.09.27 14:10:36 LOG_INFO [14860:10096]: Init SSL channel
2023.09.27 14:10:37 LOG_ERR [1416:14848]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.27 14:10:37 LOG_DEBUG [14860:10096]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.27 14:10:37 LOG_DEBUG [14860:10096]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.09.27 14:10:38 LOG_DEBUG [1416:14848]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.27 14:10:38 LOG_ERR [1416:14848]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.27 14:10:38 LOG_DEBUG [14860:10096]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.27 14:10:38 LOG_DEBUG [14860:10096]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.09.27 14:10:38 LOG_DEBUG [14860:10096]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.09.27 14:10:39 LOG_DEBUG [1416:14848]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.27 14:10:39 LOG_ERR [1416:14848]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.27 14:10:39 LOG_DEBUG [14860:10096]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.09.27 14:10:39 LOG_DEBUG [14860:10096]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.09.27 14:10:39 LOG_DEBUG [14860:10096]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.09.27 14:10:39 LOG_DEBUG [14860:10096]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.09.27 14:10:39 LOG_INFO [14860:10096]: Real HostID =
2023.09.27 14:10:39 LOG_INFO [14860:10096]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.27 14:10:40 LOG_DEBUG [1416:14848]: Try the 3 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_INFO [1416:14848]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_INFO [1416:14848]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_DEBUG [1416:14848]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_INFO [14860:13532]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_INFO [1416:14848]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_DEBUG [1416:3760]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_INFO [1416:3760]: Connecting to
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_INFO [14860:11712]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_DEBUG [14860:11852]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_DEBUG [14860:11852]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_DEBUG [14860:9908]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Connect to with port
2023.09.27 14:10:47 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.27 14:10:48 LOG_DEBUG [14860:9908]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_DEBUG [14860:9908]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: HostID =
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_DEBUG [14860:9908]: Login ok!
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: No peer server list.
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [1416:8960]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_DEBUG [14860:9908]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: SET IP =
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_DEBUG [14860:9908]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_DEBUG [14860:9908]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_DEBUG [14860:9908]: Not receive
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_DEBUG [14860:9908]: Local SPI = 6143c286
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_DEBUG [14860:9908]: Local CPI = 0x407f
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Remote SPI = 0x13410888
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: get session id from server = 1902
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_DEBUG [14860:9908]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8c7b and local CPI =
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_DEBUG [14860:9908]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.27 14:10:49 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Send new key OK
2023.09.27 14:10:50 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Add routes OK
2023.09.27 14:10:50 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Add wins OK
2023.09.27 14:10:54 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.27 14:10:54 LOG_INFO [14860:9908]: Add dns OK
2023.09.27 14:10:54 LOG_INFO [1416:11992]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.27 14:10:54 LOG_DEBUG [14860:9908]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.27 14:10:54 LOG_DEBUG [1416:11992]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.27 14:14:40 LOG_INFO [1416:14848]: Disconnect from the server
2023.09.27 14:14:40 LOG_INFO [14860:6952]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.09.27 14:14:40 LOG_DEBUG [14860:11852]: Begin to close
2023.09.27 14:14:40 LOG_DEBUG [14860:11852]: Handle channel close message
2023.09.27 14:14:40 LOG_DEBUG [14860:11852]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.27 14:14:40 LOG_INFO [14860:11852]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.27 14:14:40 LOG_INFO [14860:11852]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.09.27 14:14:40 LOG_INFO [14860:11852]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.27 14:14:41 LOG_INFO [14860:11852]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.27 14:14:41 LOG_INFO [14860:11852]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.27 14:14:41 LOG_INFO [14860:11852]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.27 14:16:11 LOG_DEBUG [11256:11252]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.09.27 14:16:11 LOG_DEBUG [11256:11252]: The local product version is
2023.09.27 14:16:11 LOG_INFO [11256:11252]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.09.27 14:16:11 LOG_ERR [11256:11252]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.09.27 14:16:11 LOG_INFO [11256:11252]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.09.27 14:16:11 LOG_INFO [11256:11252]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.09.27 14:16:11 LOG_NOTICE [11256:11252]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.09.27 14:16:11 LOG_INFO [11256:11252]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.09.27 14:16:11 LOG_NOTICE [11256:11252]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.09.27 14:16:11 LOG_DEBUG [12156:7532]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.09.27 14:16:11 LOG_INFO [11256:11252]: SecureConnect started
2023.09.27 14:16:11 LOG_INFO [12156:7532]: Init SSL channel
2023.09.27 14:16:12 LOG_ERR [11256:11252]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.27 14:16:13 LOG_DEBUG [12156:7532]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.27 14:16:13 LOG_DEBUG [12156:7532]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.09.27 14:16:13 LOG_DEBUG [11256:11252]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.27 14:16:13 LOG_ERR [11256:11252]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.27 14:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [12156:7532]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.27 14:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [12156:7532]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.09.27 14:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [12156:7532]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.09.27 14:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [12156:7532]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.09.27 14:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [12156:7532]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.09.27 14:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [12156:7532]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.09.27 14:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [12156:7532]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.09.27 14:16:14 LOG_INFO [12156:7532]: Real HostID =
2023.09.27 14:16:14 LOG_INFO [12156:7532]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.27 14:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [11256:11252]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_INFO [11256:11252]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_INFO [11256:11252]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_DEBUG [11256:11252]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_INFO [12156:12492]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_INFO [11256:11252]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_DEBUG [11256:12496]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_INFO [11256:12496]: Connecting to
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_INFO [12156:12500]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_DEBUG [12156:2420]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_DEBUG [12156:2420]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_DEBUG [12156:12504]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Connect to with port
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_DEBUG [12156:12504]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_DEBUG [12156:12504]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: HostID =
2023.09.27 14:16:18 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_DEBUG [12156:12504]: Login ok!
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: No peer server list.
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_INFO [11256:12760]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_DEBUG [12156:12504]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: SET IP =
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_DEBUG [12156:12504]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_DEBUG [12156:12504]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_DEBUG [12156:12504]: Not receive
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_DEBUG [12156:12504]: Local SPI = 657ccaf8
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_DEBUG [12156:12504]: Local CPI = 0x44b8
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Remote SPI = 0x1341088a
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: get session id from server = 1903
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_DEBUG [12156:12504]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8c7d and local CPI
= 0x44b8
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_DEBUG [12156:12504]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.27 14:16:20 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Send new key OK
2023.09.27 14:16:21 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Add routes OK
2023.09.27 14:16:21 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Add wins OK
2023.09.27 14:16:24 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.27 14:16:24 LOG_INFO [12156:12504]: Add dns OK
2023.09.27 14:16:24 LOG_INFO [11256:2952]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.27 14:16:24 LOG_DEBUG [11256:2952]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.28 14:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [12156:2420]: Handle channel rekey message
2023.09.28 14:01:25 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Connect to with port
2023.09.28 14:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [12156:2420]: Process ReKey operation at Thu Sep 28
14:01:25 2023

2023.09.28 14:01:25 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0, destAddr:
2023.09.28 14:01:26 LOG_ERR [12156:2420]: Connect to ""
( error [10053]
2023.09.28 14:01:26 LOG_ERR [12156:2420]: Connect to the server failed
2023.09.28 14:01:26 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.28 14:01:26 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49675980
2023.09.28 14:01:26 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.28 14:01:29 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.28 14:01:29 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.28 14:01:29 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: ========================SSL CHANNEL
2023.09.28 14:01:29 LOG_ERR [12156:2420]: Connect to failed
2023.09.28 14:01:29 LOG_ERR [12156:2420]: Handle channel error message: 4015
2023.09.28 14:01:29 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.28 14:01:29 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49676148
2023.09.28 14:01:29 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.28 14:01:29 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.28 14:01:29 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.28 14:01:29 LOG_ERR [12156:2420]: ReleaseSemaphore error: 298
2023.09.28 14:01:29 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.28 14:01:34 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.09.28 14:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [12156:2420]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.09.28 14:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [12156:2420]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.09.28 14:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [12156:2420]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.09.28 14:01:34 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.09.28 14:01:34 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49676148
2023.09.28 14:01:34 LOG_DEBUG [12156:5904]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.28 14:01:34 LOG_INFO [12156:5904]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.09.28 14:01:35 LOG_INFO [12156:5904]: Connect to with port
2023.09.28 14:01:35 LOG_INFO [12156:5904]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.28 14:01:35 LOG_ERR [12156:5904]: Connect to ""
( error [10051]
2023.09.28 14:01:35 LOG_ERR [12156:5904]: Connect to the server failed
2023.09.28 14:01:35 LOG_INFO [12156:5904]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.28 14:01:35 LOG_INFO [12156:5904]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 9830192
2023.09.28 14:01:35 LOG_INFO [12156:5904]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.28 14:01:35 LOG_INFO [12156:5904]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.28 14:01:35 LOG_INFO [12156:5904]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.28 14:01:36 LOG_INFO [12156:5904]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.28 14:01:36 LOG_ERR [12156:5904]: Connect to failed

2023.09.28 14:01:36 LOG_DEBUG [12156:5904]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.28 14:02:31 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.09.28 14:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [12156:2420]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.09.28 14:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [12156:2420]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.09.28 14:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [12156:2420]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.09.28 14:02:31 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2023.09.28 14:02:31 LOG_INFO [12156:2420]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 49676148
2023.09.28 14:02:31 LOG_DEBUG [12156:10140]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.28 14:02:31 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.09.28 14:02:32 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: Connect to with port
2023.09.28 14:02:32 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.28 14:02:33 LOG_DEBUG [12156:10140]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.28 14:02:33 LOG_DEBUG [12156:10140]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.28 14:02:33 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: HostID =
2023.09.28 14:02:33 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [12156:10140]: Login ok!
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: No peer server list.
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_INFO [11256:14596]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [12156:10140]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: SET IP =
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [12156:10140]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [12156:10140]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [12156:10140]: Not receive
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [12156:10140]: Local SPI = 29145228
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [12156:10140]: Local CPI = 0x56
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: Remote SPI = 0x134108fe
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: get session id from server = 1933
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [12156:10140]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8cf1 and local CPI
= 0x56
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_DEBUG [12156:10140]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.28 14:02:34 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: Send new key OK
2023.09.28 14:02:35 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: Add routes OK
2023.09.28 14:02:35 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: Add wins OK
2023.09.28 14:02:38 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.28 14:02:38 LOG_INFO [12156:10140]: Add dns OK
2023.09.28 14:02:38 LOG_INFO [11256:3504]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.28 14:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [12156:2420]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.09.28 14:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [12156:2420]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.28 14:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [11256:3504]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.29 00:01:35 LOG_DEBUG [12312:10028]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.09.29 00:01:35 LOG_DEBUG [12312:10028]: The local product version is
2023.09.29 00:01:35 LOG_INFO [12312:10028]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.09.29 00:01:35 LOG_ERR [12312:10028]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.09.29 00:01:35 LOG_INFO [12312:10028]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.09.29 00:01:35 LOG_INFO [12312:10028]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.09.29 00:01:35 LOG_NOTICE [12312:10028]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.09.29 00:01:35 LOG_INFO [12312:10028]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.09.29 00:01:35 LOG_NOTICE [12312:10028]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.09.29 00:01:35 LOG_DEBUG [14888:10296]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.09.29 00:01:35 LOG_INFO [14888:10296]: Init SSL channel
2023.09.29 00:01:35 LOG_INFO [12312:10028]: SecureConnect started
2023.09.29 00:01:36 LOG_ERR [12312:10028]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.29 00:01:36 LOG_DEBUG [14888:10296]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.29 00:01:36 LOG_DEBUG [14888:10296]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.09.29 00:01:37 LOG_DEBUG [12312:10028]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.29 00:01:37 LOG_ERR [12312:10028]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.29 00:01:37 LOG_DEBUG [14888:10296]: nFilelen=-1
2023.09.29 00:01:37 LOG_DEBUG [14888:10296]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.09.29 00:01:37 LOG_DEBUG [14888:10296]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.09.29 00:01:38 LOG_DEBUG [14888:10296]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.09.29 00:01:38 LOG_DEBUG [12312:10028]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.29 00:01:38 LOG_ERR [12312:10028]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.09.29 00:01:38 LOG_DEBUG [14888:10296]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.09.29 00:01:38 LOG_DEBUG [14888:10296]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.09.29 00:01:38 LOG_INFO [14888:10296]: Real HostID =
2023.09.29 00:01:38 LOG_INFO [14888:10296]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.29 00:01:39 LOG_DEBUG [12312:10028]: Try the 3 time to find the named pipe
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_INFO [12312:10028]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_INFO [12312:10028]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_DEBUG [12312:10028]: Peer server count: 0
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_INFO [14888:16884]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_INFO [12312:10028]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_DEBUG [12312:16888]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_INFO [12312:16888]: Connecting to
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_INFO [14888:16892]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Handle channel open message
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16904]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Connect to with port
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16904]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16904]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: HostID =
2023.09.29 00:01:47 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16904]: Login ok!
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: No peer server list.
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [12312:16932]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16904]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: SET IP =
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16904]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16904]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16904]: Not receive
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16904]: Local SPI = 73b7e76e
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16904]: Local CPI = 0x4af9
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Remote SPI = 0x13410936
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: get session id from server = 1947
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16904]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8d29 and local CPI
= 0x4af9
2023.09.29 00:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16904]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.29 00:01:49 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Send new key OK
2023.09.29 00:01:50 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Add routes OK
2023.09.29 00:01:50 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Add wins OK
2023.09.29 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.29 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [14888:16904]: Add dns OK
2023.09.29 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [12312:1048]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.29 00:01:53 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16904]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.09.29 00:01:53 LOG_DEBUG [12312:1048]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.29 09:19:36 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Handle channel rekey message
2023.09.29 09:19:36 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Connect to with port
2023.09.29 09:19:36 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Process ReKey operation at Fri Sep 29
09:19:36 2023

2023.09.29 09:19:36 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0, destAddr:
2023.09.29 09:19:37 LOG_ERR [14888:16572]: Connect to ""
( error [10053]
2023.09.29 09:19:37 LOG_ERR [14888:16572]: Connect to the server failed
2023.09.29 09:19:37 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.29 09:19:37 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51379916
2023.09.29 09:19:37 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_ERR [14888:16572]: Connect to failed

2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_ERR [14888:16572]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_ERR [14888:16572]: ReleaseSemaphore error: 298
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_ERR [14888:16572]: Handle channel error message: 4015

2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_ERR [14888:16572]: ReleaseSemaphore error: 298
2023.09.29 09:19:38 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.30 00:05:23 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.09.30 00:05:23 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.09.30 00:05:23 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.09.30 00:05:23 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.09.30 00:05:23 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.09.30 00:05:24 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.09.30 00:05:24 LOG_DEBUG [14888:6288]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.30 00:05:24 LOG_INFO [14888:6288]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.09.30 00:05:25 LOG_INFO [14888:6288]: Connect to with port
2023.09.30 00:05:25 LOG_INFO [14888:6288]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.30 00:05:25 LOG_ERR [14888:6288]: Connect to ""
( error [10051]
2023.09.30 00:05:25 LOG_ERR [14888:6288]: Connect to the server failed
2023.09.30 00:05:25 LOG_INFO [14888:6288]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.30 00:05:25 LOG_INFO [14888:6288]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11861808
2023.09.30 00:05:25 LOG_INFO [14888:6288]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.30 00:05:25 LOG_INFO [14888:6288]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.30 00:05:25 LOG_INFO [14888:6288]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.30 00:05:25 LOG_INFO [14888:6288]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.09.30 00:05:25 LOG_ERR [14888:6288]: Connect to failed

2023.09.30 00:05:25 LOG_DEBUG [14888:6288]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.30 00:06:18 LOG_DEBUG [21912:23520]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.09.30 00:06:18 LOG_DEBUG [21912:23520]: The local product version is
2023.09.30 00:06:18 LOG_INFO [21912:23520]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.09.30 00:06:18 LOG_ERR [21912:23520]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.09.30 00:06:21 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.09.30 00:06:21 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.09.30 00:06:21 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.09.30 00:06:21 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.09.30 00:06:21 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2023.09.30 00:06:21 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.09.30 00:06:21 LOG_DEBUG [14888:22664]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.30 00:06:21 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.09.30 00:06:22 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: Connect to with port
2023.09.30 00:06:22 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.09.30 00:06:23 LOG_DEBUG [14888:22664]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.09.30 00:06:23 LOG_DEBUG [14888:22664]: Handshake success!.....
2023.09.30 00:06:23 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: HostID =
2023.09.30 00:06:23 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.09.30 00:06:23 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.09.30 00:06:23 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: Authenticaton OK
2023.09.30 00:06:23 LOG_DEBUG [14888:22664]: Login ok!
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: No peer server list.
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [12312:20608]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: Send client info OK!
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_DEBUG [14888:22664]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: SET IP =
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_DEBUG [14888:22664]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_DEBUG [14888:22664]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_DEBUG [14888:22664]: Not receive
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: Set client parameters OK
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_DEBUG [14888:22664]: Local SPI = 455e8abc
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_DEBUG [14888:22664]: Local CPI = 0x14a6
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: Remote SPI = 0x1341096c
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: get session id from server = 1958
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_DEBUG [14888:22664]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8d5f and local CPI
= 0x14a6
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_DEBUG [14888:22664]: CompAlg = 0
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: Send new key OK
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: Add routes OK
2023.09.30 00:06:24 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: Add wins OK
2023.09.30 00:06:28 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.09.30 00:06:28 LOG_INFO [14888:22664]: Add dns OK
2023.09.30 00:06:28 LOG_DEBUG [14888:22664]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.09.30 00:06:28 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.09.30 00:06:28 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Stop auto connect timer
gon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.09.30 00:06:28 LOG_DEBUG [12312:14024]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.09.30 06:02:23 LOG_INFO [12312:10028]: Disconnect from the server
2023.09.30 06:02:23 LOG_INFO [14888:20028]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.09.30 06:02:23 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Begin to close
2023.09.30 06:02:23 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Handle channel close message
2023.09.30 06:02:23 LOG_DEBUG [14888:16572]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.09.30 06:02:23 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Close SSL channel
2023.09.30 06:02:23 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 51380084
2023.09.30 06:02:23 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Delete routes OK
2023.09.30 06:02:24 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.09.30 06:02:24 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.09.30 06:02:24 LOG_INFO [14888:16572]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.10.08 00:03:01 LOG_DEBUG [13388:13392]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.10.08 00:03:01 LOG_DEBUG [13388:13392]: The local product version is
2023.10.08 00:03:01 LOG_INFO [13388:13392]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.10.08 00:03:01 LOG_ERR [13388:13392]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.10.08 00:03:01 LOG_INFO [13388:13392]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.10.08 00:03:01 LOG_INFO [13388:13392]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.10.08 00:03:01 LOG_NOTICE [13388:13392]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.10.08 00:03:01 LOG_INFO [13388:13392]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.10.08 00:03:01 LOG_NOTICE [13388:13392]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.10.08 00:03:01 LOG_INFO [13388:13392]: SecureConnect started
2023.10.08 00:03:01 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13440]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.10.08 00:03:01 LOG_INFO [13436:13440]: Init SSL channel
2023.10.08 00:03:02 LOG_ERR [13388:13392]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.10.08 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13440]: nFilelen=-1
2023.10.08 00:03:02 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13440]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.10.08 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [13388:13392]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.10.08 00:03:03 LOG_ERR [13388:13392]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.10.08 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13440]: nFilelen=-1
2023.10.08 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13440]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.10.08 00:03:03 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13440]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.10.08 00:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13440]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.10.08 00:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13440]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.10.08 00:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13440]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.10.08 00:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13440]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.10.08 00:03:04 LOG_INFO [13436:13440]: Real HostID =
2023.10.08 00:03:04 LOG_INFO [13436:13440]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.10.08 00:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [13388:13392]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [13388:13392]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [13388:13392]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [13388:13392]: Peer server count: 0
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [13436:13140]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [13388:13392]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [13388:3112]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [13388:3112]: Connecting to
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [13436:3116]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13940]: Handle channel open message
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13940]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [13436:3124]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [13436:3124]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [13436:3124]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [13436:3124]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [13436:3124]: Connect to with port
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [13436:3124]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [13436:3124]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_DEBUG [13436:3124]: Handshake success!.....
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [13436:3124]: HostID =
2023.10.08 00:03:09 LOG_INFO [13436:3124]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.10.08 00:03:10 LOG_ERR [13436:3124]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.10.08 00:03:10 LOG_INFO [13436:3124]: Close SSL channel
2023.10.08 00:03:10 LOG_INFO [13436:3124]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31719204
2023.10.08 00:03:10 LOG_INFO [13436:3124]: Delete routes OK
2023.10.08 00:03:10 LOG_INFO [13436:3124]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.10.08 00:03:10 LOG_INFO [13436:3124]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.10.08 00:03:10 LOG_INFO [13436:3124]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.10.08 00:03:10 LOG_ERR [13436:3124]: Can't login Error code =

2023.10.08 00:03:10 LOG_DEBUG [13436:3124]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.10.08 00:03:13 LOG_INFO [13388:12624]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.10.08 00:03:13 LOG_INFO [13388:12624]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.10.08 00:03:13 LOG_INFO [13388:12624]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13388:13392]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13388:13392]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13388:13392]: Peer server count: 0
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12424]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13388:13392]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13388:12492]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13388:12492]: Connecting to
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12496]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13940]: Handle channel open message
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13940]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:12500]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Connect to with port
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:12500]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:12500]: Handshake success!.....
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: HostID =
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Authenticaton OK
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:12500]: Login ok!
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: No peer server list.
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13388:12664]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Send client info OK!
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:12500]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: SET IP =
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:12500]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:12500]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:12500]: Not receive
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Set client parameters OK
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:12500]: Local SPI = 34196832
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:12500]: Local CPI = 0x5b7f
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Remote SPI = 0x13410ace
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: get session id from server = 2083
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:12500]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8ec1 and local CPI
= 0x5b7f
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_DEBUG [13436:12500]: CompAlg = 0
2023.10.08 00:03:21 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Send new key OK
2023.10.08 00:03:22 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Add routes OK
2023.10.08 00:03:22 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Add wins OK
2023.10.08 00:03:25 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.10.08 00:03:25 LOG_INFO [13436:12500]: Add dns OK
2023.10.08 00:03:25 LOG_DEBUG [13436:12500]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.10.08 00:03:25 LOG_INFO [13388:9384]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.10.08 00:03:25 LOG_DEBUG [13388:9384]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.10.08 06:04:45 LOG_INFO [13388:13392]: Disconnect from the server
2023.10.08 06:04:45 LOG_INFO [13436:4708]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.10.08 06:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13940]: Begin to close
2023.10.08 06:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13940]: Handle channel close message
2023.10.08 06:04:45 LOG_DEBUG [13436:13940]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.08 06:04:45 LOG_INFO [13436:13940]: Close SSL channel
2023.10.08 06:04:45 LOG_INFO [13436:13940]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.10.08 06:04:45 LOG_INFO [13436:13940]: Delete routes OK
2023.10.11 00:07:50 LOG_DEBUG [9056:5216]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.10.11 00:07:50 LOG_DEBUG [9056:5216]: The local product version is
2023.10.11 00:07:50 LOG_INFO [9056:5216]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.10.11 00:07:50 LOG_ERR [9056:5216]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.10.11 00:07:50 LOG_INFO [9056:5216]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.10.11 00:07:50 LOG_INFO [9056:5216]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.10.11 00:07:50 LOG_NOTICE [9056:5216]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.10.11 00:07:50 LOG_INFO [9056:5216]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.10.11 00:07:50 LOG_NOTICE [9056:5216]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.10.11 00:07:50 LOG_INFO [9056:5216]: SecureConnect started
2023.10.11 00:07:50 LOG_DEBUG [8360:10920]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.10.11 00:07:50 LOG_INFO [8360:10920]: Init SSL channel
2023.10.11 00:07:52 LOG_ERR [9056:5216]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.10.11 00:07:52 LOG_DEBUG [8360:10920]: nFilelen=-1
2023.10.11 00:07:52 LOG_DEBUG [8360:10920]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.10.11 00:07:53 LOG_DEBUG [9056:5216]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.10.11 00:07:53 LOG_ERR [9056:5216]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.10.11 00:07:53 LOG_DEBUG [8360:10920]: nFilelen=-1
2023.10.11 00:07:53 LOG_DEBUG [8360:10920]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.10.11 00:07:53 LOG_DEBUG [8360:10920]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.10.11 00:07:53 LOG_DEBUG [8360:10920]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.10.11 00:07:53 LOG_DEBUG [8360:10920]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.10.11 00:07:53 LOG_DEBUG [8360:10920]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.10.11 00:07:53 LOG_DEBUG [8360:10920]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.10.11 00:07:53 LOG_INFO [8360:10920]: Real HostID =
2023.10.11 00:07:53 LOG_INFO [8360:10920]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.10.11 00:07:54 LOG_DEBUG [9056:5216]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [9056:5216]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [9056:5216]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [9056:5216]: Peer server count: 0
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:468]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [9056:5216]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [9056:16652]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [9056:16652]: Connecting to
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:9204]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:15488]: Handle channel open message
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:15488]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:13424]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Connect to with port
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:13424]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:13424]: Handshake success!.....
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: HostID =
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Authenticaton OK
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:13424]: Login ok!
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: No peer server list.
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [9056:15516]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Send client info OK!
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:13424]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: SET IP =
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:13424]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:13424]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:13424]: Not receive
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Set client parameters OK
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:13424]: Local SPI = 226044c0
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:13424]: Local CPI = 0x39d2
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Remote SPI = 0x13410b6e
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: get session id from server = 2154
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:13424]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8f61 and local CPI =
2023.10.11 00:08:25 LOG_DEBUG [8360:13424]: CompAlg = 0
2023.10.11 00:08:26 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Send new key OK
2023.10.11 00:08:26 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Add routes OK
2023.10.11 00:08:26 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Add wins OK
2023.10.11 00:08:29 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.10.11 00:08:30 LOG_INFO [8360:13424]: Add dns OK
2023.10.11 00:08:30 LOG_DEBUG [8360:13424]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.10.11 00:08:30 LOG_INFO [9056:2952]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2023.10.11 00:08:30 LOG_DEBUG [9056:2952]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.10.11 00:23:35 LOG_DEBUG [9904:9420]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.10.11 00:23:37 LOG_DEBUG [9904:9420]: The local product version is
2023.10.11 00:23:37 LOG_INFO [9904:9420]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.10.11 00:23:37 LOG_ERR [9904:9420]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.10.11 00:23:37 LOG_INFO [9904:9420]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.10.11 00:23:37 LOG_INFO [9904:9420]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.10.11 00:23:37 LOG_NOTICE [9904:9420]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.10.11 00:23:37 LOG_INFO [9904:9420]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.10.11 00:23:37 LOG_NOTICE [9904:9420]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.10.11 00:23:37 LOG_INFO [9904:9420]: SecureConnect started
2023.10.11 00:23:37 LOG_DEBUG [3584:8516]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.10.11 00:23:37 LOG_INFO [3584:8516]: Init SSL channel
2023.10.11 00:23:38 LOG_ERR [9904:9420]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.10.11 00:23:38 LOG_DEBUG [3584:8516]: nFilelen=-1
2023.10.11 00:23:38 LOG_DEBUG [3584:8516]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.10.11 00:23:39 LOG_DEBUG [9904:9420]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.10.11 00:23:39 LOG_ERR [9904:9420]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.10.11 00:23:39 LOG_DEBUG [3584:8516]: nFilelen=-1
2023.10.11 00:23:39 LOG_DEBUG [3584:8516]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.10.11 00:23:39 LOG_DEBUG [3584:8516]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.10.11 00:23:39 LOG_DEBUG [3584:8516]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.10.11 00:23:39 LOG_DEBUG [3584:8516]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.10.11 00:23:39 LOG_DEBUG [3584:8516]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.10.11 00:23:39 LOG_DEBUG [3584:8516]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.10.11 00:23:39 LOG_INFO [3584:8516]: Real HostID =
2023.10.11 00:23:39 LOG_INFO [3584:8516]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.10.11 00:23:40 LOG_DEBUG [9904:9420]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_INFO [9904:9420]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_INFO [9904:9420]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_DEBUG [9904:9420]: Peer server count: 0
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_INFO [3584:9112]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_INFO [9904:9420]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_DEBUG [9904:6228]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_INFO [9904:6228]: Connecting to
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_INFO [3584:3768]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_DEBUG [3584:12112]: Handle channel open message
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_DEBUG [3584:12112]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_DEBUG [3584:2372]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Connect to with port
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_DEBUG [3584:2372]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_DEBUG [3584:2372]: Handshake success!.....
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.10.11 00:23:49 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Authenticaton OK
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_DEBUG [3584:2372]: Login ok!
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: No peer server list.
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_INFO [9904:6160]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Send client info OK!
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_DEBUG [3584:2372]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: SET IP =
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_DEBUG [3584:2372]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_DEBUG [3584:2372]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_DEBUG [3584:2372]: Not receive
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Set client parameters OK
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_DEBUG [3584:2372]: Local SPI = 2e2c5c58
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_DEBUG [3584:2372]: Local CPI = 0x459e
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Remote SPI = 0x13410b70
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: get session id from server = 2155
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_DEBUG [3584:2372]: Remote CPI = 0xffff8f63 and local CPI =
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_DEBUG [3584:2372]: CompAlg = 0
2023.10.11 00:23:50 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Send new key OK
2023.10.11 00:23:51 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Add routes OK
2023.10.11 00:23:51 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Add wins OK
2023.10.11 00:23:54 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.10.11 00:23:54 LOG_INFO [3584:2372]: Add dns OK
2023.10.11 00:23:54 LOG_INFO [9904:13352]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.10.11 00:23:54 LOG_DEBUG [9904:13352]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.10.11 06:13:54 LOG_INFO [9904:9420]: Disconnect from the server
2023.10.11 06:13:54 LOG_INFO [3584:15036]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.10.11 06:13:54 LOG_DEBUG [3584:12112]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.10.11 06:13:54 LOG_DEBUG [3584:12112]: Handle channel close message
2023.10.11 06:13:54 LOG_DEBUG [3584:12112]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.11 06:13:54 LOG_INFO [3584:12112]: Close SSL channel
2023.10.11 06:13:54 LOG_INFO [3584:12112]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.10.11 06:13:54 LOG_INFO [3584:12112]: Delete routes OK
2023.10.28 00:43:36 LOG_DEBUG [20280:18668]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.10.28 00:43:36 LOG_DEBUG [20280:18668]: The local product version is
2023.10.28 00:43:36 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.10.28 00:43:36 LOG_ERR [20280:18668]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.10.28 00:43:36 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.10.28 00:43:36 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.10.28 00:43:36 LOG_NOTICE [20280:18668]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.10.28 00:43:36 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.10.28 00:43:36 LOG_NOTICE [20280:18668]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.10.28 00:43:36 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: SecureConnect started
2023.10.28 00:43:36 LOG_DEBUG [10884:10380]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.10.28 00:43:36 LOG_INFO [10884:10380]: Init SSL channel
2023.10.28 00:43:37 LOG_ERR [20280:18668]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.10.28 00:43:37 LOG_DEBUG [10884:10380]: nFilelen=-1
2023.10.28 00:43:37 LOG_DEBUG [10884:10380]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.10.28 00:43:38 LOG_DEBUG [20280:18668]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.10.28 00:43:38 LOG_ERR [20280:18668]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.10.28 00:43:38 LOG_DEBUG [10884:10380]: nFilelen=-1
2023.10.28 00:43:38 LOG_DEBUG [10884:10380]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.10.28 00:43:38 LOG_DEBUG [10884:10380]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.10.28 00:43:39 LOG_DEBUG [10884:10380]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.10.28 00:43:39 LOG_DEBUG [10884:10380]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.10.28 00:43:39 LOG_DEBUG [10884:10380]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.10.28 00:43:39 LOG_DEBUG [10884:10380]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.10.28 00:43:39 LOG_INFO [10884:10380]: Real HostID =
2023.10.28 00:43:39 LOG_INFO [10884:10380]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.10.28 00:43:39 LOG_DEBUG [20280:18668]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_DEBUG [20280:18668]: Peer server count: 0
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_INFO [10884:17204]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_DEBUG [20280:17176]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_INFO [20280:17176]: Connecting to
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_INFO [10884:21364]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_DEBUG [10884:16604]: Handle channel open message
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_DEBUG [10884:16604]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_DEBUG [10884:17088]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Connect to with port
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_DEBUG [10884:17088]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_DEBUG [10884:17088]: Handshake success!.....
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: HostID =
2023.10.28 00:43:45 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Authenticaton OK
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_DEBUG [10884:17088]: Login ok!
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: No peer server list.
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_INFO [20280:21452]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Send client info OK!
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_DEBUG [10884:17088]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: SET IP =
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_DEBUG [10884:17088]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_DEBUG [10884:17088]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_DEBUG [10884:17088]: Not receive
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Set client parameters OK
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_DEBUG [10884:17088]: Local SPI = 6db1db62
2023.10.28 00:43:46 LOG_DEBUG [10884:17088]: Local CPI = 0x6968
2023.10.28 00:43:47 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e0147
2023.10.28 00:43:47 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.10.28 00:43:47 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.10.28 00:43:47 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: get session id from server = 25
2023.10.28 00:43:47 LOG_DEBUG [10884:17088]: Remote CPI = 0x36d9 and local CPI =
2023.10.28 00:43:47 LOG_DEBUG [10884:17088]: CompAlg = 0
2023.10.28 00:43:47 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Send new key OK
2023.10.28 00:43:48 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Add routes OK
2023.10.28 00:43:48 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Add wins OK
2023.10.28 00:43:52 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.10.28 00:43:52 LOG_INFO [10884:17088]: Add dns OK
2023.10.28 00:43:52 LOG_INFO [20280:4456]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.10.28 00:43:52 LOG_DEBUG [10884:17088]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.10.28 00:43:52 LOG_DEBUG [20280:4456]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.10.28 00:45:05 LOG_ERR [10884:16604]: Handle channel error message: 4004
2023.10.28 00:45:05 LOG_INFO [10884:16604]: Close SSL channel
2023.10.28 00:45:05 LOG_INFO [10884:16604]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 32898932
2023.10.28 00:45:05 LOG_INFO [10884:16604]: Delete routes OK
2023.10.28 00:45:06 LOG_INFO [10884:16604]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.10.28 00:45:06 LOG_INFO [10884:16604]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.10.28 00:45:06 LOG_INFO [10884:16604]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.10.28 00:45:06 LOG_CRIT [10884:16604]: IO exception. The system may in

2023.10.28 00:45:06 LOG_DEBUG [10884:16604]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_DEBUG [20280:18668]: Peer server count: 0
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_INFO [10884:14548]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_DEBUG [20280:23104]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_INFO [20280:23104]: Connecting to
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_INFO [10884:4072]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_DEBUG [10884:16604]: Handle channel open message
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_DEBUG [10884:16604]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_DEBUG [10884:6020]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_INFO [10884:6020]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_INFO [10884:6020]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_INFO [10884:6020]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_INFO [10884:6020]: Connect to with port
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_INFO [10884:6020]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_DEBUG [10884:6020]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_DEBUG [10884:6020]: Handshake success!.....
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_INFO [10884:6020]: HostID =
2023.10.28 02:46:31 LOG_INFO [10884:6020]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.10.28 02:46:32 LOG_ERR [10884:6020]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.10.28 02:46:32 LOG_INFO [10884:6020]: Close SSL channel
2023.10.28 02:46:32 LOG_INFO [10884:6020]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730724
2023.10.28 02:46:32 LOG_INFO [10884:6020]: Delete routes OK
2023.10.28 02:46:32 LOG_INFO [10884:6020]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.10.28 02:46:32 LOG_INFO [10884:6020]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.10.28 02:46:32 LOG_INFO [10884:6020]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.10.28 02:46:32 LOG_ERR [10884:6020]: Can't login Error code =

2023.10.28 02:46:32 LOG_DEBUG [10884:6020]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.10.28 02:46:34 LOG_INFO [20280:16816]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.10.28 02:46:34 LOG_INFO [20280:16816]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.10.28 02:46:34 LOG_INFO [20280:16816]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [20280:18668]: Peer server count: 0
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [10884:18672]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [20280:8636]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [20280:8636]: Connecting to
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [10884:8420]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [10884:16604]: Handle channel open message
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [10884:16604]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [10884:7060]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Connect to with port
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [10884:7060]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [10884:7060]: Handshake success!.....
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: HostID =
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Authenticaton OK
2023.10.28 02:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [10884:7060]: Login ok!
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: No peer server list.
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_INFO [20280:11824]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Send client info OK!
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_DEBUG [10884:7060]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: SET IP =
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_DEBUG [10884:7060]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_DEBUG [10884:7060]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_DEBUG [10884:7060]: Not receive
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Set client parameters OK
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_DEBUG [10884:7060]: Local SPI = 4bd297a4
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_DEBUG [10884:7060]: Local CPI = 0x4789
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e0149
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: get session id from server = 27
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_DEBUG [10884:7060]: Remote CPI = 0x36db and local CPI =
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_DEBUG [10884:7060]: CompAlg = 0
2023.10.28 02:46:45 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Send new key OK
2023.10.28 02:46:46 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Add routes OK
2023.10.28 02:46:46 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Add wins OK
2023.10.28 02:46:49 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.10.28 02:46:49 LOG_INFO [10884:7060]: Add dns OK
2023.10.28 02:46:49 LOG_INFO [20280:12224]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.10.28 02:46:49 LOG_DEBUG [20280:12224]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.10.28 06:09:11 LOG_INFO [20280:18668]: Disconnect from the server
2023.10.28 06:09:11 LOG_INFO [10884:18844]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.10.28 06:09:11 LOG_DEBUG [10884:16604]: Begin to close
2023.10.28 06:09:11 LOG_DEBUG [10884:16604]: Handle channel close message
2023.10.28 06:09:11 LOG_DEBUG [10884:16604]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.28 06:09:11 LOG_INFO [10884:16604]: Close SSL channel
2023.10.28 06:09:11 LOG_INFO [10884:16604]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 32898932
2023.10.28 06:09:11 LOG_INFO [10884:16604]: Delete routes OK
2023.10.31 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [2792:7932]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.10.31 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [2792:7932]: The local product version is
2023.10.31 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.10.31 00:04:41 LOG_ERR [2792:7932]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.10.31 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.10.31 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.10.31 00:04:41 LOG_NOTICE [2792:7932]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.10.31 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.10.31 00:04:41 LOG_NOTICE [2792:7932]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.10.31 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: SecureConnect started
2023.10.31 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [16528:11672]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.10.31 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [16528:11672]: Init SSL channel
2023.10.31 00:04:42 LOG_ERR [2792:7932]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.10.31 00:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [16528:11672]: nFilelen=-1
2023.10.31 00:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [16528:11672]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.10.31 00:04:43 LOG_DEBUG [2792:7932]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.10.31 00:04:43 LOG_ERR [2792:7932]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.10.31 00:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [16528:11672]: nFilelen=-1
2023.10.31 00:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [16528:11672]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.10.31 00:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [16528:11672]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.10.31 00:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [16528:11672]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.10.31 00:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [16528:11672]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.10.31 00:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [16528:11672]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.10.31 00:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [16528:11672]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.10.31 00:04:44 LOG_INFO [16528:11672]: Real HostID =
2023.10.31 00:04:44 LOG_INFO [16528:11672]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.10.31 00:04:44 LOG_DEBUG [2792:7932]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.10.31 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.10.31 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.10.31 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [2792:7932]: Peer server count: 0
2023.10.31 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [16528:15636]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.10.31 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.10.31 00:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [2792:21184]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.10.31 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [2792:21184]: Connecting to
2023.10.31 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [16528:15724]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.10.31 00:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [16528:3716]: Handle channel open message
2023.10.31 00:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [16528:3716]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.31 00:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [16528:11196]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.10.31 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [16528:11196]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.10.31 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [16528:11196]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.10.31 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [16528:11196]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.10.31 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [16528:11196]: Connect to with port
2023.10.31 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [16528:11196]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.10.31 00:05:10 LOG_ERR [16528:11196]: Connect to ""
( error [10060]
2023.10.31 00:05:10 LOG_ERR [16528:11196]: Connect to the server failed
2023.10.31 00:05:10 LOG_INFO [16528:11196]: Close SSL channel
2023.10.31 00:05:10 LOG_INFO [16528:11196]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2023.10.31 00:05:10 LOG_INFO [16528:11196]: Delete routes OK
2023.10.31 00:05:10 LOG_INFO [16528:11196]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.10.31 00:05:10 LOG_INFO [16528:11196]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.10.31 00:05:10 LOG_INFO [16528:11196]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.10.31 00:05:10 LOG_ERR [16528:11196]: Connect to failed

2023.10.31 00:05:10 LOG_DEBUG [16528:11196]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.10.31 00:05:10 LOG_ERR [2792:13696]: Server unreachable, but no available peer
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_DEBUG [2792:7932]: Peer server count: 0
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_INFO [16528:4452]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_DEBUG [2792:17200]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_INFO [2792:17200]: Connecting to
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_INFO [16528:16964]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_DEBUG [16528:3716]: Handle channel open message
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_DEBUG [16528:3716]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_DEBUG [16528:17196]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_INFO [16528:17196]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_INFO [16528:17196]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_INFO [16528:17196]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_INFO [16528:17196]: Connect to with port
2023.10.31 00:05:22 LOG_INFO [16528:17196]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [2792:7932]: Peer server count: 0
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_INFO [16528:18112]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [2792:16372]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_INFO [2792:16372]: Connecting to
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_INFO [16528:14372]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [16528:3716]: Handle channel open message
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [16528:3716]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [16528:19472]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_INFO [16528:19472]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_INFO [16528:19472]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_INFO [16528:19472]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_ERR [16528:19472]: There still exists one open SSL channel
2023.10.31 00:05:37 LOG_DEBUG [16528:19472]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.10.31 00:05:43 LOG_ERR [16528:17196]: Connect to ""
( error [10060]
2023.10.31 00:05:43 LOG_ERR [16528:17196]: Connect to the server failed
2023.10.31 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [16528:17196]: Close SSL channel
2023.10.31 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [16528:17196]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2023.10.31 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [16528:17196]: Delete routes OK
2023.10.31 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [16528:17196]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.10.31 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [16528:17196]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.10.31 00:05:43 LOG_INFO [16528:17196]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.10.31 00:05:43 LOG_ERR [16528:17196]: Connect to failed

2023.10.31 00:05:43 LOG_DEBUG [16528:17196]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.10.31 00:05:43 LOG_ERR [2792:11316]: Server unreachable, but no available peer
2023.10.31 06:02:36 LOG_INFO [2792:7932]: Disconnect from the server
2023.10.31 06:02:36 LOG_INFO [16528:7224]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.10.31 06:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [16528:3716]: Already be disconnected
2023.11.01 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [19984:19988]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.11.01 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [19984:19988]: The local product version is
2023.11.01 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [19984:19988]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.11.01 00:02:35 LOG_ERR [19984:19988]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.11.01 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [19984:19988]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.11.01 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [19984:19988]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.11.01 00:02:35 LOG_NOTICE [19984:19988]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.11.01 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [19984:19988]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.11.01 00:02:35 LOG_NOTICE [19984:19988]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.11.01 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [19984:19988]: SecureConnect started
2023.11.01 00:02:35 LOG_DEBUG [20004:20008]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.11.01 00:02:35 LOG_INFO [20004:20008]: Init SSL channel
2023.11.01 00:02:36 LOG_ERR [19984:19988]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.01 00:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [20004:20008]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.01 00:02:36 LOG_DEBUG [20004:20008]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.11.01 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [19984:19988]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.01 00:02:37 LOG_ERR [19984:19988]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.01 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [20004:20008]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.01 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [20004:20008]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.11.01 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [20004:20008]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.11.01 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [20004:20008]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.11.01 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [20004:20008]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.11.01 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [20004:20008]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.11.01 00:02:37 LOG_DEBUG [20004:20008]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.11.01 00:02:37 LOG_INFO [20004:20008]: Real HostID =
2023.11.01 00:02:37 LOG_INFO [20004:20008]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.01 00:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [19984:19988]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [19984:19988]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [19984:19988]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [19984:19988]: Peer server count: 0
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [20004:21352]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [19984:19988]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [19984:21356]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [19984:21356]: Connecting to
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [20004:21360]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [20004:19544]: Handle channel open message
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [20004:19544]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21364]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Connect to with port
2023.11.01 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21364]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21364]: Handshake success!.....
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: HostID =
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Authenticaton OK
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21364]: Login ok!
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: No peer server list.
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [19984:21388]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Send client info OK!
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21364]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: SET IP =
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21364]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21364]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21364]: Not receive
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Set client parameters OK
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21364]: Local SPI = 06d80db0
2023.11.01 00:02:46 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21364]: Local CPI = 0x2e9e
2023.11.01 00:02:47 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e01db
2023.11.01 00:02:47 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.11.01 00:02:47 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.11.01 00:02:47 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: get session id from server = 87
2023.11.01 00:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21364]: Remote CPI = 0x376d and local CPI =
2023.11.01 00:02:47 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21364]: CompAlg = 0
2023.11.01 00:02:47 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Send new key OK
2023.11.01 00:02:47 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Add routes OK
2023.11.01 00:02:47 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Add wins OK
2023.11.01 00:02:51 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.11.01 00:02:51 LOG_INFO [20004:21364]: Add dns OK
2023.11.01 00:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21364]: End OpenChannelThread
logon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.11.01 00:02:51 LOG_DEBUG [19984:20240]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.11.01 09:40:16 LOG_DEBUG [20004:19544]: Handle channel rekey message
2023.11.01 09:40:16 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Connect to with port
2023.11.01 09:40:16 LOG_DEBUG [20004:19544]: Process ReKey operation at Wed Nov 01
09:40:16 2023

2023.11.01 09:40:16 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0, destAddr:
2023.11.01 09:40:16 LOG_ERR [20004:19544]: Connect to ""
( error [10053]
2023.11.01 09:40:16 LOG_ERR [20004:19544]: Connect to the server failed
2023.11.01 09:40:16 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.01 09:40:16 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30670540
2023.11.01 09:40:17 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.01 09:40:17 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.01 09:40:17 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.01 09:40:17 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.01 09:40:17 LOG_ERR [20004:19544]: Connect to failed

2023.11.01 09:40:17 LOG_ERR [20004:19544]: Handle channel error message: 4015
2023.11.01 09:40:17 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.01 09:40:17 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30670708
2023.11.01 09:40:18 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.01 09:40:18 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.01 09:40:18 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.01 09:40:18 LOG_ERR [20004:19544]: ReleaseSemaphore error: 298
2023.11.01 09:40:18 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.01 16:07:37 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.11.01 16:07:37 LOG_DEBUG [20004:19544]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.11.01 16:07:37 LOG_DEBUG [20004:19544]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.11.01 16:07:37 LOG_DEBUG [20004:19544]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.11.01 16:07:37 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.11.01 16:07:37 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30670708
2023.11.01 16:07:38 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21628]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.11.01 16:07:38 LOG_INFO [20004:21628]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.11.01 16:07:39 LOG_INFO [20004:21628]: Connect to with port
2023.11.01 16:07:39 LOG_INFO [20004:21628]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.01 16:07:39 LOG_ERR [20004:21628]: Connect to ""
( error [10051]
2023.11.01 16:07:39 LOG_ERR [20004:21628]: Connect to the server failed
2023.11.01 16:07:39 LOG_INFO [20004:21628]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.01 16:07:39 LOG_INFO [20004:21628]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12255024
2023.11.01 16:07:39 LOG_INFO [20004:21628]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.01 16:07:39 LOG_INFO [20004:21628]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.01 16:07:39 LOG_INFO [20004:21628]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.01 16:07:39 LOG_INFO [20004:21628]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.01 16:07:39 LOG_ERR [20004:21628]: Connect to failed

2023.11.01 16:07:39 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21628]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.11.01 16:08:36 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.11.01 16:08:36 LOG_DEBUG [20004:19544]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.11.01 16:08:36 LOG_DEBUG [20004:19544]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.11.01 16:08:36 LOG_DEBUG [20004:19544]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.11.01 16:08:36 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2023.11.01 16:08:36 LOG_INFO [20004:19544]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30670708
2023.11.01 16:08:36 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21632]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.11.01 16:08:36 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.11.01 16:08:37 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: Connect to with port
2023.11.01 16:08:37 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.01 16:08:39 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21632]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.11.01 16:08:39 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21632]: Handshake success!.....
2023.11.01 16:08:39 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: HostID =
2023.11.01 16:08:39 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: Authenticaton OK
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21632]: Login ok!
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: No peer server list.
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_INFO [19984:2516]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: Send client info OK!
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21632]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: SET IP =
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21632]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21632]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21632]: Not receive
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: Set client parameters OK
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21632]: Local SPI = 6a1dd43a
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21632]: Local CPI = 0x4de6
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e01fd
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: get session id from server = 98
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21632]: Remote CPI = 0x378f and local CPI =
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21632]: CompAlg = 0
2023.11.01 16:08:40 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: Send new key OK
2023.11.01 16:08:41 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: Add routes OK
2023.11.01 16:08:41 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: Add wins OK
2023.11.01 16:08:44 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.11.01 16:08:44 LOG_INFO [20004:21632]: Add dns OK
2023.11.01 16:08:45 LOG_DEBUG [20004:21632]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.11.01 16:08:45 LOG_DEBUG [20004:19544]: ReopenChannel OK
lear logon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.11.01 16:08:45 LOG_DEBUG [20004:19544]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.01 16:08:45 LOG_DEBUG [19984:19448]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.11.03 12:29:24 LOG_DEBUG [16756:16760]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.11.03 12:29:24 LOG_DEBUG [16756:16760]: The local product version is
2023.11.03 12:29:24 LOG_INFO [16756:16760]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.11.03 12:29:24 LOG_ERR [16756:16760]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.11.03 12:29:24 LOG_INFO [16756:16760]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.11.03 12:29:24 LOG_INFO [16756:16760]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.11.03 12:29:24 LOG_NOTICE [16756:16760]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.11.03 12:29:24 LOG_INFO [16756:16760]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.11.03 12:29:24 LOG_NOTICE [16756:16760]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.11.03 12:29:24 LOG_INFO [16756:16760]: SecureConnect started
2023.11.03 12:29:24 LOG_DEBUG [16852:16856]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.11.03 12:29:24 LOG_INFO [16852:16856]: Init SSL channel
2023.11.03 12:29:25 LOG_ERR [16756:16760]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.03 12:29:25 LOG_DEBUG [16852:16856]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.03 12:29:25 LOG_DEBUG [16852:16856]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.11.03 12:29:26 LOG_DEBUG [16756:16760]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.03 12:29:26 LOG_ERR [16756:16760]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.03 12:29:26 LOG_DEBUG [16852:16856]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.03 12:29:26 LOG_DEBUG [16852:16856]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.11.03 12:29:26 LOG_DEBUG [16852:16856]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.11.03 12:29:26 LOG_DEBUG [16852:16856]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.11.03 12:29:26 LOG_DEBUG [16852:16856]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.11.03 12:29:26 LOG_DEBUG [16852:16856]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.11.03 12:29:26 LOG_DEBUG [16852:16856]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.11.03 12:29:26 LOG_INFO [16852:16856]: Real HostID =
2023.11.03 12:29:26 LOG_INFO [16852:16856]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.03 12:29:27 LOG_DEBUG [16756:16760]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_INFO [16756:16760]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_INFO [16756:16760]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_DEBUG [16756:16760]: Peer server count: 0
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_INFO [16852:14804]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_INFO [16756:16760]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_DEBUG [16756:15304]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_INFO [16756:15304]: Connecting to
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_INFO [16852:15848]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_DEBUG [16852:17336]: Handle channel open message
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_DEBUG [16852:17336]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_DEBUG [16852:13352]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Connect to with port
2023.11.03 12:29:48 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.03 12:29:49 LOG_DEBUG [16852:13352]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_DEBUG [16852:13352]: Handshake success!.....
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: HostID =
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Authenticaton OK
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_DEBUG [16852:13352]: Login ok!
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: No peer server list.
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_INFO [16756:13120]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Send client info OK!
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_DEBUG [16852:13352]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: SET IP =
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_DEBUG [16852:13352]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_DEBUG [16852:13352]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_DEBUG [16852:13352]: Not receive
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Set client parameters OK
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_DEBUG [16852:13352]: Local SPI = 5ee7bdce
2023.11.03 12:29:51 LOG_DEBUG [16852:13352]: Local CPI = 0x3ab6
2023.11.03 12:29:52 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e0251
2023.11.03 12:29:52 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.11.03 12:29:52 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.11.03 12:29:52 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: get session id from server = 132
2023.11.03 12:29:52 LOG_DEBUG [16852:13352]: Remote CPI = 0x37e3 and local CPI =
2023.11.03 12:29:52 LOG_DEBUG [16852:13352]: CompAlg = 0
2023.11.03 12:29:52 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Send new key OK
2023.11.03 12:29:53 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Add routes OK
2023.11.03 12:29:53 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Add wins OK
2023.11.03 12:29:56 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.11.03 12:29:56 LOG_INFO [16852:13352]: Add dns OK
2023.11.03 12:29:56 LOG_DEBUG [16852:13352]: End OpenChannelThread
logon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.11.03 12:29:56 LOG_DEBUG [16756:18060]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.11.03 12:37:00 LOG_INFO [16756:16760]: Disconnect from the server
2023.11.03 12:37:00 LOG_INFO [16852:3328]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.11.03 12:37:00 LOG_DEBUG [16852:17336]: Begin to close
2023.11.03 12:37:00 LOG_DEBUG [16852:17336]: Handle channel close message
2023.11.03 12:37:00 LOG_DEBUG [16852:17336]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.03 12:37:00 LOG_INFO [16852:17336]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.03 12:37:00 LOG_INFO [16852:17336]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.11.03 12:37:01 LOG_INFO [16852:17336]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.03 12:37:01 LOG_INFO [16852:17336]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.03 12:37:01 LOG_INFO [16852:17336]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.03 12:37:01 LOG_INFO [16852:17336]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.08 00:08:00 LOG_DEBUG [18572:16532]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.11.08 00:08:00 LOG_DEBUG [18572:16532]: The local product version is
2023.11.08 00:08:00 LOG_INFO [18572:16532]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.11.08 00:08:00 LOG_ERR [18572:16532]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.11.08 00:08:00 LOG_INFO [18572:16532]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.11.08 00:08:00 LOG_INFO [18572:16532]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.11.08 00:08:00 LOG_NOTICE [18572:16532]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.11.08 00:08:00 LOG_INFO [18572:16532]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.11.08 00:08:00 LOG_NOTICE [18572:16532]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.11.08 00:08:00 LOG_INFO [18572:16532]: SecureConnect started
2023.11.08 00:08:00 LOG_DEBUG [9924:2812]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.11.08 00:08:00 LOG_INFO [9924:2812]: Init SSL channel
2023.11.08 00:08:01 LOG_ERR [18572:16532]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.08 00:08:01 LOG_DEBUG [9924:2812]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.08 00:08:01 LOG_DEBUG [9924:2812]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.11.08 00:08:02 LOG_DEBUG [18572:16532]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.08 00:08:02 LOG_ERR [18572:16532]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.08 00:08:02 LOG_DEBUG [9924:2812]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.08 00:08:02 LOG_DEBUG [9924:2812]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.11.08 00:08:02 LOG_DEBUG [9924:2812]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.11.08 00:08:02 LOG_DEBUG [9924:2812]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.11.08 00:08:02 LOG_DEBUG [9924:2812]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.11.08 00:08:02 LOG_DEBUG [9924:2812]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.11.08 00:08:02 LOG_DEBUG [9924:2812]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.11.08 00:08:02 LOG_INFO [9924:2812]: Real HostID =
2023.11.08 00:08:02 LOG_INFO [9924:2812]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.08 00:08:03 LOG_DEBUG [18572:16532]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [18572:16532]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [18572:16532]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_DEBUG [18572:16532]: Peer server count: 0
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [9924:13876]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [18572:16532]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_DEBUG [18572:19600]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [18572:19600]: Connecting to
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [9924:11872]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_DEBUG [9924:6628]: Handle channel open message
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_DEBUG [9924:6628]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_DEBUG [9924:16316]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Connect to with port
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_DEBUG [9924:16316]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_DEBUG [9924:16316]: Handshake success!.....
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: HostID =
2023.11.08 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Authenticaton OK
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_DEBUG [9924:16316]: Login ok!
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: No peer server list.
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_INFO [18572:16712]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Send client info OK!
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_DEBUG [9924:16316]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: SET IP =
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_DEBUG [9924:16316]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_DEBUG [9924:16316]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_DEBUG [9924:16316]: Not receive
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Set client parameters OK
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_DEBUG [9924:16316]: Local SPI = 2de55bca
2023.11.08 00:08:09 LOG_DEBUG [9924:16316]: Local CPI = 0x71c6
2023.11.08 00:08:10 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e0313
2023.11.08 00:08:10 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.11.08 00:08:10 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.11.08 00:08:10 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: get session id from server = 204
2023.11.08 00:08:10 LOG_DEBUG [9924:16316]: Remote CPI = 0x38a5 and local CPI =
2023.11.08 00:08:10 LOG_DEBUG [9924:16316]: CompAlg = 0
2023.11.08 00:08:10 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Send new key OK
2023.11.08 00:08:10 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Add routes OK
2023.11.08 00:08:10 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Add wins OK
2023.11.08 00:08:14 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.11.08 00:08:14 LOG_INFO [9924:16316]: Add dns OK
2023.11.08 00:08:14 LOG_INFO [18572:17832]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.11.08 00:08:14 LOG_DEBUG [18572:17832]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.11.08 06:02:05 LOG_INFO [18572:16532]: Disconnect from the server
2023.11.08 06:02:05 LOG_INFO [9924:15144]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.11.08 06:02:05 LOG_DEBUG [9924:6628]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.11.08 06:02:05 LOG_DEBUG [9924:6628]: Handle channel close message
2023.11.08 06:02:05 LOG_DEBUG [9924:6628]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.08 06:02:05 LOG_INFO [9924:6628]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.08 06:02:05 LOG_INFO [9924:6628]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.11.08 06:02:05 LOG_INFO [9924:6628]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.08 06:02:05 LOG_INFO [9924:6628]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.08 06:02:05 LOG_INFO [9924:6628]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.08 06:02:05 LOG_INFO [9924:6628]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.08 23:59:11 LOG_DEBUG [16484:15164]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.11.08 23:59:11 LOG_DEBUG [16484:15164]: The local product version is
2023.11.08 23:59:11 LOG_INFO [16484:15164]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.11.08 23:59:11 LOG_ERR [16484:15164]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.11.08 23:59:11 LOG_INFO [16484:15164]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.11.08 23:59:11 LOG_INFO [16484:15164]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.11.08 23:59:11 LOG_NOTICE [16484:15164]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.11.08 23:59:11 LOG_INFO [16484:15164]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.11.08 23:59:11 LOG_NOTICE [16484:15164]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.11.08 23:59:11 LOG_INFO [16484:15164]: SecureConnect started
2023.11.08 23:59:11 LOG_DEBUG [18744:15992]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.11.08 23:59:11 LOG_INFO [18744:15992]: Init SSL channel
2023.11.08 23:59:12 LOG_ERR [16484:15164]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.08 23:59:13 LOG_DEBUG [18744:15992]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.08 23:59:13 LOG_DEBUG [18744:15992]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.11.08 23:59:13 LOG_DEBUG [16484:15164]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.08 23:59:13 LOG_ERR [16484:15164]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.08 23:59:14 LOG_DEBUG [18744:15992]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.08 23:59:14 LOG_DEBUG [18744:15992]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.11.08 23:59:14 LOG_DEBUG [18744:15992]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.11.08 23:59:14 LOG_DEBUG [18744:15992]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.11.08 23:59:14 LOG_DEBUG [18744:15992]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.11.08 23:59:14 LOG_DEBUG [18744:15992]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.11.08 23:59:14 LOG_DEBUG [18744:15992]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.11.08 23:59:14 LOG_INFO [18744:15992]: Real HostID =
2023.11.08 23:59:14 LOG_INFO [18744:15992]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.08 23:59:14 LOG_DEBUG [16484:15164]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_INFO [16484:15164]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_INFO [16484:15164]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_DEBUG [16484:15164]: Peer server count: 0
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_INFO [18744:14220]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_INFO [16484:15164]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_DEBUG [16484:240]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_INFO [16484:240]: Connecting to
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_INFO [18744:15924]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_DEBUG [18744:18724]: Handle channel open message
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_DEBUG [18744:18724]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_DEBUG [18744:10820]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Connect to with port
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_DEBUG [18744:10820]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_DEBUG [18744:10820]: Handshake success!.....
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: HostID =
2023.11.08 23:59:22 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Authenticaton OK
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_DEBUG [18744:10820]: Login ok!
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: No peer server list.
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_INFO [16484:16996]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Send client info OK!
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_DEBUG [18744:10820]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: SET IP =
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_DEBUG [18744:10820]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_DEBUG [18744:10820]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_DEBUG [18744:10820]: Not receive
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Set client parameters OK
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_DEBUG [18744:10820]: Local SPI = 7551eaa2
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_DEBUG [18744:10820]: Local CPI = 0x7535
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e034b
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: get session id from server = 237
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_DEBUG [18744:10820]: Remote CPI = 0x38dd and local CPI =
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_DEBUG [18744:10820]: CompAlg = 0
2023.11.08 23:59:23 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Send new key OK
2023.11.08 23:59:24 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Add routes OK
2023.11.08 23:59:24 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Add wins OK
2023.11.08 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.11.08 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [18744:10820]: Add dns OK
2023.11.08 23:59:27 LOG_DEBUG [18744:10820]: End OpenChannelThread
ogon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.11.08 23:59:27 LOG_DEBUG [16484:6776]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.11.09 06:06:36 LOG_INFO [16484:15164]: Disconnect from the server
2023.11.09 06:06:36 LOG_INFO [18744:3876]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.11.09 06:06:36 LOG_DEBUG [18744:18724]: Begin to close
2023.11.09 06:06:36 LOG_DEBUG [18744:18724]: Handle channel close message
2023.11.09 06:06:36 LOG_DEBUG [18744:18724]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.09 06:06:36 LOG_INFO [18744:18724]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.09 06:06:36 LOG_INFO [18744:18724]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.11.09 06:06:36 LOG_INFO [18744:18724]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.16 00:04:47 LOG_DEBUG [4280:13080]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.11.16 00:04:47 LOG_DEBUG [4280:13080]: The local product version is
2023.11.16 00:04:47 LOG_INFO [4280:13080]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.11.16 00:04:47 LOG_ERR [4280:13080]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.11.16 00:04:47 LOG_INFO [4280:13080]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.11.16 00:04:47 LOG_INFO [4280:13080]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.11.16 00:04:47 LOG_NOTICE [4280:13080]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.11.16 00:04:47 LOG_INFO [4280:13080]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.11.16 00:04:47 LOG_NOTICE [4280:13080]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.11.16 00:04:47 LOG_INFO [4280:13080]: SecureConnect started
2023.11.16 00:04:47 LOG_DEBUG [10144:13980]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.11.16 00:04:47 LOG_INFO [10144:13980]: Init SSL channel
2023.11.16 00:04:48 LOG_ERR [4280:13080]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.16 00:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [10144:13980]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.16 00:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [10144:13980]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.11.16 00:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [4280:13080]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.16 00:04:49 LOG_ERR [4280:13080]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.16 00:04:50 LOG_DEBUG [10144:13980]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.16 00:04:50 LOG_DEBUG [10144:13980]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.11.16 00:04:50 LOG_DEBUG [10144:13980]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.11.16 00:04:50 LOG_DEBUG [10144:13980]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.11.16 00:04:50 LOG_DEBUG [10144:13980]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.11.16 00:04:50 LOG_DEBUG [10144:13980]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.11.16 00:04:50 LOG_DEBUG [10144:13980]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.11.16 00:04:50 LOG_INFO [10144:13980]: Real HostID =
2023.11.16 00:04:50 LOG_INFO [10144:13980]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.16 00:04:50 LOG_DEBUG [4280:13080]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [4280:13080]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [4280:13080]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [4280:13080]: Peer server count: 0
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:13720]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [4280:13080]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [4280:9124]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [4280:9124]: Connecting to
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:2144]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [10144:4120]: Handle channel open message
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [10144:4120]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [10144:14332]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Connect to with port
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [10144:14332]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [10144:14332]: Handshake success!.....
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: HostID =
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Authenticaton OK
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [10144:14332]: Login ok!
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: No peer server list.
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [4280:1460]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Send client info OK!
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [10144:14332]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: SET IP =
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [10144:14332]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [10144:14332]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [10144:14332]: Not receive
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Set client parameters OK
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [10144:14332]: Local SPI = 1c7c38f8
2023.11.16 00:04:55 LOG_DEBUG [10144:14332]: Local CPI = 0x747e
2023.11.16 00:04:56 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e0459
2023.11.16 00:04:56 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.11.16 00:04:56 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.11.16 00:04:56 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: get session id from server = 361
2023.11.16 00:04:56 LOG_DEBUG [10144:14332]: Remote CPI = 0x39eb and local CPI =
2023.11.16 00:04:56 LOG_DEBUG [10144:14332]: CompAlg = 0
2023.11.16 00:04:56 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Send new key OK
2023.11.16 00:04:56 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Add routes OK
2023.11.16 00:04:56 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Add wins OK
2023.11.16 00:04:59 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.11.16 00:04:59 LOG_INFO [10144:14332]: Add dns OK
2023.11.16 00:04:59 LOG_DEBUG [10144:14332]: End OpenChannelThread
ogon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.11.16 00:04:59 LOG_DEBUG [4280:11656]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.11.16 00:06:07 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: Handle channel error message: 4004
2023.11.16 00:06:07 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.16 00:06:07 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.11.16 00:06:07 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.16 00:06:08 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.16 00:06:08 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.16 00:06:08 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.16 00:06:08 LOG_CRIT [10144:4120]: IO exception. The system may in

2023.11.16 00:06:08 LOG_DEBUG [10144:4120]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [4280:13080]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [4280:13080]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_DEBUG [4280:13080]: Peer server count: 0
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:11992]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [4280:13080]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_DEBUG [4280:5288]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [4280:5288]: Connecting to
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:11920]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_DEBUG [10144:4120]: Handle channel open message
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_DEBUG [10144:4120]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_DEBUG [10144:3136]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Connect to with port
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_DEBUG [10144:3136]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_DEBUG [10144:3136]: Handshake success!.....
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: HostID =
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Authenticaton OK
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_DEBUG [10144:3136]: Login ok!
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: No peer server list.
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [4280:13200]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Send client info OK!
2023.11.16 00:34:12 LOG_DEBUG [10144:3136]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: SET IP =
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_DEBUG [10144:3136]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_DEBUG [10144:3136]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_DEBUG [10144:3136]: Not receive
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Set client parameters OK
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_DEBUG [10144:3136]: Local SPI = 32e965d2
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_DEBUG [10144:3136]: Local CPI = 0xaeb
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e045b
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: get session id from server = 362
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_DEBUG [10144:3136]: Remote CPI = 0x39ed and local CPI =
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_DEBUG [10144:3136]: CompAlg = 0
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Send new key OK
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Add routes OK
2023.11.16 00:34:13 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Add wins OK
2023.11.16 00:34:17 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.11.16 00:34:17 LOG_INFO [10144:3136]: Add dns OK
2023.11.16 00:34:17 LOG_INFO [4280:2952]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2023.11.16 00:34:17 LOG_DEBUG [10144:3136]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.11.16 00:34:17 LOG_DEBUG [4280:2952]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.11.16 08:58:30 LOG_DEBUG [10144:4120]: Handle channel rekey message
2023.11.16 08:58:30 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Connect to with port
2023.11.16 08:58:30 LOG_DEBUG [10144:4120]: Process ReKey operation at Thu Nov 16
08:58:30 2023

2023.11.16 08:58:30 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0, destAddr:
2023.11.16 08:58:51 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: Connect to ""
( error [10060]
2023.11.16 08:58:51 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: Connect to the server failed
2023.11.16 08:58:51 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.16 08:58:51 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277324
2023.11.16 08:58:52 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.16 08:58:52 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.16 08:58:52 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.16 08:58:52 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.16 08:58:52 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: Connect to failed

2023.11.16 08:58:52 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.11.16 08:58:52 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.16 08:58:52 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.11.16 08:58:52 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: ReleaseSemaphore error: 298
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: Handle channel error message: 52

2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: ReleaseSemaphore error: 298
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: Handle channel error message: 52

2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: ReleaseSemaphore error: 298
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: Handle channel error message: 52

2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.16 08:58:53 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: ReleaseSemaphore error: 298
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: Handle channel error message: 52

2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: ReleaseSemaphore error: 298
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: Handle channel error message: 4015

2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_ERR [10144:4120]: ReleaseSemaphore error: 298
2023.11.16 08:58:54 LOG_INFO [10144:4120]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.16 08:58:57 LOG_INFO [4280:13080]: Disconnect from the server

2023.11.16 08:58:57 LOG_INFO [10144:6900]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.11.16 08:58:57 LOG_DEBUG [10144:4120]: Already be disconnected
2023.11.17 00:04:20 LOG_DEBUG [12172:15388]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.11.17 00:04:20 LOG_DEBUG [12172:15388]: The local product version is
2023.11.17 00:04:20 LOG_INFO [12172:15388]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.11.17 00:04:20 LOG_ERR [12172:15388]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.11.17 00:04:20 LOG_INFO [12172:15388]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.11.17 00:04:20 LOG_INFO [12172:15388]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.11.17 00:04:20 LOG_NOTICE [12172:15388]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.11.17 00:04:20 LOG_INFO [12172:15388]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.11.17 00:04:20 LOG_NOTICE [12172:15388]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.11.17 00:04:20 LOG_INFO [12172:15388]: SecureConnect started
2023.11.17 00:04:20 LOG_DEBUG [7064:15704]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.11.17 00:04:20 LOG_INFO [7064:15704]: Init SSL channel
2023.11.17 00:04:21 LOG_ERR [12172:15388]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.17 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [7064:15704]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.17 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [7064:15704]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.11.17 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [12172:15388]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.17 00:04:22 LOG_ERR [12172:15388]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.17 00:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [7064:15704]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.17 00:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [7064:15704]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.11.17 00:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [7064:15704]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.11.17 00:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [7064:15704]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.11.17 00:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [7064:15704]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.11.17 00:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [7064:15704]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.11.17 00:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [7064:15704]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.11.17 00:04:23 LOG_INFO [7064:15704]: Real HostID =
2023.11.17 00:04:23 LOG_INFO [7064:15704]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.17 00:04:23 LOG_DEBUG [12172:15388]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_INFO [12172:15388]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_INFO [12172:15388]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [12172:15388]: Peer server count: 0
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_INFO [7064:9004]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_INFO [12172:15388]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [12172:4220]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_INFO [12172:4220]: Connecting to
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_INFO [7064:6284]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Handle channel open message
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12572]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Connect to with port
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12572]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12572]: Handshake success!.....
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: HostID =
2023.11.17 00:04:29 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Authenticaton OK
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12572]: Login ok!
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: No peer server list.
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_INFO [12172:1616]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Send client info OK!
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12572]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: SET IP =
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12572]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12572]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12572]: Not receive
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Set client parameters OK
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12572]: Local SPI = 6a4cd498
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12572]: Local CPI = 0x7e51
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e0499
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: get session id from server = 388
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12572]: Remote CPI = 0x3a2b and local CPI =
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12572]: CompAlg = 0
2023.11.17 00:04:30 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Send new key OK
2023.11.17 00:04:31 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Add routes OK
2023.11.17 00:04:31 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Add wins OK
2023.11.17 00:04:34 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.11.17 00:04:34 LOG_INFO [7064:12572]: Add dns OK
2023.11.17 00:04:34 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12572]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.11.17 00:04:34 LOG_INFO [12172:2024]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.11.17 00:04:34 LOG_DEBUG [12172:2024]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.11.17 01:58:29 LOG_ERR [7064:7192]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.11.17 01:58:29 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.17 01:58:29 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 32898932
2023.11.17 01:58:29 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.17 01:58:29 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.17 01:58:30 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.17 01:58:30 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.17 01:58:35 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.11.17 01:58:35 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.11.17 01:58:35 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.11.17 01:58:35 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.11.17 01:58:35 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.11.17 01:58:35 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 32898932
2023.11.17 01:58:35 LOG_DEBUG [7064:15688]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.11.17 01:58:35 LOG_INFO [7064:15688]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.11.17 01:58:36 LOG_INFO [7064:15688]: Connect to with port
2023.11.17 01:58:36 LOG_INFO [7064:15688]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.17 01:58:36 LOG_ERR [7064:15688]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.11.17 01:58:36 LOG_ERR [7064:15688]: Connect to the server failed
2023.11.17 01:58:36 LOG_INFO [7064:15688]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.17 01:58:36 LOG_INFO [7064:15688]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12255024
2023.11.17 01:58:36 LOG_INFO [7064:15688]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.17 01:58:36 LOG_INFO [7064:15688]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.17 01:58:36 LOG_INFO [7064:15688]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.17 01:58:36 LOG_INFO [7064:15688]: ========================SSL CHANNEL
2023.11.17 01:58:36 LOG_ERR [7064:15688]: Connect to failed
2023.11.17 01:58:36 LOG_DEBUG [7064:15688]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.11.17 01:59:36 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.11.17 01:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.11.17 01:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.11.17 01:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.11.17 01:59:36 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2023.11.17 01:59:36 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 32898932
2023.11.17 01:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12444]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.11.17 01:59:36 LOG_INFO [7064:12444]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.11.17 01:59:37 LOG_INFO [7064:12444]: Connect to with port
2023.11.17 01:59:37 LOG_INFO [7064:12444]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.17 01:59:37 LOG_ERR [7064:12444]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.11.17 01:59:37 LOG_ERR [7064:12444]: Connect to the server failed
2023.11.17 01:59:37 LOG_INFO [7064:12444]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.17 01:59:37 LOG_INFO [7064:12444]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12255024
2023.11.17 01:59:37 LOG_INFO [7064:12444]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.17 01:59:37 LOG_INFO [7064:12444]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.17 01:59:37 LOG_INFO [7064:12444]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.17 01:59:37 LOG_INFO [7064:12444]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.17 01:59:37 LOG_ERR [7064:12444]: Connect to failed

2023.11.17 01:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [7064:12444]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.11.17 02:00:37 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.11.17 02:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.11.17 02:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.11.17 02:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.11.17 02:00:37 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Auto reconnecting 3 times...
2023.11.17 02:00:37 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 32898932
2023.11.17 02:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [7064:10904]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.11.17 02:00:37 LOG_INFO [7064:10904]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.11.17 02:00:38 LOG_INFO [7064:10904]: Connect to with port
2023.11.17 02:00:38 LOG_INFO [7064:10904]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.17 02:00:38 LOG_ERR [7064:10904]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.11.17 02:00:38 LOG_ERR [7064:10904]: Connect to the server failed
2023.11.17 02:00:38 LOG_INFO [7064:10904]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.17 02:00:38 LOG_INFO [7064:10904]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12255024
2023.11.17 02:00:38 LOG_INFO [7064:10904]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.17 02:00:38 LOG_INFO [7064:10904]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.17 02:00:39 LOG_INFO [7064:10904]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.17 02:00:39 LOG_INFO [7064:10904]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.17 02:00:39 LOG_ERR [7064:10904]: Connect to failed

2023.11.17 02:00:39 LOG_DEBUG [7064:10904]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.11.17 02:19:28 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.11.17 02:19:28 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.11.17 02:19:28 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.11.17 02:19:28 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.11.17 02:19:28 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Auto reconnecting 4 times...
2023.11.17 02:19:28 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 32898932
2023.11.17 02:19:28 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11580]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.11.17 02:19:28 LOG_INFO [7064:11580]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.11.17 02:19:29 LOG_INFO [7064:11580]: Connect to with port
2023.11.17 02:19:29 LOG_INFO [7064:11580]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.17 02:19:29 LOG_ERR [7064:11580]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2023.11.17 02:19:29 LOG_ERR [7064:11580]: Connect to the server failed
2023.11.17 02:19:29 LOG_INFO [7064:11580]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.17 02:19:29 LOG_INFO [7064:11580]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12255024
2023.11.17 02:19:29 LOG_INFO [7064:11580]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.17 02:19:29 LOG_INFO [7064:11580]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.17 02:19:29 LOG_INFO [7064:11580]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.17 02:19:29 LOG_INFO [7064:11580]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.11.17 02:19:29 LOG_ERR [7064:11580]: Connect to failed

2023.11.17 02:19:29 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11580]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.11.17 02:20:29 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.11.17 02:20:29 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.11.17 02:20:29 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.11.17 02:20:29 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.11.17 02:20:29 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Auto reconnecting 5 times...
2023.11.17 02:20:29 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 32898932
2023.11.17 02:20:29 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11744]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.11.17 02:20:29 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.11.17 02:20:30 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: Connect to with port
2023.11.17 02:20:30 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.17 02:20:32 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11744]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.11.17 02:20:32 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11744]: Handshake success!.....
2023.11.17 02:20:32 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: HostID =
2023.11.17 02:20:32 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: Authenticaton OK
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11744]: Login ok!
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: No peer server list.
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_INFO [12172:13992]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: Send client info OK!
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11744]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: SET IP =
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11744]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11744]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11744]: Not receive
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: Set client parameters OK
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11744]: Local SPI = 526da4da
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11744]: Local CPI = 0x6672
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e049b
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: get session id from server = 389
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11744]: Remote CPI = 0x3a2d and local CPI =
2023.11.17 02:20:33 LOG_DEBUG [7064:11744]: CompAlg = 0
2023.11.17 02:20:34 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: Send new key OK
2023.11.17 02:20:34 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: Add routes OK
2023.11.17 02:20:34 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: Add wins OK
2023.11.17 02:20:38 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.11.17 02:20:38 LOG_INFO [7064:11744]: Add dns OK
2023.11.17 02:20:38 LOG_INFO [12172:15532]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.11.17 02:20:38 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.11.17 02:20:38 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.17 02:20:38 LOG_DEBUG [12172:15532]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.11.17 06:03:04 LOG_INFO [12172:15388]: Disconnect from the server
2023.11.17 06:03:04 LOG_INFO [7064:15832]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.11.17 06:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.11.17 06:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Handle channel close message
2023.11.17 06:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [7064:7192]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.17 06:03:04 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.17 06:03:04 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 32898932
2023.11.17 06:03:04 LOG_INFO [7064:7192]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.25 00:07:59 LOG_DEBUG [2320:2316]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.11.25 00:07:59 LOG_DEBUG [2320:2316]: The local product version is
2023.11.25 00:07:59 LOG_INFO [2320:2316]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.11.25 00:07:59 LOG_ERR [2320:2316]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.11.25 00:07:59 LOG_INFO [2320:2316]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.11.25 00:07:59 LOG_INFO [2320:2316]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.11.25 00:07:59 LOG_NOTICE [2320:2316]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.11.25 00:07:59 LOG_INFO [2320:2316]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.11.25 00:07:59 LOG_NOTICE [2320:2316]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.11.25 00:07:59 LOG_INFO [2320:2316]: SecureConnect started
2023.11.25 00:07:59 LOG_DEBUG [12656:10480]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.11.25 00:07:59 LOG_INFO [12656:10480]: Init SSL channel
2023.11.25 00:08:00 LOG_ERR [2320:2316]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.25 00:08:00 LOG_DEBUG [12656:10480]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.25 00:08:00 LOG_DEBUG [12656:10480]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.11.25 00:08:01 LOG_DEBUG [2320:2316]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.25 00:08:01 LOG_ERR [2320:2316]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.25 00:08:01 LOG_DEBUG [12656:10480]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.25 00:08:01 LOG_DEBUG [12656:10480]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.11.25 00:08:01 LOG_DEBUG [12656:10480]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.11.25 00:08:01 LOG_DEBUG [12656:10480]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.11.25 00:08:01 LOG_DEBUG [12656:10480]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.11.25 00:08:01 LOG_DEBUG [12656:10480]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.11.25 00:08:01 LOG_DEBUG [12656:10480]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.11.25 00:08:01 LOG_INFO [12656:10480]: Real HostID =
2023.11.25 00:08:01 LOG_INFO [12656:10480]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.25 00:08:02 LOG_DEBUG [2320:2316]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [2320:2316]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [2320:2316]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_DEBUG [2320:2316]: Peer server count: 0
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:5184]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [2320:2316]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_DEBUG [2320:2180]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [2320:2180]: Connecting to
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:14700]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_DEBUG [12656:5740]: Handle channel open message
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_DEBUG [12656:5740]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_DEBUG [12656:13960]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Connect to with port
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_DEBUG [12656:13960]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_DEBUG [12656:13960]: Handshake success!.....
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: HostID =
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Authenticaton OK
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_DEBUG [12656:13960]: Login ok!
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: No peer server list.
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [2320:7496]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Send client info OK!
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_DEBUG [12656:13960]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: SET IP =
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_DEBUG [12656:13960]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_DEBUG [12656:13960]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.11.25 00:08:07 LOG_DEBUG [12656:13960]: Not receive
2023.11.25 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Set client parameters OK
2023.11.25 00:08:08 LOG_DEBUG [12656:13960]: Local SPI = 5e24bc48
2023.11.25 00:08:08 LOG_DEBUG [12656:13960]: Local CPI = 0x4a47
2023.11.25 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e05af
2023.11.25 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.11.25 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.11.25 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: get session id from server = 543
2023.11.25 00:08:08 LOG_DEBUG [12656:13960]: Remote CPI = 0x3b41 and local CPI =
2023.11.25 00:08:08 LOG_DEBUG [12656:13960]: CompAlg = 0
2023.11.25 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Send new key OK
2023.11.25 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Add routes OK
2023.11.25 00:08:08 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Add wins OK
2023.11.25 00:08:12 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.11.25 00:08:12 LOG_INFO [12656:13960]: Add dns OK
2023.11.25 00:08:12 LOG_DEBUG [12656:13960]: End OpenChannelThread
gon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.11.25 00:08:12 LOG_DEBUG [2320:2448]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.11.25 06:02:02 LOG_INFO [2320:2316]: Disconnect from the server
2023.11.25 06:02:02 LOG_INFO [12656:12684]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.11.25 06:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [12656:5740]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.11.25 06:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [12656:5740]: Handle channel close message
2023.11.25 06:02:02 LOG_DEBUG [12656:5740]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.25 06:02:02 LOG_INFO [12656:5740]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.25 06:02:02 LOG_INFO [12656:5740]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30408564
2023.11.25 06:02:03 LOG_INFO [12656:5740]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.29 02:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [15040:10640]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.11.29 02:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [15040:10640]: The local product version is
2023.11.29 02:02:21 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.11.29 02:02:21 LOG_ERR [15040:10640]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.11.29 02:02:21 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.11.29 02:02:21 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.11.29 02:02:21 LOG_NOTICE [15040:10640]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.11.29 02:02:21 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.11.29 02:02:21 LOG_NOTICE [15040:10640]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.11.29 02:02:21 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: SecureConnect started
2023.11.29 02:02:21 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12140]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.11.29 02:02:21 LOG_INFO [7276:12140]: Init SSL channel
2023.11.29 02:02:22 LOG_ERR [15040:10640]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.29 02:02:23 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12140]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.29 02:02:23 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12140]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.11.29 02:02:23 LOG_DEBUG [15040:10640]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.29 02:02:23 LOG_ERR [15040:10640]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12140]: nFilelen=-1
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12140]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12140]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12140]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12140]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12140]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12140]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [7276:12140]: Real HostID =
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [7276:12140]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [15040:10640]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [15040:10640]: Peer server count: 0
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [7276:15788]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [15040:3252]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [15040:3252]: Connecting to
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [7276:2572]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [7276:13484]: Handle channel open message
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [7276:13484]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12568]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Connect to with port
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12568]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12568]: Handshake success!.....
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: HostID =
2023.11.29 02:02:24 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Authenticaton OK
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12568]: Login ok!
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: No peer server list.
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_INFO [15040:10288]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Send client info OK!
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12568]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: SET IP =
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12568]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12568]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12568]: Not receive
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Set client parameters OK
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12568]: Local SPI = 6e25dc4a
2023.11.29 02:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12568]: Local CPI = 0x425a
2023.11.29 02:02:26 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e0635
2023.11.29 02:02:26 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.11.29 02:02:26 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.11.29 02:02:26 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: get session id from server = 615
2023.11.29 02:02:26 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12568]: Remote CPI = 0x3bc7 and local CPI =
2023.11.29 02:02:26 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12568]: CompAlg = 0
2023.11.29 02:02:26 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Send new key OK
2023.11.29 02:02:26 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Add routes OK
2023.11.29 02:02:26 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Add wins OK
2023.11.29 02:02:29 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.11.29 02:02:29 LOG_INFO [7276:12568]: Add dns OK
2023.11.29 02:02:30 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12568]: End OpenChannelThread
logon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.11.29 02:02:30 LOG_DEBUG [15040:2416]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.11.29 08:07:50 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: Disconnect from the server
2023.11.29 08:07:50 LOG_INFO [7276:17296]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.11.29 08:07:50 LOG_DEBUG [7276:13484]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.11.29 08:07:50 LOG_DEBUG [7276:13484]: Handle channel close message
2023.11.29 08:07:50 LOG_DEBUG [7276:13484]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.11.29 08:07:50 LOG_INFO [7276:13484]: Close SSL channel
2023.11.29 08:07:50 LOG_INFO [7276:13484]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.11.29 08:07:50 LOG_INFO [7276:17908]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2023.11.29 08:07:50 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2023.11.29 08:07:50 LOG_INFO [7276:13484]: Delete routes OK
2023.11.29 08:07:51 LOG_INFO [7276:13484]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.11.29 08:07:51 LOG_INFO [7276:13484]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.11.29 08:07:51 LOG_INFO [7276:13484]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.12.02 00:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [19008:2516]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.12.02 00:03:16 LOG_DEBUG [19008:2516]: The local product version is
2023.12.02 00:03:16 LOG_INFO [19008:2516]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.02 00:03:16 LOG_ERR [19008:2516]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_DEBUG [15040:10640]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_INFO [7276:9744]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_DEBUG [15040:18300]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_INFO [15040:18300]: Connecting to
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_INFO [7276:3164]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_DEBUG [7276:13484]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_DEBUG [7276:13484]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12188]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_INFO [7276:12188]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_INFO [7276:12188]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_INFO [7276:12188]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_INFO [7276:12188]: Connect to with port
2023.12.02 00:03:27 LOG_INFO [7276:12188]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.02 00:03:48 LOG_ERR [7276:12188]: Connect to ""
( error [10060]
2023.12.02 00:03:48 LOG_ERR [7276:12188]: Connect to the server failed
2023.12.02 00:03:48 LOG_INFO [7276:12188]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.02 00:03:48 LOG_INFO [7276:12188]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 12386084
2023.12.02 00:03:48 LOG_INFO [7276:12188]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.02 00:03:48 LOG_INFO [7276:12188]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.12.02 00:03:48 LOG_INFO [7276:12188]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.12.02 00:03:48 LOG_INFO [7276:12188]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.12.02 00:03:48 LOG_ERR [7276:12188]: Connect to failed

2023.12.02 00:03:48 LOG_DEBUG [7276:12188]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.12.02 00:03:49 LOG_ERR [15040:15592]: Server unreachable, but no available
peer server.
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_DEBUG [15040:10640]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [7276:6352]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_DEBUG [15040:15344]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [15040:15344]: Connecting to
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [7276:19016]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_DEBUG [7276:13484]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_DEBUG [7276:13484]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_DEBUG [7276:1692]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Connect to with port
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_DEBUG [7276:1692]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_DEBUG [7276:1692]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.12.02 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_DEBUG [7276:1692]: Login ok!
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: No peer server list.
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [15040:14796]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_DEBUG [7276:1692]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: SET IP =
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_DEBUG [7276:1692]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_DEBUG [7276:1692]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_DEBUG [7276:1692]: Not receive
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_DEBUG [7276:1692]: Local SPI = 7e16fc2c
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_DEBUG [7276:1692]: Local CPI = 0x4257
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e06a3
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: get session id from server = 665
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_DEBUG [7276:1692]: Remote CPI = 0x3c35 and local CPI =
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_DEBUG [7276:1692]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.02 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Send new key OK
2023.12.02 00:04:15 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Add routes OK
2023.12.02 00:04:15 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Add wins OK
2023.12.02 00:04:18 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.02 00:04:18 LOG_INFO [7276:1692]: Add dns OK
2023.12.02 00:04:18 LOG_DEBUG [7276:1692]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.12.02 00:04:18 LOG_INFO [15040:5700]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.02 00:04:18 LOG_DEBUG [15040:5700]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.02 06:03:04 LOG_INFO [15040:10640]: Disconnect from the server
2023.12.02 06:03:04 LOG_INFO [7276:17216]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.12.02 06:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [7276:13484]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.12.02 06:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [7276:13484]: Handle channel close message
2023.12.02 06:03:04 LOG_DEBUG [7276:13484]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.02 06:03:04 LOG_INFO [7276:13484]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.02 06:03:04 LOG_INFO [7276:13484]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.12.02 06:03:04 LOG_INFO [7276:13484]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.02 06:03:05 LOG_INFO [7276:13484]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.12.02 06:03:05 LOG_INFO [7276:13484]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.12.02 06:03:05 LOG_INFO [7276:13484]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.12.03 00:11:04 LOG_DEBUG [12784:12788]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.12.03 00:11:04 LOG_DEBUG [12784:12788]: The local product version is
2023.12.03 00:11:04 LOG_INFO [12784:12788]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.03 00:11:04 LOG_ERR [12784:12788]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.03 00:11:04 LOG_INFO [12784:12788]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.12.03 00:11:04 LOG_INFO [12784:12788]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.12.03 00:11:04 LOG_NOTICE [12784:12788]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.12.03 00:11:04 LOG_INFO [12784:12788]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.12.03 00:11:04 LOG_NOTICE [12784:12788]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.12.03 00:11:04 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12808]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.12.03 00:11:04 LOG_INFO [12804:12808]: Init SSL channel
2023.12.03 00:11:04 LOG_INFO [12784:12788]: SecureConnect started
2023.12.03 00:11:05 LOG_ERR [12784:12788]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.03 00:11:05 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12808]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.03 00:11:05 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12808]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.12.03 00:11:06 LOG_DEBUG [12784:12788]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.03 00:11:06 LOG_ERR [12784:12788]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.03 00:11:06 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12808]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.03 00:11:06 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12808]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.12.03 00:11:06 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12808]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.12.03 00:11:06 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12808]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.12.03 00:11:06 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12808]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.12.03 00:11:06 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12808]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.12.03 00:11:06 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12808]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.12.03 00:11:06 LOG_INFO [12804:12808]: Real HostID =
2023.12.03 00:11:06 LOG_INFO [12804:12808]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.03 00:11:07 LOG_DEBUG [12784:12788]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_INFO [12784:12788]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_INFO [12784:12788]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_DEBUG [12784:12788]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_INFO [12804:12960]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_INFO [12784:12788]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_DEBUG [12784:12964]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_INFO [12784:12964]: Connecting to
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_INFO [12804:12968]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12896]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12896]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12972]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_INFO [12804:12972]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_INFO [12804:12972]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_INFO [12804:12972]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_INFO [12804:12972]: Connect to with port
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_INFO [12804:12972]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12972]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12972]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_INFO [12804:12972]: HostID =
2023.12.03 00:11:13 LOG_INFO [12804:12972]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.03 00:11:14 LOG_ERR [12804:12972]: Authentication failed : -3
2023.12.03 00:11:14 LOG_INFO [12804:12972]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.03 00:11:14 LOG_INFO [12804:12972]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31653668
2023.12.03 00:11:14 LOG_INFO [12804:12972]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.03 00:11:14 LOG_INFO [12804:12972]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.12.03 00:11:14 LOG_INFO [12804:12972]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.12.03 00:11:14 LOG_INFO [12804:12972]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.12.03 00:11:14 LOG_ERR [12804:12972]: Can't login Error code =

2023.12.03 00:11:14 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12972]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.12.03 00:11:16 LOG_INFO [12784:13004]: CBruteForceGuard: Prober exist for
lorena.sousa@, use old one.
2023.12.03 00:11:16 LOG_INFO [12784:13004]: BruteForceProber: AddFailedLogonRecord
for lorena.sousa@ (mnFailedCount=0)
2023.12.03 00:11:16 LOG_INFO [12784:13004]: user or password error, stop auto
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12784:12788]: IsGuilty: failed count: 1. Ref count: 3
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12784:12788]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12784:12788]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:9472]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12784:12788]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12784:9688]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12784:9688]: Connecting to
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:5220]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12896]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12896]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:7560]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Connect to with port
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:7560]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:7560]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: HostID =
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:7560]: Login ok!
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: No peer server list.
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12784:12688]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:7560]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: SET IP =
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:7560]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:7560]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:7560]: Not receive
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:7560]: Local SPI = 51aba356
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:7560]: Local CPI = 0x51ef
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e06bd
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: get session id from server = 680
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:7560]: Remote CPI = 0x3c4f and local CPI =
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_DEBUG [12804:7560]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.03 00:11:21 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Send new key OK
2023.12.03 00:11:22 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Add routes OK
2023.12.03 00:11:22 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Add wins OK
2023.12.03 00:11:25 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.03 00:11:25 LOG_INFO [12804:7560]: Add dns OK
2023.12.03 00:11:25 LOG_INFO [12784:4276]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.03 00:11:25 LOG_DEBUG [12784:4276]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.03 06:00:58 LOG_INFO [12784:12788]: Disconnect from the server
2023.12.03 06:00:58 LOG_INFO [12804:8940]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.12.03 06:00:58 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12896]: Begin to close
2023.12.03 06:00:58 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12896]: Handle channel close message
2023.12.03 06:00:58 LOG_DEBUG [12804:12896]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.03 06:00:58 LOG_INFO [12804:12896]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.03 06:00:58 LOG_INFO [12804:12896]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.12.03 06:00:58 LOG_INFO [12804:12896]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.09 23:58:24 LOG_DEBUG [14284:12604]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.12.09 23:58:24 LOG_DEBUG [14284:12604]: The local product version is
2023.12.09 23:58:24 LOG_INFO [14284:12604]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.09 23:58:24 LOG_ERR [14284:12604]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.09 23:58:24 LOG_INFO [14284:12604]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.12.09 23:58:24 LOG_INFO [14284:12604]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.12.09 23:58:24 LOG_NOTICE [14284:12604]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.12.09 23:58:24 LOG_INFO [14284:12604]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.12.09 23:58:24 LOG_NOTICE [14284:12604]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.12.09 23:58:24 LOG_INFO [14284:12604]: SecureConnect started
2023.12.09 23:58:24 LOG_DEBUG [4848:9496]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.12.09 23:58:24 LOG_INFO [4848:9496]: Init SSL channel
2023.12.09 23:58:25 LOG_ERR [14284:12604]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.09 23:58:26 LOG_DEBUG [4848:9496]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.09 23:58:26 LOG_DEBUG [4848:9496]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.12.09 23:58:26 LOG_DEBUG [14284:12604]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.09 23:58:26 LOG_ERR [14284:12604]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.09 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4848:9496]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.09 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4848:9496]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.12.09 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4848:9496]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.12.09 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4848:9496]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.12.09 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4848:9496]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.12.09 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4848:9496]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.12.09 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [4848:9496]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.12.09 23:58:27 LOG_INFO [4848:9496]: Real HostID =
2023.12.09 23:58:27 LOG_INFO [4848:9496]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.09 23:58:27 LOG_DEBUG [14284:12604]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_INFO [14284:12604]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_INFO [14284:12604]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_DEBUG [14284:12604]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_INFO [4848:8760]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_INFO [14284:12604]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_DEBUG [14284:4188]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_INFO [14284:4188]: Connecting to
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_INFO [4848:9068]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_DEBUG [4848:4552]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_DEBUG [4848:4552]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_DEBUG [4848:6476]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Connect to with port
2023.12.09 23:58:31 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.09 23:58:32 LOG_DEBUG [4848:6476]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.09 23:58:33 LOG_DEBUG [4848:6476]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.09 23:58:33 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.12.09 23:58:33 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [4848:6476]: Login ok!
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: No peer server list.
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [14284:9960]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [4848:6476]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: SET IP =
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [4848:6476]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [4848:6476]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [4848:6476]: Not receive
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [4848:6476]: Local SPI = 6ad1d5a2
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [4848:6476]: Local CPI = 0x730
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e07f3
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: get session id from server = 810
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [4848:6476]: Remote CPI = 0x3d85 and local CPI =
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [4848:6476]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.09 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Send new key OK
2023.12.09 23:58:35 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Add routes OK
2023.12.09 23:58:35 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Add wins OK
2023.12.09 23:58:38 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.09 23:58:38 LOG_INFO [4848:6476]: Add dns OK
2023.12.09 23:58:39 LOG_DEBUG [4848:6476]: End OpenChannelThread
logon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.09 23:58:39 LOG_DEBUG [14284:9924]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.10 03:43:02 LOG_ERR [4848:4552]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.12.10 03:43:02 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.10 03:43:02 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.12.10 03:43:02 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.10 03:43:02 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.12.10 03:43:02 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.12.10 03:43:02 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.12.10 03:43:07 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.12.10 03:43:07 LOG_DEBUG [4848:4552]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.12.10 03:43:07 LOG_DEBUG [4848:4552]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.12.10 03:43:07 LOG_DEBUG [4848:4552]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.12.10 03:43:07 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.12.10 03:43:07 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.12.10 03:43:07 LOG_DEBUG [4848:1708]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.12.10 03:43:07 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.12.10 03:43:09 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: Connect to with port
2023.12.10 03:43:09 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_DEBUG [4848:1708]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_DEBUG [4848:1708]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_DEBUG [4848:1708]: Login ok!
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: No peer server list.
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [14284:15096]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_DEBUG [4848:1708]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: SET IP =
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_DEBUG [4848:1708]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_DEBUG [4848:1708]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_DEBUG [4848:1708]: Not receive
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_DEBUG [4848:1708]: Local SPI = 16e52dca
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_DEBUG [4848:1708]: Local CPI = 0x3344
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e07f5
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: get session id from server = 811
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_DEBUG [4848:1708]: Remote CPI = 0x3d87 and local CPI =
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_DEBUG [4848:1708]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.10 03:43:24 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: Send new key OK
2023.12.10 03:43:25 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: Add routes OK
2023.12.10 03:43:25 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: Add wins OK
2023.12.10 03:43:28 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.10 03:43:28 LOG_INFO [4848:1708]: Add dns OK
2023.12.10 03:43:28 LOG_DEBUG [4848:1708]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.12.10 03:43:28 LOG_INFO [14284:17492]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.10 03:43:28 LOG_DEBUG [4848:4552]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.12.10 03:43:28 LOG_DEBUG [4848:4552]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.10 03:43:28 LOG_DEBUG [14284:17492]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.10 06:00:49 LOG_INFO [14284:12604]: Disconnect from the server
2023.12.10 06:00:49 LOG_INFO [4848:18676]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.12.10 06:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [4848:4552]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.12.10 06:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [4848:4552]: Handle channel close message
2023.12.10 06:00:49 LOG_DEBUG [4848:4552]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.10 06:00:49 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.10 06:00:49 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.12.10 06:00:50 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.10 06:00:50 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.12.10 06:00:50 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.12.10 06:00:51 LOG_INFO [4848:4552]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.12.11 00:00:14 LOG_DEBUG [19216:9364]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.12.11 00:00:14 LOG_DEBUG [19216:9364]: The local product version is
2023.12.11 00:00:14 LOG_INFO [19216:9364]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.11 00:00:14 LOG_ERR [19216:9364]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.11 00:00:14 LOG_INFO [19216:9364]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.12.11 00:00:14 LOG_INFO [19216:9364]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.12.11 00:00:14 LOG_NOTICE [19216:9364]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.12.11 00:00:14 LOG_INFO [19216:9364]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.12.11 00:00:14 LOG_NOTICE [19216:9364]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.12.11 00:00:15 LOG_INFO [19216:9364]: SecureConnect started
2023.12.11 00:00:15 LOG_DEBUG [14884:19080]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.12.11 00:00:15 LOG_INFO [14884:19080]: Init SSL channel
2023.12.11 00:00:16 LOG_ERR [19216:9364]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.11 00:00:16 LOG_DEBUG [14884:19080]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.11 00:00:16 LOG_DEBUG [14884:19080]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.12.11 00:00:17 LOG_DEBUG [19216:9364]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.11 00:00:17 LOG_ERR [19216:9364]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.11 00:00:17 LOG_DEBUG [14884:19080]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.11 00:00:17 LOG_DEBUG [14884:19080]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.12.11 00:00:17 LOG_DEBUG [14884:19080]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.12.11 00:00:17 LOG_DEBUG [14884:19080]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.12.11 00:00:17 LOG_DEBUG [14884:19080]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.12.11 00:00:17 LOG_DEBUG [14884:19080]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.12.11 00:00:17 LOG_DEBUG [14884:19080]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.12.11 00:00:17 LOG_INFO [14884:19080]: Real HostID =
2023.12.11 00:00:17 LOG_INFO [14884:19080]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.11 00:00:18 LOG_DEBUG [19216:9364]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [19216:9364]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [19216:9364]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_DEBUG [19216:9364]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [14884:12604]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [19216:9364]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_DEBUG [19216:19024]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [19216:19024]: Connecting to
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [14884:1848]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_DEBUG [14884:7968]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_DEBUG [14884:7968]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_DEBUG [14884:11728]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Connect to with port
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_DEBUG [14884:11728]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_DEBUG [14884:11728]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: HostID =
2023.12.11 00:00:24 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [14884:11728]: Login ok!
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: No peer server list.
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [19216:16352]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [14884:11728]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: SET IP =
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [14884:11728]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [14884:11728]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [14884:11728]: Not receive
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [14884:11728]: Local SPI = 3a5d74ba
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [14884:11728]: Local CPI = 0x12bf
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Remote SPI = 0x1a2e080d
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: get session id from server = 825
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [14884:11728]: Remote CPI = 0x3d9f and local CPI =
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [14884:11728]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.11 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Send new key OK
2023.12.11 00:00:26 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Add routes OK
2023.12.11 00:00:26 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Add wins OK
2023.12.11 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.11 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [14884:11728]: Add dns OK
2023.12.11 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [14884:11728]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.12.11 00:00:29 LOG_INFO [19216:13712]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.11 00:00:29 LOG_DEBUG [19216:13712]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.11 06:01:44 LOG_INFO [19216:9364]: Disconnect from the server
2023.12.11 06:01:44 LOG_INFO [14884:6600]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.12.11 06:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [14884:7968]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.12.11 06:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [14884:7968]: Handle channel close message
2023.12.11 06:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [14884:7968]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.11 06:01:44 LOG_INFO [14884:7968]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.11 06:01:44 LOG_INFO [14884:7968]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.12.11 06:01:44 LOG_INFO [14884:7968]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.11 06:01:44 LOG_INFO [14884:7968]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.12.18 23:58:32 LOG_DEBUG [2788:2452]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.12.18 23:58:32 LOG_DEBUG [2788:2452]: The local product version is
2023.12.18 23:58:32 LOG_INFO [2788:2452]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.18 23:58:32 LOG_ERR [2788:2452]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.18 23:58:32 LOG_INFO [2788:2452]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.12.18 23:58:32 LOG_INFO [2788:2452]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.12.18 23:58:32 LOG_NOTICE [2788:2452]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.12.18 23:58:32 LOG_INFO [2788:2452]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.12.18 23:58:32 LOG_NOTICE [2788:2452]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.12.18 23:58:32 LOG_INFO [2788:2452]: SecureConnect started
2023.12.18 23:58:32 LOG_DEBUG [7872:10824]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.12.18 23:58:32 LOG_INFO [7872:10824]: Init SSL channel
2023.12.18 23:58:33 LOG_ERR [2788:2452]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.18 23:58:33 LOG_DEBUG [7872:10824]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.18 23:58:33 LOG_DEBUG [7872:10824]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.12.18 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [2788:2452]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.18 23:58:34 LOG_ERR [2788:2452]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.18 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [7872:10824]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.18 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [7872:10824]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.12.18 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [7872:10824]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.12.18 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [7872:10824]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.12.18 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [7872:10824]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.12.18 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [7872:10824]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.12.18 23:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [7872:10824]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.12.18 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [7872:10824]: Real HostID =
2023.12.18 23:58:34 LOG_INFO [7872:10824]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.18 23:58:35 LOG_DEBUG [2788:2452]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_INFO [2788:2452]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_INFO [2788:2452]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_DEBUG [2788:2452]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_INFO [7872:16656]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_INFO [2788:2452]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_DEBUG [2788:5064]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_INFO [2788:5064]: Connecting to
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_INFO [7872:7980]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_DEBUG [7872:13180]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_DEBUG [7872:13180]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_DEBUG [7872:12196]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Connect to with port
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.18 23:58:41 LOG_DEBUG [7872:12196]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_DEBUG [7872:12196]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: HostID =
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_DEBUG [7872:12196]: Login ok!
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: No peer server list.
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [2788:10608]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_DEBUG [7872:12196]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: SET IP =
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_DEBUG [7872:12196]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_DEBUG [7872:12196]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_DEBUG [7872:12196]: Not receive
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_DEBUG [7872:12196]: Local SPI = 2a1d543a
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_DEBUG [7872:12196]: Local CPI = 0x16a0
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Remote SPI = 0x6a55264
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: get session id from server = 150
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_DEBUG [7872:12196]: Remote CPI = 0x1f56 and local CPI =
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_DEBUG [7872:12196]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.18 23:58:42 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Send new key OK
2023.12.18 23:58:43 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Add routes OK
2023.12.18 23:58:43 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Add wins OK
2023.12.18 23:58:46 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.18 23:58:46 LOG_INFO [7872:12196]: Add dns OK
2023.12.18 23:58:46 LOG_INFO [2788:13012]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.18 23:58:46 LOG_DEBUG [7872:12196]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.12.18 23:58:46 LOG_DEBUG [2788:13012]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.19 06:05:44 LOG_INFO [2788:2452]: Disconnect from the server
2023.12.19 06:05:44 LOG_INFO [7872:5300]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.12.19 06:05:44 LOG_DEBUG [7872:13180]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.12.19 06:05:44 LOG_DEBUG [7872:13180]: Handle channel close message
2023.12.19 06:05:44 LOG_DEBUG [7872:13180]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.19 06:05:44 LOG_INFO [7872:13180]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.19 06:05:44 LOG_INFO [7872:13180]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.12.19 06:05:44 LOG_INFO [7872:13180]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.22 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [2012:11704]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.12.22 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [2012:11704]: The local product version is
2023.12.22 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [2012:11704]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.22 00:00:10 LOG_ERR [2012:11704]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.22 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [2012:11704]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.12.22 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [2012:11704]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.12.22 00:00:10 LOG_NOTICE [2012:11704]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.12.22 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [2012:11704]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.12.22 00:00:10 LOG_NOTICE [2012:11704]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.12.22 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [2012:11704]: SecureConnect started
2023.12.22 00:00:10 LOG_DEBUG [22420:9708]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.12.22 00:00:10 LOG_INFO [22420:9708]: Init SSL channel
2023.12.22 00:00:11 LOG_ERR [2012:11704]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.22 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [22420:9708]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.22 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [22420:9708]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.12.22 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [2012:11704]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.22 00:00:12 LOG_ERR [2012:11704]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.22 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [22420:9708]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.22 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [22420:9708]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.12.22 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [22420:9708]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.12.22 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [22420:9708]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.12.22 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [22420:9708]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.12.22 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [22420:9708]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.12.22 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [22420:9708]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.12.22 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [22420:9708]: Real HostID =
2023.12.22 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [22420:9708]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.22 00:00:13 LOG_DEBUG [2012:11704]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [2012:11704]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [2012:11704]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [2012:11704]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [22420:24332]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [2012:11704]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [2012:19048]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [2012:19048]: Connecting to
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [22420:21132]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [22420:2324]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [22420:2324]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [22420:22064]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Connect to with port
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [22420:22064]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_DEBUG [22420:22064]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: HostID =
2023.12.22 00:00:46 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [22420:22064]: Login ok!
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: No peer server list.
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [2012:4644]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [22420:22064]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: SET IP =
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [22420:22064]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [22420:22064]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [22420:22064]: Not receive
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [22420:22064]: Local SPI = 161b2c36
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [22420:22064]: Local CPI = 0x72aa
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Remote SPI = 0x6a552e8
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: get session id from server = 218
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [22420:22064]: Remote CPI = 0x1fda and local CPI =
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_DEBUG [22420:22064]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Send new key OK
2023.12.22 00:00:47 LOG_ERR [22420:22064]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.12.22 00:00:48 LOG_ERR [22420:22064]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.12.22 00:00:49 LOG_ERR [22420:22064]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.12.22 00:00:50 LOG_ERR [22420:22064]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2023.12.22 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.22 00:00:50 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2023.12.22 00:00:51 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.22 00:00:51 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.12.22 00:00:51 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.12.22 00:00:51 LOG_INFO [22420:22064]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.12.22 00:00:51 LOG_ERR [22420:22064]: Setup connection failed

2023.12.22 00:00:51 LOG_DEBUG [22420:22064]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.12.22 00:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [22120:18480]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.12.22 00:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [22120:18480]: The local product version is
2023.12.22 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [22120:18480]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.22 00:01:29 LOG_ERR [22120:18480]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [2012:11704]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [2012:11704]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [2012:11704]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [22420:22664]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [2012:11704]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [2012:19332]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [2012:19332]: Connecting to
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [22420:24004]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [22420:2324]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [22420:2324]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [22420:19524]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Connect to with port
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [22420:19524]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [22420:19524]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: HostID =
2023.12.22 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [22420:19524]: Login ok!
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: No peer server list.
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [2012:15976]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [22420:19524]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: SET IP =
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [22420:19524]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [22420:19524]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [22420:19524]: Not receive
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [22420:19524]: Local SPI = 16d62dac
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [22420:19524]: Local CPI = 0x7365
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Remote SPI = 0x6a552ea
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: get session id from server = 219
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [22420:19524]: Remote CPI = 0x1fdc and local CPI =
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [22420:19524]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.22 00:01:44 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Send new key OK
2023.12.22 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Add routes OK
2023.12.22 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Add wins OK
2023.12.22 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.22 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [22420:19524]: Add dns OK
2023.12.22 00:01:48 LOG_INFO [2012:12376]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.22 00:01:48 LOG_DEBUG [2012:12376]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.22 06:01:30 LOG_INFO [2012:11704]: Disconnect from the server
2023.12.22 06:01:30 LOG_INFO [22420:21772]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.12.22 06:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [22420:2324]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.12.22 06:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [22420:2324]: Handle channel close message
2023.12.22 06:01:30 LOG_DEBUG [22420:2324]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.22 06:01:30 LOG_INFO [22420:2324]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.22 06:01:30 LOG_INFO [22420:2324]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.12.22 06:01:30 LOG_INFO [22420:2324]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.22 15:25:51 LOG_DEBUG [22472:21028]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.12.22 15:25:51 LOG_DEBUG [22472:21028]: The local product version is
2023.12.22 15:25:51 LOG_INFO [22472:21028]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.22 15:25:51 LOG_ERR [22472:21028]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.22 15:25:51 LOG_INFO [22472:21028]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.12.22 15:25:51 LOG_INFO [22472:21028]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.12.22 15:25:51 LOG_NOTICE [22472:21028]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.12.22 15:25:51 LOG_INFO [22472:21028]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.12.22 15:25:51 LOG_NOTICE [22472:21028]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.12.22 15:25:51 LOG_INFO [22472:21028]: SecureConnect started
2023.12.22 15:25:51 LOG_DEBUG [21824:8964]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.12.22 15:25:51 LOG_INFO [21824:8964]: Init SSL channel
2023.12.22 15:25:52 LOG_ERR [22472:21028]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.22 15:25:52 LOG_DEBUG [21824:8964]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.22 15:25:52 LOG_DEBUG [21824:8964]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.12.22 15:25:53 LOG_DEBUG [22472:21028]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.22 15:25:53 LOG_ERR [22472:21028]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.22 15:25:53 LOG_DEBUG [21824:8964]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.22 15:25:53 LOG_DEBUG [21824:8964]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.12.22 15:25:53 LOG_DEBUG [21824:8964]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.12.22 15:25:53 LOG_DEBUG [21824:8964]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.12.22 15:25:53 LOG_DEBUG [21824:8964]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.12.22 15:25:53 LOG_DEBUG [21824:8964]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.12.22 15:25:53 LOG_DEBUG [21824:8964]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.12.22 15:25:53 LOG_INFO [21824:8964]: Real HostID =
2023.12.22 15:25:53 LOG_INFO [21824:8964]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.22 15:25:54 LOG_DEBUG [22472:21028]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_INFO [22472:21028]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_INFO [22472:21028]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_DEBUG [22472:21028]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_INFO [21824:21004]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_INFO [22472:21028]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_DEBUG [22472:23212]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_INFO [22472:23212]: Connecting to
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_INFO [21824:22496]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_DEBUG [21824:21008]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Connect to with port
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_DEBUG [21824:21008]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_DEBUG [21824:21008]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: HostID =
2023.12.22 15:26:02 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_DEBUG [21824:21008]: Login ok!
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: No peer server list.
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_INFO [22472:19300]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_DEBUG [21824:21008]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: SET IP =
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_DEBUG [21824:21008]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_DEBUG [21824:21008]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_DEBUG [21824:21008]: Not receive
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_DEBUG [21824:21008]: Local SPI = 5a47b48e
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_DEBUG [21824:21008]: Local CPI = 0x72d9
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Remote SPI = 0x6a552fe
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: get session id from server = 229
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_DEBUG [21824:21008]: Remote CPI = 0x1ff0 and local CPI =
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_DEBUG [21824:21008]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Send new key OK
2023.12.22 15:26:03 LOG_ERR [21824:21008]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.12.22 15:26:04 LOG_ERR [21824:21008]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.12.22 15:26:05 LOG_ERR [21824:21008]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.12.22 15:26:06 LOG_ERR [21824:21008]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2023.12.22 15:26:06 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.22 15:26:06 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2023.12.22 15:26:07 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.22 15:26:07 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.12.22 15:26:07 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.12.22 15:26:07 LOG_INFO [21824:21008]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.12.22 15:26:07 LOG_ERR [21824:21008]: Setup connection failed

2023.12.22 15:26:07 LOG_DEBUG [21824:21008]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.12.23 00:07:08 LOG_DEBUG [23336:19848]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.12.23 00:07:08 LOG_DEBUG [23336:19848]: The local product version is
2023.12.23 00:07:08 LOG_INFO [23336:19848]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.23 00:07:08 LOG_ERR [23336:19848]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [22472:21028]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [22472:21028]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [22472:21028]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26076]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [22472:21028]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [22472:28308]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [22472:28308]: Connecting to
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:20356]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:26764]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Connect to with port
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:26764]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:26764]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: HostID =
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:26764]: Login ok!
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: No peer server list.
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [22472:26808]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:26764]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: SET IP =
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:26764]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:26764]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:26764]: Not receive
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:26764]: Local SPI = 6944d288
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:26764]: Local CPI = 0x1d6
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Remote SPI = 0x6a55302
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: get session id from server = 231
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:26764]: Remote CPI = 0x1ff4 and local CPI =
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_DEBUG [21824:26764]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.23 00:07:21 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Send new key OK
2023.12.23 00:07:22 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Add routes OK
2023.12.23 00:07:22 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Add wins OK
2023.12.23 00:07:25 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.23 00:07:25 LOG_INFO [21824:26764]: Add dns OK
2023.12.23 00:07:25 LOG_DEBUG [21824:26764]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.12.23 00:07:25 LOG_INFO [22472:4808]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.23 00:07:25 LOG_DEBUG [22472:4808]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.23 08:07:25 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Handle channel rekey message
2023.12.23 08:07:25 LOG_INFO [21824:20552]: Connect to with port
2023.12.23 08:07:25 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Process ReKey operation at Sat Dec 23
08:07:25 2023

2023.12.23 08:07:25 LOG_INFO [21824:20552]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0, destAddr:
2023.12.23 08:07:25 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.23 08:07:25 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.23 08:07:25 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Local SPI = 58b2b164
2023.12.23 08:07:25 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Local CPI = 0x2d47
2023.12.23 08:07:25 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Session ID: 231
2023.12.23 08:07:26 LOG_INFO [21824:20552]: Remote SPI = 0x6a55312
2023.12.23 08:07:26 LOG_INFO [21824:20552]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.23 08:07:26 LOG_INFO [21824:20552]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.23 08:07:26 LOG_INFO [21824:20552]: get session id from server = 231
2023.12.23 08:07:26 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Remote CPI = 0x2004 and local CPI =
2023.12.23 08:07:26 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.23 08:07:26 LOG_INFO [21824:20552]: Send new key OK
2023.12.23 08:07:26 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: RekeyChannel OK
2023.12.23 12:02:28 LOG_INFO [22472:21028]: Disconnect from the server
2023.12.23 12:02:28 LOG_INFO [21824:18480]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.12.23 12:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Begin to close
2023.12.23 12:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Handle channel close message
2023.12.23 12:02:28 LOG_DEBUG [21824:20552]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.23 12:02:28 LOG_INFO [21824:20552]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.23 12:02:28 LOG_INFO [21824:20552]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.12.23 12:02:29 LOG_INFO [21824:20552]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.23 20:30:28 LOG_DEBUG [25436:20180]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.12.23 20:30:28 LOG_DEBUG [25436:20180]: The local product version is
2023.12.23 20:30:28 LOG_INFO [25436:20180]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.23 20:30:28 LOG_ERR [25436:20180]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.23 20:30:28 LOG_INFO [25436:20180]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.12.23 20:30:28 LOG_INFO [25436:20180]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.12.23 20:30:28 LOG_NOTICE [25436:20180]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.12.23 20:30:28 LOG_INFO [25436:20180]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.12.23 20:30:28 LOG_NOTICE [25436:20180]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.12.23 20:30:28 LOG_INFO [25436:20180]: SecureConnect started
2023.12.23 20:30:28 LOG_DEBUG [23616:18384]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.12.23 20:30:28 LOG_INFO [23616:18384]: Init SSL channel
2023.12.23 20:30:29 LOG_ERR [25436:20180]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.23 20:30:29 LOG_DEBUG [23616:18384]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.23 20:30:29 LOG_DEBUG [23616:18384]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.12.23 20:30:30 LOG_DEBUG [25436:20180]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.23 20:30:30 LOG_ERR [25436:20180]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.23 20:30:30 LOG_DEBUG [23616:18384]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.23 20:30:30 LOG_DEBUG [23616:18384]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.12.23 20:30:30 LOG_DEBUG [23616:18384]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.12.23 20:30:30 LOG_DEBUG [23616:18384]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.12.23 20:30:30 LOG_DEBUG [23616:18384]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.12.23 20:30:30 LOG_DEBUG [23616:18384]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.12.23 20:30:30 LOG_DEBUG [23616:18384]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.12.23 20:30:30 LOG_INFO [23616:18384]: Real HostID =
2023.12.23 20:30:30 LOG_INFO [23616:18384]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.23 20:30:31 LOG_DEBUG [25436:20180]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_INFO [25436:20180]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_INFO [25436:20180]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_DEBUG [25436:20180]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_INFO [23616:11008]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_INFO [25436:20180]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_DEBUG [25436:21432]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_INFO [25436:21432]: Connecting to
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_INFO [23616:22772]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_DEBUG [23616:19620]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_DEBUG [23616:19620]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_DEBUG [23616:17436]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Connect to with port
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.23 20:30:36 LOG_DEBUG [23616:17436]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.23 20:30:37 LOG_DEBUG [23616:17436]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.23 20:30:37 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: HostID =
2023.12.23 20:30:37 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_DEBUG [23616:17436]: Login ok!
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: No peer server list.
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_INFO [25436:19356]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_DEBUG [23616:17436]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: SET IP =
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_DEBUG [23616:17436]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_DEBUG [23616:17436]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_DEBUG [23616:17436]: Not receive
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_DEBUG [23616:17436]: Local SPI = 11882310
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_DEBUG [23616:17436]: Local CPI = 0x661d
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Remote SPI = 0x6a55326
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: get session id from server = 246
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_DEBUG [23616:17436]: Remote CPI = 0x2018 and local CPI =
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_DEBUG [23616:17436]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Send new key OK
2023.12.23 20:30:38 LOG_ERR [23616:17436]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.12.23 20:30:39 LOG_ERR [23616:17436]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.12.23 20:30:40 LOG_ERR [23616:17436]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.12.23 20:30:41 LOG_ERR [23616:17436]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2023.12.23 20:30:41 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.23 20:30:41 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2023.12.23 20:30:41 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.23 20:30:42 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.12.23 20:30:42 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.12.23 20:30:42 LOG_INFO [23616:17436]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.12.23 20:30:42 LOG_ERR [23616:17436]: Setup connection failed

2023.12.23 20:30:42 LOG_DEBUG [23616:17436]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [25436:20180]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [25436:20180]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [25436:20180]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:24776]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [25436:20180]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [25436:11524]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [25436:11524]: Connecting to
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:6892]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:19620]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:19620]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:27200]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Connect to with port
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:27200]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:27200]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: HostID =
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:27200]: Login ok!
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: No peer server list.
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [25436:10468]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:27200]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: SET IP =
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:27200]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:27200]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:27200]: Not receive
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:27200]: Local SPI = 11bc2378
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:27200]: Local CPI = 0x6651
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Remote SPI = 0x6a55328
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: get session id from server = 247
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:27200]: Remote CPI = 0x201a and local CPI =
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_DEBUG [23616:27200]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.23 20:30:54 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Send new key OK
2023.12.23 20:30:55 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Add routes OK
2023.12.23 20:30:55 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Add wins OK
2023.12.23 20:30:58 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.23 20:30:58 LOG_INFO [23616:27200]: Add dns OK
2023.12.23 20:30:58 LOG_DEBUG [23616:27200]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.12.23 20:30:58 LOG_INFO [25436:6292]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.23 20:30:58 LOG_DEBUG [25436:6292]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.23 20:33:58 LOG_INFO [25436:20180]: Disconnect from the server
2023.12.23 20:33:58 LOG_INFO [23616:21368]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.12.23 20:33:58 LOG_DEBUG [23616:19620]: Begin to close
2023.12.23 20:33:58 LOG_DEBUG [23616:19620]: Handle channel close message
2023.12.23 20:33:58 LOG_DEBUG [23616:19620]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.23 20:33:58 LOG_INFO [23616:19620]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.23 20:33:58 LOG_INFO [23616:19620]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.12.23 20:33:58 LOG_INFO [23616:19620]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.23 20:33:58 LOG_INFO [23616:19620]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.12.23 20:33:59 LOG_INFO [23616:19620]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.12.23 20:33:59 LOG_INFO [23616:19620]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.12.26 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [18752:28216]: Start _tWinMain...

2023.12.26 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [18752:28216]: The local product version is
2023.12.26 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [18752:28216]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.26 00:00:25 LOG_ERR [18752:28216]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.26 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [18752:28216]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.12.26 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [18752:28216]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.12.26 00:00:25 LOG_NOTICE [18752:28216]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.12.26 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [18752:28216]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.12.26 00:00:25 LOG_NOTICE [18752:28216]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.12.26 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [18752:28216]: SecureConnect started
2023.12.26 00:00:25 LOG_DEBUG [19908:22660]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.12.26 00:00:25 LOG_INFO [19908:22660]: Init SSL channel
2023.12.26 00:00:26 LOG_ERR [18752:28216]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.26 00:00:26 LOG_DEBUG [19908:22660]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.26 00:00:26 LOG_DEBUG [19908:22660]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.12.26 00:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [18752:28216]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.26 00:00:27 LOG_ERR [18752:28216]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.26 00:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [19908:22660]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.26 00:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [19908:22660]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.12.26 00:00:27 LOG_DEBUG [19908:22660]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.12.26 00:00:28 LOG_DEBUG [19908:22660]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.12.26 00:00:28 LOG_DEBUG [19908:22660]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.12.26 00:00:28 LOG_DEBUG [19908:22660]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.12.26 00:00:28 LOG_DEBUG [19908:22660]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.12.26 00:00:28 LOG_INFO [19908:22660]: Real HostID =
2023.12.26 00:00:28 LOG_INFO [19908:22660]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.26 00:00:28 LOG_DEBUG [18752:28216]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_INFO [18752:28216]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_INFO [18752:28216]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_DEBUG [18752:28216]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_INFO [19908:22632]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_INFO [18752:28216]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_DEBUG [18752:21680]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_INFO [18752:21680]: Connecting to
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_INFO [19908:23360]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_DEBUG [19908:23532]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_DEBUG [19908:23532]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_DEBUG [19908:5924]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Connect to with port
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.26 00:00:40 LOG_DEBUG [19908:5924]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [19908:5924]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: HostID =
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [19908:5924]: Login ok!
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: No peer server list.
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [18752:22832]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [19908:5924]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: SET IP =
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [19908:5924]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [19908:5924]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [19908:5924]: Not receive
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [19908:5924]: Local SPI = 4e909d20
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [19908:5924]: Local CPI = 0x572e
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Remote SPI = 0x6a55376
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: get session id from server = 286
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [19908:5924]: Remote CPI = 0x2068 and local CPI =
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_DEBUG [19908:5924]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.26 00:00:41 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Send new key OK
2023.12.26 00:00:42 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Add routes OK
2023.12.26 00:00:42 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Add wins OK
2023.12.26 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.26 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [19908:5924]: Add dns OK
2023.12.26 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [19908:5924]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.12.26 00:00:45 LOG_INFO [18752:22152]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.26 00:00:45 LOG_DEBUG [18752:22152]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.26 06:00:28 LOG_INFO [18752:28216]: Disconnect from the server
2023.12.26 06:00:28 LOG_INFO [19908:13196]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.12.26 06:00:28 LOG_DEBUG [19908:23532]: Begin to close
2023.12.26 06:00:28 LOG_DEBUG [19908:23532]: Handle channel close message
2023.12.26 06:00:28 LOG_DEBUG [19908:23532]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.26 06:00:28 LOG_INFO [19908:23532]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.26 06:00:28 LOG_INFO [19908:23532]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.12.26 06:00:29 LOG_INFO [19908:23532]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.27 00:01:41 LOG_DEBUG [7636:23588]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.12.27 00:01:41 LOG_DEBUG [7636:23588]: The local product version is
2023.12.27 00:01:41 LOG_INFO [7636:23588]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.27 00:01:41 LOG_ERR [7636:23588]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.27 00:01:41 LOG_INFO [7636:23588]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.12.27 00:01:41 LOG_INFO [7636:23588]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.12.27 00:01:41 LOG_NOTICE [7636:23588]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.12.27 00:01:41 LOG_INFO [7636:23588]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.12.27 00:01:41 LOG_NOTICE [7636:23588]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.12.27 00:01:41 LOG_INFO [7636:23588]: SecureConnect started
2023.12.27 00:01:41 LOG_DEBUG [18884:24324]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.12.27 00:01:41 LOG_INFO [18884:24324]: Init SSL channel
2023.12.27 00:01:42 LOG_ERR [7636:23588]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.27 00:01:42 LOG_DEBUG [18884:24324]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.27 00:01:42 LOG_DEBUG [18884:24324]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.12.27 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [7636:23588]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.27 00:01:43 LOG_ERR [7636:23588]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.27 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [18884:24324]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.27 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [18884:24324]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.12.27 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [18884:24324]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.12.27 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [18884:24324]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.12.27 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [18884:24324]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.12.27 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [18884:24324]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.12.27 00:01:43 LOG_DEBUG [18884:24324]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.12.27 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [18884:24324]: Real HostID =
2023.12.27 00:01:43 LOG_INFO [18884:24324]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.27 00:01:44 LOG_DEBUG [7636:23588]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [7636:23588]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [7636:23588]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_DEBUG [7636:23588]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [18884:9368]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [7636:23588]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_DEBUG [7636:28504]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [7636:28504]: Connecting to
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [18884:19200]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_DEBUG [18884:16744]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_DEBUG [18884:16744]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_DEBUG [18884:19820]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Connect to with port
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_DEBUG [18884:19820]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_DEBUG [18884:19820]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: HostID =
2023.12.27 00:01:53 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_DEBUG [18884:19820]: Login ok!
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: No peer server list.
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_INFO [7636:20800]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_DEBUG [18884:19820]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: SET IP =
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_DEBUG [18884:19820]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_DEBUG [18884:19820]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_DEBUG [18884:19820]: Not receive
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_DEBUG [18884:19820]: Local SPI = 1da03b40
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_DEBUG [18884:19820]: Local CPI = 0x1e44
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Remote SPI = 0x6a5539e
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: get session id from server = 305
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_DEBUG [18884:19820]: Remote CPI = 0x2090 and local CPI =
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_DEBUG [18884:19820]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Send new key OK
2023.12.27 00:01:54 LOG_ERR [18884:19820]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.12.27 00:01:55 LOG_ERR [18884:19820]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.12.27 00:01:56 LOG_ERR [18884:19820]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2023.12.27 00:01:57 LOG_ERR [18884:19820]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2023.12.27 00:01:57 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.27 00:01:57 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2023.12.27 00:01:58 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.27 00:01:58 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.12.27 00:01:58 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.12.27 00:01:58 LOG_INFO [18884:19820]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.12.27 00:01:58 LOG_ERR [18884:19820]: Setup connection failed

2023.12.27 00:01:58 LOG_DEBUG [18884:19820]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [7636:23588]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [7636:23588]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [7636:23588]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:28472]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [7636:23588]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [7636:4456]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [7636:4456]: Connecting to
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:27048]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:16744]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:16744]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:21240]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Connect to with port
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:21240]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:21240]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: HostID =
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:21240]: Login ok!
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: No peer server list.
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [7636:13640]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:21240]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: SET IP =
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:21240]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:21240]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:21240]: Not receive
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:21240]: Local SPI = 1def3bde
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:21240]: Local CPI = 0x1e93
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Remote SPI = 0x6a553a0
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: get session id from server = 306
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:21240]: Remote CPI = 0x2092 and local CPI =
2023.12.27 00:02:18 LOG_DEBUG [18884:21240]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.27 00:02:19 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Send new key OK
2023.12.27 00:02:19 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Add routes OK
2023.12.27 00:02:19 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Add wins OK
2023.12.27 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.27 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [18884:21240]: Add dns OK
2023.12.27 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [18884:21240]: End OpenChannelThread
ogon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.27 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [7636:28664]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.27 01:04:50 LOG_ERR [7636:23588]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.12.27 01:04:50 LOG_ERR [7636:23588]: SendAndRecvToSSLChannel failed after
CONNECTED. ret = 997
2023.12.27 01:05:17 LOG_ERR [7636:23588]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.12.27 01:05:22 LOG_ERR [7636:23588]: ReadFile on pipe failed.
WaitForSingleObject returns : 0x102
2023.12.27 01:05:25 LOG_ERR [18884:16276]: Failed to get traffic information. Error
code = 997
2023.12.27 01:05:39 LOG_ERR [18884:16276]: Failed to get traffic information. Error
code = 997
2023.12.27 01:08:13 LOG_DEBUG [6460:8236]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.12.27 01:08:13 LOG_DEBUG [6460:8236]: The local product version is
2023.12.27 01:08:13 LOG_INFO [6460:8236]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.27 01:08:13 LOG_ERR [6460:8236]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.27 01:08:13 LOG_INFO [6460:8236]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.12.27 01:08:13 LOG_INFO [6460:8236]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.12.27 01:08:13 LOG_NOTICE [6460:8236]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.12.27 01:08:13 LOG_INFO [6460:8236]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2023.12.27 01:08:13 LOG_NOTICE [6460:8236]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.12.27 01:08:13 LOG_DEBUG [10008:1128]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.12.27 01:08:13 LOG_INFO [10008:1128]: Init SSL channel
2023.12.27 01:08:14 LOG_ERR [6460:8236]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.27 01:08:14 LOG_DEBUG [10008:1128]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.27 01:08:14 LOG_DEBUG [10008:1128]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.12.27 01:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [6460:8236]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.27 01:08:15 LOG_ERR [6460:8236]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.27 01:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10008:1128]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.27 01:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10008:1128]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.12.27 01:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10008:1128]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.12.27 01:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10008:1128]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.12.27 01:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10008:1128]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.12.27 01:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10008:1128]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.12.27 01:08:15 LOG_DEBUG [10008:1128]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.12.27 01:08:15 LOG_INFO [10008:1128]: Real HostID =
2023.12.27 01:08:15 LOG_INFO [10008:1128]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.27 01:08:16 LOG_DEBUG [6460:8236]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_INFO [6460:8236]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_INFO [6460:8236]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [6460:8236]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_INFO [10008:3368]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_INFO [6460:8236]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [6460:1204]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_INFO [6460:1204]: Connecting to
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_INFO [10008:3432]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [10008:8696]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [10008:8696]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [10008:3440]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Connect to with port
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [10008:3440]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_DEBUG [10008:3440]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: HostID =
2023.12.27 01:08:21 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_DEBUG [10008:3440]: Login ok!
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: No peer server list.
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_INFO [6460:5216]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_DEBUG [10008:3440]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: SET IP =
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_DEBUG [10008:3440]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_DEBUG [10008:3440]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_DEBUG [10008:3440]: Not receive
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_DEBUG [10008:3440]: Local SPI = 5080a100
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_DEBUG [10008:3440]: Local CPI = 0x5124
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Remote SPI = 0x6a553a2
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: get session id from server = 307
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_DEBUG [10008:3440]: Remote CPI = 0x2094 and local CPI =
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_DEBUG [10008:3440]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.27 01:08:22 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Send new key OK
2023.12.27 01:08:23 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Add routes OK
2023.12.27 01:08:23 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Add wins OK
2023.12.27 01:08:26 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.27 01:08:26 LOG_INFO [10008:3440]: Add dns OK
2023.12.27 01:08:26 LOG_DEBUG [10008:3440]: End OpenChannelThread
ogon information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.27 01:08:26 LOG_DEBUG [6460:9604]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.27 01:29:27 LOG_ERR [10008:8696]: Handle channel error message: 52
2023.12.27 01:29:27 LOG_INFO [10008:8696]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.27 01:29:27 LOG_INFO [10008:8696]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.12.27 01:29:28 LOG_INFO [10008:8696]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.27 01:29:28 LOG_INFO [10008:8696]: Set network card DHCP OK
2023.12.27 01:29:28 LOG_INFO [10008:8696]: Release tunnel interface OK
2023.12.27 01:29:28 LOG_INFO [10008:8696]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2023.12.27 01:29:33 LOG_INFO [10008:8696]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2023.12.27 01:29:33 LOG_DEBUG [10008:8696]: Unlimited reconnection
2023.12.27 01:29:33 LOG_DEBUG [10008:8696]: Pause auto connect timer
2023.12.27 01:29:33 LOG_DEBUG [10008:8696]: Handle channel reopen message
2023.12.27 01:29:33 LOG_INFO [10008:8696]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2023.12.27 01:29:33 LOG_INFO [10008:8696]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.12.27 01:29:33 LOG_DEBUG [10008:12872]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2023.12.27 01:29:33 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: Reopen SSL channel
2023.12.27 01:29:34 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: Connect to with port
2023.12.27 01:29:34 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.27 01:29:34 LOG_DEBUG [10008:12872]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.27 01:29:34 LOG_DEBUG [10008:12872]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.27 01:29:34 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: HostID =
2023.12.27 01:29:34 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_DEBUG [10008:12872]: Login ok!
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: No peer server list.
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_INFO [6460:11636]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_DEBUG [10008:12872]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: SET IP =
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_DEBUG [10008:12872]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_DEBUG [10008:12872]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_DEBUG [10008:12872]: Not receive
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_DEBUG [10008:12872]: Local SPI = 60bdc17a
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_DEBUG [10008:12872]: Local CPI = 0x6161
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: Remote SPI = 0x6a553a4
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: get session id from server = 308
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_DEBUG [10008:12872]: Remote CPI = 0x2096 and local CPI =
2023.12.27 01:29:35 LOG_DEBUG [10008:12872]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.27 01:29:36 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: Send new key OK
2023.12.27 01:29:36 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: Add routes OK
2023.12.27 01:29:36 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: Add wins OK
2023.12.27 01:29:39 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.27 01:29:39 LOG_INFO [10008:12872]: Add dns OK
2023.12.27 01:29:40 LOG_DEBUG [10008:12872]: End ReopenChannelThread
2023.12.27 01:29:40 LOG_INFO [6460:15212]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.27 01:29:40 LOG_DEBUG [10008:8696]: ReopenChannel OK
2023.12.27 01:29:40 LOG_DEBUG [10008:8696]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.27 01:29:40 LOG_DEBUG [6460:15212]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.27 06:01:53 LOG_INFO [6460:8236]: Disconnect from the server
2023.12.27 06:01:53 LOG_INFO [10008:5916]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.12.27 06:01:53 LOG_DEBUG [10008:8696]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.12.27 06:01:53 LOG_DEBUG [10008:8696]: Handle channel close message
2023.12.27 06:01:53 LOG_DEBUG [10008:8696]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.27 06:01:53 LOG_INFO [10008:8696]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.27 06:01:53 LOG_INFO [10008:8696]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2023.12.27 06:01:53 LOG_INFO [10008:8696]: Delete routes OK
2023.12.31 00:04:13 LOG_DEBUG [13268:15580]: Start _tWinMain...
2023.12.31 00:04:13 LOG_DEBUG [13268:15580]: The local product version is
2023.12.31 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [13268:15580]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2023.12.31 00:04:13 LOG_ERR [13268:15580]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2023.12.31 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [13268:15580]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2023.12.31 00:04:13 LOG_INFO [13268:15580]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2023.12.31 00:04:13 LOG_NOTICE [13268:15580]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2023.12.31 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [13268:15580]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2023.12.31 00:04:14 LOG_NOTICE [13268:15580]: Autologin value: 0.
2023.12.31 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [13268:15580]: SecureConnect started
2023.12.31 00:04:14 LOG_DEBUG [1700:3464]: Start SSLChannel...
2023.12.31 00:04:14 LOG_INFO [1700:3464]: Init SSL channel
2023.12.31 00:04:15 LOG_ERR [13268:15580]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.31 00:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [1700:3464]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.31 00:04:15 LOG_DEBUG [1700:3464]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2023.12.31 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [13268:15580]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.31 00:04:16 LOG_ERR [13268:15580]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2023.12.31 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [1700:3464]: nFilelen=-1
2023.12.31 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [1700:3464]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2023.12.31 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [1700:3464]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2023.12.31 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [1700:3464]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2023.12.31 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [1700:3464]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2023.12.31 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [1700:3464]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2023.12.31 00:04:16 LOG_DEBUG [1700:3464]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2023.12.31 00:04:16 LOG_INFO [1700:3464]: Real HostID =
2023.12.31 00:04:16 LOG_INFO [1700:3464]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.31 00:04:17 LOG_DEBUG [13268:15580]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [13268:15580]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [13268:15580]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [13268:15580]: Peer server count: 0
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:16004]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [13268:15580]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [13268:16288]: hssvc is Ready!
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [13268:16288]: Connecting to
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:14896]: Receive open SSL channel command
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:1188]: Handle channel open message
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:1188]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:7256]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Connect to with port
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:7256]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:7256]: Handshake success!.....
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Authenticaton OK
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:7256]: Login ok!
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Client config flags: 0x0
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: No peer server list.
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [13268:14164]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Send client info OK!
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:7256]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: SET IP =
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:7256]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:7256]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:7256]: Not receive
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Set client parameters OK
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:7256]: Local SPI = 580cb018
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:7256]: Local CPI = 0x4bf
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Remote SPI = 0x6a5541c
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: get session id from server = 373
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:7256]: Remote CPI = 0x210e and local CPI =
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_DEBUG [1700:7256]: CompAlg = 0
2023.12.31 00:04:22 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Send new key OK
2023.12.31 00:04:23 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Add routes OK
2023.12.31 00:04:23 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Add wins OK
2023.12.31 00:04:26 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Add DNS servers OK
2023.12.31 00:04:26 LOG_INFO [1700:7256]: Add dns OK
2023.12.31 00:04:26 LOG_INFO [13268:13108]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2023.12.31 00:04:26 LOG_DEBUG [1700:7256]: End OpenChannelThread
2023.12.31 00:04:26 LOG_DEBUG [13268:13108]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2023.12.31 06:01:58 LOG_INFO [13268:15580]: Disconnect from the server
2023.12.31 06:01:58 LOG_INFO [1700:17972]: Receive close SSL channel command
2023.12.31 06:01:58 LOG_DEBUG [1700:1188]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2023.12.31 06:01:58 LOG_DEBUG [1700:1188]: Handle channel close message
2023.12.31 06:01:58 LOG_DEBUG [1700:1188]: Stop auto connect timer
2023.12.31 06:01:58 LOG_INFO [1700:1188]: Close SSL channel
2023.12.31 06:01:58 LOG_INFO [1700:1188]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2023.12.31 06:01:58 LOG_INFO [1700:1188]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.03 00:04:38 LOG_DEBUG [13152:13332]: Start _tWinMain...
2024.01.03 00:04:38 LOG_DEBUG [13152:13332]: The local product version is
2024.01.03 00:04:38 LOG_INFO [13152:13332]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2024.01.03 00:04:38 LOG_ERR [13152:13332]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2024.01.03 00:04:38 LOG_INFO [13152:13332]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2024.01.03 00:04:38 LOG_INFO [13152:13332]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2024.01.03 00:04:38 LOG_NOTICE [13152:13332]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2024.01.03 00:04:38 LOG_INFO [13152:13332]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2024.01.03 00:04:38 LOG_NOTICE [13152:13332]: Autologin value: 0.
2024.01.03 00:04:38 LOG_INFO [13152:13332]: SecureConnect started
2024.01.03 00:04:38 LOG_DEBUG [15860:18420]: Start SSLChannel...
2024.01.03 00:04:38 LOG_INFO [15860:18420]: Init SSL channel
2024.01.03 00:04:39 LOG_ERR [13152:13332]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.03 00:04:40 LOG_DEBUG [15860:18420]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.03 00:04:40 LOG_DEBUG [15860:18420]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2024.01.03 00:04:40 LOG_DEBUG [13152:13332]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.03 00:04:40 LOG_ERR [13152:13332]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.03 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [15860:18420]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.03 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [15860:18420]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2024.01.03 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [15860:18420]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2024.01.03 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [15860:18420]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2024.01.03 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [15860:18420]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2024.01.03 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [15860:18420]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2024.01.03 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [15860:18420]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2024.01.03 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [15860:18420]: Real HostID =
2024.01.03 00:04:41 LOG_INFO [15860:18420]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.03 00:04:41 LOG_DEBUG [13152:13332]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13152:13332]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13152:13332]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [13152:13332]: Peer server count: 0
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:6664]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13152:13332]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [13152:648]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13152:648]: Connecting to
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:16540]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15860:15592]: Handle channel open message
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15860:15592]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15860:13160]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Connect to with port
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15860:13160]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15860:13160]: Handshake success!.....
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: HostID =
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Authenticaton OK
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15860:13160]: Login ok!
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: No peer server list.
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [13152:6692]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Send client info OK!
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15860:13160]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: SET IP =
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15860:13160]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15860:13160]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15860:13160]: Not receive
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Set client parameters OK
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15860:13160]: Local SPI = 42c7858e
2024.01.03 00:04:48 LOG_DEBUG [15860:13160]: Local CPI = 0x5f86
2024.01.03 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Remote SPI = 0x6a5552c
2024.01.03 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.01.03 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.01.03 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: get session id from server = 502
2024.01.03 00:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [15860:13160]: Remote CPI = 0x221e and local CPI =
2024.01.03 00:04:49 LOG_DEBUG [15860:13160]: CompAlg = 0
2024.01.03 00:04:49 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Send new key OK
2024.01.03 00:04:49 LOG_ERR [15860:13160]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.03 00:04:50 LOG_ERR [15860:13160]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.03 00:04:51 LOG_ERR [15860:13160]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.03 00:04:52 LOG_ERR [15860:13160]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2024.01.03 00:04:52 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.03 00:04:52 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2024.01.03 00:04:52 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.03 00:04:52 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.03 00:04:53 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.03 00:04:53 LOG_INFO [15860:13160]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.03 00:04:53 LOG_ERR [15860:13160]: Setup connection failed

2024.01.03 00:04:53 LOG_DEBUG [15860:13160]: End OpenChannelThread
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_INFO [13152:13332]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_INFO [13152:13332]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_DEBUG [13152:13332]: Peer server count: 0
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_INFO [15860:2696]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_INFO [13152:13332]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_DEBUG [13152:10612]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_INFO [13152:10612]: Connecting to
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_INFO [15860:1696]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_DEBUG [15860:15592]: Handle channel open message
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_DEBUG [15860:15592]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_DEBUG [15860:3688]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Connect to with port
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.03 00:20:30 LOG_DEBUG [15860:3688]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_DEBUG [15860:3688]: Handshake success!.....
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: HostID =
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Authenticaton OK
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_DEBUG [15860:3688]: Login ok!
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: No peer server list.
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_INFO [13152:16388]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Send client info OK!
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_DEBUG [15860:3688]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: SET IP =
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_DEBUG [15860:3688]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_DEBUG [15860:3688]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.01.03 00:20:31 LOG_DEBUG [15860:3688]: Not receive
2024.01.03 00:20:32 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Set client parameters OK
2024.01.03 00:20:32 LOG_DEBUG [15860:3688]: Local SPI = 4ed29da4
2024.01.03 00:20:32 LOG_DEBUG [15860:3688]: Local CPI = 0x6b91
2024.01.03 00:20:32 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Remote SPI = 0x6a5552e
2024.01.03 00:20:32 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.01.03 00:20:32 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.01.03 00:20:32 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: get session id from server = 503
2024.01.03 00:20:32 LOG_DEBUG [15860:3688]: Remote CPI = 0x2220 and local CPI =
2024.01.03 00:20:32 LOG_DEBUG [15860:3688]: CompAlg = 0
2024.01.03 00:20:32 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Send new key OK
2024.01.03 00:20:32 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Add routes OK
2024.01.03 00:20:32 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Add wins OK
2024.01.03 00:20:36 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.01.03 00:20:36 LOG_INFO [15860:3688]: Add dns OK
2024.01.03 00:20:36 LOG_DEBUG [15860:3688]: End OpenChannelThread
2024.01.03 00:20:36 LOG_INFO [13152:972]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2024.01.03 00:20:36 LOG_DEBUG [13152:972]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.01.03 06:06:47 LOG_INFO [13152:13332]: Disconnect from the server
2024.01.03 06:06:47 LOG_INFO [15860:2900]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.01.03 06:06:47 LOG_DEBUG [15860:15592]: Begin to close
2024.01.03 06:06:47 LOG_DEBUG [15860:15592]: Handle channel close message
2024.01.03 06:06:47 LOG_DEBUG [15860:15592]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.03 06:06:47 LOG_INFO [15860:15592]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.03 06:06:47 LOG_INFO [15860:15592]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.03 06:06:47 LOG_INFO [15860:15592]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.03 06:06:47 LOG_INFO [15860:15592]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.03 06:06:47 LOG_INFO [15860:15592]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.03 23:59:41 LOG_DEBUG [2924:13512]: Start _tWinMain...
2024.01.03 23:59:41 LOG_DEBUG [2924:13512]: The local product version is
2024.01.03 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [2924:13512]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2024.01.03 23:59:41 LOG_ERR [2924:13512]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2024.01.03 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [2924:13512]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2024.01.03 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [2924:13512]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2024.01.03 23:59:41 LOG_NOTICE [2924:13512]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2024.01.03 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [2924:13512]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2024.01.03 23:59:41 LOG_NOTICE [2924:13512]: Autologin value: 0.
2024.01.03 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [2924:13512]: SecureConnect started
2024.01.03 23:59:41 LOG_DEBUG [6276:484]: Start SSLChannel...
2024.01.03 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [6276:484]: Init SSL channel
2024.01.03 23:59:42 LOG_ERR [2924:13512]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.03 23:59:42 LOG_DEBUG [6276:484]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.03 23:59:42 LOG_DEBUG [6276:484]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2024.01.03 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [2924:13512]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.03 23:59:43 LOG_ERR [2924:13512]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.03 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [6276:484]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.03 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [6276:484]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2024.01.03 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [6276:484]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2024.01.03 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [6276:484]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2024.01.03 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [6276:484]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2024.01.03 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [6276:484]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2024.01.03 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [6276:484]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2024.01.03 23:59:43 LOG_INFO [6276:484]: Real HostID =
2024.01.03 23:59:43 LOG_INFO [6276:484]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.03 23:59:44 LOG_DEBUG [2924:13512]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [2924:13512]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [2924:13512]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [2924:13512]: Peer server count: 0
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:15600]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [2924:13512]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [2924:17008]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [2924:17008]: Connecting to
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:8132]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:9844]: Handle channel open message
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:9844]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6508]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Connect to with port
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6508]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6508]: Handshake success!.....
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Authenticaton OK
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6508]: Login ok!
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: No peer server list.
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [2924:6760]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Send client info OK!
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6508]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: SET IP =
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6508]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6508]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6508]: Not receive
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Set client parameters OK
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6508]: Local SPI = 0e0a1c14
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6508]: Local CPI = 0x66cc
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Remote SPI = 0x6a5555a
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: get session id from server = 537
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6508]: Remote CPI = 0x224c and local CPI =
2024.01.04 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6508]: CompAlg = 0
2024.01.04 00:01:04 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Send new key OK
2024.01.04 00:01:04 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Add routes OK
2024.01.04 00:01:04 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Add wins OK
2024.01.04 00:01:07 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.01.04 00:01:07 LOG_INFO [6276:6508]: Add dns OK
2024.01.04 00:01:07 LOG_DEBUG [6276:6508]: End OpenChannelThread
2024.01.04 00:01:07 LOG_INFO [2924:14508]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2024.01.04 00:01:07 LOG_DEBUG [2924:14508]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.01.04 06:12:32 LOG_INFO [2924:13512]: Disconnect from the server
2024.01.04 06:12:32 LOG_INFO [6276:5700]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.01.04 06:12:32 LOG_DEBUG [6276:9844]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2024.01.04 06:12:32 LOG_DEBUG [6276:9844]: Handle channel close message
2024.01.04 06:12:32 LOG_DEBUG [6276:9844]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.04 06:12:32 LOG_INFO [6276:9844]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.04 06:12:32 LOG_INFO [6276:9844]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.04 06:12:32 LOG_INFO [6276:9844]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.08 00:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [4644:14040]: Start _tWinMain...
2024.01.08 00:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [4644:14040]: The local product version is
2024.01.08 00:00:01 LOG_INFO [4644:14040]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2024.01.08 00:00:01 LOG_ERR [4644:14040]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2024.01.08 00:00:01 LOG_INFO [4644:14040]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2024.01.08 00:00:01 LOG_INFO [4644:14040]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2024.01.08 00:00:01 LOG_NOTICE [4644:14040]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2024.01.08 00:00:01 LOG_INFO [4644:14040]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2024.01.08 00:00:01 LOG_NOTICE [4644:14040]: Autologin value: 0.
2024.01.08 00:00:01 LOG_INFO [4644:14040]: SecureConnect started
2024.01.08 00:00:01 LOG_DEBUG [8972:12900]: Start SSLChannel...
2024.01.08 00:00:01 LOG_INFO [8972:12900]: Init SSL channel
2024.01.08 00:00:02 LOG_ERR [4644:14040]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.08 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [8972:12900]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.08 00:00:02 LOG_DEBUG [8972:12900]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2024.01.08 00:00:03 LOG_DEBUG [4644:14040]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.08 00:00:03 LOG_ERR [4644:14040]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.08 00:00:03 LOG_DEBUG [8972:12900]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.08 00:00:03 LOG_DEBUG [8972:12900]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2024.01.08 00:00:03 LOG_DEBUG [8972:12900]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2024.01.08 00:00:03 LOG_DEBUG [8972:12900]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2024.01.08 00:00:03 LOG_DEBUG [8972:12900]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2024.01.08 00:00:03 LOG_DEBUG [8972:12900]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2024.01.08 00:00:03 LOG_DEBUG [8972:12900]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2024.01.08 00:00:03 LOG_INFO [8972:12900]: Real HostID =
2024.01.08 00:00:03 LOG_INFO [8972:12900]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.08 00:00:04 LOG_DEBUG [4644:14040]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [4644:14040]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [4644:14040]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [4644:14040]: Peer server count: 0
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [8972:2424]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [4644:14040]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [4644:13232]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [4644:13232]: Connecting to
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [8972:18488]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [8972:9500]: Handle channel open message
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [8972:9500]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [8972:10128]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Connect to with port
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [8972:10128]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [8972:10128]: Handshake success!.....
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: HostID =
2024.01.08 00:00:11 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Authenticaton OK
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [8972:10128]: Login ok!
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: No peer server list.
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [4644:12296]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Send client info OK!
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [8972:10128]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: SET IP =
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [8972:10128]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [8972:10128]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [8972:10128]: Not receive
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Set client parameters OK
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [8972:10128]: Local SPI = 45ec8bd8
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [8972:10128]: Local CPI = 0x4abd
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Remote SPI = 0x6a555f6
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: get session id from server = 607
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [8972:10128]: Remote CPI = 0x22e8 and local CPI =
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [8972:10128]: CompAlg = 0
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Send new key OK
2024.01.08 00:00:12 LOG_ERR [8972:10128]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.08 00:00:13 LOG_ERR [8972:10128]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.08 00:00:14 LOG_ERR [8972:10128]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.08 00:00:15 LOG_ERR [8972:10128]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2024.01.08 00:00:15 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.08 00:00:15 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2024.01.08 00:00:16 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.08 00:00:16 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.08 00:00:16 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.08 00:00:16 LOG_INFO [8972:10128]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.08 00:00:16 LOG_ERR [8972:10128]: Setup connection failed

2024.01.08 00:00:16 LOG_DEBUG [8972:10128]: End OpenChannelThread
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [4644:14040]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [4644:14040]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [4644:14040]: Peer server count: 0
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [8972:8792]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [4644:14040]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [4644:5108]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [4644:5108]: Connecting to
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [8972:16752]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [8972:9500]: Handle channel open message
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [8972:9500]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [8972:2016]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Connect to with port
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.08 00:00:30 LOG_DEBUG [8972:2016]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [8972:2016]: Handshake success!.....
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Authenticaton OK
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [8972:2016]: Login ok!
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: No peer server list.
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [4644:17200]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Send client info OK!
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [8972:2016]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: SET IP =
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [8972:2016]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [8972:2016]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [8972:2016]: Not receive
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Set client parameters OK
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [8972:2016]: Local SPI = 462a8c54
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [8972:2016]: Local CPI = 0x4afb
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Remote SPI = 0x6a555f8
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: get session id from server = 608
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [8972:2016]: Remote CPI = 0x22ea and local CPI =
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_DEBUG [8972:2016]: CompAlg = 0
2024.01.08 00:00:31 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Send new key OK
2024.01.08 00:00:32 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Add routes OK
2024.01.08 00:00:32 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Add wins OK
2024.01.08 00:00:35 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.01.08 00:00:35 LOG_INFO [8972:2016]: Add dns OK
2024.01.08 00:00:35 LOG_INFO [4644:9408]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2024.01.08 00:00:35 LOG_DEBUG [4644:9408]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.01.08 06:05:03 LOG_INFO [4644:14040]: Disconnect from the server
2024.01.08 06:05:03 LOG_INFO [8972:19004]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.01.08 06:05:03 LOG_DEBUG [8972:9500]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2024.01.08 06:05:03 LOG_DEBUG [8972:9500]: Handle channel close message
2024.01.08 06:05:03 LOG_DEBUG [8972:9500]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.08 06:05:03 LOG_INFO [8972:9500]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.08 06:05:03 LOG_INFO [8972:9500]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.08 06:05:04 LOG_INFO [8972:9500]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.08 06:05:04 LOG_INFO [8972:9500]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.08 06:05:04 LOG_INFO [8972:9500]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.08 06:05:05 LOG_INFO [8972:9500]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.11 00:01:00 LOG_DEBUG [10300:1680]: Start _tWinMain...

2024.01.11 00:01:00 LOG_DEBUG [10300:1680]: The local product version is
2024.01.11 00:01:00 LOG_INFO [10300:1680]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2024.01.11 00:01:00 LOG_ERR [10300:1680]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2024.01.11 00:01:00 LOG_INFO [10300:1680]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2024.01.11 00:01:00 LOG_INFO [10300:1680]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2024.01.11 00:01:00 LOG_NOTICE [10300:1680]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2024.01.11 00:01:00 LOG_INFO [10300:1680]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2024.01.11 00:01:00 LOG_NOTICE [10300:1680]: Autologin value: 0.
2024.01.11 00:01:00 LOG_INFO [10300:1680]: SecureConnect started
2024.01.11 00:01:00 LOG_DEBUG [12808:14808]: Start SSLChannel...
2024.01.11 00:01:00 LOG_INFO [12808:14808]: Init SSL channel
2024.01.11 00:01:01 LOG_ERR [10300:1680]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.11 00:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [12808:14808]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.11 00:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [12808:14808]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2024.01.11 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [10300:1680]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.11 00:01:02 LOG_ERR [10300:1680]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.11 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [12808:14808]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.11 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [12808:14808]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2024.01.11 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [12808:14808]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2024.01.11 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [12808:14808]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2024.01.11 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [12808:14808]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2024.01.11 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [12808:14808]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2024.01.11 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [12808:14808]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2024.01.11 00:01:02 LOG_INFO [12808:14808]: Real HostID =
2024.01.11 00:01:02 LOG_INFO [12808:14808]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.11 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [10300:1680]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [10300:1680]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [10300:1680]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [10300:1680]: Peer server count: 0
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [12808:4336]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [10300:1680]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [10300:11836]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [10300:11836]: Connecting to
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [12808:13408]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [12808:10708]: Handle channel open message
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [12808:10708]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Connect to with port
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Issuer certifcate is null
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_ERR [12808:4868]: Suspicious Man-in-Milldle attack: Not the
same server certificate
2024.01.11 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: Handshake success!.....
2024.01.11 00:01:15 LOG_INFO [10300:1680]: Tell the sslchannel to continue the
2024.01.11 00:01:15 LOG_INFO [12808:12816]: Receive continue SSL channel command
2024.01.11 00:01:15 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: Agree to continue the connection
2024.01.11 00:01:15 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: HostID =
2024.01.11 00:01:15 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Authenticaton OK
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: Login ok!
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: No peer server list.
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [10300:4992]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Send client info OK!
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: SET IP =
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: Not receive
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Set client parameters OK
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: Local SPI = 31236246
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: Local CPI = 0x2600
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Remote SPI = 0x633d039
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: get session id from server = 60
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: Remote CPI = 0xffffe346 and local CPI =
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: CompAlg = 0
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Send new key OK
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Add routes OK
2024.01.11 00:01:16 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Add wins OK
2024.01.11 00:01:20 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.01.11 00:01:20 LOG_INFO [12808:4868]: Add dns OK
2024.01.11 00:01:20 LOG_DEBUG [12808:4868]: End OpenChannelThread
2024.01.11 00:01:20 LOG_INFO [10300:11356]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2024.01.11 00:01:20 LOG_DEBUG [10300:11356]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.01.11 06:05:23 LOG_INFO [10300:1680]: Disconnect from the server
2024.01.11 06:05:23 LOG_INFO [12808:14800]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.01.11 06:05:23 LOG_DEBUG [12808:10708]: Begin to close
2024.01.11 06:05:23 LOG_DEBUG [12808:10708]: Handle channel close message
2024.01.11 06:05:23 LOG_DEBUG [12808:10708]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.11 06:05:23 LOG_INFO [12808:10708]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.11 06:05:23 LOG_INFO [12808:10708]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.11 06:05:24 LOG_INFO [12808:10708]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.12 00:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [9636:2144]: Start _tWinMain...
2024.01.12 00:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [9636:2144]: The local product version is
2024.01.12 00:00:54 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2024.01.12 00:00:54 LOG_ERR [9636:2144]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2024.01.12 00:00:54 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2024.01.12 00:00:54 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2024.01.12 00:00:54 LOG_NOTICE [9636:2144]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2024.01.12 00:00:54 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2024.01.12 00:00:54 LOG_NOTICE [9636:2144]: Autologin value: 0.
2024.01.12 00:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10796]: Start SSLChannel...
2024.01.12 00:00:54 LOG_INFO [5924:10796]: Init SSL channel
2024.01.12 00:00:54 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: SecureConnect started
2024.01.12 00:00:55 LOG_ERR [9636:2144]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.12 00:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10796]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.12 00:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10796]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2024.01.12 00:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [9636:2144]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.12 00:00:56 LOG_ERR [9636:2144]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.12 00:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10796]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.12 00:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10796]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2024.01.12 00:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10796]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2024.01.12 00:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10796]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2024.01.12 00:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10796]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2024.01.12 00:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10796]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2024.01.12 00:00:56 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10796]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2024.01.12 00:00:56 LOG_INFO [5924:10796]: Real HostID =
2024.01.12 00:00:56 LOG_INFO [5924:10796]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.12 00:00:57 LOG_DEBUG [9636:2144]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_DEBUG [9636:2144]: Peer server count: 0
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_INFO [5924:13780]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_DEBUG [9636:12596]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_INFO [9636:12596]: Connecting to
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_INFO [5924:15288]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_DEBUG [5924:8152]: Handle channel open message
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_DEBUG [5924:8152]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Connect to with port
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.12 00:01:06 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.01.12 00:01:07 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Issuer certifcate is null
2024.01.12 00:01:07 LOG_ERR [5924:10684]: Suspicious Man-in-Milldle attack: Not the
same server certificate
2024.01.12 00:01:07 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: Handshake success!.....
2024.01.12 00:01:24 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: Tell the sslchannel to continue the
2024.01.12 00:01:24 LOG_INFO [5924:12980]: Receive continue SSL channel command
2024.01.12 00:01:24 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: Agree to continue the connection
2024.01.12 00:01:24 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: HostID =
2024.01.12 00:01:24 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Authenticaton OK
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: Login ok!
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: No peer server list.
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_INFO [9636:3176]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Send client info OK!
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: SET IP =
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: Not receive
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Set client parameters OK
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: Local SPI = 7f62fec4
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: Local CPI = 0x6c45
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Remote SPI = 0x633d06b
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: get session id from server = 82
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: Remote CPI = 0xffffe378 and local CPI =
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: CompAlg = 0
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Send new key OK
2024.01.12 00:01:25 LOG_ERR [5924:10684]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.12 00:01:26 LOG_ERR [5924:10684]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.12 00:01:27 LOG_ERR [5924:10684]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.12 00:01:28 LOG_ERR [5924:10684]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2024.01.12 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.12 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31784740
2024.01.12 00:01:28 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.12 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.12 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.12 00:01:29 LOG_INFO [5924:10684]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.12 00:01:29 LOG_ERR [5924:10684]: Setup connection failed

2024.01.12 00:01:29 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10684]: End OpenChannelThread
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [9636:2144]: Peer server count: 0
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [5924:3904]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [9636:1512]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [9636:1512]: Connecting to
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [5924:16396]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [5924:8152]: Handle channel open message
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [5924:8152]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Connect to with port
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Issuer certifcate is null
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_ERR [5924:10212]: Suspicious Man-in-Milldle attack: Not the
same server certificate
2024.01.12 00:01:45 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: Handshake success!.....
2024.01.12 00:01:59 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: Tell the sslchannel to continue the
2024.01.12 00:01:59 LOG_INFO [5924:7756]: Receive continue SSL channel command
2024.01.12 00:01:59 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: Agree to continue the connection
2024.01.12 00:01:59 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: HostID =
2024.01.12 00:01:59 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Authenticaton OK
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: Login ok!
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: No peer server list.
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [9636:12980]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Send client info OK!
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: SET IP =
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: Not receive
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Set client parameters OK
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: Local SPI = 7fd5ffaa
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: Local CPI = 0x6cb8
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Remote SPI = 0x633d06d
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: get session id from server = 83
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: Remote CPI = 0xffffe37a and local CPI =
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: CompAlg = 0
2024.01.12 00:02:00 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Send new key OK
2024.01.12 00:02:01 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Add routes OK
2024.01.12 00:02:01 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Add wins OK
2024.01.12 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.01.12 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [5924:10212]: Add dns OK
2024.01.12 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [5924:10212]: End OpenChannelThread
2024.01.12 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [9636:10300]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2024.01.12 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [9636:10300]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.01.12 06:11:53 LOG_INFO [9636:2144]: Disconnect from the server
2024.01.12 06:11:53 LOG_INFO [5924:1684]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.01.12 06:11:53 LOG_DEBUG [5924:8152]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2024.01.12 06:11:53 LOG_DEBUG [5924:8152]: Handle channel close message
2024.01.12 06:11:53 LOG_DEBUG [5924:8152]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.12 06:11:53 LOG_INFO [5924:8152]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.12 06:11:53 LOG_INFO [5924:8152]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30474100
2024.01.12 06:11:54 LOG_INFO [5924:8152]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.14 23:59:17 LOG_DEBUG [17024:2392]: Start _tWinMain...
2024.01.14 23:59:17 LOG_DEBUG [17024:2392]: The local product version is
2024.01.14 23:59:17 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2024.01.14 23:59:17 LOG_ERR [17024:2392]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2024.01.14 23:59:17 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2024.01.14 23:59:17 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2024.01.14 23:59:17 LOG_NOTICE [17024:2392]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2024.01.14 23:59:17 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2024.01.14 23:59:17 LOG_NOTICE [17024:2392]: Autologin value: 0.
2024.01.14 23:59:17 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: SecureConnect started
2024.01.14 23:59:17 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17352]: Start SSLChannel...
2024.01.14 23:59:17 LOG_INFO [19336:17352]: Init SSL channel
2024.01.14 23:59:18 LOG_ERR [17024:2392]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.14 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17352]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.14 23:59:18 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17352]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2024.01.14 23:59:19 LOG_DEBUG [17024:2392]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.14 23:59:19 LOG_ERR [17024:2392]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.14 23:59:19 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17352]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.14 23:59:19 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17352]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2024.01.14 23:59:19 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17352]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2024.01.14 23:59:20 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17352]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2024.01.14 23:59:20 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17352]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2024.01.14 23:59:20 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17352]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2024.01.14 23:59:20 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17352]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2024.01.14 23:59:20 LOG_INFO [19336:17352]: Real HostID =
2024.01.14 23:59:20 LOG_INFO [19336:17352]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.14 23:59:20 LOG_DEBUG [17024:2392]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [17024:2392]: Peer server count: 0
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [19336:18036]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [17024:19820]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [17024:19820]: Connecting to
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [19336:8960]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [19336:10236]: Handle channel open message
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [19336:10236]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Connect to with port
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Issuer certifcate is null
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_ERR [19336:17308]: Suspicious Man-in-Milldle attack: Not
the same server certificate
2024.01.14 23:59:26 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: Handshake success!.....
2024.01.14 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: Tell the sslchannel to continue the
2024.01.14 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [19336:5516]: Receive continue SSL channel command
2024.01.14 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: Agree to continue the connection
2024.01.14 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: HostID =
2024.01.14 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Authenticaton OK
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: Login ok!
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: No peer server list.
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [17024:12636]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Send client info OK!
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: SET IP =
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: Not receive
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Set client parameters OK
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: Local SPI = 6868d0d0
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: Local CPI = 0x4557
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Remote SPI = 0x633d0fb
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: get session id from server = 137
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: Remote CPI = 0xffffe408 and local CPI
= 0x4557
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: CompAlg = 0
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Send new key OK
2024.01.14 23:59:37 LOG_ERR [19336:17308]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.14 23:59:38 LOG_ERR [19336:17308]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.14 23:59:40 LOG_ERR [19336:17308]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.14 23:59:41 LOG_ERR [19336:17308]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2024.01.14 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.14 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2024.01.14 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.14 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.14 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.14 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [19336:17308]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.14 23:59:41 LOG_ERR [19336:17308]: Setup connection failed

2024.01.14 23:59:41 LOG_DEBUG [19336:17308]: End OpenChannelThread
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [17024:2392]: Peer server count: 0
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [19336:17444]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [17024:8268]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [17024:8268]: Connecting to
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [19336:12968]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [19336:10236]: Handle channel open message
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [19336:10236]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [19336:16796]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Connect to with port
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [19336:16796]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Issuer certifcate is null
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_ERR [19336:16796]: Suspicious Man-in-Milldle attack: Not
the same server certificate
2024.01.14 23:59:56 LOG_DEBUG [19336:16796]: Handshake success!.....
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: Tell the sslchannel to continue the
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:14608]: Receive continue SSL channel command
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [19336:16796]: Agree to continue the connection
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: HostID =
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Authenticaton OK
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [19336:16796]: Login ok!
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: No peer server list.
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [17024:19400]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Send client info OK!
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [19336:16796]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: SET IP =
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [19336:16796]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [19336:16796]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [19336:16796]: Not receive
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Set client parameters OK
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [19336:16796]: Local SPI = 68dad1b4
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [19336:16796]: Local CPI = 0x45c9
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Remote SPI = 0x633d0fd
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: get session id from server = 138
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [19336:16796]: Remote CPI = 0xffffe40a and local CPI
= 0x45c9
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [19336:16796]: CompAlg = 0
2024.01.15 00:00:12 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Send new key OK
2024.01.15 00:00:13 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Add routes OK
2024.01.15 00:00:13 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Add wins OK
2024.01.15 00:00:16 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.01.15 00:00:16 LOG_INFO [19336:16796]: Add dns OK
2024.01.15 00:00:16 LOG_INFO [17024:15648]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2024.01.15 00:00:16 LOG_DEBUG [17024:15648]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.01.15 06:11:57 LOG_INFO [17024:2392]: Disconnect from the server
2024.01.15 06:11:57 LOG_INFO [19336:15992]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.01.15 06:11:57 LOG_DEBUG [19336:10236]: Begin to close
2024.01.15 06:11:57 LOG_DEBUG [19336:10236]: Handle channel close message
2024.01.15 06:11:57 LOG_DEBUG [19336:10236]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.15 06:11:57 LOG_INFO [19336:10236]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.15 06:11:57 LOG_INFO [19336:10236]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.15 06:11:57 LOG_INFO [19336:10236]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 18:46:27 LOG_DEBUG [12868:19108]: Start _tWinMain...
2024.01.20 18:46:27 LOG_DEBUG [12868:19108]: The local product version is
2024.01.20 18:46:27 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2024.01.20 18:46:27 LOG_ERR [12868:19108]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2024.01.20 18:46:27 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2024.01.20 18:46:27 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2024.01.20 18:46:27 LOG_NOTICE [12868:19108]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2024.01.20 18:46:27 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2024.01.20 18:46:27 LOG_NOTICE [12868:19108]: Autologin value: 0.
2024.01.20 18:46:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6460]: Start SSLChannel...
2024.01.20 18:46:27 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: SecureConnect started
2024.01.20 18:46:27 LOG_INFO [14836:6460]: Init SSL channel
2024.01.20 18:46:28 LOG_ERR [12868:19108]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.20 18:46:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6460]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.20 18:46:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6460]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2024.01.20 18:46:29 LOG_DEBUG [12868:19108]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.20 18:46:29 LOG_ERR [12868:19108]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.01.20 18:46:29 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6460]: nFilelen=-1
2024.01.20 18:46:29 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6460]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2024.01.20 18:46:29 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6460]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2024.01.20 18:46:29 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6460]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2024.01.20 18:46:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6460]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2024.01.20 18:46:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6460]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2024.01.20 18:46:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6460]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2024.01.20 18:46:30 LOG_INFO [14836:6460]: Real HostID =
2024.01.20 18:46:30 LOG_INFO [14836:6460]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.20 18:46:30 LOG_DEBUG [12868:19108]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_DEBUG [12868:19108]: Peer server count: 0
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_INFO [14836:20104]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_DEBUG [12868:20496]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_INFO [12868:20496]: Connecting to
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_INFO [14836:5804]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel open message
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 18:46:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.01.20 18:46:35 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Issuer certifcate is null
2024.01.20 18:46:35 LOG_ERR [14836:12632]: Suspicious Man-in-Milldle attack: Not
the same server certificate
2024.01.20 18:46:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: Handshake success!.....
2024.01.20 18:46:42 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: Tell the sslchannel to continue the
2024.01.20 18:46:42 LOG_INFO [14836:12108]: Receive continue SSL channel command
2024.01.20 18:46:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: Agree to continue the connection
2024.01.20 18:46:42 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: HostID =
2024.01.20 18:46:42 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.20 18:46:43 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.01.20 18:46:43 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Authenticaton OK
2024.01.20 18:46:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: Login ok!
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: No peer server list.
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_INFO [12868:11308]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Send client info OK!
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: SET IP =
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: Not receive
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Set client parameters OK
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: Local SPI = 4dbb9b76
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: Local CPI = 0x4ebf
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Remote SPI = 0x633d201
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: get session id from server = 237
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: Remote CPI = 0xffffe50e and local CPI
= 0x4ebf
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: CompAlg = 0
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Send new key OK
2024.01.20 18:46:44 LOG_ERR [14836:12632]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.20 18:46:45 LOG_ERR [14836:12632]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.20 18:46:46 LOG_ERR [14836:12632]: Failed to create tunnel device handle.
Service return error.
2024.01.20 18:46:47 LOG_ERR [14836:12632]: Tunnel interface is used. Retry later.
2024.01.20 18:46:47 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 18:46:47 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2024.01.20 18:46:48 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 18:46:48 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 18:46:48 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 18:46:48 LOG_INFO [14836:12632]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 18:46:48 LOG_ERR [14836:12632]: Setup connection failed

2024.01.20 18:46:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12632]: End OpenChannelThread
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_DEBUG [12868:19108]: Peer server count: 0
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_INFO [14836:7936]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_DEBUG [12868:11524]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_INFO [12868:11524]: Connecting to
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_INFO [14836:16928]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel open message
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 18:47:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.01.20 18:47:04 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Issuer certifcate is null
2024.01.20 18:47:04 LOG_ERR [14836:19224]: Suspicious Man-in-Milldle attack: Not
the same server certificate
2024.01.20 18:47:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: Handshake success!.....
2024.01.20 18:47:30 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: Tell the sslchannel to continue the
2024.01.20 18:47:30 LOG_INFO [14836:4928]: Receive continue SSL channel command
2024.01.20 18:47:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: Agree to continue the connection
2024.01.20 18:47:30 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: HostID =
2024.01.20 18:47:30 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.01.20 18:47:31 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.01.20 18:47:31 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Authenticaton OK
2024.01.20 18:47:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: Login ok!
2024.01.20 18:47:32 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.01.20 18:47:32 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: No peer server list.
2024.01.20 18:47:32 LOG_INFO [12868:4076]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.01.20 18:47:32 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Send client info OK!
2024.01.20 18:47:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.01.20 18:47:33 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: SET IP =
2024.01.20 18:47:33 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.01.20 18:47:33 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.01.20 18:47:33 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: Not receive
2024.01.20 18:47:34 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Set client parameters OK
2024.01.20 18:47:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: Local SPI = 4e5f9cbe
2024.01.20 18:47:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: Local CPI = 0x4f63
2024.01.20 18:47:34 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Remote SPI = 0x633d203
2024.01.20 18:47:34 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.01.20 18:47:34 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.01.20 18:47:34 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: get session id from server = 238
2024.01.20 18:47:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: Remote CPI = 0xffffe510 and local CPI
= 0x4f63
2024.01.20 18:47:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: CompAlg = 0
2024.01.20 18:47:35 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Send new key OK
2024.01.20 18:47:36 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Add routes OK
2024.01.20 18:47:36 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Add wins OK
2024.01.20 18:47:39 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.01.20 18:47:39 LOG_INFO [14836:19224]: Add dns OK
2024.01.20 18:47:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19224]: End OpenChannelThread
2024.01.20 18:47:39 LOG_INFO [12868:19628]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2024.01.20 18:47:39 LOG_DEBUG [12868:19628]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.01.20 19:00:09 LOG_ERR [14836:14984]: Handle channel error message: 52
2024.01.20 19:00:09 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:00:09 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:00:09 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:00:09 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:00:09 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:00:09 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:00:14 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:00:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:00:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:00:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:00:14 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2024.01.20 19:00:14 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:00:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20172]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:00:14 LOG_INFO [14836:20172]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:00:15 LOG_INFO [14836:20172]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:00:15 LOG_INFO [14836:20172]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:00:36 LOG_ERR [14836:20172]: Connect to ""
( error [10060]
2024.01.20 19:00:36 LOG_ERR [14836:20172]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:00:36 LOG_INFO [14836:20172]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:00:36 LOG_INFO [14836:20172]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:00:37 LOG_INFO [14836:20172]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:00:37 LOG_INFO [14836:20172]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:00:37 LOG_INFO [14836:20172]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:00:37 LOG_INFO [14836:20172]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:00:37 LOG_ERR [14836:20172]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:00:37 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20172]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:01:37 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:01:37 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:01:37 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:01:37 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:01:37 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 2 times...
2024.01.20 19:01:37 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:01:37 LOG_DEBUG [14836:15408]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:01:37 LOG_INFO [14836:15408]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:01:38 LOG_INFO [14836:15408]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:01:38 LOG_INFO [14836:15408]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:01:38 LOG_ERR [14836:15408]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:01:38 LOG_ERR [14836:15408]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:01:38 LOG_INFO [14836:15408]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:01:38 LOG_INFO [14836:15408]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:01:38 LOG_INFO [14836:15408]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:01:38 LOG_INFO [14836:15408]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:01:38 LOG_INFO [14836:15408]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:01:38 LOG_INFO [14836:15408]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:01:38 LOG_ERR [14836:15408]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:01:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:15408]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:02:38 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:02:38 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 3 times...
2024.01.20 19:02:38 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9684]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:02:38 LOG_INFO [14836:9684]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:9684]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:9684]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:02:39 LOG_ERR [14836:9684]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:02:39 LOG_ERR [14836:9684]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:9684]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:9684]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 13041456
2024.01.20 19:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:9684]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:9684]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:9684]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:9684]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:02:39 LOG_ERR [14836:9684]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:02:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9684]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:03:39 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:03:39 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 4 times...
2024.01.20 19:03:39 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16876]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:03:39 LOG_INFO [14836:16876]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:03:40 LOG_INFO [14836:16876]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:03:40 LOG_INFO [14836:16876]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:03:40 LOG_ERR [14836:16876]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:03:40 LOG_ERR [14836:16876]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:03:40 LOG_INFO [14836:16876]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:03:40 LOG_INFO [14836:16876]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 13041456
2024.01.20 19:03:41 LOG_INFO [14836:16876]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:03:41 LOG_INFO [14836:16876]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:03:41 LOG_INFO [14836:16876]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:03:41 LOG_INFO [14836:16876]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:03:41 LOG_ERR [14836:16876]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:03:41 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16876]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:23:47 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:23:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:23:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:23:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:23:47 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 5 times...
2024.01.20 19:23:47 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:23:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13032]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:23:47 LOG_INFO [14836:13032]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:23:48 LOG_INFO [14836:13032]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:23:48 LOG_INFO [14836:13032]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:23:48 LOG_ERR [14836:13032]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:23:48 LOG_ERR [14836:13032]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:23:48 LOG_INFO [14836:13032]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:23:48 LOG_INFO [14836:13032]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:23:48 LOG_INFO [14836:13032]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:23:48 LOG_INFO [14836:13032]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:23:48 LOG_INFO [14836:13032]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:23:48 LOG_INFO [14836:13032]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:23:48 LOG_ERR [14836:13032]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:23:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13032]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:24:48 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:24:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:24:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:24:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:24:48 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 6 times...
2024.01.20 19:24:48 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:24:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:15556]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:24:48 LOG_INFO [14836:15556]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:24:49 LOG_INFO [14836:15556]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:24:49 LOG_INFO [14836:15556]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:24:49 LOG_ERR [14836:15556]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:24:49 LOG_ERR [14836:15556]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:24:49 LOG_INFO [14836:15556]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:24:49 LOG_INFO [14836:15556]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:24:50 LOG_INFO [14836:15556]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:24:50 LOG_INFO [14836:15556]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:24:50 LOG_INFO [14836:15556]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:24:50 LOG_INFO [14836:15556]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:24:50 LOG_ERR [14836:15556]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:24:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:15556]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:25:50 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:25:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:25:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:25:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:25:50 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 7 times...
2024.01.20 19:25:50 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:25:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19060]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:25:50 LOG_INFO [14836:19060]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:25:51 LOG_INFO [14836:19060]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:25:51 LOG_INFO [14836:19060]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:25:51 LOG_ERR [14836:19060]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:25:51 LOG_ERR [14836:19060]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:25:51 LOG_INFO [14836:19060]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:25:51 LOG_INFO [14836:19060]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:25:51 LOG_INFO [14836:19060]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:25:51 LOG_INFO [14836:19060]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:25:51 LOG_INFO [14836:19060]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:25:51 LOG_INFO [14836:19060]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:25:51 LOG_ERR [14836:19060]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:25:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19060]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:26:51 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:26:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:26:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:26:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:26:51 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 8 times...
2024.01.20 19:26:51 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:26:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5548]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:26:51 LOG_INFO [14836:5548]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:26:52 LOG_INFO [14836:5548]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:26:52 LOG_INFO [14836:5548]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:26:52 LOG_ERR [14836:5548]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:26:52 LOG_ERR [14836:5548]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:26:52 LOG_INFO [14836:5548]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:26:52 LOG_INFO [14836:5548]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:26:52 LOG_INFO [14836:5548]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:26:52 LOG_INFO [14836:5548]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:26:52 LOG_INFO [14836:5548]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:26:52 LOG_INFO [14836:5548]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:26:52 LOG_ERR [14836:5548]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:26:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5548]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:27:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:27:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:27:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:27:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:27:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 9 times...
2024.01.20 19:27:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:27:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14728]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:27:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14728]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:27:53 LOG_INFO [14836:14728]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:27:53 LOG_INFO [14836:14728]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:27:53 LOG_ERR [14836:14728]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:27:53 LOG_ERR [14836:14728]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:27:53 LOG_INFO [14836:14728]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:27:53 LOG_INFO [14836:14728]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:27:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14728]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:27:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14728]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:27:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14728]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:27:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14728]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:27:54 LOG_ERR [14836:14728]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:27:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14728]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:28:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:28:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:28:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:28:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:28:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 10 times...
2024.01.20 19:28:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:28:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16044]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:28:54 LOG_INFO [14836:16044]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:28:55 LOG_INFO [14836:16044]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:28:55 LOG_INFO [14836:16044]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:28:55 LOG_ERR [14836:16044]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:28:55 LOG_ERR [14836:16044]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:28:55 LOG_INFO [14836:16044]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:28:55 LOG_INFO [14836:16044]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:28:55 LOG_INFO [14836:16044]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:28:55 LOG_INFO [14836:16044]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:28:55 LOG_INFO [14836:16044]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:28:55 LOG_INFO [14836:16044]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:28:55 LOG_ERR [14836:16044]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:28:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16044]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:29:55 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:29:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:29:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:29:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:29:55 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 11 times...
2024.01.20 19:29:55 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:29:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18548]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:29:55 LOG_INFO [14836:18548]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:29:56 LOG_INFO [14836:18548]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:29:56 LOG_INFO [14836:18548]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:29:56 LOG_ERR [14836:18548]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:29:56 LOG_ERR [14836:18548]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:29:56 LOG_INFO [14836:18548]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:29:56 LOG_INFO [14836:18548]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:29:56 LOG_INFO [14836:18548]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:29:56 LOG_INFO [14836:18548]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:29:56 LOG_INFO [14836:18548]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:29:56 LOG_INFO [14836:18548]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:29:56 LOG_ERR [14836:18548]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:29:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18548]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:30:56 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:30:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:30:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:30:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:30:56 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 12 times...
2024.01.20 19:30:56 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:30:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:1188]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:30:56 LOG_INFO [14836:1188]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:30:57 LOG_INFO [14836:1188]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:30:57 LOG_INFO [14836:1188]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:30:57 LOG_ERR [14836:1188]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:30:57 LOG_ERR [14836:1188]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:30:57 LOG_INFO [14836:1188]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:30:57 LOG_INFO [14836:1188]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:30:58 LOG_INFO [14836:1188]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:30:58 LOG_INFO [14836:1188]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:30:58 LOG_INFO [14836:1188]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:30:58 LOG_INFO [14836:1188]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:30:58 LOG_ERR [14836:1188]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:30:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:1188]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:31:58 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:31:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:31:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:31:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:31:58 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 13 times...
2024.01.20 19:31:58 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:31:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18932]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:31:58 LOG_INFO [14836:18932]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:31:59 LOG_INFO [14836:18932]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:31:59 LOG_INFO [14836:18932]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:31:59 LOG_ERR [14836:18932]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:31:59 LOG_ERR [14836:18932]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:31:59 LOG_INFO [14836:18932]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:31:59 LOG_INFO [14836:18932]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:31:59 LOG_INFO [14836:18932]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:31:59 LOG_INFO [14836:18932]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:31:59 LOG_INFO [14836:18932]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:31:59 LOG_INFO [14836:18932]: ========================SSL CHANNEL
2024.01.20 19:31:59 LOG_ERR [14836:18932]: Connect to failed
2024.01.20 19:31:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18932]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:32:59 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:32:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:32:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:32:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:32:59 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 14 times...
2024.01.20 19:32:59 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:32:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3592]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:32:59 LOG_INFO [14836:3592]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:33:00 LOG_INFO [14836:3592]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:33:00 LOG_INFO [14836:3592]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:33:00 LOG_ERR [14836:3592]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:33:00 LOG_ERR [14836:3592]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:33:00 LOG_INFO [14836:3592]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:33:00 LOG_INFO [14836:3592]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:33:00 LOG_INFO [14836:3592]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:33:00 LOG_INFO [14836:3592]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:33:00 LOG_INFO [14836:3592]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:33:00 LOG_INFO [14836:3592]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:33:00 LOG_ERR [14836:3592]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:33:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3592]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:34:00 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:34:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:34:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:34:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:34:00 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 15 times...
2024.01.20 19:34:00 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:34:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13988]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:34:00 LOG_INFO [14836:13988]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:34:01 LOG_INFO [14836:13988]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:34:01 LOG_INFO [14836:13988]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:34:01 LOG_ERR [14836:13988]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:34:01 LOG_ERR [14836:13988]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:34:01 LOG_INFO [14836:13988]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:34:01 LOG_INFO [14836:13988]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:34:02 LOG_INFO [14836:13988]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:34:02 LOG_INFO [14836:13988]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:34:02 LOG_INFO [14836:13988]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:34:02 LOG_INFO [14836:13988]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:34:02 LOG_ERR [14836:13988]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:34:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13988]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:35:02 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:35:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:35:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:35:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:35:02 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 16 times...
2024.01.20 19:35:02 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:35:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12652]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:35:02 LOG_INFO [14836:12652]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:35:03 LOG_INFO [14836:12652]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:35:03 LOG_INFO [14836:12652]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:35:03 LOG_ERR [14836:12652]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:35:03 LOG_ERR [14836:12652]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:35:03 LOG_INFO [14836:12652]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:35:03 LOG_INFO [14836:12652]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:35:03 LOG_INFO [14836:12652]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:35:03 LOG_INFO [14836:12652]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:35:03 LOG_INFO [14836:12652]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:35:03 LOG_INFO [14836:12652]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:35:03 LOG_ERR [14836:12652]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:35:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12652]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:36:03 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:36:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:36:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:36:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:36:03 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 17 times...
2024.01.20 19:36:03 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:36:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9728]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:36:03 LOG_INFO [14836:9728]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:36:04 LOG_INFO [14836:9728]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:36:04 LOG_INFO [14836:9728]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:36:04 LOG_ERR [14836:9728]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:36:04 LOG_ERR [14836:9728]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:36:04 LOG_INFO [14836:9728]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:36:04 LOG_INFO [14836:9728]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:36:04 LOG_INFO [14836:9728]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:36:04 LOG_INFO [14836:9728]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:36:04 LOG_INFO [14836:9728]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:36:04 LOG_INFO [14836:9728]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:36:04 LOG_ERR [14836:9728]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:36:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9728]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:37:04 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:37:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:37:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:37:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:37:04 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 18 times...
2024.01.20 19:37:04 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:37:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:2136]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:37:04 LOG_INFO [14836:2136]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:37:05 LOG_INFO [14836:2136]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:37:05 LOG_INFO [14836:2136]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:37:05 LOG_ERR [14836:2136]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:37:05 LOG_ERR [14836:2136]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:37:05 LOG_INFO [14836:2136]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:37:05 LOG_INFO [14836:2136]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:37:06 LOG_INFO [14836:2136]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:37:06 LOG_INFO [14836:2136]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:37:06 LOG_INFO [14836:2136]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:37:06 LOG_INFO [14836:2136]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:37:06 LOG_ERR [14836:2136]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:37:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:2136]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:38:06 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:38:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:38:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:38:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:38:06 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 19 times...
2024.01.20 19:38:06 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:38:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11652]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:38:06 LOG_INFO [14836:11652]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:38:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11652]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:38:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11652]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:38:07 LOG_ERR [14836:11652]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:38:07 LOG_ERR [14836:11652]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:38:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11652]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:38:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11652]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:38:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11652]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:38:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11652]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:38:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11652]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:38:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11652]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:38:07 LOG_ERR [14836:11652]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:38:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11652]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:39:07 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:39:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:39:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:39:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:39:07 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 20 times...
2024.01.20 19:39:07 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:39:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10844]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:39:07 LOG_INFO [14836:10844]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:39:08 LOG_INFO [14836:10844]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:39:08 LOG_INFO [14836:10844]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:39:08 LOG_ERR [14836:10844]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:39:08 LOG_ERR [14836:10844]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:39:08 LOG_INFO [14836:10844]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:39:08 LOG_INFO [14836:10844]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:39:08 LOG_INFO [14836:10844]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:39:08 LOG_INFO [14836:10844]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:39:08 LOG_INFO [14836:10844]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:39:08 LOG_INFO [14836:10844]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:39:08 LOG_ERR [14836:10844]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:39:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10844]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:40:08 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:40:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:40:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:40:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:40:08 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 21 times...
2024.01.20 19:40:08 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:40:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16468]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:40:08 LOG_INFO [14836:16468]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:40:09 LOG_INFO [14836:16468]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:40:09 LOG_INFO [14836:16468]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:40:09 LOG_ERR [14836:16468]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:40:09 LOG_ERR [14836:16468]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:40:09 LOG_INFO [14836:16468]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:40:09 LOG_INFO [14836:16468]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:40:10 LOG_INFO [14836:16468]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:40:10 LOG_INFO [14836:16468]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:40:10 LOG_INFO [14836:16468]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:40:10 LOG_INFO [14836:16468]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:40:10 LOG_ERR [14836:16468]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:40:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16468]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:41:10 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:41:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:41:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:41:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:41:10 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 22 times...
2024.01.20 19:41:10 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:41:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13124]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:41:10 LOG_INFO [14836:13124]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:41:11 LOG_INFO [14836:13124]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:41:11 LOG_INFO [14836:13124]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:41:11 LOG_ERR [14836:13124]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:41:11 LOG_ERR [14836:13124]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:41:11 LOG_INFO [14836:13124]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:41:11 LOG_INFO [14836:13124]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:41:11 LOG_INFO [14836:13124]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:41:11 LOG_INFO [14836:13124]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:41:11 LOG_INFO [14836:13124]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:41:11 LOG_INFO [14836:13124]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:41:11 LOG_ERR [14836:13124]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:41:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13124]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:42:11 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:42:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:42:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:42:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:42:11 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 23 times...
2024.01.20 19:42:11 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:42:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5776]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:42:11 LOG_INFO [14836:5776]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:42:12 LOG_INFO [14836:5776]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:42:12 LOG_INFO [14836:5776]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:42:12 LOG_ERR [14836:5776]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:42:12 LOG_ERR [14836:5776]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:42:12 LOG_INFO [14836:5776]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:42:12 LOG_INFO [14836:5776]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:42:12 LOG_INFO [14836:5776]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:42:12 LOG_INFO [14836:5776]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:42:12 LOG_INFO [14836:5776]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:42:12 LOG_INFO [14836:5776]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:42:12 LOG_ERR [14836:5776]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:42:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5776]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:43:12 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:43:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:43:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:43:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:43:12 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 24 times...
2024.01.20 19:43:12 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:43:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8696]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:43:12 LOG_INFO [14836:8696]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:43:13 LOG_INFO [14836:8696]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:43:13 LOG_INFO [14836:8696]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:43:13 LOG_ERR [14836:8696]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:43:13 LOG_ERR [14836:8696]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:43:13 LOG_INFO [14836:8696]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:43:13 LOG_INFO [14836:8696]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:43:14 LOG_INFO [14836:8696]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:43:14 LOG_INFO [14836:8696]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:43:14 LOG_INFO [14836:8696]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:43:14 LOG_INFO [14836:8696]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:43:14 LOG_ERR [14836:8696]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:43:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8696]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:44:14 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:44:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:44:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:44:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:44:14 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 25 times...
2024.01.20 19:44:14 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:44:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14664]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:44:14 LOG_INFO [14836:14664]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:44:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14664]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:44:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14664]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:44:15 LOG_ERR [14836:14664]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:44:15 LOG_ERR [14836:14664]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:44:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14664]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:44:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14664]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:44:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14664]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:44:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14664]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:44:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14664]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:44:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14664]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:44:15 LOG_ERR [14836:14664]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:44:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14664]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:45:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:45:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:45:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:45:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:45:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 26 times...
2024.01.20 19:45:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:45:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20496]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:45:15 LOG_INFO [14836:20496]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:45:16 LOG_INFO [14836:20496]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:45:16 LOG_INFO [14836:20496]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:45:16 LOG_ERR [14836:20496]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:45:16 LOG_ERR [14836:20496]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:45:16 LOG_INFO [14836:20496]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:45:16 LOG_INFO [14836:20496]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:45:16 LOG_INFO [14836:20496]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:45:16 LOG_INFO [14836:20496]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:45:16 LOG_INFO [14836:20496]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:45:16 LOG_INFO [14836:20496]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:45:16 LOG_ERR [14836:20496]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:45:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20496]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:46:16 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:46:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:46:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:46:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:46:16 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 27 times...
2024.01.20 19:46:16 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:46:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19852]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:46:16 LOG_INFO [14836:19852]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:46:17 LOG_INFO [14836:19852]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:46:17 LOG_INFO [14836:19852]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:46:17 LOG_ERR [14836:19852]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:46:17 LOG_ERR [14836:19852]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:46:17 LOG_INFO [14836:19852]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:46:17 LOG_INFO [14836:19852]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:46:18 LOG_INFO [14836:19852]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:46:18 LOG_INFO [14836:19852]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:46:18 LOG_INFO [14836:19852]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:46:18 LOG_INFO [14836:19852]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:46:18 LOG_ERR [14836:19852]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:46:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19852]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:47:18 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:47:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:47:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:47:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:47:18 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 28 times...
2024.01.20 19:47:18 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:47:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18744]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:47:18 LOG_INFO [14836:18744]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:47:19 LOG_INFO [14836:18744]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:47:19 LOG_INFO [14836:18744]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:47:19 LOG_ERR [14836:18744]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:47:19 LOG_ERR [14836:18744]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:47:19 LOG_INFO [14836:18744]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:47:19 LOG_INFO [14836:18744]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 13172528
2024.01.20 19:47:19 LOG_INFO [14836:18744]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:47:19 LOG_INFO [14836:18744]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:47:19 LOG_INFO [14836:18744]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:47:19 LOG_INFO [14836:18744]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:47:19 LOG_ERR [14836:18744]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:47:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18744]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:48:19 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:48:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:48:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:48:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:48:19 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 29 times...
2024.01.20 19:48:19 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:48:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14964]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:48:19 LOG_INFO [14836:14964]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:48:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14964]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:48:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14964]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:48:20 LOG_ERR [14836:14964]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:48:20 LOG_ERR [14836:14964]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:48:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14964]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:48:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14964]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:48:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14964]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:48:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14964]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:48:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14964]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:48:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14964]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:48:20 LOG_ERR [14836:14964]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:48:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14964]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:49:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:49:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:49:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:49:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:49:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 30 times...
2024.01.20 19:49:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:49:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:1496]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:49:20 LOG_INFO [14836:1496]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:49:21 LOG_INFO [14836:1496]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:49:21 LOG_INFO [14836:1496]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:49:21 LOG_ERR [14836:1496]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:49:21 LOG_ERR [14836:1496]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:49:21 LOG_INFO [14836:1496]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:49:21 LOG_INFO [14836:1496]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:49:22 LOG_INFO [14836:1496]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:49:22 LOG_INFO [14836:1496]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:49:22 LOG_INFO [14836:1496]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:49:22 LOG_INFO [14836:1496]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:49:22 LOG_ERR [14836:1496]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:49:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:1496]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:50:22 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:50:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:50:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:50:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:50:22 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 31 times...
2024.01.20 19:50:22 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:50:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18852]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:50:22 LOG_INFO [14836:18852]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:50:23 LOG_INFO [14836:18852]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:50:23 LOG_INFO [14836:18852]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:50:23 LOG_ERR [14836:18852]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:50:23 LOG_ERR [14836:18852]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:50:23 LOG_INFO [14836:18852]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:50:23 LOG_INFO [14836:18852]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:50:23 LOG_INFO [14836:18852]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:50:23 LOG_INFO [14836:18852]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:50:23 LOG_INFO [14836:18852]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:50:23 LOG_INFO [14836:18852]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:50:23 LOG_ERR [14836:18852]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:50:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18852]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:51:23 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:51:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:51:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:51:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:51:23 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 32 times...
2024.01.20 19:51:23 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:51:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5012]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:51:23 LOG_INFO [14836:5012]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:51:24 LOG_INFO [14836:5012]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:51:24 LOG_INFO [14836:5012]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:51:24 LOG_ERR [14836:5012]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:51:24 LOG_ERR [14836:5012]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:51:24 LOG_INFO [14836:5012]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:51:24 LOG_INFO [14836:5012]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:51:24 LOG_INFO [14836:5012]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:51:24 LOG_INFO [14836:5012]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:51:24 LOG_INFO [14836:5012]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:51:24 LOG_INFO [14836:5012]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:51:24 LOG_ERR [14836:5012]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:51:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5012]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:52:24 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:52:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:52:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:52:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:52:24 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 33 times...
2024.01.20 19:52:24 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:52:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3508]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:52:24 LOG_INFO [14836:3508]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:52:25 LOG_INFO [14836:3508]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:52:25 LOG_INFO [14836:3508]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:52:25 LOG_ERR [14836:3508]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:52:25 LOG_ERR [14836:3508]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:52:25 LOG_INFO [14836:3508]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:52:25 LOG_INFO [14836:3508]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:52:26 LOG_INFO [14836:3508]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:52:26 LOG_INFO [14836:3508]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:52:26 LOG_INFO [14836:3508]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:52:26 LOG_INFO [14836:3508]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:52:26 LOG_ERR [14836:3508]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:52:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3508]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:53:26 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:53:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:53:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:53:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:53:26 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 34 times...
2024.01.20 19:53:26 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:53:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:2316]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:53:26 LOG_INFO [14836:2316]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:53:27 LOG_INFO [14836:2316]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:53:27 LOG_INFO [14836:2316]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:53:27 LOG_ERR [14836:2316]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:53:27 LOG_ERR [14836:2316]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:53:27 LOG_INFO [14836:2316]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:53:27 LOG_INFO [14836:2316]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:53:27 LOG_INFO [14836:2316]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:53:27 LOG_INFO [14836:2316]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:53:27 LOG_INFO [14836:2316]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:53:27 LOG_INFO [14836:2316]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:53:27 LOG_ERR [14836:2316]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:53:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:2316]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:54:27 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:54:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:54:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:54:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:54:27 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 35 times...
2024.01.20 19:54:27 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:54:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:4864]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:54:27 LOG_INFO [14836:4864]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:54:28 LOG_INFO [14836:4864]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:54:28 LOG_INFO [14836:4864]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:54:28 LOG_ERR [14836:4864]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:54:28 LOG_ERR [14836:4864]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:54:28 LOG_INFO [14836:4864]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:54:28 LOG_INFO [14836:4864]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:54:28 LOG_INFO [14836:4864]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:54:28 LOG_INFO [14836:4864]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:54:28 LOG_INFO [14836:4864]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:54:28 LOG_INFO [14836:4864]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:54:28 LOG_ERR [14836:4864]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:54:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:4864]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:55:28 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:55:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:55:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:55:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:55:28 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 36 times...
2024.01.20 19:55:28 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:55:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9512]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:55:28 LOG_INFO [14836:9512]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:55:29 LOG_INFO [14836:9512]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:55:29 LOG_INFO [14836:9512]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:55:29 LOG_ERR [14836:9512]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:55:29 LOG_ERR [14836:9512]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:55:29 LOG_INFO [14836:9512]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:55:29 LOG_INFO [14836:9512]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:55:30 LOG_INFO [14836:9512]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:55:30 LOG_INFO [14836:9512]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:55:30 LOG_INFO [14836:9512]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:55:30 LOG_INFO [14836:9512]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:55:30 LOG_ERR [14836:9512]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:55:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9512]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:56:30 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:56:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:56:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:56:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:56:30 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 37 times...
2024.01.20 19:56:30 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:56:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3240]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:56:30 LOG_INFO [14836:3240]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:56:31 LOG_INFO [14836:3240]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:56:31 LOG_INFO [14836:3240]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:56:31 LOG_ERR [14836:3240]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:56:31 LOG_ERR [14836:3240]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:56:31 LOG_INFO [14836:3240]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:56:31 LOG_INFO [14836:3240]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:56:31 LOG_INFO [14836:3240]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:56:31 LOG_INFO [14836:3240]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:56:31 LOG_INFO [14836:3240]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:56:31 LOG_INFO [14836:3240]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:56:31 LOG_ERR [14836:3240]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:56:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3240]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:57:31 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:57:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:57:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:57:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:57:31 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 38 times...
2024.01.20 19:57:31 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:57:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8796]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:57:31 LOG_INFO [14836:8796]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:57:32 LOG_INFO [14836:8796]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:57:32 LOG_INFO [14836:8796]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:57:32 LOG_ERR [14836:8796]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:57:32 LOG_ERR [14836:8796]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:57:32 LOG_INFO [14836:8796]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:57:32 LOG_INFO [14836:8796]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:57:32 LOG_INFO [14836:8796]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:57:32 LOG_INFO [14836:8796]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:57:32 LOG_INFO [14836:8796]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:57:32 LOG_INFO [14836:8796]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:57:32 LOG_ERR [14836:8796]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:57:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8796]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:58:32 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:58:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:58:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:58:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:58:32 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 39 times...
2024.01.20 19:58:32 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:58:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18904]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:58:32 LOG_INFO [14836:18904]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:58:33 LOG_INFO [14836:18904]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:58:33 LOG_INFO [14836:18904]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:58:33 LOG_ERR [14836:18904]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:58:33 LOG_ERR [14836:18904]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:58:33 LOG_INFO [14836:18904]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:58:33 LOG_INFO [14836:18904]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:58:34 LOG_INFO [14836:18904]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:58:34 LOG_INFO [14836:18904]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:58:34 LOG_INFO [14836:18904]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:58:34 LOG_INFO [14836:18904]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:58:34 LOG_ERR [14836:18904]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:58:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18904]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:59:34 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 19:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 19:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 19:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 19:59:34 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 40 times...
2024.01.20 19:59:34 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 19:59:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17012]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 19:59:34 LOG_INFO [14836:17012]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:59:35 LOG_INFO [14836:17012]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 19:59:35 LOG_INFO [14836:17012]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 19:59:35 LOG_ERR [14836:17012]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 19:59:35 LOG_ERR [14836:17012]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 19:59:35 LOG_INFO [14836:17012]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 19:59:35 LOG_INFO [14836:17012]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 19:59:35 LOG_INFO [14836:17012]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 19:59:35 LOG_INFO [14836:17012]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 19:59:35 LOG_INFO [14836:17012]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 19:59:35 LOG_INFO [14836:17012]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 19:59:35 LOG_ERR [14836:17012]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 19:59:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17012]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:00:35 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:00:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:00:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:00:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:00:35 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 41 times...
2024.01.20 20:00:35 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:00:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19340]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:00:35 LOG_INFO [14836:19340]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:00:36 LOG_INFO [14836:19340]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:00:36 LOG_INFO [14836:19340]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:00:36 LOG_ERR [14836:19340]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:00:36 LOG_ERR [14836:19340]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:00:36 LOG_INFO [14836:19340]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:00:36 LOG_INFO [14836:19340]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:00:36 LOG_INFO [14836:19340]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:00:36 LOG_INFO [14836:19340]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:00:36 LOG_INFO [14836:19340]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:00:36 LOG_INFO [14836:19340]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:00:36 LOG_ERR [14836:19340]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:00:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19340]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:01:36 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:01:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:01:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:01:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:01:36 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 42 times...
2024.01.20 20:01:36 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:01:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17044]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:01:36 LOG_INFO [14836:17044]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:01:37 LOG_INFO [14836:17044]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:01:37 LOG_INFO [14836:17044]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:01:37 LOG_ERR [14836:17044]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:01:37 LOG_ERR [14836:17044]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:01:37 LOG_INFO [14836:17044]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:01:37 LOG_INFO [14836:17044]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:01:38 LOG_INFO [14836:17044]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:01:38 LOG_INFO [14836:17044]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:01:38 LOG_INFO [14836:17044]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:01:38 LOG_INFO [14836:17044]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:01:38 LOG_ERR [14836:17044]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:01:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17044]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:02:38 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:02:38 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 43 times...
2024.01.20 20:02:38 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:02:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20360]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:02:38 LOG_INFO [14836:20360]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:20360]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:20360]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:02:39 LOG_ERR [14836:20360]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:02:39 LOG_ERR [14836:20360]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:20360]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:20360]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:20360]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:20360]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:20360]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:02:39 LOG_INFO [14836:20360]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:02:39 LOG_ERR [14836:20360]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:02:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20360]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:03:39 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:03:39 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 44 times...
2024.01.20 20:03:39 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:03:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19552]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:03:39 LOG_INFO [14836:19552]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:03:40 LOG_INFO [14836:19552]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:03:40 LOG_INFO [14836:19552]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:03:40 LOG_ERR [14836:19552]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:03:40 LOG_ERR [14836:19552]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:03:40 LOG_INFO [14836:19552]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:03:40 LOG_INFO [14836:19552]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:03:40 LOG_INFO [14836:19552]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:03:40 LOG_INFO [14836:19552]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:03:40 LOG_INFO [14836:19552]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:03:40 LOG_INFO [14836:19552]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:03:40 LOG_ERR [14836:19552]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:03:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19552]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:04:40 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:04:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:04:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:04:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:04:40 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 45 times...
2024.01.20 20:04:40 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:04:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19240]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:04:40 LOG_INFO [14836:19240]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:04:41 LOG_INFO [14836:19240]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:04:41 LOG_INFO [14836:19240]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:04:41 LOG_ERR [14836:19240]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:04:41 LOG_ERR [14836:19240]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:04:41 LOG_INFO [14836:19240]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:04:41 LOG_INFO [14836:19240]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:04:42 LOG_INFO [14836:19240]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:04:42 LOG_INFO [14836:19240]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:04:42 LOG_INFO [14836:19240]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:04:42 LOG_INFO [14836:19240]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:04:42 LOG_ERR [14836:19240]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:04:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19240]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:05:42 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:05:42 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 46 times...
2024.01.20 20:05:42 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:05:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5144]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:05:42 LOG_INFO [14836:5144]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:05:43 LOG_INFO [14836:5144]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:05:43 LOG_INFO [14836:5144]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:05:43 LOG_ERR [14836:5144]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:05:43 LOG_ERR [14836:5144]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:05:43 LOG_INFO [14836:5144]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:05:43 LOG_INFO [14836:5144]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:05:43 LOG_INFO [14836:5144]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:05:43 LOG_INFO [14836:5144]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:05:43 LOG_INFO [14836:5144]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:05:43 LOG_INFO [14836:5144]: ========================SSL CHANNEL
2024.01.20 20:05:43 LOG_ERR [14836:5144]: Connect to failed
2024.01.20 20:05:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5144]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:06:43 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:06:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:06:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:06:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:06:43 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 47 times...
2024.01.20 20:06:43 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:06:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5712]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:06:43 LOG_INFO [14836:5712]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:06:44 LOG_INFO [14836:5712]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:06:44 LOG_INFO [14836:5712]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:06:44 LOG_ERR [14836:5712]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:06:44 LOG_ERR [14836:5712]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:06:44 LOG_INFO [14836:5712]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:06:44 LOG_INFO [14836:5712]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:06:44 LOG_INFO [14836:5712]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:06:44 LOG_INFO [14836:5712]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:06:44 LOG_INFO [14836:5712]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:06:44 LOG_INFO [14836:5712]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:06:44 LOG_ERR [14836:5712]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:06:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5712]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:07:44 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:07:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:07:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:07:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:07:44 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 48 times...
2024.01.20 20:07:44 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:07:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19900]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:07:44 LOG_INFO [14836:19900]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:07:45 LOG_INFO [14836:19900]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:07:45 LOG_INFO [14836:19900]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:07:45 LOG_ERR [14836:19900]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:07:45 LOG_ERR [14836:19900]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:07:45 LOG_INFO [14836:19900]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:07:45 LOG_INFO [14836:19900]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:07:46 LOG_INFO [14836:19900]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:07:46 LOG_INFO [14836:19900]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:07:46 LOG_INFO [14836:19900]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:07:46 LOG_INFO [14836:19900]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:07:46 LOG_ERR [14836:19900]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:07:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19900]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:08:46 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:08:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:08:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:08:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:08:46 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 49 times...
2024.01.20 20:08:46 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:08:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7504]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:08:46 LOG_INFO [14836:7504]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:08:47 LOG_INFO [14836:7504]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:08:47 LOG_INFO [14836:7504]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:08:47 LOG_ERR [14836:7504]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:08:47 LOG_ERR [14836:7504]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:08:47 LOG_INFO [14836:7504]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:08:47 LOG_INFO [14836:7504]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:08:47 LOG_INFO [14836:7504]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:08:47 LOG_INFO [14836:7504]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:08:47 LOG_INFO [14836:7504]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:08:47 LOG_INFO [14836:7504]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:08:47 LOG_ERR [14836:7504]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:08:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7504]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:09:47 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:09:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:09:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:09:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:09:47 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 50 times...
2024.01.20 20:09:47 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:09:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12208]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:09:47 LOG_INFO [14836:12208]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:09:48 LOG_INFO [14836:12208]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:09:48 LOG_INFO [14836:12208]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:09:48 LOG_ERR [14836:12208]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:09:48 LOG_ERR [14836:12208]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:09:48 LOG_INFO [14836:12208]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:09:48 LOG_INFO [14836:12208]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:09:48 LOG_INFO [14836:12208]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:09:48 LOG_INFO [14836:12208]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:09:48 LOG_INFO [14836:12208]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:09:48 LOG_INFO [14836:12208]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:09:48 LOG_ERR [14836:12208]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:09:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12208]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:10:48 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:10:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:10:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:10:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:10:48 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 51 times...
2024.01.20 20:10:48 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:10:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11496]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:10:48 LOG_INFO [14836:11496]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:10:49 LOG_INFO [14836:11496]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:10:49 LOG_INFO [14836:11496]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:10:49 LOG_ERR [14836:11496]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:10:49 LOG_ERR [14836:11496]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:10:49 LOG_INFO [14836:11496]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:10:49 LOG_INFO [14836:11496]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:10:49 LOG_INFO [14836:11496]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:10:50 LOG_INFO [14836:11496]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:10:50 LOG_INFO [14836:11496]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:10:50 LOG_INFO [14836:11496]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:10:50 LOG_ERR [14836:11496]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:10:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11496]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:11:50 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:11:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:11:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:11:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:11:50 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 52 times...
2024.01.20 20:11:50 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:11:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20868]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:11:50 LOG_INFO [14836:20868]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:11:51 LOG_INFO [14836:20868]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:11:51 LOG_INFO [14836:20868]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:11:51 LOG_ERR [14836:20868]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:11:51 LOG_ERR [14836:20868]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:11:51 LOG_INFO [14836:20868]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:11:51 LOG_INFO [14836:20868]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:11:51 LOG_INFO [14836:20868]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:11:51 LOG_INFO [14836:20868]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:11:51 LOG_INFO [14836:20868]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:11:51 LOG_INFO [14836:20868]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:11:51 LOG_ERR [14836:20868]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:11:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20868]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:12:51 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:12:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:12:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:12:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:12:51 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 53 times...
2024.01.20 20:12:51 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:12:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6196]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:12:51 LOG_INFO [14836:6196]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:12:52 LOG_INFO [14836:6196]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:12:52 LOG_INFO [14836:6196]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:12:52 LOG_ERR [14836:6196]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:12:52 LOG_ERR [14836:6196]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:12:52 LOG_INFO [14836:6196]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:12:52 LOG_INFO [14836:6196]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:12:52 LOG_INFO [14836:6196]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:12:52 LOG_INFO [14836:6196]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:12:52 LOG_INFO [14836:6196]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:12:52 LOG_INFO [14836:6196]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:12:52 LOG_ERR [14836:6196]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:12:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6196]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:13:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:13:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:13:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:13:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:13:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 54 times...
2024.01.20 20:13:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:13:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14800]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:13:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14800]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:13:53 LOG_INFO [14836:14800]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:13:53 LOG_INFO [14836:14800]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:13:53 LOG_ERR [14836:14800]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:13:53 LOG_ERR [14836:14800]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:13:53 LOG_INFO [14836:14800]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:13:53 LOG_INFO [14836:14800]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:13:53 LOG_INFO [14836:14800]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:13:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14800]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:13:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14800]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:13:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14800]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:13:54 LOG_ERR [14836:14800]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:13:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14800]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:14:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:14:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:14:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:14:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:14:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 55 times...
2024.01.20 20:14:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:14:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:21140]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:14:54 LOG_INFO [14836:21140]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:14:55 LOG_INFO [14836:21140]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:14:55 LOG_INFO [14836:21140]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:14:55 LOG_ERR [14836:21140]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:14:55 LOG_ERR [14836:21140]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:14:55 LOG_INFO [14836:21140]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:14:55 LOG_INFO [14836:21140]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:14:55 LOG_INFO [14836:21140]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:14:55 LOG_INFO [14836:21140]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:14:55 LOG_INFO [14836:21140]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:14:55 LOG_INFO [14836:21140]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:14:55 LOG_ERR [14836:21140]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:14:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:21140]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:15:55 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:15:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:15:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:15:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:15:55 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 56 times...
2024.01.20 20:15:55 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:15:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16196]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:15:55 LOG_INFO [14836:16196]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:15:56 LOG_INFO [14836:16196]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:15:56 LOG_INFO [14836:16196]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:15:56 LOG_ERR [14836:16196]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:15:56 LOG_ERR [14836:16196]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:15:56 LOG_INFO [14836:16196]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:15:56 LOG_INFO [14836:16196]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:15:56 LOG_INFO [14836:16196]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:15:56 LOG_INFO [14836:16196]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:15:56 LOG_INFO [14836:16196]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:15:56 LOG_INFO [14836:16196]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:15:56 LOG_ERR [14836:16196]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:15:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16196]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:16:56 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:16:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:16:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:16:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:16:56 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 57 times...
2024.01.20 20:16:56 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:16:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20412]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:16:56 LOG_INFO [14836:20412]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:16:57 LOG_INFO [14836:20412]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:16:57 LOG_INFO [14836:20412]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:16:57 LOG_ERR [14836:20412]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:16:57 LOG_ERR [14836:20412]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:16:57 LOG_INFO [14836:20412]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:16:57 LOG_INFO [14836:20412]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:16:58 LOG_INFO [14836:20412]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:16:58 LOG_INFO [14836:20412]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:16:58 LOG_INFO [14836:20412]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:16:58 LOG_INFO [14836:20412]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:16:58 LOG_ERR [14836:20412]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:16:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20412]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:17:58 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:17:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:17:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:17:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:17:58 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 58 times...
2024.01.20 20:17:58 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:17:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20768]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:17:58 LOG_INFO [14836:20768]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:17:59 LOG_INFO [14836:20768]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:17:59 LOG_INFO [14836:20768]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:17:59 LOG_ERR [14836:20768]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:17:59 LOG_ERR [14836:20768]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:17:59 LOG_INFO [14836:20768]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:17:59 LOG_INFO [14836:20768]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:17:59 LOG_INFO [14836:20768]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:17:59 LOG_INFO [14836:20768]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:17:59 LOG_INFO [14836:20768]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:17:59 LOG_INFO [14836:20768]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:17:59 LOG_ERR [14836:20768]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:17:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20768]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:18:59 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:18:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:18:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:18:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:18:59 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 59 times...
2024.01.20 20:18:59 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:18:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5672]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:18:59 LOG_INFO [14836:5672]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:19:00 LOG_INFO [14836:5672]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:19:00 LOG_INFO [14836:5672]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:19:00 LOG_ERR [14836:5672]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:19:00 LOG_ERR [14836:5672]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:19:00 LOG_INFO [14836:5672]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:19:00 LOG_INFO [14836:5672]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:19:00 LOG_INFO [14836:5672]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:19:00 LOG_INFO [14836:5672]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:19:00 LOG_INFO [14836:5672]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:19:00 LOG_INFO [14836:5672]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:19:00 LOG_ERR [14836:5672]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:19:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5672]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:20:00 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:20:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:20:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:20:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:20:00 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 60 times...
2024.01.20 20:20:00 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:20:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17280]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:20:00 LOG_INFO [14836:17280]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:20:01 LOG_INFO [14836:17280]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:20:01 LOG_INFO [14836:17280]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:20:01 LOG_ERR [14836:17280]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:20:01 LOG_ERR [14836:17280]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:20:01 LOG_INFO [14836:17280]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:20:01 LOG_INFO [14836:17280]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:20:02 LOG_INFO [14836:17280]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:20:02 LOG_INFO [14836:17280]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:20:02 LOG_INFO [14836:17280]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:20:02 LOG_INFO [14836:17280]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:20:02 LOG_ERR [14836:17280]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:20:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17280]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:21:02 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:21:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:21:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:21:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:21:02 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 61 times...
2024.01.20 20:21:02 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:21:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17780]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:21:02 LOG_INFO [14836:17780]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:21:03 LOG_INFO [14836:17780]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:21:03 LOG_INFO [14836:17780]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:21:03 LOG_ERR [14836:17780]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:21:03 LOG_ERR [14836:17780]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:21:03 LOG_INFO [14836:17780]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:21:03 LOG_INFO [14836:17780]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:21:03 LOG_INFO [14836:17780]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:21:03 LOG_INFO [14836:17780]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:21:03 LOG_INFO [14836:17780]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:21:03 LOG_INFO [14836:17780]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:21:03 LOG_ERR [14836:17780]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:21:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17780]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:22:03 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:22:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:22:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:22:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:22:03 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 62 times...
2024.01.20 20:22:03 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:22:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19524]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:22:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19524]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:22:04 LOG_INFO [14836:19524]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:22:04 LOG_INFO [14836:19524]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:22:04 LOG_ERR [14836:19524]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:22:04 LOG_ERR [14836:19524]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:22:04 LOG_INFO [14836:19524]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:22:04 LOG_INFO [14836:19524]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:22:04 LOG_INFO [14836:19524]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:22:04 LOG_INFO [14836:19524]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:22:04 LOG_INFO [14836:19524]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:22:04 LOG_INFO [14836:19524]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:22:04 LOG_ERR [14836:19524]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:22:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19524]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:23:04 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:23:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:23:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:23:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:23:04 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 63 times...
2024.01.20 20:23:04 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:23:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5456]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:23:04 LOG_INFO [14836:5456]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:23:05 LOG_INFO [14836:5456]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:23:05 LOG_INFO [14836:5456]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:23:05 LOG_ERR [14836:5456]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:23:05 LOG_ERR [14836:5456]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:23:05 LOG_INFO [14836:5456]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:23:05 LOG_INFO [14836:5456]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:23:06 LOG_INFO [14836:5456]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:23:06 LOG_INFO [14836:5456]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:23:06 LOG_INFO [14836:5456]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:23:06 LOG_INFO [14836:5456]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:23:06 LOG_ERR [14836:5456]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:23:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5456]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:24:06 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:24:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:24:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:24:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:24:06 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 64 times...
2024.01.20 20:24:06 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:24:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20440]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:24:06 LOG_INFO [14836:20440]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:24:07 LOG_INFO [14836:20440]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:24:07 LOG_INFO [14836:20440]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:24:07 LOG_ERR [14836:20440]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:24:07 LOG_ERR [14836:20440]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:24:07 LOG_INFO [14836:20440]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:24:07 LOG_INFO [14836:20440]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:24:07 LOG_INFO [14836:20440]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:24:07 LOG_INFO [14836:20440]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:24:07 LOG_INFO [14836:20440]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:24:07 LOG_INFO [14836:20440]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:24:07 LOG_ERR [14836:20440]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:24:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20440]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:25:07 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:25:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:25:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:25:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:25:07 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 65 times...
2024.01.20 20:25:07 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:25:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9784]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:25:07 LOG_INFO [14836:9784]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:25:08 LOG_INFO [14836:9784]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:25:08 LOG_INFO [14836:9784]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:25:08 LOG_ERR [14836:9784]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:25:08 LOG_ERR [14836:9784]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:25:08 LOG_INFO [14836:9784]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:25:08 LOG_INFO [14836:9784]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:25:08 LOG_INFO [14836:9784]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:25:08 LOG_INFO [14836:9784]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:25:08 LOG_INFO [14836:9784]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:25:08 LOG_INFO [14836:9784]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:25:08 LOG_ERR [14836:9784]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:25:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9784]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:26:08 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:26:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:26:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:26:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:26:08 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 66 times...
2024.01.20 20:26:08 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:26:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18864]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:26:08 LOG_INFO [14836:18864]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:26:09 LOG_INFO [14836:18864]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:26:09 LOG_INFO [14836:18864]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:26:09 LOG_ERR [14836:18864]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:26:09 LOG_ERR [14836:18864]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:26:09 LOG_INFO [14836:18864]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:26:09 LOG_INFO [14836:18864]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:26:10 LOG_INFO [14836:18864]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:26:10 LOG_INFO [14836:18864]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:26:10 LOG_INFO [14836:18864]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:26:10 LOG_INFO [14836:18864]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:26:10 LOG_ERR [14836:18864]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:26:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18864]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:27:10 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:27:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:27:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:27:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:27:10 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 67 times...
2024.01.20 20:27:10 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:27:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18456]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:27:10 LOG_INFO [14836:18456]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:27:11 LOG_INFO [14836:18456]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:27:11 LOG_INFO [14836:18456]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:27:11 LOG_ERR [14836:18456]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:27:11 LOG_ERR [14836:18456]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:27:11 LOG_INFO [14836:18456]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:27:11 LOG_INFO [14836:18456]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:27:11 LOG_INFO [14836:18456]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:27:11 LOG_INFO [14836:18456]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:27:11 LOG_INFO [14836:18456]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:27:11 LOG_INFO [14836:18456]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:27:11 LOG_ERR [14836:18456]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:27:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18456]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:28:11 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:28:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:28:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:28:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:28:11 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 68 times...
2024.01.20 20:28:11 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:28:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17456]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:28:11 LOG_INFO [14836:17456]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:28:12 LOG_INFO [14836:17456]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:28:12 LOG_INFO [14836:17456]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:28:12 LOG_ERR [14836:17456]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:28:12 LOG_ERR [14836:17456]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:28:12 LOG_INFO [14836:17456]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:28:12 LOG_INFO [14836:17456]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:28:12 LOG_INFO [14836:17456]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:28:12 LOG_INFO [14836:17456]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:28:12 LOG_INFO [14836:17456]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:28:12 LOG_INFO [14836:17456]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:28:12 LOG_ERR [14836:17456]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:28:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17456]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:29:12 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:29:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:29:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:29:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:29:12 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 69 times...
2024.01.20 20:29:12 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:29:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:2144]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:29:12 LOG_INFO [14836:2144]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:29:13 LOG_INFO [14836:2144]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:29:13 LOG_INFO [14836:2144]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:29:13 LOG_ERR [14836:2144]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:29:13 LOG_ERR [14836:2144]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:29:13 LOG_INFO [14836:2144]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:29:13 LOG_INFO [14836:2144]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:29:14 LOG_INFO [14836:2144]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:29:14 LOG_INFO [14836:2144]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:29:14 LOG_INFO [14836:2144]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:29:14 LOG_INFO [14836:2144]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:29:14 LOG_ERR [14836:2144]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:29:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:2144]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:30:14 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:30:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:30:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:30:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:30:14 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 70 times...
2024.01.20 20:30:14 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:30:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3716]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:30:14 LOG_INFO [14836:3716]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:30:15 LOG_INFO [14836:3716]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:30:15 LOG_INFO [14836:3716]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:30:15 LOG_ERR [14836:3716]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:30:15 LOG_ERR [14836:3716]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:30:15 LOG_INFO [14836:3716]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:30:15 LOG_INFO [14836:3716]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:30:15 LOG_INFO [14836:3716]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:30:15 LOG_INFO [14836:3716]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:30:15 LOG_INFO [14836:3716]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:30:15 LOG_INFO [14836:3716]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:30:15 LOG_ERR [14836:3716]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:30:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3716]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:31:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:31:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:31:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:31:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:31:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 71 times...
2024.01.20 20:31:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:31:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:21292]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:31:15 LOG_INFO [14836:21292]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:31:16 LOG_INFO [14836:21292]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:31:16 LOG_INFO [14836:21292]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:31:16 LOG_ERR [14836:21292]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:31:16 LOG_ERR [14836:21292]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:31:16 LOG_INFO [14836:21292]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:31:16 LOG_INFO [14836:21292]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:31:16 LOG_INFO [14836:21292]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:31:16 LOG_INFO [14836:21292]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:31:16 LOG_INFO [14836:21292]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:31:16 LOG_INFO [14836:21292]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:31:16 LOG_ERR [14836:21292]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:31:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:21292]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:32:16 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:32:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:32:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:32:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:32:16 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 72 times...
2024.01.20 20:32:16 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:32:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5772]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:32:16 LOG_INFO [14836:5772]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:32:17 LOG_INFO [14836:5772]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:32:17 LOG_INFO [14836:5772]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:32:17 LOG_ERR [14836:5772]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:32:17 LOG_ERR [14836:5772]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:32:17 LOG_INFO [14836:5772]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:32:17 LOG_INFO [14836:5772]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:32:18 LOG_INFO [14836:5772]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:32:18 LOG_INFO [14836:5772]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:32:18 LOG_INFO [14836:5772]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:32:18 LOG_INFO [14836:5772]: ========================SSL CHANNEL
2024.01.20 20:32:18 LOG_ERR [14836:5772]: Connect to failed
2024.01.20 20:32:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5772]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:33:18 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:33:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:33:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:33:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:33:18 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 73 times...
2024.01.20 20:33:18 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:33:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9892]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:33:18 LOG_INFO [14836:9892]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:33:19 LOG_INFO [14836:9892]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:33:19 LOG_INFO [14836:9892]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:33:19 LOG_ERR [14836:9892]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:33:19 LOG_ERR [14836:9892]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:33:19 LOG_INFO [14836:9892]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:33:19 LOG_INFO [14836:9892]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:33:19 LOG_INFO [14836:9892]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:33:19 LOG_INFO [14836:9892]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:33:19 LOG_INFO [14836:9892]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:33:19 LOG_INFO [14836:9892]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:33:19 LOG_ERR [14836:9892]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:33:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9892]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:34:19 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:34:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:34:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:34:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:34:19 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 74 times...
2024.01.20 20:34:19 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:34:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11048]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:34:19 LOG_INFO [14836:11048]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:34:20 LOG_INFO [14836:11048]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:34:20 LOG_INFO [14836:11048]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:34:20 LOG_ERR [14836:11048]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:34:20 LOG_ERR [14836:11048]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:34:20 LOG_INFO [14836:11048]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:34:20 LOG_INFO [14836:11048]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:34:20 LOG_INFO [14836:11048]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:34:20 LOG_INFO [14836:11048]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:34:20 LOG_INFO [14836:11048]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:34:20 LOG_INFO [14836:11048]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:34:20 LOG_ERR [14836:11048]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:34:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11048]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:35:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:35:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:35:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:35:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:35:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 75 times...
2024.01.20 20:35:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:35:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:164]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:35:20 LOG_INFO [14836:164]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:35:21 LOG_INFO [14836:164]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:35:21 LOG_INFO [14836:164]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:35:21 LOG_ERR [14836:164]: Connect to "" (
error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:35:21 LOG_ERR [14836:164]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:35:21 LOG_INFO [14836:164]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:35:21 LOG_INFO [14836:164]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:35:22 LOG_INFO [14836:164]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:35:22 LOG_INFO [14836:164]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:35:22 LOG_INFO [14836:164]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:35:22 LOG_INFO [14836:164]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:35:22 LOG_ERR [14836:164]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:35:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:164]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:36:22 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:36:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:36:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:36:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:36:22 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 76 times...
2024.01.20 20:36:22 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:36:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9164]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:36:22 LOG_INFO [14836:9164]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:36:23 LOG_INFO [14836:9164]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:36:23 LOG_INFO [14836:9164]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:36:23 LOG_ERR [14836:9164]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:36:23 LOG_ERR [14836:9164]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:36:23 LOG_INFO [14836:9164]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:36:23 LOG_INFO [14836:9164]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:36:23 LOG_INFO [14836:9164]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:36:23 LOG_INFO [14836:9164]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:36:23 LOG_INFO [14836:9164]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:36:23 LOG_INFO [14836:9164]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:36:23 LOG_ERR [14836:9164]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:36:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9164]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:37:23 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:37:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:37:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:37:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:37:23 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 77 times...
2024.01.20 20:37:23 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:37:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16024]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:37:23 LOG_INFO [14836:16024]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:37:24 LOG_INFO [14836:16024]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:37:24 LOG_INFO [14836:16024]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:37:24 LOG_ERR [14836:16024]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:37:24 LOG_ERR [14836:16024]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:37:24 LOG_INFO [14836:16024]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:37:24 LOG_INFO [14836:16024]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:37:24 LOG_INFO [14836:16024]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:37:24 LOG_INFO [14836:16024]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:37:24 LOG_INFO [14836:16024]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:37:24 LOG_INFO [14836:16024]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:37:24 LOG_ERR [14836:16024]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:37:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16024]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:38:24 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:38:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:38:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:38:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:38:24 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 78 times...
2024.01.20 20:38:24 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:38:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20608]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:38:24 LOG_INFO [14836:20608]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:38:25 LOG_INFO [14836:20608]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:38:25 LOG_INFO [14836:20608]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:38:25 LOG_ERR [14836:20608]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:38:25 LOG_ERR [14836:20608]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:38:25 LOG_INFO [14836:20608]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:38:25 LOG_INFO [14836:20608]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:38:26 LOG_INFO [14836:20608]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:38:26 LOG_INFO [14836:20608]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:38:26 LOG_INFO [14836:20608]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:38:26 LOG_INFO [14836:20608]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:38:26 LOG_ERR [14836:20608]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:38:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20608]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:39:26 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:39:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:39:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:39:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:39:26 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 79 times...
2024.01.20 20:39:26 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:39:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7652]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:39:26 LOG_INFO [14836:7652]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:39:27 LOG_INFO [14836:7652]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:39:27 LOG_INFO [14836:7652]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:39:27 LOG_ERR [14836:7652]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:39:27 LOG_ERR [14836:7652]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:39:27 LOG_INFO [14836:7652]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:39:27 LOG_INFO [14836:7652]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:39:27 LOG_INFO [14836:7652]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:39:27 LOG_INFO [14836:7652]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:39:27 LOG_INFO [14836:7652]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:39:27 LOG_INFO [14836:7652]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:39:27 LOG_ERR [14836:7652]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:39:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7652]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:40:27 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:40:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:40:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:40:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:40:27 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 80 times...
2024.01.20 20:40:27 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:40:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11180]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:40:27 LOG_INFO [14836:11180]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:40:28 LOG_INFO [14836:11180]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:40:28 LOG_INFO [14836:11180]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:40:28 LOG_ERR [14836:11180]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:40:28 LOG_ERR [14836:11180]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:40:28 LOG_INFO [14836:11180]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:40:28 LOG_INFO [14836:11180]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:40:28 LOG_INFO [14836:11180]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:40:28 LOG_INFO [14836:11180]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:40:28 LOG_INFO [14836:11180]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:40:28 LOG_INFO [14836:11180]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:40:28 LOG_ERR [14836:11180]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:40:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11180]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:41:28 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:41:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:41:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:41:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:41:28 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 81 times...
2024.01.20 20:41:28 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:41:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18532]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:41:28 LOG_INFO [14836:18532]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:41:29 LOG_INFO [14836:18532]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:41:29 LOG_INFO [14836:18532]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:41:29 LOG_ERR [14836:18532]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:41:29 LOG_ERR [14836:18532]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:41:29 LOG_INFO [14836:18532]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:41:29 LOG_INFO [14836:18532]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:41:30 LOG_INFO [14836:18532]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:41:30 LOG_INFO [14836:18532]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:41:30 LOG_INFO [14836:18532]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:41:30 LOG_INFO [14836:18532]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:41:30 LOG_ERR [14836:18532]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:41:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18532]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:42:30 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:42:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:42:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:42:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:42:30 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 82 times...
2024.01.20 20:42:30 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:42:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18336]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:42:30 LOG_INFO [14836:18336]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:42:31 LOG_INFO [14836:18336]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:42:31 LOG_INFO [14836:18336]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:42:31 LOG_ERR [14836:18336]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:42:31 LOG_ERR [14836:18336]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:42:31 LOG_INFO [14836:18336]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:42:31 LOG_INFO [14836:18336]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:42:31 LOG_INFO [14836:18336]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:42:31 LOG_INFO [14836:18336]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:42:31 LOG_INFO [14836:18336]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:42:31 LOG_INFO [14836:18336]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:42:31 LOG_ERR [14836:18336]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:42:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18336]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:43:31 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:43:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:43:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:43:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:43:31 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 83 times...
2024.01.20 20:43:31 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:43:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6312]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:43:31 LOG_INFO [14836:6312]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:43:32 LOG_INFO [14836:6312]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:43:32 LOG_INFO [14836:6312]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:43:32 LOG_ERR [14836:6312]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:43:32 LOG_ERR [14836:6312]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:43:32 LOG_INFO [14836:6312]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:43:32 LOG_INFO [14836:6312]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:43:32 LOG_INFO [14836:6312]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:43:32 LOG_INFO [14836:6312]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:43:32 LOG_INFO [14836:6312]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:43:32 LOG_INFO [14836:6312]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:43:32 LOG_ERR [14836:6312]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:43:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6312]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:44:32 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:44:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:44:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:44:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:44:32 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 84 times...
2024.01.20 20:44:32 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:44:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14804]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:44:32 LOG_INFO [14836:14804]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:44:33 LOG_INFO [14836:14804]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:44:33 LOG_INFO [14836:14804]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:44:33 LOG_ERR [14836:14804]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:44:33 LOG_ERR [14836:14804]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:44:33 LOG_INFO [14836:14804]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:44:33 LOG_INFO [14836:14804]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 26279728
2024.01.20 20:44:34 LOG_INFO [14836:14804]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:44:34 LOG_INFO [14836:14804]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:44:34 LOG_INFO [14836:14804]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:44:34 LOG_INFO [14836:14804]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:44:34 LOG_ERR [14836:14804]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:44:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14804]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:45:34 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:45:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:45:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:45:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:45:34 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 85 times...
2024.01.20 20:45:34 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:45:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:1656]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:45:34 LOG_INFO [14836:1656]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:45:35 LOG_INFO [14836:1656]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:45:35 LOG_INFO [14836:1656]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:45:35 LOG_ERR [14836:1656]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:45:35 LOG_ERR [14836:1656]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:45:35 LOG_INFO [14836:1656]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:45:35 LOG_INFO [14836:1656]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 26279728
2024.01.20 20:45:35 LOG_INFO [14836:1656]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:45:35 LOG_INFO [14836:1656]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:45:35 LOG_INFO [14836:1656]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:45:35 LOG_INFO [14836:1656]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:45:35 LOG_ERR [14836:1656]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:45:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:1656]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:46:35 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:46:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:46:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:46:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:46:35 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 86 times...
2024.01.20 20:46:35 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:46:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13088]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:46:35 LOG_INFO [14836:13088]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:46:36 LOG_INFO [14836:13088]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:46:36 LOG_INFO [14836:13088]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:46:36 LOG_ERR [14836:13088]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:46:36 LOG_ERR [14836:13088]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:46:36 LOG_INFO [14836:13088]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:46:36 LOG_INFO [14836:13088]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:46:36 LOG_INFO [14836:13088]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:46:36 LOG_INFO [14836:13088]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:46:36 LOG_INFO [14836:13088]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:46:36 LOG_INFO [14836:13088]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:46:36 LOG_ERR [14836:13088]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:46:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13088]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:47:36 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:47:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:47:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:47:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:47:36 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 87 times...
2024.01.20 20:47:36 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:47:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11712]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:47:36 LOG_INFO [14836:11712]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:47:37 LOG_INFO [14836:11712]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:47:37 LOG_INFO [14836:11712]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:47:37 LOG_ERR [14836:11712]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:47:37 LOG_ERR [14836:11712]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:47:37 LOG_INFO [14836:11712]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:47:37 LOG_INFO [14836:11712]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:47:38 LOG_INFO [14836:11712]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:47:38 LOG_INFO [14836:11712]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:47:38 LOG_INFO [14836:11712]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:47:38 LOG_INFO [14836:11712]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:47:38 LOG_ERR [14836:11712]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:47:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11712]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:48:38 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:48:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:48:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:48:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:48:38 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 88 times...
2024.01.20 20:48:38 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:48:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16868]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:48:38 LOG_INFO [14836:16868]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:48:39 LOG_INFO [14836:16868]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:48:39 LOG_INFO [14836:16868]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:48:39 LOG_ERR [14836:16868]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:48:39 LOG_ERR [14836:16868]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:48:39 LOG_INFO [14836:16868]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:48:39 LOG_INFO [14836:16868]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:48:39 LOG_INFO [14836:16868]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:48:39 LOG_INFO [14836:16868]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:48:39 LOG_INFO [14836:16868]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:48:39 LOG_INFO [14836:16868]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:48:39 LOG_ERR [14836:16868]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:48:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16868]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:49:39 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:49:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:49:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:49:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:49:39 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 89 times...
2024.01.20 20:49:39 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:49:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8188]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:49:39 LOG_INFO [14836:8188]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:49:40 LOG_INFO [14836:8188]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:49:40 LOG_INFO [14836:8188]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:49:40 LOG_ERR [14836:8188]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:49:40 LOG_ERR [14836:8188]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:49:40 LOG_INFO [14836:8188]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:49:40 LOG_INFO [14836:8188]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:49:40 LOG_INFO [14836:8188]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:49:40 LOG_INFO [14836:8188]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:49:40 LOG_INFO [14836:8188]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:49:40 LOG_INFO [14836:8188]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:49:40 LOG_ERR [14836:8188]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:49:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8188]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:50:40 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:50:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:50:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:50:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:50:40 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 90 times...
2024.01.20 20:50:40 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:50:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10492]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:50:40 LOG_INFO [14836:10492]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:50:41 LOG_INFO [14836:10492]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:50:41 LOG_INFO [14836:10492]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:50:41 LOG_ERR [14836:10492]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:50:41 LOG_ERR [14836:10492]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:50:41 LOG_INFO [14836:10492]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:50:41 LOG_INFO [14836:10492]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:50:42 LOG_INFO [14836:10492]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:50:42 LOG_INFO [14836:10492]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:50:42 LOG_INFO [14836:10492]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:50:42 LOG_INFO [14836:10492]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:50:42 LOG_ERR [14836:10492]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:50:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10492]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:51:42 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:51:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:51:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:51:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:51:42 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 91 times...
2024.01.20 20:51:42 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:51:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11316]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:51:42 LOG_INFO [14836:11316]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:51:43 LOG_INFO [14836:11316]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:51:43 LOG_INFO [14836:11316]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:51:43 LOG_ERR [14836:11316]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:51:43 LOG_ERR [14836:11316]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:51:43 LOG_INFO [14836:11316]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:51:43 LOG_INFO [14836:11316]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:51:43 LOG_INFO [14836:11316]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:51:43 LOG_INFO [14836:11316]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:51:43 LOG_INFO [14836:11316]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:51:43 LOG_INFO [14836:11316]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:51:43 LOG_ERR [14836:11316]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:51:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11316]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:52:43 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:52:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:52:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:52:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:52:43 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 92 times...
2024.01.20 20:52:43 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:52:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16452]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:52:43 LOG_INFO [14836:16452]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:52:44 LOG_INFO [14836:16452]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:52:44 LOG_INFO [14836:16452]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:52:44 LOG_ERR [14836:16452]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:52:44 LOG_ERR [14836:16452]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:52:44 LOG_INFO [14836:16452]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:52:44 LOG_INFO [14836:16452]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:52:44 LOG_INFO [14836:16452]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:52:44 LOG_INFO [14836:16452]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:52:44 LOG_INFO [14836:16452]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:52:44 LOG_INFO [14836:16452]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:52:44 LOG_ERR [14836:16452]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:52:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16452]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:53:44 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:53:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:53:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:53:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:53:44 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 93 times...
2024.01.20 20:53:44 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:53:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7876]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:53:44 LOG_INFO [14836:7876]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:53:45 LOG_INFO [14836:7876]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:53:45 LOG_INFO [14836:7876]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:53:45 LOG_ERR [14836:7876]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:53:45 LOG_ERR [14836:7876]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:53:45 LOG_INFO [14836:7876]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:53:45 LOG_INFO [14836:7876]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:53:46 LOG_INFO [14836:7876]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:53:46 LOG_INFO [14836:7876]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:53:46 LOG_INFO [14836:7876]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:53:46 LOG_INFO [14836:7876]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:53:46 LOG_ERR [14836:7876]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:53:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7876]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:54:46 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:54:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:54:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:54:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:54:46 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 94 times...
2024.01.20 20:54:46 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:54:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6804]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:54:46 LOG_INFO [14836:6804]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:54:47 LOG_INFO [14836:6804]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:54:47 LOG_INFO [14836:6804]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:54:47 LOG_ERR [14836:6804]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:54:47 LOG_ERR [14836:6804]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:54:47 LOG_INFO [14836:6804]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:54:47 LOG_INFO [14836:6804]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:54:47 LOG_INFO [14836:6804]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:54:47 LOG_INFO [14836:6804]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:54:47 LOG_INFO [14836:6804]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:54:47 LOG_INFO [14836:6804]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:54:47 LOG_ERR [14836:6804]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:54:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6804]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:55:47 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:55:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:55:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:55:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:55:47 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 95 times...
2024.01.20 20:55:47 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:55:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9472]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:55:47 LOG_INFO [14836:9472]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:55:48 LOG_INFO [14836:9472]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:55:48 LOG_INFO [14836:9472]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:55:48 LOG_ERR [14836:9472]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:55:48 LOG_ERR [14836:9472]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:55:48 LOG_INFO [14836:9472]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:55:48 LOG_INFO [14836:9472]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:55:48 LOG_INFO [14836:9472]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:55:48 LOG_INFO [14836:9472]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:55:48 LOG_INFO [14836:9472]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:55:48 LOG_INFO [14836:9472]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:55:48 LOG_ERR [14836:9472]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:55:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9472]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:56:48 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:56:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:56:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:56:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:56:48 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 96 times...
2024.01.20 20:56:48 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:56:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:21164]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:56:48 LOG_INFO [14836:21164]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:56:49 LOG_INFO [14836:21164]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:56:49 LOG_INFO [14836:21164]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:56:49 LOG_ERR [14836:21164]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:56:49 LOG_ERR [14836:21164]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:56:49 LOG_INFO [14836:21164]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:56:49 LOG_INFO [14836:21164]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:56:50 LOG_INFO [14836:21164]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:56:50 LOG_INFO [14836:21164]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:56:50 LOG_INFO [14836:21164]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:56:50 LOG_INFO [14836:21164]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:56:50 LOG_ERR [14836:21164]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:56:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:21164]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:57:50 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:57:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:57:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:57:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:57:50 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 97 times...
2024.01.20 20:57:50 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:57:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:15212]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:57:50 LOG_INFO [14836:15212]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:57:51 LOG_INFO [14836:15212]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:57:51 LOG_INFO [14836:15212]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:57:51 LOG_ERR [14836:15212]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:57:51 LOG_ERR [14836:15212]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:57:51 LOG_INFO [14836:15212]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:57:51 LOG_INFO [14836:15212]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:57:51 LOG_INFO [14836:15212]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:57:51 LOG_INFO [14836:15212]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:57:51 LOG_INFO [14836:15212]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:57:51 LOG_INFO [14836:15212]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:57:51 LOG_ERR [14836:15212]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:57:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:15212]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:58:51 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:58:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:58:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:58:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:58:51 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 98 times...
2024.01.20 20:58:51 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:58:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14420]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:58:51 LOG_INFO [14836:14420]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:58:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14420]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:58:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14420]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:58:52 LOG_ERR [14836:14420]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:58:52 LOG_ERR [14836:14420]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:58:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14420]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:58:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14420]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:58:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14420]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:58:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14420]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:58:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14420]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:58:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14420]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:58:52 LOG_ERR [14836:14420]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:58:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14420]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:59:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 20:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 20:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 20:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 20:59:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 99 times...
2024.01.20 20:59:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 20:59:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13832]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 20:59:52 LOG_INFO [14836:13832]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:59:53 LOG_INFO [14836:13832]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 20:59:53 LOG_INFO [14836:13832]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 20:59:53 LOG_ERR [14836:13832]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 20:59:53 LOG_ERR [14836:13832]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 20:59:53 LOG_INFO [14836:13832]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 20:59:53 LOG_INFO [14836:13832]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 20:59:54 LOG_INFO [14836:13832]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 20:59:54 LOG_INFO [14836:13832]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 20:59:54 LOG_INFO [14836:13832]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 20:59:54 LOG_INFO [14836:13832]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 20:59:54 LOG_ERR [14836:13832]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 20:59:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13832]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:00:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:00:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 100 times...
2024.01.20 21:00:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:00:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12924]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:00:54 LOG_INFO [14836:12924]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:00:55 LOG_INFO [14836:12924]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:00:55 LOG_INFO [14836:12924]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:00:55 LOG_ERR [14836:12924]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:00:55 LOG_ERR [14836:12924]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:00:55 LOG_INFO [14836:12924]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:00:55 LOG_INFO [14836:12924]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:00:55 LOG_INFO [14836:12924]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:00:55 LOG_INFO [14836:12924]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:00:55 LOG_INFO [14836:12924]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:00:55 LOG_INFO [14836:12924]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:00:55 LOG_ERR [14836:12924]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:00:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12924]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:01:55 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:01:55 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 101 times...
2024.01.20 21:01:55 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:01:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:15112]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:01:55 LOG_INFO [14836:15112]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:01:56 LOG_INFO [14836:15112]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:01:56 LOG_INFO [14836:15112]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:01:56 LOG_ERR [14836:15112]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:01:56 LOG_ERR [14836:15112]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:01:56 LOG_INFO [14836:15112]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:01:56 LOG_INFO [14836:15112]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:01:56 LOG_INFO [14836:15112]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:01:56 LOG_INFO [14836:15112]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:01:56 LOG_INFO [14836:15112]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:01:56 LOG_INFO [14836:15112]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:01:56 LOG_ERR [14836:15112]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:01:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:15112]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:02:56 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:02:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:02:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:02:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:02:56 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 102 times...
2024.01.20 21:02:56 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:02:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3640]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:02:56 LOG_INFO [14836:3640]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:02:57 LOG_INFO [14836:3640]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:02:57 LOG_INFO [14836:3640]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:02:57 LOG_ERR [14836:3640]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:02:57 LOG_ERR [14836:3640]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:02:57 LOG_INFO [14836:3640]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:02:57 LOG_INFO [14836:3640]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:02:58 LOG_INFO [14836:3640]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:02:58 LOG_INFO [14836:3640]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:02:58 LOG_INFO [14836:3640]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:02:58 LOG_INFO [14836:3640]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:02:58 LOG_ERR [14836:3640]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:02:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3640]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:03:58 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:03:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:03:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:03:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:03:58 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 103 times...
2024.01.20 21:03:58 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:03:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10144]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:03:58 LOG_INFO [14836:10144]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:03:59 LOG_INFO [14836:10144]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:03:59 LOG_INFO [14836:10144]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:03:59 LOG_ERR [14836:10144]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:03:59 LOG_ERR [14836:10144]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:03:59 LOG_INFO [14836:10144]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:03:59 LOG_INFO [14836:10144]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:03:59 LOG_INFO [14836:10144]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:03:59 LOG_INFO [14836:10144]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:03:59 LOG_INFO [14836:10144]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:03:59 LOG_INFO [14836:10144]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:03:59 LOG_ERR [14836:10144]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:03:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10144]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:04:59 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:04:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:04:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:04:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:04:59 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 104 times...
2024.01.20 21:04:59 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:04:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10804]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:04:59 LOG_INFO [14836:10804]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:05:00 LOG_INFO [14836:10804]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:05:00 LOG_INFO [14836:10804]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:05:00 LOG_ERR [14836:10804]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:05:00 LOG_ERR [14836:10804]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:05:00 LOG_INFO [14836:10804]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:05:00 LOG_INFO [14836:10804]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:05:00 LOG_INFO [14836:10804]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:05:00 LOG_INFO [14836:10804]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:05:00 LOG_INFO [14836:10804]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:05:00 LOG_INFO [14836:10804]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:05:00 LOG_ERR [14836:10804]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:05:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10804]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:06:00 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:06:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:06:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:06:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:06:00 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 105 times...
2024.01.20 21:06:00 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:06:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7664]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:06:00 LOG_INFO [14836:7664]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:06:01 LOG_INFO [14836:7664]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:06:01 LOG_INFO [14836:7664]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:06:01 LOG_ERR [14836:7664]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:06:01 LOG_ERR [14836:7664]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:06:01 LOG_INFO [14836:7664]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:06:01 LOG_INFO [14836:7664]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:06:02 LOG_INFO [14836:7664]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:06:02 LOG_INFO [14836:7664]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:06:02 LOG_INFO [14836:7664]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:06:02 LOG_INFO [14836:7664]: ========================SSL CHANNEL
2024.01.20 21:06:02 LOG_ERR [14836:7664]: Connect to failed
2024.01.20 21:06:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7664]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:07:02 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:07:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:07:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:07:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:07:02 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 106 times...
2024.01.20 21:07:02 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:07:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7936]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:07:02 LOG_INFO [14836:7936]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:07:03 LOG_INFO [14836:7936]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:07:03 LOG_INFO [14836:7936]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:07:03 LOG_ERR [14836:7936]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:07:03 LOG_ERR [14836:7936]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:07:03 LOG_INFO [14836:7936]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:07:03 LOG_INFO [14836:7936]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:07:03 LOG_INFO [14836:7936]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:07:03 LOG_INFO [14836:7936]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:07:03 LOG_INFO [14836:7936]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:07:03 LOG_INFO [14836:7936]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:07:03 LOG_ERR [14836:7936]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:07:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7936]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:08:03 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:08:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:08:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:08:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:08:03 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 107 times...
2024.01.20 21:08:03 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:08:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8588]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:08:03 LOG_INFO [14836:8588]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:08:04 LOG_INFO [14836:8588]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:08:04 LOG_INFO [14836:8588]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:08:04 LOG_ERR [14836:8588]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:08:04 LOG_ERR [14836:8588]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:08:04 LOG_INFO [14836:8588]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:08:04 LOG_INFO [14836:8588]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:08:04 LOG_INFO [14836:8588]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:08:04 LOG_INFO [14836:8588]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:08:04 LOG_INFO [14836:8588]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:08:04 LOG_INFO [14836:8588]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:08:04 LOG_ERR [14836:8588]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:08:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8588]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:09:04 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:09:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:09:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:09:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:09:04 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 108 times...
2024.01.20 21:09:04 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:09:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19764]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:09:04 LOG_INFO [14836:19764]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:09:05 LOG_INFO [14836:19764]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:09:05 LOG_INFO [14836:19764]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:09:05 LOG_ERR [14836:19764]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:09:05 LOG_ERR [14836:19764]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:09:05 LOG_INFO [14836:19764]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:09:05 LOG_INFO [14836:19764]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:09:06 LOG_INFO [14836:19764]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:09:06 LOG_INFO [14836:19764]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:09:06 LOG_INFO [14836:19764]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:09:06 LOG_INFO [14836:19764]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:09:06 LOG_ERR [14836:19764]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:09:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19764]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:10:06 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:10:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:10:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:10:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:10:06 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 109 times...
2024.01.20 21:10:06 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:10:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11592]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:10:06 LOG_INFO [14836:11592]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:10:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11592]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:10:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11592]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:10:07 LOG_ERR [14836:11592]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:10:07 LOG_ERR [14836:11592]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:10:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11592]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:10:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11592]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:10:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11592]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:10:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11592]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:10:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11592]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:10:07 LOG_INFO [14836:11592]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:10:07 LOG_ERR [14836:11592]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:10:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11592]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:11:07 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:11:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:11:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:11:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:11:07 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 110 times...
2024.01.20 21:11:07 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:11:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13964]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:11:07 LOG_INFO [14836:13964]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:11:08 LOG_INFO [14836:13964]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:11:08 LOG_INFO [14836:13964]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:11:08 LOG_ERR [14836:13964]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:11:08 LOG_ERR [14836:13964]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:11:08 LOG_INFO [14836:13964]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:11:08 LOG_INFO [14836:13964]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:11:08 LOG_INFO [14836:13964]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:11:08 LOG_INFO [14836:13964]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:11:08 LOG_INFO [14836:13964]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:11:08 LOG_INFO [14836:13964]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:11:08 LOG_ERR [14836:13964]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:11:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13964]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:12:08 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:12:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:12:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:12:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:12:08 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 111 times...
2024.01.20 21:12:08 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:12:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16904]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:12:08 LOG_INFO [14836:16904]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:12:09 LOG_INFO [14836:16904]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:12:09 LOG_INFO [14836:16904]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:12:09 LOG_ERR [14836:16904]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:12:09 LOG_ERR [14836:16904]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:12:09 LOG_INFO [14836:16904]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:12:09 LOG_INFO [14836:16904]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:12:10 LOG_INFO [14836:16904]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:12:10 LOG_INFO [14836:16904]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:12:10 LOG_INFO [14836:16904]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:12:10 LOG_INFO [14836:16904]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:12:10 LOG_ERR [14836:16904]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:12:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16904]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:13:10 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:13:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:13:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:13:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:13:10 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 112 times...
2024.01.20 21:13:10 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:13:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7604]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:13:10 LOG_INFO [14836:7604]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:13:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7604]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:13:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7604]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:13:11 LOG_ERR [14836:7604]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:13:11 LOG_ERR [14836:7604]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:13:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7604]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:13:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7604]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:13:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7604]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:13:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7604]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:13:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7604]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:13:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7604]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:13:11 LOG_ERR [14836:7604]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:13:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7604]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:14:11 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:14:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:14:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:14:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:14:11 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 113 times...
2024.01.20 21:14:11 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:14:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19408]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:14:11 LOG_INFO [14836:19408]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:14:12 LOG_INFO [14836:19408]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:14:12 LOG_INFO [14836:19408]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:14:12 LOG_ERR [14836:19408]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:14:12 LOG_ERR [14836:19408]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:14:12 LOG_INFO [14836:19408]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:14:12 LOG_INFO [14836:19408]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:14:12 LOG_INFO [14836:19408]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:14:12 LOG_INFO [14836:19408]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:14:12 LOG_INFO [14836:19408]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:14:12 LOG_INFO [14836:19408]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:14:12 LOG_ERR [14836:19408]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:14:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19408]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:15:12 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:15:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:15:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:15:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:15:12 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 114 times...
2024.01.20 21:15:12 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:15:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8856]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:15:12 LOG_INFO [14836:8856]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:15:13 LOG_INFO [14836:8856]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:15:13 LOG_INFO [14836:8856]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:15:13 LOG_ERR [14836:8856]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:15:13 LOG_ERR [14836:8856]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:15:13 LOG_INFO [14836:8856]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:15:13 LOG_INFO [14836:8856]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:15:13 LOG_INFO [14836:8856]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:15:14 LOG_INFO [14836:8856]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:15:14 LOG_INFO [14836:8856]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:15:14 LOG_INFO [14836:8856]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:15:14 LOG_ERR [14836:8856]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:15:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8856]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:16:14 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:16:14 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 115 times...
2024.01.20 21:16:14 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:16:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:1832]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:16:14 LOG_INFO [14836:1832]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:16:15 LOG_INFO [14836:1832]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:16:15 LOG_INFO [14836:1832]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:16:15 LOG_ERR [14836:1832]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:16:15 LOG_ERR [14836:1832]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:16:15 LOG_INFO [14836:1832]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:16:15 LOG_INFO [14836:1832]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:16:15 LOG_INFO [14836:1832]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:16:15 LOG_INFO [14836:1832]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:16:15 LOG_INFO [14836:1832]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:16:15 LOG_INFO [14836:1832]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:16:15 LOG_ERR [14836:1832]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:16:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:1832]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:17:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:17:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:17:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:17:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:17:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 116 times...
2024.01.20 21:17:15 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:17:15 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13856]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:17:15 LOG_INFO [14836:13856]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:17:16 LOG_INFO [14836:13856]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:17:16 LOG_INFO [14836:13856]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:17:16 LOG_ERR [14836:13856]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:17:16 LOG_ERR [14836:13856]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:17:16 LOG_INFO [14836:13856]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:17:16 LOG_INFO [14836:13856]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:17:16 LOG_INFO [14836:13856]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:17:16 LOG_INFO [14836:13856]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:17:16 LOG_INFO [14836:13856]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:17:16 LOG_INFO [14836:13856]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:17:16 LOG_ERR [14836:13856]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:17:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13856]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:18:16 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:18:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:18:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:18:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:18:16 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 117 times...
2024.01.20 21:18:16 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:18:16 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17564]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:18:16 LOG_INFO [14836:17564]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:18:17 LOG_INFO [14836:17564]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:18:17 LOG_INFO [14836:17564]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:18:17 LOG_ERR [14836:17564]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:18:17 LOG_ERR [14836:17564]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:18:17 LOG_INFO [14836:17564]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:18:17 LOG_INFO [14836:17564]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:18:17 LOG_INFO [14836:17564]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:18:18 LOG_INFO [14836:17564]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:18:18 LOG_INFO [14836:17564]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:18:18 LOG_INFO [14836:17564]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:18:18 LOG_ERR [14836:17564]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:18:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17564]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:19:18 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:19:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:19:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:19:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:19:18 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 118 times...
2024.01.20 21:19:18 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:19:18 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5428]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:19:18 LOG_INFO [14836:5428]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:19:19 LOG_INFO [14836:5428]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:19:19 LOG_INFO [14836:5428]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:19:19 LOG_ERR [14836:5428]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:19:19 LOG_ERR [14836:5428]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:19:19 LOG_INFO [14836:5428]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:19:19 LOG_INFO [14836:5428]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:19:19 LOG_INFO [14836:5428]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:19:19 LOG_INFO [14836:5428]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:19:19 LOG_INFO [14836:5428]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:19:19 LOG_INFO [14836:5428]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:19:19 LOG_ERR [14836:5428]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:19:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:5428]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:20:19 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:20:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:20:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:20:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:20:19 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 119 times...
2024.01.20 21:20:19 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:20:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:15592]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:20:19 LOG_INFO [14836:15592]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:20:20 LOG_INFO [14836:15592]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:20:20 LOG_INFO [14836:15592]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:20:20 LOG_ERR [14836:15592]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:20:20 LOG_ERR [14836:15592]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:20:20 LOG_INFO [14836:15592]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:20:20 LOG_INFO [14836:15592]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:20:20 LOG_INFO [14836:15592]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:20:20 LOG_INFO [14836:15592]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:20:20 LOG_INFO [14836:15592]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:20:20 LOG_INFO [14836:15592]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:20:20 LOG_ERR [14836:15592]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:20:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:15592]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:21:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:21:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:21:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:21:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:21:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 120 times...
2024.01.20 21:21:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:21:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20520]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:21:20 LOG_INFO [14836:20520]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:21:21 LOG_INFO [14836:20520]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:21:21 LOG_INFO [14836:20520]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:21:21 LOG_ERR [14836:20520]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:21:21 LOG_ERR [14836:20520]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:21:21 LOG_INFO [14836:20520]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:21:21 LOG_INFO [14836:20520]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:21:21 LOG_INFO [14836:20520]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:21:22 LOG_INFO [14836:20520]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:21:22 LOG_INFO [14836:20520]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:21:22 LOG_INFO [14836:20520]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:21:22 LOG_ERR [14836:20520]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:21:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20520]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:22:22 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:22:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:22:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:22:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:22:22 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 121 times...
2024.01.20 21:22:22 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:22:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6800]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:22:22 LOG_INFO [14836:6800]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:22:23 LOG_INFO [14836:6800]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:22:23 LOG_INFO [14836:6800]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:22:23 LOG_ERR [14836:6800]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:22:23 LOG_ERR [14836:6800]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:22:23 LOG_INFO [14836:6800]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:22:23 LOG_INFO [14836:6800]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:22:23 LOG_INFO [14836:6800]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:22:23 LOG_INFO [14836:6800]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:22:23 LOG_INFO [14836:6800]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:22:23 LOG_INFO [14836:6800]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:22:23 LOG_ERR [14836:6800]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:22:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6800]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:23:23 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:23:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:23:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:23:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:23:23 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 122 times...
2024.01.20 21:23:23 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:23:23 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12484]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:23:23 LOG_INFO [14836:12484]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:23:24 LOG_INFO [14836:12484]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:23:24 LOG_INFO [14836:12484]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:23:24 LOG_ERR [14836:12484]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:23:24 LOG_ERR [14836:12484]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:23:24 LOG_INFO [14836:12484]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:23:24 LOG_INFO [14836:12484]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:23:24 LOG_INFO [14836:12484]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:23:24 LOG_INFO [14836:12484]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:23:24 LOG_INFO [14836:12484]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:23:24 LOG_INFO [14836:12484]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:23:24 LOG_ERR [14836:12484]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:23:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12484]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:24:24 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:24:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:24:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:24:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:24:24 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 123 times...
2024.01.20 21:24:24 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:24:24 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11776]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:24:24 LOG_INFO [14836:11776]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:24:25 LOG_INFO [14836:11776]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:24:25 LOG_INFO [14836:11776]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:24:25 LOG_ERR [14836:11776]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:24:25 LOG_ERR [14836:11776]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:24:25 LOG_INFO [14836:11776]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:24:25 LOG_INFO [14836:11776]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:24:25 LOG_INFO [14836:11776]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:24:26 LOG_INFO [14836:11776]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:24:26 LOG_INFO [14836:11776]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:24:26 LOG_INFO [14836:11776]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:24:26 LOG_ERR [14836:11776]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:24:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11776]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:25:26 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:25:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:25:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:25:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:25:26 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 124 times...
2024.01.20 21:25:26 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:25:26 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10096]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:25:26 LOG_INFO [14836:10096]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:25:27 LOG_INFO [14836:10096]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:25:27 LOG_INFO [14836:10096]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:25:27 LOG_ERR [14836:10096]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:25:27 LOG_ERR [14836:10096]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:25:27 LOG_INFO [14836:10096]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:25:27 LOG_INFO [14836:10096]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:25:27 LOG_INFO [14836:10096]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:25:27 LOG_INFO [14836:10096]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:25:27 LOG_INFO [14836:10096]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:25:27 LOG_INFO [14836:10096]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:25:27 LOG_ERR [14836:10096]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:25:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10096]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:26:27 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:26:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:26:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:26:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:26:27 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 125 times...
2024.01.20 21:26:27 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:26:27 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19520]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:26:27 LOG_INFO [14836:19520]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:26:28 LOG_INFO [14836:19520]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:26:28 LOG_INFO [14836:19520]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:26:28 LOG_ERR [14836:19520]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:26:28 LOG_ERR [14836:19520]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:26:28 LOG_INFO [14836:19520]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:26:28 LOG_INFO [14836:19520]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:26:28 LOG_INFO [14836:19520]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:26:28 LOG_INFO [14836:19520]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:26:28 LOG_INFO [14836:19520]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:26:28 LOG_INFO [14836:19520]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:26:28 LOG_ERR [14836:19520]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:26:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19520]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:27:28 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:27:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:27:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:27:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:27:28 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 126 times...
2024.01.20 21:27:28 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:27:28 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10380]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:27:28 LOG_INFO [14836:10380]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:27:29 LOG_INFO [14836:10380]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:27:29 LOG_INFO [14836:10380]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:27:29 LOG_ERR [14836:10380]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:27:29 LOG_ERR [14836:10380]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:27:29 LOG_INFO [14836:10380]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:27:29 LOG_INFO [14836:10380]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:27:29 LOG_INFO [14836:10380]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:27:30 LOG_INFO [14836:10380]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:27:30 LOG_INFO [14836:10380]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:27:30 LOG_INFO [14836:10380]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:27:30 LOG_ERR [14836:10380]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:27:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10380]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:28:30 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:28:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:28:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:28:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:28:30 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 127 times...
2024.01.20 21:28:30 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:28:30 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11164]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:28:30 LOG_INFO [14836:11164]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:28:31 LOG_INFO [14836:11164]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:28:31 LOG_INFO [14836:11164]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:28:31 LOG_ERR [14836:11164]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:28:31 LOG_ERR [14836:11164]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:28:31 LOG_INFO [14836:11164]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:28:31 LOG_INFO [14836:11164]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:28:31 LOG_INFO [14836:11164]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:28:31 LOG_INFO [14836:11164]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:28:31 LOG_INFO [14836:11164]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:28:31 LOG_INFO [14836:11164]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:28:31 LOG_ERR [14836:11164]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:28:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11164]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:29:31 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:29:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:29:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:29:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:29:31 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 128 times...
2024.01.20 21:29:31 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:29:31 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3648]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:29:31 LOG_INFO [14836:3648]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:29:32 LOG_INFO [14836:3648]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:29:32 LOG_INFO [14836:3648]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:29:32 LOG_ERR [14836:3648]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:29:32 LOG_ERR [14836:3648]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:29:32 LOG_INFO [14836:3648]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:29:32 LOG_INFO [14836:3648]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:29:32 LOG_INFO [14836:3648]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:29:32 LOG_INFO [14836:3648]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:29:32 LOG_INFO [14836:3648]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:29:32 LOG_INFO [14836:3648]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:29:32 LOG_ERR [14836:3648]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:29:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3648]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:30:32 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:30:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:30:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:30:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:30:32 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 129 times...
2024.01.20 21:30:32 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:30:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7148]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:30:32 LOG_INFO [14836:7148]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:30:33 LOG_INFO [14836:7148]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:30:33 LOG_INFO [14836:7148]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:30:33 LOG_ERR [14836:7148]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:30:33 LOG_ERR [14836:7148]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:30:33 LOG_INFO [14836:7148]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:30:33 LOG_INFO [14836:7148]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:30:33 LOG_INFO [14836:7148]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:30:34 LOG_INFO [14836:7148]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:30:34 LOG_INFO [14836:7148]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:30:34 LOG_INFO [14836:7148]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:30:34 LOG_ERR [14836:7148]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:30:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7148]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:31:34 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:31:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:31:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:31:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:31:34 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 130 times...
2024.01.20 21:31:34 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:31:34 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20884]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:31:34 LOG_INFO [14836:20884]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:31:35 LOG_INFO [14836:20884]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:31:35 LOG_INFO [14836:20884]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:31:35 LOG_ERR [14836:20884]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:31:35 LOG_ERR [14836:20884]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:31:35 LOG_INFO [14836:20884]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:31:35 LOG_INFO [14836:20884]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:31:35 LOG_INFO [14836:20884]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:31:35 LOG_INFO [14836:20884]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:31:35 LOG_INFO [14836:20884]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:31:35 LOG_INFO [14836:20884]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:31:35 LOG_ERR [14836:20884]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:31:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:20884]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:32:35 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:32:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:32:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:32:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:32:35 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 131 times...
2024.01.20 21:32:35 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:32:35 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12072]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:32:35 LOG_INFO [14836:12072]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:32:36 LOG_INFO [14836:12072]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:32:36 LOG_INFO [14836:12072]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:32:36 LOG_ERR [14836:12072]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:32:36 LOG_ERR [14836:12072]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:32:36 LOG_INFO [14836:12072]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:32:36 LOG_INFO [14836:12072]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:32:36 LOG_INFO [14836:12072]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:32:36 LOG_INFO [14836:12072]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:32:36 LOG_INFO [14836:12072]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:32:36 LOG_INFO [14836:12072]: ========================SSL CHANNEL
2024.01.20 21:32:36 LOG_ERR [14836:12072]: Connect to failed
2024.01.20 21:32:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12072]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:33:36 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:33:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:33:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:33:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:33:36 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 132 times...
2024.01.20 21:33:36 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:33:36 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19036]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:33:36 LOG_INFO [14836:19036]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:33:37 LOG_INFO [14836:19036]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:33:37 LOG_INFO [14836:19036]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:33:37 LOG_ERR [14836:19036]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:33:37 LOG_ERR [14836:19036]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:33:37 LOG_INFO [14836:19036]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:33:37 LOG_INFO [14836:19036]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:33:37 LOG_INFO [14836:19036]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:33:38 LOG_INFO [14836:19036]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:33:38 LOG_INFO [14836:19036]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:33:38 LOG_INFO [14836:19036]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:33:38 LOG_ERR [14836:19036]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:33:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19036]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:34:38 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:34:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:34:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:34:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:34:38 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 133 times...
2024.01.20 21:34:38 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:34:38 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18888]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:34:38 LOG_INFO [14836:18888]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:34:39 LOG_INFO [14836:18888]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:34:39 LOG_INFO [14836:18888]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:34:39 LOG_ERR [14836:18888]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:34:39 LOG_ERR [14836:18888]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:34:39 LOG_INFO [14836:18888]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:34:39 LOG_INFO [14836:18888]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:34:39 LOG_INFO [14836:18888]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:34:39 LOG_INFO [14836:18888]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:34:39 LOG_INFO [14836:18888]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:34:39 LOG_INFO [14836:18888]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:34:39 LOG_ERR [14836:18888]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:34:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18888]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:35:39 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:35:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:35:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:35:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:35:39 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 134 times...
2024.01.20 21:35:39 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:35:39 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6200]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:35:39 LOG_INFO [14836:6200]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:35:40 LOG_INFO [14836:6200]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:35:40 LOG_INFO [14836:6200]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:35:40 LOG_ERR [14836:6200]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:35:40 LOG_ERR [14836:6200]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:35:40 LOG_INFO [14836:6200]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:35:40 LOG_INFO [14836:6200]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:35:40 LOG_INFO [14836:6200]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:35:40 LOG_INFO [14836:6200]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:35:40 LOG_INFO [14836:6200]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:35:40 LOG_INFO [14836:6200]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:35:40 LOG_ERR [14836:6200]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:35:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6200]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:36:40 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:36:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:36:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:36:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:36:40 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 135 times...
2024.01.20 21:36:40 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:36:40 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18596]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:36:40 LOG_INFO [14836:18596]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:36:41 LOG_INFO [14836:18596]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:36:41 LOG_INFO [14836:18596]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:36:41 LOG_ERR [14836:18596]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:36:41 LOG_ERR [14836:18596]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:36:41 LOG_INFO [14836:18596]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:36:41 LOG_INFO [14836:18596]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:36:41 LOG_INFO [14836:18596]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:36:42 LOG_INFO [14836:18596]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:36:42 LOG_INFO [14836:18596]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:36:42 LOG_INFO [14836:18596]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:36:42 LOG_ERR [14836:18596]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:36:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18596]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:37:42 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:37:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:37:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:37:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:37:42 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 136 times...
2024.01.20 21:37:42 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:37:42 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8580]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:37:42 LOG_INFO [14836:8580]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:37:43 LOG_INFO [14836:8580]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:37:43 LOG_INFO [14836:8580]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:37:43 LOG_ERR [14836:8580]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:37:43 LOG_ERR [14836:8580]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:37:43 LOG_INFO [14836:8580]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:37:43 LOG_INFO [14836:8580]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:37:43 LOG_INFO [14836:8580]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:37:43 LOG_INFO [14836:8580]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:37:43 LOG_INFO [14836:8580]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:37:43 LOG_INFO [14836:8580]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:37:43 LOG_ERR [14836:8580]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:37:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8580]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:38:43 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:38:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:38:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:38:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:38:43 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 137 times...
2024.01.20 21:38:43 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:38:43 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13464]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:38:43 LOG_INFO [14836:13464]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:38:44 LOG_INFO [14836:13464]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:38:44 LOG_INFO [14836:13464]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:38:44 LOG_ERR [14836:13464]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:38:44 LOG_ERR [14836:13464]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:38:44 LOG_INFO [14836:13464]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:38:44 LOG_INFO [14836:13464]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:38:44 LOG_INFO [14836:13464]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:38:44 LOG_INFO [14836:13464]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:38:44 LOG_INFO [14836:13464]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:38:44 LOG_INFO [14836:13464]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:38:44 LOG_ERR [14836:13464]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:38:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13464]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:39:44 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:39:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:39:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:39:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:39:44 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 138 times...
2024.01.20 21:39:44 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:39:44 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12560]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:39:44 LOG_INFO [14836:12560]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:39:45 LOG_INFO [14836:12560]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:39:45 LOG_INFO [14836:12560]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:39:45 LOG_ERR [14836:12560]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:39:45 LOG_ERR [14836:12560]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:39:45 LOG_INFO [14836:12560]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:39:45 LOG_INFO [14836:12560]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:39:45 LOG_INFO [14836:12560]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:39:45 LOG_INFO [14836:12560]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:39:46 LOG_INFO [14836:12560]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:39:46 LOG_INFO [14836:12560]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:39:46 LOG_ERR [14836:12560]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:39:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12560]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:40:46 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:40:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:40:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:40:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:40:46 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 139 times...
2024.01.20 21:40:46 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:40:46 LOG_DEBUG [14836:4292]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:40:46 LOG_INFO [14836:4292]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:40:47 LOG_INFO [14836:4292]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:40:47 LOG_INFO [14836:4292]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:40:47 LOG_ERR [14836:4292]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:40:47 LOG_ERR [14836:4292]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:40:47 LOG_INFO [14836:4292]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:40:47 LOG_INFO [14836:4292]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:40:47 LOG_INFO [14836:4292]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:40:47 LOG_INFO [14836:4292]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:40:47 LOG_INFO [14836:4292]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:40:47 LOG_INFO [14836:4292]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:40:47 LOG_ERR [14836:4292]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:40:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:4292]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:41:47 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:41:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:41:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:41:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:41:47 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 140 times...
2024.01.20 21:41:47 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:41:47 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11540]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:41:47 LOG_INFO [14836:11540]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:41:48 LOG_INFO [14836:11540]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:41:48 LOG_INFO [14836:11540]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:41:48 LOG_ERR [14836:11540]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:41:48 LOG_ERR [14836:11540]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:41:48 LOG_INFO [14836:11540]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:41:48 LOG_INFO [14836:11540]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:41:48 LOG_INFO [14836:11540]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:41:48 LOG_INFO [14836:11540]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:41:48 LOG_INFO [14836:11540]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:41:48 LOG_INFO [14836:11540]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:41:48 LOG_ERR [14836:11540]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:41:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11540]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:42:48 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:42:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:42:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:42:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:42:48 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 141 times...
2024.01.20 21:42:48 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:42:48 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3844]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:42:48 LOG_INFO [14836:3844]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:42:49 LOG_INFO [14836:3844]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:42:49 LOG_INFO [14836:3844]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:42:49 LOG_ERR [14836:3844]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:42:49 LOG_ERR [14836:3844]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:42:49 LOG_INFO [14836:3844]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:42:49 LOG_INFO [14836:3844]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:42:49 LOG_INFO [14836:3844]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:42:50 LOG_INFO [14836:3844]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:42:50 LOG_INFO [14836:3844]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:42:50 LOG_INFO [14836:3844]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:42:50 LOG_ERR [14836:3844]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:42:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:3844]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:43:50 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:43:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:43:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:43:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:43:50 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 142 times...
2024.01.20 21:43:50 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:43:50 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17620]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:43:50 LOG_INFO [14836:17620]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:43:51 LOG_INFO [14836:17620]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:43:51 LOG_INFO [14836:17620]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:43:51 LOG_ERR [14836:17620]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:43:51 LOG_ERR [14836:17620]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:43:51 LOG_INFO [14836:17620]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:43:51 LOG_INFO [14836:17620]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:43:51 LOG_INFO [14836:17620]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:43:51 LOG_INFO [14836:17620]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:43:51 LOG_INFO [14836:17620]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:43:51 LOG_INFO [14836:17620]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:43:51 LOG_ERR [14836:17620]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:43:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17620]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:44:51 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:44:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:44:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:44:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:44:51 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 143 times...
2024.01.20 21:44:51 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:44:51 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17792]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:44:51 LOG_INFO [14836:17792]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:44:52 LOG_INFO [14836:17792]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:44:52 LOG_INFO [14836:17792]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:44:52 LOG_ERR [14836:17792]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:44:52 LOG_ERR [14836:17792]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:44:52 LOG_INFO [14836:17792]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:44:52 LOG_INFO [14836:17792]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:44:52 LOG_INFO [14836:17792]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:44:52 LOG_INFO [14836:17792]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:44:52 LOG_INFO [14836:17792]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:44:52 LOG_INFO [14836:17792]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:44:52 LOG_ERR [14836:17792]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:44:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17792]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:45:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:45:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:45:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:45:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:45:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 144 times...
2024.01.20 21:45:52 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:45:52 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10768]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:45:52 LOG_INFO [14836:10768]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:45:53 LOG_INFO [14836:10768]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:45:53 LOG_INFO [14836:10768]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:45:53 LOG_ERR [14836:10768]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:45:53 LOG_ERR [14836:10768]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:45:53 LOG_INFO [14836:10768]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:45:53 LOG_INFO [14836:10768]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:45:53 LOG_INFO [14836:10768]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:45:54 LOG_INFO [14836:10768]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:45:54 LOG_INFO [14836:10768]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:45:54 LOG_INFO [14836:10768]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:45:54 LOG_ERR [14836:10768]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:45:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10768]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:46:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:46:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:46:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:46:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:46:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 145 times...
2024.01.20 21:46:54 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:46:54 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7924]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:46:54 LOG_INFO [14836:7924]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:46:55 LOG_INFO [14836:7924]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:46:55 LOG_INFO [14836:7924]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:46:55 LOG_ERR [14836:7924]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:46:55 LOG_ERR [14836:7924]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:46:55 LOG_INFO [14836:7924]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:46:55 LOG_INFO [14836:7924]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:46:55 LOG_INFO [14836:7924]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:46:55 LOG_INFO [14836:7924]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:46:55 LOG_INFO [14836:7924]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:46:55 LOG_INFO [14836:7924]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:46:55 LOG_ERR [14836:7924]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:46:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7924]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:47:55 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:47:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:47:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:47:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:47:55 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 146 times...
2024.01.20 21:47:55 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:47:55 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19860]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:47:55 LOG_INFO [14836:19860]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:47:56 LOG_INFO [14836:19860]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:47:56 LOG_INFO [14836:19860]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:47:56 LOG_ERR [14836:19860]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:47:56 LOG_ERR [14836:19860]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:47:56 LOG_INFO [14836:19860]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:47:56 LOG_INFO [14836:19860]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:47:56 LOG_INFO [14836:19860]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:47:56 LOG_INFO [14836:19860]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:47:56 LOG_INFO [14836:19860]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:47:56 LOG_INFO [14836:19860]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:47:56 LOG_ERR [14836:19860]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:47:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19860]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:48:56 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:48:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:48:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:48:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:48:56 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 147 times...
2024.01.20 21:48:56 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:48:56 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6504]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:48:56 LOG_INFO [14836:6504]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:48:57 LOG_INFO [14836:6504]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:48:57 LOG_INFO [14836:6504]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:48:57 LOG_ERR [14836:6504]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:48:57 LOG_ERR [14836:6504]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:48:57 LOG_INFO [14836:6504]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:48:57 LOG_INFO [14836:6504]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:48:57 LOG_INFO [14836:6504]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:48:58 LOG_INFO [14836:6504]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:48:58 LOG_INFO [14836:6504]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:48:58 LOG_INFO [14836:6504]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:48:58 LOG_ERR [14836:6504]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:48:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:6504]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:49:58 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:49:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:49:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:49:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:49:58 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 148 times...
2024.01.20 21:49:58 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:49:58 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11600]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:49:58 LOG_INFO [14836:11600]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:49:59 LOG_INFO [14836:11600]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:49:59 LOG_INFO [14836:11600]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:49:59 LOG_ERR [14836:11600]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:49:59 LOG_ERR [14836:11600]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:49:59 LOG_INFO [14836:11600]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:49:59 LOG_INFO [14836:11600]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:49:59 LOG_INFO [14836:11600]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:49:59 LOG_INFO [14836:11600]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:49:59 LOG_INFO [14836:11600]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:49:59 LOG_INFO [14836:11600]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:49:59 LOG_ERR [14836:11600]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:49:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:11600]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:50:59 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:50:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:50:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:50:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:50:59 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 149 times...
2024.01.20 21:50:59 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:50:59 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12052]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:50:59 LOG_INFO [14836:12052]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:51:00 LOG_INFO [14836:12052]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:51:00 LOG_INFO [14836:12052]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:51:00 LOG_ERR [14836:12052]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:51:00 LOG_ERR [14836:12052]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:51:00 LOG_INFO [14836:12052]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:51:00 LOG_INFO [14836:12052]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:51:00 LOG_INFO [14836:12052]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:51:00 LOG_INFO [14836:12052]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:51:00 LOG_INFO [14836:12052]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:51:00 LOG_INFO [14836:12052]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:51:00 LOG_ERR [14836:12052]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:51:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:12052]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:52:00 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:52:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:52:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:52:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:52:00 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 150 times...
2024.01.20 21:52:00 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:52:00 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8956]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:52:00 LOG_INFO [14836:8956]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:52:01 LOG_INFO [14836:8956]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:52:01 LOG_INFO [14836:8956]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:52:01 LOG_ERR [14836:8956]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:52:01 LOG_ERR [14836:8956]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:52:01 LOG_INFO [14836:8956]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:52:01 LOG_INFO [14836:8956]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:52:01 LOG_INFO [14836:8956]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:52:02 LOG_INFO [14836:8956]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:52:02 LOG_INFO [14836:8956]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:52:02 LOG_INFO [14836:8956]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:52:02 LOG_ERR [14836:8956]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:52:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:8956]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:53:02 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:53:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:53:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:53:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:53:02 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 151 times...
2024.01.20 21:53:02 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:53:02 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19584]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:53:02 LOG_INFO [14836:19584]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:53:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19584]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:53:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19584]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:53:03 LOG_ERR [14836:19584]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:53:03 LOG_ERR [14836:19584]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:53:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19584]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:53:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19584]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:53:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19584]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:53:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19584]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:53:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19584]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:53:03 LOG_INFO [14836:19584]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:53:03 LOG_ERR [14836:19584]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:53:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:19584]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:54:03 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:54:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:54:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:54:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:54:03 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 152 times...
2024.01.20 21:54:03 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:54:03 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16420]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:54:03 LOG_INFO [14836:16420]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:54:04 LOG_INFO [14836:16420]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:54:04 LOG_INFO [14836:16420]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:54:04 LOG_ERR [14836:16420]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:54:04 LOG_ERR [14836:16420]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:54:04 LOG_INFO [14836:16420]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:54:04 LOG_INFO [14836:16420]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:54:04 LOG_INFO [14836:16420]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:54:04 LOG_INFO [14836:16420]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:54:04 LOG_INFO [14836:16420]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:54:04 LOG_INFO [14836:16420]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:54:04 LOG_ERR [14836:16420]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:54:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:16420]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:55:04 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:55:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:55:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:55:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:55:04 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 153 times...
2024.01.20 21:55:04 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:55:04 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17600]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:55:04 LOG_INFO [14836:17600]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:55:05 LOG_INFO [14836:17600]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:55:05 LOG_INFO [14836:17600]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:55:05 LOG_ERR [14836:17600]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:55:05 LOG_ERR [14836:17600]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:55:05 LOG_INFO [14836:17600]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:55:05 LOG_INFO [14836:17600]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:55:05 LOG_INFO [14836:17600]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:55:06 LOG_INFO [14836:17600]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:55:06 LOG_INFO [14836:17600]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:55:06 LOG_INFO [14836:17600]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:55:06 LOG_ERR [14836:17600]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:55:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:17600]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:56:06 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:56:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:56:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:56:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:56:06 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 154 times...
2024.01.20 21:56:06 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:56:06 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13332]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:56:06 LOG_INFO [14836:13332]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:56:07 LOG_INFO [14836:13332]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:56:07 LOG_INFO [14836:13332]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:56:07 LOG_ERR [14836:13332]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:56:07 LOG_ERR [14836:13332]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:56:07 LOG_INFO [14836:13332]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:56:07 LOG_INFO [14836:13332]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:56:07 LOG_INFO [14836:13332]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:56:07 LOG_INFO [14836:13332]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:56:07 LOG_INFO [14836:13332]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:56:07 LOG_INFO [14836:13332]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:56:07 LOG_ERR [14836:13332]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:56:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:13332]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:57:07 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:57:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:57:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:57:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:57:07 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 155 times...
2024.01.20 21:57:07 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:57:07 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18220]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:57:07 LOG_INFO [14836:18220]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:57:08 LOG_INFO [14836:18220]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:57:08 LOG_INFO [14836:18220]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:57:08 LOG_ERR [14836:18220]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:57:08 LOG_ERR [14836:18220]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:57:08 LOG_INFO [14836:18220]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:57:08 LOG_INFO [14836:18220]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:57:08 LOG_INFO [14836:18220]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:57:08 LOG_INFO [14836:18220]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:57:08 LOG_INFO [14836:18220]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:57:08 LOG_INFO [14836:18220]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:57:08 LOG_ERR [14836:18220]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:57:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18220]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:58:08 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:58:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:58:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:58:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:58:08 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 156 times...
2024.01.20 21:58:08 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:58:08 LOG_DEBUG [14836:2516]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:58:08 LOG_INFO [14836:2516]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:58:09 LOG_INFO [14836:2516]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:58:09 LOG_INFO [14836:2516]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:58:09 LOG_ERR [14836:2516]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:58:09 LOG_ERR [14836:2516]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:58:09 LOG_INFO [14836:2516]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:58:09 LOG_INFO [14836:2516]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:58:09 LOG_INFO [14836:2516]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:58:10 LOG_INFO [14836:2516]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:58:10 LOG_INFO [14836:2516]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:58:10 LOG_INFO [14836:2516]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:58:10 LOG_ERR [14836:2516]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:58:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:2516]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:59:10 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 21:59:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 21:59:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 21:59:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 21:59:10 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 157 times...
2024.01.20 21:59:10 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 21:59:10 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7912]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 21:59:10 LOG_INFO [14836:7912]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:59:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7912]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 21:59:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7912]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 21:59:11 LOG_ERR [14836:7912]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 21:59:11 LOG_ERR [14836:7912]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 21:59:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7912]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 21:59:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7912]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 21:59:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7912]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 21:59:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7912]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 21:59:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7912]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 21:59:11 LOG_INFO [14836:7912]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 21:59:11 LOG_ERR [14836:7912]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 21:59:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:7912]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 22:00:11 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 22:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 22:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 22:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 22:00:11 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 158 times...
2024.01.20 22:00:11 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 22:00:11 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9568]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 22:00:11 LOG_INFO [14836:9568]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 22:00:12 LOG_INFO [14836:9568]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 22:00:12 LOG_INFO [14836:9568]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 22:00:12 LOG_ERR [14836:9568]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 22:00:12 LOG_ERR [14836:9568]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 22:00:12 LOG_INFO [14836:9568]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 22:00:12 LOG_INFO [14836:9568]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 22:00:12 LOG_INFO [14836:9568]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 22:00:12 LOG_INFO [14836:9568]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 22:00:12 LOG_INFO [14836:9568]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 22:00:12 LOG_INFO [14836:9568]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 22:00:12 LOG_ERR [14836:9568]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 22:00:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:9568]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 22:01:12 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.20 22:01:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.20 22:01:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.20 22:01:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.20 22:01:12 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 159 times...
2024.01.20 22:01:12 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.20 22:01:12 LOG_DEBUG [14836:1532]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.20 22:01:12 LOG_INFO [14836:1532]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.20 22:01:13 LOG_INFO [14836:1532]: Connect to with port
2024.01.20 22:01:13 LOG_INFO [14836:1532]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.20 22:01:13 LOG_ERR [14836:1532]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.20 22:01:13 LOG_ERR [14836:1532]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.20 22:01:13 LOG_INFO [14836:1532]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.20 22:01:13 LOG_INFO [14836:1532]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.20 22:01:13 LOG_INFO [14836:1532]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.20 22:01:14 LOG_INFO [14836:1532]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.20 22:01:14 LOG_INFO [14836:1532]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.20 22:01:14 LOG_INFO [14836:1532]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.20 22:01:14 LOG_ERR [14836:1532]: Connect to failed

2024.01.20 22:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [14836:1532]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.21 01:01:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.21 01:01:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.21 01:01:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.21 01:01:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.21 01:01:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 160 times...
2024.01.21 01:01:20 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.21 01:01:20 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18048]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.21 01:01:20 LOG_INFO [14836:18048]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.21 01:01:21 LOG_INFO [14836:18048]: Connect to with port
2024.01.21 01:01:21 LOG_INFO [14836:18048]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.21 01:01:21 LOG_ERR [14836:18048]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.21 01:01:21 LOG_ERR [14836:18048]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.21 01:01:21 LOG_INFO [14836:18048]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.21 01:01:21 LOG_INFO [14836:18048]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.21 01:01:21 LOG_INFO [14836:18048]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.21 01:01:22 LOG_INFO [14836:18048]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.21 01:01:22 LOG_INFO [14836:18048]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.21 01:01:22 LOG_INFO [14836:18048]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.21 01:01:22 LOG_ERR [14836:18048]: Connect to failed

2024.01.21 01:01:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:18048]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.21 20:28:19 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.21 20:28:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.21 20:28:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.21 20:28:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.21 20:28:19 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 161 times...
2024.01.21 20:28:19 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.21 20:28:19 LOG_DEBUG [14836:4172]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.21 20:28:19 LOG_INFO [14836:4172]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.21 20:28:20 LOG_INFO [14836:4172]: Connect to with port
2024.01.21 20:28:20 LOG_INFO [14836:4172]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.21 20:28:20 LOG_ERR [14836:4172]: Connect to ""
( error [10065]
2024.01.21 20:28:20 LOG_ERR [14836:4172]: Connect to the server failed
2024.01.21 20:28:20 LOG_INFO [14836:4172]: Close SSL channel
2024.01.21 20:28:20 LOG_INFO [14836:4172]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 11730736
2024.01.21 20:28:21 LOG_INFO [14836:4172]: Delete routes OK
2024.01.21 20:28:21 LOG_INFO [14836:4172]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.01.21 20:28:21 LOG_INFO [14836:4172]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.01.21 20:28:21 LOG_INFO [14836:4172]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.01.21 20:28:21 LOG_ERR [14836:4172]: Connect to failed

2024.01.21 20:28:21 LOG_DEBUG [14836:4172]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.21 20:29:21 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.01.21 20:29:21 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.01.21 20:29:21 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.01.21 20:29:21 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.01.21 20:29:21 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Auto reconnecting 162 times...
2024.01.21 20:29:21 LOG_INFO [14836:14984]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.01.21 20:29:21 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10996]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.01.21 20:29:21 LOG_INFO [14836:10996]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.01.21 20:29:22 LOG_INFO [14836:10996]: Connect to with port
2024.01.21 20:29:22 LOG_INFO [14836:10996]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.01.21 20:29:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10996]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.01.21 20:29:22 LOG_INFO [14836:10996]: Issuer certifcate is null
2024.01.21 20:29:22 LOG_ERR [14836:10996]: Suspicious Man-in-Milldle attack: Not
the same server certificate
2024.01.21 20:29:22 LOG_DEBUG [14836:10996]: Handshake success!.....
2024.01.21 21:06:32 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: Disconnect from the server
2024.01.21 21:06:32 LOG_INFO [14836:18348]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.01.21 21:06:32 LOG_DEBUG [14836:14984]: Begin to close
2024.01.21 21:06:32 LOG_INFO [14836:12824]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2024.01.21 21:06:32 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2024.01.23 02:05:56 LOG_INFO [12868:19108]: Disconnect from the server
2024.01.23 02:05:56 LOG_INFO [14836:1368]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.02.08 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [17260:5084]: Start _tWinMain...
2024.02.08 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [17260:5084]: The local product version is
2024.02.08 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [17260:5084]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2024.02.08 00:02:22 LOG_ERR [17260:5084]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2024.02.08 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [17260:5084]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2024.02.08 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [17260:5084]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2024.02.08 00:02:22 LOG_NOTICE [17260:5084]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2024.02.08 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [17260:5084]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2024.02.08 00:02:22 LOG_NOTICE [17260:5084]: Autologin value: 0.
2024.02.08 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [17260:5084]: SecureConnect started
2024.02.08 00:02:22 LOG_DEBUG [10860:7752]: Start SSLChannel...
2024.02.08 00:02:22 LOG_INFO [10860:7752]: Init SSL channel
2024.02.08 00:02:23 LOG_ERR [17260:5084]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.02.08 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [10860:7752]: nFilelen=-1
2024.02.08 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [10860:7752]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2024.02.08 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [17260:5084]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2024.02.08 00:02:24 LOG_ERR [17260:5084]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.02.08 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [10860:7752]: nFilelen=-1
2024.02.08 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [10860:7752]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2024.02.08 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [10860:7752]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2024.02.08 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [10860:7752]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2024.02.08 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [10860:7752]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2024.02.08 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [10860:7752]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2024.02.08 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [10860:7752]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2024.02.08 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [10860:7752]: Real HostID =
2024.02.08 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [10860:7752]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.08 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [17260:5084]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [17260:5084]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [17260:5084]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [17260:5084]: Peer server count: 0
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [10860:11576]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [17260:5084]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [17260:12992]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [17260:12992]: Connecting to
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [10860:9120]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: Handle channel open message
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8988]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Connect to with port
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8988]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8988]: Handshake success!.....
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: HostID =
2024.02.08 00:02:40 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Authenticaton OK
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8988]: Login ok!
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: No peer server list.
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [17260:10864]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Send client info OK!
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8988]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: SET IP =
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8988]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8988]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8988]: Not receive
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Set client parameters OK
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8988]: Local SPI = 3df27be4
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8988]: Local CPI = 0x5f3e
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Remote SPI = 0x633d5b3
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: get session id from server = 628
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8988]: Remote CPI = 0xffffe8c0 and local CPI =
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8988]: CompAlg = 0
2024.02.08 00:02:41 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Send new key OK
2024.02.08 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Add routes OK
2024.02.08 00:02:42 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Add wins OK
2024.02.08 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.02.08 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [10860:8988]: Add dns OK
2024.02.08 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [17260:12488]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2024.02.08 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [17260:12488]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.02.08 04:36:39 LOG_ERR [10860:17084]: Handle channel error message: 52
2024.02.08 04:36:39 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Close SSL channel
2024.02.08 04:36:39 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.02.08 04:36:39 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Delete routes OK
2024.02.08 04:36:40 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.02.08 04:36:40 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.02.08 04:36:40 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.02.08 04:36:45 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.02.08 04:36:45 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.02.08 04:36:45 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.02.08 04:36:45 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.02.08 04:36:45 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2024.02.08 04:36:45 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.02.08 04:36:45 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8976]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.02.08 04:36:45 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.02.08 04:36:46 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: Connect to with port
2024.02.08 04:36:46 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8976]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8976]: Handshake success!.....
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: HostID =
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: Authenticaton OK
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8976]: Login ok!
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: No peer server list.
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [17260:9748]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: Send client info OK!
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8976]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: SET IP =
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8976]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8976]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8976]: Not receive
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: Set client parameters OK
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8976]: Local SPI = 0fc21f84
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8976]: Local CPI = 0x6d11
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: Remote SPI = 0x633d5b5
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: get session id from server = 629
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8976]: Remote CPI = 0xffffe8c2 and local CPI =
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8976]: CompAlg = 0
2024.02.08 04:36:49 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: Send new key OK
2024.02.08 04:36:50 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: Add routes OK
2024.02.08 04:36:50 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: Add wins OK
2024.02.08 04:36:53 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.02.08 04:36:53 LOG_INFO [10860:8976]: Add dns OK
2024.02.08 04:36:53 LOG_DEBUG [10860:8976]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.02.08 04:36:53 LOG_INFO [17260:12720]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2024.02.08 04:36:53 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: ReopenChannel OK
2024.02.08 04:36:53 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.08 04:36:53 LOG_DEBUG [17260:12720]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.02.08 05:53:04 LOG_ERR [10860:17084]: Handle channel error message: 52
2024.02.08 05:53:04 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Close SSL channel
2024.02.08 05:53:04 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.02.08 05:53:04 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Delete routes OK
2024.02.08 05:53:05 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.02.08 05:53:05 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.02.08 05:53:05 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: ========================SSL CHANNEL
2024.02.08 05:53:10 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.
reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.02.08 05:53:10 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.02.08 05:53:10 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.02.08 05:53:10 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.02.08 05:53:10 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2024.02.08 05:53:10 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.02.08 05:53:10 LOG_DEBUG [10860:18600]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.02.08 05:53:10 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.02.08 05:53:11 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: Connect to with port
2024.02.08 05:53:11 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:18600]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:18600]: Handshake success!.....
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: HostID =
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: Authenticaton OK
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:18600]: Login ok!
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: No peer server list.
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [17260:14032]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: Send client info OK!
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:18600]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: SET IP =
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:18600]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:18600]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:18600]: Not receive
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: Set client parameters OK
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:18600]: Local SPI = 4a3f947e
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:18600]: Local CPI = 0x278e
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: Remote SPI = 0x633d5b7
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: get session id from server = 630
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:18600]: Remote CPI = 0xffffe8c4 and local CPI
= 0x278e
2024.02.08 05:53:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:18600]: CompAlg = 0
2024.02.08 05:53:15 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: Send new key OK
2024.02.08 05:53:15 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: Add routes OK
2024.02.08 05:53:15 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: Add wins OK
2024.02.08 05:53:18 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.02.08 05:53:18 LOG_INFO [10860:18600]: Add dns OK
2024.02.08 05:53:18 LOG_DEBUG [10860:18600]: End ReopenChannelThread
2024.02.08 05:53:18 LOG_INFO [17260:18564]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2024.02.08 05:53:18 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: ReopenChannel OK
2024.02.08 05:53:18 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.08 05:53:18 LOG_DEBUG [17260:18564]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.02.08 06:01:14 LOG_INFO [17260:5084]: Disconnect from the server
2024.02.08 06:01:14 LOG_INFO [10860:10788]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.02.08 06:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: Begin to close
2024.02.08 06:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: Handle channel close message
2024.02.08 06:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [10860:17084]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.08 06:01:14 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Close SSL channel
2024.02.08 06:01:14 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.02.08 06:01:15 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Delete routes OK
2024.02.08 06:01:15 LOG_INFO [10860:17084]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.02.09 00:04:00 LOG_DEBUG [2960:6076]: Start _tWinMain...
2024.02.09 00:04:00 LOG_DEBUG [2960:6076]: The local product version is
2024.02.09 00:04:00 LOG_INFO [2960:6076]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2024.02.09 00:04:00 LOG_ERR [2960:6076]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2024.02.09 00:04:00 LOG_INFO [2960:6076]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2024.02.09 00:04:00 LOG_INFO [2960:6076]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2024.02.09 00:04:00 LOG_NOTICE [2960:6076]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2024.02.09 00:04:00 LOG_INFO [2960:6076]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2024.02.09 00:04:00 LOG_NOTICE [2960:6076]: Autologin value: 0.
2024.02.09 00:04:00 LOG_INFO [2960:6076]: SecureConnect started
2024.02.09 00:04:00 LOG_DEBUG [12072:2336]: Start SSLChannel...
2024.02.09 00:04:00 LOG_INFO [12072:2336]: Init SSL channel
2024.02.09 00:04:01 LOG_ERR [2960:6076]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.02.09 00:04:01 LOG_DEBUG [12072:2336]: nFilelen=-1
2024.02.09 00:04:01 LOG_DEBUG [12072:2336]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2024.02.09 00:04:02 LOG_DEBUG [2960:6076]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2024.02.09 00:04:02 LOG_ERR [2960:6076]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.02.09 00:04:02 LOG_DEBUG [12072:2336]: nFilelen=-1
2024.02.09 00:04:02 LOG_DEBUG [12072:2336]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2024.02.09 00:04:02 LOG_DEBUG [12072:2336]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2024.02.09 00:04:02 LOG_DEBUG [12072:2336]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2024.02.09 00:04:02 LOG_DEBUG [12072:2336]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2024.02.09 00:04:02 LOG_DEBUG [12072:2336]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2024.02.09 00:04:02 LOG_DEBUG [12072:2336]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2024.02.09 00:04:02 LOG_INFO [12072:2336]: Real HostID =
2024.02.09 00:04:02 LOG_INFO [12072:2336]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.09 00:04:03 LOG_DEBUG [2960:6076]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [2960:6076]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [2960:6076]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_DEBUG [2960:6076]: Peer server count: 0
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [12072:2468]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [2960:6076]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_DEBUG [2960:5992]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [2960:5992]: Connecting to
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [12072:10388]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_DEBUG [12072:960]: Handle channel open message
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_DEBUG [12072:960]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_DEBUG [12072:11852]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Connect to with port
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.02.09 00:04:07 LOG_DEBUG [12072:11852]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_DEBUG [12072:11852]: Handshake success!.....
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: HostID =
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Authenticaton OK
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_DEBUG [12072:11852]: Login ok!
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: No peer server list.
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [2960:1324]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Send client info OK!
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_DEBUG [12072:11852]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: SET IP =
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_DEBUG [12072:11852]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_DEBUG [12072:11852]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_DEBUG [12072:11852]: Not receive
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Set client parameters OK
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_DEBUG [12072:11852]: Local SPI = 0d301a60
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_DEBUG [12072:11852]: Local CPI = 0x2682
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Remote SPI = 0xc4d2ef
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: get session id from server = 20
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_DEBUG [12072:11852]: Remote CPI = 0xffff900c and local CPI
= 0x2682
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_DEBUG [12072:11852]: CompAlg = 0
2024.02.09 00:04:08 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Send new key OK
2024.02.09 00:04:09 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Add routes OK
2024.02.09 00:04:09 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Add wins OK
2024.02.09 00:04:12 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.02.09 00:04:12 LOG_INFO [12072:11852]: Add dns OK
2024.02.09 00:04:12 LOG_INFO [2960:4100]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2024.02.09 00:04:12 LOG_DEBUG [2960:4100]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.02.09 06:05:05 LOG_INFO [2960:6076]: Disconnect from the server
2024.02.09 06:05:05 LOG_INFO [12072:2556]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.02.09 06:05:05 LOG_DEBUG [12072:960]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2024.02.09 06:05:05 LOG_DEBUG [12072:960]: Handle channel close message
2024.02.09 06:05:05 LOG_DEBUG [12072:960]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.09 06:05:05 LOG_INFO [12072:960]: Close SSL channel
2024.02.09 06:05:05 LOG_INFO [12072:960]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.02.09 06:05:06 LOG_INFO [12072:960]: Delete routes OK
2024.02.12 00:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [6196:14216]: Start _tWinMain...
2024.02.12 00:00:59 LOG_DEBUG [6196:14216]: The local product version is
2024.02.12 00:00:59 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2024.02.12 00:00:59 LOG_ERR [6196:14216]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2024.02.12 00:01:00 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2024.02.12 00:01:00 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2024.02.12 00:01:00 LOG_NOTICE [6196:14216]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2024.02.12 00:01:00 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2024.02.12 00:01:00 LOG_NOTICE [6196:14216]: Autologin value: 0.
2024.02.12 00:01:00 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2580]: Start SSLChannel...
2024.02.12 00:01:00 LOG_INFO [8696:2580]: Init SSL channel
2024.02.12 00:01:00 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: SecureConnect started
2024.02.12 00:01:01 LOG_ERR [6196:14216]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.02.12 00:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2580]: nFilelen=-1
2024.02.12 00:01:01 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2580]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2024.02.12 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [6196:14216]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2024.02.12 00:01:02 LOG_ERR [6196:14216]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.02.12 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2580]: nFilelen=-1
2024.02.12 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2580]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2024.02.12 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2580]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2024.02.12 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2580]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2024.02.12 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2580]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2024.02.12 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2580]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2024.02.12 00:01:02 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2580]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2024.02.12 00:01:02 LOG_INFO [8696:2580]: Real HostID =
2024.02.12 00:01:02 LOG_INFO [8696:2580]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.12 00:01:03 LOG_DEBUG [6196:14216]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [6196:14216]: Peer server count: 0
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:4228]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [6196:8520]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [6196:8520]: Connecting to
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:9824]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Handle channel open message
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:708]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Connect to with port 4433...
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:708]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:708]: Handshake success!.....
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Authenticaton OK
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:708]: Login ok!
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: No peer server list.
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [6196:11684]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Send client info OK!
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:708]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: SET IP =
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:708]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:708]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.02.12 00:01:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:708]: Not receive
2024.02.12 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Set client parameters OK
2024.02.12 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [8696:708]: Local SPI = 7551eaa2
2024.02.12 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [8696:708]: Local CPI = 0x7eaf
2024.02.12 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Remote SPI = 0xc4d3b3
2024.02.12 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.02.12 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.02.12 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: get session id from server = 86
2024.02.12 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [8696:708]: Remote CPI = 0xffff90d0 and local CPI =
2024.02.12 00:01:10 LOG_DEBUG [8696:708]: CompAlg = 0
2024.02.12 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Send new key OK
2024.02.12 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Add routes OK
2024.02.12 00:01:10 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Add wins OK
2024.02.12 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.02.12 00:01:13 LOG_INFO [8696:708]: Add dns OK
2024.02.12 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [8696:708]: End OpenChannelThread
r logon information for lorena.sousa@
2024.02.12 00:01:14 LOG_DEBUG [6196:10332]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.02.12 00:05:39 LOG_ERR [8696:2176]: Handle channel error message: 4004
2024.02.12 00:05:39 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Close SSL channel
2024.02.12 00:05:39 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.02.12 00:05:40 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Delete routes OK
2024.02.12 00:05:40 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.02.12 00:05:40 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.02.12 00:05:40 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.02.12 00:05:40 LOG_CRIT [8696:2176]: IO exception. The system may in

2024.02.12 00:05:40 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_DEBUG [6196:14216]: Peer server count: 0
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_INFO [8696:10860]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_DEBUG [6196:15444]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_INFO [6196:15444]: Connecting to
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_INFO [8696:15464]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Handle channel open message
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6640]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Connect to with port
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6640]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6640]: Handshake success!.....
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2024.02.12 00:59:08 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Authenticaton OK
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6640]: Login ok!
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: No peer server list.
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_INFO [6196:7280]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Send client info OK!
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6640]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: SET IP =
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6640]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6640]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6640]: Not receive
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Set client parameters OK
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6640]: Local SPI = 21b24364
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6640]: Local CPI = 0x2b10
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Remote SPI = 0xc4d3b5
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: get session id from server = 87
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6640]: Remote CPI = 0xffff90d2 and local CPI =
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6640]: CompAlg = 0
2024.02.12 00:59:09 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Send new key OK
2024.02.12 00:59:10 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Add routes OK
2024.02.12 00:59:10 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Add wins OK
2024.02.12 00:59:13 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.02.12 00:59:13 LOG_INFO [8696:6640]: Add dns OK
2024.02.12 00:59:13 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6640]: End OpenChannelThread
logon information for lorena.sousa@
2024.02.12 00:59:13 LOG_DEBUG [6196:15416]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.02.12 01:02:04 LOG_ERR [8696:2176]: Handle channel error message: 52
2024.02.12 01:02:04 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Close SSL channel
2024.02.12 01:02:04 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.02.12 01:02:04 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Delete routes OK
2024.02.12 01:02:05 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.02.12 01:02:05 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.02.12 01:02:05 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.02.12 01:02:10 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: uAutoReconnectTimer event arrived.

reconnect switch is 1, reconnect count is -1
2024.02.12 01:02:10 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Unlimited reconnection
2024.02.12 01:02:10 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Pause auto connect timer
2024.02.12 01:02:10 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Handle channel reopen message
2024.02.12 01:02:10 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Auto reconnecting 1 times...
2024.02.12 01:02:10 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.02.12 01:02:10 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6712]: Begin ReopenChannelThread
2024.02.12 01:02:10 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: Reopen SSL channel
2024.02.12 01:02:11 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: Connect to with port
2024.02.12 01:02:11 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.02.12 01:02:11 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6712]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.02.12 01:02:11 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6712]: Handshake success!.....
2024.02.12 01:02:11 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2024.02.12 01:02:11 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: Authenticaton OK
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6712]: Login ok!
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: No peer server list.
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_INFO [6196:12756]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: Send client info OK!
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6712]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: SET IP =
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6712]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6712]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6712]: Not receive
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: Set client parameters OK
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6712]: Local SPI = 2407480e
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6712]: Local CPI = 0x2d65
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: Remote SPI = 0xc4d3b7
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: get session id from server = 88
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6712]: Remote CPI = 0xffff90d4 and local CPI =
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_DEBUG [8696:6712]: CompAlg = 0
2024.02.12 01:02:12 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: Send new key OK
2024.02.12 01:02:13 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: Add routes OK
2024.02.12 01:02:13 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: Add wins OK
2024.02.12 01:02:16 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.02.12 01:02:16 LOG_INFO [8696:6712]: Add dns OK
2024.02.12 01:02:16 LOG_INFO [6196:16372]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2024.02.12 01:02:16 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: ReopenChannel OK
2024.02.12 01:02:16 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.12 01:02:16 LOG_DEBUG [6196:16372]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.02.12 01:05:34 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: Disconnect from the server
2024.02.12 01:05:34 LOG_INFO [8696:9372]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.02.12 01:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2024.02.12 01:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Handle channel close message
2024.02.12 01:05:34 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.12 01:05:34 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Close SSL channel
2024.02.12 01:05:34 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.02.12 01:05:34 LOG_INFO [8696:12444]: Recieve the SC_FLAG_AUTO_LOGIN flag
nData 0
2024.02.12 01:05:34 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: Set the KeepLive Status = 0
2024.02.12 01:05:34 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Delete routes OK
2024.02.12 01:05:34 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.02.12 01:05:34 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.02.12 01:05:34 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3

2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_DEBUG [6196:14216]: Peer server count: 0
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_INFO [8696:9104]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_DEBUG [6196:13264]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_INFO [6196:13264]: Connecting to
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_INFO [8696:8912]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Handle channel open message
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_DEBUG [8696:15200]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Connect to with port
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_DEBUG [8696:15200]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_DEBUG [8696:15200]: Handshake success!.....
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: HostID =
2024.02.12 01:05:47 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Authenticaton OK
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_DEBUG [8696:15200]: Login ok!
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: No peer server list.
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_INFO [6196:940]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer server
list. 0 servers
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Send client info OK!
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_DEBUG [8696:15200]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: SET IP =
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_DEBUG [8696:15200]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_DEBUG [8696:15200]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_DEBUG [8696:15200]: Not receive
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Set client parameters OK
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_DEBUG [8696:15200]: Local SPI = 26c94d92
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_DEBUG [8696:15200]: Local CPI = 0x3027
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Remote SPI = 0xc4d3b9
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: get session id from server = 89
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_DEBUG [8696:15200]: Remote CPI = 0xffff90d6 and local CPI =
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_DEBUG [8696:15200]: CompAlg = 0
2024.02.12 01:05:48 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Send new key OK
2024.02.12 01:05:49 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Add routes OK
2024.02.12 01:05:49 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Add wins OK
2024.02.12 01:05:52 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.02.12 01:05:52 LOG_INFO [8696:15200]: Add dns OK
2024.02.12 01:05:52 LOG_DEBUG [8696:15200]: End OpenChannelThread
ogon information for lorena.sousa@
2024.02.12 01:05:52 LOG_DEBUG [6196:7276]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.02.12 06:04:53 LOG_INFO [6196:14216]: Disconnect from the server
2024.02.12 06:04:53 LOG_INFO [8696:11036]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.02.12 06:04:53 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2024.02.12 06:04:53 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Handle channel close message
2024.02.12 06:04:53 LOG_DEBUG [8696:2176]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.12 06:04:53 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Close SSL channel
2024.02.12 06:04:53 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.02.12 06:04:53 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Delete routes OK
2024.02.12 06:04:54 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.02.12 06:04:54 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.02.12 06:04:54 LOG_INFO [8696:2176]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.02.15 23:59:27 LOG_DEBUG [7692:2892]: Start _tWinMain...

2024.02.15 23:59:27 LOG_DEBUG [7692:2892]: The local product version is
2024.02.15 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [7692:2892]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2024.02.15 23:59:27 LOG_ERR [7692:2892]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2024.02.15 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [7692:2892]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2024.02.15 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [7692:2892]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2024.02.15 23:59:27 LOG_NOTICE [7692:2892]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2024.02.15 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [7692:2892]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2024.02.15 23:59:27 LOG_NOTICE [7692:2892]: Autologin value: 0.
2024.02.15 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [7692:2892]: SecureConnect started
2024.02.15 23:59:27 LOG_DEBUG [3740:3292]: Start SSLChannel...
2024.02.15 23:59:27 LOG_INFO [3740:3292]: Init SSL channel
2024.02.15 23:59:28 LOG_ERR [7692:2892]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.02.15 23:59:28 LOG_DEBUG [3740:3292]: nFilelen=-1
2024.02.15 23:59:28 LOG_DEBUG [3740:3292]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2024.02.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [7692:2892]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2024.02.15 23:59:29 LOG_ERR [7692:2892]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.02.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [3740:3292]: nFilelen=-1
2024.02.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [3740:3292]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2024.02.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [3740:3292]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2024.02.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [3740:3292]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2024.02.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [3740:3292]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2024.02.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [3740:3292]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2024.02.15 23:59:29 LOG_DEBUG [3740:3292]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2024.02.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [3740:3292]: Real HostID =
2024.02.15 23:59:29 LOG_INFO [3740:3292]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.15 23:59:30 LOG_DEBUG [7692:2892]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [7692:2892]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [7692:2892]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [7692:2892]: Peer server count: 0
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:10788]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [7692:2892]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [7692:1068]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [7692:1068]: Connecting to
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:12188]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [3740:1396]: Handle channel open message
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [3740:1396]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [3740:9544]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Connect to with port
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [3740:9544]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [3740:9544]: Handshake success!.....
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Authenticaton OK
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [3740:9544]: Login ok!
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: No peer server list.
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [7692:10024]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Send client info OK!
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [3740:9544]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: SET IP =
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [3740:9544]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [3740:9544]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.02.15 23:59:36 LOG_DEBUG [3740:9544]: Not receive
2024.02.15 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Set client parameters OK
2024.02.15 23:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [3740:9544]: Local SPI = 2ca95952
2024.02.15 23:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [3740:9544]: Local CPI = 0x6216
2024.02.15 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Remote SPI = 0xc4d4fd
2024.02.15 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.02.15 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.02.15 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: get session id from server = 208
2024.02.15 23:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [3740:9544]: Remote CPI = 0xffff921a and local CPI =
2024.02.15 23:59:37 LOG_DEBUG [3740:9544]: CompAlg = 0
2024.02.15 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Send new key OK
2024.02.15 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Add routes OK
2024.02.15 23:59:37 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Add wins OK
2024.02.15 23:59:40 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.02.15 23:59:40 LOG_INFO [3740:9544]: Add dns OK
2024.02.15 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [7692:10696]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2024.02.15 23:59:41 LOG_DEBUG [7692:10696]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.02.16 06:10:48 LOG_INFO [7692:2892]: Disconnect from the server
2024.02.16 06:10:48 LOG_INFO [3740:13408]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.02.16 06:10:48 LOG_DEBUG [3740:1396]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2024.02.16 06:10:48 LOG_DEBUG [3740:1396]: Handle channel close message
2024.02.16 06:10:48 LOG_DEBUG [3740:1396]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.16 06:10:48 LOG_INFO [3740:1396]: Close SSL channel
2024.02.16 06:10:48 LOG_INFO [3740:1396]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30343028
2024.02.16 23:59:41 LOG_DEBUG [6596:3784]: Start _tWinMain...
2024.02.16 23:59:41 LOG_DEBUG [6596:3784]: The local product version is
2024.02.16 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [6596:3784]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2024.02.16 23:59:41 LOG_ERR [6596:3784]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2024.02.16 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [6596:3784]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2024.02.16 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [6596:3784]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2024.02.16 23:59:41 LOG_NOTICE [6596:3784]: Try to load XML config from: C:\Users\
loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2024.02.16 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [6596:3784]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in Profile
2024.02.16 23:59:41 LOG_NOTICE [6596:3784]: Autologin value: 0.
2024.02.16 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [6596:3784]: SecureConnect started
2024.02.16 23:59:41 LOG_DEBUG [3480:6520]: Start SSLChannel...
2024.02.16 23:59:41 LOG_INFO [3480:6520]: Init SSL channel
2024.02.16 23:59:42 LOG_ERR [6596:3784]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.02.16 23:59:42 LOG_DEBUG [3480:6520]: nFilelen=-1
2024.02.16 23:59:42 LOG_DEBUG [3480:6520]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2024.02.16 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [6596:3784]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2024.02.16 23:59:43 LOG_ERR [6596:3784]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.02.16 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [3480:6520]: nFilelen=-1
2024.02.16 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [3480:6520]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2024.02.16 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [3480:6520]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2024.02.16 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [3480:6520]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2024.02.16 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [3480:6520]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2024.02.16 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [3480:6520]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2024.02.16 23:59:43 LOG_DEBUG [3480:6520]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2024.02.16 23:59:43 LOG_INFO [3480:6520]: Real HostID =
2024.02.16 23:59:43 LOG_INFO [3480:6520]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.16 23:59:44 LOG_DEBUG [6596:3784]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [6596:3784]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [6596:3784]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [6596:3784]: Peer server count: 0
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:11496]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [6596:3784]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [6596:11392]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [6596:11392]: Connecting to
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:3516]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [3480:8848]: Handle channel open message
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [3480:8848]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [3480:1984]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Connect to with port
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [3480:1984]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [3480:1984]: Handshake success!.....
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: HostID = 2c157c6b88f171d68da8e5bba0578c8d
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Authenticaton OK
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [3480:1984]: Login ok!
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: No peer server list.
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [6596:8308]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Send client info OK!
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [3480:1984]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: SET IP =
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [3480:1984]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [3480:1984]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [3480:1984]: Not receive
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Set client parameters OK
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [3480:1984]: Local SPI = 7cedf9da
2024.02.17 00:02:24 LOG_DEBUG [3480:1984]: Local CPI = 0x6e5d
2024.02.17 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Remote SPI = 0xc4d52f
2024.02.17 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.02.17 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.02.17 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: get session id from server = 229
2024.02.17 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [3480:1984]: Remote CPI = 0xffff924c and local CPI =
2024.02.17 00:02:25 LOG_DEBUG [3480:1984]: CompAlg = 0
2024.02.17 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Send new key OK
2024.02.17 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Add routes OK
2024.02.17 00:02:25 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Add wins OK
2024.02.17 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.02.17 00:02:28 LOG_INFO [3480:1984]: Add dns OK
2024.02.17 00:02:29 LOG_INFO [6596:9280]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon information
for lorena.sousa@
2024.02.17 00:02:29 LOG_DEBUG [6596:9280]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:
2024.02.17 06:26:16 LOG_INFO [6596:3784]: Disconnect from the server
2024.02.17 06:26:16 LOG_INFO [3480:16188]: Receive close SSL channel command
2024.02.17 06:26:16 LOG_DEBUG [3480:8848]: Begin to close g_hOpenChannelThread....
2024.02.17 06:26:16 LOG_DEBUG [3480:8848]: Handle channel close message
2024.02.17 06:26:16 LOG_DEBUG [3480:8848]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.17 06:26:16 LOG_INFO [3480:8848]: Close SSL channel
2024.02.17 06:26:16 LOG_INFO [3480:8848]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 30277492
2024.02.17 06:26:17 LOG_INFO [3480:8848]: Delete routes OK
2024.02.20 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [10724:10728]: Start _tWinMain...
2024.02.20 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [10724:10728]: The local product version is
2024.02.20 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [10724:10728]: The os version is Windows8(6.2)...
2024.02.20 00:02:04 LOG_ERR [10724:10728]: RegCreateKeyEx failed at
DomainRouteRecoverIfNecessary, error code = 5
2024.02.20 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [10724:10728]: Create SSLChannel Process ...
2024.02.20 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [10724:10728]: Initailize logon prober for
lorena.sousa@ (t: 0).
2024.02.20 00:02:04 LOG_NOTICE [10724:10728]: Try to load XML config from: C:\
Users\loren\AppData\Roaming\Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect\SecurecConfig.xml
2024.02.20 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [10724:10728]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in
2024.02.20 00:02:04 LOG_NOTICE [10724:10728]: Autologin value: 0.
2024.02.20 00:02:04 LOG_DEBUG [11008:11012]: Start SSLChannel...
2024.02.20 00:02:04 LOG_INFO [11008:11012]: Init SSL channel
2024.02.20 00:02:05 LOG_ERR [10724:10728]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.02.20 00:02:05 LOG_DEBUG [11008:11012]: nFilelen=-1
2024.02.20 00:02:05 LOG_DEBUG [11008:11012]: Can't Get Pre MD5 of VBS data file !
2024.02.20 00:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [10724:10728]: Try the 1 time to find the named pipe
2024.02.20 00:02:06 LOG_ERR [10724:10728]: Could not find pipe \\.\pipe\
2024.02.20 00:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [11008:11012]: nFilelen=-1
2024.02.20 00:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [11008:11012]: SecurityCheck.GetFileMD5Value Erro!
2024.02.20 00:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [11008:11012]: sFile = C:\Users\loren\Documents\
Hillstone\Hillstone Secure Connect
2024.02.20 00:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [11008:11012]: Get SerialNumber = NA
2024.02.20 00:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [11008:11012]: Get ProcessorId = 178BFBFF00810F81
2024.02.20 00:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [11008:11012]: Get SerialNumber = M6N0B6020513255
2024.02.20 00:02:06 LOG_DEBUG [11008:11012]: Get MakeMD5 begin strOriginalPCID =
2024.02.20 00:02:06 LOG_INFO [11008:11012]: Real HostID =
2024.02.20 00:02:06 LOG_INFO [11008:11012]: Real HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.20 00:02:07 LOG_DEBUG [10724:10728]: Try the 2 time to find the named pipe
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [10724:10728]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [10724:10728]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [10724:10728]: Peer server count: 0
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [11008:6064]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [10724:10728]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [10724:6116]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [10724:6116]: Connecting to
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [11008:5932]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [11008:8376]: Handle channel open message
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [11008:8376]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [11008:5908]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [11008:5908]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [11008:5908]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [11008:5908]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [11008:5908]: Connect to with port
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [11008:5908]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_ERR [11008:5908]: Connect to ""
( error [10051]
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_ERR [11008:5908]: Connect to the server failed
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [11008:5908]: Close SSL channel
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [11008:5908]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [11008:5908]: Delete routes OK
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [11008:5908]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [11008:5908]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_INFO [11008:5908]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_ERR [11008:5908]: Connect to failed

2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_DEBUG [11008:5908]: End OpenChannelThread
2024.02.20 00:02:27 LOG_ERR [10724:6048]: Server unreachable, but no available peer
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [10724:10728]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [10724:10728]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [10724:10728]: Peer server count: 0
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [11008:11892]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [10724:10728]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [10724:11896]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [10724:11896]: Connecting to
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [11008:11900]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [11008:8376]: Handle channel open message
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [11008:8376]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_DEBUG [11008:11904]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [11008:11904]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [11008:11904]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [11008:11904]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [11008:11904]: Connect to with port
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [11008:11904]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_ERR [11008:11904]: Connect to ""
( error [10051]
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_ERR [11008:11904]: Connect to the server failed
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [11008:11904]: Close SSL channel
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [11008:11904]: Get DomainRoute IsProxy = 31588132
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [11008:11904]: Delete routes OK
2024.02.20 00:02:44 LOG_INFO [11008:11904]: Set network card DHCP OK
2024.02.20 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [11008:11904]: Release tunnel interface OK
2024.02.20 00:02:45 LOG_INFO [11008:11904]: ========================SSL CHANNEL

2024.02.20 00:02:45 LOG_ERR [11008:11904]: Connect to failed

2024.02.20 00:02:45 LOG_DEBUG [11008:11904]: End OpenChannelThread
2024.02.20 00:02:45 LOG_ERR [10724:11920]: Server unreachable, but no available
peer server.
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [10724:10728]: IsGuilty: failed count: 0. Ref count: 3
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [10724:10728]: BruteForceProber:
lorena.sousa@ is guilty: 0
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [10724:10728]: Peer server count: 0
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [11008:1144]: Recieve the HS_RECONNECT flag nData 1
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [10724:10728]: Set the Reconnect Status = 1...in main
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [10724:9280]: hssvc is Ready!
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [10724:9280]: Connecting to
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [11008:1296]: Receive open SSL channel command
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11008:8376]: Handle channel open message
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11008:8376]: Stop auto connect timer
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11008:1268]: Begin OpenChannelThread
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Info: Value RekeyCycle doesn't exist.
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Use defaule rekey cycle: 28800000
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Open SSL channel, m_iState = 0
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Connect to with port
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: SetupChannel pConn->init = 0
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11008:1268]: InitSSL usb_key = 0
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_DEBUG [11008:1268]: Handshake success!.....
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: HostID =
2024.02.20 00:02:54 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: HOST_NAME = NOTE-LORENA
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: receive server reconnect count = [-1]
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Authenticaton OK
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [11008:1268]: Login ok!
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Client config flags: 0x0
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: No peer server list.
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [10724:1944]: [SslChannel --> SecureConnect] Peer
server list. 0 servers
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Send client info OK!
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [11008:1268]: Get VBS MD5 begin!
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: SET IP =
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [11008:1268]: Do not need to get VBS MD5!
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [11008:1268]: subnet: mask gateway: metrics: 1
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [11008:1268]: Not receive
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Set client parameters OK
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [11008:1268]: Local SPI = 67b8cf70
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [11008:1268]: Local CPI = 0x4934
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Remote SPI = 0xc4d5f1
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: get enc algorithm from server = 3
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: get hash algorithm from server = 2
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: get session id from server = 291
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [11008:1268]: Remote CPI = 0xffff930e and local CPI =
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_DEBUG [11008:1268]: CompAlg = 0
2024.02.20 00:02:55 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Send new key OK
2024.02.20 00:02:56 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Add routes OK
2024.02.20 00:02:56 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Add wins OK
2024.02.20 00:02:59 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Add DNS servers OK
2024.02.20 00:02:59 LOG_INFO [11008:1268]: Add dns OK
2024.02.20 00:02:59 LOG_INFO [10724:8776]: BruteForceProber: Clear logon
information for lorena.sousa@
2024.02.20 00:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [11008:1268]: End OpenChannelThread
2024.02.20 00:02:59 LOG_DEBUG [10724:8776]: ProcessSSLChannelCommand:

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