Yabancı Makale
Yabancı Makale
Yabancı Makale
Research Paper
Keywords: The increasing popularity and capabilities of eye-tracking technology applied in a tourism setting have allowed
Destination branding for a deeper understanding of tourist behaviours and perceptions than ever before. Used in the context of travel
Travel guidebook guidebooks, this exploratory study combines eye-tracking technology with traditional survey and interview data
Eye-tracking technology to build an informed understanding of the variability in tourism guidebook reading behaviours. After a struc-
Marketing typology
tured qualitative analysis with 22 participants tasked with planning a trip to Ottawa, Canada, the findings reveal
four broad types of readers: holistic content examiners, visual passives, supplemental scanners, and visual
dominants. Each group's characteristics and patterns are compared and contrasted in regard to time to first
fixation, visit count, and total fixation duration in each of the 68 pages within the guide, revealing nuanced
descriptions of how destination marketers may better design their travel guides to accommodate these various
reader types. Practical implications are provided, as well as important implications for marketing researchers
aiming to better understand how to use eye-tracking technology to organise their participants into meaningful
1. Introduction has been due in part to limitations in the technology itself, since it used
to require numerous steps, including turning on illumination controls,
Travel guidebooks, also known as tourist guidebooks or visitor adjusting chin rests, adjusting the camera's focus, and so on. Today, it is
guides, have been considered an influential tool in shaping a tourist's as simple as turning on the device, completing a brief calibration, and
intention to visit (Nolan, 1976; Wong & Liu, 2011) and remain an im- running the experiment (Duchowski, 2007).
portant source for destination information (Roberson, 2015). As Kotler This exploratory research therefore aims to explore the ways in
and Gertner (2002) have observed, a marketer can rarely satisfy ev- which eye-tracking technology can be used to help uncover meaningful
eryone at the same time and is often forced to segment customers by differences between readers of travel guidebooks in an effort to better
certain patterns. In this way, marketers are better able to identify and inform destination marketers as to the design of their promotional
profile distinct groups – in this paper's context, by travel guidebook materials, as well as to advance the knowledge of variability in reading
reading patterns – in order to cater to them more effectively. Despite behaviours. The study uses a conceptual approach that combines this
the significant relationship between a destination's information source technology with survey data and in-depth interviews. The proposed
and a tourist's image of the destination (Molina, Gómez, & Martín- typologies outlined in this research may also support the design of
Consuegra, 2010), the question of how seemingly different reading tourism guides overall, as the more prevalent types help to support a
patterns of these guidebooks may impact on that image has not been greater consideration of overall guidebook ‘flow’. Lastly, this research
directly addressed. will seek to advance the existing destination image theory literature, as
One explanation for why segmentation patterns have not been eye-tracking's real-time data on a tourist's cognitive processes are quite
adequately explored in the past is due to limitations in measuring these advantageous over traditional survey responses in which a participant's
patterns without access to technology that is capable of rendering self-reports can often be recalled incorrectly and/or lead to misleading
micro-level changes in a reader's eye-movements. With the increasing conclusions (Kormos & Gifford, 2014).
popularity of modern eye-tracking technology, this limitation is quickly
disappearing. Indeed, much of what is lacking in the nascent literature
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: lever@uoguelph.ca (M.W. Lever), yshen04@uoguelph.ca (Y. Shen), mjoppe@uoguelph.ca (M. Joppe).
Received 10 July 2018; Received in revised form 9 June 2019; Accepted 15 June 2019
Available online 28 June 2019
2212-571X/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.W. Lever, et al. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 14 (2019) 100368
Table 1
Eye-tracking studies in the tourism and hospitality context to date.
Sample Size Participant pool Methods Authors
M.W. Lever, et al. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 14 (2019) 100368
Table 1 (continued)
21 Participants (no demographic Non-linear stimuli: Vancouver 2010 website Green, Murray, and Warner
information) Eye-tracking and survey: Time to first fixation, fixation counts, fixations (2011)
before AOI, fixation durations, and self-reported data on website appeal
Topic: landscapes, cities, and museums
112 in 10 conditions University students (57 females and 55 Linear stimuli: Image of service representative with a specific smile Ngan and Yu (2018)
males) (seven seconds)
Eye-tracking and questionnaires: Attributes of service representatives,
fixation durations, and likelihood of forgiving service failure analysed
using ANOVA.
36 Participants (25 females and 11 males Non-linear stimuli: Three different landscapes Potocka (2013)
mainly from Wielkopolska) Eye-tracking and questionnaires: Gaze plots and heat maps created
based on eye-tracking data. Open-ended questionnaires analysed
through content analysis.
12 Participants (6 females and 6 males) Non-linear stimuli: City panorama with an eye-tracker Kiefer, Giannopoulos, Kremer,
Eye-tracking: Correlation between total exploration field and Schlieder, and Raubal (2014)
exploration duration, between total number of visited AOIs and
exploration duration, and between exploration duration and number of
AOI revisits examined.
8 in each museum Participants (4 experts and 4 novices) Non-linear stimuli: Linden-Museum Stuttgart ‘Pacific Oasis’ Exhibition Eghbal-Azar and Widlok (2013)
and LiMo ‘Nexus’ Exhibition wearing an eye-tracker
Eye-tracking and cued retrospective reporting: Participants were asked
to watch their own processed eye-tracking videos and retrospect on
their goals of attention.
2. Literature review behaviours (in order of group size): scanning, initial attention, and
sustained attention. By combining these segments into their level of
2.1. Marketing-based eye-tracking research interaction with brands, along with pictures and text on the page, in-
teresting stories begin to emerge that tell marketers and researchers
Since eye-tracking technology allows for the examination of phy- about the power of understanding how their readers differentiate from
siological assessment of a stimulus (Fox, Krugman, Fletcher, & Fischer, one another. Imagine, for example, two distinct segments that both
1998), its application in marketing research has been extensive and spend relatively more time looking at images on the page – perhaps one
thorough. Duchowski (2002) outlines three important reasons to con- segment looks at the images as a precursor to spending a more involved
sider a methodology focused on the subject's eye-movements: (1) time examining the text, whereas the other group just scans the images
greater efficiency during complex tasks, (2) the criticality of under- before quitting the guide altogether and paying no further mind to it.
standing how individuals acquire and store information in marketing Clearly, despite similarities, these are distinct patterns of behaviour that
research, and (3) the data produced by studying eye-movements is are worth paying special attention to, which modern eye-tracking
unobtrusive and objectively presented. Although marketers have been technology can allow for. In light of the importance of better under-
keen to adopt eye-tracking technology to better understand how their standing these segments in the context of guidebook readership beha-
consumers choose and interact with their products and services (Wedel viours, and in overcoming the limitation of past research which fre-
& Pieters, 2008), until recently the usage of eye-tracking in academic quently ignores these potentially important differences among their
research has been relatively sparse. Even when it is used, it is often participants, this study will seek to tell a more complete story of not
limited to recording simple eye movements and determining where a only how behaviours may be different not only across tasks (in this
user is looking on a page, without consideration of why they are looking case, areas of interest), but also across participants (in this case,
there in the first place. Correlations have been found between positive through possible typologies).
preferences toward an advertisement and the increased amount of time
in which the participant pays attention to it (Maughan, Gutnikov, & 2.2. Tourism-based eye-tracking research
Stevens, 2007; Orquin & Loose, 2013). This suggests that along with
being able to gauge how long a participant pays attention to an ad- The use of the word ‘gaze’ in tourism research typically refers to the
vertisement, studies using eye-tracking technology can also be coupled early work by John Urry (1992), who describes the tourist gaze as the
with additional qualitative techniques, such as one-on-one interviews, lens by which tourists experience the places they visit and interact with,
to match those results with the participants' feelings toward those ads. and that “it varies by society, by social group, and by historical period
Another important application is the ability of eye-tracking studies [and that] such gazes are constructed through difference” (p. 1). In-
to incorporate real-world dynamics, such as time pressure and other deed, as the old adage goes, we do not see things as they are but rather
considerations, to the experiment. One particular study involved lim- as we are. This is true of all things related to subjective perception.
iting purchasers' time to choose between different grocery store items, Fortunately, most recently there has been an increase in the amount of
concluding that the time it took to choose their most preferred items research in the field of tourism that affords researchers a way of seeing
increased as external information overloaded their decision-making the world as others see it through the use of eye-tracking technology,
process (Reutskaja, Nagel, Camerer, & Rangel, 2011). Yet each of these enabling them to draw comparisons in a variety of contexts. Table 1
studies, which typically pay great attention to changes across tasks or provides a comprehensive list of the existing tourism and eye-tracking
time (Orquin & Loose, 2013), have largely avoided a discussion on the literature at the time of writing, indicating the various types of studies
meaningful differences that occur across participants themselves. Suc- that have been created as a result of this modern methodological ap-
cessful segmentation research using latent-class approaches combined proach.
with eye-tracking data analysis have uncovered broad readership styles, The current study closely mirrors the research done by Mariussen
based on level of involvement with the advertising material. To illus- et al. (2014) who have successfully triangulated eye-tracker technology
trate, Rosbergen, Pieters, and Wedel (1997) have identified three broad with other methodologies to better understand the image of the desti-
segments in their study of magazine readers by eye-movement nation by a tourist. A common theme among these existing eye-tracking
M.W. Lever, et al. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 14 (2019) 100368
Fig. 1. Illustration of Tobii Pro 2 Glasses eye-tracking algorithm (from Tobii Pro Lab User Manual, n.d.).
studies in tourism is the interpretation of important differences that 2.4. Adapting guidebook design to reader typologies
exist among the study's participants. Such differences include an in-
vestigation of the subjective ‘point of boredom’ experienced by tra- Despite the importance of a well-designed tourism guidebook, nas-
vellers to Germany by having them view an attraction and measuring cent literature has demonstrated that the adoption of a destination's
the time between when they start and finish viewing it (Kiefer et al., information sources can also differ significantly by a variety of factors
2014), the varying levels of arousal and environment classification such as gender, travel companions, and transportation method, to name
across cultures using images that represented various activities and a few (Chang, Wang, & Lin, 2017). Although past attempts to reconcile
attractions of Australia (Wang & Sparks, 2016), and each subject's at- tourism information-source usage behaviours of these various groups
tention to hotel options based on frequency and order of appearance have been made (e.g. Burton & Klemm, 2011), limited current research
(Pan et al., 2013). In each of these cases, the authors advocate for the has considered the role of the guide itself in regard to its layout and
use of such technology in future research in explaining the potentially design as unique users browse through its pages. Certainly, as tourists
important differences among their study's participants. As a result, this themselves are different in their travel behaviours, they may also vary
paper will pay close attention to these differences among readers of by their guidebook-reading behaviours. As an effective layout of a travel
visitor guides in the effort to demonstrate the capability of eye-tracking guide can help its ability to convey relevant information to potential
technology in delineating between these segments. visitors (Snell-Hornby, 1999), building this understanding is of great
importance. The second research question therefore seeks to under-
stand an answer to the following:
2.3. Segmenting travel guidebook readers
RQ2. In what ways can a travel guidebook be adapted to have greater
Past tourism-based research has examined categorisations including appeal toward different readership typologies?
cultural typologies (McKercher & Du Cros, 2003), dark tourism typol-
ogies (Stone, 2006), typologies of sustainable practices (Hjalager, 1997;
3. Methodology
Selin, 1999), tourism innovation typologies (Brooker & Joppe, 2014),
among numerous others. Since tourism information sources have de-
3.1. Research design
monstrated an ability to form an image and create a sense of wonder for
the tourist (Garrod, 2009; Molina & Esteban, 2006), determining
Recruitment for this study involved the use of university-level stu-
typologies of guidebook readers is a natural next step. The theory of
dents who were not sensitive to infrared light or prone to seizures, and
destination image, which offers a strong predictor of intention to (re)
who have not previously lived in the city of Ottawa. For the study,
visit a place (Stylos, Vassiliadis, Bellou, & Andronikidis, 2016), is a
participants were asked to take part in an eye-tracking session using
beneficial lens to situate this study in its exploration of guidebook
Tobii Pro 2 glasses. These eye-tracking glasses intersect gaze vectors
reading typologies. Indeed, how tourists build images based on in-
from both of the participant's eyes to measure the distance between the
formation sources has been examined extensively in the destination
viewer and the object: in this case a travel guidebook. While wearing
image literature (Baloglu, 2000; Baloglu & McCleary, 1999; Goossens,
the eye-tracking glasses, the participant's eye movements were recorded
1995), yet often there is a temptation to give one-size-fits-all re-
into a ‘snapshot’ which uses sophisticated algorithms to determine the
commendations based on generalisable information search behaviour.
precise location the participant is focused on at that time. By utilising a
In reality, each type of information source offered to tourists appeals to
total of three vector points (a Z-axis pointing straight out, a Y axis
different behaviour types that engage with that source in often dis-
pointing straight up, and an X axis pointing to the left), the camera is
parate ways. If a travel guidebook does not get the right information
able to pinpoint granular movements in the viewer's eyes and record
across in a way that is meaningful to the majority of its readers, tourists
them into meaningful data for subsequent analysis, illustrated in Fig. 1.
may reject the destination entirely in favour of another with more re-
During the eye-tracking session, participants were specifically asked
levant information (Coltman, 1989). This research therefore builds on
to plan a two-day trip to Ottawa, and to read through the Ottawa
this value of categorising tourist behaviours by including travel
Tourism travel guide while writing down their preferred itinerary.
guidebook reader typologies to the field, in determining not only what
Following this, they were given 14 Likert-scale statements (ranging
each profile may look like, but which ones are the most dominant in
from 1 ‘strongly disagree’ to 5 ‘strongly agree’) aimed at understanding
terms of reading behaviours. This leads to the first research question:
their perceptions of Ottawa as a tourist destination. They were: ‘The
RQ1. Which of the identified travel guidebook reader typologies is most brochure helped me in planning my trip’, ‘It is easy for me to find the location
(least) prevalent? of the destination that I would like to visit’, ‘I know how to get to the
M.W. Lever, et al. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 14 (2019) 100368
destinations (e.g. bus or walk)’, ‘I need Google Map to find the location of 3.3. Data analysis
the destinations’, ‘I like to read advertisements in the Ottawa Visitor Guide’,
‘I often read a visitor guide when I plan a trip’, ‘The brochure increased my The analysis of this data focused on separating the sample of 22
intention to visit Ottawa’, ‘It would be more enjoyable if the Ottawa Visitor participants into different segments as demonstrated through not only
Guide could be designed better’, ‘Other online reviews (e.g. TripAdvisor, the eye-tracking data in the form of time to first fixation, visit count,
Zicasso) are more informative’, ‘I trust the information of online reviews and total fixation duration, but also in combination with the Likert-
(e.g. TripAdvisor, Zicasso)’, ‘The map at the end is helpful in planning a scale data and subsequent interview transcripts. This triangulated ap-
trip’, ‘The list at the end is helpful in planning a trip’, ‘I have a different proach was invaluable in its effectiveness in overcoming any potential
perception of Ottawa after I read this Visitor Guide’, and ‘I trust the in- researcher bias, in that if a participant could fit into more than one
formation delivered in the visitor guide’. They then participated in a semi- segment, the other data sources helped to confirm one over the others.
structured interview regarding their intentions and knowledge about It was also effective at confirming the choice of segment by aligning it
Ottawa as a tourist destination. During this interview, highlights from with their opinions following the eye-tracking procedure. For example,
their eye-tracking experience and survey responses were discussed, as if a participant ranks high on total fixation duration regarding the
well as any other pertinent information regarding their chosen desti- promotions linking the content in the guide to social media sites (e.g.
nations for their imagined visit. ‘Follow us on social media and share your photos with #MyOttawa’ –
Page 5), and subsequently indicates their preference for online sources
through the survey results (e.g. ‘Other online reviews (e.g. TripAdvisor,
3.2. Sampling procedures and data collection Zicasso) are more informative’), and finally discusses the power of Google
and TripAdvisor during the interview, the participant can confidently
After the initial screening question to remove participants: ‘Have be placed into a group that prefers to supplement the physical guide
you ever lived in Ottawa in the past, or do you currently live in Ottawa with online searching. The process of typology development followed
or the surrounding area?', there were 22 completed interviews/eye- similar tourism-related segmenting techniques used in past research
tracking sessions before saturation of the data was observed. Of these (Castro, Armario, & Ruiz, 2007; Decrop & Snelders, 2004, 2005).
22, 13 were female and nine were male, with a mean age of 25 (range of Starting with the eye-tracking output, which organises the data by
18–35). The sample included participants from 11 different national- page number (in this case, 68 pages in total), the layout was modified to
ities, including four participants from China but from different geo- indicate the averages of time to first fixation, visit count, and total
graphic regions from Beijing to Southern China. The largest sub-group fixation duration for each participant for each AOI in the study: head-
was Canadians from across the country. All were conversant in English ings, promotions, content, photo, photo context, and advertisements.
and as such represent the diversity of the Canadian domestic market, These different AOIs are provided in Fig. 3 from two pages in the Ot-
the prime audience for this travel guidebook. Following the eye- tawa Tourism 2017–2018 visitor guide, which formed this study's
tracking session, Tobii Pro software helped to analyse participant eye- context. Once this was completed, the data were averaged overall to
movement patterns. Specifically, the software was capable of dissecting create an aggregate average, which depicts how the guidebook would
each page of the guide, which provided meaningful statistics such as the be read if the participant pool were amalgamated into a single person.
time it took participants to look at specific items on the page (time to This aggregate average was then used as a benchmark comparison to
first fixation), how long they spent on each page (fixation duration), the each of the 22 participants in the study, along with their survey and
pattern in which their eyes moved across each page (gaze plots), the interview responses, to successfully code them into disparate segments.
frequency of times spent looking at each area of interest (AOI), and the The final result was corroborated across the authors and no significant
duration of fixation on a specific area of interest (heat maps) including differences were discovered.
headings, content, photos, photo context, advertisements, and promo-
tions. Next, interview transcripts were transcribed and coded using 4. Results
NVivo qualitative analysis software to look for themes or connections to
the typologies examined in the subsequent methodology. Finally, si- After organising the participants' eye-tracking patterns by AOI type,
milarities and patterns were observed among the participants in focusing specifically on their average elapsed time to first fixation, visit
creating a final list of travel guidebook reader typologies (Y). This count, and averaged overall fixation duration, the three charts on the
overall relationship is depicted visually in Fig. 2. left-hand side of Fig. 4 establish the variations that occurred among the
22 participants' readership patterns. Using this information along with
the interview transcripts and Likert scale data, four travel guidebook
readership typologies emerged: holistic content examiners, visual pas-
sives, supplemental scanners, and visual dominants, whose patterns for
the same AOI are depicted in the three charts to the right-hand side of
Fig. 4, with either time or visit count in the Y-axes and the participants
or segments in the X-axes. Each chart in Fig. 4 is also labelled (i.e.
Fig. 4(a)-(f)) to aid in drawing associations between the written find-
ings and the location of the data within the figure.
M.W. Lever, et al. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 14 (2019) 100368
the accompanying photos, suggesting that rather than the headings mostly from forums and friends, and [tends] to be more scattered.
providing a context the reader would like to explore further, they are This brochure really systematically introduces the city and its charm
first ignored as the reader tends to skim the page, seeking words that to the prospective tourists, and as this brochure is an official bro-
appear interesting or relevant to their particular interests. This quick chure, I tend to trust the authenticity of the information (Participant
succession of content-headings-photos continues for another block of 2).
time, until, approximately 10.5 s after beginning on the page, the reader
Especially regarding online sources, this group was the most scep-
will move on to promotional information, which is lastly followed by
tical compared to the information provided directly in the guide
the context regarding the specific photo in the picture. These last two
(mean = 3.17). Indeed, holistic content examiners felt very strongly
AOIs are often overlooked altogether before the reader flips to the next
that the guide helped them in planning their trip to the destination
page in the guide. This ‘average’ reader will look at photos and content
(mean = 4.33). This group was so fond of the guide, in fact, that even
three times more than the context of the photo or this promotional
the listings section which is generally seen as overly wordy compared to
information (Fig. 4(b)). They will also look more frequently at the
other sections, was relatively well-received (mean = 3.83). In total, this
photos and content than they will the headings of the content or any of
group felt that the guidebook took their already positive opinions of the
the advertisements. In terms of total duration, the content on the page
destination and strengthened their intention to visit after reading it
will receive substantially more time investment than the other areas of
(mean = 4.00/5).
interest with an average of over eight seconds per page (Fig. 4(c)). In
Yet despite their thoroughness and general positive outlook toward
distant second, the advertisements are heavily looked at for 2.9 s per
Ottawa as a destination, this group did not feel the need to return to
page, followed by photos (1.5 s), headings (1.4 s) and promotional in-
information after having read it, and therefore the examined content
formation (1.1 s) and lastly the promotional information with only 0.2 s
should aim to capture their attention the first time around. Another
on average per page. Fig. 5 highlights several pages from this ag-
element of the guide for this group is the presence of promotional in-
gregated reader to give an illustration into their total fixation duration
formation in anchoring their attention to the page. These are important
through visual heat maps: with green, to yellow, to red indicating a
considerations for visitor guide designers as by using these anchors they
range from shorter to longer fixation on that specific area on the page.
keep holistic readers engaged with the content. It is also suggested here
that although this group spent most of their time reading the content
4.2. Holistic content examiners
(Fig. 4(f)), they were also the first group to look at both headings and
photo context before doing so, much more so in fact than the other
Members of this group (n = 6) were connected through their ten-
types, and therefore these elements are also important in maintaining
dency to have previously favourable opinions of the destination and
their interest in the page's contents. This pattern can be discerned in the
were confirmed as belonging to the holistic content examiners typology
following examples from the holistic examiner group's gaze plots in
if their enthusiasm for the destination matched with their engagement
Fig. 6, which depict the order in which the content was examined (with
in reading through the guide. On average, participants looked at each
‘1’ being the first point that the participant gazed at and following a
page for 3.7 s (compared to 2.3 for visual dominants, the next highest
sequential order showing the path from that point onward throughout
value), indicating a strong interest in the content contained within each
the remainder of the page).
page (Fig. 4(f)). When asked about their perception of Ottawa after
having read the guide, one participant described how the guide over-
came limitations of less organised information from his peers: 4.3. Visual passives
Although I visited Ottawa before, the information I gathered is
The largest participant sample was visual passive readers (n = 8).
M.W. Lever, et al. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 14 (2019) 100368
M.W. Lever, et al. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 14 (2019) 100368
M.W. Lever, et al. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 14 (2019) 100368
Being the least engaged of the four types, this segment spent almost no this group believed that the guide was most helpful in planning their
time looking at all AOIs on a page before flipping to the next, with trip as compared to the others. This finding is important as there may be
many pages being skipped altogether (Fig. 4(e)). Broadly, visual passive the assumption that a passive glance by the reader suggests less interest
readers prefer to passively scan the book without investing much effort in visiting the destination, whereas the opposite appears to be the case.
– but with one exception: though they did move more quickly through This indicates that although they are moving quickly through the guide
the guide in general compared to the other types, they looked at the it does not necessarily mean that they are not interested in visiting the
advertisements specifically more than visual dominants or supple- destination, and that destination marketers may benefit from this
mental scanners (Fig. 4(f)). They viewed headings and advertisements knowledge by considering a redesign of guides that allows for a speedy
nearly simultaneously; yet they spent considerably less time reading the read-through option with an emphasis on imagery and travel-relevant
content (less than half of the time spent by the holistic content ex- advertising rather than lengthy descriptions of the destination's many
aminers) and more time looking at both photos and advertisements or offerings. For instance, one participant who otherwise enjoyed skim-
skimming through headings. This can be seen in the gaze plots of Fig. 7: ming through the guide found their interest waning particularly in the
little interest is shown in the content but moderate attention is paid to listings section (mean = 3.25), almost missing out on a piece of in-
the images and advertisements: formation that was directly relevant to their interests: ‘It's not eye-
When probed about the reasons for their interest in viewing the catching, too many words, font size is really small. I didn't know there's
advertisements, participants in this segment tended to emphasise the craft beer’ (Participant 20).
attractiveness of the images as a reason to focus on them:
4.4. Supplemental scanners
Because it [has] the picture. Because some of, like, the Adventure
Park and like the resort, I like to just see the picture because it gives
During several of the eye-tracking sessions, there were often in-
me a sense of what the place looks like. That's what I'm really in-
stances in which the participants would quickly scan a topic of potential
terested in, and if the place looks really nice [in] the picture I would
interest, write it down, and then move promptly on without reading
probably go there if the advertisement is really attractive, just to
further about the topic in the guide. When asked about this pattern,
give me a sense of how the place really looks like (Participant 12).
those who are now considered as part of the supplemental scanners
Unexpectedly, visual passive readers tended to look at content even (n = 5) segment discussed their strong preference for outside sources of
before the holistic content examiners (Fig. 4(d)), despite how heavily information beyond that found within the guide itself:
this latter group emphasised examining the content. One possible ex-
First I search on Google what are the best destinations, and what
planation is that the visual passive group, on average, looked less at
[are the] most important things to do in Ottawa, so I search that and
almost all sections, indicating a general disinterest in the guide's ma-
I read other people's experience, the story of their experience first,
terial. As such, they were inevitably going to look at the content sooner
then I can narrow down my options to a few things if I want to try
than those who look at it for longer durations. An even more surprising
the food there, or if I want to see the history there, and then I can
result from this study demonstrated that, despite their ambivalence,
find the direction to go. Because by reading this brochure, it is too
M.W. Lever, et al. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 14 (2019) 100368
broad and it presents you [with] everything you can experience. Too section two or three times before moving on (Fig. 4(e)).
many options is a burden for the readers (Participant 5). Almost acting as a combination of holistic examiners and visual
passives, visual dominant readers paid far more attention to photos
This resulted in supplemental scanners having the most negative
than text (from the eye-tracking data they viewed photos more than any
views toward the guide compared to the other segments, believing it to
other group and text less than any other group) and spent large amounts
be generally unhelpful in planning their trip (mean = 2.20). Further,
of time on a photo's context to learn more about the destination being
this segment felt that their perception of Ottawa was relatively un-
depicted. Advertisements caught their interest more due to their gra-
changed after having read the guide (mean = 2.60) and therefore it did
phical nature, while text-based aspects of the guide (headings and
not increase their intention to visit as compared to the other types
content) were only observed after careful examination of the imagery.
(mean = 3.20). One noteworthy characteristic of this group is that they
This type had the highest average increase in intention to visit Ottawa
looked more frequently at promotions, which leads readers away from
after having read the guide (mean = 4.00); However, their perception
the guidebook and into other sources such as online or social media.
of Ottawa overall was relatively unchanged (mean = 3.33), confirmed
Once this link to online sources was presented in the guide, this group
through this statement by one participant regarding their preference for
would spend much more time on the page, being the only segment to
images over text: ‘Definitely the pictures [drew my attention the most],
notice the website link at the bottom of the guide's pages or the in-
I'm a very visual person, so yes … I often read the picture first, and then
vitation to follow them on social media and to share their own photos of
went to the text’ (Participant 7).
the destination using a hashtag, as seen on the right-hand page in Fig. 8:
Given their preference for visual cues, this group was the most
Regarding these external sources, the interviews helped to
confident in traveling to the destinations found in the guide's maps
strengthen the perception of this group as using the travel guide only to
(mean = 3.00) and were the least reliant on external sources of in-
get initial ideas but relying much more heavily on digital sources before
formation such as Google Maps, making them the exact opposite to the
making any decisions. With an above average opinion that other online
supplemental scanners segment. Finally, despite their lack of interest in
reviews such as TripAdvisor or Zicasso are more informative than print-
using guidebooks in general, this group expressed the most trust toward
based guides (mean = 4.80), one participant described her preference
the information delivered in the guide (mean = 4.67) rather than
to do her own research rather than rely on the text in the physical
through reviews online (mean = 3.67), indicating another strong de-
viation by this group over the supplemental scanners.
After I read this brochure, I will do a little research on my own … Suggestions for marketers regarding this segment should be taken
because for digital ones, in that way interactive and you can explore with caution, given the relatively smaller proportion of this group as
a little bit more, more fun. But here, it's tedious (Participant 5). compared to the others (only 14% of the study population), as well as
their erratic eye-tracking patterns and wavering interest in guidebooks
This sentiment was also expressed with respect to supplementing
overall. Nonetheless, there is much to be learned from this group, in the
the maps at the back of the guide. Participants found it challenging to
form of tailoring the imagery in the guide to suit the contents sur-
find the location of the destinations they wanted to visit (mean = 2.20)
rounding it, and to ensure that the guide's overall ‘flow’ is consistent, to
and unclear as to how to get to them in the first place (mean = 1.80).
avoid the need for readers to switch back and forth over the same
They believed that the map was not helpful in planning their trip
sections, which may risk turning a holistic examiner or a visual passive
(mean = 2.00) and that the listings were also unhelpful, although less
into a visual dominant reader.
so than the maps (mean = 3.20). When asked directly about preferring
Google Maps as an online alternative, this group was unanimous in
5. General discussion and conclusions
believing that they need Google Maps to find the location of the des-
tinations found in the guide (mean = 5.00).
This research provides a glimpse into the behaviours of tourism
Based on the strong opinions by this group regarding the challenges
guide readers, uncovering several major typologies as found through a
of using a physical guide and their strong desire for better design
triangulated approach of eye-tracking technology, surveys and inter-
(mean = 4.60), destination marketers should consider how to better
views. Specifically, the study set out to answer two research questions,
connect the guide to a related online environment. Given this segment's
namely: (1) Which of the identified travel guidebook reader typologies
strong belief that online reviews are more informative than the in-
is most (least) prevalent? and (2) In what ways can a travel guidebook
formation provided in the guide (mean = 4.80), this redesign could
be adapted to have greater appeal toward different readership typolo-
include such reviews in printed format, with a link to the online content
gies? As guidebooks continue to act as a catalyst for travel through
to ensure that the data is as up to date as possible. Overall scores of
increasing one's knowledge of the destination (Roberson, 2015), this
places from sites such as TripAdvisor may also be used in the physical
study considers specific readership patterns to offer unique insights into
guide, with readers seeing that certain places received strong ratings
how certain variations may impact on this knowledge creation. In
from less biased sources including other travellers. Since this group felt
seeking a better understanding of travel guide readership, the main
that not only were the online reviews more informative but were also
finding of this research is the existence of a typology in which certain
more trustworthy, this could be an opportunity for the destination
types of reader are more interested in visiting the destination after
marketer to address both limitations as perceived by members of this
having read the guide than others. Fodness and Murray (1998) have
called for research that goes beyond ‘how’ tourists use information,
toward gaining a better understanding of the relationship between the
4.5. Visual dominants source of information and the individual characteristics of the reader
interpreting it. This study begins this inquiry by comparing readership
This last group (n = 3) was the smallest segment in the study and types with potential guidebook designs. Specifically, it appears that a
represented those who indicated the least interest in reading a guide more visual-heavy visitor guide with a strong connection to supple-
when planning their trips (mean = 1.00). This explains their interest in mental online search information has the greatest influence on the
the imagery in the guide but not as a strong target for encouraging an reader's intent to visit, while a guide rich in content may be more uti-
actual visit with the travel guide alone. This group was also the most litarian in helping to plan a trip using what is found to be a trustworthy
unpredictable in their eye-tracking behaviours, making it difficult to source. Take, for example, a page from the visitor guide depicted in
classify them during the early stages of this study. For instance, they Fig. 9 illustrating the differences between the four typologies (from left
were the most frequent viewer of almost all AOIs – advertisements, to right: Holistic Content Examiners, Visual Passives, Supplemental
photos, content, photo context and headings, often visiting the same Scanners, Visual Dominants):
M.W. Lever, et al. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 14 (2019) 100368
The combination of text and relevant visuals has clearly maintained image of the destination, which is directly linked to their intentions to
the focus of all types other than the visual passive readers, while pro- (re)visit it (Gibson, Qi, & Zhang, 2008; Stylos, Bellou, Andronikidis, &
viding important external sources of information such as a link to the Vassiliadis, 2017).
website for the supplemental scanners to seek further information and Given the importance of travel guides in influencing tourists in se-
rebuild their waning trust in the guidebook. As this example aims to lecting their next destination (Zillinger, 2006), this is the first study of
demonstrate, marketers would find it worthwhile considering varia- its kind to consider how a travel guidebook may influence travel be-
tions among their readers. For instance, a reader who is already plan- haviour depending on the typology of the individual reading it. Further,
ning a trip and is using the visitor guide to confirm their itinerary may this research builds on the currently small – but growing – body of
prefer greater content and listing information, whereas those who are research which adapts eye-tracking technology into a tourism context
earlier in the trip-planning phase may choose to build a ‘dream trip’ to better understand how to divide participants into meaningful seg-
based on the guide's rich imagery. A redesign of traditional guidebooks ments. Given the importance of eye-tracking research, particularly
may help to create these meaningful changes, such as dividing a guide within the marketing field due to its unobtrusive and objective nature
between imagery and text, or allowing for easier connection to digital (Duchowski, 2002), studies which effectively use it stand to gain a
information sources like social media. considerable level of sophistication over other traditional techniques.
From the questions posed at the opening of this research, this re- Knowing which aspects of a brand's marketing elements to prioritise
search contributes a better understanding of the prevalence of passive (Kladou, Kavaratzis, Rigopoulou, & Salonika, 2017) is challenging, yet
readers of a destination's promotional material, followed by more en- knowing how to tailor these elements to different types of consumers
gaged and technologically savvy readers. This builds on existing typo- can ensure that they properly attract the right type of visitor to the
logical research in the field of tourist guidebooks, particularly the book destination. Beyond the many suggestions provided in this paper for
chapter by Peel and Sørensen (2016) who describe the ‘nominal con- each individual type, there are some broad areas on which destination
sumer’, akin to this study's supplemental scanner. This research builds marketers can focus while developing their promotional material,
on theirs but goes beyond describing typologies and helps to explain the particularly that which is printed and distributed and can be quite
meaningful differences among them. costly and therefore important to get right the first time.
Research on the conceptual development of destination image re- The most significant finding from this study emphasises the need to
search is limited as empirical studies remain this theory's principal lens be aware of certain types of readers over others, depending on how
(Pike, 2002; Qu, Kim, & Im, 2011; Zhang, Wu, Morrison, Tseng, & Chen, prevalent they are in the population and how engaged they are with the
2018). By combining eye-tracking technology and survey with quali- guidebook. Indeed, as past research has shown, incorrectly identifying
tative semi-structured interviews, this study provides a strong founda- one's target audience can have ill-effects on the success of the venture
tion for tourism researchers to better understand how differences in the by discouraging word-of-mouth (Hultman, Skarmeas, Oghazi, &
interaction with a destination's promotional material may help to ex- Beheshti, 2015). In this study's context, visual passive readers – though
plain why some perceive the destination as a worthwhile option while lacking in meaningful engagement with the guide – should be of pri-
others remain unconvinced. Such findings offer the opportunity to in- mary interest to the destination marketer, given the size of this segment
form tourism researchers by depicting a more well-rounded sense of a (as compared to the other identified types) as well as their belief that a
tourist's image of the destination, including the relevant marketing physical guide is most helpful in planning a trip to a destination.
materials that are often that person's first encounter with that place and Since it is impractical for marketers to design different guidebooks
are used to help shape the remainder of their overall perceptions and for different readership styles, it is a more viable solution to design the
impressions of it. With a more realistic portrayal of the variations that guidebook in a way that appeals to all types identified in this paper,
exist with those who engage with a destination's promotional materials, simultaneously. For example, knowing that visual passive readers are
this research offers a starting point for academics who seek to under- quick to read through the guide despite stating that the guidebook was
stand the impact that these differences can have on a tourist's holistic helpful indicates that one with a ‘speed-read’ option (such as a margin
M.W. Lever, et al. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 14 (2019) 100368
with major points from the page) is worthy of consideration, as doing so such as cost, time, or ability must be factored in and should therefore be
would still allow a holistic examiner to read through the content in explored in greater detail.
greater detail.
Next, both holistic content examiners and supplemental scanners Funding
represent widely different, yet equally important, readership types. This
emphasises the need to strategically balance meaningful and relevant This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
information and content within the guide, while also providing an al- agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
ternative digital source for learning more about the attractions and
events and to glean more trusted information from fellow travellers and Acknowledgements
not just from the destination marketers themselves. Finally, visual
dominant readers, though small in representation, must be acknowl- Special thanks to Dr. Mike Von Massow and Jennifer Leslie from the
edged by marketers who seek to provide visually rich imagery, but not School of Food, Agriculture & Resource Economics at the University of
in a way that encourages skipping over content or visiting the same AOI Guelph for their continued support and guidance throughout the many
more than once. Taken together, these practices will ensure that future phases of our eye-tracking use and education.
visitor guides offer elements that cater to each of these travel reader
segments. Appendix A. Supplementary data
5.3. Limitations and future research Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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