Challenge Magazine 042

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re Magazine of LsmFcn

A Rock in
~ubledWaters "

Adam Giebel

- I l o War
Jeffrey Groteboer
What a sweet deal.
All you have t o do is transfer one
passenger from a small oil corp in
Corpus Christi t o an even smaller one
in Monterey. Easy money.
But playing bus driver turns sour.
Bandits start shooting a t you, so you
radio for backup, and both the Mexi-
can and Texan corps send in air sup-
port. The two rival pilots start a dog-
fight, and official Mexican aircraft join
in. Suddenly, you're caught in a virtual
maelstrom of combat.
W i t h guts, skill, and luck, you escape
and deliver your passenger, and think
your mission is over. But the fates
have something else in store for you.
You return home t o become Immedi-
ately embroiled in a series of events
you have little control over-from
scandal to electronic theft t o cold-
blooded murder.
Now you struggle against a sinister
current of events which sweeps you
across the face of Earth and into
space. You are locked in a duel with
elusive and powerful adversaries in-
tent on eliminating t h e only thing
standing between them andglobal su-

Deaekwatch Program.
A cybertech adventure.
Coming in February.
GDW 1016. $8.00. P.O. Box 1Mn
The Magazine of Science-Fiction Gaming

Troubled &ers 4
Adam Giebel

The Biology of Liftwood 14

Marcus L. Rowland

Challenge Showcase 18

Italy: 2300
Mark Galeoffi

Mark Galeotti

on Aurore
C. W. Hess

Av90 Marine VTOL 36

C. W. Hess

W h e r e Ya From, Mack? 38
C. W. Hess

From the Management ..........3 Classifieds ...........................78
Product Distribution .............29 In the Future ........................80
Traveller News Sewice .......46 Next Issue ...........................80
Reviews .............................. .74 Feedback Results ...............80
February-Marekn 1990

Pirates of the
Blood Asteroids 40
Marcus L. Ro wland

From Peace to War 42

Jeffrey Groteboer

Imperial Research
station Beta
Randy B. Windle

Towrist map
Charles E. Gannon

The Next Generation (Parody)

Sam Bowne
John A. Theisen

Pile Driver
John A. Theisen

Federation Merchants' Log

John A. Theisen

The Inquisitor Viest

Cliff Holmes
4 Challenge GDW

he coastal settlements around south Jersey's

shores form a region of small communities that
has managed to survive the war relatively intact.
It is one of the more stable and lucrative areas held
by Milgov. This article provides a detailed reference of the
area, centering on the lntracoastal Waterway-the most
reliable local avenue in the year
2001-used by slow-moving mili-
The deserted coasts tary and civilian traffic. It is also
designed to tie the Going Home
of South Jersey module with any adventure set in
have been a haven the northeastern United States. "A
of smugglers, pirates Rock In Troubled Waters" (set in
early 2001) details the territory and
and back-water notable clusters of civilization from
political intrigue the Delaware Canal and Cape Hen-
since long before lopen in Delaware, north and east
across Pennsylvania and New
the days of the Jersey to Perth Amboy. This in-
h e r i c a n Revolution. cludes Philadelphia, Trenton, Wil-
mington, Cape May Naval Base,
Fort Dix, and Tom's River Naval
Station.Also covered are the specifications on several "brown
water navy" vessels, as well as the state government and
militia system for New Jersey (as organized by Milgov).

The primary design criteria for this article was to provide
an endless choice of activities for adventurers. Options will
be dictated depending on the characters' standing with
Milgov. Those in government service or hiring themselves
out as mercenaries can consider the following paths:
e Join a Milgov mission into western Pennsylvania to
counter a rumored Civgov operation (Referee: This is de-
tailed in Allegheny Uprising).
@ Weed out Civgov spies in New Jersey or help solidify
Milgov's hold on the area. This could entail amphibious op-
erations against maraudersor salvage missions into the ruins.
For those in Civgov service, the following are possible.
@ Spy on operations in New Jersey and Pennsylvaniawith-
out interfering at this time.
e Try to unite the refugee camps against the New Jersey
or Pennsylvania governments.

The deserted coasts of South Jersey have been a haven
of smugglers, pirates, and back-water political intrigue since
long before the days of the American Revolution. In the year
2001, nothing much has changed. Marauders ran across the
state, raiding farms, and attacking merchant convoys and
passing ships.

Adam Giebel
GDW Challenge 5

The predominate terrain feature of south Jersey is flat,

fertile land which becomes sandy toward the coast. The area
has been supporting agriculture since it was first settled in
the mid-1600s. The great forest of the colonial times has
vanished, replaced by the light woods of today, but a large
pine forest thrives in the sandy soil of the eastern part of the
state and gives the area its name-the Pine Barrens.
The state is susceptible to the whims of the weather. The
Atlantic coastal islands are constantly shifting, and gales and
hurricanes have destroyed more than a quarter of the dwell- separated from the mainland by a canal 120 meters wide.
ings in the last three years. The lowlands along the bay areCurrently this canal serves as the main defense line for Cape
May. Watchtowers were built every 200 meters and are
regularlyflooded during the rainy season; the forests threaten
to burn during the dry season. manned around the clock. Scrap chainlink fencing, barbed
Although it has dissipated, radiation from the west was a wire and an abatis protect the entire length of the south side.
problem for a couple of years after the nuclear strikes. TheMobile patrols randomly pace the length at night.
nuclear attacks around Philadelphia and New York (plus dis- Cape May was a prewar resort community catering to an
ease, starvation and chaos) killed millions. Many more fled older crowd. It was also home to a coast guard station and
the state, and New Jersey was seriously depopulated. The a small fleet of fishing and pleasure boats. Early in the war
survivors are relatively prosperous by Twilight: 2000 stan- the coast guard was brought under military command and,
dards-they farm enough to eat well and even export a bit. after Philadelphiawas destroyed, Cape May was reclassified
Dietary protein comes from fish and chicken. Goats, sheep, as a naval base (CMNB). The base is on the south side of
cattle and horses are raised primarily for government con- the canal, at its eastern end. It now serves as the center for
sumption. Salvage and re-manufacturingare thriving cottage the area's naval operations.
industries, and pay the taxes in the Milgov protected areas. Cape May has a small runway for light fixed-wing and
rotary-wing aircraft, fuel and ammunition bunkers, barracks,
CAPE NLAU CMNB docks and afairly well equipped, though small, military ship-
The town of Cape May is built on a tip of land extending yard.
into the Delaware Bay. The north side of the community is The town extends south and west of the base. The civilian

The referee may sprinkle these rumors into the cam- J. The veterans of Europe have a plague.
paign, fostering paranoia and confusion among players. I(.A monster in the barrens wiped out a farming com-
A. Philly and the area around it for 20 klicks are com- munity.
pletely deserted. Nobody at all! L. Massachusetts,Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont
B. Salvagers have found a half-sunken supertanker full have seceded from the United States. Part of southern
of high-octane fuel. New Brunswick has joined them, and they're holding
C. Cannibals from the ruins of Philly have moved into negotiations with the French for official recognition as an
the area. They're the ones responsible for all the disap- autonomous nation.
pearances. Milgov ain't even doing anything about them. The following rumors would be heard south of Fort Dix.
D. Satan worshipers are holding black masses deep in M. Soviet submarines have been sighted real close to
the barrens.They're grabbingfolks to sacrifice to the Jersey the shore, and the survivor from one farm says Russian
Devil. sailors shot everyone.
The following rumors would be heard in the vicinity of N. A Soviet submarine group has been landing raiding
Fort Dix. parties for food. They sank a fishing trawler that discov-
E. From a 78th Division infantry private: The 78th'~artil- ered them last week.
lery train is in Civgov's hands somewhere in upstate Mew 0.Fishing boats going into the Atlantic have been dis-
York. appearing like mad.
F. In a refugee campcantina: Salvagers have found sev- P. Someonefound a saboteurtryingto destroy the planes
eral tanks of oil (severalthousand tons) southwest of Philly. at the county airport. Supposedly he'sfrom Civgov in Mary-
G. Common knowledge, of course: Civgov has spies in land.
the 78th. Q. People are dying from contaminated fish caught in
H. The last missionto New York radioedthat the city was the Delaware.
full of cannibals. HQ hasn't heard from 'em since. R. A thousand convicts who escaped from Leesburg
I.The base hospital has diagnosed typhoid in one of the have control of a big part of the interior. They're building
refugee camps. up to take the cape.
6 Challenge GDW

docks and shipyard are north, opposite the naval base. At Millvilleand Union Lake: This is a community of 500 lake
the western end of the canal are the ferry slips and offices- fishermen and farmers; the town also has a village
now an auxiliary base for the patrol boats. glassblower and a blacksmith. They conduct a tenuous trade
The naval fleet at Cape May consists of the USS Hyman with Cape May. This isthe last known community in the interior
Rickover, USS Bigelow (DD 942), USS Confidence (WMEC to have contact with the government.
619), four inshore patrol craft (PCF), one oceangoing tug, Cohansey River, Fairton, and Bridgeton:The Cohansey
two Cape MaylLewes ferries, two LCM 6 (expedient moni- River runs inland to Bridgeton and has an average depth of
tors), two LCM 6 (expedient ATC), eight patrol boats River- two meters and an average width of 200 meters. Fairton is
ine (expedient, four with sail/motor, four with motor), one the present location of a south Jersey New Americacell that
10,000-ton tanker, immobile. In addition, a small civilian was overrun by marauders in 1998. All of their papers and
fishing fleet uses the harbor: 14 large fishing vessels, motor- communication gearwas destroyed inthe fire that consumed
ized (over 50 tons); 21 large fishing vessels, their fortified farm. The survivors
sail (convertedpleasure craft); 85 smallfish- moved south and settled in an
ing vessels, sail (under 15 tons). Although abandoned trailer park near the
the weather town. The idea was to somehow
CAPE W Y TO $&EM link up with or contact another New
Following are some points of interest.
has wiped out many America cell, so they moved into a
Town Bank and North Cape May: Bay- buildings, society's community hoping to get word of
side resort communities now populated by dregs have managed to the eventual NewAmerica uprising.
approximately 2000 farmers and fishermen. They number 35 men and women,
Cape May County Airpoa: Now a govern- survive in the ruins, are well armed, and act friendly to
ment installation, with the hangars, fortified living in a visiting government forces, even
control tower, and Four runways (the longest twisted parody providing guides upon occasion.
is 5000 feet) constantly patrolled. Navigation One hundred twenty farmers,
aids and control equipment have been of civilized society. herdsmen, and their families live in
scrounged from every other field in south and around Fairton. Bridgeton
Jersey. This field is maintained as a relay supports another 300, who live in
station to New England and is one of the few airbases in the afortifiedcluster of buildings on the south edge of town.Trade
country operating. Fuel and spare parts are scarce, so flights and traffic with the outside world are conducted via the river,
are restrictedto a minimum, and the fuel bunkers are guarded. as caravans along Route 49 to the cape disappear before
Maurice River: The river is navigable (draft is three meters they reach Millville. Although the government patrols are
lo Port Elizabeth, shallowing one meter per three kilometers aware of the situation, they can do little.The feeling in Bridge-
upstream, to a depth of .5 meters).The mouth is 150 meters ton is that the folks in Millville might have something to do
wide, narrowing to about 50 meters after four kilometers. with the lost caravans.
Port Norris: This is a healthy cluster of buildings acting as Stow Creek Lodge: A marauder hangout in a sprawling
a community center and seat of government for the 1600 old cluster of farmhouses and outbuildings. The marauders
farmers and their dependents in the area. The population are 23 convicts from Leesburg. Most are Novices poorly
resideswithin a 10-kilometerradius of the town, betweenthe armed with stolen and makeshift weapons. They hold 14
bay and the Maurice River. women and three children captive. They force the captives
Mauricet~wnBridge: The bridge has a clearance of 3.6 to do some farming and keep house for them. Three small
meters. The nearby town is occupied by 200 farmers and sailboats are used for local raiding. The maraudersfooled a
their families. militia patrolthat visited last year into believing that they were
Leesburg and State Prison: This is one of the pockets of honest locals and refugee farmers. Another 200 people live
safety operated by what remains of the New Jersey state in single-family units around the area-they want little to do
government-a Milgov programof "local autonomy" intended with outsiders.
to add some prestige and legitimacy to local rule. Beyond a Wreck of the Amco Arabia: This is what remains of a
five-kilometer radius, it's everyone for himself. A 100-man supertanker abandoned in late 1997. It is burnt out and fall-
militia company is quartered within the walls. The local pop- ing apart-pieces sporadically wash ashore after storms.
ulace is to use the prison as a fort when threatened. Bayside: This is a small fortified camp of salvagers oper-
After the nuclear exchange, inmates seized control of the ating as far north into the nuked areas as possible. Seventy
prison. Some left lo scatter across the countryside to sow men and women live in the camp. Usually two teams of 25
horror and chaos.An armed group of convicts heldthe prison each are out working, and one team guards the base, which
(and some 50 hostages) until mid-April 1998 when a raiding is an industrial park protected by a ditch and a berm with a
force of militia and state police eliminated them. firing step. Five farms were attacked and burned out two
Port Elizabeth: The 150 people inhabiting Port Elizabeth months ago by marauders from the interior.
make their living raising and selling horses. They live in a Salem: Abandoned and stripped of nearly everything
cluster of buildings near Route 47. salvageable, Salem's ruins house less than 100 refugees.
GDW Challenge 7

The descriptions included below cover the coast north of
Cape May.
inlandWateway: The drawbridges are permanently down
and, due to silting, are passable only by boats less than nine
meters high with a draft less than 2.5 meters.
Wildwoods: Apopularprewar resort community damaged
by the last hurricane. The south end is now inhabitedby 500
fishermen and their families.
Great Egg Harbor: Fifty families of fishermen reside Great Bay: This is another small island of civilization,
around this bay. The stripped wreck of the Beesley's Point populated by a few fishermen and their families.
power plant dominates this area. The Great Egg Harbor River Mullica River: This 200-meter-wide,two-meter-deepriver
is navigable up to Lake Lenape, averaging a width of 175 is navigable as farwest as the community of Batso.This town
meters (but punctuated with mud flats) and a depth of 1.5 of 250 in the heart of the Pine Barrens is a former mock
meters. TheTuckahoe River flows into the bay from the west. colonial tourist attraction, and a few of the inhabitants still
It is narrow (less than 50 meters) and shallow (one to 1.25 wear their costumes.
meters) but navigable by smaller vessels up to Tuckahoel Barneget Light: The lighthouse is inoperable (the auto-
Route 50. matic machinery broke down years ago), and the island is
The banks of both rivers are one meter or less in height deserted after several Milgov attempts to refit the lightfailed.
and heavily forested. The areas around both of these rivers Forked RiverIState Game Farm: The southernmost
are ideal for cultivation but are fallow due to marauders. The community of the Fort Dix Protected Area. The 45 families
government has plans to move a unit of state militia into the who live here harvest wild game from the Pine Barrens.
area, to be followed by settlers. Tom's River Station: This is the community surrounding
Lake Lenape: Cut off from Great Egg navigation by the the Tom's River Naval Station. Some 100,000 citizens oc-
downed Route 50 bridge, this lake has many fish and fowl. cupy the old communities around Beechwood.
May's Landing: This community is abandoned but full of The Naval Station provides limited berthing, fuel and
untapped salvage. maintenance, and contains the remnants of the Earle Naval
Atlantic City: The gambling capital of the east which drew Ammunition Depot. The docks and buildings are protected
hundreds of thousands of tourists and millions of dollars of by fortifications.
revenue a year to the state before the war is now officially Long Branch: This is the northernmost community vis-
abandoned. In the rubbled lobby of one of the casinos is a ited on a regular basis by Milgov and naval forces. A dozen
vault rumored to contain hundreds of thousands of dollars in families live clustered near the center of the town.
gems and jewelry. However, the vault door is closed, and
nobody knows how to open it. INLAND
Although the weather has wiped out many smaller build- This region includes the area north of Fort Dix, west to the
ings and the first floor lobbies of the casinos, society's dregs New Jersey turnpike, to the edge of the Perth Amboy zone.
have somehow managed to survive in the ruins, living in a The communities in this area would like more protection.
twisted parody of civilized society. Four hundred of society's
misfits now call Atlantic City home. They are escaped crimi-
nals, army deserters, marauders, and other low lifes who
scavenge, raid the mainlandforfood, and fight among them-
Milgov has mounted a couple of operations against these
inhabitants, but both failed because all the inhabitants
scrambled into the tangle of high rises to hide. In frustration,
the captain of the Bigelow shelled three casinos, reducing
one to a heapof rubble with a lucky shot and eliminatingover
100 inhabitants.The raidsdecreasedinfrequencyfor a month
Two groups now vie for control of this lonely island. One is
lead by a Columbian drug smuggler nicknamed "the Indian";
the other is a group of counter-culturetypes known as '?hose
punks." Each group numbers about 50; the rest are neutral
bystanders. So far conflict between the groups has been
minimal, as pressing concerns (like eating) have required
everyone's attention. The Indian plans to end ihis situation
8 Challenge GDW

FORT DlI% Delaware City: The refineries here were nuked, and they
This is the economic and military center of New Jersey. and the surrounding area were destroyed.
Fort Dix and McGuire AFB are home to the 78th Infantry DelawareFarms:These are scattered along the east coast
Division (light) and its attached militia and support units. of the state, usually within 20 kilometers of the shoreline.
Pemberton, Brown's Mills and several refugee camps pro- About 100 are in operation, between Wilmington and Cape
vide an economic base, supplying Milgov with food and Henlopen. Nearly identical, these farms are fortified and
manpower in exchange for protection. house three to five families (10-50 people). Between these
Currently, 250,000 residents and refugees reside in a 15- islets of civilization are marauders, usually small groups of a
kilometer radius around the Fort. This excludes the commu- dozen or so.
nity of Tom's River. Dover: Formerlythe state capital of Delaware, Dover now
Fort Dix was a typical prewar military base-a group of has a population of 3900 gathered in one walled-in neigh-
generic buildings, home to the army's Cooks borhood. They are cautiously
and Bakers School, as well as a training friendly with anyone who isn't
ground for drivers. In 1998, the engineers obviously hostile and will trade
took the precaution of building a ditch and a The prime targets salvage for food with outsiders.
bermwith afiring step around the maincamp. Dover AFB: The base had been
This protective measure is just over half a kilo- were the refineries operating at a reduced level, the
meter long. in the south, aircraft and support elements dis-
After the 78th was reformed, sandbagged but the firestorm persed to other facilities, when it
observation towers were installed every 150 was hit by nonnuclear cruise mis-
meters along the berm, with bunkers evenly from the strikes siles. The control buildings and
spaced between them. The ditch was filled spread over the hangers have been destroyed.
with sharpened stakes, and the top of the Cape Henlopen: The site of the
berm was strung with barbed wire.
whole city. Delaware-side docks of the Cape
Fort Dix is also home lo the state armory, MaylLewes ferry, frequently visited
a large collection of small arms without which in good weather by New Jersey
the New Jersey State Militia would never merchant vessels.
exist. After the New Jersey National Guard left for Europe,
state armories were bare. Though the legal framework and GOMDITIONS I N NORTHERN DELS?WAP&E
manpower were available to raise a state militia, there were TERN BENNS
no weapons to issue. The prize cache was 4000 Garand drill Before the war this was afertile and populous plain, home
rifles removed from Annapolis when the school was aban- to high-tech industries and horse-drawn Amish buggies, oil
doned in September of 1997, and sent to New Jersey for safe refineries and cornfields. The nuclear attacks created an
keeping. unofficial "forbidden zone" along the Delaware as far north
The weapons were reactivated and became standard issue as Trenton. Beyond that, the area is a basket of misery and
in the militia. Additional weapons were obtained from gun starvation, hemmed in on one side by the Alleghenies, nuke
stores, a large civilian weapons parts company, and the craters and a wide river on the other.
inventory of a local importer/manufacturerof Uzi submachine- Philadelphia: The only major city in Pennsylvania to be
guns. nuked. The destruction was horrible, but even with huge
The end result was a pile of hardware, ammunition and expanses flattened or burnt, major sections in the north of
parts that would give teeth to the state tiger (and turn into a the city are still standing. They are too large to describe with
quartermaster's nightmare). any detail; therefore, only the more important aspects are
CUS HOOK TO CAPE HENLOPEN The prime targets were the refineries in the south, but the
This section describes the area along the Delaware River firestorm from the strikes spread overthe whole city. Salvage
and the Atlantic coast of Delaware. is more abundant in the north, primarily in the industrial
Marcus Hook: The refineries here were the targets of a neighborhoods along the Delaware north of the fallen Ben-
nuclear strike, and the city and environs are a complete and jamin Franklin Bridge. However,this has not been tapped by
utter wasteland. the Jersey salvage crews, as the area is isolatedby two fallen
Wiimington: Bracketed by nuclear strikes, the residents bridges, long stretches of residual contamination, and leg-
of this town panicked and headed northwest on routes 100 ends of missing salvage teams.
and 202. As the winter took its toll and no more warheads Signs of life are limited to a few crows and buzzards. Of
dropped from the sky, some people returned. Eight thousand humans, there is no sign except an occasional scavenger.
souls now make their livelihoodsalvaging all mannerof heavy Scattered individuals do inhabit the northern half of the city,
machinery, raw materials and luxury goods. although most suffer from the same "dement" symptoms as
Delaware Memorial Bridge: This bridge is still standing described in Armies of the Night. Of the 15,000 hiding in
but is structurally unsound. the ruins, only 200 are "normal," and they are extremely wary
+. Challenge 9
f . 'I

of the prowlin$ human animals. The dements are solitary

types, with any groups numbering less than a dozen. Luck-
( ily, they have,S)ot exhibited any sign of organization.
% HuntingtonValley:Anorthwestern suburbof Philadelphia,
$ow virtually?bandoned except for an occasional refugee
\escaping thc!;city.
The Cam@: After the first nuclear attacks on the United
$tates, ovei6.5 million refugees from western New Jersey,
the Delawar&cWies, Philadelphia, and New York flooded the
southeastern~s~~tion of Pennsylvania. They settled into a small animals and birds). Quicksand, lightning fires, and
gozen refugee sari-ips, located near the larger towns. As the unsociable, superstitious hermits dissuade casual travellers.
area started to slj$ into anarchy, fighting between the vari- There is one other local hazard-the legendary "Jersey
ous camps broke out, fueled by rumors of hidden caches of Devil." Attributed as the child of Mrs. Leeds of Leeds Point,
food. The fig~in&~,dickly degenerated into what resembled thiscreaturewas allegedly sired by the devil early inthe 1700s
medieval waiTaf$;':with mobs armed with crude weapons and has roamed the barrens ever since. Man-sized, with
hicking ea~@oth$rtopieces. The combat, unchecked dis- cloven hoofs, bat's wings, horns, and a tail, it is reputed to
e@es; staMion, and exposure reduced their numbers to wear a tuxedo (accordingto some reports). Disappearances
leskthant k g e millionand left the countryside decoratedwith of sheep, fowl, and laundry are habitually attributedto it. The
un$fied skeletons. creature eventually became not much more than a tourist
$kmain camps remain in the suburbs of the towns of attraction. But, as frequently happens in mankind's darker
2&an&sier, Lebanon, Reading, Pottstown, Allentown, and moments, the Jersey Devil has recently returned with a
.~a$b'n (where they can be close to arable land). Including vengeance. In the 21st century, his appetite has expanded
'fhe original inhabitants, they now number a few thousand to include people. Maybe humanity feels better blaming
'each. They all have militias, though they are haphazardly something supernatural for events beyond its control.
0 trained, and led. They cannot agree, even among Worse than legends are the people.Away from the coastal
themselves, upon any course of action. Sanitary conditions areas, there is no civilization. Fifty thousand people live in
are abysmal, but shelter is relatively easy to find-many un- the interior, on farms of three families or less, or in wander-
damaged buildings are available. ing groups of less than 50 marauderfrefugees. The vast
Other refugees eke out a meager existence north of these majority of these people are antisocial, extremely xenopho-
camps, toward the foothills of the Poconos. Their camps bic, and just plumb crazy. Roads are usually narrow, twisted,
seldom contain more than 1500 souls. The land to the east and blocked by wrecks. This makes overland travel through
of the camps is deserted. Only brave or crazy people ven- the area lethal and practicalonly for heavily armed convoys.
ture toward the ruins of Philadelphiafor any reason. Trenton: Formerly the state capital,this city was destroyed
by refugees from Philadelphia rioting with locals in the year
SOUTH JERSEY INTERIOR or so after the nuclear exchange.Agreat deal of salvage lies
This section describes the section of the southern half of untapped,too far away to safely reach at this time. Less than
the state more than 20 or 30 kilometers inland. 500 starving refugees live in the ruins.
Vineland: This is now aghost town populatedwith a small
group of salvagers who live in a fortified complex near the NEW JERSEY STATE 60WRNRaENT
town's center. The current government is loyalto the Military Government
West Jersey Communities: The built-up area, from of the United States for several reasons. Governor Charles
Paulsboro north to Palmyra and as far east at Berlin, suf- R. Samson, the prewardistrictattorney of Gioucester County,
fered severely during the nuclear attacks. Uncontrolledfires was a Vietnam vet sympathizer and former veteran himself.
helped to destroy 85 percent of all structures in this area. After the attacks, Samson worked feverishly to bring some
Pine Barrens: From Route 30 north to Fort Dix extends a orderto the southern counties, desperatelycajoling refugees
lonely pine forest that, in spite of three years of unchecked and localsto cooperate. He became acting governor by public
plagues of diseases, insects, and fires, stands relatively intact. consent. When the government and the military parted ways
In the late '80s, the area underwent the ravages of condo- in 1999, Samson declared for Milgov, which, in his estimate,
minium developers, threatening to destroy the ecological would wind up thewinner in the end. Besides, all of his state's
balance. Building was checked in 1992 by a group of locals vital river and ocean traffic were under the guns of the navy.
backed by the Green Earth Society. After the nukes, nature The temporary capital is at Cape May courthouse, while a
quickly reclaimed her turf. "branch office" exists near Pemberton. outside Fort Dix.
Dense growths of pine and heavy underbrush thrive in
sandy soil, making off-road movement difficult and reducing MIEGOV FORGES I N TIHE AREA
visibility all year round. In the warmer months, mosquitoes, The following is a list of federal and state units in the area.
ticks, and snakes make it unhealthy for man, but game- Though these units are not upto prewar quality, they are more
deer, fowl, and wild pigs-fare somewhat better (especially than sufficient to maintain Milgov's toehold in south Jersey.
10 Challenge GDW

Milgov Command, Cape May: Responsible for the quired extra firepower by various means.
command and coordination of all Milgov activities in New Two companies of the regiment are based at Fort Leesburg,
Jersey and northern Delaware.This unit numbers50 officers, two at Cape May courthouse and one battalion at the CMCAB;
specialists, and communications experts. the remainder are on picket duty along the Cape May canal.
Naval Command, Cape Allay: Identical in size and mis- The average degree of experience is as follows: two
sion to Milgov Command, but dedicated to naval operations. percent Elite, 15 percent Veteran, 26 percent Experienced,
This unit's commander is subordinate to Milgov Command, ,and 57 percent Novice. When defending their homes, they
and both units usually work in close cooperation. make up in tenacity what they lack in training.
237th Maintenance Detachment: A service and support 1st Cavalry Squadron, NJSM: Seventy-five horse-
detachment staffed with a mismatch of survivors of sunken mounted troopers armed with FN-FALs,four M79s, and two
ships, retired naval veterans, civilian experts recruited from M60s. They also carry a miscellaneous collection of sabers
the refugee crowds, and a handful of young looted from a local museum. This
seamen. This unit handles all technical sup- unit was initially formed around a
port, except for aviation (armorers, electri- Ship operators from cadre of a half-dozencivil war reen-
cians, machinists, etc.). Current unit strength the Philadelphia Ship actment enthusiasts, and some of
is 200 enlisted and officers-) 0 percent are the troopers use their reenactment
Veteran, 55 percent Experienced, and 35 Preservation Guild uniforms and equipment. They
percent Novice. They are issued M16s but had cast off late currently operate north of the
carry them only on alert. Thanksgiving Day in canal, sometimes deep into the
1325th Naval Aviation Support Group: interior on recon missions. Twenty
Thirty rotary-wing technicians and support an effort to escape the percent are Elite, 20 percent Vet-
personnel in the Cape May Naval Base. inevitable destruction eran, 40 percent Experienced, and
828th Air Support Group, Cape May
of their city 20 percent Novice.
County Air Base: Twenty-five air force avia- 2nd Cavalry Squadron, NJSM:
tion mechanics are based here. and save the ship. Fifty troopers carried by 10 ar-
23rd Air Security Group, CMCAB: A 50- mored bank trucks.These vehicles
man detachment guarding the airbase. They have an armor value of 8, and all
are Experienced and armed with 45 M16s, four M60s, 10 have other characteristics of a two and a half ton truck. Each
M203s, and two M2 .50 calibers. car has a radio and an M79, in addition to the passengers'
lst/612th, 78th ID: A 50-man rifle company providing small arms. They are responsible for road patrol in and around
security for the naval base. They have two M203s, four M60s, Cape May, north of the canal.
and two 60mm mortars, in addition to M16s. Band C Flights, 112th Naval Aviation Squadron: Flight
Red Dragons: Amercenary group of 100 Chinese-Ameri- B consists of three 0-2 Cessna twin engine spotter planes,
can refugees (formerly a Philadelphia street gang), trained each rigged with a 7.62 machinegun. Flight C contains two
by a cadre of ex-military types. This group is fiercely loyal to Bell 47G helicopters (ex-cropdusters).There is enough fuel
the commander of the Naval Command at Cape May and is to occasionally turn over the engines and to fly extremely
currently used as an amphibious strike force. They are armed criiical support missions.This unit is based at Cape May Naval
with Uzis, M I 6s, shotguns, and an M60. Twenty-two percent Base.
are Elite, 35 percent Veteran, and 43 percent Experienced. Piseck Commando: This unit consists of 18 ex-SWAT
3rd Regiment, New Jersey State Militia: Under New teammembers from the Philadelphia and New Jersey state
Jersey law, all males betweenthe ages of 17 and 45 are liable police. They are currently deployed as an amphibious com-
for service in the state reserve militia, in the event that the mando and are well armedwith light military weapons. Named
governor declares an emergency. The New Jersey State for Peter Piseck, the unit's commander, they report to the
Militiawill under no circumstancesventure outside the state. naval commander at Cape May.
Three regiments were raised and armed in early 1998 to 301st Independent Battery: This unit is currently provid-
assist hard-pressed law enforcement units in local crisis ing fire support for Cape May Naval Base, staffed with 80 ex-
control. Another three were raised in early 1999. Cadre for military "graybeards" culled from the refugees. In addition to
these units were the survivors of the New Jersey Volunteer small arms, the unit has three M202 howitzers and six 120mm
Militia, a well equipped prewar organization of conservative mortars salvaged from national guard and army reserve
survivalists and gun store commandos numbering 1000. armories.
Regiments are authorized a present level of 630 men, or- 1st Regiment, NJSM: This regiment is assigned to secu-
ganized in three battalions of 205 and a regimental head- rity duty north of the Fort Dixflom's River area. Its 300 sol-
quarter of 15. Each battalion has four 50-man companies diers patrol as far north as Mew Brunswick-PerthAmboy.
and a battalion headquarter, and is armed primarily with M I 2nd Regiment, NJSM: Recently deployed for security duty
Garand rifles, though some members carry shotguns or hunt- north of the Cape May courthouse, the 400 soldiers of this
ing rifles. Additionally, each battalion is issued two 60mm unit are currently quartered in the Wildwoods, awaitingorders
mortars and 15 M79 grenade launchers. Most units have ac- to move out.
GDW Challenge 11

3rd Squadr~n,NJSM:This unit wasformedfrom remnants

of the state police and local law enforcement units, mounted
on cross-country motorcycles and used for reconnaissance
and peace keeping. It presently musters 240 effectives.
4th Regiment, NJSM: The 275 members of this regiment
are assigned to garrison duty and training at Fort Dix.
5th Regiment, NJSM: The 370 members of this regiment
are assigned to garrison duty and training at Fort Dix.
6th Regiment, NJSM: The 350 members of this regiment
tody 10 kilometers off the Delaware bay on December3,1997.
are assigned to Fort Dix and are presently patrollingthe region
north of that area. A group of the ship operators from the Philadelphia Ship
78th Infantry Division:These are the survivorsof the New Preservation Guild had cast off late Thanksgiving Day in an
York fiasco, reorganized in March 1999. This unit has been effort to escape the inevitable destruction of their city and
building its strength, stores, and morale since its crushing save the ship.
defeat. Their headquarters has been promised reinforce- A navy "custody crew" was put aboard, and the ship sailed
ments from the USAEUR returnees, but so far only a few to Norfolk. For the next three months, Gazela acted as an
hundred have shown up. auxiliary packet ferrying supplies, personnel, and messages
The division now has three rifle battalions of 275 men, anbetween scattered military forces and the dozen or so naval
artillery battery (60 men), a headquarters and signals unit vessels hiding along the Chesapeake. When Norfolk was
(45 men), and an engineer battalion (70 men). M16s are declared operational again, Gazela put in for minor mainte-
issued to every member of the division. Support weapons nance and, after some paper juggling, was officially commis-
include three recently received 105mm howitzers, eight 4.2" sioned Hyman Rickover.
mortars, 30 60mm mortars, 30 M60s, and 65 M203s. The This name was suggested by the new master, Commander
engineer unit has a bulldozer, a half-dozendump trucks, and Beckly (formerly a nuclear sub commander). A sailing ship
a small warehouse full of scrounged constructionequipment named after the father of the nuclear submarine force is a
typical example of the man's odd sense of humor.
and supplies. Currently, one rifle battalion is dispersed across
New Jersey---one company at Cape May, two on reconnais- Rickover received her armament and a speckled, rather
sance in northernJersey, and two with the headquarters com- than camouflaged, coat of black and gray paint on her hull.
pany at Tom's River Naval Base. The other two rotate secu- In deference to the originally civilian members of her crew
rity details for the important installations at Fort Dix. One(now "drafted"), the sailing ship was berthed at Cape May
company from each of the Dix-based battalions is training Naval Base and operates between there and Norfolk.
and outfitting as a mechanized reaction force. By way of background, Rickoverbegan life in 1883 as the
Naval Command, Tom's River Naval Station: This unit Portuguese topsail schooner Gazela Primeiro. By the time
is a 30-man command, intelligence, and communication she had enteredthe Philadelphian's hands, Gazela hadbeen
group based at Tom's River. rerigged as a barkentine and received an auxiliary diesel
304th Naval Support Group: This is a 25-man mainte- engine, two generators, and an engine to power her wind-
nance unit based at Tom's River.They are indifferently armed lass (which can still be manually operated). A sophisticated
with a random assemblage of civilian and military weapons. short-wave radio was installed in 1989. She has a draft of
HQ and A Flight, 112th Naval Aviation Squadron: Based 5.4 meters, sparred length of 177 meters and width of 10
at CMCAB, this unit includes two P-3 Orions and two 0-2s. meters; her beam is 27 meters; and her tallest mast is 93.4
Fuel limitations prohibit the larger planes from flying at all.
The navyfound an ancient 3"/54-caliber pedestal-mounted
1\TEW SHIP DESCRIPTIONS deck gun for her. It is placed over the centerline between her
USS Hyman Rickover: Formerly the barkentine Gazela fore and mainmast. It has a limited field of fire-a 60-degree
of Philadelphia, this sailing ship was taken under navy cus- broadside. She also receivedfour pintle mounts (two .50 M2
12 Challenge GDW

HMG amidships, and one fore- and one aft-mounted Mk19 deck. Ships up to 10,000 tons can be taken under tow. Ar-
AGL), and two 81mm mortars, also mounted amidships. mament includes two 40mm GLs and a foredeck-mounted
Personal weapons for the crew were also issued. Mk75 turret fitted in the early '90s.
The ship requires a crew of five to operate under power, a The Confidence is temporarily berthed at Cape May, tak-
dozen under sail. Permanent crew is 28, with room for 15 ing on high-tech salvage from the teams operating further
passengers and three tons of small, crated cargo. For more up the Delaware. When its supply of trade goods (weapons,
informationon handlingprocedures, refer to Gateway to the ammunition, canned food, etc.) is exhausted, it will return to
Spanish Main. Norfolk.
Rickover is currently employed as a patrol vessel against Displacement is 950 tons; draft is 3.2 meters; ship's
Soviet vessels (though no one has ever seen one), maraud- complement is 61. Top speed is 16 knots; range at cruising
ers, and smugglers. Her area of operations extends north to speed of 14 knots is 9200 kilometers. Armor value is 60 for
Tom's River along the Jersey coast, up the the hull, 45 for the deck structures.
Delaware to Marcus Hook and the mouth of Inshore Patrol Craft: These
the Delaware Bay. She is occasionally used Service on small craft are modified off-shore
as a mother ship for smaller patrol boats Rickover is an drilling support vessels, mounting
operating alongthe rivers and creeks of south twin 50s in a pulpit atop the pilot
Jersey, as well as a fast message packet to enviable position. house and a 40mm AGL on a
Norfolk. The captain has pedestal mount on the aft deck.
The greatest advantage of Rickoveris her Displacement is 22.5 tons; draft is
economicalability to travel without petroleum.
managed t o 1.Imeter; and the ship's comple-
Her diesel, long since converted to alcohol, assemble an ment is 6. The top speed is 28
is handy for shallow-water cruising, the sails excellent team of knots, and range at cruising speed
lor longer open-sea journeys. is 120 kilometers. The armor value
Service on Rickover is an enviable posi- sailors, fighters, and is 10. A swift boat can carry either
tion. The captain has managed to assemble scroungers. 24 passengers or three tons of
an excellent team of sailors, fighters, and cargo.
scroungers. Morale is high, and food is plenty Monitors:These are a variation
in spite of the continual danger. on a Vietnam-era modification. LCM6s drawn from the am-
USS Bigelow (Forest Sherman/HuICClass): Seven of phibious base at Norfolk received boiler plate armor and
this class of warship were mothballed at Philadelphia. Work whatever weaponry was handy. This usually consisted of a
began early in January 1997to bring them into service. Only forward turret, a rnidship weapons "bucket," an armored
by working overtime with a greatly swollen work force were deckhouselbridge,and an aft turret. Forwardturret armament
five of them combat-ready by Thanksgiving, 1998.Two were was usually two 20mm Vulcans scrounged from wrecked
destroyed in port; two others were subsequently lost at sea, fighters, a 20mm or 25mm autocannon, and a 40mm AGL.
presumably to enemy submarines. Of the surviving three, Bucket armament was an 81mm mortar and two 7.62mm
two are based at Norfolk (Mamley DD 940 and Blandy DD MGs, rear turrets carrying twin .50s, or a 40mm GL and a
943) and one (Bigelow) at Cape May. They rarely put to sea, 5.56mm minigun. Crew size was usually 10 men. Overall
due to a lack of fuel. Their last mission was escorting the armor value is 15; top speed is eight knots; and displace-
TF34 convoy in for the final third of the journey to Norfolk. ment is 24.5 tons.
This vessel is unique in that it mounts three 5"/54-caliber Armored Troop Carriers: These are similar to the moni-
guns (one foreward, two aft), and two twin 76mm Mk75s- tor, but are designed to transport troops and supplies. They
heavy armament unheard of in the more modern ships, but retainthe original landing ramp and cargo bay (which has an
extremely useful in providing fire support for ground units. armored roof), but lack the forward turret and midship weap-
The 5" guns are equivalent, in all respects except ammuni- ons bucket of the monitors. They can move 20 troops or eight
tion interchangeability, to 125mms; the 76mms to 75mm tons of cargo. Otherwise, all statistics are the same as the
automatics. Displacement is 3000 tons; draft is 7.44 meters; monitors'.
ship's complement is 292. Top speed is 33 knots; range at
Since no specific adventure situations are detailed, no maps of the areas
cruising speed of 20 knots is 6000 kilometers.
described are included with this article.
Referee's Note: If the players are involved in Armies of An ordinary road atlas will provide a good general overview of the areas
the Might and signal for someone to come pick up the gold, for referees. If more detailed maps are required, they can be obtained from
this vessel will be dispatched, along with the Piseck Com- the United States Geological Survey or from the tourism bureaus of each
mando. state (a minimal fee may be involved).
For additional information on the prices and availability of USGS maps,
USS Gonfidence(RelianceClass):Thisship was a coast write to:
guard cutter originally designed for search and rescue mis- The United States Geological Survey
sions. The bridge has 360-degree visibility, and the weather Department of the Interior
deck aft of the bridge is suitable for use as a helicopterflight Washington, DC 20242. Q
The magic of liftwood.
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14 Challenge GDW

Marcus 1;. Rowland
espite the fact that space travel and flight are almost wholly depen-
dent on liftwood, little is known about the plant's biology. It should be
emphasized that much of what follows is based on examination of a
very small number of specimens; liftwood species only develop their
antigravity properties in the soil of the remote high kraags of Mars, and expedi-
tions to these regions are invariably attacked by thieves or the barbaric High
Martians. There has been little opportunity to study these curious plants in their
native habitat.The physics and chemistry of the liftwood effect remain an enigma.

Liftwood is the generic name for a group of similar plant species (Lignivolucer
Liftwood var.) found exclusively on Mars. No close correspondence to any Terran plant
family exists. The seeds show unique dispersal mechanisms.

Main Species Three species have been studied-they are the most widely cultivated types.
They are named for the areas where they were first seen by Terran scientists.
@ L. aeria is the broad-leafed species first reported by Edison on his return from
Mars. It is the most common form and is now known to be widely distributed
throughout the Martian heights. The physical properties of L. aeria are used as
the standard by which other liftwoods are judged. Mature plants produce wood
that is usable for approximately 10 years.
@2aL. edensis was first reported in the Eden hills and has a broad north-south
distribution in mountain ranges from Cydonia to Noarchis. The plant is smaller
than L. aeria and tends to produce less usable wood for a given volume of timber.
However, it is believedto tolerate poorer soil conditionsthan L. aeria. This is proba-
bly the reason why its lifting power and service life are half that of L. aeria.
@ L. arabia is distributed sparsely through the Arabia, Meroe, and Tempe
mountains. It is a smaller tree, but the trunks are generally knot-free and give a
good yield of usable wood-up to a third more than L. aeriafor a given volume of
logs. Lifting power is roughly 1.5 times that of L. aeria, and the service life is longer;
it is usable for approximately 12 years after harvesting.

All liftwood plants produce pollen and are preparedto receive it throughout the
Pollination Martian year. The plants are apparently capable of self-pollination,but this has
not been confirmed experimentally. The pollen is extremely fine-grained, on a par
with that of the finest grasses. It does not appear to have any antigravity effect,
but its size and the fierce mountain winds ensure that grains stay airborne for
many months. Scientists have collected samples at all altitudes and over all areas
of Mars, including the poles and deserts.

Biological Role properties

At first sight, there seems to be no obvious natural need for the antigravity
of liftwood; the plant dies if uprooted, so it is apparently unable to take
tigravity advantage of this capability. The importance of this characteristiconly becomes
apparent if the habitat of the plant is considered. Liftwood plants are dependent
on the soil of the high kraags; they can be cultivated elsewhere but seldom reach
maturity, rarely bear seed, and do not show any antigravity properties. Other plants
which only grow in the same areas and seem to require the same soil do not de-
velop the liftwood capability.
Thus, it seems clear that the soil fulfills some nutritive need;the antigravity effect
is secondary to this need.
As yet it has proven impossible to make a careful survey of many liftwood groves.
On the evidence available, it would appear that similar liftwood plants are found
in widely separated areas of Mars, but the other species associated with liftwood
GDW Challenge 15

groves are far more varied, often unique to a single mountain. Two conclusions
are possible: Eitherthe liftwood species have been widely distributed by the High
Martians, or their spread is aided by their remarkable properties. Although the
High Martians undoubtedly cultivate and spread these plants, discoveries of iso-
lated plants and untended groves suggest that they can spread unaided. Wild
liftwood is generally 10 to 20 percent weaker (in terms of the antigravity effect)
than cultivated plants. Wild liftwood also gives lower yields of usable straight-
grained wood. A rumor persists that wild liftwood is better, but this is untrue.

On Earth most seeds are distributed by animals or the wind. On Mars there are
significant barriers to animal distribution, primarily huge expanses of arid land
where animal life is scarce. Liftwood plants have an additional handicap-their
need for special soils. To take full advantage of suitable habitats, all known lift-
wood species are able to propagate by the use of runners (like banyan or straw-
berry plants). However, dispersal beyond these areas requires a mobile seed; in
view of the vast distances involved, a flying seed is preferable. The three species
studied all produce seeds which show the liftwood effect. Escaped slaves report
that High Martian liftwood farmers remove most of the seeds as they form; thus,
this may make the trees retain more of the liftwood chemical and is possibly one
of the reasons why cultivated liftwood is more powerful than wild plants.
L. edensisshowsa good example of this form of seed dispersal. The pea-sized
seed trails thin root-like tendrils which do not have any gravity-negative property.
The seed is initially able to lift its own weight plus the weight of the tendrils. Seeds
float slowly upward from the plant, dispersing widely on the mountain updraft.
After a few hours, the seed loses a little lift and is gravitationally neutral, staying
at a constant altitude for weeks or months. Not surprisingly, this altitude happens
to be ideal for the species. Drifting flight continues until the tendrils touch any solid
object. Within afew moments of contact, the seed loses some buoyancy and sinks
until approximately half the length of the tendrils rests on the ground. With some
of the load removed, the seed remains airborne and continues to drift, dragging
the tendrils behind it. When the tendrils encounter a patch of suitable nutritious
soil, thin root hairs dig in to anchor the seed and slowly pull it into the ground.
One drawback of the method used by L. edensis is that the low-altitude flight
is triggered by accidental contact with the ground. Given a strong updraft, it is
possiblefor such seeds to encounter a mountain and fly over it without ever making
this initial contact. (Magnified ~ 2 )
This problem is avoided by the acorn-sized seeds of L. aeria. L. aeriasecretes R~~~
the lift chemical in the seed and in leaf-like vanes attached to it. The vanes are
arranged to make the seed spin if they catch the wind. The seed trails a single
tendril with a bulbous tip. Like L. edensis, L. aeria is initially gravity-neutral. How-
ever, after a few days, the vanes dry, and their point of attachment becomes
extremely brittle. If the seed then encounters turbulent winds, such as the up-
drafts near a mountain, the vanes snap off, and some lift is lost. The seed de-
scends until the tendril touches the ground and commences low-altitude trailing
flight, in the mannerof L. edensis. If suitable soil is encountered, four barbed hooks
spring out, anchoring the seed while the root tips grow. Extension of the hooks
takes approximately three seconds and appears to use a mechanism similar to
the collapse of leaves on the Terran mimosa plant. Asimpler method is used by
L. arabia, the smallest of the common liftwood species. Thousands of tiny seeds
are produced, each topped by an oval disk-a "float"of gravity-negative material.
This seed is stable in calm conditions but tilts and loses much of its lift when it en- Root Tip with
counters turbulence. It then descends randomly and starts to grow regardless of Nooks Extended
the type of soil. Most of the seeds die, but a small portion fall onto suitable soil. (~4)
At least two other liftwood species may exist, but they are only known from Other Species
second-hand accounts, wood, and fruit. As yet, no Terran scientist has seen the
actual plants, and scientific names have not been assigned.
16 Challenge GDW

A, Edensis @ Shiuuskup is a rare Martian fruit that resembles a sweet blue apricot with a
(Magnifiedx2) spicy aftertaste. It is much prized by Martian gourmets and can be fermented to
make an extremely pgtent liqueur. If the oval seeds are carefully removed, they
float upward. It is assumed that these seeds are normally dispersed by animals,
possibly the flying skrill or one of its smaller relatives. The seeds retain the anti-
gravity ability, which is used if animals are not available. There is no obvious
mechanism for efficient airborne distribution, unlike the other large seeds stud-
ied. Experiments show that the seeds lose their antigravity effect after passing
through the gut, which would support this theory. Presumably uneaten fruit rots
to release the seeds, which drift off in any wind. Martian sources claim that the
plant is a bush, not a tree, and does not produce usable liftwood-but this has not
been verified. It apparently has a limited range in the Noachis heights.
@@ Seerdiik is an extremely rare, dense liftwoodwith straight grain and very pow-
erful antigravity effects. A piece of seerdiik will lift approximately twice the load of
a similar volume of L. aeria. It is claimed to retain its lift for 20 to 30 Martian years,
far longer than other species. The largest piece examined by Terran scientists is
the hull of a modeletherflyer, given to a British merchant by the amwaakof Parhoon
shortly before he was assassinated. The uncut wood was approximately a foot
long by four inches square. The grain patterns suggest that it may have been cut
from the main trunk, which would appear to be no more than six to eight inches
wide. The source of seerdiik remains unknown. Unreliable reports say that it is a
dwarf hybrid species cultivated by members of a civilized High Martian tribe, but
this seems extremely unlikely.

Otterwood In 1887 naturalists working at the Royal Botanical Gardens decided to mount
an expedition to obtain samples of liftwood plants, the soil they grow in, and
Expedition, associatedplant and animal species. The expedition was led by Dr. John Otter-
wood, a botanist who had previously been involved in expeditions to the Congo
1887-1888 and Upper Amazon. For logistical reasons, the explorers decided to visit the
Astusapes Highlands.
Unfortunately, it took some time to arrange the hire of a steam launch and other
equipment, and the departure from Parhoon has delayed until February of 1888,
a few days before the Kraag Barrovaar incident.
For some time, there was no news of the expedition, and it was feared that the
explorers had been caught up in the fighting that led to the Oenotrian War. These
Root fears were justified; an Oenotrian Bloodrunnerkite encounteredthe launch on its
rips return journey and attacked it.
(x8) The scientists (armed only with a Nordenfelt machinegun and small arms)
retaliated by running the launch into the kite's sails and setting them on fire, then
picked off the kite's crew as they tried to extinguish the blaze. The kite ultimately
crashed, with no survivors. The launch was badly damaged in the fight and made
a forced landing in the Meroe Badlands. The scientists escaped across country
and eventually reached Parhoon but were forced to abandon the soil samples
and most of their equipment. Otterwood's leg was broken in the crash and be-
came gangrenous during the return journey; he died less than a week after the
expedition returned.
Seed specimens and drawings returned by members of the expedition were
one of the principal sources for this article.

Adventurers are more likely to be interested in the commercial and military uses
Game Use of liftwood than in its botany or ecology. However, this research can lead to some
interesting plot ideas.
@# The adventurerstrade for liftwood. During the return journey, they realize that
the liftwood they are carrying is L. edensis, not L. aeria, and has less than a quarter
of the value they expected-probably not enoughto pay their expenses and debts.
c;s Seerdiik contains an unusually stable and concentrated form of the liftwood
chemical. Given a large sample, it might be possible to make a detailed analysis
GDW Challenge 17

and discover its secrets. The only accessible sample is a model ether flyer, the
pride and joy of a rich Parhooni merchant who has no intention of selling it.
Where does seerdiik grow, and who (or what) grows it? Could there be civi-
lized High Martians?
@#Shiuuskup plants are cultivated as food, not for their antigravity capability.
Can the plant be grown in a more civilized setting? If so, will it have the taste that
Martian gourmets expect from this delicacy?
@ Somewhere in the Meroe Badlands is the wreck of the Otterwood Expedition
launch, containing several hundred pounds of liftwoodgrove soil, avariety of plants
and seeds, and scientific instruments. Have the Oenotrians found it? If not, is
there anything worth salvaging? Did anyone ever salvage the Bloodrunnerkite?

L. arabia gives more lift than normal liftwood--usually 150 tons per hull size
number but up to a maximum of 240 tons per hull size number. It costs £8000 per
Game Use
hull size in Martian yards (but is usually unavailable; roll 1D6 plus hull size to
determine the number of months needed to obtain the supply necessary for a
(Sky Galleons)
given vessel). Britishyards can never get large quantities.At best, they can supply
enough for one hull size for £ 12,000, but it will take 2D6 months to obtain the
wood. To calculate the lift of a hull built from L. arabia, use Lv=15OHs/T, where Lv
is lift value, Hs is hull size, and T is tons.
L. edensis gives less lift than normal liftwood-usually 50 tons per hull size
number but up to a maximum of 80 tons per hull size number. It costs £3000 per
hull size in Martian yards, £5000 per hull size in British yards. However, the dis-
advantages of this wood mean that no yard routinely stocks it. It must be ordered
(delay 1D6 months) or supplied by the purchaser of the hull. In practice, it is mainly
used for small craft, conveyers, and other applications where strong lift capability
isn't needed. To calculate the lift of a hull built from L. edensis, use Lv=liOHs/T.
For a steel hull (British yards), add 22000 per hull size to the cost of the wood.
Ifthese variant woods are used, the exact type of hull should be noted on the
ship record form (e.g., L. arabia wooden hull, steel-clad L. edensis, etc.).
For game purposes, species of liftwood with different lift values cause trim
instabilities and cannot be mixed in the construction of a hull.
Seerdiik is not available for ship construction.

The material presented here will permit interested players to recreate the
Otterwood party's encounter with the hostile kite. Otterwood
Map: Use the Kraag Barrovaar map from Sky Galleons of Mars. Each brown
line is a terrain boundary. The highest point on the map is at high altitude. Ignore Incident
all ground installations apart from the trees on the smaller peak.
Ships: The British have an aerial steam launch: Move: 5 HUN Size: 1 Armor: 0
Bridge: C, H, T Passengers: 4 Wpn: Nordenfelt gun bearing forward, port, star-
board Cost: £4840 Weight: 50 tons Max. Height: VH.
All passengers and crew have modern rifles. The passengers count as Green
crew when using weapons; one of the passengers must man the gun. For ship
plans and other information, see Space: 1889.
The Martians have a standard Bloodrunnerkite with a Trained crew.
Setup: The British launch begins landed on the smaller peak, height Medium.
The Martin kite begins on the edge beyond the other peak, height High.
Special Rules: Neither craft is a military vessel, but the kite captain is sure that
he can take on one puny launch. He will attack until his ship is damaged or crew
is killed, then try to withdraw. If it is obvious the kitecannot continue (e.g., the gun
is destroyed), the captain will press the combat unless the kite retreats off the Seed
map. For the purposes of this combat, a boarding party may deliberately start
fires with damage value 1.
Victory: The British win if the kite retreats off the map or is destroyed or dis-
abled, and they are then able to leave the map. The Martians win if the launch is
captured, destroyed, or disabled. i2 (Magnified ~ 8 )
18 Challenge GDW

he four Adversaries 25mm-miniatures

oxed sets for Space: 1889 provide a
asic assortment of interesting and

for larger miniatures battles.

The first set is the ideal introduction to mini-
atures for Space: 1889. The 10 Victorian Ad-
venturers cover the range of possible charac-
ter types-everything from adventuresses to
military officers to Martian nomads. We enjoyed
these 10 figures so much "rat we designed
Temple sf the Beastmen so they can be used
as pawns in the game.
The next two sets are Soldiers of the Queen
and Legions of Mars. Soldiers of the Queen
provides British colonial troops from Mars;
Legions 0.8 Mars contains local Canal Martian
troops loyal to any of several Martian empires.
Each boxed set is enough to field a company
(using the Soldier's Companion rules that
govern Space: 1889 miniatures) on the battle-
fields of Mars.

risrs, with 20 figures of flying High Martians. Half

the Martians are mounted on stands and flying;
the other half are the same figures standing on

This month's Showcase features figures from

two sets: Victorian Adventurers and Kraag
Wrriors. Next issue, we'll show figures from the

Our aim in Showcase is to provide a look at miniature

figures, both old and new, "cat can enhance your sci-
ence-fiction gaming. Tell us what you want to know
about miniatures: Write Showcase, Challenge
Magazine, PO Box 1646, Bloomington, IL 61702-1646
GDW Challenge 19

Kraag Warriors

Flying King Landed King War Chief with Mace War Chief with Mace Warrior with Trident
(King Gnaashriik) (King Gnaashriik) (Flying) (Landed)

Warrior with Trident Warrior with Sword Warrior with Sword Warrior with Spear Warrior with Spear
(Landed) (Flying) (Landed) (Flying) (Landed)

Victorian Adventurers

Army Officer Army Officer Thug

with Revolver with Sword Navy Officer Inventor with Pistol (Slippery John
(Lieutenant Arthur) (Major Bagley) (Captain Timmons) (Dr. Eberwein) Grimes)

Missionary Lady with Revolver ravelling Clothes (Sir ~ e ~ i n a l d Hill Martian Nomad
(Reverend Phelps) (Mrs. Gates) (Miss Lucy) Colton-Haynes) (Uumotaak the Bold)
20 Challenge GDW.

iplomat for the other than full acceptance of Renaissance began.

empire Le Comte the leading role of the move- Technocratic Human-
N'Jumani was a ment. Eventhe powerful city- ism: This was a philosophi-
notorious Italo- state of Naples was eventu- cal movement, and the art,
phile. Nevertheless, the past ally forced to accede to these literature and politics associ-
half-century has seen great terms after a six-month siege ated with it flowed from that
developments in Italy, mak- in 2025. basis. The doctrine of Tech-
ing it one of the more open The new ltaly sprang from nocratic Humanismwas not,
and confident of the "third disciplined, hierarchical or- in itself, particularly novel. But
rank" powers seemingly ganizations, uncompromis- it was a synthesis which
fated never to break into the ing in their approach to managedto capturethe spirit
"spacepower club." ltaly is power. This was to become of the age and turn it into a
one of the few continentalEu- a characteristic of the Italian concrete system of values
ropean nationswith aculture state through the painful and plan of action.
able to resist the dominant years of reconstruction and Its ideological roots were
positionof France in the age. beyond. Government by a nothing new. The belief (gen-
And this rests primarily on her small group of experts erally called Hegelianism),
historical role, especially the wielded near-absolute pow- was that the universe had its
recent and still powerfuiheri- er, not so much representing own reason for being. And
tage of the so-called Neon the people as acting in their once man knew his inner.
@ Renaissance of the mid-23rd interests-and in the inter- purpose, he would live in har-
@ century. ests of the state. mony with himself and his
The Inauguration of universe, content in his role
HISTORY 2laO:The task of reconstruc- in the grand design.
FROM 2000 tion demanded such a firm Two other forces, though,
The nuclear exchanges and authoritarian approach. went to reshape this frame-
and conventional bloodbath And under the t u t e l a ~ eof work to create technocratic
of thewarsshattered Europe Nuova ltalia the cointry humanism: the growth of the
into apatchworkof petty war- slowly recovered from the leisure economy and a resur-
lordships, city-states and traumas and dislocations of gence of interest in the Twi-
communities. Remnants of war. The culminationwas the light War.
the Italian Army quartered inauguration, in 21 00, with Despite recurring fears,
near Venice became the Rome as the national capital automation never made man
focus of the Nuova ltalia once again. The old city had obsolete, but a20-hourwork-
(New Italy) movement and to be all but rebuilt from ing week became increas-
began, by negotiation, alli- scratch, and in its rebirth, it ingly commonplace.Automa-
ance and conquest to reunite was a proud symbol for the tion did allow for more leisure
the country. whole country. time and an ever-widening
Two tactical moves were to The Space Age: Through range of options to occupy it.
be of long-lasting signifi- the 21st century and the first This breadth of possibilities
cance. One was alliance with half of the 22nd, ltaly mud- bred dissatisfaction with the
the Italian Communist Party, dled along like most of the situation and a feeling that life.
the only nation-wide organi- other lesser nations of Eu- was becoming devoid of
zation with the discipline to rope. It was content to rely on genuine purpose. In the
survive the fall of 20th-cen- the French Peace for secu- words of one commentator,
tury civilization. Its eurocom- rity and follow in the techno- man was becoming a "poly-
munist stance had ensured it logical, social, and cultural math of trivialities, never
stood with, not against, its wake of its superpower realizingthat many zeros still
country and had not been neighbor. Despite a nearwar don't add up to anything."
tarred as unpatriotic. The with Spain in 2168 concern- After its publication in
second was the Tuscan ing sub-Mediterranean min- 2236, Depardieux-Lafon-
Declaration, wherein the eral rights, and a rumbling, ill- taine's epic portrayal of World
central command of Nuova tempered border dispute with War III triggered a general re-
ltalia refusedto accept the in- Aurstovenia 2206-8, ltaly surgence of interest in that
corporation of cities and was hardly in the world news. darkchapter of history. It was
baronies under any terms That is, not until the Neon particularly popular in ltaly on
GDW Challenge 21
Challenge GDW

account of its sensitive study discernthe widertruthsof his over, Westphalia, Saxony faces the electorate every
of the formative agonies of existence. The horrors of the and Brandenburg, the quest five years. The primo con-
the Nuova ltalia movement. Twilight War had, if not dis- for a hiddendestiny was soon sigliere, effectively the prime
One consequence was a re- credited the nation-state turned to nationalist ends and minister, chairs the eight-
newed and criticalanalysis of system, at least shown the used as a rationale for the person body which wields
the concept of the nation- potential dangers it entailed. reunification of the German considerable and far-reach-
state and, in the intellectual But man had survived. Was* nations. The War of German ing powers through a series
classes at least, its rejection. this not, it was argued, the Reunification of 2292-3 dis- of ministries.
Having discarded the na- sign that there was more to mayed adherents across the A wide range of groups and
tion-state as the basic unit of humanity than a disorgan- globe. individual views are present
human society, philosophers ized state of political and eth- But the optimism they in the Council of Represen-
(notably the radical and en- nic allegiances? represented had already tatives, but most fall into one.
ergetic faculty of the Univer- This was an upbeat and begun to dwindle. The Third of three political blocs. The
dynamic message-in keep- Rio Plata War of 2275-9, the dominant Social Reformers
ing with the essentially opti- Cantonese-Indonesian War are an essentiallytraditional-
mistic mood of the mid-23rd of 2264-8 and finally the vi- ist grouping. They are be-
century-which could pro- cious, hard-fought Central nevolent bureaucrats who
vide a raison d'etre for those Asian War in 2292-3 all want the population to have
unmoved by the colonization seemed to presage a new every intellectual freedom
of the stars. age of conflict and national- imaginable while leaving the
Artistically it fostered the ism. actual business of politics to
"humanist romantic" move- Besides,,the very concept the professionals. The Liber-
ment, which stressed internal of the unity of humanity, given als are relatively libertarian
harmony over appearances. such a boost by the discov- and free-market oriented,
Literature saw a resurgence ery of the Sung, was soon in- while the Progressives veer
of concern with motivation fected with an uglyxenopho- toward various collectivisms
and human growth over the bia with the discovery of their and socialisms.
rather sterile obsession with treatment of the Xiang. The Citizenship:Anyone living
form and style which had Slaver War and contact with or working in ltaly must pay
characterized the early de- the less-advanced Ebers taxes, but every resident in
cades. prompted a smugness which the country or of Italian de-
Politically the effects were struck at the very heart of the scent can petition for citizen-
liberalizing and progressive. philosophy about human ship. Citizens can vote and
Technocratic humanism had growth and change. Fortu- pay reduced taxes, but all.
no set creed but concerned nately this never realized its have to spend 18 months in
sity of Padua) lookedto other the discovery of the inner ugly potentialfor a new sense the service of the state-
concepts. Interest focused plan-whatever it was. By of manifest destiny, but it had sometimes as a soldier, but
on the concept of the unity of lack of any firm direction, it already undermined one of usually as a specialist, bu-
humanity, which contact with became a very tolerant force. the bases of the Neon Ren- reaucrat, or the like.
the alien races inevitably It was manifested in a new aissance. The Law: Nothingdemon-
threw into sharp relief. Be- laissez-faire culture and an stratedthe duality of modern
sides, ease of travel and eager embrace of cultural, THE NATION ltaly more than her criminal
communications were begin- social and political change. ltaly is still governed on code. In keeping with the in-
ning to marginalize the very Italy's effects were much very corporatist and rational dividualistic tenants of tech-
concept of "nationality." stronger. The ltaly of the lines. It is run by experts nocratic humanism, all sorts
These various strands Neon Renaissance under- whose powers are tempered of sexual, social, even nar-
were tied together in compel- went a cultural explosion. It by close supervision and cotic practices have been
ling form by Salvatore Pulcini was known for a passion for open discussion by the legalized. However, the au-
in 2242. His academic paper the exploration of the human people and their elected rep- thoritarian tradition is visible
in 2240 was followed by a psyche and purpose that resentatives. The president is in the state security laws. On
best-selling book, Time,Man frequently veered into the elected every six years but eventhe slightest suspicions,
and the Universe. self-indulgent. fulfills an essentially ceremo- the state has almost absolute
The dominant theme was Post-Humanism: Tech- nial role. Real power is powers of surveillance, arrest
that increased leisure time nocratic humanism was to vested in the Consiglio, an and detention-all for the
provided man with an unpar- decline in importance under executive council elected "public good."This tension is
alleled opportunity to plumb a numberof influences, many from the Council of Repre- particularly evident in Italy's
the depths of his soul and of their own creation. In Han- sentatives which, in turn, liberalfreedom of information
GDW Challenge 23

laws. Her system of govern- part is the Servizio di Sicur-

ment depends on an in- ezza Statale (State Security
formed people. But an elitist Service or "S3").
bureaucracyoff en feels prac- The Economy: Social
tical considerations demand ownership or partial state-
secrecy. The result is usually control is the norm in Italy,
a running battle between and all but a few of the larg-
judges and journalists on the est Italian enterprises have
one hand and civil servants sizable state shareholdings.
on the other, with neither ever For this reason ltaly and the
winning as ascendant for large multinationals do not
long. The police and the see eye-to-eye, and the
Guardia Nazionale customs country is largely free of the
service are obligedto consult zaibatsus and multinationals.
the Servizio Segreto in every ltaly is known for its thriving,
instance a case may have an light industrial and fashion
internal security implication. sectors, and still excels in
International Relations: design. It has a small space-
Pragmatism and traditional craft construction sector:
friendships combine to keep Michelangelo SPA'S range of
ltaly on good terms with freighters and various in-
France. But abortive ltalian system short-haulers.
attempts at establishing a The unit of currency is the
leading role among the sec- Scudo (sc.), which is gener-
ondary powers of the Medi- ally pegged at about sc.10 to
terranean have led to some the livre. The three main
friction. The continuing pres- banks-the Banco d'ltalia,
ence of a traditionally Ger- Fondo Nazionale Veneziana
man-speaking minority in and Banca Commerciale
northern ltaly has defied at- Lombarda-all issue per-
tempts at integration and sonal finance cards and are
remains a ground for spo- partly owned by the state's
radic dispute with Austro- Banca Nazionale. They are,
venia. In the face of an in- therefore, backed by the
creasingly aggressive UAR, Banca Nazionale's reserves
old disputes with Spain have and, more importantly, data
been settled, and the two processing resources.
nations signed a treaty of
friendship in 2286. THE COUNTRY
Security: The ltalianArmy The Nuova ltalia move-
(the Celeri) is a small forma- ment was based in Venice,
tion, divided among an all- the only city to escape nu-
professional rapid-deploy- clear attack. Nevertheless,
ment force. It protects Italy's Rome remainedthe focus for
frontiers. A large territorial the "idea of Italy," and the re-
army of conscripts and re- turn of central authority to a
servists trained in techniques largely rebuilt Rome in 2100
of guerrilla warfare make oc- represented the climax of
cupation too expensive a over a century's work.
task for any invader. The History has left its mark on
army also sponsors three the political structure of Italy.
small mercenary units, both Whereas Rome is the legis-
for the currency they earn lative and ceremonial capital
and the opportunities they of the country, Venice re-
offer to provide combat expe- mains its administrative cen-
rience for Celeri. The Secret ter. After all, it is an epoch
Service's espionage counter- characterized by its commu-
24 Challenge GDW

nications revolution, and the agrandiose monument to the unquestionably the power- normalas people continue in
two cities are less than an ltaly of the past and the pres- house of the country. the endless quest for the
hour's tube journey away. ent. The old Roman forum Milan: The third city in ltaly "right" one. It shouldbe noted
Urban Italy: Like most of was largely undamaged in is Milan, primarily an indus- that this does not revolve
the other nations of Earth, the wars, but the coliseum trial center. The original city purely around fields such as
ltaly is predominantly urban- was destroyed, and a replica, was effectively razed by di- the arts OF sciences. Those,
ized, and the countryside is cunningly aged, has replaced rect nuclear attack and sec- for example, who feel their
characterized by myriad it. Nearby is the Palace of ondary fires, so Milan is the vocation is fighting are wel-
small towns and villages, Representatives where the most modern-and most comed in the Celeri or the
linked by an excellent net- Italian elected legislature planned-city in Italy. Gener- mercenary units, while a
work of over- and under- meets, as well as the Palazzo ous development grants and successful chef can be feted
ground airfilm train lines. Ebraico-the so-called He- the opportunity to start from just as highly as a top engi-
Padua is known for the brew Palace, official resi- scratch attracted a large neer.
unconventionality of its uni- dence of the president. In proportion of the country's Education: In keeping
versity, Genoa Nuova for its Rome the streets are wide, industries to Milan. It domi- with the humanism of the'
magnificent new airport, and the museums many, and nates the domestic, light in- age, the ltalian educational
Naples for the surviving crimi- tourists everywhere. It is dustrial sector. system is both flexible and
nal traditions of its inhabi- quite a small city, with most very capable of allowing a
tants. Florence, still the residentialsuburbs out along LIFE IN ITALY pupil to progress as far and
mecca of millions of tourists the main commuter train and ltaly is still heavily influ- as fast as possible. If the
every year, is domed in a tube lines. enced by the spirit of techno- required aptitude is there, a
protective bubbledatingfrom Venice: Venice, on the cratic humanism.As aconse- citizen can make a career of
pollutionscaresof the 2140s. other hand, is a far more quence, people usually work studying! On the other hand,
Naturally defensible Perugia business-like center. Recur- only 15 to 20 hours a week, the Ministry for National De-
became the retreat of what ring problems of subsidence and they are free-indeed, fense has steadfastly refused
was left of the papacy during and pollution have been encouraged-to discover to brookany interferencewith
World War Ill and has re- successfullydealt with, so the their true metier or purpose the Italian's traditional two
mained the papal city ever city remains as distinctive as in life. Clubs, societies, and hours a week of paramilitary
since. The Cathedral of St. it is picturesque. But all the mystic groups abound. training.
Joan, completed in 2243, major ministries are here, as Transferring betweenjobs of National Service: Every
remains one of the great well as most of the main widely different nature (or, Italian citizen is required to
sights of the religious world. banks and financial institu- indeed, holding several at serve the nation for 18
Rome: The Eternal City is tions. The city of St. Mark is once) is regardedas perfectly months before the age of 26
GDW Challenge 25

(orwithinfive years of citizen- small set of offices in Pisa, it

ship, in the case of people moved to a larger block in
petitioning later). Only in a Rome shortly after the inau-
few cases does this involve guration in 2100.
serving in the army, police, The year 2100 marked a
Guardia Nazionale, navy, or turning point in the history of
air force. More often it is in ltaly and, with it, of the aca-
some aspect of the civil ser- demia. With the return of
vice, from teaching to sanita- stable government, the trust-
tion to working as a clerk or ees and benefactors of the and compound interest. tors to track down works of
an accountant. Considerable academia looked increas- Inthe end the state settled antiquity-still held as aform
effort is made to matchthe in- ingly to broadeningtheir role. for emasculation over elimi- of investment, frequently in
dividual with an appropriate From them championing the nation. An apolitical board of breach of the law. The aca-
job (both the efficient and study and reverence of the trustees was appointed, and demia can pay well, and
humanist approach), and past, it was a short step to the the constitution of the acade- successful agents may find
many elect to stay afterward, founding of the ltalian Tradi- mia was redraftedto prevent themselves approached
if only for awhile. The state tionalist Party. This move- any further forays into poli- again if the board was im-
also retains the power to ment espouses a return to tics. In this form the Acade- pressed with their resource
coopt the services of any of ancient morals and values mia dei Lincei has gone from and, particularly, tact.
its citizens in times of war or and the revitalization of the strength to strength.
"in the nationalneed3'-an all- Christian Roman Empire. Purpose:The academia is LE COMPAGNIE
embracing clause. Much to the horror of the devoted to the quest for an- DELIA BELEA
Culture: ltalian culture is austere bureaucrats of Ven- tiquity: its artifacts, its ideals, MORTE
vigorous and original, still ice, this populist mix of na- and its knowledge. This The three picturesquely
propelled by the creative tionalism and fundamental- makes it essentially an Earth- named Companies of the
vigor of the Neon Renais- ism, heavily backed from the based foundation, though it Good Death are the official
sance. Maroni's huge holo- pulpit of the Roman Catholic has, for many years, broad- ltalian mercenary units:
sculpture, "The Womb," a Church, rapidly gained sup- ened its field of study beyond namely, the Granatieri di
stylized globe superimposed port. There was a justifiable the bordersof Italy. Neverthe- Sarzana (Grenadiersof Sar-
with impressionistic images fear that the Traditionalist less, a small but vocal con- zana) and Lupi d'Umbia
from history, has become the Party could destroy the still tingent has begun to argue (Wolves of Unbrtia) light in-
unofficial symbol for Mother precarious national consen- that the academia couldfruit- fantry, and the Pugni d'Ac-
Earth. The Acchielli school of sus and plunge the country fully turn its attention to alien caio (Fists of Steel) light
composers has set new stan- into reckless foreign adven- history, too. A sign of the armored companies. They
dards for synthetic music. tures. times is the semiofficial out- are all individual joint-stock
Expatriate Brazilian author The state showed its teeth. post on Daikoku studying companies with a majority
Emilia do Costae Silvawrote Everyweapon at its disposal, Eber artifacts under an ec- government shareholding,
the magnificent "Stairway" from the national news net- centric academician, con- and the commanding officer
cycle in Florence. Italy re- works and the tax service to vinced it reveals Christian be- is a senior ltalian soldier on
mains the cradle of this new the secret police and local liefs among aliens. attachment.
genre of art and literature, government, was brought to Resources: The acade- In this way the government
dominated by the themes of bear on the academia and its mia is a rich organization, keeps a slight arm's length
equality, liberty, and internal political arm. By 2183 a com- thanks to numerous be- from the operationof the units
growth. bination of public morals queaths and the fees earned (e.g., allowingthem to under-
charges, vicious rumors, and by its museums and experts. take missionswithin the gray
THE ACmEMI[A open harassment led the In keepingwith its global role, areas of legality and diplo-
DEI LINGEI central caucus of the Tradi- it has offices in major cities matic nicety) without compro-
The academia was estab- tionalist Party to wind it up. In and cultural centers across mising their overall control.
lished in 2036, in the midst of 2186 a very real question the world, and a large staff of All soldiers sign on for a
the drive to rebuild Italy. Its hung over the continued ex- archivists and experts. In four-year tour, and receive a
members were academics istence of the academia:The addition, the academia has salary and a share of profits.
and other influential people government announced that contacts with all sorts of indi- They are equipped to ltalian
concerned lest Italy's distinc- the academia's support for a viduals and institutes, con- standards,though individuals
tive culture and history be political organization had tacts which can be called on and units have some distinc-
forgotten in the day-to-day jeopardized its tax-free chari- in the course of its work. tive touches. Most are ltalian
struggle for more practical table status and threatened The academia often has citizens, but approximately
aims. Originally run from a it with 123years of back taxes the needfor expert investiga- 20 percent are foreign. f 2
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GDW Challenge 27

Mark Galeotti

ith the Kafer War has come ageneral resurgence little military equipment.All have the equivalent of FC-70 rifles
of concern for the defense of far-flung colonies, and an abundance of 7.5mm ammunition,but the town council
regardless of their proximity to the immediate has also managed to obtain five Ramirez-Abruggo BF-1
threat. assault rifles and 6000 rounds for them. Other initial equip-
This has caused problems for many smaller settlements, ment consist of six radios, flares, three pairs of binoculars,
which, hitherto, regarded militias and self-defense forces as and two medikits. Six Songbird hovercraft have also been
expensivediversions of resourcesfrom more immediateday- set aside for the Murray Point Irregulars, one with chronic
to-day uses. Something, in other words, to leave until the engine trouble and another with a built-invehicle radio, along
agrarianbase is stable, the communications network in place, with a fuel station.
and industry on the way. Having selected their immigrants
and trained their young along more practical lines, they lack REFEREE'S INFORmTION
a suitable pool of military skills. The volunteers are all skilled in the use of boats and
So they turn either to their parent governments or, fre- hovercraft, and most will be adequate shots. They will all be
quently, small groups of "military advisors"- mercenaries to quite enthusiastic (the Kafers are too far away for most to
form a cadre training and leading a local unit until its officers connect playing soldiers with realities of fighting an impla-
and men have acquired the necessary level of experience. cable, murderous race of xenophobes). The main problem
The players are one such group, hired by a small island will be instilling discipline in the naturally boisterous and
community on the Australian world of Botany Bay. They are individualistic volunteers.
on a six-month contract to turn a handful of locals into some If the players are interested in playing it through, many
sort of credible militia. different situations could arise in the first month. If they feel
The community, Murray Point, is a town of some 1500 more equipment is needed, they will have to convince the
people, mainly second-generationcolonists from the capital local council-a task which will face opposition from its more
city of New Cairns. For its economic livelihood, Murray Point skeptical members. More radios, for example, would be a
depends on a small mine providing iron ore for a newly built very useful force multiplier, and telescopic sights would
smelter on a nearby island. It also depends on a meteoro- maximize the value of the FC-70s.
logical station which sends unmanned drone aircraft on The small contingent of local policemen are lukewarm
regular sweeps out to sea to supplement Botany Bay's about the existence of the militia, and any brawls or acci-
weather satellite pictureswith readings on wind speeds and dents could involve the players in delicate negotiation with
distances, precipitation counts, and pressure gradients. LieutenantArmitage,the localchief of police-an honest man,
The players are providedwith a secluded bay for firearms but totally lacking in humor, and always prickly about real
practice and a large warehouse in the town. A force of 30 and suspected slights to the dignity of his office.
locals, 18 to 27 year olds, has been assembled along with a Regardless of the amount of detail given inthe early stages

A 2300 Alt) Adventure

28 Challenge GDW

of play, the players' plans will soon be thrown out of kilter. A for commandeering more radios and even some night vision
local boy who has been serving as a mercenary inthe French gear from the police if the players realize this and push.
Arm is coming home. If the players are on friendly terms with The islandwhere Peacock has gone to ground, Rimmer's
the locals, they may hear about Ian Peacock's imminent Rock, is little more than a small dimple on the coastal shelf.
arrival. This should be checked as a task roll for each player, It is roughly triangular, two kilometers long and one kilome-
but a roll suff icientfor a Difficulttaskwill also impart the reason terwide. Broad, swampy beaches slope up from the shallow
for his return: a psychological discharge. waters to a central rocky outcrop about one kilometer long
Peacock may be seen as a valuable potential recruit, but and 500 meters across at its widest point. The beaches are
if the players speak to him, they will soon realize that he is flat and treacherous, thickly veined with looping seaweed.
hardly up to military service. He is twitchy, introverted and But the rocky scarp is gnarled and barren, ancient lava
moody, and shies away from talk about the war. Asuccessful deposits eroded into fantastic shapes by wind and rain.
use of Psychology skill will show how deep the scars are. Players with binoculars will be able to make out the hov-
ercraft from about 10 kilometers offshore. Peacock drove it
Task: To hear about Ian Peacock's imminent arrival: up the beach and left it half in and half out of a cave amidst
Simple. Streetwise. the rocks. Peacock himself is nowhere to be seen.
From this point events will be determined by the players'
Task: To evaluate sanity (Uncertain): Routine. Psychol- actions. Peacock has, needless to say, lost even his tenu-
ogy. 15 minutes. ous grip on sanity and now thinks he is being hunted by
Kafers. No amount of persuasion will change his mind. He is
His grip on reality and self-control is very tenuous since armed with his F-7 laser rifle, ample power cells, and a Stra-
his service on Aurore in the Tanstaafl Free Legion, when he cher P-11 magnum. He also has acombat knife which he will
was trapped for over a day, near death, in the wreckage of use on himself rather than be captured by the Kafers.
his squad APC, surrounded by a band Kafers intent on inter- He is wearing biocontacts which will give him some infra-
rogating his teammates. He was rescued and given psychi- red vision in the dark and up tox5 magnification-something
atric care, but in war attention tends to be lavished more on the players will have to discover for themselves. One last
those who will fight again, and Ian Peacock's treatment was souvenir of his service is a military-issue radio. He can use
incomplete and short-lived. this to overhear the Irregulars' radio traffic, so unless they
Afew days after his arrival, the PCs will be contacted early are using code, they will find Peacock one jump ahead.
one morning by a distraught Lieutenant Armitage. Peacock His skillsshould depend on the strength of the players, but
was staying with his widowed mother, and a few hours ago Peacock will have good Combat Rifle and Melee skills,
neighbors rang to complain about Peacock crying over and Stealth, Recon and Survival. He also has Demolitions-0.He
over again, "Just stop asking me questions!" When a squad has used this to rig up a crude booby trap on the hovercraft.
car could be spared, the door was found open. Peacock was If investigating characters do not spot it, then roll his chance
missing, and his mother was dead from over a dozen vicious to rig the trap. If he succeeded, the cigar-lighter will trigger
stabwounds to the face and body. An immediate search was about 20 11mm magnum shells, blasting in all directions.
mounted. The body of the town's newest doctor was found
in a nearby street. His hovercraft had disappeared. Task: To spot trap (Hazardous): Simple. Demolition and
Armitage explains that Peacock apparently killed his Recon. 6 seconds.
mother and the doctor, stole the craft, and headed out to sea.
His course has been tracked by the infrared photographs Task: To rig booby trap: Difficult. Demo-0. 15 minutes.
taken by Botany Bay'sweather satellite,transmitted real-time
to the meteorological station. He has gone to ground on a Two strategies are open to the hunters. They can place
small deserted island 100 kilometers away. Armitage adds pickets around the island and hope to starve him out (inves-
that Peacock had a provisional license for an F-7 laser rifle. tigation of the ship will reveal that all the supplies were left on
Armitage has seven men armed with handguns and afew board).This is hardly viable. The Irregulars'weapons all have
shotguns. Though it sticks in his throat to admit it (and some 800-meter range to his 1000 meter, and come night the
tact on the players' part at this point will win them afriend for hunters would soon become easy meat for a trained, expe-
life), he and his men have neither the equipment nor the rienced soldier. Besides, the local boys will soon become
training to tackle a trained gunman on the run. Rather than restive. Not as restive, though, as the local council which,
appeal for a SWAT team to be mobilized and airlifted from after aday or so and certainly after afew casualties, will start
New Cairns, he and the council feel that the Murray Point complaining and probably turn to New Cairns for help.
Irregulars should deal with Peacock. The "we clean up our More dangerous, but more practical, is to go in after him.
own front yard" ethos is very strong on Botany Bay. With some men safely far out at sea covering the beaches
The players may not be convinced, but the fact is that their with binoculars, the Irregulars can begin to sift across the
contract does require them to "aid the civic authorities when island, trying to drive Peacock out of cover and either onto
said authorities consider the issueto be urgent or necessary." the beach or into an ambush force (the so-called hammer
In other words, the council has them over a barrel. They do and anvil strategy). Small groups could move from cover to
have some leverage, though. A strong case could be made cover, in close radio contact with other teams and ready to
GDW Challenge 29

provide fire support if Peacock should start shooting.

One subtlety would be to use the drones from the weather
station to buzz the island and try to draw Peacock's fire,
helping locate him (though laser fire is largely invisible).
Alternatively the players could try tracking him from the
hovercraft.The rock does not, however, make for easy track-
ing, and this would be a Difficult task, at best. It would also
leave Peacock in agood positionto turn on his pursuers from
ambush, with the tracker the target of choice.
Peacock is insane, but if anything, this will make him even his own ability to get in a second shot in an ambush.
more wily and cunning. To flush him out while he monitors Play Peacock as a very smart and dangerous animal, but
the Irregular's radios would seem an almost impossible task, one prepared to take risks if it will draw blood. He is capable
were it not that two main factors work in the players' favor. of near-superhuman feats in his madness-especially to
First of all, hunted men often retreat upward, afact known avoid capture. If events drag into night, he will become
to any characters with 5+ years law enforcement experience especially lethal, particularly if the players have no night vision
or Psychology-3or better. This will allow the huntersto better gear. If they retreat for the night, he may prepare deadfalls
predict Peacock's behavior. and similar traps. If necessary, fudge rolls to avoid a lucky
Second, Peacock believes he is fighting Kafers. He thinks early shot ending the chase too soon. It is better to create a
their use of human voices on the radio is a cunning ruse, and running hunt-gunfight-huntsequencewith awounded, brood-
will eventually interrupt the Irregulars' communications to ing prey plotting to turn the tables on his Kafer pursuers.
crow over the fact that they haven't fooled him (and that he The local militiamen are brave and willing, but they are
has drawn blood if any militiamenhave been killed).This will hardly battle-hardenedtroops. They will be hard to command
alert the players, and they will have one chance to initiate a once Peacock has started killing by either hanging back or
dialogue with him.Attemptsto talk sense into him will fail, but becoming foolhardy in their anger. Ambushes by an almost-
a skilled technician with a vehicle radio may be able to trian- undetectable laser are demoralizing enough at the best of
gulate his locationto within 50 metersfrom his transmissions. times. Leadership skills would probably prove useful to
prevent the militiamen from running the first few times.
Task: To initiate dialogue (Unskilled): Formidable. Inter- The outcome will determine the players' continued wel-
view. 10 minutes. come at Murray Point. Success with no or minor casualties
will do wonders for both their reputation on Botany Bay and
Task: To locate Peacock: Formidable. Communications. the morale of the Irregulars, while heavy casualties will lead
20 minutes. to the invocation of termination clauses and their sudden, ig-
nominious departure. On the whole, though, the affair will
In addition, Peacock may expose himself to stupid risks, unsettle and embarrass the people of Murray Point, and
relying on his imagined Kafer enemies' delayed-reaction in- playing at soldiering will probably become less popular in the
telligence. He may, for example, mistakenly take for granted city after this brush with the realities of war. C2

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30 Challenge GDW

on Aurore
his article gives referees with the arrival of advance elements of
some backgroundinforma- the 6th Marine Brigade. Local construc-
tion concerningthe marine tion firms were recruited to begin con-
presence on the colony struction of Marine Base Alpha on the
world of Aurore (Eta Bootis Ilc) during outskirts of Tanstaafl. Marine engineers
the Kafer conflict. With this information, were immediately landed to begin the
along with GDW's Aurore Source- construction of four additional small
book, referees should be able to nrn ad- bases across the region stretching from
ventures involving the American Ma- Tanstaafl south to the sea. From north
rines. The information provided is based to south these small bases, referred to
on a current date of February 2303. as outposts, were labeled Charlie,
However, it should be accuratefrom the Delta, and Foxtrot. The marine battal-
time period between November 2302 ion was divided up into its three rifle
and about May 2303. Beyond that time, companies and one weapons company,
circumstances in the French Arm may and assigned one company per base.
change. Further material covering the Additional assets were split up between
American Marines may be found in these bases.
GDW's Mission Areturus and 3W's Recently, local construction contrac-
Operation Overlord, as well as in Chal- tors were again being recruited-this
lenge 39. Also, be sure to look for a time to build Marine Air Station Bravo.
marine combat mission in Challenge in This is scheduled to be completed by
the near future. This adventure takes May of 2303 but is now partially opera-
place on Aurore and is based out of tional. Elements of the 12th Air Trans-
Marine Outpost Foxtrot, which is de- port Squadron (CV-120 equipped), the
scribed later in this article. main bodies of the 29th Fighter Squad-
Throughout 2301 and 2302, the Kafer ron (AV-90 equipped), and the 7th Air
War continued to burn throughout the Transport Squadron (UX-10 equipped)
French colonial arm. With the Kafer War are based here at this time. Also in
tying up vast amounts of French, Ger- progress is the expansion of Outpost
man, and Ukrainian ground forces, Charlie to make room for a battalion-
additional aid had to be brought in. sized unit to set up operations. This
Among those drawn into the conflict project, being undertaken by marine
were the American Marines. While best corps engineers, has made it difficult for
known for their use aboard warships of Delta Company to conduct normal
several nations, the marines have operations, but the expansion is sched-
begun planetary deployment in several uled to last only until March 2303. When
spots along the FrenchArm to assist the completed, the facility is expected to be
existing battle-weary forces. termed marine base instead of marine
On Aurore, the American Marine outpost. The present plan is that 3rd
presence began in November of 2302 Battalion, now deployed among the
GDW Challenge 31

three outposts to the south, will be

movedinto M.B. Charlie, while either 1st
or 2nd battalion will be used to man the
outposts. However, new brigade opera-
tion plans are now calling for the con-
struction of three new outposts to be
located further east. The idea will be to
establish a strongfoothold directly south
of Mount Phaeton in hope of forcing the
Kafergroundtroops into the Auroran hot (Armor), and assorted air elements.
backs. Such a planwould call for a major These outposts serve as regional cen-
brigade operation to take and maintain tersof combat activity against the Kafer
the foothold to the east. ground troops.
Referee's Note: In addition to the Marine Outpost Golf, Hotel, and
arrival of the 6th Marine Brigade, the India: While constructionof these facili-
Americans are also deploying the 8th ties has not yet begun, they are intended
Marine Brigade. This unit is scheduled to be built identicalto theoutposts Delta,
to arrive in force in May of 2303. The Echo, and Foxtrot. These new centers
8th Marines are scheduled to be de- will be located well to the east of exist-
ployed north of the Novoa Kiev region ing marine outposts. Construction is
to assist the UkrainianArmy against the expected to begin by March 2303.
Kafer ground forces. Marine Outpost Foxtrot: Marine
Outpost Foxtrot is one of four outposts
ARlERIGA located along a line reaching south from
The following are bases on Aurore. Tanstaafl to the sea. Foxtrot is the
Marine Base Alpha: Located in the southernmost of this line. Constructed
Tanstaafl area, this base serves as 6th by marine corps engineers, the base is
Brigade HQ and as the center of all nearly identical in layout to outposts
American Marine operation on Aurore. Delta and Echo located farther to the
The base serves as temporary home for north. The outpost currently serves as
all new marine units and as the corps' the home for C Company of the 316
primary supply distribution center on Marine Battalion. Also stationed at the
Aurore. outpost is one air defense team and one
Marine Air Station Bravo:This base mortar team assigned from D Company,
is now under construction and when one tank section from H Company, one
completed in May of 2303 will serve as AV-90 VTOL fighter team (two fighters
the primary home for all marine air total) from the 29th Fighter Squadron,
assets based on Aurore. The base will and two teams of utility X-wings (four
be equipped with extensive mainte- UX-10s total) from the 7thAirTransport
nance and repair facilities. A temporary Squadron.
airstrip is complete and is already in use The outpost itself is a circular area
by existing air units. roughly 700 meters across and ringed
Marine Outpost Charlie: This is the in a double row of concertina wire. Eight
third American Marine facility located in two-man observation posts are located
theTanstaafl area, presently serving as along the perimeter about 10 meters
the home for Delta Company (the 3/63 back from the wire. Each of these is
weapons company) and Hotel Com- equipped with spotlights, binoculars, a
pany of the 1st Armor Battalion. phone, and a supply of grenades and
Marine Outposts Delta, Echo, and aerial flares. One M720 machinegun
Foxtrot: These three facilities are lo- and a pair of Javelin antivehicle missiles
cated in a line stretching south from are usually kept at each post as well.
Tanstaafl to the sea. The three outposts The central compound is a 330-meter-
serve as home for Alpha, Bravo, and diameter circle ringed by a three-meter-
Charlie companies, respectively. Also high wall of packed dirt. The top of this
based at each of these outposts are wall is about three meters wide and is
elements of Delta company (the 3/63 solid enough to support the weight of a
weapons company), Hotel company standard light vehicle.
32 Challenge GDW

November 2302 6th Brigade advance elements arrive on Aurore (brigade headquarters and 316 Battalion).
Construction begins on Marine Base Alpha and outposts Charlie, Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot.
December 2302 Outposts Charlie and Delta are complete.
January 2303 Marine Base Alpha and outposts Echo and Foxtrot are complete.
Expansion of Outpost Charlie begins.
Construction of Marine Air Station Bravo begun.
February 2303 The date of this article.
Operation Overlord begins in the DM+36 2393 star system.
March 2303 Expansion of Outpost Charlie complete.
116 Battalion arrives on Aurore.
Construction of outposts Golf, Hotel, and India begins.
April 2303 Construction of new outposts complete.
Remainder of the American 6th Marines arrives on Aurore.
May 2303 Construction of Marine Air Station Bravo is complete.
Deployment of the 8th Marines begins.
June 2303 Final elements of both the 6th Marines and the 8th Marines arrive.

Within the centralcompound are nine their administrative offices. Also located The maintenance and repair facility
major facilities. These are laid out into here is a central communications facil- is made up of one large prefab building
a rough circle. Starting with the lower ity and tactical operations center. A and two small ones. Of the two smaller
leftmost facility and going clockwise are small storage room contains a large buildings at the repairfacility,one is used.
the troop barracks, landing padone, fuel numberof the more expensive and high- as a storehouse for spare parts and
dump, landing pad two, ordnance stor- tech pieces of equipment, including a tools. The other is used as a repair shop
age, landing pad three, vehicle repair pair of inertial map displays, a pair of and storage for spare parts for other
and maintenancefacilities, landing pad portacomps, a variety of communica- nonvehicular equipment located at the
four, and in the lower right most loca- tors, plus extra rifles, pistols, two M720 outpost. Repair and maintenance
tion, medical, mess, and storage facili- machineguns, two M I 0 sniper rifles, handled here ranges from communica-
ties. All buildings are of standard pre- and four extra Javelin missile launchers. tions equipment to firearms, and from
fabricated type which were flown in by Only a small amount of rifle ammo is water recycling systems to solar energy
CV-120 Planet Lifter tilt-rotor cargo air- stored here. The rest is kept at the collectors. The large building is a stan-
craft. Each building is self contained, company ammo dump. dard vehicle maintenance module. It is
utilizing roof-mounted solar collectors The outpost's fuel dump consists of only lightly equipped, as the marine rifle
and large banks of batteriesfor provid- a pair of reinforced buildings mostly company does not directly possess
ing electricity, and water tankage and buried at the bottom of a four-meter- many vehicles. The facility is equipped
waste water recycling equipment. deep, oval-shaped pit. These buildings, to handle most repairs of light vehicles
The troop barracks facility consists of again prefab modules, house banks of and aircraft. However, armoredvehicles
three large prefab buildings and one fuel tanks which contain hydrogen fuel are a bit of a problem, and only light
smallone. Each of the three large build- for use by all air and ground vehicles. repairs can be made on these. Moder-
ings is designed to house one full pla- An earthen ramp leads down between ate to major repairs require the vehicle
toon of infantry in a large bay-style ar- the two buildings, allowing the outpost's to be pulled out via planet lifter or CIT
rangement. Because of the additional fuelling vehicles to easily resupply. (combat interface transport) to better
air and armor assets attached to C The ammunition dump is the north- equipped facilities. The same is usually
Company, these facilities tend to be a ernmostfacility in the central compound. done whenever possible for major re-.
bit crowded. At one end of the building It consists of a single reinforced build- pairs on light vehicles and aircraft.
are two large rooms with shower and ing located at the base of a four-meter- The final buildings at Foxtrot are the
latrine facilities. At the opposite end of deep pit. The single building houses company medical and mess facilities.
the building is the main entrance,which rows of bombs and missiles for use by These consist of three prefab modules.
can be equipped with an air lock, if nec- the marine ground-attackfighters,along The largest of these serves as the
essary. The small building at the troop with boxes of rifle and machinegun company mess hall. When meals are
barracksfacility serves as the company ammunition, cases of grenades and not being served, the building is an in-
headquarters building. Here the com- Javelin missiles, and a number of spare door recreation center for the troops.
pany C.O., X.O., and first sergeant have infantry weapons as well. The facility consists of a large dining
GDW Challenge 33

Marine platoon barracks 0 Ordnance storage
FS Fuel storage HQ Company headquarters
( Aid station Maintenance
Challenge GDW

area with afully equipped kitchen at one giene, personal equipment mainte- Diamond 5: Dionne's regard for money
end. The two rooms are separated by a nance, and general recreation time. is the primary symptom of her insanity.
counter for chow-line-style service. Outpost duty assignments are usually It is always her first consideration,
However, most outposts are currently filled by fireteams, so all members of a though she is good at keeping this to
serving high-quality, prepackaged, fireteam end up doing the same type of herself.
autovend-style meals. The second of work together and have their off-duty
the three buildings is a small prefab time together. Whenever one person is Captain Jack Flleiseharm
which is used as a medical station. This put onto a special detail as a disciplinary Captain Fleischman, commonly
consists of a large room containing four action, that person's fireteam often known to his subordinates as Captain
beds. In a smaller room in the back of suffers as well, as it ends up with one Jack, is a local militia officer who has
the building are a pair of tables. Upon less person to handle the work. This beenworking closely with the American
each sits a single, lightweight automed provides incentive for a person not to Marines since their arrival on Aurore.
unit. Two additional automeds plus a make a mistake, as he not only has to While the militia captain generally trusts
quantity of medical supplies are kept in pull more difficult duties but often has the Americans and is definitely com-
a storage room just off this treatment to face the wrath of otherteammembers. forted by their presence, he is somewhat
room. concerned about their impact on the
The third and final building is a small PERSONALITIES colony. Whenever trouble arises, he is
prefab storage module which contains The following are important person- likely to show up on the scene search-
four storerooms situated two on each ality descriptions. ing for the cause and attempting to right
side of a central hallway. Two of these the situation. If necessary, he will knock
rooms contain standard autovend-style Lt. Gol. Linda Diome, around a few heads to do it, no matter
meals, as well as some fresh food sup- Gommmder, who they may be attached to. Fleisch-
plies. The third room contains field 3rd M a ~ n Battalion.
e man is a Veteran NPC in ground mili-
supplies and equipment, including Dionne is a short and stocky career tary.
compact rations, ropes, flares, folding marine officer in command of 3rd Bat- NPC Motivation Results: Club 7:
shovels, one-man shelters, extra back- talion. She has been a good officer, but Fleischman is an aggressive man who
packs, ponchos, inertiallocators, maps, lately she has been showing signs of accepts violence as a means of solving
canteens, belts, spare helmets, inertial stress. An effort was made by an ASF problems. Heart Ace: To this militia
combat armor, and other items. The physicianto have her put on psychologi- officer, justice is the greatest virtue. He
fourth room is used to store personal cal profile due to a mental imbalance. hates liars, cheaters, and crooks, and
hygiene and other living supplies, as However, Dionne managedto have the he will assist in any attempt to right an
well as various types of cleaning equip- doctor's report discredited. Since then, injustice.
ment and supplies. Some nonprescrip- she has continued to show certain
tion-type drugs are kept here also. eccentricities. The most obvious is her Major nmodhy D a m , TFL
Outpost Operations: Besides the tendency to bicker about details, espe- Dunn is an officer of the Tanstaafl
outpost's small repair and medical staff, cially when it comes to money. Around Free Legion. He has been assigned to
at least one platoon is kept here at all others she tries to keep this under work as an advisor to the American 3rd
times. While this platoon does not have control-not because she knows she Marine Battalion. He does his job fairly
to face the rigors of field duty, it provides has a problem, but because when she well, though he would prefer being in
general manpower for the outpost. haggles over things, others around her commandof his own unit. He has agood
Under normalcircumstances,half of the start acting peculiar. In any case, if she rapport with his militia counterpart,
perimeter observation posts are thinks she's being taken, she'll get the Captain Fleischman, due to their simi-
manned constantly. This ties up 10 culprit back one way or another by us- lar jobs and apparent values. However,
marines at any one time. With a total of ing her influence and power as a ma- Dunn has a strong interest in money. It
roughly 30 marines available for duty, rine battalion commander. In at least is a big weakness of his, and though he
each must spend eight out of every 24 one recent instance,the colonel has had prefers not to admit it, he is a man who
hours on guard duty. This is usually two marine sergeants transferred into has his price. His conflicting values are
handled in four-hour shifts, with each hotly contested combat areas when she a problemfor him, and he has a difficult
person on guard duty four out of every suspected them of lying to her about a time dealing with this. His strong com-
12 hours. Along with guard duty, each large supply requisition. Unableto prove mitment lo fairness is probably the result
person generally spends about four her claims, she simply had the two re- of a strong sense of guilt. Dunn is agood
hours on some other duty. These range assigned. Colonel Dionne is an Experi- man at heart, and if confronted about
from supply-handling details to clean- enced marine (space military). his problem, he will confess to his
ing and maintenance details ortraining NPG Motivation Results: Major weakness. Major Dunn is an Experi-
sessions. Each personon garrison then Joker: The colonel is quite insane, enced NPG in ground military.
has about 12 hours adayof off-dutytime though she appears to be a normal, if NPC Motivation Results: Heart 9:
to use for sleep, meals, personal hy- slightly eccentric, hard-chargingofficer. Dunn has a strong commitment to fair-
GDW Challenge

ness and reacts with anger to injustice referees and players interested in such
and brutality. Diamond 5: He values games will have plentyto do on Aurore.
money and can be bribed. However, these are American troops
deployed on foreign turf with a large
INE ADVIENWRES number of foreign troops and civilians
ON AURORE around.
Throughout the periodfrom mid-2301 A group of marinecharacters can get
to mid-2303, Aurore served as a human involved in a bt of otherthings that make
stronghold. While the American Marines for good adventures. Think of this as
did not begin to arrive in force until the "Tour of Duty: 2300." The Mafer War is What do the PCs do when civilians,
end of 2303, several units served as the backdrop, and fighting Kafer troops possibly their friends, are caught in the
ship's troops aboard various French is the players'job. The work is hard and middle of an action with the Kafers?
warships. Many of these shipboardunits dangerous, and it pays lousy. The What about enmity between the PCs
have been landed at Eta Bootis for adventures begin when other factors and another unit (perhaps French, TFL,
varying lengths of time to assist the come into play. or American)? How will that affect the
battle-wearycombat units based there. Some questions that the PCs may PCs or the other unit if one or the other
This should give plenty of opportunityto answer in their adventures are: What needs assistance?
have American Marine-based adven- happens if the PCs run across Colonel This is just a small sample of ideas
tures taking place during the actual Dionne? The PCs may discover her that may involve the player characters
period of the invasion. One of the better mental instability, perhapsthe hardway. as American Marines on Aurore. As an
known operations involving the use of Will they be able to do anything about alternative, the referee may wish to run
American Marines as ship's troops is it, or will she stop them before they stop a game with the PCs as civilians, or as
detailed in GDW's adventure Mission her? What about the political motiva- TFL or French troops. In this case, the
Arcturus. After the marines beginto ar- tions behind military missions? Is aTFL information provided in this article
rive on Aurore late in 2301, there will be unit being endangeredfor the benefit of should sufficefor contact with the Ameri-
a great deal of combat duty, and those an American Marine unit or vice versa? can Marines. GI

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36 Challenge GDW

Ground-attack fighter hardware for 2300

By C. W Hess

n 2280, the U.S. Marine makesthe craft less maneuverablethan wing pylons. Two 200kg aircraft-guided
Corps adopted a new some other VTOLs, but also makes it bombs in internal bay. Eight 1OOkg air-
ground-attack aircraft to easierto maintain.The craft is equipped craft-guided bombs and four Striker
replace its aging fleet of with a high degree of armor protection, antivehicle missiles on wing pylons.Two
AV-77 VTOL jets. Like its predecessor, making it a first-class choice in the 200kg aircraft-guided bombs in internal
the AV-90 is capable of vertical take-off ground-attack role. The underside ar- bay. Four Mk40 cluster bombs and two
and landing, and can carry a wide vari- mor is particularly strong, shielding the 200kg aircraft-guided bombs on wing
ety of weaponry, including both air-to- craft's crew and internal components pylons. Extra fuel tankage in internal
ground and air-to-air weapons. While from ground fire. This armor is capable bay.
the AV-90 is used extensively through- of stopping small arms fire, as well as
out the corps, its use is not as wide- fire from most plasma guns and light 1\T3EW ORDNtlSlJGE
spread as the aircraft it was designed autocannons. The AV-90's integral ar- The following new ordnance is avail-
to replace. The reason is that the corps mament consists solely of a single fixed-able.
has adopted a muchwider variety of air- mount 25mm autocannon, located inthe 100kg WASP Bomb: Type:Aircraft-
craft over the past three decades, pro- craft'sfuselage. This weapon is belt-fed guided bomb Nation: Generic Launcher
viding it with a more versatile air sup- from a 200-round magazine. The craft Weight:O Bomb Weight:200 kg Range:
port capability. The AV-90 is primarily also has a small internal weapons bay 6 km Guidance: Automatic following
found in use with the 8th InterfaceWing, which is capable of carrying extra fuel gunner lock-on Homing Va1ue:lO Attack
now operating throughout the French tankage, a pair of 200kg bombs, or two Angle: Direct Burst Radius:500 m DPV:
Arm, and the 7thAir Wing, which is one air-defense missile racks with three mis-6 Price: Lv2000.
of the Earthbound marine corps units. siles each. The craft is also equipped 100kg High-ExplosiveBomb: Type:
with three hardpoints on each of its Aircraft-guided bomb Nation: Generic
DESIGN stubby wings for carrying external Launcher Weight: 0 Bomb Weight: 200
The AV-90 is awell armored, ruggedly weapon stores. The four outboard hard- kg Range: 6 km Guidance: Automatic
constructed aircraft, ideally suited for points are each capable of carrying up following gunner lock-on Homing Value:
deployment near the battle front. Its to a 200kg payload, while the two in- 10 Attack Angle: Direct Burst Radius:
reliable twin TJ-3200 engines are prac- board points can carry up to 400 kg 500 m DP:As explosion (EP=60) Price:
tically maintenance free and provide each. Lv1200.
enough thrust to give the craft a top Crew: Pilot, gunner Weight: 9000 kg Mk40 Iron Rain Cluster Bomb: The
speed of 900 kph. The AV-90 has a Armor: All Faces: 6 Armament: One Mk40 is actually more of a bomblet
combat radius of 2000 km, which, with 25mm autocannon with 200-round dispenser than a bomb by itself. It is an
extendedfuel tankage, can be extended magazine, Gwing hardpoints, 2 internal area weapon that disperses numerous
to just over 3500 km. Using vectored hardpoints Evasion: 18 Sensor Range: bomblets over a large stretch of land.
thrust from its engine exhaust, the craft 300 km (+2) Signature:-2 Max Speed: The area affectedvarieswiththe altitude
is able to take-off and land vertically, 900 kph Cruising Speed: 800 kph and speed of the launching aircraft. At
making large, paved runways unnec- Combat Movement: 1800 m Endurance: normal low-altitude attack speed, it
essary. However, unlike some vectored 5 hour Price: Lv2,250,000. covers an area roughly 100 m wide and
thrust aircraft, the AV-90's exhaust can 1000 m long. For each group of infantry
only be channeled downward and aft, ORDNMGE LOADS withinthe effected area, roll a 1D l 0 and
and lacks steerable nozzles to adjust Fobr 200kg aircraft-guided bombs subtract one. In the case of vehicles,
exhaust in any other direction. This and four striker antivehicle missiles on make a ID10 roll, but subtract three
GDW Challenge 37

instead. This is the distanceto the near-

est impacting bomblet. Next roll 2D10
and add this to the first roll to determine
the distance to the next closest impact-
ing bomblet. Use the scatter diagramfor
artillery rounds given in the 2300 AD
rules to determine the direction of the
Type: Freefall submunitions dis-
penser Nation: Generic Launcher
Weight:O Bomb Weight:200 kg Disper-
sal Area: 100 m wide by 1000 m long
Range10 Guidance:None AttackAngle:
Direct DPV: As tamped explosion
(EP=4) Price: Lvl000.
AAM-12W Lightning Bolt Air-to-Air
Missile: Type:Air-to-air missile Nation:
America Missile Weight: 50 kg Range:
120 km (flight time to maximum range
is one minute) Guidance:Automatic fol-
lowing gunner lock-on Homing Value:
22 Attack Angle: Direct DP:As tamped
explosion (EP=8) Missile Price:
ACM-27P Guardian Countermea-
sures Pod: The Guardian counter-
measures pod fits on an aircraft's ord-
nance hardpoint in place of any 100kg
weapon. The unit operates by disrupt-
ing the targeting of any missile which is
locked onto the aircraft. This tends to
work best on human-designedmissiles.
Against Kafer missiles, the results are
less predictable. When activated, the
unit reduces the homing value of any
human-made missile targeted onto the
aircraft by 206 and any Kafer made
missile by 1D l 0.
Type: Aircraft ECM pod Nation:
America Weightr93 kg Range of Effect:
100 km Price: Lv35,OOO. SZ
38 Challenge GDW

State Chance Roll
Alabama 2% 1-2
Arkansas 1% 3
California 7% 4-10
Colorado 1% 11
Connecticut 2% 12-13
Florida 6% 14-19
Georgia 2% 20-21
Illinois 6% 22-27
Indiana 4% 28-32
Iowa 1% 33
Kansas 1% 34
Kentucky 2% 35-36
Louisiana 2% 37-38
Maryland 2% 39-40
Massachusetts 4% 41-44
Michigan 5% 45-49
Minnesota 2% 50-51
Mississippi 1OO/ 52
Missouri 2% 53-54
New Jersey 4% 55-58
New York 9% 59-67 Homeworld Dede
North Carolina 2% 68-69 for eriean Charaeders
Ohio 6% 70-75
Oklahoma 1% 76 6. VV: Hess
Oregon 1% 77
Pennsylvania 6% 78-83 This article is written to provide players and refereeswith
Puerto Rico 1% 84 a simple system for determining a character's homeworld.
Rhode Island 1% 85 Using the system given in the 2300 AD rules, a player has to
South Carolina 1% 86 choose a homeworld based on some die rolls which deter-
Tennessee 2% 87-88 mine whether the character is from a Core or Frontierworld,
Virginia 2% 89-90 and then what the gravity of that homeworld is. Using the
Washington 2% 91-92 tables provided in this article, the process takes place in a
West Virginia 1% 93 different order.
Wisconsin 2% 94-95 First, the player randomly determines the character's
States less than 1% 5% 96-100 homeworld. The result then automatically determines the
homeworld's gravity type and whether it is a Core or a Fron-
STATES BELOW 1% POP ION tier world. Not all players may wish to use this system as it
State Chance Roll may cause some difficulties for their characters. If a harsh
Alaska 3% 1-3 world such as King is rolled, a playercharacter will be forced
Delaware 9% 4-12 to wear a respirator in normal atmospheres, and so on. It
Hawaii 8% 13-20 may also designate characters as coming from worlds they
Idaho 6% 21-26 know little about. However, even with these possible draw-
Maine 7% 27-33 backs, this system provides a challenging element of ran-
Montana 6% 34-39 dom chance which may place acharacter's home at L-4, Ellis,
Nebraska 12% 40-51 Tirane, or somewhere in ldaho back in the states.
New Hampshire 9% 52-60 This system requires the use of percentile rolls. As the
Nevada 4% 61-64 2300 AD game does not use percentile dice, some players
New Mexico 4% 65-68 may need an explanation. To make a percentile roll, roll 1D l 0
North Dakota 6% 69-74 and multiply the result by 10. Then roll a second die and add
South Dakota 6% 75-80 its result to the total. This new total is the percentile result.
Utah 10°/~ 81-90 For example, a 4 is rolled on the first die. Multiplyingthis by
Vermont 6% 91-96 10 gives a result of 40. The second roll comes up a 6, which
Wyoming 4% 97-100 is added to the first result, giving the percentile result of 46.
If both dice come up Os, treat the roll as 100. This system
GDW Challenge 39

allows forthe random generationof numbers between 1 and

100, and is commonly referred to as a percentile roll. It is
also commonly notated as D l 00.
When a character is created, the first step is to determine
the character's homeworld. Instead of using the Homeworld
Table included in the 2300 AD game, use the tables included
in this article. To begin with, roll percentile dice and consult
the American Homeworlds Table. This will provide the name
of the homeworld, whether it is a Core or a Frontier world,
and its gravity type. Certain results may require further ex- G environments, the character must wear a respirator in
planation or additional rolls to complete the process. Infor- normal atmospheres.
mation on Tirane, Hermes, Ellis, and King may be found in Australian World: The character was originally raised
Colonial Atlas. Information about Earth may be found in in Australian territory. This may be because one or both of
EarthlCybertech Sourcebook. Little informationis currently the character's parentswere Australian, because his parents
available concerning the remaining American colonies. were Americanswho workedfor an Australianfirm, or simply
Earth: The result "Earth" indicates that the character is because his parents were Americans who moved to Austra-
from somewherewithin thecontinentalU.S., includingAlaska, lia during the character's growing years. The result is that
Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. The player has the option of rolling the character has had both American and Australian
to determine the character's home state. To do this, a roll of influences, though he is presently an American citizen. At
1D l 00 should be made on the Earth-America Table. Rolls the referee's option, the character may be assumed to have
between 96 and 100, inclusive, indicate a state containing dual citizenship. The system provided in the 2300 AD rules
less than one percent of the total U.S. population. If this result will have to be used to determine the character's homeworld.
is rolled, simply make a second 1Dl00 roll and consult the An upcomingChallenge article will do for Australian charac-
States Below 1% Population Table. ters what this article does for American characters.
Ellis: This is the 50th American state, even though it is Other Foreign World: The character is as described
not on Earth. It is in fact far at the end of the American Subarm above under Australian World, but is from any non-Ameri-
of colonial space. While Ellis is on the Frontier, it is a state, can and non-Australian world. The system provided in the
complete with the government, bureaucracy, legalities, and 2300 AD rules will have to be used to determine the charac-
modernization that goes along with the title. For this reason, ter's homeworld.
players with characters from Ellis may choose their back- Asterisked Colonies:Any colony listedwith an asterisk
ground skills from either the Frontier or Core categories, or next to its name is an outpost and is too small for any perma-
both. nent settlers. Characters who receive this result were proba-
King: All characters who come from King possess ge- bly born at the colony listed, but were then raised at a larger
netically modified bodies to survive in that hostile environ- colony shortly afterward. The player rolling this result may
ment. The main result of these changes is that, aside from wish to make a note of his birthplace, but should immedi-
strength and dexterity modifiers when operating in nonhigh- ately roll again.

MER1ClBI.J HOMEWORLDS If this chart were based on actual

Percent Dice World American populations, Earth andTirane
Homeworld Chance RON TYP~ Gravity would be the characters' homeworlds
Earth 20% 1-20 Core Normal about 90 percent of the time. So we will
assume a majority of the Core world
Alpha Centauri, Tirania 10% 21-30 Core Normal
populations preferthe comforts of home
Ellis 28% 31-58 'Orma'
to the challenges of the Frontier. The
King 10% 59-68 Frontier High-G chance of space-faring citizens having
Mu Herculis (Hermes) 17% 69-85 Rontier l~w-G one of these Core worlds for a home-
Red Speck* 1% 86 Frontier Zero-G world is reduced to matchthe 2300 AD
Vega* 1% 87 Frontier Zero-G HomeworldTable.Acharacterls chance
Broward* 1% 88 Frontier zer0-G of being from King has been similarly
Barnard's Star 2% 89-90 Frontier low-^ reduced as its inhabitants have gone
through biological changes to adapt to
L-4 1% 91 Core Low-G
its harsh conditions. This is assumed
Australian world 6% 92-97 Varies Varies to force most inhabitants of King to stay
Other foreign world 3% 98-100 Varies Varies on King, doing less interstellar travel
than inhabitants of otherAmericancolo-
*See Asterisked Colonies section in the text above. nies.
40 Challenge GDW

Marcus L. Rowland

While shopping at the duty-free spaceport shop, one

member of the team notices advertisements for a new com-
puter game called "Pirates of the Blood Asteroids." It's pub-
lished by LeComet Software, which is one of the most popu-
lar software houses in the sector. It seems to be a complex'
of the adventure, arcade game, and economics simulation based
on the activities of a pirate ship in an imaginary solar system.
It'll run on most common types of home and portable com-
puters, or on the entertainment channel of a starship com-
puter network. There's only one tiny problem-the advertise-
ment includes a glossy holoposter,'a wanted sign showing

Marcus L. Rowland
some nasty looking pirates posed in front of a battered
starship on a spaceport landing pad. If you look carefully, it's
possible to see distinguishing features which prove that it's
the team's ship. LeComet Software is based on a world the
.. . .. . .. , , , . , , . , .,
team trequently vlsns, ana ns scneaule WIII raKe rne rnem-
bers there again in a few weeks.

This adventure is designed as a campaign subplot for a
team of adventurers with its own ship, such as the crew of

vestige of normal civilian activities and commerce. As the

team travels, it'll find that many acquaintances have seen
the advertisement and recognizedthe ship. No one seriously.
suggests that the teammembers are pirates, but there do
seem to be a lot of jokes circulating around the seedy space-
port bars. If the team has been involved in piracy, this atten-
tion could be extremely embarrassing. Optionally, you may
wish to run one or more of the following incidents.
Due to an administrative error, some of the posters are
sent out without any accompanying pamphlets or advertise-
ments. Port officials on a backwater world assume that they
GDW Challenge 41

are genuine, and try to arrest the teammembers as pirates.

@ The ship is intercepted by system defense boats and
thoroughly searched. t he navy knows that the poster is a A,,

fake; it is searching the ship to make sure that the poster

isn't a cover for some illegal activity.
e The ship or crew is searched by customs officers for the
same reasons.
e While the ship is unloadingcargo, avandalpaints askull
and crossbones on the hull.
@ An eccentric millionaire offers to buy the l'famous" ship so if a megacorporation subsidiary is held for ransom.
but doesn't offer enough money. See the miniadventure Option 3 is illegal. Two wrongs don't make a right, and all
"CharterTo Cratersea" (in TheTrawellerAdventure) for some the systems involved have signed copyright agreements
possible complications. which specifically ban software piracy. LeComet has the re-
Eventually the ship will arrive on LeComet Software's sources to give the teammembers a lot of trouble if they try
homeworld, and the team can start to learn the facts. The this tactic. Incidentally,breaking the copy protection used by
picture was taken several months ago, while the team was LeComet Software (and most othersuppliers) is an extremely
on leave; LeComet's advertising director took a few models hard task; a minimum of Computer-3 skill is needed for any
to the spaceport for a holosession, and posed them with the chance of success.
ship in the background to make the pictures look more au- Options 4 and 5 are very difficult and expensive. The
thentic. The teammembers may feel that their reputation has planetary courts will say that any irregularity took place in
been tarnished by this use of their ship; alternatively, they the spaceport extrality zone, and is thus outside their juris-
may feel that they are entitled to a hire fee for use of their diction. Higher courts will demand proof that the teammem-
ship as a advertising prop. Unfortunately the pictures were bers have suffered personal or financial harm as a result of
taken inside the spaceport extrality area, so any claim will the advertisement, then take four weeks to determine that
involvethe laws of at least two governments. There's another damages should be paid to them. The damages will be
important factor-LeComet is a subsidiary of the enter- roughly a third of the team's legal expenses, which will not
tainment's subdivision of Naasirka, the computer and soft- be paid by the court. If you are feeling generous, or the team
ware systems megacorporation, and can afford to hire the has good lawyers, LeComet may choose to settle out of court
best lawyers to fight any lawsuit. Don't reveal these details (as in 7 and 8 below) and hire the teammembers and their
unless the teammembers start to look into the legal possibili- ship for a public relations exercise.
ties and investigate the ownership of the company. Exten- Option 6 will be laughed out of court. The standard space-
sive playtestinghas revealed that teams generally consider: port landing certificate limits liability to a few specific haz-
1. Using the simulation as a training aid, then turning pi- ards, such as damagefrom ground crew. It says nothing about
rate when they have developed strategies that work well in advertising. The spaceport authority has no influence on
the simulation. If caught, they argue that LeComet's program LeComet Software.
glamorized piracy and led them into a life of crime. Options 7 and 8 won't work; LeComet's legal department
2. Raiding LeComet's offices, taking hostages, and de- will advise the directors that any apology or payment is an
manding compensation. If caught, the PCs argue that the admission of liability. However, the publicity department has
software drove them to a life of crime. a better idea; if the teammembers will keep quiet and agree
3. Piratingthe software. If caught, the teammembers argue to forget about their claim, LeComet Software will pay them
that LeComet pirated the team's image in their advertising, to advertise the software. This involves painting their hull to
and is thus in the wrong. match the ship in the game, and distributing posters and
4. Suing LeComet in the local courts. pamphlets on each world they visit. There will also be more
5. Suing LeComet in the Imperial (or whatever) courts. photographic sessions, a good excuse to involve the team
6. Suing the spaceport authority. with attractive models who may have very exotic or expen-
7. Demanding a public apology without taking legal action. sive tastes. If the teammembers play their cards right, they
8. Demanding compensation without taking legal action. may also land some lucrative cargo contracts; after all,
9. Doing nothing. someone has to transport LeComet's software.
Option Iis unlikely to succeed becausethe programmers If the team takes option 9 and does nothing, LeComet
made some drastic simplifying assumptions in the simula- Softwarewill stop advertisingthe game when sales fall below
tion. For example, they omitted factors like routine mainte- an acceptable level. The hologram will be forgotten within a
nance expenses, put far too many civilian ships into the few months. In the meantime, run any of the events you
system, and gave the pirate ship ridiculously accurate haven't already used.
weapons. It's also illegal and extremely dangerous.
Option 2 is suicidal. The police of an industrialized world The title of this adventure was suggested by a story by Dave Langford
can mount impressively lethal SWAToperations, and will do and is used with his permission. Q
42 Challenge GDW

of government
policy -making
in the war-torn
Jeffrey Groteboer

eamsof literature, in this low rules from a MegaTravellerstand- more likely that they fight among
magazine and others, point. Players of 2300 AD and other themselves than join forces to at-
have been devoted to science-fiction games should take tack a neighboring world, although
the conduct of war in note-this article appliesto worlds and it may happen infrequently.
Traveller and MegaTraveller. colonies in those games as well. Your Peace refers to a state in which
From squad tactics to grand inter- only homework will be to decide what there are no incidents of high crime,
stellar strategies, games offer play- form of government each nation in- civil unrest, or terrorism, and in
ers the chance to "duke it out" on stalls on its colony worlds and take it which the nation or world is not
fictitious battlefields. But what, ex- from there. involved in any military confronta-
actly, is war? What are the different Levels of hostilities are shown on tions. The presence of "military
levels, and how do various govern- the HostilitiesTable. The escalation of advisors" may or may not affectthis
ments react to them?This at-iicle will conflict continuesfrom peace through status.
discuss modern warfare (and its internalunrest and into interstellarwar. Local unrest refers to high crime
permutations) and will synthesize a Balkanizedplanets should be consid- rates, including local gang wars and
broad spectrum of government ac- ered to have internationalwars rather 1 similar incidents.
Terrorismincludes both interna-
tions and reactions into easy-to-fol- than interstellar conflicts. It is much
GDW Challenge 43
Challenge GDW

tional terrorist attacks within the na- do little against an aggressor who aggressor, unless he has no intention
tion's borders and attacks from local uses such weapons short of entering of occupying or utilizing the world he
groups. the fray themselves. Inaddition, many plans to conquer.
Revolt is a one-time occurrence of governments simply do not deem it If outright destruction is his aim,
aforcefulchange in power. This could unfair to use biologicaltoxins. Chemi- then nuclear weapons are actually
be anything from a peaceful assump- calweapons are usuallytactical, being less effective than the proper biologi-
tion of power by the military to a pro- employed on a battlefield or similar cal toxins. Thus, the use of nuclear
tracted, bloody campaign by rebel area where neutralization of enemy weapons in practical terms is limited
forces. troops or guards is the goal. to tactical nuclear strikes-which will
Revolutionsarealways bloody;they Biological warfare is usually strate- cause the same radiation problems
are instances of multiple groups gic, since the toxins typically take but on a smaller scale than strategic
fighting for control of a nation. As in some time to affect an area. They are arms-and in-space conflicts, where
the case of the French Revolution, a most effective when used to cause the radiation problem is minimal. Im-
multitude of governments may be widespread sickness or disease. Bio- perial mandates forbid the use of nu-
installed and subsequently toppled logical agents are rarely used in their clear weapons by anyone but the
during a revolution. most lethalforms,since even the most Imperium itself, but since the splinter-
interstellar war (internationalwar on evil governments are aware that their ing of the realm such restrictions are
balkanized worlds) has three catego- mutation could not only destroy the falling by the wayside.
ries: conventional, chemical/biologi- enemy, but could render the entire Now that we have examined, in
cal, and nuclear. Conventional war is planet uninhabitable as well. short, the typesof warfare, take a look
the traditionally acceptedform of solv- A nuclear exchange is the pinnacle at the various government responses
ing interstellardisputes when force is of warfare; the destructive capabilities to the aforementioned hostilities at
involved. The use of chemical or bio- of strategic nuclear weapons, compli- various law levels. For the conve-
logical weapons is usually outlawed cated by the subsequent radiological nience of non-MegaTraveller read-
by interstellar treaties or popular con- pollution of major parts of the globe, ers, I have reproduced the govern-
vention. In fact, however, worlds can make their use of little value to the ment and law level descriptions here.

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GDW Challenge 45

Lvl Conditions
0 No government
Participatory democracy
Self-perpetuating oligarchy
Representative democracy
Feudal technocracy
Captive government
Civil service bureaucracy
Impersonal bureaucracy
Charismatic dictator
Noncharismatic dictator
Charismatic oligarchy
Religious dictatorship

L vl Conditions
0 No restrictions
Explosives, gas weapons
Energy weapons prohibited
Military weapons prohibited
Concealable weapons
All except shotguns
Shotguns prohibited
Long-bladed weapons
All weapons prohibited

L vl Conditions
1 Peace
2 Local unrest
3 Terrorism
4 Insurgency
5 Revolt
6 Revolution
7 War (Interstellar,
8 War (Interstellar,
9 War (Interstellar,
Nuclear) !2
46 Challenge GDW

@MI GORE (2U8aS86A98-F) Date: 183-1l19
7 In Lucan's first address to the citizenry as a whole in over a year, he expressed his expectations that the vast majority
of the lmperium will be reunited under his banner within the next year.
q "Our fleets are advancing system by system toward Dlan as resistance crumbles before them. It should be within only
a few months that Dulinor and his forces capitulate."
n The emperor then went on to announce new negotiations with Margaret and communications with the archduke of
Deneb, suggesting that those fragments of the shattered lmperium might soon return to Lucan's fold.
gT In his entire 45-minute-longaddress, the emperor did not mention the pretender Strephon or the battles being waged
along that front.
cfi The emperor appeared tired though resolute, using a newly found commanding tone in his speech which was broad-
cast live here on Capital.

CHES (1004 6565643-8) Date: 190-1119

ql The Admiralty today released photographs of several Zhodani ships performing frontier refuelling in the system just one
week ago. The two ships in high guard position are shown quite clearly in the photos; they have suffered tremendous battle
damage--entire sections of their hulls have been burned away and hastily patched.
The other ships in the convoy were apparently of both military and nonmilitary origins, including freighters and passen-
ger ships. The ships broadcast warnings not to interfere with their refueling, apparently aimed at both Imperial and Zhodani
forces in the area-no Zhodani forces aided or interfered, though they had patrol ships in the vicinity to monitorthe situation.
7 Once refuelled, the entire convoy retreated and jumped out of the system.
7 There has been no official explanation given; speculation ranges widely and is largely unconfirmed.
GU$TABrEJSmIWERWOmDS (0439 C000525-B) Date: 204-Ill9
n The Gustavian League, a mining conglomerate with absolute ties to the Solomani Rim, has gone on record as being
a safe haven for Solomani ships in the Hinterworlds sector that seek a friendly port.
q The league has begun putting beacons out in several systems to alert otherwise inaccessible Solomani vessels to this
news, and it has spread the word through all official channels, as well.
fl The response to Gustavus' new policy will be difficult to judge, since most vessels respondingwill be travelling silently
through the sector on their way back to Solomani-held systems.

UGGUSHSUS SSIkea (0402 A442U7-6;) Date: 212-1l119

qT Strephon's military commanders, faring poorly with their fleets against Lucan's forces, have turned to a mass propa-
ganda campaign aimed at several fleets opposing them.
Through every available means of broadcastingthey have put out a plea from Strephon himself in which he insists that
he is genuinely the emperor, and he opens his arms to any who will join him in his struggle against Lucan.
7 There are no accurate numbers indicating Strephon's success, and there are certainly no mass conversions of fleets
or ships to his cause. But the growing body of evidence that says Strephon lives must certainly be putting ideas into the
heads of Lucan's officers and men, the very men Strephon must fight.

BE GE/I;TmTERWOIWLBS(03llC4284CB-B) Date: 238-m9

Authorities today announced the seizure of all assets and offices of WebTrade Industries in Berange Starport, the cul-
mination of a month-long investigation of WebTrade's origins and trade practices.
7 Asmall commercialfirm until mid-year, WebTrade was bought out by hitherto unknown agents, after which the company
enjoyed an influx of capital. It was at this time that the company began specializing in starship components.
1Though unconfirmed, a source close to the investigation indicates that WebTrade has been afront for Solomani raiders
breaking out of the Imperium, probably those responsible for the attacks on Ryathian more than three months ago.
7 It is likely that Solomani fleet agents bought WebTrade and secured legitimate component contracts with falsified
identification and securities, according to our source.
7 It is also likely, according to other sources, that, since WebTrade has been securing supplies in the Berange system,
the Solomani fleet elements are probably in hiding nearby.
7 WebTrade's assets and those personnel detained will be held indefinitely until the final investigation is complete and
all the facts have been ascertained. 2 !
48 Challenge GDW

t is the middle of the habitants of Imperial Re-

year 1117 and dark search Station Beta (IRSB)
times for the Impe- located in the Nyarlathotep

Research Station rial forces in the

solomani Rim sector. solo-
system, Banasdansubsector
(2720 Solomani Rim sector).

Beta mani Confederation forces

have made great advances
along a broadfront since their
News received is certainly of
the 3iltered"variety so as not
to cause alarm, but most of
host'iitiesfo~lowin~ the death the staff can read between
Randy of Emperorstrephon.Terra is the lines. Anyway, who can
besieged with little hope of ignore the increased stress
relief as Imperial forces are placed on emergency evacu-
stretched thin from Dingir to ation procedures?
Zaggisi to Lagash and be- Morale on board is already
yond. at a low ebb. All personnel
Following events with a have been pushed to their
certain trepidation are the in- limits lately, and the strain is
GDW Challenge 49

beginning to show. It seems was working on instantane-

as though the closer they get ous interstellar communica-
to success, the more they tion! While results so far had
have become prisoners. All proved negative, the feeling
long-term leaves have been among the researchers was
disallowed for almost a year, that a breakthrough was
and the short ones permitted imminent.
have been spent in-system. Solomani knew as well as
Worst of all, the mail, their any what advantages that
contact with the outside uni- would bring and made plans cently sent its strongest argu- forces below, and the otherto
verse, has been heavily to make it their own. A com- ments yet, carried by a move upward collecting sci-
censored. Many would like to mando raid was designed cruiser squadron and es- entists.
resign but are afraid they that would strip the facility of
would not be allowed. records, equipment, and In the end, the bickering Administering
All characters are conduct- personnel. All that was proved fortunate for the the Adventure
ing "business as usual"when needed was the opportunity. Imperium. The Solomani ex- Players will need to gener-
the alarms sound and a voice ate characters suitable for
on the public address system this research station. They
shouts, "This is not a drill!" can roll up a scientist (ortech-
This adventure requires nician), staff, security, or
REFEREE'S the MegaTraveller rules set ship's boat pilot, for example.
INFORnaATION and k h a n t i High Lightning. A player character could be
Depots, naval bases, and a merchant captain forced to
high population worlds are Alien Module 6, SolLominni, wait on the boat dock deck
obviously quite valuable, and may be helpful. while some jumbled paper-
hence common targets. Less work is straightened out.
emphasis is perhaps placed Having a wide variety of oc-
on technology, though it can- The project was shelved as pected to find light resis- cupations and skillswouldbe
not be ignored. Aslight edge unworkable given the exist- tance. As it happened, on to the group's benefit, but if
can decide a battle; a huge ing border conditions. And entering the Nyarlathotep they would like to be fellow
gap can win an empire. Sev- then came a pistol shot from system, they found defense scientists, by all means let
eral opposing parties desiring Archduke Dulinor. force considerably bolstered them. However, at least one
to gain a technological edge The Imperials had not by Vegan vessels. Veganllm- character should be a scien-
will thrust the PCs into the been idle since hostilities perial differences are minor tist important enoughto be on
chaos of the shattered Impe- began. Contingency plans compared to this. During a the Solomani"must haveJ'list.
rium. were proposed in case evac- hard-fought and inclusive This will ensure that they are
As is the case with all uation was necessary-the space battle, Solomani as- actively sought. Whatever
Imperial research stations, goal being to move the re- sault boats manage to land their occupations, they begin
the exact nature of research search station out of the several squads of comman- the game in a location con-
at IRSO is not general knowl- sector in the direction of does, then retire to find a sistent with that occupation.
edge. Indeed, the lmperium Core. safer place to hide while The first thing the charac-
goes to great pains to main- Lately, the Vegans (minor awaiting recall. ters must do is don theirvacc
tain secrecy, so few except partners in the project)began The first squad enters the suits. All have rudimentary
those with the need to know to petition for the removal of bridge through a mainte- training in their use (Vacc
have all the information. the station in its entirety by nance hatch. Two data acqui- Suit-0).The suits are located
Still, given enough time, a converted battlerider to the sition specialists begin to in emergency lockers near
sophisticated, experienced, safety of the Vegan Autono- remove data from the sta- the two main lifts. The PCs
and determined intelligence mous Region. Intense nego- tion's data banks, while the are then to assemble in that
agency can penetrate even tiations ensued but did little rest beginthe task of search- area and await further in-
the strictest security. In 1112, to assuage the Vegan fear ing for the scientists on their structions. lnstructionscome
SolSec succeeded in placing that the new emperor might list. Another squad enters the from the Solomani,whoorder
one of its operatives in a crew abandon them to the Solo- boat dock deck to secure it everyone to stay where they
position. His first reportswere mani. To the Vegans, IRSB and prevent escape. are until told otherwise. The
treated with skepticism, but might provide the means for Two squads enter through few Vegans who are present
eventually their authenticity the VAR to stand on its own. the outer doors of deck 26-- are clearly agitated, their ten-
could not be denied. IRSB The Vegan High Council re- one to seal off the security tacles twitching nervously.
Challenge GDW

One of the players, the The Solomani have arrived ters are in an area previously The station personnel are
scientist, is with a group on with only a small part of their unseen (hallways, rooms, wearing vacc suits and will be
deck 19 when a lift arrives original force and cannot lifts, etc.). unarmed (any remaining
and out steps two Solomani adequately control the situ- A 1-4 results in "the coast guards being neutralized at
Marines and a station secu- ation. is clear." On a 5-6, roll again the onset) and will panic-
rity guard known to all of The player characters, and consult the Encounter move.
them! wherever they are, may be Table. The Solomani form aTL13.
The first two, brandishing unit. For the most part they
laser rifles, usher the crowd wear combat armor and are
back to make space for the equipped with laser weap-
security guard, obviously in EPILOGrn ons. (Plasma and fusion
charge. Following a most fierce battle, our guns make such a mess in a
"I will now read a list of crowded area.)
names. When you hear your marines managed to rescue b u t a The idea behind the raid is
name, step forward, identify handful of staff, while our Vegan allies to capture, after all. However,
yourself, and step into the fared no better. en the commander about one in every four en-
elevator behind me." countered will wear battle
He begins to read, and on the scene deemed the situation lost, dress and be armed with a
several in the crowd are troops were withdrawn. Per instruc- PGMP-13 as a support
named, including a PC. A weapon in case things go
Vegan called speaks in Ve-
tions, IRSR was destroyed by direct wrong.
gan what could only be a hits with missiles from your majesty's Imperial and Vegan troop-
string of curses aimed at the warships. ers are equipped to TL-15
once-trusted man, who red- standards (battle dress and
dens noticeably. Though nothing is certain, it is be- FGMP-15s) coming directly
"Fool!" the guard shouts. lieved the attackers managed to re- from their home vessels.
"We will take you where your move some data and a handful of sci- In general, troopers will
work will be more appreci- ignore nontroopers if ene-
ated! Guards! This one entists. Most of the station personnel mies are in sight, but will try
needs assistance." are unaccounted for and presumed lost to capture them otherwise.
At that the Vegan lashes Situations could arise where
out and wraps tentacles
with IRSR. Under the circumstances, the players are held by one
around the guard's neck in a a thorough search of the system was faction then freed by another.
fit of rage.As a marine moves impossible.
to separatethem, the remain- To avoid pursuers in the
ing Vegans attack, and a Plans to reconstruct -the projechre station:
melee ensues. underway, of course. However, I ven- Routine, Determination, 1
The situation goes out of ture to say that it will be some time min.
control, giving the PC called Referee: A "fumble" re-
a chance to escape. If al- before it could be relocated. sults in a "stumble" and
ready in the lift, he could -Excerpt from the INI dispatch immediate capture.
close it and take his chances
on another deck. If not he
to His Most Imperial Highness Eventually the players will
could get into it or try to find Emperor Lucan manage to come together
another way out. and should be thinking of a
The situation is much the way to escape.
same on other decks. Solo- thinking escape is possible Grabbing a small ship and
mani Marineswith holograms only via the boat dock deck. ENCOmTER jumping out-system is a
of the ones they seek con- As they make theirway there IF-LE possibility if they do not wish
tinue the search. deck-by-deck,the pandemo- Die Result to choose sides. They could
The humans, for the most nium increases as it be- 1 I D 6 station personnel decide to leave with any of
part, resign themselves to it, comes evident that other 2 1D6 station personnel the parties.
but the Vegans refuse to forces have arrived-Vegan 3 1-3 Solomani Marines This scenario has cam-
surrender to their past op- and Imperial marines. 4 1-3 Solomani Marines paign possibilities. Should
pressors, some successfully, Roll 1D6 for an encounter 5 1-3 Imperial Marines the PCs decide to escape,
some not. every time the player charac- 6 1-3 Vegan Marines they will soon discover they
GDW Challenge 53

are wanted individuals. Any- is not a starship. It no longer

one even remotely connect- has jump drives, though it
ed with IRSO will be sought was fitted with new maneu-
after by any and all factions. ver drives to allow it to
"Lookingover one's shoul- change orbit or orientation for
der" will become away of life. experimental purposes.
Though they may find brief lRSf3 has 28 decks ar-
respite in some out-of-the- ranged as follows:
way place, a pursuer will 1. Bridge: Deck Plan 4.
eventually find them and This is where the "ship" and Plan 10-Flight Crew Quar- off-loading of supply shuttles
force them to continue to the transmitter are controlled. ters. Thesecontain individual and is the only deck of the
travel through the Shattered 2-3.Transmitter: Deck and group work stations plus four that will open to space.
Imperium. Plan 12-Jump Drive. These larger conferencelmeeting 27. Flight Crew Deck:
contain the machinery mak- areas, Deck Plan 10. Other station
IRSn Deck Plan ing up the transmitter. 20-22. Crew Quarters: personnel (a small mainte-
Arrangement 4-8.Upper Power Plant: Deck Plan 3. These contain nance crew, security, shuttle
IRS Beta was completed Deck Plan 7. These provide the living quarters (single pilots) and the infrequent visi-
and operational in 1085. In power for the experiments. occupancy) of the laboratory tor are housed here.
common with some other 9. Lower Power Plant: personnel. 28.Boat Dock: Deck Plan
research stations and out- Deck Plan 7. See above. 23-26. Warehouse: Deck 13. This is the "reception"
posts in the Solomani Rim, it 10-17. Fuel Decks: Deck Plan 5-Cargo. Station sup- area. All traffic arriving or
was assembled from sec- Plan 8. These store liquid plies of all sorts are kept here. departing the station passes
tions of scrapped Lightning- hydrogen to fuel the power The areas are characterized through here. It also provides
class cruisers damaged dur- plant. by row after row of bins and storage for the ship's boat
ing the Solomani Rim War. It 18-19. Work Areas: Deck crates. Deck 26 handles the and fuel shuttles. SZ

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Challenge GDW

The Nullian Leawe e was just like all the other In- "All we ever had the budget for." We
telligence operatives in the shared a smile, and he went on.
provides political galaxy-a little too calm, a "Look. Here's the deal--our under-
and military security little too well dressed, and cover networks have come across some
way too green. Same stuff,different day. mutterings insidethe Nullian intelligence
in the Hinterworlds "The Empress Margaret is pleasedto services. Seems the league is working
sector against welcome you into her employ." Yeah, on an operation designed to secure
encroaelaments right. Ifigured he wouldn't appreciate my some political leverage over the Impe-
cynicism, so I stayed quiet and listened. rium. Something to keep our hands tied
&om both "Given your recent arrival out here in if they pull some stunt we don't like but
Margaret's Domain the Hinters, you may not be aware of aren't willing to go to war over."
and the Solomani certain developing situations-for in- "Right-standard practice. What's the
stance, the emergence of a political operation they're planning?"
Confederation. power known as the Nullian League." He leaned back with a sigh. "There's
Some league "I read the papers. Let's cut to the a cargo that's inbound to Margaret's
alliances chase," I said. He floundered for a Domainthat has to pass within only two
second, found his place in that oh-so- parsecs of Nullian space. We think
were forged carefully prepared script of his, and they're going to grab it."
over discussions of bumbled on. "And Margaret's going to let a little
"Well, er, the league is clearly ready- freight stand in her way if push comes
mutual enlightened ing for some major military moves. to shove?"
thers over We're unsure of the main targets, but "She might. The cargo consists of four
the edge of a there is a high degree of confidence Imperial Moot members and their staff-
that-that Imperial interests could be one of whom happensto be Margaret's
gun barrel. compromised or endangered." nephew."
The bottom line is "Yes, I am aware of the standard line. Not good at all. "And what the Hades
that the Nu'Blian Ex-navy intelligence, aren't you? My, were they doing out here?"
what big words you fellas use." He shook his head. "The idiots were
League controls a That did the trick. He dropped the act. out here sightseeing! They're a bunch
growing number "All right, then. We'll do it the no-frills of bloody tourists. Can you believe it?"
style. That's what you ex-IRIS spooks No, I thought, I don't believe it at all.
of systems in the like best, isn't it?" But I didn't tell him that.
Nullia and Baguia

Charles E. Gannon
GDW Challenge 55

The Nullian League is a recently evolved political power in
the Nullia and Bruia subsectors of the Hinterworlds sector.
Spokesmen for the league claim that it exists to provide
political and military security against encroachments from
both Margaret's Domain and the Solomani Confederation.
However, it is common knowledgethat both Nullia and Bruia
have found that the recent turmoil created by the Imperial
Interregnum and the ensuing Solomani incursions offers a
fertile environment for expansionist activities. While some of B) Safe return of Moot members, who may be politically
the following allianceswere forged over discussionsof mutual critical in the upcoming struggle for lmperial dominance.
enlightenedinterest,andothers overthe edge of agun barrel, e Safe return of her nephew for personal reasons.
the bottom line is that the Nullian League controls the sys- @ Secure communications regarding arrangementsmade
tems listed below. for Hiver trade, which could be a key factor in Margaret's bid
Under Nullian Control: Hugus, Riies, Sigam, Ane, for ultimate ascension to the Iridium throne.
Meadow, Uga, Angerhelm (conquest underway). The league suspects that Margaret is up to something like
Under Briuan Control: Rouen, Orphan, Greene, Hood, this and also knows that the ship is probably exploring an
Branch, Lastop, Horton, Shugii, Stailveiki. alternate trade route linking Margaret's Domain and Hiver
The NullianLeague is mercantilisticallyaggressive, and is space-a route that will bypass the league and its tariffs.
possessed of the military resources and resolve to turn its A successful bypass would mean a drop in general com-
desires into realities. It is important to note that economic mercial activity along Beyerly's Path and the Bruia Diago-
coercion is always the league's first tactic, but it will roll out nal-the keystones of the league's economic security and
the ships and the troops if its monetaryoverturesare refused. continued independence. Therefore,the league's operations
The tourist group is returning on the TL13, jump-2,5000- are designed to achieve more than the seizure of some in-
ton luxury liner, Cunard's Canard. Returningfrom a cruise of teresting hostages; they are also attempting to prove that
the Aquila subsector, it has been edging back to Imperial the "cost" of bypassing their ports may be greater than the
space by moving coreward via laasiv, Nerfane, and then into tariffsfor using them. If one ship can fall prey to "disaster,"so
Gniivi space. At the time of the first discussionwith the team, can others.
arrangements have been made with certain sympathetic Therefore, the Nullian League has planned two hijacking
Gniivi to detain the ship at Pru-Magu (hex 2817)due to various attempts--one an inside job at Xavid (1920), the other a di-
customs "infractions." The anticipated delay will allow the rect assault at Mainline (1519).
team to rendezvous with the ship at Drygrass (2779). This
rendezvous will be affected by a jump-4 courier, comman- MI Aboard
deered from Scout base resources at Tiffany (0620). What When the teammembers secure passage on Drygrass,
they're going to run into a major consideration-no weap-
the group will find at this point is unknown; the operation is
being mounted as opportunity permits. Full information on ons are permitted, other than as stowed and locked items
the group you have to rescue or specifics on how the league under the eyes of the crew. Attempts to circumvent this
intends to snatch it is not available at the time the team isrestriction are not likely to be successful; the Hinters (what
dispatched. Like so many of the operations you've been on natives call the Hinterworldsector) are free space, so there's
before, you're running in the dark. no cavalry to come over the hill. Out here, security is a deadly
serious business, and too much insistence on carrying
And, also reminiscent of other missions, there's not a lot of
cash on hand to support the operation-Cr1000 per team- weapons may get the team excludedfrom passage (captain's
member, in addition to middle passage ticketsfrom Drygrass prerogative).Similarly, an unsuccessfulbribe attempt will not
through to Arkon. The only thing that is abundant is the only get the teammembers excluded, but blackballed; the
expectation of your success-which your contact defines as word will be out that they want to book passage and carry
making sure that the troublesome tourists get safely to a weapons. Only a foolhardy captain will carry them. Some
waiting lmperial destroyer at Arkon (1315). How you do it is facetious ship's masters might even suggest that the group
up to you-and so is how you'll spend the 100,000 credits try catching a ride with some pirates, who consider personal
contract money (it is, by the way, a "success only" ticket). weapons part of "carry-on luggage."
The teammembers will have a little more time than they
REFEkEEE'S 0 ION anticipated, however, as the ship is hiring some extra replace-
The party in question is a diplomatic trade missionthat is ment crew. While it will be a Difficult task, a character with
currently returningfrom Leh Perashspace--where some very Streetwise, Carousing, Liaison, or other interpersonal skills
high-leveldiscussions were held with a number of important might be able to learn the cause of these unexpected crew
Hiver cornrnercialfactors.Therefore, Margaret's concernwith needs. Apparently, the ship's purser was arrested for pos-
the mission's safe return is threefold. session of narcotics, and the first engineer was killed in a
56 Challenge GDW

brothel brawl-hardly the sort of crew behavior that luxury heritaged Moot members. Herwell known talent for handling
liners like to brag about. As a result, the Cunard's Canardwill delicate negotiations and soothing ruffledfeathers is matched
lay over for a week after the characters arrive at Drygrass. If by her ability to drive a shrewd bargain. She is a well pre-
any teammembers bother to check, they will also find that sewed 78 years of age (she uses a limited regimen of an-
there are two openings for shipboard security positions.This agathics as an aid to her genetic predisposition for graceful
will not only allow some teammembers to have arms (and aging). Also, unknown to most, she is a crack shot with a
access to a lot more),but will providethem with some people pistol (Handgun-3), and was able to get the captain to acqui-
"on the inside." Whether or not the players realizethis oppor- esce to her request to retain a body pistolwhile on shipboard.
tunity, they will learn on the eighth day that the captain has Rank hath its privileges.
filled the remaining crew slots, and the ship will be under lift Sir Seldon Fortesqu: Moot member, known to most as
as of 1400 hours. Selly. Selly is best knownfor his contagious charm and ability
to have fun (Carousing-4). However, beneath his almost bon
A Week in Hyperspace vivant exterior, Sir Fortesqu is a keenjudge of human nature
The ship will make a routine jump in-system to Xavid, with and an excellent negotiator (Persuasion-3). He is also
no nefarious doings in evidence. However, an observant and something of an avid sportsman with a broad education
inquisitive team may pick up a few key facts. (Education-D, Jack-of-All-Tradesskill-2).In any tight situation,
The most basic is the rest of the Cunard's Canard travel Selly is likely to have at least a level of 0 in the relevant skill.
itinerary. From Xavid, she's scheduled to jump to Annex, from And he is not afraid to get in there and "slum it" with the
there to Mainline, then on to Varag (1417), G-R (1316), and bourgeoisie; he is both accessible and an extremely valu-
Arkon (1315). These ports of call are only 2-3 parsecs dis- able ally in a fight.
tant from league space-a fact which should suggest that Sir Atrabar Chin: Junior Moot member. At only 39 years
this is the area where a hijack attempt is most likely. of age, Sir ChinHiawould seem impossibly young for his po-
Another less available fact is that the new ship's purser sition. However, the quiet, diminutive fellow is a computer
has also been named the second navigator; apparently he expert with a specialty in psychohistory and multivariate
has some excellent skills in this area. The shipboard scuttle- analysisof alien races and their economies.As such, he was
butt is that the captain is quite satisfied with the new person- indispensable to the Moot as an expert and is now a major
nel; in fact, they seem exceptionally well qualified. asset to Margaret. The seemingly mild ChinHia is also a
A suspicious team (and being suspicious is part of their student of the martial arts (MartialArts skill-3) and finds that
job) should be wondering how it is that specialized crew slots this combines well with his outward mien-which success-
such as purserlnavigator and first engineer (for aTL13 liner) fully invites adversaries to grossly underestimate him.
were so fortuitously filled on Drygrass, which has a C star- Scandinav Sten: Security "consultant." A five-term ex-
port and a tech level of 4. In general, Drygrass is not the sort marine commando major, Sten is nearly 100 kilograms of
of world that is a likely place to "find" qualified starship crew weathered rawhide and sprung steel. His specialties are in
on short notice. But don't help the players along with this ob- personal weapons, close combat, vacuum/O-G operations,
servation if they don't realize it themselves-at least not yet. and recon-just the sort of person you want to have around
Another interesting facet of the trip to Xavid is the oppor- when you're travelling on a ship outside the comparatively
tunity for the players to get to know the Imperialtourists and secure boundaries of the Imperium. He is highly intelligent,
their entourage. Although only middle passengers (if any of but extremely suspicious. However, once an ally, he will be
the characters reveal their Imperial background), they will steadfast and tenacious.
attract the camaraderie of this group--even the four Moot Sir Tancred von Harrer: Special attache. Tancred is
members. This affinity will be particularly strong if any of the Margaret's nephew, who managed to swing this assignment
teammembers are high-ranking military or intelligence retir- without his aunt's knowledge. Now 28 years old, Tancred
ees and/or holders of high military honors: In these troubled spent one term in naval intelligence after graduating from
times, Margaret's people are always on the look-out for the academy with honors. What the fellow lacks in experi-
promising recruits to her cause. In addition to half a dozen ence (which is nonetheless considerable), he makes up for
domestic/clerical assistants, the six tourists are: in brains (Intelligence stat of D). He is inventive and alert-
Sir Reynold Artessian: Senior Moot member. He is in and is the only one of the tourists who has some misgivings
charge of the trade mission and will be the least accessible. about passing this close to league space. He is fairly acces-
He is silver-gray haired and rumored to be 107 years old- sible and would be the only one of the trade mission likely to
although anagathics reduce the apparent age to half that. listen to a forthright appeal from the players regarding the
He is a commanding individual, who will quietly confirm (if mission's safety and the advisability of a change in plans.
pressed) that yes, he is that same Sir Artessian who served Malek Toulouse: Head steward. Toulouse was originally
with such distinction in the Fourth Frontier War. nothing more than the ship's head steward, but the tourists
Lady liritiya Shamuugar: Senior Moot member. Fromthe made him an additional employment offer as their direct
Vilani side of the nobility, she represents an important minor- employee approximately eight weeks ago. He gladly ac-
ity faction in Margaret's significant gathering of Solomani- cepted, and everyone has been happy with him-except
GDW Challenge 57

Sten, who has a "funny feeling about that guy." Malek is in

his forties, fastidious and aifted with a dry wit-which he oc-
casionally uses to mildly torment the suspicious Sten. But if
players decide to accept the hard-nosedSten as simply the
butt of Malek's backhanded jibes, they may regret it.

An &tempted
If the players haven't begun to get suspicious of some of
this cast of characters by the time they're preparing to leave
Xavid, they deserve to get caught flat-footed. (If the referee
has the pleasure of running this adventure for a particularly
sharp group, afew additional crew and passenger NPCs can
be added as red herrings to enhance the colorful nature of
this adventure.)Additionally,the team should be asking afew
important questions, such as how did the league learn about
these tourists in the first place? How can the league know
the Cunard's Canard travel itinerary so far in advance that
it can plan a hijack operation? (The captain has been shar-
ing the precise long-term itinerary with crewmembers only.)
On the day of its jump to Annex, the Cunard's Canards
navigator will be found in his cabin, apparently near coma-
tose as a result of a drug overdose. The captain will attempt
to hush this up, inasmuch as a preliminary investigation will
show the drug to be of the same type that the former purser
was accused of peddling. As a result, the new purserlnavi-
gator is called to the bridge to handle the course plot for the
Once the ship has moved out to 100 planetary diameters
in preparationfor its jump to Annex, a couple of ugly coinci- commandeer engineering will not work; the first engineer has
dences will occur. First, the engineering section will report a enough time to watch his security monitors on all the pos-
short in the back-up bridge circuitry. It will recommend that sible access routes. He will use the antihijack gas freely and,
the jump be postponed and that qualified personnel be dis- if pressed, will expose selected areas to vacuum in order to
patched to handle the problem. Nothing will be found, but counteract any attempts to regain control of engineering.
the warning lights are still showing red. Accordingly, the en- However, auxiliary control is accessible by a number of
gineer will suggest-and the captain will agree-that for normal corridors and passageways.The teammembers can
safety's sake, the jump should be handled from the auxiliary prevent the hijack if they can:
bridge, where all the circuitry reads green and ready. e Figure out what's going on within a few minutes.
This will result in the pilot and purserlnavigator reporting @ Get to auxiliary control in time (remember, the elevators
surreptitiously to auxiliary flight control, all the while trying to are out).
avoid attractingthe notice of the passengers (easiersaidthan @BNot give away their plans to the first engineer, who's
done). monitoring all intercom communications.
However, once they are in auxiliary control, things will begin f# And also overcome the purserlnavigator in auxiliarycon-
to change rapidly. The purserlnavigatorwill eliminate the pilot trol.
(using lethal force if necessary), and the first engineer will If the group has taken the tourists into their confidence,
cut all power to the bridge and seal all bulkheads. He will they may have some help in this task-but they might also
also power-down all the elevator shafts. find the purserlnavigatorwaiting for them with an autosnub
Meanwhile, the purserlnavigator will lay in a course for a handgun. They won't know it, but the purserlnavigator will
deep-space rendezvous point (hex 1821), where a league have been warned of their plans. His source is Malek Tou-
ship is waiting. This will take a few minutes, however-in louse,who is a league plant and is the pipelinethrough which
which time the teammembers might be able to get to the aux- the league has gained its knowledge of the tourists and their
iliary bridge and foil these plans. mission.
However, they'll have to figure out what's going on largely If the teammembers manage to catch either the purser/
by puttingfragmentary piecestogether.The bridge crewmem- navigator or first engineer alive (which is unlikely, since both
bers are the only ones who know for sure that anything foul are well armed and ready to fight), they will learn that some-
is afoot. They're locked in the bridge, and their access to the one on the ship is a league plant, although these two do not
shipwide intercom system has been cut off. An attempt to know the identity of that plant.
58 Challenge GDW

Main Attack at Maillline the event that some hardy souls still seem determined to
The attempt at the Xavid out-jump point is not the only contest the hijacking, they will flood all decks with anti-in-
operation that the league has dedicated to this objective. If truder gas. In addition, the remaining two fireteams are on
the Cunard's Canard fails to show up at the deep space standby to actively counter any aggressive defenders-with
rendezvous at hex 1821, the league will move its overt at- priority targets beingvacc-suited individuals. Once the demo
tack plan into tentative active status. The moment the liner charges have gone off, a nearby far-traderwill move to assist'
shows up at Annex, the league will considerthe overt planto and exfiltrate the assault teams and their hostages. The trader
be its last hope and will pursue it vigorously. is a TL13 model with reduced cargo space and increased
The overt assault will be mountedjust priorto outjumpfrom enginelpower plant, giving it Maneuver 3lAgility 1.
the next port of call-Mainline. The assault will be via four If the PCs manage to rally a strong defense against these
spaceside assault carriages (plastic, nonradar, reflective, attackers, Malekwill drop his cover and do everything in his
three-manframeworks).These high-speedassault carriages power to ruin their efforts-up to and including taking Lady
will be continuously boostedto achieve high speeds and then Shamuugar at gunpoint.
guided by their troops to the target. Once at the target, the
fireteam elements on board (strappedto the carriages inTL11 AZternate Routes
combat armor) will engage a powerful set of solid-rocket A potentially effective plan-but possibly even more
counter-boosters.This will slow them down enough to effect dangerous-is for the PCs to commandeer the ship them-
a rendezvous with the liner's hull. selves. This may become particularly tempting afterthe Xavid
One of the four assault teams will implant and detonate attempt, since a smart group will realize that they probably
breaching charges at the hull section above the bridge haven't heardthe last from the league. They couidcompletely
(sparing key electronics), and jam the small craft bay by ruin the league's plans by jumping to Peterstadt, Normand,
detonating a shaped charge which is designed to buckle the Undru, Edmund. From herethere would be several safe paths
bay door. by which to affect rendezvous at Arkon. But until arrival there,
Another team will blow access plates at two other points the team will be considered to be the hijackers and will not
and commandeer auxiliary control. It will cut the oxygen level be trusted-even by those they have been sent to rescue.
in the liner's air to 50 percent and reduce the ambient air Remember, the team is just a bunchof fellow passengers.
temp to -5 degrees centigrade. This should slow up any The onlyone who may listen is Margaret's nephew, whose
would-be counterattackers to the point of near-hypothermia, stint with Navy Intelligence has shown him that help occa-
with a worsening case of anoxia adding to their problems. In sionally takes on some very strange guises. SZ

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GDW Challenge 59

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Gkallenae GDW

any role-players are confused by Star Deh: The To Boldly Go

Next Generation. To some, it seems dull com- ere No Man
pared to S t a r IFek, Space: 1999,Lost in Space, Has Split
Plan 9 from Outer Space, Dune: The Movie, an I n ~ i t i v e
~ o b oMonster,
t and similar sci-fi epics. a t they don't Before:
realize is t h a t ST: TNG represents a revolutionary ad-
vancement i n entertainment-antiescapism. A Star a'rek
Escapist fiction genres such a s westerns, soap operas, Parody
and political platforms provide the audience with a fan-
tasy world in which they are exciting, important people S a m Bowne
i n a dramatic, dangerous conflict. Antiescapism provides
a realistic fantasy in which slow-witted, confused char-
acters watch 3-D holofilms and argue philosophy while
important conflicts are decided by other people.
Mature, sophisticated role players will welcome this
opportunity to add new realism to the gaming experience.
We therefore present all the details needed to simulate
the amazing S F TNC universe.
GDW Challenge

UBERMENSCH for violence, the scene erupts in excit-

This race is the final product of human ing, confused combat: Gratuitous ex-
physical and sociological development, ploding control panels, Vulcan nerve
and the most common race in the next pinch, cries of "Set phasers on stun!"
federation. Genetic manipulation and "Get a security squad up here!" and
food additives have changedthe human "He's dead, Jim." The sensibilities of a
race in several important ways, gener- sophisticated audience are greatly of-
ally improving physical attributes at the fended.
expense of mental ones. They person- Mela-Logic: Everyone should imme-
ify the following improvements on the diately form an informal group therapy them with a driving emotional need to
20th-century human race: session to analyze the opponent to find become bootlicking lackeys. In all other
Posture: Ubermensch all have per- the deep cause of his hostility, perhaps respects, they are identical to Uber-
fect parade-groundposture and are per- by recreating his childhood on the holo- mensch. (A Literary Note: In ST: TNG,
manently in the "attention" position. deck. The lunatic's mental wounds are the so-called "moral message" of the
Clicking boot heels together after walk- healed, and the audiencefinds the show show has been changed. The Klingons
ing is optional. enlightening, spiritually elevating, and are no longer a racist slur against Rus-
Lean Muscle Mass: Ubiquitous use educational. sians-they are a racist slur against
of the advanced drug "anabolic estro- black Americans).
gen" now provides everyone with Situation T w o
amazing muscular development and The Enterpriseiscaught in an energy- ST: TNG GAME SYSTEM
abolishes excess body fat. Unlike ste- dampening field by omnipotent aliens Inthis section, we introduce the revo-
roids, anabolic estrogen does not in- who claim that humans are worthless lutionary Trivial Role-Playing System,
crease hostility and anger. worms, from their point of view. appropriate to any game. All statistics,
Ubermensch Disadvantages: Due OldThinking: The commanderof the skills, and abilities are given as percent-
to advanced machines and life in low Enterprisegivesan impassioned senti- ages. Performinga task, such as repair-
gravity, Ubermensch have much less mentalspeech about the unique virtues ing the Enterprise's main drives with a
physicalstrength than 20th-century hu- of the human race: capitalism, apple pie, Swiss army knife, requires a Dl 00 roll
mans. Their muscles look good but are sexual stereotypes, macho hostility, less than or equal to the percentage
actually useless, and they are unable to irrationality, and so on, then orders a listed. If the gamemaster judges a task
engage in any physical activity more futile attack. The aliens, realizing that to be very easy or hard, the roll may be
strenuous than walking or engaging in humans are even dumber than worms, modified by +25O/0, +30%, or more.
childish fantasies on the holodeck. release the Enterprise and go away. However, if ST: TNG is run correctly
Because of this, romance is iimited to Mela-Logic: The commander of the (that is, in accordance with the way the
platonic relationships, and the popula- Enterprise initiates a round-robin free- show is run), the outcome of skill rolls
tion of the federation has begun to association session, discussing the will have no consequence to the plot.
dwindle to the point that Starfleet Acad- merits and flaws of the human race, Combat and othercompetitions, such
emy now takes only one applicant a quoting one to 20 randomly selected as philosophical arguments, require all
year. Lipton tea bags, fortune cookies, etc., participantsto make an appropriate skill
Mental Improvements (Nleta- in an attempt to dissuade the aliens from roll. The character making the best roll
Logic): Inthe 20th century, humans suf- their outmoded notions of good vs. evil. (furthestbelow the required percentage)
fered from mental flaws such as anger, Failing inthis, he orders the self-destruct wins. In the case of arguments, the
superstition, and intuition. Now reason- device activated to convince the aliens losing characters become even more
ing has been elevated beyond such that the human race deserves to live. meek, self-conscious, and submissive
irrationalities, beyond clear directed The aliens, realizing that humans are for awhile. Losers of combat are
thought, and skyrocketed to the lofty even dumber than worms, release the knocked out for a while, unless their
plane of philosophical speculation, Enterprise and go away. player gets disgusted and quits the
known as meta-logic. Players must game, in which case they die.
master this advanced mode of thought MLINGONS Starship combat almost neveroccurs,
to successfully play Ubermensch char- Klingons are nearly extinct, due to the but if it does, the characters on each side
acters.The following examples illustrate wanton violence and ecological damage make starship combat rolls. The side
the principle. inflicted on them by Star Trek: The Old with the best roll inflicts one hit on the
Fogies. The only survivors are terrorists, enemy ship. The first two hits to a ship
Situation One exotic dancers, and those who have cause the lights to dim, the camera to
An armed lunatic blazes into the joined the Federation. "Caffeine-Free" tilt and the actors to stumble around, and
control room, demanding control of the Klingons are required to take massive cause one to 20 casualties each. The
Enterprise. doses of anabolic estrogen, reducing next hit cripples the ship; it looses warp
Old Thinking: By returning violence their violent instincts, and replacing power and goes to 50-percent impulse
Challenge GDW

power. One more hit destroys the ship, Vice-Capt~n

Pikr Chief Doetor
but this never happens unless aN the Race: Ubermensch. Strength, 45; Cmsher
players become disgusted and quit. Dexterity, 45; Intelligence, 20. Race: Ubermensch. Strength, 25;
Skills: Starship Piloting, 20; Slarship Dexterity, 50; Intelligence, 30.
SrnILLS Combat, 20; Starship Repair, 35; Per- Skills: Medicine, 80; Personal Com-
The major skills common to all char- sonal Combat, 35; Quote Saying from bat, 20; Open Hailing Frequency, 10.
acters are listed below. Individualchar- Lipton Tea Bag, 75. Special Abilities: Maternal Instinct,
acters may have special skills listed with Special Abi1ities:Antagonize Fellow 40; Meek Submissionto MachoAuthor-.
the character descriptions. Crewmember, 60. ity Figures (except Security Thug Jar),
Starship Pi1oting:This skill includes 40.
navigation, operating impulse and warp Assistmt Computer
engines, and operating all electronic Datum Gulrrnudgeon
equipment (except for the subskill Open Race: None. Strength, 90; Dexterity, (Mecoy Clone)
Hailing Frequency, which is a psychic 90; Intelligence, 90. PolansK
ability available only to women and Skills: Starship Piloting, 90; Starship Race: Ubermensch. Strength, 25;
ethnic minorities). Combat, 70; Starship Repair, 70; Per- Dexterity, 70; Intelligence, 45.
Starship Combat: This skill includes sonal Combat, 70. Skills: Medicine, 80; Personal Com-
firing weapons, conducting tactical Special Abilities: Recite Endless List bat, 20; Open Hailing Frequency, 10.
movements, and announcing the num- of Useless Information, 90; Imitate His- Special Abilities: Ridicule Datum,
ber of casualties after each hit. torical Figure, 25; Romantic Attraction, 80; Assert Moral Authority, 40.
Starship Repair: This skill includes 90; Have Electronic Equivalent of Iden-
the ability to fix broken or battle-dam- tity Crisis, 40. Chief Geek
aged systems, exceedthe design specs Wesley
of the Enterprise, and invent new ways Token Minority WorE Race: Ubermensch. Strength, 15;
to break the laws of physics during Race: Klingon (Caffeine-Free). Dexterity, 35; Intelligence, 60.
emergencies. Strength, 80; Dexterity, 80; Intelligence, Skills: Starship Piloting, 25; Starship
Personal Combat: This skill includes 20. Combat, 20; Starship Repair, 95; Per-
hand-to-hand combat and phaser use. Skills: Starship Combat, 45; Per- sonal Combat, 15.
sonal Combat, 80; Starship Repair, 25; Special Abi1ities:Antagonize Every-
G CTERS Open Hailing Frequency, 40. one, 90; Adolescent Megalomania, 50.
Following are important character Special Abilities: lntimidate Oppo-
descriptions. nent (snarl, etc.), 50; Suggest Wanton Subsidiary
Violence as Solution to Problem, 60; Token M i n o ~ t y
Captain &Lard Have ldentity Crisis, 20. Gordy
Race: Ubermensch. Strength, 35; Race: Ubermensch. Strength, 25;
Dexterity, 35; Intelligence, 50. Security Thug Jar Dexterity, 45; Intelligence, 35.
Skills: Starship Combat, 30; Per- Race: Ubermensch. Strength, 80; Skills: Starship Piloting, 50; Starship
sonal Combat, 20; Knowledge of 20th- Dexterity, 80; Intelligence, 40. Combat, 45; Starship Repair, 80; Per-
Century France, 60; Ability to Engage Skills: Personal Combat, 80; Open sonal Combat, 40; Open Hailing Fre-
in, and Force Others to Join, Endless Hailing Frequency, 70. quency, 25.
Metaphysical Discussions, 70. Special Abilities: Intimidate Oppo- Special Abilities: Self-Pity, 40; Su-
Special Abilities: Have ldentity Cri- nent, 5; Have ldentity Crisis, 25. per Vision, 50*.
sis, 20;Advance Plot (beforeeach com- *By Super Vision skill we mean me-
mercial, roll on the following table). Counselor Deama Toy chanically induced extraordinary visual
Race: Obnoxoid. Strength, 20; Dex- specialy abilities ("If I had any supervi-
BILITIES TABLE terity, 30; Intelligence, 50. sion, would I be playing a silly game like
RON Result Skills: Personal Combat, 20; Open this?").
1-15 Assert moral superiority Hailing Frequency, 20.
16-30 Eject saucer section Psychic Powers: Gain Obvious but Bartender First Glass
31-40 Send out away team Trivial Information, 80; Gain Important Whoopie
41-55 Deliver inspiring speech Information, 20. Race: Ubermensch. Strength, 25;
about human condition Special Note: Toy's race, the Ob- Dexterity, 35; Intelligence, 85.
56-65 Call committee meeting noxoids, have the racial skillAntagonize Skills: Serve Drinks with Stupid
in briefing room Everyone at 90 percent. But Toy has Names, 90; PersonalCombat, 20; Open
66-75 Call committee meeting been treated with anabolic estrogen Hailing Frequency, 40; Ubermensch
in control room closet since birth, which has eliminated this Psychoanalysis, 60.
76-90 Hang out on holodeck skill, giving her a physiological/psycho- Special Abilities: Wear Ridiculous-
91-100 Initiate autodestruct sequence logical profile identical to Ubermensch. Looking Hat, 80.
GDW Challenge 63

OM ADVENTURE1 81-90 Naivelblatantly obvious moral

SCRIPT GENEUTOR message (suchas "War is bad,"
Gamemasters will find that no one and "People are still people
can stand to play S T TNG more than even if they are slime mon-
an hour every week or so (and in this, sters," etc.).
too, it is accurate to its prototype). In ad- Hypocritical moral message
dition, all plot lines, romances, and (such as "TV is bad," "Femi-
conflictsvanish between episodes of the nism is best promoted through
original Star Trek, never to be seen lower necklines," "Racism is
again-so why should the ST: TNG bad," etc.).
game be any different? The following
charts will permit gamemasters (aswell
as aspiring screenwriters) to generate Roll Result
adventures that are just as exciting as 1-10 Open admission that plot was
the original show. Simply roll for one solved by original Enterprise
majorconflict, one subplot, and as many crew.
gimmicks as you can tolerate. Fading celebrity guest star with
little or no plot justification.
MAJOR CONFLICTS Reference to thousands of
Roll Result Enterprisecrewmembers (who
1-5 Hostile aliens attack Enter- are never seen).
prise. Costume change for female
6-10 Hostile aliens with superior crewmembers.
technological powers under- Crewmember has pointless en-
mine Federation without di- counter with old friendlenemy.
rectly attacking Enterprise. Teleporter gains new godlike
11-25 Godlike aliens threaten Enter- power (raisingdead, matterdu-
prise andlor Federation for no plication, cure fatal disease).
apparent reason, then depart Endless parade of female
equally mysteriously three crewmembers in background.
minutes before end of episode. Put male crewmembers in
26-50 Enterprise is used as a taxi to skimpy skirts as an excuse to
carry someone else on an ex- put female crewmembers in
citing adventure which we skimpy skirts.
never see. Top six command personnel
51-70 Repeat plot of old Star Trek execute "The Exxon Valdez
episode verbatim. Gambit" by leaving bridge
71-85 Enterprise comes upon primi- deserted (also known as "The
tive culture being destroyed, U.S.S. Stark Maneuver).
but crew dare not interfere. Special effects cribbed from
86-100 Spend entire episode on holo- Star Wars out-takes
deck to enable productioncrew Close-ups of plastic models
to use existingfilm set for other cribbed from 2001: A Space
series. Odyssey out-takes.
Disgusting aliens cribbed from
SDPLOTS Alien/Aliens.
RON Result Acrewmember nearly has sex,
1-50 Identity crisis, determine char- but then calls it off at last mo-
acter randomly. ment.
51-60 Kill off character of departing Holodeck-generated charac-
actorlactress. ters which are smarter then
61-70 Romantic interest blooms be- anyone else on the Enterprise.
tween two crewmembers, then Ugly aliens which are even
fizzles out. dumber than the crew.
71-80 Klingon sex is described, dis- Cute, furry aliens suitable for
cussed, or threatened, but merchandising, without plot
never happens. justification. i'2
64 Challenge GDW

A Star Fleet Intelligence Command Mission Summary

John A. Theisen
ission Code Name: Operation Cormorant Morris Magtronics firm. His absence from work will not only
SECLAR: 5 delay the project, but the information he possesses regard-
CaseIContact Officer: Lieutenant Com- ing classifiedweapon systems development is a substantial
mander Richard M. Meryddin security risk to Star Fleet Command and the UFP.
Classification: Investigation/Recovery It is vital that Morris be found and recovered, to determine
Intelligence SectorIBase: Klingonand Orion Sectors, In- the severity of the security leak, to minimize the loss, and to
telligence Star Base 27 facilitate his return to work. The only lead at this time involves
the single reported sighting on Asparax.

Hayden Morris is a senior design and applications engi- OTHER DATA

neerfor Morris Magtronics,the manufacturer of several Star Asparax is the founding member of the Asparax Confed-
Fleet photon torpedo systems (includingthe FP-4, FP-5, and eration, a loose-knittrade and defensecoalitionof fourworlds
FP-6). situated betweenthe Federation and the Klingon Empire.The
While working late one evening at his office on Alphosa, Asparax Confederation currently permits trade between its
witnesses report he was unexpectedly visited by at least two members and all other worlds, except those from the UFP;
KlingonIHuman fusions. He immediately ceased work and any Federation vessels entering Asparaxian space are
left with them, without reporting where he intendedto go. His consideredto be violating the Confederation's (supposedly)
last words to placatethe security guards at the complex were, neutral status. Klingon and Orion vessels and trade goods
"Fear not, I shan't be gone too long." He has not been seen are more than welcome, however. To date, Star Fleet com-
on Alphosa since. manders have been ordered to avoid contact until formal
When Morris failed to show up for work two days later, a policy has been determined.
bulletin went out requesting anyone who saw him to report Extensive information on the Asparax Confederation and
to Star Fleet.Approximately three weeks later, an anonymous member-planet world logs appear in the ST RPGadventure
report did come in from a non-UFP merchant ship. Hayden Decision at Midnight. Of course, the gamemaster is free to
Morris was allegedly seen on the planet Asparax, near the generate his own data, if preferred, as well as tactical maps,
UFPIKlingon border. the actual reason for Morris' presence on the world, and the
Morris is currently working in secret on preliminary designs role of the Klingons.
for a new photonguidance system, potentiallya breakthrough
in controland delivery technology. In additionto being a highly CURRENT STATUS
skilled and knowledgeableengineer, he is also an heir to the Available for task group assignment. R
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Don't despai we have more.

29 Traveller: A Decade of Traveller, The

niversal Task Profile, Scientists, Picking a
35 Traveller: The Spice of Life, Fire Aboard
Ship. Twilight: 2000: Citymaker. 2300 AD: A
eworld, Traveller News Service. Twilight: World Invaded. Space: 1889:VictorianTimesand
Society. BattleTech: AFT 1B Afterburner. Star
Wars: Team Recovery, H-Wing Fighters. Rene-
Urban Locales. 2300 AD: Trade in 2300, gade Legion: The 9867th Renegade Armored
Support. Star Trek: Spaceports in Star Trek.

36* Traveller: The Green Hills of Earth,

Starship Design Notes. Twilight: Red Maple,
Esuipment for Armor Crews. 2300 AD: Devil in
the bark, Anatomy of a Missile. Space: 1889:
Darkness Falls from the Air. Star Trek: Dop-
pleganger. BattleTech: 'Mech Alternatives. War-
hammer: 40,000: Sunstroke. Paranoia: Plan 9
from Out-R-SPC.

3 1* Traveller: Hazardous Cargoes,

Twisting Tech Levels, Wrong Way Valve. 37* Traveller: A Body Swayed to Music,
MegaTraveller: Designer's Notes. Twilight: PortableAir Lock. Twilight: 2000: Tyger, Tyger,
2000: USSR: 2000, Combat Examples. 2300 AD: Burning Bright. 2300 AD: Three Blind Mice.
TheSung: Chapter 19, Spacesuits, Earth: 2300. Space: 1889: From Aboveand Below. Warham-
mer: 40,000: The Undead of Space. Star Wars:
Wookiees Amok. Renegade Legion:The 982nd
32* Traveller: A World on its
Own, Swift Water by John M. Ford.
PursuitWing. Star Trek: Warp Factor Equivalency
Tables. Star Fleet Battles: Border Dispute.
Twilight: 2000: Equipment for
Native Canadian Ranger Regiment,

John Marshall, Tho Tuktaar Connection, Cargo:

raft. 2300 AD: Cayuga-Class Close 38 Traveller: prize court, Monitor-aass
Scout. 2300 AD: Star Cruiser Pcwer. Space:
A Merchant Prince Variant. Striker Weapon Sys- 1889: Journey to Oblivion. BattleTech: Direct-
tem Revisited, Enhanced Sector Generator. Twi- Fire Artillery. Star Wars: Starfighters Down. Star
light: 2000: Twilight: 2000 Air Module. Trek: Beta Antarae Sector. Renegade Legion:
Commonwealth Ships.

39* MegaTraveller: The Hintetworlds.

Twilight: 2000: Rifle River. 2300 AD:The Ameri-
Chosen Ones. Twi , North America 2300, can Marines, French Lieutenant's Connection.
light: 2000: Targe Space: 1889: EtherShipEtiquette. BattleTech:
2000: The Hit List fo Sky Eyes, The Waco Rangers-An In-Depth
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ships: A Human Perspective, Across INAP, The 2300 AD Revis- signatureand credit card number. Always on-line.
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Institut. Ether, A Smoking Flax. *Issues with an asterisk are out ofprint.

Star Fleet Intelligence Command Mission Summary

Mission Code Name: Operation Pile Driver However, an anonymous report has been filed that a small,
SECLAR: 5 resurgent group of devout Nazis once again has access to
CaseIContact Officer: Lieutenant Commander Brod a nuclear bomb. Members are angrywiththeir fellow Ekosians
Carou for disbanding the party, and rumors indicate they intend to
lntelligenceSectorlBase: Sector3 IntelligenceiStarBase detonate the bomb within the next six months (or upon the
15 retirement of Eneg,whichever comes first). Details are vague,
and it is not known whether the bomb was constructed,
CASE BRIEFING SUM reassembled, or merely found by the Nazi fanatics.
Since the visit of the USS Enterprise approximately 15 Ekosian science does not have the technology to locate
standard years ago, the planet Ekos has undergone grad- an undetonated nuclear device, and even starship sensors
ual, but steady, sociopolitical change. may be impractical. Federation tricorders, however, can be
Underthe new leadershipof (former Nazi Party chairman) used to locate any nuclear fissionables within the tricorder's
Eneg and (former Nazi Party secretary) Daras,the society of detection range.
Ekos has slowly been reshaped into a humane, productive Although Ekos remains a UFPprotectorate underthe Prime
civilization. Members of the former resistance remain firmly Directive, the problem now facing that world is directly re-
in control, and the Nazi party has been outlawed since that lated to Dr. John Gill's introduction of Nazism into the cul-
time. ture. In an attempt to minimize interference-and avoid a
GDW Challenge 67

catastrophe that should never have been possible-a task

group must be dispatched to Ekos. Orders are to locate and
retrieve (or safely detonate) the nuclear device before it is
used against the people of Ekos. If necessary, members of
the task group may be forcedto infiltratethe Naziunderground
to accomplish this mission.
Name: Monkler, Harry Amadeus PERSONrnL
Ranknitle: Lieutenant Commander This SFIC officer will be assigned to operate with the task
Current Assignment: Star Fleet Intelligence Com- group for the duration of this mission. The gamemaster may
mand, Sector 3 Intelligence, Support Services Depart- permit the character to be played as a PC or an NPC, at his
ment. discretion.
Position: Ordnance Specialist
Cover Assignment: None OTHER DAa'A
Race: Human Ekos (Technological/Sociopolitical Index: 556552-77)
Age: 37 supports a humanoid culture similar to that of Terra during
Sex: Male the first half of the 20th century. Approximately 20 standard
SECLAR: 5 years ago, Ekoswas in a state of politicaland social upheaval
Attributes: Str: 60 Cha: 59 End: 69 Luc: 58 Int: 73 due to a series of global economic problems.At that time, Dr.
Psi: 2 1 Dex: 8 1 John Gill, the noted Federation historian, was a cultural
observer on Ekos. He violated the Prime Directive by using
Combat Statistics Federation technology to raise a pseudo-Nazi party to
To-Hit Numbers: Bare HandDamage:l D l 0+5 Mod- dominance there. Dr. Gill's efforts were later subverted by
ern:51 AP: 12 HTH:51 party members seeking their own advancement.The subse-
quent intervention by an investigating party from the USS
Simifieant Skils: Rating Enterprise helped narrowly avert a war between Ekos and
Communications Systems Operation, 21 ; Computer neighboring Zeon, though Dr. Gill was killed during the reso-
Operation, 30; Computer Technology, 45; Demolitions, lution of the crisis. Ekos has since been protected from fur-
60; ElectronicsTechnology, 27; Intelligence Procedures, ther contact, allowing the population of both Ekos and Zeon
44; Life Support Systems Technology, 25; Mechanical to work out their problems in a peaceful, cooperative man-
Engineering, 36; Personal Weapons Technology, 23; ner.
Physical Sciences Chemistry, 36; Drafting, 27; Mathe- The gamemaster should generate character statistics for
matics, 45; Social Science, Federation Law, 25; Space Eneg, Daras, and other major Ekosian (and possibly Zeon)
Science, Astronomy, 21 ; Transporter Operational Pro- NPCs. Tactical maps and other background information
cedures, 21. related to the hidden nuclear warhead will also be needed.
The exact nature and capabilitiesof the device (anddefenses
Service History: protecting it, if any) are left to the gamemaster's discretion
Technical Services Branch and imagination.
1st Cadet Cruise, Plans and Policies Division. 2nd Character statistics for Lcdr. Carou and/or other SFlC
Cadet Cruise, Support Services Department, Sector 3 NPCs may be useful. The Star Trek television episode
Intelligence. Support Services Department, Triangle "Patterns of Force" orthe novelizationappearing in Star Trek
Sector Intelligence, 2 years. Plans and Policies Division, 12 should be most helpful as a reference.
6 years. Support Services Department, Sector 3 Intelli-
gence, 1 year. CURRENT STATUS
Notes: Monkler shows a devil-may-careattitude out- Available for task group assignment.
wardly, but he is deadly serious about his duties and
performing them io the best of his ability. Acknowledgements:Original concept by FantasimulationsAssociates;
Ekosian data derived from The Federation. R
68 Challenge GDW

Federation Merchants'

Violations U p
Datanet Update Seven Percent
Star Fleet Command recently re-
ported that violations of navigational
Starship Stolen space near the Talos Star Group have
The freetrader Soaring Deutchman, increased by seven percent over the
a Mission-class MkIV commercial same period during the last reference
transport (ex-Star Fleet), was recently Stardate.
stolen from Daran Freeport on Daran A Star Fleet spokesperson attrib-
V, according to its captain, Jacob "Blue uted this rise to overall increases in
Jake" Barrett 111. the area's starship traffic, and noted
"I rented a gravcar for my crew to that a t least two more vessels will soon
go into Daraniss (the city), and when be assigned to patrol the area.
we got back i t was gone. We wasn't The Talosian Perimeter surround-
gone more than a couple of hours," ing the Talos Star Group a t a radius
Barrett stated. Upon further inquiry, of 3.5 parsecs (11.41 light years) is
he also admitted that he was several Overdue in Port monitored by vessels of the Merchant
payments delinquent on the craft. The Thor, aZeus-class robot freight- Marine ~ o m m a n d .
Officials respondingfrom E r s t Vul- er en route from Malla to Federation The crew of any private or commer-
can Interplanetary Securities and Deep Space StationT-11, is reportedly cial starship entering the posted pe-
Loans, the human-space operating three weeks overdue. rimeter for any reason-accidental or
name for the powerful Kealek House The starship, operating near the intentional-may be subject to fines,
and Cartel of Vulcan, refused to reveal UFPITholian border, was carrying ag- suspension of merchants' licenses, im-
the nature of Captain Barrett's credit ricultural supplies and luxury goods prisonment, and/or vessel confisca-
rating or account, but did report that when i t failed to arrive on schedule. tion.
First Vulcan does not repossess loan S t a r Fleet Command reports no In addition, the entire complement
collateral without due process. known Tholian activity along the of any vessel that proceeds to enter
Spaceport officials refused to com- Thor's flight path, but hostilities have within 3.07 parsecs (10 light years) of
ment on the vessel's disappearance or not been ruled out. A search has be- Talos is subject to General Order
apparent security breakdown, but gun. Anyone with information should Number Seven, the only civilian death
they reportedly are investigating. contact Star Fleet Command. penalty remaining in the Federation.

Foodstuffs Needed Urgently

A large shipment of imported foodstuffs en route from
Meadow to the independent Triangle world of Satterfeld has
been spacejacked, presumably by a warship of the Imperial
Klingon States.
The shipment, of vital importance to residents of Satter-
feld, had no special value, and it is notknown why the IKS-
or the Romulan Star Empire-might commit such an act.
The loss of this regular shipment has created severe tem-
porary fb>d shortages on Satterfeld, and unofficial reports
state that residents will pay double the regular rate for up
to 1400 SCUs of foodstuffs.
GDW Challenge 69

Ub'PSE Corpora e Profi

Name: Westronix Interconlp Company
THE FIRM SPECIALIZEDin man- prototype failed late in 2/22, closely
UFPSC ufacturing picocomputers and net- followed by a component shortage
Symbol: W X I t C work interfacing systems for home caused by improper purchasing pro-
Home Office Location: S y r t i s Major, and small business users. cedures, the companylost several tens
Sol IV Brothers Garmon and Rusonn of millions of credits.
PresidentIGEO: G a r m o n Iseker Iseker founded the company with the During the same period, corporate
Chartering Organization: UFP Se- financial backing of their father, salaries and expense allowances were
curities a n d Exchange Commission Faron Iseker. With Faron's death in tripled for senior executives, and two
Founding Date: 2/1008.20 2/18, Garmon took charge of the luxury starships were purchased for
Principal Divisions: company, and it has been on the de- the private use of the CEO and his
@8 A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d E n g i n e e r i n g cline ever since.Westronix Intercomp, staff.
Development Division Head: Rusonn Ise- to be blunt, is in severe trouble. DESPERATELY AWARE of the
k e r Chief Product: Picocomputer Com- THE UFPSEC IS PLANNING an problem but not knowing what to do,
p u t e r Research audit, and Westronix may be placed the Isekers continued to rule the com-
M a r k e t i n g & Technical Support Di- in financial receivership within the pany with an iron fist.
visionHead: ShandraLooken ChiefProd- next six standard months. Though both executives have been
uct: Q u a l i t y control, service, a n d p u b l i c i t y The corporation, while possessing a relat.ive1honest in their transactions
@ Transportation a n d Assembly Divi- mediocre engineering and develop- to date, worsening conditions are
sion Head: C y K a p o l n i k Chief Product: ment staff, has been horribly managed pushing them near the edge. The pros-
Product m a n u f a c t u r i n g a n d delivery by the Iseker brothers-with disas- pect of an audit has made them dou-
Stock Profile: 3F97 trous financial results. bly paranoid.
Pricemate: (34.00 o n 2/2404.01 For example, extensive promotional Industrial espionage, embezzle-
Dividend: None campaigns were launched during Ref- ment, fraud, and murder are no longer
Balance Sheet, Year Ended: 2/2401 erence Stardate 2/21 for a line of pico- impossible for either of them, if tak-
CasldAssets: MCr3.22/MCr10.01 computers which wasn't yet designed. ing such actions might help save their
Eiabilities/Ratio: MCr83.310.12 When t h e picocomputer design company.


lotsneededforweekly ice-shuttle ser family, agricultural broker on STARSHIP WEAPONS Needed for on famous contemporary Orion
run between New Siberia and Satterfeld, is currently soliciting in- Refit:Any parties possessing major starship commanders needs
NewSahara(0ethsystem). Mini- terstellar merchants for immediate shipboard weapon systems are research assistance. Anyone
mum Grade 4 with commensu- delivery of foodstuffsandrelatedag- invited to bid on supply and installa- with info regarding whereabouts
rate pay. Some overtime may be ricultural products. This invitation is tion of weapons aboard two Lotus of Orion merchant captains
available. Merchant's Ticket a good for a limited time only. Bring Flowerclassand two BakaR&class AlemirAkalzedof Roulashakbal-
must. UFP/ITA or AOFWIITA samples of your wares-we offer freighters. Weapon models desired lih or A. K. Hygroziar of Tantrak
members in good standing pre- fine prices for fine merchandise. includethefollowing:any Federation Nightwalker, please contact me.
ferred. Bring resume to Grand Contact 1. L. Tasser, Box TS, Sat- laser; Klingon KD-1, KD-2, or KD-10 Finder's fee offered. Drewlishk,
Senator Thallus, Chambers of terfeld. disrupters; Romulan RB-I, RB-2, or c/o University of Deneb.
Government, New Sahara. RB-3 beamers; or any Orion dis-
NEUTRONIC FUEL for Immediate rupter. Modifications to be made in TO "GENTLEMAN Jeff" Mac-
CRUISE DIRECTOR: Vacancy Transport: 12,000 SCUs of neu- Triangle (so no UFP permits are Leod: We know you're out there
for experiencedcruise director or tronic fuel are available for immedi- required). We are offering 50150 pay- somewhere, and we hope you'll
1 seniorstewardaboardSunshine- ate delivery from Egross (Alpha ment in your choice of currency, come back someday. We are
class passenger liner SS Bailey's Vega 272-1.37N 3.22E) to Star upon award and completion of the only a stone's throw from Deneb,
Beads. Min. eight years experi- Base 3 (0.51N 3.50E). Broken lots weapons modifications. Bids will be after all! But if you don't-well,
ence in related field or ex-SFC accepted. Minimum quantity of 100 opened in nine standard weeks. we'll understand. Sometimeslife
yeomanry duty. Other vacancies SCUs. Will pay 30-percent premium. Submit sealed bids, along with ref- is like that. No matter what hap-
available. Competitive salaries, For more information contact Ship- erences, to Merchant Captain Solo- pens, you'll be missed. Live long
excellent benefits. Director of ping Officer, Starminers Licensed manUrangooftheOliveTradeFleet, and prosper! Best wishes, from
Shipping Personnel, Noble Lin- Producers, 137B Waldstrasse, Starport General Delivery Locker N, the entire gang at Jade Orion
ers Limited, Star Harbor, Wall. Grossburg, Egross. Remfry. Spaceport, Denro IV. R
717 GDW

he chase ends after three

long years. The ranks of the
Adeptus Mechanicus, the
Tech-Priests, must be ever
scrutinized and purged of dangerous
and susceptible minds. Tech-Priest
Golan is one of the few who slipped the
gauntlet and now endangers the inno-
cent servants of the imperium.You have
pursued himfrom Rakal, where he stole
from a tech base and unleasheda geno-
cidal virus bomb, through nameless
ports where Golan'sfurthertreacheries
cost the emperor thousands of crucial
workers, to the hiveworld Korl, where
you anticipate his apprehension and
questioning him as to his homicidal
actions and of suspected dominationby
a hideous Warp Entity.
"Inquisitor Viest," the Imperialcaptain
steps aside,"all exits are sealed."
Golan has allowed himself to be
trapped in the sewer subsector below.
His unwitting mistake all but completes
your mission started too long ago.
You step into the dropshaft, and the
blackened husk that serves as Korl's
architecture swallows you. The clean
metals are soon absent, and as you near
the warm, dark understructure, all that
is left is the ancient warped steelcretes
and ironforms that originally gave this
world form. A corridor extends out and
tlic n twists away. Your surroundings are
disturbed by the sounds of human
voices. It is nonsense chatter created
by natives of these endless caverns.
When you complete the travelway and
turn, two citizens who appear to have
nearedcomplete degeneration halt their
conversation. It is close, but the three
of you can stand far enough apart to

Vies breathe. Conditions like this producethe

worthless cityscum that wander the
shunned places of hiveworlds. They
stand in front of a door that most likely
Cliff Holmes hides Golan. Dull and foolhardy, they
seem willing to talk or perhaps rob you
"Life in this universe is like a game of drama of your possessions.
caught in a constant state of sudden death. As Weigh your decisions!
an inquisitor of the Irnperi ,you will enjoy this 1).
(For vital statistics on yourself: Read

challenge." Passwithout giving them a chance to

mislead your search: Read 20.
-The Will and Way for Existence Speak with them: Read 9.
by Gammera Fox, Use your boltpistolto simplify matters:
Master of the inquisition. Read 21.
GDW Challenge

1 Name: Sixto Viest. 8 The value of threats by any in-

Profile: Zealot inquisitor. quisitor strain the two enormously. Much
Statistics: WS-5, BS-4, S-4, T-4, W- like the rodents they have come to re-
2, 1-5, A-2, LD-8, INT-8, CL-8, WP-8. semble, they take flight from you. This
Weapons: Boltpistol, grenades. outrage is incalculable on any of your
Equipment: Portarack, powered inquisition scales. Maybe they do know
armor, favorite volume of "Will and Way something.
for Existence," by Master Inquisitor Follow the fleeing scum: Read 31.
Gammera Fox. (Now return and make Press on past the door, confident in Follow the corridor: Read 27.
your decision.) the knowledgethat they aren't going to Open the door: Read 17.
get very far: Read 10.
2 Your skills of directing weapon
9 You ready yourself to weed
11 Carefully you slide back the
fire stands less than your enemy, and small door. The tortured face of Tech-
your mortality is lost. through their ignorance. Priest Golan confronts you. He charges
"I am looking for a tech-priest," you at you in quite and insolent manner. With
3 With such failure at competence state.
presented by an inquisitor of the Impe- The squirming, greasy one pulls a
speed as quick as the emperor's will,
you throw an arm across his path.
rium, if the emperor even learns of your finger from afilthy pocket and holds it at "Oh! Inquisitor Viest! I am lost!" He
story, it is quickly forgotten. you. "Aha!" He exclaims. "Inquisitor cries most melodramatically. "I am not
Viest!" to blame. It was the dread Collix, a warp
4 YOUhave bungled in an attempt The tall one seems strangely comfort- demon!"
to aid mankind, and therefore valuable able with the cramped area. He rubs a You pull out the portarack with a
time is wasted. Why would an ork con- scarlet cloth across his head, smiles satisfied smirk. You have done this
taining useful knowledge be aboard a briefly, and looks swollen-eyed at the many times before. "The truth will tell."
slaver ship in the sewersof a hiveworld. both of you. "Aha! Aha! The Priest! This Read 29.
Go back to 29. one wants answers!"

5 The greasy one compares his sodden

Fire and smoke clear away, and clothing to what you wear while
12 The throbbing mass of gel
glides across the floor at nightmarish
the small chamber becomes accessible. saying,"Back from where you came, speed. Your guts tighten with fearas the
As you search the debris, Tech-Priest Viest. He has left the combs, leaving fight will be determined by the one who
Golan is found. Fragments of metal only memory and plague." strikes first, and time has slowed to
seem to have freed the criminalfrom any Has Golan released another bomb? where it feels like your arm is throwing
chance of interrogation. Your mission By the looks of these vermin, Korl could the grenade through dense liquid. In the
has been put to rest. use a few more bombs, but you must end the overgrown virus lunges a sud-
not let justice sway. denly formed appendage at you, but
6 Even through your thick gloves, Heedtheirwarnings and leave: Read accidently ingests the grenade you have
the presence of the loose plating is de- 29. thrown at it. You duck, and a low-pitched
tectable. There is a chance this could Threaten them to tell the truth: Read popping sound is heard. Taking your
be Golan's hiding place. You are caught 8. hand away from your eyes you see the
between using your personal strength Ignore them and try to get through the blob is split open, with jelly adding a coat
to move the plate in order to preserve door: Read 20. to the room's paint.
silence, or destroying this section of hall "Victory," you mutter. But Golan is yet
in order to pass beyond the plate after 10 YOUpress the soot-covered to be found.
any surprises are revealed. buttons to the left of the door. The door Enter the control room: Read 22.
"Physical manipulation has tact": growls and hisses with effort as it slowly Enter personnel quarters: Read 15.
Read 7. slides open. Driven by the fury of impa-
Lob grenade: Read 30. tience, you use the strength-enhancing 13 The sound of the bloated vi-
armor that covers your limbs to hastily rus spreading across the floor toward
7 Your fingers fumble at the cracks, move the barrier aside. There is a sat- you becomes like the ripping of soft
)ut to no avail. You send a shoulder at isfying groan from the metal as you paper. Breakingyour paralysis, you turn
he plate, and it gives without resistance. shove. Now what lies ahead is a long and fly from this engineered abomina-
{oufind yourself amongst falling refuse, stretch of corridor. How far it lasts can- tion. Nonetheless, a thick arm catches
fourfinal destination beingthe furnaces not be discerned through the minimal you, and you realize that these are your
)f Korl. This location is much too hot for light managing to work past layers of filth last moments. You marvel at the speed
he parts of your body not covered by covering the overhead lamps. There is in which the armor is pulled away and
lrmor. a door immediately to your right. your limbs devoured. The pain is set
Challenge GDW

aside in admiration for the Adeptus past the door is an ork slaver ship. Orks Roll a die:
Mechanicus' weaponry genius. are known to dare the lmperium and If you rolled 1 or 2: Read 2.
spirit away with its loyal citizens, even If you rolled 3, 4, 5, or 6: Read 32.
14 The carnage in this room is on planets close to the emperor's own
22 This confusing clutter is not
unsettling, but you can't tear your eyes home. But for a slave ship to land unde-
away from the ork bodies on the floor. tected on an hiveworld through its air easily recognized as a control room.
Their skin has been stripped away, as ducts is staggering to the pride of Impe- What weighs heavy in the room is the
well as a good portion of their innards. rial defense. odor of ork.
And you can't laugh because at the cen- This particular ship looks in good "Come out, pig!" you command.
ter of the circle of orks is a metal cylin- shape. It is resting on a grated platform A trembling runt ork leaps from behind
der--obvious across its top is a gash used for working on the massive ducts. a console, pointing a bolter at you. His
probably made by a curious ork. And Its ramp is open and inviting. To scout aim does not look like it would be accu-
whatever was released may still be around or no? Passages from your rate, but a bolter is dangerous no mat-
about the ship. Nothing else seems training come to you: ter how shaky the user.
amiss. "Thoroughness is success,"so scout Try to speak to the ork: Read 23.
There is an open doorway, presuma- outside the ship first: Read 18. Fire immediately: Read 24.
bly leading down to the slave quarters: "Waste no time; waste the enemy,"
Read 16. therefore enter the ship: Read 14. 23 i i ~ onot dare to tempt my
A door marked as a control room: wrath!" you growl.
Read 22. 18 The ship is a stout, heavily "Please! Oh please don't hurt me! I'II
A door marked as the personnel armed, slaver class. Apparently ork tell you anything. I'II give you our inva-
quarters: Read 15. engineers have been at work on vital sion plans. Just keep me alive!"
Check the outside once again: Read parts of it because of the tiles removed You may:
17. from its hull. A well placed grenade Tie him up and keep him as a pris-
would disable if not completely destroy oner: Read 14.
15 Ork quarters reflect their the vessel. Don't listen to his tricks: Read 24.
society: Scum forming a layer over the Destroy the ship: Read 29.
trash lying about. Nothing new to you
except for a tinge of Korl's own stench
Enter ship: Read 14. 24 The ork sees what you are
thinking and pulls his trigger. As shells
actually manages to remain distinctive 19 The hole leads into an empty, smack and crash to your side, you grit
even in here. You kick around, trying to gray chamber that has been overrun by your teeth and activate your own
find an ork inthe mess, but no orkwould slime. There is no sign of where the two weapon.
ever be found lying inthis garbage.They have fled to. There is a noise, and you Roll a die:
prefer to do their sleeping at their posts. notice that the hole has been sealed If you rolled 1,2,or 3: Read 2.
A sudden shuffling sound can be from the outside.Trap!Asyou bring your If you rolled 4,5,or 6: Read 33.
detected behind a supply room door. An bolt pistol to aim at the barrier, water
ork readyingforan attack? Doubtful, but
crashes down on you, and the floor 25 Your report satisfies the
opens out from underneath you. You are master of the inquisition. Perhaps next
You may: flushed into a holdingtankwhere, in less time you will be more thorough.
Leave Immediately: Read 14. than a week, you are processed and
Check the closet: Read 11.
Ravage the door and whatever is
purified into the finest drinking water on
26 You sit in the chamber of the
master of the inquisition. The nervous-
behind it with a sampling of your fire- ness you experience is unique, his back-
power: Read 5. 28 They gawk as you push them to-Earth attitude(presumab1y not just
aside and look for the opening mecha- because of his physical location) un-
16 As soon as you enter. you nism on the door. settles your usual well tempered dispo-
"Viest," says the tall one,'you have no sition. Gammera Fox,the master, smiles
realize it it extremely dark aside from the
doorway. Achurning sound comes from manners." at you in an effort to relieve your anx-
deep in the blackness, but you can't His friend pulls a sawed-off shotgun iousness.
identify it. from his belt. This impudence will be "You have proven yourself an expert
Use your light: Read 28. punished harshly. Read 21. in yourfield. Perhapsyou will be remem-
Turn slowly and quietly leave this bered." You are satisfied with this
area: Read 13. 21 Your bolt gun erupts with de- compliment,a rare thing from Fox. Per-
structive potential. The cityscums are haps you will run across missions of
17 Shock comes once in a great impressed, but they have decided to greater importance than that of a rene-
gade tech-priest.
while to an emperor's inquisitor. Hiding hold their ground.
GDW Challenge 73

27 You move ahead 90 steps to 29 Your mission has come to an

where this passage stops. You brush at end. If you:
the walls of this dead end-the thick Took the ork pilot as prisoner: Sub-
grime falls away, but no door is revealed. tract 3 points (Read 4 for explanation)
Criminals have been known to hide Captured Golan: 5 points (alive) or 3
themselves behind false walls. Time is points (dead)
passing, and Golan might sneak out Destroyed the virus: 5 points
behind you. Anything else accomplished is only
You must decide! worth 1 point. of one of them disappears through a
Search for a hidden door: Read 6. Compare your score and read. hole set into the opposite wall.
Go back to the door you passed and 1-4 Points: Read 3. You don't like the looks of the hole,
check it out: Read 17. 5-9 Points: Read 25. but you hear their voices within.
10 Points: Read 26. Follow them through: Read 19.
28 The light comes just in time to
reveal a churning mass of gelatinous 30 Go back to the door where the whole
The blast pushes the plate in chase started: Read 10.
matter coming at you like a wave. You and out of sight. An acrid wind shoves
dodge it, and it crashes into the wall. itselfover and around you. Garbage that 32
Read 13.
Without thinking you leap to the other would normally be routed down into the
side of the room. stabilizer furnaces is hitting you in an 33
They fall without delayingyou
This must be the thing that was kept unpleasant manner. You retreat to the any further. You step across the bodies
in the container. The orks must have safety of distance. Once again you are and concentrate on the door in front of
captured Golan, takenthe container and advancing on the door along the wall. you. Read 10.
released the gigantic virus. Read 17.
You see it has collected itself and is 34
The ork is caught by your bar-
ready to attack again. Your boots feel 31 Like animals in flight, these rage and is slammed back into a con-
rooted to the floor, but you know you foul vermin are difficult to keep up with. sole.
must act. They make use of a secret door in the "Victory," you mutter.
Lob a grenade at it: Read 12. wall, and in the heat of pursuit you fol- Afurther search of this room reveals
Run: Read 32. low them through. You stop as the feet nothing of interest. Read 14. Q

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74 Challenge GDW

sible and more realistically game's premise to frequently

usable than creating many design adventures that are
modifier tables. The combat too difficuft forthe experience
system is an extensionof the levelof a group of characters,
skill use rules, but takes into or to design the type of ad-
account armor (it decreases venture where if you do one
damage) and cover (it also thing wrong, the whole mis-
decreases damage). Op- sion fails andlor everybody
tional combat rules give a dies. After all, you knew you
short modifier table which were expendable when you
allows for different target signed up for the mission,
positions, moving targets, right? A second difficulty I
and changes the cover rule havewith the game is that the
to a logical modificationto hit, only type of mission pre-
rather than to damage. Op- sented-and the type which
tional rules also provide for seems to be the core sce-
special damage (criticalhits), nario of the system-is the
two levels of initiative (group "land on a planet, scout it,
and individual),knockdowns, discover ancient alien arti-
and stun damage. facts, and deal with them"
A brief section provides scenario.
guidelines to referees on Undoubtedly a good ref-
planet generation, and an- eree could provide varied
other short appendix covers fare for his players, but it
creature generation. For seems sad that the system
those of you who like a vari- relies so heavily on one type
ety of equipment to choose of adventure. The first mod-
from, a hefty (over 25 pages) ule for Expendables, Xaxus
over 90 skills for characters equipment section runs the 111, does not lay my fears to
Expendables (includingpsionics). Charac- gamut from knives to power res. It features a standard
Stellar Games. $10.00. ter sheets which facilitate armor to space ships. plot-land on planet with
Complete role-playing character generationby sup- As a game system, Ex- hostile environment, survey it
game in an 88-page, soft- plying specific directions on pendables seems compe- for minerals,discover ancient
cover booklet. the sheets are also provided tent, but is no gem. The main artifact which leads to an
Xaxus Ill: Fire and Brim- (but they are not a joy to look problem I have with it (poor ancient, abandoned building,
stone. $6.00. Module for at, as someone seems to cover art aside) lies with the which contains (gosh, gee-
Expendables. have used almost all capital premise of the game. It whiz!) acomplete mineralogi-
Expendables is a science- letters and no design sense seems to have been intended cal survey already done for
fiction role-playing game in in creating them). as sort of a Dirty Dozen in the team by (you guessed it)
which player characters are Characters can be of cer- space, which, I suppose, an ancient mining colony. Not
part of a special missionteam tain specializations: engi- might have a certain appeal only is the plot of the module
sent to perform a job for The neer, medic, pilot, security to some. The system sets cliched, the exterior and inte-
Company. Usually this job is specialist, xenotechnician, or player characters up right rior art are so poor as to be
to survey and thoroughly missionspecialist. Skill use is away as, well, expendable. laughable. In a nutshell, I
scout an unexplored planet, based on percentile roles and This seems to be a system would pass this game by.
often one with a hostile envi- is handled by brief, easy-to- which lays itself wide open to There are other systems with
ronment or certain peculiari- understandrules. Situational the perennial "killer referee" many elements to recom-
ties which may make it dan- modifiers are left to the syndrome. It seems that it mend them and a lot more
gerous. The game features referee's discretion-sen- would be too easy under the originality.

By Julia Martin
GDW Challenge 75

Operation Neuromancer
Cyberpunk Role-play-
Overlord ingA Adventure. Interplay
3W. $8.00. By C. W. Hess Productions. $29.95 lor
A module for 2300 AD. Apple lle/llc, $49.95 for
For those who have been Apple Ilgs, $44.95 for IBM.
asking for 2300 AD modules, Computer role-playing
here is a treat. 3W has been game. Other versions are
licensed to produce supple- also available. an arcade game, and the is not diminished any, and
ments for 2300 AD, and its If you're looking for a cy- variables of obtaining and many more elements than
first module is a continuation berpunk computer game, increasing skills like The are present in the former two
of the Kafer War series. The here's the first one. In Neuro- Bard's Tale and Wasteland. games are included in Neuro-
module features a gorgeous manceryou play a down-on- In fact, the programmersand mancer. Interaction with the
cover and an internal format your-luck cyberspace cow- designers of this game are othercharacters in thegame
almost identical to GDW's boy-a computer hacker of the same ones who wrote is accomplished through
current 2300 AD releases. the future. In trying to make Wasteland and The Bard's word balloons, from which
And C. W. Hess, who should your fame and fortune, you Tale.While you only play one you select a response. Often
be familiar to readers of Chal- run into some strange hap- character in this game, rather what you say can have reper-
lenge has written this adven- up, the excitement cussions later-if you really
ture. are caught up in unraveling
The module includes the what has happened to your
usual variety of NPCs, but in fellow deck jockeys while
this case they are American preventing yourself from
Marines. As a bonus, a sec- being caught or killed. Your
tion in the back of the mod- skills as a hacker increase by
ule provides information on adding new skill chips to your
generating American Marine brain implant orthrough prac-
player characters. tice. And eventually you must
Inthe module, the PCs are pit your wits against an array
part of an operation to elimi- of Als-artificial intelli-
nate the Kafer presence on gences-in a life-or-death
Dunkelheim, where the Ka- struggle to get into certain
fers have a citadel. The databases and obtain the
module includes a ground information which might
battle and an infiltration mis- mean your friends' lives.
sion through an abandoned Neuromancer is an inter-
mine into the Kafer citadel, esting combination of acom-
and culminates in the marine puter game. It has elements
assault on the citadel. To of the siory/puzzle games
keep referees informed on which lnfocom is famous for,
current events in the war, a animated sequences and
two-page appendix details beautifulscreen graphics like
happenings and force dispo-
sitions as of June 2303.
Although somewhat rough
in some details, Hess and 3W
provide in this module a logi-
cal continuation of the Kafer
War series which should
provide enjoyment and fast-
paced action for 2300 AD
players. If you are involved in
the series, interested in Kafer
strongholds and fortifica-
tions, or intrigued by the
American Marines, I would
recommend this module.
76 Challenge GDW

insult someone (sometimesa not require a lot of typing; the even help unduly with solving program, you can see the
choice), they may have noth- icons and their submenus any puzzles. Most headway ICE weakening, and when
ing to do with you when you adequately encompass all in solving the puzzles is ob- the ICE comes down and is
needthem later. While dialog that your character can do in tained by talking to other broken, sometimes behind it
is somewhat "canned"due to a game, and it is usually not characters or by hacking into lies an Al, whom you have to
its multiple choice nature, hard to figure out how to use databases using a cyber- face in a similar, arcade-style
some responses and inquir- the interface to accomplisha deck. manner.
ies can be customized when desired action. The screen scenes in While arcade games in a
you seek specific informa- The delights of this game cyberspace are well done role-playing computer game
tion. are the plot puzzles, which and capture the descriptions are often disappointing be-
The main interface with the you arrive at from several dif- of cyberspace in Neuro- cause they seeming jarringly
game is through eight icons: ferent angles at once, not mancer,if somewhat simplis- out of place or against the
mode (amount on credit chip, knowing which elements are tically and repetitively. The spirit of the game, the action
time, date, and constitution important andwhich are not. actual act of breakingthe ICE in cyberspace in Neuro-
level), inventory, talk, skills, Characters, places, and situ- (intrusion countermeasures mancer fits well with the
walk, ROM construct (only ations from the Neuromancer electronics) around the data- game and actually enhances
usable after you manage to novel are part of the plot of bases your characters wants the feeling that split-second
acquire one), and disk (for the game, but the game does into is portrayed as an arcade decisions and moves are the
saving, quitting, etc.). Be- not "recreate" the series of game where your decision- meat and drink of deck
neath the icon level are sev- events in the novel. Encoun- making speed, reactiontime, jockeying.
eral submenus from which tering the familiar names and and knowledge of your deck I was delighted with the
you can select further places was fun and gave the (your computer) and its pro- look and feel of this game and
choices. This game interface game the feel of the book, but grams are all challenged. had great fun playing it. Al-
system is simple and does did not give the plot away or When you send out a virus though it probably has quite
a bit of diminishedenjoyment
in replay, I would still highly
recommend Neuromancer.
Its price is on the low side of
averagefor games of its type
(the Apple II version), and I
found it worth the money.

Flying Buffalo Inc. PBM

game. Rules $2.50, $4.50+
per turn, $10.00 setup.
A complete game will
last roughly 18 turns.
StarWeb is arguably the
best-loved, most widely
known play-by-mailgame in
history. There have been
over a thousand games run
by FBI, with 15 players in
each. So why review it now?
The game has outlived any
previous reviews, that's why.
If you're a new gamer inter-
ested in a thrilling science-
fiction PBM game, read on,
my friend, read on.
The web is a series of 255
star systems connected by
jump gates; each world is
connected to two to five or
even more other worlds, but
you start with no map of the
GDW Challenge 77

entire web. You will begin ships is calculated simply.

with your homeworld-you Two ships firing destroy one
will know the worlds con- target ship, unless the target
nected to it, but you will have ships move away, which
to travel there to learn about halves casualties, or if the
them and find which worlds firing ships are I-ships or P-
are in turn connectedto them. ships, which also halves
No two Starwebgame maps casualties. Ships can also
are alike, and FBI has be- pick up one metal and move
come quite inventive in its it about, usually back to your of diplomacy. Once you selves, you will eventually be
various layouts. "Figuring homeworld, which has far become a member of the in- gobbled up by other alliances
out" the web's pattern, if any, more industry than mines to terstellarcommunity, you will in the web. Most other play-
is an art only acquired after support it. begin plying your particular ers will have played before,
several games. On this basic framework, trade to gain points and ulti- so learn from their experi-
Worlds are numbered StarWeb has built six differ- mately win the game. ences by befriendingone and
(W29), have connections ent player types which you Tips for new players: A becoming an ally.
listed (62,124,166,175), and choose from when you start PBM game is an expensive Evaluation: Disappoint-
have an owner listed (la- your game. Empire Builders proposition, not only mone- ments? There weren't many
petus, or '-" if there is no gain pointsfor owningworlds tarily, but in your investment for me in the game I played.
owner). The physical infor- and territory. Merchants gain in time, as well. There are The game systems are
mation listed about each points for moving metal for several mistakes commonly simple and elegant, and
world tells you how many other players, and their ships made by first-time StarWeb everything runs smoothly. If
industries and mines there can carry two metal each. playersthat can almost elimi- I have a complaint it is with
are, and how much metal is Pirates are thewarriors of the nate them from the game the point scoring system.
stockpiled. One mine pro- game, gaining pointsforplun- before it really gets moving. Each turn you get a list of
duces one metal per turn, der and having the ability to First, be aggressive in your all players you're in contact
and an industry can use up a capture enemy ships and initial expansion. There is with and a list of scores.
metal in a turn to produceone keys without a single shot always the possibilitythat you Though they don't tell you
ship. There must be one provided the pirate outnum- will run a fleet into a black which score goes with which
populationto run each indus- bers all enemies at a world hole from which it will not name, it can usually be
try and each mine, but this is more than three to one. Arti- return. But these are rare, figured out. So once a game
rarely a problem.After seven fact collectors are only inter- and you will never start next gets past turn 11 or so, those
turns of continuous owner- ested in the myriad artifacts to one. You will need all the with the best scores become
ship (W29 is on its seventh found about the web, and worlds and keys and artifacts targets. Alliances built on
turn) a world's mines will they will have to trade to gain you can lay your hands on, good faith, established with
increase by one, but if the them from other players. and early in the game they logical cooperation of player
world changes hands at any Berserkers are not living are simply there for the tak- types and having lasted
time, the counter restarts at creatures at all, but robots ing. Other players are turns many profitable turns, disin-
one. bent on the destruction of away, and you can keep tegrate as the others figure
Multipurposestarships are anything that lives. Finally, them at a good distance by out that player x has y points
built by industry and then Apostles are religious or expanding quickly. Even if and will win on turn z; it's
attached to some maneuver political players who can you don't need worlds for dogpile time! This seems a
unit. Ships can be attached convert the populations of points, you need something, function of boththe pointtotal
to a world as either I-shipsor any world to their points of and worlds can be traded for system and the attitudes of
P-ships (ships protecting view, gaining pointsforevery otherthings later in the game. the players, and to me was a
industry or population, re- population they turn. Second, many first-time bit disappointing.
spectively), but these cannot In brief, fleets can move players get the impression StarWeb is an enjoyable
move from world to world, nor three worlds per turn, pro- they can "go it alone" to win game that can be played over
do they fight as effectively. vided the entire route is the game. They can't. You and over again. The decade
Keys (or fleets) are devices known. At first, you will be will have to get in touch with or so it has been running is,
which can move through the concerned with building a other players, become allies in itself, testimonial to how
web. You will start the game map and a small empire as with some, enemies with great a game it is. StarWeb
with five keys, but you will you expand, capturing new others. For me, this is the has definitely stood the test
accumulate more as you worlds and keys inthe wilder- best part of the game, the of time on its own merits as a
explore outward from your ness. However, the real diplomacy and trade with great science-fiction PBM
homeworld. Any number of game begins when you en- other players. If you don't get game; I highly recommend it.
ships can be attached to a counter the other players in in touch with other players -Star Web review by
key you own. Combat among the game; StarWeb is a game when they present them- Timothy B. Brown Ll
78 Challenge GDW

Classifieds, Challenge Magazine, Box 1646, Bloomington, IL 61702 USA

Challenge accepts all gaming- tact Penn Eckert, 624 W. Moy- of Self Defense Forces, hunter- N. Jones, 35 Bates St., No.
related classified ads, subject to amensing Ave, Philadelphia, PA explorer, president, renegade Brookfield, MA 01535. (39)
the amount of space availableand 19148-3231. (40) general, mercenary, commander,
good taste. Challenge does re- consultant, author, lecturer.$3.00. TRAVELLER supplement 9,
serve the right to refuse any ad. 2300 AD PLAYERSwanted in the Perry Jones, 35 Bates St., N. Fighting Ships, in excellentcon-
Challengewill not be held liable EverettlLynwood area of Wash- Brookfield, MA 01535. (42) dition, plus Compuserve's Mega
for errors occurring in advertise- ington state. Contact Michael R. Wars 1 commander's manual
ments. If you find an error in your Wheeler, 321 1 Grand Ave, Apt 1, MANY BACK ISSUES of the (including poster-sized space
ad, please send a corrected ver- Everett, WA 98201. (40) Journal, out of print Traveller ad- chart and four poster-sized space
sion to Challenge. ventures and supplements. Send vessel blueprints). Make an offer
Convention announcements SASEfor list. Ted Arlauskas, Box for one or both to Marty Kloeden,
should be turned in a minimum of 1640, Gloucester, VA 23061. (41) Box 5335, Springfield, VA 22150-
four months prior to the event. 5335. (39)
STAR TREK Star Fleet Techni- COLLECTION of painted 15mm
Classified Ads cal Manual, Ballantine Books first Striker figures: 192 Martian Met- MANY TRAVELLER and related
Classified ads are free, and edition, first printing November als figures containing marines, products. Send SASE for list of
they run for at least one issue, 1975. Makean offer to FredSchiff, Zhodani, and Vargr. Also 14 available items or send want list.
longeras space permits. Any rea- 603 Mead Terrace, South Hemp- painted vehicles and tanks. Will $5.00 for miscellaneousTraveller
sonable length is accepted, but all stead, NY 11550. (42) sell only as a set-very reason- grab bag, post paid. Wes Allison,
ads are subject to editing. able price. Fordetails send SASE 901 S. Boulder Hwy. 34, Hender-
ORIGINAL Traveller starship to John F. Stanoch, 6 Brookfield son, NV 89015. (39)
Display Ads generator and sector generator Way, RR 4, Trenton, NJ 08691.
For display ads, write to receive programs for IBM compatible
our rate card. computers. Designyour ideal ship VARIANT, discontinued RPG
in minutes-not hours. For more fanzine including Traveller
info, please send aSASE to Tony deckplans, character classes, FREE MEGATRAVELLER mate-
Doimeadios, PO Box 431, Bruns- equipment. All 16 backissues only rial. Exchange your work with
wick, GA 31521. (42) $5.00, plus $1.00 postage. other referees. Over 10 mega-
NEED TWILIGHT: 2000 players Sample issue $1.00. Gary Reilly, bytes of vehicle designs, deck
in the Leominster, MA area. I SORAG, Journal 8, Best OIT 395 Wimbleton Road, Rochester, plans, complete star systems,
would like to start a play-by-mail J o u r n a l 4, Challenge 26-28, NY 14617. (40) planets ( World 8uilders ' Hand-
game. Contact Scott Olihovik, 54 alien modules 1 & 6, Far Traveller book), and spreadsheets. All
Rustic Drive, Leominster, MA 2, Digest 9, and numerous (40+) MEGATRAVELLER software for spreadsheets for Excel on Macin-
01453. (42) Traveller books, supplements, Atari ST (color machines only). tosh, deck plans both hard copy
adventures. I also need several Alien word generator, plus ran- and MacDraw. For details send
NEED PLAYERS for Twilight: items-willing to buy, trade. Send dom world/subsectorgenerators. SASE to Rob Prior, 33 Bayshore
2000 in the Corpus Christi area. SASE for list to Paul Sanders, 612 All stand-alone STOS Basic pro- Drive #12, Nepean, Ontario K2B
Contact Eugene Mapes at (512) S. Patton Ct., Denver, CO 80219. grams. All three for £6 (£7 over- 6M7 CANADA. (42)
853-6196. (42) (42) seas) including disk, postage, and
packing (we do not accept blank I WOULD LIKE to trade thefollow-
THE GAMEROOM in Columbus MACOFS MILITARY Maxims disks). Overseas orders sent air ing items: Dr. Who RPG (boxed
provides garners with a place to compiled by Perold Jonas, mail. Simon Ward, 8 Kentmere, set), Countdown, (Dr. Who mod-
play with like-minded people at founder of the Warhawks. The Greenways, Spennymoor, Co. ule), The Warriors of Satak (Task
times convenient to their sched- Maxims are tactics for winning in Durham, DL16 6UB, UNITED Force). I am interested in swap-
ule. Memberships include use of space warfare. Use this and win! KINGDOM. (40) ping for SpaceMaster RPGboxed
the facility, including preferred ad- Useful for SFB. $3.00. Perry set (Iron Crown), and Akaisha
mission to club events, use of the Jones, 35 Bates St., N. Brookfield, SPaEADSHEET Templates: Ap- Outstation(lron Crown), but make
club library, and a monthly news- MA 0 1535. (42) ple II Appleworks spreadsheet me an offer. Jimmy Nugent, 512
letter. Eventswill be on weekends, templates for MegaTraveller, N. Resident St., Wharton, TX
weeknights, and some holidays. THE ESSENCE of Planetary craft design, Spacemaster star- 77488. (40)
Later, we hope to organize trips Operations by Perold Jonas. ship design, 2300 ADIStar Cruis-
to conventions, hold tournaments Reprinted from BattleTimes er ship design. Send $2.00 for SWAP IDEAS and materials for
and maybe our own con, run con- magazine. The comprehensive each spreadsheet;$3.00 foradisk MegaTraveller, 2300 AD, and
tinuous campaigns. Cost is $3.00 guide for attacking a fortified or send own disk (3 lkor 5 '14); plus Twilight: 2000.I've been running
a day or$lO.OOamonth. Formore planet from space or for defend- SASE to Glen Allison, 1306 W. a Traveller campaign for four
info, call Paul at (614) 794-2166. ing a planet from attack. $6.00. Pearl, Pasco, WA 99301. (39) years and am now switching to
(42) Perry Jones, 35 Bates St., N. 2300 AD. If you'd like to swap
Brookfield, MA 01535. (42) PREPUBLICATION editions of designs, scenarios, or ideas for
PHILADELPHIA TRAVELLER Battles, the only wargame that any of these RPGs, contact Mark
group seeks adult players forcam- OVERVIEW BIOGRAPHY of teaches principles of strategy on Reily, Box 2, Union Building,
paign. Willing to teach adult begin- Perold Jonas-the man, the leg- a tactical scale. Send $17.95 Newcastle University, Shortland
ners the Traveller system. Con- end. He's done it all! Commander ($15.95 plus $2.00 S&H) to Perry N.S.W. 2308, AUSTRALIA. (39)
GDW Challenge 79

T-TECH EXCHANGE. Free ex- ley, West Sussex RH11 7JN, Cyberpunk, Spelljammer, Car NOTICE: Seeker has changed its
change of MegaTraveller ship, UNITED KINGDOM. (40) Wars (or GURPS Autoduel), address to PO Box 519, Mtn. Home,
vehicle, robot, equipment de- Paranoia, AD&D, and many 0th- ID 83647, phone (208) 587-2986.
signs, etc. You send me yours, I'll PHOTOCOPIES of old FASA ers. For more information,write to (42)
send latest T-Tech package with materia1:Aslan Mercena~yShips, Gamers' Guild, c/o Suny Bing-
designs from other participants. booklets only, deckplans for Ad- hamton, Box 2000, Binghamton,
SASE for more info. No cost, no venture Class Ships 1 & 2, Fen- NY 13901. (42)
prices, just trade! T-Tech Ex- ris, Valkyrie, Ththys & Vlezhdath. With IHC's ROC0 Minitanks,
change, C/O Philip Athans, 7783 Patrick J. Hoye, 343 Washington EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN '90, Half the Battle's Won!
Kensington Lane, Hanover Park, St., Holliston, MA 01746. (40) March 24-25 at the Southern Illi- Y I Ncan't beat the realistn you c ~ ~ach~evi.
ii when
IL 60103. (39) nois University Student Center in you use ROC0 Min~tanlisin y o u r rniiltdry icrne
Modeled ~n 1 87scale. iheyaracornpleti..rndieady
Carbondale. This convention of- t o use d s is. or I( YOU wish. S B ~ P ddd
I Y somia
fers a variety of events, including vieatheririg iiti more re

an RPGA AD&D tournament,

AMATEUR gaming magazine in- miniatures judging, and a games
JOURNAL 14, 16-20, 22-23, cluding Twilight: 2000 and oth- auction. For more information,
Travellers' Digest 6-8, 11-13, ers. Copies cost 50p each. Send send a legal-sized SASE to SIU
High Guard 1-5, Alien Module: large SASE to Sam Bowden, 50 Strategic Games Society, Office
K'kree, llSS ship files, FCI con- Argyle Road, Ealing, LondonW13 of Student Development, South-
sumer guide. Please send info to 8AA ENGLAND. (42) ern Illinois University,Carbondale,
Paul Sanders, 612 S. Patton Ct., 1L 62901-4425, or call John P.
Denver, CO 80219. (42) Hults at (618) 457-8846. (42)

A PARTNER for the making of a JAXCON SOUTH '90, April 20-22

sci-fi role-playing game. A good LEHICON II, March 2-4 at the at thedowntown Civic Auditorium
imagination is needed! For info, Sheraton in Easton, PA. Events in Jacksonville, FL, sponsored by
write to Ray Schmidt at PO Box include classic Traveller, AD&D the Cowford Dragoons. Games
561, Oakton, VA 22124, or call (both editions), Car Wars, scheduled include Civilization,
(703) 385-9258. (42) Battle Tech, Harpoon, Starfleet Ghostbusters, Seekrieg, Napole-
Battles, Star Trek RPG, Call of onics miniatures,BattleTech, Call
CHALLENGE 36 andlor IOfRo- Cthulhu, wargames, board- of Cthulhu, WRG, AD&D, Illumin-
bots. Please send price and ship- games, and roleplaying games of ati, Space: 1889, Sniper, Trav- Send ieriiiirrl i n6.i k. b10. MC. lii Via,, irupj>ii ,bid n,,
ping costs to Peter Davies, 26 all sorts. For more information, eller, Element Masters, Warham- dale Ci \i(inalui+iI 101 pr'm;>lu,ri:i c.

Martin St., Lincoln LN5 7TX send SASE to Lehicon 11, c/o the mer40,000, Robotech,Star Wars, International Depf. I-CHL
ENGLAND. (42) LehighValley AreaGamers Asso- Micro-Armor, and others. Guests
ciation, PO Box 1864, Bethlehem, of honorwill include Rich Sartore, Phila.. PA 19134 USA
TRAVELLER ALIEN module 4, PA 18016-1864. (42) designer of Seekrieg. Contact
Zhodani, in very good condition. Jaxcon South '90, PO Box 4423,
Maybe trade for other Traveller OWLCON, March 9-1 1 at Rice Jacksonville, FL 32201. (42)
item(s)! Also looking for GDW's University in Houston, TX, spon-
Trader program disk for C-64. Is sored by WARP and RSFAFA.
there such a thing-has anybody Tournaments will be held for
converted it? Send info to Who, Runequest, Paranoia, Call o f
605 Penitencia St., Milpitas, CA Cthulhu, Car Wars, Traveller,
95035-4222. (40) Diplomacy, Illuminati, Civilization,
Battle Tech, Star Fleet Battles,
ISSUE 25 of Challenge. Either ASL, Worldin Flames, and AD&D,
original or photocopy (just Twi- plus open gaming and other tour-
light information). Am willing to naments. For more information,
pay reasonable price. Call (213) contact RSFAFA, Owlcon prereg-
377-5435 or write to Tyson istration, PO Box 1892, Houston,
Harper, 31042 Hawksmoor Drive, TX 7725 1. (42)
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274.
(40) GUILD FEST'QO,March 17-18at
the State University of New York
OUT-OF-PRINT Traveller stuff, in Binghamton. Eventswillinclude
supplements, adventures, maga-
zines in good condition, or clear
photocopies. Pleasesendyour list
to Arne Rassek, Berliner Str. 23, TRIBES
3005 Hemmingen 1, WESTGER- A unique campaign supplement lor
MANY. (40) use wilhyourfavorile FRPsystem. On
heavy 60 Ib. paper, hold punched for
ALL DECK PLANS for Star Trek: binderstorage. Featuring the Tribes
RPG, especially USS Enterprise ofKarak4he BrandedLand wmplete
with campaing map and background.
NCC-1701 (preferably by FASA, Additional volumes available on a
but Ballantine is acceptable). quarterly basis.
Send no photocopies.Good price
will be paid for best condition. Can $2.65 prepaid
purchase from U.S.ICanadian
Heathen Thorn Enterprises
sources through relatives in Can- 4711 Luerssen Avenue
ada. Graham Todd, 36, Deers-
Baltimore, MD 21206
wood Road, West Green, Craw-
80 Challenge GDW

ARU files, background, and illustrations.

GDW's January releases include Canal Priests of Mars Twilight Encounters is a boxed set with pregenerated
and White Eagle. Canal Priests of Mars is Marcus L. encounter situations, a revised encounter system, and a
Rowland's revelation of the secrets of the cult that has domi- preview of the revised and expanded second-generation
nated Martian canal traffic for centuries. White Eagle is the Twilight: 2000combat system. You're going to love this one.
fourth (and final) component of the Return to Europe series UK Sourcebook covers the United Kingdom, with back-
for Twilight: 2000.Loren K. Wiseman has integrated the ground, statistics, and adventures for Twilight.
vehicles of NATO Vehicle Guide into this adventure as he
pits the adventurersagainst those who would plunge Poland
into chaos.

Next Issue
Challenge 43will mailto subscribers March 12 and should
For February, GDW has scheduled Lester W. Smith's be on game store shelves by April 9. We have an exciting is-
Deathwatch Program. This 2300 AD adventure builds on sue next time, including:
his EarthICybertech background to create four separate
adventures for hackers in the vast cyber network that girdles ME R
the Earth 300 years from now. "Trouble in Paradise," a MegaTraveller adventure.
February also marks the initial release of GDW's Space:
1889 Adversaries blister packs. The initialfour blister packs SPACE: 1889
will be a variety of ships for Space: 1889 and the Sky Gal- "Ye Can Always Tell a Yankee, But Ye Canna Tell 'im Much":
leons/lronclads and Ether Flyers systems. This month's American Characters in 1889.
items are: HMS Intrepid, Swiftwood kites, a Martian Heav- "Secret of the Ancients," by Lester W. Smith.
enlyArcherand a zeppelin. Our modelers here loved the idea
of detailed ships to expand their Sky Galleons games. TI;VILIGHE 2000
Our 24-page spring catalog (which details everything in "Sheltie Holiday" by Loren K. Wiseman.
the GDW game line through June of 1990) will be available
in mid-February. Write and ask for your copy. 2300 AI)
New equipment for 2300 AD and Cyberpunk.

For March, we plan a lot of interesting items. Mega- W C H MORE!

Traveller's Fighting Ships of the Rebellion details more Call of Cthulhu, Renegade Legion, Space Hulk, Star Trek,
than 35 ships of the Imperial Navy, with complete ship pro- Star Wars-it's all here in Challenge!

Feedback Results for Challenge 40

Heavy Weapons Guide Preview ........................... 3.89 Marc-Class Passenger Liner ..................................3.00
I The Stoner 63 Weapon System ............................. 3.86
More Weapons for Space: 1889............................3.37
Charles-Class Commercial Transport ..................... 3.00
Shasta-Class Robot Freighter ................................ 3.00
A Simple Conversion Guide for Flying Vessels ......3.14 New Lynn-Class Passenger Liner .......................... 3.00
3G Conversions for MegaTraveller. ....................... 3.00 Garrison Duties ....................................................... 3.12
Portable Weather Station ....................................... 3.49 Emperor's Bag of Tricks ......................................... 2.94
Helipack .................................................................. 3.57 Commonwealth Swiftsure .......................................3.03
Magniviewers.......................................................... 3.86 TOG Onager ..........................................................2.91
Hercules Space Tugs ............................................ .3.78 Blaster Weapons of the Rebel Alliance ..................3.12
Taser ....................................................................... 3.60 From the Management ...........................................3.39
Claw-Glove ............................................................ .3.77 Traveller News Service ........................................... 3.82
Match ...................................................................... 3.60 Reviews ................................................................. .3.56
Riding the Wave ..................................................... 3.77 Classifieds ............................................................ ..3.82
Cellular Launcher ................................................... 3.57 Challenge 40 cover art .......................................... 4.02
M17A1 APC ............................................................ 3.66 Challenge 40 as a whole ....................................... 3.86
The Stahlhammer ................................................... 3.82
GDW System Overview ......................................... -3.53 We look forward to hearing your opinions on Challenge
Anatomy of a Space Mine ...................................... 3.68 40. SZ
Now Here's the Plan:
FLYSWIFTLY through the mountains and locate the kraag of the brutish High Martian potentate, King
Gnaashriik. Then you (and a hand-picked team) stealthily enter, search, and make your rescue. If you are
quiet enough and quick enough, you will be out before the High Martians discover you. There is no way
you could have known that others would be here too, each looking for his own treasure. And the invasion
of their domain has stirred the beastrnen into a blood frenzy. Now you wonder if you'll ever leave the
Temple of the Beastmen alive.
In Temple of the Beastmen, each player controls one of 10 adventurers, each with their own goals and
special abilities, intent on rescuing slaves and treasures from the clutches of the wicked Martian king.
Random map tile layout and card sequence make the temple, its treasures, and its dangers different with
every game. Stealth
and strategy are es-
sential to winning.
Temple of the
Beastmen can be
learned in under half
an hour and can be
played in under two
hours. A well devel-
oped set of optional
rules allows more
elaborate strategies
and lets you choose
the level of com-
plexity. Solitaire
play is possible, and
complete rules for
it are provided.

P.O.Box 1646
Bloomington, IL 61702-1646

Available at hobby and

game stores everywhere.
Write for our free catalog.

,urk Within'

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