ReplyDocument 2
ReplyDocument 2
ReplyDocument 2
With reference to information sought vide your RTI request bearing no.
CGDFA/RE/24/00075 dated 02.02.2024, please find enclosed copy of this office letter no.
AN/XIV/14162/Modalities of Pay Parity/Vol-IIdated 13.12.2023.
If you are not satisfied with the RTI response, you may prefer an appeal
before Shri Rozy Agarwal, IDAS, Jt. CGDA (AN), Appellate authority in terms of
Sec. 19(1) of RTI Act, 2005, within g0 days ofreceipt of this information.
(Navpreet Kaur)
Sr. Dy.CGDA/CPIO(Admin)
3T TTT ÜS, qH, rct a -11 0010
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt- 110010
Sub: Financial Implication in respect of extension of higher pay scale to Sr. Auditor etc.
Implementation of Board of Arbitration Award (CA No. 3/2001) regarding higher
pay scales to Sr. Auditors/ Accountants in Organized Accounts.
Ministry of Defence (Fin.) may kindly refer its ID No. 22(1)/DAD/C/22 dated 14.11.2023
wherein a copy of Ministry of Finance, Dept. of Expenditure letter No. 6(82)/E.IJIB/2010-Vol-IÍ
Pt. Idated 30.10.2023 has been forwarded.
2 The approximate financial implication for implementing the subject award has been
worked out. The same is as follows:
For serving Sr. Auditors between 12.11.2001 till31.12.2023 (Annx-A)
(i) = Rs. 181,23,10,40S/
Rs. One Hundred Eighty One Crores Twenty Three Lakhs Ten Thousand Four Hundred
Five only.
(Sushit rRiyar)
Sh. Ajit Prakash, AFA
Ministry of Defence (Finance)
DAD Coord, South Block,
New Delhi
dated: 13.12.2023
UO No. ANXIV/4162/Modalities of Pay Parity/Vol-II