Test Steering
Test Steering
Test Steering
966M XE and 972M XE Wheel Loaders
Media Number -UENR3826-05 Publication Date -01/02/2018 Date Updated -06/02/2018
Implement ECM
The following is a list of Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) that are associated with the steering
control force circuits of the machine.
Table 1
Implement ECM (MID 82)
DTC Code Description
Steering Control force Motor Enable Output : Voltage Above
Steering Control force Motor Enable Output : Current Below
Steering Control force Motor Enable Output : Current Above
• The ECM has detected that a voltage is present in the enable circuit when no voltage should
be present. The feedback motor enable circuit is shorted to another voltage source.
• There is an internal short in the Steering and Transmission Control (Left Steering Joystick)
base. 14/07/2022
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Operational Information:
At initial machine start, after the required condition are met, the Implement ECM will turn ON the
enable output. When the internal electronics in the joystick base detect the energized enable
circuit, joystick operation will begin.
During machine operation, the Implement ECM sends a PWM command signal that ranges
between 10 percent and 90 percent to the electronics in the Steering and Transmission Control
(Left Steering Joystick) base. The internal electronics in the base of the joystick interpret the duty
cycle of the command circuit and supply a corresponding amount of current to the torque feedback
The internal electronics in the base of the joystick also supply a PWM torque feedback signal to
the Implement ECM. The acceptable duty cycle range of the feedback circuit is also 10 percent to
90 percent. During normal operation, the PWM duty cycle of the feedback circuit is expected to be
close to the duty cycle of the command circuit.
The ECM will use the Force Feedback Motor Torque Sensor duty cycle signal to verify that the
correct amount of current is being supplied to the torque motor.
During normal operation when no diagnostic codes for the steering joystick are active and the
joystick is stationary, the PWM duty cycles of the torque command signal and the torque sensor
circuit will be approximately 50 percent duty cycle, however, the torque sensor feedback duty
cycle can differ from the command circuit duty cycle by 25 percent. If the signals differ by more
than 25 percent, the ECM will activate a CID 2866 FMI 14 diagnostic code.
The PWM torque command signal from the ECM and the PWM torque sensor feedback signal to
the ECM are difficult to measure. When a torque motor diagnostic code or a position sensor
diagnostic code is active, the torque motor is disabled and the duty cycles cannot be measured. To
measure the signals during normal operation, insert spoon type probes spoon into the appropriate
circuit and the ground circuit. When the primary steering is enabled, the duty cycles of both
circuits should be in the 10 to 90 percent range .
Note: The diagram above is a simplified schematic of the ECM relay connections. The schematic
is electrically correct, however, not all of the possible harness connectors are shown. Refer to the
latest revision of the Electrical Schematic, UENR3832 for the complete schematic.
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Illustration 1 g03595240
Schematic of the Steering Control Force circuits
Note: The diagram above is a simplified schematic of the connections for the steering control
circuits. The schematic is electrically correct. However, not all of the possible harness connectors
are shown. Refer to the latest revision of the Electrical Schematic, UENR3832 for the complete
Note: The following test procedure may create other diagnostic codes. Ignore these created
diagnostic codes and clear these diagnostic codes when the original diagnostic code has been
corrected. Ensure that the diagnostic code, listed in the table above, is active before performing
this procedure.
Table 2
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Identify The Active DTC FMI 3 diagnostic code, proceed to
Code Associated With Switch Code present. Test Step 2.
FMI 5 diagnostic code, proceed to
Test Step 4. 14/07/2022
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Begin Process For FMI 5 Troubleshooting HERE
4. Check The Circuits And The OK - The CID 2865 FMI 05
ECM The CID 2865 FMI 05 diagnostic code is no longer
diagnostic code is no active. A CID 2865 FMI 06
A. Turn the key switch and longer active. A CID diagnostic code becomes active
disconnect switch to the OFF 2865 FMI 06 when the jumper wire is
position. diagnostic code connected. This condition occurs
becomes active when when the jumper wire is
B. Access the connectors for the the jumper wire is connected to the ECM circuit
left joystick. Disconnect the connected to the ground and to frame ground.
harness connector from the ground circuit and to
joystick P-C3 connector that frame ground. Repair: The ECM has detected
contains the enable circuit (wire the grounded enable circuit for 14/07/2022
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Begin Process For FMI 6 Troubleshooting HERE
6. Check The Enable Circuit Each measured OK - Each resistance
For A Short To Ground resistance is greater measurement is greater than 5000
than 5000 ohms. ohms. There does not appear to be
A. Turn the disconnect switch a short to a ground source in the
and the key start switch to the machine harness for the
OFF position. Implement ECM. There is a
possibility that a ground circuit in
B. Access the connectors for the another ECM harness could be
left joystick. Disconnect the shorted to the enable circuit.
harness connector from the
joystick P-C3 connector that Proceed to Test Step 7.
contains the enable circuit (wire
X993-WH(White)). NOT OK - One or more of the
resistance measurements is less
C. At the Implement ECM, than 5000 ohms. The resistance
disconnect the J1 and J2 harness measurement is indicating that a
connectors. short is present in the machine
harness. The short is between the
D. At the J2 harness connector, wire X993-WH(White) and frame
measure the resistance between ground. Or the short is between
enable circuit contact J2-3 (wire the enable circuit wire and the 14/07/2022
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OK - Each resistance
measurement is greater than 50
ohms. There does not appear to be
an obvious short to ground in the
joystick base.
7. Check For An Internal Short
To Ground In The Joystick
Proceed to Test Step 8.
A. Turn the key start switch and
NOT OK - One or more of the
the disconnect switch to the OFF
resistance measurements is less
than 50 ohms. The resistance
measurement is indicating that a
B. The joystick P-C3 harness
Each measured short is present in the base of the
connector remains disconnected
resistance between the joystick.
from the joystick base.
enable circuit contact
and the grounds is Repair: An internal problem
C. At the left joystick connector
greater than 50 ohms. could be present in the joystick.
P-C3, measure the resistance
between the enable circuit contact
Before replacing the joystick base,
1 and the joystick base housing.
contact the Technical
Measure the resistance between
Communicator at your dealership
the enable circuit contact 1 and
for possible consultation with
each individual ground contact 2
Caterpillar concerning this
and contact 5.
problem. Indicate the steps that
have been taken and the results
that have been observed.
8. Check The Status Of The OK - The CID 2865 FMI 03
Diagnostic Code The CID 2865 FMI 03 diagnostic code is not active. The
diagnostic code is not diagnostic code does not exist at
A. Turn the disconnect switch active. this time. The initial diagnostic
and key start switch to the OFF code could have been caused by a
position. poor connection or a momentary
condition that reset when the
B. Reconnect any harness machine was restarted. Resume
connectors that were normal operation.
disconnected and checked.
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