Governance- comprises all of the processes • It moral principles that govern a person's
of governing - whether undertaken by the government of behaviour or the conducting of an activity
a state, by a market or by a network - over a social system
• ‘’It is about assessing what is right and wrong’’
(family, tribe, formal or informal organization, a territory
or across territories) and whether through the laws, norms, • Right things vs wrong doings
power or language of an organized society.
Risk management
Forms of Government
Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing
• Anarchy Kleptocracy and controlling threats to an organization's capital and
• Aristocracy Meritocracy
• Bureaucracy Monarchy
• Capitalism Obligarchy
• Colonialism Plutocracy
• Communism Republicanism
• Democracy Socialism
• Federalism Theocracy
• Feudalism Tribalism
Threats, or risks, could stem from a wide variety of
• Marxism Liberalism
sources, including financial uncertainty, legal liabilities,
strategic management errors, accidents and natural
Common Types of Risk
• Financial Risk
• Market Risk
• Liquidity Risk
• Operational Risk
Internal Control
Internal control, as defined by accounting and auditing, is
Good Governance a process for assuring of an organization's objectives in
It is an approach to govern, that is committed to creating operational effectiveness and efficiency, reliable financial
a system founded in justice and peace that protects reporting, and compliance with laws, regulations and
individual's human rights and civil liberties. policies.
Internal Control interrelated components The board of directors should be a representation of both
management and shareholder interests and include both
• Control (Operating) Environment internal and external members.
• Risk Assessment Directors' Remuneration
• Control Activities
Directors' remuneration is the process by which directors
• Information and communication of a company are compensated, either through fees,
salary, or the use of the company's property, with approval
• Monitoring from the shareholders and board of directors.
is one of the most used and widely cited ethical The Golden Rule – “Help when you can and avoid harm
models. when you can.”
The purpose is to create a clear and cohesive
Ethical principles are morally superior to non- ethical
approach to implementing a solution to an ethical
principles and should be used as a guide for all decisions.
Accounting Ethics ● Manipulation of Financial Markets
Accounting Accounting Ethics
- is a service activity. Its function is to provide - it is primarily a field of applied ethics and is part
quantitative data primary financial in nature, about of business ethics and human ethics, the study of moral
economic entities that is intended in to be useful in values and judgement as they apply accountancy. It is an
making economic decision, in making reasoned choices example of professional ethics.
among alternative courses of action.
- Luca Pacioli
Accounting principle guide:
GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principle