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Post-Consumer Carpet Fibers in Concrete: Fiber Behavior in
Alkaline Environments and Concrete Durability
Aswathy Simon , Barzin Mobasher and Narayanan Neithalath *

School of Sustainable Engineering and Built Environment, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA
* Correspondence:

Abstract: The widespread use of carpets in residential and commercial buildings and their relatively
short life span result in large volumes of carpet being landfilled. A potential solution to this problem is
the use of post-consumer carpet fibers in concrete. To this end, this paper systematically identifies the
common fiber types in a typical post-consumer carpet fiber bale and evaluates their durability under
exposure to varying levels of alkalinity. The tensile strengths and toughness of the fibers belonging to
the nylon and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) families (the dominant fibers in most post-consumer
carpets) are reduced by up to 50% following exposure to extreme alkalinity, the reasons for which are
determined using spectroscopic and microscopic evaluations. The chloride ion transport resistance
of concretes (~40 MPa strength) containing 2.5% carpet fibers by volume (~25 kg of fibers per cubic
meter of concrete) is comparable to that of the control mixture, while mortar mixtures containing
the same volume fraction of carpet fibers demonstrate negligible enhancement in expansion and
loss of strength when exposed to 1 N NaOH. This study shows that moderate-strength concretes
(~40 MPa) for conventional building and infrastructure applications can be proportioned using the
chosen volume of carpet fibers without an appreciable loss of performance. Consideration of low
volume fractions of carpet fibers in low-to-moderate-strength concretes thus provides a sustainable
avenue for the use of these otherwise landfilled materials in construction applications.

Keywords: post-consumer carpet fibers; alkaline exposure; recycling; concrete; durability

Citation: Simon, A.; Mobasher, B.;

Neithalath, N. Post-Consumer Carpet
1. Introduction
Fibers in Concrete: Fiber Behavior in
Alkaline Environments and Concrete Most residential and commercial buildings in many parts of the world use carpets as
Durability. Materials 2024, 17, 977. the preferred floor-covering material [1]. In general, the carpet industry uses new fibers to produce carpets, with millions of tons of fibers being produced and consumed annually [2,3].
ma17050977 In the meantime, a large quantity of carpets are replaced annually, and the discarded ones
are disposed of in landfills, primarily because the reprocessing and reuse of carpets is
Academic Editor: José Aguiar
difficult and expensive. It is stated that only about 5% of discarded carpet is actually
Received: 18 January 2024 recycled in the U.S., and only 1% is recycled into new carpets [4]. According to some
Revised: 9 February 2024 estimates, ~4% of the volume of solid wastes disposed of at landfills in the U.S comprise
Accepted: 14 February 2024 of discarded carpets [5], amounting to more than two million metric tons every year. The
Published: 20 February 2024 high volume-to-weight ratio and increasing carpet consumption also poses questions in
terms of landfill availability. Approximately 50% of the volume of a carpet is made of face
fibers [6], which are generally made from plastics sourced from petrochemicals, and hence
take a very long time to decompose. Moreover, their decomposition releases methane, a
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
potent greenhouse gas, along with a host of other toxic chemicals into the environment [7].
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
Hence, beneficial utilization of post-consumer carpets, or recycling them into newer carpets,
distributed under the terms and
is urgently needed [1]. In 2010, the State of California implemented the Carpet America
conditions of the Creative Commons
Recovery Effort (CARE) [8] to enable increased use of recycled carpets and waste carpets in
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// other beneficial applications. The face fibers in carpets are generally constituted of synthetic materials such as
4.0/). nylon, polypropylene, polyester, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and mixed synthetics

Materials 2024, 17, 977.

Materials 2024, 17, 977 2 of 19

or natural fibers such as wool, and could be beneficially used if properly collected and
sorted [1,2,6,9,10]. The surface fibers can be removed from carpets by simple shredding,
cutting, and shearing techniques, or through the use of sophisticated machinery [2,10].
While nylon and PET fibers (which form a significant fraction of disposed carpet fibers) can
be recycled, it is important to note that only nylon 6 is currently economically recyclable
back into face fiber [11]. This is one prominent reason for a lot of post-consumer carpets
ending up in landfills. Recycled carpets are used in sound insulation products, tiles, plastic
pellets, furniture manufacturing, and sometimes as a fuel in cement kilns [6,12–14]. The
latest estimates show that about 6% of the U.S.’s carpet waste is burned in conventional
municipal solid waste incinerators and cement kilns [4], creating significant air pollution
and health hazards.
Synthetic fibers similar to those found in carpets have been used in concrete to enhance
their early- and later-age resistance to volume changes and cracking, and sometimes to
improve strength and ductility. Past studies have evaluated the use of recycled carpet
fibers in concrete [1,15,16], either by separating the different classes of fibers or using them
as-extracted from carpet wastes. Our previous work [17] evaluated the use of carpet fibers
from shredded carpets obtained from landfill operators in California, without separating
the individual fiber types in the carpet in an attempt to keep the cost of using recovered
carpets in concrete low. Fundamental characterization of the fiber types in the carpet waste,
methodologies used to disperse these fibers in concrete, and the development of concrete
mixture design guidelines for low-to-moderate-strength (≤40 MPa) applications using such
fibers were elucidated in detail. The fiber volumes in the concrete mixtures were optimized
in our study such that the desired 28-day strengths could be achieved without significantly
increasing the cement content or reducing the water-to-binder ratio, both of which increase
the cost of concrete and detrimentally affect commercial uptake. A cradle-to-gate life cycle
analysis (LCA) demonstrated that concretes containing 2.5% carpet fibers by volume and
a cement replacement of 20% (by mass) with Class F fly ash resulted in such concretes
performing better than conventional concretes of similar strength in all the environmental
impact categories [17].
In order to ensure that sustainable concretes incorporating post-consumer carpet fibers
are adopted for use in buildings and other structures, especially in regions where carpet
waste collectors and landfill operators are proximal, it is important to ensure that the
long-term performance of such concretes is also guaranteed. This is especially important
since carpet fibers have a propensity for high water absorption and/or to depolymerize
and deteriorate in the alkaline environment in concrete. While past studies have reported
the mechanical properties of concretes containing carpet fibers, there has been little work
elucidating the chemistry of different fiber types in a typical carpet bale and their degrada-
tion characteristics, along with economical, sustainable, and durable concretes that employ
these fibers. This paper therefore reports detailed studies on the changes in the mechanical
properties and microscopic and spectroscopic characteristics of the fibers under exposure to
alkaline environments commonly encountered in concrete, along with the volume change
and strength loss of mortars and the ionic transport performance of concretes [18,19]. Post-
consumer carpets that are landfilled contain different types of face fibers, with nylon and
PET fibers being the most common ones. This study hence uses fibers from a representative
bale containing ~90% nylon and PET fibers, and uses waste carpet bundles containing such
fiber type distributions in the concretes that are proportioned and tested. The results from
these comprehensive studies can be used in devising appropriate standards for the use of
carpet fibers in moderate-strength concrete (herein defined as ≤ 40 MPa) for many building
applications such as slabs on grade (both reinforced and unreinforced), walls, and other
structural members.
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2. Experimental Program
2. Materials Program
Fibers: CMJ Systems Inc. (Phoenix, AZ, USA) supplied the post-consumer carpet fi
2.1. Materials
(CFs) procured
CMJ Systems from landfill
Inc. operators
(Phoenix, in California.
AZ, USA) supplied theThe carpet fibers,
post-consumer obtained by
fibers andprocured
(CFs) shredding fromcarpets
landfill removed from
operators in existingThe
California. buildings, wereobtained
carpet fibers, heterogeneous
by in
length,and shredding
diameter, carpets removed
chemistry, from properties
and physical existing buildings,
(density,were heterogeneous
water absorption,inetc.). The
length, diameter,for
CFs procured chemistry,
this workandcontained
physical properties
fibers with(density,
lengthswater absorption,
ranging from 20etc.).
mm The
to 55 mm
CFs procured for this work contained fibers with lengths ranging from 20
and diameters ranging from 0.5 mm to 2.0 mm (each fiber contained several strands withmm to 55 mm
and diameters ranging from 0.5 mm to 2.0 mm (each fiber contained several strands with
diameters ranging from 10 to 50 μm, as shown in the micrographs—see Figure 1). The
diameters ranging from 10 to 50 µm, as shown in the micrographs—see Figure 1). The
aspect ratio of CFs ranged from 22 to 100. Figure 1 shows optical images and electron
aspect ratio of CFs ranged from 22 to 100. Figure 1 shows optical images and electron
micrographs of of individual
individual CFs (single/multi-strands)
CFs (single/multi-strands) randomly randomly collected
collected from from the sup
the supplied
fiber fiber The
mass. The average
average specificofgravity
specific gravity of the
the fibers wasfibers
to befound tomeasured
0.95, as be 0.95, as meas
ured ausing
using a pycnometer.

Figure (a)AArandom
random collection
collection of fibers
of fibers fromfrom the carpet
the carpet fiber bundle
fiber bundle along
along with with magnified
magnified optical optica
images individual fibers
fibers (note
(note thatthat
here ishere is composed
composed of numerous
of numerous strands) and
strands) and
(b) electronmicrograph
micrograph of aoftypical
a typical CF showing
CF showing the strands.
the strands.

Figure1, 1,CFsCFsareareanan amalgamation
amalgamation of different
of differenttypestypes
of fibers. As As pe
of fibers.
per the recycling contractor, the major constituents in carpets that are being discarded
the recycling contractor, the major constituents in carpets that are being discarded in land
in landfills (i.e., not recycled for either new carpets or other applications) were nylon
fills polyethylene
and (i.e., not recycled for either
terephthalate newascarpets
(PET), or using
identified other near-infrared
were nylon in and poly
aethylene terephthalate
bulk handling process. (PET), as identified
To ascertain using
this, several near-infrared
strands spectroscopy
from different bundles of inCFs
a bulk han
dling process. To ascertain this, several strands from different
were subjected to Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in the attenuated total bundles of CFs were sub
jected to Fourier
reflectance (ATR) transform
mode usinginfrared
a diamond (FTIR)ATRspectroscopy
crystal. Thein the attenuated
spectra thus obtainedtotal for
mode were found
using to fall into
a diamond ATR five distinct
crystal. Thecategories,
spectra thusas shown in Figure
obtained 2, with
for these fibers were
found belonging to the
to fall into fivenylon family
distinct and the remaining
categories, as showntwo being PET
in Figure and three
2, with polypropylene
belonging to the
(PP), respectively. For PET fibers, prominent peaks
nylon family and the remaining two being PET and polypropylene appear in the FTIR spectra
(PP), shown
respectively. Fo
in Figure 2 at wavenumbers of 1720, 1200, 1100, and 850 cm−1 , corresponding to C=O,
PET fibers, prominent peaks appear in the FTIR spectra shown in Figure 2 at wave
C(=O)-O, and C-H bonds, respectively [20]. For−1PP, the peaks at 2900, 1700, and 960 cm−1
numbers of 1720, 1200, 1100, and 850 cm , corresponding to C=O, C(=O)-O, and C-H
correspond to N-H and C=O bond vibrations [21], while for nylon, the peaks at 3300,
2900, respectively
1680, and 1500 cm [20].
−1 For
are PP, the peaks
generally at 2900,
attributed 1700,stretching,
to N-H and 960 cm C-Hcorrespond
symmetric to N-H
and asymmetric stretching, C=O stretching, and N-H bending, respectively [22].1680,
and C=O bond vibrations [21], while for nylon, the peaks at 3300, 2900, FTIRand 1500
cm areofgenerally
analysis attributed
100 s conducted to N-H
on fibers fromstretching,
the bundleC-H symmetric
revealed that most and asymmetric
of the fibers are stretch
constituted of PET, in line
ing, C=O stretching, andwith
N-H what was indicated
bending, by the supplier.
respectively [22]. FTIRA quantification
analysis of 100 exercise
s conducted
revealed that around 50% of the fibers within the as-provided fiber
on fibers from the bundle revealed that most of the fibers are constituted of PET, in linebundles were PET,
with approximately
what was indicated40% belonged
by thetosupplier.
the nylonAfamily. The remaining
quantification 10% were
exercise PP fibers.
revealed that around
Among the fibers belonging to the nylon family, three different spectra were identified—one
50% of the fibers within the as-provided fiber bundles were PET, while approximately
corresponding to nylon 6 and two to nylon containing metal oxides (nylon 6,6/Fe3 O4 and
40% belonged to the nylon family. The remaining 10% were PP fibers. Among the fibers
nylon 6,6/ZnO); in this case, the intensity of amide A (wavenumbers 3300–3500 cm−1 )
and amide Ito
belonging the nylon family,
(wavenumbers 1600–1800threecm different
−1 ) bands spectra were identified—one
differentiate the spectra [23,24].corresponding
to nylon 6 and two to nylon containing metal oxides (nylon 6,6/Fe3O4 and nylon 6,6/ZnO)
in this case, the intensity of amide A (wavenumbers 3300–3500 cm−1) and amide I (wave
numbers 1600–1800 cm−1) bands differentiate the spectra [23,24]. More details on fibe
Materials 2024, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 2
Materials 2024, 17, 977 4 of 19

details including those
on fiber characterization, basedthose
including on fiber
basedstrength, modulus,
on fiber strength, and elongation,
modulus, and ca
be found in canour
be found
our recent
[17]. work [17].

Figure FTIR spectra
spectra of the
of the fivefive
mainmain classes
classes of fibers
of fibers present
present in the in thebundle.
fiber fiber bundle.
Fibers 1,Fibers
2, and1, 2, and
3belong to the
belong to thenylon
family, while
while Fiber
Fiber 4 is 4similar
is similar
to PETto and
and 5Fiber 5 is similar
is similar to PP. to PP.

2.2. Mixture Proportions

2.2. Mixture Proportions
Mortars and concrete: The binder phase of the mortars and concretes used in this work
consisted of Typeand
I/IIconcrete: The binder
ordinary Portland cement phase
the mortars and concretes
to ASTM used in thi
C 150 [25] and
work consisted of Type I/II ordinary Portland cement (OPC) conforming
a typical Class F fly ash conforming to ASTM C 618 [26]. The chemical composition and to ASTM C 15
[25] andproperties
physical a typicalofClass F flyfly
OPC and ash
ashconforming to ASTM
are listed in Table C fine
1. The 618aggregate
[26]. Theused
in thiscompos
tion and
study was aphysical
mixture ofproperties of OPC
equal quantities and fly ash available
of commercially are listed in Table
medium and1.coarse
The fine
with particle sizes ranging from 0.3 to 0.8 mm and 0.6 to 1.7 mm, respectively.
used in this study was a mixture of equal quantities of commercially available medium The coarse
and coarseconsisted of particles
sands with particlewith a nominal
sizes rangingmaximum
from 0.3 size of 12.5
to 0.8 mmmm. and A0.6commercial
to 1.7 mm, respec
polycarboxylic ester (PCE) admixture was used for the mortar and concrete mixtures.
tively. The coarse aggregates consisted of particles with a nominal maximum size of 12.
mm. A commercial polycarboxylic ester (PCE) admixture was used for the mortar an
Table 1. Chemical composition and physical properties of OPC and fly ash.
concrete mixtures.
Chemical Composition (% by Mass)
Binder Ingredients Specific Gravity
SiO2 Table Al
O3 Fecomposition
2 O3 CaOand physical
MgO properties
SO3 of OPC
LOIand fly ash.
OPC (Type I/II) 20.98 3.82 3.82 63.54 1.82 2.84 1.27 3.15
Chemical Composition (% by Mass)
Binder Ingredients
Fly ash (FA) Specific Gravit
Al2O3 4.57 Fe2O9.93
CaO 0.86
MgO 0.99 SO3 2.28
OPC (Type I/II) 20.98 3.82 3.82 63.54 1.82 2.84 1.27 3.15
Fly ash (FA) 54.93 20.44 4.57 9.93 2.81 0.86 0.99 2.28

The mortar mixtures used in this work included control mixtures with and withou
fly ash, and mixtures containing 2.5% or 5% of fibers by volume. The water-to-binder rati
Materials 2024, 17, 977 5 of 19

The mortar mixtures used in this work included control mixtures with and without
fly ash, and mixtures containing 2.5% or 5% of fibers by volume. The water-to-binder
ratio (w/b) used was 0.41 or 0.45 based on the fiber volume fraction used. Fibers from
the as-provided carpet bale (which is representative of the type of carpets handled by the
post-consumer carpet waste landfill operator) were used; the carpet bale contains all the
types of fibers identified as mentioned earlier, with dominant proportions of nylon and
PET. The mortar and concrete proportions were arrived at based on previous work [17],
which deals extensively with proportioning aspects and LCA of concretes with different
volume fractions of CFs. The mortar mixture proportions shown in Table 2 were used for
experiments to determine dimensional stability and strength loss. The concrete mixtures,
shown in Table 3, were proportioned for chloride ion transport studies and contained only
2.5% fibers by volume since a larger fiber volume resulted in difficulties in dispersing
the fibers uniformly and mixing them in concrete to obtain a cohesive and homogeneous
mixture. The need to adequately distribute CF fibers that are composed of a multitude of
strands and the relatively high moisture absorption levels of the fiber bundle necessitated a
modified mixture-proportioning procedure for CF-reinforced mortars and concrete, which
have been explained in detail elsewhere [17]. In short, the fibers were separated into
individual strands from the bundle through hand separation (in an industrial setting,
a blower can be used before introducing fibers into the mixer, as was carried out by
our industrial partner for a slab-on-grade construction, which was the basis for further
certification tests for CF-reinforced concretes for commercial use derived from this research),
followed by the addition of sand (and coarse aggregates, for concrete), along with a
part of the mixing water and admixtures and a quarter of the fibers. Following uniform
mixing, fibers were then added in 25% increments along with the corresponding amount of
water and admixtures and mixed. Finally, cement, fly ash, and the remaining water were
added and mixed for 5 min until the desired consistency was achieved. While this mixing
procedure worked consistently for the studies reported here, minor changes would likely
be required for other studies elsewhere based on the widely varying CF characteristics.

Table 2. Mixture proportions for 1 m3 of mortar (OPC: cement; FA: fly ash; CF: carpet fiber).

% CF OPC (Type Admixture; % by Water-to-Binder

Mix ID FA; kg CF; kg Sand; kg Water; kg
(by Vol) I/II); kg wt. of Binder Ratio
MF0 0 413 0 0 1817 170 0.50 0.41
MF1 0 330 83 0 1791 170 0.50 0.41
MF2 2.5 567 0 23.8 1469 230 0.65 0.41
MF3 2.5 410 102 23.8 1534 210 0.65 0.41
MF4 5 567 0 47.5 1339 255 0.65 0.45
MF5 5 410 102 47.5 1418 230 0.65 0.45

Table 3. Mixture proportions for 1 m3 of concrete (OPC: cement; FA: fly ash; CF: carpet fiber; CA:
coarse aggregate).

OPC Admixture; 28-Day

% CF Water-to-
Mix ID (Type FA; kg CF; kg Sand; kg CA; kg Water; kg % by wt. Compressive
(by Vol.) Binder Ratio
I/II); kg of Binder Strength (MPa)
CF0 0 413 0 0 985 864 170 0.50 0.41 46.0
CF1 0 330 83 0 904 920 170 0.50 0.41 47.5
CF2 2.5 567 0 23.8 744 753 230 0.65 0.41 45.0
CF3 2.5 410 102 23.8 776 787 210 0.65 0.41 46.0

For dimensional stability tests, mortar beams (25 mm × 25 mm × 285 mm) were cast,
while for compressive strength tests, mortar cubes (50 mm × 50 mm × 50 mm) were used.
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2.3. Fiber Exposure to Alkaline Environments and SEM and FTIR Tests
For the chloride transport tests (rapid chloride permeability (RCP) and non-steady state
It is (NSSM)),
migration critical cylinders
to examine the×influence
100 mm of concrete’s
200 mm in size alkaline
were cast using environment
the mixtures shown on t
formance of CFs.
in Table 3, and 50-mmAll five
thick fiber types
specimens were identified
cut from theusing FTIR
cylinders (Figure
using 2) were imme
a water-cooled
diamond saw.
Ca(OH)2 solutions designed to obtain three different pH levels (pH 10–13) to simu
2.3. Fiberalkaline
Exposureenvironments, including
to Alkaline Environments the and
and SEM pore solution
FTIR Tests in concrete (pH of ~12–1
fibersIt were also
is critical to submerged in 1 N NaOH
examine the influence (prepared
of concrete’s alkaline byenvironment
dissolvingon 40theg of NaOH i
formance of CFs. All five fiber types identified using FTIR (Figure 2) were immersed in expo
water) to simulate extreme alkaline exposure (e.g., to simulate
solutionspore solutions
designed to obtain asthree
in alkali-activated
different pH levels binders).
(pH 10–13) The to exposure
simulate to th
different alkaline environments, including the pore solution
gressive solutions continued for 30 days. At the end of the treatment in concrete (pH of ~12–13).
duration, th
The fibers were also submerged in 1 N NaOH (prepared by dissolving 40 g of NaOH in
were subjected to FTIR spectroscopy to determine the changes in chemical bondi
1 L of deionized water) to simulate extreme alkaline exposure (e.g., to simulate exposure
to highlyof alkaline
alkalinepore exposure.
solutionsTheas infibers were alsobinders).
alkali-activated evaluated, The before
exposure and after expos
to these
ing high-resolution
aggressive field-emission
solutions continued for 30 days.scanning
At the endelectron microscopy
of the treatment duration, (SEM) in the sec
the fibers
were subjected
mode under an to FTIR spectroscopy
accelerating to determine
voltage of 5 kV.theThechanges
treated in chemical
fibers werebonding as a
subjected to u
result of alkaline exposure. The fibers were also evaluated, before and after exposure, using
tension in a 5 kN tension testing machine (MTS EXCEED E42, MTS, Eden Prair
high-resolution field-emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in the secondary mode
under anin accelerating
voltage of 5 kV. The mode,
shownwerein Figure to
subjected 3a,uniaxial
and representative
in a 5 kN curves
a fewmachine
unexposed fibers tested
(MTS EXCEED to serve
E42, MTS, Eden as the control
Prairie, MN, USA) case
in are sh
Figure 3b. The loading rate was maintained at 5 N/s, and the gage length was mai
displacement-controlled mode, as shown in Figure 3a, and representative stress–strain
at 24 mm.of a few unexposed
Five fibers tested
to ten samples to serve asto
belonging theeach
control casetype
fiber are shown
(based in Figure
on FTIR 3b. analys
The loading rate was maintained at 5 N/s, and the gage length was maintained at 24 mm.
each exposure condition were tested since the heterogeneous nature of CFs dem
Five to ten samples belonging to each fiber type (based on FTIR analysis) and each exposure
condition sample size.since the heterogeneous nature of CFs demands a larger sample size.
were tested

Figure 3.3.(a)(a)
Figure AnAnimage of a fiber
image of a undergoing tensile testtensile
fiber undergoing and (b) test
representative stress–strain curves
and (b) representative of
three fibers demonstrating the differences in the peak tensile stresses and strains of
of three fibers demonstrating the differences in the peak tensile stresses and strains of fibersfibers belonging
to the
ing tosame fiber bundle.
the same fiber bundle.
2.4. Tests on Mortars
2.4. Tests on Mortarschanges in CF-reinforced mortars exposed to alkaline environments
The dimensional
were The
determined in accordance
dimensional changeswithinASTM C157 [27]. The
CF-reinforced mortarexposed
mortars beam specimens were enviro
to alkaline
immersed in 1 N NaOH solution after three days of moist curing to evaluate the change in
were determined in accordance with ASTM C157 [27]. The mortar beam specimen
length. Companion specimens were cured at >98% RH and 23 ± 2 ◦ C for 28 d. To determine
the strength in
loss1 under
N NaOH solution
exposure after three
to an alkaline days of 50
environment, moist curingcubes
mm mortar to evaluate
were the
in length.
tested Companion
in compression. Thespecimens were
test conditions curedfor
selected at the
>98% RHinclude
study and 23 the± following:
2 °C for 28 d. T
mine the strength loss under exposure to an alkaline environment,(b)
(a) cubes cured in water for 7 d and kept in 1 N NaOH for 21 d (total of 28 d) and 50cubes
mm morta
cured in water for 28 d. The dimensional change and strength loss tests were carried out
were tested in compression. The test conditions selected for the study include the
only under exposure to 1 N NaOH (and not under Ca(OH)2 solutions) to simulate the most
ing: (a) cubes cured in water for 7 d and kept in 1 N NaOH for 21 d (total of 28 d)
cubes cured in water for 28 d. The dimensional change and strength loss tests were
out only under exposure to 1 N NaOH (and not under Ca(OH)2 solutions) to simu
most aggressive case. Compressive strength tests were carried out in accordan
ASTM C109 [28].
Materials 2024, 17, 977 7 of 19

aggressive case. Compressive strength tests were carried out in accordance with ASTM
C109 [28].

2.5. Chloride Transport Tests

Rapid chloride permeability (RCP) (ASTM C1202 [29]) and non-steady state migration
(NSSM) tests (NT BUILD 492 [30]) were conducted on 50 mm thick slices of concrete
samples cut from 100 mm × 200 mm cylinders that were cured in a moist environment
for 28 and 56 days. RCP test specimens were vacuum-saturated with deionized water
and sandwiched between cells containing 0.3 N NaOH solution on one side and 3% NaCl
solution on another side. A potential difference of 60 V was applied between the electrodes
placed on both faces of the specimen for 6 h. The total charge passed through the sample
at the end of 6 h is reported as the RCP value. Even though the RCP test has several
drawbacks [31–33], it is still accepted as a standard test method for concretes exposed
to chloride-containing environments. For the NSSM test, the specimens were vacuum-
saturated in a Ca(OH)2 solution and enclosed between 2 N NaCl catholyte and 0.3 N NaOH
anolyte solutions. A potential difference of 30 V was maintained for 24 h (this potential
difference was selected based on the initial current reading). After the test duration, the
specimens were axially cut, and 0.1 N AgNO3 solution was sprayed on the cut surface. The
chloride penetration depth was measured based on the precipitation of white silver nitrate.
The non-steady state migration coefficient (DNSSM) in m2 /s is obtained as

RT Xd − α Xd
D NSSM = · (1)
zFE t
RT −1 2Cd
α=2 ·erf 1− (2)
zFE C0
Here, E = (U − 2)/L, where L is the specimen thickness in m, and U is the absolute value of
the applied voltage in volts. The valence of the chloride ion is represented by z, F is the
Faraday constant, and R is the mortar gas constant. T is the average value of initial and
final temperatures in K. Xd is the average penetration depth in m, t is the test’s duration in
seconds, Cd is the chloride concentration at which silver nitrate changes to silver chloride,
and C0 is the chloride concentration of the catholyte solution (2 N). The value of Cd chosen
for this study is the value that is generally reported for OPC concrete (~0.07 N) [34].

3. Results and Discussions

3.1. Tensile Strength and Toughness of Fibers under Different Exposure Conditions
The stress–strain curves of the different classes of fibers in the CF bundle in the as-
provided state (i.e., without exposing them to water or any alkaline solutions) are shown
Figure 4 (along with the results of those exposed to different conditions). Tests were carried
out on five or more representative samples of each of the fiber types in the carpet bundle
(see Figure 3) to ensure that the changes in tensile response under an alkaline environment
are adequately captured. Table 4 lists the reported virgin tensile properties of different fiber
types observed in the CF samples. The average tensile strengths obtained from experiments
for Fibers 1, 2, and 3 in the dry state are ~500–700 MPa, which conform to the tensile
strength values of fibers belonging to the nylon family [35,36]. The elongation at peak load
is in the range of 30% to 40% for these fibers. The average tensile strength of Fiber 4 is
391 MPa, and its elongation at peak load is about 45%; these values are in line with those
of polyester fibers (the most common polyester used in the carpet industry is PET) [37,38].
For Fiber 5, the average tensile strength is found to be ~285 MPa and the elongation at peak
load is ~30%, which are similar values to those of PP fibers [39–41]. The reported tensile
property values from the literature and the correspondence of their FTIR spectra to known
spectra of different polymeric species enables the straightforward and robust identification
of the fiber types in a CF bundle.
Materials 2024,
Materials 2024,17,
8 of 19

800 Fiber 3 (like nylon 6) in:

800 Fiber 4 (like PET) in:
(c) (d)
Dry condition pH10-11 pH12-13 Dry condition pH10-11 pH12-13
Water pH11-12 1N NaOH Water pH11-12 1N NaOH

600 600

Tensile Stress (MPa)

Tensile Stress (MPa)

400 400

200 200

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Strain Strain

(e) Fiber 5 (like PP) in:
Dry condition pH10-11 pH12-13
Water pH11-12 1N NaOH

Tensile Stress (MPa)



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 4. 4. Representative
Representative stress–strain
stress–strain curves
curves of selected
of selected fibersfibers present
present in theinCFthe CF bundle
bundle under under
six six
different exposure conditions (as-received or dry condition, immersed in water for 24
different exposure conditions (as-received or dry condition, immersed in water for 24 h, Ca(OH)2h, Ca(OH) 2

solution of of
pHpH10–11 forfor
10–11 30 30
days, Ca(OH)2
days, solution
Ca(OH)2 of pH
solution of 11–12 for 30for
pH 11–12 days, Ca(OH)
30 days, 2 solution of
Ca(OH) 2 solution of
pH 12–13 for 30 days, and 1 N NaOH solution for 30 days). (a) Fiber 1, similar to nylon 6,6/Fe3O4;
pH 12–13 for 30 days, and 1 N NaOH solution for 30 days). (a) Fiber 1, similar to nylon 6,6/Fe3 O4 ;
(b) Fiber 2, similar to nylon 6,6/ZnO; (c) Fiber 3, similar to nylon 6; (d) Fiber 4, similar to PET; and
(e)(b) Fiber
Fiber 2, similar
5, similar to nylon 6,6/ZnO; (c) Fiber 3, similar to nylon 6; (d) Fiber 4, similar to PET; and
to PP.
(e) Fiber 5, similar to PP.
Table 4. Tensile properties of different types of fibers used in carpet manufacturing as obtained from
Table 4. Figures 4 and 5 provide
Tensile properties the tested
of different values
types for the
of fibers different
used fiber
in carpet types, which are
manufacturing further from
as obtained
used (in addition to FTIR spectra) to identify and categorize the fibers in a CF bundle.
literature. Figures 4 and 5 provide the tested values for the different fiber types, which are further
used (in addition to FTIR spectra) to identify and categorize Tensile the fibers in aElongation
Strength CF Peak
Fiber Type Density (kg/m3) Modulus of Elasticity (GPa)
(MPa) Load (%)
Fiber 3
[39–41] Density (kg/m 910) Modulus of Elasticity (GPa)
1.5–4.0 Tensile Strength (MPa)
240–350 Elongation at Peak Load (%)
PP [39–41]
Nylon [36,42] 910 1140 1.5–4.0 2.0–5.2 240–350
402–902 15–80
Polyester (PET) [37,38]
Nylon [36,42] 1140 1390 2.0–5.23.0–4.0 365–1096
402–902 15–50
Acrylic [1]
Polyester (PET) [37,38] 1390 1180 3.0–4.0 2.0–3.0 208–490
365–1096 20–45
Jute [1] 1300 10–30 390–800 1.5–1.8
Acrylic [1] 1180 2.0–3.0 208–490 20–45
Jute [1] 1300 10–30 390–800 1.5–1.8
Materials 2024,17,
2024, 17,977
17, xx FOR
REVIEW 99 of
of 19
of 20

Tensile strength
Maximum Tensile
Maximum (MPa)
strength (MPa)

Figure Effectofofexposure

absorptionof ofCFs
could impact their use in concrete. Here, the tensile properties of the fibers are usedas
impact their use in concrete. Here, the tensile properties of the fibers are used asanan
overall indicator of their behavior under sustained exposure to aggressive conditions.The
indicator of their behavior under sustained exposure to aggressive conditions. The
type ofof
fiber subjected
fiber subjectedto to
exposure to all thethe
to all different
conditions (water
ent conditions for 24
(water forh,
24Ca(OH) 2 solutions
h, Ca(OH) 22 solutionsof of
pHpH 10–13
10–13 forfor3030days,
30 days)
days) are shown in Figure
are shown Figure 4a–e.
4a–e.The Theresidual
tensile strengths
strengths of of
thethe fibers
fibers after
after the
the corresponding exposure conditions are shown in Figure 5, and the
corresponding exposure conditions are shown in Figure 5, and the toughness values cal- toughness values
culated fromfromthethestress–strain
responsebasedbasedon onaa strain
strain value
value corresponding
corresponding to to 50%
50%of of
the peak stress in the post-peak zone are shown in
the peak stress in the post-peak zone are shown in Figure 6. Figure 6.
Toughness (MPa)

Figure Effectofofexposure

and5 5show
show that
exposure to to
24 h24does not not
h does significantly influence
significantly influ-
ence the tensile strengths, as compared to those in the dry state, for CFs belongingany
tensile strengths, as compared to those in the dry state, for CFs belonging to of
to any
the dominant
of the dominant fiber types
fiber typesdiscussed
discussed earlier.
experimentson onexposure
exposuretotowater water
at ambient temperaturefor
ambient temperature forlonger
durations diddid
notnot result
result in appreciable
in appreciable changeschanges
in prop-in
properties as compared
erties as compared to 24toh24exposure,
h exposure,
andand hence
hence theythey
are are
notnot discussed
discussed further
further here.
here. All
All polymeric
polymeric materials
materials absorb
absorb water,
water, attributable
attributable to hydrophilic
to the the hydrophilicgroupsgroups
in themin
them [44–46], resulting in some swelling and possible dissolution. The driving
[44–46], resulting in some swelling and possible dissolution. The driving force for swelling force for
swelling is generally
is generally osmotic pressure,
osmotic pressure, as a resultasofawhich
result the
of which the fiber detach
fiber molecules molecules detach
from their neighbors, thereby contributing to an increase in elongation [46]. Nylon 6[46].
from their neighbors, thereby contributing to an increase in elongation and
nylon 66,6
arenylon 6,6 arehydrophilic
moderately moderately withhydrophilic with
a moisture a moisture
regain of 4–5% regain
under ofstandard
4–5% under con-
standard conditions
ditions and retrievaland
of 9%retrieval of 9%
at an RH at an [47].
of 100% RH ofThe100% [47].ofThe
degree degreeand
swelling of swelling and
the resultant
Materials 2024, 17, 977 10 of 19

the resultant elongation is lower for hydrophobic PET fibers, which have a moisture regain
of 0.1–0.4% in standard conditions and a 1% retrieval at 100% RH, thereby resulting in
only a slight variation in tensile properties when subjected to moisture [48]. PP fibers are
also relatively hydrophobic [49,50]. Under moisture exposure, the moderately hydrophilic
nylon fibers showed slightly higher strength losses compared to the hydrophobic PET and
PP fibers (see Figure 5), even though for all the fibers studied, the overall strength loss
under moisture exposure is not very significant.
The fibers were also immersed in Ca(OH)2 solutions of different pH levels [51,52] as
well as 1 N NaOH solution for 30 d to simulate extreme exposure. Figure 4 shows that,
in general, with increasing alkalinity, the tensile strength decreases and the elongation
at peak stress increases. For the fibers of the nylon family (Figure 4a–c), the reduction in
tensile strength as compared to the baseline state ranges from 25 to 50%, with the highest
reduction being observed for nylon 6 fibers. Fibers 1, 3, and 4 (belonging to nylon and PET
families) demonstrate a strength reduction of 50% or more between the pristine state and
the alkaline conditions, while Fiber 2 (nylon 6,6/ZnO) demonstrates the highest pristine
strength and the highest strength after degradation. This reduction in the strength of PET
fibers in alkaline concrete environments has been previously reported [51], and the strength
loss reported is comparable to those demonstrated at pH levels of 12–13 in this study. A
comparison between the stress–strain curves in Figure 4 shows that the elongation at peak
stress is higher when the samples are tested after immersion in water, depending on the
fiber chemistry. Figures 5 and 6 show that the strength and toughness loss for PP fibers
under alkaline conditions chosen in this work are rather minimal (albeit with lower strength
and toughness under pristine conditions). PP fibers are commonly used in concrete to
mitigate shrinkage, and are reported to perform adequately in the presence of alkaline
pore solution [51,53]. Microscopic and spectroscopic evidence of fiber degradation under
different exposure conditions responsible for the aforementioned mechanical behavior are
shown in a forthcoming section.
For all the fibers, 1 N NaOH exposure results in the highest strength reduction as well
as in the largest elongation at peak, sometimes being twice as high as that in the dry state.
For Fiber 1, the strength reduction is accompanied by a corresponding enhancement in
strain until reaching 50% of the peak stress, resulting in comparable toughness values under
all exposure conditions, as shown in Figure 6, while for Fibers 2–4, the strength reduction
is more prominent than strain enhancement, leading to reduction in toughness under the
chosen exposure conditions. For Fiber 5 (PP), the strength and toughness remain relatively
unchanged following alkaline exposure, since these fibers hardly degrade, as demonstrated
in the SEM images and FTIR spectra below. It is also well known that high temperature
exposure accelerates hydrolysis and fiber depolymerization. However, since the objective of
this work is to evaluate CF-reinforced concrete’s performance under ambient temperature,
elevated temperature studies were not undertaken.

3.2. Chemical and Microstructural Alterations of Fibers under Alkaline Exposure

Mechanical property changes under exposure to severe conditions can be ascribed to
chemical changes occurring in the fibers, which influences their microstructure. Figure 7 shows
the SEM images of all five fiber types in the bundle in the pristine state and after exposure
to moisture and 1 N NaOH, depicting their morphological attributes. The fine particulates
that are noticed in the images are calcium carbonate crystals, used as a filler material in carpet
manufacturing. Exposure to moisture produces little to no changes in the morphology of the
fibers, as can be noticed from Figure 7. When exposed to 1 N NaOH, Fibers 1–4 experience
surface roughening and pitting, which is a result of the corrosion of the polymeric crystals
and depolymerization. It is known that the alkaline hydrolysis of covalent bonds results in
surface etching and cracking of nylon and PET fibers, as shown here, which is responsible for
the property loss described earlier. However, even after exposure to extreme alkalinity (pH
of ~14 for 1 N NaOH) for 30 d, fiber integrity is maintained in the nylon and PET fibers, as
can be seen in Figure 7. PP fibers (Fiber 5) demonstrate little to no morphological changes
Materials 2024, 17, 977 11 of 19
Materials 2024, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 20

when exposed to
demonstrate 1 NtoNaOH,
little substantiating
no morphological the results
changes from mechanical
when exposed property
to 1 N NaOH, evaluations
described in the previous section.
ing the results from mechanical property evaluations described in the previous section.

Unexposed Exposed to moisture Exposed to 1 N NaOH solution

Fiber 1 (nylon 6,6/Fe3O4)

Fiber 2 (nylon 6,6/ZnO)

Fiber 3 (nylon 6)

Fiber 4 (PET)

Fiber 5 (PP)

Figure 7. Representative SEM images showing morphological attributes of different types of fibers in
the carpet fiber bale before and after exposure to moisture and 1 N NaOH.
Materials 2024, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 20

Materials 2024, 17, 977

Figure 7. Representative SEM images showing morphological attributes of different types of12fibers
of 19
in the carpet fiber bale before and after exposure to moisture and 1 N NaOH.

Figure 88 shows
shows the FTIR spectra of the fibers after exposure to 1 N NaOH solution.
The dotted
dotted lines
lines show
show the spectra for pristine fibers, which can be seen in Figure 2 as well.
For the
the fibers
fibers belonging
belonging to to the nylon family and PET, significant differences
differences are are noticed
noticed in
the spectra before and after exposure. Peaks corresponding to several
the spectra before and after exposure. Peaks corresponding to several functional groups functional groups
are absent
absent in the spectra
in the spectra post-immersion.
post-immersion.For Forthe
6,6/Fe 3O34O 4 , nylon
, nylon 6,6/ZnO,
6,6/ZnO, andand
nylon 6 fibers, the peaks at approximately 3300 cm −1 , corresponding N-H stretching, are
lon 6 fibers, the peaks at approximately 3300 cm , corresponding N-H stretching, are com-

completely absent, whereas −1 corresponding C-H bonds are shifted.

pletely absent, whereas the the peaks
peaks at 1680
at 1680 cm−1cmcorresponding C-H bonds are shifted. For
For −1
PETPET fibers,
fibers, the peaks
the peaks corresponding
corresponding to C=O
to C=O bonds bonds (at 1720
(at 1720 cm−1cm) have) have disappeared
disappeared com-
completely. The PP fibers (Fiber 5) in the CF bundle are relatively unaffected
pletely. The PP fibers (Fiber 5) in the CF bundle are relatively unaffected by the 1 N NaOH by the 1N
NaOH exposure, which is consistent with the SEM images in Figure
exposure, which is consistent with the SEM images in Figure 7 as well as the tensile test7 as well as the tensile
test results
results in Figure
in Figure 4. studies
4. Past Past studies have shown
have shown that eventhataneven an exposure
exposure to 10%solution
to 10% NaOH NaOH
solution (2.5 N) at 60 ◦ C for up to 4 h resulted in no significant difference in the FTIR
(2.5 N) at 60 °C for up to 4 h resulted in no significant difference in the FTIR spectra of PP
fibers, andof PP fibers,
thus and thusenvironment
the alkaline the alkaline environment
in concrete can in concrete can benot
be considered considered
to degradenotPP
fibers [51].PP fibers [51].

Figure RepresentativeFTIR
of of different
different types
types of fibers
of fibers incarpet
in the the carpet fiber pristine
fiber bale: bale: pristine
fibers represented by dotted line, firm lines represent the samples after exposure to 1 N NaOH so-
represented by dotted line, firm lines represent the samples after exposure to 1 N NaOH solution for
lution for 14 days.
14 days.

To shed
To shed more
more light
light on
on the
the mechanisms
mechanisms of of fiber
fiber deterioration,
deterioration, their
their well-documented
depolymerization mechanisms are shown in Figure 9 [54–59]. Polyamides
depolymerization mechanisms are shown in Figure 9 [54–59]. Polyamides such such as
as nylon
are almost unaffected by pure water (as shown using strength results and micrographs),
are almost unaffected by pure water (as shown using strength results and micrographs),
but in the presence of strong acids or alkalis, they tend to depolymerize, as shown in
Figure 9a [55,56]. The disappearance of N-H peaks at 3300 cm−1 can be considered an
indication of amide hydrolysis occurring under basic conditions. Fiber depolymerization
Materials 2024, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 20

Materials 2024, 17, 977 but in the presence of strong acids or alkalis, they tend to depolymerize, as shown in Fig-
13 of 19
ure 9a [55,56]. The disappearance of N-H peaks at 3300 cm−1 can be considered an indica-
tion of amide hydrolysis occurring under basic conditions. Fiber depolymerization causes
surface area reduction
causes surface area reductionand surface defect
and surface creation
defect (Figure
creation 7),7),
(Figure asaswell
wellas as progressive
strength loss and an enhancement in elongation [60,61], as shown in Figure 4a–c. Solutions
loss and an enhancement in elongation [60,61], as shown in Figure 4a–c. Solutions
with pH
with pH ≥ ≥ 1212are
are noted
noted toto initiate
initiate strength
strength lossloss in
in nylon
nylon fibers,
fibers, with
with aa precipitous decline
precipitous decline
in strength when the causticity of the exposure solution increases [48]. The PET fibers are
strength when the causticity of the exposure solution increases [48]. The PET fibers are
also found to
also found to degrade
degrade under
under alkaline
alkaline exposure,
exposure, but but contrary
contrary toto nylon,
nylon, the the elongation
elongation at at
peak was
peak was not
not significantly
significantly increased,
increased, as as shown
shown in in Figure
Figure 4d.
4d. The
The alkaline
alkaline hydrolysis
hydrolysis of of
PET (Figure 9b) leads to the formation of disodium terephthalate (with
PET (Figure 9b) leads to the formation of disodium terephthalate (with the FTIR spectrum the FTIR spectrum
demonstrating some some of of its
its characteristics
characteristics peaks),
peaks), and
and aa more
more brittle
brittle fiber
fiber behavior
behavior [62].
[62]. ItIt
needs to be noted that alkaline hydrolysis at elevated temperatures
needs to be noted that alkaline hydrolysis at elevated temperatures is a commonly adopted is a commonly
method to method
[63], PET
where [63], where
is used as is used as aFigures
a catalyst. catalyst.4eFigures
and 5 show4e and that5
show thatpresent
PP fibers PP fibersin present
the carpet in fiber
the carpet fiber bale demonstrate
bale demonstrate very littleloss
very little strength strength loss or
or variations
variations in the stress–strain
in the stress–strain response when response whento
subjected subjected to theconditions
the exposure exposure conditions
used in thisused in
this study.
For PP, the For PP, the depolymerization
depolymerization reaction will reaction willifstart
start only thereonly
someif there someagents
initiation initiation
heat or like heat radicals
chemical or chemical radicals[44,54,64–66],
are present are present as [44,54,64–66], as shown
shown in Figure in Figure
9c. Hence, 9c.
it is not
surprisingit isthat
surprising that there
are negligible are negligiblechanges
microstructural microstructural
or strength changes
loss, asornoticed
strength in
Figuresas noticed
5 and 7,in Figures 5 and
irrespective 7, irrespective
of the of the exposure condition.
exposure condition.

Figure 9. Mechanisms of depolymerization of (a) nylon [55,56], (b) PET [57], and (c) PP [54,58,59].

3.3. Dimensional Changes in and Compressive Strengths of Mortar Mixtures under

3.3. Dimensional Changes in and Compressive Strengths of Mortar Mixtures under Alkaline
Alkaline Exposure
It can be noticed from the previous sections that the most severe exposure condition
for the can
It fibers,be among
the previous
is 1 Nsections that the most
NaOH exposure. severe
Hence, exposure condition
the dimensional change
andthe fibers, among
compressive those
strength studied,
tests is 1 on
conducted N NaOH exposure.
the mortars Hence, to
were limited thethose
change and compressive
to 1 N NaOH. Mortar beams strength tests MF0-MF5
(mixtures conductedshown on theinmortars
Table 2)were
cured for to 3those
d in
exposed to 1 N NaOH. Mortar beams (mixtures MF0-MF5 shown
moisture and then immersed in 1 N NaOH solution for 25 d, and the changes in length in Table 2) were cured
for 3 dcompared
were in moisture with and thenimmersed
those immersedininwater
1 N NaOH
for 28 d.solution for 25
Note that thed,CFs
the changes
in mortars in
length were compared
and concretes with those
are as-obtained immersed
fibers, in water for 28
with a combination d. Note
of all that types
five fiber the CFs used in
mortars and concretes
in the previous sections,areand as-obtained fibers, are
hence the results with a combination
expected of all five response
to be a composite fiber types of
discussed in the previous sections, and hence the results are expected to
these fiber types rather than the individual effects described in the previous sections. This be a composite
also brings of out
these fiber types
another ratherfactor
important than with
the individual
respect toeffects described
the variability inin
thethe previous
test results
for concretes containing CFs. Depending on the relative fractions of the fiber types inina the
This also brings out another important factor with respect to the variability CF
bale,results for concretes
the properties could containing CFs. Depending
also be different, and thus theonanalysis
the relative fractions ofpresented
and discussions the fiber
need to inbe a CF bale, the properties
contextualized within thecould alsoofbethe
limits different, andencountered
fiber types thus the analysis
here. and
sions presented
reported need totobethe
here pertain contextualized
fiber bale underwithin the limits of the
consideration, fiber types
although encountered
the authors have
takenThe resultscare
sufficient reported here pertain
to ensure that thetosamples
the fiberare
bale under consideration,
representative as obtained although
from the
carpet recycler.
Figure 10a,b show the change in length as a function of time for representative
moisture-cured samples and those immersed in 1 N NaOH solution, respectively. In
both cases, the unreinforced sample with 20% fly ash (MF1) shows a lower change in length
authors have taken sufficient care to ensure that the samples are representative as ob-
tained from the carpet recycler.
Figure 10a,b show the change in length as a function of time for representative mois-
Materials 2024, 17, 977 ture-cured samples and those immersed in 1 N NaOH solution, respectively. In both cases, 14 of 19
the unreinforced sample with 20% fly ash (MF1) shows a lower change in length than the
control sample (MF0), as expected. The samples with 2.5% carpet fibers by volume (MF2
thanMF3; without
the control and with
sample (MF0),fly as
ash) are shown
expected. Thetosamples
have lowerwith expansions
2.5% carpet than
by control
(MF2 and MF3; without and with fly ash) are shown to have lower expansions thancement
it is likely that water absorbed by the fibers leads to better hydration of the con-
trol better
mixture; pore
it isfilling
absorbedtoby the
leadssomewhat similar toofinternal
to better hydration cement
curing effects),
and better poreresulting
filling inin better adjacent
regions dimensional stability.
to the The somewhat
fibers (e.g., crack-bridging capability
similar of
to internal
the carpet
curing fibersresulting
effects), also helps restrain
in better crack propagation,
dimensional stability. The consequently
crack-bridging improving
capability dimen-
of the
fibers also[67]. It isrestrain
helps also conceivable that the penetration
crack propagation, consequently of improving
NaOH intodimensional
the mortar
matrix could have resulted in fiber surface imperfections (see
stability [67]. It is also conceivable that the penetration of NaOH into the mortar the micrographs in Figure
7), and have
could coupled with in
resulted enhanced cement
fiber surface hydration, both
imperfections (see theoverall (due to higher
micrographs alkalinity)
in Figure 7), and
and in thewith
coupled vicinity
enhancedof thecement
fibers, contributed
hydration, bothto a overall
better fiber–matrix
(due to higher bond. For theand
alkalinity) 5% infiber
of the fibers, (MF4contributed
and MF5), to issues withfiber–matrix
a better fiber dispersion bond.resulted
For the in5%enhanced
fiber volume po-
rosity of the(MF4 and MF5),
material issues
[17], and with fiber
thereby dispersion
somewhat higherresulted enhanced
Insufficient porosity
disper- of
the material
sion will enable [17],easier
and thereby
debonding somewhat higherfrom
of the fibers expansion.
the matrix. Insufficient
This willdispersion
decrease willthe
enable easier debonding
crack-bridging ability and of lead
the fibers from the
to higher matrix. This
expansion [68]. will
samplesthe crack-bridging
exposed to 1 N
ability show
NaOH and leadhigher to higher expansion
expansion [68].moist-cured
than the The samples exposedeven
samples, to 1 though
N NaOH showthe
under higher
expansion than
perimental the moist-cured
conditions evaluated samples, even though
the differences are ratherunder the experimental
minimal. While there conditions
is some
fiber the differences
degradation (for mostare rather
fiber minimal.
types) While
under this there iscondition,
exposure some fiberasdegradation
described ear- (for
lier, fiberaretypes)
not under
found this exposure condition,
to significantly influence as the
described earlier, changes
dimensional they are not found to
in mortars,
likely attributed influence
to somethe of dimensional
the beneficialchanges in mortars,
characteristics likely above.
explained attributed
Theto someshow
results of the
beneficial characteristics explained above. The results show
that the chosen CF volumes can be tolerated in mortar specimens without any significant that the chosen CF volumes
can of
risk bedimensional
tolerated in mortar specimens without any significant risk of dimensional instability.
Length change (%)

Length change (%)


and5% 5%CFs
CFsby by
volumeand andmoisture-cured
moisture-cured forfor
28 28
d ord exposed
or exposedto 1 to
1 N NaOHsolution for 21 for
solution d after
21 dbeing
moisture-cured for 7 d for
being moisture-cured are7shown in Figure
d are shown 11a,b. Figure
in Figure 11a shows
11a,b. Figure that the
11a shows usethe
that of use
2.5% by volume
fibers (mixtures
by volume MF2 and
(mixtures MF2MF3)
andresults in negligible
MF3) results strengthstrength
in negligible loss under
curing conditions,
moist-curing whereaswhereas
conditions, the incorporation of 5% fibers
the incorporation by volume
of 5% fibers by(mixtures
volume MF4 and
MF4 results
MF5) and MF5) results
in an in an approximately
approximately 25% loss in25% loss in compressive
compressive strength. Inefficient
strength. Inefficient fiber dis-
fiber dispersion,
persion, increasedincreased porosity,
porosity, and and for
the need theaneed
a higher w/b
ratio are ratioofare
some thesome of the
reasons for reasons for this
this strength strength
loss loss [17].
[17]. Under Under
exposure toexposure
1 N NaOH to 1solution,
N NaOH solution,
the the
trends for
trends for age-dependent compressive strengths are the same as those under moist-curing,
but the strengths, especially at 28 d, are lower. A higher strength loss is noticed for the
5% fiber volume mixtures. The degradation of more fibers under an alkaline environment,
along with the introduction of greater pore volumes due to fiber degradation (in addition to
the already high porosity), in these specimens likely results in a more pronounced strength
loss under exposure to severe alkalinity.
age-dependent compressive strengths are the same as those under moist-curing, but the
strengths, especially at 28 d, are lower. A higher strength loss is noticed for the 5% fiber
volume mixtures. The degradation of more fibers under an alkaline environment, along
with the introduction of greater pore volumes due to fiber degradation (in addition to the
Materials 2024, 17, 977 already high porosity), in these specimens likely results in a more pronounced strength
15 of 19
loss under exposure to severe alkalinity.

70 70
(a) (b)
60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30
Moist curing Alkali curing
20 MF0 MF2 MF4 20 MF0 MF2 MF4
10 10

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Age (days) Age (days)

Compressivestrength of CFofconcrete
strength specimens:
CF concrete (a) moisture-cured
specimens: for 28 d and
(a) moisture-cured for (b)
28 mois-
d and
ture-cured for 7 d and
(b) moisture-cured forexposed
7 d andtoexposed
1 N NaOH to 1solution
N NaOH forsolution
21 d. The
forstandard deviations
21 d. The standardcorrespond
to three companion
correspond to threesamples tested.
companion samples tested.

3.4. ChlorideTransport
Behavior ofof Carpet-Fiber-Reinforced
Carpet-Fiber-Reinforced Concretes
The chloride transport studies were limited to concretes with with
The chloride transport studies were limited to concretes 2.5%volume,
2.5% fiber fiber volume,
this thisvolume
fiber fiber volume
was thewas the maximum
maximum limit
limit that that
our our implementation
implementation partnerpartner
for use for
on use on slabs-on-grade
slabs-on-grade construction
construction based on based on the mechanical
the mechanical propertyproperty results.
results. Figure
Figure 12a depicts the total charge passed through the chosen mixtures
12a depicts the total charge passed through the chosen mixtures during the rapid chlorideduring the rapid
chloride permeability (RCP) test. At both ages, the mixtures containing fly
permeability (RCP) test. At both ages, the mixtures containing fly ash demonstrate lower ash demonstrate
total total passed,
charge charge passed, as expected
as expected [32,69,70].[32,69,70]. The CF-reinforced
The CF-reinforced mixtures,mixtures, viz.,CF3,
viz., CF2 and CF2
and CF3, demonstrate comparable RCP values to their non-CF counterparts.
demonstrate comparable RCP values to their non-CF counterparts. This is not surprising, This is not
surprising, mostly because of the increase in the cementitious material
mostly because of the increase in the cementitious material content used when CFs are content used when
CFs are introduced
introduced into the into the mixture
mixture to attaintocomparable
attain comparable compressive
compressive strengths.
strengths. FigureFigure 12a
12a also
also shows the classification range as per ASTM C 1202 [29], based on
shows the classification range as per ASTM C 1202 [29], based on the total charge passed. the total charge
passed. The results indicate that, from a chloride transport standpoint (notwithstanding
The results indicate that, from a chloride transport standpoint (notwithstanding the inad-
the inadequacies of the RCP test), the use of CF does not seem to alter the performance of
equacies of the RCP test), the use of CF does not seem to alter the performance of
Materials 2024, 17, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 con-
of 20
concretes, within the limits of the carpet fiber volume used, or the volume recommended
cretes, within the limits of the carpet fiber volume used, or the volume recommended for
for use on slabs-on-grade and other moderately reinforced concrete structures.
use on slabs-on-grade and other moderately reinforced concrete structures.


12.Chloride transport
Chloride test test
transport results in terms
results of (a) charge
in terms passed passed
of (a) charge during RCP testRCP
during and (b)
steady state migration coefficients for the concrete mixtures with and without carpet fibers.
(b) non-steady state migration coefficients for the concrete mixtures with and without carpet fibers. The
standard deviations
The standard correspond
deviations to three
correspond companion
to three samples
companion tested.
samples tested.

statemigration (NSSM)
migration tests
(NSSM) were
tests alsoalso
were carried out to
carried determine
out the elec-
to determine the
trically driven migration coefficients since they are reported to portray the chloride
electrically driven migration coefficients since they are reported to portray the chloride
values for the chosen mixtures. The plain concrete mixtures (without fly ash—CF0 and
CF2) show similar NSSM values, and the ones containing fly ash (CF1 and CF3) show
similar NSSM values, irrespective of the presence of CF, indicating that the likely enhance-
ment in porosity due to the presence of a lower CF volume fraction is compensated by the
presence of an increased amount of cementing/supplementary cementing materials. The
Materials 2024, 17, 977 16 of 19

values for the chosen mixtures. The plain concrete mixtures (without fly ash—CF0 and CF2)
show similar NSSM values, and the ones containing fly ash (CF1 and CF3) show similar
NSSM values, irrespective of the presence of CF, indicating that the likely enhancement
in porosity due to the presence of a lower CF volume fraction is compensated by the
presence of an increased amount of cementing/supplementary cementing materials. The
presence of fly ash lowers the NSSM values, as expected. The variations in the NSSM values
are higher than those for the RCP values, showing that this parameter is more sensitive
to changes in mixture composition and thus the material’s microstructure. Overall, the
NSSM values show that the incorporation of CFs in concrete at the dosages considered here
does not impact the chloride transport resistance of concretes, and that with appropriate
mixture-proportioning procedures (such as the use of fly ash or other partial cement
replacement materials, better control of w/c, and means to ensure better fiber dispersion),
better durability can be attained while making the concrete more sustainable through the
utilization of a waste material that is otherwise landfilled.

4. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Post-consumer carpets have a low recycling rate, and a majority of them end up in
landfills. Sorting carpet face fibers is expensive, and not all fibers can be economically
recycled, resulting in mixed carpet fibers being disposed—a majority of which are composed
of nylon and PET. Thus, the utilization of carpet fibers as an ingredient in concrete is
expected to be a significant contributor to reducing the landfilling of post-consumer carpets.
While the use of 2.5% to 5% carpet fibers by volume in concrete does not significantly
interfere with the concrete’s mechanical performance (provided appropriate proportioning
procedures are undertaken), it is imperative to understand the durability of different types
of fibers in a carpet bale when exposed to the alkaline environment in concrete, as well
as the durability of concretes containing CFs. This study identified five different types of
fibers—three belonging to the nylon family, along with PET and PP—in a typical carpet bale
designated for landfilling. Nylon and PET were the dominant fiber types, which is typical.
The fibers belonging to nylon and PET families showed significant strength reductions
when exposed to alkaline conditions, with 1 N NaOH exposure for 30 d reducing the
strength by ≥50%. Microscopic studies showed surface etching and roughening under
alkaline exposure, while FTIR spectroscopy revealed the loss of several functional groups,
which together explains the performance degradation.
Since a typical fiber bale consists of fibers of all of the above types, it is important
to recognize that the overall degree of deterioration (and thus the magnitude of property
change) when CFs from a random bale are used in concrete will depend on the relative
proportion of the different fiber types. The results reported here pertain to the chosen
fiber bale (containing ~50% PET and ~40% nylon fibers, consistent with the most common
types of commercial carpets). Mortar mixtures containing 2.5% fibers by volume showed
comparable or lower dimensional changes compared to the control mixture under moist-
curing conditions, while mixtures with a higher fiber volume showed increased expansion.
The use of 2.5% fibers by volume resulted in comparable strength to control mixtures,
but under alkaline exposure, the strengths were found to decrease, as expected. The
chloride and moisture transport test results also indicated that the incorporation of 2.5%
CFs by volume in concrete did not impact the concrete’s properties when compared to
the control mixture. This study showed that, with appropriate mixture proportioning,
including the use of fly ash, better control of w/c, and ensuring better fiber dispersion,
2.5% fibers by volume can be used in moderate-strength concretes without any major risk
of performance degradation.
Considering that ~2 million metric tons of carpet is landfilled in the U.S. annually,
the face fibers amount to ~1 million metric tons. If 1/10th of the concrete produced
in the U.S. (of the total ~600 million tons, of which >85% is of a strength ≤35 MPa)
incorporates 25 kg of CFs per m3 (as recommended in this study), more than 0.6 million
metric tons of CFs can be recycled and prevented from being landfilled. As described in this
Materials 2024, 17, 977 17 of 19

paper, comparable material performance and better environmental impacts are achieved
through the use of post-consumer carpet fibers in concrete. Sustained efforts to modify
concrete mixture proportions, develop and popularize methods and equipment to chop and
disperse the fibers uniformly in concrete at an industrial scale, and implement cost-effective
approaches to treat or functionalize the fibers to reduce water absorption are expected
to enhance the acceptance of post-consumer carpet fibers in concrete. Synergy between
landfill operators and concrete producers, testing and certification by independent agencies,
and in-depth life-cycle and techno-economic analyses will likely provide a sustainable
avenue for the diversion of post-consumer carpets from entering landfills or from being
incinerated into buildings and infrastructure applications, thereby contributing to positive
societal outcomes.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.N. and A.S.; methodology, A.S.; formal analysis, A.S.;
investigation, A.S.; resources, N.N.; data curation, A.S.; writing—original draft preparation, A.S.;
writing—review and editing, N.N. and B.M.; project administration, N.N.; funding acquisition, N.N.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was partially funded by Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE).
Data Availability Statement: Data is available on request.
Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank the Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE), which is
responsible for implementing the California Carpet Stewardship Program, for the funding for this
work through CMJ Systems Inc. of Phoenix, AZ. The authors also thank Marc Winkelman of CMJ
Systems Inc. for supplying carpet fibers and other raw materials, including cement and fly ash. This
research was conducted in the Center for Carbon-Efficient and Advanced Manufacturing of Materials
and Structures (CAMMS) at Arizona State University, and the support that has made this center
possible is acknowledged.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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